estelle-skully · 2 months
RaspBERRY nice for you to laugh at my jokes
Before we get started I’d like to say that as a certified pun hater, the title was not my idea
and now that we’ve gotten that outta the way…
second ever trolls tk fic!! Yippee! Thx again isitwp for the abundance of prompts and patience, i greatly appreciate it
so without further ado…
we got a silly scenario where Viva n Clay are having a sleepover! Viva wants to share all her best jokes, but Clay doesn’t find them funny at all (me core), so since she hasn’t made him let out even the smallest of titters all night, she feels she needs to help him out…
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“Wait wait, really, this is a good one! This’ll make you crack wait”
It was nearly 11:30 at night and Viva had been constantly blabbering out the stupidest dad jokes for probably an hour at this point; Clay was honestly impressed at how she could remember so many.
He was not, however, impressed by the puns themselves.
“Why can’t dinosaurs clap their hands?” Viva was sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor across from Clay, leaning forward in anticipation for his reaction to her next joke.
Clay sighed and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Viva.” He groaned, growing tired of all this.
“Because they’re extinct!” She exclaimed, and clapped her hands together, barking out a couple laughs before settling down and looking at Clay’s emotionless face.
“That one’s different,” he stated, earning a disappointed sigh from Viva.
“Not into literal jokes either, huh?” She asked, fidgeting with the fabric of the carpet.
“I already told you, jokes in general just aren’t funny at all to me. I’m more into slapstick humor, or-“
“Can I just try a couple more? Pleasepleasepleaaaase?”
“Fine, but-“
“I gave my handyman a to-do list, but he only did jobs #1, 3, and 5. Turns out he only does odd jobs!”
Clay simply blinked at her, looking as bored as ever.
“Eh? Come on Clay, that was a good one!”
“It really wasn’t, Viva.”
Viva groaned, her ears drooping. “Dude, why do you have to be so serious all the time?”
“I’m not that serious! I agreed to have a sleepover, didn’t I? I’m just not a fan of puns. I know Poppy would love them though, so save em all for her, alright?” He wasn’t entirely upset about Viva’s yapping, though. There was something about seeing that look in her eye when she told a joke she was really proud of that was just so… he couldn’t quite come up with a word to describe it, despite his complex vocabulary.
Viva chewed on a random lollypop she had gotten from fuck knows where (Clay decided not to question it), seemingly deep in thought. Then her eyes lit up, and she slowly looked up at Clay with a mischievous grin. Clay sighed again as she shuffled closer to him.
“Not another joke… can we just find something else to do?”
“Clay, I bet you.. uh… three groan tubes that I will get a laugh outta you from my jokes tonight!” Viva betted, now sitting next to Clay. He almost wanted to fake a reaction, just to make her happy…
Nope. Gotta lock in.
“Groan tubes? Uhh okay, I guess”
Viva giggled with excitement. “Okay! Who won the neck decorating contest? It was a tie!” Before Clay could say anything about how dumb that was, she drilled her fingers into his side, causing him to yelp at the ticklish sensation.
“g-GAHA- Vihiva, what the heck?”
“I’m not done- dogs can’t operate MRI machines, but catscan!” This time she pulled him close and blew a raspberry into Clay’s neck. He cackled as he tried pushing her away. “You thought it was funny! You laughed! You laughed! She teased in a singsong voice. Clay shook his head, still grinning from the raspberry.
“nohoho I didn’t! Cheater-“
“What do you call a dog that meditates? Aware wolf!”
She blew another raspberry against his neck, shoving him to the floor and pinning him down in the process. Now for the grand finale.
“AHAHAHA- Vihihiva! C-cut it ohout!” Clay didn’t put much effort into trying to get up, as he was too flustered.
“I tried to make up a joke about ghosts, but I just couldn’t. It had spirit, but no body!” Viva lifted his shirt and blew the fattest raspberry on the middle of his stomach, and in response got the loudest and most joyous laughter out of him. She loved the sound. She sat beside him and chuckled, waiting as he took a few deep breaths. She was done tormenting him for now.
“That was straight up evil, Viva.” Clay said, but with the tone of his voice Viva knew he was joking. She grinned and leaned over and gave him a small peck on the cheek, his face growing bright red as a response.
“You’re a good sport. Take this groan tube, as a thank you!” She pulled a bright blue plastic stuck from her hair and handed it to him. Clay laughed, a little distracted still by the kiss though.
“th-thanks, heh. You always have one of these on you?”
“Oh, I got a bunch!” She tilted het head to the side and a bunch of OOOOOEEEI EEAAAAOOM sounds came from inside her hair. The two laughed at how whimsical it was.
Clay sat up and Viva hugged him, and, caught off guard (in the best way possible), Clay froze for a second before hugging her back. He loved how she made him more comfortable to loosen up.
He was totally gonna get her back for the tickling, though.
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cconfusedkat · 2 months
,,, Wait no i could literally work on their refs RN ????? YEYAGENAGDHG Joy
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