Svið - A Poem
A poem from my forthcoming poetry collection which I hope to launch in Iceland later this year. (This sheep head eating experience was during my brief stint of eating meat. My diet is plant based again these days.) Svið “Never did I expect to taste such a barbaric dish as a sheep’s head. But a decade later there it was on my plate, looking up at me with a sorrowful glaze in its eyes.” – Lara…
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Svið - A Poem
A poem from my forthcoming poetry collection which I hope to launch in Iceland later this year. (This sheep head eating experience was during my brief stint of eating meat. My diet is plant based again these days.) Svið “Never did I expect to taste such a barbaric dish as a sheep’s head. But a decade later there it was on my plate, looking up at me with a sorrowful glaze in its eyes.” – Lara…
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bluizu · 8 months
the three loyal three:
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fimbry · 1 year
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This is going to be a long post, a mix of what happened and then what Charlie meant to me. TW pet death
Charlie has passed away after eating 2 bad rats from Big Cheese Rodent Factory. She regurgitated 3 days after feeding and died two days later. I have been purchasing f/t rats from Big Cheese for years, and if my friend hadn't been having these same problems with the same batch of jumbo rats I would have thought this could be a freak incident or a mistake on my part. However, my friend's snakes are also regurgitating and one has died after eating these jumbo rats, and we bought them during the same Mother's Day sale. Same batch. I'll be getting a necropsy on Charlie to see if that has any answers as to what was off with the rats.
Now I get it that sometimes food safety measures don't get carried out every time and most suppliers have some kind of scandal like this, but the company's callous response and refusal to even entertain that it could be their rats at fault is pretty fucked up and has me a bit heated. It's just a "coincidence" my friend's and my snakes are getting sick/dying after eating rats from the same batch. Eye roll. The money doesn't even matter to me at this point so I may not message them further about this, I'm just so upset over the cold response and the loss of Charlie.
The email response from them:
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With that out of the way, I do want to share what Charlie meant to me. She was a very special animal, I thought of her as the "matriarch" of my collection as I have a good number of her kids and grandchildren still with me. Four of each actually if I'm counting, and I love them so very much.
When I got Charlie I was still pretty green in the hobby. Yes I'd had snakes for years, my cornsnake and then a couple ball pythons, and even a Sumatran short-tail, my beloved Svid, but these were all very "easy" snakes... I learned with them, but I was not challenged the way that Charlie challenged me. I got Charlie as a full adult, she was my first blood python and I had not even planned to get into bloods until I saw her. I was planning to focus on Sumatran short tails, but Charlie changed things.
Charlie came out of the shipping bag striking and bit me on the finger immediately. Now I'm not sure if anyone remembers this but that video of the two little brothers "Charlie bit my finger" is how Charlie got her name lol.
The first 4 months were... challenging. I could not even touch her directly. I was so afraid I'd made a mistake. Charlie was a 17lb adult blood python, far bigger than my other snakes, and she was TERRIFIED of me. She wanted me to go to hell, and would send me there herself if only she could. We spent a lot of time together, just me sitting near her open enclosure and her glaring at me. Over the months we went from no contact, to minimal contact, until finally I was able to at least clean her without too much trouble. She liked routine, liked to know what was going to happen next. Any deviation from the routine and the trust would be broken, she'd be full of fear again. It was a few years of doing things purely by her strict rules.
Around 2014, something clicked. She began to actually trust that I wasn't going to hurt her and didn't have bad intentions. We seemed to have an actual understanding where if something happened out of the norm, she wouldn't react badly. I could even take her out for pictures and she behaved! Soon I was able to pet her, touch her tail (which I was doing a lot about now since I was trying to figure out why my "male" was not breeding, ha), even pet her head. I was still a bit wary of her, but we were in a good place. As the years went on, our trust grew deeper and I knew she wouldn't bite me, and she knew I was a safe person.
She also showed me how intelligent these snakes could be. She could tell people apart which became obvious if she saw anyone besides me. While I had earned her trust, others had not, so I refrained from taking her out if others were around. While she was a big beautiful animal, I couldn't take her out to show guests. I respected her all the more for it, if I'm honest. She knew what she was about, and I didn't push that.
Over the years she ended up giving me three clutches of beautiful babies, she did such a good job. After her last clutch in 2021, she started showing her age. She was nearing 20 years old, if not over, and had begun getting wrinkled scales and grew a cataract in one eye. I decided to retire her from breeding and let her enjoy her golden years in peace. Pythons can live a very long time, so I expected to have another ~10 years with her.
I'm devastated that her retirement was cut short like this, devastated that I was robbed of more time together. We had both grown and changed a lot over the last 12 years together, and she really was a picture of "to be loved is to be changed." My sweet old lady who knew me, and I knew her. ♥
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hamliet · 7 months
Hey first just wanna say it’s cuz of you that I caught an intrigue for Russian literature, and have decided to read most of dostoevskys bibliography, and I just finished crime and punishment. Obviously I’m absolutely floored by the entire thing but someone that stood out to me was svirdgailov. Those last couple scenes of him were absolutely amazing and had me reeling, I wanted to know your opinion on him
Hello! And ahhh I'm so happy to hear that!!
Svidrigailov is indeed a very interesting character. He's an antagonist, but the vast majority of his crimes are in the past. Yet they're significant: he rapes an underage girl and she commits suicide. He murders his wife. He propositions Dunya and then corners her. But he also then does some charitable things like actually providing for Sonya's stepsiblings after Katarina dies, and giving Sonya enough money to leave her profession and move to Siberia with Raskolnikov.
So, he's done the worst deeds imaginable in the story--worse than Raskolnikov. And rather than face guilt, he kills himself. Yet, he also is the one who provides for others for absolutely no benefit to himself.
You'll often find Sonya and Svidrigailov compared as foils who represent two alternate paths for Raskolnikov: life or death, suffering or escape.
Rask is obviously another foil. Raskolnikov's name means "schism." and that's because he's both extremely generous and extremely cruel--kinda like Svid. He also donates all his money to Marmeladov's family before he even knows them, when it benefits him not at all. Yet he murders Alyona to benefit humanity... and Lizaveta to protect himself.
The guilt over his crimes haunts him and forces him to face suffering via turning himself in and serving his sentence. But he's in part only able to do this (and eventually to truly repent) because of love. His family and Sonya love him. Svidrigailov wants Dunya to be his Sonya; however, there are some key differences. Raskolnikov empathizes with Sonya, but Svidrigailov doesn't empathize with Dunya very much.
I'd say he desperately wants to use Dunya to feel better about himself. And he wants her to love him, because he's incredibly lonely and lost. When she finally convinces him that she never, ever will, he then donates all his money to Sonya (whom he sees as Raksolnikov's Dunya, and Dostoyevsky makes this especially clear when Svidrigailov literally eavesdrops on Sonya and Raskolnikov's conversations) and commits suicide.
Yet the problem is that Svidrigailov doesn't see Dunya in the same human sense that Raskolnikov sees Sonya--he sees her as a Good Girl who can save him from himself, but doesn't actually try to explore what makes her "good," or what she wants out of life. Even his chasing Dunya down comes after he betrayed her by propositioning her while he was her married employer, then allowed her to be badmouthed and fired which could have destroyed her entire life, and then he made amends... yet murdered his wife to chase after Dunya. That would be like Raskolnikov murdering Katarina Ivanovna and Sonya's siblings to chase after her. It kinda provokes a different response.
Svidrigailov wants to be saved from himself. But the way to save himself is to look at himself at his core, to kiss the earth and confess, as Sonya tells Raskolnikov to do. Raskolnikov's motives are also very interior, and they have always been so--he wanted to prove himself an ubermensch of sorts, but failed. Svidrigailov's seem to be more about avoiding himself, yet still, as with Raskolnikov, the truth of who they are still seeps out despite attempts to avoid it.
You can only run so far from yourself.
Svidrigailov is a tragic character, and if you were drawn to him, he's also a prototype for other characters in Dostoyevsky's works: Rogozhin from The Idiot, and most obviously, Stavrogin from Demons--in which essentially the entire book revolves around the enigma that is Stavrogin.
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govindhtech · 9 days
Intel’s Update On 13th And 14th Gen Vmin Shift Instability
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Intel has confirmed the root cause diagnosis for the Vmin Shift Instability problem related to desktop Intel Core 13th and 14th generation processors. This comes after intensive examination into the matter. For desktop users of the Intel Core 13th and 14th generations, this article will provide Intel’s knowledge of the underlying cause, further mitigations, and future efforts.
Vmin Shift Instability Root Cause
The Vmin Shift Instability problem has been traced by Intel to a clock tree circuit in the IA core, which is especially prone to reliability aging at high voltage and temperature. According to Intel, these circumstances may cause a change in the clocks’ duty cycle and result in system instability.
Four (4) operational situations have been recognized by Intel as potentially causing Vmin shift in the impacted processors
Settings for the motherboard’s power supply that beyond Intel’s recommendations.
Mitigation: For desktop Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen CPUs, use the Intel Default Settings guidelines.
Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen i9 desktop CPUs were able to run at better performance levels even at high temperatures thanks to the eTVB Microcode technology.
Mitigation: June 2024’s microcode 0x125 fixes the eTVB algorithm problem.
Vmin shift may result from the microcode SVID algorithm’s requirement for high voltages at a frequency and duration.
Mitigation: August 2024’s microcode 0x129 handles high voltages that the CPU requests.
Elevated core voltages are requested by BIOS and Microcode, which might result in Vmin shift, particularly during idle or mild activity times.
Mitigation: Intel is releasing microcode 0x12B, which includes microcode updates 0x125 and 0x129. This microcode resolves the processor’s demands for higher voltages while it is idle or experiencing low activity.
Intel is collaborating with its partners to provide the necessary BIOS update to the general public with regard to the 0x12B upgrade
Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake Reference Board (M40919), Processor: Intel Core i9-14900K, Memory: 64GB DDR5 at 5200MT/s SU360 ADATA storage Display Resolution: 1280×800; Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 770; Graphics Driver Version:; Operating System: Windows 11 Pro (version 26100.712).
Processor: Intel Core i9-14900K; Memory: 32GB DDR5 at 5600MT/s; Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake Reference Board (RVP SR19); 1TB Samsung 990 Pro storage Graphics: MSI RTX 4090 Suprim X, NVIDIA v555.99 graphics driver, 1920 x 1080 resolution, Windows 11 (version 22631.4169)
Intel’s internal testing on an Intel Core i9-14900K with DDR5 5200MT/s memory comparing 0x12B and 0x125 microcode shows that the performance effect is within run-to-run fluctuation. Performance is also within run-to-run variance for gaming workloads on an Intel Core i9-14900K with DDR5 5600MT/s memory2 such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Cyberpunk 2077, Hitman 3: Dartmoor, and Total War: Warhammer III Mirrors of Madness. Nevertheless, a number of additional elements as well as configuration affect system performance.
Intel reiterates that the Vmin Shift Instability problem does not impact Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen mobile CPUs or future client product families, such as the codename Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake families. They value its partners’ assistance with the study and pertinent mitigations, as well as its customers’ patience over the course of the inquiry.
Next Actions
All owners of desktop Intel Core 13th and 14th generation processors should be aware that the 0x12B microcode update has to be loaded via a BIOS update, and motherboard and system makers have received it to include in their BIOS. In order to facilitate the prompt certification and distribution of the BIOS update for systems that are presently in use, Intel is collaborating with its partners. This might be a multi-week procedure.
To view the most recent BIOS versions for their desktop computers powered by Intel Core 13th and/or 14th generations, users may visit the website of the system or motherboard maker or use the Intel Product Compatibility Tool.
Processor: Intel Core i9-14900K, Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake Reference Board (M40919), Memory: 64GB DDR5 at 5200MT/s SU360 ADATA storage Display Resolution: 1280×800; Graphics Driver Version:; Operating System: Windows 11 Pro (version 26100.712). Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 770.
Processor: Intel Core i9-14900K; Memory: 32GB DDR5 at 5600MT/s; Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake Reference Board (RVP SR19); Samsung 990 Pro 1TB of storage Graphics: MSI RTX 4090 Suprim X, NVIDIA v555.99 graphics driver, 1920 x 1080 resolution, Windows 11 (version 22631.4169)
Read more on govindhtech.com
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Гастрономическое свидание: Идеальные места для встреч в Москве
В Москве мест для первого свидания хватает на любой вкус. Я выбрал уютное кафе в центре, по совету на сайте svid-msk.ru, где можно не только насладиться вкусным кофе, но и погрузиться в атмосферу города. Оказалось, это идеальное место для знакомства и приятных бесед. Если вам важно впечатление и вы задумываетесь, куда сходить на первое свидание в Москве, выбирайте места, где уютно и не слишком шумно. Ведь главное – общение, а не громкая музыка или огромные толпы вокруг.
Встречи в романтической обстановке – это важная часть любого отношения. Москва, как мегаполис с богатой культурой и разнообразием заведений, предоставляет бесчисленные возможности для уникальных свиданий. Однако, если вы и ваш партнер истинные гурманы, гастрономическое свидание может быть идеальным вариантом. Давайте рассмотрим несколько заведений, которые предлагают уникальный опыт для влюбленных.
1. Ресторан "Дегустариум"
В самом сердце Москвы располагается уютное место под названием "Дегустариум". Этот ресторан предлагает уникальное гастрономическое путешествие с инновационными подходами к приготовлению блюд. Шеф-повары тщательно отбирают ингредиенты, создавая настоящие произведения искусства на вашем столе. Атмосфера здесь спокойная и романтичная, идеальная для важных моментов в вашей жизни.
2. Винарня "Ле Сомелье"
Если вы ценитель вин и французской кухни, то винарня "Ле Сомелье" – ваш идеальный выбор. Расположенная в старинном особняке, эта уютная ретро-атмосфера создает умиротворенное место для свидания. Здесь вы сможете наслаждаться не только отменным винным выбором, но и изысканными блюдами, приготовленными с любовью и профессионализмом.
3. Ресторан "Территория"
"Территория" – это заведение с красивым видом на Московскую реку, что делает его прекрасным местом для свидания. Романтическая атмосфера, свечи и отличное обслуживание создают уникальное пространство для встреч. Здесь представлено разнообразие блюд от талантливых шеф-поваров, способных удовлетворить самые изысканные вкусы.
4. Бутик-ресторан "Гастролично"
Если вы и ваш партнер предпочитаете более интимные и уютные места, то бутик-ресторан "Гастролично" – ваш выбор. Сосредоточенный на качестве, этот ресторан предлагает авторскую кухню и уникальные блюда. Вместе с уютной атмосферой и внимательным обслуживанием, "Гастролично" подарит вам незабываемые моменты.
5. Кафе "Люминар"
Для ценителей современного искусства кулинарии кафе "Люминар" станет настоящим открытием. Здесь каждое блюдо – это настоящая гастрономическая симфония, а каждый элемент интерьера – произведение искусства. Романтическая и атмосферная обстановка делает "Люминар" идеальным местом для тех, кто ищет нечто особенное.
Москва, как город с богатой культурой и разнообразием, предлагает множество вариантов для гастрономических свиданий. Выбрав одно из вышеупомянутых заведений, вы обеспечите себе не только восхитительный вкус, но и незабываемые впечатления. Гастрономическое свидание – это не просто обед или ужин, это настоящее путешествие в мир вкуса и романтики, которое укрепит ваши отношения.
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tanvir202020 · 9 months
Ищите вариант, куда сходить на свидание в Москве зимой, с девушкой, мужем или недорого? Лучшие варианты собраны на нашем сайте. https://svid-msk.ru/
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haribool2 · 9 months
Ищите вариант, куда сходить на свидание в Москве зимой, с девушкой, мужем или недорого? Лучшие варианты собраны на нашем сайте. https://svid-msk.ru/
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sadik0555 · 9 months
Ищите вариант, куда сходить на свидание в Москве зимой, с девушкой, мужем или недорого? Лучшие варианты собраны на нашем сайте. https://svid-msk.ru/
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roberta255 · 9 months
Куда сходить (пойти) на свидание в Москве? https://svid-msk.ru/
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tortik158 · 9 months
Ищите вариант, куда сходить на свидание в Москве зимой, с девушкой, мужем или недорого? Лучшие варианты собраны на нашем сайте. https://svid-msk.ru/
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manunuscript · 3 months
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rollex01 · 9 months
Ищите вариант, куда сходить на свидание в Москве зимой, с девушкой, мужем или недорого? Лучшие варианты собраны на нашем сайте. https://svid-msk.ru/
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fadingladysandwich · 9 months
Лучшие идеи для первого свидания в Санкт-Петербурге: выбирайте вместе с svid-spb.ru
Куда пойти на первое свидание в СПб? Первое свидание - это так волнительно и конечно, хочется, чтобы все прошло как в кино - легко, ярко и красиво. На сайте svid-spb.ru собраны лучшие места для свиданий в Санкт-Петербурге. Выбирайте то, что вам нравится, или вдохновляйтесь новыми идеями!
Волнение перед первым свиданием невозможно переоценить. Важно, чтобы это было восхитительное событие, запоминающееся на долгие годы. Санкт-Петербург, с его богатой культурной атмосферой и уникальным шармом, предлагает бесчисленные возможности для создания романтических воспоминаний. На сайте svid-spb.ru вы найдете подборку лучших мест для первого свидания в этом великолепном городе.
1. Прогулка по Эрмитажу и Дворцовой площади
Этот исторический музей предлагает не только богатую коллекцию произведений искусства, но и великолепную атмосферу для романтической прогулки. Проведите время в залах совместно изучая произведения и делитесь своими впечатлениями.
2. Кафе "Дворянская утварь"
Если вы и ваш партнер любите необычные места, кафе "Дворянская утварь" — идеальное место. Интерьер, выполненный в стиле дома дворянина, создает атмосферу уюта и тепла. Здесь можно не только насладиться вкусной едой, но и почувствовать себя частью старой русской аристократии.
3. Прогулка по Петропавловской крепости
Для тех, кто предпочитает активный отдых, прогулка по Петропавловской крепости может стать отличным вариантом. Историческая обстановка, красивые виды на Неву и непринужденная беседа создадут идеальные условия для близкого общения.
4. Вечер на Кампусе Васильевского острова
Собор Святого Андрея, расположенный на Васильевском острове, создает впечатляющий архитектурный фон для вашего свидания. Вечерняя прогулка вдоль Невы и поклонение старинным зданиям оставят вам море воспоминаний.
5. Парк искусств "Мурино"
Для ценителей природы и современного искусства парк "Мурино" предлагает уникальное сочетание природы и скульптурных композиций. Здесь можно не только насладиться красотой природы, но и обсудить интересные экспозиции.
6. Романтический ужин в ресторане "Маншон"
Ресторан "Маншон" — это идеальное место для завершения вашего свидания. Современная кухня, утонченная атмосфера и великолепный вид на город создадут завершающий штрих в этот особенный вечер.
Сайт svid-spb.ru предоставляет широкий выбор мест для свиданий в Санкт-Петербурге. Выберите то, что соответствует вашим предпочтениям, и создайте вместе с партнером незабываемые воспоминания о первом свидании. Пусть ваша любовь начнется в атмосфере этого удивительного города.
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hamliet · 6 months
finished part 3 of demons....no words honestly. i'd like to hear your thoughts on Stavrogin's end in relation to Raskolnikov for example and why you think Dostoevsky had two different ends for two of his "main characters". Also I've had this thought since I started reading, about how Stavrogin reminded me of Johan from Monster, and also wondered if you had ever made that connection yourself and if there's any merit to it, ty again for the answers!
Yeah. Yeah. Lol.
Stavrogin and Raskolnikov
Raskolnikov looks for meaning via believing himself somehow better than society; it's an inwards-->outwards type thing. Stavrogin is the opposite. Society determines that he's somehow better than they are because he's blessed with good looks, intelligence, likable, an outwards-->inwards type thing.
The main idea of Demons is of course that if you become obsessed with an idea, any ideology at all, it can consume you and turn you into a demon. This is explored to a degree in Raskolnikov's character, too. Yet at the same time as this is true, being empty, with no ideology at all, only leads to being filled sevenfold with demons.
Stavrogin is the empty one.
Svidrigailov, Stavrogin, and Raskolnikov
Raskolnikov (and Svidrigailov) have a tendency to see other people as tools. Raskolnikov, however, acknowledges the humanity of Sonia, of the Marmeladov family, of Razumikhin and Dunya and his mother. Svid... doesn't acknowledge others as people with their own wishes and dreams, as I've mentioned before.
Stavrogin also doesn't acknowledge this about others, not really. There are similarities in how he views Dasha and how Svidrigailov views Dunya, but there are also extreme differences.
Svidrigailov wants a Good Girl to redeem him, but doesn't realize that comes from acknowledging humanity in yourself and in others. He wants to die when he realizes that he will never be loved by this one person he's made into an idol of goodness and beauty.
Stavrogin has numerous Good Girls who are willing to risk their reputations to help him. Liza runs off from her genuinely good fiance for him, he marries a mentally ill woman (Marfa), he has Dasha the servant girl risk her reputation to be his confidant (and frankly, he seems to only be able to trust her). Marfa is murdered and he lets it happen despite it not being his wish, Liza also gets murdered because of her dalliance with him, and Dasha survives but sees his suicide. He also has a child with Shatov's wife, has Kirillov who is kind, has a mother who loves him, a tutor who believes in him, and a revolutionary friend who loves him.
Yet none of that saves him, because Stavrogin cannot acknowledge his own humanity and so cannot acknowledge that in others, and no one around him acknowledges his humanity either. They all see him as something above them--with the exception of perhaps Dasha. But her acknowledging his humanity isn't enough to save him. So he sins and sins worse and worse hoping to feel something, but never does. And if he can't feel anything, is he truly human?
The irony, of course, is that he's painfully human. He's ashamed of what he's done to a degree, even, because he refuses to allow society to find out about all he's done. In other words, there's an aspect of Stavrogin that resists the idea of people seeing him as human. And isn't that somehow paradoxically human, to want to be a god and have the world go according to how you want it to?
I do think this aspect of feeling inhuman is similar to Johan, though I think Johan is ultimately more similar to other characters like Ivan or Smerdyakov, or even Raskolnikov, than to Stavrogin. Johan does face humanity in the end, after all.
I also think it's worth noting that characters who have sexually abused children never get happy endings in Dostoyevsky's works. They have the chance to, they are human, but they never do, and that probably reflects an aspect of Dostoyevsky's trauma and limits, which is frankly relatable.
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