#SI Recruitment 2021
maxwell-grant · 1 year
Sorry, I see you already answered that question in 2021, found that post.
My new question is: what is “the shadow”?
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(Art by Dan Schkade)
“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow Knows…” The maxim that the weed of crime bears bitter fruit, intoned at the start of every program, was biblical in its sternness. The Shadow was an Old Testament avenger, a ruthless slayer of the wicked, very befitting the Depression decade of his greatest strength. The Shadow was both the force for good and lurker in the darkness. - The Shadow Scrapbook
The Shadow, also known as The Master of Darkness, The Dark Avenger, The Master of Men's Minds, Weird Creature of the Night, Identity Theft Georg, That Guy Who Lives in Lamont Cranston's House, "Shads" and other many names, is a mysterious figure who fights evil by turning it against itself. He is a former globetrotting aviator-spy-soldier (revealed to be named Kent Allard, 7 years into the character's run) turned crimefighting paladin who fights to protect and uplift the innocent and bring justice to victims of strife and calamity, and he does so with the black-clad design, domineering charisma, sinister cackle, Machievellian theatrics and ruthless efficiency of a villain.
In action, The Shadow loomed as a cloaked figure, materializing from out of the night, rescuing helpless victims and striking terror into the hearts of evildoers. However, he reserved such theatrics for a logical climax. Between times, The Shadow proved himself a master of deduction as well as disguise.
While his major missions were to stamp out mobs or smash spy rings, he often tabled such routines in order to find a missing heir, uncover buried treasure, banish a ghost from a haunted house or oust a dictator from a mythical republic. The Shadow was such an incredible character in his own right that almost anything he encountered was accepted by his ardent followers. - Walter Gibson
The Shadow began life as the spooky narrator of publisher Street & Smith's radio program, whose sibilant, mocking personality and sinister cackle were dramatically more interesting than any of the programs he was narrating, and so when listeners started asking Street & Smith for a Shadow Magazine that did not exist, they had to make one of their own. To that end, they recruited a young magician turned newspaper writer and former associate of Houdini's fraud-busting network, Walter Gibson, to write the adventures. Gibson was extremely acquainted with the ins and outs of illusionism and sleight-of-hand and worked personally with many of the greatest magicians at the time, and would extensively use said knowledge in crafting The Shadow's character and adventures.
And so The Shadow Magazine began, reviving the "hero pulp" format that had died out in the pre-WW1 dime novels and redefining the mold of crimefighting "pulp heroes" from that decade onwards, as well as many superheroes from that time period inspired by him and his successors. He is currently more famous for being plagiarized by the chief inspiration for a certain guy who runs around with bat ears and for his general role as a highly influential forerunner and influence in forms of storytelling still extensively used today.
On the taxonomical chart of Western comics he’s a common ancestor for a sizeable chunk of the marketplace. Every street vigilante, every masked crime-fighter, every necessary monster: he’s in the DNA of them all. A living fossil, a coelacanth or goblin-shark for the comics world, swimming in waters of ice and ink - Si Spurrier
The Shadow maintained a fluctuating radio career over the 1930s to go along with his highly successful magazine, and he'd eventually reach newfounds heights of stardom from 1937 onwards thanks to the debut of a new radio show, initially starring Orson Welles in the titular role. Said radio show would become an audience hit well into the 1940s and would introduce new fixtures to the character such as friend-and-companion Margo Lane and an invisibility superpower, which were eventually integrated since into the comics and pulps and other media. You can still easily find many of the character's radio adventures online as well as his exploits in comics and pulps (harder to find now, but still possible if you know where to look). I'll pass along my personal recommendations here.
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(Art from Matt Wagner's The Curse of Blackbeard Skull, in The Shadow #100)
In the taxonomical history of American crimefighters he sits in between the hardboiled detectives of the 1920s and the 1940s superheroes, and although the 1930s pulp heroes were in part defined largely by imitating him, he is no traditional square-jawed do-gooder: he is a tall, gaunt, cadaverous wraith with the mask of a Western bandit and a vampire's cloak and the clothes of 19th-century cartoons of saboteurs and anarchist bombers. The barest glimpse of the man beneath is that of a judgemental patrician's aquiline nose and intense, sharp eyes, like icepicks probing the back of your skull. He makes a point to show every now and then how easily he can reshape that face to suit his needs, and make it your own, even doing so in front of you to make a point.
He is Dracula meets King Arthur, Sherlockian brainpower and Lupin trickery joined forces, centerpiece to urban thrillers turned into fairytales as The Big Bad Wolf switches sides to save us. Though his setting looks the part, The Shadow is no gritty film noir creature: he is what happens when the cutthroat gangsters and invincible spymasters and predatory businessmen behind it all meet the actual scariest guy around: Death itself, as the ultimate master and servant joined in one, who found a higher calling fighting for us instead, breaking and bending and controlling the rules and tipping them ever so slightly in the favor of those who are usually in no position to fight back.
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(Art by Giovanni Timpano, for The Shadow #25)
As we discussed The Shadow, I suggested an opening scene with a cloaked figure emerging from a night fog to prevent a desperate young man from taking a suicide plunge from a high bridge. Thus befriended, the young man would swear loyalty to his rescuer and thereby become involved in exciting adventures with otherp persons who had been aided by the same benefactor, all being united in a common cause against crime. - Walter Gibson
That is where the Agents come in. As The Shadow is a distant living puzzlebox, we are very rarely privy to his thoughts and feelings, he glides through many stories scarcely-seen until he needs to be, and so we frequently experience things from the viewpoint of proxies, whether they are agents or characters swept into intrigue that only The Shadow can save them from. The first Shadow story opens up with a broke and depressed young man named Harry Vincent, ruined by the Great Depression reality of the time and trying to commit suicide, who is saved from it by The Shadow, and upon accepting a new purpose in life as his agent, grows into a dependable and strong ally, friend and even leader to people once like him over the course of the following adventures.
Across his history The Shadow has had agents and allies among all walks of life: redeemed/pretend criminals who use their reputations to provide The Shadow with inside knowledge, war vets, police officers, prison reformists, troublemaking journalists, government agents, politicians, criminologists, psychologists, high society chameleons, streetwise cabbies, janitors, the homeless, even crooks who once worked for those that The Shadow opposed, with some stories dedicated entirely to The Shadow playing guardian angel or working to provide second chances to those who've turned to crime. Community leaders with opposing viewpoints, rebel spies, prostitutes, historical figures such as Amelia Earhart and Nikola Tesla, robots, political activists and freedom fighters, doctors, birds, boxers, actors, magicians, beavers, and a list too big to get into here. There was a crimefighting dog at some point also and he was a very good boy.
Said list also includes the guy most people initially assume is his secret identity, a wealthy globetrotting man-about-town named Lamont Cranston. The first on-screen meeting between The Shadow and his secret identity Lamont Cranston consisted of The Shadow showing up in the dark at Cranston's bedside, wearing his face and telling him in pristine detail how much he's usurped Cranston's life, and effectively blackmailing him into leaving town so he can continue being Cranston uninterrupted. It is considerably less known, however, that eventually Cranston and The Shadow became weird friends following this ordeal and worked together several times, with Cranston turning out to be a pretty entertaining hero in his own right even besides his designated purpose of being rich and useless, even he was not immune to The Shadow's ability to enact positive change on his allies. Which is one note I'll end this post on: that The Shadow and his surroundings can be a lot more layered than given credit for.
I make the argument again and again that The Shadow is an intriguing character with much more to him than simply the gun violence and spooky laughter and murderousness that he's frequently reduced to, even if he isn't quite consistently so (as expected of one who's been around in virtually every medium for over 90 years). He can be compassionate, thoughtful, cautious and consequence-minded in his approach to effectively combat crime and protect others, ridiculous, eccentric, flawed in ways big and small and humanizing, for better or worse depending on who's writing him. He is a versatile shapeshifter as well as an unassailable force of personality to throw into any gathering, any circumstance, any narrative, and remain unique.
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(Art by Michael Kaluta, from Hell's Heat Wave)
With those other “masked avenger” pulp types, their masked identities are an act, at least in part. Underneath the hat and mask they are regular guys with relatable motivations. With the Shadow, the guy in the hat and scarf IS the real guy, and his motivations and feelings are largely kept from us.
When we see him in his “civilian” identity, THAT is an act. So there’s a kind of brutal simplicity to his dialogue.
He is what he appears to be, and says exactly what he means. - Chris Roberson
And that's about it as a summary. I have a masterpost pinned at the top because, evidently, I have a lot more to say about the character and more I can't cover here. If you want, feel free to shoot me any additional questions and let me work out my fixation on the weird crime spooky murder man. I have to go off about him at least once a month or else I start eating my furniture so, help me out here.
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lucdoodle · 2 years
Reaction to the ROTTMNT movie
So, obviously, SPOILER for the movie !!!
Holyshit is that blood ??! Is that allowed ??
5 minutes in and a main died whoa
6 minutes in and 2 MAIN DIED
I kind of just thought of it rn but Casey Jones could be Cassandra’s brother ?
(mention of the Krang) holy shit Splinter is serious
why did you guys sent did dude THE SAME DAY and not a little before whyyy
the technodrome Whou-ou !!
(leo gets the key) destroy the key leo !
( very dark sound) HOLLY FUCK IS IT RAPH ??!
haha, knew it
also thank god it was his shell, that sounds didn’t let me think that, but yeah, there’s only certain things that they’re allowed to do
the plot didn’t go where i thought it would go, with them ACTUALLY getting the key, that’s cool
I don’t need to say that at this point but the animation is AMAZING
« NICE » ?!! Dude come on XD jgftuygfvjh
yeah, you should destroy this thing
April: « then we should destroy it » Yeah !!
« guys, we’re doing my way, remenber ? » geez
Yeah, that reaction exactly !
Mikey’s comment on donnie’s soft shell reminds me of a LOT of angsty donnie fanart rn
April’s school science room will save the day ? Imagine it’s just salt, like, something mixed with just salt, lol, i bet on this
casey= and all we got is this guy// GEEZ DUDE HOLY FUCK
by the way i hope we see cassandra (foot recruit) at some point and casey say something like « sis ?! » i dunno (also I think that casey has a sister mentionned in the 2021 version?? maybe)
(April and Splinter save Donnie and Mikey) Ah, is hat herbicide?
I bet Raph is possessed in there, or like,  in feral mode
ah, yes, i saw something like that in the trailer tho
(see possessed Raph(tm)) ……………………….. the badass fanarts that will be made
(casey= we can’t chznge the future) DUDE DON T ?? SAY THAT ?!
Holy fuck the animation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(fight against the main’s brother) Nice move Mikey !!
(I AM A SPACESHIP line) omg, I feel like it’s a reference to something too, either a movie or the 2003 adapdation maybe ?? I’m going by vibes here)
(leo speech/and that i’m sorry)i know this isn’t refering to that but in the last season of the 2012 adaptation, in the parody of mad max i think?? there was a scene like this one, but it was possessed Leo holding Raph instead
Mickey doing the move !!! trowing extremely big object at others *cheers *
Hw did you survive that Raph ??????!!!
(you re one to talk big bro) yeah
i’m trying to think i there’s an adaptation where leo died but i don’t think so ?? i didn’t read the comics tho umm, anyway i REALLY think he’ll be okay anayway
‘you ve been portal chopped) hooolyyyyyyyyyyy fuck
holy shit
MICKEY ?!!!!!!!!!
Now that i think oof it there s a little bit of baron draxum, not even a mention or a silgle shot, or big mama, was expectng like, a reaction or something, but I guess this really isn’t about them
Raph doesn’t have his eye scar anymore ? Ah his shell is still damaged from that hit at the beginning (i knooow it’s not a ref but it’s interesting to know that in the real life (the Bay movies i think they’re called), in the first one Raph’s shell gets damaged too, they fixed it bu using duck tape)
aww !!
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Falling into your smile
Year : 2021 | Country : CN | Nb of episodes: 31
My rate: 7/10
Synopsis :
In the ultra-competitive world of e-sports, the all-male ZGDX OPL team is second to none. Armies of adoring female fans follow the team wherever it goes. But when one of the team’s star players suffers a hand injury, the tall, handsome, and notoriously hard-to-please ZGDX captain Lu Si Cheng will not be rushed into choosing a replacement.
The petite, lollipop-loving Tong Yao, meanwhile, is a budding amateur gamer – obsessed with OPL. Her skills are exceptional, but she is of the firm belief that in the male-dominated world of pro gaming, love is a big no-no – even though her own ex-boyfriend was a gamer. When the ZGDX team manager learns of her skills, he contacts her, thinking that recruiting her as the scene’s first female player will help score a major PR coup. Lu Si Cheng is dismissive of her initially, but eventually agrees to accept her as a substitute – a move that polarizes the team’s fanbase. But as they start to get to know one another better, could a closer bond begin to form between them?
Main cast :
Xu Kai as Lu Si Cheng
Cheng Xiao as Tong Yao
Zhai Xiao Wen as Jian Yang
My thoughts on this drama :
I've seen a bunch of E-Sports drama now, and it is not the worst nor the best. I liked the fact that they for once put a girl on the forefront of a professional team, instead of the sidekick love interest. Xu Kai is at his best in this kind of youth oriented drama, in my opinion.
A Favorite ?
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avideomakr · 2 years
5 Reasons Your Business Needs Video Marketing
In 2021, video marketing will be one of the most effective ways to communicate with potential customers. Around 85% of users spend the majority of their time consuming video content. More significantly, most marketers and organizations are now actively engaging in video marketing in order to boost sales, brand awareness, and market share.
Experts anticipate that by 2022, video content will account for over 82 percent of all internet traffic. One of the main reasons for this is because social media platforms such as Netflix, Facebook, YouTube, and Tiktok have altered the way people consume information. Millennials and Gen-Z are now more likely to consume video material.
As a result, if you don't use video marketing in the future, you'll have to compete for fewer than 20% of online visitors. That is something that no brand wants.
Let’s talk about how video content may help with the five key marketing issues that most companies and startups face today.
1. Using video to build trust
Winning the trust of your customers and potential customers is the foundation of every strong brand. People are more inclined to share excellent word of mouth if they trust you and your product or service. And believe me when I say that there is no more natural approach to contact people than positive word of mouth.
However, establishing that trust may be challenging, particularly for new businesses. Scammers and hackers abound on the internet, making it difficult for most consumers to trust new companies. There's also the potential of poor customer service or a negative overall experience. They are unwilling to take such a risk.
So, where does video fit into the picture?
Consider this: selling a product is difficult, but proposing to add value is much simpler. First, your material should be focused on what the consumer would get from trusting your brand, not the other way around. Utilize video for successful storytelling once you've developed that technique. Videos are more intimate than any other content, with greater flexibility for creative vision and a faster connection with the viewer.
Take a look at this employee recruitment video I edited for Grain Millers. They've delivered their message and reasons to trust them as an employer in under two minutes, with a tinge of emotional appeal.
And there you have it: your video formula for building trust.
Remember that if consumers feel emotionally connected to your brand, they are more inclined to trust it. You may even utilize that trust to motivate social change or send forth corporate messaging.
Videos allows you to:
Make a straightforward statement.
Concentrate on what the consumer will get from it or the value you will provide them.
Create imaginative storylines or a story that your audience can relate to.
2. Creating a Brand Presence
So, after establishing trust, the next issue you'll likely encounter is increasing brand recognition. There are a plethora of practical and relevant approaches available now.
Optimize your content for search engines to improve your ranking.
Post educational and entertaining material to your social media accounts.
Create user-generated content by interacting with the audience.
Conduct surveys and make the results public.
Request testimonials from consumers.
While all of these methods are sound, they are best captured in video. When compared to other types of content, videos generate over 300% higher traffic. It's not just about the statistics, either. Greater traffic translates to more brand exposure and a higher possibility of establishing a brand presence across numerous platforms.
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3. Increase SEO
Every day, Google receives over 6.9 billion searches. That means that if you don't operate differently than your competitors, you'll become lost in a sea of comparable products. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to stand out from the crowd of searchers.
That's significant because, as you probably already know, brands near the top of search engine results have a significant edge over their competitors.
Only 5.7% of new web pages will reach into the top ten Google searches in a year. Even if someone maintains their website on a regular basis, it might take up to 6 months to improve their ranking. And it effectively implies that either your content must be really outstanding and unique in order to rank quickly, or you must adopt a more cautious approach.
While I believe that both of these techniques are excellent, you may speed up the process by using video. If you have a video integrated on your website, your odds of appearing first in a Google search rise by about 53 times.
Similarly, having videos on YouTube can assist with search engine rankings when customers search for terms that are relevant to your video. It is advisable to include tags and descriptions for better results.
Instagram, for example, works in a similar way, prioritizing great videos above other forms of content.
4. Improving Conversion Rates
Your ideal consumer must comprehend the value and benefits of the items or services you're selling before you can potentially convert a lead.
Because your competitors are selling essentially the same product as you, your task is to promote yourself differently. Alternatively, you might position yourself as one of the best choices. It's no secret that we're constantly bombarded with information. Our brains process a lot of data, so it prefers to use shortcuts to make things simpler for itself. One of the possible effects of too much information is a reduced attention span.
The average time it takes for a person to leave your landing page is 3 to 5 seconds. So it's up to you to keep their attention for that amount of time. You may accomplish this in a variety of ways now. You can almost certainly offer them something, or your material can be so compelling that they can't help but read on.
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However, videos have been shown to increase sales by 500%, and this is due to the fact that they are direct. Because the video's content is relevant, the client experiences real-life interaction and is more inclined to stay in the video.
5. Developing a Content Strategy
Finally, I arrive at the final key marketing problem that even large corporations must face: developing a content strategy.
Because various businesses and niches have distinct audience demographics, there is no hard and fast rule. And what works for one group of people might not work for another. So, before you begin developing a plan, you must first do an in-depth study of your consumer profile to determine the type of content strategy you require.
You'll be in a better position to include video content in your plan and make it stand out if you have that. Including videos in your creative approach can assist engage your audience while also adding diversity to your material stream. To provide an insight into the market, your company culture, or just a podcast, you may work with industry leaders, consumers, or even team members.
In fact, with the development of TikTok and Instagram's new Reel feature, the more video content you create, the more interaction you'll get from the younger demographic.
You may utilize technologies like Google Trends, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and BuzzSumo to figure out what kind of content you should be producing.
Last Words of Advice
So, beginning today, make an effort to incorporate more video material into your entire plan. You'll thank me!
And if everything above sounds great but you just don’t have time to implement it into your business, I’d be glad to talk with you how I can produce video for you so you can focus on your business.
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tobywannabe · 2 years
Imposter Syndrome
I was an over-achiever since gradeschool.
Simula elementary up to hs, honor student pero never ko inacknowledge yun kasi konti lang naman kami sa batch namin. Kahit nung nagtransfer ako sa public nung elementary and pinanglaban sa quizbee, di ko din pala naacknowledge yun kasi iniisip ko, masipag lang ako magsulat at magbasa ng notes. Nung pumasa ako sa scholarship sa dost, di ko din nacelebrate yun kasi nasa isip ko di naman kahirapan yung exam kaya ako nakapasa don. Nung nakagraduate ako on time sa state university na engineering school, di ko din nacelebrate yun kasi parang yun naman yung required na tapusin on time kasi wala akong choice need ko magtrabaho kagad. Nung pumasa ako sa boards na pasado lahat ng subjects, wala di ko din nacwlebrate yun kasi mas magagaling mga kabatch ko e sisiw lang sakanila tsaka matataas nakuha nila kesa sakin na sakto lang talaga. Di ko din naman nacelebrate yung pagkapasa sa boards kasi kailangan ko kagad magwork tsaka wala kaming pera nung time na yun, sembreak tsaka walang trabaho si mama, kay papa lang kami naasa ng budget nun. Kaso ayun nga etong december 2019 tinigil kagad ni papa financial support sakin. Kailangan ko kagad magtrabaho nun kasi hindi kami magsusurvive ni mama kasi wala din sya work kasi sembreak. Pinakiusapan lang namin na hanggang december man lang makapagwork lang talaga ako. Wala na. Kahit di ko field at di ko trip yung work, nag apply ako sa lab equipment provider na company. Kahit sales exec yung position, palag na kasi kailangan ko magwork. Hanggang sa wala na talaga financial support ni papa nung nagwork na ko. Unang part ng 2020 mejo okay pa kasi may income kami parehas ni mama kaso ayun nga march 2020, naglock down, nawalan ng work si mama. I did my best naman as sales exec nung buong 2020. Nagsasakripisyo magwork kahit pandemic and magcommute kasi wala naman ako choice. I did my best talaga. But ayun ang alam ko malaki sales ng lab equipment conpany na yun pero ang barat ng bonus namin. Mas mababa ng konti sa inflation. Ang rason nila, pandemic daw. E pandemic nga madami kami sales kasi ginagamit sa covid testing. Di ko talaga maintindihan.
July—August 2021. Nalaman ko na ako lang pala yung increase e ganun lang kaliit. Yung iba e malaki increase kasi lagi sila nag oot. di ko gets kasi kailangan ba more time to spend e yun na yung basehan ng performance. Naabot ko yung quota ko for the year kahit august palang. Naabot ko din quota ko last year. Di ko maintindihan bakit pakiramdam nila under performing ako kahit lagpas na ko sa quota. Dahil ba nagagawa ko mga work ko ng on time? Ewan ko basta nagtampo talaga ako nhng nalaman ko yun. Lagi ko dati tinuturn down yung recruiter sa buong stay ko sa lab equipment company na yun kasi nga nagpeperform ako ng maayos. Politics talaag nagtrigger sakin magresign dun.
Ngayon naman, gusto ko na yung field of work ko pero parang wala ako nagagawang maganda sa work kasi di ako certified. Pero nakagawa na ko ng number of SOPs. Pero di nga ako certified kaya ayun ewan para lang akong saling pusa don.
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xtruss · 6 months
Britain's Spymasters Should Look In The Mirror To Find Undercover Operatives Stealing Secrets
— Mark Blacklock | January 12, 2024
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
In recent years, Britain's Secret Intelligence Service has intensified its attacks on China for alleged spying activities in Britain. However, if the SIS wants to root out operatives working undercover to steal the country's secrets, they should perhaps ask themselves. The arrest of a businessman surnamed Huang by China's Ministry of State Security brings attention to the hypocrisy of the spymasters at MI6.
Huang, the head of an overseas consultancy, is accused of serious offences. He is said to have worked for SIS for about nine years, using the specialist skills and equipment provided to him after being recruited to steal state secrets. The MSS says that behind his façade as a businessman, his undercover job was to collect China-related intelligence for the British espionage agency and identify potential recruits.
It smacks of double standards. What else would you call repeatedly attacking another state by accusing it of something, and then cynically behaving in the same way?
Last year, the head of MI6, Richard Moore, said in2023 that China presented "an epoch-defining challenge" and that his organization commits more of its resources to Beijing's activities than to any other country. It is not the first time he criticized China. In 2021, he described China ominously as "an authoritarian state, with different values from ours."
The UK's assaults on China come in many forms. They can be a warning of vague, unsubstantiated allegations about individuals having undue influence on British politicians. They can come as personal attacks on people of Chinese heritage simply because they work with influential decision-makers to raise issues of concern to the UK's Chinese community (but without real evidence to back up the slurs). They can even come in the form of sudden arrests by police accusing people of serious espionage offences - and then letting those people go free without charge. A common feature of these events is that they created a great deal of smoke without fire - generating much Sinophobic sentiment fueled by unsupported allegations. Nothing came of them.
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Mark Blacklock! Mark Blacklock is Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is the author of the cultural history The Emergence of the Fourth Dimension, and his most recent novel Hinton was longlisted for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction in 2021.
The most recent example is of Chris Cash, a researcher in the UK parliament, who was arrested, with an associate, under espionage laws. He could hardly be described as pro-China - he actually worked for an anti-China research group and vehemently denied wrongdoing. The substance of the investigation seems to have been that he had contact with influential politicians interested in Chinese affairs. It looked like guilt by association. Neither he nor his colleague have been charged.
Cash's arrest happened almost a year ago, but it did not become public knowledge until it was leaked to the British media six months later, creating negative publicity, at about the same time that Beijing was hoping to improve China-UK relations at a high level.
Two years ago, Christine Lee, a London-based lawyer of Chinese origin, was accused by Britain's domestic intelligence service, MI5, of being a spy for Beijing - and yet again, no arrests or charges followed. All that happened was that her reputation - and goodwill toward China - was severely damaged. The agency accused her of being "involved in political interference activities" in the UK. Lawmakers in the House of Commons were also given a so-called "interference alert" - the first issued in at least 80 years. Lee knew nothing about it until she saw media reports branding her "an enemy of the state." She later launched legal action against MI5 in a bid to clear her name.
Britain's intelligence services have clearly identified China as a target for their operations. Is one aspect of that to cast suspicion on people simply because of their Chinese background or with personal connections to China, or with a special interest in China? Why is there so much smoke without any fire, so many accusations without substantiation? In the Huang case London stands accused of doing the very thing it accuses Beijing of doing. It's astonishing hypocrisy, especially when the West has so often been caught out in the past.
— The Author is a Journalist and Lecturer in Britain.
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tdsci · 7 months
Odisha Police SI Results 2023 Announced at odishapolice.gov.in: 1,439 Candidates Selected for Physical Tests - Times of India
Odisha Police SI Result Out: The Odisha Police Recruitment Board (OPRB), Cuttack, has announced the results of the Sub-Inspector (SI) of Police Examination-2021. Following the written test conducted by OPRB, a total of 1,439 candidates have been short-listed for the Physical Standards and Physical Efficiency Tests. These tests are scheduled to take place from December 26, 2023, at OSAP 6th Bn.,…
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mariacallous · 1 year
The director of the Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service, SIS, Alexandru Musteata, said on Monday that his institution he leads and the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases, PCCOCS, had dismantled an FSB spy network in the country.
The two bodies sent the court a criminal case for treason and espionage against a group of people led by two FSB officers who recruited Moldovan citizens for socio-political intelligence gathering, disinformation campaigns and denigration of the pro-European leaders of the country.
“The activity of the Russian citizens and the agency network was aimed at influencing the social-political processes of Moldova in the interest of the Russian Federation. At the same time, to maintain dependence on Russia, the two carried out informational operations to shape public opinion,” Musteata told a press briefing.
Starting in 2020, the two Russians, named as Iurii G. and Vadim I., organised hostile activities against Moldova and its citizens, especially about legislative intentions and plans, seeking compromising information about political leaders and actors from Chisinau and managing shady informational projects, especially on Telegram channels.
“One of the agents recruited by Iurii G. and Vadim I. had the task of identifying and securing such financial channels, of providing logistical support to projects ordered and financed by the FSB, but also of recruiting other citizens of Moldova,” the head of the SIS said.
One person recruited by the two Russians is a Moldovan citizen now in custody and accused of treason, and potentially facing a prison sentence of 12 to 20 years.
Musteata also stated that illegal transfer of funds were made through cryptocurrency and the Hawala system, with the involvement of currency exchange houses from Moldova.
He added that in 2021 alone, about 500,000 US dollars were transferred from Russia to Moldova through these financial channels, which were used for the purposes described.
The SIS head appealed to the people who foreign secret services, especially Russian ones, contact – and report these facts to the authorities.
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Chandigarh Police Coaching in Chandigarh from Gurukul Career Group is best Chandigarh Police Constable Coaching in Chandigarh. We provide Best Coaching for Chandigarh Police constable and Chandigarh Police SI (Sub Inspector) and Gives Best result with 100% assured Success. Last time Chandigarh police constable exam was conducted in 2018 and Gurukul Career Group only Academy that gives best result. Now in 2021 once again Chandigarh Police ASI Coaching in Chandigarh administration is going to conduct exam for recruitment of Constable and SI for proper functioning of Administration and maintaining Law and Order. This time exam procedure will be different than the previous year. This time candidates have to first qualify written exam and then has to pass physical test and medical. To crack this exam you need best police constable coaching for which Gurukul Career Group is Police Coaching in Chandigarh.
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heathersmithau · 1 year
A Rising Cornish Tide Raises All Ships⛵ | Paul Miller
In this episode I speak with Paul Miller, Managing Director of Cornish Accounting Solutions.
🏙️👨‍💼 The impact of the 2014 Sydney Xerocon.
🤝📈 It’s your business, you make the decisions.
💪 The importance of staying true to one's beliefs.
📅🔙 The early days of Xero.
🤝🤝 The return to traditional values and relationships.
🤝👥 The importance of meeting clients in person.
💻🛠️ What are some of the things you have in your tech stack? Xero, Dext Prepare, Dext Precision, and Ignition.
🏆 Winner of the first effortless bookkeeping challenge in the UK.
📚 The importance of providing training to clients.
🔟 The 10 factors that determine if a client will work with you.
💡 If you don’t like what you’ve got, change it.
🤝 Refer to other local firms if not the right fit.
👥 Recruiting team members.
📞💬 The best way to communicate with people is to pick up the phone and talk to people.
❓ The importance of asking why.
🌟 True leaders plan succession and transition succession.
🧑‍💼🎓 Paul’s thoughts on the last 24 hours at the Accountants BootCamp and how it has impacted his life.
  Today I’m bringing you the second interview as part of a series of interviews I conducted at the Accountants BootCamp. If you enjoy this episode, I encourage you to listen to the last episode, and subscribe to the podcast to hear the next two interviews.
  The re:Boot event, brought together speakers and attendees from the original Accountants BootCamp in the 1990s, including industry legend Paul Dunn. The three-day workshop, led by Dunn and Aynsley Damery, CEO of Clarity, focused on delivering repeatable, scalable services that benefit both the firm and the client. Many attendees use Clarity's software platform to assist in delivering these services. In case you missed it, Aynsley Damery joined me on a previous episode of Cloud Stories in May 2021, where we discussed 'How to double your clients profits in 5 easy steps.'
Before I pass over the interview, to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the accounting apps space can I encourage you to join the Xero Mastermind Facebook group, subscribe to the Accounting Apps newsletter, and to the Cloud Stories podcast also connect with me on LinkedIn .
  For today's episode, I’m joined by Paul Miller, Managing Director of Cornish Accounting Solutions, as you shall hear in the episode I first met Paul when he visited Xerocon, in 2014, and I’ve keenly watched his journey since then.
  Connect with me here: 
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ANISEConsulting/podcasts
Cloud Stories w. @HeatherSmithAU
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Università, La Sapienza si conferma prima al mondo in studi classici per il terzo anno consecutivo
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Università, La Sapienza si conferma prima al mondo in studi classici per il terzo anno consecutivo. L'Università La Sapienza si conferma la prima al mondo in studi classici e storia antica per il terzo anno consecutivo. Con il punteggio di 98.7 l’ateneo romano è primo in Italia in due aree tematiche: “arti e scienze umanistiche” e “scienze naturali”, rispettivamente al 41esimo e 44esimo posto mondiale. La Sapienza vanta inoltre 14 primati nazionali in storia antica e classica, archeologia, storia dell'arte, fisica e astronomia, biblioteca e gestione delle informazioni, psicologia e altro. È quanto emerge dall'edizione 2023 del report QS World University Rankings. Il rapporto analizza 54 materie raggruppate in 5 ampie aree tematiche. L’ateneo romano si è classificato in tutte e 5 le aree e in 43 materie, ottenendo complessivamente un'ottima performance a livello mondiale, posizionandosi tra i primi 50 atenei al mondo in 7 materie e tra i primi 100 al mondo in 21 materie. «Per la terza volta consecutiva - afferma la rettrice Antonella Polimeni - gli studi classici della Sapienza hanno raggiunto il podio più alto nella classifica internazionale QS World University Rankings by Subject. Il ranking premia gli studi umanistici del nostro Ateneo, tra i quali il primo posto in Italia per Archaeology, History, Library & Information Management e History of Art, materia introdotta quest'anno per la prima volta. Sapienza è tra le prime 50 università al mondo in materie, tra le quali Fisica-Astronomia e Diritto ed è al primo posto in Italia in altrettante numerose discipline, come Psicologia, Statistica e Infermieristica. Un risultato che ci colloca tra i migliori atenei al mondo». La classifica per materie elaborata da QS prende in considerazione i seguenti parametri: la reputazione accademica e quella tra le aziende basata sull'opinione di recruiter in tutto il mondo, le citazioni per paper, l'utilizzo dell'H-Index sulla prolificità e l'impatto delle pubblicazioni e l'International Research Network, percentuale di pubblicazioni. Quest'anno QS Subject 2023 ha analizzato: 16,4 milioni di articoli unici pubblicati tra il 2016-2020, 117,8 milioni di citazioni nel 2016-2021, 1594 istituzioni classificate in 54 materie raggruppate in 5 ampie aree tematiche.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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giankoen · 1 year
Government job openings and recruitment details
In addition to a regular paycheck, public sector workers are eligible for benefits like health insurance and retirement plans. One need no longer worries about unemployment once they have secured a government position. On the other hand, this is not the case in the business world. When you enter this field, you will be able to be fired from your job after retirement due to the service regulations in place. You can face a suspension if you misbehave or for some other reason. Here are some details about government job openings and hiring.
Jobs Available in the Punjab Police
On January 31, 2023, the official website of the Punjab Police Department will post a notice about an upcoming Punjab Police Vacancy. To apply for the Punjab Police Bharti 2023, interested parties must do so online by the corresponding deadlines of February 28 2023 (For SI) and March 08 2023 (For Constable). The Punjab Police Department online form 2023 can be filled out after first verifying that you meet the necessary qualifying requirements.
The link to the online application for the Punjab Police Constable Recruitment 2023 is live as of January 31, 2023.
Available Positions in the SSC Mountaineering Team, 2023
The Ssc Mts Vacancy 2023 and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2021, have been announced. The announcement said that the SSC MTS result in the write-up and the marks of the qualified/non-qualified applicants would be placed on the website beginning on February 28, 2023. Instead, the upload window has been moved to March 07, 2023. Candidates for the MTS opening in 2023 must have a 10th-grade diploma or its international equivalent to apply.
UPSC Jobs Openings in 2023
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the Upsc Upcoming Vacancy 2023 Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination 2023 application procedure, filling roughly 712 positions. Starting in March of 2023, interested parties can submit applications.
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Announcing the UPSC EPFO Recruitment for 2023
The Ministry of Labor and Employment has an excellent opening for anyone seeking a Sarkari Naukri. The Upsc Epfo Recruitment 2023 has announced that applications will soon be accepted for 577 positions within the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) in the roles of Enforcement Officer and Assistant Commissioner (EPFO). This is why the PDF version of the UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 has been released. As of February 25 2023, interested and qualified applicants can submit their applications online at UPSC's website, upsconline.nic.in.
Join the Indian Air Force in 2023
On October 29, 2022, the Indian Air Force (IAF) published a notice on their website announcing the Indian Airforce Recruitment 2023. On November 07, 2022, the online registration process will open. Anyone interested in applying for this opening in the Indian Air Force must do so through the service's official website.
Working for the government allows one to fulfil their patriotic duty. Working for the government is a fantastic opportunity for those who have always wanted to serve others and positively impact the world. Jobs in the government can also lead to rewarding and expanding careers. You can rise the corporate ladder if you do a good job. Finally, working for the government is usually a rewarding experience.
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gbwhtspro · 1 year
RPSC SI result 2021: Physical efficiency test marks released; how to check
RPSC SI result 2021: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) on Thursday released the RPSC SI result 2021 physical efficiency test (PET) marks. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check the result from the official website of RPSC — rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The PET was conducted from February 12 to 18, 2022. This recruitment drive will fill up 859 posts. RPSC SI result 2021: how to…
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moneymava · 2 years
Security guard recruitment 2023 apply online- security guiard job vacancy 2023
Security guard recruitment 2023 apply online- security guiard job vacancy 2023
Security guard recruitment security job vacancy 2023. Today we have a Job Opening packing job in india, absolutely free no fees required You can apply for guard work in multiple companies. sbi security guard vacancy 2023, security guard recruitment 2023 apply online. regency security guard recruitment 2023.  sis security vacancy 2023, atm vacancy 2021, atm security guard job. job valley online…
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hidden-but · 2 years
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I posted 1,532 times in 2022
That's 378 more posts than 2021!
306 posts created (20%)
1,226 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,495 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#česky - 181 posts
#esc 2022 - 177 posts
#eurovision - 132 posts
#czech - 125 posts
#čumblr - 106 posts
#me and my lovely protein - 90 posts
#languages are fun - 85 posts
#yeah - 79 posts
#eurovison - 77 posts
#lol - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#jinak já jsem původně z toho okraje moravskoslezského kraje kde má každá druhá vesnice jiné nářečí tak asi nejsem úplně důvěryhodný zdroj
My Top Posts in 2022:
hey, we made it into the international news again:
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... headlines about the police wrecking the car in a high-speed chase coming in 3 ... 2 ...
328 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
The czech joy at yet another foreigner finding out that defenestation is not only a theoretical word, but that there are historically practical examples.
340 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
České námořnictvo to rozjíždí ve velkém:
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(for the people that have not heard of this - after Russia annexed the eastern ukrainian territories after “referendums” a polish-czech twitter interactions led to the idea that Czechia (after an online referendum) annexes Kaliningrad (our historical area, since city was named after a czech king in the 13th century), and therefore it will finally reach the sea again. The joke caught on across a good chunk of czech and polish internet, and these are recruitment posts for such newly founded baltic fleet of the czech navy. )
524 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Dneska na Ukradeno z facebooku:
V Hořicích mají sochu K .H. Borovského.
Socha K. H. Borovského má ahem ... no prostě si tam vosy udělaly hnízdo, no.
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642 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
oh gods, this is such a stupid joke, i love it:
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1,919 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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careergurukul · 2 years
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Last time Chandigarh police constable exam was conducted in 2018 and Gurukul Career Group only Academy that gives best result. Now in 2021 once again Chandigarh Police ASI Coaching in Chandigarh administration is going to conduct exam for recruitment of Constable and SI for proper functioning of Administration and maintaining Law and Order. This time exam procedure will be different than the previous year
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