#Raikan's writings
raikan624 · 19 days
Make 'em Pay
Summary: Dally and Reader get into an argument and Reader leaves so he can calm down, but this action has consequences.
Contains: Dallas x Reader, no use of y/n, reader’s gender is unspecified, Tim Shepard and his gang mentioned
Warnings: Mentions of arguing, mentions of violence, Dally may be a bit out of character, Dally calls the reader ‘mine’ once
Prompts: N/A
A/N: This is kinda cringey, mb
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You and Dally had gotten into some insignificant argument over something dumb. It got heated quite quickly. You had left to give Dallas time to cool off.
A bit of time had passed, a good hour or two, and you decided that it was alright to go back. You were walking down on the sidewalk, minding your own business and whatever, when you heard the familiar rumble of a car. It stopped nearby behind you and you heard car doors slamming shut. Before you knew it, you were grabbed by some Socs and they had quickly shoved you down to the ground. They had got on top of you and punched you a few times, pulling out a blade and bringing it dangerously close to your face. They all looked similar - all Socs look rather cut from the same cloth than not - with their slicked back hair, smell of English Leather shaving lotion, and tacky, fancy clothes. They’d hit you a few more times real hard and you were out cold.
When you came to, you were laying there on the sidewalk, and you felt a sharp pain thrumming throughout your whole body when you moved. You carefully got up after a minute of just sitting there and processing all the pain in your body.
You stumbled through the streets. Nobody really batted an eye at your state. When you had finally reached Buck Merril’s place, you opened the door, walking through the bar and up the stairs into Dally’s room. When you had hobbled in with forming bruises and a bloodied lip, Dally looked over at you. His eyes kind of widened and he stood from where he was on the bed, muttering a curse or two.
“What the hell happened to you?” He asked incredulously, sitting you down and rummaging around for something to clean you up with - something like that. You told him what happened from when you were walking back here and heard what you assumed to be a Mustang behind you to when you limped back here. Dally made a noise mixed between a scoff and a groan - both out of frustration. He left the room and presumably went down to the bar. When he came back, he tossed you an icepack for the bruises, then set down a med kit with disinfectant and some Band-Aids and stuff, along with a clean-looking rag. Well, you hoped it was clean, at least; you weren’t sure that all of the stuff at Buck’s was actually clean. He wet the rag with a bit of water and took your face in his hand, wiping your lip with it and cleaning up the cuts there on your face. That was about all he did to help you, though - he didn’t care much about other people. He was hardened beyond feeling and care. But you could tell he was a bit pissed off by the mean look in his eyes. He didn’t seem too pleased that you’d been jumped.
Dally was grumbling about something, but you couldn’t make out what he was saying other than stuff like, “Gonna find who did this” and “They’ll regret it”, but he sat down next to you on the bed and slung an arm ‘round your shoulder. He let out a light scoff and held you a bit closer. He asked you what the Socs looked like and you did your best to describe them to him, but that was about it. He would damned well make sure that they’d pay for jumping you; someone who the whole town knew was under his protection.
Before you knew it, you were dead asleep. Dally had left to “make a call” or something, and you kind of just crashed out on his bed. Hours passed by like a breeze. Sometimes you drifted in and out of consciousness and you’d hear somewhat familiar voices like Dally’s and Tim Shepard’s and some of his outfit nearby but couldn’t articulate what they were saying, then just fell back asleep.
The next time you came to, there was Tim Shepard and his outfit sitting around nearby, probably some of them downstairs at the bar, too. Music was still playing on the radio - Hank Williams - and there was some commotion down stairs other than the bits of conversation in the room. When your eyes landed on Dally, he was a bit busted up and his knuckles were bloody. You came to realize that the Shepard’s gang was all roughed up, too. Dally had this wild, reckless grin on his face, same with some of the others. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, which garnered Dally’s focus and attention.
“Hey.” He greeted, his eyes trained on you. You mumbled out some form of an inquiry on what happened to them.
“Jumped a few Socs with the Shepard gang, no big deal.” He answered while he was taking care of his battered knuckles. So he’d organized a fight on my behalf with the Shepards, you thought.
Some of Tim Shepard’s buddies gave little snickers and chuckles at the memory of presumably beating the group of Socs real good, but they eventually left to go downstairs to the bar with the rest of their pals, leaving you and Dally alone. You mumbled out some sort of thanks to him as you watched him patch up the cuts on his knuckles and the other minor cuts and scrapes. A few minutes later, he padded over and climbed into the bed next to you, lazily draping his arm over you. He was mumbling something but you couldn’t understand what he was saying.
“That’s what they get for messin’ with what’s mine. Should’ve known better..” He scoffed.
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@lizzy019 This has been sitting for a while cuz I wasn't sure if I should post it lmao
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Hii 🤗 9, 14, 16, 17 (I hope you don’t mind if I specify a little on this - and I hope it is okay to ask for old time’s sake but- I remember you once mentioning that Akane was to some degree inspired by Blair Waldorf. So I am curious if you’ve ever taking inspiration from Blair’s relationship with Chuck for either Raikane or Erik/Akane [or both somehow?]), 32, 50
Hi!!! I hope you've been well! Thanks for the ask!
9. When you write, do you plan out the stages of a relationship, or just let it flow? Do you have any works where the characters seem to "write themselves"?
Honestly, I just let it flow. Once I feel like I know the characters well, I just start putting them in situations to see what happens. In a lot of my Linzolt works the dialogue flows really easily while I'm drafting.
14. Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you want to write in the future, but haven't yet?
Hmm...I don't think I've really tried the fake dating trope (or if I did, it was so long ago that I don't really remember it), but I'd be interested in doing something with that. I also haven't dabbled in the arranged marriage trope since that Eizan/Nene oneshot I wrote for the SNS fantasy AU, and I'd like to try that again.
16. Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you enjoy reading about, but wouldn't want to write yourself? Vice versa?
I love reading a good slow burn, but I personally don't really have the writing stamina for it. I think I generally read the same fic genres that I write, but I probably write a bit more domestic fluff than I read.
17. Did you base [couple] on any existing relationships that you've seen? This can be anything: TV characters, books, even people you've known in real life.
Hmm...maybe a little! It's been years since my last Gossip Girl rewatch (I may have to start one soon), but I think when I first planned the original Portraits of 119 series and slated Akane/Erik as endgame, some aspects of Chuck and Blair may have seeped into their relationship. It was mostly small things like the way Blair was able to kind of cut loose around Chuck, and the way they always seemed to come back to each other. But that all got kind of muddled when Raikane became the fan favorite pair.
32. Do you find it more fun to write soft, domestic romances, or dramatic thrillers?
Soft and domestic has kind of become my brand as of late. However, I do sort of prefer writing lovers in somewhat tumultuous romantic situations rather than established relationships.
50. Free space! Brag on yourself! Advertise your writing! What are you most proud of recently?
I spent literal months working on Dissonance, which is my backstory on how Lin and Zolt met and first got involved with each other! I worked on that fic with an awesome beta and artist (who made this lovely companion artwork) and I'm really proud of how the whole project came out!
Fanfic Couples Ask!
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rai735 · 12 days
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Hello! My name is Raikan but you can also call me Rai if you'd like :)
I write fanfiction of pre-existing series' or of my own OCs It's all x reader fyi
I go by she/her pronouns
My favorite color is purple
I'm into Lord of the Rings, which will probably be most of my writing on here!
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My requests are always open!
I won't write character x OC or character x character because that just isn't my style The only things I write is character x reader and OC x reader The only OCs used will be ones I've created!!
I won't write really long stories because my motivation will quickly dwindle, but I will write imagines, headcannons, blurbs, one-shots, etc.
I'm bad at writing short stories or imagines for smut because I've never written full-on smut before Most you'll get it a hint or implication of it until I'm confident enough to write full-on smut
I'm okay with writing headcannons for smut, though! You'd just kinda have to bear with me for the first few posts if I make any of it
I'm best at writing fluff and/or slice-of-life or domestic scenarios than angst
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I will not write incest, pedophilia, adult x minor (including teacher x student), etc.
I have a right to refuse requests; please be nice!
I won't write anything to do with autism or other similar mental disabilities, so please don't request anything like that; I will refuse Only because I don't want to mischaracterize things like that
I'm uncomfortable with making drugs or alcohol main plot points in my writing, so please respect that There will only be very minor mentions of alcohol in anything I write, but never drunk!Character/OC x reader or drunk!Reader x character or high!Character/OC x Reader or High!Reader x Character
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Search #Raikan's works for things I've written and search #Raikan's thoughts for silly thoughts I have :)
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raikan624 · 16 days
Summary: Darry and Reader argue, so Reader gives Darry space, but Darry misses Reader’s presence
Contains: Darry x Reader, no use of y/n, reader’s gender is unspecified
Warnings: Mentions of arguing/fighting, Reader is called sweetheart, Reader has one specific/explicit line of dialogue, maybe one uncharacteristic line from Darry, bittersweet stuff
Prompts: “person a being mad at person b, so person b gives them some alone time. only to find person a trying to drag them back to bed bc they miss person b’s presence.” (@/keyotosprompts)
Requested? No
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a little while cuz I wasn't sure on if I should post it, enjoy :) It's short, mb
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You and Darry had gotten into a bit of a disagreement, and it got a bit heated because he was already stressed and sore from work and he kind of just took out said aggression on you and the disagreement you had. Because of this, you had come to the decision to just leave Darry alone to give him time to cool off and destress, and went for a walk around town for a bit, also taking it as an excuse to run a few errands.
Once you finally came back, you set down a bag or two of groceries you had gotten while out onto the kitchen counter, and began to unpack them. The house was almost unnaturally quiet. It was the evening. Sodapop was on a date with Sandy and Ponyboy was out at the movies with some of the gang, but you weren’t sure on where Darry was.
You heard footsteps behind you and turned your head when you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind. It was Darry.
“’M sorry about earlier, sweetheart. . .” He murmured.
“I thought you wanted some space.?” You asked, pausing in your unpacking of the groceries.
“I don’t need space, I need you.” He replied, huffing out a big, tired, and heavy exhale of breath against your skin.
You had finished unpacking the groceries in a few minutes, with the help of Darry, and you were now sat down on the couch while Darry was sitting in his chair.
Your disagreement from earlier had been over something trivial; Ponyboy’s grades. Ponyboy had gotten a B- on his latest assignment in math and Darry wasn’t too proud of him. You knew that Darry was only wanting the best for Ponyboy, but he was also trying too hard to make something out of him. You had defended Ponyboy and said some version of that it was just a B- and Ponyboy has his own strengths in certain subjects and weaknesses in others, but Darry still got frustrated about it. He had hollered at Ponyboy some, and was awfully stern with you, saying, “He’s my kid brother and I can be as harsh to him as I want to!”
After the fact, it was now a bit awkward; quiet. You were kind of just waiting for Ponyboy and Sodapop to come home so you could all go to bed and relax for the night.
Within the next little while, Ponyboy and Sodapop had come home, walking through the door and chatting for a bit. Soda and Ponyboy went to their room for the night a bit after and you guys did the same. Darry was lying in bed behind you, one of his big, muscular arms draped over your waist, his body close to yours.
“I know I can be a bit harsh on Pony. I just want the best for him and I want him to do good.” Darry murmured to you out of the blue. You knew he wasn’t very emotional, and he also didn’t apologize too much, so this really was out of the blue. “Just. . . Whenever we fight, don’t assume I want to be alone after..” He let out a sigh, subconsciously holding you a little bit closer under the covers.
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raikan624 · 15 days
Late Night Comfort
Summary: Reader comforts Johnny at the lot after his dad beat him
Contains: fluff and comfort, cuddling, Johnny x Reader, no use of y/n, Reader’s gender is unspecified, Johnny is the little spoon :)
Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse (Not very descriptive), short and sweet
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Johnny had ran over to the lot, his body feeling sore and achy from his dad hitting him, and he was sure that there would be bruises left - if the dull throbbing didn’t already prove it enough. You were there, sitting on the broken down car seat. When you saw him in his familiar denim jacket, somewhat hobbling, you grew concerned, having a hunch on what caused his pain. You stood up, stepping over to Johnny and helping him sit down.
“The old man hit me again. . .” Johnny managed to get out. His parents didn’t give two shits about him and the entire gang knew it. His dad would often beat him or whip him or yell at him, and his mom would holler at him, too. This night was no different to such horrible treatment.
You wrapped an arm around Johnny in a side hug, exhaling. He didn’t deserve to have such horrible parents, you thought.
In the darkness of the evening, you could make out the redness and discoloration on his face, and you knew there’d be more of the same discoloration and forming bruises all over him. You pulled Johnny a bit closer to your side, albeit being mindful and careful with the fact that he probably hurt all over and you shouldn’t be too firm with your hold.
“Could you stay with me tonight.?” Johnny found himself asking the question, not particularly sure why he suddenly requested it - his mouth moved quicker than he could think. You nodded, responding with some version of confirmation and acceptance of his wish to stay with him in the lot for the night.
When the sky grew darker and the desire to sleep became greater, you and Johnny found yourselves lying under the stars on the old, broken down car seat in the lot. Your arms were wrapped around his waist from behind and his back was pressed against your chest. The only sounds heard were your breathing and the possible car driving by. It was peaceful and you both found yourselves drifting off to sleep, worries nonexistent in your minds for now.
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raikan624 · 24 days
Busted lips and stolen kisses
Summary: After the rumble, Soda finds himself being taken care of.
Contains: Fluff, Sodapop x reader, no use of Y/n, Reader has no specified gender, Reader sitting on his lap (sfw)
Warnings: Injuries/mention of injuries (not very descriptive), Soda calls Reader baby
Prompts: 17. Holding the other’s chin up, 20. bandaging/stitching up an injury (Technically), 35. Kissing their bruises and scars
A/n: Prompts taken from Here
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You were perched on Soda’s lap, wiping his bloodied lip with a damp rag. After the rumble, everyone was sporting some kind of injury whether it be bruises, cuts, busted knuckles, or broken bones.
You had taken it upon yourself to take care of Soda, despite him only having minor wounds; a busted, swollen lip and a bruise on his cheek that was slowly starting to turn a deep purple. You had one hand holding his chin to make him look up at you so you could properly take care of his wounds. Sodapop was looking up at you like a sweet little puppy; his eyes full of love and admiration for your dedication to patching him up.
You tried to be as gentle as you could, but he sometimes still winced at the feeling of the damp rag on his swollen, cut lip. He had his arms around you, hands resting on your lower back as if to hold you steady while you sat there on his lap.
Soda finally broke the silence with a soft statement, “You didn’t have to help me, you know, baby. I can take care of myself just fine. . .”
You didn’t pay his protest any mind and just shushed him, saying something the equivalent to “I wanted to do this for you”, and simply kept doing your job.
Once you had finally finished, you got up from his lap - to Soda’s dismay - to bring him an icepack for his poor swollen and purplish cheek. You pressed the icepack to his discolored and bruised cheek and stole a light, chaste kiss from his swollen, tender lips. He swiftly pulled you back down onto his lap, wanting to keep you there, snaking his arms around your waist once more to secure you there, his hands resting on your lower back.
“Thank you, baby.” Soda murmured, caressing your back lovingly.
It was safe to say he didn’t want to let go of you for the rest of the night.
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raikan624 · 1 month
School Projects
Started: August 11, 2024
Finished: August 12, 2024 Summary: A month long partner project in class. Ponyboy and Reader are paired up and find themselves growing closer as time goes on. . . Contains: Fluff, Second-person PoV, Reader's gender is unspecified, Strangers(?) to Lovers, Reader x Ponyboy, no use of Y/N Warnings: Reader is (at least) decent at writing essays, very little dialogue
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You were in your History class, listening to your teacher drone on and on about something you’d started to tune out a while ago by now. Idly tapping the end of your pencil on your desk while your head was resting on your arm, only little snippets of the teacher’s rambling came into your brain like, “assigned partners”, and “month-long project”. The class was quiet, really, with some girls gossiping in hushed whispers, some doodling in the margin of their papers or fidgeting with obvious boredom like yourself, some guys discreetly mocking the teacher and making their friends snicker. Only a few kids actually listened or took notes of what Ms. Thompson was saying. Your eyes scanned the classroom, watching everyone do their own thing, then your eyes went to Ponyboy. You knew him to some degree, but you were really strangers, only knowing what each other’s names were but never really interacting at all. You knew he was a quiet kid, that he was a Greaser, and that he liked to read from what you’d seen, but nothing more than that.
When you finally tuned back in to Ms. Thompson’s ramblings, she said, “I will write the pairs on the board. Once you find your and your partner’s names, you will sit next to your partner and take notes and come up with an essay and a visual presentation, including drawn images and excerpts from text books and other resources on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and how it impacted society. This project is due a month from now; if it is overdue, you will get an F on it and it will impact your final grade in this class.”
Ms. Thompson began writing the pairs and the instructions on the chalkboard, your classmates either looking at it in anticipation or murmuring to one another, presumably about who they hoped their partners would be. When Ms. Thompson finished writing on the chalkboard, she sat down at her desk and began to work or grade things from other classes, and there were audible groans or excited ‘yes’s from your classmates as they read the list of pairs. You scanned the list for your name, and you were paired up with Ponyboy Curtis. You just hoped that you both could relatively get along.
The students began to go to their partners and began chatting about what they would be doing for the project, how they’d design it, and who’s doing what. Ponyboy soon came over to your desk and pulled up a chair, sitting across from you with his notebook put on the desktop. The awkwardness almost palpable. ”So. . . What should we do for the project?” He asked, awkwardly breaking the silence, opening his notebook to a blank page and jotting down the instructions, due date, etc. ”I don’t know. . . Maybe a tri-fold poster or something?” You suggested. “Sure. We can do that.” Ponyboy replied, jotting it down.
After a bit more discussion, you came to the agreement that Ponyboy would do the art and visual bit of the tri-fold poster and you would write the essay. You agreed to meet up at Ponyboy’s house after school to start working on the project and that would be the main plan for meetups unless you both went to the library or something.
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You walked with Ponyboy after school to his house, and you went to his shared bedroom and began studying, having taken out a few history books on the time period of the Roman Empire and the rise and fall of it, etc. You both started working and were chatting together. You found out that Ponyboy is actually a really nice guy; that he enjoyed watching sunsets, about his family life, and he found out more about you in turn. You both started to bond over time as you both worked on this project, and when you finished writing the essay you began to help him with the tri-fold poster and wrote down excerpts from the resources you had and maybe adding the occasional drawing or detail to the poster or maybe helped him with coloring it.
Before long, Ponyboy had started inviting you to hang out together outside of working on the project, like going to Dairy Queen together or maybe walking around town together, and you had quickly become friends with him. It was great. Ponyboy was a great friend and a great partner for projects, albeit you started to get a warm, almost fuzzy feeling around him; finding yourself looking at him for a few moments more than the casual glance in classes, taking in the details of his appearance. . .
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Time flies by, and that definitely applied to the month to do the history project. You’d finished and the due date had come up quickly, but you both were content with how the final result came out. You’d ended up doing a small presentation for the tri-fold poster, along with your other classmates for their own visual presentations. Some kids even went to the lengths of making a class interactive bit and made handouts for the class. You’d ended up getting an A on the project, which you were both proud about, obviously.
You decided to hang out together over the weekend and went to a local diner that had affordable, cheap prices, and you’d had a good time there with him like always.
Once it got later, he walked you with you home and the walk was relatively quiet, only minimal talk happening between the two of you.
After a bit, Ponyboy had broken the somewhat comfortable silence by saying, “Hey, uh, can I tell you somethin’?” with a bit of a shy look in his eyes. “Yeah.” You answered him, looking over at him while you waited for him to tell you whatever he wanted to tell you. You’d gotten pretty close to your house by now.
“I, uh, really like you. A more-than-friends kind of like.” Ponyboy admitted.
You stood there for a moment, processing the new information while he waited for your response with bated breath. He had a crush on you. . .
“I really like you, too, Ponyboy. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you.” You told him, to which he let out an exhale of relief.
You both kept walking back to your house, and when you finally got there, you stopped at the front of your house, pulling away from Ponyboy and going to back into your house before you gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek, “See you on Monday, Ponyboy.” You told him, then turning and walking into your house, leaving Ponyboy struck dumb with a lovestruck smile on his face as he watched you open the front door and go in. He couldn’t wait ‘till Monday. . .
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Sorry if this is bad; I'm a bit rusty because I haven't done any writing - let alone romance writing - in ages (╥﹏╥) Requests are open :)
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raikan624 · 17 days
You know how in the book, it says that during the rumble when Ponyboy got the concussion from a Soc kicking him in the head and that when Soda saw, he 'landed all over that Soc', he got so mad that Darry even said he's never seen Soda that angry
Imagine him doing that for you? Like, imagine Socs are beating the crap out of you for whatever reason, either it be in a rumble or they wanna jump you for shits and giggles
And Soda sees this and he just like Sees red Y'know?
I think he'd hurt the Socs so bad it'd be a borderline hospital visit
I dont know
Maybe I'm just being cringey and whatever because I love The Outsiders, but yeah
That's my thought for the day :)
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raikan624 · 19 days
Steve and Two-bit trying to pick up someone would be so funny (This somehow turned into headcannons oops) Requested(?)
Let me set the scene:
Two-bit and Steve are at the drive-in or whatever, drunk outta their minds with a beer or two in hand, and they decide to try and pick up a few women for the night
We all know Two-bit would be cracking the most foul jokes known to man
Remember the scene in the movie where he flips up that one girl's skirt? Yeah, he'd do that
If he was actually trying and not being a jerk, he'd try to make you laugh with his weird, scatterbrained humor, or offer to get you a Coke or something
If he succeeded in making you fall for him, we all know he'd be bragging about it to the gang
"Last night, I scored this real pretty person at the drive-in. They're totally in love with me now - even gave me their number"
He'd totally steal things for you
Maybe even admit he stole them
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Steve on the other hand would probably try and impress you with the way he can work on cars or something
He'd probably yap to you, really
Probably would still crack some jokes, not as foul as Two-Bit's, though
He'd definitely brag about it too - mostly to Soda
"Hey Soda, I picked up this person last night - I'm plannin' on taking them out on a date this weekend"
Steve would try his best to make a good impression on the first date too
He'd want to definitely make sure Soda liked you if you actually started officially dating
Might take you out to the Dingo or something
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raikan624 · 19 days
Two-Bit x reader headcannons!!
Summary: Headcannons of Two-Bit and Reader dating, how you first met, blablabla
Requested? nope
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He tried to hit on you at the drive-in when he was drunk
Didn't go too well because he was drunk asf and was making the most foul jokes known to man
he tried to make you laugh, also offered to buy you something there (popcorn or a coke)
He did manage to get your number though
After that, he was bragging and yapping about you to the gang
"They're so pretty" "You've said this multiple times, Two-Bit, we get it" "Shut up and let me talk about them"
Might even like you just as much as he does Mickey Mouse
When you two actually started going out, he introduced you to the gang finally
"So this is the person you've yapped about non-stop for the past month"
The gang can tell you make him happy, so they're cool with it
After a while, he introduced you to his mom and his sister
He wanted to make sure his family approved of you
You can't deny that he bought you something Mickey or Minnie Mouse related
He'll take you out on dates whenever he can
He'll also convince you to watch Mickey Mouse with him as a date
Safe to say this man loves you very much
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raikan624 · 1 month
Made(Started + completed): August 13, 2024
Requested? No
Summary: Darry’s had a long day at work, but he melts whenever he’s in your arms. All of his stress seems to go away each time.
Contains: Fluff, Darry x Reader, no use of Y/N, Reader’s gender is unspecified
Warnings: Use of sweetheart, next-to-nothing for dialogue, short and sweet
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Darry had just come home from his stressful job roofing. His back ached with soreness from the harsh physical labor. He called out an, “I’m home!” when he walked in the door. He slipped off his boots and made his way into the living room, seeing you, his lover sitting on the couch. You were absent-mindedly watching TV with a somewhat bored expression on your face - that was, until you saw the movement of him walking in from the corner of your eyes. Your gaze softened and you smiled. Darry loved seeing that smile of yours.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He greeted you, padding over to sit next to you. A weary sigh escaped him when he sat down, his shoulders heavy with stress and a dull aching pain.
A few minutes later, he reluctantly got up, stepping into the kitchen. You followed behind him, watching as he filled up a glass with water. Darry felt a pair of arms snaking around his waist and a body press against his back. He knew it was you. He melted into the embrace, leaning back against you. He placed one of his large, rough and calloused hands - hands that were rough from the physical labor of his work as a roofer - onto your forearm, gently rubbing his thumb along the skin. His shoulders relaxed in contrast to them previously being tense as he basked in the comforting warmth of your body pressed against his.
How he loved your hugs. . .
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raikan624 · 15 days
First Date
Summary: Your first date with Sodapop + an extra lil something at the end :)
Contains: Sodapop x Male!Reader, fluff, fluff, fluff, first date awkwardness, Reader making the first move kinda, Reader is bold enough to make the first move ig, did I mention fluff?
Warnings: Reader is nice, Soda calls Reader ‘darling’, brief implications of general homophobia since it was the 60s (sorry pooks), Reader has a few specific thoughts, but not too specific if you know what I mean?,
Requested?: Yes
A/N: Hope you enjoy and I hope this actually turned out good Uh, also, first time actually describing a kiss, so please be nice 😭
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“I’m going to go to the drive-in to hang out with a buddy of mine tonight.” Soda told the gang one evening as he was getting ready, shrugging on his usual flannel and his shoes before running a hand through his hair and walking out the door with nothing more than a “See ya” and a short wave. After he left, the gang gave one another knowing looks and a few sly grins - they knew it was actually a date. They were fine with it, of course — they just thought it was funny that Sodapop was calling his date a ‘‘buddy of his’’.
When Soda finally got there, he saw you and his reckless and happy grin immediately formed on his face. His hand reached for yours and he held it in a somewhat firm but still rather gentle hold.
“Hey,” he greeted you, walking with you to buy some popcorn and a drink and find some seats to watch the movie.
When you finally found some good seats, Soda sat down next to you and put his hand over yours, a sweet but just slightly nervous smile on his lips - this was your first date so of course he’d be a tad nervous.
It was rather quiet between the two of you as you watched the film on the projector screen, sometimes with his hand grazing yours and some other awkward little moments. The movie playing was some beach movie with all those swinging songs and whatnot, albeit you weren’t too focused on the movie and instead was hyperaware of each time his palm or his fingertips grazed yours or any lingering glances Sodapop would give you.
This was your first proper date with Soda; sure, you’d gotten rather close over time when you hung out as mere friends back when he was in school before he dropped out, and you’d even gave him a kiss on the cheek before - no friends do that! Especially not guy friends - but this was the first time he’s actually taken you out somewhere with the intention of it being a date instead of just a friendly and ‘platonic’ hang out.
Once the movie was over (it felt like it ended too quick but was also too long; you wanted more time with Soda but you couldn’t focus on the movie and it felt like time was going by too slow with his lingering glances and slight touches) you got up from your seats and walked over to the garbage can to toss out the empty drink cups and the empty cup(?) of popcorn you had shared, Soda trailing close behind you like a Golden Retriever (he is a Golden Retriever don’t deny it).
After this, you began to walk home with him, his hand in your own and his thumb caressing the back of your hand. “Did you enjoy tonight?” He asks you, in which you respond with your own form of agreement/confirmation that you did indeed enjoy this little date. “That’s good. ‘M glad.” Soda murmured.
When you both got a few blocks away from the Curtis house, you stopped abruptly.
“What’s the matter?” Soda asked, stopping as well and turning his head to look at you. He had this half-worried and caring look in his eyes, mixed with a hint of adoration and nervousness.
With his hand still interlocked with one of your own, your other hand goes to his cheek, and you lean in for a kiss. Soda didn’t stop you. When your lips finally met, it’s soft and sweet and gentle. He reciprocates the kiss and his hand lightly squeezes yours. You half-reluctantly pull back after a moment, letting the kiss linger slightly before you realize you need oxygen to breathe instead of Soda’s soft lips. He looks at you and gives you a wild grin like he’s just won the lottery. He presses a kiss to your cheek before letting go of your hand and murmuring something to you before starting to walk back to the Curtis house (He didn’t want the guys to catch you walking home with him and holding hands and whatever) after mumbling something to you in your ear.
“Can’t wait to see you next time, darling.”
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“Uhm, guys, I have a boyfriend.” Soda admitted to the gang, a tad worried about how they’d react to this new information Suddenly, Steve gave him a good-natured smack on the back and said, “We knew, Soda,” with a grin on his face “Wait, what?” Soda responded, surprised at the revelation “Yeah. We’ve known for a while. Saw your boyfriend give you a kiss on the cheek a few weeks ago. When are you going to introduce us to him?” spoke up Dally with a teasing grin Safe to say Soda’s face was a bit red after that remark, but he’d definitely introduce you soon enough.
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raikan624 · 19 days
Sodapop x male! reader hadcannons! Requested? Yes :)
summary: Headcannons about how Soda and Reader met, dating stuff, etc.
A/n: Hope you like this :) I tried my best
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Romance/dating Headcannons:
You first met at the DX
He was the cashier
your eyes met and he knew he was feeling something for you, based on the way his heart fluttered :)
After that, he anticipates whenever you return, which also makes him happier whenever you do come by the DX
Finally grew the balls to ask for your number after a few weeks
When you gave it to him, he was so happy but tried to be casual about it
If he was having a bad day that day, it suddenly just became significantly better
Yapping to Steve about it
Next thing he does is ask you out on a date
Maybe to a local diner or to the movies
He's hesitant about talking to you to the gang because gay people would've been shunned back then
After a few months of dating, he finally does introduce you to the gang
they're a bit on the fence with you at first, but do warm up to you once they see how happy Soda is around you
Sometimes if he has the money, he'll take you to go watch rodeos with him
He seems like a physical touch kind of guy
Definitely loves cuddling
He'll give you kisses randomly out of nowhere just because
He's a little hesitant about PDA just because of people being homophobic and whatever (he doesn't want you to feel insecure or get shunned for being gay)
He does learn to not care as much about it as time goes on though
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raikan624 · 12 days
I don't know what to do right now
Like, I wanna write, and I know I've got requests but none of them are speaking to me right now
I dunno
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raikan624 · 9 days
The urge to write something is crazyyy
I don't have any ideas tho and I'm not in the mood to write Outsiders stuff right now
But the thing I want to write for is something I'm not far in enough to grasp their personalities and the wiki page doesnt have shi for their personalities and is rlly overwhelming with the unecessary info
Might just binge the movies for it and get an idea of their personalities from there
I'm just in a meh mood tbh
Help I need someone's thoughts and opinions on this matter😭
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raikan624 · 1 month
Introduction + Guidelines
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Hi there! You guys can call me Raikan or Rai, I don't have a preference
I go by she/her pronouns
Requests are always open
My favorite color is purple
I like BG3, Skyrim, and Legend of Zelda, but I sadly haven't started BG3 yet (The game is expensive)
I also like listening to music!
I'm currently fixated on The Outsiders and That Was Then, This is Now, but I've only read That Was Then, This is Now, so I probably won't do anything with it
My posts will probably be inconsistent
Search the tag #Raikan's writings for my stories and headcannons amidst the chaos!
Search the tag #Raikan's random thoughts for things that could be similar to my writings or just random things
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I will write for The Outsiders, Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer, and My Hero Academia, but mainly just The Outsiders
I will write headcannons, imagines, little blurbs of something, but probably not any big short stories unless I'm really motivated (Sorry!!)
I will write for fluff, angst (I'm not that good at it though), comfort, etc.
I can write for any gender, but I might not be too good at writing male readers, though I will try my best!
Not Allowed:
No smut. I will write suggestive things that may hint at it, but not full-on smut because I'm bad at writing it
I will not write for character x OC, I much prefer my writing to be inclusive on appearance and personality
I won't write inc*st, p*doph*lia, etc.
I have every right to refuse your requests, so please don't be mean
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