#S. Edward Singer
sidewalkstv · 1 year
Episode #1185 - Jason Biggs Returns + Evelyn Arreaga
Jason Biggs ("American Pie" films); Actor's Spotlight on Evelyn Arreaga; music by SMILEZ. #JasonBiggs #AmericanPie #EdwardsPies #PassionFruitpie #EvelynArreaga. #Smilez #SidewalksEntertainment
Jason Biggs (“American Pie” films); Actor’s Spotlight on Evelyn Arreaga; music by SMILEZ. Airdate: 6/26/2023 (KCRT) SIDEWALKS east coast correspondent Darren Paltrowitz welcomes back Jason Biggs (“American Pie” films), who has helped create a special limited Passion Fruit pie. Also, we take a look back at our Actor’s Spotlight on Evelyn Arreaga. Plus, we have two sings from singer / rapper…
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junkdrawerfics · 2 years
Simple Moment
I love Jasper Hale more than most things in my life.
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Summary: Just a cute, fluffy moment with Jasper and his human, the reader. Mostly Bella and Alice talking about the two of you.
Word Count: 702
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
“So that’s Jasper’s girlfriend?” Bella asks Alice as they watch a familiar looking girl stride up to said vampire. She waggles her hand in front of the blond’s face, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in. A small smile slips onto Bella’s lips as she watches him grin and murmur some greeting.
“Yep, that’s (Y/n),” Alice replies, smiling along fondly, “We met her just a year ago. She’s Jasper’s singer, like you’re Edward’s.”
Bella’s brows shoot up at this, “She’s human?” She knew that Jasper didn’t have complete control of his instincts yet, so the fact that he could be around someone whose blood is so tempting to him seems implausible. Yet there you are, pressing into his side with an adoring smile.
“Crazy huh?” Alice giggles at the gobsmacked look on her friend’s face, “Trust me, it wasn’t pretty at first. Jasper had to stay home for weeks because he couldn’t control himself at school.”
A question hangs on the tip of her tongue, but Bella keeps it to herself. It’s none of her business how they eventually came together, she imagines it might have been something similar to her and Edward’s story. Her curious eyes dart over to Jasper and the girl again. They’re settled down on the roots of a nearby tree, talking and smiling at each other. The softness of the moment strikes her. Had she ever seen the vampire look so carefree? Especially around a human?
“They’re cute, aren’t they?” The ravenette murmurs with a far away look, “She’ll be like us one day too, I’ve seen it, and they look so happy. She’s the one that helps him learn control. He’s even the one who changes her, I think. That part was still a little unclear.”
Bella looks at her with a smile, “It’s so cool that you’ve seen all of that.”
Alice shrugs but her smile betrays the pride she feels for her gift, “It has come to me over the months, not all together, you know. I’m just so happy he has someone now.”
Both look over at the couple again, fondness and genuine joy rolling off of them.
Jasper smiles slightly, eyes darting over to the pair.
“What is it?” You ask, glancing around the blonde to see his sister and the new girl staring at the two of you. A dark blush is quick to cover your face, which you hide in his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles lightly, pressing an adoring kiss to the crown of your head, “No worries, darlin’, they’re happy you’re here.”
You peak up at him with a small, teasing grin, “Really? And how do you feel, huh?”
The blonde raises an eyebrow at you, one of his oh so charming smirks pulling at the corner of his lips, “Why, it’s a pleasure to have you by my side, ma’am.”
Your teasing smile melts into a sigh and you bury your face back into his shoulder. Just his voice alone sets free a flock of butterflies in your chest. You’re probably as red as a tomato again.
“Don’t call me ma’am, makes me feel old,” you grumble to try and hide just how flustered his words made you feel.
“My apologies,” you can hear the grin in his voice, “...ma’am.”
You punch him in the side, knowing all too well that it won’t actually hurt him, but at least the intention is there. Jasper just chuckles again and pulls away to look at your bright face.
“I’m just teasin’ darlin’,” he hums, “You get riled up so easy.”
“You’re so mean.” You pout, scrunching your nose up at him.
The vampire only grins and leans close to press his cold lips against your forehead. Eyes fluttering closed, you take a moment to just savor the feeling. You never want it to go away. You never want him to go away.
“I love you, Jasper,” you mumble as you tuck back into his side.
He pulls you close, enveloped in your scent but so stricken with the genuine emotions rolling off you that it doesn’t even seem to bother him.
“I love you too, darlin’.” The words are soft, spoken so only you will hear him.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
Like This Forever | 0.1 | J. Seresin
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masterlist | next chapter
You’re thinking of the past, right as the future is about to change forever.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, childhood friends to lovers, country singer!Jake, smut, pining, blissful ignorance, other warnings to follow. wc: 3k (18+ minors do not interact)
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A U G U S T 1 9 7 4 / F E B R U A R Y 1 9 9 1
Driftwood — small town southwestern Texas, situated in Lockheart County. Springs, stony hills, and steep canyons. It’s good land, occupying a tiny patch of earth in the middle of the Edwards Plateu. That’s what they all say: good land, good soil. Large acreages of wheat for miles around, grown annually for harvest and winter through spring livestock grazing. The remaining two-thirds of the region is rangeland devoted to cattle ranching. Ranches in this region often seem older than the landscape itself. Lockheart County’s livestock industry is nationally appreciated, it was, even back then. Ranches here are huge, they’ve been there for generations. The town of Driftwood, itself, sits in a valley. It holds on to the people who settle there just like it holds onto the weight of that thick, summer heat all through the day. So hot that even the trees bend and furl like they’re seeking shade too.
Back then, Driftwood was even smaller than it is now. Post Office, Church, two schools, a fleet of locally owned stores on Main Street and a few other buildings for the fathers who weren’t ranchers or ranch hands to work.
On that day in early August, most of Driftwood’s thousand person population were nestled amongst the pews of St. Augustine’s Church, just outside of town. It’s a mile and a half from Main Street, and a mile and a half from the furthest fence on the Seresin Ranch. Their house is a sprawling thing that Bill’s grandfather had built — they haven’t got that kind of money now, and they didn’t on that morning in August. They’ve got three boys, who were squirming around the front pew, melting into the aged wood below them in their smart white button ups. They’ve got another boy too, standing behind Pastor James, holding a processional candle.
Jake’s their youngest. He was nine back then. Small for his age, especially when you stood him next to his brothers and their broad shoulders and long legs. His hair was beyond blond, lightened from the sun. His cheeks dusted with brown freckles and his eyes always narrowed into a type of John Wayne kind of squint. Jake loved John Wayne back then. He loved the cowboys on his bed sheets, and the fact he could see the cattle from his bedroom window. All he wanted back then was a pistol on his hip and a one-way ticket to El Dorado.
Mary-Lynn Seresin grew up in Driftwood, just like her husband had. She had known Bill since she was a little girl, and she had always known that she would marry him one day. Her nails were polished pink that day, sitting pretty atop the procession card as she fans herself with it. Two pews behind, you could still see a droplet of sweat bead from her neat blonde hairline and trail into the collar of her blue polka-dotted Sunday dress.
On that particular Sunday, the fans had packed up and stopped working. So, all six hundred of you who could make it out to St. Augustine’s we’re trapped in there — not just with Pastor James’ storytelling, but with the thick heat pressing down on the entire valley feeling like it had all been shut in this one room with the rest of you.
At the front, Jake Seresin’s cheeks were red, his hair was beading with sweat and his scarecrow, twig-like arms were trembling around the cross. He struggled with its weight and you had watched his green eyes flash out towards the crowd, briefly landing on his mother. Mary-Lynn gave him a proud nod. Bill was staring at the stagnant ceiling fans above their heads. You, were staring right at Jake.
Eight years old yourself, just eight weeks younger than Jake is, you have known that little grass-stain your entire life. In fact, Mary-Lynn and your mother found out that they were expecting just days apart. They had been in the same high school grade as girls, had married men who were good friends, and back then your mother had worked in the town’s hair salon five days a week. They grew very close through their pregnancies. Your mother was the first one to send flowers when Mary-Lynn went into labour a month and a half early.
Jake’s John-Wayne-Squint deepened through the heavy air, watching you like you were both about to draw pistols and settle this like men — right in the middle of Pastor James’ final verse. Your pigtails and your white Sunday dress weren’t fooling him. His robes and the heavy cross in his hand weren’t fooling you. Clearly following his brother’s gaze, Daniel Seresin turns and peers at you over his shoulder. He’s the closest in age to Jake, but he’s still five years older. Thirteen then and too grown up for childish squabbles like those, he just turned back to the front and shook his head.
The first three of the Seresin boys were all born within three consecutive years. Matthew, Noah and Daniel. They’re each tall like their mother, blonde like her too, and have inherited their father’s linebacker shoulders. Noah was fourteen and about to be a freshman in high school. After he fixed the chain on your bike at the beginning of summer, you were full-blown head-over-heels in love with him back then. You thought you were anyway.
Jake, however, had been in your class since Kindergarten and you had been forced to share your toys with him for even longer than that.
His arms trembled before you and your mouth had twitched. Neither one of you was listening to the service. It was almost over. Just a few more minutes until Pastor James wrapped up and the people of Driftwood and poured out of this sauna and out into the dry, morning sun.
Quickly, you shot a look at your mother sitting at your side. She was listening intently, staring right ahead with her neatly steamed clothes and her hair-sprayed hair. You’ll always remember the heavy smell of her rose-scented perfume. Every time you inhale it, you’re sitting at the foot of her bed, watching her fix her face in her vanity. Then, you looked to your father on the other side of you. Exactly the same. Pleased, you turn your attention back to the youngest Seresin boy.
Scrunching your nose, you had sat forwards just slightly and stuck your tongue out at him. Quite the diss back then. Jake’s green eyes had widened, sweat beading down his back under his white shirt and his service robes.
Driftwood is a safe place. It’s a fantastic town to raise children. The schools aren’t overcrowded and cars don’t speed through the centre of town. Country roads are a different story. But no one bats an eyelid, especially not back then, when their children are out of sight.
Mary-Lynn was busily detailing the events of her dinner party that coming Saturday to a group of women that are invited. She’s quite the hostess still. Your mother stood amongst them. Neither one of them were concerned about where their children were in the slightest. Until, that is, the sounds of muffled screaming filled their ears. The mothers of Driftwood rush to the commotion in their kitten heels and pretty dresses. Your mother was the first around the corner. She would recognise the sound of her baby’s screaming anywhere. But you weren’t the one in trouble. As usual, you had been causing it.
Your white dress grass-stained and muddy, dirt under your fingernails and covering your formerly white, frilled socks. You were kneeling. You haven’t yet noticed the crowd of women rushing in your direction. You’ve got Mary-Lynn Seresin’s youngest son pressed into the dirt, kneeling on his back and twisting his arm uncomfortably behind him.
“Say Uncle!” You demanded.
“You’re so dead! Get off!” Jake struggled under you, screaming with all the force that his growing lungs would allow. His voice must have been audible across the entire valley with how he was hollering. Freckled cheek pressed into the dirt, his white shirt was destroyed and he was in the middle of ruining his shoes with how he was scrambling for purchase in the dried dirt.
Quickly, your mother had grabbed you under your arms and hauled you off of the boy, spinning you to face her.
“What do you think you’re doing young lady?”
“He started it! — He said my dress was ugly!”
“It is ugly, you look like a girl!” Jake huffed from behind you as he had stumbled onto his feet and taken a look down at his church clothes. Slowly, he had lifted his gaze to look at his mother. Sullen and worried looking, he began to pout. It wasn’t working. Mary-Lynn had raised three boys by then, she knew when they were trying to play innocent.
The thing about growing up so close together, is that approaching double digits was a confusing time. It was around that age that your mother began to put her foot down when it came to all of those tom-boy activities. Girls might roughhouse and come home with holes in their jeans and mud on their faces, but young ladies didn’t. The dress was her idea.
Jake’s comment had been passing, just a whisper as his family had headed into church ahead of yours, but he was right — you did look like a girl. Back then, that wasn’t a compliment coming from him. So, you had cornered him outside and pummeled him into the dirt. Fair is fair.
“Mary-Lynn, I am so sorry about her — send me the dry-cleaning bill. I’m sorry, we should go.” Your mother had sighed in a hurry, frowning down at your ruined clothes, then looking towards Jake’s. You’ll always remember the smile on Mary-Lynn’s face after. Not pity, because she knew you were in a lot of trouble for this. Just fondness. She had gently patted your mother’s forearm and shaken her head.
“Let’s finish our chat. They’re already filthy. Let them play.”
Looking up at her, you hadn’t understood why she was siding with you back then. You had just almost broken her son’s arm for sport. As you grew, Mary-Lynn Seresin was always on your side. In her kitten heels and dresses, she remembered being a dirt-covered little girl once too. No one was telling her son that it was time yet, to be a man. There’s no harm in letting you be young a little longer.
Your mother had looked uncertain, but people in Driftwood always looked to Mary-Lynn for advice. She had somehow managed to keep four boys in line perfectly, her parenting expertise was studied by those around her. Finally, she had given you a brief nod.
You remember spinning on the delicate almost-heel of your church shoes, rounding on Jake, ready to brawl. You have no clue where the stick came from, but he was armed when you had turned around — but Jake always fought fair. He tossed you a stick of your own and took aim. Green eyes narrowed, he was trying to look down his freckled nose at you, but you were taller then.
“She’s gonna marry that boy someday.” Mary-Lynn Seresin had huffed with a wistful smile, watching the mud-caked children tear off through the field once again. This time, with sticks in hands and violent intent plastered across their dirty faces.
You’re not eight anymore. Jake’s not nine. This time of the year, you both happen to be twenty-six. You aren’t trying to kill him with a stick anymore either. You’re sitting at your favourite bar in Driftwood — there are four now — watching your best friend up on stage. He’s always confident. He has been since he hit that growth spurt when he was twelve. Since then, Jake has been unstoppable. But on stage is when he really shines.
The Dark Star feels like an old bar. It’s packed every Friday night. It smells like malt and smoke and Jake’s been playing here every Saturday since he was seventeen. This is the last time that it will ever be like this, and you don’t even know it yet. Jake’s in the middle of an original. People around here know him, they know his music. They might not get all the words right, but he always gets people singing.
Jake isn’t small for his age now. He grew into his nose, and he inherited those big shoulders, his skin’s tanned from his days out at the ranch. He’s strong and funny and kind. Sometimes it catches you off guard, when you turn your head and find a man in place of the little boy you once knew.
You’re in a booth, talking numbers. It turns out that you had inherited your mother’s knack for business strategy, and Jake’s way with words had rubbed off on you long ago.
You don’t look like the little girl Jake had once known either. If he was concerned about you looking like a girl before, then you can only imagine how dismayed he must be when he looks at you now. Breasts and everything.
“It’s more than potential, Stu — you saw how crazy people were for him when he was opening for The Ashford Band.” You tell him, fingers curled around a brown glass bottle. This is already settled, the deal is already done. You knew from the second that he walked in that you had Stu Adler suckered.
This is a deal that you’ve been mulling over for a couple of months now. Getting Jake on his first headline tour. His debut album came out last week and it’s doing well, but the record label is tiny and the publicity deal is even smaller. Jake’s making pennies compared to other people in his genre, but you’re about to change all of that.
“Six months is a long time on the road. It’s a different lifestyle,” Stu’s dishwater grey eyes flicker briefly up from the plunging neckline of your top to meet your gaze. He’s an older man, with a once successful career in Los Angeles. Now, he spends his time scrounging small towns for talent. He’s just a stepping stone in your plans for Jake. “You’re sure he can handle it?”
Stretching your legs out, you scoff incredulously at the accusation as Jake’s last song dwindles behind you. The beer bottle is cool against your lips. Stu swallows, watching your lips purse around the rim to drink. You know he’d die for the chance to get his wrinkly, old dick in your mouth — it’s why Jake’s about to get the best deal of his life.
“Jake? — Of course.”
“Can you?” Stu asks. The light on you for once makes you cringe. Even so, your poker face doesn’t falter. Calmly staring across the table at him, a small smile on your face. “Y’know, he’s going to need a manager that I can rely on. I.e. — one that he won’t dump, sweetheart.”
This only makes your smile grow. “Jake is like a brother to me. You don’t have to worry about a thing.”
It’s that lie that secures the deal. Six months, a hundred and sixty dates across the US. Mostly small venues, but it’s his first headline tour — and it’s all because of you. Because of that one little white lie. Letting Stu think that he’s got a chance with you. Letting him think that you’ve never fucked Jake.
You have. Twice, already by this point. Once, after senior prom. Your date was an asshole and his was cruel. You’d parked his truck out in the west pasture of the Seresin ranch and got a little too drunk under the stars, and wound up with your legs hiked up over his shoulders. The second time was Thanksgiving two years ago. Your family joined his. All of his brothers have fiancés or wives now. Sharing Jake’s bed in his childhood home that night, neither one of you was drunk. You were just lonely, and maybe bored.
Tonight, there are a couple of different factors at play. Sure, by the time that you and Jake collapse down onto that red, velvet couch in the Dark Star’s ‘dressing room’, you’ve had plenty to drink. You’re not quite as lonely as you were that thanksgiving, though.
You turn your head and he’s grinning at the ceiling, chest heaving from the energetic final song. His arms stretch along the backs of the couch, his eyes closed for a moment. You watch him silently.
“You’re incredible.” Jake’s half-cut on an unhealthy mix of tequila and vodka, but smiling, eyes still shut, chin still pointed towards the sky. He gives his head a small shake. “A hundred and sixty dates.”
A smile plasters itself across your lips. As drunk as you are, it’s nice to be complimented for your hard work. “Yeah, we’ll see if you still think I’m so incredible when you’re living off of burgers and beer and still have eighty shows to go.”
The smell of cigarettes lives within the fibre of this room. Part of the furniture, nestled amongst the cracks in the red painted walls. There’s the couch that you’re sitting on, and an illuminated vanity against the far wall, and then a coat stand. It’s not much of a dressing room, but it’s fine.
You just wish it would stop spinning.
“I mean it.” His fingers rest atop your denim clad thigh, patting platonically. You hear him sigh from beside you. He squeezes at the supple skin under his hand. “Thank you.”
“Jake… since when do you have manners?” You ask him. Both of you are sitting with your eyes shut on this old, probably dirty, velvet couch. It’s five in the morning. The two of you might have gone a little overboard with celebrating. Wayne Mayhew, the owner of the Dark Star might have threatened to kick you both out of his bar if you didn’t finally get off of his damn stage ten minutes ago.
But there’s a high buzzing between the two of you that feels electric. Wordlessly, you know Jake feels it too. That this is the last night. Here, in this shitty hometown bar. Everything is about to change. After this tour, nothing will ever be the same again — for either of you.
Jake’s thumb trails back and forth in just one small pattern, reminding you that it’s there on your thigh.
It’s been on your mind all day, for no reason at all. That Sunday in August in 1974. Your ruined church dress and the fat bruise on Jake’s cheek the next day when you had seen him at the market. The start of it all.
Those late night drives and all the evenings you studied together. Jake’s football games and his band practices — back when he had thought he wanted to be in a band. Him drying your tears and making you laugh. Growing up together, talking for hours and hours about all of the possibilities. This was everything Jake had ever wanted, and he’s thanking you.
Your eyelids weigh double what they normally do — heavy as you blink open your eyes and turn your head. This time, he’s looking across at you. The tips of his fingers brush the inseam of your blue, low-rise jeans. His face is calm, he isn’t saying anything and he’s far from doing anything either.
Scrunching your nose, you poke your tongue out at him. Across the couch, Jake lifts his brows. The corner of his mouth twitches. He’s got stubble now. Stubble, and chest hair and an Adam’s apple. But that look, that glint in his eye that’s just daring you to try him has always been the same.
Jake’s fingers twitch, pressing into the soft flesh of your inner thigh. Dim lighting, fifteen year old red paint on each of the four walls, and that perpetual cigarette smell — it’s hardly a romantic fantasy. And this is far from a good idea.
But it’s Jake. Confident, loud Jake who gets shy when he’s around someone he really likes. Funny, smart-mouthed Jake who under it all is a great listener. Goofy, habitual Jake who has the nighttime routines of a fifty year old housewife.
Strong-willed, handsome, Jake, your best friend — who’s looking at you like you’re his next meal.
@fia-thefirst @daggerspare-standingby @dempy @v0id-chaos @moonlight-addisyn @grxcisxhy-wp @shakespeareanwannabe @coconut152 @330bpm-whiplash @takemetooneverlanddd @princess76179 @loveofvernonslife @averyhotchner @trickphotography2 @sushiwriterhere @the-romanian-is-bae @atarmychick007 @talktomegooseman @xoxabs88xox @thedroneranger @roostersforevergirl @buckysdollforlife @abaker74 @blackwidownat2814 @kmc1989 @whatislovevavy @lonelywriter10 @s-u-t @topguncortez @callsign-joyride @rosedurin @86laura11 @theenorthstar @mygyn @growup-thatbeautiful @percysaidnever @katiedid-3 @its-the-pilot
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dionysism · 1 month
what are some of your favorite greek myth artworks? (doesn't have to be made in ancient greece i mean from any time)
oh i'm so thrilled you asked me this. buckle up though because i love way too many pieces just to pick a few so this may get long lol
starting with some john singer sargent paintings because man i love his mythos works i'm obsessed with his style i wish he painted odysseus
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atlas and the hesperides by john singer sargent
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perseus on pegasus slaying medusa & orestes pursued by the furies both by sargent
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the judgement of paris & chiron and achilles by sargent
and also what my curent pfp is from:
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apollo and the muses by sargent
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circe by frederick s church
i posted this a few days ago actually but it is one my favs so i'll include it again here
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the reconciliation of helen and paris after his defeat by menelaus by richard westall (right)
not sure where the variation from the left comes from, but i like it a lot too so i'm putting both
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this is from ancient greece i'm pretty sure, but when i reverse image search it i don't get much. but i adore this pottery art her little puffed out cheeks she's so cute.... and why the dude to left side eyeing her!!! what a hater i bet she's playing a lovely tune!!
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the judgement of paris by paul altherr
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clytemnestra by john collier
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bacchanalia, the battle of love by paul cezanne
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bacchus, venus and ariadne by tintoretto
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theseus and the minotaur by edward burne-jones
love theseus's cunty bob here and obsessed with how cute the minotaur looks they're playing hide and seek actually guys. they're best friends don't even worry
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reunion of odysseus and telemachus by henri-lucien doucet
this one gets me so bad guys. just fucking look at them oh my godddd the way he;s holding him... the kiss to the cheek... i'm on the floor
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the meeting of ulysses and penelope by john francis rigaud
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odysseus and penelope reunited by newell convers wyeth
not a big fan of blonde odysseus but i do adore the penelope here and their pose
there's more i want to include but this is starting to get long so i'm going to add some statues and be done
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this statue of orestes and electra. i admit i don't know who the artist is i just love the way they're holding each other and the fact that she's taller than him. and her short hair (which i know is because of mourning, they're infront of agamemnon's tomb, but also my butch elektra agenda... you get it)
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apollo and daphne by bernini
i would kill to see this in person. like please gods if i could only see one more famous statue in person in my life time let it be this one
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psyche revived by cupid's kiss by antonio canova
a basic answer but i mean come on. this statue is so fucking beautiful i might get it tattooed
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sleeping hermaphroditus (artist unknown, mattress by bernini)
love this one the statue is actually from ancient rome while the mattress is from the 1600s
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another one i've posted before but roman statue of odysseus escaping polyphemus' cave beneath a ram
hope this wasn't dreadfully long but thanks so much for this ask i love going into mythos art!! maybe i'll do a separate post for my favorite pottery arts made in ancient times at some point
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Would you ever write an Edward story where he cheats on Bella post Breaking Dawn or they break up because he falls in love with another human after her? Like a few years down the line, he starts to miss Bella’s human scent, softness, etc. and then he meets another singer or someone whose mind he can’t read and becomes obsessed with them. And it’s angsty because they realize he doesn’t really like vampire Bella and what attracted him to her was her “humanness” so now that it’s gone, he loses interest.
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x human!witch!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Warnings: major regret, kinda feel bad for bella while writing this 😅, falling out of love, for the sake of this story reneesme doesn't exist, kinda creepy stalker vibe from edward?, but what else do you expect from him 😂, sorry this is short :( been suffering from major writer's block
Words: 1443
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There was no warmth of life to Bella, not anymore. Edward had fought against Bella's desire to be like him, an immortal. With her warmth went that oh so sweet honeysuckle scent of her singer blood. He missed nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply and listening to her blood coarse through her veins. Everything was cold and hard and unwelcoming now that she was like the rest of the Cullens.
And while he was able to physically love her without restraint now, there was a gnawing dissatisfaction that burned a hole deep inside of him.
He tried smothering it, not let it grow and feed off his lingering thoughts. Just a harmless, passing thought. They'd taken vows, to love one another for the rest of their immortal lives in front of all their friends and family. Edward thought he got his happily ever after with Bella, his singer.
Never did he imagine that he would miss her mortality so much and so greatly. Profound was his distress over this realization as he experienced grief for Bella's human life once more. This time it lingered. Resting on the precipice of his consciousness.
Try as he may, it creeps into his mind whenever he holds onto her golden gaze. Grateful that Bella's special ability wasn't telepathy like him. It would break her heart if she heard the doubting thoughts that grew louder each passing day.
Edward didn't know the exact start date of this swift change in his mentality toward someone he'd loved and cherished so much that he was willing to face both the wolves and the Volturi in order to protect her.
Immense shame rendered him speechless, unable to seek help or advice from his brothers. He'd never kept such a large secret before from them. They'd always held a sympathetic ear for Edward but. . . if he told them about this, Emmett and Jasper might add onto his guilt. Bella was their sister-in-law. His brothers have proven that they genuinely care for her and accept her as part of the Cullen clan.
The world around him was crumbling. Nothing for him to stabilize himself.
Errands that took him away from town were like a breath of fresh air to his undernourished lungs- well, metaphorically.
His outings lasted longer and longer each time. The distance he put between himself and Bella growing larger.
Until something odder happened to him.
He smelled the blood of a singer once more. Each inhalation a spasming jolt shot through him. A burst of honeyed, reduced him to damn near salivating. Edward had almost forgotten the scent. Almost mistook it for something else.
Akin to an apex predator, he's easily guided to the source of such an alluring aroma that has him blind-sided. He doesn't care in that moment who lay at the end of the trail or of the consequences that may befall him from this encounter.
If it hadn't been for your singer blood, you would have blended in with the rest of the crowd in Port Angeles. A typical human female hanging out with her friends; just like many others that night. Unaware of the glowing eyes of the animal stalking her.
But you weren't like your other friends. With his vampire eyes, he saw the glow of your skin; your aura was blinding. Even Bella's presence wasn't as bright as when he laid eyes on you. His honeypot.
He frantically rifles through the crowd's thoughts, tossing them away when they didn't belong to you.
In pursuing you, Edward was essentially damning himself. Each step he took closer to you was like walking into danger itself. A moth to a flame. For the first time in a long time, Edward felt utterly helpless. Weak even.
Then he heard the ring of your thoughts.
And he smiles to himself, listening in as you contemplate leaving early to go home and finish the book you'd started the other day. How it was getting to the good part. Torn that you were also having fun with your friends though.
Subtly watching you from a hiding spot, Edward simply closes his eyes and focuses on the flow of your thoughts in an attempt to get to know you better. Another human girl with the delicious blood of a god.
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Bella checks the time on her phone again.
2 am
Edward had left eight hours ago, not bothering to tell anyone where he was going or taking his phone with him. His behavior was growing more concerning. She'd asked Jasper and Emmett if they had noticed this odd turn in Edward and they too agree that something was up with him. Alice did her best to offer a positive take on the issue. Not even Carlisle or Esme had an answer.
Not too long ago Edward had been so attentive to her, relishing in sharing immortality with her.
Deciding to wait in their shared little cottage home, Bella leaves the main Cullen estate and takes to the small pebbled path that led to her home. She remembers how happy they were when Carlisle gifted the cottage to them when they came back from their honeymoon.
Her fingers lazily trail along the rugged bark of trees. Nails lightly dragging across it.
Their life was perfect now. She fit into his world. So. . . why the sudden distance? This was going on to four months now and the decline was becoming more evident.
Her other hand is anxiously drawn to her chest in an effort to comfort her. Bella could hear the cracks in their marriage and overall relationship.
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Edward growls in irritation with himself. What an idiot he was following you home. Stupid that he put everything on the line just to be around you a little bit longer.
He kept bargaining with himself that he was only going to stay for an hour. An hour turned into two, then three. . . Until he was perched atop of a tree across the street from your house.
Exasperated he runs a hand across his face, making his way up the brick steps of the cottage.
He shouldn't have followed you back to your home. Now he had that knowledge of your address.
That meant. . .
So consumed in his inner turmoil, Edward was caught off guard by Bella's voice "Where have you been?"
His eyes round in alarm, the only tipoff to his surprise. "Hunting." Well. . . kind of true.
That was not the answer she wanted. Bella's brows furrow with her disdain. "Edward, what's going on? And don't say that nothing is going on because even the rest of the family has seen the change in you."
Hell, why was he thinking about your fragrance? Likening it to standing at the threshold of the divine and savoring the ambrosial nectar that flowed through the veins of gods.
Had Bella's smelled like that? He couldn't recall.
He forcefully pulls himself back to address Bella. He couldn't keep lying to her. Bella deserved the truth. But it would hurt her once the words left his mouth. It would make everything more real to verbally acknowledge it.
"Bella. . ." Edward must have looked scared and pathetic in that moment. He could see his reflection in her golden eyes. Eyes he'd groan to begrudge. "I really don't know what's going on myself. . . but. . ." Sighing, he ignores the consequences that would follow. "I miss your humanness, Bella. Your softness. The warmth of your embraces. Your scent. . . It's-you're just- just not the same. And those were the parts that I fell in love with. Your humanity was what defined you. That delicate balance of strength and vulnerability that all comes with being mortal."
While he'd kept his tone as gentle as possible, that did little to stop the breaking of Bella's face as her lips curl and tremble. The delicate arch of her brows twitch in an attempt for restraint for despite all the emotions she was feeling, Bella's tear ducts no longer produced tears. As with all vampires.
A tremor passes through Bella. The essence of heartbreak etched itself on her face. "D-Do you still love me?"
In a moment of cowardice, Edward averts his gaze from her making the sorrow she felt boil into fury.
"Answer me, Edward. Do you still love me?" Her hands ball up into fists at her sides.
He struggles to find the words to encapsulate the complexities of his emotions.
The quietude of the cottage seemed to amplify the tension that hung between them.
Bella grits down on the back of her teeth, a burning force behind her eyes that made her desperate to cry. "After everything Edward. . ."
"I'm sorry Bella. . ."
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simblorbo-bracket · 16 days
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Simblr Blorbo Sexyman Tournament - Round 1
Victor Thomas Edward Okamoto-Nelson (@stargazer-sims) VS. Viscera Vogt (@occultradio)
(polls are presented left -> right unless stated otherwise)
Who deserves the title of Simblr's Sexiest Blorbo more? Remember to vote with your heart!
Additional images and propaganda (if provided) available below!
(main image(s) needed to be cropped for formatting and will be provided in full below the cut)
Victor Thomas Edward Okamoto-Nelson
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Who wouldn't want to vote for Victor? He's a paediatric nurse, former world champion snowboarder, devoted husband to Yuri and loving father to Caroline, world traveller and adventurer extraordinaire. Plus, he's handsome!
He loves attention, but he's just as happy to give as much attention as he gets. He's outgoing, compassionate, affectionate and loyal, and he makes friends everywhere he goes. You may have a difficult time keeping up with his chaotic energy levels, and you might run out of tissues because of how easily he cries, but he will definitely be your friend for life. He also makes really great onigiri and award-winning French toast.
Victor with his family:
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Victor on the beach:
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Nurse Victor:
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His face when his husband enters the room:
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Viscera Vogt
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Singer, guitarist, author, bar owner, husband wifey and father what can't he do?!
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months
Instinct (Tanya Denali x fem reader)
Right so, how do yall think single!Tanya would react if she just kinda...stumbled upon the one, completely unexpected? One would think if you got a cousin who's able to see the future then surely they would've given you a lil heads-up, so you wouldn't make an absolute fool out of yourself.
Spoiler alert: Alice did not give her a lil heads-up.
Before we dive deeper I feel like it should be mentioned our girl´s been existing for a millenium, doing pretty damn good without someone constantly breathing down her neck, tyvm. It´s not like she couldn´t have someone constantly breathing down her neck, puh-leeze. Girl could have anyone she desires and we all know it. She knows it.
Besides, it´s not like she´s been entirely on her own when it comes to physical matters. There´s been flings and ONSs and perhaps she´s even tried to be exclusive with someone here and there - I wouldn´t call it "relationship" though. I can´t see Tanya Denali binding herself to just any mortal. She´d never put her family in harm´s way simply because she couldn´t keep her hands to herself-
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...like someone else did.
(No, I do not consider Bella to be Edward´s mate. She is his singer, that´s different.)
As open-minded and free-spirited as the Denalis are, they´d never go against the laws of the Volturi. Tanya will make personally sure they won´t.
However, one can´t deny that this world could get quite...lonesome, especially when one has been living for as long as the sisters have. I don´t think Tanya would ever openly admit it, but she was lonely. She was yearning for something more than the occasional fling or ONS.
That´s how this whole thing with Edward started. He was a vampire, he was single, he was there. That´s all this was, imo. All of it combined seemed like the perfect match and seeing how our girl got people probably tripping over themselves to fulfill her every wish, surely this time wouldn´t be any different-
...Except, it was different. Eddy didn´t bite - that was a first. Something Tanya wasn´t used to, perhaps - hence why she was so hellbent on making things work between them. Our girl loves a good challenge.
(Human!Tanya in today´s day and age would be a total Daddy´s girl - used to getting her way and never been told "No". Yall can´t convince me otherwise.)
I´ve said it before: Tanya is a woman who will go after what she´s set her eyes on with everything she´s got. And what she´s set her eyes on wasn´t necessarily Edward himself, but rather what he represented - an end to her solitude.
Well, it didn´t work out in the end - obviously. But that craving for something more persisted. Enter-
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"You", a husky voice almost breathed to your left, causing you to startle slightly before turning to take a look at the blonde wom-
...bombshell of a woman, who was currently staring at you like she´s never seen another human being in her life. Or perhaps you got something on your face.
In any case, that unblinking stare was quite unnerving.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?" That came out a tad bit more aggressive than you intended but, in your defense, it´s been a long day.
You´ve only just had time to sit down and unwind after having packed up your whole life and shiped it here, to Alaska - your new home. Or, well, what you hoped would become your new home, in time. You´ve always struggled with adjusting to changes and this one was huge, but more than that: necessary. You wouldn´t have made it otherwise, of that you were certain.
So, here you were now - trying to enjoy some well-deserved me time in this little coffee shop you found when you were taking your first stroll through the quaint town of Fairbanks.
...Emphasis on trying, because that woman was still staring at you. She still hasn´t blinked yet. You don´t think any part of her has moved since she came to stand before you like a bearer of bad news. Honestly? You were starting to believe it. Something about this situation - about her - just felt off.
The exasperation that was steadily creeping up on you increased tenfold when some other blonde bimbo approaches, eyes laser-focused on your weird altercation, wearing a smile that showed way too much teeth-
'Can´t one enjoy their overpriced and incredibly stale coffee in peace? Goddammit-'
Off to a good start...
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As for our proud coven leader?
Tanya had been suffering this...itch for the past couple of days. She hadn´t been able to make sense of it, hadn´t been able to figure out why she was experiencing it in the first place. All she could focus on was how utterly distracting it was, how much of a power it held over her - making her stumble through this town in search of its source. It was driving her mad.
That near magnetic pull seemed to have reached its peak today, the force of it almost bringing her down to her knees. Her eyes were wide open, but she wasn´t seeing. She pushed through the haze, body on autopilot, blindly following wherever instinct seemed to lead her. She was close - so close she could nearly taste it-
The jingling of a bell registered somewhere within her, sounding out rather dull though; nothing more than a background noise. She took in her surroundings - warm afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, soft chatter and laughter floating through the air, the clinking of cups and the gentle hum of the espresso machine, the woman sitting on a bar chair across from her-
All of a sudden, the haze cleared and a wave of contentment washed over her. At the same time, everything around her seemed to fade until the only thing left to focus on was-
She entirely ceased to function for a hot second before remembering she was out in the open where she was supposed to human.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?"
Right now, she couldn´t care less about what she was supposed to do.
She´s puffing up in an instant, like it´s instinct - absolutely ready to slay, to charm, to impress. She's Tanya Denali, for crying out loud. She will not be rendered useless by a human-
No matter how absolutely stunning that human is and how much she longs to be with that human from now on until the end of time because it's meant to be-
Tanya Denali will not be rendered useless. She's the one who renders others useless. So that human woman, currently emitting an absolutely mouthwatering smell, had better get ready to be swept off her feet-
...Except, said human looked anything but. In fact, the woman looked quite unimpressed, just about done with stuff. Not that the vampiress minded much. She knew how wary humans could get in their presence. It happens almost unconsciously, like it´s instinct - a natural response when faced with an apex predator.
'A mere delay of what is to come. Of what is meant to be.'
Just as the coven leader prepared to flash a megawatt smile, which would surely seal the deal-
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"Hey Tanyaaa! Who´s your friend?" She didn´t have to face her sister to know she was smiling like a cat that got the canary - she could hear it in her voice.
"Kate", she managed through gritted teeth. "Shouldn´t you be with Irina? Take care of those...shipments?"
'And quit being a massive pain in my a-'
"Nope", her sister replied bluntly. "It´s all taken care of. Carmen and Eleazar got back from their-"
Her sister´s eyes darted to her companion for a brief moment, much too swift to be perceived by the human eye.
"...Trip a lot earlier than expected. They were so kind to fill in for me, told me to go and check up on my dearest sister instead. Y´know, since the last few days have been quite-"
"Katrina", she whipped around to face her sister when it seemed like the spew of unnecessary information wasn´t going to stop anytime soon. Honestly-
"Don´t you have other things to do? Other places to be?" Her eyebrows raised so high it felt like they nearly met her hairline.
She loves her sister, but Kate has this irritating quality of showing herself when she really wasn´t needed nor wanted. It´s entirely on purpose, of course. Her younger sister does so love pushing buttons and testing limits, especially hers.
Never before in her life had the urge to strangle her sister been this appealing. That cursed smirk-
"Oh...by the way sis-", her left eye was starting to twitch. "I´m not as well-versed as you are when it comes to canoodling with une madame, but I´m pretty sure that´s not how you do it." A pointed look was thrown over her shoulder, head nodding at the human woman still sitting-
...Who used to sit in front of her. She was right there just seconds ago!
Her eyes frantically scanned the establishment, ears straining to detect that angelic voice, nose going crazy trying to catch a whiff of-
The little coffee shop went dead silent then, all eyes turned to her, looking at her like she´s completely lost it. Even her sister shot her a look that was free of mirth and mischief for once.
She had to get out of here.
She turned on her heel, blonde curls bouncing as she marched out of the shop, Kate not far behind. It took a mere few seconds until both of them were standing on the sidewalk in front of the facility, but it´s been the longest few seconds of her life.
The urge to break character, to drop this wretched human facade - if only for a moment - so she could-
"Tan...what´s going on?" Eyes roamed up and down her body, taking in her frenzied state. "What just happened in there?"
A hand slowly reached for her, hesitating for the briefest of moments before it came to rest on her shoulder. As if Kate didn´t wish to accidently spook her, as though her sister were dealing with a wild animal.
Honestly? She didn't quite understand, herself. Now that this woman was no longer in her vicinity, that god-awful itch returned. Only this time, it was made so much worse by that mouthwatering smell which seemed to linger in every facet of her being. It made her feel light-headed; she had great difficulty stringing together a coherent thought.
For the first time in over a millennium, she felt drunk.
It was addicting-
"...Tan? Tany-hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hands grabbed her before she could storm off again. She wasn´t sure where to, exactly. She moved on autopilot, led by a force greater than anything she´s faced in life.
"Will you please tell me what's going on? What's the matter? Is it that woman from before?" That got her listening. "Are you...are you mad at me or something?"
Kate must´ve taken her confused silence as an affirmation. "Come on sis, don´t be like that. I´m sorry, okay? I´m sorry for thwarting your plans of getting into that woman´s pants. But Tan...there´s more where she came from. You´re gonna have your hands full in no time, I´m sure-"
The rational part of her recognized her sister was trying to cheer her up by being her usual impish self. Had she not been as preoccupied as she was in this moment, she might´ve even appreciated it.
However, the primal part of her that seemed to continuously gain the upper hand as time went on did not appreciate it. On the contrary - it roared and snapped its teeth at the implication she would make do with any other ever again-
"-emember? You were so furious at me because she´s had you in a limbo for weeks. I know you have a thing for prudes, but I still think I did you a favor. Some of them just aren´t worth the trouble, if you ask me. Why suffer blue balls when you can have any other-"
As Kate continued her dive into past affairs, she could feel something inside of her snapping.
"She´s NOT just any woman, Kate! So don´t you dare talk about her like she´s merely a way to pass time!" Her sister had the decency to look mildly guilty, at least. More than that though, she looked just as confused as Tanya felt.
"...Okay?" There was that look again. Like she´s lost it. She couldn´t blame her. None of them had ever experienced it...until now.
She ran a hand through her curls in exasperation. "Kate, I...I think...I-"
Gods, what was this woman doing to her?
Hands reached for her again, cradling her upper arms like she was made of porcelain. "Tanya...calm, it´s okay." Kate soothed. "I´d ask you to take a deep breath for me, but that´d kinda be in vain, don´t you think?"
Trust her sister to make light of just about any situation. It´s a trait she both curses and cherishes.
"Honestly though...what´s going on? You´re starting to scare me, sis."
'That makes two of us.'
Yes, this new development did scare her - immensely so. But at the same time, she´s never felt so overcome with purpose and meaning; like everything makes sense now.
In all of her undead existence, she´s never felt so alive.
She couldn´t explain it, even if she tried - one has to experience it to understand. If she had to put a name to it, however-
"Kate..." Her sister took note of her ever-growing smile with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. Had it still been necessary for her to take a breath, she would have refused to release it in that moment. Tanya was sure of it.
"I think...I think I´ve found my mate."
A/N: Well, that kinda escalated. I´m glad it did though, lel.
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Muffin, what is your favorite March sister from Little Women? Do you think Jo or any of her sisters would survive Edward?
Well, I'll answer your second question first.
Who Survives Edward?
The funny thing is that most people survive Edward quite easily. If you're an ordinary person who's not on Edward's 1920's hit list then he pays you very little mind and you never really interact with him. For all Jessica annoyed him, she was never in danger from him, nor was Angela, nor many of the other characters we meet.
Even Mike wasn't Edward's concern until Edward became obsessed with Bella and decided Mike was his rival.
So, the March sisters would all be absolutely fine. The likelihood of them smelling as good as Bella is very small, remember Aro's 3500 years old and he hasn't come across his own singer once. Edward's probably not going to run into another singer and it's very unlikely to be one of the March girls.
Now, if they smelled as good as Bella...
Beth and Meg have the best shot at it. Jo is too assertive and too myopic, Edward wouldn't approve of her treatment of Laurie and then her getting upset when Laurie goes and marries Amy. Amy is too self-centered (look, guys, the recent movie was made by Amy stans and I have to go off the book here but even in the recent movie Edward would see it this way).
Beth is incredibly sweet and caring and actually kind of what Edward believes he loves in Bella. She's caring at great cost to herself and with no resentment after scarlet fever destroys her health, she's the heart of keeping her dysfunctional family together, she even sweetly plays piano. Her sickly nature after the fever would also be a bonus for Edward as it means that they're in a doomed romance where woe he could turn her and remove all her health problems but he can't and she's very likely to die young. It also means she'll always need him to care for her and adds to her Victorian style frailty. Beth, for her own part, being the youngest and generally overlooked for her sisters because of her health/youngness/sweetness would probably be very flattered and into this mysterious hot boy who is paying attention to her.
Beth might very well survive until she dies of health complications.
Meg might get by in that she's generally... tolerable. She does what's best for her/the family, does what Aunt Marge thinks is best, and quietly gets married and lives her life the way she's supposed to. The trouble is if she attracts Edward's notice...
Without Bella's mental shield I don't think he's convincing himself she has an entirely different personality and I don't see him being into her. I take it back, Meg dies.
My Favorite March Sisters
I like all of them except Meg, I find Meg boring, which is kind of the point of her, so I guess it works out.
I forgot Beth is the second youngest, not the youngest who is Amy.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I love how she is teaching Renesemee what she knows.
Garrett x single mom reader the reader is a singer at Bella and Edward's wedding. She is also Bella's aunt, she has long brown hair and green eyes.
Her daughter (who is 5 years old) is the splitting image of her. They both meet when her daughter runs across the floor and in between Garrett's legs, where he picks her up before she can fall on her face.
Over the couple of weeks, her and Garrett get to know each other. Garrett does eventually ask where the father of her daughter is. The reader tells him that the father did not want to have a child and gave up parental rights and just up and left her never to be seen again.
After the news of Renesemee being born and Bella being turned. The reader and her daughter are at the Cullen's. None of the witnesses attack the reader and her daughter, their blood does not affect them. They all just adore the reader and her daughter. She often gets song request.
(her child always runs up to Garrett's legs and demand to be pick and held it is the only way she can fall asleep)
They are both sitting on the sofa when an unknown vampire makes a rude comment about the reader being a single mother. The reader is upset and tries to leave but the vampire grabs the reader's arm and makes a comment about how the reader should not even be here.
Garrett gets upset and pins the vampire to the wall. He tells him to leave the reader alone and that she is not bothering anyone.
A couple of weeks after the battle Garrett ask the reader to marry him and to adopt her daughter. She says yes.
❝wedding singer❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a single mother who catches a guest Garrett’s attention at her nieces wedding after he saves her daughter from falling
✭ twilight masterlist
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The wedding of Bella and Edward Cullen was a celebration that cast a shimmering glow over the town of Forks, an event that seemed to bridge the ordinary and the extraordinary. Amidst the array of guests, each with their own stories and secrets, one figure stood out—a woman named (Y/N), her presence an elegant reflection of both beauty and mystery.
(Y/N) was more than just a guest at the wedding; she was a performer, a singer who lent her melodic voice to the festivities. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, a curtain of chestnut that framed her face with an air of effortless grace. Her eyes, a striking shade of green, held a depth that seemed to hint at the stories they had witnessed.
As the notes of her song drifted through the air, (Y/N) poured her emotions into the lyrics, her voice resonating with a haunting melody. Her performance cast a spell over the attendees, drawing them into a world where love and magic intertwined. And amidst the sea of faces, there was one who found himself captivated by the enchanting presence before him—Garrett.
Garrett, an observer of life's intricacies, watched as (Y/N)'s voice filled the room, a symphony that seemed to echo the very heartbeats of those who listened. His gaze shifted from her to the dance floor, where joyous celebrations swirled in harmony. And then, a flicker of movement caught his attention.
A young girl, no older than five, darted across the floor with an uninhibited enthusiasm that brought a smile to his lips. With the grace of a dancer, she wove through the crowd, her trajectory set on a collision course with Garrett. Before he could react, the girl dashed beneath his outstretched arm, her trajectory sending her directly between his legs.
Instinctively, Garrett's hands shot out, catching the girl in his arms just as she teetered on the brink of tumbling forward. Laughter bubbled from her lips as she gazed up at him, her eyes mirroring the vibrant green of her mother's. It was a moment of serendipity, a dance of fate that brought two souls together.
"(Y/N)!" a voice called from across the room. A woman, unmistakably Bella's aunt from her father's side, made her way toward them. Her eyes held a mix of relief and amusement as she reached them. "I hope she hasn't been too much of a handful," she said, a playful tone in her voice.
(Y/N)'s smile was both warm and grateful as she reached out to take her daughter from Garrett's arms. "Not at all. Looks like she's made a new friend."
The little girl's gaze shifted between her mother and Garrett, her curiosity evident. "Mommy, is this the nice man who caught me?"
(Y/N) chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, sweetheart. This is the nice man who caught you."
Garrett offered a friendly smile to the little girl, his heart warmed by her innocence. "It was my pleasure. You're quite the speedy runner."
The girl giggled, a sound that seemed to echo with joy. As (Y/N) and Garrett shared a brief exchange, a connection seemed to form—a fleeting spark of something that held the promise of new beginnings.
As the wedding festivities continued, the paths of (Y/N) and Garrett had converged in a moment that defied the boundaries of time and circumstance. In the dance of life, they had become partners, their stories weaving together in ways that neither could have foreseen. And as the night unfolded, they would find that the notes of destiny had composed a melody that was uniquely their own.
Over the course of the following weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves drawn to each other like two stars gravitating in a celestial dance. Their interactions were a mixture of shared laughter, meaningful conversations, and stolen moments that seemed to suspend time itself.
As they sat in a cozy café one afternoon, the topic turned to matters of family. Garrett's gaze was gentle as he looked at (Y/N), curiosity evident in his eyes. "You mentioned your daughter's father earlier," he began tentatively. "May I ask what happened?"
(Y/N)'s expression softened, a hint of sadness touching her features. She took a deep breath before speaking, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "He didn't want to be a father. When I told him I was pregnant, he decided to give up his parental rights and left us without a second thought. It was a painful time, but my focus has always been on giving my daughter the best life I can."
Garrett's nod was sympathetic, understanding the complexities that life often presented. The conversation drifted, carried by the currents of their shared experiences, their connection growing stronger with each passing day.
Then came a day that shifted the very fabric of their existence. News of Bella's fate—the transformation into a vampire after childbirth—rippled through the supernatural world. As the Cullens rallied to protect Bella's immortal child from the Volturi's gaze, (Y/N) and her daughter found themselves drawn into the heart of the unfolding drama.
Guided by Bella's earlier revelation about the Cullens' true nature, (Y/N) arrived at their home, her daughter at her side. The Cullens welcomed them with open arms, their expressions tinged with a mix of familiarity and genuine warmth.
As the tension of the impending confrontation with the Volturi mounted, (Y/N) and her daughter became integral parts of the Cullens' efforts to gather witnesses. The supernatural world converged at their doorstep, a mosaic of beings from different walks of life. And amidst this assembly, (Y/N) and her daughter stood as a unique anomaly—their presence, their blood, somehow immune to the effect it had on vampires.
As the witnesses shared their stories and allegiances, (Y/N)'s daughter exuded an innocent curiosity that endeared her to everyone around her. Her questions flowed like a stream of consciousness, and each answer she received was met with wide-eyed wonder. She approached each witness with a fearless curiosity, her innocence a breath of fresh air amidst the tension.
(Y/N) watched her daughter with pride, her heart swelling with love for the brave and curious soul she had brought into the world. And as the moments turned into hours, a realization settled over (Y/N)—this was a family, a community unlike any other, one that had embraced her and her daughter without hesitation.
As the days turned into weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett's connection deepened, their lives intertwined in ways that felt both familiar and new. In the comfort of their shared moments, they became a duo that navigated the challenges of life with a resilience borne from their past experiences.
One evening, in the soft glow of twilight, (Y/N)'s daughter approached Garrett with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of determination and affection. With a giggle, she ran towards him, her little feet carrying her straight to his legs. "Up, up!" she exclaimed, tiny arms reaching out to him.
Garrett's smile was warm as he swept the little girl into his arms, her weight a comforting presence against his chest. (Y/N) watched with a mixture of tenderness and gratitude, knowing that Garrett had become more than just a partner to her—he was a father figure her daughter had come to rely on.
Later that evening, as the night settled in, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves on the sofa, a sense of contentment hanging in the air. They shared stories, their laughter mingling like melodies in the quiet room. But the tranquility was shattered when an unfamiliar vampire, a newcomer to their world, made his presence known.
The vampire's voice dripped with disdain as he directed a rude comment towards (Y/N), alluding to her status as a single mother. Anger sparked within her, but before she could respond, the vampire continued his taunts, questioning her very presence.
Tension crackled in the air as (Y/N) stood up, her fists clenched at her sides. The weight of judgment bore down on her, a reminder of the trials she had faced throughout her existence. She took a step back, a hurt and frustrated expression clouding her features. The vampire's words had struck a nerve, reminding her of past wounds that had yet to fully heal.
But before she could make her exit, the vampire's grip tightened on her arm, his tone dripping with superiority. "You shouldn't even be here," he sneered.
The room seemed to shift as Garrett's aura changed, his usually easygoing demeanor replaced by an unyielding determination. He rose from the sofa, his movements swift and purposeful. With a controlled force, he pinned the vampire to the wall, his grip unwavering.
"Let her go," Garrett's voice was low, a warning that held an edge of danger.
The vampire's expression turned from arrogance to surprise, his bravado faltering in the face of Garrett's strength. "What's it to you?" he spat out, a hint of fear betraying his façade.
"She's not bothering anyone," Garrett's tone was sharp, each word punctuated by the tension in the room. "You, on the other hand, need to learn some manners."
As Garrett's grip tightened, the vampire's confidence waned further. With a final warning glance, Garrett released him, allowing him to stumble back. The vampire scurried away, his bravado shattered, leaving the room with an air of tension.
Turning back to (Y/N), Garrett's gaze softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice a quiet reassurance.
(Y/N) nodded, her heart still racing from the encounter. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude that words couldn't fully express.
In that moment, (Y/N) realized that the bond she shared with Garrett was not just about shared laughter and stolen moments. It was about protection, understanding, and a love that had the power to weather even the darkest storms. As they settled back on the sofa, the warmth of their connection cocooned them, a reminder that no matter the challenges they faced, they faced them together.
With a soft smile, Garrett took (Y/N)'s hand in his own, his gaze steady and sincere. "Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice carrying a mix of hope and vulnerability.
(Y/N)'s heart swelled with emotion, her eyes shimmering as she met his gaze. The journey they had embarked upon, the challenges they had faced together, had all led to this moment. "Yes," she replied, her voice a whisper that held the weight of a promise.
A radiant smile graced Garrett's lips as he reached into his pocket, producing a delicate ring that sparkled in the fading light. As he slipped the ring onto (Y/N)'s finger, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of the vow they were exchanging.
But the journey ahead was not just about their union—it was also about family. With a warmth that spoke of his love for both (Y/N) and her daughter, Garrett turned his attention to the little girl who had become an integral part of their lives.
He knelt down to her level, his eyes holding a mixture of fondness and sincerity. "Hey there," he began, his voice gentle. "You know how much I love you and your mommy, right?"
The little girl nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with innocence. "Yeah!"
Garrett's smile grew even wider, his heart full. "Well, I was wondering if I could be your new daddy. Would that make you happy?"
A radiant smile broke across the little girl's face as she clapped her hands in delight. "Really? You want to be my new daddy?"
Garrett's laughter was a melody that filled the air as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Yes, really. I love you just as much as I love your mommy."
The little girl wrapped her arms around him, her happiness infectious. "I love you too!"
As (Y/N) looked on, her heart swelled with a profound sense of joy. The pieces of their lives had fallen into place, forming a picture of love, acceptance, and belonging. In that moment, they were not just two souls bound by affection—they were a family, complete and unbreakable.
The years that had led them to this point had been marked by challenges and triumphs, but through it all, they had found solace and strength in each other's arms. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm embrace over their world, (Y/N) knew that the love she had found in Garrett was a treasure worth cherishing for a lifetime.
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aliceismypixie · 1 year
The villain of my story ∥ The woods aren't for games
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or gn reader)
Warning - kidnapping
Words count - 1.17k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Chapter 1 - Masterlist
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Lucky them, vampires didn't need to sleep. Unlucky them, vampires couldn't sleep.
For the past two weeks, everyone just wanted to drown themselves in a peaceful slumber only to wake up and realize that the threat was only a bad dream and they were actually okay. Jacob, Seth and Leah had the luxury to sleep but once they would wake up, the hard reality would catch up on them and they were forced to watch over their friend.
Yes once again, there was a protection details for Bella once again. And everyone was either tired or annoyed about it. Leah and Rosalie were annoyed about the protection detail, sure they were somewhat 'friends' with Bella, but honestly Leah was there because she didn't have any other choice and Rosalie was more attached to Renesmee than Bella. The rest were tired. Everyone did try to hide it but it was pretty obvious. This family couldn't get a break. At Least not until the threat was gone.
"So you can't see anything ?" Leah asked with a scoff and Jasper tightened his hold against his wife.
"I've tried okay ? But all I see is a blank space. I can't see them or whatever their plan is. I've tried !" Alice argued back as the family was once again reunited in the living room.
"But we can't just have a protection detail, right ?" Seth innocently asked from his seat beside Esme, who sent him a motherly smile.
"No, we need to add a protection force. We can ask Sam's pack for help." Edward butted in and if Rosalie wasn't outside playing with Resentment Renesmee and Jacob, she would have rolled her eyes.
Of course Edward was only thinking about Bella's safety. But could you blame him ? She was his wife and he loved her more than anything. And as selfish as it sounds, the mind reader was ready to put anyone's life on line if it was to ensure Bella's well being and safety. He did it when the two nomads vampires hunted them, he did it when he forced everyone to leave Forks only to left them once they were out of the city, he did it when the newborn army was against Bella and he did it when the Volturi threatened to kill his family. And by his family, I was only talking about Renesmee and Bella.
But could you really blame him ? It was admirable ! A man boy, willing to risk's all his loved one's life for his true love ! Please take in consideration that Bella was only his singer and not his mate. See that ? He was so deeply in love with the main character that he was willing to do anything for her.
But anyways, Edward Anthony Masen-Cullen was only the main lead of the love triangle for the main character so let's not go deeper into the subject yeah ?
Bella felt like she was a burden. I mean she was but the main character is never a burden. But it wasn't her fault if people were revengeful ! All she ever wanted was to live a happy immortal after-life with her vampire god-like husband, her hybrid super rare child and her husband's super rich family. She was the victim here.
As I was saying, Bella felt like she was a burden and all she wanted was for everything to stop and go back to the way it used to be. Obviously not what it used to be before she met the Cullens, but like, you see the past year that passed without the Volturi or a rogue vampire wanting to kill her was actually nice.
"I'm so sorry guys. I really don't know who it could be…" Bella muttered.
"They're alone against all of us anyways." Emmett smirked, clearly thrilled by the feeling of being in a dangerous situation.
"Emmett, this is a serious matter." Edward scolded with a glare and his brother rose his hand in surrender.
"And I was serious too, relax dude." The buff vampire replied yet the tension in the room stayed so thick that you could cut it with a knife and Jasper's power was almost useless.
"We need to be ready for any eventuality." Carlisle announced and everyone agreed, feeling a strange and uneasy shiver run down their spines.
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Rosalie, Jacob and Renesmee were all hanging out in the forest. The Cullen's territory was safe for now and if they felt any threat, they needed to go back home immediately, not that Renesmee would know anyways. Right now they were simply enjoying the fresh air outside of the suffocating windows of the Cullen's three story house and talking. Well, Rosalie and Jacob weren't really talking to each other you know, mostly talking to their favorite child.
"Aunt Rosalie, do you think that we'll catch them ?" Renesmee asked and the blond vampire sent her a comforting smile.
"Of course we will. They will not hurt any of us, don't worry." The Goddess-like vampire replied and Jacob rubbed his fluffy head against Renesmee's side, agreeing with Rosalie for once.
"Well then, you'll have to catch me !" Renesmee started to run away and the two grown up exchanged a look before running after her.
They were unlucky though, Renesmee inherited her father's speed. I would say the little girl was lucky to have inherited her father's speed, but when an immortal child was after you and equally as fast as you while your family was too far away to protect you, I wouldn't exactly say I was lucky.
Smelling the unfamiliar scent of lavender and wet-grass around them, Jacob and Rosalie immediately tried to go faster while Jacob howled, alerting the members of his pack. The two adults chased after Renesmee, missing the shadow passing them through the trees as they couldn't even see the hybrid in front of them.
"Renesmee slow down !" Rosalie called in panic.
Hearing her aunt's worried tone, Renesmee turned around swiftly, but what she didn't expect was to see a hooded figure only a few inches away from her with their red eyes glowing.
"I would stay quiet if I were you." The voice was childish yet there was some kind of venom and dangerous aura in them that made Renesmee stunned in fear.
Not far away from them, echoed the call of Rosalie, soon followed by the rest of the Cullens while the shifters were all in their wolf form causing the hooded figure to smirk before putting a hand on Renesmee's mouth.
"Let's go dear." They muttered and suddenly the clearing was empty, as if they never were there in the first place.
Reaching the clearing, everyone's expression fell as they found it empty. The only thing they could find was a letter gently laid on the ground and Bella took, her hands trembling at the thought of what probably happened and her heart fell, as well as everyone else's, as she rode the words of the letter out loud.
"'I told you to keep an eye open Bells. The woods aren't for games'."
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Chapter 3
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Yeah, so I finished Breaking Dawn.
Holly shit. Holly fucking shit. Holly Jesus fucking Christ holly fucking hell god damn shit. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING.
I am serious. I am not being ironic or trying to be cool or contradictory or nothing. This book is absolutely batshit insanely fucking good. THIS IS GOOD FUCKING FANTASY.
Look. I've read and watched plenty of reevaluations of the series in the past couple of years, and I think we all know by now that it is far from perfect and there's a lot to criticize, but that the criticism and cultural uproar at the time was just pure misogyny and hatred to anything that girls like (a day will come when we talk about Justin Bieber and how the entire world decided its number one enemy was a 13 year old boy who wanted to be a pop singer and was beloved by 13 year old girls but it is not this day), and that Meyer is actually a very good world builder. This reread really solidified this for me, but even more so then before. I really do believe she is a good writer. NOT GREAT, but good. Until Breaking Dawn.
I am not joking when I tell you that this is one of the most incredible books I have ever read in my life. It is leaps and bounds better then any other book in the series. I think the other books are fine and enjoyable, they definitely don't hold the same charm over me as they did when I was 16, but they are absolutely entertaining and even truly touching (New Moon specifically). But this... this is just a different league altogether. This book is mature, and brutal, and aggressive, and disgusting, and horrifying, and reached fucked up territories that few writers dare to explore and I absolutely admire Meyer for this.
Part One - Bella:
It's a pretty short section of the book so there's not much to say about. It's sweet and fun but nothing much more.
Horny Bella is the best Bella. Get some girl.
Part two - Jacob:
Anyway, this right here is what brilliance is made of. I need to find a way to articulate it properly. It's the first time I have ever been so acutely aware of the narrator because the entire narration is in first person and so all the sections that are supposedly general descriptions are an active thought of Jacob that in almost every single moment are being experienced not just by me but by his pack(s) and by Edward and are commented on in the story. I don't even know how to explain just what an unbelievably wonderfully complexly imaginatively fucked up this is. Just. Amazing.
I'm okay I swear. But seriously. Leah's story is amazing as is, but it's the room Meyer gives her to be both filled with sorrow and with just pure spiteful rage. I love that she is not perfect, she is not currently nice, because she can't be nice, but a day will come when she might be better, be in a better place, and that's okay because we understand her. I just love her so much.
Speaking of which, I love the new bond between Rosalie and Bella but I also love that it's not entirely a good things? Like, there is a very clearly stated undertone that Rose cares more about the fetus than she does about Bella, and I just respect that? She isn't just magically sweet and kind, it's twisted and complicated and good storytelling (I forgot to mention in the Eclipse post Rosalie's backstory, but obviously that's also amazing).
Seth is also the most wonderful and pure cinnamon role in history and I will die for him.
6. this:
Leah: Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby. Jacob: Oh his head, apparently. Leah: He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Jacob: Lead paint? Leah: Looks like it.
7. This section is just so fucking brutal. The physical toll of carrying the baby for Bella, Edward's agony, Jacob's suffering, Leah's everything, the coming attack from the wolves, the birth... Immaculate.
Part three - Bella:
If there was one Mary Sue I would stan, it was Bella. You're doing amazing sweetie!! You go and be an awesome newborn. We believe in you!!!
All the vampire descriptions are just so fucking good. The whole distractability, the way the new senses literally overwhelm you. I love it all.
You know what? I really don't mind the imprinting. Meyer goes to great lengths to say that it's in no way romantic. It's not the Greatest Thing, but, I mean, I'm reading a fantasy book... my suspension is very much suspending...
Jacob's being an ass again, only caring about what he wants, but it's only for like two chapters so it's fine.
I can't help but love the congregation of vampires, it's just so fun and interesting, and even though we spend so little time with them they are all so distinct.
It's a great showdown. I love it way more then I did the first time. I am still fond of the What-The-Fuck-They-Are-All-Dying???? scene from the movie, but it's intense even without it.
and this:
Garrett: If we live through this, I`ll follow you anywhere, woman. Kate: Now he tells me.
Good job all around. Now I need to go buy Midnight Sun.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
What are your favorite essays/collections of literary criticism?
Some favorite single essays:
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "A Defence of Poetry"
Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Poet"
Herman Melville, "Hawthorne and His Mosses"
Matthew Arnold, "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"
Henry James, "The Art of Fiction"
Sigmund Freud, "The Uncanny"
Walter Benjamin, "Franz Kafka: On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death"
T. S. Eliot, "Tradition and the Individual Talent"
Viktor Shklovsky, "Art as Technique"
Mikhail Bakhtin, "Epic and Novel"
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, "In Praise of Shadows"
G. Wilson Knight, "The Embassy of Death: An Essay on Hamlet"
Simone Weil, "The Iliad, or, The Poem of Force"
Jorge Luis Borges, "Kafka and His Precursors"
Ralph Ellison, "The World and the Jug"
James Baldwin, "Everybody's Protest Novel"
Leslie Fiedler, "The Middle Against Both Ends"
Iris Murdoch, "The Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited"
Flannery O'Connor, "Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction"
Gilles Deleuze, "On the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature"
George Steiner, "A Reading Against Shakespeare"
Derek Walcott, "The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory"
Toni Morrison, "Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature"
Louise Glück, "Education of a Poet"
Camille Paglia, "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders: Academe in the Hour of the Wolf"
Michael W. Clune, "Bernhard's Way"
Some favorite collections:
Samuel Johnson, Selected Essays
Oscar Wilde, Intentions
Virginia Woolf, The Common Reader
D. H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature
George Orwell, All Art Is Propaganda
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation
Kenneth Rexroth, Classics Revisited
Guy Davenport, The Geography of the Imagination
Cynthia Ozick, Art and Ardor
V. S. Pritchett, Complete Collected Essays
Gore Vidal, United States
Joyce Carol Oates, The Faith of a Writer
Tom Paulin, Minotaur
J. M. Coetzee, Stranger Shores
Michael Wood, Children of Silence
James Wood, The Broken Estate
Edward Said, Reflections on Exile
Gabriel Josipovici, The Singer on the Shore
Clive James, Cultural Amnesia
William Giraldi, American Audacity
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mydaddywiki · 7 months
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6'0" (183 cm)
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, KG, GCVO, CD, ADC (Edward Antony Richard Louis; born 10 March 1964-) is a member of the British royal family. He is the youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and the youngest sibling of King Charles III. He was born 3rd in the line of succession to the British throne and is now 14th.
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While not as desirable as Charles or Andrew, Edward does has something I’m finding attractive. Apparently in his youth, he was by far the most attractive British Royal to some and pinged to high heaven. What? He did work in theatre.
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Married with two children, back in the early 90's, it's rumored he and some singer/actor were an item. Apparently it was the worst kept secret in town. Now with his parents are gone, his brother, King Charles III on a tear to economize the BRF and his other brother is a disgrace. Can Prince Edward finally live his true life? Rekindle the magic with his first real love? Keep a hot, ripped piece on the side (namely me). Indulge in his love of the (other) BBC without shame.
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coffeeandtvv · 2 years
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astarionbae · 1 year
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OHC 2023: Day(s) 3&5
During the nineteenth century, a young opera singer named Rylee mesmerizes the disfigured musical genius that lives under the floorboards of the Opera House. The Phantom, Edward, adores her talent and cannot deny her beauty. He lures her as his protégé and falls fiercely in love with her.
taglist: @aliverse, @jewishbarbies, @maddyperiez, @asirensrage, @richitozier, @oneirataxia-girl, @endless-hoppington, @carmens-garden, @squirrelstone, @lucys-chen, @rey-of-luke, @reysfinn, @fandomqueenlove, @mmmayflower2016, @bravelittleflower, @kiara-carrera, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterest, @heresthefanfiction, @margoshansons, @starcrossedjedis, @zoyazenik, @dyhlanobrien, @eddiemunscns, @bisexualterror, @waterloou, @claryxjackson, @dreamerwithapen1, @seize-the-droid, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @phoebestarks, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @enchanted--roses, @arrthurpendragon
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womantoday · 1 month
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Ruby Falls {January 16, 1946 - June 15, 1986}
Ruby Falls has been the most successful black woman country performer to date, with her mellifluous voice taking her to the Billboard country singles chart nine times between 1974 and 1979. Her biggest hits were “You’ve Got To Mend This Heartache,” which peaked at number 40 in 1977 and “I’m Getting’ Into Your Love,” which peaked at number 56 in 1979. Falls was also nominated as country music’s Most Promising Female Vocalist in 1975 by country industry trade media. She recorded on the 50 States Records label and also found success in her stage shows. In the late 1970’s, she was touring through the Atlas Artists Bureau with Grand Ole Opry star Justin Tubb. She also performed with such country greats as Faron Young, Jeanne Pruett, Del Reeves, Narvel Felts, and Dave & Sugar. She additionally got significant Nashville area and national promotion on such television programs as the Ralph Emery Show, Nashville Today, Good Ol’ Nashville Music and Music Hall America.
When Falls died in Nashville at the young age of 40 of a brain hemorrhage in June 1986, she was touted by the media along with Linda Martell for becoming one of the first black women to find significant success in country music. In a brief retrospective nine years after her death, Nashville’s major daily newspaper, The Tennessean, proclaimed, “Along with other successful black artists of the period, such as Charley Pride and Stoney Edwards, she helped illuminate the black community’s long history of artistic contributions to the country.” Tubb told the media after her death that “She was the one of the best friends I ever had. Ruby Falls made everybody feel good that she was around.”
Born as Bertha Frances Bearden (married: Dorsey) in January 1946, on a farm near Jackson, Tennessee, Falls spent her early years primarily picking cotton, tomatoes and strawberries. She dreaded her days in the field at the hand of a strict grandmother, who was her guardian. For refuge, she listened to the radio a lot at night, particularly to country music heard frequently on station KLAC out of Gallatin, Tennessee. The sounds she heard prompted her to dream of a singing career. She began that career singing in churches, in schools on talent shows and at local social events as a teenager.
After high school she moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, took voice, dance and charm lessons, and turned professional in early 1960’s by becoming lead singer with the group Harvey Scales and the Seven Sounds. The group travelled all over the country and performed country, pop, and rock in such places as Las Vegas and New York supper clubs. Then she joined a rock and jazz band whose club dates were typically closer to home. Then she decided to concentrate on the music she enjoyed most and moved to Nashville. There she was discovered by Johnny Howard, who signed her to 50 States in 1974.
She took the name Ruby Falls from one of Tennessee’s natural treasures- a cavern that is 1,100 feet below the surface of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, is the deepest cavern in the United States and boasts the highest underground waterfall open to the public. “It’s like a dream come true,” she says in a publicity brief, about her success as Ruby Falls. “I get to thinking about everything good that’s happened to me since I moved to Nashville and sometimes I get so excited I feel I sing in my sleep every night.” Of her move to Nashville to concentrate on both singing and writing country, she adds, “It made sense. There’s a lot of country girl left in me and I guess it shows in my music like it does in my talking…I love music and I love people, so my main goal is making music that people will love. I want to do my very best all the time so people will love me.”
After pounding the Nashville pavement and landing a recording contract, Falls found that having records out in the public and getting touring dates was not enough to bring her what she wanted. She wanted more. She wanted to catapult her career to the next level. A grand opportunity to just that came to her in 1976 when she won a slot to perform before thousands of country radio on-air personalities and executives from around the country. Gathered in Nashville for their annual industry convention known as the Country Radio Seminar, these are the people who somehow had to become attracted to Falls and be part of an overall effort to promote her and her music if she were to become a true star. But the opportunity didn’t open the doors she had expected, and by the time of her death she was disgruntled at not having done better in her career and had taken a traditional job at a computer firm.
Falls did not blame people’s reaction to her race for her not reaching the heights she had dreamed of, and she had earlier vowed to keep trying to reach her career goals in every way she could think of. “Everybody’s been real nice to me,” she said in a September 1977 Essence magazine article. “I’ve never had negative incidents on the road. If I did, I wouldn’t pay them any mind…I want to be a star. No one ever told me that it was gonna be easy. I’m gonna hang on in there for as long as it takes to make it.”
articles: Hillbilly Music Jet Billboard The Black Women Of Country Music That Nashville Sound
Youtube: Sweet Country Music {1975} He Loves Me All To Pieces {1975} Let's Spend Summer In The Country {1975} Show Me Where {1976} Somewhere There’s A Rainbow Over Texas {1976} Beware Of The Woman (Before She Gets To Your Man) {1976} You’ve Got To Mend This Heartache {1977} Do The Buck Dance {1977} Three Nights A Week {1978} If That’s Not Loving You (You Can’t Say I Didn’t Try) {1978} I’m Gettin’ Into Your Love {1979}
Stella Parton Remembers Singer Ruby Falls {2022}
Country Music Time #767: interview {1982}
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