#Rick should've killed her tbh
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fandomwe1rd0 · 11 months ago
Planetina: You underestimate Morty! He's a very mature young man!
Me: *Throws up*
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chironshorseass · 3 years ago
Am I the only one confused on why people hate Percy for not checking up on Bob after the Sword of Hades happened? A) Percy can’t actually stroll into the Underworld any time he wants; his uncle genuinely wanted him dead, and any monsters roaming around would be ecstatic to be the one to take Perseus Jackson down. B) why the hell would he ever think about a Titan again? The only reason Percy was able to erase Iapetus’s memories was because Iapetus was trying to kill Percy and his friends; odds are the only thing Percy thought about Iapetus after the fight was that there would be one less Titan on the battlefield, and nothing else. Iapetus was very much an enemy to Percy, and the only reason he stopped being one was because Percy dragged him into the Lethe; Iapetus didn’t have second thoughts or a change of heart or anything like that; Percy knew that if Iapetus regained his memories (and maybe Percy, the man responsible for wiping them, continuously coming around would’ve caused them to return), Iapetus wouldn’t hesitate to kill him or drag him to Kronos to be publicly executed. C) when did Percy have the freaking time? The boy was dealing with a war and the fact that he was almost certainly going to die when he turned 16, so he was trying to make the most of his time with his mom and friends, and he had a war to lead in and fight. Plus, he had like 4 months before Hera kidnapped him, and he had to use that to start recovering from the war, because I can guarantee those demigods are walking balls of trauma. A Titan he fought over a year ago likely never even registered on his radar, because why would he ever think about a neutralized enemy again? The boy got kidnapped, was kept in a magical coma for months, had to go on a quest and fight in another battle, went on yet another quest, and fell into Tartarus, all in less than a month; he had no time to deal with jack.
all of this is spot on and im sorry im about to ramble. I mean, the only reason why rick pushed this bob plot in our faces was to create Conflict and dig a little into the whole "titans and monsters aren't bad" that he did with Tyson. but like......it made no sense??? it was also about cleaning "plot holes" I guess? if rick wanted to make percy tie lose ends from pjo (which the whole bob thing wasn't even from pjo & when I first read it I was so confusion), if he wanted that same taste of conflict but better—because it wasn't explored much before —was if he added in more of Luke. just.
maybe some metaphors. maybe so parallels. maybe something something the curse of the arai. maybe an appearance like what miss melissa @estrangedlestrange did in her fic. but idk that would've probably been asking for much. give us the Themes of regret, of annabeth spiraling because Luke's knife, his promise, is now lost in the river of misery!!! tbh now that I think about it annabeth barely had anything going for her character during hoh except the Write Your Own Destiny thing w Iapetus and the other giant whose name I dont remember lol. dont get me wrong, that whole Thing w the "giants aren't inherently evil" and the "even if you're cursed you can still choose your fate" thing could've still happened!!! but. the opportunity was there for some nice good ol Luke resurgence (ummm he was an extremely prominent character. a very well written villain. and nothing came after that. nada. cmon folks, the story isn't over!) annabeth should've been in the pits of hell thinking constantly of the guilt, feeling the lost weight of the knife that literally killed luke from a broken promise just sjhghsjkdghakjg. his death hadn't been so long ago, and her being in hell, where he may or may not be for what he did, must've sparked some of the undigested emotions cmon. we only got a little bit of that but the tiniest bit, which is laughable. where was the creativity. annabeth's journey. huh???
ohhh and what we could've had with percy, because in the worst suffering for the both of them, he got into luke's perspective. give us percy relating more to luke!!! like rick just wrote a bit of percy's thought process being like, "u know what Luke has some points" and never dwelled on it again. it could have outright been one of percy's character arcs!!!! his motivation to kill the goddess of misery!!! both of them are bitter as fuck!!!! they're in fucking hell!!!! THE BOB GUILT WAS USELESS like u said!!! percy being hinted as a bad person for what he did to bob was soooo... dumb?? why not get him to sympathize with Luke but at the same time feeding into hatred and resentment bc he doesn't understand why LUKE is probably in Elysium for dying a hero when THEY are dying in hell? him and annabeth did everything right??? they are the heroes of olympus and this is how they are treated?? anyway sorry. completely skirted off topic ig adhd does that to a person. thank u for ur service anon<3
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theteasetwrites · 2 years ago
I just finished watching twd’s final episode (ya i know im so late) aaand I totally agree with you. That episode was so rushed, everything happened so fast. As expected it was a total chaos.
I literally cried when Rosita died, I really wish it was Judith or RJ just to give Michone something to be guilty abt. Yaa I’m not a fan of Michonne and her leaving the kids to find Rick.
I loved the scene between Daryl and Carol in the end, it just showed how platonic their love for each other and nothing more people!
The explosion? UGHH.
The dinner after the explosion? Major cringe and very confusing, I mean not like they celebrated after the war with the Saviors? It just didn’t make sense.
And oh Maggie, my dearest. She deserves peace and happiness but I get her, if I were her I would’ve killed Annie so atleast we’re even.
Kinda disappointed. After 11 seasons we deserved a better ending. But hey, I am excited that Rick Grimes is back.
And yes, Daryl deserves a happy ending too. And thank goodness we have you to give him that! <3
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Yeah it was very rushed, messy, lazy, and insulting. I mean it could've been a lot worse, but it could've been so much better if they had actually taken the time to make a good, well thought out last season instead of throwing in so many useless storylines. I mean the whole Reaper arc should've been thrown out. They could've used that time to delve into the Commonwealth stuff earlier. Also when they spent that whole episode in 11b focusing on Eugene trying to solve that mystery with Hornsby and Stephanie and all that shit... so ridiculous just give me 45 minutes of Daryl showering and I'll be happy
Anyway, Rosita dying was horrendously sad. I mean it was a beautiful death that was at least peaceful which is what she deserves, but it was still so sad. At least she died in the very last episode instead of in the middle of the series, so we got as much Rosita content as we could get.
I WISH JUDITH HAD DIED TOO HAHA. No fr what was the point of Judith getting shot if she wasn't going to die? Just to fuck with us? And to waste time? Seriously her getting shot was such a waste of time, it's insulting. She should've died and then it would at least have some payoff. But noooo they just had to do that stupid Carl/Rick parallel with Judith and Daryl. I rolled my eyes so hard man. It was just so lazy and they thought they were being so clever like ok get over urself besties
And you're so right, Michonne should feel guilty for leaving her kids! I mean tbh if Judith and RJ were my kids I'd probably abandon them too (not really lol) but yeah.
The Carol and Daryl scene was also pointless imo. I mean I guess it was cool if you like their friendship but I don't even think their friendship is that fun to watch lol so yeah. The "I love you" was definitely platonic but it read as more caryl baiting for the carylers.
That explosion was so ridiculous. How did they pull that off in a matter of a few hours? I was baffled. It was so weird and unrealistic lol. I mean I realize I am asking for realism in a show about zombies, but at some point realism is required for the show to make sense within the context, you know?
Everything was just way too convenient in that last episode. The explosion, Daryl just so happening to have the universal donor blood type (yeah fucking right), Judith surviving that gunshot wound, barely anyone in the main cast dying, everyone celebrating after destroying half the city and a ton of Commonwealth civilians dying... SUPER WEIRD.
Yeah the dinner was so cringey I'm sorry. It just felt so unearned and wrong. I mean they just faced a tragedy. Luke died hours ago and his group went from sobbing uncontrollably to laughing as they clink glasses at the dinner table like EXCUSE ME lmao. And once again, that huge explosion must've been super devastating to the structure of the city. How can the group be celebrating at a time like this? Also don't get me started on how EXHAUSTED they would've been after all of that, and yet they made a five course Thanksgiving meal in less than 24 hours after a really bad walker invasion??? And I know for a fact it was less than 24 hours later because Rosita was still alive and you can't live more than 24 hours with that fever from the bite. So stupid I'm sorry guys I wanna like it but I just can't.
I totally agree my friend. Sorry for ranting but you made some great points that got me thinking about how irrationally mad I am at the finale lol. I just think it could've been so much better. And then after the one year time jump, it was way too saccharine and didn't match the tone of the rest of the episode or the season. I think that they still could've given them that happy ending without it being so colorful and bright and everyone smiling super big and idk it was just way too perfect and utopian looking. They could've done a way more nuanced thing that didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as it did lol. It was almost uncanny how saccharine the ending was.
Daryl is going to get the happiest ending of anyone in the series by the time I'm done with him in my series. He is gonna grow old with his wife and kids. He will know peace <3
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prince-septimus · 4 years ago
I just read your Rick Flag imagine, I can't help but read him in everything as Stephen Holder to me Stephen Holder had maybe one more case with Linden and she retired and chilled the fuck out cuz that lady woah does she need and deserve a break and some peace. and holder was like yup cannot be a detective anymore too many people suspiciously dropping dead all the time fuck this shit I'm out and cuz he has poor survival skills and is permanently bored he becomes a solider releases he likes it and is good at his job then oh shit scary boss lady Mandy gets him and now he's stuck babysitting the people who are most likely the causes of the suspicious and frequent deaths and he calls Linden just to be like Yo Linden I made a bad choice should've got a desk job.
I did not know the suicide squad is out tomorrow ! ! Imo Mandy and obviously diablo was the best part of the first one. I'm literally only interested in watching the movie cuz of harley that's basically it Mandy is a massive bonus and I kinda wanna see peter capaldi and arm fall off boy has gotta be fun, is katana gonna be in it? She should get her own movie she was so good in the last one
listen babe this was a wild ass ask to read. i also had to look up what you were talking about and tbh, had no idea this show existed but it sounds exactly like something id like
anyway im super psyched for the suicide squad. i think its gonna be so good. i read an article earlier that said katana is not in it but they have so many more interesting characters that i think it'll be fine. im super excited to see more of harley but im particularly excited about them bringing captain boomerang back bc i have the biggest crush on jai courtney. im terrified they'll kill him off but i think i'll still enjoy the movie no matter what!!
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novemberwasgrey · 5 years ago
7 and 22 for the ask game?
7: worst ship?
Usually I'd say Caleo but as surprising as it seems, I've been struggling with Percabeth lately. I've always kind of shipped them by habit from the outset, but I'm re-reading both PJO and HOO since quarantine started and I realize so many wrong things. They go from well-built characters with individually captivating personalities to "oh look we're a couple, we're dating, we're lovers and that's all that's going to be developed from now on".
I think I actually prefer when they were still friends or their initial couple phase in TLO. HOO totally ruined it for me. There was this post that I've reblogged some days ago about Clarisse and Nico who should've been part of the Seven instead of Leo and Piper and that was a good point but in fact I do think Percabeth should have been out instead. They would have been so much better as this cool couple appearing once in a blue moon in HOO as sort of advisors for the newbies because they're two of the best demigods of their generation. Their development was practically complete, they didn't need that much focus.
Instead of all the Percabeth drama, I'd have preferred to see more of Frank and Hazel because their relationship was really cute and didn't seem to eat up their character.
I'll always have some sort of fondness for Percabeth and I still ship them overall but I've grown up since I first read the books and I don't see things the same way anymore.
22: who should rick have killed off?
As much as I love him, I wish Leo had stayed dead. It would have made more sense, would have been a better ending. Him not dying takes value away from his sacrifice since he also wanted to avenge his mother.
He only survived for Calypso and their relationship is, in my eyes, the most pointless one of all Riordanverse. Apparently, the moral of the story is that the seventh wheel has to find a girlfriend to complete his ark. His determination to save her is endearing at the beginning and that's why I was kinda glad first when he saved her but then come on, Percy could have convinced the gods to get her out of Ogygia, at least in honor of Leo's memory for her.
Although I find it messed up for other campers to take turns in punching him when he came back in CHB (um hello, he has a past of abuse), every sane person would want to punch him too because of how selfish it was to go save your girlfriend after your allegedly death without telling your friends. It's so out of character for Leo tbh.
Anyway, those are my opinions but I still highly respect Riordan's writing, I'm just overthinking alternatives just like every fan on this social media.
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bironism · 5 years ago
thanks @diable-boiteux for tagging me! i’m sure you must be tired of hearing this but you’re godawfully beautiful & i’m wishing you the best of luck w your academic endeavours! 💖
1 - How has your day been?
it was alright! i did some translation work and took part in two class discussions, though i do suspect some degree of masochism in one of them: there's an especially verbose anime-icon devil's advocate in our midst -- and at this point in the semester, i should've known better than to pay attention to any of her words.
now the day’s pretty much done and i’m sipping on pink g&t’s as i make my way through a novel at a very leisurely pace :) 
2 - What is the last thing that made you smile?
a friend from old uni! he’s a kitty cat trapped in a human body and it shows :)) 
3 - What’s keeping you entertained these days?
the new episode of rick and morty (though i do feel that the mid-season break fucked with the show’s momentum, that and the latest couple episodes being.. way less funny and not particularly clever) and kehlani’s latest album, tbh. also killing eve
4 - If you are in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation, what do you hope to achieve in this time?
we’re supposed to achieve stuff? oh boy. 
i’ll be glad to put out essays i’m okay with (achieving neutrality is a big thing when your writing digusts you okay) and extend my portfolio, specifically with genres i actually enjoy as that’s what i’d like to con my way into :) 
other than that, my avocadoes didn’t sprout and the weather is awful. that somewhat curbed my dreams of lounging in a sunny garden in lieu of a makeshift desk. tomorrow and if not then surely tomorrow, no?
5 - Post a selfie, if you feel comfortable with that.
from today, very natural-state:
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i’m tagging: @luxe-pauvre, @lennuieternel, @notmanthelessbutnaturemore, @moosearesocool, @goosefeathered, @icarusafloat & @lo-ianthe ✨
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fandomwe1rd0 · 1 year ago
Rick and Morty season 1 episode 7 "Raising Gazapazrop" Review!
Ehhh, this episode was ok, I liked the beginning but then it kinda got weird, it could've been worse, it could've been better. I didn't really like Rick in this episode as well, he felt very sexist but ig it was a part of his character development since he went from not taking Summer on adventures at all, to taking her on adventures pretty often and seeing her as an equal.
Random thoughts:
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I like how Rick wasn't against getting Morty something, he just didn't want it to be from here because he's petty-
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Sureeee Morty, that's exactly why you wanted it, you thought it "looked cool"
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Why would you want a sex robot to remember adventures with your grandpa?
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Ok that's funny-
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H u h
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H u h
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Yes Summer we stan!
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I'm surprised that Rick acted so different when this happened to Summer compared to when this happened to Morty, when this happened to Morty, he was incredibly empathetic and wanted to make Morty feel, with Summer, while he killed the people who attempted to do it (Deserved) He then victim blamed Summer for it??? Huh? Again, Rick wasn't very likable in this episode.
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Fuck you.
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Should've just killed him tbh-
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Final rating: 3/10, it's better than anatomy park, considering some of the jokes made me laugh, buttttt overall it was very boring and Rick was incredibly unlikable, which is disappointing since he's usually my favorite character.
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