#Ritsu anniversary and I'm planning to actually kind of celebrate! Things line up perfectly today which is funny.
nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
Happy (over) 1 year to this comment I made. It aged like milk. No really.
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Then again, back in April I had no idea that things would lead to this. Times then were not the best... I look back on this with a little amusement though. "Do they know?" They did not know! But they found out two months later! Which is today but one year ago! And here we are now! Honestly, it feels a little surreal that I ever made this comment to begin with.
Since it's anniversary time... Let me have a little tangent as well! Just for memories sake!
A year has passed and while there are others alongside him now my love is not going to fade anytime soon. I love Ritsu so much yet I never saw this one coming. I remember who was the first one who actually had my attention - Rei. Oh the irony nowadays... I still love Rei but not like that.
Much to my embarrassment I also had pulled on that very first banner on EN, thinking it was Rei (I think I was half asleep)... I got the Ritsu card in one ten pull though so this marks my first five star from a gacha pull too!
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Was it a sign? Probably not, no. Just stupid luck. But I like to think and joke that it was a sign for things to come.
I tried to fight it but in the end I gave in. Out of all the f/os so far Ritsu managed to prevail. A character who makes me feel all fuzzy now and helps me to get through life. And I couldn't be happier with this outcome! I like how things are now and he was contributing a lot to that! I will never forget it!
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