smugsmythe · 8 years
The One With Repugnance || Seblaine
Date: February 28th, 2017
Locations: The Cock bar & Seblaine’s Apartment
Who: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe
Notes: Sebastian and Blaine are called out to a bar with Hunter. Much to their dread and dismay, the night goes about as horribly as Blaine had expected.
repugnance /rəˈpəɡnəns/ noun strong distaste, aversion, or objection; antipathy.
"In short, he was carried away by the repugnance which dominated him."
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian was only somewhat looking forward to hanging out with Hunter and he tried to stay optimistic-- telling himself that it would be good to see a familiar face from Dalton and it would be his first real outing with Blaine as an unofficial couple. The two still hadn’t exactly defined their relationship, but without question they were romantically interested in one another and that was more than enough to keep Sebastian happy.
Blaine had voiced his opinion on not wanting to hang out with the fellow Warbler, noting that the man was not only a thief and a bully, but also had a history with steroids. Sebastian tried his best to reason with his friend, reminding him once again that people were capable of change and the last time he and Hunter had a few drinks together, they’d actually had a good time. “He’s bringing a friend; think of it more as a double date,” he told Blaine as they dressed in casual party attire. Sebastian pulled off a nice maroon dress shirt, favoring the color red as of late. They were to meet Hunter and his Air Force buddy at a gay bar in the East Village-- a dive named “The Cock”. When the two of them pulled up onto 2nd Avenue in a taxi, they each exchanged a look, both questioning the initial atmosphere of the bar. The place itself wasn’t much to look at from the outside: a red neon sign in the shape of a rooster marking the entrance. Its first impression was that it was a shoddy-looking dive bar.
“Seb, Blaine!” A familiar voice hollered from a little ways down and the two turned to greet Hunter, who by the way he was sauntering down the street, already seemed tipsy. A man was following closely behind, almost as if he was ready to reel Hunter in if he got out of control. When the two approached, the Warbler introduced his friend. “This is Hal; he’s my friend from the Air Force,” Hunter pointed to the man next to him who seemed slightly older, probably in his early thirties. “Hal, these are Blaine and ‘Bastian, they’re ‘Bwarblers’.” Hunter was already slurring his words.
“We went to highschool with him.” Sebastian clarified with an amused chuckle as he extended his hand out to shake Hal’s, “And I’m Sebastian. I take it this isn’t your first bar of the night?”
Hunter motioned for his friends to follow as he made way for the entrance, volunteering to pay the cover charge. “We hit up The Boiler Room before we came here; figured you two could only handle one place before bailing for the night.” The four of them entered the bar and were immediately met with an unusual and unpleasant stench-- sweat mixed with alcohol mixed with sewage-- all of which was very lightly masked by the aroma of burning incense. It was truly a dive. The bar was filled with gays of every shape and size and color, some dancing to the booming overhead music that played on the speakers and others drinking by the bar or chatting. “C’mon, I’m paying for the first round!”
Blaine Anderson:
Every fiber in Blaine’s short being was rejecting everything that was about to happen in the night ahead of them. He knew that he was the last person who had the right to have any sort of opinion on Sebastian and Hunter’s relationship considering everything he put Sebastian through, but it still bothered him right down to his very core. The thought of Hunter being anywhere near Sebastian-- especially intimately-- was like nails on a chalk board. It made even his teeth hurt. He took longer than usual to get ready on that night, the rejection physically slowing him down. Blaine had never cared to ever see Hunter again before he knew that he and Sebastian had a history and now that he knew, he definitely didn’t want to.
Blaine stayed quiet for most of the ride, tugging at his dark blue button up, as they pulled up in front of the building. “The Cock?” He had asked Sebastian when the taller told them where they would be meeting Hunter and his friend. “Ugh, disgusting.” He had muttered under his breath as he got ready for the night. He gave his best arguments on why they should not go but he began to feel bad when Sebastian kept trying to reason with him. Blaine finally told himself he would try his best not to be a downer and to give Hunter a chance even if he was feeling salty.
He took a deep breath, glancing at Sebastian before getting out of the cab. He let out a sigh, almost thinking about paying the cabbie just to stay there so he could escape at any moment, making himself laugh because he didn’t need a cab to escape; he could literally fly home if needed. When Blaine got out of the cab, he smoothed out his shirt, and looked up at the shady bar’s neon sign, praying the night would go by fast when he heard Hunter’s voice calling out. Hearing him call Sebastian ‘Bastian really just went all through him, causing flashing of red to run past his eyes. Growling under his breath, he squeezed Sebastian’s hand before rolling his eyes. He put on his fake-polite face, smiling at Hunter and his friend. “Hunter, it’s so nice to see you again.” He looked to Hal, shaking his hand. “Hi, I’m Blaine.” The shorter introduced himself before slipping his arm around Sebastian’s, making the move to subtly and publicly claim that whatever Hunter thought might happen that night wasn’t going to happen.
When they stepped into the club, a deep wrinkle settled in Blaine’s forehead and he frowned. It was definitely just as gross as he had expected; it wasn’t his scene at all. He swallowed his disgust and let his hand slide down to Sebastian’s, lacing their fingers together as they walked to the bar, ordering a shot of the strongest Whiskey they had. He downed it and ordered himself another before the alcohol had even finished burning down his throat. It was going to be a long night and he needed the help. He glanced up at Sebastian before looking at Hunter, narrowing his eyes at the other man. “Mm, so, Hunter, we were so surprised to hear from you.” He crinkled his nose in a condescending manner. If someone didn’t know Blaine, they wouldn’t know that he wasn’t genuinely happy to see Hunter; he was decent at covering up his disdain for the other. “What brings you to town, anyway? Surely they’re missing you wherever it was you were before.” He said before taking his other shot.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian opted for just a beer, thinking that it would be better to stay on high alert around Hunter and Blaine even though a shot sounded very tempting. The night had barely begun and he could tell Blaine had already had enough. While he agreed with Blaine’s comment that the bar was disgusting, he still wanted to give his old friend the benefit of the doubt. Hunter was one of the few Warblers that still spoke with him and accepted him after everything had happened in his junior year and when it felt like he had no one, Hunter had been there. Though the pilot might not have been the best person or influence in Sebastian’s life, he had been thankful for what he had when he didn’t have Blaine.
Hunter had already downed two shots and was working on a mixed drink when he shouted over the music to answer Blaine’s question, “I always make a pit stop in New York before heading home. Heck, last time I didn’t even visit home before I had to be back on base.” He playfully nudged Sebastian with a raunchy laugh which caused Sebastian to shrink back and chuckle awkwardly. “Yeah, when Seb told me you two were ‘together’,” Hunter motioned with air-quotes, “I was surprised because he’s always been hung up on you-- Never thought you’d ever actually get together.”
The man’s last comment made Sebastian smile, looking at Blaine fondly. “Yeah, I really lucked out. It’s like I got a second chance at the lottery and won.” Sebastian’s sentiment received mixed reactions: a polite smile from Hal while Hunter scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, okay, whatever-- Let’s just hope this time sticks or else you’ll turn into a useless mess all over again.” Hunter replied, downing the rest of his drink before he turned to Blaine. “So what happened? Kurt dumped you or did you finally wise up and realize my boy Seb is better-- even if he is my sloppy seconds.”
It seemed Hal was about to interject, realizing that Hunter was far too drunk to operate his verbal filter but Sebastian was the one to speak up. “I’m not ‘your boy’ anymore, Hunter,” Sebastian shot back darkly, his hands balling into fists at either side of him. “I know you’ve got a knack for talking out of your ass but maybe you should watch your mouth.”
Hunter all-out laughed, amused that he had managed to rile Sebastian up. He turned to Blaine, waiting to hear what he had to say. “You trained Seb to speak for you-- Color me surprised!” He ordered another drink and Hal stepped in to pull him back, quietly telling him he was getting out of hand and should probably stop drinking.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine rolled his eyes yet again when Hunter’s mouth moved with a bunch of condescending words to match his own. It was hypocritical to be annoyed but he was getting more and more irritated the longer they stood there with Hunter and his friend. He felt dirty when Hunter laughed suggestively about whatever he and Sebastian had done the last time he was in New York, as if anyone at all cared. Even though he did a little. He cared enough to be bothered by it.
His fists tightened as he listened to the exchange between Sebastian and Hunter, having had enough he finally stepped in to speak up himself, moving to stand next to Sebastian, a little in front of him even, scowling at Hunter. “Sebastian doesn’t speak for me.” He spat, his blood boiling underneath his skin and mixing with the alcohol, making his entire body hot. “I finally had enough of Kurt’s issues, not that it’s any of your business. Sebastian and I are trying to put the past behind us. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be going so well.” His voice was dripping with implication. He slipped his arm around Sebastian’s waist to lean into him, claiming his spot once again.
He tilted his head, the sass oozing from him as his heart pounded in his ears with anger. “And it’s rude to call him your sloppy seconds when the only sloppy one here is you. Is it because you’re sad you weren’t good enough to stick around because he wanted me instead? Aw.” He fake pouted. Normally Blaine wouldn’t be so in-your-face confrontational, he would’ve just stuck to the sass, but the whiskey made it worse.
Sebastian Smythe:
When Blaine spoke, Hunter’s blood boiled and it was visible by the expression on his face. Nobody ever talked this way to him and got away with it. “Joke’s on you, Blaine-- I wasn’t ever interested in staying. Seb was good for one thing and one thing only: Taking my dick when you weren’t up to the task.” The insults had already gone too far and the last one was the last straw. Sebastian had tried to give the man the benefit of the doubt but he could see Hunter would not let the past remain in the past.
“Hunter,” Sebastian warned. He straightened his posture and gave Hunter a challenging look, knowing that both he and Blaine were better together and combined they were more than enough to dismantle Hunter’s crude words. He wanted to put Hunter in his place, “I came out to see you because we’re supposed to be friends. But the way you’re being now? You’re pathetic.”
Even Hal had to stifle a laugh after Blaine and Sebastian’s little spiel, which caused Hunter to whip his head around and scowl at the older man. Gritting his teeth, anger bubbled up inside of Hunter but he didn’t want to waste anymore words on either of the two. What he wanted was Sebastian and not getting what he wanted pissed him off a little bit. With a wry chuckle as he contemplated how to react, he simply poured his drink down the front of Blaine’s dress shirt. The colorful mixed drink spilled all the way down to Blaine’s chinos, effectively ruining his outfit. “Whoops!” Hunter said with a heavily sarcastic tone. “This must bring back memories for you, hm, Seb? I guess Blaine should count himself lucky it wasn’t a slushie to the face.” Hunter chuckled.
“Seriously?!” Sebastian exclaimed, looking at Blaine’s dirtied outfit in disbelief. He couldn’t believe how petty and childish Hunter was behaving. Hal pulled his friend back and reprimanded him, taking the glass from him. While he tried to wave the bartender down to at least get Blaine some napkins or a towel, Sebastian shoved his now ex-friend back, who just threw his hands up in surrender as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“It was just an accident!” Hunter lied. “Maybe you ought to clean yourself up, Blaine. You’re looking a little… sloppy.”
Sebastian growled and turned to Blaine, both very clearly distraught and upset. “Are you alright?” He asked, unsure of what else he could possibly ask. When Hal finally waved the bartender down, Sebastian took the offered washcloth and handed it off to Blaine.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine appreciated the way Sebastian continued to step in even though part of his anger was reserved just for Sebastian. He was not too happy that Sebastian had brought him out and put him in such a situation. They could have been out just the two of them or at home or doing literally anything else. But no-- Sebastian just had to see his ex-fuck buddy so they could have “fun”. He frowned as Hunter spoke, watching him through narrowed eyes. Before he knew it, his front half was cold and covered in whatever alcohol the other had been drinking. His jaw fell slack and he had to physically stop himself from throwing a punch right into his jaw. A hard scoff fell from Blaine’s mouth and he balled his fists tighter, his knuckles turning white. “Oh, you are so--” He was about to threaten Hunter but he bit his tongue, shaking his head, his jaw setting.
The shorter shook his head, pulling away from Sebastian when he addressed him, grabbing the rag from him. “It’s fine, I’m fine.” He spit his words out angrily, looking at Sebastian and then at Hunter. “I’ll be back.” Blaine then took off towards the bathroom, pushing the door open. He was so fuming mad that he didn’t even care to notice how the bathroom was even more disgusting as the rest of the place if that were even possible. Going to the mirror, he got the wash rag wet again, wiping at his shirt and his pants, grumbling under his breath as he cleaned himself up. He was so done with their little outing with Hunter and Blaine never wanted to see him again.
After Blaine had done the best he could to clean up most of the drink on his clothes, he was still all wet and smelled of alcohol. He washed out the rag so he could return it to the bartender, washing his hands and then splashing some cold water on his face. Blaine took a few deep breaths to calm himself down- it didn’t help. He was still mad. With a heavy breath and a growl to himself, he left the bathroom.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian deflated when Blaine-- who was obviously angry at him, at Hunter, and at the overall situation-- stormed off in the direction of the restroom. He was now regretting ever talking Blaine into going out tonight and knew he would be paying for it later. For now he needed to address Hunter. The man had just spoiled the mood and he barely seemed to care at all as he ordered himself another drink.  
“Hunt, man, you’ve done enough tonight and I think we should get you back to your hotel room.” Hal tried to coax his friend into leaving, to no avail. Hunter just scoffed and left for the back of the club, already fed up with everyone for the night.
Sebastian followed after him, completely baffled at the man’s behavior and demanded answers. “What is your problem?! Did you invite me out just to insult me and Blaine? To peacock around and brag about the fact that we’ve slept together before?” He shoved Hunter again, this time from behind. It caused Hunter to spin around and he grabbed at Sebastian’s wrist, holding it tightly as he glared at the other man.
“You’re my fucking problem, Smythe. I take you in after that guy dumps your ass and this is how you repay me? You make a fucking fool outta me in front of him and my friend?” Hunter stepped closer to Sebastian, pushing him back and pinning him against the wall. Between the music and the sea of bodies dancing and mingling in the club, no one paid attention to either of them. In a sleazy bar such as this, it might’ve even seemed like the two were about to make out. With a sinister laugh, Hunter pressed his lips against Sebastian’s neck.
Sebastian grimaced, smelling the strong stench of alcohol coming off of Hunter’s breath. “S-stop, you’re drunk,” Sebastian tried to push the other off of him but he didn’t want to use his powers. Doing so would not only blow his cover but he might accidentally hurt Hunter more than he deserved.
Hunter nibbled at Sebastian’s ear, causing the other to attempt squirming away. The bulkier man used his free hand to tug at Sebastian’s collar, getting dangerously close to wrapping his fingers around his neck. Hunter was bigger and stronger than Sebastian last remembered-- he was stronger than when Hunter was shot up with steroids, during high school. “Does this remind you of that night..? Remember how I fucked you when you cr--” Before Hunter could finish his sentence, Sebastian shoved him back hard enough to send him staggering back into some chairs and tables. Sebastian looked unsettled and disheveled, his chest heaving with angry breaths and a dangerous look in his eye. Just as he was about to open his mouth to curse Hunter out, he caught Blaine in his peripheral vision. Even if Blaine hadn’t heard what Hunter had said, Sebastian was certain he’d at least seen Hunter attempting to cop a feel.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine had first glanced at the bar, thinking it odd that Sebastian wasn’t there, feeling an uncomfortable twisting in his stomach. He returned the rag to the bartender and thanked him for his kindness while also apologizing for Hunter’s behavior. He gave him a tip for the trouble before turning around, scanning the bar for Sebastian. Thanks to his heightened senses, he immediately found the other in the back of the bar. His fists tightened so hard that his knuckles turned white again at the sight of Hunter pinning Sebastian to the wall. He moved abnormally fast when he saw Sebastian shove the bigger man away, thankfully everyone in the club was otherwise preoccupied with dancing or making out to even notice anything going on in the back.
As fast as he could get there, he was between the two. “Hey!” His voice was a low growl and he put his hands on Hunter’s chest. “Back off!” Blaine shoved him backwards a little, taking a step towards him, shaking his head. “I don’t know who you think you are but you have crossed the line-- you have gone so far over the line. And you need to take a step back.” He warned Hunter but it seemed the taller man wasn’t planning on backing down any.
“Oh, Blainey, it’s adorable how you stand up for Seb.” Hunter stepped closer to Blaine, attempting to intimidate the shorter with his height difference. Had Blaine not been practically red with rage, he would have been amused considering the things he had gone up against in his days as Nightbird. Hunter was nothing. Nothing.
Hunter’s eyes flickered to Sebastian, smirking a little. “I was just reminding my boy Sebastian why he got in my bed in the first place.” He winked, too busy being a cocky prick to notice Blaine’s fist coming right for his face. It was surprising that the contact to Hunter’s face didn’t knock him out completely considering Blaine barely held back.
“I said back off.” He said, looking down at Hunter after he had taken his new place on the dirty floor. Blaine looked back at Sebastian, raising his eyebrows. “I’m leaving. Are you coming?” He was so far beyond done that he was one moment away from storming out with or without Sebastian but he wanted to give him the chance to come with him even though he was furious.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian was quiet as he watched Blaine burst with anger, yelling at Hunter before throwing a vicious right hook. Though he knew Blaine was somewhat athletic and even boxed, seeing the man actually being violent was surprising even for Sebastian. Blaine hadn’t even flinched after he’d hit Hunter-- as if the anger he was experiencing somehow overrode any type of pain he felt from punching the man. Sebastian gasped when Hunter hit the floor hard, causing a slight commotion to the people in their immediate area.
When Blaine announced he was leaving, Sebastian only glanced around once, noticing Hal was already making his way over to help his friend while a bouncer was walking their way-- probably to kick them out. “Yeah, let’s get the fuck out of here.” Without hesitation, Sebastian followed after Blaine, more than ready to leave the dive. He didn’t care what Hunter had to say to him next nor did he want to stick around to hear it. Hot on Blaine’s tail, the both of them stepped outside and the city air was refreshing compared the poorly ventilated bar. “Blaine,” he called out as they attempted to flag a cab down. “I didn’t-- I didn’t mean for--” He was at a loss for words, realizing he had royally fucked up by bringing them down here for this. He noticed Blaine’s set jaw and furrowed brow; the man was legitimately angry and Sebastian had never seen him this way before.
Sebastian thought about why he had even agreed to come out tonight. He had always thought he owed Hunter for being there for him after Blaine had left but did he really? Hunter had always been manipulative and degrading; Sebastian didn’t think he had any redeeming qualities but perhaps he’d been blind to that before now. Maybe people like Hunter Clarington didn’t deserve second chances. He could still feel the hand that had almost wrapped around his neck, reminding him of a long-forgotten, regret-filled night. Memories that Sebastian had spent time pretending didn’t exist were made real again and he swallowed them back down. He wasn’t about to reopen that can of worms.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, knowing he couldn’t offer any good excuse for the way things turned out tonight. “He doesn’t mean anything to me and I don’t want anything to do with him anymore-- especially after that. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner.” By giving Hunter the second chance Sebastian thought he deserved, he’d nearly blew his second chance with Blaine.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine nodded when Sebastian agreed to leaving, turning and storming out of the bar. The New York air hitting his face only made him feel a little better. He only walked a few feet out of the bar before turning around to throw his hand up a cab, a couple of non-vacant ones passing by. He let his arm back down with a sigh as Sebastian spoke. He was so upset over the events of the night. He was so upset that he agreed to come out and he was even upset that Sebastian had even asked him to go out with Hunter. “What was this, huh? Was...was this some way for you to get back at me for what I did in high school? Are-are we even now?” Blaine didn’t really know what he was saying, his feelings were doing all of the talking without any sort of rationalization filter.
Even though he had been thinking it for the past few minutes, he knew better than to think Sebastian would be so vindictive towards him. He just couldn’t see through how furious he was with Hunter. “You know him and how he is--” Blaine shook his head, closing his eyes and taking a breath. “I hate that guy so much. I never, ever, want to see him again.” Once he opened his eyes again he looked at Sebastian. “I was in the same building with you and he was hitting on you-- he was practically bragging about the fact that you had sex with him. Like, god, I know that I messed up in high school and I left you but do I really need to be reminded that you’ve had sex with him? It’s not like I go around rubbing your face in the fact that Kurt and I have had sex.”
Another good point to make in Blaine’s defense was the fact that the alcohol running through his bloodstream was still going strong and was disintegrating his filter even further. “Like, I don’t want to be that guy that asks you to not see your supposed ‘best friend’ anymore but if this is what it will be like every time...I don’t--” He shook his head once more, growling softly, still feeling frustrated. “Just forget it. It’s fine.” Blaine turned toward the street again, seeing a vacant cab across the way. He put his fingers in his mouth and let out a piercing whistle that echoed against the buildings around them and a cab was stopped in front of them in a moment. He opened the door and looked at Sebastian, looking almost as if he were a bit defeated. “Let’s just go home, please?”
Sebastian Smythe:
When Blaine accused Sebastian of plotting the evening as some sort of twisted revenge for the way things had gone over between them in high school, Sebastian’s apologetic look was replaced by one of bewilderment and outrage. It wasn’t like he was having a good time putting himself and Blaine through this miserable evening. “W-We’re not ‘even’-- What, you think I wanted this to happen?” He bit back, clearly defensive. “I didn’t exactly have a gay old time with that asshole reminding me of that bullshit or trying to feel me up!” It was true that he was hoping Hunter could’ve been polite enough to let the past be the past with the two of them only friends and nothing more now that Blaine was part of Sebastian’s life. Now very obviously, Sebastian had set his expectations way too high.
As the cab stopped in front of them, he begrudgingly followed Blaine inside. He didn’t exactly want someone else listening in on his private conversation. The cab driver greeted them cheerfully but Sebastian couldn’t even bother pretending to be polite. “Just because you had sex with Kurt after you and I were finished last time doesn’t mean I’ve been hung up on this fact after all these years and decided to what-- make you feel as miserable as I felt? Contrary to popular belief that I’m a total asshole, I’m not.”
Sebastian knew that Blaine was angry and probably even drunk but to assume that he had somehow set all this up to deliver a major guilt-trip for Blaine-- it hurt him. He’d thought that Blaine saw him differently now and not the same asshole like how he was back in high school. Thinking of the words Hunter had said in the bar had really made Sebastian’s blood boil. The memories that were dredged up gave him an uncomfortable feeling that he immediately squashed down, yet again. “Look, I didn’t want to remember the fact that he and I--” he shook his head, “... It’s one of my biggest regrets. I didn’t think I’d have to think about it, much less talk about it.” Sebastian rolled his eyes and crossed his hands over his chest. “Trust me, I don’t ever want to see him or talk to him ever again either. I just want to forget about tonight and pretend like it never happened.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine sighed heavily after he gave the cab driver a courteously polite smile and the address to their home, looking at Sebastian with a frown. "You are the one who made us come out tonight knowing I wanted nothing to do with seeing him and knowing how he is- " He stopped his sentence abruptly, leaning forward to put his head in his hands. He felt as if the world around him was spinning abnormally fast and his head was starting to throb as if his hangover was already starting to settle in though he was still drunk.
Closing his eyes tightly, he shook his head. "No, no, no, I know. I know." He felt slightly bad for saying the things he had just said,  he knew that Sebastian wasn't so horrible that he would plan some awful night out to hurt him-- to hurt both of them.  "I know you wouldn't do that. You aren't an asshole. I know. I'm just..." Blaine huffed, his voice frustrated.  "I'm just so angry.  I can't believe that guy."
Lifting his head,  he looked to Sebastian.  "Like, I knew he was awful but I didn't know he was awful, you know?" Blaine asked, knowing full well what he meant, only hoping Sebastian could follow as he didn't know any other way to explain it. "I'm so mad that I literally punched him in the face-- I've never punched anyone in the face before." Blaine chuckled out of amazement, because that was the truth. Outside of when he was Nightbird, Blaine had never touched anyone out of anger before. "Seeing him with you like that just...it just happened." His forehead wrinkled.
As the cab driver got closer to their building, Blaine began to feel worse when Sebastian stated that he regretted what happened with Hunter, even though it confused him because he could have sworn that Seb had mentioned it happening more than once-- he had no room to question, however. Considering he had married his regret.
Sebastian Smythe:
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sebastian let out a heavy sigh as he was wholly exasperated with the whole evening. At least he and Blaine were now on the same page when it came to how they felt about Hunter. It was unfortunate that Sebastian couldn’t come to that conclusion a night sooner.
“I can’t believe him either,” Sebastian agreed with the other, his expectations of Hunter completely shattered. “I just-- I don’t know, I thought it was the right thing to do was to give him a second chance. You know, the same way you and the other guys gave me a second chance after everything I did back then.” He knew Blaine would know exactly what he was talking about-- blackmailing and harassing the members of the McKinley Glee Club, helping Hunter to steal their coveted Nationals trophy, and even the slushie incident-- Sebastian’s track record was very much stained and it was difficult for him to pretend that those things didn’t happen. Yet somehow, he managed to keep his reputation and position as a Dalton Academy Warbler until the day he graduated. He had received a second chance and was redeemed. It seemed that Sebastian’s idea to pay it forward and extend Hunter that same redemption went punished.
Replaying the evening’s events in his head over, he was truly upset by the way Hunter acted and how it made Sebastian uncomfortable in his own skin. Although it would’ve been gratifying for Sebastian to have struck the man himself, he was amused that Blaine had stepped in. It was completely out-of-character-- at least to Sebastian’s knowledge of Blaine-- and seeing it happen was exhilarating. “For what it’s worth,” he began after letting out a slight amused huff, “you punching Hunter was really hot. I never knew you had anything like that inside of you.” Sebastian knew the other man had taken up boxing to defend himself after the altercation at his Sadie Hawkins Dance, but Blaine was the type to only resort to violence where it was absolutely necessary. Not to potentially start a fistfight in a bar. “I mean, when you punched him he went down. I’m surprised you didn’t break your hand against his fat face.”
The taxi pulled up in front of the boys’ condominium and Sebastian tipped the driver well, apologizing for the odor coming from Blaine’s clothes. As soon as they were home, Sebastian would usher Blaine to the bathroom and take a much-needed shower. Blaine didn’t look good and he knew it would be best to get the other man straight to bed after his shower. “I really am sorry about everything that happened tonight,” he apologized again, knowing that although he had already apologized, it wouldn’t hurt to do so again.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine chuckled softly when Sebastian admitting to thinking it was attractive when Blaine punched Hunter square in the face, not being able to help the tiny smile that pulled at his lips. “Yeah, well, even though I prefer not to hit people out of anger, he still deserved it. He’s disgusting. And if I ever see him again-- I might just do it again.” He said with a bite to his tone as the cab stopped. He extended his own apologies to the cab driver before getting out. Blaine hadn’t really thought it to be unusual that his hand didn’t hurt too much from hitting Hunter’s hard jaw, chuckling softly. He probably should’ve at least pretended, but it was already too late. “Y-yeah. Adrenaline, I guess. You know how crazy that stuff is-- then mix it with multiple shots of alcohol.”
When they were upstairs and inside their home, Blaine kicked off his shoes before shuffling towards the bathroom with Sebastian’s help, his head was pounding even harder than when he was in the cab. The shorter’s forehead wrinkled and he whined. “I hate today.” He huffed when they made it to the bathroom, tugging at his shirt to pull it over his head. He was still slightly drunk from before considering it really hadn’t been terribly long since he took those shots of whiskey. Blaine tossed his shirt to the bathroom floor, turning to Sebastian, a pout settled on his face as he looked up at the taller. “I’m sorry I said those things to you…” He sighed, rubbing his face before he rubbed his head. “I wish I could explain how I felt better than what I said. It was too harsh and I...I do know you better than that regardless of what I felt.” Blaine furrowed his brow, a little confused by his own words.
He felt guilty for making Sebastian feel bad, he wished his had the words to explain that he felt like Sebastian should have known better than to even suggest going out with someone he had slept with before. But he also understood feeling the need to give someone a second, or even a third chance. “I mean, I totally get the wanting to give people multiple chances thing, trust me.” Blaine nodded, chewing on the inside of his cheek before shrugging. “I just wish we hadn’t gone.” He thought back over the night for a moment, shaking his head with his brow still slightly furrowed. “I...I really didn’t like the way you acted around him.” Blaine admitted, bending to pull off his socks, stumbling a little before grasping the counter to balance himself. “What was that about anyway? Who was that guy you were being?” He asked with a curious expression.
Sebastian Smythe:
When Blaine mentioned possibly hitting Hunter if he ever saw him again, it caused Sebastian to chuckle and nod in agreement. “Please, be my guest. Frankly, he deserved a little more than a sock to the face.” He kept close to Blaine and led him into their apartment, now very aware that the whiskey had impaired the other’s balance. If alcohol had anything to do with Blaine not feeling the pain in his knuckled from the impact, he would definitely be feeling it in the morning. As Blaine tried to put his emotions into words, Sebastian squinted his eyes and cocked his head to the side in confusion before cracking a slight smile. “It’s okay, Blaine. You don’t have to apologize and you didn’t do anything wrong tonight. You were right-- we shouldn’t have gone tonight. I’d take it back if I could.”
Sebastian leaped forward to get ahold of Blaine, steadying him as he continued to undress. “H-hey, look out,” he warned as he helped Blaine to undress, keeping close so the other wouldn’t just topple over. Looking away for a moment, he thought about the way he acted in front of Hunter. He didn’t think that he seemed off in front of him but Blaine knew him better than anyone else. It was plausible that he noticed something was wrong. “I wasn’t acting any differently than usual,” Sebastian countered, completely in denial. “Hunter was an asshole tonight and I was expecting him to y’know… not be an asshole.” Sebastian shrugged and continued to play dumb, hoping that Blaine was maybe too drunk and would leave the topic be. “He just-- He threw me off my game-- Especially because I’m a different person than I was when I was… with him. You can understand that, right?”
After helping Blaine to take off the rest of his clothes, he started the water and ushered the other in once the temperature was just right. He picked up Blaine’s soiled clothes and threw it into the washer. He re-entered the bathroom with a glass of water and set it down on the counter as Blaine continued to shower, taking a good, hard look at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Maybe he ought to just come clean about everything but why bother? If he would never see or hear from Hunter ever again then he could just leave it all in the past to be forgotten.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine narrowed his eyes at Sebastian’s answer, looking at him with skepticism. He knew Sebastian really well-- better than anyone-- and he knew it had been a while but it hadn’t been so long that he couldn’t read the taller’s body language. He knew something was up and he found it odd that Sebastian seemed so weird around Hunter and that he was beginning to act the same way even though they were just talking about it. “Mm.” He made an unsatisfied noise, one to let the other know that he didn’t buy it and most likely would bring it up again at a later time when his head wasn’t pounding.
Taking a deep breath, Blaine closed his eyes as he leaned in to let the warm water wash over him. He placed his hands flat against the shower wall, letting his head hang as the water hit his neck and ran down his back, washing the disgusting smell of that bar and the alcohol off of him. Running the events of the night through his mind again, part of him wondered what went on between Sebastian and Hunter when he’d left. He couldn’t quite put his finger on exactly what was wrong with Sebastian when they were at the bar or if that happened every time that he was around Hunter, but he knew something was off. “So, are we both supposed to pretend like I believe you when you say you weren’t acting weird around Hunter?” Blaine asked as he turned around to wash his hair. He was starting to sober up a bit as he showered.
Blaine also thought it was odd that Sebastian would lie to him, he never once felt like the taller ever lied to him and he wondered why this specific subject was different. He figured it was for a good reason but it made him feel uncomfortable that there was something Sebastian didn’t feel he could tell Blaine. By the time he was finished with his shower, he was even closer to being sober. Turning off the water, he reached for a towel to wrap around his waist before stepping out of the shower. His honey eyes traveling over to Sebastian as the other looked at himself in the mirror, it was clear to Blaine that he was troubled.
Blaine’s forehead wrinkled and he let out a soft sigh as he walked over to the taller. “Hey,” His voice was soft as he slipped his arms around Sebastian from behind, hugging him despite being wet. “You know you can trust me with everything. You can always tell me anything.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian had been deep in thought, images of the way Hunter grabbed him and made him feel uncomfortable, stirring up unwanted feelings inside of him. He felt a lump in his throat as he grasped the bathroom sink, shaking his head at the memory. Tonight made him remember the times he had spent with Hunter and how low he had allowed himself to sink-- how little he thought of himself to allow himself to be with Hunter intimately. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep things from his best friend but that it was a memory he preferred not to talk about. It was something he preferred to forget completely if he could help it.
Blaine being able to see right through him pressured Sebastian to lie so the topic could be put to rest. He knew it was better to tell the truth, even if partial. “Yes, I was acting weird. He reminded me of who I used to be and it sucked. I was a bad person and seeing him being awful to the both of us tonight just reminded me that I used to be a sleaze, just like him.” When Blaine stepped out of the shower and wrapped his arms around him, Sebastian hung his head low and closed his eyes, taking a deep and even breath. “Seeing him act like that made me think maybe that’s what I would’ve been like had I not taken that second chance when it was offered to me-- Had I not gone straight after everything and stopped acting like a jerk.”
Opening his eyes, Sebastian turned around to look at his friend. “I just want to forget about it-- about him.” He placed his hands gently on Blaine’s shoulders and tried his best to smile but it couldn’t quite reach him how he’d wanted. “I do trust you. You’re all that matters to me so let’s just forget about tonight, okay?” He hoped that Blaine would understand and leave it be. He pressed a kiss to the top of his forehead before pulling him in for a hug. Though they weren’t out for very long nor very late, Sebastian felt drained and proposed going to bed, but not before reaching into the medicine cabinet and offering Blaine a couple Advil and the glass of water. He hoped that a little sleep and the comfort of being close to Blaine might help him to forget everything that had to do with one Hunter Clarington.
Blaine Anderson:
It made Blaine sad to hear Sebastian compare himself to Hunter, to hear him call himself a sleaze. It saddened him when Sebastian spoke of himself the way all of those people who never even knew him used to talk about him. He didn’t like that Sebastian thought so low of himself and he didn’t like that Hunter reminded him of those feelings. It was angering to know Sebastian-- the real Sebastian-- and hear all of the horrible things that were said and thought about him. Blaine wasn’t stupid, he knew that Sebastian wasn’t perfect. He knew that Sebastian had said and done things that were less than admirable. But no one ever took the time to get past all of that to find out who he was behind that wall of tough he put up. Blaine had been lucky and that wall was already starting to come down before he even started to break it himself; it was offered to him the moment they met and once he got past it, he found the guy he knew Sebastian really was.
He wished more people knew of that Sebastian - though, he was grateful they didn’t because they would just fall in love with him too and he couldn’t have that. In love. The thought took him back a little bit, even though he knew that he was in love with Sebastian, he never allowed himself to admit it or think it. Blaine had been in love with Sebastian ever since that day he walked in on the Warblers singing Uptown Girl. So many different times throughout their entire relationship he had felt it, but he always swallowed it. Even when they were unofficially together he never let himself get to that point, and to finally be in a place where he could let himself begin to feel those things felt weird and slightly freeing. Now wasn’t really the time to get that deep into his feelings yet, though.
Blaine closed his eyes and hugged Sebastian from behind before the taller turned around. He looked up at him as he placed his hands on Sebastian’s chest, sighing softly. He didn’t buy that that was all Sebastian was bothered by; he could feel it in the air. But he also knew that Sebastian wasn’t one to keep secrets from Blaine so he knew he must have had a good reason. It bothered him down to his core that he didn’t know what was bothering Sebastian, especially knowing that it had to do with that horrible Hunter. Blaine wrapped his arms around Sebastian to hug him close, nodding his head gently. “Okay, it’s okay.” He said softly, giving the taller a soft smile before pressing his lips against his chin, agreeing to Sebastian’s proposal of going to bed and taking the Advil. “C’mon, let’s just get changed and get in bed.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Having Blaine relent on the topic of Hunter and what might’ve happened all those years ago gave Sebastian enough relief that he didn’t feel that god-awful lump in his throat anymore. He was thankful Blaine wasn’t pushing the subject anymore and he hoped he wouldn’t have to talk about it ever again. Sebastian appreciated the fact that Blaine was so thoughtful when it came to him. He liked that he was one of Blaine’s priorities now-- that even though it was important for them to not keep secrets, he wouldn’t pry at something Sebastian wasn’t ready to talk about yet. He smiled softly as the other man pressed a gentle kiss to his chin, humming contentedly.
It didn’t take either of them very long to get ready for bed and soon enough the two of them were cuddled together under the covers. Sebastian was still plagued by the night’s events and thoughts of Hunter, it showing through in his tense body language, but he was able to relax slightly in Blaine’s hold. Blaine was sweet and caring and he could feel that through the way Blaine spoke to him and touched him. With Blaine lying in bed next to him Sebastian was able to wipe the memories of Hunter and replace them with memories of Blaine.
He remembered the nights they spent together during their “non-relationship” where they would just laze on the bed together and hold each other and talk. Even if it was never a real relationship, it felt very real to Sebastian and it was a feeling he cherished dearly. Because he had been with Blaine and known what it was like to be in love with him, he knew that he and Hunter never even came close to that. He knew that he was safe whenever he was with Blaine and there wasn’t ever a reason to be on edge around him. Slowly but surely, Sebastian was getting used to the feeling of being safe and letting his guard down to believe that this time with Blaine was the real deal. Blaine was what mattered and he would do whatever he could to make sure the man felt the same way.
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