#RRB Group D Free Mock Test Series
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Have A Look At Some General Points Of RRB Group D Exam
Here are some general pointers for RRB Group D Computer-Based Test Preparation:
Make a schedule with distinct timeslots for each component (based on your strengths and weaknesses; more time for your weak sections and less time for your strong sections).
Recognize the theoretical underpinnings of concepts that demand application abilities.
Read and revise frequently for portions and issues that are purely theoretical.
As you study, jot down any key concepts or formulas so you may exercise or review them later. This will aid in improving your retention.
Complete as many practice questions as you can.
Maintain a balance between speed and accuracy by learning to manage the amount of time you spend answering each question.
Complete Mock Test and RRB Group D Previous Year Questions Papers.
Take RRB Group D Online Mock Tests to hone your time management and question selecting abilities.
Correct your errors as soon as possible after each test. In the actual exam, you shouldn't make the same error.
Revise frequently.
You can visit Exampur as they are providing Free RRB Group D Test Series for the students. You can attempt their RRB Group D Sectional Tests, RRB Group D Quizzes and lots of RRB Group D Scholarship Tests.

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Last one-month strategy to pass the Group D Exam
What’s up aspirants, don’t worry if you haven’t prepared yourself yet for the Group D Exam. No doubt preparing before is beneficial for the exams but you can begin your preparation now too. But what is needed-your focus and concentration.
Firstly, the exam is going to be conducted on the 17th of August 2022 through which many posts falling under Group D in the Railway Recruitment Board are going to be recruited. If you are one who is also going to appear for the RRB Group D Exam, you should read this article to improve your scores.
Understand the exam pattern:- The very basic thing is to understand the exam pattern and be familiar with the syllabus. As this will help you to manage time during the exam. Here’s a glimpse of the exam pattern. The exam will be conducted of 100 questions for 100 marks. Candidates will have to answer all the questions in 90 minutes. To know the clear distribution between subjects, candidates should visit Exampur as they are providing the whole exam details for a clear view.
Gather the study material:- After knowing the exam pattern and syllabus, you should gather the study material according to the syllabus. Don’t gather too many books. Just take one book for one subject and read that properly. You will get Free RRB Group D Study Material on Exampur for the preparation.
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आरआरबी ग्रुप डी-एक प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षा https://exampur.com/download-content/railways-group-d/ रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड 17 अगस्त, 2022 को आरम्भ करने वाला ग्रुप डी परीक्षा। आप स्पष्ट रूप से प्रतिस्पर्धा को महसूस कर सकते हैं क्योंकि इतने सारे उम्मीदवार अपने स्कोर में सुधार करने के लिए इतना प्रयास कर रहे हैं। आपको सावधान रहना चाहिए कि यदि आप खेल में बने रहना चाहते हैं तो ग्रुप डी स्तर की परीक्षा हेतु अभ्यास ही सफल होने का एकमात्र तरीका है। परीक्षा कितनी प्रतिस्पर्धी है, इसका अंदाजा लगाने के लिए विगत वर्ष की कट-ऑफ को देखें; - आरआरबी अ���मेर: - 73%; आरआरबी इलाहाबाद: - 74%; आरआरबी अहमदाबाद: - 71%; आरआरबी बेंगलुरु: - 62%; आरआरबी भोपाल: - 75%; आरआरबी बिलासपुर:- 65%; आरआरबी चेन्नई:- 73%; आरआरबी चंडीगढ़:- 70%; आरआरबी भुवनेश्वर:- 67%; आरआरबी पटना:- 73%; आरआरबी रांची:- 77%; आरआरबी कोलकाता:- 80%; आरआरबी मुंबई:- 71%; आरआरबी गोरखपुर:- 73%; आरआरबी गुवाहाटी:- 77%; आरआरबी कोलकाता:- 76% आरआरबी; सिकंदराबाद:- 69% नोट: जो अभ्यर्थी इस साल परीक्षा में बैठना चाहते हैं, किसी को उन्हें पिछले वर्ष के कटऑफ अंक से कम से कम 5% अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। जैसा की आप जानते हैं कि प्रतियोगिता काफी मुश्किल है तथा ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में प्रश्नों का स्तर भी आसन नही होता है। तो, मैं इस लेख के माध्यम से आपको सोसी अध्ययन सामग्र�� के बारे में बताती हूँ जो की आपको आपका ग्रेड बढ़ाने में सक्षम बनाएंगे: अपनी परीक्षा की घबराहट को कम करने के लिए अधिक से अधिक RRB Grouo D Mock Tests दें। प्रश्नों की कठिनाई के स्तर को मापने के लिए RRB Grouo D Previous Year Question Papers का उपयोग करें । इन अंतिम दिनों में अपनी ताकत और कमजोरी के क्षेत्रों की पहचान करने के लिए RRB Group Sectional Tests से अभ्यास करें । अपनी तैयारी को बेहतर करने के लिए आप एक बार Exampur पर जरूर जाएं । वे Free RRB Group D Study Material प्रदान करते हैं जो विषय-विशेषज्ञों द्वारा बनाई गई है। उनके अध्ययन गाइड नवीनतम आरआरबी ग्रुप डी परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम और परीक्षा पैटर्न पर आधारित हैं। https://exampur.com/test-series/14/rrb-group-d/ https://exampur.com/download-content/railways-group-d/

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ग्रुप डी परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होने हेतु अंतिम एक महीने की रणनीति

नमस्कार दोस्तों, चिंता न करें अगर आपने अभी तक ग्रुप डी परीक्षा के लिए खुद को तैयार नहीं किया है। इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि पहले तैयारी करना परीक्षा के लिए फायदेमंद होता है लेकिन आप अपनी तैयारी अभी से शुरू कर सकते हैं। बशर्ते आपको ध्यान और एकाग्रता की आवश्यकता है।
सबसे पहले, परीक्षा 17 अगस्त 2022 को आयोजित होने जा रही है जिसके माध्यम से रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड में ग्रुप डी के अंतर्गत आने वाले कई पदों पर भर्ती होने जा रही है। यदि आप भी आरआरबी ग्रुप डी परीक्षा के लिए उपस्थित होने वाले हैं, तो आपको अपने स्कोर में सुधार करने के लिए इस लेख पर अवश्य एक नज़र डालनी चाहिए।
परीक्षा पैटर्न को समझें:- परीक्षा पैटर्न को समझना और पाठ्यक्रम से परिचित होना बहुत ही बुनियादी तथ्य है, जिसे आप किसी भी कीमत पर छोड़ नही सकते। इससे आपको परीक्षा के दौरान समय का प्रबंधन करने में मदद मिलेगी। यहां परीक्षा पैटर्न की एक झलक दी गई है। परीक्षा में कुल 100 प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे जिसके लिए 100 अंक दिए जायेंगे। उम्मीदवारों को सभी सवालों के जवाब 90 मिनट में देने होंगे। ��िषयों के बीच स्पष्ट वितरण जानने के लिए, उम्मीदवारों को Exampur पर जाना चाहिए क्योंकि वे स्पष्ट दृश्य के लिए संपूर्ण परीक्षा विवरण प्रदान कर रहे हैं।
अद्ययन सामग्री इकट्ठा करें:- परीक्षा पैटर्न और सिलेबस को जानने के बाद आप सिलेबस के हिसाब से अद्ययन सामग्री इकट्ठा करें। बहुत सारी किताबें इकट्ठा न करें। बस एक विषय के लिए एक किताब लें और उसे ठीक से पढ़ें। तैयारी के लिए आपको Exampur पर Free RRB Group D Study Material मिलेगा।
आत्मनिरीक्षण: - अब, आपको आरआरबी ग्रुप डी पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र का अभ्यास करके अपना आत्मनिरीक्षण करना चाहिए। इससे आपको अपने कमजोर और मजबूत वर्गों को खोजने में मदद मिलेगी। आपको हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में प्रत्येक प्रश्न के उचित समाधान के साथ Exampur पर RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper परीक्षा प्रारूप में मि���ेगा।
शेड्यूल सेट करें:- आत्मनिरीक्षण के बाद आपको एक शेड्यूल सेट करना चाहिए जिसमें आपको अपने मजबूत या कमजोर क्षेत्रों के बीच अपना समय बाँटना है। आपको अपनी तैयारी कमजोर क्षेत्रों से शुरू करनी चाहिए और धीरे-धीरे मजबूत क्षेत्रों की ओर बढ़ना चाहिए।
बुनियादी बातों पर काम करें:- आपको सबसे पहले बेसिक्स पर ध्यान देना चाहिए, इसके लिए आप छोटे और तथ्यात्मक नोट्स तैयार कर सकते हैं जो आखिरी मिनटों में भी आपकी मदद करेंगे।
एक परीक्षा का दिन निर्धारित करें: - आपको सप्ताह में एक बार एक परीक्षा का दिन निर्धारित करना चाहिए ताकि आप अपनी तैयारी को और भी बेहतर कर सके। इसके लिए, आप Exampur में RRB Group D Mock Tests का प्रयास कर सकते हैं जो परीक्षा के नवीनतम पैटर्न पर आधारित हैं और विषय विशेषज्ञों द्वारा डिजाइन किए गए हैं।
सेहत का ध्यान रखें:- संतुलित आहार खाकर और 6 से 7 घंटे की उचित नींद लेकर आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। परीक्षा के डर को कम करने के लिए आपको योग और मैडिटेशन करना चाहिए।
उम्मीद है कि यह लेख तैयारी के दौरान आपकी मदद करेगा। उन सभी को शुभकामनाएं जो आरआरबी ग्रुप डी परीक्षा के लिए उपस्थित होने जा रहे हैं।
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Start your preparation for RRB Group D, as exam date is to be announced

Hello Friends!
As you all know the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is most likely going to conduct the Group D examination in the month of July 2022. Most of the students are waiting for this exam for a very long time, as the days are passing by some of them started to stressed out. Need not worry, instead, this is the time which you can utilise to do the thorough revision of the complete syllabus so that not even a single topic is left behind.
Here I am sharing some general tips to keep in mind while preparing for RRB Group D Exam;
The most crucial thing to follow is to stay focused while preparing. If you have not yet started preparing you can start from today only. To get an idea look at the previous year’s question’s pattern and get to know the RRB Group D Syllabus in detail this will help you to gain a better understanding of the exam pattern and key areas to start your preparation from.
The next thing which you have to do is prepare a smart study plan. You should plan a strategy in a way that which topic is to be studied on which day. This will help you to prepare more effectively.
Reading is a fantastic way to keep your brain’s ability to decode any information in a shape. The best thing to do is read stuff related to the RRB Group d Syllabus, which will help you in improving your vocabulary.
Test your knowledge after completing each topic. You can do so in many different ways, like attempting RRB Online Mock Tests, in which you have to attempt Sectional Tests. This will give you an idea about your preparation and whether you need to focus more on that particular subject/topic. In short, they can assist you in figuring out where you need to improve your exam-solving abilities.
Always focus on accuracy while attempting the Online Mock Tests. Each time you attempt a mock test try to focus on increasing your speed and accuracy, this will help you in achieving your dream to be hired for the RRB Group D Post.
While studying for the RRB Group D you subconsciously put your mind and body under a lot of stress. You should maintain a healthy routine and don’t stress yourself out. Eat a healthy balanced diet to keep your mind and body healthy.
There are a lot of factors that can help you achieve success and practicing mocks on the best platform is one of these.
I would like to suggest you visit Testwale.com website once to take RRB Group ‘D’Free Test Series, this will allow you to comprehend the level of the Exam. Their Test Series are prepared by subject experts and will allow you to progress from basic to advanced level in your course of study.
The benefit of the RRB Group 'D' Online Test Series is that you can analyse your progress after each test and correct your mistakes. You should avoid making the same error in the actual exam.
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RRB Group D Exam Free Test Series Free Mock Test Series

भारतीय रेलवे में सरकारी नौकरी पाना कई लोगों का सपना होता है और इसलिए ये परीक्षा भी कठिन है। सरकारी नौकरी की सीट को पाने के लिए, आपको अपनी तैयारी सही रणनीति और सर्वोत्तम अध्ययन सामग्री के साथ शुरू करने की आवश्यकता है। इसलिए एक अच्छी और बेहतर रणनीति द्वारा ही आ�� अपने इस सपने को साकार कर सकते हैं। आरआरबी ग्रुप डी की परीक्षा की तैयारी करने के लिए testwale.com rrb group d mock test series पर उपलब्ध ऐसे 100 से भी ज्यादा फुल और विषयवार निःशुल्क मॉक टेस्ट जो आपकी तैयारी को पूर्ण कर आप को सफल बनाने में मददगार होंगे। अगर आपने मन बना लिया है और वास्तव में ग्रुप डी की परीक्षा पास करना चहते है तो testwale.Com पर दी जाने वाली फ्री मॉक टेस्ट सिरीज़ का अभी से लाभ उठा सकते है। आप यह ऑनलाइन मॉक टेस्ट देकर अपने अंक मालूम कर सकते है इसके साथ ही साथ आपकी तैयारी कहा तक बेहतर हुयी है और आपका कौन सा टॉपिक अभी कमजोर है। तो आप उसका विधिवत विश्लेषण भी कर सकते हैं।
आर आर बी ग्रुप डी ऑनलाइन फ्री मॉक टेस्ट Testwale लेकर आया है, रेलवे ग्रुप डी के लिए 100 से अधिक निःशुल्क मॉक टेस्ट सीरीज और साथ ही साथ पाये पाठ्य सामग्री और जिसमें मिलेगा आपको - Full length mock test Sectional test Topic wise test Testwale पर साप्ताहिक लाइव टेस्ट होंगे, जिसमें आप अखिल भारतीय रैंक पर छात्रों के साथ अपनी तैयारी को परख सकते हैं। online test series
आज ही अपने रजिस्टर्ड ईमेल आईडी के साथ लॉगिन करें:-
जैसे ही आप हमारी वेबसाइट www.testwale.com या हमारे द्वारा उपलब्ध ऐप teswale पर जाते हैं, आपके सामने एक स्क्रीन खुलेगी जहां आपको अपने रजिस्टर्ड ईमेल आईडी से लॉग-इन करना होगा। एक बार जब आप ऐप पर रजिस्टर्ड हो जाते हैं, तो यह आपको teswale के डैशबोर्ड पर ले जाएगा। जहां मौजूद हैं ढेरों टेस्ट सिरीज़ और स्टडी मैटेरियल जो आपके सपनों को देंगे सफलता के रूप में एक वास्तविक मुकाम। तो देर किस बात की दिए गए ऐप या वेबसाइट पर लॉग इन कर अभी इस सुनहरे मौके का फ़ायदा उठाएं।
https://www.testwale.com/test-series/14/rrb-group-d/ https://www.testwale.com/exam-content/rrb-group-d/
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General Tips To Score Well In RRB Group D Exam
The Railway Recruitment Board has announced the RRB Group D Exam dates, and applicants are working hard to secure a job with the railways. You must be adequately prepared for the exam if you intend to take it.
The exam is going to take place from 17th August 2022 and we don't have much time left in our hands. So, through this article, I'm going to share some strategies with you in this article that will help you get your dream job.
General Tips
Practice and more Practice: Practising is the only method to earn good results on the exam. Candidates should practice sample questions, RRB Group D Previous Year's Papers, and mock examinations as often as feasible. This will help you build confidence in a subject and overcome nerves at the last minute.
Refresh Your Fundamentals and Finish the Course: Students should make every effort to cover the entire course and brush up on their basics. Focus entirely on theories and concepts. Examine the list of themes and make any necessary revisions to the most prevalent ones.
Make the study plan a top priority: Making the study plan a top priority is vital. Make a list of themes and schedule time for revision based on your knowledge of each one. Focus on what you've already studied and understood.
Make Mistakes and Learn from Them: Candidates must learn from their mistakes each time they take a mock test. They should endeavour to avoid making the same mistakes in the future and understand the appropriate solution by examining the method or explanation.
Testwale is a great resource because its study materials are all free. I hope you find this information helpful in your preparations. I wish you well in the RRB Group D examination.
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Last one-month strategy to pass the Group D Exam
What’s up aspirants, don’t worry if you haven’t prepared yourself yet for the Group D Exam. No doubt preparing before is beneficial for the exams but you can begin your preparation now too. But what is needed-your focus and concentration.
Firstly, the exam is going to be conducted on the 17th of August 2022 through which many posts falling under Group D in the Railway Recruitment Board are going to be recruited. If you are one who is also going to appear for the RRB Group D Exam, you should read this article to improve your scores.
Understand the exam pattern:- The very basic thing is to understand the exam pattern and be familiar with the syllabus. As this will help you to manage time during the exam. Here’s a glimpse of the exam pattern. The exam will be conducted of 100 questions for 100 marks. Candidates will have to answer all the questions in 90 minutes. To know the clear distribution between subjects, candidates should visit Exampur as they are providing the whole exam details for a clear view.
Gather the study material:- After knowing the exam pattern and syllabus, you should gather the study material according to the syllabus. Don’t gather too many books. Just take one book for one subject and read that properly. You will get Free RRB Group D Study Material on Exampur for the preparation.
Introspection:- Now, you should introspect yourself by practising RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper. This will help you to find your weak and strong sections. You will get the RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper test format at Exampur with the proper solution to each question in both Hindi and English language.

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आरआरबी ग्रुप डी सब्जेक्ट वाइज तैयारी की रणनीति
आरआरबी ग्रुप डी के लिए परीक्षा 17 अगस्त 2022 से होने जा रही है। मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप लोग पहले से ही अच्छे अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए खुद को तैयार कर चुके हैं, क्योंकि हमारे पास ज्यादा समय नहीं है। मुझे पता है कि कुछ विषयों पर हम सभी की पकड़ मजबूत होती है और कुछ पर हमारी पकड़ ढीली भी होती है। यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि इस समय आपको केवल अपने कमजोर क्षेत्रों पर ही ध्यान देना चाहिए, तो यह एक अच्छा विचार नहीं होगा। आपको इस समय प्रत्येक विषय और प्रत्येक सेक्शन पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। आप अपने कमजोर क्षेत्रों को मजबूत क्षेत्रों की तुलना में अधिक समय दे सकते हैं लेकिन इस समय हर विषय को दोहराना आवश्यक है।
इस लेख के माध्यम से, मैं आपके साथ विषयवार तैयारी की रणनीति साझा कर रही हूं ताकि आप प्रत्येक विषय पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें। आइये देखते हैं:-
सामान्य विज्ञान
इस खंड में आरआरबी ग्रुप डी परीक्षा के अधिकांश प्रश्न कक्षा 10 और 12 की किताबों से हैं। गुरुत्वाकर्षण, बिजली, चुंबकत्व, इकाइयाँ और माप आरआरबी ग्रुप डी सिलेबस के विषय हैं जिन्हें समझना आपके लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। इस खंड में पारिस्थितिकी, प्रजनन, ऊर्जा स्रोत, धातु और अधातु, अम्ल, क्षार और अन्य रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं शामिल हैं। यदि आप प्रमुख विचारों को वर्गीकृत करने और सूचीबद्ध विषयों के मूलभूत विचारों को समझने में सक्षम हैं, तो आप इस खंड में बेहतर प्रदर्शन करेंगे। प्रत्येक अनुभाग से कितने प्रश्नों का चयन किया गया था, इसकी व्यापक समझ हासिल करने के लिए RRB Group D Exam Analysis विश्लेषण पर नज़र डालें। जिसे आप Testwale में विस्तार स�� जानेंगे ।
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Is the RRB Group D Exam Stressing You Out? The Railway Recruitment Board is Scheduled to begin the exam for Group D on August 17, 2022. You can obviously sense the competitiveness because so many candidates are putting so much effort into improving their scores. You should be alert that practice is the only way to succeed if you want to be in the game.Group D level Exam Look at the cut-off from the previous year to get a sense of how competitive the exam is; - RRB Ajmer: - 73%; RRB Allahabad: - 74%; RRB Ahemdabad: - 71%; RRB Bengaluru: - 62%; RRB Bhopal: - 75%; RRB Bilaspur: 65 % RRB Chennai, 73 % RRB Chandigarh, and 70 % RRB Bhubneshwar. - 67 % RRB Patna, 73 % RRB Ranchi, 77 % RRB Kolkata, 80 % RRB Mumbai, 71 % RRB Gorakhpur, 73 % RRB Guwahati, 77 % RRB Kolkata, and 76 % RRB Secunderabad: – 69 % Note: Those who want to take the exam this year. To be safe, one needs to achieve a score that is at least 5% higher than the cutoff points from the previous year. You should tie up your shoes to be in the game since you are aware that the competition is fierce and the questions in the Group D Exam are difficult to answer. I'll share several resources with you in this article that will enable you to raise your grade: 1. Take as many RRB Group D Mock Tests as you can to lessen your exam nervousness. 2. Use RRB Group D Previous Year Question Papers to gauge the level of the questions' difficulty. 3. Review the RRB Group D Sectional Tests to identify your areas of strength and weakness in these final days. To improve your preparation, you should visit Exampur once. They offer Free of Charge RRB Group D Study Material that has been created by subject-matter specialists. Their study guides are based on the most recent RRB Group D Exam syllabus and exam pattern. https://exampur.com/test-series/14/rrb-group-d/ https://exampur.com/download-content/railways-group-d/

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Last one-month strategy to pass the Group D Exam

What’s up aspirants, don’t worry if you haven’t prepared yourself yet for the Group D Exam. No doubt preparing before is beneficial for the exams but you can begin your preparation now too. But what is needed-your focus and concentration.
Firstly, the exam is going to be conducted on the 17th of August 2022 through which many posts falling under Group D in the Railway Recruitment Board are going to be recruited. If you are one who is also going to appear for the RRB Group D Exam, you should read this article to improve your scores.
Understand the exam pattern:- The very basic thing is to understand the exam pattern and be familiar with the syllabus. As this will help you to manage time during the exam. Here’s a glimpse of the exam pattern. The exam will be conducted of 100 questions for 100 marks. Candidates will have to answer all the questions in 90 minutes. To know the clear distribution between subjects, candidates should visit Exampur as they are providing the whole exam details for a clear view.
Gather the study material:- After knowing the exam pattern and syllabus, you should gather the study material according to the syllabus. Don’t gather too many books. Just take one book for one subject and read that properly. You will get Free RRB Group D Study Material on Exampur for the preparation.
Introspection:- Now, you should introspect yourself by practising RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper. This will help you to find your weak and strong sections. You will get the RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper test format at Exampur with the proper solution to each question in both Hindi and English language.
Set a Schedule:- After the introspection, you should set a schedule in which you have to devote your time between your strong or weak areas. You should start your preparation with the weak areas and gradually move towards the strong ones.
Work on fundamentals:- You should focus on the basics first, for this you can prepare short and factual notes which will help you in the last minutes too.
Set a test day:- You should set a test day once a week so that you can judge your preparation. For this, you can attempt RRB Group D Mock Tests at Exampur which are based on the most recent pattern of the exam and designed by the subject matter experts.
Take care of your health:- You should take care of your health by eating a balanced diet and taking a proper sleep of 6 to 7 hours. You should do yoga and meditation to diminish your exam fear.
Hope this article will help you during the preparation. All the best to those who are going to appear for the RRB Group D Examination.
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RRB Group ‘D’ Is In The Limelight!

Since examination for the posts of RRB Group ‘D’ is conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board is in limelight due to the declaration of the results in Jan 2022.
As per the recent updates released in the notice 13 Notice RRBs 10 03 22 by the Ministry of Railways, the Railway Recruitment Board will conduct only a single-stage CBT Level-1 Examination for the RRB Group ‘D’ Posts and there will be no second-stage CBT.
The tentative examination date will be in the month of July 2022 and the Admit Card will be released in the month of June 2022 for the same.
So, it is time to prepare for your upcoming RRB Group ‘D’ Examination, some of the common mistakes that candidates do in the examination are:
Be In a Hurry: don’t be in a hurry, read the question twice before answering it so that you can understand the question well and be able to answer in the right direction which is needed.
Time Management: Always start attempting the examination from your strong sections and gradually move towards the weak sections.
Some Do’s and Don'ts are also applicable in terms of attempting any exam. So if you want to appear in the examination of RRB Group ‘D’ then you should read it once.
Do’s During Preparation
You should collect the whole study Material and place it on your table.
Make a proper Schedule to revise each and every topic thoroughly.
To stay connected with current affairs, you should read newspapers daily, which will increase your English vocabulary too.
You should learn short formulas and dates at your fingertips.
You must revise the topics every Sunday which you have studied for the whole week. For this, you should attempt some Online Test Series Of RRB Group D.
You should take proper sleep of 6-7 hours and also meditate to be calm.
Don'ts During Preparation
You shouldn’t get nervous during the preparation time.
Don’t waste too much time on a single topic.
You shouldn’t study late at night as it will make you unfit.
Don’t revise the whole chapter before the day of the examination just revise the factual notes only.
Don't put off studying until the last minute. It is better to avoid this practice because studying anything without understanding the concepts will ruin your exam presentation. Cover crucial portions of time without ignoring them.
Hope these above-mentioned tips will make help you in your preparation. For new updates, candidates are advised to be in touch with the Official website or you can refer to “Testwale” as this is the most reliable website. They are always up to date with the latest news and notifications regarding RRB Group ‘D’ Examinations.
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SOLID TIPS TO CRACK AFCAT-1 2022 | AFCAT Free Mock Test Series

With proper guidance and strategy, it is not impossible to crack the AFCAT 2022 exam in one month. AFCAT Free Mock Test Series To start preparing for the exam, candidates should go through the previous years' question papers and figure out important sections of the exam. Candidates should make a list of the strong and weak portions of the exam. AFCAT Free Test Series After that, for preparation, they should follow basic NCERT books. As per the trend of the exam, the English portion is the most difficult portion of the exam. Students should focus more on Vocabulary to fight out through this portion.
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