#Sam is hilarious whenever she's not terrorizing animals
presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Psychonaut thoughts time again!
Why do the animals that Sam terrorizes put up with her? I mean, they're animals. They can just run away, right?
My first idea is that Sam's obliviousness means she doesn't realize that she's talking to different animals each time. There's been about a dozen Fur Lancelots, for instance. The squirrel who came back with the not-crushed acorns wasn't the same one she sent off to get them. The first probably didn't tell the second they needed to be crushed. :V
My other thought was that the animals are, to some extent, passively enabling her behaviour out of fear how she'll react if they stop listening to her. After all, she may have better control over the Boole Family Psychic Issue but she is still Dogen's sister. Who knows what kind of havoc she might have unleashed in the past? Given the option, listening to her boss them about is a preferable alternative in the short-term, though in the long-term it's probably doing more harm than good. They're animals, not psychologists. :V
Tying into the headcanons others have shared about her and Dogen's parents, one imagines her treatment of her so-called 'animal friends' is a form of venting when stressed by her brother, her clueless non-psychic parents and her distant grandpa who could help them, but chooses not to. Albeit a very unhealthy and destructive form of venting that she probably needs to learn to stop doing at some point.
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