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watchilove · 7 months ago
Oris x LFP Divers Sixty-Five Limited Edition
Oris, France’s Ligue de Football Professionnel and the French association of children’s charities CNAPE team up on a joyful watch created to bring Change for the Better – Oris x LFP Divers Sixty-Five Limited Edition . Continue reading Oris x LFP Divers Sixty-Five Limited Edition
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thehungrychef · 2 years ago
"DishKarte" Cookbook by Chef Tatung Sarthou
Chef Tatung Sarthou, celebrity chef, restaurateur, and award-winning book author, says “Dishkarte was written to bridge the skill gap of home cooks to satisfy the discriminating tastes of people who frequent restaurants when served with home-cooked dishes. It is also written for non-English speakers by providing technical and practical know-how in the kitchen to function in a home or even…
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mondomoderno1 · 1 month ago
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El Palacio Municipal del Partido de Mar Chiquita fue proyectado por el estudio Francisco Marseillán, uno de los más prolíficos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, solo superado en número de obras por Francisco Salamone. Su diseño estuvo a cargo del ingeniero Guillermo Martín, quien también fue responsable de muchas otras construcciones en la región.
En la década de 1930, el Municipio vivió una transformación edilicia que definió su centro cívico. En 1936, el gobernador Manuel Fresco impulsó un plan de obras públicas, otorgando a la municipalidad un subsidio de $200.000 para la construcción del Palacio Municipal en Coronel Vidal, la Delegación de General Pirán, el Estadio Municipal y la Usina Popular Arbolito.
El 31 de diciembre de 1936, el Concejo Deliberante aprobó la contratación de Martín para el diseño y dirección técnica de las obras, en el marco de la Ley 4017, que permitía a los municipios gestionar sus propias construcciones. En marzo de 1937, la provincia cedió el terreno para la nueva sede municipal.
En octubre de 1937, el diario La Nación informó sobre la aprobación de los planos y el llamado a licitación. La obra del Palacio Municipal, con un presupuesto de $150.000, fue adjudicada en noviembre a la empresa Hiram y Pedro Gualdoni, tras reducir su oferta a $179.956 para ajustarse al préstamo otorgado por la provincia.
La construcción comenzó en enero de 1938 con la demolición del edificio existente, seguida en febrero por las fundaciones del nuevo palacio. La obra finalizó a principios de 1939, con un costo total de $183.887,17, sin incluir los honorarios del Ing. Martín ni los gastos de supervisión técnica.
El edificio, proyectado con mampostería y hormigón armado, fue diseñado para albergar todas las dependencias municipales, incluyendo el Registro Civil, Juzgado de Paz y oficina de Valuación. Contaba con calefacción central por agua caliente, sistema de desagües adaptado al subsuelo local, iluminación moderna y red telefónica interna.
Si bien el edificio se inauguró a principios de 1939, recién en octubre se licitó la provisión de mobiliario, siendo adjudicada a Mir Chaubell y Cía.
Fuentes: Nicolao, Julieta; Araya, José María Julio; Ferrer, Eduardo Antonio; Zuccarino, Maximiliano; Sarthou, Nerina Fernanda; Loray Romina. HISTORIA DEL PARTIDO DE MAR CHIQUITA - Segunda Parte-. De 1865 a 1949 - 1º ed- Tandil: CEIPIL-UNICEN y Municipalidad de Mar Chiquita, 2019.
La Nación. (1937, 16 de octubre). Edificio Municipal de Cnel. Vidal.
Longoni, R. (s.f.). Gobernación Fresco: Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales (1936-40). El “Estudio del Ingeniero Civil Francisco Marseillán SRL”. Unidad de Investigación Nº 10, Instituto de Estudios del Hábitat, FAU/UNLP.
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upismediacenter · 10 months ago
Click and Vote: UPIS Conducts Online Elections for A.Y. 2024-2025
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UPIS COMELEC held online elections for Academic Year 2024-2025’s Pamunuan ng Kamag-Aral (PKA) and year-level organizations last May 6, 2024. The results were released the following day, May 7.
For PKA 3-6, Laurice Isabelle SM. Nunag was elected as President, Aidan Matheu Sarthou as Vice President, Precious Gift R. Dela Paz as Secretary, Alexa Kassidy N. Tan as Treasurer, Annika Ysabelle G. Miguel as Auditor, Chloe Bianca M. Usi as Business Manager, Joanne Elisa P. Panis as P.R.O., and Sabrina Elise SM. Nunag and Aufi M. Severos as Marshalls.
For PKA 7-10, Dean Alejandro D. Espinosa was elected as President, Indah Hannah T. Wadi as Vice President, Kathereen Joize Anthonette U. Papa as Secretary, Sean Ian Gabriel V. Uchi as Treasurer, Patrick Bantigue as Auditor, Reilly Clarence B. De Leon as Business Manager, Samantha Charlize Claire V. Aro as P.R.O., and Ma. Dañelle V. Magundayao and Julianne Calleigh E. Tancioco as Marshalls.
Due to the high heat index that resulted in the suspension of face-to-face classes, the elections, campaign, and Miting de Avance (MDA) were done online.
The candidates were given a chance to campaign and introduce themselves from April 24, 2024, until May 3, 2024. The MDA was held online via Zoom on May 3, where the candidates demonstrated their platforms, upcoming projects, and plans for the school year. The process of the voting was done remotely. Each grade level from Grades 3-6 and 7-9 was given a ballot link in their respective Homeroom Google Classrooms.
One project and campaign that the elected students are really looking forward to is the implementation of the Interschool Leadership Camp in collaboration with other schools. Incoming PKA President Dean Espinosa said, “We hope to give our future student leaders a taste of something new as we aspire to innovate certain traditions and customs of the annual Leadership Camp.”
There were many preparations made for the elections, especially by the candidates. Incoming PKA 3-6 President Laurice Nunag said that the process was not easy and a bit stressful, but despite the process, she knows that she chose to run for the position and still enjoyed it.
Mr. Espinosa also shared that the unexpected shift from face-to-face to online really made it challenging for them to campaign, saying, “We distributed [pub mats] through different social media platforms and even through Google Classrooms of our target voters, hoping to reach as many students as possible despite the limited mode.”
The partylist he was a part of, “Sulong!”, helped create online pub mats for their candidacy.
For the candidates, this year’s election was more challenging than usual because of the sudden and unexpected change in the mode of voting and campaigning. Incoming PKA 7-10 Vice President, Indah Wadi, shared that a face-to-face Miting de Avance was looked forward to, more so due to the campaigning being done online as a lot of students did not expect the remaining of the second semester to be online.
“Those unexpected situations, just like switching modes of meeting, is what made this year's election feel like a roller coaster,” Ms. Wadi added.
Incoming Vice President of PKA 3-6 Aidan Sarthou shared that the process of running for the elections involved well-prepared planning and having good ideas for their platforms. He said, “Good student leaders listen, talk nicely, work with others, and care about everyone's needs.”
Mr. Mark Joseph “MJ” Euste said, “The preparation for this year’s election is not different from last year; the only thing that was adjusted is the mode of the voting and the campaigns of the candidates.” Mr. Euste is one of the organizers of the elections and the adviser of the COMELEC, more commonly known as the Student Council outside of elections.
“Pero parang medyo na-foresee na namin ‘yun na online talaga so parang mayroon kami, for example yung sa Miting de Avance, may plan A na kami which is conduct face-to-face pero at the back of my mind inisip ko na baka magkaroon na ng plan B which is to conduct everything else online,” Mr. Euste added.
Mr. Euste also said that, despite the changes that came their way, COMELEC still managed to have a plan with the help of the Grade 12 class Events Management. They hosted the Zoom meetings, made the guidelines for the questions and answers, and made the publication materials, slides, and presentations for the candidates.
According to the incoming PKA officers, they aim to help improve the school into a better place and to inspire others to be better students. They look forward to overcoming any issues that will come their way and to giving something new that will both inspire them and the UPIS community.
//by Faye Obaña
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characterdesignreferences · 2 years ago
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Art by Maxime Sarthou
May’s Theme: #SuperMarioBros
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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mondomoderno · 1 month ago
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El Palacio Municipal del Partido de Mar Chiquita fue proyectado por el estudio Francisco Marseillán, uno de los más prolíficos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, solo superado en número de obras por Francisco Salamone. Su diseño estuvo a cargo del ingeniero Guillermo Martín, quien también fue responsable de muchas otras construcciones en la región.
En la década de 1930, el Municipio vivió una transformación edilicia que definió su centro cívico. En 1936, el gobernador Manuel Fresco impulsó un plan de obras públicas, otorgando a la municipalidad un subsidio de $200.000 para la construcción del Palacio Municipal en Coronel Vidal, la Delegación de General Pirán, el Estadio Municipal y la Usina Popular Arbolito.
El 31 de diciembre de 1936, el Concejo Deliberante aprobó la contratación de Martín para el diseño y dirección técnica de las obras, en el marco de la Ley 4017, que permitía a los municipios gestionar sus propias construcciones. En marzo de 1937, la provincia cedió el terreno para la nueva sede municipal.
En octubre de 1937, el diario La Nación informó sobre la aprobación de los planos y el llamado a licitación. La obra del Palacio Municipal, con un presupuesto de $150.000, fue adjudicada en noviembre a la empresa Hiram y Pedro Gualdoni, tras reducir su oferta a $179.956 para ajustarse al préstamo otorgado por la provincia.
La construcción comenzó en enero de 1938 con la demolición del edificio existente, seguida en febrero por las fundaciones del nuevo palacio. La obra finalizó a principios de 1939, con un costo total de $183.887,17, sin incluir los honorarios del Ing. Martín ni los gastos de supervisión técnica.
El edificio, proyectado con mampostería y hormigón armado, fue diseñado para albergar todas las dependencias municipales, incluyendo el Registro Civil, Juzgado de Paz y oficina de Valuación. Contaba con calefacción central por agua caliente, sistema de desagües adaptado al subsuelo local, iluminación moderna y red telefónica interna.
Si bien el edificio se inauguró a principios de 1939, recién en octubre se licitó la provisión de mobiliario, siendo adjudicada a Mir Chaubell y Cía.
Nicolao, Julieta; Araya, José María Julio; Ferrer, Eduardo Antonio; Zuccarino, Maximiliano; Sarthou, Nerina Fernanda; Loray Romina. HISTORIA DEL PARTIDO DE MAR CHIQUITA - Segunda Parte-. De 1865 a 1949 - 1º ed- Tandil: CEIPIL-UNICEN y Municipalidad de Mar Chiquita, 2019.
La Nación. (1937, 16 de octubre). Edificio Municipal de Cnel. Vidal.
Longoni, R. (s.f.). Gobernación Fresco: Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales (1936-40). El “Estudio del Ingeniero Civil Francisco Marseillán SRL”. Unidad de Investigación Nº 10, Instituto de Estudios del Hábitat, FAU/UNLP.
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beingjellybeans · 3 months ago
3 Tips for Business Success from Chef Tatung
On a breezy November afternoon in BGC, the aroma of spices mingled with the hum of conversation at The Kitchen by Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Renowned chef, restaurateur, and content creator, Chef Tatung Sarthou, wasn’t just there to cook—he was there to inspire. As part of Sun Life’s Coffee & Play event, Chef Tatung served up more than just his signature peri-peri chicken and chicken macaroni. He…
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automundoarg · 3 months ago
Honda cierra el año en Argentina con récord de ventas y grandes lanzamientos para 2025
Honda Motor Argentina despidió el 2024 con un evento exclusivo en la Isla Sarthou, en Tigre, donde realizó un balance de sus tres unidades de negocio: motocicletas, automóviles y productos de fuerza. Durante el encuentro, la compañía destacó su liderazgo continuo en el mercado argentino, con importantes logros en producción, ventas y exportación. Además, se adelantaron las novedades clave para…
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michaeldoctama · 4 months ago
Living In The End Times | Pastor Ricky Sarthou
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markandmichaeltwinsvlog · 5 months ago
Truth Over Trends | Conquer Your Giants | Pastor Ricky Sarthou
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mysteriis-moon666 · 10 months ago
GRIST - Garden Of Aeolvs
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GRIST est un quatuor sombre et décadent composé de Julien « Nutz » Deyres (Chant), Nicolas Rigal (Guitares), Antoine « Pakrette » Perron (Basse) et Thomas « Blastum » Hennequin (Batterie), membres de Gorod, Fange, Merrimack, Ritualization, ayant réalisé un premier E.P « City Of Plight » en 2018.
Entre la lave sonique irascible et la violence froide d’une viande « Garden Of Aeolvs » via en France Source Atone Records et à l'international par Dies Irae Productions, c’est 23min39 de Grindcore en 11 titres pernicieux, souterrains à la profondeur à racler le tréfonds de l’humain. Pour faire un alliagfe disons que c’est Eyehategod dans un terril avec des bifurcations de styles entre sludge, doom, hardcore, black metal. L'album a été enregistré par Andrew Guillotin au Hybreed Studio (Forest in Blood, Merrimack, etc.), mixé par Etienne Sarthou (Karras, Deliverance) et masterisé par William Blackmon (This Gift Is A Curse, Whoresnation, etc.). En invités il y a A.K (Merrimack, Diaspiquir) et Le Syndicat Electronique, avec une cover du « The Deepest Hole » des Suédois deathgrind de Nasum.
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abrukstuff · 1 year ago
Algae Inc - Procura financiamento
A Game Brewers deu a conhecer a sua próxima campanha de financiamento: Algae Inc.  Algae Inc é um jogo da autoria de Julia Thiemann e Christoph Waage, ilustrado de forma magistral por Maxime Sarthou, para 1 a 4 jogadores com mais de 14 anos e uma duração aproximada de 120 minutos. Algae, Inc. é um eurogame de estratégia que combina resource management, tableau building, e multi-processing. Cada…
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juano500 · 1 year ago
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entomoblog · 1 year ago
Nouvelle clé des genres de Diptères Syrphidés d'Europe (en anglais)
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Dans le cadre du programme européen SPRING (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG), nous avons effectué une mise à jour et une traduction en anglais de la clé des genres des diptères Syrphidés publiée en 2021.
  Veronique Sarthou on LinkedIn, 30.11.2023
Consultante en agroécologie - Syrphydologue - SYRPHYS Agro-Environnement
  "SPRING vise à développer un ensemble de clés taxonomiques pour la formation et l'identification des pollinisateurs. Elles sont rendues publiques via un site Web dédié, l'Académie européenne des pollinisateurs (www.pollinatoracademy.eu). La Pollinator Academy vise à rendre ces clés disponibles dans d'autres langues européennes.
  Illustrated key to the hoverfly genera of Europe (Syrphidae and Microdontidae) https://zenodo.org/records/10160606
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marimelmayferrerocana · 2 years ago
My Mystique et Soleil Derma Soaps Family😘
See you there at Marikina City✈️✈️✈️
IT'S ON !!! We need a hit, so here I go !!!
PROMOTIONAL PHOTOSHOOT @ Greg N Sally Garden Cafe, Ipil St., Marikina City
HMUA| Lester Pineda
Hair Stylist| Joice Bravo
Beauty Assist| Nicole Maglalang Antonio
Nail Care| John Jockson Marcellano
Hair Care| Denever Magallanes Aguipo
Dental Care| E.S. Cariñosa Dental Clinic
Health and Fitness Care| EastCoast Gym
Photographer| Fashion Media Trends thru Sir Collin Sarthou Yap
Major Sponsor| Daycation Resort @ Tanauan, thru Madam Janis Krahenbill and Sir Clifton Lloyd Krahenbill
Hurry! You may also grab your order now!
Please click this link👇👇👇
CEO/Founder/Owner: Madam Martie Mdmb (Mrs. Philippines Global Beauty 2021)
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thehungrykat1 · 2 years ago
The Inaugural Manila Food and Wine Festival Kicks Off at The Westin Manila
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Inspired by the success of the Cebu Food and Wine Festival which held its third annual edition last June, Our Awesome Planet, Resto PH, and the Department of Tourism launched the inaugural Manila Food and Wine Festival last July 14, 2023 at the Grand Ballroom of The Westin Manila.
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The Hungry Kat was invited to join this annual event that will draw food and wine enthusiasts from across the country to celebrate the finest that Metro Manila and the NCR region has to offer. The two-week event will run from July 14 to 27, 2023 across several restaurants and hotels in Manila showcasing the exciting works of talented celebrity chefs, restaurateurs, and culinary icons.
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The inaugural Manila Food and Wine Festival is a gastronomic tourism celebration presented by the Department of Tourism that is also co-presented by Shangri-La Plaza, Discovery Primea, and Admiral Hotel Manila. Guests arrived at The Westin Manila Grand Ballroom for a night of exquisite food and wine selections from some of the country's best establishments.
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Joining the grand launch were special celebrity chefs, guest merchants and innovators from the food and beverage industry. Among those we spotted were Chef Sau Del Rosario, Chef Chelle Gonzales, Chef Kalen Chan, and more.
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The host for the evening was none other than Manila Food and Wine Festival founder and organizer Spanky Enriquez who envisioned this annual event to promote food tourism in the country.
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Our Awesome Planet founder Anton Diaz gave an opening speech to welcome all the guests to the Manila Food and Wine Festival which aims to establish Manila and The Philippines as the newest culinary capital in Asia. Their goal is to showcase the best of the Philippines' food and wine, hotels and restaurants, chefs and restaurateurs, and fuel the fire of innovation to elevate our Filipino food culture to the world. From July 14 to July 27, food lovers and wine enthusiasts will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a gastronomic journey that showcases the country's vibrant food culture.
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DOT OIC-Undersecretary for Tourism Development Verna Buensuceso said that the Manila Food and Wine Festival also aligns with the Department of Tourism's thrust to equalize opportunities across various areas of the country. She said that this project will really boost interest in food and gastronomy tourism. A plethora of exciting activities await festival-goers, including the festival bazaar at the Shangri-La Plaza Grand Atrium which ran last weekend, together with a series of chef collaborations in the best restaurants in Antipolo, Tagaytay, and Manila, a Makati pub crawl, a food stamping program, and the gala dinner finale.
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One of these special events is the Gen Tsi, part of the Elements of Flavor series at Discovery Primea. Executive Chef Luis Chikiamco's passion for modern Asian fare stems from his extensive culinary experience from around the world. Together with Chef Sharwin Tee, who is known for his twists on Chinese-Filipino dishes, and Croissant Lady Donatella Chua, who creates playful pastry creations, they crafted a menu inspired by local dining scene favorites to highlight reminiscent flavors influenced by the Tsinoy culture. To elevate this gastronomic evening, Liquido Maestro Kalel Demetrio, an acclaimed mixologist of innovative concoctions, curated a selection of specialty cocktails to pair with the dishes. You can learn more about this exciting dinner happening on July 20, 2023 offered at P4,000++ per person at bit.ly/GenTsiAtFlame. You can also book your seats by calling 7955-8888.
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The two week festival ends with a bang at the Manila Iconic at Admiral Hotel Manila - MGallery. The Manila Food and Wine Festival presents an exceptional dinner event with great food, wine, and entertainment at The Admiral Club, Admiral Hotel’s unique rooftop dining destination. Chef Sau Del Rosario, with special guest Chef Tatung Sarthou, will be preparing an indulgent 8-course Filipino menu, honoring the culinary icons of the country: Engracia “Aling Asiang” Reyes, Nora Daza, and Larry J. Cruz. The dishes will be highlighted by the dessert creations of Admiral Hotel Manila's own Executive Pastry Chef, Christian Monera. Manila Iconic will be held on July 27, 2023. You can book your seats now at P7,000 nett.
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The grand launch of the Manila Food and Wine Festival continued with guests sampling the many food and beverage options on display at the Westin Manila Grand Ballroom.
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Destileria Limtuaco brought out its cocktail menu that included their Manille Basil Smash, a combination of Empire London Dry Gin, Manille Liqueur de Calamansi, lemon juice, and basil syrup. Another popular cocktail was the Mango Rind Punch using Old Captain Rum and Paradise Mango Rum liqueur.
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Luisita Rum also offered their specialty Luisita Oro straight, on the rocks, or as a unique cocktail that included coconut juice and nata de coco.
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Other wines and beers were also available for guests to sample including Pilsner Urquell, Caymus Vineyard wines, and more.
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The mooncake season is fast approaching so The Hungry Chef, who makes one of the country's best home-based mooncakes, gave samples for guests to enjoy.
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The Westin Manila also brought out its special dishes and everyone lined up to try these creations. The Banana Couture is a unique appetizer that deceptively looks like an ordinary banana but is actually not! It's a banana pudding with a coconut and white chocolate glaze shell that you have to see to believe.
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We were also shown The Art of Kinilaw which uses sustainable tuna, coconut and cane vinegar glaze, cilantro aioli, and chili pearls. This is a more flavorful and colorful version of the kinilaw we know.
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Next is the Cavingero, a crispy lechon belly tacos with watermelon rind atchara and roasted garlic sauce. These bite-sized canapes really made us hungry for more.
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The main courses were also impressive. The Chicken Tinola Paella Overload is a delightful deconstructed rendition of the classic Filipino favorite with crispy chicken skin and chili garlic crumbs on top of paella rice. This is a complete meal on its own!
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The highlight of the night was the carving station featuring Kurobuta Lechon and other meaty dishes from Esguerra Kurobuta. Aside from the very crispy lechon skin and tender lechon meat using Bershire black pigs, they also had roast pork, roast chicken, and delicious baby back ribs.
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For desserts, Karabella Dairy and Destileria Limtuaco had a collaboration that showcased their spiked gelatos like the Intramuros Liqueur de Cacao Gelato, Manille Liqueur de Calamnsi Gelato, and the Paradise Mango Rum Liqueur Gelato.
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Another surprising item that evening was the Pork Sisig Donut Bites from Westin Manila. These look like ordinary glazed donuts on the outside but are actually filled with savory sisig on the inside. It also comes with calamansi and chicharon crumble, so I'm not really sure if this counts as a dessert or an appetizer.
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Macarons Macarons offered its premium French macaron variants like the Queso de Bola Macarons, Macapuno Macarons, Milo French Macarons, and even Chili Macarons.
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There's always room for more ice cream so the Philippine Fruit Dessert Trio from Sebastian's Ice Cream was also a wonderful treat. The first item is a Lanzones Sorbet made with duco lanzones and garnished with fresh mint. At the back is the Dalandan Ice Cream made with fresh dalandan and garnished with candied dalandan peel. Lastly, the one in the middle is the Avocado Tres Leches using avocado ice cream made with avocado layered on tres leches cake soaked in condensed evaporated milk. Congratulations to the entire team of the Manila Food and Wine Festival for a successful launch. Visit their Facebook page to know more about the other exciting events in store for the next two weeks.
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Manila Food and Wine Festival 2023
(0917) 568-3627
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