thane-watson · 6 years
Ayannah & Thane
ME! You owe me hangout time mister. And a ring.
Alright, I owe you a hangout. When will you be available? I haven’t forgotten that you still what a ring.
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OH OKAY. I see how it is here. This whole damn site just one big thirst trap huh?
Honey, you are lucky I am not in LA right now. That car would be needing a hell of a lot more work.
It sure as hell is. But tell me, how am I lucky for you not being in LA? Aside from the fact that you saved my coworker from having to buy a new car.
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Ayannah & James
I love summer.. I love fall.. I love all seasons honestly. What are you going to be for halloween?
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I was going to say I would be your boyfriend for halloween. But then Im not sure what you would want me to wear. And then I realized I was already wearing boyfriend material. How about you?
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genaya-salazar · 6 years
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Trying to Rest || Para || 25th August
She put her phone down having just sent her snap for the evening and rolled onto her back. Genaya’s body ached having finished her show about an hour ago. The bunk of the tour bus was small, just enough for two people if they didn’t mind staying close. Most days she didn’t get to fall alseep till after one because people were still moving around and packing up till after midnight. The uncomfortable bed meant she tended not to sleep more than three hours. 
Genaya tried to be grateful but knowing the headliner was in a hotel tonight was a little too much of an annoyance. Not knowing how she would be received her label hadn’t wanted to splurge on hotels for every city they visited. Instead she had been sleeping in the tour bus. Genaya hadn’t complained even through the mattress beneath her was hard and made her back ache. The other seemed to sleep just fine so she wondered if it was just her mattress that was the problem. 
She had curled up trying to pretend to sleep when her curtain was pulled back and someone crawled in with her. Genaya blinked uncertainly for a moment till familiar curls came into focus. “Your bunk is the next one along. Or are you just here to see me?” Naya moved carefully to face Ayannah while she made sure not to accidentally shove her out. “do you ever have trouble sleeping. We only have a few days left but it’s seriously cutting into my sleep.”
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Ayannah & James
Honey don’t do it! 
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Don’t cut the hair, the beard or both?
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thane-watson · 6 years
Ayannah & Thane
What no I definitely haven’t watched it…. eighteen times. I also definitely don’t stalk your career at all since Les Mis. And I am definitely not on the verge of screaming onto your face.
No, no of course not. How disappointing. Really? Eighteen times? I’m actually honored. Maybe don’t scream onto my face, but I’m okay with you keeping tabs on my career. It means I’ve made an impact.
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Honey you better slow down. You are becoming an unstoppable force of attractive. Next thing I know you will be taking classes on how to make wine and home made ice cream.
I heard making home made ice cream isn’t that hard. I can learn before your tour finishes and you’re back in LA long enough for me to show you. The wine bit will be a little harder, so no promises there.
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Ayannah & James
Oh my GOD what a handsome little face!! You should spoil him by letting me come give him belly rubs!
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Are you talking to Goliath about me? I only accept belly rubs after Ive eaten.
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