sunsmitten · 4 years
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A quick insight to Aleksy’s large, immediate family. They’re a rowdy bunch and host big Christmas and Halloween parties. 
Najia and Halden Patera: They’ve been married for twenty-three years! Both from Greece but eventually moved elsewhere. Najia is a CEO of a shoe company, famous for women’s heels while his father joined the military at a young age. He’s long since been retired and receives money for his service, and used to be a stay at home dad. But now that Aleksy’s left the house, he’s lonely :( He likes to bake cookies and gives them to the neighbors tho!
Cassia Patera: Graduated art school but ultimately became the owner of a bakery! Just turned 35 years old and recently got married to her girlfriend of five years!! Her main expertise is making artistic sculptures out of cakes and that’s how she makes her business. She’s the eldest sibling of the family and she’s often looked to as another parent for her much younger siblings. Very stern and hard to get to laugh, but she’s a softy underneath her hard exterior!
Dotty Patera: Went to the same art school as her sister Cassia, but dropped out when she found a love for tattooing. She’s the one that convinced Aleksy to get his ears and tongue pierced, and was the person to give Aleksy the sun tattoo on his ribs. 33 years old and almost the complete opposite of her older sister. Carefree, loud and boisterous, she used to be quite the player until she met her current girlfriend. She’s also the one that spikes the drinks at all the family parties. 
Lars Patera: 29 years old and the most mellow one out of the siblings. They’re a peacekeeper and prefers calm atmospheres instead of any hustle and bustle. They kept all their other siblings sane while they were all in the same house together and their room was often used as an escape haven from everyone else. More of a listener than a talker, they give good advice when advice is due. Used to help Aleksy with his sports if their parents were too busy. Stands in the corners at parties and likes to watch the chaos instead of join it. If someone wants official approval from the family, they have to earn Lar’s favor first.
Darius Patera: Was the biggest troublemaker out of the siblings and still is to this day. He’s been arrested twice for ‘public disturbance’ charges and remains to be a huge partier. He’s off and on with all of his ex boyfriends and girlfriends and tends to hop from one job to the next. Right now, at 27 he works as a cook at a dive bar. He doesn’t see a problem with his current lifestyle and tries to convince his siblings to live like he does, but they never fall for it. 
Jace and Mateo Patera: Twins, 25 years old and Jace is on the brink of graduating film school while Mateo, like Aleksy, loves to travel and has been in Norway for a little over a year. Unlike the stereotypical belief that twins were inseparable, Jace and Mateo were very independent from each other. They had a good relationship growing up, and are by far the closest to each other than any of their other siblings, but they’ve never felt the need to be together at every waking moment. Jace has his hands busy making a short film while Mateo is planning his next trip. 
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