#River's Darktober Fics
riversdarkblog · 1 year
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Pairings: Werewolf Maria Hill x Werewolf Hunter Reader
Warnings: Sadism, Possessiveness, Stalking, Breaking In, Cannibalism, Dismemberment, Vivisepulture (Buried Alive), Slight Gore, Bruises, Scars, Height Difference, Slight Age Difference & Marking
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human & Darling
Word Count: 3,369
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It was the morning of October 31st, 1965. One night a year where kids and some adults would dress up as weird or scary things. It was one night a year where the creatures of the dark could come out and roam the streets and nobody would know if they were real or not. One night a year where werewolves and vampires could come out and people would not be scared of them. Some people really didn't believe in such creatures like these but some did. Y/N believed in them especially werewolves and that's how she became a werewolf hunter.
Y/N was known as one of the outcasts of her town just for believing in werewolves and other creatures. She wanted to protect her town and even though no one believed her she'd prove that they were real. Even if she had to slice off a Werewolves head and bring it to them. She had been a werewolf hunter for almost 2 years now and every time she's close to catching a werewolf they always disappear.
For the past few months though she has been hunting down this one werewolf that managed to disappear every single time she gets too close. This werewolf had black hair and bright blue eyes that would pierce through someone's soul. It had black claws as sharp as knives and it was over 6'5". The tail almost touched the ground. One of its ears was chopped in half while the other ear had Shiny Navy Blue earrings, that would shimmer in the moonlight. The wolf also had a navy blue septum piercing. The werewolf always wore these Dark Navy Blue sweatpants but had them pulled up to its knees whenever it was spotted. The werewolf also wore these black metal cuffs around its wrists and ankles and Y/N doesn't know why yet.
Y/N was getting hunting supplies at one of the local stores when she heard a crash and then shouting. Y/N rushed over and saw a man on the floor and a woman standing 5 feet away. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" the man shouted and the woman didn't answer. Y/N looked at the woman and saw that she had short black hair and striking blue eyes. The woman was wearing a leather jacket and baggy navy blue ripped jeans. She saw that the woman was wearing black cuffs around her wrists. The woman was wearing black combat boots. The woman was also pretty tall causing Y/N to gulp. The woman was pretty muscular as well and had a strong body build. "You should really watch where you're going man" the woman said in a raspy voice causing River to shiver slightly. "ME YOU WERE THE ONE WHO BUMPED INTO ME AND KNOCKED ME DOWN" the man shouted before getting up and grabbing hold of the woman's moon phase shirt. "I suggest you let go of my shirt or you'll regret it" the woman said calmly as people started coming over to see what the commotion was.The man still didn't let go causing the black haired woman to clench her jaw before grabbing the man's wrist and gripping tightly. The man's eyes widened in shock as he felt the grip on his wrist. "What the hell let go of my wrist" the man said.
The black haired woman leaned down and whispered into the man's ear. "You don't know what I'm capable of so I suggest you let go of my shirt or I will break your wrist" the woman said before she felt eyes on her causing her to look up and lock eyes with Y/N. The black haired woman smirked before her eyes glowed a brighter blue causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. The woman squeezed the man's wrist a bit tighter as she spoke into his ear. Y/N watched as the man started shaking in fear before letting go of the woman's shirt. Y/N saw the woman let go of the man's wrist and saw a visible hand print around it.
The man ran past Y/N and she stepped back so she wouldn't get shoved out of the way. She looked back over to see the woman walking in the opposite direction while carrying a couple pack of ground beef not seeming fased by the coldness to it. Y/N ran after her and catched up to her. "Um excuse me Ma'am" Y/N said and the woman stopped before looking down at Y/N who was at least 5 inches shorter than her. "What do you want are you here to pick a fight as well" the woman asked in that raspy voice of hers. "Oh um no nothing like that" Y/N said shaking her head. The woman raised her eyebrow waiting for Y/N to speak again. "Oh right um I'm Y/N and I couldn't help but watch what had happened. I'm sorry about that man he can be mean when he gets drunk" Y/N said and the woman rolled her eyes. "Of course he was drunk I could smell it off of him and I'm Maria by the way" the woman said causing Y/N to smile before looking down at the 6 packs of ground beef in Maria's hands.
"Hey um aren't those freezing your hands off" Y/N asked Maria and Maria looked down before her eyes widened in shock. She sets them down on one of the racks before smiling at Y/N. "I didn't even realize I was still carrying them" Maria lied and Y/N chuckled. "I'll go find a basket for you" Y/N said before walking off in search of a shopping basket. Once she returned she saw Maria wasn't anywhere causing her to frown. "Damn it" Y/N muttered out before setting the basket down on the ground. She went back to shopping for her supplies before making her way to the registers.
Y/N made her way out of the store and to her car. As she was unlocking her car she looked up to see glowing blue eyes. She looked over her shoulder but nothing was there. She opened her trunk and set the hunting stuff down before shutting the door. Y/N jumped slightly when she heard a car alarm going off before looking over to see huge claw marks across the rear and front door on the back left side on a black car a couple feet away. As she was putting stuff away she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind. She grabbed her knife and spun around and pointed it at the person who put their hands up. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw it was Maria. "Wow easy there I just wanted to give you something" Maria said in that raspy voice of hers before holding out a piece of white paper. "What is it" Y/N said cautiously. "My phone number, I thought I'd give it to you because you're cute" Maria said causing Y/N to lower her knife as she grabbed the paper while her face turns red. "Oh um I- thanks I guess" Y/N said but when she looked back up Maria was gone again causing her to frown. Why did this mysterious woman named Maria kee on disappearing like that Y/N had thought.
Y/N went home and took out all of her hunting supplies from her trunk before shutting the trunk door. She made her way up the walkway before walking up the three steps to her house. She took out her keys and unlocked the door before opening the door and shutting it behind her after she walked in. Y/N locked the door before walking into her living room and setting all of the stuff down. As Y/N was walking around her room bright blue eyes followed her every move as a piece of human flesh was put into the mouth that belonged to the person with blue eyes.
An hour ago those same blue eyes were glowing. Those blue eyes had belonged to no other than Maria. Maria was walking through the forest dragging that man that had grabbed her shirt in the grocery store. He had been screaming the whole time while trying to break free as Maria dragged him by the back of his shirt while his hands were tied. Maria didn't listen to his screaming and didn't seem bothered by his struggling. She walked for a while until she stopped next to a big hole she dug up 30 minutes ago before kidnapping the man. The man's eyes widened in shock when he saw the hole. Before he could answer Maria kneeled down as her nails turned into claws. The man's eyes had widened in shock before she ripped his hand off of him causing him to scream really loudly. "Next time think before you mess with the wrong person" Maria said before shoving him in the hole with her foot. She grabbed the shovel and started tossing dirt back into the hole. The man started coughing as dirt kept hitting him in the face.
Maria was now watching Y/N walk around her house while eating the man's hand that she had ripped off. She was perched in the tree that was in Y/N's backyard. Maria had a perfect view of the whole house since it was just a single floor house. The tree branches and leaves his Maria perfectly since it was still day time. She was slightly confused as to why she took a liking to this woman that was clearly 5 or 6 years younger than her. She has never felt this way with anyone before and it made her feel protective of this one special girl. She wanted to take her away from her life and claim her as hers and only hers.
Maria watched Y/N walk into the bathroom which had a small window. She jumped down from the tree before walking quietly towards the house. Thank god for a privacy fence. Maria stopped in front of the back door before her pointer finger nail turned into a claw. She put it into the key hole before moving it around and stopped when she heard a click. It was risky to break in in the middle of the day but Maria was pretty sneaky when she wanted to be. Maria's claw disappeared before she opened the door and walked into the house. She closed the door quietly behind her before walking through the house towards the bathroom. She stopped when she looked in the living room to see hunting stuff causing her eyes to narrow before she continued to walk to the bathroom. She was about to reach for the door but realized it was already wide open. Guess Y/N didn't shut it. The shower was running and Maria looked up to see Y/N in the shower washing her body. The glass doors had steamed up but Maria could still see all of Y/N's body. Her eyes glowed blue as she licked her razor sharp teeth. She was about to step forward when Y/N's phone started ringing on the toilet beside the shower. She moved away from the bathroom door before hurrying up out of the house.
There was still a couple hours until trick or treating started at 6 pm and it's currently 3 pm. Y/N had gotten out of the shower and hit the dismiss button on her phone for her alarm. She dried herself off before wrapping the towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom. She made her way to her bedroom before grabbing a pair of her underwear. She started getting ready after completely drying off. She put on some black leather pants and a black sweatshirt. She put her socks on before her black combat boots that had silver spikes that came out of the bottoms of them. She grabbed her leather jacket and put it on over her sweatshirt before grabbing her scarf and wrapping it around her neck. She walked into her living room and grabbed her hunting stuff before heading out of her house. When she looks up she sees Maria leaning against her car causing her to stop. "Uh Maria w-what are you doing here" Y/N stuttered out and Maria smirked before pushing herself off of Y/N's car. She stopped in front of Y/N before looking down at all the handmade weapons except for the crossbow. "What's all this for" Maria said ignoring Y/N's question. "Um you wouldn't believe me if I told you" Y/N said and Maria let out a throaty laugh before looking directly into Y/N's eyes. "Try me" Maria said and Y/N gulped. "I'm hunting for a werewolf tonight" Y/N said and Maria's smile faltered before her eyes darkened. "Oh then why don't I join you" Maria asked and Y/N frowned. "Why would you help me, do you also believe in werewolves" Y/N asked and Maria leaned back up before nodding her head. "Yeah I do" Maria said before shoving her hands in her pockets.
The two drove in silence as Y/N gripped the steering wheel slightly. "How'd you know where I lived" Y/N finally spoke up and Maria looked over from the passenger side. "You should have asked me that before you let me into your car" Maria spoke up cause Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. She hit the gas pedal causing the car to screech to a halt. Maria winced at the sound of the screeching. Y/N looked over at Maria who was already staring at her with piercing blue eyes. She looks closer and frowns slightly. "Your eyes look so damn familiar" Y/N said before Maria smirks. "Oh Little Human you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into" Maria said in her raspy voice causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. She opened her car door and quickly got out as Maria slowly got out of the car. She just watched as Y/N opened the back seat and grabbed her crossbow. Maria shut the car door before watching Y/N walk around the back of the car before standing a couple feet away from her.
"You're the werewolf I've been trying to hunt down for months now" Y/N said as she pointed her crossbow at Maria who seemed unfazed by all of this. "Why didn't I see this sooner" Y/N said as she sighed before looking back at Maria who was staring at her. Maria looked around to see that they were near a forest with nothing else around them. Y/N saw Maria looking around causing her to clutch the crossbow tighter. "I'll shoot you if you so much as take a step" Y/N said causing Maria to look back at her and smirk. Maria took a step towards Y/N causing Y/N to take a step back. "I said stay put" Y/N shouted and Maria took another step forward. Before Y/N could do anything she was slammed against the rear door causing the crossbow to drop to the ground. She looked up at Maria in shock who just smirked down at her. Before Maria could speak Y/N stomped on Maria's foot before shoving her away from the stomach. She scrambled away as she grabbed the crossbow before shooting Maria in the shoulder causing her to scream out in pain. She ripped the arrow out of her shoulder and dropped it to the ground as she looked at the wound that was slowly already closing before she glared up at Y/N.
"You shouldn't have done that Y/N I suggest you start running now" Maria rasped out as she saw the crossbow drop to the ground. Y/N ran off into the forest. Silver was supposed to wound werewolves and keep them from healing but Maria seemed to be fine. Maria starts following Y/N but doesn't run because she knows all the forests around her like the back of her hand.
It felt like hours since Y/N started running through the forest and the sun had just disappeared. And the full moon was up in the sky. Maria had taken off her leather jacket and her black combat boots. Maria looked up at the moon to see it was a harvest full moon making her smirk as her eyes glowed bright blue. Her hunting instincts started coming to the surface as she began walking through the forest making sure not to make a sound as she closely listened to Y/N's footsteps. As Maria was listening she heard a twig snap a few feet ahead causing her to smirk. She started walking faster following the scent of Y/N and the sound of her footsteps. As Maria kept getting closer and closer she started speeding up before she was full on sprinting after Y/N. Maria tackled Y/N to the ground right when she caught up to her causing the two to tumble to the ground as Y/N let out a loud scream.
Maria ended up on top of Y/N causing her to smirk as she looked down at Y/N. "Oh Y/N you're absolutely cute like this, your widened eyes, heavy breathing and Racing heart that I can hear" Maria said and Y/N's face flushed slightly. Maria had Y/N's wrists pinned to the ground with a slightly tighter grip. "You know I have to be honest with you Little Human ever since I met you at that store I've become slightly obsessed with you" Maria said causing Y/N's eyes to widen even more. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out causing Maria to grab Y/N's jaw with one of her hands before leaning down. "I've become obsessed with you since in the store, I just keep thinking about how I'll make you mine" Maria said as she feels Y/N grab her wrist. "Something inside me just wants me to claim you right here " Maria said as she leaned down and breathed in Y/N's scent from her neck. Before Y/N could do anything she felt Maria's razor sharp fangs sink into her neck causing her to scream out in pain. Y/N started squirming and kicking her feet trying to shove Maria off of her but Maria's grip tightened around her wrist probably making a bruise already.
Maria pulled away after a couple seconds and Y/N looked up to see Maria's eyes glowing bright blue. Maria looked down at the bite mark on Y/N's neck before leaning back down and licking over it to soothe the pain causing Y/N to let out a whimper. As Y/N just laid there on the muddy ground she felt claws dig into her cheeks and wrist. "M-maria" Y/N stuttered out and Maria pulled away causing Y/N to stop breathing for a couple seconds. As the two looked at each other they heard the town Church bell ring meaning it was Midnight. So they've been out for hours. Maria had been chasing Y/N for hours. "Y-you um you shifted" Y/N stuttered out and Maria looked down to see fur covering her arms. Maria smirked in her werewolf form showing off all of her razor sharp teeth. "Just know you are mine now thanks to that bite mark I gave you" Maria rasped out before licking her lips. She let go of Y/N before getting up and staring at Y/N who was still on the ground. Maria had grown 5 more inches in her werewolf form. "If anyone tries and takes you away from me I'll rip them to shreds darling" Maria said before she disappeared into the night leaving Y/N still on the ground trying to process what just happened. Her whole life had changed just in one whole day and from now on things would be completely different.
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Taglist: @yelenasdiary @red1culous @natashaismylove @i-lov3-w0men @marvelfan98 @whoreforblackhill @emmytaysversion @livin4theeradictor @music-4ever @gaylorvader
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
October Special Information
Okays, so after some thinking, I have decided to give something for everybody to read. So, I'm calling this 'October Special' which will include Kinktober, Flufftober & Darktober!
Below the cut, you'll find everything you need to know before sending me a request. Please read through this carefully, I know it's a long post with a fair bit of information but I'm trying to make this go as smoothly as possible for myself as the writer x.
As always, my blog is 18+ ONLY! Men & Minors, please DNI!
Requests -
~ The deadline to have requests sent is September 23rd (AEST). For anybody outside Australia, this would be September 22nd.
~ Sending a request doesn’t guarantee it will be written, I may get an overwhelming amount of requests for this & if that happens, I simply cannot write them all.
~ When sending a request, please state if you want Reader to be fem or GN! If you want Reader to have a penis in the fic, please mention if you want them to be Fem, GN or AFAB/AMAB.
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Kinktober -
~ When requesting, please mark your request with "For Kinktober", if you don't I will just assume your request isn't for the event.
Here is a list of what I am comfortable with writing & what I am not comfortable writing. Please read these carefully, if you send a request that I am not comfortable with, I will delete it without an explanation.
Comfortable With: Daddy/Mommy kinks, Con Non Con, Character x Character, Character x Reader, Breeding Kink, Voyeurism, Desperation, Toys, Bondage, Double Penetration, Lactation Kink, Somnophilia, Exhibitionism. FAB! Reader with a penis and/or Character with a penis.
Not Comfortable With: Scat, Incest, Pedophilia, Character x Male Reader, Body Shaming, R*pe, Racism, Age Regression in a sexual setting.
I do not write smut for celebrity x reader. I only write smut for female fictional characters x reader.
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Flufftober -
~ When requesting, please mark your request with "For Flufftober", if you don't I will just assume your request isn't for the event.
~I will write fluff for platonic, age regressed reader and family based fics! So when requesting, please state if the relationship within your idea is romantic, platonic, age regressed reader or family based (meaning Character x Sibling! Reader or Character x Daughter! Reader).
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to message me! x
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Darktober -
~ When requesting, please mark your request with "For Darktober", if you don't I will just assume your request isn't for the event.
What I'm Comfortable With Writing: Dark Angst such as, gore, murder, kidnapping, mentions of SA, drugs, blood, childhood trauma, PTSD topics etc.
What I'm Not Comfortable With Writing: Details of r*pe. Like I mentioned above, I am fine with mentions but not detailing the event. Detailed racism, I’m okay with mentions such as “So and so was racist” & I will not write body shaming content in detail.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to message me! x
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Extra Details -
~ I will post a fic every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for this special, giving you all a total of 13 fics. Again, for all those outside Australia, this will be every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
~ All fics will be posted at 5PM AEST. If for any reason I will be late posting, I'll make a post about it.
~ I will not have a seperate taglist for this, if you want to be tagged for any of my work, please leave a comment on THIS POST
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Who I Write For -
If somebody isn’t listed here, it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t write for them. Please remember that I DO NOT write smut for Celebrity x Reader. Smut is only for Fictional Character x Reader.
Yelena Belova (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff // The Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Kate Bishop (Marvel)
Agatha Harkness (Marvel)
Melina Vostokoff (Marvel)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Charlie Ross (The Little Drummer Girl)
Kelly Foster (We Brought a Zoo)
Jane Banner (Wind River)
Leigh Shaw (Sorry For You Loss)
Alice Chambers (Don’t Worry Darling)
Taylor Sloane (Ingrid Goes West)
Any Variant Character on THIS LIST
Florence Pugh
Elizabeth Olsen
Scarlett Johansson
+ More
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With that, I can't wait to give you all something for all to read and enjoy! I'm excited to see what you guys come up with! If you have any further questions, concerns or if you're confused on anything, please don't hesitate to send me a message or ask.
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