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You're Bacon Me Crazy | @curlynerd
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,205 Main Tags/Warnings: Humor, Coming Out, Food Metaphors, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Supportive Sam Winchester, Canon Compliant, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester Summary: "I can like more than one kind of burger, you know!" Or, Dean comes out through complicated burger metaphors.
Dean Loves Movie Night | @huggybearsunshine
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,316 Main Tags/Warnings: Movie night, domesticity in the bunker, Cas is not oblivious, Cas makes the first move, sam ships it Summary: Castiel starts using movie night as a way to get closer to Dean.
Let Me Drive My Car Into Your Heart | @sunshine-zenith
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,870 Main Tags/Warnings: Unsafe driving, butt touching, fluff and humor, canon compliant Summary: Dean loved his Baby, fact. He also loved his Angel. (In which Cas sticks his head out the window, Sam makes Dean get his head out of his ass, and road safety laws are ignored)
Dancing with the Birds | @gingerfale
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,913 Main Tags/Warnings: Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Fluff & Crack, Getting Together, POV Sam Winchester, Human Castiel in The Men of Letters Bunker, Recreational Drug Use Summary: It's been a month since Castiel was retrieved from the Empty, and Sam's enjoying the peace, though everyone has been relaxing into retirement in their own ways. Castiel and Dean have chosen to hot box the Impala and interrupt Sam and Eileen's movie night. Luckily none of them are going to have any weird reactions to the documentary on bird courtship dances. Right?
Sam Suspects Nothing | @startswitheff
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,967 Main Tags/Warnings: Accidental Voyeurism, Sam Ships It Summary: A Destiel day in the life, from Sam’s POV
5 times Cas had to heal Dean + 1 time Dean had to heal Cas | @fellshish
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,315 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual pining, touch-starved Dean Winchester, pov sam winchester, american sign language Summary: Dean keeps getting himself hurt just so Cas would touch him, to heal him. It drives Sam and Eileen pretty much crazy. Set after 15x19.
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frodothefair · 8 months
"I could not have parted with you, my dear Mari, to anyone less worthy."
--probably Sam at some point in Flowers of Mordor. Because his blessing is as important as the Gaffer's, let's be honest.
Real source: Mr. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice
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crowvainn · 1 month
i am. i am unwell after watching ii 15 💔
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Decided to isolate this cute little Techno Goth (Veggie Burger??) composition from an in-progress comic.
[Image ID: A drawing of Tucker and Sam sharing a chair with their focus on Tucker’s Switch. Tucker is sitting in Sam’s lap with Sam's arms around his waist and her head resting on his shoulder. Tucker is wearing a red beanie with short dreads, a goldenrod yellow turtleneck sweater, green cargo pants, and white shoes. Sam is wearing a black crop top with a fishnet layer over top, purple pleated plaid skirt, artistically ripped purple leggings, and black combat boots with purple treads and bright green laces. Tucker has the tips of his dreads dyed green and purple. Sam has streaks of purple, green, and orange in her hair. /. End ID]
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Imo the best ending to Supernatural would have been to just stop with them alive on a random hunt or them finding jobs and living the life they just wanted or whatever.
And then the story just fucking STOP, because Chuck is not here anymore, so they are no longer part of a story they are finally free. And we could still write and read fanfic about how they live after they won.
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that-fox-thing · 3 months
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I’m sorry-
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So what you’re telling me is that John Winchesters move for Mary was to tell her he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, and Dean decided totally no homo to record a mixtape of his 13 favorite Zeppelin songs and give it to Cas. Peak besties behavior. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.
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sofiaruelle · 9 months
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Playing around with these marker brushes ft ASS gang.
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Gala Buddies
Sam Manson glares out across the sea of the rich, snobby ‘elite.’ The people mingling with one another, all fake smiles and false niceties slipping from their lips easily. Every face a mask they put on to hide their true selves from the view of the public. They made Sam sick. She hated Galas, particularly the ones that took her away from Amity.
So of course, her parents had insisted that they simply must attend the gala in Gotham being held by none other than Bruce Wayne. They couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to see their old pal again.
Though Sam thought it was more like they wanted to suck up to the man for some business venture.
Or try to set her up with one of his sons again.
At least she got to see Gotham’s architecture. That was a positive, she concluded. She’d get some cool photos out of the trip to show Danny and Tucker back home. And maybe she’d get to see one of Gotham’s infamous vigilantes up close, she could try to learn anything from gauging the way they handled themselves that might be useful for Danny.
Sam readjusted her stance, the fabric of the obnoxiously pink dress making her legs itch uncomfortably. Her mother had gone through her luggage before they left when Sam hadn’t been looking and slipped in the monstrosity she was currently wearing, and removing the dresses she had selected for this torturous night. She was becoming moodier, and ‘crabbier’ as Tucker and Danny might have put it, by the second.
Maybe she could ‘accidentally’ trip into the chocolate fountain and ruin the dress. At least then she’d be getting some form of retribution for being forced into the frilly cocoon of humiliation. And it’s not like her parents would be able to scold her too much in front of all the other rich schmuks attending the party. As Sam was eyeing the chocolate fountain she noticed in her peripheral vision a person approaching her.
“Not in a party mood I take it?” Asked whoever had walked up to her.
Sam turned to examine the guy in front of her. He looked to be roughly her age, dark skin and a fancy suit that he looked uncomfortable in. A nervous energy permitted off of him, Sam guessed he wasn’t used to these sorts of events and was unashamedly out of his depth.
“Nah, not particularly,” Sam offered with a shrug, “you seem like you want to be here as much as I do.”
“Ah yeah,” the guy rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, “I’m kinda only here because my brother didn’t want to be here alone and most of our other siblings were unavailable aside from my sister and I. But now he’s off talking to a friend of his that happened to be here, and my sister’s disappeared to who knows where.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Sam offers him a sympathetic smile.
The guy snorts before asking, “did you just quote Zuko?” And Sam grins. He holds out his hand to her, “Duke Thomas.”
Sam shakes his hand, “Sam Manson. Nice to meet you, Duke.”
Duke visibly appears to relax a little and the air of nervousness around his somewhat dissipates. He shifts of his feet for a moment before deciding on something. “So,” he starts, “if you weren’t stuck here what you normally be doing with your time?”
“Probably playing Doom with my two best friends back home,” Sam doesn’t mention anything about the ghosts. She hopes Danny and Tucker are alright in their own.
“Oh cool,” Duke smiles and Sam would be lying if she said she’d never seen someone so perfectly embody literal sunshine like he did. “I usually play videos games with my siblings. Mario Kart can get super competitive though.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at that, intrigued. “How competitive?”
Duke grimaces slightly but looks amused at the same time, “well, tables have been flipped and expensive things broken. And everyone lost Alfred’s cookie privileges for a week.” He ground out that last part as though it physically pained him.
“Damn. They must be some good cookies if you’re that bummed about it.”
“Your have no idea. Alfred’s cookies are the best thing in the world. Fights have broken out over them.”
“Your family sound insane,” Sam chuckles and quickly adds, “in a good way.”
Duke grins at her, “yeah they’re kinda crazy sometimes, but they’re great. Really. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“It must be nice, having siblings like that.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“Nah,” Sam shakes her head, “only child.”
Before either of them know or Sam and Duke have been talking for nearly the entire gala. They remained glued to one another chatting even as one or both of them wanted to grab something to eat from the buffet table. Their interactions didn’t go unnoticed by Bruce and the others.
Sam couldn’t remember the last time she had such a normal and fun conversation with someone other than Danny or Tucker.
The end of the night came too soon, Sam felt. Things were winding down and people were bidding others farewell. She could see her parents speaking with Bruce Wayne, possibly thanking him for a wonderful night.
“Looks like I’ll probably be leaving soon,” Sam deflated a little.
Duke pondered something for a moment but seemed to reach a decision quickly. He pulled out his phone and offered it to Sam, “here, give me your number. We can keep talking later. If you want that is.”
And Sam couldn’t find any reason to say no, especially when Duke was smiling like that. “Sure,” he took the phone from his hand and added her number into his contacts. She pulled out her own phone and handed it to him to add his number in too.
“Well then,” Duke fighters with the end of his suit jacket.
“Sammikins!” Pamela Manson called out, “it’s time to go sweetie.”
“I’ll talk to you late?” Duke asked with a smile.
“Yeah,” Sam smiled back, “talk to you later Duke.”
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lady-disdain221b · 4 months
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lukas-dusk · 4 months
Castiel : So.
Castiel : I'm in love.
Castiel : with Dean.
Sam :
Castiel : I'm in love with Dean.
Sam : Our Dean?
Castiel : Yes.
Castiel : Thoughts?
Sam : And prayers your gonna need them.
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castaneart · 3 months
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Embers in a shell
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 345
Let it be known that none of them actually expected the idiots’ of the week’s ritual to work. The summoning hadn’t worked for literal centuries- everyone knew it had been sealed away, presumably forever!
(Of course they had no way to know that in the Infinite Realms actually used the term forever as a measurement of time, what with how time itself wasn’t particularly linear within. And to beings that could hypothetically live for eternity? Forever was a nice vacation time really) 
So maybe they hadn’t been exactly focused on stopping the ritual as much as they could of been, and by the time they realized it was working, well, it’d been a bit too late then. So yes, mistakes had perhaps in fact, been made. 
First had come the chill, the cold of the ground as your body was lowered down, the cold of your blood dripping from your living corpse. Then came the shadows, the darkness creeping along their vision as their soul slipped from their body. Followed by boiling heat, flames scorching through their flesh and tearing from their chests like a blade piercing their hearts. 
The form that emerged was massive, a cloak dripping crimson fluttering in the wind of an unseen battlefield, verdant flames licking at the air and causing the surrounding shadows to writhe. A dark growl echoed through the building, the stone below them shaking while deathly green eyes glowered down at the living with utter contempt. 
“Do any of you imbeciles know how long it takes to get ghostlings to sleep-” 
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milky-shea · 4 months
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"We were gonna make some plush dolls together.
I was thinking about doing a bunny and he was thinking bout doing a snake cause it was easier.
And we were gonna have them be friends."
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crunchchute · 6 months
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My Sam & Max cosplay I debuted at a local con during the weekend!
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sloanegabe · 8 months
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Love, Rosie (2014) and One Day (2024) parallels
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