#Sebastien Le Livre imagine
fangirlings-things · 2 years
Being a member of the Guard and having a love/hate relationship with Booker would include headcanons
anon said: hey! Can I please have some hc about being a member of the old guard and having a love and hate relationship with Booker? Something like you wrote in your other imagine. hope this is okay, thank you!
A/N: hii, love! of course it's okay! I love Booker, so it's always a pleasure to write for him! hope you like this 💖
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The thing about Booker, is that he has a talent to annoy you
Ever since you two first met, the french man showed you that temper that would just drive you crazy, unstoppably
It is as if he takes pleasure in contradicting you, and that of course, makes you want to kill him
Which you actually did, more than once
Everytime the team gets together for a job, he presents you that convinced smile of his and with irony, says how much he has missed you
You absolutely cannot work in plans together, since you always end up at each other's throats, more arguing than anything else
You do work fine together in the field, but you strongly believe that is because killing people do not require for you both to actually communicate
If you had a huge fight, you would give each other threatening looks later while sharing a meal with the others
Andy is annoyed by your bickering at each other. She is the boss and when she says so, you both stop fighting at the very same instant and do whatever she tells you to
Nicky and Nile mostly just roll their eyes at all the swearing and argument you have with each other, from time to time muttering to themselves how you both are such childs when it comes to one another
Joe finds it funny. He can't stop laughing whenever you both start screaming, shouting your lungs out because of something probably stupid, like who would get to go in first at the job
When Nicky asks him about it, he just says the fun is in the fact that you both don't see what's right in your faces
Occasionally, after a harsh job or just a bad day for both, you would allow yourselves to share a drink together in silence, just hoping for the alcohol to kick in soon
Whenever Booker spoke about his sons and all the grief he still felt after so much time, you wouldn't be able to deny to yourself how bad you felt for him and you would hug him, comfort him, even though you would later pretend that never happened
And he would pretend it either, even though that meant a lot to him. The fact that you cared
For some time, you would give yourselves a break from each other. But then, all of the sudden, the fighting and screaming would come back and in Nile's words, "everything would go back to normal"
And Joe woud laugh again at that and when it happened, Andy would be the one to ask why he was laughing, how he could find that funny. And for that, looking at his boss, he would say
"Me and Nicky were exactly like that in the beginning. Don't you remember it, boss?"
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lazaefair · 2 years
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"Shots" by Imagine Dragons
Directed by @astrabear, produced by me
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ongreenergrasses · 5 months
Okay last one I swear but Andy/Booker kiss for #20 PLS 👀🫣
you always pick the best prompts i have to say
20. …on a scar
Booker noticed it early on. It was impossible not to see, really, and the only reason he didn’t was because they met in Siberia and there was no reason (at first) for him to see Andy’s naked back in Siberia.
Booker doesn’t even understand how she could’ve survived a wound like that. It’s at least six inches running down her spine, between her shoulder blades. It had to have happened before she died. It should’ve killed her.
Andy doesn’t mention it. She never mentions it, and the one time Booker brings it up to Joe, he just shrugs. “Never said,” Joe says, and they leave it at that.
They’re in bed. Booker’s still panting. Andy’s lying on her stomach next to him, annoyingly smug, and before Booker can overthink it, he leans over and presses a kiss to the back of her neck, and then kisses his way down, down between her shoulder blades, down along the line of the scar.
Andy tenses and he immediately stops. “Boss?”
“It’s fine,” she says, but she’s still tense, and he sits back.
“How’d you survive that?”
“Nearly didn’t,” she says.
Booker waits.
“It was the first time my mother tried to kill me,” Andy says finally. “I thought it was an accident, and then she succeeded.”
“And you came back.”
“And I came back.”
Booker leans over slowly and presses a kiss to the scar again. He feels Andy shiver underneath him. “Glad you survived,” he said. “And I’m glad you came back.”
send a kiss
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myriadimagines · 3 years
Hi Sam! Could I request a drabble with Booker from The Old Guard using the prompts “Did I just see you smile?” and “I love it when you laugh.”
Characters: Reader x Sebastien ‘Booker’ le Livre
Warnings: alcohol
Prompt: 08. “Did I just see you smile?” & 61. “I love it when you laugh.”
Word Count: 498
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The visit was unexpected. The rest of the members of the Old Guard are scattered, living their lives all around the planet until their next assignment would inevitably bring them together. So the knock at his door puts him on edge — most things do nowadays. The routine is simple, no response, no noise, reach for his gun. He doesn’t even have time to reach for the gun before your voice calls out on the other side of the door, “It’s me, Booker.”
He lets out a sigh, almost irritated, and lets his hand fall to his side. He pulls open the door and comes face to face with you, lifting up a bottle of wine as an offering. 
“I thought you were in Vietnam.” Booker remarks, leaning up against the doorframe, and you shrug.
“Got bored.” you laugh, and Booker shakes his head as he steps aside to let you in. Booker doesn’t know how you have the energy for it, constantly moving around, while he spends most days holed up in his apartment, trying to live day to day grasping at some sense of normalcy. You glance around his apartment, nodding as you pipe up, “Looks nice. Different from last time.”
“I’ve been getting into interior design.” Booker deadpans, strolling to his kitchen. You snort with laughter as you sit down on his couch, and Booker tries to hide his smile in the cabinets as he pulls out two wine glasses and his wine opener. He’s still smiling as he turns around, and your own smile seems to widen at the sight of him. You know most days are hard for Booker, and seeing him smiling, seeing him happy is enough to lift your own spirits.
“Did I just see you smile?” you tease as Booker approaches you, and you hand the bottle to Booker as he sets the glasses down. He shakes his head at you, trying to avoid eye contact as he focuses on the bottle. You’re still looking up at him as he pops out the cork, and he leans down to pour the both of you a glass.
There’s a quietness that fills the apartment as the wine sloshes into the glasses, Booker focuses on how the liquid twirls around the cups. Finally, he quietly confesses, “I love it when you laugh.”
Your heart skips a beat, but you’re almost not surprised at this revelation. For as long as you’ve known Booker, you’ve felt like the two of you have danced around unspoken feelings, of teasing flirting that always feels like a facade for something deeper. Booker still can’t meet your gaze as he sets the bottle down, his own heart racing as he’s afraid to see your reaction. 
You suddenly leap up from the couch, and before Booker can react, he feels your hands around his face, pulling him towards you as you press your lips against his in a long awaited kiss. And Booker doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back. 
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cinebration · 3 years
Written in DNA (Booker x Reader) [Epilogue]
You tie up loose ends.
Ahhhh! This epilogue is, like, twice the size of other chapters. I should’ve broken it into two, but I figured you all wanted to get to the end!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Epilogue
Tagged: @lucy-sky​, @city-of-weird​, @all-the-right-regrets, @alannister-always-pays-her-debts​, @fleetwoodsmacabitch​
Warnings: violence
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Gif Source: captaindelafere
General Howzer looked too thin to be a military man at his age, but what people mistook for smallness was all lean muscle, as tough as a coffin nail. His hair had gone gray despite his age, but it gave him a steeled look that he didn’t mind. It added to the ferocity of his blue eyes.
With Specimen 049 back in the compound, he let himself breathe easy for a moment. Her absence had been a source of great distress for him—a fact his jaw still attested to, aching from all the grinding he had inflicted on it.
But there was still the trouble of how Specimen 049 had escaped.
It kept him up at night. How had she contacted the outside? How had she arranged the help? They had scoured her quarters after the breakout, searching for anything that indicated how she had reached beyond her concrete room. Having found nothing, Howzer had to admit it hadn’t had anything to do with Specimen 049. Someone else had come for her on their own initiative.
Howzer considered shutting down the program. Specimen 049 had been one of a few successful experiments—perhaps the best, because she had never resisted, had never fled.
Until that one day.
She may not have orchestrated the escape, but she had flown the coop all the same when the opportunity arrived. She had obliterated his best team when he sent them after her.
Perhaps the experiments were ultimately a failure. Everything had worked but for the ability to suppress or remove the flight instinct, the need to escape prison. If even Specimen 049, his model subject, had shucked her chains, then there was no hope.
Chaos erupted outside the compound, alarms blaring, but Howzer didn’t question it, too consumed by his problem. Whoever was assaulting the base had no hope of success, besides.
The doorknob of his office turned. He glanced at it in irritation. “Private, I ordered you—”
He froze as you stepped into the room, followed by the man he recognized as your liberator from the week before.
“Specimen oh-four-nine.”
“General Howzer,” you said, your voice crisp, without inflection. “I’m glad you decided to work late tonight.”
You moved forward, crossing the room in three quick strides. Howzer reached for the gun in his desk drawer. Your hand clamped down on his wrist, snapped it. Pain exploded up his arm. The gun clattered to the floor as he hissed, cradling his wrist.
You gestured to the other man. Nodding, he handed you his pistol and circled around the desk, pulling the keyboard of Howzer’s computer toward him.
“What are you doing?” Howzer growled.
He watched in mounting horror as the man located the program files. He went into Specimen 049’s folder, deleted it, and then backed out. He hesitated, then deleted everything related to the program before purging them from the hard drive.
“You can’t just erase everything,” Howzer sneered. “We’ll just recreate it all.”
You shook your head, yanked him to his feet. “We’ll see.” Turning to the other man, you ordered, “Finish here.”
You paused, pulled open another drawer of Howzer’s desk. A bottle of scotch lay at the bottom, a quarter of it gone. Taking it, you pushed Howzer toward the door.
“What happened? You were my best results.”
You remained quiet, shoving him through the door and down the hallway. The chaos of the explosion had drawn everyone to the front of the compound. You led Howzer away to the back, then through a steel door.
The cold night air hit Howzer like knives. He shivered despite himself, the pain in his wrist flaring. Fear pushed at him, but he shoved it down. He was General Benjamin Howzer, and damned would he be if he let some young upstart intimidate him.
“Your car,” you demanded.
He pointed to a brown sedan nestled beside an SUV. Fishing in his pocket for keys, you clicked the button. The car’s lights flashed.
“I expected you to lie.”
“Good. That’s what we trained you to do.”
Howzer was already planning his escape. The car was home turf for him. He knew the way the wheel jerked to the right when he hit pot holes and how quick it would take to slam the seat back against you. He knew the passenger seatbelt was loose and fraying, unreliable.
He would walk away.
You shoved him into the driver’s seat, got into the passenger seat. Howzer settled in behind the wheel, trying to anticipate your moves.
You handed him the liquor bottle. “Drink.”
“Don’t make me make you.”
He stared you down. “Make me.”
Starbursts exploded in his vision as you seized his face, jamming the bottle against his lips. He felt a tooth crack, blood mingling with the burning scotch. He choked, unable to swallow so much so fast, but you were forcing the bottle further past his lips, down into the back of his throat.
Then it was gone. He gasped, lungs and throat burning, lips pouring blood. “You fucking bitch!”
“I am what you made me. Now drive.”
Fear tried again, more successful this time in making him afraid. “Where?”
You gestured to the street leading to the highway.
There was still an opportunity to escape. Howzer tried to formulate it in his mind as he started the sedan and worked his way to the freeway. He slowly put on his seatbelt.
You didn’t do the same.
Even better, he thought.
Howzer’s foot pressed down on the gas, pushing the speedometer past eighty, then ninety. You watched dispassionately.
Fear wrapped around his guts.
“When this is over, I’m going to get your boyfriend, too,” he snarled. “You’ve damned him in all of this.”
He eyed the crop of woods looming up ahead alongside the highway.
“You won’t get the chance.”
Howzer’s seatbelt suddenly went slack. He glanced down, saw your hand retreat from the release button.
He had planned to swerve into a tree, but seeing the seatbelt made him hesitate. He shot a glance at you.
“Nice try,” you whispered, and yanked the steering wheel beneath his hands.
Booker drove the car down the long stretch of road, searching for you. He found the wreckage of Howzer’s sedan, the crumpled body of Howzer himself wrapped around the tree.
No sign of you.
Trying not to worry—had someone else grabbed you first?—Booker drove further down, searching the woods.
At last, he glimpsed something gray in the distance. As he drew near, it resolved into you, wandering slowly down the asphalt. He pulled to a stop beside you.
You slipped into the passenger seat. A dark bruise was forming on your arms and forehead. Booker gestured to them. You frowned in confusion. He reached over and gently brushed the back of a finger across your arm. It sent a prickle up his hand.
“Dashboard,” you murmured, watching his finger.
Pulling away slowly, Booker refocused on the road. An SUV was approaching from the opposite direction. The headlights flashed.
“They came to help?”
The surprise in your voice matched Booker’s own. “Yes.”
“See? Family comes through.”
Chest constricting, Booker rolled to a stop beside the SUV. Andy stuck her head out of the driver’s window. “Everything good?”
Booker gave her a thumbs up. He could see the others crowding at the windows, peering at him and at you through the windshield.
“There’s a place not far from here,” Andy continued. “To crash for the night.”
Booker shifted uncomfortably and glanced at you. “Whatever you want,” you told him.
“Okay,” he answered Andy.
He followed the immortals to the safe house. The car ride passed in silence, you staring out the window. He wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything. He felt uncomfortable, hyperaware of your presence—the way you were breathing, your reflection in the window.
At last, he asked, “Why did Howzer call you Specimen oh-four-nine?”
“That was my number.”
He recalled you telling him to call you “Spec” if he wanted a name back when he first met. Clearing his throat, he said, “My real name is Sebastien.”
He felt your eyes on him before you quietly gave him yours. He repeated it over and over in his mind, guarding it like some precious piece of you.
Pulling up to the safe house, Booker was surprised to discover it was actually a two-storey house. There were enough rooms for everyone to sleep on their own.
You trudged up the stairs and into the bathroom, the shower turning on moments later. Booker and the others stayed downstairs, infected by your silence.
Andy offered Booker a bottle. He reached for it, hesitated, shook his head. Arching an eyebrow, she pulled from it herself.
Booker kept an ear toward the shower, listening to the shower splash differently as you moved. The others watched him, exchanging glances with each other.
Nile broke the silence. “Will she be okay?”
Booker frowned. “What do you mean?”
“She doesn’t have a mission. Isn’t that what she was trained to do? Always follow a mission? I mean, she was doing that when she brought you to Quynh, wasn’t she?”
The shower turned off. Booker heard you cross softly across the floor.
“She’s free,” he murmured, “and she’s strong.”
“What about you?”
The question shook him. What about him? He hadn’t thought about it since he returned to the States to break you out.
Overhead, he heard a door shut quietly, a mattress squeak.
“I’m going to help her, if she’ll have me,” he answered.
Despite his exhaustion, Booker didn’t sleep that night. He rose early and made breakfast for everyone, including himself, after venturing into town to buy groceries.
You were the first to descend the stairs. Sunlight had yet to dispel the early morning darkness. Booker snapped to attention as you approached him. You looked rested, perhaps more so than he had ever seen you. Something about the softness of lingering sleep on your face made Booker’s heart trip.
“Hey,” you answered. Sitting at the table, you dug gratefully into the plate of food: eggs, oatmeal, bacon, toast. Booker had given you a triple portion, remembering the last time you had scarfed food down.
“I was thinking,” you began, then hesitated. Jabbing at the bacon with your fork, you asked, “Did you do the other thing I asked you to?”
Booker nodded and fished the flash drive out of his pocket. He had palmed it into a USB port on Howzer’s computer, pretending to delete the files when instead he had transferred them over. You took it from him with a delicate touch, as though afraid to break it.
“Do you think there are any left?”
Booker’s chest ached at the sound of your voice cracking. “I saw a lot of names.”
“But are they alive? No, don’t tell me. I’ll find out.” You pocketed the flash drive and resumed eating. “So, what’s the deal with you and the others?”
“I still have ninety-nine years.”
You frowned. “I’m sorry. What will you do?”
He sat down across from you, not quite meeting your gaze. “I was hoping…you wouldn’t mind having me around.”
The fork paused halfway to your mouth. You gaped at him, jaw slack. He would have laughed if not for his anxiety over your answer.
Lowering the fork, you cleared your throat. “No…”
Booker felt like bricks had hit him over the head. He glanced away, stared down at his hands. What had he expected? That you might think of him as more than anything than the guy who had been part of a mission?
“I wouldn’t mind.”
He jerked his head back up. You met his gaze levelly, a tentative smile on your lips. Relief coursed through him, better than anything he could think of. Raking a hand over the back of his neck, he struggled to fight the grin pulling at his mouth.
“If I catch you drinking, I will shank you with the bottle,” you told him.
“I believe you.”
“Good. Now, where do you think we should start?”
“Here,” he answered, and he leaned forward to kiss you.
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victoria-daydreams · 4 years
Is it too early to ask people to write imagines for The Old Guard?
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Our favorite traitorous boy could use an imaginary companion right about now.
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3/50 Wordless Ways to Say I Love You
“Traveling long distances just to see them”
Booker/Sebastien La Livre x reader
Word Count: 709
The downside of living forever, you’d learned, was the cabin fever that took hold whenever you tried to stay in one place for too long. Well, that was the biggest downside for you, anyway. You were a child of the American Old West in that way. Too many nights sleeping next to your horse under the stars on the way to your next adventure, you supposed.
Unfortunately, that meant that you just weren’t built to linger anywhere. Your fellow immortals seemed to understand your wandering habits, though, and paired those habits nicely with their own. You all came together and drifted apart as often as the tides changed. The only two that stayed together were Joe and Nicky because they simply couldn’t bear the thought of being separated. Ever since the death(?) of her friend--lover, everyone knew, even if she never confirmed it) Andy refused to be pinned down, choosing to wander from place to place rather than getting attached to anyone.
Booker, though, was a bit of a different story. He obviously would have preferred to stay by your side, but he understood your need for space at times.
Hilariously, it’d been him, Sebastien Le Livre, that’d been the one to kill you that first time. A shootout gone awry down in New Orleans the first time you’d ever ventured that far away from your usual stomping grounds of the open plains as an outlaw. Needless to say, he’d been just as gobsmacked as you when one moment, he was holding your corpse and apologizing profusely for his carelessness getting (what he thought) was an innocent killed, and the next you were gasping for air in the horrible transition from mortal to immortal. 
Oddly, you’d bonded quite quickly after that.
Both of you hesitated to say it, but you’d even fallen into something akin to love. You’d spent countless long nights next to a campfire outside of whatever town was nearest just talking while waiting for the other immortals--his friends--to arrive to meet you. It wasn’t every day someone simply refused to die, after all.
For a while after that, the two of you were almost as inseparable as Nicky and Joe.
Then one night you mentioned that you felt suffocated, sleeping in the same city every night. You wanted to explore with just a horse and what you could carry again. Cause some mischief for local law enforcement and have some fun.
He said he’d felt it coming. Something about the way you’d kept staring longingly at the stars, he claimed.
Your response was a teasing jab about him being a romantic because he was French.
Booker only rolled his eyes and grabbed a wrapped parcel from under his side of the bed. A gift, he claimed, so you wouldn’t forget about him.
Over a hundred years later, you still had that handsome leather bag strapped to your back as you climbed the steps of the hotel that’d been there since your first death. The same steps you’d died on that first time. The building had been remodeled to the point of being unrecognizable, but it was still there all the same. Just like you.
“Reservation for Le Livre,” you told the clerk at the front desk.
“Sorry, Miss, that room has already been checked out,” a familiarly-accented voice saide beside you.
Grinning, you turned to look at the man that you still loved dearly despite your time apart. “Sebastien!”
In a moment, you were scooped up into a tight hug. “I have missed you, mon cher,” he breathed next to your ear.
When you leaned back, you were still smiling at him. “Well, I didn’t come all this way just to hug in the lobby. I believe you owe me dinner, Frenchy.”
“Why do I have to pay?” he asked in mock-offense. “It’s the twenty-first century; the man doesn’t have to pay every time.”
“It’s your turn, because I paid back in ‘64. Remember? Paris?”
“We’ve been together since then! And I paid then, too!”
“Shh,” you pressed a finger to his lips. “You’re too cute to worry about that sort of thing.”
“What?!” He was laughing in that way that lit up his entire face. 
“Don’t worry about it! Just get us some food, mister!”
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bonesofapoet · 4 years
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Funeral for a Ghost
[booker x you]
author’s note: let’s be real, we all saw this coming. i’ve abandoned this one so many times the last few months, but it think its finally ready for Outside Attention?? anyway, hope yall dont hate it and i write for the old guard now!! blood mention, implied death
word count:  1111
ao3: ladyofstardvst (apparently tumblr doesnt like links anymore rip)
You never wanted to be immortal.
And you weren’t, not really. Some days it would feel as if you’ve lived thousands of lives, an eternity’s worth of memories living inside your head. Locked away where no one could see them, where no one would hear them. They would never see the light of day, not from you, because they were not your stories to tell.
It happened after the accident, of course, because there’s always an accident.
He convinced himself this was the right thing, the safest thing – this newfound distance he insisted upon. There were protocols in place for this exact reason, but it had already been a handful of years since the beginning of his exile. Did he really want to spend the rest of it truly alone? Booker knew the answer to that, knew why he rarely let anyone know him, in the ways that mattered, the ways that were sure to steal his heart some day down the line -
You. . . you already had his heart. Every last cell belonged to you, something he didn’t even know until you were gone, until all he had left were empty bottles in an empty apartment that missed your laugh, missed your smile just as much as he.
He could never stop the flashes that haunted him when he closed his eyes. He could never be rid of the memories that made his chest tighten with regret every time he thought of you. Illuminated by starlight. Eyes glued to the pages of his favorite novels. With a smile so wide as you found cover from a rainstorm, already soaked to the bone with eyes alight like you were the lucky one. When you looked at him like he was Helios incarnate all golden and celestial and true.
It was becoming too much, he thought, this history repeating itself.
There was a knock on the door late one afternoon, when the sun began it’s dramatic descent in the west. Deep golden light gilded the world outside his small apartment, ricocheting off glass and steel to blind wandering eyes with that fine line of beauty and pain. It was deepening from blue to violet, smears of burnt orange and vermilion painted against the contrast with vibrant brush strokes that could stop hearts.
Booker froze, gun in hand, until he knew it was you standing in the hallway. He didn’t open the door.
“If I have to wait on these stairs until you break down and leave for more booze, you know I’ll do it.” The shifting shadows under the door gave him away. You heard curses, metal discarded on a table. The door opened, and Booker stood on the other side.
A beat of silence, a moment of eyes staring anywhere other than meeting. Your heart in your throat, his own threatening to stop beating all together. Then, “Can I come in?”
He stepped aside, not trusting words to be anything other than kind, anything other than what he longed to say after the day you watched wounds heal faster than they should have. After you asked questions – naturally – when you were still bleeding and he was not.
Instead, eyes followed as you slid onto the edge of the kitchen table, the last golden rays of the evening clung to you like you commanded them. Like they would follow you anywhere you asked, do anything you wished.
He shook his head, tried to dislodge the thought that had come so easily, because he too, would do the very same if he had the option.
“I’ve been thinking.”
“I’ll bet you have,” he said, unable to hide the beginnings of a smile. It was one you returned all too easily without a second thought.
God, you missed him.
“The world is full of strange things, Book.” your face turned from the window to Booker, his expression perfectly indifferent, perfect trained to give away nothing.
You knew him better than that. It’s why you were there, after all.
“At this point. . . none of it means anything, not anymore. Everyone has their fair share of shit, but I think we owe it to ourselves to keep the good as long as we can. And whatever this,” you gestured towards him. “– it’s not – nothing is ideal, you know. Nothing.” your gaze turned back to the window, back to the safety of the world darkening beyond the glass. “And if you don’t want to tell me anything, then okay.”
That doesn’t mean you have to discard me from your life, you said next, voice quiet in the room grown heavy, filling slowly with a sort of longing you thought only real in stories. This relationship was poised to take one last step off a cliff before tumbling down, down, down to collide with the rocks below.
But Booker took a step towards something familiar, towards someone who may understand, in their own way, because he knew you were keeping secrets of your own.
When your eyes found his, he was in front of you, radiant as the burnished golden light disappeared. Helios had returned to you, if only for another moment of your time. There were no accusations from you, no ill will, no hate in the eyes that met his. It seemed effortless, even after everything he’d invited into your life.
But there was never hate.
He spoke your name the way a sinner pleaded in prayer, and your resolve began to crumble stone by stone. The desire to pull him closer was like a dagger in your chest, twisting, twisting, twisting.
Fingertips brushed up your cheek, down your jaw. Breath hitched, eyes fluttered closed. You leaned into his touch without hesitation, without question. He knew you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t truly want to try, weren’t truly open to anything. He knew you well enough.
Booker closed his eyes.
This wasn’t a dream.
He felt himself careen over the edge of that cliff.
Andy’s voice rose in his ears as the rocks grew closer. We can control how we live. And to be honest, Book – you and I? We’ve been doing a shit job of it. Now get up.
Would you be there to pull him to his feet?
He started small, then grew bolder. The things he had been hiding, things he wanted to whisper in your ear amidst the dark of the night, the blue hour of morning, every answer he could give. It wasn’t his secret to tell entirely, but he kept the damning aspects to himself.
There would never come a day when he could lay himself bare at your feet.
And now, there was no going back.
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luminarai · 3 years
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andy, 15 mins earlier seeing this sign at a construction site: booker we need to steal that sign, I just had the funniest fucking idea
(just thinking about that one cast interview where they revealed marwan fucked up the most action scenes)
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Discoveries while grocery shopping are the best discoveries.
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+ Bonus Booker
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(btw I’m not crazy this toilet paper exists at least here in Italy and I may have bought it thinking I’m the most hilarous person in the world)
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stark-park · 3 years
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The Old Guard
Believer - Imagine Dragons
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
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requested by anon || GIF IS NOT MINE || TAG LIST IS OPEN || A/N: the gif indicates a female reader but the rest of the imagine is written gender neutral. hope you like it, love 💖
They had always been very protective of you. Not because you couldn't defend yourself, in fact, you were quite extraordinary in a fight. But when you had died for the first time, you were young. Very young. And so, you hadn't aged more since then. Even Booker, who was a couple of hundred years younger than you, treated you like a little sibling. And honestly, you couldn't say you didn't like that.
Now, with the church's safe house almost completely destroyed and you gone, taken, they all felt worry fill the entirety of their bodies. They thought about those people hurting you, torturing you for what you were. They needed to stop them. Fast.
"We're going after them" Andy said in a fierce, angered tone. She loaded a gun and placed it behind her back with two single movements that exhaled rage. She looked at Nicky, who had his face turned to the ground and his jaw clenched, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're getting (Y/N) back"
"If they hurt—" Booker interrupted himself in the middle of the sentence, sucking in a deep breath as he angrily kicked a broken wooden bench of the church.
"Don't" Joe let out a heavy sight, referring to what Booker had just began to say. The idea terrified him.
"Come on, guys" Nile looked at all of them, also sighting. She had known you for just a bit, but as she looked at the others, she saw how much they loved you. How much they all needed you around. "Let's do this"
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mearchy · 4 years
i’m sure we’ve talked about this but i still find it hilarious that copley has probably spent so long building up this image of the old guard as these immortal warriors, basically gods, totally untouchable. 
then he works for them for years and sees that like, nicky spills soup on his shirt every single time he eats soup and will not stop acting like an old italian grandpa who is concerned about everyone not eating enough and keeps trying to wrap people in blankets (”are you cold? its cold. have another sweater.”); joe cries over every single cliché romance movie ending even when he’s seen the movie before and also gets teary-eyed over pictures of baby animals and sometimes will just like, stop and stare at a leaf for a long time bc he thinks it’s pretty; andromache the scythian does not understand a single goddamn thing about electronics, thinks every button is an on/off button, regularly gets into screaming matches with ordinary household appliances, and also eats an amount of sugar that someone would expect of a five year old with an infinite budget set loose in a candy aisle; booker is.... yeah; and nile is literally a 26 (?) year old kid with huge balls who knows just about as much as copley about the whole thing. 
i j wonder just how long (or not long) it would take for him to be like. oh. oh. so they’re just... ok. 
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myriadimagines · 3 years
Hey Sam! Congrats again for your milestone! You deserve every follower so much! I love you! 💖 May I request a drabble for Sebastian le Livre with the prompt “Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”? Thank you so much Sam!! 💕💕💕
Characters: Reader x Sebastien ‘Booker’ le Livre
Warnings: alcohol
Prompt: 31. “Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”
Word Count: 376
A/N: réka i appreciate u for indulging my booker crush LMFAO but thank u so so much and ily too!!! i hope u like it 💗
want to request a drabble? Read this post!
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Booker feels more surprised than he thinks he should be when he opens the door to his apartment to find you standing outside. He leans up against the doorframe, eyebrows raised in a questioning manner, and you shrug, “I figured you might want some company.”
Booker looks up and down the hallway, noting that you’re by yourself. You can smell the alcohol on his breath as he asks, “I thought we weren’t allowed to meet for one hundred years.” 
Your breath hitches. You shoot Booker a knowing look, and he half smiles in response. He steps aside, letting you into the apartment. It’s a mess, bottles strewn across the table and floor, but you step over them. You’re not here to make judgements, you’re here to check in on Booker in his exile. Of course he’d be trying to cope in any way he can. You would be, too.
“I take it the others don’t know you’re here.” Booker remarks, sitting down on the couch, and he makes room for you to sit beside him. You shake your head, and Booker avoids eye contact as he asks, “You’re not mad at me?”
Your gaze falls to your hands, and you clutch them in your lap. ��Of course I’m mad. But you know I can’t be apart from you for that long.” 
Booked gulps, nodding. He looks up in surprise as you suddenly extend your hand, reaching for his. You give it a squeeze, and Booker meets your gaze as he says, “Andy told me you were going to let me off with no punishment. It seems like everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”
You shift a little closer to Booker, and Booker finds himself intertwining his fingers with yours as you tell him, “Because I know you’re not a bad person. And I will never give up on you.” 
Booker stares at you, the gravity of your words sinking in. He knows he’s drunk, but he also knows that even if he wasn’t his feelings for you would still be present. Unable to ignore the tension any longer, he leans towards you, kissing you, because with you, he feels like he’s not as much of a lost cause as he thinks he is.
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cinebration · 3 years
Written in DNA (Booker x Reader) [Part 11]
Booker and the immortals implement your plan to capture Quynh.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Epilogue
Tagged: @lucy-sky​, @city-of-weird​, @all-the-right-regrets, @alannister-always-pays-her-debts​, @fleetwoodsmacabitch​
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: boydswan
Booker thrummed with tension as he drove back to the airfield. Waves of pain pounded in his skull, his neck and upper back a riot of knots. He glanced up in the rearview mirror, his hands clutching the steering wheel.
You and Andy sat in the backseat. Andy brooded, her face haunted. You sat unnaturally still, scanning the surrounding the area with just your eyes as Booker approached the tarmac.
It should work, the plan. Booker told himself as much, but he didn’t truly believe it. Maybe it was the migraine or the brutal streak of bad luck he was accustomed to, but he didn’t feel right, like an axe hung over his head, waiting to drop. He recalled the sound of the guillotines, the swish-thunk of the blade and the softer thud of a head falling off a body.
Focus, he snarled at himself, guiding the car down the stretch that led to the FBO hanger.
Early morning light had begun to crest the horizon, but the dark still reigned over the airfield. Booker slipped the car between pools of light cast by runway lights and eased to a stop in front of the hanger.
You were already out, dragging Andy along beside you, before he took his hands off the steering wheel. He scrambled out after you, struggling a moment with his seatbelt.
“I’ve brought her,” you shouted into the dark, your voice echoing in the hanger. “Now what?”
Quynh materialized out of a shadow in the hanger, striding forward with a hungry look on her face, eyes sharp even in the semi-dark. Booker stopped a few feet to your left, the gun in his waistband pressing hard against his lower back.
“Quynh,” Andy breathed. The surprise in her voice was genuine, the grief in it heart-wrenching.
“Andromache,” Quynh purred. “How nice to see you again in the flesh.”
Andy pulled against you, but you held her firmly in place. Her hands were bound loosely behind her back, giving her enough slack to slip the knot when the time came.
“How did you get out? Who found you?” Andy’s voice cracked.
“My saviors are not important. What matters is that you are here.”
“I tried finding you. I spent years—”
“No.” Quynh’s voice snapped in the early morning air. “I do not want to hear your lies. You left me.”
“I couldn’t find you—”
Quynh stepped forward and cracked Andy across the face. The slap reverberated through the air. You held Andy up, keeping her from pitching forward. The immortal raised her head. Licking at the blood welling from a split in her lip, she tried to meet Quynh’s gaze.
“Why are you not healing?” Quynh asked. She stepped forward, jerked Andy’s chin higher. “What is this?”
“Andy has lost it,” Booker mumbled.
Fury spasmed Quynh’s face. She shoved Andy away, staggered back a few steps. “No! Why!?”
Booker glanced behind her at the shadows in the hanger. They had begun to move, detaching themselves from the far walls. Joe and Nicky moved forward on soft feet, angling toward Quynh. Somewhere behind the hanger, Nile waited with their getaway vehicle.
“Fate would,” Quynh snarled to herself. “I wanted you to experience my pain, but now you cannot. Not without dying.” The rage in her face died, replaced with something cold, dead. “I can still find a way to make you suffer.”
Andy slipped the knot. She lunged forward as Joe and Nicky closed in behind her. Quynh snarled as the three immortals converged on her. She landed an elbow in Joe’s throat, a kick to Nicky’s thigh. Her hands raked at Andy’s face.
Then she was sobbing, thrashing against Andy’s chest as the woman held her tight, whispering, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Quynh’s anguished wails rang through the hanger, drowning out Andy’s voice.
Booker turned away, unable to stomach it. The grief drove daggers through his heart, reminding him of the rage of his distraught son.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. Glancing up, he met your kind gaze. “What now?” you asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Your favorite words,” you laughed.
He risked a glance in the other immortals’ direction. They had gathered around Quynh, trying to soothe her while restraining her.
Chest constricting, he exhaled shakily only to frown. Nile hurried toward them, her gun drawn at her side. “What is it?”
“There’s a convoy setting up a perimeter,” she announced.
“General Howzer,” you whispered.
“I called him,” Quynh muttered. “I only wanted to borrow you.”
Your expression didn’t change, but Booker felt the anger in you.
“Who?” Nile asked.
“You need to get out. All of you. Cut across the field and jack a car before the perimeter closes.”
Booker recognized the edge in your voice. He stepped up to you, dropping his own. “What about you?”
“I told you.” You met his gaze. “He’ll just keep sending them.”
Something dislodged within Booker. “No, you can’t give yourself up.”
“It will buy you time. You can’t let him get his hands on any of you.”
Andy and the others were already moving across the tarmac, heading for the field lining the landing strip. Booker could hear the cars slowing to a stop, boots hitting the ground. In the distance, a chopper approached.
“Go,” you hissed, shoving him away.
“Don’t make me make you.”
A hand closed around Booker’s elbow. Nile appeared beside him, tugging on him. “Come on.”
Booker glanced back at you, but you were already across the airstrip, firing your gun into the air. He followed Nile into the unkempt grass, trying to keep his eyes on you.
The chopper’s searchlight clicked on, bathing you in white. Men poured in from around the trees, screaming at you to put the gun down. You went down to your knees.
“Come on,” Nile insisted, yanking on Booker.
“We have to do something,” he said. “She can’t go back. She can’t.”
Nicky seized Booker by the waistband and yanked him across the field. A gunshot cracked the air.
Booker jerked back to see you collapse.
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years
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I’m sorry but the implication that the mercs should have scrubbed Booker’s bloody and mangled body from the armchair and taking him to the lab... It’s absolutely sending me
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