#STARTERS. opening line / transform and roll out!
mxgicthot · 5 months
😤 for Mika OR 😱 for Erden
I'm curious <:3c
For yewww both uwu :3
Slight cw for erden's one briefly depicting his transformation phases when he was still figuring shit out.
Emoji starters
😤 - my muse is in a bad mood
Mika's fists clenched against the armrests, her jaw set in a tight line. It felt as if someone had knocked all the air out of her lungs.
The newcomer, like the men on either side of her, wore a crisp black-and-white three-piece suit. He removed his shoes before stepping onto the tatami-lined floor of the inner house, revealing tasteful dark grey socks. Jet-black shades perched on his head, brushing back dark wisps of hair off his face – his stupid fucking face.
Neither of them wore the traditional kimono or shiromuku, yet for some reason, she couldn't shake the feeling of being at a wedding.
Mika felt her face heat up, her clenched hands trembling slightly. She straightened up, taking a deep breath to compose herself, the mask of indifference rolling over her features from years of practice.
It was not the first time Mika had witnessed this – after all, it was just sakazuki. A sakazuki that was not hers.
- 159 words
😱 - my muse is scared
Burning. That was the first thing Erden felt: a raging, aching, white-hot burn underneath his skin that he desperately wanted to claw at until it stopped.
Blood. Sweat. Vomit. Urine. Those were the first things he smelled, in that order. They always were. He had no idea which part of him was bleeding, but he could feel the sweat cooling on his body, making the burn feel even worse. The faint smell of urine told him he had pissed himself yet again mid-transformation, but that hardly mattered. Neither did the sick coating his mouth, throat, and chest.
Whimpering. That was the first thing he heard: his own feeble whimpers caused by the aftershock of the transformation because he couldn't manage screaming or crying any longer. His voice was of no use, and he could only sniff his tears back as best he could.
Dirt mingled with blood. That was the first thing he saw when he pried his eyes open. His blood, from unknown wounds caused by the beast that lingered slightly below his surface, sated from what had evidently been an energetic night of taking grief out on his body.
- 191 words
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Horror/Angst Starter Prompt | Open
@sometimesrufus asked: @vincent - "Heh, are you…crying?"
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The question seemed to come from far in the distance. He was faintly aware it was from Rufus...he was faintly aware of their situation, their location... They were on a trip, more retrieval and running Rufus around to lord his power, from the President, making the VP move about in mostly fruitless efforts. It involved one of the estates with the name ShinRa, as few as they were, they were there. Some were truly used by their namesake, others used by employees to expand their work in different locations to different ends.
But the awareness was falling deeper and deeper, buried under a monstrously mutating awareness that the words he was reading were bringing forth. Yes, he was crying. Locked in his own mind, confused and pained tears streaked slowly now and again down his face. There was not sound, but his shaky breath.
There were reports of figures collected and shipped off to the private labs in ShinRa, but Vincent was sure he knew all labs...were that...Deepground? His awareness of that shadow in the companies depths was present, but there was a familiar ache in his body, and in his brain, as he thought of whether he'd met any of these figures there within. But then...then, it was the names mentioned. Hojo, a name always bound in rage and detestation, and remarking upon how some of his earlier work with beastial transformations could be of use with eventual candidates. Then, there was...her name.
Lucrecia. Brief. A singular line, remarking on a figure, Chaos.
All of this was skating a surface. He was...aware...he was aware of this, wasn't he? And yet memory was scratching the surface of some fierce block in his brain, and something pained and howling was clawing and pounding. His head was aching. His body was aching.
This was...this was an episode. He couldn't be having this right now. Bastard as he was, this was the time to report to Hojo. He fumbled for his PHS, dropping the papers, hands shaking, but he could barely see. Pounding, the beasts within him all growling, clawing. Was it them, or him? Why did he feel he was being torn up from within? He tried to calm his breathing, knowing that electric chip would knock him out if he didn't manage to tame this episode.
And yet....and yet, it wasn't him that took control. It was the greatest beast, taking control to simulate calm for a moment, to ease the protocol that would lead to electrocution until Vincent passed out. But it was not true control At least, not control Vincent would have managed himself. It was Chaos, coming forth through Vincent's body instead of fully shifting, and making fun with this change.
Rufus had neared, too close, reaching out, when Vincent's form that had been curled in and shaking had stilled...and when it stood, it seemed to stand a few inches taller. Hair usually bound in a braid or ponytail seemed to shift and come loose, floating like mist at the tips. He turned a shining red gaze upon the blond, the core of the red shining gold in sunken, gray face. And when his mouth smiled, as was unusual to see on Vincent, especially to this degree, fangs would show in clear, gleeful threat.
The tears left shadowed lines across the grey flesh, and with a roll of shoulders, there was the tearing of fabric as bat-like wings that seemed to have a joint claw burst forth. He beat his wings, and surged, golden-clawed hand gripping Rufus' throat as he flung them to the nearest wall, slamming him there as his gleaming claw shone with dark purple energy, licking painfully at Rufus' throat.
There were no words, only a breathy, gleeful chuckle from the demonic mouth as shining eyes appraised the figure at his mercy. Within, Vincent struggled to regain control, to regain awareness, to regain whatever ignorance had kept this at bay. But it was not until Chaos tossed Rufus across the ground and began stalking forward, that the Turk tore back control. With a lurch and a shuddering, unholy growl, the figure curled in on himself, more and more, until he was on his knees.
There, Vincent sit. Skin, pale, but no longer gray. Loose hair falling like a fallen divinity around his face, hands scrapping nails across the concrete floor beneath them. He took many deep breaths, in and out, before speaking. He attempted what he could of his seriousnes, of his Turk business demeanor, as if trying to force away any weakness with every word.
"...I have been...compromised... We must return to headquarters... I will ensure you are reassigned with a...more suitable guard, as soon as possible... I will take the punishment necessary, for my failure here... I am...sorry...R-Rufus..."
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War For Cybertron
Rodimus Prime
by Hasbro (2021)
Part of my Big Bad Toy Store pre-order which arrived on 08-26-21
As excited as I was once I learned we were getting Rodimus Prime for the Kingdom line, I was perplexed as to why he was going to be a commander class figure instead of being a leader class one. 
Rodimus Prime is the successor to Optimus Prime. He's the reluctant leader. No longer the carefree Hotrod, he is burdened to abandon his cavalier ways and to take up leadership the Autobots against the Decepticons.
For the Kingdom line Hasbro came to the decision to make Rodimus a Commander class instead of a leader, and I have to admit I have no idea why...
Opening up the box you see the rare sight of Rodimus being packaged in vehicle instead of robot as is the new standard. 
I much prefer the figure being packaged in vehicle mode, so I wasn’t complaining.
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Collector’s Card:
It’s Dinobot. I have several of them at this point.
I have a cray idea, how about include a collector’s card of RODIMUS PRIME?! For the amount of money I’m paying for a commander class I’d like that extra bit of consideration.
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Vehicle Mode:
Getting Rodimus Prime’s vehicle mode out and into the open we can quickly see just how big this guy is.
Rodimus Prime's vehicle is, well...a space Winnebago for lack of a better description. Maybe a Cybertronian truck, MAYBE. But it’s huge.
Unlike Optimus Prime, Rodimus' mode is bright red with flame decals on the sides, and large up exhaust pipes.
 This is one BIG space Winnebago. 
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The vehicle mode rolls pretty well and it definitely looks like an updated Hotrod. 
Rodimus Prime is a matured Hotrod, who was a red future sports car, and Rodimus Prime's alt mode keeps much of Hotrod's aesthetic, just amped up to the extreme.
It's an impressive vehicle mode but I do have some issues with it. For starters you can barely see Rodimus' spoiler in vehicle mode, with in the G1 toy it was front and center directly above the wind screen, nor a fan how the spoiler breaks up the exhaust pipes which is running up the side of the trailer. If it wasn't pushed so far back into the vehicle mode it might not have cut into the exhaust pipes. 
The spoiler on the Winnebago is a part of the look of the vehicle mode; it’s a carry over of Hotrod, and I think it should be more visible. 
Hotrod was a flashy, young bot with a devil may care attitude. Rodimus Prime, though is more mature; he’s a Prime for the Pepsi generation and his ridiculously deco-ed future camper reflects that.
Is the spoiler superfluous? Yes, but so is much of Rodimus Prime's design. Hasbro shouldn't be shying away from it, but leaning into it.
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The rear hatch opens up and it’s got some cool pistons holding it up. You can’t store much in the trailer as long as the large cannon is in there.
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I always forget about this, but there’s a drawer underneath the trailer section for additional storeage, though it’s mostly good for the blast effects.
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However my biggest issue with the Winnebago mode is an open split at the roof doesn’t connect properly. There’s ghastly open seem running throughout the entire lateral section of truck and there’s nothing I can do about it. No way to tab it or force is to close. Hasbro for a figure of this size and you skipped out on the quality control? That’s disappointing.
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By separating the trailer section from the front you basically get a beefed up hotrod mode. I actually kind like this for how strange it is.
Rodimus Prime basically has a roided up sports car which the size of a truck. I mean hell, it worked for Cybertron Megatron.
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Comparing G1 Rodimus Prime to the Kingdom version.
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As you can see the G1 Rodimus Prime’s yellow spoiler is directly above the windscreen, and it doesn’t affect the exhaust pipes. It’s part of the look, Hasbro!!!!!
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Comparing Kingdom Rodimus to Earthrise Optimus, and holy crap, Roddy dwarfs Optimus.
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The Juxtaposition between these two is ridiculous. This goes towards what I saying earlier; Optimus Prime is basically every 80s kid's robo-dad, and his truck mode is sort of conveys that; it's big and powerful, a workin' man...maybe, dare I say, a little conservative in appearance. Suddenly here comes Rodimus Prime in his party wagon mode with flames, huge pipes, and wicked spoiler, and on top of all that he's so much larger than Optimus.
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I had a funny thought to compare Kingdom Rodimus to G2 Laser Optimus Prime, and I have to say these two vehicle modes scale in pretty well with each other.
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I’m sure that after a couple of more time I’ll get used to it, but this was a bit of a tricky transformation. His transformation is some complex masterpiece level of engineering. It does get easier as time goes by, but I have to day I’m not a fan of some of the plastic material. Much of the plastic feels pretty solid, however some of is a bit too flexible for my comfort.
Robot Mode:
Once you get Rodimus Prime into robot mode, holy cow!!!
This is one hefty toy, and I got to say I’m a little impressed.
Hasbro definitely had a big budget set aside for this toy. Between the transformation and robot mode this is masterpiece levels of engineering.
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Rodmus Prime poses well beyond that of a normal retail figure. He even has butterfly joints in the shoulders.
His face looks chiseled and very defined, and has that expression of a man who’s burdened with responsibility. 
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Rodimus Prime’s long gun looks really good, and he holds it well.
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Rodimus comes with a sword. It’s well sculpted with a lot mechanical lines and details, but overall I think it’s pretty bland in my opinion and doesn’t look very special. It has a 5mm peg for weapons storage.
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The exhaust flames can be attached not only to the Winnebago’s pipes but also Rodimus’ arm pipes too.
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His hands are masterpiece levels of articulation. Rodimus has a jointed pointer finger and the other three fingers are hinges at the appropriate areas; it’s fantastic!
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Rodimus can do the one-legged balance.
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Comparing Kingdom Rodimus Prime to the Studio Series 86 Hotrod.
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Even in robot mode Rodimus Prime is slightly bigger than Optimus. Maybe not as tall, but bulkier. That Matrix juice really amps up those chosen ones...
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Rodimus Prime comes with several accessories some consider to be...unnatural...No, but seriously he’s got a lot of stuff.
A lot of Rodimus’ accessories are blest effects cast in blue plastic, and the same effects original packaged with Siege Omega Supreme and commander class Skylynx, so we’ve seen them before. I do like them in blue.
When you open up Rodimus Prime’s chest you see he has a Matrix of leadership. Unfortunately some of the gold paint has spilt over the transparent blue plastic of the centerpiece.
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This thing is such a gigantic piece of real estate. The majority of the trailer’s interior are dedicated to 5mm ports and the the double-barreled cannon.
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Unfolding the cannon allows Rodimus Prime man the gun, and use several of those blast effects he comes with.
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Once removing the cannon (which is attached by a 5mm port, naturally) the open trailer is a pretty bland, open space...
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I suppose Rodimus can use part of the trailer as a throne, or command chair...
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The large cannon is well...large. It separates from the trailer, and has sculpted treads, and I guess is portable.
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Final Thoughts:
Kingdom Rodimus Prime is a bit of a mixed bag for me. Yes, I like the toy a lot but I can’t ignore its flaws. Rodimus Prime has a complex but mostly fun transformation, the robot mode is great, he stands well, and the toy definitely has presence.
However considering the issue with the trailer not closing all the way, the paint splotch on the Matrix, and vast desert of nothingness that's the trailer, and the no original collector’s card; why is this guy worth about $80? Why is this guy a Commander class when being a leader class would have worked just fine? I'm so perplexed by this. Granted the transformation and articulation is where most of the budget went towards.
Eventually Hasbro will be producing a Studio Series 86 Rodimus Prime, and they'll be forced to have to play within the boundaries of the movie animation aesthetic. Perhaps that's why Kingdom Roddy looks the way he does.
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“Light our darkest hour!”
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victorywar · 3 years
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hookedonapirate · 3 years
Sneak Peek—Through the Rising Tide
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Thank you @wefoundloveunderthelight for the gorgeous graphic ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: So I have this mostly done, just have to add more scenes. And since this doesn't have a lot of context or show Killian's pov, I just want to point out that Killian is not delusional enough to think condoms are always 100% effective, nor is he just trying to make excuses to get out of the situation. There is more to it than what I can show in this sneak peek.
Chapter 10
“I’m pregnant.”
Emma’s heart drops into her stomach and all the air escapes her lungs when she hears the two words that seem to shatter her soul. She knows all too well two simple words can change a life forever. The most traumatizing moments in her life started with two words.
I’m sorry.
You’re fired.
We’re over.
I cheated.
Marry me.
Liam’s dead.
And now, I’m pregnant.
She knows she has no right to be upset, or hurt, even; she keeps telling herself Killian’s not hers, but a huge part of her wishes he was never with this dreadful woman. And it has nothing to do with jealousy. She just thinks Killian deserves much better than this bitch. Emma may not have always felt this way about him, but she can honestly say he’s not the same man she met a year and a half ago.
“Um…” Killian scratches behind his ear, not exactly sure what to say to Milah. “Congratulations?”
Emma has the urge to laugh, but she suppresses it. This isn’t something to joke about. It’s certainly not something Milah finds the least bit humorous. Which is understandable.
She’s carrying his baby.
Kilian’s going to be a father.
No, Killian is a father.
The thought makes Emma feel numb inside.
Milah’s jaw is on the floor as she gapes at Killian in shock and plants her hands on her hips. “Congratulations? That’s all you have to say?”
Killian looks at Emma in sheer puzzlement. But she doesn’t know exactly how to feel, other than disappointment and devastation, so she simply looks at him in shock. Reverting his attention to Milah, he shrugs casually as though Milah didn't just say two life-changing words. “What do you want me to say?”
Milah drops her hands to her sides and sighs dramatically. “Oh, I don’t know,” she says sarcastically. “Maybe what every father-to-be would say. Like for starters, that you’re ecstatic or that this is the happiest day of your life.”
He furrows his brows, the lines on his forehead deepening. “Why would it be the happiest day of my life?”
It takes everything inside of Emma to not give in to the tickle in her throat and dissolve into laughter.
Milah’s eyes almost pop out of her head. “You’re joking, right?”
He doesn't even crack a smile. “Why would I be joking?”
Growing impatient, she sighs again and rolls her eyes. “Look, I don’t have time for games. I’m tired and cranky and hormonal and I don’t need smart-ass Jones right now. I need to know that you’re in this.” She looks at Emma, flashing a deadly scowl as she adds, “Just you and me and our baby.”
Killian freezes, his confusion quickly transforming into something else, his face paling and his mouth falling open in shock.
Does he not think the baby is his?
“Wait, what do you mean, our baby?”
Milah laughs hysterically, like Killian just told her the funniest thing in the world. “Wow, I really hope you’re just playing dumb because I really don’t have the patience for this right now.”
“But that’s not possible,” he says, his words cracked as he scratches behind his ear. “I...I used protection.”
Milah becomes serious again, her eyes narrowing. “Wait, you’re not messing with me, are you?” She places her hand on her belly. “You really don’t think this is our baby, do you?”
“No, I don’t,” Killian answers matter-of-factly. “I used a condom,” he says again.
Milah raises her voice, throwing the very last shred of patience out the window. “Are you an idiot?! Condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective!”
“I know that,” he says through gritted teeth. “But I checked for leakage after I pulled out.”
“Okay,” Emma squeaks, her voice higher pitched than intended. She feels very awkward listening to this conversation. “Maybe I should just go to my room so you two can talk.” They clearly have some things to discuss.
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Clever Like a Fox
Summary: A few years down the line and while the face of the enemy has changed, the ones who fight for what's right haven't. Heroes once thought retired return to the fold, leading to Rena Rouge sharing a patrol with Snake Noir. It might be a quiet night, but Alya always has something to say - in the mask, or out of it.
Hello and welcome to my first of four entries for Adrien AUGreste! This will be the final part of my six-month adventure with daily prompts, starting with Marinette March. I had originally intended to do the full month, but at this point I'm too exhausted to do a long-form fic like that again.
Now, the week's prompt was Snake Noir, and the daily prompts I used were Oblivious, Civilian, and Unify.
Read on Ao3
Years passed for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Circumstances changed, as they often do - Hawkmoth was gone and another villain emerged from the woodwork to make sure the two of them didn’t get too much of a vacation. Of course, with the fall of Hawkmoth, that opened up opportunities that had been closed for far too long.
When the villain made themselves known a second time, they weren’t just facing Ladybug and Chat Noir. Carapace and Rena Rouge had joined them - this time, on a much more permanent basis. After all, Marinette had argued that the kwami had been locked up for too long. They needed to see the world, be with people, if they were going to be effective.
Which was part of the reason it wasn’t Chat Noir and Rena Rouge on patrol for tonight, but rather Snake Noir and Rena Rouge. Neither was the other’s ideal partner for patrol, but Ladybug could only be in one place at a time and she was busy tonight working on her piece for the summer fashion show, her big debut in the industry.
And Adrien intended to be there… as supportive as a friend could be.
“So… what’s on your mind, big cat?”
Snake Noir looked over at Rena Rouge, her back against a section of wall facing him, laying along the edge of the building that he was dangling his legs over. She was watching him curiously.
“Nothing much, I guess,” he said with a sigh.
The silence stretched on, awkward and uncomfortable. It was at this moment that he realized that of their little group of friends, he spent the least time with Alya. With the two of them, it had always felt more like they were the friends of friends rather than being close themselves.
“Nino been up to anything recently?” He retreated to safe, common ground.
“He’s your best bud as well as my fiance,” Rena said with a raised eyebrow. “Something tells me you’ve got just as good a scoop on him as I do.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Snake Noir picked up a small rock that was on the roof and turned it over in his hands before dropping it into the empty street below.
Another stretch of silence passed between them, ended only when Rena sighed loudly and stood up.
“Okay, big cat, how about you help me out with the Ladyblog?”
“What?” He looked up at her, a confused look on his face. “Do you want to drop your transformation and have me give an interview?”
“No, don’t be crazy,” Rena said, waving with her hand as if she could physically brush away the idea. “It is too late in the day for an interview to not look fake. But!” She grinned and raised a finger. “If the Ladyblogger just so happened to spot two patrolling heroes during her nighttime jog, I’m sure they would love to give their favorite journalist a selfie.”
“Oh would they now?” Snake Noir smirked despite himself. “Sounds awfully generous of them. Especially Rena Rouge since she’d have to be in two places at once.”
Rena Rouge made a disapproving noise. “Poor, poor Chat. Your mind is closed to the possibilities.”
Snake Noir raised an eyebrow at her. “That so?”
“Yes. What you don’t realize is that I don’t need to be in two places at once. I just need to look like I am.” She grinned and pulled out her flute, giving it a twirl.
Snake Noir frowned. “I don’t know… Ladybug doesn’t like us abusing our powers like that.”
“It's not like we have a timer to worry about.” Rena rolled her eyes. “Besides this helps throw people off my scent. Otherwise, having no foxy hero pics taken by me on the blog looks supes suspicious.”
“Hm… alright, I guess,” Snake Noir conceded and stood up. “Where do you want to have this spontaneous photo op take place?”
“That’s the tricky question.” Rena Rouge hummed in thought and tapped at her chin. “Somewhere that looks like I could have been just passing through, with enough light for the photo, and empty enough that there won’t be anyone around to poke holes in my story.”
It would take ten minutes of combing through the city before she found her perfect spot, but Snake Noir didn’t mind. Years of modeling had given him a good eye for ideal photoshoot locations and eventually it was him that found the ideal place for their little deception.
Rena pulled her phone out from one of her suit’s magic pockets and set it up against a wall. The soft notes of her flute hung in the air before feeling almost like they condensed and pulled together until they formed a perfect likeness of her civilian identity. Specifically, an Alya that was all dressed up for a jog. Maybe a little too much, but no doubt she was trying to sell the story as best she could.
The illusionary Ladyblogger went from having a blank expression and standing passively to excitement lighting up her eyes, a wide grin splitting her face. She became slightly crouched as if she was caught in the middle of an excited bouncing in place.
“Okay big cat,” Rena the real said, “put those modeling instincts to good use and give me something that’ll make the Ladyblog sizzle.”
“Sizzle, huh?” Snake Noir let himself smile just enough that he knew the small fangs granted to him by his transformation would peek through. He gave the camera a hungry look, the one that his photographers had been asking for more and more these days.
Once the phone had taken a few pictures, Rena lunged forward and eagerly looked through them. The fake Alya turned to smoke and vanished. Her eyebrows rose high up her forehead.
“Oh wow. That’s gonna get the comments section talking, big cat.” She looked up at him and grinned knowingly. “I’m starting to get why M has been such a big fan of your more recent photoshoots.”
His cheeks turned red. “I’m sure she just appreciates them for the fashion.”
“Yeah, sure, if you say so. Not a whole lot of, ah, fashion on display when it comes to your underwear line though.” Her grin turned downright lecherous. “A lot of something else though.”
Snake Noir made a strangled sort of sound as his mind baked from the heat of his blush. Ladybug had photos of that shoot up in her room?
“Come on,” Rena said with a chuckle. “Let’s get back to patrol.”
A few minutes later and they were up somewhere high again, about as secluded as they were before. Really, at this point, they couldn’t even call them patrols. Even when he was with Ladybug (his heart did a backflip as he remembered her and the recent revelation), patrols tended to be just wandering the city or talking the night away.
“Looks like you need to get your mind off things.” Rena Rouge crossed her arms, a teasing look in her eyes. “At least until you get home.” She rested her chin on he palm and stared down at him.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Snake Noir muttered. A little more loudly, he asked, “What did you want to talk about?”
“Well, that brush with the Ladyblogger got me thinking - how would you use your powers in day to day life? Assuming you could manage it discreetly?”
“Uh… hm…” Snake Noir rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about it. Destruction was a bit dangerous to use in his day to day life.
“Let me give you some more examples while you run that through your head.” She held up her hand a raised a finger with each point. “Photo ops, like you saw. Recreating stuff. Enhanced stories and hot gossip. Party favors.”
“Well, I’m not sure how much I could use cataclysm for normal stuff, but I bet I could get a lot of mileage out of Second Chance.”
“Ooo, lots of opportunities there. Although it only goes back, what? Five minutes?”
“Yeah. But! There is plenty of stuff that would be under five minutes that I could use it for. Especially if it is just casual use.”
“Go on,” Rena said as he paused.
“Well… cooking for starters.”
“I thought you said it only lasts five minutes?”
“Which is about how long it takes for me to mess up a given recipe.”
Rena laughed in surprise and shook her head. “You two are a perfect match, I swear.”
He cleared his throat nervously. “A-anyway. I’d also practice jokes - see which ones land, which ones don’t.”
“Make yourself seem funnier than you are, hm?”
“I’m already funny, but there is always room for improvement.”
“Fair enough.” Rena had a thoughtful expression on her face as she tapped her chin. “You know, there is one more thing you could practice now that I’m thinking about it.”
“And what’s that?”
“How exactly you’re going to ask Ladybug out on a date.”
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 4 years
Independence Day
Summary: Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos all go to see Jafar, Grimhilde the Evil Queen, and Cruella de Vil. The visit does not go well, but each of the VKs learn something wholly valuable. Core Four fluff and tons of angst and feels.
  “Gosh, am I nervous,” Carlos spoke up with a chuckle, and Mal looked back at him and Jay with small grin as she squeezed Evie’s very sweaty hand in her own.
  “C’mon, bro, she can’t hurt you anymore. You’re an adult,” Jay replied, ruffling the de Vil boy’s hair. Carlos furrowed his brow, fixing his hair back into place as he shot a dirty look in Jay’s direction.
  “I’d beg to differ with that statement,” Evie pointed out with a slight laugh and Mal grinned at the girl as she tried to keep her grip on Evie’s hand as steady as it had been when they were in the limo. She really had nothing to worry about considering the fact that Evie had ahold of her so tightly.
  “Oh, come on, E. Take it a little easy on them. Everybody knows that boys don’t mature as fast as girls,” Mal pointed out with a teasing smile that was a bit dampened by the entire energy of nervousness and apprehension that seemed to be charging the air around them.
  The four VKs had all decided that today was the day, and it was the time to finally do it. They had all gotten into Mal’s purple limo that Ben had purchased for her, and they had headed to the freshly reopened Isle of the Lost to meet Carlos’s, Evie’s, and Jay’s parents for the first time since they had went to Auradon.
  Evie was a nervous wreck and had not let go of Mal’s hand the entire trip over. Carlos had been perpetually jabbering, and Jay had been relatively light about the entire situation despite the fact that his jaw had been unnaturally tensed in his times of quiet.
  For her part, Mal was nervous for her brothers and sister. She really hoped that their parents had changed like Mal’s father had, but she was scared of more likely possibility that they had not. After all, her father had not actually ever changed in the sense of his feelings toward Mal, and Mal’s mother had not hardly changed and she was morphed into a lizard, so she had additional motivation to change her ways. But Mal did have to give it to her. Maleficent had grown her heart just enough that she could now talk. Unfortunately.
  But she knew that Jay, Carlos, and Evie had to do this. They had to have closure that they never had. They didn’t get the same sort of resolve as Mal had. After expressing precisely how she had felt about both parents, Mal had actually gained a father and Mal had turned her mother into a lizard, while Carlos, Evie, and Jay had all left their parents without another word outside of promises of wand-stealing and a small blow-up on Family Day at Auradon Prep.
  They needed this visit.
  “Where are we meeting them again?” Carlos questioned, and Evie patiently answered him.
  “At the top floor of the Bargain Castle.”
  “Of course. Where they always met with Maleficent,” Carlos pointed out, and Mal nodded in simple reply.
  “Hey, it’s good news, though. We’re here,” Jay announced with a strained enthusiasm that indicated that he was anything but thrilled.
  Evie’s hand tightened in Mal’s ridiculously to the point that Mal couldn’t help but wonder if she’d leave bruises in her wake. She could practically feel Carlos’s slight trembling and Jay’s tenseness.
  After a long moment of taking in the fearsome sight of her old house, she cleared her throat and looked at the others with a slight smile.
  “Well… You ready?” Mal questioned, glancing at all of them and resting her gaze upon Evie finally. Everyone nodded, and Evie’s warm brown eyes bored holes into Mal’s emerald green ones.
  Mal tried to send as much love and reassurance as she could possibly muster in one stare, and if Evie’s squeeze to her hand was any indicator, Evie seemed to have gotten the message.
  Mal and Evie led the boys in the castle, and they slowly made their way up to the top level. Mal couldn’t help but notice how absolutely nothing had changed in the wake of Maleficent’s capture and transformation into a lizard. Mal was honestly quite surprised that Evil Queen hadn’t tried to take over and change the décor as she had been secretly longing to do for so long.
  They made their way up and stopped just outside the door that would lead them to their parents. Evie took a deep breath, and Mal turned to look at the entire group, silently giving them another chance to turn down the visit and flee. Despite their need for this visit, Mal still wanted to give them a chance to escape if they didn’t feel that they were entirely ready.
  Jay just nodded to her and Carlos looked at his brother before silently agreeing with the former thief. Mal looked to Evie, and Evie nodded slightly, pressing the side of her head to Mal’s in a manner that was reminiscent of an embrace. She couldn’t hug Mal effectively because her hand was so firmly wedged in Mal’s.
  “Okay. Let’s go in,” Mal whispered before taking hold of the doorknob and turning it carefully.
  As soon as she opened the door, Mal was flooded with all manners of memories, and absolutely none of them were good ones. Mal swallowed hard and pushed aside her own feelings in favor of offering as much support as she could give to her family.
  There at the table were Jafar, Grimhilde the Evil Queen, and Cruella de Vil, all sitting there and looking at them in something unreadable. But Mal couldn’t help but think that whatever this emotion might be, it couldn’t be a good sign.
  Evie stepped in next to Mal, and the two boys moved in after them, looking at the three older villains before them. There was a long moment of silence, and the VKs were honestly not sure what to think until they all put on their biggest, cheese-eating grins as they beckoned the group to come in.
  “Come in, kids, come in!” Jafar greeted, and Grimhilde and Cruella nodded eagerly, pointing at the seats before them.
  “Yes, yes, we’ve been waiting for you!” Grimhilde expressed, full of what Mal could easily pinpoint as a much too cheery and what she assumed to be a fake enthusiasm and happiness. But she didn’t say a word in concern to her thoughts, and instead squeezed Evie’s hand a bit tighter in reassurance.
  “For quite some time, in fact,” Cruella muttered, and Grimhilde jabbed her in an attempt to make shut her up. Mal raised an eyebrow slightly, but the four VKs came in the room and sat down before their parents.
  “Oh, Evie! You look so,” Grimhilde hesitated as she gazed at Evie, taking in what she could see of the girl’s full appearance, and Evie puffed up just the slightest bit beneath the woman’s gaze. Finally, after a long while of staring, Grimhilde mustered a small smile.
  “You look so different!” Evie immediately deflated at the statement, and Mal felt a small surge of protectiveness overcome her as she tried to hold back the urge to glare at the villains with her infamous green glow.
  “Yes, being in Auradon hasn’t helped you kids a smidge with your looks. In fact, I think they’ve been rubbing off on you,” Cruella told them with a raise of her eyebrows, and Grimhilde shot her a nasty look, quite obviously attempting yet again to make her shut her mouth.
  “So! Mal, how is your mother?” Grimhilde asked with that stiff little grin, and Mal knew she was just being a suck-up as usual. Always trying to make good with the most powerful person in the room. But she decided she would put away her inherent knowledge of these people and at least try to get along with them for the length of this visit.
  “She’s doing alright. Y’know, still a lizard from our last run-in, but hey, she’s getting better. Keeping her in a glass tank in the dungeon seems to be helping her out quite a bit,” Mal replied nonchalantly, and they all looked utterly shaken by Mal’s seeming indifference to the entire ordeal.
  After a long moment, Grimhilde just shook her head, turning to the rest of the kids, and Mal resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She could see who obviously had become the leader in Maleficent’s absence.
  “What have you kids been doing all this time?” Grimhilde questioned, clasping her hands before her, and Evie looked at Mal with something between trepidation and excitement at the fact that her mother actually seemed interested in something that she was doing.
  “You know, during all this time that we’ve been stuck on this dreadful island,” Jafar pointed out, and Cruella nodded with her lips pursed a bit.
  Evie looked uncertainly at the others, not sure whether she should start their side of the conversation or not, but after they just stared at her expectantly, she decided that she would go ahead and begin their answering.
  “Well, we’ve been quite busy actually. Umm,” Evie hesitated for a moment, collecting herself, and Mal tightened her grip on Evie’s hand slightly to encourage her. Evie glanced at her gratefully before straightening a bit.
  “I’ve begun my own fashion line in Auradon and have been designing clothes for a while now,” Evie admitted, and Jafar as well as Cruella nodded easily. However, Grimhilde was not nearly as impressed. Her eyes were a bit wide as she took in her daughter, but she eventually shook her head with a slight smile, trying to muster some semblances of sweetness.
  “Oh… Well, that’s… Interesting,” Grimhilde expressed, and Evie just smiled barely, knowing that her mother was very much not impressed with what she had been doing.
  “And I’ve even gotten my own starter castle,” Evie added somewhat proudly, and Mal grinned in spite of herself, knowing how much it had meant to Evie to have the ability to purchase a house.
  Grimhilde immediately looked much more interested as soon as the word “castle” had entered the conversation.
  “A castle, you say?”
  “Oh, I call it a starter castle. It’s kind of more of a house?” Evie finished with a bit of a question in her voice as she saw Grimhilde’s eyes narrow. Mal shared a glance with Jay, silently signaling him to do something about this situation as Mal just settled for placing her arm around Evie’s shoulders and getting a bit more comfortable in her seat.
  “But it’s a big house!” Evie assured her mother, tumbling over herself in her haste to explain. Grimhilde just raised an eyebrow judgmentally, and Jay cleared his throat, interrupting Evie so that she didn’t have to continue in this horridly awkward conversation with her mother.
  Evie looked to Jay thankfully and he offered her the slightest of winks before meeting his dad’s eyes. Jafar leaned closer with a grin that unfortunately came off as more of a grimace than an expression of happiness. Mal just gazed at him with one eyebrow raised, unimpressed with the man’s attempts at being civil.
  “Well, I’ve graduated from Auradon Prep, and I’m planning to go to college so I can eventually play Tourney professionally,” Jay told them, and Jafar narrowed his eyes as he eyed Jay in confusion.
  “What’s a Tourney?” Jafar questioned cluelessly, and Jay furrowed his brow as he tried to think of the best way to explain it.
  “Uh… You play it with a stick and a ball and there’s a bunch of flips and stunts you’ve got to pull off to get the ball in the other team’s net,” Jay explained, and Jafar withdrew a bit in disgust.
  “So, it’s a game?”
  “I guess. It’s technically called a sport, though,” Jay informed his father, and Jafar wrinkled his nose as he considered Jay’s words.
  “Huh. I was always thinking you’d own a pawn shop or something. Y’know, where you could sell all of your stolen stuff like your dad,” Jafar explained with a cheery grin, and Jay lost all semblances of a positive expression as he eyed Jafar as if he had grown three additional heads.
  Cruella rolled her eyes as she looked at the father and son duo and then she looked to her son.
  “So, what’ve you been doing, Carlos?” Cruella questioned, and Carlos flinched a bit at the sound of his name on her tongue. He mustered the slightest bits of a smile as he looked at her, not quite able to form words.
  However, he straightened just a bit as he felt Evie’s hand on his knee and Jay’s elbow resting on the back of his chair. He felt the slightest bits of Mal’s fingers touching his shoulder around Evie’s shoulders, and he found that he was filled with much more confidence as a result of their physical support.
  “Oh, well… I’m in my junior year of high school at Auradon Prep,” Carlos began, and Cruella immediately looked lost. Carlos’s eyes widened in recognition as he remembered that the Isle’s high school system was set up differently from that of Auradon’s.
  “I’ve got one more year of school before I graduate,” Carlos clarified, and Cruella nodded, looking much more aware of the situation.
  “And after I finish school, I’m going to go and study to be a veterinarian,” Carlos told her, suddenly looking very afraid as he nervously anticipated her reaction.
  As expected, Cruella’s eyes widened to ridiculous magnitudes.
  “What?! Carlos, why would you want to work on those wretched creatures that put us on this terrible Isle in the first place?!” Cruella demanded, and Carlos trembled a bit at her words.
  “Well, Mom, not all dogs are like that, and they’re really nice when you get to know the right ones,” Carlos weakly protested, and Cruella withdrew in disgust.
  “I thought I raised my baby boy better than this!” Cruella cried, and Mal could feel anger creeping upon her. Mal squeezed Carlos’s shoulder a bit tighter and she increased her grip on Evie as she tried to fight off the beginnings of burning rage.
  “Never mind him and that business,” Grimhilde interrupted, waving away Cruella’s concerns flippantly. “Evie, how has your search for a prince been coming along?”
  Evie suddenly looked as if she had been slapped, and her hand immediately searched for Mal’s so that she could have some sort of comfort. Mal quickly found Evie’s hand in her own, rubbing her thumb across the back of Evie’s hand softly.
  “A--- a prince?” Evie questioned nervously, and Grimhilde just rolled her eyes. Mal narrowed her own orbs as she realized that more and more of the parents’ true colors were starting to show.
  “Well, Mommy can’t live in this dump forever. So what about a prince? Have you snagged one yet?” Grimhilde insisted, and Evie swallowed hard, looking at Mal fearfully. Mal just offered warmness and love in her gaze as she encouraged Evie to have the bravery to tell the truth.
  Mal knew how hard this was going to be for Evie, because Evie was currently not dating anybody. She was perfectly single since Doug had dumped her, and both girls knew that Grimhilde wouldn’t take that as an answer and would likely throw a fit about it.
  “Mommy… I’m… Well, I don’t have a boyfriend right now. I’m actually not dating anyone,” Evie admitted, and Grimhilde’s jaw slackened as she gaped at Evie. It was almost as if she was shocked at the very implication that Evie would have the gall and audacity to go against her wishes.
  And that positively infuriated Mal almost to the point of launching across the table and wringing the Evil Queen’s thick neck.
  “But what about Jay?! Son, you’re supposed to open a shop like me, and you’re wasting your life on some silly game!” Jafar piped up, and Mal found that she had all that she could take from these people.
  Before Jay could answer him, Mal shot up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table, her eyes glowing so brightly that she couldn’t help but wonder if she was going to turn into a dragon then and there inside of that very building.
  Jafar, Grimhilde, and Cruella each looked completely terrified at the sight of her, and Mal felt some darker part of her rejoice in their expressions of fear.
  “How dare you? How dare you sit there and act like you have any role in or authority over what these three absolutely amazing people do?” Mal questioned accusatorily, and she glared at each one of the parents in turn. Mal finally settled on Grimhilde first, practically snarling at her as she sized her up.
  “Evie is a beautiful genius that does not need a prince, a king, a noble, or any sort of royalty to make her worthy. Heck, if she wants, she can never get married for all I care. Because I love her the way she is, and I support whatever she wants as long as she’s happy,” Mal looked down at her sister sweetly, and Evie actually had tears in her eyes at this point as she met Mal’s gaze. The pressure of her mother mixed with Mal’s sweet words was more than Evie could take, and it all had boiled over in hot wetness in her eyes.
  Mal then stared down Jafar, causing him to jump a little in his seat.
  “Jay is a wonderful sportsman that does not need to steal and does not have to follow in anyone’s footsteps to make him successful. He loves working as part of a team and hanging out with all of his teammates. Jay is happy, so I support him and am happy for him,” Mal firmly told Jafar before looking to Jay, and her brother smiled at her softly, expressing everything that he wouldn’t say aloud.
  Mal then gazed at Cruella, her eyes hardened.
  “Carlos is a smart, loving, caring, amazing human being that is not just a servant or a slave made to wait upon someone hand and foot. He knows so many things, and he is capable of so many things, and he loves dogs. Carlos is very happy loving dogs and taking care of animals, so I support him one hundred percent,” Mal told Cruella, switching hands so that she could place one on Evie’s shoulder and another on Carlos’s head. She unhappily noticed that he was shivering, but he looked much more secure as Mal held his head in her gloved hand.
  “But, of course, none of you would know about any of these things I’m talking about, would you? Because Evie is your perfect little girl that has to be stupid and is definitely ugly and has to wear makeup to even be remotely pleasing. Because Jay is your errand boy to go and steal anything and everything you want and cannot be anything but a thief for his entire life because he has to be like you. Because Carlos is your baby boy that does everything you want him to do and is a glorified slave and has no feelings, wants, or needs because he has to be your servant,” Mal pointed out to each of the parents, glaring at them each in turn as her eyes never stopped glowing that blinding shade of green.
  “These three don’t have to be anything. They don’t have to be what you set forth for them to be, because all you guys have ever done is hurt them and make them feel as if they would never be anything.
  “You guys never have supported them, and all I have ever done is support them,” Mal firmly told them, and she could feel soft quakes of Evie’s shoulders as she cried softly.
  Mal removed her hand from Evie’s shoulder and gently wiped away Evie’s tears from her cheek with her thumb as she cupped Evie’s cheek. Evie leaned into Mal’s touch heavily and Mal felt her heart ache for the other girl. She squeezed Evie’s cheek ever so slightly, and then she placed her hand back on Evie’s shoulder.
  “This is my family,” Mal squeezed Evie’s shoulder possessively and scratched Carlos’s head as she pointed to Jay.
  “What are they to you?” Mal left the question hanging, and the three parents were so shocked that they couldn’t say anything in response. Mal looked to the three VKs, and leaned down next to Evie’s ear.
  “Guys, are you ready to go?” Mal asked quietly, and Evie nodded swiftly, wiping the tears from her face as she took Mal’s hand and Carlos’s hand and started to get up. Jay got up from his seat and placed his hand on Carlos’s shaking shoulder as they turned to leave.
  “Hold on just a moment! What do our children have to say about all this? You can’t speak for them!” Grimhilde indignantly announced, and the four VKs turned to face the parents. Mal moved her arm so that it was around Evie’s waist and Evie put her arms around Carlos’s and Mal’s waists. Jay had an arm thrown around Carlos’s shoulders.
  Mal looked to the other three, squeezing Evie’s waist fondly as she tried to offer any strength that she could. Jay furrowed his brow and was about to speak up when Carlos suddenly started.
  “W-well, I say that Mal’s right. You have no right to boss us around anymore, and well… I also say that these guys have been the ones supporting me all these years, and… And they’re my family,” Carlos expressed, that rare yet so true bravery shining through as he trembled. Cruella looked rather offended at his boldness, but he stood firmly despite his shaking. Mal smiled softly at him, and Evie held him a bit closer to her.
  “I want to have the choice to be who I want to be. I don’t want to always be a lowlife thief, Dad. I have the opportunity to be something more. And if you can’t accept that, that’s okay. These three are my family,” Jay firmly expressed, his jaw set and his eyes hardened, and Carlos squeezed Jay’s shoulder. Jafar looked exceedingly disappointed, but Jay remained strong.
  Evie took in a deep breath, and Mal leaned her head over and pressed it against Evie’s own. Mal knew how hard it was going to be for Evie to stand up to her mother. Evie was always so hopeful that her mother loved her deep down, despite the fact that she knew better. But Mal was willing to offer any support she could to the bluenette.
  “And… I… I’m happy, Mommy. I’m happy with my business and without a prince and without a huge castle. I’m happy with these three as my family,” Evie explained, several tears slipping down her cheeks but her voice remaining just as firm as ever. Mal squeezed her tightly and pulled her head away from Evie’s to stare down the shocked trio of parents.
  “So, your kids have spoken,” Mal simply told them, looking into the face of each one before the Core Four turned and left out the door.
  They were quiet as could be until they finally left the Bargain Castle. It was then that they released each other, and Mal turned to Evie to embrace her. Evie clung to Mal as if she were Evie’s lifeline, and she rested her chin on Mal’s shoulder. Mal pressed her head against Evie’s shoulder and hugged the girl as firmly as she could possibly manage. Mal could now feel the sobs wracking Evie’s form, and she felt her heart ache for her sister.
  Before long, Carlos and Jay had encircled the two girls in an embrace as well, and they were all just standing there holding each other.
  “It’s okay, guys. It’s okay now. You said what you had to say, and you understand each other,” Mal whispered softly, and Evie nodded, her tears wetting Mal’s shoulder and neck. Mal could feel Carlos shaking, and Jay was as tensed up as could possibly be.
  “You’re free,” Mal whispered, and Evie just squeezed Mal tighter as Jay’s arm slid a bit further around the girls and Carlos head pressed against the sides of Mal and Evie’s.
  They were finally free from their parents. Free to do what they wanted, what they liked, and what they felt like rather than what someone else set forth for them to do.
  It was finally Independence Day.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Not botw but I attempt to write things. 1827 words
Here is essentially a 2am reskin of one of my fics (The Storm) that I reworked so I could submit it as an “Alternate Fairy Tale Ending” project for creative writing. I apologize for the crappy dialogue but hey, at least I submitted it on time.
Also yes I researched it Red Riding Hood’s name was Blanchette ashhshhhshhshhh don’t question it
Ok here’s werewolf fights I guess
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The rain poured against her skin. Lightning struck in the distance, closely followed by a roar of thunder. For now, the sky was dull and overcast, the only colors being the murky grey shine of the storm. It would not last. Beneath the rushing clouds, the glimmer of the moon could be seen. It was full, and cast its light down on the earth below. Only it wasn’t white or silver, instead, it shone a blood red. 
She stood under the shadow of the forest, a small clearing around her. The grass, it’s deepest green, and it’s blades danced against wind. Droplets pattered against large grey rocks around the area. Pine trees shivered with their evergreen tusks, and dead bushes twitched and contorted in the breeze. The woods were alive, and full of fear. 
The clouds were now rushing across the sky at a violent speed, specks of dust could be seen under the velvet shine of the moon. The colors of the sky shifted from pitch to a blazing fire, the air now covered in scarlet shades. Under a blood moon like this, it was sure to come. Blanchette waited for grandmother to arrive.
A figure stumbled out of the dark, a woman, thin and bony. Its body was frail and weak, but the eyes reflected a hunger. It spoke.
“Blanchette, why on earth do you have a sword on your back?”
Ignoring the beast’s statement, the girl dared to take a step forward, her tone as unwavering as metal. “You messed with the wrong family, wolf.”
It chuckled, then laughed, then bellowed. Blunt, yellowing teeth were exposed, showing off an innocent elderly smile, as her grandmother laughed into the night. It walked closer, a silver nightgown blowing in the violent wind. 
“Do you not recognize me dearie? Perhaps you need to get your eyes checked. I’m your old sick grandmama, and I’m quite hungry. Do you still have those delicious cookies you brought from earlier?”
The rain poured down on Blanchette’s hood, but her gaze did not waver. 
“It is you who needs to better your vision. I suppose you didn’t count on angering someone from a family of werewolf hunters.”
It stopped walking. Tilting its head to the side like a dog, it asked, “Whatever have I done to anger you, dearie?”
“Well, for starters, it wasn’t very polite of you to devour the elderly. Attempting to chew on my head wasn’t ideal either.”
It laughed again, it seemed to be enjoying itself. Its voice sounded deeper and gruffer. Grandmother turned its gaze, raising an eyebrow towards Blanchette’s direction, but the girl continued.
“Last time you almost had me, but this,” she gestured to the sheathed sword on her back, ‘this, is going to change things.”
It grinned, “Why don’t we talk about this over dinner?”  
The moon glowed through the trees, its red light finally fell upon the grandmother. The glow caused black mist to appear on the field below. Tendrils, thick and smokey, trampled across the grass, shriveling flowers in its wake. The mass collected into a large conglomerate of black, red, and grey. It rose and expanded with hypnotic swirls, swarming around the grandmother. Its shape pulsed as it took to a large, animal-like form. Smoke became flesh, and flesh became monster, as the beast formed before her very eyes. Its large furry feet pounded against the ground, kicking up dirt. Its stomps made the surrounding trees shudder. It lifted its head to the scarlet sky and howled, its echo melding with the boom of thunder. 
The storm was now at its crescendo, the wind screamed in her ears. The rain soaked her clothes, the tunic hugging her skin. Her hood was begging to billow in the wind, the edges of its scarlet cloth blending with the night. But a single sword kept the hood fitted against her back. A silver sword, passed down through her family. 
The transformation was complete. The moon now waned back to its pale complexion, the sky darkened to oil. Winds lowered their screams, fading back to baleful whispers. The rain and thunder continued, but compared to the horrifying transformation that had happened, the forces of nature were welcome. 
Blanchette observed the creature that had been born out of the dark. Its body was the color of ash, fur soaked, eyes black as soot. Wind rushed through the beast’s silver fur, its claws and fangs were pearly white.  Its sharp teeth grinded against each other, an itch in the back of its throat asked for blood. The Werewolf’s familiar gaze settled on Blanchette. Its eerie eyes glared  at the girl, daring her to remove her hood and stare back. 
Perhaps it would be the last thing they ever saw.
Now the world was silent. The only sound Blanchette could hear was that of her own, rhythmic heartbeat. 
But she had done this before, slaying a beast. After all, her skill at spilling their blood had earned her the nickname, Red.
She sprinted towards the Wolf. 
Still not looking it in the eye, Red yelled as she approached. Her sword was still sheathed on her back, for she knew from experience that closing the distance between them was life or death. If it disarmed her too soon, she would be as defenseless as she was back in her grandmother’s house. The sword was too important, better to wait for the right moment. The Werewolf gave a familiar roar. A flick of its wrists and its claws extended out.
Strike now!
There were several advantages to being armed with only a single sword. It kept her light on her feet, the slim sheathe fastened securely so it wouldn’t fall off should she tumble, roll, or dodge out of danger. Furthermore, her speed was not burdened by too much weight on her back, for strength is only as good as the swiftness of a blow. And of course, a single blade meant you only had to focus on one thing. Sinking the sword into skin. 
Her feet trampled on the soft grass, she was now only a few paces away from the Wolf. With one fluid motion, Red reached back and unsheathed her sword. It gleamed with a blinding light, distracting the beast for a moment. Using her momentum, she thrust the sword’s edge into one of the beast’s legs, putting all her weight and strength behind it. The wolf bellowed. Before it even had time to process the pain fully or react, Red moved back, ready to parry or dodge an attack.
The beast raised its arms into the air, a motion intent on slamming the girl from both sides with its sharp claws. But just before the claws made contact with her body, time seemed to slow. Red steadied her legs, then leaped out of the way, dodging gracefully out of the Werewolf’s clutches. In midair, the world seemed to move at a snail’s pace, she could see the beast in the motion of attacking an assailant who was no longer in front of it. When her feet connected back with the earth, she rushed forward, delivering a flurry of attacks with the opening the Wolf had created for itself. With each blow, the sword gleamed a sapphire glow. After a series of deadly strikes, the rain poured back to its regular pace. 
The Wolf regained its composure due to the new wounds created on its abdomen. Now enraged, it quickened its strikes, slashing violently in any direction in order to get any sort of  hit on her. She dodged, jumped, and rolled. It was a dance in the rain, her footwork being the only thing keeping her alive. With every swing the Wolf made, Red pivoted, backflipped, and dodged, attacking the openings. The beast’s white and grey colored fur matched well with the bloody wounds it was now receiving. 
Ruby and sapphire clashed on the field. Her blade glowed against the black of night. She was doing well, despite the fact he was playing with death. Red hadn’t been hit yet, and it would hopefully stay that way, since one blow could cause her demise. But this had to be done. Whoever the Werewolf ate, it could transform into them during the day. Who knows what chaos this beast would bring about if it got to town. 
They continued their clash in the woods, the storm continued to boom in the background. The Wolf, panting from exhaustion, snapped its teeth, attempting to bite at Red’s hood. When she continued to dodge gracefully, it roared.
“What are you??”
“As I said, it was your mistake to anger someone from a long line of Werewolf hunters.”
Then, she ran. Red, bolted for the trees. The wolf, darted after her, its smile showing off pearly teeth, drool dripping down its chin. The beast scampered through the pine trees, its evergreen shades blending with the shadow. He had lost her, but what was a wolf without its sense of smell. Bringing its face to the dirt, the Werewolf sniffed, looking for the smell of baked goods and steel. It found it, and darted further into the woods. It turned its head, left and right, searching for a glimpse of a bright red cloak. Scampering through the woods, its tail started to lower. Its wounds caused the beast to sulk. 
The edges of a red hood billowed in the wind. 
The Wolf eyed it warily. Then, shifting its weight, it pounced!
Not so clever now, are you, girl?
It’s teeth and claws connected with the cloth. It’s jaws ripping the hood to shreds. 
But it tasted no meat. It felt no blood, no warmth.
The sword sunk into its skin. 
The wolf bellowed, an eerie shout that melded with the boom of thunder. Behind him stood Red, her head and shoulders bare, hair soaked from the storm. In her grasp was the blue handle to her silver sword. It had pierced the Wolf, square in the heart. 
She grunted as she pulled the sword out of the Wolf, its body crumbled to the earth. Using the remnants of her hood, Red wiped the blood off her sword. She looked down at the beast, it was barely alive. Then, it breathed, shifting its black eyes towards her. It whispered.
“If you think you’ll walk out of this...alive…you’re in for a surprise…”
Red smirked, placing aboot on the Wolf’s face. “You’re in no shape to be killing anyone, much less me.”
The Wolf gave a crooked smile, “Perhaps not…”
Then, it gave the last of its strength to shove her boot aside. It lifted its head to the sky and howled. Then, the Wolf’s head crashed back into the dirt, dead.
The howl was still echoing through the woods.
Then, there was an answer.
Red looked through the trees, sword at her side. Howls, from at least three directions, filled the night. Each sounded faded and far, but with each echo it sounded closer.
Taking her sword in front of her, she let out a sigh. It seemed her job was not over yet. 
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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The night has been advertised by multiple commercials in the civilian’s homes, and even dead bodies littered on some residence lawns. It’s dusk on a Thursday in February. The gates to the Fire and Ice Festival are lowered after hours of waiting in the biting Chicago tundra, and the crowd, over 4,000 strong, rushes in. Most are expecting a night of drunken freedom, cozied up by the outdoor heaters that promise a warm welcome, but some foresee the chaos bound to erupt across the lawn.
The first act takes the stage, and anyone who isn’t inebriated, courtesy of the open bar, is perceptive enough to realize that, no, that’s not Kanye West. Instead they are mesmerized by the lyrical lip syncher Dante Yeast—he looks enough like him, it’s better not to question it. One would think that the O’Sheas, Vasiles, and the Fausts all gathered in one spot would spell disaster, yet the evening rolls on without a hitch, despite the tensions slowly building in its periphery. Fausts members, too, are scattered across the ocean of bodies, but some faces are missing, figureheads who pull the strings.
 Maybe they’re absorbed by the crowd; maybe they thought better of attending, but there’s a sense of unease that settles in the air. It’s not quite right, but no one can put a finger on why. Another beer, and the thought is lost is the swell of the music—if they didn’t know any better, they’d think the bass replicates the sound of distant explosions.
You’re free to start plotting. You can start posting starters/threads tomorrow, February 20th, 2020 at 7:30PM CST !  Part II coming February 24th ( Plot Slots can be found below the cut ! )
We’re going to allow each person to choose two plot slots for two characters max .If there are any leftovers, we’ll let members know when they can sign up for thirds.
You’ll notice that some of these plots are public, so feel free to have your character react to them/ notice them even if they aren’t happening directly to your character. However, if something feels like it happened privately to another character, please check in with their Mun to see if it’s okay for your character to know.
To be clear: these are not the only things that happen to your character during this plot drop and you are more than welcome to cook up your own trouble.
To sign up for a plot slot message the main! You can start doing that as soon as right now!
CHARACTER A, CHARACTER B, CHARACTER C, are approached by the venue to play as impersonators for the opening act of the show. However, it turns out…they are the show along with other noteworthy impersonators. 
CHARACTER D & CHARACTER E end up camped out at the ticket box office on the other side of the lawn seats. They want a refund for the musical event after their cards were erroneously charged the next day on ADAM & EVE. Much to their surprise they come face to face with CHARACTER F( Faust ).
AUTUMN DAWSON is shitfaced prior to arriving at the music festival. They try to crowd surf before the opening act, and would get immediately dropped if NATHAN BURR didn’t catch their fall. 
CHARACTER I & CHARACTER J purchased tickets to meet the bands backstage. They are led by the security detail of the event to two tents filled with a scent of gunpowder. Upon further inspection, they find a crate of fireworks. Do what you will.
CHARACTER K jumps on stage to hijack the mic and accidentally falls and breaks their ankle.
CHARACTER L & CHARACTER M are dosed with PCP by a stranger serving up “free” cocktails. Everything is a blur and they both snap back to reality an hour later, but they’re in the middle of an intense fist fight.
EFFIE FAUST & CHARACTER O engage in a mud wrestling contest that is being judged by no one whatsoever. 
CHARACTER P & CHARACTER Q make out in a port-o-potty, but realize shortly after they’re locked inside. It’s up to CHARACTER R to either let them out...or tip them over.
CHARACTER S is mistaken as Pat Benatar. ASLI DEMIR drunkenly convinces them to go on stage to sing LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD.
 CHARACTER U & CHARACTER V go hard on the alcoholic beverages & psychedelic treats  at the start of the festival, by the end of it neither of them know where their shoes or wallets are. 
CHARACTER W finds their soulmate in a drunken stupor and grinds on them for the better half of two hours, only to realize the grindee is ZHI ROU, who has been uncomfortably shifting away from them this entire time. 
CHARACTER Y breaks all of their glow sticks and covers themselves in the liquid. It’s all fun and games until that shit starts to burn. CHARACTER Z does their best to quench CHARACTER Y with every bottled water they can find.
 CHARACTER A1, CHARACTER B1, & CHARACTER C1 are hired security guards for the event. They have no clue who hired them to do it. 
INGRID VASILE  starts to overdose on COCAINE. LEV VASILE notices their struggle and assists them to the med tent. DOMINIC MURPHY is around the med tent and notices the commotion. 
 CHARACTER  F1 tries to charge their phone using the musical equipment & gets electrocuted. Also it starts to play the most recent song listened to on their phone which is SONG OF THEIR CHOICE. 
GRIFFIN DYER is held up at security when they try to enter the venue, because they tried to smuggle in a small animal. CHARACTER H1 isn’t really security and jacks the animal instead.
SERENITY MICHAELS starts to question their sanity when they see a small animal run in circles in front of them and jet off towards the direction of the port-o-potty. 
RACHEL BYRNE feels something small and furry scaling the back of their dress, and, assuming it’s someone’s hand, slaps DAHLIA CAVALLI in the mouth before the small animal scurries away and they have to apologize.
CHARACTER L1 chases the small animal and just when they are sure they’ve caught it, the animal bites them on the neck. CHARACTER M1, who is higher than a motherfucker and hallucinating, sees CHARACTER L1 cradling their neck and automatically assumes a vampiric transformation is happening. CHARACTER L1 has to survive the following attack from a stranger with a pocket knife.
CHARACTER N1 is on their fifth drink at the venue. They hear a loud slurping noise, only to find the small animal lapping their beer in hand. Out of surprise they scream which causes the animal to shit on their hand and run away. CHARACTER O1 looks on in amazement, wonder, and terror as CHARACTER N1 wipes their hand on an unknowing CHARACTER P1. CHARACTER O1 is conflicted if they should say anything but takes a Snapchat video of the whole scenario anyway. It goes viral on Tik Tok the following evening.
The small animal finally gets caught by SANTIAGO PEREZ in a battle that lasts 10 minutes. The small animal is then given to CHARACTER R1 whom they assume is the owner. 
CHARACTER S1 is lost to the world, and passes out directly in front of CHARACTER T1 that had just spent twenty minutes in line for a cup of water. The cup of water is spilled on top of CHARACTER S1.
NAOMI WASHINGTON & CHARACTER V1 become instant buddies when they chant to the sound of “SHOTS” around the crowd. IRINA KOSHKIN takes this literally and pulls out their gun ready to fire. 
CHARACTER X1, CHARACTER Y1, CHARACTER Z1 all show up to the venue wearing the same exact outfit. You have declared them your number 1 enemy for the entirety of the music festival. 
CHARACTER A2 is high as fuck and thinks they’re making a flower crown for CHARACTER B2…..except it’s a crown of shrooms instead. CHARACTER B2 wears the crown, but has to swat CHARACTER C2 away who keeps trying to eat them. 
CHARACTER D2, CHARACTER E2, CHARACTER F2 suffer from dehydration. They try to find help at the med tent, but they can’t find where it is. 
ROSA LEON gets handsy with the bartender at the open bar and leads them away for a quick fuck, allowing RYAN HAYES and CHARACTER I2 to raid the bar freely.
 CHARACTER J2 is the aforementioned bartender and realizes a moment too late their station is being cleared out. Instead of returning to their position, they throw on some neon bracelets and join the party.
 CHARACTER K2 is doing some sick backflips in the middle of the crowd and are called out by the currently performing act mid-set for drawing attention away from the stage. CHARACTER K2 does another backflip to retaliate, but accidentally kicks CHARACTER L2 in the face.
JESSE VALENCIA hijacks a ELECTRIC BLUE STRATOCASTER from the backstage, and they are not caught. 
DAVUT DEMIR feels like they’re being watched and finds a silhouette with a rifle narrowed in on them perched upon a nearby building. They quickly retreat to find OPHELIA O’SHEA and P2 and warn them about the occurrence, who realize there are multiple snipers surrounding the pavilion. 
CHARACTER Q2 swears they heard a sound of explosions over the music, being in front nearest to the stage. They grab the microphone and scream, “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE.” CHARACTER R2 & CHARACTER S2 start to openly panic. 
CHARACTER T2 (O’Shea) gets into a physical altercation with CHARACTER U2 (Vasile). They don’t stop until one or the other is knocked unconscious. 
ANDREA REED & BIRDIE MENDOZA try to leave the event, but notice that they’re trapped in the auditorium. CHARACTER X2 makes it to their vehicle, but is stuck in place by the surrounding vehicles around them. Unable to escape fully, they return back to the venue. 
CHARACTER Y2 hates their life at this music venue, because they’re stuck behind a rather sweaty individual. Their sweat keeps hitting them in the face, and at one point, they catch it in their mouth. It incites a ferocious bout of vomiting, and CHARACTER Z2 is trying to help, thinking they’ve been drugged, but CHARACTER Y2 can’t even explain what it is that made them sick.
 TATIANA BLANTER is hit with a spare bullet, but no one is able to find where the source is. As no one around seems to have their gun out. CHARACTER B3 conceals their weapon perfectly. 
 NOVA DEVERAUX suffers a panic attack due to the crowd gathered, and clings onto CLARA DAVILLA who is unable to get them to the med tent.
 CHARACTER E3 feels something warm splash on their face. They are unsure if it’s warm beer or urine. They’re pretty sure it’s warm beer, but remain conflicted the rest of the festival. CHARACTER F3 offers the shirt off their back for CHARACTER E3 to wipe the liquid off their face. 
 CHARACTER G3 is doing photography for the event, but realizes midway through the show that the performers aren’t who they say they are. They spot a face they know to be Faust affiliated in the crowd and scurry off toward the exit, only to be stopped by CHARACTER H3 (Faust) at the door.
MILES ST CLARE is the first to notice the lack of Fausts at the start of the music venue. They make their way to the police station in hopes of figuring it out, but instead they encounter burning police cars and chaos.
13 notes · View notes
Out of the Box
Happy Pride Month!! There’s not always much trans content around, so here’s some nonbinary Alix to say to every nonbinary person in the fandom that you are awesome and loved! On AO3 as well here
Having a kwami now was different from what Alix had expected. No matter what was going on, where she was, Fluff was always just sort of… there. Watching, hidden, aware of everything and yet so silent. For someone who was used to being a lot more solitary, it did almost seem like some kind of constant surveillance.
She knew, of course, that over time she would come to trust the little kwami – she had seen how her older self had acted during the Timetagger attack. But that was years in the future! Until then, being able to open up to what was essentially a tiny magic stranger was going to be a slow task. She didn’t even have the fun of transforming very often, not when Bunnix’s powers were too strong to be used on the ordinary, day-to-day akuma attacks that didn’t even faze anyone anymore. No, she simply had to go about her life as normal, with the added caveat that an immortal god with unfathomable superpowers was watching her every move.
It was after a long, unsatisfying day that she got back to her room that evening, tearing her skates off and flopping down onto her bed with no mind to do anything at all.
Fluff popped out of her pocket, a worried look on that adorable little face of hers. “Is everything okay? You seem to be in a bad mood! Are you alright?”
Oh, where to even start. It was hard to explain all the little things piling up – losing that skate race today, her knee stinging from where she landed on it after a particularly nasty trip, knowing that she had too much homework to be getting on with and no desire to even start.
But to tell the truth, those were all normal constants in her life, and nothing to be too upset about. What was really getting her down, it was… hard to put into words.
Fluff flew over and gave her cheek a little prod. “Don’t tell me you’re ill! Do you need me to do anything? I could make some soup! I’ll get the thermometer! I could–”
“I’m not ill, don’t worry!” Alix said. As discontent as she was, she couldn’t help but smile – usually Fluff was the anxious, neurotic one, the one who needed cheering up and taking care of. It was sweet to know that the little kwami would happily do the same for Alix in return when she needed it.
“Well whatever you need, just let me know and I’ll happily do it!”
“Thanks. But there’s not really anything that can be done.”
“Why not? What’s wrong?”
Alix sighed. “It’s… nothing much. Just, um, a bunch of little things.”
“Like what?”
Like things that Alix didn’t say out loud to people, not knowing how, and being sure that no one could really understand! But Fluff looked so concerned, and if Alix was going to have a magic sidekick living in her pocket for the next several years at least, there were some things that wouldn’t be able to stay hidden forever. Not without a lot of stress involved, anyway.
“For starters,” Alix said, deciding to begin with something that was perfectly acceptable to complain about, “it’s that time of month.”
“Oh…” Fluff nodded, her twitchy eyes widening. “I remember my last holder complaining about that too…”
“It sucks and it hurts and there’s no point! And I’d go to the doctor and get that pill thing to stop it, but my dad won’t let me, and… and speaking of my dad, you heard what he was saying earlier…”
Fluff nodded again. Sitting in Alix’s pocket all day, there was no way she couldn’t have heard it – the usual Why can’t you be more ladylike? You’re not a little child anymore, you need to stop being so immature! Can’t you be more like your friends?
“I’m sorry,” Fluff said, giving her a gentle pat. “There is nothing wrong with being a tomboy, even into adulthood.”
Alix winced. “Yeah, but… I’m… it’s not exactly… that…”
It had been nice when she was a kid, knowing she could just act however she wanted, be whoever she wanted, and it would all get thrown under the word “tomboy” and she never needed to worry. But growing older, even that open word had started to feel too suffocating, like she was supposed to fit some mould of “tomboy”, and at this point just hearing the word itself was like a sharp knife stabbing into her.
We want you to be ladylike. And if you’re not, you have to be a tomboy. It’s not ideal, but it’s obligatory.
What happened when even the word “tomboy” just didn’t feel right?
Fluff was watching her, more solemn than usual. “Alix? Is there something you need to talk about?”
Yes, oh dear god yes, but she wasn’t used to saying these things out loud. Not even Nathaniel knew everything about how she truly felt – heck, not even Jalil knew, and he’d been there from the start. Why should she tell some kwami who she’d only known for a month or so at most?
At that moment there was a message on her phone. She had a quick look, only to roll her eyes and toss it off the edge of the bed and out of her line of sight. Fluff jumped in surprise.
“What happened? What did the message say? Was it something bad?”
Alix shook her head at first, planning to play it off as something unimportant. But this day had just been too much – she noticed with alarm that the beginnings of tears were stinging her eyes. Oh boy. She was not going to cry in front of this kwami, thanks.
“It was Marinette,” she said, blinking the tears away and trying to sound as nonchalant as she could. “She wanted to know if I wanted to join the girl squad to go watch a movie today.”
“You don’t want to go?”
“Nah. Too tired.”
Fluff was frowning, watching her, seemingly able to see right through that flimsy excuse. Did this kwami really know her so well already? Or was it a side-effect of being an ancient god? In any case, a pang of guilt hit Alix. Fluff was trying so hard to help, to be there for her and make her feel better, and she wasn’t exactly making it easy when she couldn’t even directly say what the problem was.
But it was just so hard…
She took a deep breath, reminding herself how the future-Alix had been so close with Fluff, so at ease, and that must mean that everything would turn out okay in the end. Her kwami would not abandon her for anything.
“Some days I just… don’t feel like hanging out with them,” she started, trying to find the right words. “They’re wonderful and I’m so glad they’re my friends. But… I can’t… I just don’t fit in sometimes. Because…”
Fluff’s expression hadn’t changed. For the first time it really, truly hit Alix – this wasn’t a tiny human she was talking to. This was some complete unknown creature that couldn’t be compared to any other on earth.
Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe Fluff would be able to understand better, in fact, why some things about humanity seemed so very arbitrary, so weirdly stifling and alien and no other humans she knew could figure out why it felt so wrong.
She watched Fluff very carefully as she asked, “Fluff, are you a girl?”
Fluff stayed in silent thought for a few seconds before answering.
“Kwamis do not have a gender or a physical sex. We are simply beings of pure energy that cannot be defined by human forms. However, throughout much of history, many of our human holders have given us categories that they feel best suit us, as their way of fitting creatures like us into their understanding of the world. We accept these gender labels as a way to participate in human culture. I have most often been given the “female” category, as per human customs, but it doesn’t have any bearing on me, personally.”
Just hearing those words, it was enough to set Alix’s mind slightly at ease. Kwamis didn’t necessarily fit into the rigid human gender concept.
And… and maybe some humans didn’t quite fit it either.
“The truth is,” Alix said, “I asked because… um… can I tell you something? Something I don’t really talk to anyone about?”
“Of course, of course! Anything at all!”
“Well you see, I know people call me a tomboy, and I know the girl squad invite me out with them a lot because they consider me a part of the squad too, and I do sometimes feel like it, but…”
The tears were coming back, and she hastily wiped them away.
“…I just feel sometimes like I’m not really… meant to be a girl. Like I just look like this and something went kinda wrong along the way and I’m meant to be… I don’t even know, just something else! And some days I don’t mind it so much but other days I just can’t, and I feel like such an imposter! I can’t even hang out with my friends those days because they think I’m one of them and I’m just – I’m just not!”
She knew she was usually a confident sort of person, but this was so nerve-wracking she couldn’t stop her hands from shaking. And yet in a way she needed to get this all out – now that she’d started, she had to take this opportunity to say everything on her mind before she clammed up again forever.
“I don’t really know how to explain it to people, I guess, because they’d think if I’m not a girl then I have to be a boy and I don’t want that either! Nothing feels right, and I just cope with it most of the time but I wish I didn’t have to, some days it just all gets too much, like today… I mean, some days it’s not that bad, but I still don’t think I ever really truly fit in as a girl, because…”
Because I’m not a girl.
The thought was so comforting, yet at the same time so terrifying. Impossible to say aloud.
She wasn’t a girl. Even from a young age she’d picked up that something was wrong, something didn’t quite click in the way it was supposed to. But she just dealt with it and went about her life because that was what she was supposed to do.
And yet as she got older, as the boxes of acceptability got narrower and narrower, she found herself further and further outside them. She couldn’t just go on being forced into a space where she simply wouldn’t fit.
Having seen Bunnix, her own future self, she had very quickly noticed that haircut. Evillustrator-style, right? Just how she would want it, and simply didn’t have the means to get now. The perfect kind of hairstyle where no matter how she was feeling that day, it would fit whatever label she wanted the world to see her as.
If she wanted to hang out with the girl squad that day? It could be a bob. If she wanted to simply chill out with Nath at the museum? She could ruffle it up and look exactly as androgynous, masculine, feminine, whatever as she wanted to be.
It had given her hope. So much hope. That in the future, she could simply be, and not need to feel like an imposter, wearing a costume and pretending to be a girl, or a tomboy, or anything else people expected of her.
“I find it hard to know what exactly I am,” she admitted, rubbing her eyes again and hoping the waterworks wouldn’t start. “It fluctuates sometimes. But I never truly feel like I make sense as a girl or a boy. And uh… while I’m confessing things, I may as well mention…”
She fiddled with the newly bought rings on her fingers – a white one on the middle left, and a black one on the middle right.
“I’m not really like… into boys either, or girls, and it makes it hard to like… anchor myself to a gender or whatever, because everyone else seems to at least be able to figure it out by knowing how they’d see themselves in a relationship, like how Marc did. But I just find all that stuff kind of a bit gross, so like… that doesn’t help me, and no one seems to understand that either…”
Fluff had been very quiet up until this point, paying close attention without interruption. But Alix had run out of things to say, and in any case her voice was beginning to tremble and she couldn’t have that, so she gave the little bunny a shaky smile.
“So yeah… I’m n-not a girl or a boy really. I’m… uh, I’ve seen the word ‘nonbinary’ around, and I kinda l-like it, so…”
A tear ran down her cheek – yep, time to shut up for real now. She sniffed and wiped it away. Who knew coming out could take such a toll? An overwhelming mix of terror and relief, she was glad she’d done it but wow, this was all a bit much.
For a few seconds Fluff waited. But once it was clear Alix was not going to say anything else, she hopped up into the air, whizzed over at top speed and launched herself at Alix in what was apparently the kwami equivalent of a hug.
“Oh Alix, that all makes perfect sense!” she gushed. “I understand completely – there’s so much ambiguity and nuance in the universe, of course there are always going to be people like you! I never knew the word ‘nonbinary’ until today; I learned something new. Thank you for confiding in me!”
Alix gave Fluff’s head a pat. “Thank you for l-listening…”
“It’s okay to cry, I know you have strong emotions, and from what I’ve seen humans tend to take gender too seriously, so no wonder it’s hurting you and you didn’t tell anyone, but you deserve to be happy being who you are and I’ll always be there for you and… and I’m rambling again now I’m sorry! I’m just very proud of you!”
Oh, thank goodness. Bless this kwami. She understood, and she knew now, so there was nothing to keep hidden. For the first time, Alix truly did feel like she could be herself – her complete self, with not a single thing hidden whatsoever. She could see now, how in the future, her older self and Fluff had such a strong bond. It was the trust and support that this little kwami gave her.
Nonbinary… yeah. A word that finally did fit.
For a while Alix didn’t say anything more, just listening to Fluff continuing to gush and letting the tears subside somewhat. She vaguely remembered Bunnix’s outfit: the blue, the white, her own pink hair. She had always wondered if she counted as “trans enough” to even call herself such, or to ever dress in the colours of such a pretty flag, but finally she was beginning not to doubt it. Perhaps Bunnix was out in the future, already having told everyone that she was nonbinary, or perhaps she didn’t say anything, but every closet trans kid in Paris would look at her suit and wonder: Is she dressed in those colours for a reason?
One thing was for sure, though. It was getting far too stifling to keep this under wraps for much longer.
Having stopped crying by now, she put a determined smile back on her face. “Hey Fluff?”
“Tomorrow I’m gonna tell Nath.”
Fluff’s face lit up. “Ooh, that’s wonderful! I’m sure he’ll be fully supportive!”
Well of course he would be, he was dating a genderfluid demiboy, wasn’t he? But that wasn’t all. Alix clenched a fist. “And then I’m gonna tell the girl squad.”
“Yes, yes, go for it! If they know, then you won’t feel so out of place when spending time with them, right?”
“Right! And I bet they won’t mind, they were all fine with Marc…”
Plenty of kids at their school weren’t straight, it was common knowledge. Ladybug and Chat Noir had done so much supportive work during pride month that luckily these kids all felt safe coming out to their friends. But usually it was gay, bi, ace… As far as she knew, Marc was the first person anyone knew who wasn’t cis.
In that case, Alix could be the second.
She pulled a little carrot out of the bag in her pocket and held it up at Fluff. “Hey, I really can’t thank you enough for being so nice about everything, so uh, have a carrot I guess.”
Fluff gladly took the carrot and began munching away, speaking with a mouth full. “Anytime! You truly are one of the most unique miraculous holders I’ve ever had! I hope you’re feeling better now?”
Alix nodded. “Much better.”
“Good! I’m so glad!”
“In fact…”
She recollected how her father was getting stricter as she got older, and how every time she needed to vent about anything, she’d go barge into Jalil’s room and tell him, and he never minded one bit.
“…first things first, I’m gonna go see Jalil. He gets to know first. That way I can complain to him whenever dad’s being annoying about the tomboy thing again.”
“Sibling solidarity – wonderful idea!”
“Cool. Wish me luck.”
She held her fist out for a fist bump, and misunderstanding it as always, Fluff gently bopped her head against it. Bless her, honestly, she was the sweetest, and the absolute best. With her support, nothing seemed so bad anymore. If Alix had managed to come out once, she could do it again, right?
She cracked her knuckles and headed for the door. Time to go tell Jalil that his little sister was more of a general little sibling, and that she definitely needed help with her homework from him, and that afterwards she could go watch that movie with the girl squad after all.
Huh… maybe flower squad was a better name for it, remembering how Marinette and Alya had nicknamed them all during that stupid plan with the flower petals. Or perhaps a “no boys allowed” squad.
Because she wasn’t quite a girl, and wasn’t quite a boy. Nah – the most powerful superhero in Paris, the last resort when everyone else had failed, was nonbinary. If neither time nor space were obstacles to her, then neither was gender. And that was exactly how she liked it.
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tightropenuzlocke · 5 years
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Chapter Five: Light Your Candle To My Raging Fire    
Aisling was back the next day with almost as much punch and panache as the day they met—almost because she didn’t have quite the same spring in her step, because she stopped to admire the mosaics that gave the the Jardin de Tuiles its name, because she looked wistfully after the wild Vivillon that held nothing for her the day before. But judging by the way Serena’s eyebrows loomed low on her forehead, didn’t notice these subtleties. Instead she was confounded and bemused by Aisling’s liveliness, and Xoana could practically see the remorse of last night evaporate like dew in the warm morning sun. Then any remaining sympathy vanished in a flash of red as Aisling sent out a queen Combee—apparently caught yesterday in the same gardens they were currently passing through.
The new catch wasn’t quite as rare as a shiny, but still warranted the explanation Serena demanded. Aisling offered only the predictable “I got lucky” with what might have been the slightest undertone of irony. Serena steamed but not her tongue. “So Finley,” Aisling called to her latest acquisition, “got any friends here you want to join your hive?” The Combee swiveled to attention, and her wings stopped beating for a second in shock as Bree repeated the question. Aisling laughed. “You’ll be evolving soon now that you’re with us. We can find you a mating partner if you’d rather lay your own, but I wanted to make sure we didn’t leave anyone behind if you wanted a sorority hive. We won’t be back this way for a long time.” Finley was visibly flustered considering all of this, but eventually she just shook her head. “It might be a bit much for her to think about right now,” said Serena. She couldn’t well resist all this bug-type talk no matter how jealous she might be. “Queen Combee never form the bond with their parent hive. She might not understand until she evolves.” “Well, You’ve got some time to think about it,” Aisling told her pokemon. “Just keep it in mind, yeah?” Finley nodded and went back to visiting flowers as they drew ever closer to their destination. The heights were already looming above them and the distant hum of traffic carried on the breeze. Aisling underwent yet another transformation as they all passed through the shadow and stone of Illumis’s south gate. By the time Xoana’s eyes had adjusted, light had broken over her again, and a grin parted her lips, threatening to split her face wide open. There was glee and hunger in her eyes. She’d never been to the city before. “Welcome to Illumis!” Xoana hopped into Aisling’s view to frame the vista with fluttering hands. A chuckle! “Wowee!” Somehow it wasn’t even that corny coming from her. Maybe it was just the genuine radiance of her expression that made it so charming. This light played wonderfully on her freckled skin and the cloud of natural she had wrestled into a gold hair tie. It was even better than the Gym photo somehow—so much so that it took Xoana a moment to notice Aisling was staring right back at her. “Wait until you see the center!” said Tierney. “I’m gonna see it all!” Aisling declared, releasing Xoana from her hold. But they had to report to the lab first and withdrew their pokemon to take up less space in the city streets. Serena was impatient and always a little ahead as they threaded their way west, but stopped short of hurrying them since there was plenty of time. Aisling, meanwhile, lingered at the back, pausing now and again to take it all in, but never asked them to stop for anything. Her nose lifted as they passed a cafe and she saluted a passing Gogoat shuttle, who blinked at her in return. She almost bumped into Tracie when they stopped she was so distracted, but recovered smoothly. “This is a lab?” The disbelief was justifiable. Sycamore Labs was situated in one of the only remaining distinguished hôtel particulier that once lined Boulevard Méridionale. The Professor had inherited it from his aunt through an unbroken line of nobles older than the house itself—because money couldn’t buy a building like this, not anymore. “One of the original interiors is in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.” “Now that I believe,” said Aisling. “What a façade! That cartouche above the door is positively emblematic of Kalosienne Renaissance classicism.” Xoana’s stomach did a little flip and she swallowed dryly. Was Aisling a secret architecture nerd, or had she looked that up because Xoana had mentioned being somewhat versed in the subject exactly once? Then Aisling winked at her—winked—and Xoana’s brain short circuited. She shouldn’t be allowed to do that! It was simply unconscionable! Before Xoana could properly address the legality of the situation, Aisling had bounded up to the door. The entrance hall had been carefully maintained and restored and still boasted the incredible style of its heyday complete with parquet flooring, a coffered ceiling, mixed sculptural and painted decoration, and caryatids on either side of a far more recent but nonetheless antique elevator on the far end. Xoana knew that one of the doors must lead to the only original parlor—the grander sister of the one she had seen herself—which had been kept as a venue for the lab’s small fundraisers. She sorely wished she had time to look for it. Xoana felt there must be at least two perfectly serviceable stairwells in a building this august, but they were waved into the elevator by the woman who had met them at the door. Strictly speaking there wasn’t space enough for five, but that didn’t stop the woman from sliding in after them and pressing Xoana right up against Aisling’s chest so that she had enough elbow room to work the lever. Xoana smiled apologetically up at Aisling’s exceedingly proximate face and glimpsed what may have been the beginnings of a blush coming to her cheeks before the elevator halted and they piled back out. Prof. Sycamore’s office was on the top floor in what was once a grand bedroom, and it still retained an oddly intimate vibe post-conversion. Tall windows overlooked the lawn and gardens below and warm, late-morning light flooded the room, starkly highlighting the man sitting behind a grand sycamore desk—the distinctive ray fleck was unmistakable. Xoana stifled a giggle. The professor rose languidly from his plush office chair. “You must be the new interns for the trainer magnet program. At last we meet!” He went down the line shaking each of their hands in turn. “Such a pleasure! Are you all getting along with your starters?” He nodded at their chorus of assent. “Wonderful! My report says you all earned your first badge already, is that correct?” “Yes, Professeur!” “Please, call me Sycamore.” He waited for at least one of them to amend themselves before continuing. “That’s excellent, just fantastic! This evaluation should be nothing for you then. What say we get on with it?” Aisling’s enthusiasm buoyed up the more nervous murmurs of agreement and Sycamore led them down a flight of stairs and out into the garden, chattering all the way. The lawn beyond the flowerbeds was bordered by roses and topiary. Ancient sycamores stood at each corner and there was a sizable fountain at the middle back where some young Froakie and Squirtle played. There were a good number of pokemon sprawled out in the sun, including a hulking metallic species Xoana didn’t know the name of. The burnished silver and gold was too bright for Xoana to focus on, but Aisling stared with wide eyes. “A shiny Metagross,” Tracie murmured. “Bessemer!” Sycamore called to it. “Would you clear a little space for us?” It couldn’t be his pokemon. Xoana would have heard about it. The Metagross rose, gave them a nod, and then floated under one of the trees. Xoana gasped as a Garchomp stepped out from the shade to make room. Serena had talked about it enough for Xoana to know who she was. She was Sycamore’s starter and a pioneer of mega evolution. Xoana had watched some of her exhibition matches as a child. She surveyed them all with cold yellow eyes, then growled so low it shook the ground. Several Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander came running, gathering by Sycamore to await the call to battle. The Bulbasaurs were pale with dense markings and bright bulbs, the Squitles had pointed shells and strong jaws, and the Charmanders glowed with intense color and sported a row of dots down each side. Even Xoana could tell they were no run-of-the-mill variants. “Send out your teams,” Sycamore commanded. Froabble, Bree, and Félicité greeted Sycamore’s Garchomp and she nodded to them while the others looked up at her in awe. Xoana found both her legs embraced by furry bodies. One by Tessa, who was standing in front to protect her despite being terrified. The other was Emer, who could almost reach around now and peeked out curiously. “Each of you will battle a balanced trio and can use up to three pokemon of your own. I may be a little rusty, but don’t let your guard down.” Sycamore winked, but it was far less affecting than the one Aisling had given her earlier. “Who wants to go first?” Aisling was quicker on the draw. Serena pretended to be gracious. One of the Bulbasaurs trundled forward and wiggled in readiness. To the surprise of all, Aisling sent in the Combee she’d had on her team less than twenty-four hours. Finley kept her distance and dodged the Bulbasaur’s reaching vines as best she could until her Gusts wore him down. Next was a Charmander, lean and sharp-eyed. Aisling switched for Emer—the only sensible counter at her disposal. The Charmander surveyed Aisling and her team and gave a derisive snort that blew steam from her nostrils. Her claws flashed the moment the attack order was given and Emer squeaked in surprise at her ferocity. The Marill was forced to bounce, roll, and bide her time until the Charmander became frustrated enough to use Ember. A well-timed Water Gun doused it and left the Charmander spluttering long enough to get in a double Tail Whip across her face. The Charmander knocked her away with a lunge, but another sustained Water Gun blast brought her down. A blithe Squirtle stepped up to replace her and Bree cracked her knuckles. The turtle’s Withdraw and ridged shell gave the Chespin some trouble, but she shrugged off the Tackles with her woody plates, and once she got a firm grip, it was over. The Squirtle held out for a while, but the combination of nausea from being slung around and repeated violent meetings with the ground were eventually too much for him. Bree flexed like Aisling had shown her and evolved on the spot. The burst of light and wind jolted Xoana back to herself and even drew the attention of the Metagross from across the lawn. Sycamore smiled to himself while Serena tried not to look pissed. Xoana and the others offered their congratulations to cover for her. Meanwhile, the Quilladin marveled over her her new bulk, armor, and needles. “Nice battling, Bree! You look awesome!” Her ears perked at Aisling’s words of praise and she chittered back at a lower register. They performed their now signature fist bump and Aisling made a big show of how much the Quilladin’s hardened knuckles hurt. Bree gasped but it turned into a giggle as she realized the joke. Serena went next of course and Félicité dispatched her Bulbasaur in a single fiery blaze. Justine had disguised herself as a Marill right out of her ball to intimidate the Charmander. The trick let her get close enough to land two good hits without getting singed, and Sycamore was thoroughly surprised and appreciative when the jig was up. Serena was pleased, but Justine looked to Félicité for approval and received no reaction at all. She tried her best against the Squirtle, getting up once more than she should have so that Félicité wouldn’t have to face her weakness all to no avail. The Fennekin brushed past her fallen teammate and wore the Squirtle the rest of the way down with her superior agility. Xoana didn’t mean to go last, but Tierney was jittery with nerves by the time Serena was through. Valériane, Laoch, and Aiden made fairly short work of it, but by then Spark was getting very bored and Tracie had her battle before the Pikachu fell asleep. Bulbasaur was a rough start typing-wise but Tracie and Spark had long since solved that puzzle: paralyze, weaken, spam Quick Attack. Charmander went down faster and Squirtle only took one sustained shock before keeling over. “Ready, Mme Bellamy?” Xoana jolted back to herself and sent in Tessa. Once again she needed some prompting, but the Bulbasaur they were up against was quite obliging in that department and did a quick warm-up with his vines while Tessa sized him up. He was focused and confident when they got to it though, keeping Tessa at bay with his vines until she grabbed on and reeled him in. Even then he held his own, claws shredding turf down to the last inch. But Tessa hit hard and tenaciously once committed and he surrendered when she somehow hoisted him by the bulb after a thorough pummeling. Tessa eagerly tapped out when Froabble croaked his willingness to take over. “Thanks, Froabble,” Xoana whispered to him as he hopped forward. “Use Bubble!” “Ember!” For an instant, Xoana thought it would be over right then—after all, that was how Emer had beaten her Charmander—but while Bubble had superior concussive force when it landed, there wasn’t enough actual water to power through the flames. Instead the move burst into a thick cloud of steam that the Charmander came barreling through, claws raised and ready to Scratch. “B-Bubble!” Xoana stammered. “But get behind first!” Despite her stumbling, Froabble was quick on the uptake and dodged the scratch, zig-zagging until the Charmander unbalanced himself and stumbled long enough for Froabble to get behind. The bursting bubbles sent the Charmander spiraling and he shook his head in momentary disorientation. Froabble sucked in another breath and shot out an even denser cloud of bubbles as the Charmander scrambled back to his feet. He swiped furiously, popping a few on his claws, but he couldn’t stop others from bursting on his face, and he toppled once more. Froabble returned to position, ready to face the final pokemon, but Xoana didn’t like his chances against Squirtle’s high defences and sent Tessa back in. The Teddiursa was ready this time, but her claws bounced off the Squirtle’s carapace. Tackle did almost as little since he seemed happy enough to bounce around in his shell. Grappling it proved to difficult and when Tessa paused for breath, the Squirtle slapped her across the jaw with Tail Whip. He wet the ground beneath her and tackled her with his shell. She slipped and went down in a great groaning huff. Tessa was too tired from her first battle. Xoana had no choice but to overturn her doubts with the surety Froabble displayed as he leapt back in. Speed was everything now. It was all they had since the Squirtle could take a hit that would lay Froabble out and deal almost as good. She focused on every movement, trying to stay with him as he hopped, flipped and sprinted. The Squirtle’s shell was more hazard than target, so Xoana gambled for the legs. They were short, low, and difficult to hit, but Froabble enjoyed the challenge. Despite his frankly incredible agility, the proximity necessitated by this strategy earned him two consecutive Tail Whips. The telltale shimmer of his magic defense being ripped away set Xoana’s heart hammering in her chest, and it near skipped a beat when the Squirtle dove at him, but he slid smoothly underneath across the slick grass and landed a solid kick to his intended target. For a moment, Xoana thought they might win—the Squirtle was becoming unsteady on his feet—but it was not to be. A full body Tackle with that brutal shell knocked Froabble flat on his back. She heard the wind forcibly eject from his lungs with each consecutive impact as he skidded to a stop in front of her. But she also saw what the relieved Squirtle did not: Froabble dig a hand into the grass. And she couldn’t give up on him, not after the promise she’d never even voiced. “Froabble, use Lick!” His tongue shot out and wrapped the Squirtle’s head. The pokemon was too distressed by the lavender flames to rally and Froabble used his prone but anchored position to yank the Squirtle forward. “Pound!” Froabble released his hold, flipped, and kicked the stumbling Squirtle with both legs. The force sent the Squirtle right over Sycamore’s head. Everyone’s gaze followed the arc and came to rest on his spinning shell—all but Froabble, who regathered his legs into his customary squat. “You alright, Froabble?” He nodded. “Thanks for the boost. That was a good kick.” “That was an awesome kick!” She almost laughed and gathered him up in her lap to check his chest. “You all did very well!” Sycamore congratulated them. “I’m pleased and excited to keep working with all of you. Mme Quinn, you expressed an interest in the Mega Evolution program and that battle showed me exactly what I want to see in a prospective candidate. Therefore, I’m going to move you over right away, which means you can choose one of the pokemon specially bred for the program!” “Thank you, Sycamore!” said Aisling, voice a mix of excitement and triumph. “Not at all! It is I who am grateful!” The professor waved airily, but his lips twitched, and he continued with less ease. “Now, I was rather hoping you might consider taking the Charmander you battled. She’s a prodigy but may take… confidence to handle.” “She’s just the one I wanted.” “Excellent!” Sycamore’s relief was palpable and that was concerning, but Aisling grinned from ear to ear as she shook his hand. Xoana glanced at Serena, but she was too eaten up by jealousy to notice anything amiss. He jaw was taught and Xoana could almost hear her teeth grind. As for the Charmander, she looked between the professor and her new trainer in disbelief before appealing to Sycamore’s Garchomp. The huge pokemon’s lip peeled back, revealing her saw-like teeth and she growled low. The Charmander snorted steam and sulked over to Aisling’s side, ignoring Bree’s offered paw. She certainly seemed like a handful. “And Mme Pascal, you wanted to be in the mega evolution program as well, correct?” “Yes, Professeur.” “And so you shall be!” Thank the gods. “Choose any that you want.” Xoana wasn’t surprised when she picked a Squirtle. He reached up to shake his trainer’s hand and waved at his new teammates. “Mme Bellamy.” She looked up at the professor. “You did not express interest in the mega evolution program on your application, but I would love for you to participate.” Xoana gaped at him. “I think you’d make an excellent fit.” “I—b-but we barely won that battle!” “But you did win, when by all rights you should have lost.” Now that was a backhanded compliment if she ever heard— “Your Froakie was finished, but you gave him the energy needed to continue and execute one of the best critical hits I’ve seen in a long time. That demonstrates a remarkably strong connection for a trainer so green and impressive inner power.” Viola had something similar but— “He’s right,” Froabble croaked. She looked down into his eyes. “That’s why I thanked you.” “You… really think I can?” “Of course!” Sycamore answered her warmly, though she hadn’t meant to ask him. Froabble gave her a quick nod. “Alright then—I mean, thank you! It’s such an honour! I’m very excited to—I accept—” “Very good!” Sycamore interrupted before she could spew any more nonsense. “Select your new companion.” Xoana considered carefully, but it wasn’t a difficult choice. Bulbasaur were the cutest and the one she had battled seemed mellow enough to get along with. He shuffled over when she pointed and used a vine to greet her and his new teammates. “Mme Chastain, I notice you have no additional pokemon yet, which is understandable given the nature of your research, but I believe I have a solution for you. And Mme Fitzroy, I can’t tell you how delighted I was by your idea for a project! Very thoughtful and creative! One of my graduate students may have some interesting information to impart with regards to your chosen topic.” “What did I tell you?” Aisling asked softly while Sycamore’s attention was elsewhere. She tried to smirk but it fell apart when Xoana beamed back at her. “Congratulations, Marquise.” She offered her hand and pulled Xoana in for a shoulder bump. Something like a giggle escaped Xoana and she clasped Aisling’s arm for a moment to steady herself after. Serena was right there waiting and Xoana turned expecting a handshake and was swept up in a hug instead. “That was awesome, Xo. I’m so glad,” Serena said in her ear. Moments like this had become rare—Serena had never been the touchy-feely sort and they no longer had quite the same casual intimacy as a year ago. Xoana hadn’t even realized how empty she’d been until the embrace filled her to the brim. And Serena wasn’t tense in her hold, instead squeezing with genuine fondness. She held on tightly. Maybe she couldn’t have everything, but she could have this. ... Maybe there was something there. Xoana seemed the type to hug with her entire being, but the quiet gasp and clinging fingers said more. The tension between them might be more than that of longtime friends drifting apart. Perhaps something felt but not yet spoken. “Ah, there you are!” Aisling turned to see who Sycamore was greeting and found a young man in a nice linen suit walking out of the lab towards them. His hair was silver at the root fading into light blue and tied in a neat bun at the back, leaving a few loose curls to frame his face. “Bonjour!” He greeted them with a wave and brilliant smile. “Bes told me you had some new mega evo candidates.” Aisling couldn’t place his accent other than that it was foreign. “Yes indeed! This is one of the senior program members, Steven Stone. He researches the mega stones and keystones themselves and what properties allow them to unlock a pokemon’s true potential! He and his partner Bessemer recently achieved mega evolution!” So this was the guy with the shiny Metagross. Aisling offered her hand. Steven greeted each of them with warm interest and impeccable manners. Wherever he was from, his family had money. Aisling wondered about his age. To be working here, he must have his license at the very least, but four or five years older seemed too many. “Steven’s father owns a fossil revival facility, so he may be able to connect you with the proper resources, Mme Chastain.” “I’d be delighted,” he declared. “Always happy to help out a fellow fossil enthusiast!” Tracie could only nod and Spark bounded into her arms to press up against her chest. Steven patted his Metagross’s leg to give her space and they gave him an appreciative rumble in return before they all headed back inside for the tour. Science wasn’t Aisling’s aim and she let herself fall to the back by Steven while Tracie pressed forward to listen to Sycamore’s explanations as they entered each lab room in turn. “So where are you from?” Aisling asked. “Rustboro City, Hoenn.” That explained the accent. “Forgive me for saying anything rude or strange. I’m still learning the language.” “Oh, but you speak so well!” That made him laugh. “I know I butcher my vowels! But you are very kind, thank you.” “Don’t listen to the central Kalos folk! They tell us provincials we don’t speak the language right either.” They entered a new room and she let their conversation lull for a moment while Sycamore turned to them. This place was quite an interesting mix of old and new, art and science. The humming machinery was sleek and chrome with holographic touch screens while the walls were covered in ornate wallpaper and bordered by fanciful moldings. “How did you meet your partner?” Aisling asked when she was at liberty to. “My father acquired Bessemer for me when I was a child,” Steven answered quietly. “I have always been—” he paused, grasping for the right word, “a gigantic nerd of rocks and metal-type pokemon.” He held up his hand to show the titanium cuff and assorted rings that adorned it. He also had a single earring set with a rainbow stone. Aisling could hang with this guy. Their banter carried them through the rest of the tour. The current earring was ammolite, but he also had bismuth and opal ones he wore regularly. His hair had gone silver as a teen, and he had finally scraped together the confidence to stop dyeing it blue, resulting in the dual tone while he waited for it to grow out. He was twenty-two and had all ten badges in his home region. He was raised by his father like she had been raised by her mother. He returned her interest and took her playful jabs with good humor, further cementing her decision to befriend him. “I like to look good,” he said of his tailoring. “And that’s not a very suitable comment from someone sporting a jacket as interesting as yours. Why Lord Jirachi?” “Diádh is my patron,” she answered honestly, momentarily disarmed by the pun and teasing. Xoana looked back at the mention of the luck god. She had never asked about the design, but perhaps she was curious. Aisling left her with that one tidbit of information and steered the conversation away. When they arrived back in Sycamore’s office, a pair of scientists were waiting for them. The man was tall with a mop of golden curls, while the woman was quite short but looked as though she could and would snap the man clean in half over her knee. She slid off the desk and tossed her dark cascade of hair like she was reenacting a shampoo commercial. “This is Sina. She’s researching the energy released by mega evolution.” She lacked the definition and sculpting of a bodybuilder, and her exceptionally firm handshake suggested strength training as the source of her physique. “Dexio is looking into the enhanced bond between trainer and pokemon while the mega form is active.” Everyone here was a regulation hottie. Dexio was by far the least attractive of all the lab employees she’d seen, but he was still a twink adonis if one was into that sort of thing. And other than Steven and Sycamore himself, he was the only man. Aisling was beginning to suspect some bias in the hiring process. A knock came at the door and Steven opened it to let another man in. Forget Dexio, this asshole was towering. He would have had to duck through a standard door frame. His outfit was too fashionable not to be custom and must have therefore cost a fortune. Though to be fair, there couldn’t be many places that stocked his size. He also sported an elaborate and immaculate mane of red hair, as if he needed to strike a more imposing figure. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Arsène,” he said, though he obviously was. “Not at all Thierry!” Sycamore said warmly, weaving through them all to be closer. “But you’ll be pleased to hear the Mega Evolution program has three new trainers.” The giant looked them over and Aisling evaluated him right back. He stank of privilege—or maybe that was perfume. “May I introduce Thierry Lysandre, esteemed entrepreneur and philanthropist.” The looks on her friends faces showed that they knew who he was and were awed simply to be in his presence. The name seemed vaguely familiar to Aisling, but stirred none of the same emotions. But he was clearly very wealthy, close to Sycamore, and perhaps directly involved in the program, so she decided to behave. Sycamore introduced them all, and once the pleasantries were dispensed with, Lysandre launched into a speech so tiresome it almost made Aisling break her good behavior right them. They were “the future” and “had the power to change the world”. It was like being at her lycée graduation all over again. So of course she didn’t listen to much of what he said, just kept her mouth shut and nodded when it seemed appropriate. Steven shifted to obscure himself from Lysandre and looked very much as though he was tuning it out as well. Xoana’s smile had turned hollow. Sina and Dexio were either good at faking it or at least somewhat invested. Tracie and Tierney were getting bored. Serena, on the other hand, hung on every word and Sycamore displayed a frankly embarrassing level of adoration. He knew they weren’t alone, right? At last Dexio offered to take Lysandre to see whatever he was actually there for and they left, allowing the rest to talk about their projects and fill out the forms that needed doing. Aisling tried to talk to Steven while Serena all but interrogated Sycamore, but he was already engaged with Tracie and she let them be. Sina saw to the rest of them, switching back and forth from Tierney to Aisling and Xoana. Besides the timeline, there wasn’t a ton to absorb, so Aisling continued to watch the others out of the corner of her eye. Evidently Steven had divined that Tracie didn’t like eye contact and repositioned himself shoulder to shoulder facing her screen to take the pressure off. Luckily Sycamore was charmed by Serena’s intensity and gladly answered all her questions. Aisling had to admit she could be engaging, even if she was a stuck-up asshole. She noted Xoana ogling Sina’s impressive bod with amusement and Tierney coloring every time the scientist focused on her with mild surprise and satisfaction. She kept finding ways to obscure her face and could barely string a sentence together. It occurred to Aisling that Tierney might be sensitive about her appearance. She was quite heavyset and vitiligo was rare and stark against skin as dark as hers. Something to keep in mind going forward. “If that’s all taken care of, perhaps it’s time to—” “Arrange for your accommodations while you are in the city,” Sina finished for him. Sycamore gave an embarrassed half-chuckle. “Exactly so.” “Well,” Xoana began. “We were hoping to stay at the Hotel—” “That won’t be necessary.” Everyone looked at Tracie, which made her look down. “Everyone can stay at my house.” “Tracie, are you sure?” Tierney asked in a careful tone. “My parents are out of town, but they extended an invitation to you all and there is plenty of space.” A beat of silence followed. “Excellent! Well, if that’s settled you are free to go.” They delivered their various farewells and meandered out into the hall. Steven gave Tracie his number, which Aisling was tempted to ask for as well, and Sina gave hers to a blushing Tierney. After that, she took off while Steven remained in Sycamore’s office. “Aisling,” Serena said tentatively. Aisling ignored her. “My Queen?” she tried, though it pained her. “Yes?” “I was hoping you might agree to accompany me to the Café Soleil for some coffee and pastries? On me?” If Aisling didn’t know better it rather sounded as though Serena was asking her out. Too bad she didn’t care. “Naw, I’ve got an appointment. Y’all go on without me. I’ll catch up later. Just text me your address okay, Baronne?” Serena’s barely concealed rage was almost worth Xoana’s disappointment. She grabbed Serena’s arm and pulled her away before she could blow. Aisling waved. She leaned back against the wall by the door and pulled out her holocaster to look at a map. “A somewhat rude and invasive personal question, if I may?” Steven’s voice floated out of the crack in the door. “Of course!” Sycamore said warmly. “You know they’re my favorite.” “Have you slept with all of your friends?” So she wasn’t the only one who had noticed. Maybe she would ask Tracie for Steven’s number. Sycamore laughed. “Hoenn must be so uptight! Loosen up, mon ami. You are in Illumis, City of Love!” “I’m fairly certain Illumis is the City of Light,” Steven muttered. “Nonsense. Only tourists say that.” ... “Where the hell is she?” Serena asked for the third time that evening. “I thought you said it was a hair appointment. It’s been hours! What could possibly be taking so long?” “A lot of things!” Xoana didn’t mean to sound so huffy, but she wasn’t in the mood to address Serena’s ignorance politely. She didn’t have time to explain hair texture to her. She was too busy worrying if Aisling would notice, how they would all handle the subject if it came up, how Aisling would react. Tracie hadn’t said anything—Tierney was doing a good job of distracting her with video games—but Xoana had to think she was just a little nervous under there. Then again, they had the house to themselves, so maybe she was getting all worked up for nothing. The bell rang downstairs and they all poured out of Tracie’s room. Joffrey, the Chastain family’s Gothitelle had already answered the door and Aisling stood in the grand vestibule, hair transformed from barely contained cloud to a cascade of ropey strands pinned neatly back. Locks looked good on her—right even. But where the hell had she gone that they finished in just one sitting? Their eyes met across the double staircase and Aisling’s face took a moment to go from gaping but understandable awe to that too-big grin of hers. “I really cocked up the nicknames, Baronne. You’re clearly the Queen of this group.” Tracie shifted her hands behind her back so Aisling wouldn’t see her wring them. “Why didn’t you tell me you were filthy rich? Like damn! Look at this fucking house!” She was laughing now. Tierney chuckled too. “You should see the estate!” Xoana and Serena gave her reproachful looks, but she ignored them. “Of course you have an estate. No one could have this kind of house in the middle of the capital without having a country estate. It’s only natural!” Aisling laughed again. “This is awesome!” she declared, throwing up her arms, not the least bit caring that Joffrey was still standing there. “Ya gotta show me around your pad!” That shattered the tension and Tracie started down the stairs. Then the doors opened. There was no bell this time and Joffrey jumped to assist Tracie’s parents as they entered. They piled their coats into his arms which he ran to the closet before hefting their suitcases with psychokinesis and floating upstairs. Everyone remained frozen where they were as he passed. “Théo darling!” her mother called and all four of them winced. How was it the woman never noticed? “What on earth are you wearing? Did you girls dress him up again?” “We went shopping!” Xoana said with all the excitement she could muster, nearly jumping down the steps between them to be by Tracie’s side. “We haven’t been in the city in so long!” Tierney nodded vigorously to back her up. She already had a hand on Tracie’s shoulder. “Well, that’s what you get for having only female friends,” said Tracie’s father. “So sweet of you to always indulge them,” her mother added. “Oh, but you haven’t even introduced us to your new friend!” She turned to Aisling. “You’re in Prof. Sycamore’s program too, correct?” “Yes!” Aisling stepped up and offered her hand. “Aisling Quinn. Wonderful to meet you.” They both seemed pleased by her politeness and firm handshake. “I thought you were supposed to be in Flusselles until the end of the month?” Tracie ventured. “Yes, well, Antoine called because there’s some big issue with the supplier so your father had to come back to town to sort it out. We’ll just have to take the trip next week or whenever this blows over.” Silence again. “We had a long journey and I need to recover for a bit. You all have fun. We’ll see you at dinner!” They all stayed where they were while Tracie’s parents climbed the other side of the staircase to their wing of the house. Tracie turned back and Aisling waited at the foot of the stairs until Xoana beckoned her to come with. Aisling spoke to Tracie as they went down the hall. “Can I ask you something?” Fuck. Tracie nodded. “Do your parents know you’re a girl?” Oh… That was good. Tracie shook her head. “Do you want me to correct them?” Tracie shook her head again. “Okay.” There was a palpable sigh of relief from the group. “Can I still call you Baronne around them?” Tracie smiled just a little. “Yes.” Aisling let out a rather loud expletive as they entered Tracie’s room. She kicked off her boots and dove onto the king-sized four-poster, rolling back and forth before settling on her side with one knee crooked and her head propped up by her elbow. “Is this where we’re sleeping?” Then she had the gall to wiggle her eyebrows. “You’ll have Timothée’s room,” Tracie answered, going to her night table for the remote. Aisling’s exaggerated disappointment was cut short when the enormous screen descended from the ceiling so that Tracie and Tierney could continue their game. “Awesome! What are we playing?” “Super Pokken Ultimate.” “Nice! I’ve only ever played Royale.” Aisling sent out her team to hang with the rest of the pokemon while they got set up to play. Xoana and Serena sat up on the bed, and the other three sunk into bean bag chairs. Spark retrieved her extra small controller and arranged her own mini bean bag beside Tracie’s. Aisling was crap at Pokken. “I can’t believe I’m getting beaten by a Pikachu!” She cried after yet another sound defeat. Spark leaned around Tracie and chattered. “Is she shit-talking me?” Tracie didn’t answer but her face must have given it away. Aisling laughed. “You’re going down, rodent!” Spark then proceeded to utterly thrash her for the next few rounds. Aisling yelled and laughed and fought her hardest all to no avail. When she got KOed early for the fourth time in a row, she put down her controller and rocked out of her seat. “Fuck this noise. I’m gonna play some real Pokken!” Spark’s cheeks sparked. “Come here, Bree!” The Quilladin came over and Aisling tackled her. Bree was confused at first but caught on quick and giggled and snorted as she and Aisling rolled around on the floor trying to pin each other. The ruckus was too much to play over and they all turned to spectate. Aisling threw her jacket to Xoana as sweat began to bead across her brow and Xoana clutched it tightly despite herself. Aisling held out surprisingly well as the two alternated between competitive and silly. Spark cheered shamelessly for Bree and even Serena had to stifle a laugh. It was almost enough to forget about the dinner looming ahead. ... They reconvened in Tracie’s room after they were all clean and changed into their pajamas. Tracie’s parents had taken the nickname thing in stride. Her mother even found it cute. Sharing a meal with them was so much easier when Xoana and her friends could counter every instance of “Théo” with something she’d chosen, assure her that she was a girl even if her parents didn’t realize it. Xoana wished she’d thought of it a long time ago. The pokemon had been served their evening meal separately but were now allowed out to nap or play at their own choosing. Xoana had filled up the tub in Tracie’s bathroom and Froabble was in there now along with Serena’s new Squirtle. Sprout was getting along like he’d always been there. The only one who didn’t seem the least bit interested in socializing was Aisling’s Charmander. Once it was made clear to her there were no battles allowed in the house, she installed herself in the windowsill and sharpened her claws with her teeth. “Hey, Tracie, do you have DDR?” Aisling asked. “Yes.” “Tierney!” She jumped. “I challenge you to a dance off!” It took her a few moments, but she smiled. “You’re on!” They cleared the floor and rolled the bean bags to the other side of the room. Aisling might have expected mercy when Tierney selected a lower difficulty, but Xoana and the others knew that meant she was about to show off. At the higher difficulties there wasn’t any room for flourish. At a low rank one could dance and that was exactly what Tierney did. She was good in recitals but always best when she was freestyling her own thing—at least in Xoana’s opinion. All that mildness melted away as she hopped and spun and swung her hips. Aisling cheered and lycan-whistled even as she tried desperately to keep up. Xoana was surprised when she managed a halfway respectable score. “Best two out of three!” she yelled like she had a better chance than a Durant against a Heatmor. Usually Xoana was happy to watch, but something moved her and she hopped off the bed into the game. Aisling grinned and Valériane shuffled over as well now that it was no longer a one-on-one. They moved down so the Hawlucha could be next to her trainer and played on medium. Valériane got a few laughs flapping her wings, wagging her tail, and flaring her crest in her own version of dance moves. It goaded all of them to let loose a little more, which meant Xoana and Aisling sacrificed their scores to bop while Tierney continued to mercilessly flex on them. It wasn’t long before Aisling demanded hard mode and Xoana bowed out to make room for Serena. She was no dancer, but precision, tenacity and practice made her pretty good at DDR. Good enough to beat Aisling’s score anyway, which was all that mattered. That victory was enough to dispel the last of her irritation and ease that last bit of tension between them all. Tracie jumped into a round, as did Loach and Bree after Valériane explained it to them. The Riolu did well enough all things considered, but even the easiest setting was too much for Bree. She laughed along anyway and Aisling helped her through. Emer, Aiden, and Justine couldn’t play but bounced around in solidarity. The rounds flew by one after another and their limbs grew heavy while their minds became more and more awake. When the rest of them were finished, Tierney and Valériane did one last duel on expert. What the Hawlucha lacked in grace, she more than made up for in speed and rhythm and she came out on top to cheers and applause. By then it was late, but they were all far from sleep, so Tracie put on one of her favorite movies and they all sat on the bed to watch. Xoana barely noticed when Aisling lay her head in her lap—that is until she reached out to braid the hair and found it wasn’t Serena’s. Suddenly the contact sent a violent tingle up her spine. But was it really all that different? Despite all Xoana’s fretting and the little power struggles, Aisling had slid near seamlessly into their midst. It was like she’d been there since the beginning. It was like it had always been but maybe just a little bit better because she brought something to the group that they lacked—filled a hole they didn’t even know was there. Aisling rolled to look up at Xoana and threw a cheeky grin at the blush that was no doubt suffusing her face. But this time it wasn’t overwhelming. It just felt good. Really, really good. “So, I know the plan was to stay here for a while, but should we really still be doing that?” It took Xoana a moment to realize Aisling was addressing the room and not just her. “Don’t get me wrong, this is great but…” Things had changed. “None of the other gyms are close,” said Tracie. “And none of us are going to be ready for our second badge soon,” Aisling gently insisted. “I don’t wanna make you stay with your parents that long.” The warm fluttering in Xoana's gut returned in force. “It doesn’t matter what order we go in,” Tierney assured, lifting her head from the pillow snuggled under her. “Let’s just pick a direction.” “How about west?” Aisling suggested, stretching luxuriantly. She settled even further into Xoana’s lap and rested her legs across Tierney’s back. “We could hit the beach before summer’s over.” Now that was an idea. “We could do Relifac-le-Haut Gym next. That’s right on the water,” said Serena. Xoana would have to call Clément—he was expecting them—but she couldn’t say she was sorry to push that particular Gym battle down further down the line. In fact, she began to feel something heavy lift off her shoulders, that last bit of weight she hadn’t remembered she was carrying after everything else. “It’s settled then! We’ll leave in the morning!”
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vincassidy · 5 years
STARTER FOR » @joliedebeauvoir​
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 22 at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Zinqué
This was no longer a French bistro; it was a dimly lit circus. 
That is, if a circus transformed into a restaurant with a flirty ambience. He kind of liked it.
No rainbow wig, big red shoe wearing clowns in sight so it wasn’t full circus; however, the round and rectangular tables normally adorned with small condiments, glossy fold-up drink menus, utensils, and a tiny potted plant in the center were now arranged in 4x3 lines bearing square curtains to section people off into little cubicles. There were balloons, and lots of them—paired with brightly colored paper streamers, not that he could actually see the vivid color in this lighting. As explained by the host at the entrance door, the women were to remain in their respective chair as the men would move to the next date. Move, as in, roll on a black padded stool with wheels. Apparently, the majority of women were already seated as to not be known straight away. Each date would go on for ten minutes before a double chime signaled its time for rotation. People were able to see just enough to navigate through the place, but not enough to sincerely distinguish faces. The whole scenario screamed mystery, to which Vince silently chuckled to himself as he recalled a moment. ‘I’m not going to even try to decode it. It would probably ruin the curiosity,’ she had said. ‘Ruin the curiosity—you dig the enigma? I need to get to the bottom of it,’ he had replied. Miniature desk lights were at everyone’s station with a pen and a tiny spiral notebook, which was supposed to travel along and serve as a written ice breaker as people put down a greeting, a question, whatever was hoped to serve as a first impression, and then each pairing would exchange their mini notebooks under the curtain to write a reply back before simultaneously pulling the three foot long curtain rope to reveal their date after a single chime. That made three minutes of secrecy, seven minutes of face to face interaction, then the page would be turned to the next blank one, along with a new person to meet. The environment itself wasn’t as silly as a circus, but Vince admittedly felt a tad silly for being present for the sole reason that he didn’t go to these things... in fact, he never thought about going to these things. 
That is, until he met her.
In the past few months of knowing Jolie, he found himself doing more. The male had been a natural risk taker when it came to matters concerning his job, except he couldn’t deny that she prompted him to be open with more opportunities he hadn’t thought of. A friendship presented light, excitement, thrilling challenges. It was fresh, real. When she had invited him to this speed dating experience to set him up, he initially was going to laugh it off with a ‘Nah, what? Nah,’ and quite shocked as it was something not of his usual interest, but he appreciated the considerate thought and in all honesty, it was too good of a suggestion to pass up. Since she was the one to play matchmaker he figured he better send a quick text informing of his arrival. The glow of his iPhone illuminated his face as he opened his messages, and while he was attempting to type, it was interrupted by a young male clearing his throat followed by a finger pointing to a nearby sign on the wall: 
“It’ll be just a second,” Vince said. “Bro, it’s the rules,” answered the same young man, who had to be around his mid-twenties. Who let this dude volunteer at this speed dating shebang? As a person familiar with the law, rules, regulations, and doing things for justice and fairness, Vince was going to eventually abide by the no cell phone rule. The time wasn’t 7 p.m. yet, the rule didn’t have to apply immediately.
iMessage to Jolie (6:48 p.m.) : I made it here, Cupid de Beauvoir. 
“Bro, I don’t make the rules, I jus—” “—enforce them. Right,” Vince retorted, shutting off his phone before putting it into his pocket.  He sauntered into the circus, but not a circus, restaurant with no expectations. Just taking a chance. Trying something new. The first couple three rounds were... fine? Date #1 wrote him a riddle to which he couldn’t figure out on the spot in those three mysterious minutes, and when she revealed her face she bursted in a laugh and told him the answer. It turned out to be less funny and more offensive, which was an instant turn-off. Date #2 slid a simple ‘Hello, I can’t see you yet, but you look wonderful’ note under the curtain. Date #3 wrote, ‘please don’t be another loser I just saw my ex lol.’
For the last three encounters, Vince made a doodle of a cartoon dog. It wasn’t giving away his penmanship off the bat in case someone were to recognize him, and it wasn’t like keeping his identity a secret had been necessary anyway, considering his face would be revealed at every station. People spoke delicately amongst each other, probably in an effort to keep with the mystery and prevent surrounding ears from getting an idea of someone before having an encounter. Even with the calm, quiet voices, he could have sworn he heard Jolie’s from another corner of the room. He could make out the sound of her voice anywhere. Was she here? A detail he never got confirmation of because he didn’t know whether she was able to reply to his text or not, thanks to the rule. Was she supposed to set him up for this thing and let him stick it out as she chilled at home? What if she was watching him from the side, observing her matchmaker magic? Watching from a control room? Or was she not actually here, come to think of it, she did tell him to tell her about the outcome, which implied she wouldn’t be present. Was he just thinking of her in a room full of eligible singles? 
On to the next one, Date #4, he rolled across to the next column of tables, deciding to switch it up. The energy of Zinqué in that moment inspired him to get a little more creative. He kept drawing the same dog, but this time he wrote a question underneath the drawing, before slipping it under the curtain: If I were to meet an angel in this place, and we only have seven minutes, does that make this a game of seven minutes in heaven? 
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This Side of Paradise
Chapter One: Lost on You 
Cosette turned her key one last time, hoping against hope that her banged up Subaru would start. Nothing. Cosette let out a huff of frustration. This was just the last of a number of stunningly mediocre things that had accumulated to make it an altogether terrible day. First, she had spilled scalding coffee on her way to work, leaving large stains on her blouse that most likely wouldn’t come out. When she got to work, she found she had forgotten to bring an extra blouse from the last time it happened so she had to wear the shirt all day. There was a pep rally which meant the kids were antsy all day and her class times were shorter. And to finish it all off, they had a department meeting after school that had been not only absolutely pointless, but frustratingly boring. All she had wanted to do was head home and grade papers in bed. Well, in all honesty, she just wanted to watch some Jane Austen film in bed, but these papers needed to be graded, and so there was no way around it. Cosette rested her forehead on the steering wheel, working up the energy to call her dad, hoping that he would know what to do. Cosette had no idea where to even start with cars. She was definitely adding wine to her paper grading that night. She deserved it after this shitstorm of a day.
A knock on her window startled her so much that she accidentally hit the horn and her car beeped. Cosette blushed and looked out her window to see a dark-haired and absolutely stunning woman leaning down to peer through the window. She was wearing a leather jacket, had several piercings poking through her ears, and caramel eyes that rested under sharply defined brows. She was clearly trying not to laugh at Cosette’s embarrassment at being startled, which only grew as she saw how hot her audience was. She rolled down her window.
“Your car isn’t starting?” Her voice was deep and curling, like whiskey. Cosette nodded, unable to find her voice. The woman’s smile broke through her resolve, and it transformed her face. “Hi, I’m Eponine. I teach welding and shop. I could take a look at it for you.”
Cosette willed herself to form some coherent sentences. “Hi Eponine. I’m Cosette. It’s nice to meet you. I am also a teacher, in the English department.”
Eponine smirked. “I know,” she said as her eyes tracked over her, and Cosette felt like she was being examined. Eponine knew about her? She reminded herself not to read too much into it.
“I guess it is a pretty small school. I’m new here. Just started this year.”
“Well, welcome. Now, let me have at your car.” Cosette remembered that before Eponine showed up she was having a terrible day. Now it seemed her day was looking up. Cosette jumped into action, bustling out of her car. Standing next to Eponine, she came up to her shoulder. She tried not to let on that she was sizing Eponine up, but she was too focused on the task at hand. She got into the car, turned the key and examined the inner workings of the car, leaving the door open. Then she got out, tracked to the front and opened her hood. Cosette stood there mute, trying to think of good conversation starters, but she kept getting distracted by the focused look on Eponine’s face, a thin line appearing between her eyebrows as she pursed her lips. How had she never noticed her before?
Eponine nodded to herself, almost the way a scientist did at the conclusion of a successful experiment. She moved back around to Cosette, brushing her hands one against the other to clean them up somewhat. “You’re battery is dead. Did you leave your lights on this morning? Your light signal was on in the car.”
Cosette groaned, putting a hand over her forehead. “I must have. It was such a crazy morning. I was running late and had spilled coffee all over myself. I must have forgotten about the lights in the middle of everything. I feel so silly for forgetting.”
Eponine smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it. We all do it, even me, though I don’t like to brag about it as the shop teacher. It’s an easy fix. Just let me bring my car around and I’ll jump it for you.”
“Thank you so much!” Eponine shrugged off the thanks and headed across the parking lot. Cosette tapped out a quick message to her dad explaining the situation, telling him that one of her teacher friends who knew about cars was helping her so that her dad didn’t immediately get in the car and drive over himself. Cosette heard a car approaching and looked up to see Eponine driving a green pickup her way. Cosette’s lips quirked upwards. She had to say that the car fit her personality, or at least the parts of her personality that she could surmise from looking at her. But they did paint a pretty poignant picture.
Eponine hopped out, and made quick work out of the jumper cables. She had Cosette get in and turn on her car, which whirred to life under Eponine’s watchful eye. Cosette could feel a smile break out on her face. Eponine met her eyes, and it seemed that a spark passed between them. Eponine looked away quickly and Cosette guessed she must have imagined it, but her eyes lingered on her profile anyway. She came to a decision.
“Hey,” she said, practically jumping out of her car in her haste, wanting to prolong this moment, to bask in Eponine’s presence. Eponine looked up, surprised by the urgency in Cosette’s voice. “Let me buy you a drink. Goodness knows after a day like today I need one, and it looks better if I don’t drink alone. Plus, I really want to thank you for helping me out. You made what could have been a really shitty experience for me pretty bearable.”
Eponine considered it, her head cocked to the side and her eyes narrowed. Again, Eponine got the feeling that she was being observed, was being measured against some yardstick in Eponine’s head that determined the safety and interest levels that Cosette presented. Finally she nodded, tucking a flyaway dark curl behind her ear. “I’d love to. Anything to avoid you ending your night alone at a bar. The only question is what to do about your car.”
“There I defer to your expertise,” Cosette said with a laugh. She really should learn more about cars.
“Do you live close?” Eponine asked, shoving her hands in her pockets. Cosette tried to pretend that her heart didn’t flutter a little bit at the question.
“Yeah, over on Rue de Rambuteau.”
“Okay, well what if I follow you home, you drop off your car and I drive us to and from. Or if you don’t want to get into the car with a random shop teacher we can get a Lyft.” Eponine had a casual air around her that Cosette envied. Where Cosette would hem and haw and take her time getting to her point, Eponine seemed to be incredibly blunt and straightforward with an attitude that just begged for you to argue with her. Cosette wondered whether that meant their personalities would mesh well or not. She shook herself.
“Well seeing as you haven’t murdered me yet, I would be more than happy to take my first ride ever in a pickup truck from you.”
It was worth it to see the look of absolute shock tinged with horror that appeared on her face. Eponine sputtered, her mouth working without forming any thoughts. Cosette laughed; it was good to see the self-assured and practical attitude broken over a small thing like pick up trucks. “You’re joking,” Eponine said slowly, almost more of a question than a statement. Cosette nodded, laughing. “You were joking,” Eponine repeated.
“So you’ve said,” Cosette said when she caught her breath. Eponine’s disbelief morphed into a genuine laugh, a husky amber peal of laughter that was sexy as hell. Cosette sobered quickly at the sound. “So, you’ll just follow me?” Cosette asked, gesturing towards her car.
Eponine nodded, her smile still blinding, and Cosette hurried to get into her car as Eponine wound up her jumper cables and clambered into her own pickup. Cosette pealed out of her spot effortlessly and automatically headed towards home, hyperconscious of her own driving, and checking her rear view mirror much more often than she probably should. As she drove, she attempted to pull herself together. There was a knot of nerves tightening in her gut, and she felt a little hot. She rolled down the window and let the cool air rush over her face. She took some shaky breaths and tried to swallow several times but her throat stuck. What was she doing? Asking a woman out for drinks? She couldn’t even remember the last time she went on a date. Not that this was a date, she reminded herself sternly before she got too far down that train of that thought.
She pulled into her driveway, and noted that Eponine didn’t follow her; rather, she just pulled over on the street and left the car idling. Cosette ran inside to drop off some of her school stuff and change her coffee-stained blouse. She also applied a subtle layer of lipstick, checking her reflection in the mirror of the entryway. She looked somewhat frazzled, her cheeks flushed and her dark hair slightly limp. She tried pulling her hair into a bun. It accentuated her cheeks better and made her seem less red, more put together. She quickly toed on some cute heels, hoping that Eponine hadn’t gotten tired of waiting and driven off. She also hoped that Eponine didn’t notice she had dressed up for her a bit. She gave herself one last look in the mirror. “You can do this, Cosette,” she told herself sternly, like she imagined her mother might have done when she was younger. Cosette was used to being her own mother in situations like this, being both encouraging and cautious.
She hurried outside and hopped into Eponine’s car, trying not to show what an effort it was to get her shorter frame up into the pickup. Eponine grinned, making Cosette think that she hadn’t been that subtle. “Where to?” she asked.
“Just go down this street, take a right at the corner and then another left when I tell you.”
Eponine smoothly shifted gears and drove down the street. A silence descended. Eponine’s car smelled like lemons and cinnamon. Cosette wondered if that was what Eponine smelled like or if it was a car freshener. She checked the rear view mirror, finding it empty. No air freshner. Cosette wondered if that meant it was Eponine’s smell. She was still wandering down this train of thought when Eponine distracted her. “You live in a nice neighborhood. Cute house.”
“Thanks,” Cosette said, unsure where she was supposed to go with that. “I like cottages. I don’t need a big house.”
Eponine nodded. “I can see that. You seem like that type of person.” Sometimes when people made those kind of generalizations it irritated her, but from Eponine it sounded like a compliment. Or at least she hoped it was.
“Do you live close to here?”
“No, I live the other direction from school with my brother.” Cosette was taken aback. Once people reached their twenties they didn’t really choose to live with their siblings anymore. Not that Cosette really understood sibling dynamics; she had been an only child despite her longing for a larger family than just her and her father. But in the end that’s probably what made them so close - they only had each other.
“You have a brother?”
“I have a brother and a sister,” Eponine clarified. “My sister used to live with us but she went to university last year.” Her voice was tinged with melancholy.
“You must miss her,” Cosette said softly. Eponine just nodded, a tender smile touching her mouth. Cosette stared, she knew she was staring, but seeing that soft smile wreath Eponine’s face made her hands clammy and she had her heart in her throat. She tore her eyes away, looking at the road ahead. “Oh shit, we just passed it!” Cosette exclaimed, a white hot flash of embarrassment searing through her.
Eponine just laughed, and found a parking spot on the side of the road. Cosette flushed and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans, hoping that she wasn’t being too obvious about the fact she had almost missed it because she had been staring at Eponine. The woman was gorgeous, sure, but Cosette wasn’t sure if she even swung her way. And even if she did, who's to say that she would like Cosette? They came from different worlds, had different interest. Eponine probably wanted someone who was tough and skated derby or something. Not Cosette, who knit her friends sweaters and spent her evenings baking in slippers. She shoved the thought aside and got out of the car, joining Eponine on the sidewalk.
They entered the bar, the soft mood lighting of the fairy lights illuminating glints of red in Eponine’s dark hair. Cosette swallowed. She hoped that this bar wasn’t too cutesy. Eponine looked like the kind of girl who was at home in a hole in the wall backwater bar. They found a table towards the back next to some leafy green ferns, and Eponine shrugged off her leather jacket and ordered a Bourbon on the rocks with an ease and surety that Cosette envied. She just ordered a glass of red wine and hoped that her hands weren’t visibly shaking.
Why was she so nervous around Eponine? Maybe because it had been ages since she’d been with anyone, since she’d been attracted to anyone even, or the fact that this was a new job, a new town, a new friend. Her life was in such a turmoil at the moment that she barely knew where to start with her emotions.
“So,” Eponine started as their drinks made their way to their table. “How’s it been? Tell me a little about yourself.”
Cosette laughed. “Where to start? I finished my degree a couple years ago and worked a lot of odd jobs while I tried finding a teaching position. This is my first full-time teaching position and I’m doing sophomore English. What about you? You said you do welding?”
Eponin nodded, setting her glass on the table with a clunk. “Yeah. I wasn’t able to go to the college I wanted, but I always loved doing stuff with my hands so I went to a trade school an hour away and was able to get my certification. Been teaching here almost five years.”
Cosette nodded. “And how do you like it here?”
Eponine shrugged. “It’s alright. I kind of feel like there’s a divide between us in the shop and doing vocational kind of stuff and the regular subjects like math and English and science. I mean it’s almost December and this is the first time I’ve ever seen you.” Eponine met her eyes, her gaze penetrating, and Cosette felt her heartbeat pick up. She quickly dropped her eyes, hoping she wasn’t blushing too obviously.
“And I you,” Cosette said, almost at a loss for words. The talking wandered to less work-related things, turning to music, hobbies, and favorite movies. Cosette was surprised by the amount of similarities they had. From their outward appearances, she would have guessed that they had little in common. But as she made her way through her glass of red wine and Eponine made her way through several funny shop stories, she felt herself relax in her presence.
Cosette was shocked when Eponine looked down at her phone and swore. “Shit, it’s late and I need to get dinner started for Gavroche.”
Cosette looked at her own phone and was surprised to see that two hours had flown by. She was both elated and disappointed at how well they had passed the time together. Cosette insisted on paying for the drinks since Eponine had rescued her from apparent distress earlier that day and they headed outside into the brisk chill of the night and the muted sounds of traffic. Dusk was falling, and as they strolled down the sidewalk, Cosette could see them doing this for years to come, and for just a minute, she let herself believe that they would.
Eponine drove her home, the darkness descending just as the silence in the car, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Cosette tried desperately to think of something to say. It felt so much like an awkward first date in that moment that she almost forgot it wasn’t. All too soon, they arrived at Cosette’s house.
“Thank you again so much, Eponine. You saved my ass,” Cosette said earnestly, unsure where to put her hands.
Eponine just laughed. “Anytime. Next time do me a favor and remember to turn off your lights.” Cosette nodded laughing, and Eponine held her gaze for just a beat too long. She wanted to kiss her so badly her hands trembled. To see what those full lips tasted like. Instead, she cleared her throat and hopped out of the truck.
Eponine rolled down the window. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, the right side of her mouth curling up into a smile. Cosette nodded and waved, not sure if she could trust her voice. Eponine sped away, leaving Cosette to watch her go in the twilight. She couldn’t wait until tomorrow.
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theinsideoutmermaid · 5 years
Chapter 1: Tony
Marvel high school AU
Words: 2337
“Tony. Tony. Tony. Toneeeeeeeee—”
Tony Stark laboriously lifted himself from his exquisitely nonchalant backpack-supported bus seat slouch. Sighing, he clicked off his phone.
“What is it, Parker?”
Several rows in front of him, in the uncool front half of the bus where underclassmen are obligated to sit, Peter Parker was dangling over the back of his seat. He isn’t a bad kid, really, thought Tony, he’s even pretty smart. He’s just impossibly annoying. Peter looked positively beside himself at having gotten Tony’s attention.
“You had Ross for math, right?” said Peter, just slightly over the volume required for trans-bus communication.
“No need to yell, Petey, jeez. And yes.” They’d been over this several times, actually.
“Ev’rybody siddown,” drawled the bus driver, glancing at Peter in the mirror.
“Oh! Sorry!” Peter dropped back into his seat and instead leaned around the side, into the aisle, apparently comfortable with lying full-out across his best friend Ned. “So anyway, do you remember the logs and exponentials test? Ours is in two days and I wanted to know is it hard? I mean I’ve done well on the quizzes and I think I understood the homework but y’know transformations? I feel like I haven’t really gotten the hang of those and so anyway I wanted to ask was it hard?”
Tony spared a brief glance across the aisle at his friend Bruce, who offered the appropriate amused-but-exasperated eye roll. “I took it two years ago, bud, so I don’t even remember anymore. There was probably like one transformation. You’ll be fine, Ross is an easy grader,” Tony said, and returned to his phone.
“Oh. . . Thanks!” Peter clambered back into his seat, earning a few yelps from Ned. Tony flashed a peace sign above his head in response.
Bruce swung his legs into the aisle, leaning across to talk to Tony. “You know the kid idolizes you, right?”
“Pssh,” said Tony, not looking up from his phone. In fact, he did know, and if he was honest with himself, he even felt a little flattered at times. Mostly, though, he wished his devotee would be someone a little more chill and with a slightly lower-pitched voice. If you go onto thesaurus.com, Peter Parker is listed under antonyms of chill. Tony didn’t know whether he wanted to help the kid or shut him inside a locker, so mostly he just ignored him.
Bruce seemed to be able to read some of this in his face. When Tony looked up again, Bruce was watching him with a half-smirk. Tony flipped him the bird. It turned into a full smirk, and Bruce went back to annotating Crime and Punishment.
The bus turned a sharp corner. “I think we’re here,” yelled Peter.
“Thank you for the enlightening announcement, Parker,” said a pair of Air Jordans extending from the seat behind him. This was Shuri, who, despite being a sophomore, was indisputably the most popular person in the whole school. Also probably the smartest. She exuded an effortless cool even Tony could appreciate.
“Okay, kids, make sure you have all your things and then follow me. Will someone grab the football?” asked Dr. Selvig, AP Physics teacher and coach of the Lee High School Quiz Bowl team.
“I got it, Doc,” said Ned. As the team filed out, he grabbed the black plastic briefcase which was neither a football nor a container of nuclear codes but rather held the buzzers and timers used in the game.
Inside DCHS, the LHS kids exchanged curious glances with the strange students of their rival high school. This bit, the in between bus ride and match bit, always felt odd to Tony. Other schools were like a dimension he wasn’t shaped to inhabit. He hastily broke eye contact with the DCHS girl who had just met his stare and pretended to do something on his phone. A teacher stationed in the front lobby had told them that their home base would be room L402 and then gave directions which Tony had completely ignored. He instead followed the sound of Ned and Peter excitedly discussing Peter’s new Endor Base LEGO set (“It includes a walker and the base has sliding doors!” “Noooo waaaayy!”)
“Are four levels really necessary?” complained Bruce, stomping up the final flight of stairs before they reached L402. “We do just fine with two.”
“Yeah, well, we have 1600 kids and they have, what, 4000? And the lot’s pretty small so expanding up is the only way to go, I guess,” Tony replied.
In L402, the students dumped their backpacks in a corner. Ned and Peter set to work dragging the desks into two lines of five, then Jane and Helen set up the buzzers and the lockbox. Darcy eagerly tested each buzzer, letting off beep after beep while Shuri reset the box. Doc Selvig rummaged in his bag, tossing several pads of yellow lined paper onto a nearby desk and pulling out a stack of name cards. As he read off the names, each team member retrieved their cards.
“Bruce — Darcy — Shuri — Ned — Tony — Stephen - sorry, I mean Strange — Peter — Viz — Jane — Helen,” recited Doc Selvig.
“Can you get that— thanks, Bruce,” called Helen, who was stuck behind the desks untangling some buzzer wires.
“Alrighty then, kids, it’s the first match of the season, and we want to start off strong! We were so close to state last year—” A dreamy look crept over Selvig’s eyes, as if he were reminiscing, and the team waited patiently until he began to talk again. “-- And I think we have a real shot at making it this time. We’ve got a great team, very strong. I think we can beat DCHS, but they’ve historically been a bit tough, so I need to play our strongest members to begin with. If we’ve got a comfortable lead towards the end, I’ll sub the rest of you in. Remember, I want all of you to get playing time, but we also have to think practically. For our starters today. . . Tony, you be captain. Strange, I want you on his right and Jane on the left. Shuri and Helen get the last two spots.” Tony felt a gleam of pride. Captain. Captain Stark. It had a nice ring to it. He slid into the center seat and carefully arranged his name card and buzzer towards the front.
“Some final reminders,” continued Doc Selvig, “be quick and don’t be afraid to jump in on a toss-up, but also be sure to gauge the other team’s response time. The questions are pyramidal, so they get more specific as time goes on. Do not blurt out answers to the bonuses. Tony will report for the team unless he defers. And finally. Do not break the Cardinal Rule!” At this, everyone turned to look at Ned, who shrank two inches to hide behind his precalculus textbook.
The DCHS team arrived and filled their assigned seats; their coach sat at the head desk next to Dr. Selvig. He flipped open the question packet and slid his glasses to the end of his nose, turning to look at the assembled teams.
“Since LHS are the guests here, why don’t they go first at introductions? Please ring in and say your name,” said the DCHS coach.
Introductions were a time-honored tradition of Quiz Bowl. Tony actually had a running list of interesting ways to do introductions, some of which required rehearsal on the bus beforehand. It’s an intimidation technique, he had once explained to his friend Rhodey, who was not on the team and could not grasp why Tony had whipped out his phone during lunch to make a note of “reverse alphabetical order of middle name.” The more complicated your intro, the smarter the other team thinks you are.
Tony pressed his buzzer, watching the little bulb light up green. “My name is Tony, and I am captain—”
“Co-captain,” muttered Strange next to him. Tony paused and made a face like he was trying to inhale a grapefruit through his nostril.
“-- co-captain of the LHS Quiz Bowl team.” Technically it was true; they had voted during practice a few weeks ago and he had tied with Strange. Why there was any dispute Tony couldn’t imagine, because he was cool and smart and interesting, whereas Strange was a smart but also arrogant, condescending, stuck-up little—
He wrenched his thoughts back to the present with an effort.
“My teammates will introduce themselves in order of ascending longitude,” he concluded. Because of the orientation of the school, this was really just a fancy way of saying left-to-right, but it certainly sounded smart. Tony had checked Google Maps and worked it out with the other starters before DCHS arrived.
The other team went for the overused “buzzer speed” introduction. Amateurs, thought Tony. He sized up their captain, a reedy white dude named Josh who looked uncreative enough to have resorted to buzzer speed.
“Before we start, can we get a sc— oh, you’re already there,” said Doc Selvig, noting Viz, the ever-diligent scorekeeper, stationed by the whiteboard. He had made a perfectly perpendicular t-chart with DCHS and LHS printed on either side in his font-like handwriting.
The DCHS coach settled his glasses higher on his nose and squinted at the question packet. “Welcome to the first match of this year’s varsity Quiz Bowl tournament. Good luck to you all. Okay. . . toss-up number one. You will have ten seconds to ring in after I finish the question.” Tony positioned his finger carefully over the buzzer button, seeing his teammates do the same in his peripheral vision. “Science. The Shannon index describes this quantity entropically, incorporating evenness and abundance. The alpha type of this quantity is measured at one—”
BZZZ. The coach looked up. “Um. . . Helen.”
You got this, Helen, thought Tony. Bio was her thing.
“Biodiversity,” she answered calmly.
“That is. . .” the coach said, scanning to the bottom of the question, “correct. Ten points to LHS.”
Tony breathed out a small sigh of relief, feeling a surge of pleasure as Viz scribed a tally on the LHS side of the scoreboard. He shot a wink at Helen, mouthing “nice one.” She grinned back.
“Bonus number one to LHS,” continued the coach. “Math.” Tony sat up a little straighter. “Let p be a prime number greater than three. For ten points each. . . One: because it is not divisible by two, p must have this property.”
“Oddness,” said Tony immediately, not even bothering to confer with his teammates.
“Correct. Two: what two remainders are possible when dividing p by 6?”
Tony thought for a second. “One and five.”
“Correct again. Finally, what theorem states that three to the p, divided by p, must have a remainder of three?”
“Fermat’s little theorem,” blurted Tony.
The DCHS coach gave him a grudging nod, saying, “And that’s a sweep for LHS. Toss-up number two. . .”
Strange kicked Tony’s calf under the desks. “You’re supposed to confer with us for the bonuses,” he hissed.
Tony gave him a winning smile. “Well, I didn’t need to. I knew all the answers.”
“But what if you didn’t?”
“Shhhhh. . . the question is starting,” Tony said, his smile brightening as Strange’s glower darkened.
LHS had worked up a comfortable lead by halftime, thanks to the abundance of science- and math-related questions. Jane and Helen were able to bolster them a bit on history and literature, because they actually paid attention in those classes, but everyone in the lineup was a STEM kid first and foremost.
Doc Selvig checked the questions packet, then checked the scoreboard. “A hundred twenty. . . Okay, guys, I think I can make some substitutions here. Ned, you go in for Helen, and Peter, you go in for Strange.”
Several things happened at once: Strange coughed indignantly, Peter seemed to float a few inches off the ground, and Tony spontaneously developed a throbbing headache.
“Doctor, don’t you think that as co-captain I should—” began Strange in the smarmy voice Tony hated.
“--cheer on the team and be supportive and cooperative,” finished Selvig, giving Strange a look. “I think Peter will be very useful in this half.” Peter’s grin looked like it might rip his face in half. Tony’s headache throbbed harder. He slid into his seat once again, trying to ignore the stream-of-consciousness chatter coming from the sophomore next to him.
“I can’t believe Doc put me in here, I mean I’m nowhere near as good as Strange, but maybe he thinks I am? Wow, could you imagine, I mean this is so cool I’m like your right-hand man, well I guess if you want, I mean—”
“I’ll make sure to defer to you if there’s a question about Endor Base, how ‘bout that,” said Tony, rubbing his temples.
“Really?! That’s sweet, I mean that’s sick, I’ll do my best. Co-captain’s seat. . .” Peter turned and flashed a thumbs-up to Ned, who was looking incredibly nervous.
It got close around question 17, but LHS pulled ahead in the end. It turned out that Ned actually liked to read a lot and was somehow a geek for both Star Wars and Shakespeare. Peter knew way more pop culture than Tony cared to learn, and, surprisingly, a ton of chemistry.
“What science class are you taking this year?” Tony asked Peter when the match was over. Peter hastily gulped down the mouthful of fruit snacks he had been chewing on.
“AP Chem. They let me test into it,” he replied, a hesitant sort of pride manifesting on his face.
“Really?” Tony tried to keep himself from looking impressed. After a few moments of warring impulses, he softened. “That’s pretty cool, Parker.” The kid turned the color of a tomato, stuttered a sort of thanks, and dashed off to relay the whole interaction to Ned.
Bruce drew up beside Tony, smirking again. “He’ll pop the question any day now.”
“Shut up,” Tony said, punching Bruce in the shoulder. But he smiled when he was sure no one was watching.
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queertheology · 6 years
Faith Based Activism Starter Kit
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When I was 21, a conversation with my parents about health insurance devolved into an argument about my queerness.
I had come out as gay three years earlier and they had a mixed response. They checked a few of the right boxes: they were quick to assure me that I was still their son, they made it clear they would still help me with college, they loved me and wanted me to be happy. But they also had their stumbles: they asked that I go see a Christian counselor, they never asked about my dating life, they were uncomfortable  talking about anything LGBT.
So I waited.
I did what I thought was the “good Christian thing” to do: I was patient and gracious. I tried to not ruffle any feathers (though I did have a few outbursts of frustration). I was “giving them time and space” for their “process.”
And then three years later we were sitting in the kitchen arguing about whether it was OK for gay people to be camp counselors and youth leaders, whether gay relationships were valid, whether anyone even expected gay people to get married in the first place. And I realized, in that moment, that they hadn’t changed. My parents were, for the most part, in the exact same spot they were three years ago when I came out.
All of my grace and patience and gentle reading suggestions and subtle attempts to talk about LGBTQ topics had done nothing. My parents hadn’t changed because, frankly, I hadn’t asked them to. I thought I was being kind, gracious, patient; I thought I was giving them time and space. But what I was really doing was being silent, tacitly approving the status quo.
The night of that argument, when I realized that my parents hadn’t changed because I hadn’t asked them to, I also realized that if the Church and America are to change, someone is going to have to ask them to change also. And not just ask once, meekly. We are going to have to force the issue. In his Letter From A Birmingham Jail, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explains,
“Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.”
That day, I decided I would be an “angelic troublemaker,” as Bayard Rustin said. I applied for (and was later accepted to) Soulforce’s Equality Ride and spent 2 months studying nonviolence and theology, including in-person training with civil rights leader John Lewis, and then 2 months traveling the country engaged in activism and speaking at schools, churches, and communities around the intersections faith, justice, gender, and sexuality. In the decade since, I’ve dedicated much of my time, passion, and energy to social justice causes. I do this because of my Christian faith, not in spite of it.
I’m sure you’ve had some similar experiences. Parents who need a little more time, a church that’s still discerning their stance, pastors who have a good heart but don’t quite get it. Whether it’s around LGBTQ issues or something else like race, sexism, police brutality, Islamophobia… I bet there’s been someone in your life who is “not quite there yet” (maybe you have been that person).
And perhaps you’ve even wanted to be more active in creating change in your life, family, and community. If you have a similar stirring in your soul to do something, I see you. Here’s a bit of what I’ve learned from my past decade of faith-based LGBTQ activism.
In Romans 12, Paul says,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.”
Putting your body on the line — literally — is a spiritual act of worship.
A faith-based pursuit of justice is found throughout the Bible.
Micah tell us that what God requires is “to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Amos tells us that God “hates” and “despises” religious festivals, but instead desires that “justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.”
On Palm Sunday, Jesus stages a massive nonviolent direct action by riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, and later that week even goes so far as to destroy property by turning over tables in the temple.
Imagine what our community, our churches, our world would look like if Christians rolled up our sleeves a little more and worked a little more fervently for the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven?
How to get started with faith-based activism
Activism doesn’t happen in a vacuum and simply being LGBTQ (or loving someone who is) doesn’t automagically make you an expert (if only!). Take some time to learn about the issues you find yourself in the midst of, issues that you are connected to, issues that you can work in solidarity with. And learn from those who have gone before about the tactics that worked — and those that didn’t. Innovation is important, of course, but so is learning from those who have already been doing the work, when possible.
Here are some book recommendations to get you started:
Jesus & Nonviolence: A Third Way by Walter Wink
Jesus Acted Up by Robert Goss
Why We Can’t Wait by Martin Luther King Jr. (the published version of Letter From A Birmingham Jail)
How Nonviolence Protects The State and The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderloos
Color of Violence by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence
The Kingdom of God Is Within You by Leo Tolstoy
When We Rise by Cleve Jones
I got my start as an activist with Soulforce, which is committed nonviolent direct action as a means of sabotaging Christian supremacy. Why nonviolence? Here’s how they put it,
It is effective for the kind of work that we do
It is open and accessible in the sense that it provides tools to everyday activists and “pre-activists”
It contains a call to action
And finally, it offers a path of personal transformation. Our goal is always first and foremost the internal healing, reconciliation, strengthening, and transformation of the individual and community.
This is the nonviolent process that I learned:
Experience the nature of the problem and be with the people most affected
Research the problem and the adversary; understand the facts and the cultural texture of where we are located
Negotiate with the adversary directly on what justice can look like
Use direct action to elicit a re-dedication to moving toward justice when negotiation fails
Use tools of communication and media to bring more people into the conversation to lean into the strength of social accountability to work towards cultural change
Return to negotiation when the adversary is willing; the question is not whether we shall move toward justice but how and how soon
Soulforce has a detailed and accessible guide to nonviolence which I highly recommend.
Stay Current
In order to be effective activists, we have to know what’s going on! Some of these groups and resources are not specifically Christian but are doing work around issues that we think are important for Christians. It can be powerful for Christians to work alongside non-Christians on issues that matter to us.
Black & Pink – supporting LGBTQ prisoners
@prisonculture on Twitter
POWER an interfaith activist organization based in Philadelphia (but who is engaged with issues of national and international significance)
National Immigrant Justice Center
@BreeNewsome is a fierce Black, Christian activist. Follow her on Twitter to stay connected to current events + be blessed by her keen insight
Queer Theology – on our Facebook and Twitter, we regularly share information about issues that are important to LGBTQ Christians and supporters as well as actions you can take to make a difference
Connect Locally
Groups meeting at your local LGBT Center are a great place to start. Look up who is there and get involved in one that resonates with you
Everytown for Gun Safety has actions you can take — digitally and in-person — to make a difference in your community
Soulforce has opportunities to educate yourself and take action digitally and locally.
Trans Day of Action is an annual event organized by Audre Lorde Project in NYC and has local actions in some cities. It’s a great way to offer your body as a living sacrifice by showing up for trans justice
Black Lives Matter has chapters across the country. If there’s one in your town, you can link up!
Practice Activism in Your Daily Life
Activism isn’t only being part of an official organization, it also happens in your personal life.
Speak up when a family member says something homophobic, racist, or otherwise prejudiced
Ask your pastor to use examples of LGBTQ people in their sermons
Start a group at your church — maybe it’s something simple like an LGBTQ fellowship, or more active like an activist group
Ask your church leaders to read our article on how to tell if your church is welcoming for transgender people and go through our Inclusive Church Checklist
You don’t have to be outspoken and in your face to practice activism. Fr. Shay wrote an article on how introverts can get involved with activism in a way that feels safe and sustainable.
Take Care of Yourself
If you want to be an effective activist, helping make the world a better place… then you need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself too.
We have a bunch of resources on self-care including An LGBTQ Christian Guide to Self-Care
There may be a peer support group you can join at a local nonprofit that centers around your experience (in major cities, healthcare nonprofits often have these, as well as community- and issue-specific groups such as LGBTQ, veterans, immigrants, etc).
You may find therapy to be helpful in taking care of yourself (I know that I do!). If you have insurance, you may be able to see a therapist for relatively cheap. If you don’t, there might be a nonprofit that offers those services to you at no or lost cost. You can also look into virtual counseling with a company such as BetterHelp. We can’t recommend enough that you work with a licensed therapist who does not have a religious agenda. This type of therapist will be much more helpful than a “Christian counselor” through your church or a religious organization.
Get Started
I know there’s a lot here and the last thing I want you to do is get stuck in analysis paralysis. I know that a fear of doing or saying the wrong thing can take keep many of us from ever taking action.
What sort of world would we live in if we were always ruled by fear of failure? You may mess up along the way and that’s human. The key is to graciously admit your mistakes, learn from the experience, and commit to making things right. We’re in this together.
So today, pick one book to read or one organization to connect with. Take one step today, and another tomorrow, and a third next week. Keep on with the work until that day when justice rolls down like a river. Because together, we’re gonna change the world.
We’ve got more resources for Christian activism coming, if you want to make sure you get ‘em all, you can signup here and we’ll send ‘em your way
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and now for a few Barbmura starters that I was apparently going to do something with, but forgot about and never actually did.
It was an old building, one maintained by some local historical society or another.  They found that out because of a plaque by the doorway that Nomura read out to Barbara and explained, since it was in Norwegian. They entered quietly.  The space silent around them.
Once Nomura closed the door, they were alone in the empty theater.  Much had changed since Nomura had been there to see Peer Gynt for the first time, but it felt like nothing had.
(I have a distinct memory of this being the opening line for a story, but I utterly forget what that story was supposed to be so here ya go)
Nomura grumbled, rolled out of bed, and padded downstairs where Barbara was up with a notepad and a calculator at the table.
“You?  Nervous?  I don’t believe it.”  Nomura laughs
“This is not the time for joking around.”  Barbara huffs.  She purses her lips.  “It’s about you.  Us.  In there with all of them.  She motions toward the door and the reception they could see through the doors.  “I…they don’t know about me.  Us.  That we’re—” She gestures with her hands.  “Together.”  She looks away.  “I never exactly came out.”
“Barbara, I’m here.”  Nomura takes her hand.  “I can always transform and give them something else to talk about, or we can leave?”
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