#Ryan sitkowski fanfiction
ladyveronikawrites · 28 days
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ciginatree · 1 month
Chapter One
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Summary: First, was the Divine Infection, a brutal act of biological terrorism released in coastal California. Then, came The Spores. Born from a cure gone wrong, it ravaged the human race by attacking, puppeteering, and eventually: killing. In the rubble, Cyberhex works to survive and recover the world, hoping that they aren't the only ones.
Series Content Warnings (will be updated as chapters progress): death, descriptive gore, angst, grief, suicide, mental health struggles, language
Chapter word count: 3.1k
Author's Note: I'm so excited to finally be putting the first chapter of this series out! Thank you all so much for your patience, I know it was supposed to release over a month ago. It took a lot longer to put together than anticipated. Enjoy, and without further ado, welcome to Cyberhex.
This story is a complete work of fiction portraying a real person or persons in a fictional setting
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“Jesus fuck.”
“There seems to be some sort of failure of the implants delivered to the infected patients within the quarantine zone. Those killed by the implant are releasing some kind of spore that is spreading at an exponential rate. I hope you’re all stocked up on essentials, because the government is issuing a mandate that everyone within a 200 mile radius of the quarantine zone is to remain inside their homes until further notice. This new virus, deemed “The Spore”, infects…”
Verin snaps her anatomy book shut, mechanical pencil trapped in the spine as the news report drones on. The cluttered table seems unimportant as she stumbles through her apartment. “Camila!” she shouts into the bedroom, arm propped on the corner of the wall. “Have you seen the news yet?”
“What about it?” Camila yells back. A single earbud is popped in her ear, legs splayed over the bed and blanketed by a laptop. She continues to type nonchalantly as she cracks a small bubble in her mint gum.
“Just come watch it!” Verin snatches her cell phone out of her pocket as her roommate begrudgingly lifts herself from the bed and enters the front room of their apartment. Camila emits a low whistle at the report. Images of armored cars rushing to the quarantine zone flash quickly across the screen. A train of chiming tones beeps from Verin’s phone as various friends and family members reach out to her. There’s too much to process. A deep ache nestles into her heart and lungs as she heaves for breath.
“Fuck, what do we do?” Verin pants. Camila curls her face into a confused sneer, snorting out a single scoff.
“What do you mean?”
“There a fucking virus- spore, whatever the fuck it is spreading all over California!”
“Yeah, California. We live in Oregon, dipshit. We’re hundreds of miles outside the quarantine zone, we’ll be fine.” Camila’s manicured hand claps her on the shoulder. Her fingers dig into her momentarily before trailing off her arm. “A new virus spreads, like, every few years. We haven’t died yet, right?” Verin’s slick, black ponytail snaps out as she turns her head in worry.
“Don’t you think we should at least stock up on food or something? Just in case they increase the quarantine radius?”
Camila snorts. “You mean more than we already do? We’ve got rice and plastic water bottles to last us a year. Not to mention your hospital stash in the bathroom.”
Verin rolls her eyes as she walks back to the kitchen table, flipping open her book. In, two, three, four; out, two, three, four. The complex conditions and remedies lunge out at her from the pages along with gruesome diagrams of severed limbs and jaundiced eyes. “Half of those are leftover supplies from last semester and the rest are things I’m gonna need for future classes.”
“Whatever, all I’m saying is that if anyone could survive the apocalypse it’s us. And by us, I mean you.” She flashes a teasing smile as she turns on her heel. The squishy padding of her footsteps peter out on the hardwood floor as she returns to her bedroom. The metallic click of the door resounds through the apartment as Verin taps the eraser of her pencil. The gray led peeks through the opening and with a final glance at the frenzied news report, she lowers her gaze to her book.
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2 Months later
“Verin!” Screams claw along the corridor of the complex, fists smashing into the bolted apartment door. “Verin, open the fucking door! Ah, shit! Holy fuck, there’s–shit –there’s something in my arm! Verin!” Camila’s shrieks increase in urgency as she repeatedly thumps against the door. In the middle of the apartment, Verin crouches behind the kitchen counter, sobs wracking her chest . The cabinets curve out, blocking her from view of the peephole. A muffled gurgle chokes itself under the crack in the door and a velvety crimson follows it. It trickles under the door reaching its dripping tendrils in a puddled ooze towards her. 
Verin cries out and scurries away from it. A moist thunk sounds from her left and in the hallway a form crumples to the floor, matted hair sprawls in a grimy, gooey mass above a macerated neck. She freezes. It isn’t moving and neither is she. She should be alone in the apartment, how did they get in? Are they dead? Her own blood drives itself through her veins, the only sound beyond the ticking of water leaking from the sink faucet in convicted drops. Her eyes are locked on the slouched figure, fingers scratching at the stained floor. With a deafening roar, a horde of flies bursts through the fleshy wounds of the lifeless form and swarm towards Verin. She screams, hurtling herself backwards and into the kitchen table. Pain shoots through her neck where it collides with the lip of the wood and she hisses through clenched teeth. The black flies spear up into her nose, vibrating and buzzing as she swats hysterically. She can feel them in her airway, fighting to get deeper into her body. Blood trickles out from where they’ve bitten her, continuing their assault into the back of her throat. She chokes and coughs, sputtering out ashy clumps of insects as she stands to fling her arms out, desperately fending off the swarm. She stumbles, feet tripping over each other as she tips over. She gasps, frozen. Glass shatters across her back before the open air consumes her. 
Verin wakes with a staggering gasp, dissolving into a groan at the cramp in her neck. With bleary eyes she cranes her head away from the wall and takes in her surroundings. The lights are out, the spare bed frame sitting against the door, metal bars wedged beneath the doorknob. On the other side of the apartment, a corner of duct tape shies its sticky underbelly away from the perimeter of the window. Verin stands with a heavy sigh, limping from the sparkling static consuming her leg. She swings her hips around the table and raises a hand to the shining glare of the setting afternoon. It looks warm outside, deceptively inviting. The Oregonian trees dotting the horizon look like heaven in the stuffy heat of her apartment. The ac hasn’t been turned on in weeks, silence and warmth have become her constant companions. Her eyes stay focused on the mirage just out of her reach. She knows there’s a lake back there. A cool, abandoned lake littered with empty beer bottles and Doritos wrappers. What she wouldn’t give to go outside. A droning bee smacks into the window with a tiny thunk and she jolts backwards, hands flinging out to steady herself against the table. It rattles with the force of her weight and the can of soda that was resting on it clatters and rolls, sticky brown syrup pools on the wood in an expanding trickle.
“Shit.” Verin quickly rights the can, flinging liquid from her fingers in quick flicks. She turns in circles, eyes locking on the crusty kitchen towel. In quick steps, she snatches it from the counter and tosses it onto the sopping mess. With a frustrated sigh, she mops up the moisture that seems to have stained the light wood grain a syrupy, shit stain brown. “Great.” 
She treks to the trash pile accumulated in the hall closet, quickly flinging open the door and tossing it in before any spillage can leak out. She slams the door closed, the whacking sound echoing throughout the dead apartment. Then, a crackle. A screeching of feedback that grinds her eardrums and causes her hands to slap over her ears. Was it a broken satellite dish or something? Maybe some type of power line short circuiting? A voice breaks over the static. What the hell?  It’s coming from her apartment. With trembling hesitation, Verin lowers her hands and creeps to the corner of the hallway to see a figure flickering in and out of focus on her tv.
“Good morning, good afte-... and good evening-” How is the tv even working? Verin rushes out to the living room, rushing to crouch behind the couch. Her eyes peep over the cushions like a periscope. “-In a few days time, we will begin a new era of contact and reach a new hand of hope to those who wish to cha-” Static, no picture or audio.
“Fuck!” Verin rushes to the screen, smacking the side of it. The picture blinks back onto the screen and the man’s fuzzy words rush to fill the speakers.
“ -rld as we know it.” The man on the screen’s platinum hair is scraped flat over the back of his head, an indeterminate, colorful tattoo stretching across his entire neck. “We off-... -broadcast with the intention to inspire rebirth, reconnection, and most of all resistance. My frien-...-e end of this world, and we are Cyberhex.” 
The broadcast ends and her tv returns to black, her disheveled reflection mimicking her confusion. Rebirth? Reconnection? What did any of it mean? Did she intercept something… or was she meant to see it? Verin scrambles to the kitchen junk drawer, hands scooping paperclips, pencil lead containers, and an empty tape dispenser out of the way until she finds the pad of sticky notes. She snatches out the first pen she sees, grunting in frustration when the ink fades into a partial swirl. She tosses the pen onto the counter and grabs another one, sighing in relief when the black liquid bleeds onto the pink paper. Verin writes as much as she can remember of the man’s message, gaps left for when the broadcast cut out. 
She holds up the paper, re-reading it over and over, searching for clarity among the scribbles. Wait. She looks down at the words. “...we will begin a new era of contact…reach a new hand of hope…rebirth…” Are they looking for survivors?
In a sudden rush Verin rips off the top post-it note, slapping it onto the counter, before jogging to the window. The message had to have been sent to her area for a reason; maybe they’ll check her area. Maybe she can finally escape. She tears off note after note, sticking them to the window with force. Blocked light checkers onto the floor of the apartment in a pinkish glow as she steps back to observe the window and the words now spelled upon it, backwards to her own eyes. 
HELP. And just below it: ALIVE. 
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Three days pass by in a hungry drag. Verin’s food has nearly run out, her rations barely enough to sustain her. Her once sleek black hair has thinned to a dull rat’s nest of strings, her bangs stuck to her forehead in a sticky grime. Maybe she was wrong. She’s an idiot for thinking anything could come of that stupid message. The tv must have glitched and sent out some sort of old rerun of an old dystopian movie. Verin’s head pounds, eyes dry and itchy from days without sleep and nights filled with tears. Her brain feels like sandpaper grinding each time she tries to think. So, she doesn’t. She stares into the sun streaked room and waits. For death, for salvation; it doesn’t matter anymore.
A fluttering pastel in the corner of her eye catches her attention and she swivels her head on stiff joints. Another post it sinking to the ground. Verin plants her hands into the tile and heaves herself up to shuffle over to the table by the window. She rips another paper off the sticky pad and shoves it into the glass pane. A dozen rosy papers litter the ground; no use picking them up. Verin slams the paper pad back onto the table and starts to walk back to what may as well be her grave. Why does she even bother to keep those stupid papers up?
Halfway across her apartment, a droning hum catches her attention. Is that…a helicopter? It crescendos into a quick drum of blades directly above her and she flounders backwards, the small of her back jamming into a chair to send  it tipping over to the floor with. She hisses and turns in a circle, head craned back in an attempt to locate the exact position of the aircraft. 
“People in the apartment on the third floor, seven from the left: step away from the window,” the booming, tinny voice echoes above her. What the fuck? A shadow slams feet first through the window, scattering glass shards and pink paper throughout the apartment. Verin shrieks and ducks, scrambling back on her elbows on feet to get away from the dramatic scene. A man emerges, swiping window fragments from his black canvas jacket, hair dangling in front of his face. Metal encapsulates the entire lower half of his face like some sort of Saw trap. A line of cable connects him to the open air and he detaches himself from the cord with a flick of his fingers around his belt. He directs his attention to her and points a dark device directly at her head.
“No! Please-” Verin is cut off by the sharp light of a blue laser quickly swiping the length of her body. 
“She’s clean,” the man speaks in a deep, muffled voice. He pockets the device and extends a hand out to her, pulling her up to a stand. Another man lowers into view and climbs into the room on an identical cable, unclipping the carabiner. Glass crunches under his boots as he stalks over to the pair, towering over them both by at least a foot. His platinum blond hair might as well be Jesus himself with the relief it immediately brings. 
“Anyone else here?” He asks, eyes stern and unwavering as they bore into her. Verin shakes her head slowly.
“No. Just me.” The man nods, demeanor softening only a titch. “Are you…are you Cyberhex?” She asks dumbly. The blond’s mouth twitches up in concealed amusement.
“Part of it. Come on, we have to go. Now.” 
“How-? Hey!” She’s cut off as the man with the metal mouth clips a carabiner onto her belt loop, locking them together. She stumbles along as he drags her to the window, hooking into the cable left dangling through her battered apartment
“Anything you want to grab before we leave?” The blond shouts. 
“I have an emergency pack in my room!” The man disappears into the hallway before returning a moment later, black backpack slung over his right shoulder. He clips into his own cable and punches out the remaining glass shards on the window pane with gloved hands. The two men pull Verin up onto the frame, despite her protests, and lean back, cable pulling tight. Verin quickly wraps her arms around the dark haired’s middle, gasping breathlessly at the long drop.
“Hold on to me, ‘kay?” She nods in agreement; like she’d let go anyway. The blond tugs twice on his cable and they’re jolted up and out of her apartment. Verin cries out and tightens her hold. She cranes her head up to see the underbelly of a helicopter, blades thundering as they ascend towards it. They reach the aircraft and are pulled in by a third man, his long black hair pulled back tightly into a bun. Verin grasps his arm as he pulls her onto the rough metal floor with a grunt, his boots planted and angled. She scrambles further into the helicopter and grips the cushion of a nearby seat. 
The man with a bun holds a hand out to steady her, pulling her up onto the seat and placing a headset over her ears before sitting beside her. “Can you hear me?” She nods, eyes wide. “Okay. I’m Ricky, the guy with the mask is Ryan, the blond’s Chris, and Justin’s our pilot.” Verin’s eyes flit between the men anxiously, breathing ragged and shallow. Chris has made his way into the co-pilot seat, pressing various switches. The helicopter tilts suddenly as they leave the city, leaving Verin scrambling for a decent handhold. “Woah, okay, take a breath.” Ricky reaches over her to fasten the cross body seatbelt, the dull click barely audible. “Better?”
“Yeah, thank you,” Verin shouts and the men wince.
“Don’t need to yell, we can hear you fine,” Ryan chuckles, buckling in himself. Verin flushes and looks down. Ryan pries the mask from his face, shaking his hair back as he sets it on his lap. He picks some debris out from the front of the face piece, carelessly flinging it towards the cockpit.
“Why don’t you guys have headsets?” She asks, confused. Ricky points to his ears and she notices the little black earpieces jammed into the shells. “Oh.” She’s silent for a moment, looking around at her rescue team. So many things don’t make sense. “How did you broadcast to my tv?” Ricky’s lips twitch up slightly as he adjusts his earpiece.
“That’d be Vinny. He’s our tech guy.”
“Tech guy is an understatement,” Justin’s voice crackles over the headsets. “He managed to hack into FEMA’s EAS system and get it broadcast to every device in the city that still works. He’s some kind of prodigy, or genius, or something.” 
Verin nods again, dumbfounded and swarmed by the questions in her mind. She gazes out the cockpit window in front of her, taking a deep breath as blurs of blue, white, and green pass around them. It’s all a bit overwhelming; transitioning from being stuck in an apartment alone to flying in a helicopter above the city that tried to kill you. In, two, three, four; out, two, thr-
“Hey.” Ricky taps her knee to get her attention. “You’re gonna be okay, now. You’re safe with us.” Safe. Something she hasn’t felt in a long time. 
Hours drone on in a numb blur; silent, save for the occasional voice on the radio. The lengthy ride doesn’t bother her; spending months alone in an apartment taught her that time is just that: time. It’ll pass eventually, whether you want it to or not. The steady rumble of the blades and engine relaxes her, sending her into a dull trance-like state of mind. The scenery out the window remains the same; trees, mountains, sky. Until a dark, unnatural shape in the distance peers over the controls of the cockpit, steadily growing larger. Verin straightens in her seat, fingers gripping the seatbelts over her shoulders. Details of the building form as they approach; it looks like an old campus, or military base. Maybe some kind of large hospital? They descend over a makeshift landing pad on one of the buildings, red spray paint marking a large “H”. Whirring blades dip to a low rumble as they touch down, each man unclipping their seatbelts.
“Welcome to Cyberhex.”
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Tags: @abiomens @exitwoundsx @rumoured-whispers @joyofbebbanburg @miss570 @Shilohrosechicken
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beaker1636 · 1 year
G is for 'Guy'brator - Ryan
A/N: This one is a dosey, but I personally found it to be hot. It is not very often that you see sub Ryan in a smut fic so that is kind of the route that I took and I won't lie, I found it incredibly sexy. This is freshly typed and unedited like always but enjoy the next segment of The Alphabet Game!
P.S. let me know if you want in a tag list for this fic and I will add you to it so you get notified when I post updates!
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“Vin asked that we all leave him and Carlotta alone for a few days, but he told me what your letter is Ryan,” Rick sends through the group chat, knowing that Vinny has already muted it so that he won't receive any messages until he is ready.
“What’s up with them, everything is okay hopefully,” Justin responds back rather quickly, despite not being as close with Vinny he is worried about him.
“She had a bit of a breakdown last night about everything.  Her stress from work, the comments on the photos of her yesterday, family shit… anyways he decided to make her take a couple sick days and they’re going on a mini getaway trip to help her reset.  Which I agree is probably a good idea.  Anyways, Ryan your letter G is for ‘guy’brator, he said they dropped the device off to Ari already so….” Rick responds, not sure what else he should say.
“I am glad he is helping her with everything, he seemed really worried about her yesterday when I talked to him.  Let him know if they need anything I will help with whatever,” Chris responds back, wanting the message to be given to Vin.
“Same from me Rick, anything they need at all.  And thanks for my letter I guess?” Ryan responds back with, not sure what else to say.
“I will let Vin know you guys said that, he did mention she finally agreed to move in with him last night so I am sure that they will need help with that soon.  He felt it would help her a little bit if they were together and shit, and I agree.” Rick responded back, nobody else sent a message unsure what they should say next.
“Hey baby, how was work today?” Ryan kisses your forehead quick when you step towards him in the kitchen before turning back towards the stove where he is working on dinner for you both.
“Hmm, not great, not awful.  The meeting did not go how I wanted to at all, but it could have been much worse too,” you answer, wrapping your arms around his back in a hug as you press your face against his back.  You are craving the closeness of being near him, wanting that touch and comfort after a long day of work.
You both continue to talk as he finishes cooking, and as you both eat your dinner on the couch, not being bothered to sit at the table tonight.  
Your plates are both on the coffee table in front of you and you find yourself on his lap sideways, your face pressed in his neck as you just curl up with him, finding comfort in his gentle touches and you leaving a couple soft kisses on his neck.
“I’m not sure what is making you so clingy tonight but this is honestly kind of nice,” Ryan murmurs in your ear softly, a hand resting on your thigh while his other arm is wrapped around your waist, holding you on his lap closely.
“I don’t know, I just want to be close to you tonight.  If it becomes too much just let me know,” you answer softly, moving to look at him, catching his eyes with your own.
Something changes and you find yourself moving to straddle his lap, looking at him in the dim lighting of the lamp in the room, before deciding you want to kiss him.  The kiss is soft, gentle, neither of you rushing it because in this moment it just feels right to enjoy this quiet moment without the normal urgency that is between the two of you.
His lips lightly part, along with your own as it becomes slightly needier but still gentle, his tongue slowly meeting yours, in no hurry to move things forward.  The two of you continue like this for several minutes, like the first time the two of you did something and were scared to move things too quickly.
His arms moves, resting on your lower back to hold you in his lap while the other threads in your hair to hold you in place as you kiss, not wanting you to break the kiss.  It starts to get more heated and you find yourself rolling your hips against his, both of you gasping at the friction that it creates between the both of you.  You continue to slowly move against him, building until his hands find your ass under your skirt, helping you continue your movements against him along and quicker, both of you much needier.  
“Why don’t you go to the room, we will lose our clothing,” you suggest, pulling away from him. “Lay down on your back and close your eyes for me, I’ll bring our new toy in for us in a second.”
You move to slide off his lap, letting him get up as he eyes you slightly suspiciously for a moment before you turn your back.  You feel the shark sting of his hand on your ass making you jump, and then hear that he is stepping away down the hallway towards your bedroom.
You know that he more than likely is going to fight you big time on what you are planning to do but you hope that it will be worth it for him when you do it.  Grabbing the toy out of your bag you give him a few moments before you make your way down the hallway.
When you step inside your bedroom you are happy to find that he has the lamp on rather than the harsh overhead light. He also has done as you asked and was laid down naked, his eyes closed on the mattress.
Reaching into the night stand where you two keep your toys you pull out the metal handcuffs smiling to yourself, knowing that he is going to be pissed at you the second he realizes that you are putting them on him.  You gently grab one of his hands, putting the metal around it and closing it.  His eyes fly open when he realizes what is going on, fighting you as you put the other one around his other wrist.
“What the fuck are you doing? This is not what we use them for,” he exclaims, fighting you but giving up once the second one is on, glaring at you.
“Lay still, I have decided I am going to be in charge for once.  The ‘guy’brator they gave me was a vibrating cock ring and I would enjoy getting to mess with you for once.  Let me blow your mind tonight Ry,” you say softly as you step away from him, showing the little piece of silicone that is in your hand. 
“You are so in for it when you let me out, I hope you know that,” he spits at you.  His annoyance is showing, he isn’t overly dominant with you but he still likes calling the shots, being in charge of the scene so giving that to you is really annoying him.
He watches you closely as you begin to strip yourself of your shirt, slowly sliding it up over your head as you keep your eyes on him, watching his reactions.  When you are satisfied that he is enjoying the show you slip your skirt off, making sure that you bend down with your back towards him, giving him a good view of your ass in your panties as you do so.  
“Come on baby, take the rest off for me,” Ryan whines, enjoying your show but ready to see all of you.
You slip your bra off, moving your hands to cup your breasts, moving to play with your own nipples as he was forced to watch you enjoy yourself while he can’t touch you.
“You’re fucking cruel, you know that?” He asks, watching your movements closely.  Wanting you to touch yourself and growing frustrated that you aren’t.
“You talk like that and I’ll leave you handcuffed and just fuck myself with the dildo, not touching you at all,” you fire back, hoping that he will lose the attitude. “But good, you are hard, why don’t we put the ring on and see what you think.” You ask teasingly, moving to sit on the bed in only your panties.
You give him a couple soft, slow, teasing strokes with your hand taking full advantage of being in the position to bother him before you slip the ring on his base, giving him time to adjust to the foreign feeling.
“It doesn’t hurt does it?” you ask him softly as you start to stroke his cock again, still on the slow side while you wait for an answer.
“It’s tight but no, it’s different,” he answers, eyes on you as you pick up your pace.  Grabbing some lube from the drawer that the handcuffs came from you spread it on him, allowing you to work your hand better on him as you bring him close to the edge, stopping when he is close. 
You stop, moving to slip a hand in your panties between your folds as you give him time to calm back down, knowing that the show is going to drive him nuts.  
“Fuck Ryan, it’s too bad that you can’t feel how wet it is making me to watch you helplessly lay there, knowing that the ring is making you harder and more sensitive than you have been before,” you say, making eye contact as you slip the damp article of clothing down your legs.  Spreading them to give him a good view of the wetness of your folds as your run your fingers along your clit.
“Should I turn the vibrations on, see what you think of that?” You ask as you lean forward to do just that, smirking when you see his head roll back for a second at the sudden new sensation on him.  You move to start stroking him again, while continuing to tease yourself with your own hand until you can tell that he is close yet again.  You shut off the vibrations and stop moving your hand yet again, him groaning and cursing you out when the feeling goes away yet again.
“Baby, this is the hardest I have been in my life.  Please, I need to be inside you, I need to cum, please,” he begs you as he watches you start to finger yourself, giving himself a show as you thrust your own fingers inside yourself, getting off on knowing that he is watching you so close right now.
“I don’t know, you we’re getting pretty mouthy with me, maybe I need to teach you what happens when you are mouthy,” you say back, making eye contact as you let out a breathy moan, getting close yourself as you continue to work your fingers inside yourself.
“Fuck, I’ll be a good boy just fuck, please ride me,” he whines, looking at you closely hoping that it will be enough to get you to agree.
His words leave you speechless for a moment, he has never spoken to you like that, in fact he usually makes you beg for it, calls you a good girl.  It takes you a few seconds to process his words, and you decide that rather than answer to just climb on top of him.  You line him up with yourself before you sink down on him slowly. 
Both of you let out moans, you because he feels even bigger than he has ever felt inside of you and him because you feel so tight and wet, he is so needy that you feel better than he remembers.  Starting to rock your hips on his you both let out gasps, both of you giving up as you start to really work yourself on top of his cock.
“Fuck baby, let my hands go please.  Let me play with your clit, get you to cum all over my dick as you ride me,” He breathes out, hoping that you will agree.
Without thinking you do, reaching down you take them off of his wrists.  That was a mistake, the second you have them off of him he grabs your hips and flips the two of you over.  One of his hands settles around your throat, applying pressure while you watch him shocked. 
“And you thought that you we’re in charge, baby.  Maybe I should edge you now, let you get close but not close enough as I toy with your pretty pussy, make you beg for it,” he grunts out, feeling you get wetter at the suggestion. He knows that you can’t answer him and he enjoys that, wanting to see you struggle a little just like he did.
He lets go and you take a few rapid breaths, but quickly throw your head back as he himself reaches down to turn the vibrations back on knowing that if he does it just right that it’ll hit your clit and push you over the edge.  Within a couple thrusts it does, you cum hard with a moan that he is pretty sure the neighbors could hear.  
He pulls out of you, ripping the aggravating piece of silicone off of you before he plunges back inside of you, this time a lot harder than before and without giving you time to come down from your orgasm before he plunges you back into another one, you tightening around him as it hits.  You throw your head back, unable to think properly as he finally cums inside of you with a loud groan of his own, your body milking him for what he has.
The two of you stay there speechless, unsure what to say and coming down from what may have been the strongest climax that either of you have experienced in your life.  He slowly pulls himself out of you, moving so you are laying on your backs next to each other while catching your breath.
He gives you a soft kiss as he brushes your now damp hair out of your face.
“I have no clue what came over you but that was fucking hot, you can gladly restrain me again,” he teases, knowing that now that you are out of the moment that it will make you shy.
You blush and hide your hands in your face. “I think that I will leave you in charge, I enjoyed it but I enjoy it more when you lead me.  How did the ring feel?”
“That was easily the strongest it has ever felt for me before, we may have to use it again,” he says chuckling, standing up to grab a stray towel to help you clean up the mess of your thighs before moving to sit by you again.
“Can we go back to cuddling though, I really was enjoying it earlier and I could still use it today,” you say softly, glancing at him.
“That sounds nice,” he responds, handing you your pajamas, both of you getting dressed before curling up together in bed, a movie on the tv as your head lays on his chest and he plays with your hair. 
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fangirl94stuff · 1 year
Masterpiece (Ryan Sitkowski) (Motionless In White) Fanfiction
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cookies-and-mirrors · 20 days
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Prison of Stone and Flesh
Chapter Nineteen
This is a collaborative fic between @cookiesupplier and @faceless-mirror.
Dividers by @samspenandsword @cafekitsune @saradika-graphics
Authors Note: Trigger Warning for assault and past abuse. Please tread carefully.
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Pairings: Multi-Pairings, Everybody x Everybody.
Triggerlist: transphobia, homophobia, abuse, SA, dubcon, religious trauma, past suicide attempts, mental health issues, grief, death, violence, (To be added to)
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Christopher, Justin, and Ryan are members of the Gargoyle Order, soldiers fighting in the angels war against the demonic supernatural evils of the world to protect human kind. Through the years they lost comrades and now just the three of them remain in their little town.
Now, Ricky and Vinny are moving into their church, stirring up old and new feelings, along with the past, posing the challenge of navigating this new chapter in their lives.
Can they all navigate this path successfully and break free of the prisons that is their lives of both stone and flesh, or will they all be trapped forever in a world that could prove to be a constant misery?
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Taglist: @miamore0570 @21-century-tae @dragon-chica @shilohrosechicken @phxntxsmicgoricxl
@missduffsblog @witchyweeb34 @spicywhenspeaking @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @emmmm127 @sunsshinesunny
@latenightmusiclover @dontdiganothergravetoday
(please comment/like/reblog/message to be added to taglist)
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Chapter Nineteen
Ryan, Justin, and Christopher climbed the stairs towards the rectory, only this time, they had Ricky, and Vinny coming alongside them. They’d all been up the long hours of the night for the party, and they stay’d up, to help them clean afterwards, not to mention, they were so used to staying awake, it was easier for them to do. Now, though, it was almost dawn, and Justin had gotten excited, pointing out this would be the very first time they knew. They knew they were gargoyles now. Did they want to see them actually fully turn to stone?
So, that was what they were doing now! Ryan had admittedly rolled his eyes and said they weren’t a circus sideshow, but, whatever, let's go.
Ricky and Vinny had changed out of their costumes, wearing jammies and comfy clothes sighing softly with exhaustion, cleaning the rest would have to wait til the next day… or at least later in the day. “We might… need to nap in here before going upstairs to sleep…” Ricky admitted with a content smile and leaned up kissing Justin’s cheek, offering a soft smile to Ryan too. “We’ll have coffee for you guys tonight still.” he offered softly, stepping back as Vinny made out with Chris a moment longer. 
“I’ll see you tonight-” Vinny said softly, petting Chris face softly, looking up at him so tenderly and caring.
The gargoyles had all changed out of their costumes to help clean up the start of the mess from the party, though the rest would have to be left until later. Ryan hoped Ricky and Vinny waited until they woke up. Especially the worst of the disaster Justin had created with the chocolate fountain. After everyone had left, he had thought it was smart to want to stick his head into the thing instead of the fruit. He pointedly didn’t watch them all say good night, but the smile, he swallowed, nodding back to him, almost, almost even smiling himself faintly before it disappeared. His night had had slightly peaceful moments, which had felt, interesting, he wasn’t sure where they had come from, but the rest, had been confusing, and he wasn’t sure what to make of the stranger. Thankfully, they had left without a fuss. Thinking about it, he touched his hammer by his side thoughtfully, it was contracted to a shorter length currently, just a basic war hammer right now. He could extract the hammer handle to its full six feet when needed, it wasn’t tonight, thankfully. For once, aside from that one little hellhound issue earlier on Chris’ walk with Vinny, Halloween had been quiet, that had been a surprise. 
Ryan climbed onto his platform, glancing away from Vinny and Christopher, watching the other pair step up onto theirs, and waited for the stone prison to take them. Usually, they took their beast forms for effect for this, but tonight, now that Vinny and Ricky knew, they didn’t need to if they didn’t want to, it was a choice… He heard the sound of the change taking Christopher, Justin beside him… And felt the tingle of the dawn as always, but then… nothing…
His eyes danced around the room… his hand unreasonably warm as he glanced at Ricky and Vinny, confused. Why wasn’t he stone?
Vinny stared. “What the fuck-”
The door opened and in stepped Gwynn, pulling off their mask that faded off, turning into runes on Justin and Christopher.  They smiled at Ryan awkwardly. “Hey, Baby… sorry I was gone, I can explain- I'm not even technically cleared now even-” they rambled leaning on their cane, wobbling slightly, long silver hair falling, it was too long, far too long.
Gwynn, the stranger, they, they were here… that… that face… Ryan’s breath caught when he saw their whole face as they took off their mask, it just disappeared into thin air. The ability to apply runes like that, he’d only seen it once before, Jerahmiel never did that, he always, always had to apply them by touch… Ryan’s head tilted slightly, staring at this, this, Gwynn as they stepped in… sorry they were gone… thinking over what they’d said earlier. Choking in his throat… they… they… No. No. No!
It got worse.
They hadn’t- They… just been healing. Ryan had forgotten. How? How had he… And he felt it, the disgusting sick churn in his stomach, the same disgust and ugly feeling every time that he- He would do things to him- That was how. Ryan’s eyes prickled with tears as he looked at Gwynn, by the angel, it, it was Gwynn. They, they were home. They were finally home. He finally had them back. For a bare moment, Ryan felt pure joy clenching his heart, a feeling he had not felt for almost as long as he could remember, thanks to another angel stripping away at his mind, tainting his memories. He moved without thinking, a massive hand reaching up and cupping that delicate beautiful face that he loved so much, Justice, Gwynn, and brought his lips to theirs. The kiss was sweet, soft, more than he’d been for anyone, willingly, in over a thousand years.
Gwynn gave in, kissing back immediately, eyes watering as they melted for Ryan, fully relaxing as they looked up at him. Pressing closer, they didn't stop kissing til Ryan did.
As the kiss broke, something in Ryan broke too. It all came crashing down for him. Reality. A thousand years. A thousand years Gwynn had left him here to rot, they apologized that they hadn’t come back sooner, that they were still healing, but what good did that do him? He had been abused by a monster for centuries, thinking they were fucking dead. No one told him that his mate was even alive. There were angels all over the world, there was even him, not that Ryan would expect he would have told him. Anyone could have gotten a message to him, somehow. It wasn’t like he was hidden away in the far vestiges of the world. It must not have been worth it, he must not have been worth telling. Why would he be, he was just a gargoyle. Gargoyles were never worth more than how useful they could be to angels, and considering he knew he’d be obstinate for the past thousand years, doing everything he could to oppose his abuser. He’d pushed himself the pure opposite way on purpose. He’d want more feminine, Ryan pushed to be masculine. He picked him a gargoyle to breed with, Ryan refused to consent. They went around and around in circles for centuries. It got uglier and uglier as time wore on. 
Thinking about everything he endured, every ugly, bitter, horrifying dark painful thing he suffered at the hands of that monster while Gwynn was off hiding, not even out there to give Ryan just a shred of hope… As Gwynn looked up at him with nothing but pure love and adoration, Ryan snapped, and with a dark look, he lost himself and went and slapped Gwynn sharply across the face to the floor. 
The sound of the angel hitting the ground was horrific and cold, the heavy thump of flesh meeting the wall to the dull thump of them hitting the carpet, breathing hard.
A lazy glance over his shoulder to the gargoyles behind him, Christopher and Justin had woken from their stone forms by now, both looking on, dazed, confused, and a bit horrified to see Ryan attack the disabled angel unprovoked… “I believe you have business with our new handler, Christopher, I’m done with them.”
Damn straight, Chris was in shock, as he and Justin stepped off their platforms, witnessing Ryan kissing the angel… Dammit, their new handler, he was dreading this day arriving, but he was not going to let them hurt Ricky, or touch Vinny… and by the angel, “Ryan!” Chris exclaimed as the younger struck them, only for him to so calmly turn and look at him, and Chris moved towards the angel on the floor. For all his annoyances at the higher beings, and all the fact that they could destroy him with a word… They were barely able to walk, and Ryan had just slapped them down!
The angel grunted in pain, holding up a hand, “No… no… I de- deserved that. Go be with your mate, Christopher. I'm fine.”  they urged, not looking up, fighting the sting of pain from not being allowed to love their mate. The fact their mate struck them. It was as if a switch had been flipped.
Feeling sick, they sat up, ignoring the gold blood from biting their tongue, recoiling from Chris’ touch almost fearfully as they pulled away fully, shaking some. The angel swallowed and didn’t look up at Ryan or Christopher, almost as if they were expecting more strikes to hit at them. Expecting it from all sides. For all of them to start. 
Ricky and Vinny were frozen. Though Ricky seemed more terrified than anything. Ryan hit an angel… an angel was in the Rectory. He was a nephilim… he was scared. “Let's get you an ice pack.” He got out despite his trembling, nearly choking on his words that could hardly be forced out.
Christopher, Chris, didn’t even hesitate to kneel and help the angel up though, even with their words, and his breath caught with the realization, a flood of memories coming back to him. It was like dust had been blown away in one swoop as he helped them to their feet.
“Justice… Gwynn… shit.”
The one angel that Chris didn’t have to obey. The one angel that was kind enough to command him to never be forced to obey them from the moment that they’d realized the flaw in the original gargoyle design. Glancing at Ryan, wondering what was going through his head that he’d assault his mate like that, had he gone insa- oh… That… Chris didn’t want to consider that.
“Maybe we should all head downstairs, get you that ice pack, and have a seat to talk, well, Vinny, Rick, maybe you should go rest. It’s been a long night.” he didn’t want them to have to worry about this, and one look at Ricky, the nephilim, well, perhaps it was better if he got some rest and stayed calm. Chris was giving him an out.
Ricky looked at Chris thankfully, already slipping towards the door, unprepared to confront this right now. Though, Vinny was the one to speak up. “Wait. Hold up. Gwynn- you died-”
“I almost died. It doesn’t matter- It doesn’t- It doesn’t matter,” They whispered, leaning on their cane and heading downstairs after Ricky had disappeared downstairs stealthily.
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The angel sat down in the café in a pew and hid themselves in the corner, looking away, a heavy white shirt wrapped around their thin frame.
Once they were all downstairs, Chris went to get Gwynn an ice pack from the bar kitchen, wrapping it gently in a cloth so it wouldn’t be so hard on their skin. He brought it over to them as they set themselves in one of the booths that had been fashioned from the start, using with the pews of the old Church. Chris sat across from them, even as they tried to hide.
“Almost died? We never found out how, Jerahmiel came to tell us the news, and in the years after that, he, well, he made it difficult to trust him. Despite it being required of us, and then about a century ago, he just disappeared.” Which, if Chris was honest, he was more than thankful for.
Ryan did not go sit with the others, Justin joining Christopher in the booth, instead he went right for the bar to find a bottle of whiskey and pour himself a healthy… unhealthy glass really. Oh, he wanted to skull the entire bottle, he’d pay Ricky back later.
“Thank you, Christopher,” they said taking the pack to adjust it, with a heart and heavy mind, ignoring the violent emotions and feelings in their chest.
Gwynn sighed, looking away, feeling sick, “Of course he wouldn’t tell you- I had to rush. I should still be in heaven, in lock up-” they froze, changing direction. “But I wasn't going to let you guys have another… angel-” they grumbled softly, “I have to keep my head down, I have to-” they grit their teeth. They sighed, holding the ice pack to their face but averted their gaze. “I should have pushed harder to come back sooner- to escape-” their voice was soft, full of regret.
Frowning, so Jerahmiel knew what had happened to Gwynn all along, of course he had. It made Chris wonder what had happened, and made him want to find and get his hands on Jerahmiel for answers. Asking Gwynn felt like in poor alternative right now, given their condition. Sadly, from how long they’d been gone, considering that Gwynn had been gone for a thousand years and sounded like they should be gone even longer, he had no doubt Jerahmiel was in on all of it. Even if Gwynn had eventually come back… how much longer would it have taken? Especially considering gargoyles went insane without their mates, did they really just assume Ryan would be fine? Chris didn’t want to admit, after the display upstairs, he was starting to wonder if he wasn’t finally starting to slip… If, maybe, Gwynn came back too late and Ryan was on his way to half feral, the fact that he’d lasted this long was astounding enough, it had never happened before… Never… 
“Chris.” He corrected quietly. “You can call me Chris, if you like, everyone can… If they'd like.”
He sighed, but that, that wasn’t the issue now, “Wait, wait… escape?” Gwynn had said escape, if that was true, and they were never meant to come back, that changed everything.
“I… I don’t… want to talk about it.” The way they spoke was in of itself a quiet no. The only denial that the angel had ever uttered to them. “Where’s Honesty? He should be up here by now- He could come out of the catacombs.”
Hearing the way Gwynn said it, had Ryan just staring across the bar at them, his face devoid of emotion. What the fuck was that even? Ryan hadn’t even gotten to properly mourn their supposed death… Thanks to the… The… The fucking angel command from Jerahmiel. He took in a breath. A thousand years without Gwynn, years without his mate, he hadn’t even been worthy of an explanation of why. Then again, what did he expect, he’d forgotten his own mate, he deserved nothing. Blinking, he looked away from them. 
“Honesty is dead, gone for centuries now, or did Jerahmiel not report that to your superiors like he was supposed to? Sure as hell told us after he fell.” Pouring out some more whiskey for himself, the glass of the bottle clinking to the cup.
“Atsuko is alive. He's in the catacombs, Jerahmiel was keeping him there to try to corrupt him- Archangel Jophiel got in touch with him-” Gwynn said in a panic now, jumping up to their feet, cane clattering to the floor.
“I need to get to the catacombs and bring him out!”
Ryan snorted derisively at the bar, sure, corrupt Honesty, yeah, that would have gone down real well. Ryan himself felt violently ill every time he lied just because he knew how much others tended to feel included to trust him implicitly with his virtue, it came with his nature. Honesty? He was just something else entirely. Chris glanced over at Ryan, he was trying really hard to put up this wall right now, it was painfully obvious, and the elder gargoyle didn’t know what to do about it. 
“No offence Gwynn, I know it might seem like some of the angels have been helpful to you, helping you heal, but for us, they just left us here-”
Chris started gently, not sure quite the extent of Gwynn’s terms of escape because they wouldn’t explain and didn’t want to assume, but then Ryan’s glass at the bar glass slammed down, hard. The loud noise rocking through the bar. “Fuck no, all the damn offence. Justice. You assholes left us down here to rot. Alone. There are three of us. Three. That's all that's left, the rest of us have been maimed, tortured, and picked off one by one. Sure, the last couple of months we’ve had Vinny and Ricky, but that's fucking it. So what’s next, huh? The riot act because we haven’t exactly been following the fancy angel edicts about how we should behave like proper mutts? Hmmm?” That was after all what Jerahmiel would refer to them under his breath when he thought Ryan wasn’t listening while he was assaulting him. As it were, he knew Chris didn’t want to lose Vinny because of the fucking edicts.
Gwynn leaned on the table, hands shaking as they listened to the seething words their mate uttered, breaking his heart so harshly, so violently. Hearing him call himself a mutt almost making Gwynn’s knees nearly buckle under the implication, “W…what- No! I wouldn’t- I’m not- I'm actually happy for you-” they rambled before hesitantly explaining, “I’m not a full angel anymore- I’m… I’m fallen.” they said awkwardly looking away, partially afraid, almost ready to fly away if attacked even if their wings wouldn’t support them long enough. 
“Chris… Your troupe is Archangel Jophiel’s pride and joy. She… she made sure I would get here as soon as possible.” They rushed out, the words spoken before more could be said or done. 
Chris watched Gwynn rush out in shock, staring after them for a moment, trying to comprehend what they were saying. Shaking his head, Chris, glanced at Justin, Vinny, even Ryan had looked as shocked as he felt at this news, too surprised to be an ass for the moment. Chris got to his feet, “Justin, go check on Ricky while I help Gwynn in the catacombs find Atsuko. It’s been awhile, and who knows where he is down there.” Chris had been down there a few times, considering he used to hide Chenza’s ashes down there. Moving after them now, he went to follow Gwynn down into the catacombs.
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Gwynn had moved out of their way, so far, out of their way, to avoid getting close to Ryan. They would never admit it openly, but they were scared of their mate. Of their gargoyles. Every movement made them jump, their grip on their cane tighter than it should have been, as long silver hair blew back with the pace they moved.
Chris had noted Justin leave the booth to head upstairs, unsure what Vinny was going to do. However, after how Gwynn literally avoided going near Ryan, he sighed at how the other gargoyle sullenly stared at his glass of whiskey sitting on a barstool. That, could not end well now, and it hurt his heart, those two had been part of the reason he had even wanted a mate one day. Approaching Gwynn, Chris noting how wary they were, it was impossible to miss. “I can help, Gwynn, you don’t have to go alone. I was probably the last down there… aside from Atsuko himself, that is.” Walking just behind them towards the catacombs, not wanting to pressure them if they said no, however. The gargoyle was careful of each step, his pace even, so he didn’t out pace them.
The angel trembled some hearing Chris behind him, fear gripping the angel before nodding slowly, “Of course- of… of course you can come with, Chris.” they said softly, hands shaking a bit as they reached the door still keeping some distance.
Standing before the door he pressed forward unlocking the door leading down to the catacombs and pushed it open, easing in, stepping into the dank stale air. How Atsuko lived down here, they were almost certain they would never understand. He had always been an odd duck. A very odd duck. But an appreciated one.
They grunted, pulling out an electric lantern and held it up, casting wide shadows over the walls from broken caskets and pottery. They sighed and ran their fingers through their hair, glancing towards Chris, ignoring how sore their face was. “We need to get to the deepest part.”
Keeping up with Gwynn easily, his legs carrying his massive frame after the angel, the deepest part of the catacombs, perfect. He’d never been in that deep, the catacombs were forbidden for a reason they were scared in their culture, going in there for the ashes had been practically sacrilegious, however, for Chenza he’d do anything. So, to find out that Jerahmiel has trapped Atsuko down there, it was horrific.
“Gwynn, wait…” As he walked with them, his eyes adjusting to the light in the dark, he’d have preferred the pitch black of darkness, it would have meant he could see better, but he knew their eyes weren’t equipped that way. “Please, don’t hold Ryan’s attitude against him. I think… Jerahmiel, he targeted him. Ryan never wanted to talk about to what extent, but we know he did.” Chris also didn’t like talking about the way the angel took advantage of him being unable to defy him when he figured that trick out… The others, the others, just thought he was ever the loyal and obedient one. Fulfilling his responsibilities to their handler.
Gwynn sighed, “Chris… I’m not upset with Ryan.” they sighed and looked up, “I knew I wouldn't be received well. I knew that… but it’s more complicated than that… He’s not the only one who went through things… I never thought… I didn’t think he would strike me. He was the only reason I pulled through. I will always do anything for him. But… I can’t say I’m not scared. I love him… but I am scared.” 
They walked steadily towards the dark depths. “I love him. I always will. I would do anything he asks of me.”
Oh, Chris knew that feeling, he’d do literally anything Vincenza asked of him, she had gotten him to dress as a prince, another time as a damn knight… a literal knight in shining armour. The suit was still here, in the catacombs, actually, Chris had brought it down when the reservations had started in an effort to keep them from throwing it away. He hadn’t dared risk it. Chris swallowed, thinking about how Ryan had struck Gwynn though, the thought of ever doing that to Vinny. Worse, he knew Ryan knew, he knew who they were, Gwynn wasn’t reincarnated like Vinny had been. “Let me, point out, this in no way condones what he did… I don’t… Ryan hasn’t trusted angels in a long time, Gwynn, while we have all struggled with it… but for him, with his virtue… it’s…” Trust was everything for Ryan, and seeing any angel, was going to be difficult for Ryan. Ricky, Ricky, was a different breed. They’d known him since he was a kid, and he was half human. In a sense, they trusted the human part of him, more than the angel part of hum.
“I wish I could tell you it’s going to be easy for us to have an angel around again, but it’s not, it’s been a long time since we’ve had to walk on those eggshells on what we do, and what we say.”
Gwynn was stiff as they walked, aching, careful not to stumble along despite the uneven floor and stonework. “… I’m sorry I’ve disappointed everyone.”
Chris reached for Gwynn gently, to steady them, just a soft touch of their shoulder, despite the fact Gwynn flinched away immediately on instinct, Chris sighed, feeling immediate regret that Gwynn feared him so. “Gwynn, I- for years all we knew was that you were attacked, you were gone, the one light we had from the angels. Since then, nothing has been…” Chris swallowed looking ahead, while he couldn’t say everything was monstrous, there had been good things in his life. He had moments of joy in his life, moments that he has fought so hard to try to grasp on to, but it had been a battle, and they always seemed to be destroyed in the end. His eldest son needlessly slaughtered at the hands of rouge demons… his mate and unborn children slaughtered in the very Church they lived by humans, hounds, sent by demons.
“Nothing was the same for us after you left us, Gwynn, and for Ryan. Every so often, I wonder, if the stories about a gargoyle going mad aren’t valid. I’ve felt nothing but truly mad without Chenza.” 
“Chris…. I… I know. I know what the angels were doing… ri… right now, I don’t think it’s a good time to discuss me and Ryan… I just escaped… I haven’t even slept yet. I need to do what I need to for the Arch Angel… I need…” They stopped, hesitant to say more, just walking faster despite stumbling.
Chris fell silent, accepting the end of the conversation, as painful as it was that right now for Gwynn, what the angel needed came first. What the angels required always came first, it was their purpose. It was why the gargoyles had been created in the first place. He would never hold that against them. Besides, he had a feeling Arch Angel Jophiel was involved in some way with Gwynn’s escape, so he just continued on, careful to make sure Gwynn didn’t fall as they limped along.
They kept walking in the dank stillness that made one feel as if mildew would grow in the lungs and choke out life… but pressed on. Gwynn was weaker down here, limping along, until finally the stillness was broken after an hour.
“Finally.” A gravelly familiar voice spoke, and slowly a form walked out from the dark, eyes reflecting the light. “Took you long enough…”
While he continued to watch out for them, Chris had to resist reaching for Gwynn, Justice, again, as they finished walking through the uneven terrain of the catacombs, with the way they had flinched away from him before. He didn't desire to make them uncomfortable any more than necessary. He had accompanied them to assist them, not hinder, so he had followed along dutifully. 
Hearing that voice, Chris sighed. “Long enough, dammit Honesty, of all the times I came down here, not a peep, not even after that bastard left?” He didn’t hesitate to move towards the other gargoyle, engulfing him in his arms and wrapping him in a massive hug, squeezing the life out of him. It was like having two, no, three back from the dead, in less than two days.
Honesty was stiff and growled lowly, hugging back but snapping lightly at Chris’s shoulder, grumbling like a wild animal for a moment before huffing. “Kinda hard to get out of a command…” he huffed, “I was re-commanded to stay quiet until a new angel handler arrived. I'm happy it's Justice.”
Gwynn smiled and sighed out. “It's good to see, you, Atsuko…”
Was Chris surprised by his reaction after centuries down here, among the dead, alone? No, no, he was not. Sometimes he wondered about going a little feral himself, and he still had Ryan and Justin to keep him semi-sane. Poor Atsuko, was on his own, commanded, and the only ones he knew to get out of commands on their own, were ones created, not born, like him admittedly, he hadn’t seen another since long before Jerahmiel had left. Wait. Pulling back, he looked over to Gwynn, Justice, the smile was not returned. “He was re-commanded, by who?” and when? Gwynn had said Honesty was the reason they had gotten the information that something was wrong… if the angels' response was to continue to imprison him down here, for at the very least another century. That was how long it had been since Jerahmiel had run… Christopher was going to have words with someone. Maybe not Justice, but someone.
Gwynn looked at Chris, “I was told that he was only told to keep his head down-” they said, looking just as confused as it registered. “The angels who went to him were Jophiel and some lower angels she trusted-”
“One of the lower angels commanded me before leaving with Jophiel. Jophiel wasn’t there…” Atsuko grumbled, and swallowed, “There’s more fallen angels in heaven than you think.” he said softly, frowning as he stepped back, wearing his old uniform that was in disrepair. “I can go up… if I am pulled up. At the door, I can be commanded- Get me out of here.”
While Chris didn’t like the idea of having to command him again, anything to get him out of the catacombs right now. It also seemed the angels had a far bigger problem than just their unit. Fallen angels in heaven. They always acted like they were so much better than them, treated them like they were so superior over the years, and this, this was going to be a difficult issue, he was sure. “Alright, let's start back. Are you alright, Atsuko?” Chris had no idea of the state he’d been left in down here.
Atsuko sighed, “I’ve been better. It’ll be nice to feel the wind… and everything… I don’t even know what time it is… I haven’t shifted in hundreds of years.” he confessed, running his fingers through his hair with a growl, holding onto Chris. 
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Upstairs, Vinny sighed and walked over to Ryan, gently placing a hand on his arm, “Hey….” she whispered, “Wanna talk? Or would you like some coffee?” she asked, “A walk maybe?”  Anything to get his mind off of… this. Gwynn… Justice. Jerahmiel… All of it. Her dishevelled curls and bags under her eyes were a reminder of how tired she was, but she couldn’t just leave. No… she needed to stay. For the fact she was a former gargoyle… she deserved answers as well. She couldn’t quite remember the details of her death… but this was important.
Ryan was actually surprisingly feeling a bit tired himself, he was used to sleeping all night, but by now he would have well been encased in stone, imprisoned for the daylight hours. What he really wanted was blood, Jerahmiel’s blood. He wanted all of it. Finally. He wasn’t going to get it though, he knew that much. For everything he had done to him, commanded him, to all of them. From the sounds of it, it was just the start of it with what Gwynn said, the angel had seemed to play by the rules here, toeing the line. Treating them horribly, but carefully. He’d played by the rules, Angel Rules.
“I don’t… I just…” He swallowed, staring at his glass before looking at Vinny, seeing her, remembering all the times he would make bets with Justice, Gwynn, about Chenza and Chris, whether they’d figure themselves out already… “Okay, Justice left, yea… but that bastard made me forget my own mate, and now all I want to know, is when I’m going to finally be allowed to hunt him down. Because that bastard is finally time to pay his due, for all of us.”
Vinny sighed and moved to drape over him, “Ryan… I know it was killing you… And I think you’re fair for being upset. But Gwynn would absolutely let you have him if they could. You know that. Gwynn is good at hiding their emotions when it comes to business, but… you know Gwynn has always been violently protective and sure of themself when it comes to you.” Vinny moved and sat in his lap, hugging him gently, kissing his cheek. “Ryan… You’re strong. You always have been. And I’m proud of you, but it’s okay to be upset, especially after being forced to forget your mate’s name.”
Ryan didn't stop Vinny when she moved to him, shifting to adjust herself over him. The way he sighed, you'd think he was annoyed, he wasn't, not really. He was looking over to his glass, his fingers idly running around the rim as she spoke. Honestly, he was trying not to think about what she was saying, but he knew he needed to. His mind was reeling, just reeling from so many memories that were stolen from him, and it honestly hurt to have them just running through his head. It was chaos right now, and he didn’t know what was up or down. 
His other arm wrapped around her back, as she leaned against him, sighing. Swallowing, forgetting his mate’s name… Forgetting his mate’s name… 
“Their face. He made me forget their face.” Not just their name, but their face. All he could ever see was Jerahmiel.
Her eyes widened in horror. “G…Gwynn’s face? He… he took… Ryan…” she gasped, wrapping around him tighter, holding him firmly chest to chest. “... Ryan… I’m so sorry.” she whispered, eyes watering. “Ryan… oh angels… fuck…” her eyes watered, holding his head to her shoulder, offering him the solace of her shirt to cry into to hide from the fact he was breaking down, if he took it.
His eyes closed as Vinny stumbled with her words, clinging to him, just taking in a slow, deep breath as he considered what he’d admitted to. A sacrilege, a violation, to forget his mate's name, let alone their face, it was horrifying. Even if he found it in him to forgive Gwynn for disappearing, would they ever be able to forgive him? Could he forgive himself? He knew the answer to the last. No.
Angels, angels, sure, angels, fuck the angels though, they didn’t give a shit really, angels had done this to them, time and time again. If they’d really cared, they’ve sent someone else in the last century, at least, to tell him his mate was still alive. Let Honesty out. Do something to help them, while they waited for Gwynn to come back to them. But, of course, the angels. Still, he held Vinny, holding her close, welcoming the comfort, knowing that she understood, that she wasn’t blaming him for feeling… feeling the way he did right now. “Thank you, Vinny.”
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Justin made it up the stairs, and while he had a phone now and could call him to let him know he was coming, but he didn’t think, he was just too anxious and needed to see him, immediately. Not to mention he was right there, and the ability to pick every lock known to mortal kind if he wasn’t going to let him in. Did he really want to do that to Daddy, though? Pausing as he glanced back the way he came, before turning to look back to the front door of the apartment that was Ricky and Vinny’s home before, knocking. Knock first, then see if he’d answer.
Ricky jolted at the knock. He had been staring at the door, trying to calm down, since he came back upstairs. He was exhausted, but fear was a powerful emotion. He hadn’t felt this way in years… not since his father… His father. The angel. He gagged, covering his mouth. “Hello…? Who…?” he called, swallowing before approaching the door shaking.
Justin sighed, he sighed, Ricky should be sleeping though, if he was honest, Justin was surprised he wasn’t. Justin himself was wired, tired as well, but wired. “It’s me, Rick, just me, Loyalty.” Not Justin, Loyalty, that was more important, especially right now. Loyalty was who he needed, Loyalty was who he had known for so long. “It’s okay right now, I promise. Can I come in?”
Loyalty…. He opened the door and pulled him in, hiding into his chest, shoulders shaking as he sniffed some, holding onto him for dear life. Then he collapsed into him, uneasy on his feet. Odd… so very odd… But he held on to Justin, closing his eyes as he melted.
Justin swallowed, his arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly, “I got you, I’m here, we’re okay.” Next thing, he was picking him up and carrying him into the apartment the way he felt Ricky almost just collapse, not liking how he seemed to almost sink against him. Taking him over to the couch so they could sit. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Pressing a kiss to his temple.
Ricky rested against him, “I’m so tired…” he murmured softly, holding onto his arm gently. “I couldn’t relax… I was scared…” he never admitted he was scared. He knew it did no good, but he had to say it. “I was so scared you didn’t want… Didn’t…. That they were going to… I…” he babbled, slurring his words softly, tears dripping down his cheeks.
Nodding slightly, “It’s okay to be scared, Christopher told me that, a long time ago, our old handler always used to come down on me about it. I struggled, a lot, and he would slap me down something horrible.” Jerahmiel would punish him for it, being scared, every single time he thought he was even slightly fearful growing up, and all through his teen years, it had been an absolute disaster, worse later. Justin reached up to brush Ricky’s tears away, hating to see him cry, “I have something I wanted to talk to you about, but I, it’s… it’s… intense.”
He looked up at him resting on his shoulder, “O… okay. Afterwards… can I nap on you? You can do whatever you need but- I would very much like to stay close…” he whispered to him, blinking slowly at him, “I feel safe with you around… so much…” he whispered.
Smiling softly, Justin really liked hearing that, he’d wanted to talk to Ricky about this since last night, since the party… “Which is a part of what I wanted to talk to you about. This feeling between us, it’s stronger than I have ever felt before, and, there is, is a bond between gargoyles and… And while we are not technically monogamous.” He wasn’t explaining it right, he didn’t know how to explain it right, but Ryan had mentioned it, and Chris had mentioned it. Just last night, it was said outright about spending time with their mates, Vinny herself had said it. Justin had flushed so bad because they hadn’t even talked, let alone made that step for Ricky to understand.
Ricky swallowed and looked up into his eyes, “Mates.” he said, his cheeks turning pink, “Do… You think…?” he asked softly, “You think I’m… good enough?” he asked confused almost by the thought… Odd… very different from the confidence he normally radiated. “You’d want me as your mate…?”
Just hearing Ricky saying it, had Justin get this silly, goofy grin, while Ricky might not be feeling confident, Justin, oh Justin just hearing Ricky say mates had him feeling so purely excited about the thought. “Yes.” There was not an ounce of hesitation in his voice when he replied, even as Ricky asked. Justin not once wondered if he was good enough, despite all the rules about nephilim, and how dangerous they were. “I love you, and I want to be bonded to you, if you’ll have me? All of me.”
His eyes were wide as he looked into his, and reached up petting his hair before pulling him into a deep loving kiss, fingers tangled in his hair as he shivered. “Yes.” he answered, eyes watering as he leaned up just enough to kiss him again, eyes watering. “Yes…a thousand times… and more… yes.”
Letting him have the moment to consider it, to think as he pet his hair, though as he pulled him in, it would seem he didn’t need so much time and Justin was okay with that. Sighing against his lips, the way Ricky shiver, groaning softly as he nipped so lightly at his nip gently the way he saw his lips watering, fuck… Daddy… If he didn’t know, the others were probably waiting, and who knows how long it would take to get Honesty. 
Even so, “I need to hear you say it too, that you want to be with me.” It was a good laugh to figure out Chris and Vinny were already bonded again, and that they had agreed without even realizing. Justin had a feeling it was because they had once before, their souls were made to be already.
“I want to be your mate.” He murmured softly with wide eyes looking up at him dreamily.
It was so simple to hear, so simple to say, but so massive a feeling to wash over him right then, and Justin could not get enough of it, hearing that word come out of Ricky’s mouth. He wondered if this was what mortals described with the marriage thing. No, no, it couldn’t be with the way he’d seen some of them treating the union. Some of them treating it like it was nothing but a signature on a piece of paper, it was sacrilege. This was something so much more. Justin cupped Ricky’s cheeks and kissed him again, smiling against his lips with a sigh, happily.
“I know you want to sleep, but, downstairs, you can snuggle up in a booth with me, I promise. Gwynn is in the catacombs with Chris, finding a lost member of the troupe that our former handler trapped down there… Honesty, he’s always been a bit, different, probably a little bit more so now.” Justin rubbed Ricky’s back, he really wanted to go back downstairs, but if Ricky didn’t want to go, he would stay with him, he’d promised, and his mate came first right now. They’d just become mates, he was sure the others would understand.
Ricky sighed softly, “anywhere with you… I want to be with you. I'm just so tired.” He admitted leaning more into him and hid his face against his neck, moaning. His eyes watered as he looked up at him. “Take me anywhere… as long as I'm with you… I'll be okay.” He breathed out softly, arms holding him as he sank against him.
“Okay.” Pressing a kiss on top of Ricky’s head as he leaned against him, his arms wrapped around him, not questioning anything as he picked him up. “Let’s head down.” Carrying Justin downstairs, he didn’t mind how long he had to wait for Chris in the catacombs, and seeing Vinny with Ryan, he settled with Ricky in the booth, and waited.
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yournecessaryevil · 1 year
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☠️ His Darkness Divine ☠️
•Part Two•
After your chance encounter the previous night with a demon from one of the oldest ruling classes of the Underground, you've been given a lot to think about. But you're not the only one...
• fluff; language; mentions of death/violence; TW (mention of Ghost, [male presenting])
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"Little mouse..."
Dark eyes stared into your soul, a smile playing at the edges of that mouth, that sweet, sinful mouth of his, that lower lip lined with three little silver rings. You wondered for a minute what it would feel like to kiss him, to have those rings pressed against your own bottom lip.
The faint whisper of his laugh echoed in the space between you, his breath cool against your skin as he leaned down to place the softest of kisses along your right shoulder.
"Penny for your thoughts, little mouse?"
Again, those eyes seemed to look directly into your soul, and you could feel the heat spreading across your cheeks as you stared back at him, quite unable to escape from his gaze.
"I... I was wondering... w-what it would be like to... to kiss you..."
God, you hated the way your voice trembled for him like this. And yet-
Another hushed, answering laugh fell from those lips, as he ducked his head down to kiss your bare shoulder again.
"Mm. Are you really sure you'd like to find out... Y/N?"
The minute he said your name, those eyes found yours again, and he leaned towards you, ever so slowly, that faint smile lingering at the edge of his mouth once more...
Closer, closer still-
You suddenly awoke with a start, your hand curling into a tight fist around the empty bedsheets next to you. Your heart thundered within your chest, the staccato beats every bit as scattered and careless as your thoughts.
Speaking of which...
You could still see him so clearly in the forefront of your mind, ever present since the minute you two had met last night. You hadn't been able to get him out of your head, hadn't stopped hearing his dulcet tones in the back of your mind, not for a second.
There had been something so utterly compelling about him, something that had left a heavily lingering impression upon you. And it wasn't just him, no. His comrades of sorts had made quite the impression too, each of them enshrouded by their own sense of mystery.
What was it about him...?
You had felt the way everything seemed to change the minute you'd decided to trust him, to put your hand within his, to let him lead you to safety. It was like the very air itself had rippled, like time had ceased to exist for those few minutes.
He had felt it too, you know he had.
All of them had, really.
A brief memory flitted through your mind then, of the way the one they called Ghost had looked at you, the expression of mixed hostility and curiosity in his dark eyes. He had been the only one out of all of them to be rather tense and harsh, that night.
You recalled the way he'd been almost anxious, insistent, demanding that their leader just abandon you in those woodlands.
But he had refused.
The last name flashed through to the forefront of your mind, returning with it the fresh memories of this morning's dream.
Once more, you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks as you recalled the way his mouth had almost met yours, those rings nearly touching your own bottom lip-
The soft kisses he had left along your right shoulder-
If you pictured it long enough, you could almost feel the lingering weight of his mouth against your skin. But it, along with last night, seemed nothing more than an illusion.
Heaving a ragged sigh, you pulled yourself from the bed, reluctant to start your day and leave those ever so pleasant dreams and memories behind...
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"Burying ourselves away in here again, are we?"
The amused voice of his brother made Christopher look up from the book he'd been reading.
Although, 'reading' was a bit of a far cry.
Sure, he'd had the book open before him, but the words had begun to all blur together into meaningless black lines on a page, the more he'd let his thoughts wander.
His little mouse...
Fuck, he hadn't been able to get her out of his head all night, nor all that following morning. She was all he could think about, from the second he'd locked eyes with her in those woods.
"You've been remembering her too, I take it?"
Richard's voice cut through his thoughts a second time, and Christopher found himself nodding in agreement.
"I rather liked her, you know. She seemed to have a good head about her, yes?"
There was a note of amusement in Richard's voice, as he stood there in the entryway to Christopher's study, leaning casually against the doorframe.
"Sola's not happy."
Christopher approached the subject with some reluctance, his words feeling very weighted as he said them.
Although, judging from Richard's answering scoff, he had taken a step in the right direction.
"You picked up on that too, then. He's not going to like it, but I suppose he'll have to get over it. I mean," his brother began, taking a few casual steps into the room, his attention wandering before finally coming to rest upon Christopher, "it's no longer his decision to make.
"Not that it was his decision to make in the beginning, anyhow. That was entirely up to you. But now that you've made your decision, he cannot have a say in it. You said it yourself last night, he doesn't get to make the calls here. You do."
"How can I make any sort of decision when he's already stacked the cards against my little mouse?" Christopher countered.
"I know-"
"He's so determined that Y/N is going to end up just like Lilith was when I was done with her: a shell," Christopher interrupted.
"I know. But perhaps Balz was right when he said none of us know for sure what is going to happen with her. I mean, yes, you know as well as I do that the minute she's introduced to our world, to what we are, all hell will break loose, whether literally or figuratively.
"But it also means that you'll never leave her side. I saw the way you watched her last night, we all did. This is different than Lilith, this is... this is more. Don't be so quick to give in to Sola's side, brother. Something tells me you know what you're doing," Richard insisted.
"And if you're wrong, and she d- if something happens to her?" Christopher argued.
One of his brother's brows lifted in response, a faint smile ghosting across his features.
"When am I ever wrong? Be honest."
Christopher's answering reply came as a sigh.
"Almost never."
"Exactly," came his brother's amused response, as he took a seat in one of the dark red velvet upholstered chairs in front of the desk. He leaned back in his seat, bringing one of his legs up to rest crossed atop his knee, his eyes thoughtful as they gazed upon Christopher.
Richard's eyes were a soft blue today, much as they always were when the younger demon was in a relaxed frame of mind. They grew to be more of a crimson or ink color when he was tense or emotionally volatile, an occasion of which was rare for the young demon.
"Something about you has changed now."
Christopher automatically tensed, earning a soft laugh from his brother.
"Relax, I didn't mean it in a malicious way. It's rather nice, actually. You're far less... dismal... than you used to be," his brother laughed.
"Dismal?" Christopher scoffed.
His brother shot him an answering grin, giving a mere shrug of the shoulders.
"Ryan's words, not mine. Although," Richard said, leaning forward in his seat, his grin widening, "Balz said you've become less... how did he put it? 'Mopey zoo lion'...? Be thankful Ryan was a bit more generous with his choice of words."
That earned him an eye roll from the older demon, his mouth opening to fire back a response, when there was a sudden tapping on the doorframe of the study.
Both men looked up to see their brother, the man in question, standing there.
Balz shot both of them a grin at the mention of his name, one eye closing in a wink. "Tell me I'm wrong," he greeted the two of them with a shrug.
"Oh, by the way. Sola sends his regards," he added, his smile faltering for a moment.
Almost instantly, the previous amicable mood began to dissipate like fog on a sunny day.
"I'm sure he does indeed send his fucking regards," Christopher muttered darkly, his gaze dropping to focus once more on the book that lay open in front of him.
Richard scoffed, his bottom lip curling out in a sneer of distaste, the two black rings sitting at the corner of his lip shining in the faint light filtering in through the window curtains.
"Yes, do give him our regards in turn," he retorted, the blue of his irises darkening a little.
"He's just irritated, I presume. He thinks you're out to corrupt her soul or something, I dunno," Balz cut in.
Christopher let out a derisive laugh, the sound void of any humor.
"Why should he be irritated, you'd think that prospect would bring him some form of pleasure," he remarked.
"Mm, no. Not really. He thinks this girl of yours is going to end up meeting the same demise as Lilith," his brother countered.
There it was again, the mention of that name-!
"Fucking- what is his fascination with Lilith all of a sudden?? Why the fuck should he care so much now? He never showed any interest before?" Christopher snapped, exasperated.
"Oh, he cared very much for her. Almost too much than what was good for him. But you never knew that, did you?" Balz answered softly.
At that, Christopher's head snapped up.
"What do you mean by that?" he asked, his tone suddenly cautious.
The nervous glance his brother exchanged with Richard did very little to appease the older demon's own nerves, and one of his hands curled into a tense fist atop the desk.
"Er, he never told you? What him and Lilith-? Ohh, I don't know if I should tell you," Balz said, wincing a little.
"Spill," came Christopher's hissed reply.
Balz exchanged another wary glance with Richard before clearing his throat, taking a nervous half-step into the room.
"He, uh... him and Lilith. They were, um. They had a sort of... arrangement," he began.
Christopher's jaw clenched as he stared his brother down, silently daring him to continue.
"What kind of arrangement?" he growled.
"They were sharing a bed together," Balz answered flatly.
"Or, rather, he was fucking her," he quickly amended, wincing again.
No. Fucking- no.
Not her, not his Lilith, his-
There was a moment's silence before Christopher suddenly slammed both palms down flat on the desk, his eyes darkening along with his mood as he abruptly stood up from his chair, nearly knocking it over in his rage.
"Brother, you can't-" Richard began, but upon seeing the stormy expression on the older demon's face, he grew quiet.
Balz shot the younger demon a questioning look before hurrying to move out of Christopher's way, watching the older demon storm past him, out into the hall.
Heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway, accompanied a few brief moments later by the sound of the front door slamming shut.
"He's- oh, fuck. Do you think we ought to stop him??" Richard began, panic setting in, his blue eyes widening a little.
This was answered by a shake of the head, a frown resting upon Balz's lips.
"No. Let him be. I think maybe at this point, it's very well deserved, whatever Sola has coming to him. He should've told Christopher the minute those two got involved with each other. She wasn't his to steal. No, let him go," he spoke quietly.
Indeed, Lilith hadn't been Sola's to claim, and yet-
He'd done it anyway.
And in the end, he had ultimately been the downfall of her soul, not Christopher.
But Christopher wasn't ready to hear about that part, not yet. Not right now...
Whatever happened now between Sola and his brother, it was out of Balz's hands. That was between the two of them...
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An irritated frown crossed over Ghost's features as he paced back and forth in the front room of the house, phone held up to one ear.
"Look, I don't care how long it takes, make sure it gets done-" his words were suddenly cut off as the sound of a slamming door caught his attention.
"I'll have to get back to you later!" he growled, ending the call and setting aside the phone as he stormed out of the room and into the foyer, ready to tear whoever it was who dared disturb his peace a new one.
He stopped short upon seeing his brother standing there, the older demon's eyes narrowed with a fury unlike any he'd seen in a long while.
"Well. Hello to you too, mind telling me what the fuck your problem is?" Ghost retorted, one corner of his mouth lifting in a sneer.
Christopher's hands curled into tight fists at his sides, his jaw clenching as he stood there.
"You tell me, you fucking traitor!" he spat.
His brother's eyes narrowed in irritation upon hearing the remark, as he half-turned away. "If you're here to be an asshole, you can fucking leave," he answered coldly.
"One word: Lilith," Christopher growled.
Ghost froze in his tracks at the name, his whole demeanor changing in an instant. "What of her?" he asked nonchalantly, his tone almost dismissive.
"You fucked her. Didn't you?" Christopher said darkly.
A moment's silence seemed to drag out between the two of them, until finally, finally, Ghost turned around to face his brother.
"Who the hell told you?" were the only words to leave his mouth.
So that was it then.
No remorse, no apology, nothing.
A full-blooded, cold fucking confession.
It was all Christopher needed to hear.
With a snarl, he launched himself at his brother, knocking the younger demon to the ground, the sound of something cracking on impact against marble flooring clearly audible in the room.
"The fuck is your problem-" Ghost began, his words cut off as Christopher landed a harsh hit to the side of the demon's jaw.
"You're my fucking problem!" he snarled, getting in a few more hits and avoiding plenty of his own from his brother.
Blood spattered against the immaculately clean floors as Christopher got in another hit to the corner of Ghost's mouth, splitting the younger demon's bottom lip.
"Fuck you!" his brother spat, fingertips digging into the older demon's shoulders as he tried to regain his bearings.
"Fuck me-?" Christopher muttered darkly, throwing another punch towards his brother's face. "You just couldn't let me fucking have her, could you??" he shouted, his fury nearly blinding him for a moment, as he threw hits left and right.
And then in the midst of it all, Ghost got in one good hit of his own, hard enough to unbalance the older demon for the briefest of moments.
A few scattered moments was all Ghost needed; he drew back his fist, before bringing it forward as hard as he could to the side of Christopher's face, drawing blood on impact.
"Maybe if you had taken better... care... of her-" his fist connected with his brother's face, once more, twice more, "then I wouldn't have felt the need to sleep with her!"
"Fuck you, I gave her everything!" Christopher hissed, spitting aside a mouthful of blood on the marble flooring.
"Right, just like you plan on giving your little Y/N everything!" Ghost fired back, his eyes narrowing.
Christopher's heart lurched at the sudden mention of Y/N's name.
He couldn't have her too, he wouldn't-!!
Using all his strength, Christopher fought back, delivering one last brutal, unforgiving punch to his brother's face, taking some secret satisfaction in hearing the sound of bones snapping beneath his hand.
"Don't you fucking touch her!" he roared, his anger rolling in heavy waves down his spine as he wrapped one hand around his brother's throat, squeezing hard.
Ghost stared defiantly back up at Christopher, his eyes reflecting the older demon's fury back at himself.
"Get the fuck... out of my house... before I send someone... to slit your little mouse's throat...!" the younger demon choked out.
With a loud hiss, Christopher finally relented, releasing his grip on his brother's throat and standing up, but not without delivering one last kick to Ghost's ribs.
Again, there was some satisfaction to be taken in hearing the bones snap beneath the weight of the damage sustained, a cruel snarl forming at the edges of Christopher's mouth as he glared down at his brother.
"If you so much as fucking touch her, even once-" he threatened, his words getting cut off by his brother's answering hiss.
"Get. Out," the younger demon spat darkly, his eyes as heartless and black as his soul. He sat up, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Whether it was his own or his brother's, he didn't know, and he didn't care. This entire social visit had taken a rather sour turn, in his eyes.
Christopher shot his brother one last dark look, before pointing a finger at him. "Leave her alone. I swear to the fucking gods. You touch her, and I won't be so merciful with you next time!" he hissed, before turning and storming out of the house.
Fuck, every part of him ached at the moment, none more so than his heart, or what was left of it by now.
He needed to see Y/N, he needed his little mouse.
Just one more time, that was it...
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A long, ragged sigh slipped from between your lips as you allowed yourself to sink down onto the couch of your small, one-bedroom apartment.
Every part of your body ached with the strain of today's work day, and all you wanted, all you needed, was just a moment of peace and quiet.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The tapping on the door unearthed a loud groan from you as you forced yourself to get up from the couch, shuffling over to the door and getting ready to grouch at whoever it was that had disturbed your brief second of relaxation.
But as you looked through the peephole, you were completely unprepared for what lay on the other side.
Or rather, who.
It was him.
Holy fuck, it was him.
Christopher Cerulli.
He was almost looking rather bloodied up at the moment, but nonetheless, it was him.
You flung aside the chain and hurried to undo the deadbolt, throwing open the door in your haste, revealing the tall, dark-haired man from last night.
Only now could you see just how much of a literal mess he was, blood staining the front of his shirt and leaking from the corner of his mouth and from multiple cuts along his face, which was sporting more than its fair share of gradually darkening bruises.
"What the fuck happened??" you asked, panic beginning to set in.
His trembling, breathless reply was instant.
"P-please, little mouse. May I come in?"
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🎃 TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @motionlessomens @annateagan @nixwolfe @veroxbarnes @rickyolsonmiw23 @wh0rrorxx @bangoversequence @tearfallpixie
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valiantroeagleangel · 11 months
Ryan Sitkowski x female reader
Kintober day 27. Hate sex, hook-up, unprotected sex, cheating.
This one feels a bit wrong since some hate sex and cheating are involved. Don't cheat on your partner and don't break people's marriage, it's bad. But I had this headcanon of Ryan in my head and I like it very much. Please don't come at me if you don't like this trope. It's just fucking fiction and shitty porn.
That being said, enjoy my loves <3
-Go to hell Ryan it's not my fucking problem. You shouted, slamming the door as you left the recording studio.
God how much you hated Ryan. He was insufferable with you, always making you remarks and picking fights. He was so convinced that he was superior to you, always degrading you and making bad comments about you to the rest of the band.
Why the heck was his problem?
Since you started to work as a sound engineer for the band six months ago, there have been constant arguments between the two of you. The atmosphere was always so heavy that now you were just running away from him, choosing to only interact with him when it was strictly necessary.
-It's not my fault if you suck at your job. Spare us your incompetence and just quit for good. He screamed louder, not sure if you were even hearing him now.
He sighed, sinking into his chair as the other guys looked at him in disapproval.
-What is wrong with you for real? She is doing a good job on the album. Chris pinched his nose, exasperated.
-No she's not. She's a pain in the ass, always whining about everything.
-She's not Ryan, and you know it, you're just unfair to her for god knows what reason.
Chris shook his head, standing up to open the door of the studio.
-What side are you even on dude?
-Hers. Now go apologize, we have a song to finish. He paused but Ryan didn't move. Now.
Reluctantly he got up and left the room, Chris slamming the door after his passage.
Ryan looked for you through the building, complaining and cursing until he found you, taking a coffee in the break room. You turned back as you heard someone coming, your brows furrowing when you knew who it was.
-Do you really think it's time to take a coffee break? You can't capriciously leave a session like that, we're all waiting for you to come back.
Wasn't he supposed to apologize? Yeah, right but seeing you like that just made his blood rush. He did not want to apologize, he wanted to ruin you, spit out his venom on you.
You saw red, will he never let you alone?
Slamming your cup on the counter you took a few steps in his direction. Your index finger pointed in his direction in a threatening way.
-You know what your problem is, Ryan? You're weak. You're the weakest person I know. You see me as a threat for a reason that I still don't get. You want me out of your life because you feel inferior. Because you're insecure.
Unconsciously you stepped closer to him as you continued your monologue, finding yourself inches from him.
-You call me a whiner but you're the one always whining about everything. I'm not going to destroy your life so peace out, dude.
He swallowed hard, looking at you as you kept your angry gaze on him. A long silence settled between you before he decided to speak again.
-But you are fucking destroying my life. He spoke in a low voice, not sure if he was supposed to say that.
You laughed as you stepped back a bit, throwing your arms in the air.
-How the fuck am I supposed to destroy your life? I won't take your job I'm a sound engineer, not a rockstar.
You were hallucinating as you kept laughing bitterly at him.
-God, you're a mad man Ryan. How could you make it so far in life when you think like that?
Rubbing your hands on your face you went to sit on the counter, throwing your feet as he followed you closely.
-You have no idea of what you're talking about. He retorted as his fists clenched.
-Certainly not but I think that you don't know either. You're just trying to cover how much of a coward you are.
His breathing was erratic as he stepped even closer, making you swallow this time. His gaze was menacing you, his arms resting on either side of your body as he bent over you a bit.
You shut down, intimidated by his dominating figure as your stomach squeezed.
-Don’t talk about things that are beyond you.
He was so close that you could feel his hot breath against your face. Leaning on him you kept your gaze on his.
-Fucking coward.
Why were you provoking him like that when he was so close you had no idea, but the tension between you switched. Your heart started to race but not from anger, your cheeks getting hot as you realized you were only inches away from his lips.
-I'll show you how weak I am.
Without letting you have the time to protest he collapsed on you, his lips crashing on yours as his hands came to grab your hips.
Confused and taken aback you pushed him away as he bit your lips, making it bleed.
-What the fuck dude? You started even more angry than before. You're married, why are you even- Oh.
It was at this moment that you realized it. You weren't going to destroy his job, you were going to destroy his marriage.
Your eyes widening you didn't say anything more, looking at him incredulously.
-Don't you fucking dare call me a coward again. You have no idea what I've been through the last months, trying to keep you away, trying to keep me away. He sighed, leaning more on you as he lowered his voice. Trying to avoid that fucking tempting ass of yours.
You squeezed your legs together at his words, your heart racing in your chest.
-You're completely mad, Ryan. You bit your lower lip, the taste of the blood diffusing in your mouth.
-Yes I am. And it's your fault. He breathed out, nearing his mouth to yours as kept staring at your lips. You make me insane.
You didn't move, holding your breath as you saw his lips slightly brushing against yours.
-You can't do that. Your tongue came to moisturize your dry lips as your breathing accelerated. Provocation again? Really?
-You're right, I can't.
But he did it, his tongue coming to caress yours as he kissed you again.
This time you didn't push him away. You don't know why but your hands came to his hair as you let him kiss you, uncertain. Maybe you were as mad as he was. The tension between you was confusing your brain. Ryan was hot, you never just admitted it to yourself as you were blinded by the hate.
His hands quickly came to your waist, pushing you against him as his lips kept kissing you passionately. He waited for this for so long that he thought he was going to explode. But you broke apart as you pulled his hair brutally.
-Stop it, we're not doing this.
He was panting against you, his pupils were dilated looking straight at you as his chest rose violently.
-Get your shit back together Ryan, you're married for fuck sake. You breathed out, his lips already losing themselves against your neck.
But he kept coming for you, pressing himself a little further between your legs making you whimper softly. You were not even sure that he listened to a thing you said. Fuck. That was wrong.
-God, I hate you. You rolled your head back as his lips became more persistent on your skin.
Leaving your neck, they came back to yours as he started to roam his hips urgently, getting needy.
-You're not going to answer a thing I say?
-Just shut up already. How annoying you can be.
He groaned, one of his hands coming to your face, grabbing it as he kept your lips against his, kissing you again.
You didn't know what to do. The anger consumed you as his touch made you go crazy. However, you knew you needed to stop before it was too late. The image of his wife coming to your head. You already had done too much.
Still, the words disappeared in your throat as Ryan's hands came to undo the button of your jeans, quickly working himself before he could think about what he was doing.
He was going to cheat and break his marriage but right now the only thing he could think about was how much he wanted your lips back on his. The feeling was too consuming as the tension of these last months dissipated, turning into pure passion.
You were the only thing playing in his mind, your complaints the only thing he would hear and the only thing he wanted to hear.
Settling a pace rapidly, he came to pull your pants down your legs, lifting you a little. He didn't want you to think, he wanted you to give up on his touch, wanted you to help him release his obsession with you, maybe that after it would stop and you both could go back to a normal life.
-Let me touch you, just for a bit. Hoarsely he asked, his lips kissing under your ear.
You nodded, not wanting to let the words out of your mouth. All of this was becoming way too real.
At your approval one of his hands came to caress your underwear, brushing his fingers on the wet spot that was forming.
-Fuck Ryan. You moaned a bit, surprised as your hand came to cover your mouth quickly.
He smirked against your skin, starting to rub you more.
-You want this as much as I do, don't you? He laughed a bit, mocking you.
Your head rolled back as you squeezed your eyes shut, his hand passing through your underwear as he started to caress you, rubbing your clit urgently, his lips biting to the skin of your shoulder as he lowered his head.
-Stop playing you, asshole. Just fuck me already. You whined, your hips roaming against his hand as you tried to grab his belt.
Yes, you wanted this, and you wanted it now. The more he was waiting the more you thought about his marriage and you didn't want to. You were fucking up real good this time.
He chuckled bitterly, quickly helping you to take his belt off as he opened his pants, putting them and his underwear down a little bit in a sure motion.
-See? You're always whining. He groaned in your ear, pumping himself before thrusting inside of you, not losing time.
You clung on him, your arms surrounding his neck as you pushed yourself against his body. The feeling of him inside you made you dizzy, your stomach tightening on how much you liked it.
After some time of peace, he started to move again, pushing in and out as he firmly grabbed your waist.
Shit, this was good, HE was good. You couldn't think about anything else than the feeling of him filling you up, your hips starting to rock against his, eager for more and more.
You heard him moan, his lips coming for yours as he tried to cover your sounds, fucking you restlessly as he enjoyed himself a bit too much.
-This doesn't change anything. I'll hate you 'til the day I die. You breathed out against his lips.
-Continue to hate me and I will fuck you until I'm the only thing you can think about. Accentuating each one of his words with a deeper thrust making you whine under his touch.
You gasped his name, feeling him throb inside of you. The hate between you was making all of this so hot, creating a suffering pleasure. It needed to end, you were losing your mind as the passion in your stomach was rising.
Ryan was pushing himself deeply, caressing that sweet spot every time making you cry his name. You were overwhelmed by everything that was happening, his hot breath against you making your head buzz.
He was getting closer, you could feel it, his movements becoming more messy and needy. He was fucking you like a beast, his mind completely gone as he was chasing his orgasm simultaneously to yours.
And god it was working, you felt your orgasm wash over yourself, leaving you completely drained under him as you shivered in his arms. His hips still twitching as he cursed, fucking you through your release.
Instinctively he grabbed your hips firmly when you clenched over him, feeling himself lose it all inside of you as is own orgasm left him panting.
Trying to catch your breath you pushed him out of you.
-God Ryan what have we done?
You started to panic as you realized what just happened, the sweet feeling of your pleasure disappearing leaving room for guilt.
He didn't answer, stepping back as he pushed his underwear back on, the door of the room slamming open.
-Ryan what is taking you so long to apologize for god’s sak- Chris appeared, looking at you both incredulously.
Ryan turned back, looking at him shocked as he didn't even put his pants back on.
-Sorry. That was the only thing Chris said before slamming the door back violently.
You were fucked. 
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arkiliastuff · 11 months
Welcome to this rabbit hole with me !
Are you lost little one ? Well, here's where you can find my writtings ! :D
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Here you can find my little fanfictions about Bad Omens, Motionless in White, now about Jesse Cash from ERRA and more in coming (just scrool down). Nothing fancy, I'm just sharing my daydreaming thoughts and stories. 👀 (I'm still new to this)
I will update it reguarly so you can check it easily whenever you want. I will write mostly fluffy/angsty/funny stuff, while trying to improve on the romance part (and maybe smut idk so MNDI). Also I might post few drawings about stories in my mind, fanarts and fanfic's fanarts. Just you wait and see 👀
Also, as a reminder English isn't my native language (living in baguette land 🇨🇵🥖). So if it gets clumsy or not, let me know kindly ;-;
About the writting, I like to take my time to make it the greatest as possible, as I pictured the stories in my head in a specific way. I want it to be clear as much as possible, so don't panic if I haven't post anything during several days x'D (Also I'm a busy person 👉👈)
Right now, request are closed, since my fics are taking me so long x.x
Either way, thank you for stopping by and I hope you'll enjoy my content ! Sending y'all some love <3 Take care ~
Masterlist banner and dividers credits to @saradika-graphics <3
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Bad Omens Fanfics ✸
IN A CONCRETE JUNGLE Prologue. Chapter One - The Meeting.
NOAH ONE SHOTS - "Good, Good Job" (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut) - Remembrance (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff & Smut) - Always You (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff) JOLLY ONE SHOTS - Only Yours (Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut) - Blue Lagoon Pool (Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut)
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Motionless In White Fanfics ✸
RICKY OLSON (LONG FIC ) The Angel of Music - Part One (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Angst) The Angel of Music - Part Two (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Angst) The Angel of Music - Part Three (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (More fluff)
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ ERRA/ Ghost Atlas Fanfic ✸
JESSE CASH ONE SHOT Morning Lullaby (Jesse Cash x Female Reader)
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ch4p3lofbl00d · 1 year
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Show me what's up with the laundry~Whole Band Imagine
Chris's pov:
Me and the guys are currently on the way to the laundry mat. We desperately needed to wash our clothes because they were starting to stink from wearing them for 2 weeks straight. I cringed at the thought as I drove into the parking lot of "Y/N's laundry mat". I parked my car, and heard an "ow" from Ricky.
I turned my head, and saw Vinny stepping on Ricky's hands because I honestly don't know why
"why the fuck did you step on my hand for asshole?!" I heard Ricky say. I looked back at them, and saw Vinny smiling about it.
"because I'm getting out first" I saw Ricky roll his eyes, and say "No you not dick, I'm getting out first motherfucker".
"no you move out my way, I'm getting out first" Vinny said. I chuckled, and heard "shut the fuck up I'm getting out first" Ricky said. I got out, and after 15 minutes, they were still in the van, arguing like they were children.
I sighed, and had to act like the dad of the group, once again. "Okay get your asses out of the car right now" I said, and saw Ricky and Vinny snap their heads towards me. I raised an eyebrow at them, and they both immediately got out.
Rick ended up falling out of the van, while Vinny jumped out. I sighed, shaking my head. I saw Justin help Ricky up, and Ricky flipping Vinny off.
I shooked my head, they're gonna be the death od me and said "come on adult children". I heard Ricky and Vinny whine, and say "stop dad" I chuckled, and grabbed a cart to put our clothes in.
We walked in the door and no one was in there, expect for a girl. She looked like she was in her 20's or early 30's. She is the owner? I thought, she might be or maybe the owner's granddaughter. I shooked off the thought and went over to the laundry machines. I threw in the clothes, while Vinny was sitting on the washing machine next to me, handing me more stuff.
"yo Ricky catch this" I heard Vinny say. I looked at him, and saw him throwing MY UNDERWEAR at Ricky's head. I saw Ricky look up, and that's when Ricky looked up from his phone and my underwear hit him in the face. To say that Ricky looked pissed was an understatement, he was pissed to the max level. "Mauro you're gonna get it" Ricky said. I heard Vinny let out a little squeal, and run around the whole building. At least, I get a break from them, I thought.
The girl at the front kept on smiling at Ricky, and I saw Ricky look up and smile at her back. Is Richard gonna get a girl today? I smirked, and went back to washing clothes.
After 30 minutes, the owner or who I think is the owner came over to me. "Hi, I'm Y/N and I'm a huge fan of Motionless" I heard Y/N say, so I guess she is the owner. "Hey, I'm glad that you like our music" I said. I saw her shying look over at Ricky, and blush. I smiled, and said "he would love to have your phone number". I saw her look shock, and say "no he wouldn't. He doesn't like people like me". I frowned, and said "you are beautiful just the way you are". I saw her nod, and go over to Ricky; I smiled, and continued working on the clothing.
After 15 minutes, I was finally done with doing all the laundry. I smiled being proud of myself for doing the laundry. As I looked around, I saw Vinny throwing what looked like candy, but who knows what it was. I couldn't see Y\N or Ricky in sight, until I heard "give me an update". I laughed, and there I saw Ricky shoving a camera in Y\N's face.
"I'm working at the laundry mat, when these stupid idiots came in" I heard Y\N say. I chuckled, and saw them both laughing and just becoming friends or maybe more than friends. I smirked, and went back next to the laundry machines. There I saw Vinny with underwear and socks in his hands.
"LAUNDRY FIGHT" Vinny yelled. I chuckled, until a pair of Ricky's underwear hit my face. Oh fuck no that isn't happening. I threw a pair of his underwear back at him, and it just went haywire from there. Soon, there were dirty socks and underwear all in the building. Soon after that, the rest of the guys, including Y\N joined the laundry fight. Let's just say that the whole night none of us got sleep, and we all decided to sleep over at mine and Vin kept on saying "Show me what's up with the laundry".
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Hey y'all I'm bored so if anyone wants to request any moodboards I'd be happy to do them!!!
Here are some moodboards I've done before:
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I'll do them for the following:
Motionless in White
Bad Omens
Oli sykes
Stray Kids
Judgement Day
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ciginatree · 1 month
Guys it’s official: I’m releasing the first chapter of Cyberhex tomorrow!! I’m so excited for this one because I’ve been storyboarding, writing, proofreading, editing, and researching for about 3 months now so I can produce this story. I hope you all enjoy it!!!
T- 15 hours until Cyberhex
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Tags: @abiomens @rumoured-whispers @exitwoundsx @miss570
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fangirl94stuff · 1 year
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Working on 3 new Motionless In White fanfictions :)
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cookies-and-mirrors · 1 month
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Prison of Stone and Flesh
Chapter Seventeen
This is a collaborative fic between @cookiesupplier and @faceless-mirror.
Dividers by @samspenandsword @cafekitsune @saradika-graphics
Authors Note: Chapters are getting bigger.. with so much more to ENJOYYYY!
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Pairings: Multi-Pairings, Everybody x Everybody.
Triggerlist: transphobia, homophobia, abuse, SA, dubcon, religious trauma, past suicide attempts, mental health issues, grief, death, violence, (To be added to)
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Christopher, Justin, and Ryan are members of the Gargoyle Order, soldiers fighting in the angels war against the demonic supernatural evils of the world to protect human kind. Through the years they lost comrades and now just the three of them remain in their little town.
Now, Ricky and Vinny are moving into their church, stirring up old and new feelings, along with the past, posing the challenge of navigating this new chapter in their lives.
Can they all navigate this path successfully and break free of the prisons that is their lives of both stone and flesh, or will they all be trapped forever in a world that could prove to be a constant misery?
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Taglist: @miamore0570 @21-century-tae @dragon-chica @shilohrosechicken @phxntxsmicgoricxl
@missduffsblog @witchyweeb34 @spicywhenspeaking @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @emmmm127 @sunsshinesunny
@latenightmusiclover @dontdiganothergravetoday
(please comment/like/reblog/message to be added to taglist)
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Chapter Seventeen
By the time Ryan and Justin returned, Ricky had just closed the bar, making them their drinks. He led the way upstairs. Ricky, noticing Ryan’s discomfort, offered to allow him to play video games. The one he offered first was Bayonetta. While Justin ate and drank his drink, Ricky had talked Ryan through how to use the controller, letting him start a new game. Ryan had seemed shocked seeing the enemies of the games… Angels. 
Ryan had just stared at the screen for a moment, after hearing Ricky’s voice, and that moment, his memories. It felt like it would be cathartic. It also felt dangerous, like if an angel found out, he would be asked for his death sentence. He swallowed heavily at the thought, before side glancing at Ricky, wondering why he even had this game. 
Soon after, Ricky and Justin slipped off into Ricky’s room, leaving the gargoyle to play the game, which he seemed to have so much excitement over once he got settled. Meanwhile, in Vinny’s room, Christopher and Vinny were fast asleep together after Christopher had cried himself out.
The next morning, however, Ryan had quite the task in attempting to convince Christopher to return to the rectory come dawn. The elder gargoyle was insistent on staying just five more minutes longer, multiple times, always just five more minutes, while doing nothing but watch the little mortal buzz around the café, making her coffees. In the end… Ryan took in a deep breath, glanced at Justin, with one nod, the youngest of the gargoyles, heaved their commander over his shoulder, and then just carted him back up the stairs of the Church.
Ryan, however, turned back to Vinny, he apologized for depriving her of her companion for the morning, and he’d return him to her tonight. He hoped she had a lovely day, and turned to head upstairs.
She had watched them go, smiling softly, before returning to decorating before the big day. They were closed today before Halloween for the Masquerade they planned and sold tickets for, which was quickly approaching. By the time evening came, she had various costumes waiting for them to choose from laid out in the kitchen waiting. She offered to cut Chris’s hair, and he had readily accepted in front of Justin and Ryan, earning their own offerings from Ricky.
Walking up, to find the Church was being slowly transformed, was a stark reminder of the time of year it was, and it was a time of year none of them were very partial too. The harvest festivals never used to be what this time of year brought now, and Christopher loathed the modern era's life now. Now, when the gargoyles woke to the news the bar intended to have a masque, Ryan assumed that Christopher was going to have an aneurysm. But no, he’d taken one look at Vinny’s excited face when she offered to cut his hair and agreed.
Christopher’s hair, thanks to the added growth from his stone rejuvenation healing sessions, had already grown well past his shoulders again. It always happened with the more extreme injuries.
She gave him a death hawk. Justin ended up with neon green hair. Ryan, Ryan absolutely refused to admit to Ricky that the cut he’d given him was actually decent, that he rather loved it. He’d run his fingers through it, stared in the mirror before looking at the man, and grunted a fine before walking away. 
Ryan went right back to killing Angels on the video game the night before Halloween. He needed it.
By the time Halloween Dusk fell, Vinny was going to the store to grab a last few touches of food. Most of the food had been catered except desserts, but Vinny had insisted on a chocolate fountain and fondue bar. Naturally, she was going to go, in her fluffy costume, to the grocery store a few blocks away to pick up the fruit order along with cookies and pretzels. She was just getting ready to head out, looking up as the Rectory door opened and she waved.
Christopher knew that Vinny was running an errand early tonight, so when they woke from their stone, he wasted no time changing into the costume he’d chosen for the night. Of course, he’d decided on the one that matched Vinny’s very gorgeous dress, he knew that dress, so how could he resist the princelike suit to match. Vinny had convinced him to watch that movie, and while he had thought it was rather ridiculous in places, all the modern visual movies were, seeing how much she loved it, he, was thrilled to see her in her dress.
Once he was ready to go, he left the rectory, and left Justin and Ryan to continue changing. Smiling brightly as he saw Vinny, she looked so exquisite in that billowy poofy dress.
She wrapped her arms around him, before holding his hand. “Come on- we gotta go get the final things-” she said, reaching for him with a wide grin, taking his hand. Her eyes fluttered as she grinned, holding his hand, leading him towards the door and down the street.
Her arm held his to her chest, almost skipping along. Her skirt just lightly dragged over the sidewalk. “I love Halloween. It's always so exciting- this is my first year really celebrating in a while… last year we were too distracted by Ricky's grandparents’ health issues… not that I blame them. But… It definitely wasn't easy to do more than pass out candy. Year before that, the house got egged because we didn't have candy that year-”
Nodding quickly, Christopher was so happy, despite everything. For him Halloween was not a time of year to be celebrated, for many reasons, he neither wanted nor could explain to with Vinny. How did you talk about demons, werewolves, vampires, and all manner of monsters, without sounding like a loon? Still, “I’m sorry you’ve had to miss out on what you enjoy, at least you get to tonight.” He would be sure to stay at the Church tonight, make sure the party was safe, he wasn’t going to risk any dark creatures sneaking in under the guise of those masks. The Church, as blessed holy ground, was exceptionally vulnerable on a night such as tonight, and it was their position to protect it. While it was their job to protect their whole town, there were only three of them left, and with the party as a whole, the Church would be their focus.
“So it’s safe to safe, plenty of candy will be purchased?” Sure, the party was supposed to be for the adults, and it was well into the late hours of the night, but could you ever tell really with misfit mortals on all hallows eve?
“Most definitely!” She cheered, “Rick had been so heartbroken-” she whispered softly. “Can't have it go bad.” She insisted, with an odd determination. The mortal was so confident everything would be perfect. As they walked she waved to children with soft eyes, “I want to have a baby… but I can't… but if I accidentally knock Ricky up… I… I would be okay, but I've never asked him.”
She sighed, “Anyway-” she sighed softly and skipped ahead some twirling for him. “It's impossible to think about… let's focus on tonight.”
It was horrible, thinking about everything Ricky had been though, and something as small as ruined Halloween still enough to break his heart. Christopher was happy to try and make tonight easier for him, even if it was just to make sure they had plenty of candy. Of course, then, then Vinny was mentioning a baby, a baby, and Christopher’s throat when completely dry as his stomach tied in knots. Not only remembering his babies. He couldn’t lie, he’d had children before those Chenza had carried, he’d been bred before, many times, but those babies he was going to have with his mate? The thought of… the thought of giving Vinny babies… Wait… accidentally knocking… Ricky… Christopher had to take in a sharp breath to stop himself from, from… Saying something very stupid.
Vinny knew him as male. She… she knew him as mortal, as human… she knew him with the narrow gender binary of the human focus, and everything inside of him wanted to scream. He could give her the baby… babies she craved. Offer to let her breed him if she so desperately craved it… and he yearned for it, but the words were stifled in his throat. His knew he couldn’t, he shouldn’t, it wasn’t right, even if she knew.
She skipped ahead a bit further, running to help a kid pick up some spilled candy before sending them back to their parents. The street had mostly fallen still, and she looked up with wide eyes to Chris, unaware of the danger that lurked just beyond. A low growl of a hellhound before it leapt for her, leaving her with a stunned scream, turning around to see the blazing eyes so dark they burned with hate and rage.
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Justin and Ryan had, well, their costumes didn’t feel like technical costumes exactly. According to Vinny, from what they’d picked, they were more like what she’d called, ren faire attire, and so Ricky had assured them, he’d supply them with the perfect masks for them tonight once they were ready. All Justin knew was it was leather, and strappy, and it felt like a modern, fancy version of what they usually wore to fight in, and so much cooler. He could actually wear his swords tonight, sheathed in their belt of course, safety first, but he felt so good about his costume, it was fantastic. That was until Ryan was reminding him, again, about how he needed to talk to Ricky about talking to Christopher about what had happened. 
Why did he need to talk to Ricky? Besides, yes, Christopher was acting a little funny, but he seemed happy with Vinny, right? Sure, he almost hadn’t come back up the last two dawns, which, was bad, but… okay, okay, he sighed, fine, he’d go talk to Ricky… So he started to head down to find Ricky.
Ricky was finishing final preparations. He was dressed up in a white suit, white mechanical wings over his shoulders. He looked… divine in the most literal sense. Haunting and tempting as he finished adding the chocolate to the fountain, directing the hired bartenders to their bars, happy that he had taught them the cocktails the day before.
His long hair draped over between his wings almost to just below his ribs and he turned to look at the rectory door…
Justin barely made it to the top of the stairs when he was looking down to the bar level, seeing the chocolate fountain that Vinny had told him about, he’d been excited to see… And then Ricky… Ricky was hard to miss… oh he was impossible to miss. Justin’s eyes went wide when he saw him… oh… oh shit. He froze before stepping back from the stairs and retreating back down the hall all the way back into the rectory and closing the door behind him. “I fucked an angel.”
Ryan sighed, almost as if he expected this. He did not even look up from where he was oiling his war hammer and making sure there was not even the tiniest bit of rust in any of the angel runes etched into it. “Negative. You’ve fucked a Nephilim. Completely different species.” They were born for one. Little bit of human mixed in and all that jazz, actually made a massive difference too. “Now go make him fix Christopher, you know how angel blood affects him still.”
The younger gargoyle just stared at Ryan for a long moment, his face aghast that he even thought he could go down there and get Ricky to do this, without, without… “How am I supposed to explain, without, without..” Ryan sighed, a put upon sound.. “Tell him, idiot, tell him everything..”
“Well, why don’t you do it?” The exclamation came right back at the older gargoyle, Justin just couldn’t handle what was happening here, what this implied. “Because, Justin, I’m not his mate. I’m not the one he’s in love with. Yes, he might trust me, but you’re the one that's already marked all over his skin, you’re already his BabyBoy.. So march your ass down there, and tell him the truth about who you are. Not only because we both know Christopher is fully aware of everything Ricky has made him do, whether he’s enjoyed it or not, it’s going to piss him off… But it’s also going to affect Ricky to realize this has happened. Go.”
Justin swallowed, Ryan wasn’t wrong. Taking a breath, he steeled himself before he slipped out of the rectory again, this time, fully walked down the stairs towards the bar.
Ricky had walked towards the stairs, lips parted some seeing Justin his eyes lit up glowing silver with his joy. “Babyboy-” he whispered, opening his arms to him eagerly, missing him already from the hours he was absent. Noting his discomfort, though, he stopped, frowning some. “What's the matter?”
Oh, his eyes, Justin had always been mesmerised by Ricky’s eyes, but he’d never even thought, and now, it was so obvious. How many beings had eyes that glowed silver? He smiled a little, he was happy to see Ricky, he was, he just… He… “I…” Swallowing, “There is something I need to talk to you about.” 
Ricky swallowed. The only time someone said those words to Ricky…. It was bad news. Scenarios rolled through his mind and his eyes teared up. “Are…you going to break up with me?”
Justin knew how this sounded, he knew how ominous needing to talk sounded, smiling a little that Ricky was so worried, that he actually wanted him. “No, you couldn’t get rid of me if you wanted to, Daddy.” Well, that was a lie, and Justin swallowed as it slipped out. Still Justin was fierce in the fact in he would never want to leave, but, if Ricky wanted to, he could do a lot of things now, especially with his abilities. 
“We should go somewhere else, though.” Glancing to the hired bartenders for the night, “It’s best we talk alone.”
“O… okay.” He said following after him with wide eyes, grabbing his hand, “you're worrying me…” he whispered softly, petting his hand softly, thinking as best he could, shivering. 
Justin guided him through the Church, he could take him upstairs, but he didn’t, he took him towards the back and to one of the store rooms where he knew it would be quiet. Tilting his head slightly, he heard no one close by, good, he’d be able to heard if anyone got close enough to overhear. Pulling over some crates of wine, carefully to not break anything, but a little more smoothly than he might another night, he was trying to seem mortal like, “Here, let’s sit.” Never letting go of Ricky’s hand as they settled… “So, there is what, I think, is a fantastic part, possibly scary part, and a, well, I never want to see you again Justin, you are insane part… Which do you want first?”
“I… Justin… I don't know.” He whispered, sitting and turning to look directly at him. His eyes were framed in black and gold. A vision in his own way. “Baby…” he whispered. “Please just tell me-”
He was freaking out, Justin decided to start with the fantastic part, what he thought of as the fantastic part, the part even Ryan had seen… And Justin reached for Ricky’s face and cupped his cheeks in his massive hands. “I love you.” Next came for the insane part. “Now, now comes the insane part, gargoyles, Ricky, they are real, I… I am real.” Swallowing, “I am Loyalty… Ryan is, is Trust, and Christopher-”
Ricky stared at him. He was Loyalty. The one he loved was Loyalty. “Loyalty…” he whispered, stunned as he stared up at him, “… I want to see. I need to…” he whispered softly, focused on that fact. He needed to know. He had to. “… Please.”
It was begging almost, the way Ricky’s voice broke with the final uttered word. Please. Desperate for the proof for one reason, he had to know. He had to have that proof.
Right, of course, there was no way that Ricky wasn’t going to not want proof of some kind, and in here, well. Standing up from the crate, transforming on the crate would just destroy the wine, he’d be too heavy, be worse than the beds. “While we turn to full stone during the day, we can also shift into living stone armour with our beast forms or just the beast, but, I figure you need the whole look, so, here goes, I’ll ah, try not to break anything down here…” Swallowing slightly, he stepped as far from the walls, shelves, boxes, before his wings came out and his body started to shift. Growing larger, and changing from flesh and blood into his stone living armour of his winged humanoid beast before he moved onto all fours in front of Ricky.
His jaw went slack, and he stood walking to him reaching out to touch him, fingers tracing memorized details, the nick here… the chip there. His hands reached up, cupping his face, looking into his eyes with nothing but wonder, adoration, familiarity and love. His hands glided upwards tracing his horns slowly, such a light touch… “Loyalty… you… heard me…?” he asked, mouth dry now as it dawned on him… all the confessions… all the moments of doing homework at his feet… Asking him history questions. 
“And… you still wanted me.”
When Ricky touched him, that he wasn’t pulling away, that he was still touching him even if he didn’t think he was nothing but a statue. After a moment, he let the stone skin melt away, and before the man, was just the beast, very much living, he wasn’t just some ornamental decoration that most mortals assumed him to be his entire life. He still wanted him… that had been a difficult process for him, after watching Ricky grow up, after seeing this man be a boy… From a child… it was different knowing he was a mortal… and now, now he wondered if Ricky even was mortal. Of course, when he did think about Ricky worried about Justin wanting him, and he reacted without thinking, his tongue lagging out and licking up Ricky’s cheek, long and slow.
He blushed and knelt, wrapping his arms around his neck, kissing his face softly, stroking his face. “Justin- Babyboy-” he whispered, feeling him more eagerly now his skin smooth and silky soft with a layer of hard... some points covered in slick fur, and he moved, kissing his face again. “Next time… can we do something like this…?” he asked, “With you like this-” he asked, shivering at the thought in excitement.
Ricky hadn’t needed to kneel at all, even on all fours of his claws, Justin was far taller than average beasts, he was massive whether on all fours or standing on two feet. On two feet, he was as tall as Christopher even- Christopher… shit… that had Justin huffing slightly before he shifted back into his human, kneeling before Ricky, his costume, even his jacket completely intact. It took focus to be able to shift and control to shift with their clothes intact but as they could, if they didn’t, they destroyed them and shifting back they were left as naked as their beast forms. It would take a moment to realize that Justin had altered the back of his shirt, and jacket, just enough to allow use of his wings, he’d needed to in case something happened tonight. Halloween was dangerous enough, there was no way they would risk not fighting tonight if they needed to, and Justin didn’t want to ruin Vinny’s costume. 
“Oh, oh, I am aware, of how interested, you are, in that.” He was, he would never forget a certain scrubbing of his dick while he was in his stone form. “But there is more, now for the sorta, scary part… Christopher. When you tackled him the other night, the way you talked to him-” He didn’t quite know how to put this, “it was powerful, and I think, it had an effect on him, that we need to undo. He’s not acting like himself.” Pausing…
“Ricky, I don’t think you are entirely human.”
“What… What do you mean?” He asked, “of course I'm human…. w…” He stared up at him, clearly confused. “What are you talking about? What would I be…?”
This, this was another part of the scary part, not just because Justin knew Christopher would be aware of everything he was being forced to do against his will because of the way the angels made gargoyles. Also because of what Ricky was, and well…
“A Nephilim, from what you’ve said, I think it was your father, don’t worry about him, we’ll discuss him later.” They would, they needed to, every angel that knew about Ricky’s existence put him in danger and Justin was not going to allow him to be hurt, he wasn’t. “I know it seems strange, he… does not seem angelic… Not all of them are. The ones I have met, aren’t. Ricky, this, your power, you, you commanded Christopher, and he can’t fight it, it’s controlling him. Please, I’ll tell you everything after tonight, I’ll answer all of your questions, everything you could possibly want to know, but please help me with Christopher? He won’t hurt Vinny, he would never do that... willingly. You don’t need to command him for that.”
Ricky swallowed, throat suddenly bone dry. “Nephilim…?” he whispered stunned for a moment, “I… I shouldn’t… be alive.” he whispered as if something clicked in his head and he sank hands pressed to the floor, as the world spun around him.  “I…” he looked up hearing Justin as much as he could nodding dumbly, hands shaking violently. “I… will.”
Justin wished he knew how to comfort him better than this. He wished he knew how to, but to find out that he was a part of a species that, as far as Justin was told, was supposed to die at the hands of his father. That was technically never even supposed to be born? He knew it was a heavy truth to learn. When Ricky looked up to him though, and Ricky agreed, Justin cupped his cheeks just as he had when he told him he loved him, “I will never let anyone hurt you.” Not his father, not anyone.
As for Christopher, “And when Christopher gets back with Vinny, we’ll sort out what we need to do.”
He nodded slowly before collapsing into Justin, holding onto him for the sheer fact he knew Justin wouldn’t lie to him. Wouldn’t betray his trust- he knew. “H…hold me for a little bit… please…” he whispered, hiding his face in his neck and chest.
There was no hesitation as Justin pulled Ricky up and wrapped around him, the contrast in their size might be comical, but for Justin, it was just pure Ricky. Holding him to him, dipping his head to press a light kiss to his shoulder, holding him tight, as long as he needed him to. 
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The stillness of the street set Christopher’s teeth on edge, that was never a good sign when they were on patrol. It felt worse now. You’d think quiet was good, that it was perfect, and it was, but stillness was something else. Stillness was supernatural, and it was the kind of feeling that set the hair on the back of your neck up, and tingles down your spine if you recognized it. Christopher was moving the moment the growl sounding, his body already shifting even before she screamed. His instincts snapping into place with an audible crack sounding through the air, bones shifted, muscles stretched, and the massive gargoyle slammed into the fire blazing hellhound slamming it into the side of the building. 
A dagger in one hand, clawed fingers of his other, Christopher swiped at the beast as it snapped at him like the oversized mutt that it was. When it finally gave in, Christopher was stepping back from the skirmish, all massive, eight foot tall, winged, massive beast of a creature, likely no better of a monster than the hellhound was to Vinny at that moment… With that clawed hands, feet, wings up over his back, the tattoos covering almost every inch of his skin… Most of him transformed and exposed in his living stone for battle… His voice rough, grating as he almost growled low at her himself with his words, but it was still his voice as he towered over her, all eight foot of him. Even more if you count the effect of his wings increasing his height presence even more.
“Now you know who I am.”
She was breathless as she looked up at him sitting on the sidewalk, wide green eyes trained on him. Listening to him, she was on her feet rushing to him and wrapped her body around his, afraid of him leaving her. Of him running away as she pressed her face into his chest. “Chris-” she whispered, “I don't care… I love you, not what you are.” She whispered looking up at him, still shaking like a leaf, holding to him for support.
In this form, she barely made him up to his chest, she, she loved him. He could hear her words so perfectly crystal clear, even as she was shaking, and he, it was almost hard for him to believe. This, beautiful creature, loving a monster, that didn’t deserve her, that practically used her because of the way she reminded him of his mate… and she loved him… Falling down to his knees before her, so he could face her properly, just for a moment, as himself… “I do not deserve you, BabyGirl.”
Her arms wrapped around him, holding onto him, “Chris- Chris- I just want you. I love you… I’ve been in love with you for weeks-” she whispered to him, “That’s not going to change because you’re a gargoyle- You’re my Chris.” she whispered holding onto him, face pressed to his neck softly, fingers gripping at him firmly.
“Chris.” Her Chris. Sighing softly. He could be Chris, couldn’t he? Chris, not always, Christopher. He could, let go, just a little bit more. “I, I can be Chris.”
She pressed closer looking up at him before pressing her lips to his, kissing along his face and fangs, all of him, loving him as she wrapped her arms around his neck firmly. She whispered softly as if asking if it was okay.
He was almost holding his breath when she was leaning into him, swallowing as her lips brushed against his, and then kissing against him, taking in a sharp breath the more she did. Until, then, he was kissing her back a little, groaning softly. The question, “C-careful of the teeth.” He didn’t want her hurting herself, he wouldn’t like that at all. He’d used them before to rip flesh from bone in a feral moment. When it came down to baser instinct, and he was out of weapons, if he was down to his fangs and claws, he did what he had to. Not to mention, when he was created, those were the weapons he was made with, nothing but his claws, and his fangs. Everything else, had come later. This, before her, was purely how he had begun. 
Her hands explored his body, careful and slowly making out with him as best she could, raking her nails through his fur around his shoulders, “Chris- I’m being careful… I promise.” she assured him, playing with his hair.
Christopher, Chris, the feel of her hands running down over his skin, the soft light almost layer of fur in spots of his body cushioned where her nails ran over him. He let out a low groan of a growl as she did against her lips. The fact that she wasn’t remotely scared away from him like this, the creature, the beast, the thing that mortals had been calling grotesque for as long as he’d known… Not only did she not run, but Vinny came closer, she touched him, she kissed him… she wanted more. He wasn’t just a fantasy, a statue to her like this. He was a living breathing monster, beast before her. A creature that could rear up and destroy her with barely a swipe of his claws. A shudder ran through him, under her touch, he wanted more of her, so much more, just as he had dared for his claws to reach for her though, to risk it, there was a shrill sound. It took him a moment to remember what it was. 
His phone.
A half snarl escaped him as he pulled back from her and shifted back from her, the transition back was swift, his wings, swooping around his body to wrap around him. They almost seemed to replace the clothes to his upper body that had been absent with his beast form, his costume completely intact once more, as if it were never gone. Magic was fun that way. He needed his clothes, and his fingers for that matter, human once more, so he could take out his phone… “Ryan.” He answered the call to the other gargoyle, “Yea, we’re fine, just a bit of side step, just picking everything up, on our way, hmmm, really? Fine.” 
Closing the phone, “Apparently Ryan thinks there is something Ricky wants to talk to me about when we get back.” He didn’t like the sound of that. He had only just broken out of the damn angel control from the nephilim’s first command, if he thought he could put him under again. Who was he kidding, he wouldn’t even need to use the voice to tell him what to do. Not even Ryan knew of the complete control angels could have over the likes of Christopher, and he liked it that way. Once, he hadn’t been just angels, it was everyone, he hadn’t been able to say no, or deny what anyone wanted of him, he had been created to serve, and nothing else. Those born under him, generations of gargoyles after him, did not have this defect, only the angel's voice, their commands affected them. Thankfully over time, Christopher, and others created of his time learned to overcome this glitch, for all beings except one, angels themselves. Angels could still tell him what to do, no questions asked. All Ricky would have to do, is tell him to sit, and he would, he wouldn’t be able to help himself. These last few days, the haze, had been the command, but it wasn’t always needed. If Ricky figured that out, he was screwed. 
Smiling a little tightly to Vinny, “We should finish our errand, and get back before they miss us.”
She nodded slowly, “I don't know why he would want to talk to you- but yeah… I guess we should.” she sighed, getting off the ground and dusted off, holding his arm gently with a smile. The rest of the walk was uneventful, gathering the several platters of fruit, candy, and marshmallows. Vinny opted to take the bags, letting Chris juggle the platters for her. All eight of them.
Half way back, Vinny looked up at him with soft eyes, “Chris… I just want you to know… my full name since I know yours… My name is Vincenza Amelia Mauro.”
Carrying the trays, that might have been a challenge, it might have been, if he hadn’t been playing with sharp objects and learning how not to accidentally stab himself repeatedly for as long as he could remember. Juggling a few trays? Child's play. Chris was however curious as she looked at him like that though, pausing to adjust, and he was glad he did when he heard what she said to him.
Vincenza. Her name. 
“Ch-Chenza? Your name is Vincenza?” He felt like he was a bit dumbfounded, of all things, he’d thought he’d been shocked enough seeing her face in Vinny.
“Yeah.” She whispered, “given name was Vincenzo… but Vincenza always felt right.” She admitted, looking at him with a soft smile. “You okay? I know. It's a weird name-”
By the Angels, even her birthed name… “It’s not that weird, I knew someone else with that name once. She…” Looking over to her, as his heart clenched so painfully, but his eyes were bright as he looked at her. “I told you about her. My love, my mate. She went by Chenza, born Chenzo.”
She looked at him, blinking slowly, stunned for a moment, breathing hard for a moment in the corset, her hand reaching up to touch his arm so softly. “Chris...” she whispered, looking his face over tenderly and slowly. Rosey lips parted some as she listened to him so intently.
Then she was pulling him along into the church with an… odd expression on her face. Pain. Heartbreak and guilt.
She didn’t need to feel guilty, he was the one that deserved that, he was the one that was using her for his own comfort, his own grief. Chris could only pray that she would forgive him in time for the confession he’d just laid at her feet. Vinny was practically a carbon copy in so many ways of his deceased mate, and it killed him. If she never forgave him, he would deserve it. It was right though, almost like something of Chenza was left in the world, and thinking that made him happy, even if she chose not to stay with him beyond tonight.
As they came to the Church, thankfully the trays he held, mercifully staying intact as they made it inside, and he approached the bar, placing them down, for the hired workers for the night to collect them. “I guess I should find Ricky, find out what he wants.” He was not looking forward to that, angel powers or otherwise. He wondered if having a frank conversation with the young man would help, or if it would give him far too much power over him.
She grabbed him before he had the chance to step too far away, pulling him back to herself. Green eyes looked up into caramel and honey eyes, lips parted slightly as she smiled, “Sorry I was gone so long, darling.”
Chris went to go find the half-breed angel, steeling himself for what could be a horrible conversation, and one that Ricky would likely have no idea how much of a disaster it was. He couldn’t blame him, he would have no clue the effect he had on him, none of them did, the command power angels had over gargoyles was one thing but, him? To his knowledge he was the only original gargoyle left, what did it matter if he had no free will when they spoke to him. Then Vinny was reaching for him, and he was looking down at her, even in his human form he was more than a foot taller than her like this. 
Sorry she was, what? “Vinny, I-” Gone, where had she- he swallowed slowly looking into her eyes, those eyes, his voice so strangled and rough as he looked into her eyes… pain clawing into his chest as he felt like he was about to collapse… “Chenza?”
Her arms opened to him, pulling him in, “Yeah, baby. I'm here.” She whispered, pulling him into a kiss, passionate and desperate, as her fingers held on. “I’m home… I’m home now.”
Arms wrapped her tiny frame just short of crushing her to him, kissing her like he couldn’t breathe, backing off just for little bits so that he knew that she could actually breathe. The last thing he wanted was to risk losing her again. Holy- “Never, never losing you again, BabyGirl, never.”
“Oh, come on, I called you to try and avoid this, Justin! Where is Ricky? Christopher and Vinny are back, he’s ready for, whatever…” Ryan didn’t know how to undo a command, whenever he had been commanded, he just always had to wait for Jerahmiel to undo the command himself. Hopefully, this would work.
Vinny was still kissing Chris, keeping his attention on her while she flipped Ryan off blatantly, licking into his mouth, ignoring Ryan, before pulling back to look at the other gargoyle. “Ryan. Fuck off. Let me keep my mate to myself.” She growled protectively.
Ryan just stared at Vinny for a moment, her mate… And… he… Fuck… that… That… looking up at Christopher… How? How did he get his mate back? Even if for a little while… Sure, she was mortal… But he had her back. Just looking into his eyes and he saw Christopher was fine. It wasn’t the same dopey look… Well… it was… But this time it was one he recognized. The idiot in love. “Never mind Justin, he'll be fine, tell Ricky he's off the hook. Christopher broke through himself finally, it seems. With the help of his mate.” Never did Ryan think he could hate any of them before, but maybe he hated Christopher right then, just a little bit. Just a little… Getting Chenza back, when he, he… Fucking bastard.
Ricky had been just coming around the corner, seeing her flipping Ryan off, his jaw dropped. He had never known Vinny to be that spunky. He looked between Ryan and Vin with Chris. What the fuck was this.
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yournecessaryevil · 1 year
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☠️ His Darkness Divine ☠️
•Part One•
He's a demon from one of the oldest ruling classes of the Underground. You're the one human he was never meant to fall for, to become involved with. When your paths cross, will things be doomed from the very beginning? Or will it perhaps be a tale for the ages...?
• fluff; TW dark themes (mentions of death and violence/blood); language; TW (features Ghost [male presenting])
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Something was up.
He could feel it, deep within bones and tendons and nerve endings that were centuries old.
Something felt slightly off about tonight.
He couldn't place it yet, couldn't quite grasp just what exactly it was.
Of course, everything appeared calm and cool on the outside, the moonlight filtering in through the shadowed treeline, casting silver streaks here and there along the wooded path.
Being mid-October, there was a slight chill to the air that night, lingering amidst an otherwise rather forgiving breeze whispering amongst the leaves above.
And yet... something felt amiss.
He couldn't help but find a sort of amusement within it all, really. Here he was, the eldest of his brothers, born and bred from one of the finest ruling families of demons inhabiting the Underground.
And yet something had him feeling all too uneasy, a feeling he wasn't used to very often.
"Knock it off!"
The hissed warning startled Christopher out of his present thoughts, capturing his attention and sending a hot streak of irritation coursing through him.
Couldn't at least one of his brothers find it in themselves to behave for once??
"Both of you," he began, causing the two youngest of his brothers, Richard and Vinny, to turn their attention towards him.
One of them opened his mouth to protest, but upon seeing the dark look in his brother's eyes, he promptly closed it.
"I don't care who or what started it. Both of you, behave yourselves," Chris spoke coolly, his tone implying there were no further altercations to be had.
"Acting like fucking children," one of his other brothers muttered, shaking his head.
"Pfft, like you're any better, Sola!" came the immediate retort from Vinny. The man in question, Sola, or rather, as he was more commonly known, 'Ghost', scowled at the younger demon.
"Better behaved than you, at least. Know your fucking place," he answered, his tone cold and hard as flint.
The sound echoed through the woodlands, silencing any further conversation amongst the group.
"All of you, quiet. Now," Christopher ordered.
The six of them stood silent, watching and waiting, ever patient yet ever ready, too.
And then he caught it.
Christopher was the first of his brothers to notice the scent playing along the breeze.
It was faint at first, but rapidly becoming stronger, almost like the source itself was growing ever nearer.
A quiet whisper from Richard then, "You smell that too, right?"
Softly spoken agreements were made before the sound of footsteps could be heard. And then he saw her, they all did.
"Is that-?"
"Are they human?"
There was quiet disorder amongst his brothers, followed by someone swearing under their breath.
"Aw, fuck."
Christopher held up a hand to silence his brothers before taking a cautious step forward, his attention fixated on the girl.
She was indeed human, he could tell from her scent. And she hadn't yet spotted Christopher and his brothers- oh, no.
At that exact moment, she happened to look up, and her footsteps faltered, the poor girl freezing in her tracks.
How had one of his brothers so tactfully put it, only a few moments ago?
"Aw, fuck", indeed...
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It had been a mistake to cut through this particular section of woodlands at this hour. You had thought it might save time to get you home, but now you were starting to regret your decision.
What little moonlight there was offered no help, only a few streaks here and there lighting your way ahead of you. One could easily get lost in these woods.
"One had easily gotten lost."
The errant thought made you smile, despite the rather unfortunate circumstances.
You glanced back behind you; there was a long way to go if you turned back now, surely you were only a mile or two from home...?
Turning back around, something made you suddenly freeze in place. Or rather, someone.
Six someones, to be exact.
You stood there as if paralyzed, your gaze fixed on the tallest of the figures, his eyes locked on yours in a silent stare-down.
And yet there was something oddly gentle about the way he looked at you, a touch of concern and what might have been pity, hidden in those dark eyes.
He took a step towards you, raising one gloved hand in a sign of peace, or perhaps merely a greeting.
"You shouldn't be out in these woods. This is no place for small, pure creatures like yourself."
His voice had a velvet smooth timbre to it, as easily soothing as it was intriguing. But the way he'd spoken, something about it was odd, it was very... elegant. Almost too elegant.
Still... there was something about him.
There was something equally as enticing about the others, too. All six of them, the tallest one included, seemed paler than normal. Then again, perhaps it was just the moonlight playing tricks with your eyesight.
The whole lot of them were clothed to the nines in head-to-toe black, each of them taking their own distinctive approach to it, their eyes lined in dark kohl of the same soulless shade.
Something about the whole group was slightly off-putting, and you weren't sure you liked the touch of hostility you could detect in the eyes of one of them. He was standing to the far right of the group, but he had easily caught your attention.
Where most of the others had hair nearly as dark as the clothing they wore, this one... his was a split dye, equal parts black as ink and pale as the moonlight filtering down from above.
He stood there staring at you with a poorly concealed look of irritation in his features, that aforementioned hostility displayed in those dark eyes.
"Cerulli, leave it. Let's go," he spoke up. His voice was as cold and callous as you imagined it to be, his eyes shifting to narrow at the tallest member of the group, the one you'd spotted first.
The one he called Cerulli held up a hand, silencing him, his gaze still fixed on you.
"It would appear we've gotten lost, no?"
There was amusement in his voice as he spoke directly to you, one thin, dark eyebrow raising slightly.
You found yourself nodding, unable to look away from the man's gentle eyes as he shook his head at you.
"Perhaps you would be better off out of these woods? It's not safe, darkness lurks within these shadows," he spoke again, his tone soft.
Only then were you able to find your voice, just barely.
"Should you be out here? Any of you, I mean? If it's not safe?" you asked.
You swore one corner of the man's mouth lifted in a brief smile before it vanished, as he took a step towards you, then another, until he was standing in front of you.
"Our safety should be of no concern to you. I'm quite sure we'll be alright. You, however," he reached out with one gloved hand as he spoke, lightly brushing the backs of his fingertips along your cheek, "your safety is of far more importance. Please, return home."
With that, he withdrew his hand, leaving behind a tingling feeling of emptiness, a sort of odd loneliness, where he touched you. You swallowed nervously, trying to find your voice again, and when you spoke, your words tripped over each other.
"I'm tr- I'm trying," you whispered.
He paused a moment, his eyes holding yours captive as he regarded you thoughtfully. And then he extended a hand out towards you, a silent offer of help.
The brief nagging thought that there might be possible danger lurking ahead slipped into your mind, but it was gone in an instant as you slowly placed your hand in his.
He might be your only way out of these woods, you hadn't seen any other sign of human life out here for miles.
The minute you placed your hand in his, there was an almost imperceptible shift in the air itself, you could feel it. He could feel it too, you knew he could.
The way his breath hitched in his throat for a moment, his steps faltering as he led you towards the others, the way his grip on your hand tightened briefly.
"Are... are you alright?" you whispered.
His eyes shifted to meet yours, a brief look of frenzied panic showing in their dark depths for a fraction of a second, before it was gone. He slowly nodded, leading you past the others without a word, though his expression remained uneasy.
You could hear the others following silently behind, although you thought you heard one of them mutter a swear word under their breath.
None of you spoke for the next few minutes, the only sound that of the leaves protesting beneath heavy footsteps, intermingled with the many woodland creatures hiding in the shadows.
And then a soft voice broke through the quiet of the night, from one of the people following behind you and the one they called Cerulli.
"I know that look, Christopher. It's happened, hasn't it?"
Ah, so that was his name, then.
Christopher Cerulli.
You had to admit, it did have a rather nice ring to it, a sort of old-world feel about it, every bit as elegant as the bearer of the name.
The man beside you shot a brief glance over his shoulder, an unreadable expression in his dark eyes. "We'll discuss this later, Richard," he answered, his tone closing off any further conversation.
A deep sigh came from someone in the group, followed by some unintelligible, hastily muttered words from someone else.
The tension within the entirety of the group was as palpable as ever, though. You could feel it, could feel it in the way Christopher held tightly to your hand, could feel it in the way the others were trying earnestly not to reveal anything of importance in front of you.
And then all too soon, it began to dissipate, as the seven of you reached the edge of the treeline. You could see the outskirts of town from here, could hear the cars creeping along on the streets, the sounds of people going about their evening.
Christopher stopped short at the edge of the woods, though his hand remained firmly clasped around yours for a moment. You looked up at him, silently pleading with him with wide eyes to look back at you, but he wouldn't meet your gaze.
"This-- this is where I leave you," he spoke quietly, his words unsteady and holding a note of disappointment within them. Though his voice trembled, the words themselves spoke volumes. Was it perhaps that he wasn't quite ready to let you go just yet? Was that it?
His words almost an echo of your thoughts, the one they called Richard suddenly spoke up, his tone soft.
"Christopher... this is where we leave her. She needs to return home."
"Where she goes, you cannot follow," the one with the split-dyed hair spoke in agreement.
"Ghost is right, you cannot go with her. This is where she leaves, and we stay," Richard said quietly, his gaze shifting to rest on you.
There was something so patient, so gentle, about the way he watched you. It was reminiscent of the way Christopher had looked at you earlier that night, when you had first seen him.
"I... I don't-" Christopher began, his words cutting off as he finally, finally met your gaze. But now there was such sadness there, so sudden and unexplainable. For a moment, it looked as though his very heart must be breaking on the inside, though it was unclear to you why exactly that would be.
You swallowed hard, slowly nodding as you stared up at him. "I know. Um, th-thank you. You know, for- for helping me back there," you told him, your voice barely above a murmur.
You gave his black-gloved hand a gentle squeeze, before letting your hand slip from his as you stood on the tips of your toes, leaning in to whisper in his ear.
"I'll never forget your kindness..."
Taking a step back from him, you cast a look around at the others, some of them meeting your eyes and giving you a brief nod of acknowledgement. The one they called Ghost gave you a mere sideways glance before his eyes shifted to rest on Christopher.
The tall man in question wouldn't look away, his dark eyes fixed on you as you turned and began to slowly head towards the outskirts of town. You could feel him watching you as you walked, and when he suddenly spoke up, you stopped in your tracks, turning around to face him.
"Please get home safe, little mouse."
You offered him a patient smile, answering with a simple, "Y/N. Call me Y/N."
"Y/N..." he repeated softly.
The way he said your name, the way he seemed to indulge in each syllable, every letter, the way it fell effortlessly from his tongue...
You had no idea who he really was, but you knew one thing: you were going to miss him.
Whoever he was, you would miss him.
There was something unexplainable about him, something that made you feel safe, a feeling so rarely expressed when amongst complete strangers.
But him... he was different.
You weren't sure how, or why. But you knew without it having to be explained, you were safe, at least with him.
You gave him one last smile, waving farewell to him and his comrades, before turning and heading towards town.
Whoever he was, you wished nothing but the best for him tonight...
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"Something has changed now, hasn't it?"
Richard was quiet, thoughtful, as he spoke directly to Christopher. His brother continued to watch the human girl retreat towards the edges of town, refusing to look away for even a second.
Upon not receiving a response, Richard continued on.
"It's her, isn't it? Something has shifted-" he began, only to be interrupted by one of his other brothers.
"If things have shifted, you know they'll all find out about it," Balz cut in.
There was a heavy sigh from Ghost, causing them all to turn their attention towards the older demon.
"Nothing has shifted, nothing has changed. He is to leave her alone. They don't need to find out about this. Any of it," he said, irritated.
"You do not get to make that call for me. And Richard is right. Something has changed," Christopher's voice was cold, defiant.
"Is it her?" his brother asked him, eliciting a nod from the eldest demon.
"I cannot- I... there's something about her. It's unclear what exactly yet, but it is her," he answered quietly.
"No. No. This is exactly what happened the last time, and we all remember how that ended! This is just like you and Lil-" Ghost started, but his brother cut him off midsentence.
"Don't. Don't you dare say her name, absolutely fucking not. That was in the past, this is now. This is different, she is different," he said harshly, turning to glare at the younger demon.
His brother opened his mouth in protest, but Christopher cut him off again with a shake of his head. "She. Is. Different," he repeated.
"Sola. Let it go, man. Things have already been set in motion," Vinny spoke up softly, his tone hesitant.
"I mean, I do think it might be worth mentioning, Balz did make a fair point. If you decide to go down this path, they will hear about it. Maybe not from any of us, but word will reach them in the Underground," Richard pointed out.
"What exactly are you saying?" Christopher began, a warning in his tone.
"He's saying you need to be careful. While it's evident you care about this girl, you need to tread lightly. She is human, we are not. Are you sure that's something you want to put her through? Just... be careful," Ryan cut in.
"We just don't want a repeat of what happened with Lilith," Richard said softly. Christopher knew deep down that his brothers were right, he knew it as well as they did. The last person he had allowed himself to become enamored with had grown weak, corrupted, the more days she'd spent around him.
Eventually, it had become too much for her, and her light had dimmed, flickered out until there was nothing left of who she was, who she used to be. He could still see her face sometimes if he tried hard enough, could memorize every detail of her, down to the soul within.
She had shined so brightly for him, had given him so much, she had been his everything. And he had corrupted all of it, corrupted her, dirtied up her soul, polluted it with his own darkness, quite without meaning to.
Lilith had been the one constant in his life, and he had taken that away from her.
Just like he would take it away from this girl, Y/N, his little mouse...
What if his brothers were right? What if he wasn't meant to involve himself so closely with her?
Then again... what if they were wrong?
If he could somehow overturn the balance of things, could alter whatever plans had been set into motion, maybe if he was careful enough--
Maybe there would be no bloodshed this time, no souls snuffed out, torn asunder, gone--
Richard's voice cut through his thoughts like a knife, dragging him back from old wounds and into the present.
"Look, brother. Whatever you decide, you need to be absolutely certain you see it to the end. If she is what you choose... you need to guard her closely."
"Fuck that, he's going to drag her down with him, just like he did with Lilith! And then we'll all be fucked," Ghost cut in with a hiss.
"We don't know that!" Balz argued, his tone sharp, taking them all by surprise.
Out of the six of them, Balz was normally the most carefree, his demeanor fairly easygoing, content, perhaps even a bit careless.
It was rather unlike him to snap at one of his brothers like this, regardless of the circumstances. He took a hesitant step towards Christopher, arching a brow at him.
"Do you honestly feel she's ready for all of this? Us, our world, what we are, all of it-- are you absolutely, without a fucking doubt, sure that she's ready to face all of that?" he asked.
"Let me ask you something," he continued. "Let me ask you this, and be honest with me, with all of us. You care about this girl, yeah? Something has changed, we know that now, we get it. But deep down, where it fucking counts-- are you really ready to lie down and take the fall for her like that?
"Because you know the minute you involve yourself with her, the minute you let her into our world, let her be a part of you, her name is gonna end up on their list."
"Her name will end up on our side's list as well," Richard quietly chimed in.
Balz nodded in agreement, casting a questioning look at his eldest brother. "Exactly. You ready to subject her to that?" he finished softly.
"I have no choice," Christopher answered, his voice barely rising above a whisper.
"There is no longer any foreseeable future where you see yourself without her, is there?" Richard asked him.
His brother's reply came in an instant.
"You already know the answer to that."
A ghost of a smile slipped across Richard's features before it vanished. "I do, yes. But I need to hear you say it, we all do."
There was a moment's silence before Christopher answered again, his tone somber.
"No. There is no foreseeable future without her in it."
There was a hiss of disgust from Ghost that went ignored, before Balz spoke up.
"Then it's decided. Christopher, I hope you know what the fuck you're doing. And... should things take a rather unfortunate turn, I'll be the first one in line to say I told you so?" he said with a faint grin.
Christopher's answering half-smile was visible for a mere slip of a moment before it was gone. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Balz," he said quietly.
"So... does this mean she's coming back? We're gonna see more of her, then?" Vinny's tone was hesitant, as he shot a brief look around at his brothers.
There were several nods and murmurs of assent, before Christopher spoke up.
"She... I... this is going to take time. For her, for me, all of us," he told his brothers.
"We understand. Just-- like I said earlier, be careful. She's too young to have her soul taken from her like that. Just make sure this is what you really want," Ryan said.
Christopher's answer was softly spoken, but every single one of his brothers heard it.
"She is what I really want."
It was true. What he had felt earlier that night, when he'd offered her his hand as a sign of help, a sign of reassurance, that everything would be okay--
And she'd willingly placed her small hand within his own-
The spark he had felt, the sheer panic, and hope, and just that sudden sense of belonging, of home-
He'd known in an instant.
There was something about her that would change him, change his brothers.
There was something about her that would change the very course of time as he knew it, something that would rip through the fabric of whatever previous plans had been woven and laid to rest.
Tonight had not been without purpose.
Maybe she was his purpose...
Either way, he was going to find out.
Even if it killed him.
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🎃TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @motionlessomens @annateagan @nixwolfe @veroxbarnes @vermilionnnn
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fandombandomfics · 9 months
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Summary: Sophia Keegan and her friends go to the last date of the tour that four bands are a part of. Those bands include: Motionless In White, Dark Divine, A Day to Remember, and Bad Omens. Sophia catches the eye of a certain lead singer and drummer. However, there is something going on that will crush her if she finds out. Will she ever? But also, how far will it go? Join in the chaos that will happen in a course of week.
Part 1 of It's Complicated
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Accidental Text
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Gif credit @fanpageforbands570.
Requested by anonymous. I hope you like it. Sorry it's short I'm a little rusty when it comes to miw. Thanks for the request.
Sitting on your bed you were talking to your best friend. About one thing and one thing only. Ryan. He was all you could talk about.
"Why dont you just ask him out"? She asked but you were to scared.
"I dont know. He wont like me how I like him". You replied.
"You never know. He could feel something for you". She said. You had a feeling she could be right but you kinda didnt want to take the chance.
After texting her, you looked at the messages that Ryan sent you. He would text you funny memes and dumb gifs. Stuff he thought was funny.
Almost every morning he would text you to see how you slept and playfully ask if you dreamt about him. You would laugh it off but you did.
"Ryan, wont like me. We're just friends. But what I wouldnt do for a kiss from him. He melts my heart just thinking about him. He gives me butterflies that feel like they're going to fly out of my mouth. I get dizzy around him when I smell his cologne. Plus he's gorgeous. And I'm a potato. He wont love me like I love him". You pressed send but just as it sent you saw who you actually sent it to. Ryan.
"Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT". You screamed, panic took over. Oh god, your life was over. It really was. How could you face him?
"Fuck". You drooped your in your hands.
Ding. Ryan, replied and now he knew how you felt.
"I can't believe you feel the same way, I've felt for years. You wanna go out friday night and we can talk more about moving our relationship forward. I really like you too". Ryan texted and you let out a girlish squeal that made your heart beat and your brain explode with happiness.
"I would love too. I'm glad I accidentally texted you". You replied.
"Me too. See you then, beautiful". With a kiss emoji. 😚
This time you let out a huge excited squeal and texted your beat friend telling her everything. Now the question was, what were you going to wear?
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