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bayoa-salazar · 7 years ago
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Sometimes I forget that just because I’m a father and a husband it doesn’t mean i’m an old person. Glad I have such a lovely wife to remind me to be silly now and again. 
Does anyone else have someone like that in their lives?
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This cabin will be the vacation destination for Bayoa, Kailani, Christian, and Sirius. This two bedroom and two bathroom cabin is tucked away in one of the wooded areas of the island. The gated back patio includes an infinity pool and jacuzzi, grill, and has a full stock of camping gear to watch the wild animals as they pass by. Its surroundings include hiking trails, cliff diving, and rock climbing. Unlike most of the cabins on the island, it is a longer bike ride to the other portions of the island and, therefore, guests of Albright Cabin are provided with a Land Rover for transportation, if they wish to join in on the itineraries’ activities.
NPC - Prince Christian, son of Bayoa and Kailani
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sirius-heise-blog · 7 years ago
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A Little Vacation || Headcanon || 1 Aug - 10 Aug
When Kailani had first come to him with the plans of going to Denmark and Majorca, Sirius wasn’t sold on leaving her alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the royal family’s other security, but it was that he was the type who didn’t like to appear as though he were relinquishing his duties, and being lazy. He was a hard working individual, sometimes too much and he could admit that to himself and others, but he would rather be viewed as a hard working individual than a lazy man. Still, he couldn’t really argue with Kai when she explained just how safe they would be in Denmark, and that he rarely ever had time for himself so it was only fair for him to visit with his family while he was in Denmark. It almost seemed like a completely foreign idea to him now. Being the head of security for Kailani had basically meant adopting her and her family as his own, and spending all of his time with them. Fortunately for him, they were kind people and he truly enjoyed doing his job.
Finally, after finding no other excuses for not taking up the offer to visit with his own real family, he agreed to take a little time to himself. It wouldn’t be long, and he wouldn’t be far from them if he were ever needed for an emergency. Before they left he made sure to go over all of the travel plans, and verify that everyone was prepared for the royal family to travel, and for them to be received in Denmark. Handing over command would be essential, and he needed to make sure everything was in place. Once all of those things were verified, he made sure everything for the second leg of their trip was prepared. People outside of royal family would never know the extent of planning that went into securing the safety of the royal family no matter where they went. Extensive planning, and coordination went into any trip, no matter the length of time. It was essential the country they were going to were expecting them, they had to up their own security protocol just because a royal family would draw attention and they needed to be prepared for any possible outcome of a visit.
After ensuring everything was in place for the millionth time, he packed up for the trip, and before he knew it they were on a plane and flying back home. It hadn’t been that long ago that he had been in Denmark, but it still always felt like he had been gone for years. Once everything was settled at the royal estate, he headed to his family home. He was welcomed with open arms, and it appeared everyone wanted to make the most of his visit home. He spent time with everyone doing anything that was suggested. He wanted to make the trip memorable, and that was exactly how it felt when the visit came to a close. As he made his way back to the royal estate he thought about how differently he acted around people. He was much more aware of his surroundings now, it was impossible not to be, and he had learned the proper manners for interacting with different royals. There were so many intricacies that he had picked up on, that he didn’t realize how much small mannerisms had changed until he was headed back to the royal family and the moment he encountered Kailani and Bayoa he easily slipped into those mannerisms.
They found themselves flying to their new destination, and where others would find themselves burdened by working when in such beautiful places, Sirius found ways to enjoy himself. First, it was easy to enjoy your time in places like these when the people that you worked for were so easygoing. Kailani had become very good about not putting herself into serious situations where Sirius would have to tighten security measures. They had privacy, and he was able to allow them that privacy, while maintaining security and still being able to enjoy Majorca, and the beauty of their surroundings. He even purchased things for himself as reminders of their trip, and also things that he would be able to study and read over later on when they got back to Los Angeles. It was almost sad for him when they were getting ready to go back home. He had enjoyed the break from their usual schedules, but all the same, he knew his duty and that as difficult as it was for someone like him to work nearly every day of his life, it was easy for him to deal with when he looked at Kailani and Bayoa and saw the reminder that these were two people who would never be able to stop being royal. If they could handle their place in life with such grace, he could do the same and find the good in it as well, and he did.
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missmarinaberglund-blog · 8 years ago
I think you look very pretty, particularly with the red lipstick. Do you have a freckly on the end of your nose?
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Aww thank you, I’m glad you think so. Yes I do actually, I’m surprised you noticed.
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callielowell-blog · 8 years ago
Callie and Kailani
I think you may be living in slight regret this week. It’s going to be cold and rainy. Well, cold by Los Angeles standards. If you end up needing something a bit thicker you can come borrow some of my sweaters.
I’m sure I’ll bundle up when I venture outside. But I keep my apartment at 70 degrees so I’m usually good. I’ve always liked a slight chill against my skin, guess it’s the New Yorker in me that is used to blustery cold. Thank you for the offer, Kai! I do have winter things in my closet for emergencies, I just don’t use them often. I’m more likely to pilfer one of Jesse’s sweatshirts.
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CONGRATULATIONS by the way. I was in New York and then settling back into work so I didn’t get to say it properly before. I’ve seen all the pictures and ugh he’s such a sweet sweet boy. How are you doing? I hope you’re managing to fit in as much rest as possible.
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connor--byrne-blog · 8 years ago
Kai-a-kai-a-boo-boo & Connor
What did you end up doing for the New Years? Did you end up falling asleep before midnight? That is a lot of work to be going out to party… but I also just really like naps.
Well, I had to work that day, but I went out with my best friend who happens to be my partner. We went out to a New Years Eve party at a bar, drank, had fun, wore hats, and stupid glasses. The whole shebang! Then I went home after we rang in the year. Naya spent some time with me after that, so I’d say it was a really good New Years for me. Don’t worry, I love naps too, but you’ve got a new pooping, crying, hungry human, and diplomacy to worry about so, I think you’ve got me beat there in the needing nap department.
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dr-jeremiah-hale-blog · 6 years ago
Aww, that’s very sweet. You know… I think you may have better hair than all of us.
Yeah? You really think so? Think I could be a model or something if this doctor life doesn’t work out?
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genaya-salazar · 7 years ago
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✖ Character Development Question(s) ✖ Thursday Activity ✖
Describe 5 relationships in your life right now.
@princessofdenmark​ - Sister-in-law: Kailani is the sister I always wanted but was never blessed with till the past couple of years. She’s warm and kind and so very supportive. I can talk to her about anything. Sometimes I wish my mother acted like she did. 
@connor--byrne​ - Boyfriend: I would not be here if it weren’t for this man. I mean that very literally. He had the misfortune of coming into my life at a dark moment for me and he stuck around even after I tried to take myself out of the equation. He counselled me through episodes of panic and anxiety, through nightmares and days were I didn’t want wake up. Looking back I’m fairly certain I fell in love with him some time last November but fear and uncertainty kept me from really voicing my feelings till spring.
@taneyhana​ - Best Friend: I owe a lot of who I am today to Taney. She taught me how not to be scared of my body and my sexuality. She helped me embrace who I really was as a person and opened me up to new experiences. Had it not been for her I’d probably still be that meek, naive, easily breakable girl that let someone more experienced walk all over her.
@marcie-pan​ - Close Friend: Marcie and I have probably become a lot closer recently due to her being good friends with Connor. It’s nice to have more female friends around and being friends with Marcie gives me insider knowledge into the kinds of things that Connor is into. 
@zephyr-dresden​ - Close Friend: She keeps wanting to get me drunk! As flattered as I am that she wants to get “shwastey” with me I can’t just yet as I’m underage. SOON ZEPHYR! I PROMISE! 
What is your greatest regret?
The first time I had sex.
What is the worst thing you have ever done?
I tried to kill myself.
What are you most scared of and why?
Ending up alone. I just feel like i’m not good enough for the people I have in my life.
What are your best and worst memories?
I think both could be summed up pretty well on the night of the 2016 CC West ball.
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thane-watson · 7 years ago
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There’s a Grief That Can’t Be Spoken AU HC || Day Seven
The optimism in which Thane had arrived on the island with had vanished with the announcement of the DRF and Sirius. How could he find anything to be positive about on this island when his very best friends were no longer there. He’d lost his absolute truest, and best friend, in Kailani with her missing. He’d lost who had become his closest male friend in Bayoa. Worst of all? He’d lost his godson, the child who had given him hope in his future as a potential father. He had promised to be there and protect Benji, and it almost felt as though he had failed in that aspect somehow. 
When the option to leave had arisen, Thane could see no other choice for him. He wouldn’t be able to help his missing friends even if he stayed, and he knew that Kailani would contact him as soon as she could if all was well in the end. There was something that wasn’t sitting right with him, and he knew he had to get out while he still could. Los Angeles wasn’t much of a better option, but right now it was feeling better than this island. Thane immediately began to pack up his things, there wasn’t another option for him. 
Gia didn’t want to just leave, he could tell. She felt as though there were still something that she could do here on the island, but he knew that there wasn’t. Thane wouldn’t be able to leave without her, so when she questioned leaving he explained his reasoning. Leaving her behind was out of the question, and just even thinking about it made him sick to his stomach, even though he couldn’t quite understand why. “If we leave, we don’t have to stay in LA. I know that there are some painful memories there, I know it, but we can go together. Let’s go to London. You and I both love the city, it’s far from all of this, and maybe we can find some semblance of normalcy if we do that. We can wait until we know everyone is safe back home if that’ll make you feel better.”
Eventually, Thane was checking out with Gia at his side. They would be leaving the island behind, and despite the face that he was putting for Gia, he still felt like there was a giant hole inside him. He wanted to be hopeful that that DRF would be found, and he would be able to see those that meant the most to him again, but he couldn’t find the hope inside of him. Thane wouldn’t tell Gia that his insecurities were creeping back in on him. The depression that had dissipated the moment she had entered his life was starting to cloud his thoughts and twist them into something cynical. He found himself repeating a mantra in his head, “We’re going to make it. We’re going to make it. We’re going to make it.”
Thane’s eyes ran over Gia’s face as she focused on something else. He could see her concern, but he was feeling as though he couldn’t provide her with the comfort that she deserved, and that was only because he couldn’t find comfort himself. He tried his best to look confident in his choice, not letting Gia see any of that insecurity. Maybe if he got off this island then he would be able to push away these insecurities again. He did know, however, that if he never saw the DRF again that the depression he’d managed to push back would never leave him again. “We’re going to make it. We’re going to make it.”
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The search for Kailani, Bayoa, Sirius, and Prince Christian began Sunday afternoon. Bay’s sister had spent twenty-four hours without a single word from her brother or his family and was immediately concerned. The Main Office told her not to worry, that they likely were busy with activities, exploring, and having meals in their cabin. Genaya made the trek up to their cabin to find it empty and would discover after chats with others that they hadn’t attended activities that morning. Through her insistence, the staff said they would check the island and its many other cabins. They wouldn’t. Despite Genaya’s worry and persistence, no one would find the royal family until a helicopter flew over the island to mark points on the map that had been missing, including the Cabin in the Woods.
The disappearance of Easton was another matter entirely. With his cabin mates unfamiliar with his interests in activities or other people on the island, two things occurred. First, no one realized he was missing. Second, when they realized he was missing he became the whispered reason for the Danish Royal Family’s disappearance. The truth, however, would be much more difficult to discern.
The facts were these: A lethal amount of the adults’ blood was found in pools on the basement of the cabin- an area that was not immediately found until dogs searched the old building. Upon testing it would be discovered that all four had died in the cabin but only Sirius’ fingerprints led them to believe he was not under duress at the time of his death. Taking that as you will, some people would always believe he killed them and others would believe he was the first to be murdered. Either way, no bodies were found in the cabin.
What they would never know for certain is that Sirius had died first, bludgeoned on the back of his head when he was in the kitchen, he was killed instantaneously and never saw it coming. Both Sirius and Bayoa’s fingerprints were found on the cabin’s phone, leading crime scene investigators to assume that they had both tried to call for help. Bayoa was likely grabbed from behind and drugged. His prints and boot marks would trail at a standing height down the hall until the door to the basement. Kailani’s blood was everywhere, showing evidence of a stabbing, torture, and a chase. She was killed in the living area of the cabin and her corpse was then paraded around the home. Though Easton had gone in to help her, she was long dead and her corpse had led him to his death in the basement where blood spatter and bits of flesh would indicate he had been flayed while he was still alive. Benji’s body and DNA were not found in the Cabin in the Woods.
main rp . citw rp . rules . nav . faceclaims . APPLY
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missmarinaberglund-blog · 8 years ago
Does that hurt? Heels are bad enough and I can’t even imagine the pain of wearing shoes that make you stand on your toes.
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Not terribly actually, we cushion our feet with things, like lambswool and gel pads. I use ouch pouches myself, plus you train for a long time before you go up for the first time so your ankles are strong. I started dancing when I was a very little girl and went up for the first time when I was twelve. It only really hurts if your ankles aren’t strong enough or if your shoes aren’t right or if you’ve danced for a very long time without a break. 
I suppose sometimes though, but a lot of things do hurt and it has a beautiful end result.
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connor--byrne-blog · 7 years ago
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No Signs At All || AU HC || Day Six
Joining the search, Connor was hopeful to find some sign, any sign. He wasn’t surprised to see Micah had joined the group. In fact, he was happy to see a familiar face in this group, and at that someone that he trusted. When he saw Mario as part of the group, something clicked. He wasn’t going to push for information, but working in his field he had a good idea of why he was there. Their goal was to find these people that they cared about, and with three people there that knew who they were personally, Connor felt even more hopeful. 
The search kept going, they had their ribbon following their trail so that they could return without getting lost. Nobody found anything of note, but that didn’t stop them from hoping for even the smallest sign. When the search was called off, Connor was happy to join the other two men to continue looking for even a short amount of time. They decided to head back after a while of not finding anything, and Connor felt that sinking feeling in his heart again. He’d wished for something, and he didn’t get what he’d been looking for. 
When the suggestion had been made to stop for a break on their way back, Connor took the opportunity. He needed to keep himself strong, hopeful, and positive for Naya. She would be looking to him for support, guidance, and strength. He couldn’t falter, not for her, and with her in mind he sat with the other men for this break. Everything seemed fine, like any other search party that hadn’t found anything to grasp onto would feel. That’s when everything changed. 
Connor felt his body being yanked back, there was a second in which his body felt weightless, and it was almost as if his stomach had jumped into his throat. His training kicked in, and he fought against the hold, he put all of his strength into breaking free. His mind kicked into overdrive trying to think of all the different tactics that they’d been taught, and had taught others to use in order to break free. The first thing in his mind was to make sure he stayed calm. Not letting himself get overwhelmed was essential, and he never did because he didn’t know what had grabbed him. He never got to see his captors because before he knew it, everything ended. Connor didn’t even have a chance to realize that he would not be going back to Genaya.
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writermuses · 7 years ago
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Aless may have been smaller than Micah, but he loved it when she wrapped herself around him as tightly as she possibly could. It always put a smile on his face when Kai caught one of those little moments.
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bayoa-salazar · 8 years ago
I like to think we are the coolest of the cool. Anyone who says we aren’t is just peanut butter and jealous.
Peanut butter and jealous. You are adorable.
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sirius-heise-blog · 7 years ago
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Forgive Me, I’ve Failed || AU HC || Day Four
After the walk that they’d had, Sirius felt terrible to have lost the royal family. It was his job, he had been hired to keep them safe, and leading them into a scenario in which they were lost was not at all helpful. Leading them to a location in which none of them knew was a poor job. Sirius felt like a failure in a way that Bayoa and Kai would never know. What made it worse was the fact that they had Benji with them, and now he would have that on his own conscious.
For a man who was head of security, he had made a rookie mistake. Sirius wondered if he shouldn’t have somebody take over his role. A man in his position did not have room for error. He had to be perfect, he had to be prepared at all moments in time, and that was something he had not accomplished. He didn’t want to worry Bayoa and Kai with that right now, though. It was his error, not theirs. That was why he offered to walk into the house to make the call for help.
Sirius stepped into the house, not immediately seeing anyone around. He called out to see if he could get a response, but found none in return. Sirius went in search of a phone, hoping that he could at least find that. He was still surprised that he didn’t hear anyone answer his call, especially with the television static sound in the background. There was nobody there, however, and he wondered why it was that way, but didn’t bother to touch it at the moment. His main concern was the phone. He finally found one, and immediately reached out for it. He placed the phone to his ear and heard no dial tone, he was about to test to see if he could get a dial tone, but never would. There was a heavy hit to the back of his head, and the world went dark. Sirius would never see his killer, never even hear them coming, he would never get the call out for help, and he would never know what would become of the royal family after him.
He would die feeling the sting of failure, but never knowing just how terribly he did fail.
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