#Respect Dedication HardWork Farmers
zarnzarn · 2 months
@irondork tags on the first post made me go heheh out loud so heres part two of the reverse odyssey au
They set out in the morning.
Laertes and Anticles have taken over the throne until they return with the lost king, tears in their eyes as they wave the ship off, the smallest and sleekest one, fitted with twice the sails. Penelope and Telemachus keep their eyes on Ithaca until the last moment, her nails digging into his shoulder as they stand at the bow, and then she sighs and turns them to the captain's cabin with determination.
They turn into the open ocean with nothing but hope, all thirty five men that could fit in the boat rowing unrelentingly. She remembers some of them from the march out. They had left years ago as farmers and theives, come back as weatherbeaten soldiers, loyal and hardworking.
And guilty. Grieving, even, that their king gave up his life for them, thirty-five of them with either no one to go home to, or over-dedicated to the king, or filled with some odd sense of machismo, Cmietine had said, the night before they left.
Penelope knew better. They loved her husband, these men, to the bone, as had all the others who had begged and pleaded to be chosen to come. She knew better than anyone what it was like, after all, to have Odysseus look at you with his Athena-gifted eyes, to have him pull you in with a warm around your shoulders and a rakish grin as he flattered and joked and laughed. Knew better than anyone what it felt like to be caught in his wit and loyalty, to have his love and knew that helplessly, you could not help but love him in return. And for him to have fought by their side for ten years, brought almost every man home alive?
She knew the men loved Odysseus.
And she would use that well.
"Full speed ahead!" She shouts, trying to remember the confidence of her husband's orders, and keeps her eyes on the birds.
The first year, they sail until they run out of food, all the way back to Troy and then around, with one man in each direction awake at all times to search for even a glimpse of their wayward king. Penelope demands stories while they sail, of every scrap of her Odysseus from their eyes, encouraging them with what she can, making plans and strategies with Polites and Eurylochus and everyone else for when they find him.
They treat her with respect, to her surprise, never favouring another's order over hers or hesitantly explaining the reasons why they couldn't instead of dismissing her outright, that she wryly thinks must be at least partly borne of fear.
"I mean no offense, my lady," one of them says one day, rowing hard as he talks, after she says this. "But he really never shut up about you, ever. He once spent an entire evening after battle yelling at us how you would have done better."
She laughs at the thought, cheeks hot, even as the other sailors yell about disrespect and conduct before the queen and throw various things at the young man's yelping face.
Telemachus grows well on the ship. He finds it as easy to adapt as both his parents, and is beloved by the sailors as their own as he learns to handle ropes and oars and sails.
He does not understand the curse, does not understand why the adults around him weep so much, only knows that his father now swims in the waters and needs to be brought home.
Perhaps that is why he is the one to glimpse the scales in the water on the day they run out of food, despite Penelope's strictest rationing, when they all gather on the deck to hang their heads before one last speech, as the order is finally given to turn the ship back around home.
"Hello!" He shouts, waving wildly. "I'm Telemachus! Your son!"
His father blinks at him with five eyes- greyer than his, but still grey like his own- then smiles widely, waving back.
Telemachus hears gasps and cries and his mother's shout, but doesn't really wanna turn- he's finally seeing his father! After so long! Which means they can finally go home!
Penelope nearly trips them both overboard with how hard she rushes into him, one hand to her mouth as she sees Odysseus at last, at last. He looks gaunt, tail no longer silver but bright with dappled orange and red and yellow, dark brown like his hair, and they watch his expression wobble and tears leak onto his wet face as all thirty five of them clamber to the side of the ship, trembling with emotion as they shout greetings at him.
"Odysseus!" Penelope screams, laughing with joy as she gathers her chlamys up and steps onto the edge of the ship, ignoring the panicked rush of men trying to grab at her and the begging for Telemachus to stop trying to follow her bad examples. "Come here, you great idiot- where have you been?"
He swims closer almost hesitantly, diving under a wave and then reappearing next to the boat. He looks- shy, of all things, something like raw fear crossing his face as he flicks his tail and comes closer, even as the men run to get the nets, the ropes, the tub. Penelope laughs and reaches over the bow of the ship to strain downwards, arm outstretched to her husband, tears streaming down her face as he catches the next wave enough to meet the tips of her fingers.
And then Eurylochus next to her bellows, "NO!"
They all nearly jump out of their skin, and Penelope turns to look at her brother-in-law running across the deck to where one sailor is undoing the rope wound around a dirty rucksack, bag falling from his hand in shock.
Odysseus' fingers barely touch her own as the wave passes by, and then the winds of Aeolus still trapped in the bag burst out in a furious maelstrom, carrying their ship away in one direction, pushing the ocean waters in a forceful blow in the opposite, leaving Penelope screaming her husband's name in desperation as they're pulled apart once more.
Odysseus' answering scream of horror carries on the wind back to them, and then nothing at all.
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mr-slmn · 2 months
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The Belle family is a tight-knit, hardworking farming family known for their dedication to their peach orchards. They value tradition, perseverance, and the importance of family. Each member of the family plays a vital role in the farm's operations, contributing their unique skills and strengths to ensure the farm's success. The family is characterized by their strong bonds, mutual support, and shared commitment to maintaining their agricultural heritage. They are one of the few family ran farming operations left and openly compete with Sweet Apple Co.--a large and borderline monopolizing commercial apple farm that was set in motion in the later years by Big Mac, then held by Apple Bloom. Decades later, her daughter--Paula Red--and her own kids--run the large operation.
Georgia Belle is a vibrant and hardworking young mare, dedicated to her family's legacy and the prosperity of their farm. At 24, she has become a cornerstone of the Belle family's agricultural operations a farmer and business side. However, most in Pony view her and her family as 'yokels' and ' hicks', despite being being fairly smart. Growing up surrounded by peach orchards, she developed a deep appreciation for nature and the value of hard work, though she's not above bribing her younger sister to take over her chores. Georgia is characterized by her optimistic outlook and unwavering determination, respectful, if not prideful and a tad greedy, looking for that next sack of bits. Her somewhat greedy nature and business sense is how the farm still stays afloat. She is 'friends' but mostly drinking buddies with Cassandra. Garnet Beauty, Georgia Belle's older cousin, is a strong and determined mare who embodies resilience and practicality, even if her practicality sometimes borders on paranoia. At 27, she has taken on significant responsibilities within the family farm as a bucker and inventory/logistics, focusing primarily on the cultivation of peaches, which she insists will one day make them all rich, if only they can keep the worms out. Garnet's cutie mark, an a sliced peach, reflects her expertise in this area and her commitment to ensuring the farm's success, though she's also known to hoard peach stones in case of an apocalypse. She, along with most of her family, doesn't trust the government or Twilight's rule while seeing her as a budding tyrant and, while very beautiful, has a hard time finding a suitable stallion to settle down with. She helps her dad with small gambling ventures to keep money in the farm. She view's Georgia and Peach Blossom as her sisters rather than cousins.
Peach Blossom, the youngest member of the Belle family at just 10 years old, brings a sense of joy and curiosity to the farm, as well as a knack for getting into trouble. She is Georgia Belle's little sister, known for her playful and energetic nature, which sometimes involves sabotaging the scarecrow for fun. Despite her young age, Peach Blossom is eager to learn and often helps out with small tasks around the farm, though her help sometimes results in more chaos than productivity. Her cutie mark, yet to fully develop, hints at her potential and the promise she holds for the future, assuming she survives her many misadventures. She is a member of the Four Horse Society and has a slight lisp in her twang.
Fay Elberta, Georgia Belle's mother, is the heart and soul of the Belle family, as well as the source of many eye rolls and exasperated sighs. A 45 year old devoiced mare, she has spent her life dedicated to the well-being of her family and the success of their farm, all while perfecting the art of passive-aggressive guilt trips. Fay is known for her nurturing and caring nature, always providing support and guidance to her children and relatives, often through thinly veiled critiques and "helpful" suggestions. Fay's days are filled with managing the household and ensuring that everything runs smoothly on the farm, even if it means hiding the last piece of pie from her greedy relatives. She is a master of multitasking, seamlessly balancing her responsibilities with her role as a loving mother and wife, all while maintaining a running commentary on how things used to be done better in her day. Ol' Halford, Georgia's uncle, Garnet's father and Fay's older brother, is a rugged and steadfast stallion with a wealth of experience in farming and a healthy dose of grumpiness. At 51, he has become a patriarchal figure in the Belle family, overseeing the larger-scale operations of the farm and grumbling about "kids these days." He is known for his gruff exterior and his practical, no-nonsense approach to life, which often involves liberal use of duct tape and expletives. He's very blunt, traditional, distrusting of the government, Queen Twilight and overall unicorns as a whole. Halford's extensive knowledge of farming and his ability to handle the toughest challenges make him an invaluable asset to the Belle family, even if his solutions sometimes involve questionable shortcuts. He often takes on the role of mentor, providing practical advice and guidance to the younger generation, usually prefaced with, "Back in my day…" Despite his tough demeanor, Halford has a deep love for his family and takes great pride in their achievements, even if he rarely shows it with more than a gruff nod. He has a deep hate for the Apple Family and their company. Even more hate for his sister's ex-husband, Ruckus Juice
More OCs. Enjoy.
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clooud1y · 1 month
OC'S LORE ✰ .ᐟ
I'm not very good at explaining and writing stories so bear with me ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ
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From left to right is Nitta Masahiko, Yanagi Chiyoko and Noguchi Suzu. yeah great name huh;;; thanks generator
Age: 16 years old | 19 years old
Height: 1.75 m (grows to 1.88 m).
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps.
Before Chiyo's death, Nitta was cheerful and more open with his emotions, known for his easygoing nature and ability to connect with those around him, whether they were friends or strangers. He enjoyed spending time with Chiyo, often getting into harmless mischief or embarking on small adventures together during their free time. After her death, he became more distant and melancholic. He harbors a deep resentment toward demons, yet he can't help but feel empathy for some of them.. Despite this, he remains focused on his goal of protecting others from the same fate. Haunted by the memories of their time together He values the safety and well-being of those around him.
Enjoys quiet moments in nature and working with his hands, often crafting small items as a way to relax. He has a deep appreciation for animals and frequently helps those in need. Respecting and admiring strength and determination in others, especially in those like Suzu.
Yanagi Chiyoko: Nitta's closest friend and confidante. They shared a deep bond, characterized by mutual trust, respect, and a hint of unspoken affection. Her death deeply affected him, leaving him with unresolved grief and guilt. Noguchi Suzu: Nitta respects Suzu for her perceived efforts in protecting their village, unaware of her role in Chiyo’s death. While he feels no romantic attraction towards her, he sometimes finds himself flustered by her flirtatious behavior, though this is more out of politeness than genuine interest.
Other Facts:
Nitta is skilled in crafting, a talent inherited from his father, which he uses as a way to cope with stress. He has a habit of keeping small trinkets that remind him of important moments or people in his life. Nitta often struggles with expressing his emotions, preferring to show his care through actions rather than words. Only has his mother left, and their relationship became strained after Chiyo’s death, as his emotional distance grew. He harbors a quiet determination to become stronger, driven by his desire to prevent tragedies like Chiyo's death from happening again.
YANAGI CHIYOKO <( ˶• ◊ •˶ )>
Age: 17 years old
Height: 1.63 m.
Affiliation: Civilian (farmer in the village).
Chiyoko was curious and vibrant , always filled with dreams of adventure and exploration beyond the confines of her small village. She was known for her extravagant ideas and aspirations to one day visit the big cities, a goal she pursued with relentless determination. Though she is deeply loyal to her roots and the people in her village. Despite her playful nature, she is hardworking and dedicated to supporting her loved ones. Her affection for Nitta is evident in the way she teases him, though she also harbors unspoken feelings of jealousy towards Suzu. Chiyoko was fearless in her admiration for strength, seeing Suzu as a strong and beautiful figure, someone she could trust to protect their village. Her confidence in Suzu was so deep that she never suspected any ill intentions, even in the face of her own demise. Chiyoko's last thoughts were filled with sadness, not for herself, but for Nitta, hoping Suzu would protect him and not hurt him.
Chiyoko loves adventure and is passionate about exploring new places, even if it’s just the outskirts of her village. She enjoys telling stories and often entertains others with tales of far-off lands. Chiyoko is also fond of cooking and takes pride in preparing meals for those she cares about. Spending time with Nitta, often teasing him affectionately by calling him a "baby" because she was slightly older.
Nitta Masahiko: Chiyoko's childhood friend and closest companion. Their bond was strong, with Chiyoko often taking the lead in their playful escapades and adventures. Although she occasionally felt jealous of Suzu's attention towards Nitta, she never let it affect her friendship with him. Noguchi Suzu: Chiyoko saw Suzu as a strong and dependable protector, someone who could keep the village safe. She admired Suzu's strength, never realizing the danger she truly posed.
Other Facts:
Chiyoko lost her parents to illness at a young age, which instilled in her a deep sense of independence and resilience. Has a small box where she keeps trinkets and souvenirs from her adventures, each item holding a special memory. She is known in her village for her cooking skills, often experimenting with new recipes. She never feared Suzu, even when faced with death, showing her unwavering trust and belief in the good in others.
NOGUCHI SUZU ࿐ ࿔*:・゚♥️
Age: 17 years old | 20 years old
Height: 1.69 m (later grows to 1.72 m)
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps.
Outwardly, she presents herself as cheerful and patient, traits that endear her to most people she meets. However, beneath this facade lies a sadistic streak that was nurtured from a young age. Suzu's upbringing was marked by neglect and abuse, her parents too consumed by their toxic relationship to notice or care about her disturbing tendencies. Often locked in a dark closet for hours, even days, as punishment, Suzu developed a deep fear of loneliness, which contradicts her habit of harming those she becomes attached to. This fear drives her to manipulate others, including demons, to achieve her twisted sense of control and affection.
Suzu has a fascination with pain, both physical and emotional, which she channels into her work as a Demon Slayer. She also enjoys the thrill of manipulating others, whether it’s demons or people, to achieve her goals. Despite her twisted tendencies, Suzu has a soft spot for traditional tea ceremonies, finding the calmness they bring a stark contrast to her otherwise chaotic nature. She enjoys watching others in distress before offering help
Nitta Masahiko: Suzu is obsessed with Nitta, her feelings a confusing blend of love and a desire to see him suffer. She enjoys teasing him and watching him squirm, but she also wants to keep him close, viewing him as a valuable possession rather than a person. Suzu often plays with Nitta’s emotions, enjoying his discomfort while maintaining a veneer of camaraderie. Yanagi Chiyoko: Suzu's feelings for Chiyoko are even more conflicted. She is drawn to Chiyoko's cheerful spirit and resilience, yet she simultaneously harbors a deep-seated envy and hatred, ultimately leading to her orchestrating Chiyoko's death. She genuinely loved Chiyoko in her own way, finding pleasure in her struggles, yet helping her just enough to maintain a facade of friendship Parents: Her relationship with her parents was strained and neglectful, leading her to develop her sadistic tendencies.
Breathing Style:
Wind Breathing, Suzu initially mastered this breathing style due to its ability to cause significant suffering to her enemies. Over time, she developed her own variant of the Breath of the Wind, focusing on maximizing pain and torment before delivering a fatal blow. STILL WORKING IN THIS UGHH
Other Facts:
Despite her love of pain, Suzu has an artistic side and often spends her downtime painting or drawing, though her art tends to have dark and disturbing themes. Suzu’s sadistic tendencies were evident from a young age, as she would lure her childhood friends into dangerous situations with demons, secretly enjoying the chaos that ensued. Suzu often isolates herself, a habit formed from years of being locked away by her parents.
Nitta and Chiyo were lifelong friends who grew up together in a small village. Chiyoko, full of dreams of exploring the world, often involved Nitta in her adventurous plans. Though he didn’t share her wanderlust, he was always by her side, ready to support her.
Their peaceful existence was disrupted when Noguchi Suzu, a Kanoto-ranked Demon Slayer, arrived in their village on a mission. Suzu had been sent to investigate rumors of a group of demons in the area. She became infatuated with both Nitta and Chiyoko. Under the guise of protecting the village, Suzu manipulated demons into attacking, ensuring Chiyoko’s death while keeping Nitta unaware of her betrayal.
After Chiyoko’s death, Nitta decided to become a Demon Slayer to protect others from suffering the same fate. Unaware of Suzu’s true nature, he developed a deep respect for her, not realizing she was the one responsible for Chiyoko’s demise.
basically this on a nutshell •̀ 𐃷 •́
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cakeinthevoid · 9 months
if you're willing to share, id love to hear about your OC flange gusset cowboy extraordinaire (i actually just acquired a few cowboy OCs myself recently)
Oh you have opened the floodgates, but I don't even know where to start... I hope my rambling below will make sense haha...
Flange Gusset, Cowboy Extraordinaire!
...and the closest thing West Hinge has to an engineer.
Flange became an 'official' cowboy as a teenager, about 15 years old, but growing up on the ranch in the budding city of West Hinge, he's been training all his life for it. Genuinely, he's one of the most cowyboy cowboys who ever cowboyed. West Hinge knows his name—often as Gus, or, nowadays, Mr. Gusset, which he always tries to wave off. Everyone knows that he's a dependable lad. He works hard and is always there to help—and he's your guy if you every need a cheap repair or a little thingamajig to make life a little easier.
His mom is Mexican, so he had plenty of Vaquero stories from her side of the family. While she's proud of the man her Flan Cake (her sweet nickname for Flange <3) became, she will always worry about his safety as a cowboy. She knows the life is hard. Flange sees his mother as the kindest and most generous person in the world, and aspires to be like her.
His dad was an american farmer who didn't raise no quitter!!! He taught him the importance of true courage and loyalty. Flange worked the fields and did repairs around town with his dad growing up, which is where a lot of his most practical skills came from. Flange feels like he could never replace his dad as head of the house. He misses his dad.
He's the oldest sibling, so he knew he needed to get a job asap to help provide for his family. "Inventor" wasn't exactly a career path he could dedicate himself to, so he took up ranching and cattle herding—he took to it like a duck to water! (There's a reason he's one of if not THE top cowboy in the town at his early 20s).
Cowboy Life:
Flange started working for ranch owner Mr. Lewis at 15, doing your typical beginner cowpoke chores. His skills and talents weren't going unnoticed though, and he was quickly rising the ranks, joining the older cowboys on round ups and cattle drives. The other cowboys on the payroll are some of his closest friends.
Cowboying around gives him enough quiet nights during travel and time off to pursue his not-so-secret passion: inventing. He’s come up with plenty of doodads to improve the lives in West Hinge—in addition to doing repairs n stuff. He treasures his simple yet purposeful life, but privately wishes to do good on a greater scale, to invent something truly marvelous… but right now, he has a job to do. 
So he does what he can. He’s no doctor, but he tries to help in other ways. He respects the trades and rolls his eyes at big business. Down right pisses him off when those mega-ranches try to scam or buy out the hardworking little guys.
He adheres to his own cowboy code, which is everything in the unwritten Code of the West and more. He scowls at those who taint the cowboy name, but he won't go picking fights unless the situation is truly dire. He also truly don’t mind most outlaws, unless they’re one of the ransacking and killing types. He would much rather everyone get along and sing by the fire, but he isn't naive.
He's run into enough outlaws and wicked cowboys to know better.
Fun facts!
Flange's #1 horse is a beige and white spotted cutting horse named Chico! He's the cowboy who can ride him best, and thus does the cattle cutting. He's prevented his fair share of stampedes, to say the least.
Flange is scary good at poker. The man never gambles, and seems to hardly know what is going on, but he's never had a bad loss.
Flange can play the harmonica, banjo, and guitar. He's real shit at piano though.
Flange is scared of being well and truly alone. He's also irked by wasps.
~ ~ ~
Oh man this was fun. Yes I got a little carried away and there is still so much I could go on about (realizing I barely spoke on his engineering endeavors) but AAA thank you for this ask <33 I hope you enjoyed
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theorangegoatnews · 14 days
Prof. Erastus Njoka: A Visionary Leader Poised to Transform Tharaka Nithi County.
In the contemporary world, visionary leadership is a prerequisite for societal progress and sustainable development. For Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya, one individual has emerged as a beacon of hope for a brighter future: Prof. Erastus Njoka. His leadership qualities, characterized by hard work, a goal-oriented mindset, and a deep commitment to development, have earned him recognition both locally and internationally. As the county approaches the 2027 gubernatorial election, many believe that Prof. Njoka’s leadership could elevate Tharaka Nithi to the levels of development seen in global hubs like Singapore and London.
A hardworking and goal-oriented leader;
At the core of Prof. Njoka's leadership style is his work ethic. He is known for his relentless dedication and drive to achieve results. Throughout his career in academia, public service, and various leadership roles, Njoka has shown an exceptional ability to set clear objectives and work tirelessly towards achieving them. His goal-oriented approach is rooted in a solid understanding of both the immediate and long-term needs of his community.
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Having served as the Vice-Chancellor of Chuka University, one of the most prominent institutions in Tharaka Nithi County, Njoka demonstrated a keen understanding of education, innovation, and strategic growth. Under his leadership, Chuka University experienced exponential growth in student enrollment, infrastructure development, and academic excellence. This success is a testament to his ability to set ambitious goals and actualize them.
As a gubernatorial candidate for Tharaka Nithi in 2027, Prof. Njoka is expected to bring the same focus and determination that have driven his success in academia and public service. His primary goal is to turn Tharaka Nithi into a model county in Kenya, marked by rapid economic development, improved infrastructure, and enhanced living standards for all residents.
Development-oriented vision;
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One of the hallmarks of Njoka's development plan is the modernization of the county's infrastructure. Roads, bridges, water systems, and telecommunications networks are crucial for any region’s progress, and Njoka is keen to prioritize these sectors. By improving infrastructure, Tharaka Nithi will not only enhance accessibility and mobility but also attract investment, create jobs, and improve the overall quality of life.
Additionally, Prof. Njoka understands the importance of education and human capital development in driving long-term economic growth. His tenure at Chuka University demonstrated his ability to improve access to quality education, a crucial factor in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. By expanding access to higher education and vocational training, Njoka envisions creating a skilled workforce capable of contributing to the county's economic growth.
Agriculture, the backbone of Tharaka Nithi’s economy, is also at the heart of Njoka’s development agenda. He recognizes that modernizing farming practices, improving access to markets, and increasing agricultural productivity will significantly boost the county’s economy. His focus is on introducing modern farming techniques, promoting value addition for agricultural products, and ensuring that farmers have access to the necessary resources and infrastructure to thrive.
High level integrity and international recognition;
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Prof. Njoka’s integrity has not only earned him respect locally but also internationally. His contributions to education, leadership, and development have garnered him international recognition, with numerous accolades and invitations to participate in global forums on leadership and governance. This international exposure gives Njoka a unique perspective on development, having interacted with leaders from across the globe and witnessed best practices in governance and economic transformation.
By leveraging his international networks, Prof. Njoka is well-positioned to attract foreign investment, establish global partnerships, and introduce innovative solutions to the challenges facing Tharaka Nithi County. His ability to engage with the global community is a valuable asset that will accelerate the county’s development, positioning it as a competitive region both within Kenya and on the global stage.
A focused leader with a grand vision;
Prof. Erastus Njoka’s leadership is characterized by focus and determination. Unlike many politicians who become sidetracked by personal gain or short-term populism, Njoka has consistently demonstrated a long-term, strategic approach to leadership. His development plans for Tharaka Nithi are not short-sighted; they are part of a grand vision for sustained, inclusive growth that will benefit both present and future generations.
One of the key pillars of his vision is the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities across the county. Tharaka Nithi, like many other counties in Kenya, suffers from regional imbalances, where certain areas receive more attention and resources than others. Njoka is committed to addressing these disparities by ensuring that every part of the county is developed equally, with special attention to marginalized areas. He plans to implement policies that promote regional balance, making Tharaka Nithi a united and prosperous county.
Tharaka Nithi, the next Singapore or London?
The idea of transforming Tharaka Nithi County into a development hub akin to Singapore or London might seem ambitious, but with the right leadership, it is achievable. Singapore's rise from a small, underdeveloped nation to one of the most prosperous countries in the world is a testament to the power of visionary leadership, discipline, and strategic planning. London, as a global city, exemplifies the potential for urban development, economic diversity, and cultural richness.
Prof. Njoka believes that Tharaka Nithi can draw lessons from these global success stories. By focusing on strategic infrastructure development, fostering a business-friendly environment, and investing in human capital, Njoka envisions a county that can rival global cities in terms of quality of life and economic prosperity. While the road to such transformation is long, his leadership, coupled with the collective efforts of the people of Tharaka Nithi, could indeed make this vision a reality.
As Tharaka Nithi County approaches the 2027 gubernatorial election, Prof. Erastus Njoka stands out as a leader with the experience, integrity, and vision necessary to propel the county towards unprecedented levels of development. His track record in academia, public service, and international engagement makes him a formidable candidate capable of transforming Tharaka Nithi into a county of global repute. With a clear focus on infrastructure, education, agriculture, and equitable development, Prof. Njoka is well-positioned to lead Tharaka Nithi into a new era of growth, positioning it alongside global cities like Singapore and London in terms of progress and prosperity.
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entrepreneurstreet · 1 month
From a Small Village to Big Dreams: How a Middle-Class Boy from Rewa Built Madhya Pradesh's Top Video Editing Agency
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This is the story of Deepnarayan Kewat, a young man from a small village in the Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh, whose life is a testament to struggles and dreams. Growing up in a modest middle-class family, Deepnarayan learned to face challenges from an early age. His father was a hardworking farmer who toiled endlessly to provide education for his children, and his mother was a homemaker who took care of every family need.
Deepnarayan's childhood was spent amidst the limited resources of his village, where there were fields to play in but few resources for education. Yet, he always had the drive to achieve something remarkable, something that would make not just his family proud but also bring recognition to his village and district.
During his school days, Deepnarayan developed an interest in technology and creativity. He took his first step toward realizing his dreams by learning video editing and graphic design on his mobile phone. He started working on small projects, gradually mastering the field.
But the journey was not easy. During college, he faced financial difficulties. There were times when he couldn't afford to pay his fees and had to take up part-time jobs. Yet, he never gave up. He continued to work tirelessly to fulfill his dreams. There were moments during his struggle when he didn't even have enough money for food, but the fire within him never allowed him to stop.
After completing college, Deepnarayan continued his journey by honing his skills in video editing and graphic design on his mobile phone. This dedication paid off as he eventually managed to buy a good PC, a Burgman 125, and his dream camera.
Following this, Deepnarayan landed a job as a video editor in a big company. This was a significant achievement for him, but the desire to fulfill his own dreams still burned within him. After working for a few years, he mustered up the courage to say goodbye to that job and pursue his dreams.
This decision to chase his dreams was the hardest for him. His family supported his choice, even though it was a difficult time for them. But Deepnarayan was determined to bring his dreams to life.
Slowly, he laid the foundation for 'The Video Vision,' which began in a small room. He didn't have a big team or many resources, but he had a big dream, and he worked day and night to achieve it. He not only refined his skills in video editing but also gained a deep understanding of marketing, branding, and team management.
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The success of 'The Video Vision' didn't come overnight. There were many failures and setbacks, but Deepnarayan never looked back. He believed that failure was just a stepping stone, not the destination. He resolved to turn every challenge into an opportunity and continued to move forward in the direction of his dreams.
Today, 'The Video Vision' is a respected name not only in Madhya Pradesh but throughout India. This agency has become a trusted partner for top YouTubers, brands, and content creators. Deepnarayan's journey is a testament to the fact that if you have the determination, you can overcome any obstacle.
His story is an inspiration to all those who wish to chase their dreams but have been discouraged by circumstances. Deepnarayan's life proves that if you have the passion to live your dreams, no obstacle can stop you. This ordinary boy from Rewa has shown that if you dare to dream big and have the courage to fulfill them, "those who dare to dream can conquer the world."
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Heartfelt Tractor Gifts for Grandpa Farmer: Personalized Photo Collage and Christian Farmer Gift Ideas.
This Christmas, honor the hardworking grandpa farmer in your life with thoughtful and personalized tractor gifts that celebrate their dedication to the land. CollageMasteco presents a unique collection of gifts that merge the rustic charm of farming with the warmth of personal memories, making them perfect for any farmer.
Personalized Tractor Photo Collage: A Gift of Memories
Nothing captures the essence of a farmer’s life like a personalized photo collage. Gather cherished farm memories, from bountiful harvests to generations working side by side, and transform them into a stunning collage. Our photo collages are tailor-made to your preferences, making them a heartfelt and personalized gift that encapsulates the farmer’s journey.
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Christian Farmer Gift: Faith and Farming
For the Christian farmer, we offer gifts that harmonize faith and farming. Our Christian-themed tractor wall prints are adorned with inspirational verses and farm imagery, creating a meaningful addition to their home. These gifts not only celebrate their farming endeavors but also reflect their spiritual values, making them deeply personal and thoughtful.
Unique Tractor Wall Prints
Our tractor wall prints go beyond conventional farm decor. Each piece is designed to capture the character and soul of farming machinery. Whether it’s a vintage tractor, a modern workhorse, or a cherished family heirloom, our wall prints pay homage to the tractor’s role in a farmer’s life. These prints make for a unique and personalized gift that adds rustic charm to any farmhouse.
For the Farmer, From the Heart
When you choose personalized tractor gifts from CollageMasteco, you’re not just giving a present; you’re sharing a piece of the farmer’s journey. These gifts convey appreciation, respect, and love for the hard work they do day in and day out. Whether it’s a Christmas gift, a birthday surprise, or a gesture of gratitude, our personalized gifts embody the spirit of personalized gift and photo collage, creating a lasting connection between the giver and the recipient.
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chongmike · 1 year
One day in the province of ilocos sur a family live
in a simple house build with bamboo and pan-
naaw grass a cold fresh air that came from the
farm land and entering inside our home giving us
fresh air to inhale , And on that day It was rainy
season so were in farmers are busy on their on
land doing their farmlands cleaning it and digging
those hard soil with the help of their machinaries
we called it kuliglig it was a bit fun but yet so tiry
planting isnt easy for those who are not born with
family of a farmer like us we grow on the family of
farmers we ate fresh vegetables from the farm it
was happy to be part of a family who ate together
and live with gratefullness . Rainy season were
getting end and me and my father wil have time to
give our self rest for a mean time i was the older
son of my father i was the second one and i love
helping my father on the farm , there’s a time i
said to my beloved father that someday he will never do
this anymore beacuse it was a hard work for him i
didn’t saw him rest working in our farm land and
he just smile on me and there is one sentence he
said “wen anak narigat ngem isu ti adda nga
pagsapulan “ on that day it came on my mind that
someday i will give my family time to have there
rest travel around our beatiful country a big big
dream that i manifested on my own self .
Time lapssed our plant in the farm were already time for
the harvest me and my uncle was the responsible
monitoring the harvester for their needs like
meryenda ,tubig and many more because we
value the efforts and time they were spending
under the sharp hot sun working for us and
specially hardworking for there family too , Me
and my uncle done with our harvest season my
father wasnt around because he has to work on
PHILIPPINES” it was a tobacco company my
father are working there in decades when that
company was build he is one of the trusted first
company driver since he was working there , They
respected him as there tatang on that company
he has a good relationship with there co-workers
and also to his bosses . I saw on his eyes that he is
a good father and a good freind i admire him so
much and after he go on his work and work eight”
8” hours a day he go home and change his
clothes and go to the farm directly to check his
plants that was harvested and it’s his everyday
routine he was dedicated for our family not just on
his work also as a good father he never beated us
even i was so very pasaway in our family but i
always said to myself that someday we will give
him a rest and a goodlife .
Time passed my older sister graduated as
criminology and me entering college life as a
political science student it wasnt my first choice
but as time passed i loved it because i want to be
a public servant oneday helping other’s who in
need protect them and serve them thruthfully
because i experience the life that no one you can
ask for help and no one came a life that has no
fairness because we belong’s to a poor family
nasa laylayan . It wasnt easy for me studying
college why? Because in the morning instead of
packing my lunch going to school like other’s but
me i woke up early and i go first to farm and bring
my kuribot and fill it up with grass for my goat for
them to have some food for the rest of that day it
wasnt easy to be a working student but i didnt
complaint to my mother and father because i saw
them dedicated working for us to live and to have
a good education someday “as my mother said
always to us go to school and finished your
studies because when we were like you we have
no chance to go to school because we have no
enough money on that time instead of going to
school we choose to go to farm or find work to
have some food on the table “ and this was my
motivation everytime i woke up early in the
morning . And when our school season end and
we us students have some time and months to
rest some of my classmates planning there
vacation going to manila or urban places to rest
and have some fun but me its time for me to earn
money and help my family for our everyday
expenses since we have months given i
contacted my relatives who has bakery in Baras,
Rizal i go to their to work , I work their as a all
around baker my co-worker and the chief baker
help me to learn doing tinapays and many work
time passed i already learned those things i also
master cooking in a big oven waking up early 2
am or 3 o’clock in the morning for the customers
who is working early like jeepney drivers and
many more life in manila is far from province its
was so hot the air was polluted and too loud week
passes and i adopt thoses kinds of environment . I
spend alsmost 2 months on our aunties bakery
and enrollment was already posted and i have to
go home since i have to go home na and also i
earn money for my next season study i also have
extra money to buy some stocks for our family in
the province and after that i also learned that
being a business man is a good career i learned
to be a entrepreneur a small business i build i
entered the online selling on the year of 2017
anything i sell on online and it was a helpfull one
for me i earned enough for me and for my family i
double my time like diskarte doon diskarte dian i
also work as construction as assistant electrician
a baker a seller and many more work that can
have me some money. And those experience of
life a life lesson for me it was my bridge today that
no matter what happen in life just move forward
because i believed that one day all your hardworks
will paid off and believed in yourself do not heard
those people around you saying that you cant just
do it if you failed learn from your failures because i
believed that walang forever sa kahirapan basta
you do what makes you happy and what makes
you grow and that’s how life lesson i was
experience since today life is far from those days
we have nothing and now we have enough to eat
a good food like restaurant fast food like jollibee
and many more but i never said that we are rich
now but far from the passed i am thankful that my
father was a good husband a good freind and a
good father to us he bacame my strenght today
even he is now in god’s home i beleived that he is
always here for us guiding us with our everyday
specially for our special brother who has special
needs “Thank you papa for everything dont worry
ako na bahala kanila mama at sa mga kapatid ko i
will never leave them struggling hindi na bale ako
ang maghirap wag lang sila 😇
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ofbloodandflowers · 3 years
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[pattern by Meghan Hageman]
genre - horror fantasy ; gothic elements
pov - third person limited
themes - law is not always right, trust, the importance of agriculture, atonement from others’ wrong-doings, loss, family expectations, past affecting the present, injustice
warnings - blood, human deaths, harsh language, mention of animal deaths, mention of osteophagia and necrophagia, ghost, insects. 
status - brainstorming/planning
There is not much to say about Vielleri. It’s a small village, in northern Thiracie, separated from Reenlane by round hills and sharp mountains. But it is the birth place of a Saint, and also the place of her death, and somehow, it changes everything. 
This was supposed to be a festival just like the ones before. Arabella and her father would sell the cheese and the milk from their goats, maybe some fruits and vegetables, exchange some lambs with others farmers to renew the herd. Celebrate the arrival of the pilgrims coming to visit the oak where Saint Savina was hung, three centuries ago. But as fog rolls down the hills and drowns Vielleri, whispers comes to life. Saint Savina was seen in the streets. 
Nonsense. Tales of the drunk. Arabella doesn’t think much of it, even as more and more people claim to have witness the apparition. Then, the land her family farm stands on start to rot. Fruits are molding before being ripe. And it is spreading. Arabella knows that if it doesn’t stop, soon the village would not have enough food nor money to sustain itself. 
Some thinks of Savina as their protector. Others claims she came back for revenge. Arabella doesn’t know which side she is on, but she is sure the two events are linked. So, with the help of her friends, she tasks herself to discover the true intentions of Saint Savina and to stop her, if she must. 
But how does one stop something that has already known death? 
Arabella Casetti - The farmer’s daughter. Arabella is hardworking, spending probably most of the time with goats than actual people. She craves building meaningful relationships with other people, but has always stand out as an odd one among Vielleri.
Agatta Fabbri - Daughter of the priest, Agatta is knowledgeable about all things related to Saints, and considers Saint Savina returning as holy. However, her kindness and intelligence pushes her to side with Arabella to save the town. 
Nicco Basilj - Firstborn son of the Mayor, the village seems to know more about his future as he does himself. He uses his privilege to help Agatta and Arabella, relishing in the feeling of being seen for who he is.
Rosalba Piovano - The old lady that lives on the outer edge of Vielleri is one of the first accused to be at the origin of the rot. Lonely, not a lot of people dare to go hear her house, reputed haunted. 
Miranda Attici - Miranda is coming back at Vielleri to open her clothing shop. She is flabbergasted by the events and tries to hold on as much as she can, even if it means flagging an innocent person as guilty. 
Arabella followed Agatta to an alcove on the side, so small it was almost impossible to notice at first glance, where round stairs went up and down in the darkness. Agatta got her torch out of her snatchel, along with a heavy keyring.  They turned up their respective lights before going down in silence. The sole of their shoes, hitting against the stone in a prudent rhythm, reverberated against the walls. Arabella took a deep inspiration. The air was still, heavy. Not a lot of people came down here, she could tell. Finally, they came to a stop at a wooden door. 
“That’s where we bury holy people. The ones who dedicate themselves to Ashain and Myra. Savina was moved here when she was recognized as a Saint, and zhares were accepted by society.” 
Arabella frowned at the explanation. “It’s weird, considering that people who followed the same faith hung her.”
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, I will put it under the cut :)
GENERAL TAGLIST : @godknives​ ; @jmtwrites​ ; @eneigee​ ; @glitterandstarshine​ @hydrancheas​ ; @writer-somewhat​ ; @physicsgoblin​
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millecentquino · 3 years
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“He’s a man of few words, but a man of Action”
That line best describe him. Behind this man’s face, who really is he?
At the age of 12 their father left them without a word. He is the eldest in the family of 7 children. He grew up without the support of his own father. He is already a farmer when he was young, willing to get his hands dirty at a younger age just to satisfy their hunger. This man proves to be very hardworking despite all adversaries in life. He has three jobs. First, a government employee at a local government unit. Second, he is a dedicated farmer in our modest farm. Lastly, He is a father of hard-headed kids. The family he have is not that expressive at home but his children can feel his love in many ways. He is flawed, yes, but I always admired him so much. He is very disciplinarian and strict, all his children are scared of him. On the hand, despite all of the stress, responsibilities that he’s been through, he still shows what a father should be.
This man that I’ve been describing is a face of inspiration, the man I always respect and look up to. Behind his strict face at home is a man with strong mind, a strong will but with a father’s heart. I am talking about the face behind my inspiration to let fly my hopes and inspirations in life, who’s none other than my FATHER.
I always look up to him because he is determined, passionate especially in farming, (he loves farming very much that he cried during typhoon Agaton way back 2013 that caused landslide in our farm damaging our coconut trees, our durian plantation and banana farm), and a very hardworking man. Seeing him work in the scorching heat of the sun every weekends made my guilt crept into my heart. I realized that my exhaustion about school was just a pinch compared to his experiences back when he was still young up until now. I can remember mama told us that papa walk from home to their school about 2.51 km every day. But my Lola, who has a track before put him on board when they met him on the road together with his siblings. That’s where he met the love of his life – my mama.
Even if we are not rich, he always supported us, give our needs and even wants. I am grateful to have a father like him. We had an equal share of misunderstandings but we still do have this bond and connection that no one else can replace. I really wondered why Lolo left them. I hope someday I can repay them. “He is a man of few words, but a man of action”.
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hollywoodfamerp · 4 years
To Our Farmers,
Hello hello, angels! WE DID IT! We made it to November and wow this year has been bittersweet! A headache and a motivating factor to keep going all at the same time and I genuinely can say that I don’t know where I would be personally without this group. The world has taken a lot of joy I know not only for myself but from the rest of the world but the beautiful thing I get to say is that you all here have managed to restore it all the time. That being said, please know that this will be a mouthful and I apologize in advance but I have a lot of feelings about how incredible you all are.
To start, I’ve been here for three years since September and I can say I’ve seen so many come and go, seen so many plots play out and seen many changes but the one thing that always remains is how dedicated and genuine all of you are. Every single member has brought something to the table, something that is unique and all their own. I can honestly say we would be NOWHERE without your accountability and your hearts always being willing to share love with new faces or other members going through tough times. This year has been one of the hardest I’ve had in a long time just as it seems everyone else has had and every time I have logged on to do replies or to just pop in after a hiatus, I’m flooded with love and support for what I’m going through. I’m loved on with plots and conversations that brighten my mood and it’s because of YOU that I feel no matter what I’m going through out there, I have a whole army behind me. I feel like I can speak for the entire team when I say you all make this place what it is. This group has been standing because of you people who chose not to give up on it. For new members or to soon to be members, there is no other place like Fame. Our members care about their development, care about their writing, care about humanity and doing their part — to put it plainly, they care. It’s a blessing to be apart of such a wonderful group of people that want nothing more but to thrive and see others do the same. If you haven’t yet applied and are thinking about it, do it! Come be apart of a home away from home. I promise, you will be welcomed with open arms.
Thank you to all our beautiful members. Thank you to all of you who strive to create this safe space for people to come to. Thank you for caring not only about the RPC but real life topics in the world that we may be facing yet still find the joy to create amazing stories. Thank you for lending your hands when needed. Thank you for the welcomes in the OOC blogs. Thank you for your grace when we get things wrong because we are only human. Thank you for being what makes this place what it is. It all starts with you guys.
With that, I can’t forget the ladies who help make all of these wheels keep rolling! To the super ladies on this team — Autumn, Chloe, Clary, Lee, Shannon, and Riley — thank you for allowing me to be apart of such a hardworking, dedicated, creative, and hilarious group of women that give this place a foundation. You all hear every issue and you lead with your hearts. With every problem that arises, you guys find ways to work together to form solutions and you always keep the safety of our members the top priority. That’s what is so special about this place is that no matter what, members will always come first. To all the previous admins to had their hands in what Fame is today, thank you. Your presence and impact will forever be with us now and any future admins we may have. There is no shadow of doubt in my mind that we have the best of the best on this team, so thank you guys for letting me be even a sliver of it.
Please know that you, yes you whoever you may be in this group, will always have a place here. If you ever need a plotting person, a person to rant to, a person that will stay up with you till the dawn of time (maybe, I’m a sleepy person but still love you), or even a person just to yell and keyboard smash with — I’m here! Even if we have never spoken before, you have a friend in me and I will always be here for you. Whether it’s just a random chat or you need to vent about the craziness of life, I’m here for you. I genuinely have love and respect for every single person in this group and if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate.
You are loved. You are appreciated. You matter. Never forget that.
Love always, Marie (Admin C) aka your friendly neighborhood Alex, Dylan, Joe, Maisie, & Tom 🤍
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mary-macdonald · 4 years
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“ With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. ” —  Wayne Dyer
nickname→ mare bear, mar, mary current age → twenty faceclaim → sydney park birthday → march fourteenth, nineteen-sixty alliance → order of the phoenix occupation→ bartender / aspiring social worker
— she has been described as ;
+ hardworking, magnanimous, insightful - overprotective, headstrong, anxious
— biography ; tw violence, tw death
Siobhan and Thomas had nothing very exceptional to their name, small town farmers, yet they felt truly blessed. They made a home and shared it in their own way. Instead of choosing to start a "traditional” family, they opened their home to children from all walks of life through the local foster care system. While the MacDonalds left a mark on almost a dozen of foster kids, four of those kids found their forever home. Liam and Kayleigh made a strong impression, twins in their terrible twos and Siobhan knew she couldn’t give them up to another family for adoption. Hercules came into the chaotic home a few years later, an intelligent and somewhat awkward preteen. Mary had bounced around foster homes since she was two weeks old. Left at the church by her biological parents, she never had a home. At least, not until she found herself at the MacDonald’s farm. For the first time, she had found a place that felt like home. She had been their final addition and only after a few days of having her at home, the couple knew there was no next stop for her. The MacDonalds appreciated everything they had in their lives and taught their children to do the same. Mary and her siblings were all treated with love and respect. Weekends were filled with football matches, farmer’s markets adventures, volunteering as a family, and hours of exploration in the fields behind their backyard. The only strict rule in their home was “you eat, you cook”, a rule which sparked no objection from Mary. From a young age she was poking her nose onto the counter to see what her mother was doing in the kitchen. Siobhan and Thomas did their best to teach their children that happiness and success did not come from money, it came from the bonds you created in the world.  The minute she was old enough, Mary played both baby sister and older sister. Taking strongly after her mother, she would check on her siblings well being constantly. Despite their annoyance with their baby sister following them around, no one ever denied how adorable she looked with her play doctor kit. Nothing too strange had ever happened to the small family, at least until Mary’s Hogwarts letter arrived. Mary’s little eyes opened wide at the site of mail for herself and what she read in the inside only heightened her glee. There was a lot of ruckus in the MacDonald home that night. Her brother’s accepted the explanation rather quickly, claiming there had always been something magical about Mary. Kayleigh had some reservations but warmed to the idea over the next few weeks. Despite the shock, Siobhan and Thomas - after some convincing from a ministry official that magic was indeed real - assured their daughter that they loved her, magic and all.  That September, Mary left Ireland for the first time. She was filled with butterflies at the thought of the unknown and of leaving her family behind. After all, it had taken her years to find home. The idea of leaving it, being alone in a new world entirely, terrified her. The giant castle walls and ever changing pathways did little to ease her anxiety. Feeling small, Mary wandered over to the Gryffindor table where she quickly found a second home. With a gentle push from her peers, her vibrant smile and warm energy quickly drew positive attention from her classmates. Before the holidays approached, Mary had expanded her family infinitely. Mary barreled into friendships, quickly turning acquiescence into friends she would call family. Her own family had been a collection, a mish mosh of people who had found each other. This was no different in her eyes and after a few months, it was clear how desperately some of her peers needed that found family.  Class became her least favorite part of Hogwarts. She always got above average marks (well, except for dueling) - she was a naturally intelligent girl - but class could hold only her attention for so long. She spent a good amount of her free time exploring the castle. Adventure called out from every corridor, out onto the grounds. She dived into every day asking herself one question; what she could stick her nose into next? Her favorite spots quickly became the kitchens, the small hidden couch in the back of the common room, and the pitch. Her little hideaways where she could get a little peace and quiet in between adventurers. They also served as places to hide, in later years, when her blood status drew her negative attention.  In the summer between her second and third year, Mary’s family took a big loss. Liam, the youngest boy of the family, passed away at seventeen. Losing him almost tore the family apart. The first two months of summer were filled with quiet, the once serene areas of her home filled with uncomfortable tension and pain. Mary found small places to hide and grieve alone behind their home, but this was truly the point in her life when she took it upon herself to take care of those around her. She put the pain of her family before her own. She tried her best to fill the shoes of being the oldest child, despite always being the baby. Her mother’s strong will, however, was in the end what got her through that awful summer. MacDonald’s were strong, she would tell Mary, and we will survive. And they did. They all held on even tighter after that summer, to everything. Mary had seamlessly become both the idiot child and the mama bear of the lion’s den. She had a knack for getting into trouble and an even better knack of getting out of trouble, something that infuriated some of her housemates when she got out of a well deserved detention. Mary was extremely affectionate with those she considers her friends, whether it be holding their hands in the hallway or curling up beside them on the couch. She was never one to shy away from affection. Unapologetic, she was never afraid to be loud or take up way more space than one would think the small girl ever could. This brought more trouble to her than she could imagine. Once she realized the prejudices held in the wizarding world, she did not shy away from voicing her opinions. Her parents had taught her to never stand for injustice. She talked about muggle culture constantly and she did not skip a beat in the face of bullies who had enjoyed trying to tear her down. The faces of the first year muggleborns was more than enough motivation to be brave. 
In her fifth year, hwoever, she became a target of Mulciber. A rather nasty bully who had a problem with how she carried herself. For a few months he quietly tortured her, threatening to harm her closest friends if she said anything about it. She slowly withdrew from everyone around her, losing the light in her eyes almost permanently. Only about three months before his graduation her sixth year did the torture stop. Mary was found unconscious in the astronomy tower. Word traveled quickly and before long everyone knew. Despite the negative attention Mary fought viciously to regain her confidence and spark. She would not be a victim – she was a survivor. With the help of her friends over the next year Mary built back her strength and sense of security. She still suffers from flashbacks and nightmares at times, but through support she learned to get back on her feet and live again. Mary spent her last year at Hogwarts trying to create a new normal and to enjoy every moment she had with her friends. Her grades picked up immensely and she had even jumped near the top of her class. Mary even tried out for the Quidditch team, making seeker after years of practicing on the pitch. Not naturally athletic, a majority of her free time was spent on the pitch getting skilled enough to join the team. When not on the pitch, Mary joined her friends once more in partying and prank wars - assisting Marlene in getting back at Potter any chance she got. She would never tell Marlene, but occasionally she would help him as well. After all, all’s fair in love and prank war. Her life returned to some semblance of normal - at least, as normal as she could find. The nightmares from her past still haunted her and the fear of the future that waited after graduation proved more daunting than her memories.  As the inevitability of war grew, Mary focused less and less on her career path. Her thoughts turned to the war. Mary never once questioned her decision to join the Order. She saw her family once after graduation, wishing them goodbye until the war was over for their own protection. One of the hardest decisions she had ever made. Since graduation, she has worked as a bartender for at The Leaky Cauldron. Her night owl nature plus her people skills helped her excel while she had the freedom to dedicate time to the Order. She has taken classes and wants to eventual work in the Ministry as a social worker. She specifically wants to create a better program for integrating muggleborn students to Hogwarts and providing assistance for their families. She hasn’t committed to the career path yet though and most likely won’t until the war is done. Her main focus now is protecting her friends and innocent bystanders. She spends her free time reading on all subjects, specifically defense against the dark arts. Her loft has become a rest stop for order members, despite the place being small she welcomes the company. There is always a place to sleep, and a warm meal for anyone who needs one. Her friends are her family and she is doing all she can to keep them alive and emotionally stable. As one could imagine, the task is daunting as they scramble to recover from the loss of their leader. 
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Saint of the Day – 8 January – Blessed Eurosia Fabris (1866-1932) “Mamma Rosa”Laywoman, Wife and Mother, Secular Franciscan, Apostle of Charity, Marian devotee, Apostle of Prayer and of the Holy Eucharist – born on 27 September 1866 in Quinto Vicentino, Italy and died on 8 January 1932 at Marola di Torri, Vicenza, Italy of natural causes.
Eurosia Fabris was born in Quinto Vicentino, an agricultural area, some kilometers from Vicenza in Italy, on 27 of September 1866.   Her parents, Luigi and Maria Fabris, were farmers.   In 1870, at the age of four, Eurosia moved with her family to Marola, a village in the municipality of Torri di Quartesolo (Vicenza).   She lived there for the rest of her life.   She attended only the first two years of elementary school between 1872 and 1874 because even at such a young age, she was forced to help her parents with farm work and her mother in particular with the household chores.   It was enough, however, for her to learn to read and write with the help of the Holy Scriptures or religious books such as the Catechism, Church history, the Philothea and the Eternal Maxims of St Alfonso Liguori.
Besides her domestic tasks, she helped her mother in her work as a dressmaker, a practice which Eurosia would also take on later.   Even as a child, she was rich in virtue and spirituality, always very careful in providing for the needs of her family.
She was twelve years old when she made her First Holy Communion.   From then on, she received Holy Eucharist on all religious feasts, since at that time daily communion was not the practice.   It was not until 1905 that daily communion was permitted by a Decree of Pope St Pius X.
Eurosia joined the Association of the Daughters of Mary in the parish church of Marola, and was faithful in participating in their devotions.   She diligently observed the practices of the group which helped increase in her a love for Mary.   In Marola, she lived within sight of the shrine of the Madonna of Monte Berico.
Her favourite devotions were to the Holy Spirit, the infant Jesus, the Cross of Christ, the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary and the souls in the Purgatory.   She was an apostle of good will in her family, among her friends and in her parish, where she taught catechism to the children and sewing to the girls who came to her home.
At the age of eighteen, Eurosia was a dedicated, pious and hardworking young lady. These virtues, along with her pleasant personality, did not go unobserved and several young men proposed marriage to her, though she did not feel called to accept.
In 1885, Rosina, as she was called by her family, was affected by a tragic event.   A young married woman near her home died leaving three very young daughters.   The first of them died shortly after her mother.   The other two girls, Chiara Angela and Italia were only 20 months old and 2 months old, respectively.   The father of these girls was away, living with his uncle and a grandfather who suffered from a chronic disease.   They were three very different men, always quarrelling among themselves.
For six months, every morning, Rosina would go to care for the children and take care of their home.   Later, following the advice of her relatives and that of the parish priest and after praying about this turn of events, she decided to marry.   Rosina was joined in marriage to a man named Carlo Barban, well aware of the sacrifices that married life would hold for her in the future.   She accepted this fact as the will of God who she now felt was calling her through these two babies to embrace a new mission.   The parish priest would often comment:  “This was a true act of heroic charity towards others.”
The marriage was celebrated on the fifth of May 1886 and, in addition to the two orphaned babies, was blessed with nine other children.   Her home was always opened to other children as well.   Among them were Mansueto Mazzuco, who became a member of the Order of Friars Minor, taking the name, Brother Giorgio.   To all these children, “Mamma Rosa”, as she was called since her marriage, offered affection and care, sacrificing her own needs to provide for them a solid Christian formation.  Between 1918-1921, three of her sons were ordained priests, two for the Diocesan clergy and one as a Franciscan (Fr Bernardino), who would become her first biographer.
Once married, she embraced her marital obligations, always showing the greatest love and respect for her husband and becoming his confidante and adviser.   She had a tender love for all her children.   She was a hard worker and a person who could be counted on to fulfil her duties.
Mamma Rosa lived an intense life of prayer, which was evident by her great devotion to God love’s, to the Holy Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.   Like the strong woman in Sacred Scripture, she became a real treasure to her family.   She knew how to balance the family budget and at the same time exercised great charity towards the poor, sharing her daily bread also with them.   She cared for the sick and gave them continuous assistance, showing heroic strength during the final illness of her husband Carlo, who died in 1930.
Mamma Rosa became a member of the Franciscan Third Order, known today as the Secular Franciscans.   She faithfully attended all their meetings but above all tried to live the true Franciscan spirit of poverty and joy in her home, in the midst of her daily work and prayer.   She had a gentle manner with everyone and praised God as the Creator and source of all good and the giver of all hope.
Mama Rosa’s family home was an ideal Christian community where her children were taught to pray, to obey, to respect the will of God and to practice Christian virtues.   In her vocation as a Christian mother, Mamma Rosa sacrificed and consumed herself day by day like a lamp burning brightly on the altar of charity.   She died on 8 January 1932 and was buried, with the hope of final resurrection, in the church of Marola.
The canonical process of beatification and canonisation was initiated on 3 February 2005 at the Diocesan curia of Padova, after getting passed several difficulties and misunderstandings among the different juridical persons trying to promote the Cause.
Mamma Rosa was a model of holiness in what should be the daily life of a Catholic family.   Her three sons who became priests were encouraged in their vocation by her example of holiness.   She was proclaimed Venerable on the 7th of July, 2003, by St Pope John Paul II who recognised the testimony of her heroic and singular virtues.   It was the wish of Venerable Pope Pius XII that the life of this marvellous woman be known among all Christian families of our day…Vatican.va
Blessed Eurosia was Beatified on 6 November 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI the recognition was celebrated by Cardinal Saraiva Martins at Vincenza, Italy.
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(via Saint of the Day - 8 January - Blessed Eurosia Fabris (1866-1932) "Mamma Rosa")
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hanajisho · 6 years
Apprentice Week - Family
- Apprentice Week 2018 - 19/4 -
FAMILY: What was their family like?
Áine comes from a big family, one that I didn’t have time to draw, so I’ll defer to writing about them for this theme. At least the people closest to Áine [I am way behind]
Whether she remembers them or not, I have a lot of emotions for the Braudel’s. There’s some good angst to be had in not knowing your family.  
Note; An important element to her story and family is Adoption. I often include this is many of my oc’s backstories not out of convenience but from personal experience. Creating characters who adopt or are adopted has helped me a lot.
Enough about that, time to meet the Braudel’s.  
The Braudel Family homestead can be found in a small town called Ferrendi, in the flatlands beyond Vesuvia, perhaps an hour or so if travelling on horseback. Orignally the Braudel’s were simple farmers, dealing in general agriculture, but over the generations they branched into stud farming, breeding high quality horses with the support of the local Viscount of Ferrendi. While the demand for their horses has gradually decreased in these times of peace, they still continue the family traditions and are well respected in their community.
Altan Braudel -  a man of formidable size and generous heart. Hardworking and steadfast, he is the current head of the family, beloved by all who know him. He is always willing to help someone in need, a trait which his children, particularly Áine, inherited.  Altan has some magical talent to his name, able to soothe and sense the emotions of animals in his care. 
Tara Ammani Braudel - wife of Altan, beautiful and loving. Originally from Prakra, Tara and her sister Mira came to Vesuvia in their teens, eventually marrying and starting their own businesses. Tara works as the personal seamstress for the local Viscount of Ferrendi. Like her husband, she too has some magical talent, albeit limited, she uses this to aid in her sewing. Even though Áine is not her child by blood, she loved her unconditionally. 
“You didn’t grow under my heart, you grew in it.”
Ravello “Ravel” Braudel - a stern-faced young man, Ravel is much more reserved in comparison to the rest of his family. He is very dedicated to his work on the farm and is set to inherit. He’s comically protective of his sisters and shares his sisters fondness for Limoncello. He is still unmarried which is unusual given his age and status. 
Anisedora “Anis” Balvanis - a magically talented seamtress living in Vesuvia, known for her passion, humour and no nonsense personality. Like her mother and aunt before her, she and her younger sister Áine left their home and moved to Vesuvia to pursue their magical talents. However, both of them never expected to meet such adversity on their path. Anis gave up on her education, instead falling back on her sewing skills. She would go on to perfect her mother’s secret technique for enchanting clothing, which led to her very successful business. 
She is married to a baker named Balvan and they have a young son named Azel. In Balvan’s tribe it is a custom for a new family to combine their names to act as a surname. Balvanis is therefore a combination of their names. 
Mira Ammani Petras - the older sister of Tara, proprietress of a Magic and Fortune telling shop in Vesuvia, estranged wife of the magician Marusar “Marus” Petras. Mira and Marus had been estranged for over 20 years, but there seemed to be no bad blood between them, although Mira was exasperated by Marus and his whims. They had no children of their own. After Marus passed away, Mira left the shop to her niece Áine and moved to Ferrendi to live with her sister.
Marusar ‘Marus’ Petras - The wandering Magician, a man who always lived for freedom. While he loved his wife dearly, he was never able to settle down for too long, which lead to them becoming estranged. Some 20 years ago, he came across a mysterious young girl on his travels, eventually rescuing her and leaving her in the care of his sister-in-law. Marus died on his travels 5 years before the Arcana story begins. 
Regarding the Memory loss situation. Only Balvan and Anis know. And it breaks their hearts that Áine doesn’t remember them. Balvan and Anis are careful and check up on Áine regularly, acting as casual and friendly with her as they can. It’s more difficult for Anis. Little Azel still accidentally calls her ‘Auntie’ from time to time, the first time it happened it caused Áine to pass out from the pain. 
Anis has made the elaborate excuse that Áine and her partner Asra have gone on a long journey, much like Marus would in the past. It was enough to appease her parents, although her brother Ravel knows she’s lying. 
That’s all I can include for now. I’m surprised by how much I wrote. It might not be the best but it will suffice, I was struggling with names for ages.
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Because honestly I’ve been stewing on this for ages and like…I feel like we’ve got some really good info. Namely that Jack was the one ‘enamored’ with Gabe.
To me, I absolutely love the notion that Jack, from Indiana where mostly everyone he potentially knows are farmers and whatnot, meets this hardass somewhat anti-social dude who is efficient, careful, and intelligent, just thinks he is the coolest motherfucker he’s ever met. And that’s part of why Jack goes after him to be friends, just determined to try to be as cool as Gabriel Reyes. They’re in a super secret program together and Jack is gonna be friends with everyone, including Gabe.
And it works. Eventually he cracks his shell so Jack “one-year-of-army-under-his-belt” Morrison is good friends with Gabriel “I-make-concrete-cry” Reyes. And he keeps thinking Reyes is the coolest shit. They get called to Overwatch and Reyes takes command because he’s charismatic, and Jack, though he still sees Reyes as incredibly cool, starts to see the more impulsive and mission-oriented side. He values completion over empathy. He sees the bigger picture, while Jack sees the individuals, pushing them towards compassion in some situations, and keeping them from excess in others. Reyes’ charisma easily gets followers, but Jack’s compassion keeps them going in the right place, reminding people of their humanity. Though he still thinks the world of Reyes, he’s immune to the commanding charisma Gabe uses to keep people in line on missions to keep them safe. Gabe can be withdrawn, seen as rude or antisocial, but no one doubts his dedication to keep the world safe.
After the crisis, as Gabe and the crew lead the world to victory, Jack accepts the honor of being Strike-Commander, and Gabe accepts the honor of being Blackwatch’s commander. Both are satisfied, even if Jack is far more stressed at the prospect of leading. Here, he leans heavily on Gabe and Ana. Ana being his second and a voice of kind reason, and Gabe being the leading and charismatic knowledge Jack needs in tense negotiations. Jack knows Gabe can do wrong, but he trusts Gabe so thoroughly after Gabe’s leadership in the crisis. He knows sometimes you have to do ‘bad’ things to achieve a certain goal. He sees more of the bigger picture now. He sees that sometimes world peace is not pretty, and he really doesn’t have a reason to doubt Gabriel, even if he questions his actions or methods.
He defends Gabriel Reyes because he trusts and respects him so much that he can’t fathom Gabriel doing something to undermine their efforts. In truth, I don’t think Gabriel intended to do anything to destroy peace, but I do believe that perhaps he was recruited to Talon because of Doomfist himself. Akande’s entire goal is making the world stronger through conflict. Perhaps he saw Reyes as a strong individual, perhaps he convinced Reyes the world wasn’t strong enough to handle another burgeoning omnic crisis along with the civil unrest, and that he and Gabriel could prepare the world for that.
As for how much of Gabriel’s time was spent taking advantage of Jack’s trust, I don’t know. I want to say he saw the world as a better place this way, hoping Jack would trust him when things went well.
However, Overwatch was betrayed from within, something I think Reyes had a part in but I have two separate theories regarding the Fall of Overwatch.
Version A: If we think about it, Talon has a habit of murdering public figures and enemies. Gerard Lacroix, Mondatta, their attempt on Katya Volskaya. It’s entirely possible they decided to have Jack killed. It’s possible Reyes was able to see the necessity of Jack’s murder as someone dedicated to the cause of making the world strong. This would also explain why Akande is so interested in Reaper killing Jack and Ana. Two important Overwatch figures that survived, and two people Reaper has problems killing if only because they are a force to be reckoned with together or his own personal feelings. It seems neither Jack nor Reaper could find each other on their own, using Sombra and Ana to track each other down.
Version B: The sabotage brought Overwatch to its knees. According to Jack, the reason Overwatch fell was due to traitors from the inside. We’re actually not given the information that Reaper was present at the Fall, just that he betrayed Overwatch (Though there are “traitor” lines in the game, they just have some knowledge Gabriel is Reaper and he works with Talon. That’s enough of a betrayal without the element of the Fall being on him). It’s possible Overwatch’s Fall was completely constructed by Talon or possibly the UN. Either Talon wanted to destroy Overwatch as a way to make the world stronger or the attack coincided (intentionally or unintentionally) with the UN's attack. Jack only specifies they were “hit from within” which could easily point to Reaper/Talon or the UN, the only two entities that would have access to the “inside” of Overwatch.
Either way, it definitely sheds light on Jack’s personality before and after the fall. As Strike-Commander, we understand he’s altruistic, kind, trusting, politically intelligent, and hardworking. As Soldier: 76 he’s violent, angry to the point of being nearly feral, commanding, selfish, and cruel. he’s the antithesis of who he was before because he’s been betrayed by almost everyone that ever mattered to him. He put so much trust into Reyes to find out Reyes was part of his enemy for a long time, taking advantage of the trust and using it to his own ends. To Jack, it looks like Reaper/Gabe is just evil all around, regardless of Gabriel’s intentions and motives. It makes him a vengeful, lawless spirit that does everything he used to stand against like murder, breaking and entering, theft, and so on. Enough that he’s accrued a $10 million bounty on his head.
Because of the notion that they wanted to avoid things being ‘black-and-white’ in terms of issues, I really want to believe that Reyes has a lot more going on than “hur hur he was evil all along” because his character is wildly and interestingly complex so far. I have high hopes for these two, regardless of ‘love’ being used either in a platonic or romantic way. I just want the characters’ story to be given the time and thought they deserve because the world is fantastic and I know Blizz has the ability to do it right.
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yuanfenbd-blog · 7 years
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The Baeksoo party has finally come to an end but don't you worry, the fun is not yet over because there are still lovely fics for you to catch up with and come back to :> That being said, we want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and participating in this fest, may you be a prompter, writer, or reader! This fest wouldn't have been possible in the first place if not for you. We would give the spotlight now to our writers as we unveil who they are but before anything else, here are some words from our mods:
Somehow, It only feels like yesterday when two of my fellow Baeksooies came into my DMs and told me about the apparent lack of Baeksoo fics in the EXO ficdom. I vividly all the times we complained because we’re craving for more until finally, we decided to simply take a leap of faith and create our own Baeksoo-centric fic ourselves. It was the epitome of a “Fuck, I’ll do it myself” situation because we knew our complaints would reach nothing if we don’t do our part in helping resolve the situation.
A week after, we decided to meet up and discuss this concept further in person. Believe it or not, I actually made a presentation/pitch deck about the fest, featuring a complete list of our objectives, content execution, and promotional strategy. We wanted to treat it as a passion project, as our little baby we would nurture months later on because aside from bringing new Baeksoo fanworks, we wanted to help bring the ‘community’ together.
Fast-forward to six months later and here we are now. It hasn’t been an easy journey for anyone, but it’s what makes this whole thing worth it because despite the difficulties that came along the way, you guys stuck by our side ‘til the end. And for that, we couldn’t be any more thankful.
To our prompters: thank you for your creativity and enthusiasm in participating in this fest. You all gave our writers gems to work with; this fest wouldn’t have been able to move forward if not for your participation.
To our very talented writers: thank you so, so much for sharing your talents with all of us. We know writing fic isn’t that easy especially when you’re bounded by deadlines (+ real life responsibilities) but you guys pulled through and made it! I hope you are all as proud of your works as much as we are. It is very interesting to see Baeksoo and the extension of their dynamics through a different set of eyes in every fic that was submitted to this fest, but the feeling of joy that each one gives is all the same. Thank you for making us fall in love with this pairing a hundred times and more, all over again.
To our beta readers: thank you for your hard work too. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a second set of eyes that could review your work for feedback. Thank you for working closely with our writers and holding their hand; I want you to know that you guys also play a very important role in the creative process of making a fic.
To our readers: may you spend the rest of the year getting good grades, having a fun time at work, and achieving all your personal goals because, at the end of the day, there’s more Baeksoo fics for you to enjoy and drown yourself with! Thank you for supporting us from the beginning ‘til the end, we hope you’d give our writers the love they deserve too by giving them feedback on their fics.
And lastly, to my co-mods: girlies, we did it! No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade — but you guys worked just as hard in making this fest possible! I want you both to know that I’m very proud and thankful for you two. Thank you for being so patient, friendly, and hardworking. I consider this fest as my passion project and it was a pleasure to be able to share this journey with you both.
Wow! Until now I am still amazed. We've been thirsty for almost two years for a new wave of Baeksoo-centric fics in our fandom so I am very happy that Yuanfen has been the answer to our pleas to end this drought. And now, we're almost drowning with great gems to read. Haha
To the readers,  you know we all living the good life and eating well. I hope you enjoyed all the fics you've read and gave them love. Thank you so much for  reading, giving kudos and comments to the fics and recommending them on your SNS. To the writers, the real mvps of this fest, You are fricking fantastic. This will never be a success without you guys who took their precious time making these wonderful fics to life! Istg I want to hug all of you, one by one. Thank you for sharing your talents in making the readers drown in feels. To my forever understanding co-mods (who almost did all the work), I sincerely apologize for not being that active in terms of  emailing and other stuff. I am so thankful that because of you guys, this fest has been a success and organized. Thank you so much and congratulations for a job well done! /hugs you both/ And to the banes of this fic fest's existence aka BAEKSOO (joke!), we did this all for you so we have many fics to reread again once you feel like  giving us another long term drought. But for now, we're eating good with all the interactions and feels you gave this 2017 .
Hi everyone!!! Finally we’re on the last phase of this round and I couldn’t express how grateful I am to all of you (prompters, writers, beta readers, readers) who participated in our fest *sobs*
Okay so, first off, I would like to thank the writers!! You guys are amazing. I remember the moment we received the first ever submitted fic (I’m usually in charge of email-ing you guys so haha) I teared up cos omg it’s happening and also it’s our first time mod-ing a fest so we’re really thrilled about it haha. Thank you so so so much for your dedication and effort in making this fest possible and we hope you guys will continue your passion in writing cos yall are really talented ;;
Next, the readers!! Thank you very much for hyping the fics and giving all the love it deserved and we hope you guys will read them all cos I swear they’re all so good I’ve already read most of them lol
And lastly, to my co-mods!! I’m sorry I keep on bugging you guys about everything I’m just so nervous I might have mistakes (which I already did fml) and thank you very much for all your hard works despite your crazy workloads!!! You guys are the best I hope we can still continue this in the future haha
We would also like to apologize for any confusion that we’ve made e.g., changing of deadlines without prior notice, and others. We have previously addressed this matter on our CC so we hope you guys understand it and we’ll try to meet all your expectations once we’ve decided to push our round 2 *winks*
So, anyway, that’s it!!! Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to all of you who made this fest successful and we hope you guys will continue loving Baeksoo as much as we love them!!
♥*♡+:。.。      'ㅅ' ♡ ⊙♡⊙     。.。:+♡*♥
For this round, we garnered a total of  353 prompts (self-prompts excluded) and 44 fics written by 42 writers. Our average word count is 14, 762 words; meanwhile, our total word count is 645,556 words!
We were pleasantly surprised to find out that most of our writers wrote long fics. A special shout-out goes to UNCONQU3R3D and encoru for writing two fics each respectively; and to Bbaegi for submitting 76k worth of fic! Thank you so much!
And now, without further ado, here is our master list!
♥*♡+:。.。      'ㅅ' ♡ ⊙♡⊙     。.。:+♡*♥
♡ DAY 1 ♡
Red Sunset Glow by sehnsvcht
T | 35.7k
If someone had told Kyungsoo that all it takes to shut Baekhyun up—and, maybe, get over his fears—is one simple, one scary kiss, maybe he would have tried it sooner. Maybe.
Hop in, I can take you there (Follow the path to my heart) by kumo_is_kumo
E | 12.2k
Baekhyun, who doesn’t believe in love at the first sight, meets a cute guy called Kyungsoo while visiting his grandmother on the countryside and he thinks that Kyungsoo might be the one. The only obstacle is that Kyungsoo is a cucumber farmer.
Let Me Care, You Deserve So Much Better by Agrippa
M | 8.4k
What Kyungsoo sees in the newly acquainted Baekhyun is someone who deserves a lot more. Baekhyun doesn't see it himself, but Kyungsoo is about to change everything he's ever known.
(Oh!) I Can't Stop by X_yehet_pcy
E | 4.9k
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are roommates, Baekhyun’s had a big secret crush on Kyungsoo since forever, Chanyeol and Jongdae are questionable friends. Well.
♡ DAY 2 ♡
I Could Be The One To Set You Free by vavole
M | 20.8k
(fake dating!au) Actor Do Kyungsoo thinks that he is too good at leaving love, but Idol Byun Baekhyun teaches him otherwise because loving someone can be simple.
a cataclysm of minor proportions by lady-serendipity (jezz)
M | 6.6k
Roommates!AU. Kyungsoo finds a kitty on the streets on his way home and brings it to their apartment to take care of it, but apparently Baekhyun is afraid of cats?
If You Like Me, Say You Like Me by fadetotomorrow
M | 3k
It shouldn't be so difficult for Baekhyun to figure out his Kyungsoo problem, not that he has one.
it don't run in our blood by marcel
M | 14k
When crown prince Kyungsoo learns he's been betrothed to someone since before he was born, he has a hard time trying to adjust to the idea before his fiancé arrives at the palace. It doesn't help that his husband-to-be defies all his expectations - but in the worst or best way?
♡ DAY 3 ♡
Revisions by Daphnean
E | 11.3k
It wasn’t as if liking Kyungsoo was a big secret; like it’d be out of character or weird for him. He was out and Professor Do was a fairly liked, and lusted after, instructor on campus. Still there was something unsettling to Baekhyun about making it concrete, even for a moment.
Limes and Coastlines by Yifanning (bambitae)
M | 28.3k
Answers submerge when you've faced the eye of the storm—thus, Kyungsoo stood on his toes, nearing the ledge, gazing into the dark, deep end. Close to pulling back, closer to falling in.
Love is Forever (Your Forever is All That I Need) by Bbaegi
T | 76.8k
"I’ve never felt forever when I kissed someone. Have you?" Baekhyun heard himself whisper, voice as gentle as the first notes of a lullaby meant to tame a child’s fear and lure them into a gentle slumber filled with nothing but sweet melodies to dance around with instead.
Winter Heat by UNCONQU3R3D
E | 23.5k
Kyungsoo and Baekhyun somehow, conveniently, get trapped together in a snowstorm and are forced to survive. Easier said than done since they can't stand each other.
♡ DAY 4 ♡
Engraved in Your Heart by UNCONQU3R3D
E | 28.2k
Highschool!AU where Baekhyun, high school bad boy and leader of a street gang, falls in love with a social outcast, the blind kid, Kyungsoo.
Be Careful What You Wish For by quebaek
M | 7.3k
Baekhyun didn't expect Yixing to suddenly go out of town and ask him to house sit. He also wasn't expecting to find and break a cool looking crystal orb in his attic. He especially wasn't expecting a man named Do Kyungsoo to appear of it and give him a hard time. That's for sure.
redamancy by anon_nim
M | 4.5k
Oddly, he feels like he’s on a ‘time out’, the kind that children get from their parents when they do something bad and have to reflect about it in the corner. Except, Baekhyun is a grown up man and Kyungsoo is supposed to be his bandmate-cum-boyfriend.
Pen Me Down by dosmilkshake
M | 7.7k
“I would rather kill a panda.” “You’re terrible. They are endangered!” “That should tell you much I hate the idea of kissing him then.”
♡ DAY 5 ♡
Penny for your Socks by crownjules
M | 5.2k
Baekhyun didn't expect his soulmate to be so unfashionable; Kyungsoo knew his was an asshole.
Another Dream Away by foxxlight
T | 15.9k
For years Baekhyun has dreamed of a dragon prince, living out his everyday life within the confines of the dragon realm. What he hadn't realized was that the dragon prince dreamed of him too.
he says hello when he leaves, goodbye when he arrives by london9calling
M | 10k
Who would have thought summoning a fifth level demon to win a singing contest could have such interesting consequences? Certainly not Byun Baekhyun.
Simmer, Sizzle, Savour by taegyungie
M | 8.7k
Kyungsoo just doesn't know what to do about his student from hell.
♡ DAY 6 ♡
Sick and Sweet by subduedblue
M | 2.3k
Kyungsoo gets sick on a Sunday and Baekhyun’s there to help him get well.
On top of the world, we are together by sunsethue
Not Rated | 5.9k
Everything is going right in Kyungsoo’s life. He never thought it can get even better, until Byun Baekhyun came along.
My One and Only by endboss
E | 19.8k
Hybrid!Baekhyun just loves his human so much, which is why he tries to be happy for Kyungsoo's relationships, even if they make his poor heart hurt so mysteriously much.
You and Me (Equals World War 3) by Junchenny
G | 14.3k
Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are rival singers, until their labels decide to debut them as a duo for a project. Cue pranks, awkward meetings and bickering galore. But in the end, could their shared passion for music and the fact that they may have more in common than they thought, be enough to overcome their rivalry?
♡ DAY 7 ♡
true blue by zannen
E | 25k
With things going sharply downhill at the newspaper, Kyungsoo has two options. One: He could lose his job and say goodbye to his journalistic career entirely. Two: He could do his best to ruin Byun Baekhyun's reputation. The choice, in his opinion, is obvious. Or he thought it was, at least.
Trouble at the Sandbox by SmilingTeresa
G | 23.7k
Kyungsoo didn't plan on going to the park. He also didn't plan on meeting Baekhyun.
The Janitor's Closet by kissmebaek
M | 3.2k
“Hey fat ass, do you really have to block the hall?”
“I’m not sure if that’s my problem when there’s enough to go around.”
“Pfft! Says the guy who can’t even hit a basic falsetto note!”
“That literally has nothing to do with this conversation and at least I can sing!”
Jongdae sighs as he closes his locker. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun throwing argument after argument at each other.
“They have to be fucking.” He says. “There’s no way two people that are always this irritated with each other but always together aren’t fucking.”
Chanyeol let’s out a laugh. “No way.” He looks down at Jongdae who looks up at seriously. His face falls. “No way!”
Soul Ink by jkl-401
M | 26.6k
Baekhyun’s favourite past time is to pretend to work whilst day dreaming about the new tattoo artist.
♡ DAY 8 ♡
The power of a crush by lispkid
M | 2k
Kyungsoo gets crushed.
Stay By My Side by heartshapedlips
Baekhyun didn't want a bodyguard but Kyungsoo showed up to work anyway. Maybe he doesn't mind it as much as he thinks.
hear my story, set me free by wisteries
M | 9.4k
Kyungsoo just wants to get the job done and go home to his dog, but Baekhyun has other plans. Alternatively, where Baekhyun and Kyungsoo pry open each others' hearts and lay their stories out for display.
Drifting Lights by baekdsooshi
M | 10.6k
Librarian Do Kyungsoo and intern Yixing have gotten quite a number of complaints of damaged books. After a bit of detective work, they found one common clue - they’re all missing page 241.
♡ DAY 9 ♡
Breath of the Forest by cabbages
G | 12.3k
Baekhyun wants to explore the forbidden forest on the edge of town. He leaves Kyungsoo and enters the woods by himself, forcing Kyungsoo to run after him before he gets hurt or in trouble. The only problem: Kyungsoo has asthma.
Tug of War by yibaek
E | 30.2k
Baekhyun feeds off of affection... literally. Without affection and love, he will wither away. Enter Kyungsoo, the last man Baekhyun should fall for, the man that drains the life from everyone he touches.
Words of Fate by babychocosoo
G | 3.5k
How is Kyungsoo supposed to find his soulmate when his only clue to lead him to them is the word written on his wrist that no one could understand?
say you won't let go by encoru
E | 3.4k
“What’s the safety word?” Kyungsoo asks. “Dracarys,” Baekhyun replies.
♡ DAY 10 ♡
As Easy as Breathing (In, Out, In, Out, In Out) by reihino
M | 39.9k
Falling in love with Baekhyun was just like breathing - easy, natural. It was everything else that was hard. (A Howl's Moving Castle AU)
Did someone say cute? by mochified
M | 2.4k
Baekhyun is crazy for cute things, and Kyungsoo is super cute. He falls head over heels, low-key obsessed and melting inside whenever Kyungsoo does something especially adorable. Kyungsoo refuses to believe he's cute though.
leave me breathless by encoru
M | 8.4k
If Baekhyun had the chance to call the police on someone so handsome he knocks the air out of his lungs, the perfect time would be now.
kissing the devil by taeyeons
M | 10.1k
A cry rings in his ears and all Baekhyun's struck by is the familiarity.
♡ DAY 11 ♡
Count On Me by ambrosiaplease
M | 8k
Kyungsoo happened to discover not the El Dorado but a key to deepen his connection with Baekhyun through the latter's secret tumblr dashboard.
under the same sky by kynqso
G | 21.9k
It's what Baekhyun liked to call their story: a love that transcended the summer. Includes but is not limited to: lunchboxes, Thursdays, a wall painting, postcards, and sunrises and sunsets.
Kiss Me, Tell Me by cheesenim
T | 9.2k
Kyungsoo never expected to have his ass dragged on a challenge. He had no idea what to do next.
good to love by kozens
E | 24.8k
Between Beijing and Tokyo, Kyungsoo finds a stranger, and perhaps so much more.
♥*♡+:。.。      'ㅅ' ♡ ⊙♡⊙     。.。:+♡*♥
Thank you once again for making this first round successful! We sincerely hope you enjoyed this journey as much as we did. Now go ahead and smother your favorite writers with love, make friends with them, and spazz about favorite fics as much as you please! Don't forget to leave a kudos and comment on their fic! May you all continue supporting our dear writers and love Baeksoo along with them. See you next time!
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