#Rio x Makayla
kandadiff · 2 years
Van Der Wulff : Blackout 2
~ soft smut warning I guess? I'm not very graphic... yet ~
I debated whether to take the pills for a few minutes, there was three identical pills in a little baggie that once sat in my locker a few minutes ago. I tried to google what they were on my phone but had no lock, they were simple white pills with a mark in them that I couldn't recognize. I heard you smoking as well as your phone going off and a few people entering and leaving the bathroom.
I sighed deciding just to tell you when I came out of the stall. You were staring hard at your phone. "You okay?" I asked but before you could answer teh door opened drawing our attention to Damien.
"Are you guys almost done?"
"Jeez!" Selena shouted as she came out of the stall seeing the boy. "This is the girls room!" He shrugged and she huffed, quickly rinsing her hands and barging out of the room but not before turning to him saying "Jesus, is your separation anxiety that bad? Get a life."
"Me? All you do is spend your time listening to your exes songs about you." he shoots back and she huffs stomping away from him. He winks at me.
I laughed, noting you didn't share the laugh. "What up?"
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"You told me not to leave you and yet here you are without me." His eyes shift to you "Plus the hour is almost up. We gotta head back to the library."
You nod, "I'm going to head up." You said absently focused on whatever was on your phone rather then us. When you left the room his eyes flickered to the baggie in my hands. His eyebrows furrowed as he walked to me.
"Whats that?" I opened my mouth to speak but realizing I couldn't tell him exactly what was going on I shut my mouth instead handed him the bag. "Molly?" A sense of relief filled me, at least it wasn't poison. I mean Damien would know, his mother was part of a big dealing ring and his brothers were no strangers to it. "What the hell are you doing with this?" His tone was light.
"I ugh figured... we need a way to pass the blackout right?"
"Where'd you get it from?" He asked confused knowing Fez wasn't in the school and thats the only person he really trusted when it came to things like this.
"A friend." I shrugged. "Wanna um.. do it with me? Wait is this one of the things we can do together? Or do one of us have to be sober? Like acid?"
"No, we can do it together."
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"Good." I said opening the baggie taking out the two I was supposed to take and quickly shoving it in my mouth swallowing before anything could stop me. I wondered if Lux was looking at me now or did I have to tell her I was taking the pills. What if I had already run out of time? and she told Katya and I did this for no reason? I felt Damiens hands on either side of my head. His smile made me feel both a little better and incredibly guilty. Why was I involving him in this? Why didn't I tell him? Would be believe me? Or would he hate me? He didn't know about Taehyung either.
"Don't be nervous" he said mistaking my anxiety for caution, he gently took the bag from my hands and popped the last pill himself. "I'm here with you okay, we're going to have a good trip." He pulled out his phone and tapped a few times before showing me the text. It was to a group chat between him, Robin, Tatiana and Xavier. 'Just took x with Kay... keep an eye on us.' The sheer absurdity of that statement made me giggle and my apprehension dissipated just a bit. "We got to go back to the library before they keep looking for us." He bent down so that we were level. "Its going to be fun, I promise."
I leaned my forehead on his. "Thank you, Dami." I said kissing his chin, he instantly matched my kiss and I stood straight up. "Lets go!"
~ ~ ~ ~
When Makayla pictured her first time with Rio, it was a little different than the currently circumstance. Since Tyler, and Taeyang to some extant she moved slow jin her relationships, which helped her sue out men who only say her as some exotic looking sex toy. Of course, they never told her that - probably sacred what the rest of Funhouse would do to them if they ever said that. But they would get frustrated with her if a movie night or a dinner didn't lead to anything.
She had of course used that test on Rio before. When he first asked on a date he took her to a dinner at some posh restaurant and after she didn't even kiss him. She was pleasantly surprised when he asked for a second date this time going to a movie she very much enjoyed and while they still didn't lead to anything more then a kiss on the cheek was happy when he asked her on a third date, then a fourth and a fifth and on. Even after the club argument with Katya she went to his house and they spoke for a while, watched a movie and she kissed him goodnight. But spent the night in a guest room wearing a spare shirt of his. Even in the morning, he had one of his people buy her a dress to wear so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable in just a shirt around him.
She knew he cared about her. Maybe it was love, which is why though not the best place for a first time. She felt herself immersed in everything that was him. Close went off quickly and she used her bag as a pillow for him as she rode him hard and fast or a cushion when he flipped her on her back. Thanking whatever gods were watching out for her that no one entered the gym to see her dirty deed or hear the filthy things that came from there intimacy. When done neither had the want to get dressed right away, relishing in the consummation of there relationship.
Her head rested on his chest and a certain pride swelled in her chest when she heard his rapid heartbeat. She bit her lip looking up at him with a smile. Of course, there was a small fear that now they slept together - this would be it. That this incredible experience was a one time thing and he would stop calling her, or texting her and 'being his girl' meant nothing in reality. He looked down at her and smirked knowingly as though he could read her thoughts. "I meant what I said, my darling," Makayla felt her heart swell at the pet name. A certain type of affection that she hadn't felt in a while, even when she was with Tyler - only remembering really feeling this way with Taeyang. "You” he leaned towards her. “Are worth so much to me. You've had me wrapped around your finger for a while and you just didn't know it.” he laughed "As long as you want me, I'm here."
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Her heart melted and she leaned up pressing her lips to his in a deep tender kiss. "I want you." she said when they finally broke apart. "I'm your girl." She laughed when he rolled ontop of her clearly ready for another round. That was until her phone buzzed under her head. She ignored it, loosing herself in the kiss. Until It went off again, and again and again. She frowned and pulled away from the kiss and took the phone from her bag seeing it was you calling.
"Whats up?" she sounded breathless when she answered. Rio undeterred by her answering the phone kissed down her chest.
"Where are you?" you asked as Rio started between her thighs. "Theres going to be a headcount, unless you want ISS."
She quickly pushed him off and sat up. He looked at her confused and she motioned to her pile of clothes. "Shit! I forgot! Can you cover for me for a few? I'll be right there."
"Yeah but Naomi's dad is like pissed for some reason and is being a huge dick so get here quick."
"Okay." she hung up quickly throwing her phone in her bag and getting dressed as fast as she can and tying up her messy hair in a messier bun.
"Whats wrong?" Rio watched her amused, putting his clothes back on, though not nearly as quickly.
"There are taking. headcount and if I don't show up. I get suspended."
"Have you ever been suspended?" he asked as she attempted to pull up her pants and put on her shirt at the same time. He moved to tug down her shirt and she pulled up her pants.
"Thank you." she said making him smile and he sat on the bleachers watching her slip into her shoes. "No, I haven't."
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"Such a good girl," He commented and she turned to him surprised unsure what to say. "Go to class, darling. I'll pick you up whenever you get out. You just let me know. Okay?" She nodded watching him get up. He strolled over to her giving her a kiss that made her just want to stay here and repeat what just happened. But the notion of suspension loomed over her and she whined. He chuckled against her mouth. "Get to class - I don't want to hear your suspended because of me." He teased patting her butt and she blushed and nodded moving towards the classroom as quickly as she could. Not checking her phone at all - nor realizing when she took the call it was on 1%.
Katya stared at her phone for a while. She moved from the library to one of the science rooms to have some semblance of privacy. Though a few of the fetus’s were around a table a few rows away from her. She opened her messages staring at what L sent her. Her hands shaking as she tapped on the Snapchat emoji. This was better. She had texted Namjoon on snap before and he had it so his messages disappeared after he read them this was the best option. But would that be enough for L? She decided to text her.
‘Can I snap him?’ Her stomach flipped while waiting for the answer. She felt just a tiny sense of relief when the three bubbles came up ‘yes I just want a copy of the snap.’
She pressed in the Snapchat app and tried to calm herself as she searched in her pictures for a snap. She needed to pick one that wasn’t too suggestive though she didn’t want to give L anymore on her then needed. One just explicit enough okay she could do that. She glanced up at the fetuses and part of her wished she had never joined a sorority or maybe a different one. One where there missing fucking leader wasn’t terrorizing them.
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She typed quickly trying to pretend she was just writing comments for her thirsty subscribers. And quickly saved it sending it to Lux and then quickly Namjoon. Her hands shaking as she sent it. She confirmed it said delievered then quickly sent Lux ‘done!’ A million scenarios ran through her head. What if Namjoon opened it next to one of the boys and they saw it? Or what if he shows Taehyung? or responds in kind? 
‘Xoxo’ the text coming back made her nauseous and she tapped back on snap seeing it was still delivered. Maybe he won’t open it. She hoped but then checked the time in Korea and saw it was about 1 in the morning. He was sleeping.
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“❄️ fuck.” She ran her hands over her face and turned her phone off “❄️fuck fuck fuck!” She groaned hearing shifting of seats from the fetus table. She felt there eyes on her and a concerned voice made her look up.
“Hey Kat” the voice belonged to Marcel. “Are you okay?��
“Yeah” she lied looking down at the science homework she brought with her in a distraction attempt. “I just” she chuckled in spite of herself. “I can’t figure any of this out. I guess I just feel stupid. So fucking stupid.”
“You’re not stupid.” He said softly and she sighed. “I can help you. You can sit with us-”
“Actually,” Leroy shouted from the table tapping the watch on his wrist. “We have to go to the library for the check-in.” Katya nodded standing up grabbing her bag. 
“Okay, I’ll help you after okay?” Marcel said and Katya nodded. “Don’t worry about it, You’re not stupid.”
~ ~ ~ ~
The things Lux required in the box were boarding on disturbing. But by far the worst thing was Makaylas panties. It would be easier - if we were locked in at home but Draven had to make do. She knew Makayla kept a spare set of clothes in her locker in the locker room so thats where she went. It was easy to open Makayals locker, she knew the combo from having to help her constantly open it. She grabbed her panties and shoved it on her bag quickly leaving the room realizing it was time to go back into the library. 
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She wasn’t looking as she ran up the stairs and bumped square into a muscular chest. Her bag flew from her hands and of course Makaylas panties flew out. Because of course. Ian looked down at her offering his hand. She ignoring it going for her bag and thats when he saw the panties. With a smirk, he picked up the lacy pink panties. “I would love to see these on you.” He lifted them up with a smirk. Draven scowled and her fist flew up hitting Ian directly in his face. He fell down completely surprised and she yanked the panties back from him. 
She quickly moved towards Bellas locker. For such an expensive school, you'd think the lockers wouldn’t unlock with a simple hit in a specific spot. She punched the locker harder then needed, maybe because of her own frustration and Bellas locker popped open. She quickly stuffed the panties in the makeshift box and stuffed the cardboard in the girls perfume smelling locker. 
“Miss Patterson” Mr Jefferson shouted from down the hall. Draven eyes widened already running through lies in her head to explain what she was doing. “Come one, I have to do a head count.”
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“Sure” she breathed out moving towards the library thats when she heard Bella behind her chatting with Hayley the guilt in her heart filling up. 
~ ~ ~
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xinhaleredveinsx · 8 years
ABC Game
I was tagged by the lovely and most wonderful @dontshootmespence
A is for age: 16 (in may) 
B is for biggest fear: Heights 
C is for current time: 8:51 pm 
D is for drink you last drank: Water 
E is for every day starts with: Waking up my little sisters 
F is for favorite song: Currently Yonkers by Tyler, The Creator 
G is for ghosts, are they real: Heck yeah 
H is for hometown: Rio Grande Valley, Texas 
I is for in love with: Criminal Minds, Supernatural, and platonically with all my friends 
J is for jealous of: People who are naturally thin. I have to work insanely hard to lose any weight, so I have to admit, when people can eat whatever the hell they want and not gain weight, I wanna cry just a little bit. (Hey me too I’m just gonna leave this like that) 
K is for killed someone: Yes, well mentally. 
L is for last time you cried: Couple days ago 
M is for middle name: Nikkole 
N is for number of siblings: four 
O is for one wish: To be able to have the exact amount of money every time I need/want to buy something. 
P is for person you last called/texted: Jaime, Ivette, Angeline, and Vinny (texted them all within the same minute) 
Q is for questions you’re always asked: Will you do my makeup? 
R is for reasons to smile: my favorite tv shows/movies, my greatest friends (ivette, James, angeline, makayla, and Vinny), Weed, Music, Sleep, Big Beds, Fluffy pillows, oversized sweaters 
S is for song last sang: Chill Bill 
T is for time you woke up: 5:45 am 
U is for underwear color: black 
W is for worst habit: Nail biting and scratching/tearing at my skin absentmindedly 
 X is for X-ray’s you’ve had: Full body and foot 
Y is for your favorite food: Anything spicy and Indian 
Z is for zodiac sign: Taurus ♉️
I tag @reidsbookworm @beautiful-bau-beau @writingofreid and @jamiemelyn to do this and anyone else who wants to!!!
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