#RMIT RMITUniversity CommuncationDesign Journal
adriansfolio · 4 years
Breaking Down my Ask me anything. Gathering information.
After selecting my subject, which is Anni Albers, I wanted to understand my subject better. I came across documentary produced by BBC and directed by Alex Harding called Anni Albers A Life in Thread released in 2019.
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Photo credit to BBC
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Photo credit to BBC
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Photo credit to BBC
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Here I wrote dot points and information from the documentary I found useful and could use that information for my 5 questions.
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I then type up my dot points onto Word and highlights quotes that Anni Albers said in documentary, which I could use in my response.
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Link: https://archive.org/details/annialbers00webe/page/8/mode/2up
Working on my assignment Bailey mention a site called archive. org, and she said for me to look at these old books. Without realising this there was a book on Anni Albers. 
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Link: https://blpress.org/authors/nicholas-fox-weber/
This gentleman Nicholas Fox Weber wrote the book, and I realised he also appeared in the BBC documentary.
Overall, the documentary was enjoyable and provided me a lot of information to help me with this assignment.
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adriansfolio · 4 years
Breaking Down my Ask me anything. Sketching out the layout of the zine.
Here I completed Thumbnail sketches of presenting my zine. The result I change from video to zine was I am not confident with video making. I understand a basic of Premiere Pro and I haven’t used Final Cut Pro on my mac, which I hope I will learn someday. It would have been outstanding to present a video like how @franklyshai did for her futurism video, but I felt like a zine was something that best presented my information. It was a challenge for me and designing something that haven’t done before. Designing something that I saw at NGV Book Fair. Telling myself I can do it just like those designers from Book Fair.
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