#Seeing how it's primarily americans and europeans doing this I'm pretty comfortable calling it racism.
aingeal98 ยท 1 year
It's been... hm. Disappointing to say the least to see accounts I know who correctly called out both people's dismissal of Ukraine and leftists that carried water for Russia's imperialism in the name of being anti American, now all suddenly use the same talking points they once condemned in order to defend Israels colonization. All of a sudden viewing everything through a cynical political lens is justified ("Why does Ukraine have to appease Russia?" You said. Only now you keep implying that Palestinians have the responsibility to keep Israel's war crimes as low as possible and never question why the people living in an open air prison and brutalized daily should have to appease their oppressors).
Accounts who have 10 posts condemning both Hamas and general pro Palestine sentiments for every one post touching on the source of the conflict (and none acknowledging that Hamas exists because Israel deliberately quashed other, less extremist resistance movements) are the same accounts who before were able to rightly call out people for using Azov as a quick way to dismiss all cruelty and brutality Ukrainians are experiencing. The switch from criticizing people who only spoke about Ukraine to condemn Azov to becoming someone who only speaks about Palestine to condemn Hamas is jarring to witness. It's just a massive lack of empathy towards Palestinians in comparison to Ukrainians and it does come as a shock from people I thought had more sense and self awareness. How can you spend months on end breaking down exactly what insidious tactics people used to justify Russia's brutality only to turn around and parrot those same tactics? What is it about Palestine that makes you suddenly so eager to focus on everything but the people fighting for their freedom, whereas before you were straightforward in condemning anyone who did not acknowledge the reality of what Ukraine is dealing with?
It really does come down to Palestinian being the "other" to Israel and Ukraine's "civilized" western-approved states. Disgusting and disappointing, to see that those accounts weren't actually principled against imperialism and oppression, just against anyone who disrupted the western status quo. For all their criticisms of pro Russian leftists choosing campism over having principles and a spine, they're no different in the end.
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