Self-Aware BSD AU x Harry Potter/Wizarding World Crossover Idea
Child!/Pre-teen! GN! Reader
Inspired by the fic I have reread recently.
Imagine, being a muggleborn orphan.
When you became eleven, you got a letter from Hogwarts.
At first, Wizarding World looked like a fairy tale.
And then, you were called "mudblood" for the first time.
Lessons were interesting. You liked to wave your wand, casting basic spells, transfigurating matchsticks into needles.
But, a nagging feeling of missing some important knowledge keeps you on edge.
After exams, you returned to the orphanage.
And you felt, like an idiot. Other kids, your age, did their ordinary homework. Homework, that you couldn't understand. You weren't a bad student, back when you weren't in Hogwarts. But, looking at your friends' textbooks, you felt like you were a newborn baby.
Hogwarts gave you magic. But took away a chance to live among muggles.
Then, something really magical happened.
Characters from your favorite manga appeared into a real world. They adopted you.
You got a family. You got a home.
You were supposed to be happy.
And then, you broke into tears, when Aya asked you to help her to get ready for school.
You admitted your fear. About not liking Wizarding World. About feeling estranged from Muggle World. About what you would do in a future.
The next day, BSD Cast already has a plan.
First, you will study and take an exam in Muggle School. And will combine studying in two worlds.
Second, BSD Cast will do their evening to change the muggleborn-unfriendly Wizarding World.
You will start your second year prepared. With weekly homework from Muggle World, and with a new familiar. A cat named Mii-chan.
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He can't hurt anyone
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Saigiku Jouno x GN! Reader
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Description: In Creator's Cathedral of the Mondstadt found a helpless blind man was found. There is no way said man can hurt anyone.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Mentions of torture. Non-descriptive violence. Mentions of killing. Mentioning of fanatism. Jounou is a protective yandere(ish)
Sequel to For your safety
From diary of Guy, New Cathedral Captain of the Holy Knights of Mondstadt
Creator's Cathedral of Mondstadt is a holy place. Everyone can find help and sanctuary here. If you're a pure at heart, believe in Blessed Creator and haven't sinned, you can come here and ask for help.
Beggars and homeless, sick and healthy, can find help here.
Tomorrow I will become a Captain of Cathedral's guards. I can't find wait!
It will be much more interesting, then guarding the northern side gate.
I wish father would see me. If only he wasn't cursed by Impostor's lies.
I love my new title. Other guards respect me. I have become someone.
The Cathedral is beautiful.
I even noticed an afterglow inside the Cathedral through the day.
There are many beggars in the Cathedral. Some of them live on Cathedral grounds.
They are quiet. They either pray for All-Creator or share stories about Dreaded Imposter.
This thing is still talked about. Some stories are quite amusing to hear about.
Tomorrow, Their Holiness will visit the Cathedral.
There will be more beggars.
And I will make sure, that no one will hurt Creator.
Creator are magnificent. Truly magnificent. Perfect in every way. Without any flaws inside or outside.
The visit went fine. The new beggar was allowed to live in the Cathedral.
A young man. The man has white hair with red tips, he was dressed in rugs. He wore an earring with a small bell attached to it. And he is blind. Milky-white eyes, with a hint of reddish iris, lacked the pupil. Man was starring in the nothingness. He didn't pay attention to anything around him.
Their Holiness stepped closer to the blind man. Creator spoke. Their voice sounded magnificent. As it should be.
"My poor dear creation, you must be starving. Come with me. I will order giving you a warm bath, a warm meal and a new home."
The blind man raised his head. And reached his hand towards Creator.
And Their Holiness ordered to take a blind man with them.
I am not even worry about this one. A blind person can't hurt anyone.
The lucky bastard was hugged by an All Creator. Their Holiness are so kind!
When you disappeared two months ago, Jouno felt lost. No matter, how hard he looked for you, he couldn't find you. You have disappeared without a trace.
For a whole month he and others were searching. Skipping lunches, without sleeping. They were looking for you.
Jouno remembered, how kids were crying in their pillows all night.
One month of search, tears and darkness passed.
And you finally returned home.
Tortured. Starving. Scared.
Almost shattered.
Mouth has passed after your return.
There were no scars on your body, thanks to Doctor Yosano.
You weren't hungry anymore.
But you still were shattered.
Always quiet. Scared of looking anyone in the eyes.
You had nightmares every night. Jouno heard your screaming or crying. Begging to be let go. Begging to be left alone.
And every night all of them would go to your room. To held you close. To calm you down. To assure you, that they weren't sleeping, and you didn't wake them up.
But, no matter, how many nightmares you have had, you never spoke about where you were and what happened to you.
Jouno felt, that you wanted to open up to them. But you couldn't. You were afraid. Terrified.
And then, Capitano came here, to look for you.
Saigiku Jouno was thinking. He was playing with his earring, and a small bell was jingling.
There were a man in the basement. Capitano. But, Jouno agreed with Tetchou, and called it a different name.
An abomination, that dared to hurt and scared you.
Hunting Dogs and Doctor Yosano just finished interrogating it. And Jouno didn't like what they have learned.
They broke the news to others.
Lovecraft left for a few minutes. He wanted to check the barn. Maybe, there was something else here. Something, that would hurt you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky and Dazai Osamu were whispering to each other. They spoke in some kind of code, and Jouno wasn't interested in trying to decipher it.
Captain Fukuchi, Mori and Fukuzawa were discussing what to do with Capitano, who still was in the basement, chained, with his limbs amputated.
Everyone was discussing with someone what to do next.
All conversations came to an end, when Lovecraft returned. He was holding a bucket, full of water. Jounou heard, that some sort of fish was swimming in it.
Steinbeck, who was standing next to the door, take a look at the fish. He raised his eyebrows.
"Where did you find this fish? I have never seen a fish like this."
Lovecraft put a bucket on the floor and answered.
"On the other side of the portal. In Teyvat."
Well, isn't it just great? They have a portal in a barn. Portal, that leads to the world, where His Firefly was tortured.
Dazai and Fyodor looked at each other. They exchanged a few more coded sentences. Dazai spoke, talking to everyone.
"Gave Fyodor and I a day or two. And we will have a plan. A plan, how to make them all pay..."
That's how Jouno get here. He volunteered to spy on one of the Cathedrals. To understand this strange faith better.
Today was a nice day. Nothing strange has happened. Except for one incident.
The blind one, Jouno, fall into the compost pit we had in a Cathedral's fruit garden. What a klutz.
Jouno's senses betrayed him. He couldn't focus on anything else, besides this horrible smell.
The stink, that came from "Creator".
This thing was hideous. Jouno wanted to puke, when they came near him. And almost thrown up, when it hugged him. Only a strong stomach and an ability to control himself didn't let him do it.
To cover that smell, Jouno jumped into the compost pit and now was taking a bath. The water was hot, almost boiling. He scrubbed his skin raw. To get rid of Creator's filth.
He tried to focus his thoughts on you.
On your heartbeat. On the sound of your breathing. They sound like a music to his ears.
On your scent. You always carry around a sweet aroma. It reminds Jouno of fresh fruits.
On your warmth. On nights you spend cuddling each other. On movie nights, when you were sandwiched between him and Tetchou. When your head was on his chest, and he can feel you near him.
Jouno sighs.
He should focus on finding new information.
He hoped, that it won't take much time.
Today we had a visitor.
Kaeya Alberich, Calvary Captain of the Holy Knights of Mondstadt, visited the Cathedral. He was pleased with my job as a Captain.
Captain Kaeya brought gifts from Creator. With guards, he shared a few drinks. And some stories. My favorite one was about Captain Kaeya's involvement in punishing Dirty Sinner.
The alcohol made me see things. I saw the afterglow again. At night.
"Tell you about an Imposter? Why not. It was the day before their execution. The good people of Mondstadt did their best in showing Imposter it's place. But, there were one thing I couldn't stand. It still has two eyes. So, I came to them, took a dagger, and..."
Jouno's blood boiled. He left the room, guards were in, and returned to a room he was allowed to stay. He deactivated his ability.
Doctor Yosano was the only one, who knew, what scars and wounds you had, when you returned. Jouno could only smell your blood, heard your weak heartbeat.
He wanted to learn about your injuries. So he can infect them on them.
But, Doctor Yosano refused to tell any details about your wounds.
And now, Jouno realized, why.
He wanted to do something.
Good thing, he hid some knives, before his mission truly started.
Two guards were found dead. They were disemboweled and left to lay on a throne, Creator sat on during their visits.
I don't understand, who could do this. None other guard have noticed anything suspicious.
Did someone from the inside did it?
We look through everyone's belongings. Search all rooms.
We couldn't find even the single clue.
Three sisters were found dead.
The room they were found was closed.
From the inside.
There's no logical explanation.
It would be impossible for a human to do this.
And who would dare to soil holly place!
Maybe, an Abyss Order isn't that loyal to Creator?
Creator called for me. They are worried about what is happening in the Cathedral.
I accused Abyss Order.
The only reason I wasn't torn to shreds by an Abyss Lector was Their Holiness.
I am alive.
I am not a Captain anymore.
... two more corpses were found...
Another corpse. Eights one this week. Still, nothing suspicious has happened. No one walked in, no one walked out.
Captain Kaeya has arrived. He will take over duties.
Interrogated everyone. Look through everyone's stuff.
Nothing suspicious.
Didn't bother to look through Jouno's stuff. He is harmless.
Killer can't be stopped. They can get even in closed doors.
How? Why?
We didn't do anything wrong!
We are good people! We believe in Creator!
We have punished Dirty....
/The rest of the page is soaked in blood/
Up. Down. Left. Up. Right. Down...
Two swords clashed again and again.
Kaeya's breathing was hard. He was tried.
Yet, he can't even land one hit on Jounou. Blind man was a skilled fighter. And he managed to dodge every Cryo attack.
Jouno was playing with Kaeya.
The Cathedral behind them was burning. Jounou wasn't attacking. He was only blocking Kaeya's attacks. Kaeya growled.
"Where did you come from, demon? How dared you to soil the holy land?"
Jouno didn't answer. He blocked the next hit.
'I am not a demon. I am a soldier. Besides, Fyodor won't like me taking his title.'
Up. Left. Up. Down. Right. Up. Left. Right. Kick. Cryo. Up. Down.
A loud shattering sound.
Kaeya didn't realize, that he got too close to the Cathedral. The same moment, the stained-glass window (the main decoration of the façade) shattered due to the heat. Glasses fell on Kaeya and Jouno.
Both became disorientated for a moment.
And Jouno recovered first.
Kaeya can't move.
His legs were pierced by Jouno's sword.
Jouno was sitting on Kaeya's chest. He had a dagger in his hands.
"Listen, to what I will say, Captain. Look at me, Captain. Scream, Captain. It is the last time you will see, hear or talk, Captain."
Jouno pointed a dagger at Kaeya's mouth.
"Their name is [Y/N]. They are the kindest person in the world. They are interesting to talk with. We love to spend time with them. Yes, they aren't perfect. They aren't fake as this thing you put on a throne. They are real. They have faults. Sometimes we argue. But we will always make up. And we will burn everyone, who dared to touch them."
Jouno left Kaeya at the Cathedral's remains.
It was time for him to return home.
After getting his backpack, full of stolen holy texts and fruits he picked up in the wild, Jouno was on his way to the sea shore.
Lovecraft was waiting for him.
Together they will get back to the portal.
You heard loud stomping sounds behind you. The next moment, a pair of hands hugged you from behind. Jouno pick up a habit to be loud, when he approaches you. He didn't want to scare you.
"Hello. I missed you, My Firefly."
You tilted your head slightly and rubbed your nose against Jouno's cheek.
"Hi... Are you okay?"
Jouno nodded.
"I am. Don't worry. Up for some Bulle Fruits, Apples and Sunsettias?"
You nodded and let Jouno lead you to the kitchen.
"I will do anything for your safety. Even if it means to do something drastic."
In the next few weeks, near Creator's Shrine of Liyue a blind man was found.
A harmless blind man named Jouno.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz
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How to hug your Port Mafia Boss
Self-Aware! BEAST! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu
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Description: He can't sleep at night. He ended up on your doorstep.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Short and fluffy.
You bit the end of your pencil. This word cross was hard. Technically, you were supposed to be in bed already, but, you still have half of this word cross to finish. You won't have time to finish it tomorrow, and you don't want to leave it unsolved.
"Will you finally get to bed?" grumble Osamu, glaring your word cross. He was laying on your bed. He came here earlier, wanting to cuddle tonight.
"Iris Flower, I need some cuddles!" whined Osamu, holding his hands towards you.
Before you can answer, you heard that noise again.
You heard steps, coming from outside your room. Normally, you won't bother to pay attention to the sound. There is no curfew (except for the kids), and some members of the Cast enjoyed midnight snacks or going to a nightclub.
Yet, there was one thing that bothered you.
This someone was walking from one side of the corridor to another for fifteen minutes already.
And you were sure, that it was the same person. Of course, your hearing won't be as sharp as Jouno's, but after his lesson you could tell, if the sound of steps were the same or different.
After this, someone walked outside your door again. Your curiosity took the best of you. You put word cross to the side, stand up from your chair and went to the door.
You opened the door.
And came face to face with Dazai. Whose left eye was cowered in bandages.
He stepped on the side, startled. He looked guilty.
"Sorry, [Y/N]. Did I wake you up?" Port Mafia Boss whispered.
You shook your head. Your words were soft.
"Don't worry, Dazamu, I wasn't sleeping."
Dazai frowned. He knew why he was called either Dazai or Dazamu (Osazai sounded too silly for him). He wasn't used to have a nickname. Dazai spoke, his voice was quiet.
"You shouldn't stay up late."
You whispered in return.
"You also should be in bed. Did something happened?" After a pause, you put your hand on his shoulder.
"You can tell me."
Dazai looked away, hiding his gaze. After a few moments, he spoke again.
"I don't want to talk about it."
He looked like, he was ready to snap, if you tried to pry further.
You weren't planning to do it. You still were building your relationship with BEAST Gang.
But something you can do now.
You stepped closer to Dazai and hugged him.
He was thin. He was tall. He was stiff.
You run your fingers through his hair and squeezed him slightly. You pressed your cheek against the side of his neck.
"If you say so. Just, remember, if you need someone to hear you out, I will be here."
Dazai didn't move. Then he slowly put his arms around your shoulders.
He was embarrassed. Yet, he didn't move away.
You stay like this for a few moments. Then you let him go.
"Good night, Dazai."
Before you could close the door, Dazai whispered.
"Can I stay?"
You turned towards your bed, wondering why Osamu was quiet. Turned out, he was finishing your word cross. He looked up from it and stared at you. Without breaking an eye contact, he wrote down the last word. Then looked at his double. And nod.
You glance at Dazai.
"You can stay. And you..."
You looked at Osamu and rolled your eyes.
"Fine, you won. Scoot over, don't hog all the place."
It took time, but you three managed to get comfy on your bed. You felt the embraces of both males from both sides of you and knew that it was the safest place in the world to be.
Osamu was hugging you from behind. Your back pressed against his chest. Osamu loves to be a big spoon.
Your cheek is pressed against Dazai's chest. You can hear the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart. You rub his back caringly up and down.
Warmth, heartbeat, breathing...
All if you drift off...
This night, Dazai Osamu, Boss of Port Mafia, had a good rest. Without dreams. But he felt safe.
And he was sure in a next day.
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How he shows his appreciation. Chuuya Nakahara
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BSD Cast appreciate you.
All if them has their own ways to show their appreciation.
Chuuya's way of showing appreciation is just being here.
When you feel down, when you are overwhelmed with emotions, when you want to cry, but there are no tears...
He is there.
Chuuya will sit next to you. Chuuya will lay next to you.
And he will be quiet. He won't interrupt you, if you want to vent. He won't mind, if you stay silent.
He will let you lean at him. His warmth and closeness will help you go through hard times.
He will always be here. Even in the middle of the night, he will be here, next to you.
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Lost and found
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: You dissapeared a month ago. You finally returned home.
Warning: OOC. Religious fanaticism. Non-descriptive torture. Reader almost get killed. English is my second language.
Normally, the atmosphere in the house was happy. Kids were playing on the playground, Akutagawa siblings often watch movies in the living room, Oda and Kunikida discussed books in the library. Sigma can start a spontaneous poker game. And much, much more.
But, most importantly, there were you.
In one moment, you were reading books with Poe, and Karl was sitting on your lap.
Next moment you were fooling around with Nikolai.
Then you were having a competition, where Tachihara with Teruko on his shoulders were racing against Tetchou with you on his back.
It was fun.
It didn't last.
The day you disappeared became the worst day of their lives.
No more laughing.
No more having fun.
They were searching for you.
Looking under every branch in the forest.
Breaking in every house, where people, that have even smallest disagreement with you.
Sleepless nights.
And constant search.
For their Dear Guiding Light.
Different religions have different things, that can be considered blasphemy. Yes, some acts can be called "universal" blasphemy. That everyone, no matter, where they are from and what their beliefs are, would call such acts blasphemy.
But, some religions, have something, that only for them will be viewed as blasphemy.
In Teyvat any resemblance to the All-Creator was the act of blasphemy. The worst sin. The High treason.
And sinners must be punished for the heinous act.
Creator would sit on their ivory throne and command their holy knights to destroy the Corruption.
Because The Embodiment of Divinity can't be wrong. Because The One, who brought life, are doing it for the good of the Teyvat.
So, when the news about another Sinner being spotted in Mondstadt reach Creator, they ordered their Divine Knights to Purge the Sin from Teyvat.
Creator love Teyvat. Creator love humans. Creator destroyed Celestia, an embodiment of Sin, that tried to destroy Creator, the moment they sat on the ivory throne.
Creator were freedom. That's why Barbatos didn't feel bad, commanding wings of Teyvat to feed the fire, that Knights of Favonius set, to burn the small cottage with you inside.
Creator were following their contact, the promise to protect Teyvat. That's why Morax didn't bat an eye, throwing a stone spear at a boat, where you were hiding.
Creator were internal. So Baal didn't regret unleashing the power of lightning on you.
Creator were a fake. It was real knowledge. But Real Sinner have power. Nahida were sorry, that she and Aranara's could give you only a small break.
Creator were Justice. Fontaine people were ready to hung you up. Real Sinner have power. Furina and Melusines were hiding you as long as they can. When you saw the enraged Neuvillette, who was ready to destroy the village, you left by your own accord.
For Creator, they would start a war. In Natlan you were almost caught. By pure luck, Columbina's attack didn't end your life.
Fatui's dream became reality, because of the Creator. Snezhnaya's people were ready to tear you apart.
Instead, they tie you up and drag you to the Ivory Throne.
You didn't like being transported to Teyvat.
Yes, it was beautiful. But, you missed your friends and family. You missed BSD Gang.
Worst of all, you didn't have your phone with you. You can't even try to reach out to your world.
You decide to find Traveler, or Abyss Sibling, or Alice. Maybe, they can send you home?
You wished you stay in the wilderness.
People of Teyvat hated you. Traveler hated you. Abyss Sibling hated you.
Everyone called you a disgrace. Sinner. Corruption, that must be purged.
They try to burn you alive.
They chased you like a wild animal.
They wanted to kill you.
And every person who tried to help you were punished.
You had no idea, what happened to Nahida and Aranaras. And you hopped that Yoimiya, her father, Furina and Melusines were fine.
You were captured a week ago.
Week, full of torture.
Of boiling water, that was poured down your throat.
"Dirty heretic! Accept the cleansing of your soul from impurities!"
Of hot iron on your skin. Of terrible scars on your chest.
And you were forced on your knees before an Ivory Throne.
Your exact double raise their hand.
And Five archons and one Hydro Sovereign attacked.
Arrows of Anemo. Spear of Geo. Sword of Electro. Wave of Hydro. Claymore of Pyro. Wave of Cryo.
You can't even scream. Boiling water burned your tongue and throat.
You were tried and wished for one thing.
To finally be safe.
The moment, before you were hit, the portal appeared under your legs.
It was nighttime.
All of them gather in the living room.
Another day of fruitless search.
And no trace of you.
Suddenly, they heard a noise from the outside. The empty barn was shaking. The wight light was visible through the cracks in the old wood.
Everyone hurried here.
Tetchou got here first and opened the door.
Light faded.
You were there
You were laying on the floor.
Tortured. Branded.
And alive.
Chaos started. No one can stay silent even for a second.
Yosano got near you in a second. Not only because she ran towards you. Tachihara and Akutagawa literally carried her to you. Yosano used her ability without second thought.
Now, healed, you were still laying on the floor. From time to time, you let out a quiet sobs and 'please, I just want to go home'.
Everyone was panicking. Asking if you were alright. If you will be okay.
Fukuchi carried you home.
You were unconscious.
They bathed you, change your clothes and try to make you as safe as possible.
You were laying on your bed, covered in every blanket they can find. They brought even their own blankets. Somewhere in there were laying Rimbaud's coat, that he cover you with.
Your room was full of people.
BSD Cast were sitting on the floor, on the windowsill, on the edge of your bed.
Everyone was there. Even kids were allowed to stay up.
They were sitting close to each other. No one could phantom a thought of leaving you even for a second.
The night was sleepless.
You thought, that you were dead in went to the afterlife.
Because, you can feel, that you were warm and laying on something soft.
You don't want to open your eyes. You wanted to stay in a warm, safe place.
More senses were back.
You heard birds singing.
And quiet sobs. Sound of steps.
And whispers.
"Myshonok, you can't leave us. Please, come back..."
"[Y/N], it's okay, take your time. You will soon be better, right? We will have fun pranking Vagabond..."
"The world without you will never be ideal... [Y/N]... Darling... Come back..."
Some voices sound closer.
"[Y/N]... Please, Birdy, woke up... My Dear, I missed you so much, please, come back!"
Someone was holding your hand, squeezing it. You feel, how, that someone's tears fall on your knuckles.
Another voice. This one touch your shoulder. The voice sounded broken.
"[Y/N], my precious Iris Flower... Wake up... I beg you..."
They also were crying...
Birdy... Iris Flower... Could it be?
You opened your eyes.
Two pair of eyes, one - dark brown, second - green and grayish came into your line of sigh.
Dazai Osamu and Nikolai Gogol.
Were you seeing things? Or you really were back.
You manage to whisper. You feel, that your tongue and throat weren't burned anymore.
"K-Kolya? Osamu?"
You looked around. Your friends were here.
"G-guys... E-Everyone..."
Before you can finish, you were swarmed by your friends.
Everyone tried to see you, to touch you. Kyuusaku, who manage to get to the front, climbed on your bed and hugged you.
"I knew it! I knew that you will be back! That you will return. B-because I told them all... that you will come back... you will certainly come back" Kyuusaku sobbed. Suddenly, they looked angry. "Where were you?! We were waiting for you... Searching for you... but you... completely, completely disappeared!"
You bit your lip and drew blood. For one moment, angry shouts of "SINNER" filled your ears.
Q cried again and hid their smeared face in your chest.
No. They are your friend. They won't hurt you.
You carefully hugged Q. You didn't feel any pain. You remind yourself to thank Yosano later.
"Good question, where were you, [Y/N]? Who... Hurt you?" spoke Mori. And you flinched.
One of the worst thing during The Imposter Hunt was Zhongli. More specifically, his voice, that sounds so similar to Mori's. During Nightmare-filled nights, that voice was cursing you, threaten you, promising to tear you apart.
In reality, you saw Zhongli saying that words. In your Nightmares, you saw Mori.
Zhongli made you scared of your friend!
Everyone noticed your reaction. Yosano spoke.
"[Y/N]... What happened? You were on a brick of death, when we found you..."
You still couldn't say a word. You were scared. You were terrified of returning to Teyvat.
Fukuzawa spoke next. He carefully picked up Kyuusaku and put them down on the floor. Then Fukuzawa with the same carefulness, propped you up against your pillow.
"We will discuss it later. Right now, [Y/N] need some food. Kitten, are you hungry?"
You slowly nodded. Oda, who was standing near the door, immediately left to get food from the kitchen.
The others stay in your room, looking at you.
This exact moment they made a promise to themselves.
They will destroy everything and everyone, who have hurt you.
And they will make sure, that this people will suffer.
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Sleeping in the mansion somewhere else, beside your room, can be a lottery.
You could wake up to...
🐯 Atsushi, in his tiger form, curled around you.
📒 Kunikida, mumbling about being irresponsible sleeper, while tucking you in.
🩺 Yosano taking care of your nails, giving you a hand massage.
🌨️ Junchirou using his ability, making you think, that you are sleeping in a cloud.
👩🏻 Naomi, preparing you a cup of your favorite beverage.
🍵 Kirako gushing over cat videos.
🛏️ Katai, putting his futon around you.
🐄 Kenji carrying you to your room.
🐰 Kyouka, offering you crêpes.
🕵🏻 Ranpo using you as a table for his snacks and a cuddle-pillow at the same time.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa playing with your hands.
🦀🪢 Dazai plopping down on you, wanting cuddles.
💉 Mori, trying to take your measurements for your new piece of clothes.
🍷 Chuuya hugging you, while complaining to Dazai at the same time.
🌂 Kouyou quietly reading to herself.
🇫🇷 Verlaine letting you use his lap as a pillow.
🎧 Rimbaud using his ability to make sure you stay in a safe and quiet place.
🚩 Flags having a competition, of who can put the most blankets on top of you.
🧥 Akutagawa guarding you. And trying to put your hand on top of his head and get pets.
🔫 Higuchi trying to put accessories on you.
🚬 Hirotsu quietly talking about last big news.
🔪 Gin planning your next together time with Ryunosuke and her.
🩹🧲 Tachihara trying to sneakily hug you.
🍰 Elise drawing you a picture.
💎 Karma quietly thanking you for being the reason why Fyodor spared him.
⭐⭕ Kyuusaku building a pillow fort around you.
🍋 Kajii complaining to the fake scientific videos.
🍛 Oda petting your hair.
💰 Fitzgerald making another list of what to give you as a present.
🦝 Poe writing his next novel, with Karl snuggling with you.
🐋 Melville reading a newspaper.
🐙 Lovecraft making a hammock for you out of his tentacles.
🍇 Steinbeck watching a movie.
☕ In Annie's room, with Lucy discussing Atsushi with Annie.
🪶 Alcott leaving you a cup of coffee.
👒 Mitchell using her ability to make slight wind to keep air cool.
♊ Twain writing his book, discussing it with Huck and Tom.
✝️ Hawthorne going through library books and unintentionally making a book fort around you.
😷 Pushkin eating something, leaving an extra serving for you.
🫖 Goncharov making a whole meal for you.
🐀 Fyodor playing with your hair. Will always happen, if you sleep somewhere else, beside your room.
🦇 Bram trying to quietly ask you, how to use Internet.
🤡 Nikolai snuggling to you, burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
🃏 Sigma playing cards with himself.
⚔️ Fukuchi enjoying some alcohol.
👧👩👵 Teruko, giving commands to other Hunting Dogs, then putting a blanket over you, as an apology for waking you up.
💧 Jounou using you as a pillow.
🌸 Tetchou trying to feed you, while you are still sleepy. Will cuddle with you as an apology.
⛩️ Taneda playing checkers against himself.
💻 Ango doing some work and downloading something for you to watch/play.
🥷 Tsujimura writing a review about last spy movie she saw.
🕶️ Ayatsuji and his cats snuggling to you.
👻 Mushitarou mumbling about Ranpo and not letting him using you s a snack table.
⌚ André Gide silently guarding the room you are in.
🐉🍎🍏 Shibusawa making a catalog of his ability collection from the basement.
🐈‍⬛ Natsume snuggling with you in a cat form.
🤖 Adam monitoring your breathing and heart rate.
👧🏻 Aya reading mystery novels and trying to guess who is guilty.
🚸 Kousuke, Yuu, Katsumi, Shinji and Sakura playing.
🐅 BEAST! Atsushi, in a tiger form, chuffing and rubbing his head against you.
🥋BEAST! Akutagawa glaring at everyone, who dares to came near you.
🕴️BEAST! Gin doing paperwork.
📖 BEAST! Oda writing his novel.
📝 BEAST! Dazai is trying to plop on you and cuddle before OG! Dazai can.
⛓️ BEAST! Chuuya carrying to your room.
🧑‍⚕️BEAST! Mori trying to keep others far from the room, trying to let you sleep in peace.
👩‍⚕️BEAST! Elise playing with Oda kids.
🌨️👿 BEAST! Kuyoka guarding the room, while staying in the corner.
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For your safety
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Tetchou Suehiro x GN! Reader
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Description: Monster followed after you. Tetchou won't let him hurt you.
Warning: OOC. Implied torture. Mentioned of serious injuries. Nightmares. Panic Attack (heavily inspired by "Puss in Boots: The last wish" scene), English is my second language. Dehumanisation (Capitano calls Reader 'it', Captaino is called an 'it' by Hunting Dogs). Tetchou is a soft protective yandere (yandere, if you squeeze) towards Reader.
Who would think, that Watasumi will let Fatui into Enkonomia.
But, catching Imposter was more important, than honoring old traditions.
Because Imposter was here.
And it was finally in Capitano's clutches.
Dirty Imposter, a creature, that dared to walked on the land, blessed by the Creator.
This thing was hiding in an old ruins.
Dressed in rugs, it was biting huge chunks from mushrooms it cooked earlier.
Capitano adjust his hold on claymore's hilt. Just one swing, and it will finally stop poisoning Teyvat.
Capitano took a step forward.
And he made a mistake. He stepped on a twig.
It turned around. It looks scared. It has dried tears on its cheeks.
It ran. As fast, as it can.
And Capitano followed after it.
He catches it.
He raised its claymore.
And Bathysmal Vishaps attacked him.
The damned oversized lizards were attacking non-stop. Keeping Capitano away from it.
Fatui Harbinger saw, how it was riding away on one of the vishaps.
Capitano failed.
It, eventually, was caught.
Justice was almost served.
Until it disappeared.
Capitano, the strongest warrior of Teyvat, head of the Holy Guard, was laying on a deck of a small boat. The boat itself was covered under camouflage awning from camouflage net, seaweeds, rotten wood, old bones of sea serpent and dried dead fish. Few mechanical birds finish the picture. The camouflage was done so skillfully that even from a close distance the boat could easily be mistaken for a dead creature, entangled in garbage and slowly driven by the waves.
The navigation was hard, almost impossible. But Capitano didn't utter a word of protest. He must find, where the dreaded Imposter was hiding.
One month ago, right during their execution, they disappeared. And ever since then, Capitano was ruthless.
If it weren't for vishaps, Capitano would kill it. Capitano was too weak.
So, it was his fault, that Creator was in distress. That, while they were remaining perfect in every way, their cheeks have wet trails from tears on them.
But, this time, Capitano will do it.
He learned about a strange portal in one of the coves, located on a small island in the sea.
Capitano destroyed all documents he had.
No need to worry Creator even more.
He will get to the island unnoticed. And he will get Imposter's head.
The boat finally reached the island.
There were no humans, no animals.
And the portal was here.
Capitano stepped into the portal.
Tetchou tuck you in, making sure, that you are laying comfortably under your blanket.
"[Y/N], I will go and bring you some flowers, okay?" softly mumbles Tetchou, looking at you. You nodded, the corners of your lips weakly quirked upwards.
"Sounds good." whispered you. Tetchou's finger ran through your hair. He liked, that you started to smile. He didn't like, that smile didn't reach your eyes.
Tetchou left, and Atsushi Nakajima walked inside your room to stay with you.
Tetchou heard Atsushi's voice behind the closed door. It seems, he was telling you a story.
Tetchou bit his lip and headed to the first floor. He needs to go outside and pick you some flowers.
Maybe, they will lift your mood, at least for a moment.
But, before going here, Tetchou took his sword from his room. In case, people, who did this to you, appeared.
Two months ago, you disappeared. No matter, how hard they try, they couldn't find you. Until, one day, one month ago, you reappeared again.
And you looked awful.
Every part of your body were covered in burns, woulds and scars. You were starving, thirty, and terrified.
Doctor Yosano treated your wounds.
All of them made sure, that you are well-fed and always have water.
And they were doing whatever it takes to help you regain your mental health.
You were terrified of being alone.
And there were always at least one of them next to you.
You were terrified of being hit.
And they were treating you like the most fragile thing in the world.
You were terrified of Mori's voice.
And Boss of Port Mafia spoke only through Elise, whispering in her ear. He never raised his voice.
You have nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, crying, shouting, that you are not an imposter, begging someone invisible not to hurt you.
And they were always near you, hugging you, drying your tears.
And mentally thinking about killing people, who did this to you.
Tetchou's hate was focused on Capitano.
A heavy foot stomped on your stomach, just below your ribs. It took all of your air out of lungs. You gasp, your mouth was wide open, but couldn’t get any air.
Capitano's booming voice filled your ears.
"Got you, little Imposter. Now, let me take that. We don't want you to miss it, aren't we?"
Two fingers pressed against your eyes.
A sharp, unbeatable burning pain.
"Here. Now, you won't be able to close your eyes ever again. Well, it's not like this ever will last for long."
Capitano raised his claymore.
You wanted so badly to close your eyes. But you don't have eyelids anymore.
The blade quickly sank down. Right in your face.
Blood ponded in your ears.
You were breathing heavily.
Your heart was beating fast. You won't be surprised, if your whole body was shaking because of your heartbeats.
You can't focus your gaze in anything. Everything seemed like in a fog.
No sound escaped from your lips. Your moth and throat feels dry. Like you spent all your life without single drop of water.
You were choking. You were crying. You were sweating. You couldn't hear anything.
A heavy stone hand was put over your eyes. Now you were surrounded by darkness.
A heavy stone head was put on your chest. And it was moving.
up... down... up... down...
up... down... up... down...
up... down... up... down...
up... down... up... down...
up... down... up... down...
in... out... in... out...
in... out... in... out...
in... out... in... out...
in... out... in... out...
in... out... in... out...
You put your hand on Tetchou's head, that he laid on your chest. You whisper.
"Thank you... Tetchou..."
He took his hand away from your eyes. You two were silent. Tetchou were still breathing in the same rhythm.
And you were breathing with him.
Tetchou never told you, that you were screaming one name in your sleep.
And it was a scream of terror.
His enemy.
Tetchou was halfway to the flower beds, that Kenji made specifically for you, when he heard a loud crash coming from an empty barn.
This man was huge.
Much taller, than Tetchou, dressed in strange armor, the man was towering over the member of Hunting Dogs.
Both males stood on the opposite sides of the barn. Tetchou was still standing near bars gates, while strange mad stand on the furthest wall.
Yellowish-ember eyes stare right into the black void of a mask.
"Who are you?" Tetchou's voice was emotionless. The man's booming voice echoed off the walls of the empty barn.
"I am Capitano, one of the Fatui Harbingers. I am searching for a sinful creature. Have you encountered an ugly creature this big?" Capitano moved his hand forward to show your height. "It has hideous..."
The rest of the words stuck in Capitano's mouth. A thin blade pierce through his palm, shoulder and sword's tip draw blood from his neck.
Tetchou didn't even move an inch. His eyes shrink.
"So... You are the same Capitano, who dared to hurt My Sakura Blossom... Our [Y/N]."
Tetchou dash forward.
And the floor cracked under his feet.
Tetchou never moved so fast in his life.
His sword was bending in impossible corners, piercing through Capitano's armor. Wounding, drawing blood.
Not killing.
The Strongest Warrior of Teyvat couldn't land a hit. Tetchou's determination to protect you, to avenge you, to keep you safe gave his strength.
The fight ended, when Tetchou manage to grab the hilt of Capitano's claymore.
Tetchou never used his ability on two-handed sword. Yet, a sword is a sword.
Without his legs, Capitano wasn't so tall anymore.
Capitano woke up in a room, that looked similar to Dottore's lab. He was suspended from the ceiling. Heavy chain was holding his arms together.
Hunting Dogs, except for Tetchou, were here. Jouno was the first one, who noticed, that Capitano was awake.
"So, it is finally decided to wake up." Jouno's voice was cold. Deadly.
Tachihara used his ability, to tie chains tighter. Accidentally' breaking Capitano's arm in a process.
"Here. It won't escape."
Teruko was almost dancing in one spot.
"Finally, I was dreaming about the moment I can get my hands on anyone, who dared to hurt our dear [Y/N]."
Fukuchi put his hand on Amenogozen's hilt.
"You aren't the only one, Teruko-kun. Doctor Yosano, should we start?"
Yosano, who was sitting in the dark corner, nodded.
Capitano got a taste of her ability for a few thousand times.
Tetchou put flowers he picked for you in a vase. He noticed, how brighten up your eyes.
"They are beautiful, Tetchou. Thank you."
And a small smile. And this time, it reached your eyes.
Tetchou opened his arms, offering a hug.
And you hugged him, laying your head on his chest.
His arms wrapped around your frame. Protecting you from the outside world.
Tetchou promised to himself, that he will go beyond limits to protect your smile. No matter what, he will do anything he can.
For your safety
Tag list: @withered-blossoms
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Little comfort things
Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter AU
Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine
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Description: You can't sleep. Doppo and Verlaine are here to make you feel comfortable.
Set in a week after Lost and Found. At this point, BSD Cast don't know, what happened to Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Shortish comfort fic
You tossed and turned in your bed. You opened your bloodshot eyes. You couldn't sleep. You were afraid of sleeping. Because each time you close your eyes, you saw Teyvat. That wrenched place... For the last week you couldn't sleep, the only time you could catch some sleep, was during dawn hours, while you lose focus on anything, because of exhaustion.
You sobbed and hit the mattress. You wanted to sleep! You don't want to feel afraid anymore.
You groaned and put the pillow above your head. You remembered, how it was, when you were a kid and had a nightmare.
If you were a kid again... Your parents would probably put your favorite blanket around you, took you to the kitchen and make you a cup of cocoa. You will have your favorite toy with you, hugging it, while drinking your cocoa and eating cookies. Then you will go to bed, and there would be no nightmares.
But you were an adult. There were no little blankets with colorful print, no favorite toy, no cocoa in a cup with cartoon animals on it, no cookies with smiley faces...
Only memories about Teyvat, fear and guilt of making BSD Cast worried about you...
"Are you sure, that you need my help?" asked Verlaine, looking at your parents' place. Kunikida nodded slightly.
"Yes. [Y/N] are..." Kunikida didn't finish. Everyone knew, what was happening to you. "Maybe, their parents knew, how to help them."
Verlaine nodded, yet, asked again.
"But, why me?"
Kunikida sighed and open the car's door.
"I need someone, who will make [Y/N] feel safe. If there's no way to comfort them, we need to find how to do it ourselves. And [Y/N] see you as a protector."
Kunikida stepped outside from the car. Verlaine followed after him.
"Besides," Kunikida's ears became slightly pink. "I need someone, who will help to came up with a believable lie."
Verlaine was carrying a box in his hands. Your parents were sweet enough to share stories about your childhood with "[Y/N]'s nice friends". With some sweet words, Verlaine managed to get some of your old things from your parents.
Verlaine didn't know if it was true, that things from childhood can lift person's spirit. Well, at least Kunikida was sure of it. Verlaine only hopped, that it would help you.
Tonight, they will help you.
Another night, another sleepless night.
You just lay here, looking at the ceiling, thinking about anything you can, to distract you from Teyvat.
A quiet knock on the door cut your line of thoughts.
Did you wake someone up?
You sat up and spoke. Your voice was hoarse.
"Come in..."
The door was opened, and Verlaine stepped into your room. You looked at the floor. You didn't want to look at Verlaine. You were too embarrassed.
Verlaine took a few more steps, until he stepped right before your bed. You were waiting for him to ask you to be quiet.
Instead, something soft was wrapped around your shoulders.
It took you some time, before you realized, what it was. Such an old, soft, familiar thing. Now, it was too small for you and only can cover your shoulders.
"M-my childhood blanket?" You looked at Verlaine. You can't believe it. How he got it from your parents' home? Then you saw another thing. A familiar toy in his hands. Your favorite one.
You didn't resist, when Verlaine gave you the toy. You only hugged it closer to your chest.
And then Verlaine pick you up.
"Let's go, Dear Opal. Your cocoa and cookies are waiting for you."
When Verlaine carried you to the kitchen, a little ghost of a smile appeared on your face.
Kunikida was here. He was keeping an eye on a pot. A bag of milk, few sugar cubes, box of cocoa powder, bottle of whipped cream, box with chocolate chips, a bottle of vanilla sauce and bag of marshmallows were on the table.
Kunikida turned towards you and Verlaine, and a smile appeared on his face.
"It's almost ready. Give me another minute."
Verlaine and you nodded. Verlaine put you on one of the chairs.
Soon, a big cup of cocoa (with whipped cream, chocolate chips, vanilla cream and a marshmallow) was put before you. Ingredients were put away and were replaced with a big bowl of cookies.
Doppo and Verlaine didn't touch their cocoas, until you make a first sip.
Then Kunikida spoke.
"[Y/N]. I want to tell you that we all care about you. All of us love you. You are dear to all of us. Don't be afraid of asking for help. We will help you. We will be here for you."
Then Verlaine started talking.
"Please, don't be ashamed of being vulnerable. We... didn't know why. But we will be here regardless of the reason. You deserved everything in this world."
You didn't answer, but another faint smile touched your lips.
Then you whispered.
"Thank you..."
The rest of the cocoa drinking were in comfortable silence.
You felt calm. You were among friends. Your little comfort things were there.
For the first time in a week, you felt truly safe. And sleepy.
You finished your cocoa and eat the final cookie.
Kunikida and Verlaine noticed your sleepy expression. Kunikida gently pat your head.
"Let's get you to bed, My Ideal. We will keep you safe. We will stay in your room tonight."
Verlaine pick you up again. Both him and Kunikida returned to your room.
You were put into bed and tucked in. Your childhood blanket and toy was put near you on your bed.
Verlaine and Kunikida got themselves comfortable on your bean bags. It seems, they were serious about staying in your room.
Your room was dark. You closed your eyes.
And finally had a long dream without nightmares.
Kunikida and Verlaine observed your sleeping figure. At this moment, all their problems disappeared. You were sleeping. And you were slightly happier. With small steps, they will help you. With small gestures and warm words.
Because you deserve every bit of happiness they can and will give you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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Fukuzawa Yukichi is your exam supervisor, and must determine, if you are a good cuddler
Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader
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Description: You knew, that "Cuddle Night with Dazai" won't be a secret for too long. You didn't expect, that Fukuzawa will be the first one, who spoke about it
<| Previous part |
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Fluffy. Multiple cuddle sessions.
You looked at the small stack of papers with an owlish expression. The words "Cuddler Exam" were written in bold letters on the top of the first paper sheet.
You looked up at Fukuzawa. The president of Armed Detective Agency (rebranded as "Private Investigation Bureau" in this world), as always, looked calm and serious. Like.he didn't just give you that stack of papers.
"What." your question sounded flat, but it was a question. Fukuzawa leaned forward, towering over you. He tapped his fingers against the first paper sheet.
"Dazai told everyone about your cuddle session. I decided to use it as an opportunity to hold a "Cuddler Exam" for you." Fukuzawa managed to keep a straight face and serious voice. And you didn't learn anything new. You weren't surprised, that Fukuzawa knew about "Cuddles with Dazai". If Dazai had a megaphone, he would yell into it, to be sure, that everyone knew about cuddles. But, why hold an "exam", what will "exam" even be, and why Fukuzawa decided to do it in a first place.
"I don't follow." you shake your head. Fukuzawa, without batting an eye, took the first list from the stack. You saw, that on the second paper, were scrabbled more text.
"I want to determine, if you have requirements on being a good cuddler. Cuddlers in ADA should be professionals." explained Fukuzawa. "I will be your supervisor. After you finish all tasks, I will proclaim my verdict on your cuddling skills."
You can't help, but ask.
"Um... How many cuddlers before me have taken that exam?" You can't imagine anyone from BSD Cast doing it. Well... Maybe, if you will be an exam supervisor...
Fukuzawa shook his head.
"No one. You will be the first one to take it. And your results will determine the future requirements for a passing score."
How? Just how in the world Fukuzawa can say something like that in a straight face?
"And if I fail? Or refuse?" The whole idea was strange, but you can't help, but be curious.
"It will mean, that all cuddling sessions will be strictly held in your room. After exam, you will have an opportunity to cuddle with others in different places." Fukuzawa quickly reassured you.
You had a nagging feeling, that Fukuzawa just wanted to cuddle, but tried to keep it cool, and, instead of asking for them straight, created an entire exam.
Well, why not amuse him?
"I will do it."
Fukuzawa's stoic expression changed. Now he was smiling at you.
"Good. I will judge you fairly. You will find all tasks on the papers I gave you. Do your best, kitten."
"Task № 1. Cuddles on the workplace. Requirements: exam supervisor should be able to do their paperwork, while enjoying cuddles."
You sat on Fukuzawa's lap. You were facing him, his legs were between yours. Your face was pressed against Fukuzawa's left shoulder, and your arms were around his chest.
In his right hand, he was holding a pen, doing paperwork.
Fukuzawa's left arm pressed you firmer against his body. His fingers were running up and down your back. You heard, how Fukuzawa sighs, quickly nuzzling your hair.
Fukuzawa didn't say a word, continue doing his paperwork.
You fight an urge to give Fukuzawa a few kisses. The point of that... "exam task", was to let Fukuzawa do his paperwork. And kisses will make the task impossible.
The door in Fukuzawa's office opened. Someone walked into the room.
"Sir, I have brought reports you asked for." You didn't need to turn your head to look at Kunikida, to guess, what emotion he had on his face. A poor hidden jealousy under the mask of indifference.
Fukuzawa's voice rocked his chest.
"Good, you can leave them here."
Kunikida's steps sounded closer. He put documents on Fukuzawa's table. A minute passed, and Fukuzawa put his hand on your head.
"Do you need something else, Kunikida? I am in a middle of exam."
"No, it's nothing." Kunikida mumbled and left the office, closing the door behind him.
"It was on purpose, right?" asked you, looking up at Fukuzawa. He pressed you firmer against his chest.
"Hush. You are in the middle of an exam."
You can imagine a slight smirk on Fukuzawa's face. It was on purpose.
"Task № 2. Appropriate cuddle outfit. Find an outfit for an ultimate cuddle session."
You made a mistake by choosing a cat kugurumi.
It was soft, warm and cute. Great for cuddles.
At first, Fukuzawa was quietly staring at you. At kitten face on the kugurumi's hood. At white "belly", at tabby "fur".
Then you were pressed against Fukuzawa's chest. He was cradling you in his arms. With one hand he was playing with your hair, with the second hand he was rubbing your tummy.
You felt like a cat, that was caught by an affectionate cat lover.
"Passed this one with a flying colors." Fukuzawa carefully pinched your cheeks.
"Final task. Just... cuddle with me. Please."
It was dark in your room.
And you were cuddling with Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa was a big spoon. A very affectionate big spoon.
He was hugging you with both hands. You nuzzle Fukuzawa's chest. You felt safe.
A soft kiss was placed on the top of your head. Fukuzawa's fingers ticked your cheek. Warm breath tucked your ear, followed by a small kiss.
"You know, that you could just ask for cuddles..." whispered you, leaning towards Fukuzawa's palm. He chuckled, kissing you on a forehead.
"I still got what I want, so, it's a winning situation." Fukuzawa's hold loose for a moment. But, after he put covers above you two, he immediately hugged you again.
The warmth, the darkness, the safeness.
You looked up, and left a few kisses on Fukuzawa's chin. His fingers ran through your hair. Fukuzawa hugged you closer.
"Put your arms around my neck." Fukuzawa's voice was barely a whisper. You did as he asked.
His fingers danced up and down your arms. Fukuzawa placed a light kiss on the tip of your nose.
"Go to sleep, [Y/N]. My cuddly kitten." you raised an eyebrow, waiting for Fukuzawa to say something more. He rolled his eyes. "My exam passing Cuddler Kitten."
You giggled, closed your eyes and snuggled up to Fukuzawa. He sighed, nuzzling your hair. He whispered.
"Dazai is not the only one. I also love you."
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Hellooo!! Ik I just requested but I can't help it- I love ur fics Soo much!!
Can I request a teen!reader who is touch starved and their love language is physical touch? They are an absolute cuddle bug. Their parents (step dad+ bio mom) don't really give her much affections and reader is a quiet and shy kid so she doesn't ask for them either way. Though her quietness was the effect of their father dying when they were 6. Their father was the closest to them. If possible can I get this with Ranpo, Poe and Nikolai? And maybe some head cannons for the rest?
I want to say so much more but I don't wanna bother you😔
You don't bother me, so, don't worry.
And I am sorry l, that it takes so long for me to do your request.
Hugs for a good mood
Self-Aware! Platonic! Nikolai Gogol x Fem! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Sigma
Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa x Fem! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe
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Description: Sometimes, all you need is a hug to make a good day into a perfect day.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language
A large, colorful box with “Hugs for a good mood” written on it was finally ready.
Paint the TV box, decorate it, write the phrase... It took two hours, despite the fact that your dad helped you. Well, he did most of the work, while five-year-old you were coloring pictures you want to put on the box.
You wanted to climb into the box, but dad stopped you. His big hand ruffle your hair.
"You can't play with this right now. Wait for paint to dry, [Y/N]. Okay?"
You nodded and hugged his leg.
"Okay, dad."
He chuckled and picked you up, giving you a hug.
You giggled. Live was fun and full of hugs.
The next year he died. And shyness replaced your easygoing nature.
It's been few years since your dad died. You were a teen now and were going to school.
The school bell rang, you pick up your bag and books. The day was over.
You walked down school hall. You saw, how your classmates were leaving in groups, while talking. You were alone. Too shy to make friends, you were on your own.
You bit your lip and walked faster. You just want to go home.
Your mom and stepdad were at work. Of course, they always have their phones with them in case of emergency, and you also weren't a kid anymore. But, you really want to have someone near right now.
You wanted a hug.
Your mom was a good mom. She loves you. You aren't holding it against her, that she remarried. Your step-father was a good guy. He respected you, didn't force you to call him dad, didn't force spending time with him. He and mom let you get used to the new situation in your own speed.
You were grateful. But, if only... If only they hugged you more often... Much, much more often.
They loved you. But didn't like hugs.
And you were too shy to ask.
You ate your lunch and went to your room. You will do your homework and will be free to do whatever you want.
And will try not to look in the "Hugs for a good mood" box you still have in your room. That now was in the corner and full of books.
Few hours later. In BSD World
Sigma felt, how Little Light landed in his head, cuddling him. Guiding Light's voice, coming from above, followed.
"New Sigma's card has such a great attack. I am so lucky I got it."
Her voice, as usual, sounds warm and soft.
Sigma smiles. The portal soon will be ready, and they will finally see Guiding Light in person. Sigma wonders, how their first meeting will her will go. Sigma was lost in thought and didn't notice, how Nikolai, with a butterfly net, was sneaking up on him.
Little Light left Sigma's head the moment before Nikolai swing his net. Little Light flew away, and Nikolai's butterfly net was on Sigma's hair. Nikolai quickly freed Sigma, and with a quick "Sorry, Sigma
", chased after Little Light.
Sigma rubbed his temples. Little Light was just a floating blob of light, it didn't have body. Anyone who tried to pet it (a.k.a. Oda and Fukuzawa), had their fingers go through Little Light. But Nikolai still tries to catch Little Light (with net) and pet it.
Well, whatever keeps him occupied.
And Guiding Light will have so many head pats from Nikolai.
Sigma chuckled. Soon.
Few months later
You were in your new room. The last few months were wild.
First, BSD Cast were real and adopted you before you met them in person. Second, after a very long discussion with your parents, they agreed to share custody over you. With daily phone calls to mom, weekend visits to mom's house, with spending half of the holidays with her.
The relationship between BSD Cast and your parents were good. Even great. Koyouou and your mom quickly became friends, and your step-father and Steinbeck watched games together from time to time.
Your family became bigger. If only there were more hugs.
A knock on the door interrupt you thought.
"Hey, [Y/N]! Can I come in?"
Ranpo's voice was cheerful. You clear your throat and answered.
The Best Detective in the World ("you can call me Big Brother Ranpo") skipped into your room and stopped right before you. Ranpo's grin was huge.
"[Y/N], there is something I want to ask you." Ranpo stopped talking, waiting for your response. You tilted your head.
"Um... What it is?"
Ranpo opened his eyes and opened his arms. Did he...?
"Can I give you a hug?"
Your world froze. You can't believe it. Ranpo was asking for a hug.
You nodded and step forward. Ranpo hugged you immediately. You hugged him back and almost melted in the warm embrace.
Ranpo gave you a head pat.
"Don't feel shy to ask for a hug from me, [Y/N]."
The hug from Ranpo was nice. The normal day became better.
You were scratching Karl behind the ears, while having a conversation with Poe (you can call me Superior Older Brother Edgar).
He was telling you about his last book, that go quite well among readers.
You nodded, while Poe was describing ideas for his new book.
"It sounds great, Poe! Can't wait to read your new book!"
Poe grinned.
"And you will be a first one to read it."
Suddenly, Poe stood up from his armchair and walked to yours. He opened his arms for a hug.
"Can I?"
You nodded slowly and stand up. Karl climbed on your shoulders, rubbing his head against your hair. You hugged Poe. He gave you a tight squeeze.
"Here you go, little sis."
A normal day became a happy day.
You were exhausted. All the school work was tiring you up.
You were in the library, finishing your homework. You put pen down and looked up. You closed your eyes. Soon... The school soon will be over.
You heard steps. Then familiar voice.
"Tired?" Sigma hummed. You just nodded.
"Want a hug to make it better?" You nodded again.
The next second, Sigma was hugging you, ruffling your hair.
"Here you go. Go away, tiredness, stop making [Y/N] sad."
You smiled, leaning towards Sigma's hand.
A normal day became a good day.
You went to the kitchen to grab some snack. While you were in a middle of making a sandwich, Nikolai entered the room. He looked at the almost finished sandwich on your plate.
"So, I am late for making you a snack? Well then... Want to have a hug? For no reason."
Nikolai opened his arms, inviting you.
You smiled and hugged him. Nikolai chuckled.
"Thank you, sis, for being you."
A happy day became a perfect day.
Your life was happy. Full of family members, familial love and hugs.
🐯 Atsushi likes give you side hugs. Will let you hug his paws, when he is half-transformed.
📒 Kunikida will mostly pet your head for doing a good job.
🩺 Yosano will give you hugs for taking good care of your health. It includes you brushing your hair and teeth.
🌨️ Junchirou will hug you just to make you happy.
👩🏻 Naomi likes to give you a "friend hug".
🍵 Kirako isn't a cuddler, but she will sqeeze your cheeks.
🛏️ Katai will let you hug him and his futon, but will be very clumsy, if he hugged you.
🐄 Kenji will carry you during hugs.
🐰 Kyouka is another shy one. You will give each other a side hug.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa isn't a cuddler, but he will give you headpats and praise.
🦀🪢 Dazai will gush over you while hugging you.
💉 Mori is another one, who stuck with headpats.
🍷 Chuuya's hugs a tight and makes you feel secure.
🌂 Kouyou's hugs are warm. You feel safe each time she hugs you.
🇫🇷 Verlaine will give you small and quick hugs.
🎧 Rimbaud's hugs are extremely warm. He will try to stay close to you during winter.
🚩 Flags will have competition between each other on who will have more hugs with you.
🧥 Akutagawa will give an awkward head pat.
🔫 Higuchi's hugs are soft but quick.
🚬 Hirotsu will hug you for doing a good work at school.
🔪 Gin will give you less awkward head pats.
🩹🧲 Tachihara's hugs a tight and protective. He takes his role of big brother very seriously.
🍰 Elise's hugs are sudden but soft.
💎 Karma is too shy to hug you.
⭐⭕ Kyuusaku are another sneaky hugger.
🍋 Kajii's hugs are tight but stiff. He doesn't know, how to hug.
🍛 Oda gives "dad hugs".
💰 Fitzgerald will be another one, who gives "dad hugs".
🐋 Melville will often ruffle your hair.
🐙 Lovecraft will give you even more awkward head pats.
🍇 Steinbeck likes to pick you up during hug.
☕ Lucy's hugs are gentle and warm.
🪶 Alcott is too shy, but will give you side hugs.
👒 Mitchell's hugs are soft but quick.
♊ Twain's hugs are bone-crushing.
✝️ Hawthorne prefer to give you hand pats.
😷 Pushkin will ruffle your hair.
🫖 Goncharov's hugs are careful and protective.
🐀 Fyodor will brush your hair.
🦇 Bram will let you hug him as long as you want. You can grab into him like a koala and he won't bat an eye.
⚔️ Fukuchi is another one with "bone-crushing hugs".
👧👩👵 Teruko's hugs are sudden and long.
💧 Jouno's hugs are soft and makes you feel calm.
🌸 Tetchou's hugs make you feel like you are behind a stone wall, that will protect you from any danger.
⛩️ Taneda will just pet your head.
💻 Ango's hugs are long, with him ruffling your hair.
🥷 Tsujimura's hugs are strong and secure.
🕶️ Ayatsuji will playfully scoff, while hugging you. His cats will rub against your legs.
👻 Mushitarou's hugs are awkward, but soft.
⌚ Gide will give you soft headpats.
🐉🍎🍏 Shibusawa will give you side hugs.
🐈‍⬛ Natsume will let you hug his cat form.
🤖 Adam's hugs are mechanical, but enjoyable.
👧🏻 Aya hugs you, when you two manage to win games.
🚸 Kousuke, Yuu, Katsumi, Shinji and Sakura will quickly hug you while you five are playing.
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Two detectives in your bed
Self-Aware! Edogawa Ranpo x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu
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Description: You wanted to take a nap. But, there are two detectives in your bed. And all of your blankets and pillows are gone.
Fluff. Silly short fic.
Sequel to Delayed package
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
You just wanted to take a nap.
You just wanted to lay down on your bed, cover yourself with the blanket, put your head on a pillow and have a nice nap. Because you deserved this nap. You are working hard in the university. And you are helping with the house chores. You deserved to have a small rest.
The plan was simple. Go into your room - Lay down on the bed - Cover yourself with the blanket - Lay your head on a pillow - Sleep.
Pretty simple plan, right?
Well, wrong! You were wrong!
You shake your head, hoping, that you were just too tired and started seeing things. It must be a mistake and your room should be empty.
You opened your eyes and stare on your bed.
They were still there.
Dazai Osamu and Ranpo Edogawa were laying in your bed. Ranpo was lying across the bed, while Dazai was laying on his side, looking at you with a sly grin.
It's not like you were against their company. Or against anyone's company. It wasn't even the problem, that they were in your room. Or in your bed.
You knew that some of BSD Cast find your room shooting. They love spending time here. They like staying here. And you allowed them to go into your room, while you weren't there.
A few times you returned to your room, finding Lucy reading a book here, or Kunikida, taking notes in his notebook, or Tetchou taking a nap in your bed.
Of course, they have some restrictions. They weren't allowed to search through the drawers, and they must ask if they want to take something from your room to theirs, be it a textbook or a laptop. And, as long as these rules are followed, there were no problems.
So, you weren't angry, that Ranpo and Dazai got into your room when you weren't here. You were angry, that your blanket and pillow were gone.
And, if Ranpo's and Dazai's sly smirks imply something, that they were the reason, they are gone.
You frowned and looked at two 'intruders'.
"What are you two doing in my bed?"
Ranpo rolls on his side and turn his head in your detection. He smirked.
"Oh, you know, just hanging around. Waiting for you."
You rolled your eyes. There is no Purple Sigh on your door, so these two aren't in distress. And it doesn't explain the missing blanket and pillow.
"Why? And where are my blanket and pillow?"
Ranpo's smirk became bigger.
"Somewhere. I wonder where... Do you know where they are, Dazai?"
Dazai chuckled and looked at your direction. He looked as sly as Ranpo.
"Have no idea, Ranpo."
Ranpo hummed.
"Oh, I remember! Kids were building a pillow fort? I recall they were asking for a permission to took blankets and pillows."
You rub your temples. You recall, how Sakura asked your permission to take some blankets and pillows for the pillow fort. Okay, you can do this. It's not like kids took all your blankets and pillows.
You start searching through your shelves, trying to find a blanket and a pillow. You must have a few more somewhere there.
During your search, you felt Ranpo's and Dazai's gazes on you.
Ranpo yawned and looked at Dazai.
"Dazai, have you heard about what happened yesterday? You see, Fyodor and Nikolai were visiting [Y/N]'s old house, trying to retrieve something..."
You let out a nervous whine and feel, like you were burning up. Your cheeks and ears were on fire. You try to focus on anything else, not paying attention to Ranpo.
"... And when they got back home..."
Where are the blankets and pillows?
"... We didn't see [Y/N], Fyodor and Nikolai for the rest of the day and night..."
Maybe they are in this wardrobe?
"... And [Y/N] appeared only at the morning..."
Why you can't find blankets and pillows?!
"... Do you think you can explain, what happened, [Y/N]?"
You turned back and looked at two detectives on your bed. Dazai and Ranpo both looked like two cats, that ate all sour cream in the house. Your face still felt like it was on fire.
You breathe in and out.
"Where... Where are the rest..."
Ranpo grinned and finally opened his eyes.
"Kids wanted to make a huge pillow fort. They took all blankets in the house."
What? Were kids trying to make a fort that is big enough to live in? The idea of going to them and took one pillow and blanket was rejected immediately. It's still daytime, let the kids play.
But, you want to be nice and cozy while taking a nap.
Two detectives noticed your face expression. Dazai dramatically raise both of his hands up.
"Oh, My Dear Iris Flower, don't worry, you won't be cold or uncomfortable! I will be your blanket and Ranpo..."
What? A blanket?
Ranpo waves his hand.
"And I will be your pillow"
You will repeat. What? A pillow?
You blinked owlishly. Dazai open his arms, inviting you to hug him.
"Don't be shy, [Y/N]! Come here and hug me. Look, that I am soft and warm. A perfect blanket."
Ranpo lift his shirt up, showing his stomach.
"And my belly is soft. Softer, than any pillow you will ever have."
Ranpo opened his eyes slightly.
"And, both Dazai and I are much more good-looking than any... print on a pillow case you could find."
You feel a chill running down your spine. Yesterday, you spent half of the day and all night, cuddling Fyodor and Nikolai. Well, to be more specific, you were wrapped into a blanket and stuck between Fyodor and Nikolai, that wanted to show you, that they are better than any pillow. And prettier. And clingier. It was the best cuddles you ever had. Almost. All their teasing were unbearable!
You don't want to know, how Ranpo and Dazai learn about the pillows and pillow cases. Either, because they are Dazai and Ranpo. Or because Fyodor and Nikolai told them. It doesn't matter right now.
You probably could take a nap in the living room. On the couch. With no pillows and blankets.
Or, you can give up and have a nap with Ranpo and Dazai. And, once again, cuddled for the rest of the day.
Ranpo, whose eyes were still opened, laughed.
"There are no free blankets or pillows in the house. Your nap on the couch will be cold. Besides," Ranpo had a tight grin on his face. "Is it really that bad to sleep with us?"
You massage your temples. It wasn't bad, just... They will never let you live the dakimakuras incident down, right?
Dazai give you the best puppy dog eyes he can.
"Are you tired, Dear [Y/N]?" Dazai cooed, opening his arms for a hug again. "Take a nap. You will feel better!"
You give up and plopped down on your bed, rolled to Dazai and put your head on Ranpo's stomach.
He was soft and warm. You still can't believe, that BSD Gang were real, breathing, living people.
Dazai nested on top of you, pinning your hands between his chest and yours. Dazai's face pressed against the crook of your neck.
Ranpo's fingers started running through your hair.
"Aren't we better, than any pillow or blanket you will ever have? Or any pillow case?"
You let out a tiny groan.
"I already explained it, that I forgot about the package! It took almost a year to be delivered!"
Ranpo chuckled and Dazai rub his nose against your throat.
"Dear Iris Flower, don't be embarrassed. You gift us a great opportunity to cuddle with you more!"
You rolled your eyes.
"Yea, it's not like we don't snuggle almost every day"
Ranpo and Dazai laugh a little. Dazai kissed the tip of your nose.
"Well, I still want more cuddles!"
Ranpo poked your cheek.
"So am I."
You mumble something, but close your eyes and doze off. Dazai and Ranpo were great as a blanket and pillow.
Right before falling in Dream Kingdom, you heard Ranpo's voice.
"Sleep tight, [Y/N]. Have a good dreams."
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Happy birthday, Dear Dazai Osamu!
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! BEAST! Dazai Osamu
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Fluffy shortfic
A/N: I will try to do that shorts for other characters from now on. It's very short. Just fluff.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language
Dazai, former Boss of Port Mafia, was in his room, sitting in the armchair and looking at the ceiling. Today was his birthday. He (and his detective double) became twenty-three today. And, despite being young, he wasn't existed for his birthday. Dazai didn't have memories about his previous birthdays, but, he doubted, that Port Mafia ever celebrated his previous birthdays.
He heard noises, coming from downstairs. The mansion was waking up. Dazai closed his eyes. He still didn't get used to be a normal person, and not to worry about world collapsing or Oda dying. And Dazai didn't know what to do now.
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Dazai raised an eyebrow. Who could it be?
The person knocked again. Dazai, feeling a little bit curious, stand up from his armchair and walked to the door. He opened it.
You were standing here. You were holding a present box in your arms. A big smile on your face became even bigger.
"Happy birthday, Dazamu!" You hold the present towards Dazai. The former boss blinked, taking the present. Corners if his lips go slightly up.
"Eranthis Flower... [Y/N], you shouldn't have..."
Your laugh interrupted him. Laugh and a tight hug.
"Shush. You are my friend, so, get used to be cherished and loved."
Dazai froze, before hugging you in return. He might not know what to do right now. But he was certain in some things. He liked living in new world, he liked talking with others, he liked spending time with you, he liked your hugs, he liked your nickname "Dazamu". And he loved you.
Dazai whispered.
"Thank you, [Y/N]. My Eranthis Flower."
You squeezed him again. Dazai, acting on emotions, kissed your cheek.
It was time to wish a happy birthday to Osamu. You return to your room, grab Osamu's present and hurry to his room.
You knocked.
Before you can react, the door was opened and beige swirl pounced on you. The present flew from your hands and landed inside Osamu's room.
You and Osamu fall on the floor, with Osamu on top of you. Detective immediately nuzzles your cheek.
"My Iris Flower! What a great way to start a day by seeing you."
You chuckled and ruffles Dazai's hair.
"Thank you, I guess. Happy birthday, Osamu!"
Osamu laughed, looking at you.
His eyes were soft. And he was smiling.
Osamu has many smiles. For talking with friends, for making Chuuya mad, for scaring people... And a special smile for you. A soft and hopeful one. One, that came with soft eyes.
He didn't care about his birthdays. But he cared about his friends. About you. About spending time with you. About loving you.
Osamu kissed you on a cheek.
"Thank you, Iris Flower."
He helped you stand up. Before letting you go, Osamu kissed you on a nose.
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So much planning
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Description: Dazai and Fyodor still don't get along. But they have few things in common. Both are genius. Both have twisted morals. And both will turn to dust anyone, who dared to hurt you.
Warning: OOC. Mewing Dazai. Fyodor sings lullaby to reader. Nightmares. Slight religious fanaticism. People threw rocks at Reader, Neuvillette do some damage on Reader. English is my second language.
A rock was thrown at you. You tried to dodge, but braces on your legs and rope around your neck, that was tied to a wooden post. The rock hit your shoulder. You can't even scream or beg. A metal construction in your mouth won't let you close your mouth, or make any sort of sound.
Another rock was thrown at you. This one hit your chest.
You were cold. You were freezing. The rugs they forced you to wear couldn't stand against Shezhnaya's wind and snow.
More and more rocks were thrown at your direction. And you can't do anything to stop them.
Yet, you knew, that they won't let you die now.
Not for the next week.
Each day, you will be transported to a different city. And, starting from dusk to dawn, you were chained in the main square. And people were taking their anger out on you.
You were in Snezhnaya today.
Six more cities left.
Six more days before your execution.
Your life will end before Creator's eyes.
You woke up, sobbing. You blinked your tears away and look around. You were home. In your room. Not in Teyvat.
You took a quick glance at the clock.
11:00 pm.
You went to bed 30 minutes ago.
You put your head back on the pillow, trying to fall asleep again. And then you heard it.
You sat up on your bed.
You looked down.
You saw Dazai.
He sat on the floor, before your bed. He put elbows on your bed, resting his chin on his hands.
Dazai looked... soft. He had a small smile on his face. His eyes sparkled.
And you saw, that he was worried.
Dazai meowed again.
You can't help, but smile. Back then, before you... were transported in... Teyvat, you jokingly called Dazai a cat. Because every time he had a smile or a grin on his face, he looked like he would start meowing.
Dazai remembered that.
That's why, after every time you had a nightmare about Teyvat, Dazai, among other things, would meow, to make you feel better.
Meanwhile, Dazai put his face closer to yours and rub his nose against yours.
You laughed quietly, raising your arm. You scratch Dazai behind the ear. He started purring.
"You knew, that you shouldn't do the cat act, right?" ask you. Dazai hummed.
"I want to do that. It makes you happy." Dazai pet you on a head. "Want some company?"
You shifted a little, making some space for Dazai. You were sleepy. You lay your head back on your pillow and close your eyes.
Through sleep, you felt, how someone lay down next to you. A familiar scent of almond, rum and cherry filled your nose. Dazai firmly pressed you against his chest. You felt safer. Safe enough, to try to go back to sleep again.
Dazai was listening to your breathing. You didn't have a new nightmare. For now. Dazai hopped, that it will stay this way. Still, he won't bet too much on it.
The door to your room was opened again. Dazai didn't turn his head. He knew who it was.
Without saying a word, Dazai pressed you harder against his chest and carefully moved, changing your position with his.
Now, his chest was touching your back. Now, there was an empty spot near you on your bed.
Fyodor carefully lay down next to you, running his fingers through your hair.
They didn't talk.
For now, they were making sure, that you are okay.
"General nightmare. Didn't remember someone in particular." Dazai squeezed your hand. Fyodor slowly played with your hair.
"Panic attack?"
Dazai shook his head.
"No. Just startled."
Fyodor nodded.
"Good. At least, it is something."
Fyodor and Dazai became quiet again.
Dazai broke silence again.
Fyodor hugged you, scooting closer to you.
"Want revenge."
Dazai looked at you with pity.
"Nikolai?" whispered Dazai, listening to you breathing.
Fyodor closed his eyes.
"Still blames himself."
Fyodor and Dazai became silent again.
Despite working together to get to the real world, they still weren't friends. They do play chess together, or have overcomplicated games in their own minds, but, they won't call each other friends.
But, there was one exception.
For you, they were ready to go beyond any possible goals.
All you need to do is ask. And Fyodor and Dazai will make a plan.
But, even their combined intelligence weren't enough to find you, during the month you were missing.
And their emotions went awry, when they saw you on the barn's floor.
Beaten. Tortured. Bloody.
Dazai's eyes shrank, looking somewhere in the distance. The scenes, of what he will do with people, who dared to hurt you, flash before his eyes.
"So. What should we do next?"
Fyodor's gaze was heavy. Similar thought of future massacre flooded his thoughts.
"Let's discuss some ideas. There is so much planning to do."
You can't breathe.
Your heart was beating heavily, your lungs were burning, your legs refused to move.
But you can't stop. You must run.
Or he will get you.
The storm was at its peak.
Rain water greedily licked your skin. Each drop felt like lava.
The river was close. Its waters looked like they were boiling. You jumped on the first wet stone. On the second. On the third.
And your leg slipped.
Immediately, hydro energy curled around your feet, dragging you underwater.
You managed to hold your breath right before waves closed above your head.
It was a torture.
Hydro dragon was playing with you.
Letting you go, letting you breathe in some treasured air. Before dragging you back underwater.
You lost the number of times you almost drowned. You only tried to grab something, that let you stay above water.
Finally, Neuvillette got tired of this game. He dragged you on the riverbank. Right to his feet.
A pair of hands... No... Draconic hands grabbed your shoulders. Sharp claws sank into them, drawing blood. You screamed, when Neuvillette moved his arms to make you stand.
Your vision was blurry. Yet, you manage to make out a pair of draconic eyes and abnormally sharp teeth.
Neuvillette put his face closer to yours.
"Got you, dirty sinner."
Sharp teeth chomped on your left ear.
Your screams and draconic satisfied rumble mixed together.
You were in pain.
Neuvillette spit something on the ground.
You tried not to look at what remains of your ear.
Neuvillette put his face closer to your second ear.
You closed your eyes. You didn't want to look.
You didn't notice a familiar girl, who was running towards you two. She was accompanied by melusines.
Before Neuvillette can tear your second ear off, Furina plunge her sword in his side.
Draconic roar made you stumble back. Falling into the river.
The last thing you saw were Furina and melusines fighting with Neuvillette.
You were sobbing.
Your blood was boiling.
You wanted to scream. To run. To hide.
You tried to touch your shoulders and left ear, to call for Furina and melusines. To do anything.
The hand was placed on the top of your head.
And familiar voice start singing.
Fyodor was singing.
"Котя, котенька-коток,
Котя — серенький хвосток!
Приди, котик, ночевать...
И [Т/И] качать,"
You blinked your tears away. You felt, how Dazai embrace became tighter. He started running his fingers up and down your arm.
Fyodor rubbed your tears away.
"Уж я котеньке-коту,
За работу заплачу:
Дам кусочек пирога
И кувшинчик молока."
You didn't want to protest. You didn't care, that you are too old for lullabies. You wanted some comfort. Some stability. Feel safe.
Fyodor put his chin on the top of your head.
"Платок беленький свяжу
И на шейку повяжу;
Шубку новую куплю
И сапожки закажу.¹"
You hide your face in the crook of Fyodor's neck. Dazai's forehead pressed against the back of your neck. You were warm. You yawn.
When Fyodor finished with this lullaby, he started a new one. Then another. And another.
Until you fall asleep.
You were sleeping soundly for two hours now. Fyodor and Dazai weren't sleeping. They choose to look over you tonight.
And, in the dark of the night, they were planning.
Planning a revenge on people of Teyvat.
And on someone, named Neuvillette, whose name you screamed in your last nightmare.
Dazai looked Fyodor in the eyes.
Brown eyes met purple eyes.
"Vampire outbreak."
"Economy crisis."
"Arahabaki and Demonic Beast Guivre"
"Spare someone?"
"Only if Iris Flower want it."
"No letting Myshonok near portal or Teyvat."
"Not even the smallest glances."
Word after word.
Slowly, the plan of Teyvat's destruction will be finished.
For now, they will simply exchange some ideas. And make sure, that you are safe.
1. Russian lullaby.
Kitty, kitty-cat,
Kitty - gray tail!
Come, cat, spend the night,
Rock [Y/N]
Kitty, kitty-cat,
I will pay for your work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.
I will knit you white scarf
And I’ll tie it around your neck;
I'll buy you a new fur coat
And I'll order you boots."
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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Dazai Osamu is in your bed, and he demands love, protection and cuddles
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Description: You really should have think twice, before giving kids "Clifford, The Big Red Dog" book and ask Dazai to look after them.
|Next part | >
Follow up
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Fluffy.
You can't tell, for sure, how long you have been in a shower. But, you have a feeling, that it wasn't that long. Still, somehow, Dazai not only managed to get into your room. He also managed to stole your blankets, and hide them somewhere in a house.
"How?" was the only thing that you managed to say. You know, that you were supposed to feel angry, or, at least, irritated, but, you have your curiosity, and you want to satisfy it.
Dazai, dressed in his pajamas, and who was now laying on your bed, looked into your eyes. At least, tried. Because you, in return, try not to look at him.
"I have my ways, Iris Flower. So, listen to my demands, if you want to see your blankets again!" Dazai patted the mattress near him. "I demand cuddles, love and protection! If I didn't get them, you will never see your blankets again!"
You probably could go to someone else's room and ask to spend a night with them. Then, in the morning, go with Fitzgerald and buy new blankets, then ask Oda to help you install a locker on your wardrobe, where you kept blankets. For a few hours your blankets will be secure. Then Dazai will pick up the lock and everything will start again.
Dazai reached his arms towards you. His smug grin was replaced with a pout.
"Please, My Kind Iris Flower, I was searching for a sanctuary! Please, let me stay! And give me love and cuddles! Come on~ Look at me~!"
You rubbed your temples. You need to stay focused.
"Why do you even need to a sanctuary?" asked you, looking at your chair. It was a good chair. Interesting chair. You will look at the chair. And not at Dazai.
Earlier, today
"Uncle Dazai, can you read us this book?" Sakura was holding one of the books you recommend Oda to get for his kids. Yuu, Katsumi, Kousuke, Shinji and Aya were standing behind Sakura, making their best puppy dog eyes. Dazai rolled his eyes, but took the book from Sakura. You asked him to babysit kids, and he will do his job perfectly. For you.
"Clifford, The Big Red Dog." Dazai read the title.
It was the bad. This idea was on his mind ever since he started reading that book. Bad idea. And a golden opportunity.
Dazai smiles, looking at kids.
"Kids, you know, that Clifford became big, because Emily Elizabeth loved him so much? Do you want to help a red chihuahua pup became as big as Clifford?"
Kids eagerly nodded, waiting for Dazai's instructions.
"You asked kids to pamper Chuuya?!" You turned your head towards Dazai, staring at him. Big mistake.
Dazai came to you prepared. He did his best to look adorable and cuddly. He brushed his hair, and it looked extremely fluffy. His pajamas have a cute cat paw print and looked cozy and warm. He was constantly doing a puppy dog eyes, pouting a little. You could swear, that Dazai apply something, to make his eyelashes look extra thick tonight. And on his cheeks. Otherwise, you can't explain, why he has blush on his cheeks. Dazai rolled on his back, opening his arms for a hug. He stuck a tip of his tongue.
He literally made a "blep face". Is it your payment for comparing Dazai to a cat?
"I knew, that Chihuahua Nakahara won't yell at kids~ And the opportunity was rare and golden! Yet, I didn't expect kids to get busted and told Chihuahua about me!"
Dazai smiles, closing his eyes. You probably should look away and broke the "Dazai's cuteness" spell. But you can't! His hair looked too fluffy! His chest looks too comfortable to lay on! He looked squishable!
Now, you will say no to him, you will get him out of your room and make him to deal with the mess he has created!
"Comfy, [Y/N]?" asked Dazai, stopping showering you with kisses. He was laying on top of you. His body pressed tightly against yours. You were trapped. You can try to wiggle out of Dazai's grasp, but he has you pinned firmly enough down that only a burst of effort could free you. And you don't want to hurt him. Or stop cuddling.
"Mhm" mumbled you, running your fingers through his brown hair. With your second arm around his waist, you move your hand down from time to time to dance across his side.
Dazai's grin became bigger, and he returned to showering your cheeks with kisses.
"Good. I can't let my benevolent savior be unsatisfied with cuddles."
Suddenly, Dazai rolled down from you, laying on the opposite side of your bed. He, asked, looking deep into your eyes.
"Now, it's your turn. Remember, I still hold your blankets hostage!"
He lay his head down, looking at you. His eyelids were half-closed.
"Be grateful, that you are cute." You huffed, getting on top of Dazai. Now you were pinning him firmly against the mattress. Dazai's quiet laughter was your answer.
You nuzzle against his neck, leaving a trail of kisses. Dazai's laugh end in a cough. You knew without looking, that now he was blushing again. You lift your body a little, so you can put both of your hands on his tummy, while having access to his neck and face.
Your hands roam around his chest and stomach, while you planted kisses on Dazai's cheeks, temples, nose, forehead and chin. Dazai left out a soft moan, before putting his hands around you, pressing you against him. Dazai turned on his, still holding you.
You two were laying face to face. Dazai's hold on you was firm. You can feel the warmth coming from him.
Dazai pull his face into your hair.
"Heaven..." whispered him. "True bliss..."
He yawned, pressing you even closer to himself.
"Thank you, [Y/N]."
You also yawned, nuzzling against his neck.
"You are welcome. Good night, Osamu."
In the dark of the night, quiet words were your answer.
"Good night. I love you."
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What if... Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover 
What if... Zhongli and Neuvillette realized, that Reader are a Real Creator. So, they decided to help them. Even if Liyue and Fontaine abandoned them, they will protect Reader.
They were captured alongside Reader and were set to be executed after Reader.
But, as we already knew, Reader were transported back to the real world.
And, this time, Zhongli and Neuvillette were transported with them.
Imagine Mori's and Zhongli's interactions. It felt so odd to Mori to see someone, who had his voice, but act more like Fukuzawa.
Or Neuvillette's and Fyodor's interactions. 
Imagine Nikolai, trying to prank Neuvillette. Or Verlaine and Rimbaud asking dozens of questions about Fontaine. 
Tag list: @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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hi!! i was wondering if you could do adult! gn reader that got transported to teyvat with verlaine? i love your works!
If you were not alone
Part XII
Characters: Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine
Reader: GN! Adult! Reader
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Some violence.
🇫🇷 You and Paul were on a walk, when that happened. One moment, you two were in a park. Next moment you were laying on the ground. You were dizzy, the world was spinning before your eyes. Verlaine was luckier than you. At least, he was standing. And, perhaps, he didn't get a headache, or, at least, was better at keeping himself together. He was holding good enough to walked to you and effortlessly pick you up and put you back on your feet.
A few minutes later, the world stopped having a rolling party, and you finally managed to look around. You looked at grass, at trees, at water and at familiar giant blue blocks of Fontaine Research Institute.
You felt Paul's hand squeezing your shoulder.
"[Y/N], since when your..." Paul noticed the side glance you gave him and corrected himself. "Our world's technology became that advance to have an antigravity?"
Your chuckle was bitter.
"We aren't home."
🇫🇷 You took your time to explain To Paul what Teyvat (and Fontaine) are. During your explanation, Paul nodded from time or hummed, showing, that he understands. However, when you tried to share the Idea of Genshin Impact Characters also being self-aware, Verlaine shook his head in disagreement.
Apparently, BSD Cast, before transportation, monitored every last of your apps. To find more about Real World, to take care of you. And to investigate, if someone else has become self-aware.
There was nothing wrong with Genshin wrong. It was just a game.
"I admit, it is possible, that we overlooked something, and they were self-aware all this time. Nevertheless, let's be careful. We don't know, how they will react to us."
With that in mind, you two start moving, using Callas Line as a "waymark" to Court of Fontaine.
You run into Fatui Operatives, tho... For some reason, they insisted on getting into a fight.
At least, now you have mora and operatives will be on a sick leave.
🇫🇷 Plan was simple.
Get to city - Go to the Adventurers' Guild - Ask Katheryne about Traveler's whereabouts (or Alice's)
You two get into the city (with some difficulty). Entrance from institute's direction was a bit hard to reach. And, as Paul pointed out, if he uses his ability to get to the aquabus station, you will get unwanted attention.
It's not like you didn't get it.
The atmosphere in a capital was... strange.
People were staring at you. Their eyes were full of confusion. You heard a whispered "Aren't their Holiness were with Monsieur Neuvillette today?"
"Holiness"? Is there a religion in Teyvat Hoyo still haven't dropped a lore about?
Melusines were looking at you with a mix of disbelief and hope. You overheard Muirne whispering "They are the real one. Who else would be traveling with a living embodiment of a storm". (You sneak a glance at Paul after that words, but, he either didn't hear her, didn't care about her words or did a good job hiding his emotions).
It was hard to navigate through Fontaine. You decided to go to Palais Mermonia and take the elevator here.
You reached Palais Mermonia.
And came face to face with your own doppelgänger and Neuvillette.
Your double... The moment they looked at you, they started to look sick. And you weren't talking about "pale, stuffed nose, have a fever" kind of sick. They looked at you with outright predatory gaze. They were trembling. The white of their eyes looked yellowish.
For some reason, you thought about withdrawal.
Paul grabbed your shoulder and pull you behind him. The emotions in his dark-brown-eyes were... You might call it "time-to-pray-so-Monsieur-Paul-Verlaine-hopefully-will-forget-that-we-exist."
The silence can be cut with a knife.
Your double point their finger at you. Their voice rang in the air.
"Preposterous! Dirty Sinner, how dare you impersonate my Holy Looks. Get them! Lay their body before my feet..."
The sickening crunch cut their speech short. With animalistic howl, your double fall on the ground.
You felt sick, trying not to look at what happened to their legs.
A bloodied mora coin, still under the influence of Paul's ability, hit the wall of Palais Mermonia, sticking deep inside, making a huge crack.
Neuvillette, guards and mekas attacked.
Paul, without looking, grabbed you and threw you on his back. He almost barked.
"Hold on tight!"
The fight begun.
🇫🇷 After the fight (at the end of which half of mekas can be sold for scrap, and Fleuve Cendre got a beautiful skylight, that was snapped like Hydro Archon statue.
While Neuvillette and others retrieve (while taking injured "Creator" with them), you finally reached The Guild.
Katherine, who supposed to be an android doll with a very limited functions and with undying loyalty to Teyvat and Creator, after taking a look at Paul's grin, was not only ready to tell you about Traveler and Alice, but also about the partisans, the smugglers from Snezhnaya, the atheists of Mondstadt, the nihilists of Natlan, the flat, where Pantalone hides his secret stash of mora, Capitano's doll collection and the shop, where Tsaritsa buys scarfs.
After getting all necessary information, you and Paul decided to search for Alice.
🇫🇷 Traveling with Paul Verlaine was like traveling with a portable avalanche/earthquake/volcano eruption/any catastrophic event, that makes people run for their lives. And it wasn't only because of ability, that can turn mountains into flat surface. Paul himself looked imposing and dangerous.
Yes, he was King of Assassins. But, ever since BSD Cast get into the real world, Verlaine was just minding his own business.
He spent time with Rimbaud, helped Flags, if they were in a need of heavy lifting or another pair of hands, talked with Chuuya. He spent time with you, cooked French cuisine, read books. And nothing in his facial expression implied, that he is dangerous.
But, Teyvat and constant danger you were in. That makes him show, how dangerous he truly is.
🇫🇷 The journey was rocky. You would say, that after what happened in Fontaine, people won't dare to attack you. Perhaps, it does decrease the number of attackers. But, there were devoted ones, who were going all and beyond during attacks. They would either try to separate you from Paul, or try to lead a large scale attacks.
For now, they didn't succeed. Nevertheless, Paul was on his guard and insisted on you staying where he can see you.
You weren't against it. It wasn't the situation for arguing.
You got to Sumeru. You got help from Nahida and Wanderer. Apparently, Alice was in Natlan. The nation, that still was hesitant in letting "Creator" stepped on their land. Wanderer even shared some rumors about a barrier around Natlan. Barrier, that keeps Creator away.
Dehya and Candace helped you and Paul cross the desert.
You swore, that you could see a barrier made of Phlogiston around Natlan. You braced yourself and made a step forward.
Barrier let you two through.
🇫🇷 You spend in Natlan a mere five minutes, but Saurian population, for some reason, already adored you. On top of it, baby tepetlisaurs and baby yumkasaurs seems to like Paul and his hat. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but let them nibble on his fingers and hat.
Paul felt relieved. He didn't show it, but he was extremely worried about you. He was afraid, that one day you will get hurt, or you will wander off and get captured, or you will get sick. Yes, you were an adult, but he still was worried. And having a bunch of cartoony dinosaurs helping to protect you was reassuring.
You get to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame without troubles.
And was met with Pyro Archon herself.
🇫🇷 Mavuika asked you and Paul to join her for dinner. Well, it was a mix of interrogation and dinner. Everything went mostly neutral, until Mavuika decided to press further into your supposed "Real Creator" status. She didn't outright say, that you were lying about not knowing anything about being a Creator and just being a simple person, but Pyro Archon made it clear, that she didn't trust you. And, perhaps, it would be beneficial for Natlan to sell you out to the Holy Guard.
Paul didn't like the implication. The stone table was crushed under his hands. He was towering above Pyro Archon.
"If you dared to lay a finger on them, I will crush your precious little nation."
You grabbed Paul's hand. He looked like he was ready to become a Demonic Beast Guivre, and without Dazai it would be a death sentence. To Teyvat and to Paul.
Mavuika took Paul's threat well. She nodded, gave you a half-bow. She spoke.
"I knew what it means to be a mortal in a position of a God. Forgive me for my small performance. I need to make sure. Your companion has a loyalty of a warrior. I will help you. I will send a letter to Alice. She will be here in a few days. Until then, you are my guests".
🇫🇷 Paul felt relieved. You were almost safe. The Stadium of the Sacred Flame was full of music and warmth, and people weren't here to attack you.
In a few days, you met Alice.
While giving your goodbyes to Mavuika, she suddenly asked.
"I understand, that I have no right to give you two that kind of task. But, if you knew someone who can help us to deal with imposter, could you, please, send them here? People of Teyvat aren't bad. They are scared."
You didn't promise anything. But you kept her request in mind.
Alice prepared a portal. You and Verlaine finally returned home.
🇫🇷 The Return was something. You two were gone for almost two months, making everyone worried sick about you two. The story of Teyvat made everyone angry and curious. Kids wanted to see saurians, adults wanted to help people, who helped you, and punish people, who tried to hurt you.
You and Verlaine were sitting under the starry sky. You whispered.
You secretly also wanted to help Mavuika, Alice, Dehya, Candace, Nahida and Wanderer. They didn't deserve to get in trouble because of you.
"Paul... If one day I decide to return to Teyvat and save everyone, will you..."
You didn't get a chance to finish, when Paul turned his head towards you and nuzzle the top of your head.
"I will come. You won't be alone, [Y/N]."
Tag list: @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu @izzieg3987
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