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soaplett · 2 months ago
im abt to get soo mad at this mf on the mfking bus bro stfu this is why i hate the indian race.
Also the guy beside me keeps touching his crotch- have him shot.
i also hope the killer comes for the 29 bus bc i would’ve been here so much earlier and been able to hit up my local chemist but that’s not ok to say so i keep having to call myself a victim soul, the cabbage seller from the last airbender even
---- <3 ---- <3 ----
mercy is extending my hands past the keyboard to the power button, letting the whirring of my laptop die, letting my eyelids eclipse the whites of my eyes. maybe they roll back before lulling my conscious haphazardly to a place of conundrums. the penumbra or my gaze eclipsed by the film of sleep.
my head nods a beat somewhere within, to be conscious is to be deaf- dreams run in a frequency of a dog whistle, a veil my conscious can’t reach (sakrat al mawt, knowledge bestowed only during the lull of the afterlife.) my grasp steadfast, its pull swifter. a soft black, a faint memory that ebbs away with the light. mercy is in my hands curled around the body of my childhood toy, my computer sound asleep, the birds crow.
(I haven’t edited this- I’m on the bus trying to think up something so i don’t shoot myself after the man next to me saw me open up my manga browser only for the panel to be of two mfs kissing)
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kamasutranovelofficial · 3 months ago
Get To Know: Phoomsaksiri Panjamawan
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Character Visual: Sakrat Ruekthamrong
Phoomsaksiri, a 56-year-old man with an imposing height and stature, is a formidable presence in Tinsulanonda. He is known for his indulgence in women, particularly his concubines, Mae Suay and Mae Narong. His competitiveness often turns into aggression in his business dealings. Despite his arrogance, he has a sharp intellect and an intuitive ability to identify rare gems. His most prized possession is the Dao Noppadol, a translucent pink sapphire. Tragically, the mysterious death of his son, Karthikeya, caused by his former concubine Surin, has deepened his animosity towards his rival, Pranamaya. This bitterness fuels his desire for dominance over Pranamaya, whom he sees as a constant threat to his family's legacy and business aspirations.
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pratimaad · 1 year ago
Happy Makar Sankranti! Enjoy safe kite flying without Manja!! Makar Sankranti are known by various names including Makara Sankranti in Kerala, Magh Bihu in Assam, Maghi Saaji in Himachal Pradesh, Maghi Sangrand in Punjab, Maghi Sangrand or Uttarain (Uttarayana) in Jammu, Sakrat in Haryana, Sakraat in Rajasthan, Sukarat in central India, Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Uttarayana in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, Ghughuti in Uttarakhand, Dahi Chura in Bihar, Makar Sankranti in Odisha, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, West Bengal (also called Poush Sankranti or Mokor Sonkranti), Uttar Pradesh (also called Khichidi Sankranti), Uttarakhand (also called Uttarayani) or as simply, Sankranthi or Peddha Panduga in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
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raksturaksti · 1 year ago
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Ilgtermiņa kredīti ir viens no izplatītākajiem veidiem, kā ātri iegūt trūkstošo naudas summu. Aizdevumu saņemšanu ar interneta starpniecību mūsdienās meklē ārkārtas gadījumos, kad nepieciešams segt neparedzētus izdevumus. Mūsdienās patēriņa aizdevumi ir pieejami ne tikai bankās, bet arī pie interneta aizdevējiem.
Eiropas Savienībā jau labu laiku darbojas Datu aizsardzības regula, kas liek savu identitāti apstiprināt elektroniski, pretējā gadījumā, pieteikumu nav iespējams iesniegt. Aizdevuma summa ir līdz pat divdesmit pieciem tūkstošiem eiro, ko ir iespējams saņemt līdz desmit gadiem.
Lielu daļu biedē aizdevuma procenti, kas ir maksa par kredīta izsniegšanu, taču, piebildīsim, ka aizdevumu ir iespējams atmaksāt arī ātrāk. Visbiežāk ir iespējams saņemt ilgtermiņa aizdevumu sākot no 500 eiro. Tā ir summa, kas ir elementāri atmaksājama dažu mēnešu laikā, savukārt maksimālā summa, kas ir divdesmit pieci tūkstoši eiro, ir elementāri atmaksājama 10 gadu laikā. Piekritīsiet, ka tas ir izdevīgi. Procentu likme par aizdevuma saņemšanu, ir sākot no nepilniem septiņiem procentiem.
Ilgtermiņa aizdevums ir pieejams saņemšanai tiešsaistē un nav vajadzības iziet no mājas(uzzināt vairāk te - https://vs.lv/raksts/sabiedriba/2023/07/07/ka-sakrat-naudu-lielakam-dzives-merkim). Latvijas likumdošana nosaka, ka dažāda veida aizdevumi tiek piešķirti personām, kuras ir sasniegušas vismaz 21 gada vecumu kā minimums. kredīta pieteikumu izskata vienas darba dienas laikā un par lēmumu paziņo elektroniski. Aizdevuma saņemšanai nav jānoformē ķīla, taču būs jānorāda informācija par savu darba vietu, izdevumiem, esošajām parādsaistībām un cita informācija, kas palīdzēs vieglāk pieņemt lēmumu. Parādsaistības nav nekas apkaunojošs vai traģisks, taču pret tām jāizturas atbildīgi. Tā ir normāla prakse visā pasaulē un lieliska iespēja segt neparedzētus izdevumus vai piepildīt sen kārotu sapni, ko vairāk nav vēlmes atlikt uz vēlāku laiku. Kredīti ilgtermiņā internetā ir ērti, jo pieteikumu ir iespējams nosūtīt jebkurā diennakts laikā, pat brīvdienās. Pakāpeniska ilgtermiņa aizdevuma atmaksa nerada robu ikdienas budžetā un ir vienkāršāk plānot ikdienas izdevumus un zināt summu, ar ko rēķināties, parāda segšanai.
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maggiecheungs · 3 years ago
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Character posters for SIX CHARACTERS (2022) dir. M.L. Pundhevanop Dhewakul
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webmehighinfotech-blog · 6 years ago
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May the rays of sun bring along the warmth of prosperity on this festival of sun, we wish you a happy #makarsakranti #2019 #indianfestival #sakrat #warmwishes #webmehigh https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmTLIWAqtG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oga6duw8w6tu
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blogwlog-blog · 8 years ago
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#Kite #Festival of #India 🇮🇳. 9 #amazing #facts about #Makar #sakranti Check it Now:- http://bit.ly/2jioENF #sakrat #kitefestival #pongal
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srimayanayak · 3 years ago
#happy #makarsankranti #pongal #bihu #uttarayan #hangrai #maghiSaji #sakrat to yo all.
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silverbat · 5 years ago
Sakrateal - Necromantic Drums (Dark meditation/Ritual ambient/Dark ambie...
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kiskudadab · 2 years ago
Tang handi ju sananj santali song, Sakrat-2023
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sikhhumanresources · 2 years ago
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Maghi is a festival celebrated in Punjab, Haryana Jammu division and Himachal Pradesh.In Himachal, the festival is also known as Maghi Saaji or Magha Ra Saza. In Bihar and Nepal it is also referred to as Maghi Parva or Maghi Sankranti. whereas it is known as Maghi Sangrand or Uttarain (Uttarayana) in Jammu and Sakrat in Haryana, Maghi is celebrated on first day of the month of Maggar of Sikh calendar. In Sikhism Mela Maghi For Sikhs it is a community gathering to commemorate martyrdom of forty Sikhs (Chalis Mukte) who once had deserted the tenth and last human Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur Sahib, but later rejoined the Guru and died while fighting the Mughal Empire army led by Wazir Khan in 1705. Sikhs make a pilgrimage to the site of the war, and take a dip in the sacred water tanks of Muktsar. A fair (mela) is held at Muktsar Sahib every year and called the Mela Maghi is held in memory of the forty Sikh martyrs. Before this tradition started to commemorate the Sikh martyrs who gave their lives to protect the tenth Guru, the festival was observed and mentioned by Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of Sikhism. #maghi #lohri #fair #festival #sikh #sikhisim #punjab #punjabi #guru #waheguru #waheguruji https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYbUTTPAum/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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karankapoorsblog · 3 years ago
As the promising celebration of 'Makar Sankranti' inches nearer, let us delve further into its importance in the Hindu strict conviction framework. This celebration is commended in love of 'Surya Devta' or the 'Sun God' and is famous among the ranchers, who on this day love the divinity and appeal to God for great yields. The meaning of the 'Sun God' as per the Hindu sacred texts can be followed back to the sacrosanct sacred writing of the 'Apparatus Veda' which was composed somewhere close to 1000-1500 BCE. The celebration is viewed as consecrated and promising for reasons of noble cause, steadiness, love just as penance. It likewise denotes the sun's travel into Makara (Capricorn).
All through the country, it is referred to by different names, for example, - Pusna in West Bengal, Suggi Habba in Karnataka, Uttarayana in Gujarat, Shishur Saenkraat in Kashmir Valley, and Sakrat or Khichri in Uttar Pradesh.
Allow us to dive into the meaning of this promising celebration of Makara Sankranti
How Treat FESTIVITIES LOOK LIKE Festivities incorporate sharing and loving new yields, taking a sacred dunk in the Ganges, getting ready savories made from jaggery and sesame, flying kites, giving aid to poor people, loving the domesticated animals, and so on The celebrations typically continue for 2-4 days. In the space of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar, Khichdi is ready and consumed on this day. For the enthusiasts of the Gorakhnath sanctuary, it is standard to make a contribution of 'khichdi' to the sanctuary.
Recorded SIGNIFICANCE In Hindu folklore, Sankranti is a god who had crushed a devil called Sankarasur. On the following day of Makar Sankranti, otherwise called 'kinkrant' or 'karidin', the Devi annihilated the lowlife 'Kinkaras'. The time of Makar-Sankranti is otherwise called 'Uttarayana' and according to the narrative of The Mahabharata, Bhishma Pitamah had anticipated the sun to be in Uttarayana to accept demise. This is additionally when the sun starts to move North. Before Makar Sankranti, the sun sparkles in the Southern half of the globe. Hindus trust this period to be promising, and it is known as 'Uttarayana' or Winter Solstice. Generally of India, this celebration falls during that season of the agrarian cycle when the Rabi crop has been planted and most of the difficult work on the fields has finished. This break from persevering difficult work for the ranchers turns into an extra justification for the merriments that are done.
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raksturaksti · 2 years ago
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Ātro aizdevēju pakalpojumi ir pieejami personām no 20 gadu vecuma. Neliels finansiāls atspaids klientiem ir pieejams jau vairāk kā desmit gadus un cilvēki labprāt izmanto iespēju aizņemties nelielu naudas summu. Nauda kontā nonāk pāris minūtēs, nav lieku formalitāšu un laika tērēšana. Dažāda veida ātrie aizdevumi parasti ir pieejami personām no 20-70 gadu vecumam. 
Draudzīgie atmaksas noteikumi ir viens no iemesliem, kādēļ daudzi izvēlas par labu tieši šādam kreditoru piedāvājumam. Katram no mums var gadīties situācijas, kad gadās neparedzēti tēriņi, tādēļ šāda veida aizdevumi ir tieši laikā.
ŠĪ ir lieliska alternatīva banku izsniegtajiem aizdevumiem, jo mūsdienās iespējams izmantot dažādus tehnoloģiskos risinājumus. Mūsdienās cilvēkiem patīk, ja lietas norisinās raiti, tādēļ banku aizdevumu pieteikumi paliek ar vien mazāk birokrātisko šķēršļu dēļ(vairāk informācijas skatīt te  - https://www.radio1.lv/lv/Reklamaraksti/1/52796/Ka-sakrat-naudu-lielakai-iecerei). Tā pat kā bankās, arī ātro aizdevumu piešķīrēji pārbauda kredītvēsturi un citus datus, lai pārliecinātos, ka aizdevuma atmaksa neradīs problēmas nevienam. Ja lēmums ir pozitīvs, tad mazāk kā stundas laikā nauda ir bankas kontā. Pirmais aizdevums jaunajiem klientiem, bieži vien tiek piedāvāts bez maksas.
Finanšu pakalpojumi ir viens no populārākajiem pakalpojumu veidiem, ko cilvēki izmanto interneta vidē. Nav jāuztraucas par to, ka kāds no dokumentiem varētu pazust, jo tie ir elektroniski - e-pastā un lietotāja profilā aizdevēja mājaslapā. Pirms kredīta ņemšanas ir iespējams uzzināt visus blakus maksājumus un citus datus, izmantojot kredīta kalkulatoru. Aizdevumu izsniegšana notiek likuma ietvaros, tādēļ nav jāuztraucas par to, ka varētu notikt krāpnieciskas darbības. Aizdevuma atmaksa ir vienkārša - katru mēnesi aizdevēja bankas kontā jāiemaksā atmaksas grafikā minētā summa.
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agwa-5a6aba · 3 years ago
sadan k laish sakrat her tumblr ???
Ro7a bla rada
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necronyancy · 7 years ago
My favourite butchering or vriska serket is Varsak Sakrat
KRGHGDJ my favorite is liska lerket 
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blogwlog-blog · 8 years ago
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#Kite #Festival of #India 🇮🇳. Why #Makar #Sakranti is being #Celebrated? Check it Now:- http://bit.ly/2jiwJC0 #sakrat #kitefestival #pongal
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