#Raphael šŸ¢ ā¤ļø the snapping turtle
yautja-lover Ā· 1 year
I'm thinking šŸ¤” about writing āœļø a teenage mutant ninja šŸ„· turtles šŸ¢ story where a little girl finds four baby turtles in her backyard and takes them as her pet. Naming the four turtles after her favorite cartoon show but since she has trouble pronouncing the characters' names she settles on calling them Red, Blue, Purple, and Orange. The little girl spends more time with her turtles than doing anything else which her mother isn't overly fond of then one she comes home from school to find her beloved pet turtles missing. Years later the little girl is all grown up and gets sucked in by some type of time vortex thing, she wakes up scared and confused in New York City... and also discovers that her beloved pet turtles that went missing are now the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?? šŸ˜²
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Would anyone be interested in the idea?
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sprite-writes-fanfic Ā· 7 months
First date!
šŸ¢šŸ’™ā¤ļø2003 TMNT x ReaderšŸ’œšŸ§”šŸ¢
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Word Count: 862
CW: Gender-neutral reader, referred to only as ā€˜youā€™, turtles my beloved, I am feeding you turtle fluff today. <3
šŸ’™ A first date with Leo would be pretty cozy, Iā€™d think. He wishes he could take you out to a fancy restaurant like other men could, or even take you to a movie theater, ANYTHING so romantic, he wishes he could do. It really does make him feel so bad that he canā€™t provide you with romantic experiences like this, not unless he was disguised, but he canā€™t risk it either.
šŸ’™ But, youā€™re able to snap him out of it! You suggest a little stay-in date, and honestly, he wasnā€™t really aware what a stay-in date was, so you end up explaining all the things you two could do.
šŸ’™ That actually lifts his spirits a bit, and you reassuring him you didnā€™t need anything fancy and were happy just spending time with him made him feel so warm and fuzzy.
šŸ’™ The two of you would make dinner together when the brothers were out and Splinter was sitting in his room. The two of you had a romantic time, making spaghetti together and enjoying the mealā€¦ Soft touches, subtle flirting and sweet exchanges with one another, and the food was delicious too!
šŸ’™ After that, Leo would turn on Mikeyā€™s stereo, playing some romantic music, then offering a hand. Once you take it, heā€™d pull you into a slow dance, your bodies pressed together in a warm embrace as you two would sway, his eyes staring into yours warmly. It was truly a cozy night.
ā¤ļø A first date with Raph would be pretty fun! He already knows what he wants to do, heā€™s had it planned out for months if you two ever did get togetherā€” Yeah, heā€™s daydreamed a lot the moment youā€™d possibly say yes.
ā¤ļø He gets Donnie to make another helmet, just for you specifically. Once thatā€™s done, the plan is set into motion. Raph approaches you and asks if you want to go somewhere special, and once you give him the yes he was waiting for, he takes you up to their garage.
ā¤ļø He would take you for a ride on the Shell Cycle through the city and soon make it outside of the city to a nearby patch of grass with a blanket and even a picnic basket, (bro had this all set up).
ā¤ļø The two of you would end up enjoying the sandwiches he made while admiring the stars, it was just the two of you, and it all felt so so right.
ā¤ļø You guys ended up cuddling that night and sharing a few kisses before he had to bring you home. He was very grumpy about that fact. šŸ’”
šŸ’œ With Donnie, he wasnā€™t sure what to do for a first date. Heā€™s not experienced in the romance department, (not like any of his brothers are either but), mostly because heā€™s always thought more about science than what it would be like to love another.
šŸ’œ Well, how about a small adventure? Not the most romantic, but it would still be fun! The two of you set off in the Battle Shell, picking up some fast food and stopping in an empty-ish parking lot to eat.
šŸ’œ After talking and eating, you two would set off again and find yourself at an old scrapyard that seemed pretty much abandoned! After Donnie would give you that look, you couldnā€™t deny those little puppy eyes.
šŸ’œ Honestly an interesting experience. Donnie found some pretty neat things he could use for his inventions, and you found some pretty cool old things, like you found an old antique lamp, which was pretty cool!
šŸ’œ You guys would get back to the lair and end up cuddling on the couch. Not long after, both of you were passed out with a soft blanket draped over the both of you. His brothers found you guys and Mikey took pictures to tease the both of you later, (little stinker).
šŸ§” As I mentioned in the last fic, (the ā€˜03 turtles are in love!), you guys had a rooftop dateā€¦ And to say it was a fun experience would be absolutely correct.
šŸ§” Mikey, being the goofball that he is, had this little dining table set up and he had a fake mustache on along with this apron, acting like a waiter once you first climbed onto the rooftop, greeting you with a big smile.
šŸ§” Heā€™d push in your chair and hand you the menu, pouring you a glass of Fanta, while asking you what youā€™d like to eat. This menu only had pizza on it by the way, so what did you order? Pizza of course!
šŸ§” Heā€™d take your menu and soon grab a box of pizza, tossing aside his apron and mustache, making you laugh at his silly antics. Heā€™d serve the pizza with a wink, and you guys would have a small dinner date while watching the sunset together!
šŸ§” After dinner, you and him would have fun dancing on the rooftop. Similar to Leo, heā€™d play music, but instead of an embracing dance with romantic music, you would be listening to more cheerful music and having a good time! Dancing to your heart's content and laughing. If you ever did end up getting tired, heā€™d carry you home without issue.
RAAAH, okay, felt a good amount of inspo today so I was quick to dispel it šŸ˜­ also GOD DAMN, thank you guys so much for the support on the last fic! I didnā€™t expect it to get so much traction like at all, so glad to see you guys like my writing! :) Next one Iā€™m planning is first kisses with these lovely turtles <3 so I hope to see you guys there too!
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itz-me-brett-duh Ā· 11 days
His Harmony, Her Hope Part 4 ā¤ļøšŸ¢
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(Side note: Name change! @rinksu-no-joo , I canā€™t believe weā€™re on the 4th part already! I love working with you šŸ˜†!)
Raphael POV:
Raphael stared at her. The panic behind her eyes felt familiar. Her uncomfortable body language like deja vu. It took everything he had not to hold her. Hold her and tell her to let it all out. He wanted her to know that she could be vulnerable with him. He knew how overwhelmed she was. Not really, but he had a sense.
He had felt that that feeling many times. The times when he couldnā€™t process what he was feeling. The times where his own confusion brought him to anger. Anger at himself on the inside, even though from the outside, it seemed he was mad at the whole world.
Raph frowned, none of his brothers seemed to notice her growing anxiety. In fact, Donnie was frantically dialing up a number on his watch. ā€œIā€™m gonna call April, maybe sheā€™ll have some clothes that will fit!ā€
Raph rolled his eyes, but he knew Donnie was right. Besides, maybe it would help if there was if there was another girl for her to talk to. ā€œā€¦April! This is an emergency! Do you happen to have anyā€¦um large clothes, like for a big person? Yeahā€¦a leotard?ā€¦that will workā€¦Whatā€™s this about? Wellā€¦umā€¦come to the lair as quick as you canā€¦yeah we need to show um you somethingā€¦something importantā€¦Yeah bye!ā€
ā€œā€¦Raphael!ā€ His eyes snapped to attention. He hadnā€™t even realized Splinter was trying to get his attention. ā€œI need you to steady her, make sure she stays covered, and help me bring her to the dojo.ā€
He nodded, glancing at his three brothers who were huddled together discussing the situation. He was glad Master Splinter chose him and not Leo. It gave him a way to help her, which is what he desperately wanted but didnā€™t know how or in what way to do so.
She leaned against him. Her shaking was so frantic, one might think she was cold. ā€œThatā€™s itā€¦I got yaā€¦yer gonna be okayā€¦ā€ He tried to find the little light in her eyes, but the tears that streamed down her face had already put it out.
ā€œLeave my son.ā€
ā€œBut I-ā€
ā€œI said leave!ā€ Reluctantly he left. He knew that Splinter could calm her. After all, how many times had Splinter calmed his storms?
063 POV:
She never thought complete strangers would care so much. Even those who knew her never cared. But his gentle wise voice soothed her fear. Even if it was just for this moment. He cradled her as if she were his own. Technically the turtles werenā€™t his by blood either, but that didnā€™t make him any less of a father.
Right now she needed to hear him. And listen, and to follow his advice. ā€œSweet child Iā€™ll be honest, I cannot begin to imagine how or what you are going through. But I want you to know that our home is your home, if you wish to stay here you will be welcomedā€¦and treated as an equal.ā€
She nodded leaning further into his nurturing embrace. ā€œY-Yesā€¦ā€ All she could do was let go. Let go of the pain and pressure inside her heart.
ā€œGoodā€¦hold on my dearā€¦I have something for youā€¦ā€ He glided to a small book shelf across the room and brought back a small book.
A symbol and some characters lay on the neatly bound, but throughly used cover. ā€œThis is the story of yin and yangā€¦ā€
She listened intently as he spoke. She knew his lesson would all make sense in time. But for now she absorbed his words. ā€œYou my dear are white and black, and I donā€™t just mean your marbled skinā€¦Your dark past that lie behind and bright future that lie ahead may feel unsteady now, but soon you will find balanceā€¦soon there will be harmonyā€¦My point is numbers arenā€™t fit for a ladyā€¦Kainaā€¦a name for the one mixed with bad and goodā€¦the one who will find peace and tranquility, not only in herself but for those she cares forā€¦you are all that Kainaā€¦ā€
For a long time she sat in silence with him, processing everything. She had a name. She had a name! She had a name, Kainaā€¦Kaina. Still, something was off. Something didnā€™t make sense. ā€œBut how can you trust meā€¦?ā€
ā€œI have faith. You should tooā€¦find hope dear Kainaā€¦find hope.ā€ He smiled gently leaving her be in the empty space.
Hopeā€¦her eyes flitted around the room. Hopeā€¦her eyes landed on himā€¦ā€œHeyā€¦uhā€¦sorry to bother ya, but Aprilā€¦a friend of ours is almost here. She has some proper clothes for yaā€¦ā€ His gentle smile contrasted greatly with his hulking body, but for whatever reason hope flickered like a lit match in her heart, desperate to ignite some sort of a fire before burning outā€¦
Raphael POV:
He almost hated himself for disturbing her, she seemed so much calmer than she had been. ā€œI need a few more minutesā€¦is that okay?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s totally fine, take yer time okay?ā€ Her small, barely noticeable smile filled his heart.
He was worried that she would be scared of him. They were both mutants but maybe he had hurt her when trying to get that damn box open. He pushed his unpleasant thoughts aside, leaving for her peace.
Donnie was greeting April at the lairā€™s entrance. Filling her in on every precise detail, with big stupid scientific words. He loved his younger brother, he did. But Don needed to realize that not everyone was a genius like him. After clarifying is tongue twister riddle of nonsense, Aprilā€™s eyes went wide.
ā€œSheā€™s doing somewhat better, but she needs a few minutes to compose her feelings or somethin. But maybe if she talks to another girl sheā€™ll feel better, so maybe you should go in there Aprilā€¦ā€ He knew how good April could be at calming too.
She always acted like a big sister, giving them advice for girls, even though Raph knew in his heart that nobody would ever love him like that. Not only was he a freak of nature, but his brooding personality would never allow someone that close to his fragile heart. But maybeā€¦it was possible now. After all, he felt something with her that he couldnā€™t quite understand, or even explain or express at the moment.
Kaina POV:
A female mutant just like her! She had too admit it was starting to make her uncomfortable being surrounded by all these guys. They were mutants, but they were still men. She wondered what type of mutant April would be.
Her head snapped up. ā€œā€¦Kainaā€¦Kaina can I come in?ā€ It was April!
ā€œYes!ā€ She hoped her voice didnā€™t sound too enthusiastic, but then she realized it didnā€™t matter she was safe with them, they werenā€™t going to punish her for her normal and natural functions.
In walked a human. Her heart pounded, her eyes searched for an escape, there was no way out. Her eyes like daggers on the human, the target. Who was she? Before she could be hurt she sprang into action. She tripped her with her tail, slamming her down on the floor. April tried to fight back but Kaina was already on top of her, threatening her and asking her questions.
Raphael POV:
ā€œā€¦Kaina? I like it.ā€ Of course Leo had to kiss Splinterā€™s ass.
It didnā€™t matter if he liked it. It wasnā€™t his fucking name, it only mattered what she thought. Her comfortability came before anyone elseā€™s right now.
A sudden high pitched screams caught him off guard. The boys hurried quickly to the dojo. April was being pinned down. Kaina was crying, muttering curses under her breath. He looked up at his brothers, all of them had their weapons drawn.
ā€œOw! It burns!ā€
Kaina had so much fear in her eyes, Raph knew violence wasnā€™t the answer. He quickly pulled her off of April and as much as she kicked and screamed, as much as her skin seemed to sting his own, he hugged her. Pulling her tight into his embrace, coaxing her. Allowing her tears to fall onto his scaled skin. He held her until she stopped fighting. He held her till her breathing became steady again.
Kaina POV:
Leo bent down lifting the human to her feet. ā€œApril are you okay? I never thought she would do thisā€¦ā€ April?
April was a human? April was trying to kill her. ā€œā€¦She was tryingā€¦to injectā€¦meā€¦withā€¦ā€ His eyes seemed to understand and comfort her.
ā€œThese arenā€™t syringes Kaina, these are sewing needles, Raph gave them to April in case the leotard didnā€™t quite fit. Thatā€™s all.ā€ Donnie reassured her, showing her the small kit.
ā€œApril is a good human, she would never ever hurt us.ā€ His gruff voice rolled like water over rocks in a shallow stream. Raphaelā€™s touch felt so warm, so comforting.
ā€œYeah dude April saved us from Shredder. We couldā€™ve just been experiments like you. But she rescued us and brought us here. Not to mention she keeps us a secret from other humans, except for our other allies.ā€ Mikey nodded at his brothers and April.
ā€œWhy donā€™t we get outta your way and let you get dressed, then you can rest for a while. Howā€™s that sound hmm?ā€ She nodded, she was already getting sleepy from being in his arms.
They left. She told April how sorry she was. And now she reflected on her day as she pulled up the fabric. It felt soft against her sore cramped muscles. A whole lifetime of emotions had spewed out of her in a single day. She was exhausted. She turned around in the mirror admiring the way the little specks of glitter shined and shimmered. Just how the dark black of the fabric consumed any surrounding light, sleep consumed her and she fell asleepā€¦hopingā€¦hoping to wake up for a better tomorrowā€¦
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itz-me-brett-duh Ā· 21 days
His Harmony, Her Hope Part 2 ā¤ļøšŸ¢
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(Side Note: Iā€™m not that great at fight scenes yetšŸ˜¢. POV changes. Thanks again @rinksu-no-joo for the idea and being so awesome!)
063 POV:
A loud blaring alarm shook her immediately awake. Red blazing light blinked and flashed around room, as she quickly hopped out of bed to see what the commotion was all about.
One of the men with masks was calling out their numbers, ā€œ323, 458, 063, 917,ā€¦ā€ unsure of what to do she made her way over.
ā€œSir, what the hell is going on?ā€ One of her peers asked over all the noise.
The look he gave 801 made it clear she was speaking out of turn to a superior. ā€œYou all are being transported to Japan to meet Master Shredder, but first we need to give you an injection.ā€
It had been years since 063 had any injections. She wondered if she was strong enough now to take on the pain. But before she could think about it much longer, Doctor Stockman was already calling her number.
She quickly followed him into his lab. He always had so many cool gadgets but she knew better than to touch them. Still it was nice to look at them, especially to distract herself from the immediate and intense pain. His chemical filled beakers, test tubes, and other scientific equipment, usually grounded her when her world started to spin.
Today was different though, as she looked around to see the changes he made throughout the years, she noticed the box of neatly stacked syringes. The fluid in them was different in color and consistency than she was use to. She braced herself for impact, trying her hardest not to use her natural defense mechanisms. If she poisoned Doctor Stockman she would be in a huge heap of trouble.
But as he slowly pushed the needle into her soft flesh, she realized that despite a little prick she felt no pain at all. Actually, it felt fineā€¦numbā€¦and painless.
As she drifted out of consciousness, she could hear him shout: ā€œSheā€™s doneā€¦take herā€¦917!ā€ Maybe they were all being punished. Maybe this was the endā€¦She felt nothing as everything, even her own thoughts, went dark.
Raphael POV:
ā€œIt appears the Foot Clan been building something right under our noses! Now theyā€™re transporting it to their base in Japan.ā€ Donnie typed away as a maps and diagrams popped up on his computer screens.
ā€œIs this the same place that Shredder is hiding out at?ā€
ā€œYes Mikeyā€¦Look guys, their ship hasnā€™t left New York waters yet, we have to try and stop them-ā€œ
ā€œAnd see what exactly it is theyā€™re taking.ā€ Leo interrupted, nodding in understanding.
ā€œMkay so what are we waitin for? Letā€™s go already.ā€ Raph was already ready. As soon as he heard Donnie say Foot Clan he knew it was bad. And then they were on their way.
Every inch of the ship seemed to be guarded by Shredderā€™s henchmen. Nevertheless they were pretty bad at doing their jobs, each of the turtles quickly and quietly disarmed some of them.
ā€œCowabunga motha fu-ā€œ
ā€œMikey!ā€ Leo whispered furiously.
But it was too late the others had already noticed their presence on board. ā€œGreat going idiot!ā€ snapped Raph, already preparing for battle.
ā€œSorry dudes, I gotta little carried away.ā€
As they kicked, punched, and overall fought the Foot Clan, Donnie spewed information about where their precious cargo was located on board. ā€œWeā€™ll have to go down to the third level!ā€
ā€œGuys! Check it out.ā€ Leo gawked as he finished his opponent with a final thwack to the back of his head and pointed.
There, in the distance were more ships.
ā€œMoreā€¦?ā€ Raph wondered why they needed so many ships.
ā€œLetā€™s head down below, and figure out what it is that weā€™re dealing with. Then we can see if we need to tackle all these other shipsā€ Leo stated, opening a hatch that lead below.
After fighting off more Foot Clan guys than they could count, they finally arrived to a singular box, on an otherwise empty level.
To Raph it didnā€™t look like anything they could open easily. ā€œWell what now leader?ā€ He looked over to Leo.
It still angered him sometimes that Leo was in charge, but Leo tried to give each of them, but especially Raph more leadership moments from time to time.
ā€œWell whatever it is, itā€™s probably to difficult to open. But it looks like itā€™s an important piece of the puzzle for whatever they are building. We need to take it back to the lair. Donnie check for tracking devices, Raph do you mind?ā€ Donnie finished up and pushed it over to him.
Raph grunted as he lifted the heavy metal box. He was surprised that it was pretty light for a metal box with supposedly something inside. But he decided maybe that was what Shredder wanted them to think, and didnā€™t say anything.
063 POV:
She was cold. It was dark. But she couldā€¦she could hear voicesā€¦? She wasnā€™t dead! Before she could get too excited she calmed herself and listened.
ā€œRaph careful! We donā€™t want to destroy whatā€™s inside!ā€
ā€œYeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.ā€
These werenā€™t voices she recognized. Who could they be? Why did they not know she was in there? Why was she in there? Where was there? She didnā€™t know. She stayed cautious. She felt cramped and alone, just as she felt as a child. She jolted as she heard the awful sound of metal being cut. Sparks and small pieces of metal pierced her soft skin. It surprised her more than it hurt.
Then she saw light. It was bright and her eyes had to adjust, but she was able to make out himā€¦And heā€¦peered down curiously at herā€¦
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