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bestkiboo · 7 months ago
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POV: you come back to your ibispaint in your phone and you catch the characters in your art pieces doing random stuff
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daka-d3monb0y · 5 months ago
Sun and Moon Show Seasons ONE through SEVEN
Compilation of episodes important to the lore/plot of SaMS, including crossovers to other shows)
I've decided a season usually ends with a large lore impact. Ex. a character dying. (Every season has about 100 videos. )
[No seasons currently in development, but hopefully there will be soon I just have to have to sit down and do it.]
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hazard-c-horror · 1 year ago
1/? Doodles from TSBS Hunger Game video on the Lunar and Earth show.
I’ll draw more but just wanted to post what I have
CW: Blood, mild gore?
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huskyliker · 3 months ago
Hey so. This is disgusting.
That Glamrock Freddy drawing so so obviously ai. What’s even the point of that? There’s no ai in the video, and Roxanne is drawn by an actual person. Why didn’t they just draw Glamrock Freddy too???
Well I guess for clickbait 😒 which is so disappointing to see. You people have an entire server of artists but you choose to put ai art in thumbnails.
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Incase for some reason you can’t tell it’s ai I’ll point some things out
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-His head is connected to the hat
-his hand is just a blob
-The joint connecting his ear makes no sense and looks like another piercing
-the black rope on his neck isn’t connected to anything
-The lighting bolt isn’t fully colored in and is just a wonky shape
-his muscles don’t make any sense
-his pants just stop when it gets to that one belt loop and it’s a different color on the other side
-the shading on the belt buckle is uncanny and doesn’t match the rest of the drawing
Ai art is killing the art industry, and I do not support the use of it. Especially when you already have an artist working on the thumbnail. That’s just lazy, and they’re using it just for views.
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waterizsilly-comms-open · 8 months ago
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I made a thing
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tsams-and-co-memes · 4 months ago
….TSBS Ladies Appreciation Month!
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This is an event meant to show appreciation and love to the ladies of TSBS, both to the characters and their respective VAs! Female characters often get more hate and criticism than male characters, which isn’t cool, and I felt that the VAs deserve to know how much we value their work, and that a large majority of the fandom doesn’t take them for granted
The rules for this event are in the picture, but just in case it’s hard for anyone to read, the text says:
All ladies are fair game! This includes trans and gender-fluid characters, as well as lady characters who have male VAs (ex: Puppet and Monty, when they’re in their female forms) and the female VAs themselves
Keep it PG, or PG13 at most! This month is about appreciating these girls, not making spice of them
Pieces can have characters that identify as anything other than female or gender-fluid in them, but the pieces themselves should be focused on the ladies
Mix and match these to your hearts content! There’s no need to do everything in this exact order
Have fun! :)
(Not included in the image) If one of the female VAs has a personal Minecraft series on their own channel, if they have OCs or a sona you know of, or if they stream, you can incorporate things from there as well. If you do this though, just make sure the piece stays mostly focused on TSBS
(Also not included in the image) If you do anything for any of these prompts, use the tag “TSBS ladies appreciation month 2025”, that way we can find everyone’s work :)
I’ll post the prompts under a cut as well, for anyone who needs that!
Favorite episode/video they’re in
Favorite moment of theirs
Favorite arc of theirs
Favorite quote/line of theirs
Favorite friendship they have with another lady
If you could give them a gift, what would it be?
Upgraded body
Upgraded or new outfit
Them with a different color scheme
Based on song lyrics
The VA meets a character they voice
Their favorite food
New job
They meet your self insert/OC
Create a candy/food themed off of them
Body swap w/ another lady
Outfit swap w/ another lady
Them as a fantasy/mythological creature
Mall trip
Them as royalty
Costume party
If they were a different model (ex: Earth as a Ballora model, Roxy as a Puppet model, etc)
Spa day
Put them into a meme
Baking day
Girls night out
If they were evil
Comfort item
If you have questions regarding any of the prompts or rules, feel free to ask :)
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the-ultimate-tsbs-kin · 2 months ago
TSBS is dying.
People keep leaving, channels keep being discontinued. GallantGaming left and the Glamrock Bonnie and Glitchtrap Show had to stop. DigitizedPixels had a baby and the Springtrap and Spring Bonnie Show had to stop. He had to take multiple pauses from the channel and now he's leaving. The Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica Show died. And as everyone already knows, Matt is leaving too.
(Didn't include the deaths of the Cassie and Helpi Show and Monty Gator and Foxy Show since all those VAs were still active.)
Let me just say, it's okay for people to leave and for channels to stop. TSBS is a lot for the creators and VAs to keep up with and I'm really grateful for how much they've been doing for so long.
But that doesn't make this fact any less hard to accept. TSBS as a whole isn't dead yet, but it's dying fast. I don't know what I'll do when that happens. Let's make the most of the time we still have with them.
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that-fox-thing · 1 year ago
The Fazbear Family Reunion !
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I will be participating in more sotw ‘cuz art block & feeling burned out isn’t fun
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justdrawlynn11 · 7 months ago
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We got thumbnail art of Earth in a tux and a dress hehehe-
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tsamsheadcanons · 7 months ago
Greetings !
I created this blog for people to share their headcanons about TSAMS or any TSBS shows.
You can share headcanons about any characters or ships.
I do not tolerate any sort of hate towards someone, no matter what reasons you may have. This blog is meant to be filled with positivity.
Please be patient! I may not have enough time to answer your ask now, but maybe someday i will answer.
No NSFW please.
My art blog - @tsamsfanandartist
My MASM confessions blog - @masmconfessions
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sen-sational · 9 months ago
Y'all might wanna watch Roxanne wolf and Gregory show cause
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SuperStar Bongos really be pulling through with the thumbnail
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the-faketiccit0by · 9 months ago
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what-was-posted-today-tsbs · 3 months ago
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On this show today:
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hazard-c-horror · 1 year ago
Little fan art for the Villain’s take over gaming video. Where they were the ones who actually defeated Bigfoot
warning: injuries and blood/oil depicted as blood (in second picture)
Here’s the start of their adventure
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And here’s the victory
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Guys.. what the fuck?
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llamaisllama777 · 6 months ago
A VERY late Laes,Tsams,Rwags,and Eaps review!!!
Hey, sorry, I know this is SUPER late, but here is my review of yesterday's episodes
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..... I... I may have to stop the whole "DOWN WITH THE ASTRALS VIVA-LA-REVALUTION!" thing... like.. wow! This was an interesting episode.
We learned a lot about Turuas and how he sees himself. He doesn't like to view himself as a Destoryer but more of... a maid. He clears the metaphorically dust of the universe.
We also learn.... (BIG SPOILER IN 3...2....1....)
CETUS WAS FRIENDS WITH TURUAS! Cetus was like Lunar! Cetus=Lunar!
Cetus was like Lunar! He was gifted with powers like Lunar but then lost his mind. Wow.
I can't wait for Lunar to meet Cetus. Interacting is gonna be fun to watch.
Turuas... I will admit.. I didn't like you at all at first. In fact, I despised you, but... you have grown on me. I feel for you, man... BUT DON'T EVER TRY TO KILL EARTH EVER AGAIN!
But I am officially shutting down the "Down with the Astrals revaluation."
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I really fear for Solar when he looks at stuff like this. It's never good to dwell on what ifs and Solar keeps dwelling on What ifs... I wonder if this will become a problem in the future or not?
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Okay, so, I know I never really talked about a lot of the other shows but...
HOLY COW! This episode was awesome!!!
So, for anyone who hasn't watched the show, Gregory recently met a strange star child named Nova. (He is not an Astrals. He has a literal star for a head) Nova can apparently grant wishes, and Gregory wished for Roxy's brother, Rocky, to come back from the dead and Roxy is all happy and everything but this new villain named Mystic hippo kidnapped Nova and is going to use his powers to get her powers back and destroy the world and the only way to stop Mystic is to unwish everything but that would mean Rocky has to die again and needless to say...
So, now, Gregory and Cassie are basically pulling "a Dante's inferno" to try and find Nova, and now Gregory has met the one the only...
(Can I just say I love the voice old man consequences has. Seriously, I have no idea who voices him, but holy cow, that voice WORKS! Like when I imagine Old man consequences that's pretty close to the voice I imagine he has)
Old man consequences basically tells Gregory you messed up kid, you've been acting like a child for so long, and your childish actions with messing the life and death have now caused a ripple effect. He tries to get Gregory to turn back, but Gregory tells him they don't really have a choice and have to stop Mystic. Old man relents and let's them go. So, now Gregory and Cassie are on a mission, and there is no going back now cause if they fail.... well, there might not be a home to go back to.
So, ya, watch the Roxanne and Gregory show it's really good!
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(And Andrew)
So, somehow, Jake (this universe's Jake) is back. He's not dead anymore but now he's.... this.
I thought Jake actually moved on. Like to the afterlife and stuff but no! Jake is here again.
We have so many questions...
Someone had to build the Stitchwraith here, but it can't be Creator cause he's dead here.
Someone else is behind the child killing here, and it isn't Wanda Afton cause she's like old old.
And where is the other Foxy?
(Cause Monica accidentally let this universe's Foxy out of the cell Puppet and Eclipse kept him in. So... there's that.)
I have so many questions!!!
I really love what the Eclipse and Puppet show is doing, and I'm super excited to see what's gonna happen next! Everything is finally starting to kick off!
Welcome to TSBS Old Man Consequences.
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