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had a random memory of this weird anti-shia interaction i had in hs and i have no one to talk about it w rn but it rlly made me question if shias are viewed this way every where.
the interaction was me asking my school acquaintance if he was sunni or shia, bc we were talking about our ethnic background and religion for whatever reason. and when i asked him if he was shia he got rllyyyyy offended and gave me a nasty look and said ‘no, bc shias are terrorists’ which was a shock to me bc i never heard someone say that about shias (and also bc i just told him my dads fam was shia and i was irreligious shia at the time lol) and i’ve heard some pretty nasty stuff about us, just never that shias are terrorists. is this a prevalent opinion or just a weird one he had?
bc this was like 10 yrs ago atp and i never seen someone say something like that after, but i also avoid muslim spaces generally and when i am involved in muslim spaces it’s always around other shias so i’m not sure if it’s just my ignorance or his lol
Shi'a Muslims are an oppressed group, and is demonized around the Sunni Islamic world on the basis of heresy and geopolitical issues. The fact is that there's no way you can please the entirety of Sunni Islamic world, due to our Rafd (rejection) of the first three and some other Sunni Islamic personalities. My assumption is that they referred to you as one due to various Shi'a Islamic resistance groups and Iran's participation in the Syrian Civil War and the Shi'ite counter-offensive against ISIS.
It's not as prevalent as other terms, since we're often accused of being magians, jews, polytheists and many other things. One particular term is the reclaimed slur "Rawafidh/Rafidha" which means One who rejects (the first three caliphs). Unfortunately, it's not only prevalent among the more conservative Sunnis, but even among the more moderate laymen.
Quite ironic given that we seem to be called terrorists, despite the fact that the overwhelming amount of massacres against Shi'as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq were sectarian in nature..
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All the celebrities are posting about the LA fire. Wallahi woe to you for making them your idols. Woe to you for defending them or saying you like them. And those who call for unity with Rawafidha. They (rafidha) are filthy, their men, their women are filthy. 70 men raped a single women during assads regime and you are saying iran will liberate Palestinians and you are saying we have respect for iran. Wallahi you have no Ghirah for Allah, His Messenger (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) and the Muslimeen. Wallahi don't you feel pain? There is still time, leave the filthy music they earn from. Leave the filthy movies they earn from. Invite people towards Allah. Wallahi woe to everyone who befriends a disbeliever and allies with the disbeliever against a believer, be it in a school or uni. A believer should be in your heart. May Allah guide us.
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These Are Our Scholars - Chain Of Scholars
Loving The Scholars Past & Present
Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid (حفظه الله)
The Importance Of The Scholars
Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid (حفظه الله)
Ahlus-Sunnah’s Love For The Scholars
A Distinguishing Sign Of Ahlus-Sunnah
How The Jama’ah & Truth Are Measured
Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid (حفظه الله)
#Islam #Salafiyyah #Truth #Deen #Din #Aqeedah #Aqidah #Manhaj #Belief #Methodology #Arabic #Salafi #Athari #Ahlulhadith #learnaboutislam #Ahlulbidah #Misguidance #Innovators #Khawarij #Hizbiyyah #Rafidha #Shiah #Sufis #Muturidis #Ikhwanis #Jahmiyyah #Naqshabandis #Habashi #Deobandis #Muslimbrotherhood
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The Prophet Informs About Many True Events That Will Happen And Give Signs For His Companions

He (P.B.U.H.) Informs About The Killing Of The Turks
Imam Al-Bukhari Relates That Abu Huraira (R.A.) Heard The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Say:
“It Shall Not Be Judgment Day Until You Fight People With Hairy Shoes, Small Eyes And Round Flat Red Faces, Flat Noses, And Have No Knowledge On Islam…(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab: Al-Manaqib)
The Muslims Fought The Turks In Last Era Of The Companions Of The Prophets (P.B.U.H.). They Fought Ilqan The Great Who Suffered A Severe Defeat.
He (P.B.U.H.) Informed About False Prophets

It Is Affirmed In Sahih Al-Bukhari And Sahih Muslim That Jabir Ibn Samurah (R.A.) Said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said:
“There Will Be Thirty Liars, Imposters Before The Day Of Judgement. All Of Them Will Claim To Be Prophets”.( The Source Before)
In Another Version:
Imam Al-Baihaqi, He Relates That Abdallah Ibn Zubair (R.A.) Said:
The Messenger Of Allah Said:
“The Day Of Judgment Will Not Come Until Thirty Liars Emerge, Among Them Musailamah, Al-Asnah, Al-Mukhtar And From Evil Tribes Of The Arabs: Bani Umaiyyah, Bani Hanifah And Bani Thakif.(Dalail Al-Nubuwah By Al-Baihaqi V0L6 Pg. 481)
He (P.B.U.H.) Informs The Ending Of His Century After One Hundred Years
It Is Affirmed In Sahih Al-Bukhari And Sahih Muslim That Ibn Umar (R.A.) Said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Led Us In Isha Prayers During His Last Days And After Prayer He Stood And Said:
“Have You All Seen This Night? Indeed After One Hundred Years There Will Be No One Remaining On This Earth”.
Ibn Umar Said:
People Misunderstood The Words Of The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) In This Hadith Concerning One Hundred Years.
What The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said Was:
“There Will Be No One Remaining From The Ones On Earth Today”.
Meaning That All Of Them Would Have Passed Away(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Mavaqit Al-Swalah Amd Sahih Muslim Kitab: Fahdail Al-Swahabah No. 217)
He (P.B.U.H.) Informs About Twelve Imams All Of Them From Quraish

The Twelve Imams Are Not The Ones Whom The Rafidha (Shi’a) Claim They Are. They Only Claim For Ali Ibn Abu Talib, His Two Sons (Hassan And Hussein) And Mahdi Whom They Wait For.
Among The Twelve Imams Mentioned In The Hadith Are; Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali, And Umar Ibn AbdulAziz. It Is Affirmed In Sahih Al-Bukhari And Sahih Muslim That The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said:
“This Authority Will Not Cease To Be Until There Are Twelve Caliphs, All Of Them From The Quraish”(Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Al-Ahkam And Sahih Muslim Kitab: AlImarah No. 6-10)
Another Version Of Abu Daud Relates That Jabir Ibn Samurah Said: I Heard The Messenger Of Allah Saying:
The Order Will Be Firm Until Twelve Caliphs Rule And All The People Gather Under Them.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Relates That Mua’wiyyah Ibn Abu Sufyan Said:
I Heard The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Saying:
The Twelve Caliphs Are From The Quraish.( Sahih Al-Bukhari Book Of Judgment, Sunan Abu Daud Book Of Mahdi 4279 )
He (P.B.U.H.) Gave Signs Of Malik Ibn Anas
Imam Al-Tirmidhy Relates From The Hadith Of Ibn Uaina Narrated By Abu Huraira (R.A.) That:
Soon People Will Start Hitting The Backs Of Camels (Travelling) To Seek Knowledge, Then They Will Not Find Someone More Knowledgeable Than The Scholar In Medina”.
Imam Al-Tirmidhy Said: That Is Malik Ibn Anas. Abdulrazaq Said That Malik Died In The Year Of 179 A.H.
He (P.B.U.H.) Gave Signs Of Muhammad Ibn Idris Al-Shafi’
Imam Abu Daud Relates That Abdullah Said:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said:
“Do Not Insult Quraish, For Indeed A Scholar From Them Will Fill The Earth With Knowledge… O Allah, You Let Difficulty Befall The First Ones So Grant Your Favor Upon The Last Ones.
Al-Hafidh Abu Naim Al-Asbahani Said: That Is Al-Shaff. Al-Shafi’ Died In The Year 204 A.H.
He (P.B.U.H.) Informed About A Fire Which Will Be Seen In The Land Of Al-Hijaz

When This Fire Was Burning In The Land Of Al-Hijaz Its Blazes Shone On The Neck Of The Camels In Basra, This Occurred In The Year 654 A.H.
Imam Al-Bukhari Relates That Abu Huraira (R.A.) Said That: The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Said:
“The Day Of Judgment Will Not Come Until A Fire Bums From The Land Of Al-Hijaz And By It The Necks Of The Camels In Basra Shine”.
The Historians And Other Scholars Have Also Mentioned Of Its Occurrence In Year 654 A.H.( Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab: Al-Fitan)
The Story Of Al-Alaa Ibn Al-Hadhramy
Imam Al-Baihaqi Relates That Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) Said That:…
Umar Ibn Khattab Prepared An Army Together With Al-Alaa Ibn AlHadhramy.
Anas Said: I Attended This Battle So When We Arrived At The Battlefield, We Found Our Opponents Had Already Covered All The Water Sources. It Was A Very Hot Day, We Became So Thirsty And Our Animals Too.
Al-Hadhramy Led Us In A Two Raka’ats Prayer Then Raised His Hands To The Sky And Not A Single Cloud Could Be Seen. I Swear That He Before He Descended His Hands, Allah Had Already Sent A Strong Wind Carrying Thick Clouds. It Poured Down Heavily.
We Thus Collected Water To Drink, Filled All Our Containers And Quenched Our Thirst And That Of Our Animals Too. We Followed Our Enemy But They Had Already Crossed The Gulf To The Island.
He Stood At The Gulf And Said: O Most High O Most Powerful, O Most Kind O Most Generous,…
Then Said To Us: Cross, By The Name Of Allah.
He Said: We Crossed The Sea On Our Animals, The Water Hardly Reached The Hoofs Of Our Animals. It Was Not Long Before We Caught Up With Our Enemies, We Confronted Them And Allah Blessed Us With A Victory Over Them.
The Hadith Also Mentioned The Death Of AlHadhramy, They Buried Him In A Land That Does Not Accept The Dead. So They Dug Another Grave In Which They Would Transfer The Body. When It Was Time To Rebury They Could Not Find His Body, All They Saw In The Initial Grave Was A Bright Light.They Covered The Grave And Left.(Dalail Al-Nubuwah By Al-Baihaqi Vol. 6 Pg. 52)
The Story Of Abu Muslim Al-Khulani
Imam Al-Baihaqi Relates That Sulaiman Ibn Al-Mughirah Said:
Abu Muslim Al-Kulani Walked On Water Then Turned His People And Asked:
Has Any One Of You Lost Anything?( Dalail Al-Nubuwah By Al-Baihaqi Vol. 6 Pg. 45)
Muhammad Ibn Ziyad Relates From Abu Muslim That When They Were Fighting In The Land Of The Romans, They Sometimes Come Across A River And He Would Say: Cross In The Name Of Allah.
Ibn Kathir Says In The Aspect Of This Story:
The Karamat (Miracles Done By Saints) Done By These Saints Are Actually Miracles Of The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Because They Were Only Able To Do Them Through The Blessing Of Following And Imitating The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) In All That They Did.
#amazing facts#history facts#did you know#stories#true story#true words#accurate#prediction#knowledge#spilled ink#writeblr#history#morality#the more you know#fiction
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اَلّلھُمَ لَعَنَ قَتلَتَ اَلحُسَیِنَؑ َ
It is reported by Imam Sadiq (ع) that the Holy Prophet (saws) said:
"On the Day of Resurrection, a dome of light will be raised for Faatemah (sa), and Hussain (as) will arrive with his head in hand. When Faatemah (sa) would see him she will shriek such a loud lament, which will cause every proximate Angel and Prophet to weep. Then the Almighty Allah (swt) will bring Hussain (as) in the most beautiful form. He will fight his enemy without head. Thereafter, Allah will gather, for me, all those who cooperated and were participants in the shedding of his holy blood. Then I will kill all of them. They will be made alive and Amirul Momineen Ali (as) will kill all of them. Then they will be enlivened again to be killed by Hussain (as) and then the grief will end."
Kitab Lahoof (Sighs of Sorrows), Page 113. اَلّلھُمَ لَعَنَ قَتلَتَ اَلحُسَیِنَؑ َوَ اُولاَدُ الَحُسِینؑ وَ اَصحَابُ الحُسینؑ علیہ السّلام
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السلام على رسول الله محمد ص
السلام على فاطمة الزهراء ع
السلام على الامام علي المرتضى ع
السلام الامام الحسن المجتبى ع
السلام على الامام الحسين سيد الشهداء ع
السلام على الامام علي السجاد ع
السلام على الامام محمد الباقر ع
السلام على الامام جعفر الصادق ع
السلام على الامام موسى الكاظم ع
السلام على الامام علي الرضا ع
السلام على الامام محمد الجواد ع
السلام على الامام علي الهادي ع
السلام على الامام حسن العسكري ع
السلام على الامام محمد المهدي عج
#الامام علي#امام الحسين#امام الحسن#امام المهدي#رسول الله#محمد#آل محمد#imam ali#imammehdi#imammahdi#shia#rafidha#شيعه#islam
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Imam-al-Kazim Peace be upon the righteous of slave, Abi Ibrahim, Musa b. Ja’far al-Kadhim. Peace be upon the prisoner that became the king of Baghdad. Peace be upon the Imam of the Rafidha.
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Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said:
“The Rafidha have no purpose except to destroy Islam.”
[Minhaj us-Sunnah: V. 7 p. 415]
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While discussing the belief of Ahlus Sunnah pertaining to the Ṣaḥābah in one of the recent Ḥā'iyyah classes, Sheikh Wahb Adh-Dhayfani mentioned that:
The Rafidha are non-Muslims for a number of reasons:
1. They engage in magic and witchcraft.
2. They ascribe knowledge of the unseen -which is specific to Allah- to others besides Him.
3. They make takfīr of most -if not all- of the Companions (radhiyāhu 'anhum)
4. They believe that the Qurʿān is distorted
5. They accuse the wives of our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم of fornication
6. They reject Allah's attributes
7. They reject the punishment of the grave
8. They reject Ar-Ru'yah (the fact that the believers will see Allah in the Hereafter)
9. They reject the Ṣirāṭ (the bridge that will be extended over Hell-fire)
10. They reject the Ḥawḍh (the Prophet's pond)
11. They reject intercession (Ash-Shafā'ah) for those who commit major sins.
12. They distort the Qurʿān. For example, they say the calf mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah refers to Aishah (radhiyāhu 'anha), and there are many more examples of this.
13. They have more reverence for their Imāms than Allah. This point becomes clear when you see them bearing oath; if they are lying about a matter they would swear by Allah, but if they are truthful they would swear by Hussein
14. They venerate the texts of their imāms over the texts of the Sharī'ah.
15. They believe that their imams have control over the universe.
16. They believe that Hussein (radhiyāhu 'anhu) is supporting Allah's Throne.
17. They curse the Companions on a regular basis - especially Abu Bakr and Umar.
Imām Al-Bukhāri raḥimahullāh said:
((ما أبالي صليت خلف الجهمي والرافضي، أم صليت خلف اليهود والنصارى))
''It makes no difference to me whether I pray behind a Jahmi and a Rafidhi or whether I pray behind a Jew and a Christian (i.e. They are all non-Muslims).''
[Khalq Af'āl Al-'ibād (125)]
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I remember all those performative evangelists going on about ISIS killing Christians, putting the Arabic letter "Noon" as their pfp on every social media platform. The letter noon stands for Nasrane (=Christian), which DAESH fighters marked on every property belonging to Christians in occupied territories, especially Mosul and Al-Raqqa. Western Christians subsequently called it a war between Muslims and Christians completely ignoring the fact that DAESH's main opponent were Shi'a Muslims, whom they sought to exterminate in Iraq, Syria and other geographic areas. Sunnis and Salafists tend to refer to Shi'as with the slur Rafidha (those who dissociate). Like the Christians in Iraq and Syria, Daesh would also mark the properties of Shi'as with the Arabic letter "Raa".
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And you say these lot will liberate palastine. They are filthy rafidha, alawite and hypocrites and khawarij. I see some people saying hezbolla filth and Iran filth are fighting for Palestine. Wake up, they are the ones who helped Jews to enter Palestine. They are the party of shaytaan. They are the enemies of Sahaba.
May Allah occupy them with each other and liberate palastine and Syria. Alhamdulillah we are free from such terrorists and filth.
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The Ahle Bait (ع) are #Raafezis
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Since centuries, the Bakris (the so-called Sunnis) have attempted to deride the true Shias by calling them names, the most prominent of them being ‘Raafezi” (the plural of which is ‘Rafaawez’). This propaganda was so massive that even some Shias became apologetic and started saying that we are not Raafezis, rather we are Shias. (A couple of years ago, a Kuwaiti Shiite parliamentarian very proudly, albeit foolishly, claimed in the house that he was a Shia and not a Raafezi!)
In our other articles on, we have emphasized on the importance of the term Raafezi or Rafz.
To reiterate, Rafz means to refute and reject and Raafezi is the one who refutes or rejects. Yes, we are Raafezis because we reject all forms of falsehood or misrepresentations and don’t indulge in bogus diplomacy in matters of faith.
Importantly, it is not only us but even our infallible guides (ع) – the divinely appointed caliphs – have endorsed this viewpoint. We will quote one narration here to validate our viewpoint.
Abu al-Jaarood says, “May Allah make his ears deaf like He has blinded his eyes if he has not heard Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (ع) when a man said to him, ‘Verily, so and so are calling us names’.
He (ع) asked, ‘And what is that name?’ He replied, ‘They call us Raafezah’.
Imam Abu Ja’far (al-Baqer) (ع) retorted – while pointing towards his own chest, ‘I am from the Raafezah and he is from me.’ He (ع) repeated this thrice.”
(Al-Mahaasin by Ahmad al-Barqi, p. 157, H. 91; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 65, p. 97, H. 2)
In fact, our extremely reliable scholars and traditionalists have also brought chapters on this subject in their precious tomes. For example, the great traditionalist of the third century Hijri, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khalid al-Barqi (exp. 290 A.H.) has brought a Chapter (no. 24, p. 157) in his famous book al-Mahaasin called The Chapter of the Raafezah. Similarly, the unparalleled Allamah Shaikh Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (exp. 1110 A.H.) in his magnum opus Behaar al-Anwaar has brought a Chapter (no. 17) called “The Excellence of the Raafezah and the Praise of Being Called by this Name” in volume 65, page 96.
This is sufficient to establish that it was the creed of our Imams (ع) to reject falsehood and our great scholars and historians followed the divine emissaries (ع) in this aspect.
May Allah the High give all of us the grace to emulate these great personalities! Aaameen!
#rafidhi #rafidha #shias #Ahlulbait #imams
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@aboo_uthaymeen ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Be Careful From Who You Take Your Deen From!
Indeed This Knowledge Is Religion
Shaykh Al-Allamah Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (حفظه الله)
Verily, This Knowledge Is Religion So Look From Whom You Take Your Religion From
Shaykh Uways At-Taweel (حفظه الله)
Shaykh Mustafa George (حفظه الله)
Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield
#Islam #Salafiyyah #Truth #Deen #Din #Aqeedah #Aqidah #Manhaj #Belief #Methodology #Arabic #Salafi #Athari #Ahlulhadith #learnaboutislam #Ahlulbidah #Misguidance #Innovators #Khawarij #Hizbiyyah #Rafidha #Shiah #Sufis #Muturidis #Ikhwanis #Jahmiyyah #Naqshabandis #Habashi #Deobandis #Muslimbrotherhood
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Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said:
"The one who began the Rafidha shi'a used to be a Jew who appeared with Islam hypocritically."
[al-Majmoo 3/435]
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Kaa'ba over Karbala
"Once the land of Ka'bah declared proudly, Which land is like me? Allah has made His House on me. People from all parts of the earth come to pay homage to me. I have been made a place of inviolability (Haram) and sacredness by Allah. On hearing this Allah, revealed, Be silent! Wait a little (before you say anything further). I swear by My Might and Honor, the excellence and distinction I have granted to the land of #Karbala is more than what I have given you. Compared to Karbala, your position is like a drop the size of a needle head in front of the sea. If the dust of Karbala had not been there, I would never have bestowed this honor upon you. If the one resting in Karbala (al-Husain (as) had not been there, I would neither have created you nor the House over which you are so haughty. Wait, adopt humility and modesty and do not be arrogant and haughty. Do not try to prevail over Karbala in importance (as that is not possible). Else I will be displeased with you and throw you in Hell."
Kamil al-Ziarat - Page 267, Tradition 13, from al-Sadiq (AS).
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لا فتى إلا علي ، لا سيف إلا ذو الفقار ⚔️
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