#Sammy Roach
thecluelessdoctor · 3 months
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Guess who's gonna try their hand in art fight
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edslacefront · 11 months
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Hope in season 3 someone gets hit by another Roach sandwich and we get the trifecta
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eyep0calypse · 1 year
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he tries so hard to mimic the ink demon (he sucks at this)
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 11 months
Quick reminder that Roach has canonically invented the sandwich
The sandwich as a thing (slices of food in between two slices of bread) was invented in 1762 by the Earl of Sandwich and was named for him, about 45 years after the events of OFMD.
So next time you eat a pb&j, Roach invented 2/3 of that meal!
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 10 months
Samba had a baking class! There he revealed some scenes that were cut/rewritten at some point in the process include:
From Samba: Calypso’s birthday was supposed to be LuPete wedding and wee John and Roach were trying to get Ed and Stede to hook up. Roach is the one who would have given Stede the pierced ear. Wee John makes Ed an outfit. Then Stede & Ed actually danced! Samba likes what the episode changed to, and that they didn't force the Ed/Stede relationship earlier. This episode would have been a combination of Parent Trap+Makeovers+Slow Dancing [SLIGHT agreement about being happy they didn't push the relationship (as they move it from being the point of ep 6 to the end of ep 6), I'm just more mad that they made the LuPete wedding a last minute thing. This still would have felt rushed after multiple non-apologies from Ed. A part of me says they wanted the drag bits? But then you're telling me Lucius wouldn't want Wee John in drag at his wedding, which just sounds SO out of character]
[CUT SCENE] The reason Buttons had a rope around his waist for ep 1 was because he kept on trying to run to the sea. They had scenes showing this but it was cut.
[CUT SCENE] S2E1 where Stede's crew were all making wishes for a ship. Black Pete wished that Lucius would be alive on the ship, Olu wished that Jim would be on the ship, and Roach wished for a big kitchen on the ship!
[CUT SCENE] Apparently a LOT of Jim/Olu scenes were cut, including one where Archie and Olu step out of the bedroom in boxers. Confirming 100% that they are all poly, and Jim/Olu was still together together. With a hint of maybe Olu/Archie?
The 'Don’t you want your Sammie' sandwich scene in ep 4 was fully improvised, and that on top of getting hit in the face is why Nathan broke.
Thumb war scene was improv, which is a shame, as to me this was the most romantic moment of the fucking season. It's just so soft, and sweet, and happy.
Stede's jacket from ep5 is cursed irl bc the fire alarm went off w/ no explanation in the first scene with the jacket
David Fane got bit by an eel on the toe while filming the Roach&Fang spa scene
So they really seemed to have had a decent script then changed it, for some reason. It wouldn't have fixed everything, but it does confirm my theory that they mostly cut scenes with the crew/rewrote episodes so the crew wasn't heavily featured.
ALSO: Samba wanted to do an official podcast when the season was releasing but couldn't due to the strikes.
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
Do we know of any season 2 moments that were improvised other than the thumb war? I’m drawing a blank and thought you might know.
Fond regards,
Liz (gentlemanpirata)
Hi there! I can't think of too many off the top of my head either, but one that came to mind aside from the thumb war was the little "sammie" toss between Roach, Stede, and Ed in episode four. I'm not sure if you could classify it as improv, technically? Because if I recall correctly, it was sort of pre-planned between Rhys, Taika, and Samba. But it was also unscripted and something they came up with together on the fly, so I think it could technically fall into the improv category!
Because I mean...
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...it definitely caught Nathan off-guard LMAO
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dantemegau · 11 months
I recently noticed how much food and drink is mentioned/ on screen in OFMD. I started to compile a list for fun and it expanded QUICKLY. Here it is in its current state.
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Orange Marmelade
Breakfast in Bed with Doug
Breakfast in Bed with Ed
Whipped Seaweed Breakfast
Good French Bread
Roach’s Peanut Paste
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Brain Couscous
Queen Soup
Captain Hornigold’s seafood soup
Snake (well tenderized, you could be a chef)
Sammy/Sandwich for the trip
Some of the Crew (young and succulent)
Republic of Pirates Street food Lobster
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Enby Dinner Smorgasbord
Rabbit (well tenderized, you can barely taste the shit)
Monsieur Prawn’s Dinner
Little Plates (Tapas)
A fine fish
A rat terrier named ‘Pepper’
Finger Foods at the Widow Bonnet’s Art Show
The slop we can afford
Gravy Basket (whatever that is exactly)
Ned the Leopard’s Chicken
Childhood Trauma Goose
Spanish Jackie's a la Carte
Favorite of all the Horses Family Dinner (followed by emotional connection desert)
Tea Time
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40 Orange Glaze Cake
Yummy Lavender Soap
Raw Seagull
Another Toe (Carrot Cake in Fondant)
Candied Melon Silk Moth
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Calypso’s Birthday Cocktails
(Lavender) Tea with a Dollop of Milk and Seven Sugars
Sleepy Chamomile Tea
Haunted Island Coconut Cocktails
Republic of Pirates Coconut Cocktails
Free Drinks for Sea Gods
Juice from the Nose Jar (nutty)
Izzy’s “Emotional Support” Bottle
Give me Drinks or give me Death (Zheng Style)
Lime Ricky
Lighthouse Fluid
So tempted to procrastinate on my actual work and turn this into a cookbook…
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real-total-drama-takes · 11 months
I LOVE SAMMY AND ALL, but i think she probably ate one of those insects raised to be eaten by peoples pets (ie, freeze dried roaches and scorpions in a sucker) and liked it.
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 year
a beautiful comparison moment to me is how roach made a sammie for izzy for his banishment and izzy failed to catch the sandwich + it bounced off his head but not only was ed’s banishment sammie not thrown at stede, he managed to catch it anyway. the student has become the master ……
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cleostoohot · 2 years
well. um.. i’m just now being awakened to all the drama and things that sammy and her mermaid gang has going on and i’d just like to say fuck everything i said to defend her🙇🏽‍♀️ it really just took me watching aivas video to find out about how toxic she and her ppl really are. and the fact that she’s trynna say that someone’s purposely doing this to try to cancel her is just annoying af. i still haven’t seen her make a message about it like how she always makes those long messages about other situations so quickly. i apologize to y’all who tried to say something abt it to me earlier and i was still defending her. i’d never EVER support a racist ew! and someone who lets their fan base run wild like a roach infested house. i just can’t wrap my head around the fact that a community like ours, people who are learning to live their dream lives, is doing bullshit like this. anywho. other loa content creators that i 100% recommend will be linked!
aiva manifested that
manifesting legend
that’s it. i don’t watch many loa ytbers. comment some if you’d like.
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prettybluelites · 1 year
Thoughts: Fun and Games
Started this last night, accidentally deleted it, got annoyed and went to bed.
Take two.
Yes Stede, the head butt was absolutely on purpose, but not because it was you, rather because a fearsome pirate woke up from a traumatic-on-every-level experience with someone hovering over him, six inches from his face. Ed would have head butted anyone on sheer instinct.
Fascinated by Buttons choosing to check in with Ed about his gravy basket experience, and you can tell Buttons sorta understands that Ed did have a vision, even if Ed doesn't say as much. Also, Buttons has been there a few times himself? Can you get there only through massive physical injury or can you like take a vision quest?
All well and good that the unicorn can't hear without a head, but probably a bigger selling point for Izzy is that it can't talk back
The crew's at a deadlock? Really? They sounded pretty firmly in favor of banishment. Did Stede just want to make sure Izzy got to have a say?
How many takes did they have to do with the sandwich, and was "sammie" scripted or improvised? I need to know.
On a serious note, how Stede's heart must have hurt to see Ed look at him like that
How fucked up and re-traumatizing for Ed to have his lil bunny friend snatched out from under his nose mere seconds after telling it that it would always be safe with him
Did I mention how the costumes keep getting better and better? Minnie Driver looks absolutely spectacular
In Stede's place I would have been scared to death to accept Anne and Mary's dinner invitation, solely on the basis of their predatory grins, but I guess love is stronger than all that
Also stronger than Ed pelting him with backhanded comments all evening
Love the incongruity of Roach talking about reminding the other crew of their value and safety while brandishing a cleaver
Whatever either Stede or Ed was expecting from the evening, it sure wasn't this
"Actually, I was planning on killing him myself" - subtext: still might if sufficiently provoked
Stede's expression when Ed says he regretted shaving his beard - so like his expression when Ed finds him on the beach in Ep9
Taika is so good in this whole scene. The tiny, tiny change in his expression when Stede says he likes his new beard, it's like he's processing that this is happening and willing himself to remain objective. And then Stede asks about the gravy basket and it snaps him back to reality and causes him to turn abrupt/short when he says he's fine. Good stuff.
Not gonna lie, I kinda hate the scene with the pinata and the cake. I get the point, but it feels clunky to me. I do appreciate everyone struggling with the concept of a safe space, lol, and I would love to know what exactly the "fucked up sleeping arrangements" are.
Another costuming note: Lucius is wearing the hell out of those high-waisted trousers.
I personally would not have described Stede as an "artsy outsider," but from Mary's POV I kinda get it, "artsy" sounds a bit derisive, like artsy-fartsy, and outsider sounds like...well, not a pirate. If that's Ed's type, I'd love to know about past outsiders he's been involved with. Likewise, I'm fascinated by Ed calling Stede "fragile" - he's clearly not meaning it as weak, but as fine/delicate. He says it so fondly. :)
Offering relationship advice by saying that everything will be rosy for a while and then eventually, inevitably, it's all going to go to hell and you're going to be left attempting murder to "keep things fresh" is, ah, kind of upsetting. Anne's tactic is upsetting too but at least "let's make them jealous" isn't explicitly violent.
It's really important to me that Roach (along with Fang) is one of the first to try to help Izzy up, same as he was the first to approach Buttons when Karl got killed. He really is tender as hell. :)
In my previous post, I mentioned how Ed still doesn't know that Mary wasn't the whole reason Stede didn't come to the dock - and I want to know, what's going to set off Stede's PTSD? We've seen the crew grappling with theirs and Ed is a walking ball of it. Stede's kinda been skating over everyone else's damage and he hasn't really even touched his own. He says he panicked, and admits he went back to his wife, but the part where he was abducted at gunpoint and nearly murdered is a pretty key part of the narrative. Taking a wild guess that's going to come up when we meet Prince Ricky again. And it's going to lead us into the Season Finale which SHIT I do not want to think about yet.
Others have probably already connected these dots but I'm obsessed with the fact that the blanket that Ed is hiding under so strikingly resembles the Battle Jacket. It should be renamed the Ed Teach is Lovable Jacket.
I just love me some everything about this scene. I love Stede's confidence in making himself heard and I love how throughout their talk Ed comes out from under the blanket, then sits up, then turns toward Stede by degrees, and finally gives that tiny, tiny, sad smile. And the dialogue is beautiful and heartfelt and Rhys and Taika just take it to a wonderful place.
My blood runs cold on Ed and Stede's behalf when Anne and Mary bust in on them, honest to god.
Oh, Izzy. *sniffle*
Ed and Stede both so adorkable negotiating where Ed's going to spend the night
I was honestly not crazy about the whole avian transmogrification thing at first, but the more I've thought about it, the more I like it. Buttons is completely confident in his ability to pull it off and in his reason for doing it - which is, of course, love. His pointing out to Ed that love requires change/growth is just a sweet touch. Was Buttons a "good" first mate? Who knows? Was he a decent human and apparently a legit vessel of magic? I think yes.
Also, if you're going to write a character out of your story, changing them into a bird is a bang-up way to do it. No klutzy off-screen death for Buttons.
Also also, I think it's worth remembering that Zheng uses carrier birds. I predict avian espionage in the future. And no, gulls were not used as carrier birds, but we all know Djenks has been hand-wavy about bigger things.
Izzy...is himself again. Also, loving the casual acknowledgement that there's been at least one other person on the Revenge this whole time who could read :P
My week is going to be insane so I might do Episode 5 tonight and get it out of the way. Thanks for reading!
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starqueen87 · 6 months
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Ernest Fredric “Ernie” Morrison was the first Black child movie star. Morrison, who performed under the stage name Sunshine Sammy, was most famous as one of the Dead End Kids/East Side Kids.
As the oldest Our Gang cast-member Morrison earned $10,000 a year, making him the highest-paid Black actor in Hollywood. He made 28 episodes from 1922 to 1928 before he ditched Hollywood for New York’s vaudeville stages. He was featured on the same bills with such up-and-coming acts as Abbott and Costello and Jack Benny. After a few years, he returned and acted in the Dead End Kids movies. From the beginning, Morrison tapped into his experiences growing up on the East Side of New York City to shape the character of “Scruno.” He spent three years with the gang before leaving to work with the Step Brothers act, a prominent Black stage and film dance act.
Morrison was born on December 20, 1912 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the oldest child and only son born to Joseph Ernest Morrison, a grocer and later actor, and his wife, Louise Lewis. Ernie was later joined by three younger sisters, Florence, Vera, and Dorothy.
He made his film debut in the 1916’s The Soul of a Child at the age of 3. The story goes that his father worked for a wealthy Los Angeles family that had connections in the film industry. One day the producer friend asked Joseph Morrison if he could bring his son by the studio. Apparently the original child actor hired would not stop crying and they had pretty much given up trying to console him. Joseph brought young Morrison and the producer and director were impressed at how well behaved he was. It was this positive disposition that garnered his nickname, “Sunshine.” His father would later add “Sammy” to the moniker.
From 1917 to 1922, Morrison’s career was mainly in shorts that paired him with another popular child star of the silent era, Baby Marie Osborne. He also appeared in Harold Lloyd shorts and later with another comedian of the day, Snub Pollard and a now forgotten comedic leading lady of the day, Marie Mosquini. A feature was created for him, called The Sunshine Sammy Series, but only one segment was produced. Some critics believed, however, that the Sunshine Sammy episode provided comedy producer Hal Roach with the idea for the Our Gang film shorts, later shown on television and known by several other names, including the Little Rascals.
As the oldest Our Gang cast-member Morrison earned $10,000 a year, making him the highest paid Black actor in Hollywood. He made 28 episodes from 1922 to 1928 before he ditched Hollywood for New York’s vaudeville stages. He was featured on the same bills with such up-and-coming acts as Abbott and Costello and Jack Benny. After a few years, he returned and acted in the Dead End Kids movies. From the beginning, Morrison tapped into his experiences growing up on the East Side of New York City to shape the character of “Scruno.” He spent three years with the gang before leaving to work with the Step Brothers act, a prominent Black stage and film dance act.
Morrison was drafted into the army during World War II, where he appeared as a singer-dancer-comedian for troops stationed in the South Pacific. For several years after being discharged from the war, Morrison turned down a series of offers to return to show business, saying that he had fond memories of the movies but no desire to be part of them again. He left show business entirely, and took a job in an aircraft assembly plant and spent the next 30 years in the aircraft industry, apparently doing very well financially.
After his retirement, Morrison was rediscovered by film buffs who had learned of him after the revival of the Little Rascals in the 1970s. He made guest appearances in several television situation comedies, including Good Times and The Jeffersons.
Morrison died of cancer in Lynwood on July 24, 1989. He is interred at Inglewood Park Cemetery in Inglewood California.
Morrison, who appeared in 145 motion pictures, was inducted into the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame in 1987.
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cordycepsbian · 8 months
hihihigihi uhh
can you name some of your ocs?-
haven't seen much of any i dont thingk. or maybe i just am blind
that's fair we don't have our toyhouse linked anywhere and that only has a fraction of our ocs listed on it
bugs fable ocs;
chrys - never talked about them before whoops. from our bug fables future headcanons. they're a cuckoo wasp and they're on an explorer team with tod and terrie mop - everyone knows mop. the star of the show
synth - evil roach lady. came from the giant's lair and tried to start snakemouth lab 2: electric boogaloo. she's like if soul master was a girl kind of bernie - most divorced poor little meow meow bee man ever. got kicked out of the hive because cosmic horrors happened to him. vi's dad but that's not really relevant they don't know each other ilon & lilly - butterfly and beetle on an explorer team. kind of side characters in future bug fables iris - cute and trustworthy mantis lady who runs a diner and definitely doesn't cook people checkers - zombee who is two different bees sewn together. former nurse in one life. unwillingly pulled into synth's schemes mint - zombeetle who escaped the lab to try and find his former explorer partner. not going well for him latte - baby zombiant. just a little guy sammy - zombie fly with a different kind of fungus than the cordyceps ones. got sent to bee kingdom zombie jail until the doctor who made it like that let it escape penny - the doctor who did that to sammy. it was an accident she swears marshmallow - peacock spider who started mimicking bugs and living in society just for a laugh
and our hollows knights
caprice - nosk who disguises herself as a traveling musician. reads minds to find familiar tunes and plays them for her victims. our personal favorite to draw ollie - ant that got splashed with the death pheromone and kicked out of his colony for it. traveled with caprice before getting infected and dying for real
celadon - mantis who left the tribe to pursue a more peaceful lifestyle. is just vibing in greenpath now flower pot - vessel that celadon adopted. likes being painted on capt. geo-eye - earwig pirate captain. quite literally has a piece of geo where his eye should be. currently plundering the abandoned kingdom of hallownest treasure chest - vessel that geo-eye adopted. a little ruffian that attacks ankles
and our rains worlds
uncrossed finish line - senior of their local group. thought sliver of straw was onto something. worked so hard to replicate her that they overheated and collapsed deep impression of a fang - junior of the same group. looked up to finish line and was devastated when they died. tried to purpose an organism strong enough to kill him after that happened flightless birds - second youngest of the group. bit of a silly goose. spends more time talking in group chats and having fun than doing work. in her lane. unbothered. flourishing monday morning sunrise - second oldest of the group. eepy. spends 100 cycles to do anything empire of ants - firm Middle Child. ascribes to the same thinking of a benefactor monk. never talks to anyone ever three glowing scales - no local group because they're in the middle of the ocean. makes a lot of purposed creatures to send messages across the sea ever-flowing rapids - purposed slugcat made by 3gs. true aquatic scug that can breathe underwater and move at speed. rivulet's ancestor the crusader - purposed slugcat made by dioaf. the thing that was intended to kill him. gets stronger the higher its karma is the trickster - purposed slugcat made by nsh. exists to send memes. can change colors to mimic predators the sleepwalker - normal slugcat that got hit on the head and can't sleep now. always gets shelter failures and special night creatures attack them the symbiosis - used to be our scugsona but now they're just vibing. full of fungus. kills bugs instantly but gets hurt by sunlight two splinters of wood under tropical leaves - benefactor that lived on mms. ran a shelter for purposed organisms that outlived their usefulness. number one enjoyer of weird little critters muddy water running through steel canals - benefactor that lived on looks to the moon. mechanic that dabbles in bioengineering. invented miros birds so you can all get mad at aer for that shrill ringing noise, a broken spear - benefactor that used to live on dioaf. got banished to the surface for assassinating a council member. living the creature life now
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ravenouscultleader780 · 11 months
COTL Modded Alt Cult(Midnight Summers Cult) The Pics of The Many Offsprings of The Lamb & his Married Spouses, Narinder Included!
Hello Everyone, I am back again after finished playing my PC COTL Save(which is still super laggy as hell) Anyways as i was playing which i defeated TOWW/Narinder & now am in the Relics Storyline and named Mysterious Seller in this Ver(Megara) which i might make a Second Save on my Switch Ver to have a Mystery Seller with that same name but for now i'm taking a break from playing due to my waiting excitement for the next big free update for the game!
So as a Nice Show & Tell in Screenshots I took while playing tonight i've took a few good pics of the Offsprings(have the Mating Tent Mod by Ingo in my game aswell as other fun QOL Mods) with Testing it out with The Spouse Squad(Samantha-Sammi Bloodsucker, Lady Dimistru-Lady Dimmi, M3gan-M3ggy, Ruri-Ruri, Toots-Toots, Lucos-Luckos, Slaughter-Slaughty, Judas-Judy & Narinder(TOWW).
I will also show the complete bios of each Child, Their Birth Parents(Male or Female) with only their Names, Ages, Families(Parents, Siblings & Other Relatives) & Birthdates.
Hope you Guys & Gals Like it!
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Lambert x Samantha Bloodsucker(Sammi)-Parents of Children : (Oldest to Youngest) : Dayton & Kaitlynn Bloodsucker Rona Bloodsucker, Bradyn Sheepard, Mackenzie Sheepard, Francesca, Parente Bloodsucker, Gunderson, Heron & Layden Sheepard & Rusty Bloodsucker, Lillia Sheepard, Chanse Sheepard, Medlin Bloodsucker, Kristian Sheepard, Pelton Bloodsucker, Kaysen Sheepard, Shupe Bloodsucker, Biggs Sheepard, Paddock & Victoria Bloodsucker, Antoine, Cates & Winkler Sheepard, Rylyn Bloodsucker, John Sheepard(Deceased) & Till Bloodsucker.
Granger Bloodsucker, Maxine Bloodsucker, Outlaw Sheepard, Roach Bloodsucker(Deceased)
(Ages-Oldest to Youngest)
Dayton & Kaitlynn-24 yrs & 21 yrs & Mackenzie-19 yrs.
Rona-28 yrs, Bradyn-26 yrs, Till Bloodsucker-33 yrs.
Hooker Sheepard-33 yrs, Kayleigh Bloodsucker-47 yrs & Daxton Sheepard-47 yrs.
Francesca Bloodsucker-25 yrs & Parente Bloodsucker-24 yrs.
Gunderson Sheepard-24 yrs, Heron Sheepard-24 yrs & Layden Sheepard-24 yrs.
Rivers Bloodsucker-32 yrs, Kinsley Sheepard-31 yrs & Atencio Bloodsucker-32 yrs.
Aleman Sheepard-31 yrs, Lillia Sheepard-22 yrs & Chanse Bloodsucker-22 yrs.
Medlin Bloodsucker-21 yrs, Kristian Sheepard-21 yrs & Pelton Sheepard-21 yrs.
Kaysen Bloodsucker-21 yrs, Shupe-20 yrs, Paddock-19 yrs.
Victoria Sheepard-19 yrs, Biggs-19 yrs & Antoine-19 yrs.
Cates Bloodsucker-19 yrs, Winker-19 yrs & Rylyn-19 yrs.
(Deceased)-John & Roach Bloodsucker-19 yrs & 20 yrs.
Maxine Bloodsucker-27 yrs, Outlaw Sheepard-27 yrs.
(In Total : 31 Children)
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Lambert x Lady Dimistru(Dimmi)-Parents of Children : Syndi Dimistru, Zealand Sheepard, Pranav Sheepard, Pena Dimistru, Bethel Sheepard & Katheryn Dimistru.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest) : Syndi Dimistru-20 yrs, Zealand Sheepard- 20 yrs & Pranav Sheepard-20 yrs.
Katheryn Dimistru-50 yrs, Pena Dimistru-26 yrs & Bethel Sheepard-26 yrs.
(In Total : 6 Children)
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Lambert x M3gan(M3ggy)-Parents of Children : Sacchi Wolfhood, Seerat Sheepard, Sevyn Wolfhood & Southwick Sheepard.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest)
Sacchi Wolfhood-48 yrs, Seerat Sheepard-29 yrs, Southwick Wolfhood-25 yrs & Sevyn-20 yrs.
(In Total : 4 Children)
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Lambert x Ruri Pawsholder(Ruri)-Parents of Children : Worth Sheepard, Perry Pawsholder, Yaharia Sheepard, Rylyn Pawsholder & Mcginty Sheepard & Tavion Sheepard.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest)
Worth Sheepard-25 yrs & Perry Pawsholder-25 yrs.
Tavion Sheepard-21 yrs, Yaharia Sheepard-21 yrs.
Mcginty Sheepard-20 yrs, Rylyn Pawsholder-29 yrs.
(In Total : 6 Children)
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Lambert x Lukos Slimeballd(Luckos)-Parents of Children : Shlome Sheepard.
(Ages Oldest to Youngest)
Shlome Sheepard-25 yrs.
(In Total : 1 Child)
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Lambert x Tootsie Clawroe(Toots)-Parents of Children : Elah Clawroe, Aadya Sheepard & Lentz Clawroe.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest)
Aadya Sheepard-29 yrs, Lentz Clawroe-29 & Elah Clawroe-24 yrs.
(In Total : 3 Children)
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Lambert x Giselle Diggers(Gissie)-Parents of Children : Fortune Sheepard, Delaynza Diggers & Milikin Sheepard.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest)
Fortune Sheepard-21 yrs, Delaynza Diggers-21 yrs & Milikin(Milky) Sheepard-28 yrs.
(In Total : 3 Children)
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Lambert x Narinder(Narilamb)-Parents of Children : Mcadams Sheepard, Moll Sheepard & Andromeda Sheepard.
(Ages from Oldest to Youngest)
Mcadams Sheepard-22 yrs, Moll Sheepard-22 yrs & Andromeda(Andi) Sheepard 22 yrs.
(In Total : 3 Children)
And That's All for the Whole Family Trees with Lambert & His Spouses(maybe someday i'll update this or if were lucky when the next update comes soon this year it might be officially confirmed by the devs.. will post when if it possibly happens)
but overall this took quite a while and if you wanna know, i will be drawing these cuties of Lambert & his Spouses, their own offsprings in drawings very soon!
hope you all have a goodnight or day Cultists!
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year
I love that roach just likes to make people sammies when they're leaving his house
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕'𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
John's cell phone is ringing and Meg picks it up.
"You three really screwed up this time" Dean looks at Sam and Y/N.
"Where is he?" Dean asks.
"You're never going to see your father again" Dean hangs up.
"They've got Dad"
"Meg" Dean nods "What'd she say?"
"I just told you, Sammy" Dean is clearly upset "Okay. Okay" Dean takes the colt and tucks it into the back of his jeans.
"What are you doing, Dean?" Sam asks. Dean and Y/N grabs their duffel bags.
"We got to go" Y/N says.
"Why?" Dean puts on his jacket.
"Because the demon knows we're in Salvation, all right. It knows we got the Colt. It's got Dad-it's probably coming for us next"
"Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come"
"Listen, tough guy, we're not ready, okay? We don't know how many of them are out there. Now, we're not good to anybody dead. We're leaving...now!"
The Impala is speeding down the road and takes a turn sideways.
"I'm telling you, Dean, we could have taken him"
"What we need is a plan. Now, they're probably keeping Dad alive, we just gotta figure out where. They're gonna wanna trade him for the gun" Sam just shakes his head and Dean glances over at him "What?"
"Guys, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade?" Sam gets upset "Dad, he might be..."
"Don't!" Y/N says. Sam turns to look at her.
"Look, I don't want to believe it any more than you. But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job"
"Screw the job, Sam!"
"Dean, I'm just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going" Dean starts getting angry.
"Quit talking about him like he's dead already. Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything" Sam pauses to think"
"So how do we find him?" Sam asks.
"Maybe we go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken" Y/N says.
"Come on, Y/N, you really think these demons are going to leave a trail?" There is a pause.
"You're right. We need help" The Impala drives off through the night.
The Impala drives onto a junkyard, there are junk cars around and hubcaps nailed to the side of the house. A large dog is chained to a post and is lying on the hood of an old tow truck. Inside, there are books stacked everywhere. It's untidy and cluttered with papers on every wall. A man picks up three round silver flasks with crosses on them and hands one to Dean and another to Y/N. Sam is sitting at a cluttered desk reading a very large book.
"Here you go"
"What is this-holy water?" Dean asks.
"That one is" The man hold out the other flask and points to Y/N's" These two are whiskey" He tales a swig of whiskey and hands it to Dean, who also drinks
"Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure we should come" Y/N says.
"Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help"
"Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything" She continues.
"Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people"
"Yeah, I guess he does" Dean says.
"None of that matters now. All that matters ia that you get him back"
Babby, this book...I've never seen anything like it" Bobby comes over to Sam and sits on the corner of the desk.
"Key of Solomon? It's the real deal, alright"
"And these, uh, protection circles. They really work?"
"Hell, yeah. You get a demon-they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a Satanic roach motel" Sam chuckles. Dean and Y/N goes over to the two.
"Man, knows his stuff" Dean says.
"I'll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you guys stepped in"
"Oh, yeah? How's that?" Sam asks.
"Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops"
"This year I hear of 27 so far. You get what I'm sayin? More and more demons are walking among us- a lot more"
"Do you know why?"
"No, but I know it's something big. The storm's coming, and you three, your Daddy-you are smack in the middle of it" The dog starts barking outside.
"Rumsfeld" As Bobby goes over to the window the dog stops barking with a whine "What is it?" Bobby mutters to himself. He looks out the window and sees the cable hanging broken and the dog nowhere in sight "Something's wrong" At that moment Meg kicks in the door and saunters in. Y/N slips the holy water flask out of Dean's pocket. He looks at her but she ignores him.
"No more crap, okay?" Y/N comes at her, unscrewing the flash, but Meg hits her and sends her flying into a stack of books. She appears to be knocked out. Dean and Sam steps in front of Bobby, placing themselves between Bobby and Meg.
"I want the Colt, Sam, Dean-the real Colt-right now" Sam, Bobby and Dean are slowly moving across the room and Meg follows them.
"We don't have it on us. We buried it"
"Didn't I say 'no more crap'? I swear-after everything I hear about you Winchesters, I got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, men. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?" Y/N steps behind her.
"Actually, we were counting on it" Meg turns to look at her. Y/N stares at her and then looks up at the ceiling. Meg also looks up and sees a large protective symbol etched there"
"Gotcha" Y/N smirks. Hours later, Meg is ties to a chair in the middle of the floor. Dean, Sam and Y/N are watching her.
"You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask" Bobby comes in with a very large canister of salt.
"I salted the door and windows. If there are any demons out there-they aint getting in" Y/N nods and stands up, moving around Bobby, Sam and Dean to stand in front of Meg.
"Where's our father, Meg?" She asks.
"You didn't ask very nice"
"Where's out father, bitch?"
"Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't" Y/N lunges at her, putting her hands on the chair arms. 
 "You think this is a friggin game? Where is he?! What did you do to him" Y/N asks yelling. 
 "He died screaming. I killed him myself" Dean sees Y/N shaking in anger and before he could pull her off to the side to calm down, Y/N throws a punch at her face.
"That's kind of a turn on-you hitting a girl" Meg flirts.
"You're no girl" Y/N spits out. Bobby stands up and moves into the next room.
"Dean. Y/N" The twins follows and Sam moves up to them.
"You two, okay?"
"She's lying. He's not dead"
"Dean, you got to be careful with her. Don't hurt her"
"Why?" Y/N asks.
"Because she really is a girl, that's why"
"What are you talking about?" Sam asks.
"She's possessed. That's a human possessed by a demon. Can't you tell"
"Are you trying to tell me there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there?" Bobby nods. Dean looks at Meg, who is staring back at him "That's actually good news" Minutes later, Sam is looking through a book. Sam looks at Dean and Y/N, who looks back at their brother. They then move over to Meg.
"Are you gonna read me a story?"
"Something like that. Hit it, Sam" Y/N says.
"Regna terrae, cantate deo, psallite domino......."
"An exorcism? Are you serious?" Meg says to Dean and Y/N.
"Oh, we're going for it, Baby- head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards"
".... tribuite virtutem deo" Meg flinches in pain. Sam looks at the twins. Meg looks over her shoulder at Sam.
"I'm going to kill you" She looks at Dean "I'm gonna rip the bones from your body" She looks at Y/N "And I'm gonna make you watch"
"No, you're gonna burn in hell. Unless you tell us where our Dad is" Meg just smiles at him.
"Well, at least you'll get a nice tan" Y/N says, glancing up at Sam.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incuriso infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, onmis congregatio et secta diabolica...." Meg has been shaking and obviously in pain while Sam reads the exorcism ritual. She finally gasps in pain and Sam stops.
"He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his children one last time. That's when I slit his throat" Sam starts reading again and Y/N leans down to her.
"For your sake, I hope you're lying. Cause if it's true, I swear to God, I will march into hell myself and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me God!" Y/N says.
"Perditionis venenum propinare. Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae" A winds starts to blow through the room "Hostis humanae salutis. Humiliare sub potenti manu dei. Contremisce et effuge. Invocato a nobis sancto et terribile nomine. Quem inferi tremunt..." Meg starts to show signs of being in pain again.
"Where is he?" Dean asks.
"You just won't take 'dead' for an answer, will you?"
"Where is he?!" Dean shouts.
"No, he's not! He's not dead! He can't be!" Dean is obviously getting very upset and angry. Sam is looking at him with concern "What are you looking at? Keep reading"
"Ab insidis diaboli, libera nos, domine. Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias, libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos" The chair starts to slide around the circle "Ut inimicos sanctae ecclesiae humiliare digneris, to rogamus audi...."
"He will be!" Meg shouts.
"Wait! What?!" Y/N asks.
"He's not dead. But he will be after what we do to him"
"How do we know you're telling the truth?"
"You don't"
"Sam!" Dean shouts.
"A building! Okay? A building in Jefferson Cirty"
"Missouri? Where, where? An address!"
"I don't know"
"And the demon-the one we're looking for- where is it?"
"I don't know! I swear! That's everything. That's all I know"
"Finish it" Dean says.
"What? I told you the truth!"
"I don't care"
"You son of a bitch, you promised"
"I lied! Sam" Sam doesn't say anything and Dean looks at him "Sam! Read" Dean walks by him.
"Maybe we can still use her. Find out where the demon is" Sam says quietly to Dean.
"She doesn't know" Y/N says, coming over to the two.
"She lied"
"Sam, there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there. We've got to help her" Bobby comes up to them.
"You're gonna kill her"
"What?" Dean asks.
"You said she fell from a building. That girl's body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside. You exorcise it-that girl is gonna die"
"Listen to me, the three of you, we are not gonna leave her like that"
"She is a human being"
"And we're gonna put her out of her misery. Sam, finish it" Sam looks at his brother, his sister and Bobby, not sure what's the right thing to do. He looks over at Meg "Finish it" Sam was about to continue before Y/N grabs the book.
"I'll do it. I'm not letting my baby brother do this" Y/N takes a breath and starts to read.
"Dominicos sanctae ecclesiae, terogamus audi nos, terribilis deus do sanctuario suo deus israhel. Ipse tribuite virtutem et fortitudinem plebi suae, benedictus deus, gloria patri...." Meg throws her head back and screams. The demon leaves through her mouth in a black cloud and spreads out in the protective circle in the ceiling before disappearing.
Meg leans forward and blood starts to drip from her mouth. The four stand there looking at her, not really sure it's over. Meg slowly lifts her head.
"She's still alive" Dean looks to Bobby "Call 911. Get some water and blankets" Bobby rushes off. Dean, Sam and Y/N untie Meg.
"Thank you" She whispers.
"Shh, shh. Just take it easy, alright?" Y/N says.
"Come on. Let's get her down" They lift Meg from the chair. There is the sound of bones crunching and Meg screams in pain as they lower her to the floor.
"Sorry, sorry. I got you. I got you. It's okay. It's okay"
"A year" Meg strains out.
"What?" Sam asks.
"It's been a year"
"Shh, just take it easy"
"I've been awake for some of it. I couldn't move my body. The things I did- it's a nightmare"
"Was it telling us the truth about Dad?" Dean asks.
"We ned to know"
"Yes. But it wants...you to know...that...they want you to come for him"
"If Dad's still alive, none of those matters" Bobby comes in with a blanket and a glass of water. He hands the glass to Dean while he and Sam covers her. Y/N puts a pillow underneath her head, replacing her legs with it. Dean hols her head up so she can drink.
"Where is the demon we're looking for?"
"No there. Other ones. Awful ones"
"Where are they keeping out Dad?" Y/N asks.
"By the river. Sunrise"
"'Sunrise'. What does that mean? What does that mean?" Dean asks. But Meg is dead. Minutes later the Winchester are about to leave.
"You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedic get here"
"What are you gonna tell them?" Y/N asks.
"You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out" He hands the Key of Solomon book to Sam "Here take this. You might need it"
"Thanks...for everything. Be careful, alright?" Dean says.
"You just go find your dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I won't even try to shoot him this time" Dean, Sam and Y/N leave.
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