#SejinPK's work adventures
sejinpk · 5 years
Today I finally got caught up at work with a major backlog of stuff that had been piling up for months because they didn’t have anyone to do those tasks after the person who previously held my position left to continue their education in the field and before they hired me. I’m pretty tired right now because today felt really long, but it feels good to finally have that off my plate. It was something that was sort of looming over me in the back of my mind at work, even when I was doing other tasks. So I’m really glad it’s finally all done with now.
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sejinpk · 6 years
Holy shit, Indeed actually notified me of a new job posting that’s relevant to what kind of work I’m looking for!
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sejinpk · 6 years
I wish Indeed would improve whatever it is that they use to match new job postings with what position you’re looking for. They match as little as one word, which means I’m getting notified of positions that have absolutely nothing to do with the work I’m actually looking for. It’s been the case that literally all (but one? maybe? I don’t remember for sure) of the notifications I’ve gotten about new job postings have been like this. It’s ridiculous.
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