maritessa · 5 months
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I just read Ore Monogatari and can I just say that Suna is such an AroAce icon I absolutely LOVE him.
When Yukika showed up, I feel so bad but I was PRAYING for her downfall because I DID NOT want Suna to get together with anybody 😭 I'm sorry y'all but it just wouldn't feel right. Suna says he's never really had an interest in dating anyone, he's never really had those feelings, and while he says it would be nice to experience them— he's never really felt like he's missing out on anything.
A lot of people argue that his thinking of wanting to try to be in love is a sign that he's not aspec but I think saying that is dangerous for the community. Aspec individuals can also yearn for a connection, it's a matter if we can and in what way. Being connected doesn't necessarily mean "romance", Suna always makes a point that he wants to be with someone like Takeo aka his best friend who's always there for him, who he feels natural with, who he can just vibe with.
I can relate with him in that sense! I have a partner right now and we are NOT romantic in the slightest, we just want to support each other in our own endeavors and talk when we update each other on it. I think that kind of relationship suits Suna best and it's gonna take a while before he can discover that because everyone around him is very alloromantic 💀 (it kinda irked me when people kept pushing him to get a girlfriend cause haha happened to me too and it was not great)
I'm blabbing at this point but I love the idea of Suna being in a polycule with Yamato and Takeo but he's not really dating anyone, he's just there. He's a very vital key of their relationship but he's not really committed to anyone (I guess Takeo if you count being the best bro as a commitment).
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