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mskathy0724 · 1 year ago
HIGHER GROUND FELLOWSHIP HOUR | David's Courage 12/10/2023
(Sunday School) Winter Quarter Lesson 2 – December 10, 2023
Key Verse: [David said,] “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37a)
Lesson Scripture:  1 Samuel 17:31-37, 45, 48-50
#highergroundfellowshiphour #higherground #MsKathysClass #sundayschool #childrensministry #childrenschurch #mountpilgrimbaptistchurch #mountpilgrim #mtpilgrimbaptistchurch #mtpilgrim #bookofruth #thestoryofruth #OldTestament #YourGodWillBeMyGod #ChildrensBibleStudy #1Samuel #Samuel #BookofSamuel #FirstSamuel #daughter #daughterinlaw #biblelessons #biblestories #biblestudyforkids #biblestudyforchildren #sspbnbc #sundayschoolpublishingboard #RubyRedPanda #ExploringtheStoryWithRuby #ContemporaryStory #ContemporaryStoryCartoon #David #Goliath #DavidandGoliath  
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beenchantd · 8 years ago
50) things you said when we were 70
“Ask me, John.” Sherlock says, sounding all too serious, and John lets out a quiet laugh.
“Do we really have to?” he replies, but indulges him anyway. “Alright. First time we kissed?”
“Two month after you’ve moved back to Baker Street, 2nd of march 2016, in the afternoon, 4:56 pm to be precise,” Sherlock replies immediately. “You tasted of green tea and chocolate, and the first touch of our lips lasted 37 seconds.”
John feels his lips curl into an even wider smile, “First time you realised you loved me?”
“April 2010, you were reading a book in your chair and looked up at me, smiling,” Sherlock explains, his entire face softening as he stroke one finger along John’s jaw.
“You bloody romantic,” John smiles, leaning for a kiss before saying, “First time you realised I was in love with you?”
“February 2016,” Sherlock replies. “You stopped hiding.”
John steals another kiss from Sherlock’s lips, “I did.”
Sherlock sighs, leaning into him, “Continue.”
“Love, your memory is just fine. We don’t have to do this all the time,” John tries to reassure him.
“I can’t forget any of this, John,” Sherlock breathes out. “I can’t let it happen.”
“You won’t,” John promises. “I’ll be there to remind you. Always.”
send me one of these
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Hi! I'm Sara. Whats your favorite color? I got two, black and purple. Favorite ship? Johnlock! Favorite ice cream flavor? Hard to choose, but I have to say chocolate. Do you have a cat? No, but I have a sweet dog. :) (ps: you have a wonderful blog!)
Hello Sara and thank you for the message and for the compliment! *blushes* Oh I like black too, purple too but not as much. Would you look at that? Your favourite ship is also mine! (lol). I agree with your favourite ice cream flavour. I have one dog too and sooo many cats (14 for now), what’s his name? 
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johnnlocked · 8 years ago
shoreline? (for your ocean ask) :)
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Oh, that is a good one, because every language I’ve come across (which have been a lot) has something beautiful and mysterious (I love languages). I’d go for the one language that I feel is the farthest removed from my own first language and say that I’d love to learn Japanese. Altho... Hebrew is a language that has fascinated me for as long as I can remember (blame my Jewish roots for that one). Oh! And extinct languages, like Latin and ancient Egyptian, yes, please! 
ask me
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jonwatson · 8 years ago
âśżSend this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!âśż
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cantbother · 7 years ago
i was tagged to list my nine favourite albums by @kneeling-in-the-bathtub and @ann-fortunately thanks to you both, loves! right so let’s try this shall we
- Fire within, Birdy
- No Phun Intended, Tyler Joseph
- May Death Never Stop You, MCR (look i couldn’t choose just one album okay)
- Pretty. Odd. , Panic! at the disco
- Mind Of Mine, Zayn
- Blue Neighbourhood, Troye Sivan
- Vessel, Twenty One Pilots
- Made in the AM / Four, One Direction
- Falco (greatest hits), Falco
and I’m tagging @harrysburrito @escaroles @hawksmoor17 @rubyredpanda @glitterytimemashine and basically anyone else who wants too :)
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barachiki · 8 years ago
AU where everything is the same but Sherlock's coat is pink
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John isn’t sure it is Sherlock’s colour.
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mskathy0724 · 2 years ago
A Humble King 7/2/2023
Today's Higher Ground Fellowship Lesson 5 for the Summer Quarter for Middle Elementary
Key Verse: Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9)
Lesson Scripture: Zechariah 9:9-13, 16-17
#MsKathysClass #SundaySchool #HigherGroundFellowhip #HigherGroundFellowshipHour #sundayschoolstory #ChildrensChurch #ChildrensMinistry #TheBookofZephaniah #ChildrensBibleStudy #OldTestament #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #MountPilgrim #MtPilgrim #MtPilgrimBaptistChurch #biblestudy #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #ChildrensBibleStudy #Christian #CongressionalBaptists #Zephaniah #ProphetZephaniah #TheProphetZephaniah #HolyBible #Bible #SSPBNBC #SundaySchoolPublishingBoard #NationalBaptistConvention #FaithExplorers #rejoice #RubyRedPanda #RubythePanda #ContemporaryStory #BaptistConvention #ContemporaryStoryCartoon
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mskathy0724 · 2 years ago
#MsKathysClass #SundaySchool #HigherGroundFellowhip #HigherGroundFellowshipHour #sundayschoolstory #ChildrensChurch #ChildrensMinistry #TheBookofZephaniah #ChildrensBibleStudy #OldTestament #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #MountPilgrim #MtPilgrim #MtPilgrimBaptistChurch #biblestudy #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #ChildrensBibleStudy #Christian #CongressionalBaptists #Zephaniah #ProphetZephaniah #TheProphetZephaniah #HolyBible #Bible #SSPBNBC #SundaySchoolPublishingBoard #NationalBaptistConvention #FaithExplorers #rejoice #RubyRedPanda #RubythePanda #ContemporaryStory #BaptistConvention #ContemporaryStoryCartoon
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addigni · 8 years ago
Do you have a favorite episode of Sherlock?
definitely HLV and TLD :)
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cantbother · 8 years ago
20 questions
Tagged by @anxious-n-obsessed
Name: Esther
Nickname/s: Ash / Stasa (I really don’t know either)
Zodiac Sign: libra
Height: like 1.65?
Orientation: bisexual
Ethnicity: austrian
Favorite Fruit: blueberries or cherries
Favorite Book Series: harry potter (but the infernal devices are pretty high up there too)
Favorite Flower: forget-me-nots or cornflowers
Favorite Smell: old books/tea / the sea or forests
Favorite Season/s: autumn
Favorite Animal/s: cats and wolves
Favorite Color/s: any shade of blue
Coffee, Tea or Cocoa?: I genuinely could not survive without tea 
Average Sleep Hours:during school time five to six otherwise maybe eight? on a good day
Favorite Fictional Character/s:please don’t make me choose (but some examples: Will Herondale, Dean Winchester, Snape(look he’s an asshole but the character is a piece of art)
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: one
Dream Trip: I always wanted to go to egypt again (so many ancient temples and random stones I love it)
Blog created: probably a year ago but i needed a few months to get into it
Number of followers: 65 
right, so i got 65 followers but my constantly anxious ass is already dying over here as it is so I’ll probably tag less then 20 people 
ALSO if any of you don’t feel like doing this you absolutely don’t have to :)
@understandlikelarry @kneeling-in-the-bathtub  @escaroles @rubyredpanda
@prettylittlelarrie @espritdusoleil @phan-ilove @evxak  
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beenchantd · 8 years ago
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Chapter: 1/?
Summary: When John and Sherlock have to investigate a gay dating event over the weekend, Sherlock finds the challenge quite exciting. John isn't so sure they're going to be able to play stranger for an entire weekend, especially considering they've been married for ten years.
Sherlock's feet brush his under the table, "Come on, John, it's going to be fun."
"Is it really?" John asks, looking back up and finding Sherlock smiling widely at him. "Ok, what is it?"
"This is an event where you're supposed to meet other people, John," Sherlock says. "We can't go as a married couple."
John stares at him, "You mean we're going as strangers?"
Sherlock nods, "That's exactly what I mean."
John laughs softly, "Well, that's a challenge."
Sherlock frowns, "A challenge? Why?"
"Sherlock, love, we've been married for ten years now, playing strangers isn't going to be easy," John smiles. Sherlock leans back against his own chair, not moving his feet away and proving John's point right there. "What I mean is that we have habits now, we look at each other in certain ways, we are used to being together. Spending an entire weekend without being able to be ourselves is going to be a challenge, that's all."
Sherlock stares at him for a long moment, "I can do it."
John can't help but laugh again. He should have known Sherlock would take it like this. "If you say so," he breathes out slowly, still smiling.
"You don't think I can?" Sherlock asks.
"I think you'll have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself, that's all."
Sherlock stands up, walking around the table and stopping in front of him. John glances up at him, watching as Sherlock leans down to whisper against his lips, "Challenge accepted, then."
Thank you to @astudyinsnoggy for being an awesome beta as usual!
@clueingforlooks @ishaveforsherl @astudyinsnoggy @johnnlocked@yorkiepug@consultingpurplepants @conversationswithjohnlock @lmirandas@daringlydomestic@blueink3 @ladymacphisto @chinike @artfulinanities @missmuffin221@johnandsherlock@beejohnlocked @blanketjohn @bobenlugares @totallysilvergirl @your-holy-nerd @wilde-grrrl
@rubyredpanda @fandomology1 @gryssenielsen @221bsweetheart @ouramazingworldofbooks @knutmegwrites @trek-who-lock @chinike @maggiec98
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beenchantd · 8 years ago
Of Challenges, Seduction and Love at First Sight
Chapter 2 is posted!
"So very romantic, my husband," Sherlock smiles, but John knows he silently agreeing to his idea.
"You knew that when you chose to marry me," John points out. "You deduced I'm a romantic years ago, actually."
"I did," Sherlock says, still smiling. "And yet, you’ve never written me any poems."
"You hate my poems," John protests.
"I do not," Sherlock replies, shaking his head. "I hated the ones you wrote to those boring women, that's all."
John grins at him, "You were jealous." Sherlock shrugs, not denying it, and John kisses him again. "I'll write you a poem. Tonight even."
"Really?" Sherlock asks, sounding way too happy about it, and John promises himself to dig up all the poems he wrote about him but never dared to show him.
"Really," he replies, and with another laugh, he seals their lips again
@clueingforlooks @ishaveforsherl @astudyinsnoggy@johnnlocked@yorkiepug@consultingpurplepants @conversationswithjohnlock@lmirandas@daringlydomestic@blueink3 @ladymacphisto @chinike @artfulinanities@missmuffin221@johnandsherlock@beejohnlocked @blanketjohn @bobenlugares@totallysilvergirl @your-holy-nerd @wilde-grrrl
@rubyredpanda @fandomology1 @gryssenielsen @221bsweetheart @ouramazingworldofbooks@knutmegwrites @trek-who-lock @chinike @maggiec98 @monikakrasnorada @johnlockissquishy @dorvanie @kelsey-tfg 
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