#Selena gomez dubbed
i have a very obscure problem which is often when i make characters i connect them in my brain to preexisting fictional characters that they in fact have very little similarities with. and then i call them by that name mentally for the rest of time even if i've named them
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antiqua-lugar · 4 months
okay giving a go to something chill, bodkin don't pull off a only murders in the building and let me down
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mariacallous · 10 months
“Now, how long will this take? The Ukrainians behave like charlatans and we continue to pay,” reads a quote in French next to a picture of Taylor Swift on what looks like a promotional poster for an upcoming tour. “That is not right.”
“Every time the Ukrainians get money, everything goes wrong,” reads another quote in German next to a picture of Selena Gomez on what appears to be a page taken from a fashion magazine.
"It's just disappointing how the Ukrainians use our help,” a quote, also in German, reads next to a picture of Kim Kardashian speaking on stage. “Someone needs to stop this, seriously."
Though the images make it look like these quotes were said by Swift, Gomez, and Kardashian, they weren’t. They were the product of a pro-Russian network of fake Facebook and X accounts that created and disseminated an ad campaign suggesting that some of the most famous people in the world back Russia and detest Ukraine. Among the celebrities included are Beyoncé, Oprah, Gigi Hadid, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, Shakira, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cristiano Ronaldo. “Supporting Ukrainians is unacceptable,” reads a quote next to a photo of Oprah. “Their actions destroy lives and societies.”
The disinformation campaign, which was launched in November, reached at least 7.6 million people on Facebook alone, according to a database of the ads reviewed by WIRED and collected by Reset, a nonprofit that provides grants to those tackling disinformation. It’s still in progress, and two separate groups of disinformation researchers believe the campaign is run by a notorious Russian influence operation dubbed Doppelganger that has in the past been linked to the Kremlin. New information shared exclusively with WIRED suggests the campaign has links to Russia’s GRU military spy agency.
At the beginning of November, researchers at Reset discovered what they described as a “blitz campaign” by two networks of fake Facebook pages. Over the course of a week, the researchers saw at least 560 Facebook ads that feature images of celebrities alongside pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian quotes. While some of the ads reached only thousands of users, others spread far more widely. One featuring Cristiano Ronaldo reached over 115,000 people before it was deactivated. Alongside the image of Ronaldo was the quote “It's frustrating to see how the Ukrainians use our aid. Someone needs to stop this, seriously.”
Researchers at Reset believe that the campaign “exploits loopholes in Facebook’s ad verification and content moderation systems to foster hostility against Ukrainians and undermine EU support for Kyiv.” Including fake quotes from celebrities within images makes it harder for Facebook to spot a coordinated campaign, they added. The campaign, which specifically targeted people in France and Germany, also removed any links or additional text in the ads, making it harder for Meta to track it.
Doppelganger has been actively spreading disinformation on both Facebook and X for some time. The organization was unmasked in September 2022 by EU DisinfoLab, a nonprofit working to combat disinformation against the EU, but it had been operating since at least May 2022. The group used clones of media websites, including The Guardian and Bild, to spread disinformation, filling the fake sites with articles, videos, and polls designed to push pro-Kremlin talking points about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Facebook first announced action against Doppelganger in September 2022, and said it was removing pages and accounts associated with the campaign.
In June 2023, another campaign targeting major French websites including Le Parisien, 20 Minutes, Le Monde, and Le Figaro was exposed by the French government. “French Minister supports the murder of Russian soldiers in Ukraine,” read one fake headline on a page that looked like Le Monde during that campaign.
Despite being repeatedly found out, the operators of Doppelganger have managed to continue their work: They also created fake versions of Fox News and other news websites to seed chaos and confusion during the Israel-Hamas war.
While Doppelganger campaigns in the past have been linked to the Kremlin in some media reports, new information from researchers tracking the disinformation campaign shows a link to Russia’s GRU.
A network of bot accounts on X, which in the past have been used to push Doppelganger’s fake websites, has also been used to push people to websites with direct links to Russia’s military spy agency. “Doppelganger bots promoted two sites recently, which both have strong connections to GRU,” researchers at Antibot4Navalny, a Russian anti-disinformation research group that has been closely tracking Doppelganger activity on X, tell WIRED. The researchers did not want to be identified due to security concerns.
The first site promoted by the Doppelganger bots was ObservateurContinental.fr. The Whois data, a public record of information related to the registration of a website, for this site shows that it is connected to InfoRos, a news agency previously linked to the GRU that operates hundreds of websites to push Kremlin propaganda. InfoRos was first reported to be a front organization for GRU Unit 54777 by The Washington Post in 2018. At the time, the group was said to have been active as far back as 2014 to spread disinformation about Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
The second site pushed by Doppelganger bots targeted Germans. In October 2022, an investigation by the German newspaper Die Welt found that the author of content on the EuroBRICS site was being paid directly by InfoRos, which is registered as the operator of the EuroBRICs website by the German domain registrar.
Many of the same images from Doppelganger’s campaign, along with others targeting an English-speaking audience, were also shared on X by the same network of bots that have previously shared links to the Doppelganger campaigns.
“We collected a whopping 75-plus fake quotes by celebrities from the US and EU, all massively posted recently by bots of Doppelganger, the pro-Kremlin influence campaign,” one of the researchers at Antibot4Navalny tells WIRED.
The campaign on X, which coincided with the Facebook campaign, used over 10,000 bot accounts, according to the researchers. In the space of one eight-hour period, the bots posted over 27,000 messages. At one point, the bot accounts were posting 120 messages every minute.
The posts on X are identical to those posted as ads on Facebook identified by Reset, except that some of these posts were in English. The X campaign also featured mocked-up versions of celebrities’ verified Instagram accounts, making it seem as if screenshots of celebrity Instagram accounts, using similar anti-Ukraine quotes, were being shared.
X did not respond to a request for comment from WIRED about the Doppelganger campaign. Since Elon Musk took control of the platform in October 2022, he has eliminated most of the company’s trust and safety team, and disinformation has flourished on the site, especially around breaking news events like the recent Israel-Hamas war.
One of Reset’s researchers, who did not want to be identified to protect their privacy, tells WIRED that, in recent days, researchers have seen Doppelganger’s celebrity-based campaign evolve. Some ads on Facebook now, like the ones on X, feature screenshots that appear to show verified Instagram accounts of the same celebrities, adding a further layer of authenticity to the campaign. In one case, a screenshot of a fake Instagram post from the entrepreneur Richard Branson suggests that he believes America was behind the Nord Stream explosion.
The researcher also found video ads that feature real footage of celebrities with fake audio dubbed over the top, which they say have been created with text-to-speech apps. The researchers at Reset were unable to identify which app was being used to automate the creation of the videos. One example reviewed by WIRED showed footage of German filmmaker Wim Wenders speaking in English about his own films, dubbed to make it appear as if he was speaking in French about how “the Ukrainians are ruined.” The ad was posted to Facebook on November 25 and was seen by up to 3,000 people before it was removed for failing to have the “required disclaimer,” according to Facebook’s ad library.
While Facebook has taken down the majority of the pages, some of them remain active, and the campaign shows glaring gaps in Meta’s ability to deal with disinformation on this scale.
Meta declined to respond on the record to WIRED’s request for comment about the campaign and the network of fake accounts created to disseminate the false ads. In a report from August, however, Meta acknowledged that Doppelganger was the “largest and most aggressively persistent covert influence operation from Russia that we’ve seen since 2017.”
The automated creation of accounts on Facebook is a well-known problem, and Meta has deployed a variety of artificial intelligence systems to combat efforts to mass-create fake pages and accounts. By its own admission, Facebook deletes millions, and sometimes billions, of fake pages every quarter, sometimes within minutes of their creation. Meta claims that around 5 percent of its monthly average users are fake, but outside experts say that figure is substantially higher.
While the Doppelganger group ran the campaign, the fake Facebook pages it used were purchased from an agency that specializes in creating massive networks of inauthentic pages on Facebook, according to Reset. They are still investigating who created these initial networks, but the researchers say this campaign was pushed out by two separate networks they identified containing 52,000 and 25,000 pages respectively. In October, Reset published a report identifying even larger networks of inauthentic Facebook pages, including one that had over 340,000 inauthentic pages. Despite having been identified publicly, these networks are still operating today.
With a number of major elections taking place in 2024, experts are again concerned about Meta’s ability to reign in disinformation.
“Meta’s sloppy product safety is a security liability for both Europe and the US as we approach next year’s elections,” Felix Kartte, EU director at Reset claims to WIRED. “Threat actors will continue exploiting loopholes in Facebook’s advertising systems to target deceptive and inflammatory content at millions of voters in the world’s biggest democracies.”
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skippyv20 · 1 year
A man desparate for an escape route PH
Daily Telegraphhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/04/14/prince-harry-looks-like-a-man-desperate-for-an-escape-route/history←priornext→14 Apr 2023 17:03:28 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him oneHe returns to Britain again next month. It’s an opportunity to show that, despite the trouble he’s caused, this is still the Duke’s countryCAMILLA TOMINEYASSOCIATE EDITOR14 April 2023 • 5:11pmCamilla TomineyPrince Harry, Duke of Sussex departs after attending the Royal Courts of JusticeMuch is being made of the Duchess of Sussex’s newfound inconspicuousness. It wasn’t long ago that there was no escaping the American former actress turned wannabe People’s Princess as she revealed her “truth” on Oprah, shed tears on Netflix, and shared pearls of wisdom on her “Archetypes” podcast. “I’m particular,” admitted the woman once dubbed “Duchess Difficult” by palace staff, insisting that setting boundaries did not make her demanding.But having been completely absent from the promotional activity around Spare – her husband’s warts-and-all autobiography – and now having decided against attending the Coronation, preferring instead to remain in California, “Duchess Dolittle” would appear to be a better moniker.Biding her time since that South Park episode, there is mounting talk of a rebrand, with Meghan reportedly planning to revive her lifestyle blog The Tig. Think Martha Stewart meets Kim Kardashian, presumably with enough paid endorsements to fund the couple’s quest to maintain “financial independence” from the Crown, and possibly to get a new kitchen.But as the mistress of reinvention works on Megxit: The Sequel, what is the Duke of Sussex to do? The John Lennon to his wife’s Yoko Ono (or, as someone once joked on Twitter, Woko Ono), things aren’t quite as straightforward for a fifth-in-line to the throne, for whom Britain appears to be the third person in his marriage.Like his relationship with the royals, Prince Harry’s connection with his country of birth is complicated. “I love my mother country and I love my family and I always will,” he writes in his book. “I just wish, in the second-darkest moment of my life, they’d both been there for me.”Yet in making a surprise return to London for his High Court case against Associated Newspapers Ltd, and in agreeing to attend the Coronation on May 6, Harry looks like a man with a yearning for Blighty. And if that’s the case – if he does want to come back, at least for a temporary period – shouldn’t he be welcomed, not only by the palace but the public, too?The truth is that Harry will always seem more at home here than in the United States (even after his imminent eviction from Frogmore House). In America, he’s just, as the South Park creators rather cruelly put it, a “dumb prince”.The Sussexes aren’t major influencers there. That job is left to people such as the less middle-aged Selena Gomez and Kylie Jenner. The Duke and Duchess are just another pair of celebrities in a country where they are two-a-penny.Any American dream that Harry might have had appears to have gone a bit stale, with the Netflix glow fading much quicker than he may have hoped. His memoir is still among those topping the charts, but that caused a stir because of what it said about the Royal family as a whole, not just him.In Britain, by contrast, Prince Harry will always be someone. He’s the son of the King, the brother of a future king and the uncle of a future king. And although he may have done his best to destroy these familial ties, they still mean something over here. That’s why Britons have been so reluctant to write him off completely. Positive memories linger of the lad who was a good laugh before he completely fell under his wife’s spell.Indeed, people seem generally pleased he has chosen to support his father on the biggest day of his life – and they will be largely delighted that Meghan won’t be making another appearance in Westminster Abbey. The King loves his “darling boy”. The family knows Harry’s presence at the service will bring Charles joy – and that it’s good for the monarchy.Deep down, I suspect many people hope that Harry, Charles and William will resolve their differences this time. Life is too short for any family to go on like this, be they populated with princes or paupers. It’s reasonable to wonder, too, if Harry can make Britain a home again. Despite his recent penchant for spewing American psychobabble and his insistence that he is loving the LA lifestyle, it does look like he is lost in the States.The cynics would say that even before he met Meghan, Harry was not fond of this green and pleasant land. In 2008, when he was serving his first tour of Afghanistan, the Duke was asked if he would ever return to the warzone. “I don’t want to sit around in Windsor,” he replied. “But I generally don’t like England that much and, you know, it’s nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general sh— that they write.”But now that he is sitting around in Santa Barbara – with the press continuing to write about him back home – has he really achieved peace?It always struck me that if there was one place Harry would yearn for outside of Britain, it would be Africa, not Los Angeles. As recently as 2019, he said: “I wish I could spend more time in Africa. I have this intense sense of complete relaxation and normality [there]. To not get recognised, to lose myself in the bush with what I would call the most down-to-earth people on the planet, people [dedicated to conservation] with no ulterior motives, no agendas, who would sacrifice everything for the betterment of nature … I talk to them about their jobs, about what they do.”You get the sense that Harry has always pined for a real sense of belonging: not just to be loved but to be familiar.I previously mentioned Afghanistan because this week we were once again reminded of how the military always brought out the best in the Duke. Responding to the death of Help for Heroes founder Bryn Parry, who made a life-changing difference to military veterans and their families, Prince Harry paid a heartfelt tribute, saying: “We bid farewell to a man who, alongside his wife, completely transformed the UK charity sector for the benefit of those who have served. His vision, determination and brilliance provided a lifeline for thousands of veterans, as well as their families, when they needed it most.”The saddest aspect of all this is how low Harry, a former British Army officer, has fallen in the estimation of his fellow troops, who once admired his determination and brilliance. It is now unlikely he will even wear a military uniform to the Coronation despite all he has achieved with the Invictus Games.The man who was once “our Harry” needs a purpose in life beyond attacking the media and his family. By giving him a warm welcome in three weeks’ time, Britain might help him find it
Thank you 🐼
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heavenboy09 · 10 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Young Prodigal Child Of The Cyrus Family That Rose To  Mega Fame in 2006 On The 1# Disney Channel Kids Show Of Its Time
She is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Dubbed the "Pop Chameleon", she has been recognized for her musical versatility and continual artistic reinventions. Cyrus has been referred to as the "Teen Queen" of the 2000s pop culture and regarded as one of the few examples of a child star who went on to have a successful career as an adult.
Please Wish This Once Proud Disney Channel Child / Teen Star Actress Of 2006, Now All Grown Up. A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You All Know Her
You Grew Up With Her Music 🎶 & Acting alongside Major Teen Pop Icons like The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez
& Even Though She is All Grown Up.  She Has A Place In Our Hearts.  She is The Best Of Both Worlds 🌎
The 1 & The Only
HANNAH MONTANA 👱🏻‍♀️ #MileyCyrus #HannahMontana
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maneat3rs · 9 months
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──    what    makes    you    think    𝑖    want    someone    to    be    𝐢𝐧    𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞    with    me    ?    ❞
a    selective    &    private    indie    blog    ,    i    may    not    follow    back    .    composed    by    kayla    ,    twenty4    ,    she/her    featuring    all    original    muses    .    please    do    not    interact    if    you    are    a    minor    .   
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃    :    dub/nonc*n    ,    in/stepc*st    &    predatory    age    gaps    .    anybody    deceased    ,    camila    morrone    ,    dove    cameron    ,    ester    esposito    ,    holland    roden    ,    jeffrey    dean    morgan    ,    johnny    depp    ,    selena    gomez    ,    suki    waterhouse    ,    sydney    sweeney    ,    taylor    swift    ,    racists    &    zi*nists    . 
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Rasputin - Majestic, Boney M. 
RAW - Victoria Justice
REACT - Switch Disco feat. Ella Henderson, Robert Miles
Reckless - Madison Beer
Remember - Becky Hill, David Guetta
Risk - Gracie Abrams
River - Tom Gregory
Rockstar - LISA
Rumba (Puro Oro Anthem) - Maluma feat. The Sun
Run Your Mouth - The Marías
Runaway - OneRepublic
Rush - Ayra Starr
Sad Happy - Circa Waves
Sandman - Tei Verdes
Santa Doesn’t Know You Like I Do - Sabrina Carpenter
Satellite - Bebe Rexha & Snoop Dogg
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Secrets - Regard, RAYE
Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender
She’s All I Wanna Be - Tate McRae
She's Gone, Dance On - Disclosure
Shivers - Ed Sheeran
SICKO - Felix Jeahn feat. GASHI, FAANGS
Single Soon - Selena Gomez
Small Town Friday Nights - Kaylee Bell
Smile - Martin Garrix feat. Carolina Liar
Smooth Talk (Seduction Pt.1) - Le Flex
So Am I - Ava Max
Somebody - Dagny
Space In My Heart - Enrique Iglesias, Miranda Lambert
Stars - PNAU, Bebe Rexha, Ozuna
Stay - The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
Stay With Me - Calvin Harris feat. J. Timberlake, Halsey & Pharrell
Stayed A Summer - Erin Kinsey
Stick Season - Noah Kahan
Summer Rain - Victoria Nadine
Supernova - aespa
Supersad - Suki Waterhouse
Survive - Lindsey Stirling feat. Walk Off The Earth
Survivin’ - Bastille
Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max
Sweeter - Cannons
Take You Dancing - Jason Derulo
Talk About Love - Kate Hudson
Talk That Talk - Twice
Taste - Sabrina Carpenter
Tears - Perrie
Tennessee Orange - Megan Moroney
That's Not How This Works - Charlie Puth feat. Dan+ Shay
The boy is mine - Ariana Grande
The Business - Tiesto
The Door - Teddy Swims
The Hardest Part - Olivia Dean
The Lost Ones - Florrie
The Motto - Tiesto & Ava Max
The Passenger (Lalala) - LUM!X, MOCABI & D.T.E., Gabry Ponte
The Show - Niall Horan
These Walls - Dua Lipa
Thinking 'Bout Us - Danii Minogue & Autone
This Is Why - Paramore
Tomboy - (G)I-DLE
Training Season - Dua Lipa
Trustfall - P!nk
Truth - Godsmack
two thousand songs - spookybands
Unconditional - Molly Burch
Underdog - Alicia Keys
Unhealthy - Anne-Marie, Shania Twain
Unsure - Alan Walker, Kylie Cantrall
Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
Use Me (Brutal Hearts) - Diplo ft. Johnny Blue Skies & Dove Cameron
Used To Know Me - Charli XCX
vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
Von dutch - Charlie xcx
Waffle House - Jonas Brothers
We're Good - Dua Lipa
Wellerman - Sea Shanty - Nathan Evans
What A View - Girl Named Tom
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
What Would You Do? - Tate McRae
When We Were Young (The Logical Song) - David Guetta, Kim Petras
Where Am I - Cha Eun-Woo
Where Are You Now - Lost Frequencies feat. Calum Scott
Where Did You Go - Jax Jones feat. MNEK
Wherever You Are - Martin Garrix & Dub Vision
Whoops - Meghan Trainor
Wild Things - LAUREL
With You - Oliver Tree
WOMAN'S WORLD - Katy Perry
Words - Alesso feat. Zara Larsson
Worth It - Colbie Caillat
Yes, and? - Ariana Grande
You broke me first - Tate McRae
You For Me - Sigala, Rita Ora
You Know What I Need - PNAU, Troye Sivan
Your Love (9PM) - ATB, Topic, A7S
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kochofairy · 2 months
🌩☔️🍩🍭 please!
Thanks for the questions, bud!
🌩️ What kind of tickle content do you like to see/make the most? (art, stories, gifs, etc.)
I like to see ANY type of content. Art, fics, drabbles, vids, audios, what I want to see most just depends on what I'm in the mood for. What I like to MAKE the most is probably audios/dubs and fics ^^
☔ Any songs or music that you associate with tickling, or that put you in a tickle mood?
Oh now you've triggered an unskippable cutscene haha. Yes! There are a few songs that make me think of tickles and inspire me to make content:
Sunburn by Owl City and 1,000 Ships by Rachel Platton for the cutesy, wholesome, affectionate vibes 🥺 "She gave me a heart attack, just because she looked so adorable!" "I'll kiss your belly and your shoulders, cover blankets on our feet" 🥰
Gitchee Gitchee Goo from Phineas And Ferb. Bruh. "Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you" just simply and in few words describe what tickling is to me.
Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez. "Can't keep my hands to myself...I mean I could, but why would I want to?~"
These next few ones I literally have full animation ideas for in my head that I HOPE I can make someday
Blame by Bastille. "Fall upon your knees, sing: THIS IS MY BODY AND SOUL! And, fall and beg and plead, sing: YOU'VE GOT THE POWER AND CONTROL!" Like man what more can I say man
Insane by BlackGryph0n. Just entirely sadomasi vibes for this one 😂 Like I'm sorry the "I promise honey, I can feel your pain" makes me THINK it's like a ler/dom trying to console and soothe someone through the ordeal even though they LOVE thier suffering and WON'T let up, "And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit."
Cannibal by Kesha. This one is blatantly entirely about sex but how 'bout I ignore that and make it about tickling instead 😌 "I love you~ ...I warned you. RAWR!"
🍩 Favorite tools/techniques to have used on you? Are they different depending on the spot?
I generally prefer hands and knismesis/soft tickles! My only experience with a tool is the nail rings by @/ticklingduck, and I really love those too haha
🍭 Do you do anything other than laugh while being tickled? Begging, pleading, swearing, etc?
Mph...I whine and whimper and squirm 😖 (¬3¬)
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joslincox · 6 months
Osmosis Jones (2011) Early Production Stages; Voice Acting
Before Tyler James Williams was cast as Osmosis Jones, Drake Bell, Chad Michael Murray, Usher, Corbin Bleu (who voiced Ozzy in the RAI release), Ben Schwartz, Nick Cannon, Ryan Cabrera, Omarion, Adam Brody, Michael Cera, Chris Pine, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Johnathan Bennett were confirmed.
Before Brandon Butler was cast as Drixenol Koldreliff, Ross Lynch (who voiced Drix in the RAI dub), Daniel Radcliffe, Channing Tatum, Riley Smith, Tom Welling, Jesse Metcalfe, Josh Peck, Hugh Dancy, Erik von Detten, Ricky Ullman, and Stephen Colletti were considered.
Before Miles Heizer was cast as Hector Cruz, Zac Efron (who voiced Hector in the RAI dub), Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, Ben McKenzie, Chace Crawford, and Robert Pattinson were considered.
Before Keke Plamer was cast as Leah Estrogen, Raven-Symone, Ashanti, Christina Millian, Ciara (who voiced Leah in the RAI dub), Sanaa Lathan, Gabrielle Union, Solange Knowles, Rosario Dawson, Parminder Nagra, and Olivia (Longott) were considered.
Before Miley Cyrus was cast as Christine Kolchuck, Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore, JoJo (who voiced Christine in the RAI dub), Brittany Snow, Julia Stiles, and Tara Reid were considered.
Before Selena Gomez was cast as Maria Amino, Vanessa Hudgens, Demi Lovato, Brenda Song, Lindsay Lohan (who voiced by Maria in the RAI dub), Sophia Bush and Rachael Leigh Cook were considered.
Before Michael Cimino was cast as Paul Spryman, Mitchel Musso (who voiced Spryman in the RAI dub), Devon Werkheiser, Taylor Lautner, Rory Culkin, Khamani Griffin, Brandon Mychal Smith, and Jordan Fry were considered.
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partyanimalshu · 9 months
Erősen nyit a 2024-es EXIT: Black Eyed Peas, Gucci Mane, Carl Cox, Tom Morello és Bonobo az első 24 fellépő között
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Megérkeztek az első nevek a 2024-es EXIT Fesztiválra, ami alapján a jövő év is igen ütősnek ígérkezik, hiszen a világ egyik legkülönlegesebb fesztiválhelyszínére érkezik majd többek között a Black Eyed Peas, Gucci Mane, Tom Morello, Rudimental, John Newman, The Exploited, Dub FX, Willy William, Ian Asher, Iniko, Steve Angello, Kenya Grace és Joker Out. “Ébresszük fel együtt a szuperképességeinket!” mottó alatt az EXIT jövőre egy nappal hosszabb lesz, így július 10-14. között várja majd a fesztiválozni vágyó ijfú csillagokat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ngUHoeVMcI&ab_channel=EXITFestival A popkultúra ikonjai és minden idők egyik legkelendőbb zenekara, a Black Eyed Peas most először érkezik az EXIT Fesztiválra. Azokkal az örökérvényű R&B, hip-hop és dance himnuszokkal, mint a My Humps és a Pump It, valamint az  I Gotta Feeling és a Boom Boom Pow. Ezek a slágerek azon ritkaságok közé tartoznak, amik egyszerre birtokolták a Billboard Hot 100 lista első két helyét, nem beszélve az olyan legújabb slágereikről, mint a Girl Like Me és a Shakirával közös Don’t You Worry, amelyekkel időtlen világsztárrá váltak, és biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy az EXIT közönségét is elvarázsolják majd. A Tesla Universe színpadán lép majd fel a páratlan Gucci Mane, aki kulcsfigurája annak, hogy a trap napjaink meghatározó zenei műfajává vált. Rajongóinak serege több mint negyvenmillió követőt számlál a közösségi médiában, dalainak streamelése pedig több tízmilliárdot ért el. Everybody Looking című albuma és Black Beatles című kislemeze a Billboard listák élén végzett, hatása pedig olyan sztárokkal való együttműködésekben nyilvánul meg, mint The Weeknd, Drake, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Selena Gomez, Mariah Carey, Usher, Bruno Mars és még sokan mások. A Péterváradi erődben most először fog visszhangozni a Killing in the Name ikonikus riffje, egyenesen Tom Morello, a Rage Against the Machine legtöbb albumának megalkotójától és vezető zeneszerzőjétől. Napjaink egyik leginnovatívabb gitárosa, Morello karrierjét olyan lenyűgözően sokféle kollaboráns fémjelzi, mint RZA és GZA a Wu-Tang Clanból, a The Prodigy, Bruce Springsteen, Eddie Vedder, a Bring Me the Horizon és Chris Stapleton. A számos együttműködés és szokatlan játékmód révén széles műfaji sokszínűséget felmutató Morello egyedi zenei kifejezésmódja és jellegzetes effekthasználata saját nyelvet teremt, melyben a rock, a rap és az elektronikus elemek keverednek. "Itt közvetlenül a lelkedből kell játszanod, annak kell lenned, aki vagy, és ez az, ami az EXIT-et olyan különlegessé teszi." - mondta Carl Cox, akit széles körben minden idők legnagyobb DJ-jének és az elektronikus szcéna királyának tartanak. Öt év után tér vissza az EXIT-re egy háromórás szettel az mts Dance Arénába. A 2009-es záró szettje és a másik, egy évtizeddel későbbi fellépése  az elektronikus szcéna történetének egyik legemlékezetesebb eseménye maradt. Jövőre, a fesztivál első napján ez az élő legenda ismét színpadra lép a "legrobbanékonyabb közönség" előtt, ahogyan már számos interjúban hivatkozott az EXITre. Közkívánatra Bonobo, a különböző zenei stílusok keverésének mestere, a világ legnagyobb fesztiváljainak headlinere most először lép fel Szerbiában. Öt Grammy-jelöléssel büszkélkedhet, amelyből kettőt csak idén kapott, 2017-es Migration turnéja során kétmillió ember előtt lépett fel, míg névadó LP-je a Billboard legjobb dancealbumok listájának élén végzett. Az mts Dance Arénában csatlakozik majd hozzá a brit producer és DJ Barry Can't Swim is, valamint  a brit klubszcéna hangulatával a KlangKuenstler, valamint  Sama' Abdulhadi, Franky Wah és Mene sztárszettjei. A Tesla Universe színpadán egy új művészgeneráció vezetői, Kenya Grace és Iniko, a Feel The Love és a Waiting All Night című slágereiről ismert, energikus Rudimental, valamint a több mint 2 milliárd streameléssel büszkélkedő brit pop- és soulszenzáció, John Newman is fellép majd. A Tesla Universe fellépőinek sorát a megállíthatatlan The Exploited és az ausztrál látnok Dub FX teszik még felejthetetlenebbé. A legnagyobb dance-slágerekért Willy William, Ian Asher és Steve Angello felel, a regionális szenzáció, Joker Out pedig tovább fokozza az izgalmakat. Az EXIT több műfajú kereszteződésében, az ikonikus Visa Fusion Stage-en a Villagers of Ioannina City görög rockzenekar és a Lakeside X cseh szinti-pop együttes lép fel. A súlyosabb hangzás hagyományosan az Explosive Stage-nek van fenntartva, amelynek eddig a svájci thrash metal együttes Coroner és a kizárólag nőkből álló Nemesis death metal csapat lesz a főszereplője. Az EXIT Fesztivál következő kiadása, amely az EXIT Starseeds tematika alatt fut és mottója, hogy: "Ébresszük fel együtt a szuperképességeinket!" - 2024. július 10. és 14. között várja majd a fesztiválozókat az egyik legkülönlegesebb fesztiválhelyszínen, a Péterváradi erődben. A nulladik napon egy különleges Starseeds Takeover előadás kap majd helyet a Tesla Universe színpadán. Jegyek ITT kaphatók. Read the full article
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nkonson · 1 year
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Hailey Bieber dubs fake feud with Selena Gomez ‘vile, disgusting,’ says ‘it’s dangerous’
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
Top 10 Songs Trending on Music Chart this week!
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Here Whatson editor Tama has selected the top 10 songs that are trending on the global music chart. You can listen to a mixed genre of music which can refresh your mind so, start and to your playlist. 1. Kilbil by SZA American singer-songwriter SZA's second studio album, SOS, contains the song "Kill Bill" (2022). The martial arts film duology Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003) and Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004), which centers on an assassin dubbed the Bride and her desire to destroy her ex-boyfriend, gave the song its title. https://youtu.be/MSRcC626prw 2. Unholy by Sam Smith and Kim Petras Sam Smith eventually made the song "Unholy," which featured Kim Petras and was already well-liked on TikTok, available for purchase. Those few seconds had 193 million views by the time the song was released on September 22nd, and they were still trending at number 2 on the top chart. https://youtu.be/Uq9gPaIzbe8 3. 'Bloody Mary' by Lady Gaga "Bloody Mary" is one of the few tracks on "Born This Way" that is definitely not meant for the dance floor. The song becomes much more melancholy when male vocals are added that repeat "Gaga" in an echoing, monk chant fashion. https://youtu.be/63zSjR_nhNI 4. Metro Boomin’s ‘Heroes & Villains’ Metro Boomin, whose star-studded Heroes & Villains collection this week earns him his third No. 1 album on the Billboard 200 albums list (after Not All Heroes Wear Capes from 2018 and Savage Mode II, his 2020 collaboration with 21 Savage). https://youtu.be/_WCD3Z9UmJ4 5. Shakira: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53 Colombian superstar Shakira and Argentine DJ Bizarrap's "Shakira: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53" was quietly released on January 11. Within 24 hours, the session had amassed over 15 million Spotify listens, placing it at the top of the service's Top 50 global playlist. In addition, the video had amassed over 55 million YouTube views, setting a record for a Spanish-language song. https://youtu.be/CocEMWdc7Ck 6. ‘Maan Meri Jaan’ by KING Modern love song Maan Meri Jaan by Indian musician KING, taken from his recently released album Champagne Talk. The song has received over 21 million audio streams since its release in October, achieving an astounding 1.1 million+ daily streaming in India alone.   https://youtu.be/VuG7ge_8I2Y 7. Besharam Rang by Shilpa Rao, Caralisa Monteiro, Vishal & Shekhar Ravjiani On social media, the freshly released "Besharam Rang" song from "Pathaan" has drawn a lot of criticism. Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone received a ton of trolls for sporting some suggestive swimwear in the song's music video. On YouTube, however, the song broke all previous records by receiving millions of likes and views. https://youtu.be/huxhqphtDrM 8. Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift What has received over 30 million views on YouTube and is filled with critical self-reflection? That's accurate. Taylor Swift's "Anti-Hero," the first single and music video from her most recent album, Midnights, was released on Friday (October 21) still trending in the top ten. https://youtu.be/b1kbLwvqugk 9. Rema & Selena Gomez’s ‘Calm Down’ As the song ascends into the Official Singles Chart Top 10 for the first time, Rema's Calm Down has become the UK's No. 1 Trending Song. The Afrobeats prodigy has been a rising star for a while, but this next year could be the most thrilling of his career so far thanks to his first real breakthrough track. https://youtu.be/WcIcVapfqXw 10. Under the Influence by Chris Brown Chris Brown, an American musician, has a song called "Under the Influence." It is the third song from his ninth studio album Indigo's extended version, which was made available on October 4, 2019, by RCA Records. Together with producer Kiddominant, Tiffany Mckie, and Nigerian vocalist Davido, Brown wrote the song. Commercially, "Under the Influence" was a sleeper hit before TikTok helped it go viral in 2022. https://youtu.be/pfxyk1glEq4 Read the full article
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franciya · 2 years
Watching Keyan Carlile's video on Wizards of Waverly Place while checking out some episodes that stood out to me the most, the Brazilian dub is🤌🤌🤌
Idk why I never bothered with the show before, it's a good show, with bickering siblings in which one of them is Selena Gomez,
How was I not all over that shit lmao
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mosthatedfm · 2 years
﹒ ⊹    𝗮   𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲𝗿   𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱      ﹕    career  claim  suggestions  for  top  5  ?
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oof  this  is  a  good  one  !  i  think  career  claims  such  as  jack  harlow  ,  justin  bieber  ,  the  weeknd  ,  would  be  really  good   for  someone  in  the  top  5  !!  perhaps  gordon  ramsey  ,  which  i  know  is  super  random  but  if  you  were  to  take  up  them  being  a  ‘  nightmare  ‘  in  the  kitchen  i  think  it  would  be  perfect  !!!  some  brand  owners  such  as  selena  gomez  and  rare  ,  rihanna  and  fenty  ,  or  ariana  grande  and  rem  ?!  i  kind  of  dig  the  pop  star  turned  business  women  especially  if  their  scandal  is  related  to  their  new  business  ?!  and  athletes  !  im  not  the  best  with  athlete  career  claims  but  i  cant  stop  thinking  about  how  golden  it  would  be  for  someone  in  the  top  5  to  be  this  sport  star  who’s  absolutely  talented  and  killing  it  but  is  so  so  so  cocky  !!!  and  finally  . .  which  i’ve  been  thinking  about  forever  but  someone  who  voice  acts  ?!  think  dubs  the  english  version  for  a  popular  anime  and  after  living  a  semi  private  life  ,  a  scandal  happens  and  somehow  they  have  spot  #  5  !  and  this  isnt  really  a  career  claim  but  more  so  an  occupation  but  music  producer  who’s  scandal  relates  to  their  clients  and  maybe  them  not  treating  their  clients  well  !!
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abokimp3 · 2 years
Rema – Calm Down (Remix) Ft. Selena Gomez (Instrumental)
Rema – Calm Down (Remix) Ft. Selena Gomez (Instrumental)
Rema Ft. Selena Gomez Calm Down Remix Instrumental Mp3 Download Rema, enter the stage with the remix instrumental beat of his huge track dubbed Rema Ft. Selena Gomez Calm Down Remix Instrumental Mp3 Download Free on Abokimp3 Multi-talented American vocalist Selena Gomez is featured in this mind-blowing version. Not to mention, you must listen to this incredible hit song Freebeat. As a result, if…
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
My Favorite Media!
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My go-to favorites! Not in any particular order...
Feel free to ask me anything about any of them!
Ultimate Favorites
Media that I've loved for a very long time and will love forever 😍
PIXAR, especially ONWARD, Coco, Toy Story 2, Inside Out (1 & 2), The Incredibles, Luca, and Elemental
Winx Club (I'm pretty flexible with any of the English dubs/adaptations, I've seen them all, plus WoW and FTWS)
Super Mario games, mostly for Yoshi tho bc I LOVE HIM
WatchMojo, MsMojo, most of the -mojos really! Their top 10s keep me in the culture loop!
Kickassreaction - a British youtuber who blind-reacts to cartoons and animated films in full without making any cuts
MLP: FiM (G4) & Equestria Girls (fyi not a brony, and in terms of G5, I've only gotten as far as A New Generation, and not planning to go any further than that...)
Whisper of the Heart - my all-time favorite Studio Ghibli film and the inspiration for my profile picture– Shizuku is totally kin
Green Eggs and Ham (Netflix) - the very best Seuss adaptation imho, to the point where it's better than the original source material, also just love the world of Dr. Seuss as a whole
The MCU, but mostly for Tom Holland's Spider-Man
Tom Holland - my favorite actor, favorite Spider-Man, plus role model and celebrity crush, I've seen a majority of his films
Sofia the First - more than just a disney junior show in my eyes, in fact, I prefer to not really think of it as one, it's sooooooo good
Wallace & Gromit - a classic, that's all I can really say– very much looking forward to Vengeance Most Fowl!
Other Favorites
Media that I love, but not at an all-time major fixation level 🙂
WDAS 🏰 especially Tangled, Zootopia, Beauty and the Beast, 101 Dalmatians, Lady and the Tramp, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Meet the Robinsons, and Hercules
Freddi Fish - a computer game series my older sister and I used to play all the time when we were younger!
The Owl House (the most recent show I've watched!)
Gravity Falls
Kim Possible
Disney's Descendants
Olivia the Pig
Tangled the Series / Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Danny Phantom
Hey Arnold!
The LEGO Movie 1 & 2
HTTYD (seen all the movies and both tv series)
PBS shows from before the mid-2010s like Arthur, Curious George, Martha Speaks, Clifford, and Angelina Ballerina
Madeline (books and tv series)
Lizzie McGuire (mainly for animated Lizzie)
The Powerpuff Girls (the original 90s series)
Over the Garden Wall
Favorite Music, Artists, and Bands
70's Music
80's Music
New Wave
Bubblegum Pop
Twenty One Pilots (I swear, Clancy is my absolute favorite album right now!)
Billy Idol
The Police
Pet Shop Boys
Taylor Swift
Elisa Rosselli (the most prominent of songs/music for the Winx)
Bebe Rexha
Ariana Grande
Electric Light Orchestra
Cyndi Lauper
Sabrina Carpenter
Owl City
Fleetwood Mac
Brandi Carlile
David Bowie
Talking Heads
Selena Gomez
Dua Lipa
Miley Cyrus
The Cars
Talking Heads
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