#Rita J
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thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
Bad Idea Right? - Part 9
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
What are friends for if not for meddling? A certain daughter of spring and her heir apparent lover scheme to bring a stubborn Shadowsinger and her Autumn High Lord mate back together.
A/n: remember when I said this would be the final part? I was wrong. Sorry! Don’t hate me. There will be at least one more chapter and an epilogue.
Part 8 Series Masterlist Part 10
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Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, alcohol
In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit dramatic. But in my defense, what the fuck??
The High Lord of the Autumn Court is my mate?
And he’s known since the moment he met me?
I am a fool, truly. There’s no other explanation. Perhaps I may not be as perceptive as my father or nosey little sister but I’m pretty damned adept in reading a room.
Yet I’d been fucking my mate for two years with zero clue. No wonder my damned shadows enjoy playing with him so much. But to be fair, who wouldn’t? I mean look at him. The muscles, graceful stature, those auburn locks of hair, that arrogant smirk that I want nothing more than to kiss right off his stupid, gorgeous face.
And in the face of the truth, I fled. Like a coward.
“Sissy?” Azalea’s concerned voice interrupts my spiral of self-loathing.
Her little hand squeezes mine. “Ice cream makes me feel better when I’m sad.”
“That sounds wonderful, Azzie.”
With that, my mother gave a soft smile and strode to the kitchen to retrieve my favorite strawberry flavor from the ice box.
I looked down to my sister to find her brows drawn together and lips pursed, wings sagging just a bit. “What’s going on, Azalea?”
“I told Eris that what he did was bad but sissy, I don’t think he’s bad. But you were so sad.”
“Oh Azalea, I’m sorry. I appreciate you and your loyalty. I’m lucky to have such a kind little sister and you know what? I bet Eris would prefer for you to stick up for me instead of ignoring my feelings. Because you’re right, he is not bad. He’s not a bad male at all.”
“Then why are you so sad?” question shone in her eyes as she waited for a response.
“I’m upset because I believed that he liked me for me - but now that I know he knew I was his mate from the moment we met, it makes me feel like he only likes me because of a bond that neither of us have control over.”
The winged little girl pondered before replying, “He can still love you for who you are even with a bond. I didn’t have control over being your sister, but I like you a lot. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my sister.”
Her words stopped me in my tracks. Since when was my little sister so wise beyond her years? Yet still - it stings. It stings for there to have been so many secrets and perhaps he had good reason to hide it. Hell, maybe he didn’t even want me beyond the most base level of a mating bond. The sex was incredible. Yet, he was the one who took me on a date tonight. Still came around despite my father’s ominous presence. An ugly voice inside of me whispered that it was all to gain a political foothold, yet the more rational side of me could feel that it wasn’t truth.
A bang on the door interrupted my thoughts.
Azzie’s wings rustle, little legs bounding across the room in search of the unexpected intrusion, her hazel eyes peering out the foyer window. My heart fluttered briefly - could it be him? What would I say?
The racing sensation in my chest faltered as my shadows briefed me of the visitor’s identity.
“Azzie, can you go ask mom to scoop an extra bowl of ice cream?”
She didn’t miss a beat as her little feet took off into the kitchen where she animatedly informed our mother of the visitor at our doorstep.
Another knock and a shout of “Open up the door, bitch! I know you’re in there.” had me letting out a flustered breath and scurrying to allow the nuisance entry into my home, greeting her with “How do you even know where I live?”
“Well,” Layla let out an exasperated sigh, taking a step into the fae-light illuminated foyer. “For one, it’s nice to see you again too. Second, Daemati boyfriend, remember?” Pointing a finger to her head with an incredulous expression, she continued. “Third, you didn’t see me fleeing when my tits were out in front of your entire family. THANKS for that.”
Shame flooded my features but she cut off any attempt at an apology for leaving her in the uncomfortable predicament with Nyx. “Eh, I like to think of myself as a bit of an exhibitionist. I just never imagined my first foray into such endeavors would involve the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. ANYWAY-“ the blonde gave me a pointed look, summoning two bottles of wine from a pocket realm. “I brought vino for our troubles.”
Twenty minutes later and we’d all soothed our wounds with ice cream and Azalea peppering Layla with questions about anything and everything she could think of.
I could have fallen through the floor when she gleefully informed Layla that she did indeed try to stop us before barging in upon her and Nyx’s more private affairs. Layla only laughed and flashed me a vulgar gesture when Azalea wasn’t looking.
Azalea eventually dozed off somewhere between Layla and I’s second and third bottle of wine when she jumped up with a shriek. “Oh my gods! What’s the name of that bar you lot love so much? Rose’s?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Rita’s?”
“Yes! That’s the one. Let’s go! Girls night out.”
“Layla, why don’t we go somewhere the Inner Circle doesn’t frequent? Somewhere a bit more youthful?”
With a dismissive wave she shush’d me. “No way. Let’s be tourists. Wouldn’t anyone visiting want to go to THE spot that the Court’s upper echelon frequent? Let’s go dazzle the citizens of Velaris with our sexy moves. I’ll let you grind against me if you’re good.”
I laughed at my friend’s peculiar method of cheering me up but honestly, a night out to let loose before facing the rocky road ahead sounded like just what I needed.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Rita’s was more packed than usual as an attendant led Layla and I back to the Inner Circle’s standard table, we snaked through the crowded floor, brushing shoulders with the ocasional dancing patron when I overheard a voice muttering about the “sexy High Lord” she’d bumped into at the bar.
I reached to grab Layla’s attention but it was too late as I looked up to find her cozied up to Nyx with my uncles, my father, and my- “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Looking past my friend with her shit-eating grin, I see the gorgeous face of my mate.
He stood dejected in the basement of the gallery, trying to process what had just gone down.
Never did he imagine this was how the night would turn out. Under normal circumstances, he would be traveling back to his court to look into the father of the Day Court female who’d tried holding him hostage but Helion would look further into it and send word. He was not in a place to fairly handle such a situation given that the thought of them laying a hand on his mate made him burn with rage.
So he stood there, taking steadying breaths about to leave when a low whistle rang out behind him and a large hand clapped his back. “Ouch. Not the ideal way to reveal a mating bond.”
Eris scoffed, readying an unbecoming retort when Cassian continued, “Been there. It’s not easy but you two will work it out. Beer helps. Care to grab a drink at Rita’s while Nyx and Rhys work their shit out? Probably not the best for you and Azriel to be alone together at the moment anyway.”
To his credit- Azriel only let out a semi-annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.
What the fuck was this evening becoming? Mating bond unveiled and now getting drinks with a male who had every right to loathe him.
But Eris didn’t have it in him to deny the offer. So with that, he found himself at Rita’s with the Night Court general.
“I’m just saying that these Archerons, they’re lovely and great but… they’re headstrong.” He put two palms up in the air. “Now before you jump to conclusions, it’s not a BAD thing. The gods know Nesta has handed my ass to me when I’ve needed it many times over the years but sometimes…. Sometimes you’ve just got to give them time to come around.”
Eris could have reminded Cassian that most females would need time to come around to such a reveal but… the male was making an effort and Eris had nobody else to talk to about such a situation.
He supposed he could have tracked down Lucien but the matter felt a bit too sensitive to address at the moment given the rejected bond between he and Elain and the very obvious fact that Eris’ mate was the result of that rejected bond.
“Hey- I’m here making an effort. At least try to appear like you’re not tuning me out.” Cassian waved a hand before him.
“Apologies.” Eris smirked, refusing to let the male see him too down and out. “Just processing everything.”
“Well, finish the rest of this beer and we can order some of that autumnal shit you all prefer in your court for the next round. Unless you’re too prissy and have some fancy shit you High Lord’s prefer.”
Eris recognized the bait for what it was, given that he knew Cassian would be the first to indulge in Rhysand’s top shelf liquors.
Eris lifted the foaming mug to his mouth and downed the entire beer before placing it back down on the counter. “Another Illyrian draft is just fine.”
The large male beside him let out a hum that almost seemed like approval. “Maybe you’re not such a cunt after all, High Lord.”
“Yeah, well keep that between us.”
Cassian held up two fingers as the bar keep gave him a nod and Cassian pointed to a table in the corner.
No sooner than they’d seated themselves did Rhysand and Nyx enter the establishment, a hesitant Azriel behind them.
“Sorry.” Cassian shrugged. “Rhys sent word a couple minutes ago. Figured we could all use a round after this evening.”
Rhys looking a bit disheveled in comparison to that usual air of arrogance he exuded, giving a cocky grin as eyes within the establishment fell upon him. His son on the other hand still appeared a bit out of sorts given the inconvenient revelation of he and the daughter of Spring to his entire family.
The Shadowsinger only gave a curt nod in greeting, expression remaining stony.
Through a boisterous laugh the general teased, “Welcome to the shit show.”
The tension at the table was palpable, Azriel glaring daggers through Eris, Nyx very clearly communicating mind to mind with someone, Rhys slowly losing his resolve in maintaining his collected facade. Cassian, ever the instigator, broke the silence. “So, mates, huh?”
Azriel’s cold gaze averted from the Autumn High Lord to the General, promising violence. “Hey-“ Cassian raised his palms again. “It’s not so bad. She could have been mated to Tamlin.”
Had it not been for the mating bond chafing his ass, Eris could have laughed but he only bristled at the thought of his mate with any other male.
“Ouch!” Cassian yelped as the violet-eyed High Lord kicked him under the table.
“Oh come on! None of us handled our mating bonds perfectly, and I know damn well that any of you would be enjoying this mess if roles were reversed. You’re just pissy, I remember very clearly the shit you gave me when this fucker,”pointing a calloused finger to Eris with a cheeky grin, “proposed to Nesta!”
Eris really wanted to fall through the floor at this point. “But she was my mate, and look at us now? Remember those days at the dining table, Az?”
Shadows whirled violently around the Spymaster. “You’re not obligated to speak every little thought that pops into your mind.”
Though it was clear the Shadowsinger was deathly serious, Cassian only waived him off and Nyx burst out laughing, egging his Uncle on.
“Mating bonds aren’t everything.” Azriel growled out, “You’re not entitled to her. She’s her own person and can choose what her heart wants.”
Eris raised an eyebrow at the implication. He was well aware that he played the bastard role well but he would never-
“Are you implying, Shadowsinger, that I would not let your precious daughter choose? And believe me, I’m well aware of the atrocities and the merits that can come from a rejected mating bind. I remember the physical and emotional pain inflicted upon my brother when his own bond was rejected, the uncontrollable waves of grief that still sometimes roll through him.” Azriel sat, stone faced at the reminder that his wife was not his mate. Eris didn’t give him time to react, continuing.
“But I’m also well aware that if not for that pain and that rejected bond, I would be without my beloved nephew, or my curious new friend who thinks of even the smallest of denizens of your court matter - who treats me like I’m just a person and not the arrogant prick the rest of the world views me as.”
Eris placed a broad palm to his own chest, clutching as if in physical pain as the next words left his lips. “And do you not think, Shadowsinger, that I don’t recognize the fucking treasure that came from that rejected bond? The irony that my brother’s rejected bond resulted in the greatest gift of my life? And while I’d love to covet that treasure, care for her, let her shine for all of those to see - to know that she’s mine - it’s not my choice. It’s hers. If she wants to shine with someone else? Gods, it will hurt like hel, but I’ll remember her with nothing but love in my heart. She wants to stay on her own, making her own way in the world? I’ll stand back and cheer for her. I think you’re well aware that NOBODY chooses for your daughter but her.”
Azriel remained stone faced, a hand resting to the handle of the foaming mug of mead before him. Cassian let out a huff. Nyx smirked and Rhysand only looked at Eris with something that almost appeared to be respect.
Azriel finally shook his head, raising the mug in Eris’ direction. “Then that’s all I can ask for.”
All eyes at the table darted to him in shock. The famed, merciless spymaster standing down.
Eris only lifted his own mug in return and that was that.
The next hour went by as smoothly as possible, the table ordering several rounds of drinks. Eris nearly pissed himself when the shock of a caress against his mental shields caught his attention, Nyxs’ amused voice only stating, “You can thank me later.”
Eris’ brows drew together, puzzled by what on earth he’d have to thank the heir for, as a blonde female fell into the seat beside the male. A familiar scent wafting into his nostrils.
His mate.
Gods, she looked fucking fantastic and Eris knew right away he’d have to glamour the involuntary scent of arousal wafting from him at the sight of her ethereal face, those fucking hips that he wanted to hug as tightly as that little dress did - his inhibited state not helping the situation whatsoever. She only glared at him, as she stood beside the table, sweet voice dripping with irritation,
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
She crossed her arms across her chest. Gods, she was trying to kill him. Her arms pushing up her immaculate breasts. Was he salivating? This had to be a dream. Or a nightmare if her father caught wind of just how the sight of her was affecting him.
But most of all, he only felt love and adoration as he stared at the prickly female glaring daggers through him. Truth-Teller would certainly feel less violent against his skin than the sharp gaze piercing into his heart.
“I didn’t know, I swear.” Eris pleaded.
“Right. I’m leaving.” She huffed.
“Oh no you fucking don’t” the blonde female interjected. “You’re not just going to ice him out. It’ll hurt you worse than any words ever could. You two need to TALK.”
Nyx looked to the female with pride.
“I’m not finished with YOU.” Y/N hissed with rage to her friend.
“Oh I have no doubt.” The female - Layla - fired back. “But first you’re going to work things out with your mate.”
With an irritated look to her friend, she grabbed Eris by the wrist with a reluctant “Come on, we’re LEAVING.”
Eris threw a grateful look to Nyx and Layla, standing with no resistance to the grasp his mate had on his wrist. Azriel grunted and began to stand, but Rhys threw an arm out, keeping him seated. And to Eris’ surprise, the Shadowsinger remained.
Cool air and the aroma of spices from the surrounding establishments greeted the pair, an otherwise perfect evening to drape his arm over her shoulder and whisper sweet nothings into her pointed ear as they passed the shops, but she only tapped her foot with impatience. “Well?? Winnow me to your apartment and let’s get this over with.”
Eris stepped forward, caressing her wrist in a lovers grasp, sensuous smirk forming on his lips. Fire in his blood or no, chill bumps rose up her olive skin, nipples pebbling beneath her dress.
“As you wish.” And winnowed her straight to the foot of his bed. He’d let her lead from there but if there was one thing he knew about his mate, she firmly believed all was fair in fucking and fighting. It was all in her hands how the night would go.
A/n: Thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! Life has been hectic (seasonal illnesses, end of the fiscal quarter, traveling sports, mental health struggles, etc) and my brain was just not cooperating with this chapter. After writing a few one shots I was able to get back into the proper headspace but found I was still struggling to transfer this chapter from my brain into print. I eventually realized I wasn’t ready for the story to end quite yet so with that being said this is NOT the final chapter. I hope you all don’t hate me for saying it was before changing my mind but it’s important to give the story the satisfying ending that it deserves. 🥰
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria
Eris general: @angiedsv
Series tags: @b0xerdancer @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe @acourtof-wingspan @paleidiot @anae-naea-zacheria @fandomarchiveilyd @bloodicka @12358
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ritaora: Happy birthday to my Leo ♌️ with some memories and laughs….❤️🥰🍄🌺 ps the knife in the rugby ball was taika as we didn’t know how to cut the cake!!
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letangel · 1 year
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hebe e rita
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madzwashere · 2 months
Peter Nureyev with ARFID!!! Peter Nureyev trying new foods and getting healthier!!! Juno Steel cooking for him and learning how to make all of his safe foods!!! Rita letting Nureyev try new snacks when he wants to!!!
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hidengifs · 2 years
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You are the King! You are, You are the King!
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger (2023) ↳ “Transformation Lesson”
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bitter69uk · 7 months
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“After biker Reggie (Colin Campbell) and his hair-hopper girlfriend, Dot (Rita Tushingham), tie the knot, they head to a holiday camp for their honeymoon where things go sour in a flash. Yearning to escape the drudgery of his new married life, Reggie becomes fast friends with Pete (Dudley Sutton), a quick-talking fellow leather boy with whom he takes trips to the seaside, much to the chagrin of Dot, who struggles to make their house a home. When Reggie’s grandfather passes away unexpectedly, he asks Pete to join his grandmother (Gladys Henson) as a boarder and live-in companion in her spare room, where he also crashes after he and Dot have a row. Cohabitating with his new roommate, it soon becomes clear that Pete and Reggie have feelings for each other that go beyond mere friendship - feelings that neither of them may be willing or able to process.”
/ From Rocco T Thompson’s review of The Leather Boys for Slant website, 2021 /
Released on this day sixty years ago (8 March 1964): director Sidney J Furie’s gritty working-class British kitchen sink realist drama (and homoerotic biker classic) The Leather Boys (1964). (Tagline: “Three lives ripped savagely apart!”). Some scenes were filmed at London’s old-school transport café The Ace Café in Wembley; when I used to occasionally go to rockabilly gigs there years ago, it looked exactly the same. For the “leather jacket lover” crowd, Colin Campbell and Dudley Sutton resemble escapees from Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising (1963) in their biker gear – and the great Rita Tushingham absolutely slays as the petulant Dot! Coronation Street fans will recognize a young Johnny Briggs (aka Mike Baldwin) in the supporting cast.
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beeclops · 8 months
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x x
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taikaholics · 26 days
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redularium · 3 months
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this is me trying to figure out how to draw them . its a struggle for me . i should be Pitied
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mofffun · 11 months
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team himeno's suitors shooting in ep36
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miraclewoozi · 8 months
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hi everyone ! <3
i very recently hit the milestone of 500 followers on this blog! first and foremost, i want to say a super huge massive great big THANK YOU to everyone who has followed me here, and also to anyone who has ever interacted with one of my fics! i want you to know that genuinely, every like, every reblog, every ask and every single piece of feedback warms my heart so much. couldn't do this shit without you guys. second and... secondmost? (don't look at me like that) i wanted to try to give back some of that love and play around a little (especially with writing for members i've never written before) by doing a little event. SO... until my birthday on the 14th MARCH, i'm going to be be taking prompt requests! (t's + c's under the cut, please read them! i will delete any asks that don't follow these simple guidelines.)
exactly four weeks, from today! any asks sent with requests after THURSDAY 14th MARCH will be deleted!
to send a request, just send me an ask containing both the member you're requesting for and a prompt from one of the following lists! fluff | smut | angst
regardless of whether your request is for smut, fluff or angst, MY BLOG IS STRICTLY FOR PEOPLE 18+ ONLY. please respect this. minors, do not interact with me: you will get blocked.
if you can, try not to be too specific with your requests: ideally, member + prompt only. however, if you picked a fluff prompt but wanted it to be a smut piece, that's okay! just let me know. otherwise, keep it minimal.
i'm going to try to keep these relatively short (ie. no more than about 2.5k words each). don't hold me to that though. if something tickles my fancy it'll no doubt be more.
please be patient with me. i'm new to this. i may not (probably definitely won't) write these in order of receiving them. i might take some time to get to yours. i am not ignoring your ask! i'll likely even end up writing some of these after the event has ended. please don't come into my inbox asking where yours is because i might cry. thanks. <3
everything for this event will be tagged mw500party! do with that what you will.
i am not taking regular requests at this time! hard hours are always welcome (please come and drop your most unhinged thoughts in my inbox, i'll love u forever) but if you send a request that is not linked to a prompt as per this event, it will just get deleted.
if (strong on the 'if', i am 90% expecting this to flop and therefore for this post to self destruct in like 3 working days) i get overwhelmed with the number of these that get sent in, i may choose to close this up early. that's at my discretion. i'll try not to! and i'll let you know if that seems likely to happen.
and... that's it? i think! again, i really can't overstate how much it means to have you guys all here and supporting me. thank you, from the bottom of my silly little heart. i hope you'll stick around for wherever my brainworms take me from here on out. peace.<3
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justapayneaway · 4 months
This week I'm reviewing The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas 🗡️
Follow me on IG at @ritasbookclub for more content!
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nerdetiquette · 8 months
I know it’s for the sake of convenience, but it’s absolutely criminal that Rita doesn’t have a million pets. She would love to be bothered while she’s hacking by a kitty sticking their tail in her face.
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mrbango · 9 months
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I saw this trend going around were people were drawing there comfort characters over a template so I jumped on lol
(I probably should have made Crowley driving but it’s to late lol)
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