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Insights into DAI’s development from Blood, Sweat, and Pixels
The book is by game industry journalist Jason Schreier (it’s an interesting read and well-written, I recommend it). This is the cliff notes version of the DAI chapter. This info isn’t new as the book is from 2017 (I finally got around to buying it). Some insight into DAO, DA2 and cancelled DA projects is also given. Cut for length.
BW hoped that DA would become the LotR of video games. DAO’s development was “a hellish seven-year slog”
The DAI team are compared to a chaotic “pirate ship”, which is what they called themselves internally. “It’ll get where it needs to go, but it’s going to go all over the place. Sail over here. Drink some rum. Go over here. Do something else. That’s how Mark Darrah likes to run his team.” An alternative take from someone else who worked on the game: “It was compared to a pirate ship because it was chaotic and the loudest voice in the room usually set the direction. I think they smartly adopted the name and morphed it into something better.”
A game about the Inquisition and the large-scale political conflicts it solves across Thedas, where the PC was the Inquisitor, was originally the vision for ‘DA2′. Plans had to change when SW:TOR’s development kept stalling and slipping. Frustrated EA execs wanted a new product from BW to bolster quarterly sales targets, and decided that DA would have to fill the gap. BW agreed to deliver DA2 within 16 months. “Basically, DA2 exists to fill that hole. That was the inception. It was always intended to be a game made to fit in that”
BW wanted to call it DA: Exodus, but EA’s marketing execs insisted on DA2, no matter what that name implied
DAO’s scope (Origin stories, that amount of big areas, variables, reactivity) was just not doable in a year, even if everyone worked overtime. To solve this problem, BW shelved the Inquisition idea and made a risky call: DA2 would be set in one city over time, allowing locations to be recycled and months to be shaved off dev time. They also axed DAO features like customizing party members’ equipment. These were the best calls they were able to make on a tight line
Many at BW are still proud of DA2. Those that worked on it grew closer from all being in it together
In certain dark accounting corners of EA, despite fan response to DA2 and its lower sales compared to DAO, DA2 is considered a wild success
By summer 2011 BW decided to cancel DA2′s expansion Exalted March in favor of a totally new game. They needed to get away from the stigma of DA2, reboot the franchise and show they could make triple-A quality good games.
DAI was going to be the most ambitious game BW had ever made and had a lot to prove (that BW could return to form, that EA wasn’t crippling the studio, that BW could make an ‘open-world’ RPG with big environments). There was a bit of a tone around the industry that there were essentially 2 tiers of BW, the ME team and then everyone else, and the DA team had a scrappy desire to fight back against that
DAI was behind schedule early on due to unfamiliar new technology; the new engine Frostbite was very technically challenging and required more work than anyone had expected. Even before finishing DA2 BW were looking for a new engine for the next game. Eclipse was creaky, obsolete, not fully-featured, graphically lacking. The ME team used Unreal, which made inter-team collab difficult. “Our tech strategy was just a mess. Every time we’d start a new game, people would say, ‘Oh, we should just pick a new engine’.”
After meeting with an EA exec BW decided on Frostbite. Nobody had ever used it to make an RPG, but EA owned FB dev studio DICE, and the engine was powerful and had good graphic capabilities & visual effects. If BW started making all its games on FB, it could share tech with sister studios and borrow tools when they learned cool new tricks.
For a while they worked on a prototype called Blackfoot, to get a feel for FB and to make a free-to-play DA MP game. It fizzled as the team was too small, which doesn’t lend itself well to working with FB, and was cancelled
BW resurfaced the old Inquisition idea. What might a DA3 look like on FB? Their plan by 2012 was to make an open-world RPG heavily inspired by Skyrim that hit all the beats DA2 couldn’t. “My secret mission was to shock and awe the players with the massive amounts of content.” People complained there wasn’t enough in DA2. “At the end of DAI, I actually want people to go, ‘Oh god, not [another] level’.”
It was originally called Dragon Age 3: Inquisition
BW wanted to launch on next-gen consoles only but EA’s profit forecasters were caught up in the rise of iPad and iPhone gaming and were worried the next-gen consoles wouldn’t sell well. As a safeguard EA insist it also ship on current-gen. Most games at that time followed this strategy. Shipping on 5 platforms at once would be a first for BW
Ambitions were piling up. This was to be BW’s first 3D open-world game, and their first game on Frostbite, an engine that had never been used to make RPGs. It needed to be made in roughly two years, it needed to ship on 5 platforms, and, oh yeah, it needed to restore the reputation of a studio that had been beaten up pretty badly. “Basically we had to do new consoles, a new engine, new gameplay, build the hugest game that we’ve ever made, and build it to a higher standard than we ever did. With tools that don’t exist.”
FB didn’t have RPG stats, a visible PC, spells, save systems, a party of 4 people, the same kind of cutscenes etc and couldn’t create any of those things. BW had to create these on top of it. BW initially underestimated how much work this would be. BW were the FB guinea pigs. Early on in DAI’s development, even the most basic tasks were excruciating, and this impacted even fundamental aspects of game design and dev. When FB’s tools did function they were finicky and difficult. DICE’s team supported them but had limited resources and were 8 hours ahead. Since creating new content in FB was so difficult, trying to evaluate its quality became impossible. FB engine updates made things even more challenging. After every one, BW had to manually merge and test it; this was debilitating, and there were times when the build didn’t work for a month or was really unstable.
Meanwhile the art department were having a blast. FB was great for big beautiful environments. For months they made as much as possible, taking educated guesses when they didn’t know yet what the designers needed. “For a long time there was a joke on the project that we’d made a fantastic-looking screenshot generator, because you could walk around these levels with nothing to do. You could take great pictures.”
The concept of DAI as open-world was stymying the story/writers and gameplay/designers teams. What were players going to do in these big landscapes? How could BW ensure exploring remained fun after many hours? Their teams didn’t have time for system designers to envision, iterate and test a good “core gameplay loop” (quests, encounters, activities etc). FB wouldn’t allow it. Designers couldn’t test new ideas or answer questions because basic features were missing or didn’t exist yet.
EA’s CEO told BW they should have the ability to ride dragons and that this would make DAI sell 10 million copies. BW didn’t take this idea very seriously
BW had an abstract idea that the player would roam the world solving problems and building up power or influence they could use. But how would that look/work like in-game? This could have used refinement and testing but instead they decided to build some levels and hope they could figure it out as they went.
One day in late 2012, after a year of strained development on DAI, Mark Darrah asked Mike Laidlaw to go to lunch. “We’re walking out to his car,” Laidlaw said, “and I think he might have had a bit of a script in his head. [Darrah] said, ‘All right, I don’t actually know how to approach this, so I’m just going to say it. On a scale of one to apocalyptic... how upset would you be if I said [the player] could be, I dunno, a Qunari Inquisitor?’”
Laidlaw was baffled. They’d decided that the player could be only a human in DAI. Adding other playable races like Darrah was asking for would mean they’d need to quadruple their budget for animation, voice acting, and scripting.
“I went, ‘I think we could make that work’,” Laidlaw said, asking Darrah if he could have more budget for dialogue.
Darrah answered that if Laidlaw could make playable races happen, he couldn’t just have more dialogue. He could have an entire year of production.
Laidlaw was thrilled. “Fuck yeah, OK,” he recalled saying.
MD had actually already realized at this point it’d be impossible to finish DAI in 2013. They needed at least a year’s delay and adding the other playable races was part of a plan/planned pitch to secure this. He was in the process of putting together a pitch to EA: let BW delay the game, and in exchange it’d be bigger and better that anyone at EA had envisioned. These new marketing points included playable races, mounts and a new tactical camera. If EA wouldn’t let them delay, they would have had to cut things. Going into that BW were confident but nervous, especially in the wake of EA’s recent turmoil where they’d just parted ways with their CEO and had recruited a new board member while they hunted for a new one. They didn’t know how the new board member would react, and the delay would affect EA’s projections for that fiscal year. Maybe it was the convincing pitch, or the exec turmoil, or the specter of DA2, or maybe EA didn’t like being called “The Worst Company in America”. Winning that award 2 years in a row had had a tangible impact on the execs and led to feisty internal meetings on how to repair EA’s image. Whatever the reasons, EA greenlit the delay.
The PAX Crestwood demo was beautiful but almost entirely fake. By fall 2013, BW had implemented many of FB’s ‘parts’, but still didn’t know what kind of ‘car’ they were making. ML and team scripted the PAX demo by hand, entirely based on what BW thought would be in the game. The level & art assets were real but the gameplay wasn’t. “Part of what we had to do is go out early and try to be transparent because of DA2. And just say, ‘Look, here, it’s the game, it’s running live, it’s at PAX.’ Because we wanted to make that statement that we’re here for fans.”
DA2 hung on the team like a shadow. There was insecurity, uncertainty, they had trouble sticking to one vision. Which DA2 things were due to the short dev time and which were bad calls? What stuff should they reinvent? There were debates over combat (DAO-style vs DA2-style) and arguments over how to populate the wilderness.
In the months after that demo, BW cut much of what they’d shown in it. Even small features went through many permutations. DAI had no proper preproduction phase (important for testing and discarding things), so leads were stretched thin and had to make impulsive decisions.
By the end of 2013, DAI had 200+ people working on it, and dozens of additional outsourced artists in Russia and China. Coordinating all the work across various departments was challenging and a full-time job for several people. At this sheer scale of game dev, there are many complexities and inter-dependencies. Work finally became significantly less tedious and more doable when BW and DICE added more features to FB. Time was running out though, and another delay was a no.
The team spent many hours in November and December piecing together a “narrative playable” version of the game to be the holiday period’s game build for BW staff to test that year. Feedback on the demo was bad. There were big complaints on story, that it didn’t make sense and was illogical. Originally the PC became Inquisitor and sealed the breach in the prologue, which removed a sense of urgency. In response the writers embarked on Operation Sledgehammer (breaking a bone to set it right), radically revising the entire first act.
The other big piece of negative feedback was that battles weren’t fun. Daniel Kading, who had recently joined BW and brought with him a rigorous new method for testing combat in games, went to BW leadership with a proposal: give him authority to open his own little lab with the other designers and call up the entire team for mandatory play sessions for test purposes. They agreed and he used this experiment to get test feedback and specifically pinpoint where problems were. Morale took a turn for the better that week, DK’s team made several tweaks, and through these sessions feedback ratings went from 1.2 to 8.8 four weeks later.
Many on the team wished they didn’t have to ship for old consoles (clunky, less powerful). BW leadership decided not to add features to the next-gen versions that wouldn’t be possible on the older ones, so that both versions of the game played the same. This limited things and meant the team had to find creative solutions. “I probably should’ve tried harder to kill [the last-gen] version of the game”, said Aaryn Flynn. In the end the next-gen consoles sold very well and only 10% of DAI sales were on last-gen.
“A lot of what we do is well-intentioned fakery,” said Patrick Weekes, pointing to a late quest called “Here Lies The Abyss”. “When you assault the fortress, you have a big cut scene that has a lot of Inquisition soldiers and a lot of Grey Wardens on the walls. And then anyone paying attention or looking for it as you’re fighting through the fortress will go, ‘Wow, I’m only actually fighting three to four guys at a time.’ Because in order for that to work [on old gen], you couldn’t have too many different character types on screen.”
Parts of DAI were still way behind schedule because it was so big and complex, and because some tools hadn’t started functioning until late on. Some basic features weren’t able to be implemented til the last minute (they were 8 months from ship before they could get all party members in the squad. At one point PW was playtesting to check if Iron Bull’s banter was firing, and realized there was no way to even recruit IB) and some flaws couldn’t be identified til the last few months. Trying to determine flow and pacing was rough.
They couldn’t disappoint fans again. They needed to take the time to revise and polish every aspect of DAI. “I think DAI is a direct response to DA2,” said Cameron Lee. “DAI was bigger than it needed to be. It had everything but the kitchen sink in it, to the point that we went too far... I think that having to deal with DA2 and the negative feedback we got on some parts of that was driving the team to want to put everything in and try to address every little problem or perceived problem.”
At this point they had 2 options: settle for an incomplete game, which would disappoint fans especially post-DA2, or crunch. They opted to crunch. It was the worst period of extended overtime in DAI’s development yet and was really rough: late nights, weekends, lost family time, 12-14 hour days, stress, mental health impacts.
During 2014′s crunch, they finally finished off features they wished they’d nailed down in year 1. They completed the Power (influence) system and added side quests, hidden treasures and puzzles. Things that weren’t working like destructible environments were promptly removed. The writers rewrote the prologue at least 6 times, but didn’t have enough time to pay such attention to the ending. Just a few months before launch pivotal features like jumping were added.
By summer BW had bumped back release by another 6 weeks for polish. DAI had about 99,000 bugs in it (qualitative and quantitative; things like “I was bored here” are a bug). “The number of bugs on an open-world game, I’ve never seen anything like it. But they’re all so easy to fix, so keep filing these bugs and we’ll keep fixing them.” For BW it was harder to discover them, and the QA team had to do creative experimentation and spend endless late nights testing things. PW would take builds home to let their 9 year old son play around. Their son was obsessed with mounting and dismounting the horse and accidentally discovered a bug where if you dismounted in the wrong place, all your companions’ gear would vanish. “It was because my son liked the horse so much more than anyone else ever had or will ever like the horse.”
MD had a knack for prioritizing which bugs should be fixed, like the one where you could get to inaccessible areas by jumping on Varric’s head. “Muscle memory is incredibly influential at this point. Through the hellfire which is game development, we’re forged into a unit, in that we know what everyone’s thinking and we understand everyone’s expectations.”
At launch they still didn’t have all their tools working, they only had their tools working enough.
DAI became the best-selling DA game, beating EA’s sales expectations in just a few weeks. If you look closely you can see the lingering remnants of its chaotic development, like the “garbage quests” in the Hinterlands. Some players didn’t realize they could leave the area and others got caught in a “weird, compulsive gratification loop”. Internet commentators rushed to blame “those damn lazy devs” but really, these were the natural consequences of DAI’s struggles. Maybe things would have been different if they’d miraculously received another year of dev time, or if they’d had years before starting development to build FB’s tools first.
“The challenge of the Hinterlands and what it represented to the opening 10 hours of DAI is exactly the struggle of learning to build open-world gameplay and mechanisms when you are a linear narrative story studio,” said Aaryn Flynn.
“DA2 was the product of a remarkable time-line challenge,” said Mike Laidlaw, “DAI was the product of a remarkable technical challenge. But it had enough time to cook, and as a result it was a much better game.”
Read the chapter for full details of course!
#dragon age#bioware#video games#SW:TOR#mass effect#I've seen plenty of this info discussed in articles/thinkpieces and on online communities over the years#but it's nice to read it first hand#some very insightful stuff here#these behind the scenes looks are very valuble#a lot of DAI's elements make sense given the context and what was going on in the background and the tech challenges they faced etc#be kind and respectful to devs folks they're human beings#also in general this book is really interesting and easy to read#funny in places too#it has lots of other chapters on lots of other games including Stardew Valley#I def recc buying it#anyway hope this post is useful/interesting to someone!#oh and as always support good treatment of game devs#crunch culture in the industry is harmful and exploitative
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Why Study Mechanical Engineering from SISTec ?
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Mechanical engineers are typically involves in production, distribution, and use of electricity; the processing of materials; the control and automation of manufacturing systems; the design and development of machines; and the solutions to environmental problems.
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One might refer to a qualified mechanical engineer as a king of all branches, and those in the engineering sector often do. Mechanical engineers have a working knowledge of computer applications, electricity, structures, mathematics, and physics, as well as they’re required to have some understanding of social, environmental, and economic factors.
If you find yourself understanding the technical prospects of the world, mechanical engineering is definitely for you.
Pursue a dual honours degree in order to combine an engineering education with another passion of yours.
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According to India’s Employment report of year 2017, India will need to have recruited about 15 Lakh people with engineering skills from 2012–22. And with only 1, 00,000 people being recruited a year, the sector is falling far short. Also developing an option of better engineering aspects of attractive income & this also means that if you pursue a mechanical engineering career you will be contributing for India’s better well being and economic growth. With an enormous count of placement drives SISTec is filling up this gap.
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In engineering arena mechanical stream is at the inception of developing and improving new technologies for a number of industries including transportation, healthcare, construction technology, and robotics. What an exciting time to be alive and what an exciting and adventurous time to be a mechanical engineer.
With this discussion of crucial importance and need of Mechanical Engineering, thirst of becoming one can be averted by granting the Power of Creation in the hands of our future generations through SISTec.
Salient features of Mechanical Engineering Department of SISTec?
§ The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SISTec is prominent for flourishing the technical skills, hands on and practical wisdom required to become “The Mechanical Engineer”. – It’s an Honour.
§ A peculiar feature of the Mechanical Department of SISTec is the efforts of Trainers and teachers to equip each and every students with the scabbard filled with the blades of their skills which aid them in the brutal war of life by conducting innumerable Technical Training Modules (viz. AutoCAD, CATIA, ANSYS, Metrology, I.C. Engines, Metal cutting, casting and welding etc) in conjunction with regular studies.
§ Campus recruitment training is the unique limb of Sagar institute’s curriculum which starts from the second year of engineering improving their skills in aptitude, communication, reasoning and ethics.
§ The students are encouraged to participate in various Technical and Cultural event across India (like IITs & NITs Technical & Cultural fest) to boost up their confidence and to come up dazzling as winners.
§ The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SISTec is admired for conducting a National Level working model presentation viz. “NIRMAN”- The Creation. Adding up to this is awe that among 120+ team participations across the Nation SISTec maintained its zenith.
Dhiraj Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering – SISTec Ratibad
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Why Study Mechanical Engineering from SISTec ?
1. Mechanical Engineers have good graduate prospects
In a capriciously tough job market it is well and good to say that engineers have a limit. Engineers build societies and mechanical engineers especially, apply fundamental mathematics and laws of physics to promote and build mechanical equipments we use every day.
Now it won’t be a surprise to see a mechanical engineering students enjoying a good opportunities. The huge majority of mechanical engineering students end up with professional level work or post graduation study within 6 months of graduating out.
2. Prestigious Work of a Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical engineers are typically involves in production, distribution, and use of electricity; the processing of materials; the control and automation of manufacturing systems; the design and development of machines; and the solutions to environmental problems.
Research operations, optimisation attempts, manufacturing operations, marketing and administration are some other key employments associated with Mechanical Engineers.
A Mechanical engineer is responsible for developing a huge range of products and services including, space shuttles, aeroplanes of all variability, automobiles, hydro power plant, pumps, thermal power plants, and manufacturing factories.
Every machines or processes you can think of welfare of humanity are the influence of a mechanical engineer.
Everyday necessities such as refrigeration, solar water heater, HD sound production, transportation, communications, are affordable largely due to mechanical and other engineers.
Mechanical engineers are in demand now, and projections for the future suggest a long-term need for professionals in this specialty.
3. Mechanical Engineers enjoy great starting salaries
People with mechanical engineering degree have great chance to join public sector units like
And oil companies like
And some Research organisation like
And countless private organisations. Skills are highly valued in society and their salaries reflect that fact. Pay by Experience for a Mechanical Engineer has a positive trend. A beginner level Mechanical Engineer with not more than 5 years of working experience can expect to draw an average total income of Rs 3, 00,000. A well experienced Mechanical Engineer which includes employees having 10 to 20 years of working experience can expect to earn an average total income of Rs 8, 00,000.
4. Mechanical Engineers are multi-skilled
One might refer to a qualified mechanical engineer as a king of all branches, and those in the engineering sector often do. Mechanical engineers have a working knowledge of computer applications, electricity, structures, mathematics, and physics, as well as they’re required to have some understanding of social, environmental, and economic factors.
If you find yourself understanding the technical prospects of the world, mechanical engineering is definitely for you.
Pursue a dual honours degree in order to combine an engineering education with another passion of yours.
5. Engineering skills gap
According to India’s Employment report of year 2017, India will need to have recruited about 15 Lakh people with engineering skills from 2012–22. And with only 1, 00,000 people being recruited a year, the sector is falling far short. Also developing an option of better engineering aspects of attractive income & this also means that if you pursue a mechanical engineering career you will be contributing for India’s better well being and economic growth. With an enormous count of placement drives SISTec is filling up this gap.
6. Mechanical Engineers are at the forefront of future technologies
In engineering arena mechanical stream is at the inception of developing and improving new technologies for a number of industries including transportation, healthcare, construction technology, and robotics. What an exciting time to be alive and what an exciting and adventurous time to be a mechanical engineer.
With this discussion of crucial importance and need of Mechanical Engineering, thirst of becoming one can be averted by granting the Power of Creation in the hands of our future generations through SISTec.
Salient features of Mechanical Engineering Department of SISTec?
§ The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SISTec is prominent for flourishing the technical skills, hands on and practical wisdom required to become “The Mechanical Engineer”. – It’s an Honour.
§ A peculiar feature of the Mechanical Department of SISTec is the efforts of Trainers and teachers to equip each and every students with the scabbard filled with the blades of their skills which aid them in the brutal war of life by conducting innumerable Technical Training Modules (viz. AutoCAD, CATIA, ANSYS, Metrology, I.C. Engines, Metal cutting, casting and welding etc) in conjunction with regular studies.
§ Campus recruitment training is the unique limb of Sagar institute’s curriculum which starts from the second year of engineering improving their skills in aptitude, communication, reasoning and ethics.
§ The students are encouraged to participate in various Technical and Cultural event across India (like IITs & NITs Technical & Cultural fest) to boost up their confidence and to come up dazzling as winners.
§ The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SISTec is admired for conducting a National Level working model presentation viz. “NIRMAN”- The Creation. Adding up to this is awe that among 120+ team participations across the Nation SISTec maintained its zenith.
Dhiraj Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering – SISTec Ratibad
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Uniform of the Marins de la Garde Imperiale of the French Army dated between 1804-1814 on display at the Musée de l'Armée in Paris
Initially formed from naval volunteers and designed for a planned invasion of Britain in 1804. When the invasion was called off Napoleon sent these soldiers to Austria in 1805 where they fought at Ulm and Austerlitz. They would go onto to fight in the Prussian and Russian campaigns before fighting at Waterloo.
They recruited mainly from sailors and gunners from the French navy which meant the regiment had a wide variety of skills in artillery, engineering and sailing.
Photographs taken by myself 2017
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Ordnance Factory Job Details: Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) (Hindi: आयुध निर्माणी बोर्ड; IAST: Āyudh nirmāṇī borḍ) consisting of the Indian Ordnance Factories (भारतीय आयुध निर्माणियाँ; Bhāratīya āyudh nirmāṇiyān), is an industrial organisation, functioning under the Department of Defence Production of Ministry of Defence, Government of India. It is engaged in research, development, production, testing, marketing and logistics of a comprehensive product range in the areas of air, land and sea systems. OFB comprises forty-one ordnance factories, nine training institutes, three regional marketing centres and four regional controllerates of safety, which are spread all across the country. Every year, 18 March is celebrated as the Ordnance Factory Day in India. OFB is the world's largest government-operated production organisation and the oldest organisation run by the Government of India.It has a total workforce of about 80,000.It is often called the "Fourth Arm of Defence",and the "Force Behind the Armed Forces" of India.OFB is the 37th largest defence equipment manufacturer in the world, 2nd largest in Asia, and the largest in India.[citation needed] According to a report by SIPRI, India is the largest producer in the category of 'emerging producers' in 2017, with four companies ranked in the Top 100. Their combined arms sales of $7.5 billion in 2017 were 6.1 percent higher than in 2016. The two largest Indian arms producers, Indian Ordnance Factories and Hindustan Aeronautics are the highest ranking (37th and 38th respectively) companies in 2017 among countries in the emerging producers’ category. The report also says that the arm sales of OFB have increased by 8.5% in the year of 2017-18. OFB's arms sales are 96% of its total sales in the year of 2017. Its total sales were at $2 billion (₹13687.22 crores) in the year 2017–'18.
Origins Ordnance Factory Board predates all the other organisations like the Indian Army and the Indian Railways by over a century. The first Indian ordnance factory can trace its origins back to the year 1712 when the Dutch Ostend Company established a Gun Powder Factory in Ichhapur. In 1787, another gunpowder factory was established at Ichapore; it began production in 1791, and the site was later used as a rifle factory, beginning in 1904. In 1801, Gun Carriage Agency (now known as Gun & Shell Factory, Cossipore) was established at Cossipore, Calcutta, and production began on 18 March 1802. This is the oldest ordnance factory in India still in existence. Contributions The Indian Ordnance Factories have not only supported India through the wars, but played an important role in building India with the advancement of technology and have ushered the Industrial Revolution in India starting with the first modern steel plant of India much before Tata Steel, first modern electric textile mill of India, first chemical industries such as smokeless propellant plants of India, established the first engineering colleges of India as its training schools, played key role in the founding of research and industrial organisations like ISRO, DRDO, BDL, BEL, BEML, SAIL, etc. Timeline
1712 – Establishment of the Dutch Ostend Company's Gun Powder Factory at Ichhapur.[1]
1775 – Establishment of the Board of Ordnance at Fort William, Kolkata.
1787 – Establishment of the Gun Powder Factory at Ishapore.
1791 – Production of Gun Powder begins at Ishapore.
1801 – Establishment of Gun Carriage Agency at Cossipore, Kolkata.
1802 – Production begins at Cossipore on 18 March.
1935 – Indian Ordnance Service was introduced to administer the whole Defence Production Industry of India.
1954 – Indian Ordnance Service (IOS) renamed to Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS).
1979 – Ordnance Factory Board is established on 2 April.
OFB's office at Esplanade, Kolkata
Armoured Vehicles Headquarters, Chennai (AVHQ)
Ordnance Equipment Factories Headquarters, Kanpur (OEFHQ)
Ordnance Factory Board, New Delhi Office (OFBNDO)
Ordnance Factory Cell, Mumbai (OFBMUM)
Ordnance Factories Recruitment Centre, Nagpur (OFRC)
Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata (OFBHQ)
Source: Wikipedia
Important Link for Ordnance Factory Exams
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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "JobPosting", "title" : " Free Job Alert 2020 | Ordnance Factory मे 55000 पदो पर भर्ती | Sarkari Naukri Result", "description" : "Free Job Alert 2020 | आज हम आपको Ordnance Factory भर्ती के बारे में जानकारी देंगे ताकि आप आसानी पूर्वक आवेदन कर सकें | Apply Form on Sarkari Naukri Result", "datePosted" : "2020-03-08", "validThrough" : "2020-04-08", "employmentType" : "FULL_TIME", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Ordnance Factory Board" }, "jobLocation" : { "@type" : "Place", "address" : { "@type" : "PostalAddress", "streetAddress":"India", "postalCode":"India", "addressLocality" : "India", "addressRegion" : "India", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 25000, "maxValue": 35000, "unitText": "MONTH" } } } source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/01/ordnance-factory-jobs-2019-6060-trade.html
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Empowering Women in the Maritime Industry
As maritime enthusiasts, we like to stay up to date on all things maritime - from what’s happening with ship chandlers Cape Town to what the latest maritime innovations are. Enjoy the read!
Every year, the Day of the Seafarer marks an occasion of pride and importance in the maritime world as all across the globe, people express their gratitude to the seafarers for their contribution to the economic and civil structure of the society.
The IMO first started celebrating Day of the Seafarer in 2011, as a way to acknowledge the fact that almost everything in our daily lives is affected directly or indirectly by sea transport. Recognizing this contribution, understanding the risks they take and perils they face is important for us, to completely understand the huge role seafarers play in our culture and society.
Celebrated on June 25 every year, the Day of the Seafarer usually addresses the common problems plaguing the industry that need to be brought into the limelight, thereby paving the road for a better, more aware population.
Over the past few years, the International Maritime Organization has been diligently campaigning to promote increased awareness related to the seafarers’ wellbeing and health. This year, continuing in the same vein, the theme for Day of the Seafarer 2019 is gender equality which is expected to have a strong and far-reaching resonance.
Here, on the occasion of the upcoming Day of the Seafarer 2019, we discuss the state of affairs related to women in the industry, the way their paths have been forged and the various obstacles they have had to overcome to create a place for themselves in the maritime world. The theme for this event corresponds to the theme of women empowerment, which is chosen for World Maritime Day.
Women Seafarers in the Industry – Past, Present, and Future
There are over 1.5 lac active seafarers today in India, employed, engaged, or working on a ship, out of which 4700 are women seafarers. This last decade has seen radical developments in bringing women seafarers to the forefront and overcoming a lot of stigmas usually attached to having them onboard.
The maritime community is moving away from a regressive mentality and accepting women as an important and integral part of the shipping world. Here is a look at how the work of women has progressed in shipping, over the years.
Shipping has predominantly been a male-dominant industry. The first hint of change came when some maritime educational institutes opened their doors to female students in 1988. The IMO forged an ambitious global program called Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector and the first framework to ensure their access to training and employment opportunities was born.
This led to the inclusion of some brave young girls into the maritime institutes, who went on to create many landmarks by becoming the first Lady Chief Engineers, Lady Captains, and Lady Marine Pilots of the country. They had to overcome many challenges along the way, as they were just one or two in their classes, facing oppression and narrow-minded mentality at every step of the way. Despite many setbacks, these strong women fought for their places and earned them through sheer will and determination.
To pave the way for future generations of women seafarers, Capt. Radhika Menon, the first woman in the world to receive the International Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea, Ms. Suneeti Bala, India’s first Lady Chief Engineer, and Ms. Sharvani Mishra came together in 2017 and established the International Women Seafarers Foundation – a platform to connect the seafaring women across the globe and share experiences to help the women in the industry.
In addition, there are several Women in Maritime Associations (WIMAs) across the world, even in developing countries such as Africa, Latin and South America, and Egypt that addresses the problems of gender discrimination and ensures that women in the maritime world are treated with honour and respect.
Due to these ceaseless efforts, the future of women in the shipping industry looks quite bright. There is greater awareness about the opportunities in maritime, encouragement for women to actively participate in the community, and support to help them grow and prove themselves. It would not be amiss to say that in another decade or so, women will be active leaders in the maritime industry, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts!
Challenges for Women Seafarers
Keeping the need for gender equality in mind, the IMO has aptly chosen the theme for this World Maritime Day as Empowering Women in the Maritime Industry and that for Day of the Seafarer as Being On Board with Gender Equality. However, although the journey towards this goal has begun, there are still quite a few challenges that women seafarers have to face.
Conservative mentality of society
There is an inherent bias in society that sailing is still a ‘man’s’ job. As a result, families are reluctant to let their daughters pursue a career in maritime, preferring a conventional path for them. The first step to creating gender equality amongst the maritime community is to overcome this strong prejudice and understand that women are as capable as men when it comes to performing any duties on board the ships.
Mental and sexual harassment
This is a by-product of the conservative mentality we have seen above. The non-acceptance of women turns to outright bullying and harassment under extreme situations, where women are treated poorly and insensitively.
Changing the mindset, making people aware of the fact that women can possess the same skillset as men are the primary requirements. In addition, governments across the world need to create and implement laws for maritime that ensure the safety and protection of women on the seas.
Harsh working conditions
Living on board a ship for long periods, from months to years, is physically and mentally taxing. The hours are long and often, in less-developed nations, even the basic amenities, such as sanitary disposal methods are not available. This creates a lot of difficulty for women on the ship, posing a major hurdle towards incorporating more women in the industry.Difficulty in maintaining work-life balance
As seafarers, women have to stay away from home for long stretches of time, which makes it very hard to maintain a proper work-life balance. In India, there is still the perception that a woman is expected to handle all the responsibilities of her home and family, in addition to the demands of her career. While this is somewhat manageable for other professions, seafaring is an exception. This deters a lot of young women from taking up a career in shipping.
Limited access to education
Maritime institutes have opened their doors to female cadets but the number is still small. Not all marine colleges are as accepting, nor do they ensure company placements that are equally broad-minded.
Ms. Sharvani Mishra recollected her experience about her placement days, where she was denied the opportunity of an interview by the recruiting company, despite the fact that she was among the top five cadets in her batch, just because she was a girl! This lack of liberal educational institutes and recruiting companies presents a hurdle for women seafarers.
Lack of leadership opportunities
Women on board ships have to work twice as hard as men to prove their capability and skills because they are held to much higher standards. Convincing one’s crewmates about the fact that they are equally serious about the tasks they are assigned and can take up responsibility equally well, takes twice the amount of effort for women, as compared to their male counterparts, says Chief Engineer Rupali Joshi.
To eliminate these challenges and encourage the active participation of women seafarers, the IMO has adopted the sustainable development goal of gender equality in the maritime industry. Let us see how it aligns with the theme for this Day of the Seafarer.
Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality and the Day of the Seafarer
The fifth Sustainable Development Goal, as mentioned by the UN, promotes gender equality. It aims to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere and nowhere is this goal more important than in a male-dominant industry like the maritime sector.
IMO is addressing the concerns of gender discrimination by implementing the Integration of Women in Maritime Sector programme along with the ILO. Leading shipping companies like WISTA International, BP Shipping, Nautilus International and more are promoting gender equality among the marine workforce. In the UK, over 110 companies and trade unions have signed a Charter to promote the inclusion of more women in the maritime workforce
The theme for this year – empowering women in the maritime industry – is especially significant here, as it captures the essence of the IMO’s efforts in bringing gender equality into the spotlight. Working in tandem with SDG 5, IMO is working on the principles of Training-Visibility-Recognition to support the participation of women in both shore- and sea-based jobs.
Some of the initiatives started by the IMO to fulfill the goals of the SDG of gender equality include:
Seven regional Maritime Associations for women in the Pacific, Caribbean, Africa, Arab States, Asia, and Latin America to develop training opportunities as per the requirements of the region
Gender-specific fellowships to encourage higher technical education for women seafarers
Participation in economic, political decision making, to address crucial maritime challenges
Leadership opportunities for all female alumni of IMO’s World Maritime University and International Maritime Law Institute to reinforce the impact of female role models while recruiting new female cadets
On a national level, the efforts of the maritime industry are no less. India is one of the top nations to have a high percentage of female senior managers in the maritime sector. The IWSF is creating awareness among the new generation of women seafarers, helping them deal with problems and issues they face in the industry.
In addition, leading boat manufacturers and shipping companies are increasing the percentage of female employees in their companies, to provide equal growth opportunities for women in the sector.
The Journey Ahead
Achieving gender equality in a sector where only 3% of the workforce is female is a Herculean task. However, with bold and forward-thinking maritime administrations, this can translate into a future where men and women work on an equal footing of merit.
Having skilled women on board ships can help solve the shortage of qualified workers and hence take the industry closer to safe, clean, secure, and sustainable shipping. It is important to remember, effective maritime transport is the key to economic infrastructure development. Empowering women in the maritime industry is sure to spur overall growth and development of the maritime community and hence prove to be an asset for the future of global shipping!
What are your thoughts on gender equality in the maritime industry? Any anecdotes you would like to share? Drop a comment to let us know!
Article source: https://www.shmgroup.com/blog/day-of-the-seafarer-2019-empowering-women-in-the-maritime-community/
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By, Issam Khoury
The detention of the Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar early in July 2019, the preventing of providing oil tankers[1] to Iran in ports in compliance with US sanctions, the unified Western media critical discourse of Iran’s policy in the nuclear file, the economic sanctions on Iranian banks and companies dealing with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the series of sanctions against Hezbollah figures and the banks that deal with this party, and Washington’s decision to end commitment to Iran’s nuclear deal all together have pushed Iran to status of alert and anticipation of a war that will end Iran’s dreams to be a regional significant power in the Middle East .
This series of such sanctions is accompanied by regional changes in the Middle East, the most prominent of which are the following:
1 – Although the UAE army is the most important and effective party in the international coalition against the Houthis in Yemen[2]
It pulled between 70-75% of its troops out from Yemen mid-July 2019 under the pretext of needing to give a platform for political negotiation with the Houthis. Certainly, such a pretext is not convincing, as the UAE military experts are still there training Yemenis against Houthis, just in a smaller amount. UAE withdrawal from Yemen could be intended to mobilize its military and intelligence capabilities towards the east, especially as Iran began the detention of UAE and British ships in the Strait of Hormuz in response to Britain’s detention of the Iranian oil carrier in Gibraltar.
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If the Iranian regime collapsed, the Houthis in Yemen would lose their most prominent allies, and this will be a victory for the UAE and Saudi Arabia. So, the Emirates put its army and intelligence within an international coalition to protect maritime navigation in the Strait of Hormuz. Such an alliance would urge operating power to ensure the safety of ships sailing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait where Houthi – and the Iranians behind – play a significant role in threatening the marine navigation.
2- Strengthening Gulf – Israeli relations:
GCC-Israeli relations have witnessed diplomatic courtship starting with the participation of an Israeli sport team in Abu Dhabi in the end of October 2018[3], reaching the climax of relations when a peace meeting between Israelis and Arabs was organized in Bahrain ” Manama ” on 25-26 June 2019, sponsored by Kouchner[4], the son-in-law of US President, through the so-called Century Deal.

Israeli sports team/ Abu Dhabi / 2018
Whether there is peace between Arab gulf countries and Israel or not, both the gulf and the Israeli sides have an interest in reducing Iranian influence in the Middle East. This mutual interest may allow the Israelis to use the Gulf airspace to protect global maritime navigation and prevent the Iranian threat to the global economy.
3 – The British Conservative Party and Iran:
The British have always been considered the policy engineers for the Middle East. And, after the departure of Prime Minister Mai from power and Boris Johnson assumed his position as the new prime minister, Johnson launched tough criticism against the leader of the opposition Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, in front of the members of the House of Commons on 25th of July, 2019, accusing him of befriending the mullahs of Iran and taking a stand against the interests of the British Kingdom in its alliance with the United States[5] .
Johnson is known for his outright hostility to the Islamic Republic of Iran and for his respect for the Republican Party of the US. Before issuing this indictment, a British minesweeper had arrived at the Gulf waters. This move from the British was made in case the Iranians decided to deploy marine mines freely to close Strait of Hormuz, to negotiate with the Americans not to bomb them.
4- Raids of Israelis air on Syria and Iraq:
The policy of retaining the right to respond, that has been so long echoed by the army commander of the armed forces, Bashar al – Assad, after each Israeli strike on Syrian territory did not stop Israel from proceeding to bombard the vital spots of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria. Israel’s next move occurred on 18th July/ 2019 when it bombed sites of the Popular Mob in the province of Salah al-Din[6].
5 – The new US bases in Iraq:
The Iraqi News Channel “Al Iraqiah” reported on Sunday, 6 January 2019 the intention of Washington to set three new US bases as follows:
The first base will be in the Baiji district inside the Chinese base near the refinery headquarters of the former brigade 14.
The second base will be in the Fatha area, named ” second regiment” previously.
The third base will be located in (K 1) in Kirkuk province.
Of course, this approach from Washington shows the concern of the Pentagon and the US oil companies to strengthen their presence in the Middle East to fight terrorism first and to protect American interests in Iraq second.
The decrease of US military presence in Iraq during Obama’s administration has led to the growing influence of Iran there and also of the religious parties backed by Tehran mullahs in parliament and in the Iraqi government.
6 – The resuming of training of the Syrian opposition of the Al-Tanf[7] who are supported by Washington on May 2019, after that training has been suspended on 2017.
Iran’s actual power:
The Iranian regime is a totalitarian religious system, and its military power is concentrated in the following axes:
1- Ballistic missiles[8]:
Iran launched a ballistic missile on July 26, 2019, with a range of 1,000 km, with the intention to tell the international force that it possesses deterrent force in the event of an attack. However, Iran’s missile arsenal is small in the face of the military force that is watching Iran, be it USA or Israel, where Netanyahu recently announced on Sunday, 28 July 2019, in front of his government, his country ‘s success in cooperation with Washington on the test of Arrow 3 System for air defense through experiments conducted in the state of Alaska[9] . This system is capable of destroying ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere, Netanyahu said: “Today Israel has the capabilities to act against ballistic missiles launched at us from Iran and from anywhere else. All our foes should know that we can best them, both defensively and offensively[10].”
And, it is certain that Russia will not support Iran in this regard. It may employ (The S-400 Triumph) deployed in Syria to protect Israel from Iranian missiles under the pretext of protecting Jewish civilians. Moscow, in spite of its cooperation with Tehran in Syria, is a reliable partner for the Israelis. The shared capital of Zionists in Russia is large and makes Israel an effective State in the Kremlin.
Photo: The USS Devastator, a Navy minesweeper, is pulled into position as it arrives in Bahrain in 2012. (Jayme Pastoric/U.S. Navy)
2 – A naval mine:
Iran is certainly capable of closing the Strait of Hormuz through the dissemination of naval mines[11], and this presents a very complex situation since no country with a minesweeper can conduct a thorough sweep of the Arabian/ Persian Gulf. But, if the war against Iran breaks out, all commercial ships will leave the Arabian Gulf, and with such departure, it may take three months to secure shipping in this Gulf, which will be according to one of the following two scenarios:
The first: punitive airstrikes on Iran, resulting in political negotiations. One of its most prominent outputs would be that Iran removes its naval mine and remove its ballistic missiles off the west coast of the Arabian / Persian Gulf.
Second: launching a comprehensive war aiming at overthrowing the Iranian regime, and, if such thing happened, the new leaders in Tehran would force the defeated military leaders to disclose the mine maps and where they are deployed. That may make the new Tehran government, backed by the US and other western countries, pay the cost of war against Iran and the cost of demining conducted by international demining companies.
“We are eager to operate if called upon,” the officer aboard one of the Persian Gulf ships said. “We’ll operate the systems as best as they can operate. My concern is the ships are old and, like any old ship, they break.”
The Avenger-class ships were built in the late 1980s and early ’90s and slated for retirement years ago. But their retirement date has been continually delayed because the service still doesn’t have a working replacement. The Navy’s latest estimate is that the ships will all be decommissioned by fiscal year 2023.[12]
3 – Sectarian militias and suicide bombers
Iran ‘s revolutionary guards and specifically Qods Force managed to train thousands of sectarian Shiites in order to form multiple battalions ( like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iraq, Liwa Fatemiyoun[13], Popular Mobilization Forces[14], Houthi movement[15], Liwa al-Imam al-Hussein[16]..) and also contributed to the training of Sunni jihadist radicals such as (Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine[17], Hamas[18], Mumtaz Dughmush Group [19]).
This sectarian radical force is inspired by sectarian ideology to hate Americans and Israelis, so it is very easy to recruit such fighters to carry out suicide attacks on American bases in the Middle East; and, certainly these suicide operations will not be in the Arabian Gulf but will be in Iraq and Syria, specifically the Al-Tanf base, near the areas under the influence of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC. (
The Al-Tanf Base[20] may be the most exposed area for such operations if the Iranian Revolutionary Guard decides to carry them out. In the north-east of Syria and Kurdistan of Iraq, there are many defensive points by the People’s Protection Units[21], and the Peshmerga[22] forces which would impede the arrival of these suicide bombers to areas of US military concentration; but, in Al-Tanf area, the Syrian opposition does not have such a large presence.
The number of civilians at al-Rukban camp[23], which is adjacent to the Al-Tanf base, is less than 40,000, and the Syrian militias loyal to Washington in that region are limited to the Eastern Lions, Free Army of the Clans, Martyr Ahmed al-‘Abdu” – all of who are residents from al- Rukban camp. Washington acknowledges this risk, prompting it to retrain and arm the militia in early May 2019, after they had suspended its project in supporting and arming the Syrian opposition in July 2017.
Survey Predictions:
Americans are not in a hurry to declare war against Iran, and the best time for announcing it would be in spring or summer next year, when such a war may be a good leverage point for President Trump to use in the 2020 elections. Leveraging this war will bring him backing from all the pro-Israeli lobby research centers in Washington, in addition to arms and oil companies. We now see Trump’s tweets on social media focused on criticizing Iran ‘s regime and on possibly reforming the US’s relationship with Tehran if Tehran first agrees to changes in the nuclear deal. His tweets also discuss demanding rich countries such as ( Saudi Arabia, Japan, and China) to provide financial support for the US Army, which will protect navigation in the Arabian/ Persian Gulf. This will make it that the cost of the war will not be paid by the USA but by those countries which will participate in the International Coalition to Protect Maritime Navigation.
US sent 1500 solders to Syria in the Memorial Day , Directed by, Issam Khoury NEW YORK – 2019
Iran, in turn, has realized that Washington will not act alone against it and is establishing an international coalition that will take several months; this will be dangerous and possibly even a repeat of what happened to Iraq in 2003. Tehran, in anticipation to the possible collective action against it, is provoking Washington and Britain to carry out limited punitive strikes against it so that Washington will retaliate on a small level only: and then no further, larger-scale action will be taken against Iran.
As the plan of the Iranians seems to be exposed to Washington, Washington will not be dragged into a limited war with Tehran. The demands of Washington for Republicans are high:
1. Tehran renounces its nuclear program.
2. Iran abandons the development of its ballistic missile program.
3. Tehran stops supporting radical religious militias throughout the Middle East.
Of course, these demands mean, in short, the suspension of Iran’s program to export the Iranian Islamic revolution outside Iran. It also means the end of years of efforts of the Iranian government, which is impossible to accept by Qom’s Sheikhs and the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution, as well as by the Conservative Party and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards there. So, Iran will most likely not comply with Washington’s demands, which will push the latter to begin a major war that will end the Tehran regime and bring a democratic government to Iran.
Syria-Iranian protest front UN in NY, Sep 20.2016, with around 2,000 demonstrators/ Directed by, Issam Khoury
Washington and Europe today have a reasonable and organized alternative to the Iranian opposition: (The National Council of Iranian Resistance[24] ) , whose most significant pillar is the People’s Mujahedin of Iran[25]. The People’s Mujahedin of Iran is active in organizing frequent demonstrations against Iran throughout the world after they were cleared of terrorism in Europe in September 2011, and also the USA cleared them in September 2012.
Editing and proofreading by, Issam Khoury, Joseph Shahem
[1] A tanker is a ship designed to transport or store liquids or gases in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and gas carrier.
[2] The United Arab Emirates sent at least 5,000 troops to Yemen to train and lead a mélange of pro-government troops and militias, have wanted out for some time now. They say the United Arab Emirates has sharply cut its deployment of men, attack helicopters and heavy guns around the Red Sea port of Hudaydah, the main battleground last year. A shaky United Nations-mediated cease-fire in Hudaydah that came into effect last December provided the excuse and a reason to pull back. (Follow the Emiratis’ Lead, Out of Yemen/ NY-Times/ July 15, 2019).
[3] Flying own flag, three Israelis win bronze at Abu Dhabi judo tourney/ The Times of Israel/ 28 October 2018.
[4] Bahrain conference showcases Israeli ties with Gulf states
Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/06/israel-gulf-states-bahrain-saudi-arabia-iran-palestinians.html#ixzz5vqrYPeBo
[6] https://aawsat.com/home/article/1821021/%D9%82%D8%B5%D9%81-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B4%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B9%D8%A8%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%A8%D8%BA%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF
[7] Al-Tanf, also known as “At Tanf”, is a United States military base in Syria’s Homs Governorate located 24 km west of the al-Tanf border crossing in the Syrian Desert
[8] While Iran has not yet tested or deployed a missile capable of striking the United States, it continues to hone longer-range missile technologies under the auspices of its space-launch program. In addition to increasing the quantity of its missile arsenal, Iran is investing in qualitative improvements to its missiles’ accuracy and lethality. Iran has also become a center for missile proliferation, supplying proxies such as Hezbollah and Syria’s al-Assad regime with a steady supply of missiles and rockets, as well as local production capability. https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/iran/
[9] Arrow-3 missiles successfully took out target missiles in high-altitude, hit-to-kill test engagements conducted at the Pacific Spaceport Complex-Alaska in Kodiak. The tests were a joint effort between the Israel Missile Defense Organization of the Directorate of Defense Research and Development and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2019/07/28/us-israels-arrow-3-missile-put-to-the-test-in-alaska/
[10] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-usa-missiles/israel-says-arrow-3-missile-shield-passes-us-trials-warns-iran-idUSKCN1UN088
[11] A naval mine is a self-contained explosive device placed in water to damage or destroy surface ships or submarines. Unlike depth charges, mines are deposited and left to wait until they are triggered by the approach of, or contact with, any vessel.
[12] https://www.propublica.org/article/iran-has-hundreds-of-naval-mines-us-navy-minesweepers-find-old-dishwashers-car-parts
[13] Liwa Fatemiyoun, literally “Fatimid Banner”, also known as Fatemiyoun Division, Fatemiyoun Brigade, or Hezbollah Afghanistan, is an Afghan Shia militia formed in 2014 to fight in Syria on the side of the government
[14] The Popular Mobilization Forces, also known as the People’s Mobilization Committee and the Popular Mobilization Units, is an Iraqi state-sponsored umbrella organization composed of some 40 militias that are mostly Shia Muslim groups.
[15] The Houthi movement, officially called Ansar Allah, is an Islamic religious-political-armed movement that emerged from Sa’dah in northern Yemen in the 1990s. They are of the Zaidi sect.
[16] Liwa al-Imam al-Hussein (The Imam Hussein Brigade) is an Iraqi Shi’a militia primarily operating in the Damascus area, working under the narrative of defending the Sayyida Zainab shrine. It has most notably been a participant in a regime offensive on the East Ghouta locality of al-Mleha (a focal point of Sunni rebel activity), coordinating with other Iraqi Shi’a militias such as Liwa Assad Allah al-Ghalib. Ideologically, Liwa al-Imam al-Hussein asserts affinity with Muqtada al-Sadr.
[17] The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine known in the West as simply Palestinian Islamic Jihad, is a Palestinian Islamist organization formed in 1981 whose objective is the destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of a sovereign.
[18] Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamist fundamentalist organization. It has a social service wing, Dawah, and a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. It has been the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip since its takeover of that area in 2007. During this period it fought several wars with Israel
[19] Mumtaz Dughmush (also spelled Durmush) is the leader of the Salafi-jihadi group Jaysh al-Islam in Gaza, and a member of the large Dughmush clan. According to journalist Donald Macintyre, “during the 1990s he had been a member of the PA Preventative Security Organisation headed by Mohammed Dahlan, but during the [Second] Intifada he joined Jamal Abu Samhadana to form the militant Popular Resistance Committees. After the 2006 elections, Dughmush, whose militia was now operating autonomously…joined with the PRC and Hamas’s Qassam Brigades to capture [Israeli soldier] Gilad Shalit, and defied the Islamic faction’s authority, by kidnapping the two Fox News journalists. https://www.ecfr.eu/mapping_palestinian_politics/detail/mumtaz_durmush.
[20] Al-Tanf, also known as “At Tanf”, is a United States military base in Syria’s Homs Governorate located 24 km west of the al-Tanf border crossing in the Syrian Desert. The surrounding deconfliction zone is located along the Iraq and Jordan–Syria border
[21] The People’s Protection Units or People’s Defense Units is a mainly-Kurdish militia in Syria and the primary component of the Syrian Democratic Forces. The YPG is mostly ethnically Kurdish.
[22] Peshmerga, the military forces of the autonomous region of Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Since the Iraqi Army is forbidden by Iraqi law to enter Kurdistan Region, the Peshmerga, along with their security subsidiaries, are responsible for the security of the regions in Iraqi Kurdistan.
[23] Rukban, sometimes transliterated Rakban, Arabic (الرُّكبان) or (الرُّقبان) is an arid remote area on the Syrian border with the near the extreme northeast of Jordan, close to the joint borders with Syria and Iraq. The area became a refugee camp for Syrians in 2014
[24] The National Council of Resistance of Iran is an Iranian political organization based in France.
[25] The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, or the Mojahedin-e Khalq, is an Iranian political organization based on Islamic and socialist ideology. It advocates overthrowing the Islamic Republic of Iran leadership and installing its own government.
The Next Gulf War By, Issam Khoury The detention of the Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar early in July 2019, the preventing of providing oil tankers…
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Odia girl secures 10th rank in civil services exam Subscribe - https://ift.tt/2BvgxbE Facebook - https://ift.tt/3hRxoWV Twitter - https://twitter.com/EducationCaree6 Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2YpDlCG Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2NmT92U Blog - https://ift.tt/2NhbzC6 #Exam #Recruitment #Result #School #College #Study BHUBANESWAR: Amidst corona pandemic civil services results 2019 has brought cheers in the state on Tuesday. Odia girl Sanjita Mohapatra has secured 10th position in the exam while more than 20 from the state qualified for the coveted examination conducted by the Union Public Services Examination (UPSC). The successful candidates recalled how they appeared in the interview wearing face shields, masks and gloves amid the fear of the virus.Chief minister Naveen Patnaik congratulated all successful candidates from Odisha who have cleared UPSC examinations. “May they work with dedication to take welfare initiatives to grassroots bringing visible changes in people’s lives. Wish them bright careers,” he tweeted.Sanjita Mohapatra and Manas Ranjan Sahoo (567 rank) both residents of Rourkela city, brought laurels for their city, by cracking the UPSC examination, the result which got published on Tuesday. Both the qualifiers had done their schooling from Rourkela and both are technocrats.Sanjita had done her B Tech in Mechanical Engineering from CET Bhubaneswar. She had joined as a Management Trainee (Technical) in SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant in 2013 and had served till 2018. She had left the job to prepare for the civil services examination. Sanjita had cracked the Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) examination last year and had secured second position in the state, but had not joined the job, again for concentrating in her IAS preparation.“Willpower, consistency and dedication is the success mantra. I used to fix my daily study targets and try to cover them by the end of the day. Preparation for civil services requires lots of patience. Several times you may feel like quitting but always remember why you have decided to appear for the exam and continue your efforts,” said Sanjita, who thanked her parents, in-laws, husband, teachers, friends and colleagues for their support. She said it was an unique experience to appear the examination wearing PPEs and maintaining social distances.Anup Das, a postgraduate student in zoology at Delhi University, who belonged to Jagatsinghpur has scored 120 rank in the civil services. Son of a railway officer, Anup said, answering questions without seeing the reactions of panellists in the interview was a unique experience as all were draped in masks and face shields. “Having a strategy and giving direction to your goal is the main way to crack civils. He suggested aspirants not to be bookworms but also to have hobbies, which help in relaxing and also in study. I do paint and the panellists asked me several questions on modern art,” Anup.Kumar Biswaranjan, who hailed from a humble background as her mother is a tailor and father is a small-time vendor in the capital city, secured 182 ranks in his third attempt. “Hard work, will power and learning from your failure are the three mantras of success. I chose to be a civil servant as it provides an unique opportunity to serve people, frame policy and implement them at the ground level,” said Biswaaranjan.Manas Ranjan Sahoo, a 2017 batch OAS, who is presently working as Tehesildar Rourkela, had completed his B Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi in 2014. Manas is a native of Jaraikela, Bisra block of Sundargarh district and his father was a former sarpanch of the village. “Last year, I had qualified for preliminary and main examination and had appeared in the interview, but had tasted success," said Manas who is serving as Tehsildar after qualifying OAS last year.Among other successful candidates include Anshuman Raj (107), Nabal Kumar Jain (125), Rahul Goel (168), Sailaja das (291), Ankit Shankar Mishra (294), Sonali Mishra (300), Dibya Mishra (312), Arghya Patnaik (361), Jubin Mohapatra (379), Samir Ranjan Jena (441), Sivam Mishra (712), Om Prakash Mohanty (715), Bibhuti Bhusan Nayak (819). Credit : Times of India Source: https://ift.tt/3fsCmqH
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A burgeoning spy scandal threatens to be an 11th-hour stumbling block to the U.S.-China trade deal, and it could take the wind out of the stock market’s sails as it continues to mount a recovery from its 2018 lows.
Premier Li Keqiang denied allegations that the Chinese government instructs its companies to engage in corporate spying abroad. The denial comes a day after the Chinese legislature passed a resolution designed to inhibit Chinese officials from compelling foreign companies to turn over intellectual property. The practice has been a barrier in trade talks between the U.S. and China.
The news of Li’s statement seemed to encourage the U.S. stock market on Friday as the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up over 138 points.
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Is this False Optimism based on the past between China and Trump?
Given the long history of trade issues with the Chinese, is the optimism shown by the Dow and its peers on Friday a little premature? Even if a deal is negotiated between the Trump administration and China, there is longstanding mistrust of China by the U.S., and more specifically the current administration.
Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative and longtime critic of China, voiced opposition years before China’s 2001 entrance into the World Trade Organization.
Chinese trade practices were also on the radar of incoming president Donald Trump, who in August of 2017 asked Lighthizer to investigate the country’s intellectual property policies.
I spoke with @USTradeRep Robert Lighthizer today about the WTO’s ruling against China’s trade violations. He agrees that the WTO needs reform to make trade deals operate as intended. The WTO should function consistently & I hope that the USTR will continue to address this issue. pic.twitter.com/fcTXXa1VeT
— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) March 12, 2019
The move was writing on the wall for the impending trade war that started in earnest in January of 2018 and continued throughout last year. Since it began, the United States has placed $253 billion in tariffs against Chinese goods. The Chinese in retaliation put in place their own tariffs against the U.S. totaling over $130 billion. The two countries agreed at a post-G20 summit meeting in December to stop the imposition of any new tariffs, which opened the door for talks.
A Matter of Trust
Even in the past year, it has been demonstrated that opening the door to increased trade with China comes with incredible risk. At the height of the 2018 trade war, allegations surfaced by United States intelligence sources that China was using the social network LinkedIn to recruit U.S. citizens as spies.
In August 2018, William Evanina, Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center told Reuters that China was using fake LinkedIn accounts to recruit citizens in government and corporate positions with access to classified commercial and government information.
“I recently saw that Twitter is canceling, I don’t know, millions of fake accounts, and our request would be maybe LinkedIn could go ahead and be part of that.”
The Long History of Chinese Espionage
There have been 28 individuals accused of working with China intelligence services with the intent of spying on the United States.
The first trial on economic espionage was the United States of America v. Dongfan “Greg” Chung in July 2009. Chung was a Chinese-born engineer who stole sensitive information about the United States space shuttle program that he intended to give to China. Chung was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his acts.
The Chinese spy who acted the longest in the United States was Larry Wu-Tai Chin. According to court documents Larry Wu-Tai Chin spent over thirty years as a spy for the People’s Republic of China.
Over this span, he was an employee at the CIA, and with the United States Consulate in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Chin was found guilty on charges of conspiracy to commit espionage, passing classified information to a foreign government, and failure to report income earned in a foreign bank account.
The remainder of the 28 cases were predominantly in the defense or aerospace sector. Though, as evidenced by the Larry Chin case above, there were cases where sensitive intelligence or diplomatic data was at play.
Non-Traditional Espionage, Is it Just Business?
On December 12, 2018, Peter Harrell, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions in the State Department’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs gave testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the testimony, he outlined two areas of the non-traditional threat: economic espionage, and espionage against U.S. colleges and universities.
One area in Mr. Harrell’s testimony was quite striking.
“China is pursuing a whole-of-society approach to its technological capabilities that includes purchasing innovative companies through overseas investments, requiring western companies to transfer cutting edge technologies to China as a condition of market access, providing vast state resources to finance domestic technological development, and financing training for top Chinese students and researchers overseas and paying a hefty premium to attract talent back to China.”
Mr. Harrell followed this lengthy statement with a nod to espionage. He noted:
“Outright theft of U.S. and western intellectual property (IP) is a key piece of China’s strategy, but it is only a piece.”
The Threat is Real
Mr. Harrell might be correct. We should be concerned about a country where the government is on a track to dominate their own business sector. I would also contend there are definite parallels between perceived Chinese government control over the business sector and its actual control over free speech.
The perfect example of this is with respect to freedom of the press. According to the Council on Foreign Relations:
“China’s constitution affords its citizens freedom of speech and press, but the opacity of Chinese media regulations allows authorities to crack down on news stories by claiming that they expose state secrets and endanger the country.”
Before the United States opens its doors wider to trade with China, we should consider that speech and actions are closely related.
Stock Market Reaction
Analysts generally blame the trade war for the U.S. stock market’s 2018 pullback. | Source: Yahoo Finance
The markets have had mixed emotions about the possibility of a trade deal, and they are not getting any help from the Trump administration.
Robert Lighthizer was non-committal in Senate testimony this week, offering:
“I don’t know when something is going to happen [with China.] We are either going to have a good result or we are going to have a bad result before too long. I’m not setting a specific timeframe. It’s not up to me.”
Wall Street is banking on a resolution to the trade dispute and the possibility of lessening the effects of tariffs and the trade deficit. In an interview with the “Freakonomics” podcast, Gary Cohn, former Goldman Sachs executive and White House economic stated: “Trump needs a win.”
It sounds as Wall Street is hopeful because it needs to be. We’ll see if the Trump administration can balance the risks and get the win.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to, CCN.
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Japan’s women sailors serve on frontline of gender equality
ABOARD JS KAGA (Reuters) – Women serving on Japan’s biggest warship, the Kaga, are a tight-knit group on the frontline of a push to transform the Japanese navy into a mixed-gender fighting force, where men outnumber them more than 10 to one.
The Maritime Self Defence Force (MSDF) needs more women because falling birth rates mean it has too few men to crew warships in home waters or on helicopter carriers such as the Kaga, sailing in foreign waters to counter China’s growing regional influence.
“Women all over the world are working in a wider number of areas and I think Japan needs to be a part of that,” said petty officer Akiko Ihara, 31, standing beside one of the helicopters she helps to maintain.
The proportion of women in the Kaga’s 450-strong crew is about 9 percent, a level Japan is targeting for the military overall by 2030 from 6 percent now. That would still fall short of U.S., where 15 percent of people in uniform are women, and Britain with 10 percent.
“We all work in different teams around the ship but we are all friends,” Ihara added. “We do sometimes moan a little about our male colleagues.”
The nine-year veteran says she has encountered no workplace discrimination, and would challenge any man who thinks women are unsuited for military life to work with her.
(For accompanying package, click on reut.rs/2pHU2ab)
More women recruits are making the SDF a more “rounded” organization, said Ayako Yoneda, 29, a firefighter and engineer on the Kaga.
“When I first joined nine years ago there were few women and it felt like men then didn’t know how to deal with us,” she said. “I think the men now see things more from our perspective. The SDF has become a gentler place.”Nonetheless, the women do face sexual harassment. In July, the navy discharged a male petty officer for kissing and groping three women sailors over several months.
Yuma Osaki, a navigator, runs back to her post after a flag raising ceremony on the flight deck of Japanese helicopter carrier Kaga before its departure for naval drills in the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, September 22, 2018. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan’s demographic woes are forcing it down a path taken years earlier by its U.S. ally, which lifted a ban on women on warships in 1993.
The MSDF, which let women crew ships a decade ago, could soon remove the last major barrier to female sailors by ending a ban on submarine duty, defense ministry sources have told Reuters.
Japan has one of the world’s largest navies, with 45,000 crew on more than 100 vessels, including about 20 submarines, more than 40 destroyers and four helicopter carriers, such as the Kaga.
The Kaga was on its way to Sri Lanka after drills in the contested South China Sea as part of a two-month deployment in waters stretching from the Western Pacific to the Indian Ocean.
Commissioned in 2017, it is among a new generation of warships designed to accommodate mixed crews, with more toilets and bathrooms than older vessels.
Signs at the entrance to the women’s segregated sleeping quarters warn men to keep out. The women inside carry electronic pagers that can be contacted via numerical keypads beside the doors.
Those better facilities and privacy safeguards will draw more women to sign up, the MSDF hopes.
Japan’s navy struggles more to find recruits than the air force or army, as young people balk at the prospect of being cut off from social media networks on long deployments.
In 2016, for example, the airforce received 6,900 applications, versus just 3,927 for the MSDF, even though both have about the same number of enlisted personnel.
Miku Ihara, 22, a woman cadet on the Kaga, says she reads books or studies when off-duty, but misses access to Line and Instagram. Sailors are limited to sending four text emails every day when at sea.
“You just have to get used to not having it and make the most of it when you do,” she added.
The presence of women on board has had one unexpected benefit on the men that report to him, says Command Master Chief Yasuharu Tohno, the most senior enlisted sailor on board.
Slideshow (32 Images)
“They shave regularly and iron their clothes,” said Tohno, who joined up to an all-male fleet 35 years ago.
Reporting by Tim Kelly; Editing by Clarence Fernandez
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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The post Japan’s women sailors serve on frontline of gender equality appeared first on Today News Stories.
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Innovative Work Environment Mastery Journal Assignment
In this post, I will be using the format of stating my original course goal, followed by the original strategy. In the subsequent paragraph, I will declare the outcome regarding original goal as conducted during the Innovative Work Environments course. Then a paragraph that contains what I learned from the course, and concludes with how I will apply this knowledge personally and professionally.
Goal 1: Create a floor-plan that promotes creativity. Strategy: Using a software tool such as Photoshop or MS Visio, I will create a floor plan that houses Development, QA, Design, Sales, Support and Executives that promotes collaboration and creativity. I will list out key elements on the floor plan that promote the creative spirit.
Outcome on Goal 1: In week four assignment I ended up using MS PowerPoint to illustrates a work space that promotes creativity. I divided the space up into types of work, and then activity based. Regardless of role in the company, each employee is provided dedicated and hoteling space for focus work. The dedicated space allows the employee to off load information into their environment. By the space being dedicated, tactics can be used like white boards, sticky notes, and filing without fear of another tampering. Option focus spaces are provided by pods, that limit sound, light, and other distraction. This hosteled space provides a more comfortable space, that delivers a unique feel. The pods are filled with different internal layouts to fit the various needs. Some focus work will be done within working session between two to three people. Requires quick, and accurate communication to achieve high productivity with quality. For example, using Scrum and Extreme Programing (XP) can be very effective (Cohn). XP programming pairs engineers together for one to enter the code, with a wingman that focuses on coding standards, research, review, and problem-solving approach. The space allows for quick setup, collaboration, and access to all the resource required while minimizing disruptions. Other areas of the design revolved around formal, and informal spaces for knowledge sharing, updates, and other forms of information transfer. These are typical conference rooms that are filled with furniture that allows for quick conversions for breakout sessions, and individual work stations. The social space is to promote opportunities for employees to collide and build relationships. The practice of graphically laying out the space really challenged me to make the space multi- purpose and an enabler of the employees.
Goal 2: Outline a creative company culture. Strategy: I will create a list of ideas, thoughts and methods to supporting a creative culture. I will take that list and then create company mission and value statements that uphold my new list.
Outcome on Goal 2: In the Product Design and Development course in Month four of the program, I had declared my companies vision statement, “legitimize Augmented Reality (AR)”. The mission statement was also declared that still holds true, “legitimize Augmented Reality through entertainment, professional, and personal solutions that enchant consumers through the empowerment achieved when the digital intertwines with the physical seamlessly”. Refining them both into one is to, “enchant through the empowerment of fusing the digital and physical”. With this goal, I wanted to start defining the tactics to promoting the supporting culture from these statements. The following is the list of ideas of ideas to uphold these statements values.
Company Culture
- Implement and use Augmented Reality (AR) into the daily lives of everyone within the company. - Dedicate time to internally design and develop creative solutions to current business challenges using AR. -- Use AR tools already available (Uzialko, 2017).
--- Remote Collaboration
--- Training, and education
--- Show casing Products
--- Augmented Office Space
- Promote industry participation on all levels. For example, paying for and providing time away from work to attend AR trade-shows, and gaming conventions.
- Create an ideal submission process that enables anyone from anywhere in the company to submit and AR solution idea that gets reviewed by a selected and evolving committee. If approved the idea will be ran through a research and development cycle for feasibility, as an internal accelerator.
- Implement unlimited Personal-Time-Off (PTO). This allows total flex time and comes with a high expectation of business considerations, and communication. For success overall business transparency is strived for, providing each employee with the information to schedule time away from the office at the correct junctures.
- The space will be designed using AR elements that promote interaction, target market empathy, and pride.
Goal 3: Develop processes that enable creative productivity. Strategy: I want to ensure I conduct myself as a leader and business owner that best handles creative talent. I will take a course on Lynda.com that will help with my interpersonal decisions.
Lynda.com (2017) Course: https://www.lynda.com/Business-tutorials/Unconscious-Bias/515183-2.html?srchtrk=index:1linktypeid:2q:creative+workplacepage:1s:relevancesa:trueproducttypeid:2
Outcome on Goal 3: The Lynda.com course covers the different types of bias, and the impact on business. It covers the number of leaders that are ran by woman. “Unconscious bias reviews to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our views, our actions, and our decision-making ability” (Lynda.com, 2017). Specifically, the course covers the gap in population percentage, and business leadership percentages based on gender. The data shows that woman make up 49% of the population, but only represented as 20% in business leadership. Unconscious bias is given the blame for the gap. The course covers how this bias affects thinking, impacts hiring, and contributes to the lack of workforce diversity (Lynda.com, 2017).
The course talks about workplace bias and how to remain competitive while recruiting and retaining talent. I was found interesting the data around blond woman make 7% more over their lifetime than a woman with brown hair. It even talks about weight, and height have an influence. Another interesting presented fact is that we only can digest 1% of the information received per second. This points to 99% of our brain function is unconscious thought. I like the approach that highlights that everyone is bias.
The course then covers the different types of bias. Affinity, halo, Perception, and confirmation bias are covered. Affinity bias is, “a positive response to people who are similar to us” (Lynda.com, 2017). The halo effect is out tendency to “admiring all of a person’s actions because of their praiseworthy actions in the past” (Lynda.com, 2017). For example, the blinding effect of someone that is perceived to do not wrong, but in fact is a trouble maker. Perception bias is the “tendency to form stereotypes and assumptions about certain groups that make is difficult members of those groups” (Lynda.com, 2017). Similarly, confirmation bias is “seeking out evidence that confirms our initial perceptions, ignoring contrary information” (Lynda.com, 2017). The video then covers “groupthink” (Lynda.com, 2017). This type of bias I feel is the most powerful. “When the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in incorrect decision-making” (Lynda.com, 2017).
This was a great video along side the Innovative Work Environments Full Sail course. It reminds me that the workplace is filled with bias operating on all levels. The environment could present opportunity to embed bias breakers and minimizing the negative side effects on the success of the business.
What I learned
I have learned that new ventures or old companies can benefit from a knowledge worker centric demeanor when creating the right work environment. That means from the physical space to company policies, the employee is placed at the highest priority. It takes consideration for the knowledge worker daily patterns to identify the needs over time. A solid space should be customer to the specific business, however basic methods, ideas, and best practices are proven to be effective. This would include choosing a building location. An area that provides opportunities for disbursed work and easy access to amenities. Within the building the space should be balanced based on the needs of the employees. Some companies require more collaboration and creative spaces, while others require more focus dedicated square footage. I have learned that informal, and formal space is a must, and that might include a dedicated social space. An individual will need space for focus work and are generally happier when given control on how and when they perform their work. This translates into an environment that makes it easy to work remote with people in the office, and work with remote people while in the office. Tools such as high-powered laptops, and equipment for a home office can be provided to ease the burden and retain quality of collaboration while remote. In some companies creating space that increasing the chances of employees from different silos to interact can have a direct impact on lowering cost and driving revenues.
In this course I was able to deep dive into different workspace solutions, from co-working, home office, corporate, to startup office designs. I learned about the current trends in workspace strategies, and different tactics to carry through on the strategies. For example, always planning for quick growth can lead to minimizing the workspace environment as a risk to getting and retaining top talent. A workspace that provide opportunities to adjust to changing business and employee needs will achieve greater return on the investment. That means happier employees, better satisfied customers, and increased revenue. Done right the workspace can lower cost, and increase value delivered. As a result, lower the risk of venture failure.
How I will apply this to my personal and professional life.
This course has me looking at the world around me with whole new eyes. I see how spaces can be designed for activities, and with purpose. I will carry this with me for the rest of my career, and into any new ventures I am blessed for have launched. I will use the knowledge of workspace strategies, and tactics to create an environment that champions the employee, values the customer, and promotes innovations, creativity, and profound products.
Cohn, Mike. (n.d.). Scrum & XP: Better Together. Retrieved February 25, 2018 from URL https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/spotlight/mike-cohn/april-2014/scrum-xp-better-together
Lynda.com. (2017, May 24). Unconscious Bias. Retrieved May 28, 2017 from URL https://www.lynda.com/Business-tutorials/Unconscious-Bias/515183-2.html?srchtrk=index:1linktypeid:2q:creative+workplacepage:1s:relevancesa:trueproducttypeid:2
Uzialko, Adam. (2017, October 9). Augmented Reality Check: Innovative Ways Businesses are Embracing AR. Retrieved February 25, 2018 from URL https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9245-augmented-reality-for-business.html
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Age Limits:
Discussing the age unwinding, the profile coordinated individual would have the age in the middle of 18 to 32 years of old, recall note surpasses over 32 years.
Pay Package:
No need stress over the pay scale, it delightfully according to your desires around "Rs. 16400-40500/ - every month" Per head.
Determination Process:
On this traverse, the officers will go to dealing with the enrolling the choices with "Composed test and Interview" designs.
SAIL Bhilai Steel Plant Apprentices Vacancies: Candidates who are malleable to join into the SAIL Bhilai Steel Plant association now have the odds to work with the organization. Recently, SAIL board had welcomed or called the qualified candidates for Trade Apprentice and Vocational Apprentice to load with 425 opening truly. Along these lines, without hanging with online networking attempt to work this shot with making or doing the best possible preparation to break the activity chance my companion, this is just our proposal that's it in a nutshell. All things considered, Approx. 425 Posts are holding up to fill now. Soon, we are accompanying Exam concede Cards subsequent to finishing the enrollment procedure.
Most recent SAIL Bhilai Steel Plant Job Openings: You recognize what, the SAIL Bhilai Steel Plant was putting forth according to the merit compensation bundles. You can see the post insightful pay scale in the beneath area. Going to the online enrollment subject, from 09th Jan 2018 to 07th Feb 2018 web-based interface will in real life mode and permit the new online application shapes 2018. You could likewise locate the immediate connections in the underneath depiction, where had given the primary warning downloading joins and in addition applying join in on the web. Thus, we want you to enjoy all that life has to offer of good fortune.
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Mangalore Customs Recruitment 2018 – 36 Seaman, Greaser Posts | Apply Online
Mangalore Customs Recruitment 2018 – 36 Seaman, Greaser Posts | Apply Online Mangalore Customs Recruitment 2017: Customs Commissionerate, Mangaluru, Karnataka/customsmangalore. gov. in is driving enlistment techniques to fill 36 openings. Beginning at now, there is one enlistment drive proceeding for 36 Seaman, Greaser, Tindel and Sr. Deckhand Posts. Last Date Details Given underneath Check.
Conventions Mangalore Seaman Greaser Recruitment 2018: Customs Mangalore Marine Wing invites applications from the qualified contender for the open chances of Group C posts. There are indicate 23 openings in this Customs Mangalore enlistment 2017. Available posts are Seaman, Greaser, Tindal and Senior Deckhand. Interested hopefuls can apply in a supported outline for this Marine Wing Customs Mangalore Seaman, Greaser, and distinctive occupations. The last date for settlement application edge to Customs Mangalore office is 25-01-2018. The people who are sitting tight energetically to apply for Central Government Jobs can use this wonderful open entryway
Inspiring news for Candidates who are looking for Latest Govt Jobs Notification. Apply Online for Various Jobs 2017. Mangalore Customs 36 Seaman, Greaser, Tindel and Sr. Deckhand Recruitment 2017 – Job cautioning for 36 Seaman, Greaser, Tindel and Sr. Deckhand Posts in Mangalore, Karnataka. Applications are invited by Customs Mangalore Commissionerate, Mangalore inside 60 (sixty) days from the date of issue of notice in the work news for 36 openings. Government work news enlistment 2017 openings transversely finished India. Qualified Candidates can check latest Govt occupations in Employment News Updates of Notification.
Customs Commissionerate, Mangaluru, Karnataka has invigorated a latest notice Advt. No: C.No. II/31/01/2017 Estt. 1 and applications are invited from qualified plausibility for garnish off the 36 Seaman, Greaser, Tindel and Sr. Deckhand Posts in Mangalore, Karnataka opening. Qualified/proper contenders are requested to introduce their applications in the supported plan close by copies of validations and tributes inside 60 (sixty) days from the date of issue of business in the business news. Qualified and Interested can apply for this Job on its official locales.
Affiliation Name: Customs Commissionerate
Mangalore Customs Recruitment 2018
Business Type: Central Govt Jobs
Work Location: Mangaluru, Karnataka
Indicate No. of Vacancies: 36
Name of the Post: Seaman, Greaser
Enlistment Customs Vacancy 2017 gives a far reaching number of livelihoods under Government of India. Conventions invites online applications for the going with Seaman, Greaser post in the midst of 2017-18. At the point when 2017 will be downloaded in official website.
State Govt invites online applications for the going with posts
Mean No.of Posts: 36
Tindel – 03
Senior Deckhand – 03
Mariner – 21
Greaser – 09
Candidates applying for Customs Vacancy Recruitment should have the going with enlightening capacities,
Tindel – Essential : (I) Eight standard pass. (ii) 10 years advantage on the seagoing vessel with 5 years contribution in free treatment of mechanized workmanship fitted with partner sails. Charming : (I) Certificate of Competency for Inland Master top of the line or (ii) Certificate of Service. (iii) Matriculation or equivalent.
Senior Deckhand – Essential: (I) Eight standard pass. (ii) 5 years advantage on the seagoing vessel with two years in helmsman and seamanship work. Appealing : (I) Certificate of Fishery Training School. (ii) Matriculation or proportionate.
Mariner – Essential : (I) X class pass or corresponding. (ii) Three years association in a seagoing mechanized vessel with two years in helmsman and seamanship work. Alluring : (I) Certificate of Competency as 'Mate of calculating vessel' issued by Marine Mercantile Department.
Greaser – Essential : (iii) X Class pass or corresponding. (iv) Three years association in the seagoing mechanized vessel on central and assistant device upkeep. Alluring : (ii) Certificate of Competency as 'Engine Driver of calculating vessel' issued by Marine Mercantile Department.
Age Limit:
Age Limit Should be between 18 to 30 Years
SC/ST Categories: 05 Years
OBC Candidates: 03 Years
Ex-Service Men: as per the Govt Rules.
Decision Process:
Decision process for Mangalore Customs Recruitment is according to the accompanying,
Made Exam
Swimming test
Therapeutic wellbeing
Police check
Pay Scale:
The Mangalore Customs offers a pay scale to its delegates according to the post they are enlisted in. Basic pay scale in Seaman, Greaser Jobs is given underneath
Tindel – Rs. 25500.00 – 81100.00/ -
Senior Deckhand – Rs. 21700.00 - 69100.00/ -
Mariner – Rs. 18000.00 – 56900.00/ -
Greaser – Rs. 18000.00 – 56900.00/ -
Sign on to Customs jobs page at official site www.customsmangalore.gov.in
Qualified candidates are urged to open Notification and application shape
Fill your educational ability, mastery, experience and other related information as indicated by the headings
Join self-approved copies of each and every critical record in prescribed course of action and size
Complete the Customs Application Form with the central data.
Check the Details beforehand Submitting.
Expel a print from Customs Recruitment 2017 application shape
"Additional Commissioner of Customs ( Preventive),
New Custom House, Panambur,
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