#Santa Ana Crash
fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
A Family at Your Side
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!paramedic!fem!Buckley!reader
Summary: You, Evan Buckley's sister, are a paramedic with the 118. When you're called to a fire, it quickly becomes a crime scene when someone opens fire on you. Your boyfriend Tim Bradford and your fire station family have to work together to save you.
Warnings: angst, fluff, injuries (r is shot), depiction of arson/shooting, lots of teasing. [While r is Evan's sister, I don't put anything specific in here past some teasing, so it could be viewed as adoptive or some other relationship dynamic!]
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
A/N: I've only seen a few episodes of 911 (season 1), so I hope my characterization of them isn't completely terrible. I really like this dynamic though; it's so fun and complex!!
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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“There’s no escape,” you whisper under your breath, desperately wishing for some relief.
“Oh, c’mon, we’re not that bad,” Buck replies, knocking his fist against your shoulder. “We’re better than the cop.”
“In every way!” Hen adds, smiling at you. “Why you started dating him is one of the two things I will never understand about you.”
“What’s the other?” you ask.
“How you-“ she turns to point to Buck as she continues, “and him are related. He can’t shut up and you can’t make eye contact.”
“I got all the good genes,” Buck explains, smiling.
“Yet none of the smarts,” Hen argues, pressing her lips together as she tilts her head.
“Or looks,” Nash calls from his place in the kitchen. “Now if you’re done bothering her, can someone set the table?”
You stand to help, and Nash points a spatula at you as he says, “Not you. You do it all the time. Make your brother do something for once.”
“She has no power over me!” Buck yells dramatically. “I have leverage. Like that time she-“
Chimney hits the back of his head, telling him to stop, as your chin drops to your chest. The alarm goes off before you can wonder which embarrassing story he was planning to use, and as you rush to the ambulance with Hen, you’re glad Chimney stopped him. Their attention was bad enough without him divulging your personal information.
“This is a suspected arson, meets the MO of a few previous fires. We need that fire out before the police get here so they can get in,” Nash announces.
“Anyone inside?” Hen asks.
As Nash answers, someone screams in pain, and you look at Nash. He hesitates before nodding, and you grab your bag before running into the clear side of the duplex.
“Los Angeles Fire and Rescue,” you call. “Is anyone in here?”
“Yes! I need help!” a man yells from the back of the dwelling.
Rushing through, you radio to the rest of the 118 that you’re looking for an injured resident.
“We can’t get the fire under control,” Buck answers, his voice tight. “You need to get out of there.”
“I see him. Keep trying, Buck. Sir, are you injured?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he answers shakily. “I smelled the smoke and- and I have asthma, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, and I was scared to leave.”
“Okay, take a deep breath, sir. I’m a paramedic, so I’m going to get you out of here and then we’ll make sure your airways are clear. Do you understand?”
He nods but refuses when you gesture for him to stand.
“It’s on fire!” he argues.
“Sir, we have a clear track to the front door, but the fire will spread with the Santa Anas blowing outside, so we need to go now,” you explain.
Something crashes outside, and you pull the man to his feet.
“Get out of there! If I don’t see you in ten seconds, I’m coming in after you,” Buck radios.
“We’re coming, Buck,” you answer, pulling the man along.
More sirens become audible as you reach the door, the fire much closer to the front of the building. Several police cars approach, and you breathe a sigh of relief. The man stops, and you turn toward him quickly.
“Sir, we’re almost there,” you remind him, pointing to the ambulance.
“He’s still out here!”
“Who?” you ask, your voice quieting again as the adrenaline wears off.
“The man who set the fire!”
You freeze, a sudden cold rush contrasting the heat from the fire.
“Where is he?”
“I- I don’t know.”
A shot rings through the air, and you drop to the small porch, pulling the man behind the railing beside you. The fire is moving toward you, but with no idea of where that shot came from, you can’t move and risk your life and this man’s.
“Everybody down!” Nash yells, ducking behind the truck.
“7-Adam-19, shots fired at my location. LAFD 118 and LAPD in need of backup, dispatch air support for possible sniper,” Tim calls, kneeling behind his shop before rushing to the fire truck.
“She’s still up there,” Buck calls, squatting behind the ambulance with Hen.
Buck and Nash look at each other and then Tim, and he immediately knows they’re talking about you.
“Backup is on the way, but we can’t do anything yet,” Tim explains.
“Bradford, the fire is spreading, we can’t stop it with this wind!” Nash adds.
“Or a sniper taking shots at us!” Buck yells. He drops his head to his radio to ask, “Sis, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?”
“Bradford and Thorsen are here, they called for backup but we can’t do anything until-“
Another shot cuts him off, and you move back against the railing.
“Talk to me!” Buck yells into his receiver.
“I’m okay, Buck,” you reply quietly. “Our- uh- our guy passed out after working himself up, so…”
“He’s not our primary concern right now,” Buck responds.
“Careful,” you warn, your voice nearly inaudible.
“No, I happen to agree,” Nash adds to the conversation.
Tim pulls Chimney’s radio from his chest to say, “I do too. You take care of you, and we’ll worry about him when we can get up there.”
The radio stays quiet, and Tim looks around the end of the truck. He can’t see you, but knowing you’re out of sight and safe makes him feel better.
“Uh, Tim?” Aaron asks. “Eyes on our shooter.”
Tim turns quickly, looking up. He sees the end of the rifle, and when it lowers suddenly, he doesn’t think before yelling at you.
“Stay down!” he screams.
You drop lower, your face to the concrete as the shooter releases several rounds, making a line of bullet holes across the front of the duplex. The fire is moving slowly, but it’s still closing in on your hiding place.
The cold feeling hasn’t gone away, and as you look at the unconscious man at your side, you can only hope to make it out alive.
“Where is your backup?” Buck asks Tim, leaning forward to look past Hen.
“Still a minute out. Aaron and I are going to go through that building, find a way to the roof,” Tim answers.
“Be careful. We all care about the woman stuck back there,” Nash reminds him.
Aaron and Tim nod before moving between the shop and the fire truck, rushing to the main entrance and entering quietly.
“Go left, I’ll go right,” Tim whispers.
As they move up the stairs, Tim hears their backup and the airship approaching. He hopes that the shooter doesn’t do anything stupid when he sees the police and gestures for Aaron to go faster.
“LAPD, put the weapon down!” an officer demands over the speaker of the airship.
“Thorsen, go!” Tim yells, kicking the door open to walk onto the roof.
The man turns the rifle up, shooting toward the helicopter before it moves. Aaron and Tim approach from different sides, and when the gun suddenly drops and the man begins emptying his ammunition toward you, Tim doesn’t hesitate to shoot.
“7-Adam-19, suspect is down,” Aaron radios. “Tim, go get her.”
Nodding, Tim stands, rushing down the stairs and out into the road. The fire has worsened, and the 118 is still in place.
Evan sees Tim and clenches his jaw, stepping toward Tim to yell, “This is your fault! It’s all on you!”
 Tim’s brows furrow, looking to Nash for more information.
“She’s, uh- she’s not responding to the radio calls, and we can’t get up there until we get part of the fire out, enough to get through with our gear,” Nash explains.
“You should have brought enough backup to begin with or gone up there sooner!” Buck continues.
“You think I don’t know that?” Tim snaps. “But she was already stuck when I got here, so work on getting to her and getting her safe, and then you can get mad at me!”
“And if it’s too late?” Buck demands, his chest heaving in anger.
Tim looks away, and Buck moves forward quickly, causing Nash and Chimney to lunge forward and hold him back.
“I’ll kill you if we’re too late!”
“Buck!” Tim yells, walking to him. “I know this is my fault and if she doesn’t make it, her blood is on my hands. I’m sorry, I really am, but there is nothing I can do now except keep people back so you can get this fire out and find out if- and make sure she is okay.”
Buck relaxes slightly, pushing Chimney and Nash off of him.
“Let’s get her out!” Nash calls, directing everyone to their positions.
The man beside you groans as you tug him further against the wall. You’re caged in against the fire, and you dropped your radio, watching it burn as you kept your head down.
When water sprays onto your face, a steady stream coming from the street, you force a smile, hoping to get out, get warm, and hug your brother and Tim for as long as you can before they make you shy away from them. You love them for it, you remember, reminding yourself to think happy thoughts.
“Where’s the ambulance?” the man slurs before coughing.
“Just a minute, sir, keep your head down and breathe.”
The fire is driven back by two hoses, and when several feet are clear on the side of the railing, people begin yelling.
“Sis! Can you hear me?” Buck asks loudly, appearing in his turnout gear a moment later.
“Get him to the ambulance,” you reply, standing shakily as he pulls the man over his shoulder.
You walk into the small yard, looking for Tim. The persistent cold feeling is just beginning to concern you, and when you grow dizzy and stop in the yard, you realize that something is wrong. Raising your hands to press against your stomach, you begin to run through a mental list of potential injuries.
“Hey, hey, gorgeous, c’mon, we got to get back,” Tim calls as he jogs to your side. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, ducking away from his hands on your face.
“Good,” Tim replies, laying his hand on your upper back and directing you to the curb.
“You got lucky,” Buck grumbles, joining your other side across from Tim.
“We all did our jobs, Buck, she’s safe, just leave it,” Tim says lowly.
“No thanks to you!” Buck responds, stepping forward.
You recognize the look in his eyes, an anger he seems to reserve for you. Without thinking, you move a hand from your navel and push it against Buck’s chest to stop him. He and Tim look at your bloody hand before yelling your name as you tip back.
Buck catches you, lowering you onto the grass as he rips your shirt open.
“Hen!” he screams, a pained, guttural sound that draws the attention of the entire 118.
Hen sees you on the ground, unconscious between Buck and Tim, and rushes to you, her bag thrown over her shoulder.
“GSW,” she decides quickly, looking at your stomach, a mess of tattered fabric and blood. “Roll her over, carefully.”
Tim keeps his hands on your side, helping Buck tip you onto one side as Hen runs her hand down your spine.
“No exit wound, we need to go. Now.”
Leaning back, Tim gives Buck room to lift you, running to the ambulance as fast as possible.
“Are you coming?” he yells, raising his arms as he looks at Tim.
“Go!” Nash, Chimney, Aaron, and newly arrived Nolan yell.
Tim nods, rushing into the ambulance and sitting as it lurches into motion.
“I didn’t mean it,” Buck says, looking at you while he speaks to Tim. “It’s not your fault, but I can’t- I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t. We won’t,” Tim promises.
Hen works quickly, muttering under her breath about needing your help.
When you open your eyes, you first notice the unmistakable feeling of someone looking at you and touching your side, a gentle touch as fingers drag up and down your skin.
“Is he okay?” you ask, blinking against the harsh light above you.
“The man from the duplex?” Buck asks. “Yeah, he’s fine. Had an asthma attack and then a few panic attacks, but he’s good. You- you got shot and didn’t tell anyone.”
Tipping your head down, you’re surprised he’s standing at the end of your bed. This means the fingers on your exposed side belong to…
“Tim,” you whisper, glancing at him.
“You scared us, baby,” he replies softly, spreading his warm hand over your skin.
He smiles when your muscles tense beneath him, but it quickly disappears when you groan in pain.
“I didn’t mean not to tell you,” you say quietly, pinching the blanket between your fingers. “I didn’t know I got shot.”
“That’s kinda- that’s pretty epic, really,” Buck says, laying his hand on your foot. “Makes a good party story.”
“I don’t go to parties,” you grumble.
“I mean for me,” he replies happily.
“Are you two fighting?” you ask, looking between them.
“No,” they answer together, both squeezing you reassuringly.
“We were scared and upset, didn’t have anywhere else to take it out,” Buck explains with a shrug. “He’s just lucky you stopped me from hitting him. I would’ve removed him from active duty for six weeks minimum.”
“You wish,” Tim scoffs.
“Stop,” you say, chuckling when they look shocked at your bold demand. “Please.”
“You were in surgery for a long time,” Tim tells you. “How’s your pain?”
“It’s fine, manageable. I mean, I can feel it now, but it’s not too bad.”
You glance down, your brows furrowing as you realize why you could feel Tim’s skin directly on yours.
“Wondering where your hospital gown is?” Tim asks, a smile you know all too well on his face. “I put in a special request.”
“Gross. That’s my sister,” Buck interjects. When you look at him with wide eyes, he sighs and fills you in: “They couldn’t get to your stomach well enough with one on. If you want to cover up, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable.”
“It’s okay,” you reply, gently tugging the band of your sports bra down.
“More than okay,” Tim says, quiet enough that Buck can’t hear.
You look away quickly, and Buck makes a ‘tsk’ sound.
“The shooter is in custody,” Tim says, giving you a break from his ‘abuse.’
“Will I have to testify or anything?” you whisper.
“No,” Tim and Buck answer together.
Buck pulls his phone from his pocket, nodding before shaking your ankle, his hand still resting on you.
“I have to go, we’ve got a call, but when we’re done, everyone wants to come by,” he says.
You nod. “Be careful. I love you.”
“Love you, sis!”
Looking at Tim’s chest rather than his face, he takes the chance to tease you. “Maybe you should get a shirt before your team gets here.”
“Get out,” you mumble. “Or give me yours.”
“Whoa! You get shot once and become a whole new person.”
“Wasn’t worth it.”
“No, it wasn’t,” Tim replies, taking your hand. “And I’m sorry that I couldn’t do anything to keep it from happening.”
“’S not your fault.”
Turning your attention back to the blanket, Tim asks, “You get this shy with your patients?”
“No. But they’re not as pushy.”
“Hey,” Tim calls, using his hand to gently turn your chin toward him. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I love you, too. Thanks for being here through all of it.”
“Try to get rid of me.”
“I do. You never listen.”
Tim laughs, loud and happy, and you smile, turning your face into his arm where it holds your hand, glad he’s at your side, and you have a whole team, a family, to be with you through everything.
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twerkinirken · 1 year
Okay listen up y’all, this shits important
I found out that there is going to be a special event at The Frida Cinema playing Enter The Florpus followed by a Q&A (or All A as per Jhonen)
Obviously we cannot ask the cinema to stream a movie, and that’s not what is important but I contacted the cinema to ask them if it were at all possible to buy a ticket to livestream or record the event to show for a limited time.
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The cinema seemed receptive! In the email they said Nostalgic Nebula is helping running the event so a quick Google search has given me their contact information as well. I am going to reach out via their email as well.
Now as we all know, numbers are important. Let’s all email and ask to have this become an online event. I am reaching out to all Invader Zim fans whether you be shippers, gore fans, soft fans, NSFW or SFW it doesn’t matter. No in fighting, don’t ignore it because you don’t like the blogs usual content. We all want this to happen. Now some guidelines I feel are important:
I cannot stress this enough, being rude is not going to make this happen.
Money talks, no matter how many people ask they will be more inclined if we all say we are willing to purchase a ticket for a live-streamed or recorded event.
Just send one email and reply as appropriating, we wanna overwhelm them positively and spamming “make it a livestream!” Is not only annoying but it could overload this, I’m assuming, smaller more local theatre. Don’t spam the cast, the crew, social media’s, for the love of GOD don’t spam Jhonen, he’s not in charge of this and if we annoy him about this he would demand it not recorded out of spite.
Not every company is capable of live streaming events and could easily be overwhelmed or crash. Be sure to ask if it can be live streamed OR recorded, if they can record it and upload it for a limited time viewing that could be more accessible for them.
Here are the contact links:
I really want this to happen and I know there are tons of other fans who would love this too so please reblog this and share it around. Wow I never thought I would actively ask to have my post reblogged but I want this so yeah
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warwickroyals · 9 months
we've heard about james's brothers and their families, but what were princess elizabeth and princess alice and their families like?
Princesses Elizabeth and Alice, Louis's paternal aunts, had a pretty standard life for princesses of the era. They both married into well-off families, the sons of wealthy peerages, and continued to do a lot of work in support of the monarchy.
Princess Elizabeth - Elizabeth was the elder sister born in 1917. She was educated at home alongside her sister and became fluent in French and German. During World War II, Elizabeth became a key member of the family. She visited many welfare organizations with her mother and sister to over financial support and emotional support. Princess Elizabeth's Annual Charity Fund helped raise thousands of dollars for children who lost family members in the war. She was also one of the first members of the family to visit Europe following the war. In late 1945 she married William Warfield, the Earl Warfield, and had two sons: Frederick and George. Elizabeth left Chester Palace to raise her family at the Warfield's ancestorial home but she continued to represent her brother and later nephew at domestic and international events until she died in 1995. Princess Elizabeth's Annual Charity Fund is today handled by Elizabeth's granddaughter-in-law, the Viscountess Chester.
Princess Alice - Alice, born in 1920, had a nearly identical upbringing to her sister. She also participated in charity efforts during WWII, working closely with nursing associations in North America and Europe. Following the War she married Cecil Mornington, the Duke of of Wellesley and St. Clair in her mid-twenties. Cecil, two decades Alice's senior, was later appointed Governor-general of Alexandria (representative of the monarch on the provincial level) and the family relocated to Santa Ana, the province's capital city, in the late 1950s. She and her two children, William and Christabel, settled well into their new home and became popular locally. Alice, as the chatelaine of the Governor's mansion, was known for her extravagant parties and her passion for maritime sporting events, such as yachting and sailing. During this time represented her brother James II in a wide variety of events in western Sunderland. Following the end of her husband's term, she returned to Great Lakes where she became one of the family's hardest-working royals, taking on hundreds of engagements each year. Like her sister, she was made Chancellor of several universities and the Colonel-in-Chief of s few Royal Army units. In 1990, King Louis V held a reception at Woodbine Castle in recognition of his aunt's work for her seventieth birthday. However, later in the decade tragedy struck when her son William was killed in a helicopter crash. William had succeeded his father but was unmarried and childless, and the Dukedom of Wellesley and St. Clair went extinct. A few years later, Alice later died in 1998, she was the last surviving child of King George II and Queen Anne.
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jinhogae · 2 years
mutuals as svt songs & members + why please!
i love when we get to do this !!!! let’s go in svt’s age order
scoups / ash: @bisexualhobi - this works perfectly in my brain. ana is a leading figure for me in good ways and entertaining ways and they are not afraid to be honest while maintaining their boundaries and also being just ... a very fun person to be around! and an absolutely dependable friend, who just feels so solid and ride or die to me, i don’t ever have to worry where i stand with them. ash goes without saying. it’s svt’s most innovative and out-there song and fits them perfectly, and it’s like if anyone asked ana to make an svt song, that would be it.
joshua / second life: @kimtaegis - annie got josh the last time we did this, but it remains true bc if i am a deranged air sign, she is the person i somehow octopus attached myself to (sorry for being late, best friend !!!). there is a lot of depth to annie just as she is as well as to the beauty she inherently carries and how she sees the world. there is something so steadfast about her and i wish the whole world would see how great she is from the surface to every part of her. that’s also why i chose second life, it’s what i’d tell her in a song. it’s what i’d carry around in place of her wherever i am.
jeonghan / our dawn is hotter than day: @beyoonce - this makes sense for so many reasons. first of all, since our secret santa exchange, i just enjoy seeing ann on my dash - it reminds me just what a genuinely mischievous person she is while being so true to herself and so her. she keeps it real! somehow that reminds me of jeonghan, who is obviously a master trickster but true to himself. and odihtd always reminds me of ann (alongside simple) bc when it’s winter here, i know it’s summer for her.
junhui / GO!: @blingyjjong - the joy in life is about being every part of yourself, no matter how messy or not quite fitting or not exactly polished that is, as well as starting over (and over and over). it is quintessentially about getting up for your own sake. nina is always so jun-coded to me (it just makes sense to me! exuberant and yet so very real) and the song may be dk’s solo ost, but it’s a sentiment she deserves to hold in her heart all the time.
hoshi / happy ending: @ohoshi - the world has to crash and burn before i will not give you this song. it’s just so you and it’s just something i will always relate to you and i know you understand how good it is (bc it is, quite frankly, this good). the absolute unrelenting happiness i get when i listen to this song is what i get whenever we chat as well. and hoshi is a complete no-brainer, fierce as you are and determined to pull people along towards is a greener pasture. and i love and admire you for that grit, that honesty, and also for the levity you carry when i can’t.
wonwoo / fallin’ flower: @hwiyoungies - another one that is a no brainer! not only is belle my favourite wonwootual (<3) but also a person whose thoughts i usually agree with, as well as just someone very soft- and well-spoken (and rational when fandom spaces can not be that). also i still remember you liking my post about the best three svt songs being of their japanese discography, so one of those does belong to you and the beauty of fallin’ flower feels very much like your blog and posts feel to me.
woozi / vernon / all my love: @suuho - and when we will see you and woozi in the same room, only then we can be certain you are not the same person !!! anyways, anything but them would be a disservice to how i see you (the center of the world), to how you are towards the people you care about (which is extremely caring and nonsensical about it), and to how important it is for the world to know you are the very lovely grounded half of my bouncy and excited braincell but you also are the other half of me. i love no one more than you, my tiny gremlin guy with pretentious music taste, and that is why you also get all my love ...... no other song could ever say it better.
minghao / i can’t run away: @chanonara - there are not many people that i feel are subsequently so close in how i see the world, but abigail, you are one of my favourite people to talk to because you understand all of what i say with heartfelt care and i never not feel like we are on the same wavelength. the song choice may seem out of place for anyone but us, but i think you know exactly why it is here. you know where love should be placed and how.
mingyu / let me hear you say: @woozi - tumblr user yza woozi, what’s it like to feel like a very beloved backbone to my caratblr experience, because that is what you are. not to mention the distinctiveness you bring to all of your gifs, which reminds me of mingyu’s love for photography and how he uses it to document his life among and with svt. similarly expressive people! let me hear you say just feels like a song that matches your vibe, it could play in the background of your blog and posts and i’d be content!
dk / rock with you: @shownu-ssi - who else! who else but the most artistic and easily serotonin inducing person for the same type of person in my life. there is no one more fitting to when i think of dk than you. from your fierce creative spirit and singular care for the art you want to create to this only being matched by your love for people, and your love for this world, and your hope in it (and joy for the little things of it). it couldn’t be anyone else. rock with you is a song that gets me to tear up on a good day, not out of sadness, but because it reminds me so much of how happy i was this time last year. you made the colder season better, and we carry that through all the other seasons.
seungkwan / my my: @wonjinist - i just think there is something relentlessly optimistic and engaging about seungkwan and i just think that you can be the same, eri. sometimes when i have bleak days, seeing you on my dash and posting about so many different groups you love and all the songs you enjoy brings some much needed vibrancy back as well as makes me smile! my my is an mv that just feels so similar to your blog, as does the song, and i just love both a lot.
dino / hey buddy: @wonublr - hey buddy !!!!!! lee, you are easily one of my favourite people i met in caratblr, you bring such warmth and excitement and mirth to every one of our chats and just like with dino, i am simply rooting for you to succeed in everything you do and for you to express yourself any way you want to. and it’s so amazing to see every time! not to mention, thank you for making me more creative and inspiring me as well. hey buddy just fits you so well, because it has the same energy you have in my mind.
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genesisgaragedoor · 2 years
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friedarcadesandwich · 17 days
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Discovering cheap auto insurance in Santa Ana, CA can be a demanding activity, however with the ideal expertise and also information, you can easily secure budget friendly coverage without endangering on top quality. In this particular detailed quick guide, we will definitely discover different tactics to assist you locate the most ideal auto insurance rates in Santa Ana while guaranteeing you have the protection you need. From comprehending the elements that influence insurance policy fees to matching up quotes coming from top providers, this post will outfit you along with the details you need to make an updated choice.
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Auto insurance is not merely a legal criteria in Santa Ana, CA, yet an essential safeguard versus possible monetary losses. Offered the city's bustling roadways and also the higher variety of automobiles, incidents are actually certainly not unusual. Without appropriate insurance coverage, you can find yourself encountering substantial expenditures associated with vehicle fixings, health Cheapest auto insurance Santa Ana care bills, and also lawful expenses. Budget friendly auto insurance makes sure that you are guarded against these risks while complying with California's state rules.
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Many variables identify the cost of your auto insurance in Santa Ana, CA. Comprehending these aspects can easily assist you find methods to lessen your superiors:
Driving Record: Your driving history is among the most significant factors that insurance providers think about. A clean driving record without any crashes or even visitor traffic offenses may cause lesser costs, while a history of incidents or even tickets can easily bring about greater costs.
Vehicle Type: The make, model, as well as age of your vehicle participate in a vital task in establishing your insurance rates. Expensive autos, sports cars, as well as high-end lorries generally have higher superiors as a result of the improved cost of fixings as well as a much higher likelihood of fraud.
Coverage Levels: The style and also amount of coverage you opt for directly impact your insurance costs. While liability-only insurance is actually the cheapest alternative, it might certainly not supply sufficient protection. Consider detailed or collision coverage for additional durable protection, yet be actually planned for greater premiums.
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Site: Where you reside in Santa Ana can easily affect your insurance rates. Locations along with high criminal activity fees or a high incidence of incidents might result in much higher premiums.
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Credit history: In California, insurance carriers can easily not utilize your credit history to determine your auto insurance rates. Having said that, maintaining an excellent credit score can easily still be actually favorable when looking for insurance coverage in other conditions or even for other economic products.
Gas mileage: The additional you drive, the much higher your risk of being involved in a mishap. Low-mileage vehicle drivers typically gain from lower insurance rates.
How to Find Affordable Auto Insurance in Santa Ana, CA
Securing cheap auto insurance in Santa Ana calls for a mixture of investigation, contrast, as well as smart decision-making. Listed here are actually some tactics to assist you find the absolute most budget friendly rates:
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usaccidents · 1 month
SANTA ANA, CA (August 18, 2024) – A 32-year-old man was killed in a hit-and-run crash at Fairview Street and Harvard Street in Santa Ana on Friday evening.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 7.23 (after 1970)
1970 – Qaboos bin Said al Said becomes Sultan of Oman after overthrowing his father, Said bin Taimur initiating massive reforms, modernization programs and end to a decade long civil war. 1972 – The United States launches Landsat 1, the first Earth-resources satellite. 1974 – The Greek military junta collapses, and former Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis is invited to lead the new government, beginning Greece's metapolitefsi era. 1980 – Phạm Tuân becomes the first Vietnamese citizen and the first Asian in space when he flies aboard the Soyuz 37 mission as an Intercosmos Research Cosmonaut. 1982 – Outside Santa Clarita, California, actor Vic Morrow and two children are killed when a helicopter crashes onto them while shooting a scene from Twilight Zone: The Movie. 1983 – Thirteen Sri Lanka Army soldiers are killed after a deadly ambush by the militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. 1983 – Gimli Glider: Air Canada Flight 143 runs out of fuel and makes a deadstick landing at Gimli, Manitoba. 1988 – General Ne Win, effective ruler of Burma since 1962, resigns after pro-democracy protests. 1992 – A Vatican commission, led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, establishes that limiting certain rights of homosexual people and non-married couples is not equivalent to discrimination on grounds of race or gender. 1992 – Abkhazia declares independence from Georgia. 1993 – China Northwest Airlines Flight 2119 crashes during takeoff from Yinchuan Xihuayuan Airport in Yinchuan, Ningxia, China, killing 55 people. 1995 – Comet Hale–Bopp is discovered; it becomes visible to the naked eye on Earth nearly a year later. 1997 – Digital Equipment Corporation files antitrust charges against chipmaker Intel. 1999 – ANA Flight 61 is hijacked in Tokyo, Japan by Yuji Nishizawa. 1999 – Space Shuttle Columbia launches on STS-93, with Eileen Collins becoming the first female space shuttle commander. The shuttle also carried and deployed the Chandra X-ray Observatory. 2005 – Three bombs explode in the Naama Bay area of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, killing 88 people. 2011 – A high-speed train rear-ends another on a viaduct on the Yongtaiwen railway line in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China, resulting in 40 deaths. 2012 – The Solar storm of 2012 was an unusually large coronal mass ejection that was emitted by the Sun which barely missed the Earth by nine days. If it hit, it would have caused up to US$2.6 trillion in damages to electrical equipment worldwide. 2014 – TransAsia Airways Flight 222 crashes in Xixi village near Huxi, Penghu, during approach to Penghu Airport. Forty-eight of the 58 people on board are killed and five more people on the ground are injured. 2015 – NASA announces discovery of Kepler-452b by Kepler. 2016 – Kabul twin bombing occurred in the vicinity of Deh Mazang when protesters, mostly from the Shiite Hazara minority, were marching against route changing of the TUTAP power project. At least 80 people were killed and 260 were injured. 2018 – A wildfire in East Attica, Greece caused the death of 102 people. It was the deadliest wildfire in the history of Greece and the second-deadliest in the world, in the 21st century, after the 2009 bushfires in Australia that killed 180.
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
Welcome to the photo dump for Episode 149: The Curious Case of the L8 Ghost Blimp of 1942! Faced with defending America’s west coast waters against the submarines of the Japanese Imperial Navy, the U.S. decided to enlist the help of blimps. This first official fleet of “LTA” or “lighter-than-air” crafts in California was named Squadron 32. Based out of the cities of Santa Ana, Moffett Field, and Tillamook, Squadron 32 developed a series of helium-filled blimps fitted with bombs and guns to take to the Pacific Ocean for battle. One of these crafts (purchased from the Goodyear company) was named the “L8”. The L8 had a long and lustrous career, carrying out many top secret missions without incident until one fateful day in the early dawn hours of August 16, 1942. On that day, two navymen would mysteriously disappear from the blimp without a trace. The abandoned blimp would later be found crashed in a residential neighborhood - one of its bombs still attached. Some say that hot coffee, sandwiches, and even pieces of the men’s clothing remained inside the blimp, undisturbed. Mired in mystery, conspiracies, and intrigue, the L8 soon took on a more sinister nickname - “The Ghost Blimp”.   Image 01: The crashed “Ghost Blimp” aka the L8 Image 02: The L8 floating awkwardly above the power lines before crashing, semi-deflated in the middle Image 03: Another photo from the crashed blimp being cleaned up by the navy and the fire department Image 04: Another angle of the aftermath of the crash Image 05: Yet another angle of the aftermath of the crash Image 06: The two pilots: Ernest Cody and Charles Adams Image 07: Blurry photo of the blimp hovering low over the ocean, taken by a civilian (photo courtesy of Otto Gross) Image 08: Blurry photo of the blimp (zoomed in on the gondola) hovering low over power lines, now headed for its demise, taken by a civilian (photo courtesy of Otto Gross) Image 09: Deflated blimp back in the hangar (photo courtesy of Otto Gross) Image 10: Another photo of the blimp, prior to lowering itself from the sky but on its way down deflating (photo courtesy of Otto Gross)
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Speaking about the Victress being restored, check out this historic photo and article of another one from 1953! “The Victress, a fiberglass sports car body manufactured in the San Fernando Valley, will be a featured display during the seven-day Motorama Exhibition beginning tomorrow in the Pan Pacific Auditorium. Under the direction of Victress co-president, William “Doc” Boyce-Smith, a car body will be fabricated during the show and a completed automobile owned by Valley resident Paul Briggs will be on display. Only in production since May 1, 1953, Victress bodies mounted on various custom chassis, have claimed many speed records and honors. At the 1953 acceleration races in Bonneville Flats, Utah, a Victress owned by Guy Maybee of Midland, TX established a new open sports car class record with a speed of 203.105 mph. Bob Powell of Los Angeles is set to dragstrip records with his victory is going 112 mph is Santa Ana and 107 mph at Pomona. The Victress, owned by Hellings, Inc. of North Hollywood, currently is being used in “Johnny Dark,” Universal-International motion picture devoted to racing. Principal designer of the automobile is Hugh Jorgenson of Van Nuys. Recent winner of the Ford foundation scholarship at Los Angeles Art Center, he previously received awards in the Fisher body design contest. He was graduated from Van Nuys high school and attended UCLA. Designed to seat three persons comfortably, the sports car body weighs 180 pounds, has 102 inch wheelbase, it is 37 inches high. The body, composed of laminated fiberglass mat between layers of glass cloth, sells complete with mounting brackets for $599 plus tax, FOB, North Hollywood. The Victress Co., owned by Boyce-Smith, is located in Unit 18 at 11,823 Sherman Way, North Hollywood. A graduate of UCLA, Boyce-Smith has been prominent in race car circles since 1939. Other fiberglass products, manufactured by his company, include crash, helmet, liners, race, car, nose, and tail, sections, and truck body panels. Another Victress Co. product on display at the exhibition will be a super light 12 pound competition, acceleration car body. It will be shown by owner, Stan Weisbard of Van Nuys.” (at San Fernando Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9Cu9ILMIe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hauspiner · 2 years
Adobe drive cc
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#Adobe drive cc update
To shorten download times, Adobe no longer packages both the 64-bit and 32-bit Windows versions in the same installer so choose. These links go to the authentic and original files residing on Adobe’s servers, are guaranteed genuine, safe, legal, and will not change. Join the Markzware User Group on LinkedIn. Below is a table with direct links for all of the CC 2015 applications. Product specials, and support for your InDesign CC plugin. Subscribe to the Markzware Mailing List to receive news, Markzware B.V., located in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, is the company’s headquarters for activities in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Markzware, a privately-held company based in Santa Ana, CA, is the leading developer of quality assurance, workflow solutions, and data conversion software for the international graphic arts, printing and digital multimedia industries. The subscription-based license for the PDF2DTP for InDesign CC Mac 1 Year Subscription Bundle offers access to both the InDesign CC plugin and CS6 plugin, includes all updates, free of charge, for the lifetime of the subscription, and is available at the PDF2DTP page.
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The Markzware PDF2DTP for InDesign CC Mac Bundle, includes the InDesign CC plugin to convert PDF to InDesign CC, and the CS6 plugin to convert PDF to InDesign CS6, on the Macintosh platform.
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Fortunately, I keep the final production-ready PDF files on a different hard drive and I have now been able to update several client projects without having to rebuild from scratch. I had a hard drive crash, in which I lost many InDesign build files. También te permite renderizar los gráficos 3D y agregarles movimiento. Adobe After Effects CC 2019 es una aplicación impresionante que te permitirá crear fotos de aspecto profesional. I just purchased and installed PDF2DTP for InDesign… Wow…it works amazingly. Adobe After Effects CC 2019 Full Español por Mega y Google drive. Lisa Salazar, senior graphic designer & photographer said, “Wow. Users can edit PDF in a familiar page layout program, while preserving intellectual property and eliminating time spent re-creating content. One-click, multi-page data conversion helps to quickly convert PDF to InDesign CC, or convert PDF to InDesign CS6, allowing swift return on investment. PDF2DTP provides a quick, easy and affordable method to migrate content from PDF into an editable format within Adobe InDesign files (INDD), enabling users to more easily edit PDF. This data conversion bundle of InDesign plugins for the Macintosh includes the PDF2DTP for InDesign CC plugin for Adobe Creative Cloud, as well as the PDF2DTP for InDesign CS6 plugin for Adobe Creative Suite. InDesign plugin, PDF2DTP, has been enhanced to now work with Adobe® InDesign CC (Creative Cloud™ graphic software). OctoSANTA ANA, California - Markzware, leading innovator of digital publishing software, content search technology, and data conversion software, announces the release of the PDF2DTP for InDesign CC Mac Bundle. Markzware releases PDF2DTP for InDesign CC Mac 1 Year Subscription Bundle Markzware Announces Data Conversion Software to Convert PDF File to InDesign® CC
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Angela P. (USA 2004)
A signed declaration from a paramedic noted, “This was the worst post-partum patient situation at a medical clinic I have ever encountered during my time as a paramedic.” The victim was only identified in the news as Angela P.
In 2004, Angela had an abortion at Clinica Medica Para la Mujer de Hoy in Santa Ana when she was 20 weeks pregnant. Despite the baby’s age, the abortionist attempted to use the vaginally-inserted suction technique.
Angela was not given any anesthesia or even pain meds. She was fully conscious and felt all of the pain. By the time paramedics arrived, she was lying in a pool of her own blood. Her pulse racing and her blood pressure was dangerously low from severe blood loss.
There was no oxygen or no crash cart at the abortion facility. Angela was rushed to the hospital where she died.
Angela’s death was part of a long history of abuse, malpractice and death at the hands of the facility’s abortionists.
The facility’s manager was Bertha Bugarin, who was charged with practicing medicine without a license on five clients in February and March 2007, according to a statement from Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley’s office. Her sister Raquel Bugarin was accused of helping with the procedures. A fictitious name statement from 1991 lists Bertha Bugarin as the person behind Clinica Medica Para La Mujer de Hoy, although paperwork filed with the medical board lists Nicholas Braemer (a former doctor who lost his license in 2000) as the sole registrant of the clinics between 1991 and 1999. Since the early 1990s, at least 12 personal injury and malpractice lawsuits and one wrongful death suit have been filed in Los Angeles County against Bertha Bugarin, the clinics or both. Below is a list of the 6 “doctors” employed at the facility.
Nicholas Braemer had his medical license suspended and then revoked for repeatedly leaving fetal body parts inside of clients.
Abortionist Mohamed Dia, who surrendered his license in 1999, perforated a client’s uterus and left part of the baby inside of her during a 1996 abortion at Clinica Medica.
Laurence Reich surrendered his license in 2006 after pleading no contest to misdemeanor criminal charges of sexually abusing multiple abortion clients in 2000. He had previously been investigated for sexually abusing at least 3 other clients on earlier occasions.
Glenn Edward Miller was an admitted alcoholic whose license was revoked by the medical board in 2005 due to repeated substance abuse relapses. He was charged for doing procedures while under the influence of alcohol and had been involved in a lawsuit where a non-pregnant client was given an “abortion” procedure that ruptured her uterus.
George Dalton Flanigan was hired as an independent contractor at five Bugarin clinics in 2002. That same year at an unnamed hospital, he delivered a dead baby using a vacuum procedure after refusing to perform a C-section, according to a board accusation that led to a decision to put him on probation for five years.
Phillip Rand was the abortionist who killed Angela. He was 84 years old when he killed her. After the abortion was done, he started driving to the Mexico border to do more abortions and refused to come back when the only two staff members left in the facility (who had minimal training at best) called him and told him that Angela was in trouble. He did not have hospital admitting privileges and surrendered his medical license 20 months after the death of Angela P. and her unborn child.
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pawatruecrime · 2 years
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Woman Killed in Santa Ana Crash; Others Flee Scene – NBC Los Angeles
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genesisgaragedoor · 2 years
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Car strikes several children near elementary school in Santa Ana
Car strikes several children near elementary school in Santa Ana
SANTA ANA, Calif. (KABC) — Several children were rushed to the hospital Monday after being struck by a car that drove onto the sidewalk in Santa Ana, police said. The collision happened near Taft Elementary School. At least three children were taken to the hospital in stable condition, according to officials. The ages of the children were not immediately known. Investigators say the driver of the…
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usaccidents · 5 months
FRESNO, CA (May 5, 2024) – A man was killed in a hit-and-run Crash at Cary Park on Santa Ana Avenue in Fresno Friday evening on May 3.
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