#Remember when I jokingly said Liz's skill was 'white boy mimicry' yeah that's what I meant
16 and 23!
(this is from 'questions that reveal more than you think', not the most recent one I rb'ed, I just forgor to answer it til now because I have the memory of a gnat)
No character specification so I'll assume this is about Alizaben, since they're my main OC
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
There are two different answers for this. The first being if only money wasn't a limit, the second being if money wasn't a limit and also they had no mental barriers holding them back.
Just free of money: Something snazzy and showy, but not so stiff it inhibits movement. 100% it would be custom, as to my knowledge most (high class, fancy) Victorian fashion... Was not made to accommodate that. At all. Colorful. Vibrant. Eye-catching. Probably containing Violant.
Free of money and mentality: They'd wear a long kaunakes dyed in vibrant colors, and jewelry in ancient Sumerian styles. They HAVE been around since the first city, after all. (they also wouldn't. yknow. force themself to pretend to be white even when they hate doing so. but that's not a money thing that's their unhealthy fixation on the idea of 'blending in'.)
23. Stability or novelty?
Oh, novelty for sure. They've seen so much, they're BORED. That's why they've been so on board with their most recent Light Fingers adventures- it's fresh, it's new, it's exciting. Dangerous, even. Deadly, perhaps? They have very little regard for their own safety- can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, after all.
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