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amaisondepasse · 1 day ago
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warandpeas · 1 year ago
Vampire Residence
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germanpostwarmodern · 9 months ago
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Beach House (1974-76) in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA, by William Morgan. Photo by Alexandre Georges.
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interieursmerveilleux · 7 months ago
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 71% of respondents were native English speakers, and 57% lived in part of North or Central America.
To see more analysis, including comparisons to the userbases of other websites, please view the full results on AO3.
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prettyfuul · 10 months ago
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The Foster House. Architect Richard Foster, Wilton, Connecticut, 1967.
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heterotopian · 5 months ago
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The Tale of Two Cities according to Stephi and Heiko - Part 497
After Halloween and the beautiful sceneries of the season, I come to you with a more serious topic this week. Munich and Cologne are not the cheapest places to live in Germany. Especially Munich is very expensive, even though Cologne isn’t far behind.
How expensive both cities are can bets be seen how rare affordable living spaces are in our cities. Rental prices are climbing by the minute and just when I look at how the prices rise in my building when an apartment is again available, it’s breathtaking. Plus, landlords want to make the most of these situations and try to raise the rental prices even when you have a contract already with all kinds of tricks.
As rare as affordable renting places are apartments or even small houses to buy. These prices are through the roof just the same. Yet, you have different problems when you own a place.
For both, tenants and owners, there are different associations that can help you with alle kinds of problems. The first picture shows you a Munich Mieterverein, a tenant association. The second picture form Cologne shows you an associations of owners that has been established in 1988 already and has a pretty prominent location in the middle of the city. That already shows a clear distinction between owing a place and renting one as the former has been the goal for along time. Renting a place has long been regarded fr people who can’t afford a place of their own. These days it’s almost impossible to do either in one of the bigger cities at all. Also, renting a place makes it way easier t change locations that owning a place does.
What do you people prefer, renting or owning a place?
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frankfosterphotography · 1 year ago
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Casa Batllo, Barcelona, Spain.
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escapismsworld · 1 year ago
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The gateway of the Castel Béranger from 1898 in Paris by Hector Guimard (1867-1942). It was the first residence in the French capital built in Art Nouveau style.
📸 Groume
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bobcat9 · 7 days ago
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Warkworth Castle
Castle Terrace, Warkworth, Morpeth NE65 0UJ, United Kingdom
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amaisondepasse · 1 year ago
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saltavista · 16 days ago
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germanpostwarmodern · 8 months ago
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Hatcher Residence (1965-67) in Jacksonville, FL, USA, by William Morgan. Photo by Alexandre Georges.
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santmarc · 8 months ago
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Marijo Ribas, Bricks and cucumbers; Lichtenberg Studios exchange 2024
The second part of the exchange with the Lichtenberg Studios, was Marijo Ribas residence in Berlin. This residency has implemented a residency program that relates art to the reality of that neighborhood.
"I am interested in the spaces and how they carry ideology and symbolism. Memorials, public architecture and rural areas are linked to production and migration situations. My research in Lichtenberg began with the sculpture designed by Mies Van der Rohe, built in 1926 and demolished in 1935 by the Nazis.  I was interested in the idea of how a memorial that no longer existed, still has a place in the memory. And since that I thought about the function of a memorial, does a memorial repair any damage?
Lichtenbeg has a rural and proletarian past, the most important migrant population during the 60-70, the “gastarbeiters” came from Vietnam. After the fall of the Berlin Wall there was no plan for many of the Vietnamese population living in Lichtenberg, who worked in semi-slavery conditions, subject to time, cohabitation and birth control. With the change in the economic model and the closure of many factories, some Vietnamese returned to their homeland and some decided to stay in Berlin, there is still a significant community, some important meeting points are the Pagoda temple and the Dong Xuan Center.
Food culture is also an identitarian subject, the ritual of harvest, share, sell and eat together. It is not a memorial, it’s ephemeral, but can be toxic or memorable. I used a vegetable, a cucumber, to construct my personal narrative around significant ideas, facts and spaces I found during my residency in Lichtenberg. The result of the research is linked to a series of studio and street photography crossing that ideas."
Marijo Ribas
La segona part de l'intercanvi amb Lichtenberg Studios, va ser la residència que va realitzar l'artista visual Marijo Ribas a Berlín. Aquesta residència implementa un programa de residències que posa en relació l'art amb la realitat d'aquesta barriada, oferint allotjament i mitjans per a explorar la zona.
"M'interessen els espais i com porten ideologia i simbolisme. Els monuments, l'arquitectura pública i les zones rurals que estan vinculades a situacions de producció i migració. La meva recerca a Lichtenberg va començar amb l'escultura dissenyada per Mies Van der Rohe, construïda el 1926 i enderrocada el 1935 pels nazis. Em va interessar la idea de com un memorial que ja no existia, encara té un lloc en la memòria. I ja que vaig pensar en la funció d'un memorial, reparava algun dany?
Lichtenbeg té un passat rural i proletari, la població migratòria més important durant els anys 60-70, els "gastarbeiters" provenien del Vietnam. Després de la caiguda del Mur de Berlín no hi havia cap pla per a molts vietnamites que vivien a Lichtenberg, que treballaven en condicions semiesclavistes, subjectes al temps, la convivència i el control de la natalitat. Amb el canvi en el model econòmic i el tancament de moltes fàbriques, alguns vietnamites van tornar a la seva pàtria i alguns van decidir quedar-se a Berlín, encara hi ha una comunitat significativa, alguns punts de trobada importants són el temple de Pagoda i el centre Dong Xuan.
La cultura alimentària és també un tema identitari, el ritual de la collita, compartir, vendre i menjar junts. No és un memorial, és efímer, però pot ser tòxic o memorable. Vaig utilitzar una verdura, un cogombre, per construir la meva narrativa personal al voltant d'idees, fets i espais significatius que vaig trobar durant la meva residència a Lichtenberg. El resultat de la recerca està vinculat a unes sèries d'estudi i fotografia de carrer, encreuament d'aquestes idees."
Marijo Ribas
Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (2006), Erasmus at HfG, Frankfurt (2005), Postgraduate in Design, Art and Society, Elisava Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (2008), Master in Artistic Productions and Research, University of Barcelona (2010) and first doctoral courses in Art History, University of Barcelona (2013).
Since 2003 I have participated in collective exhibitions and projects in public and private spaces such as Frac Corse, Ruse Gallery, Spazju Kreattiv Malta, MUU Kaapeli Helsinki, Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid, Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, LABoral Centro de Arte, Es Baluard Museu, etc. I have done numerous residencies in production and research centers such as: Las Cigarreras Alicante, MediaLAB Prado Madrid, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop or Belgrade A.I.R, among others.
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona (2006), erasmus en HfG, Frankfurt (2005), Postgrado en Diseño, Arte y Sociedad, Elisava Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (2008), Máster en Producciones Artísticas e Investigación, Universidad de Barcelona (2010) y primeros cursos de doctorado en Historia del Arte, Universidad de Barcelona (2013).
Desde 2003 he participado en exposiciones y proyectos colectivos en espacios públicos y privados como Frac Corse, Ruse Gallery, Spazju Kreattiv Malta, MUU Kaapeli Helsinki, Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid, Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, LABoral Centro de Arte, Es Baluard Museu, etc. He realizado numerosas residencias en centros de producción e investigación como: Las Cigarreras Alicante, MediaLAB Prado Madrid, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop o Belgrade A.I.R, entre otras.
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interieursmerveilleux · 3 months ago
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