#Push Connect Notify Apps
estxkios · 1 year
tomkaulitz x skater!reader
summary: you sneak out with your boyfriend at midnight to smoke. (part two with smut??)
requested - no
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you couldnt fall asleep, youd been sitting upright in bed staring into the wall for what felt like hours. at this point, you want to give up the agonizing game of trying to fall asleep so you look over to your cluttered nightsand and grab your phone off of it. the screen turning on lit up your face in the dark room, all you saw was the time 11:59 pm, until the brightness coming from your phone caused you to squint irritatingly hard, so you flicked on your lamp.
after your eyes adjusted to the light you resumed back to your phone and opened your messages app, not expecting to see anything. except there was something. 4 messages from your boyfriend, tom.
tom : hey, u up? 11:56 pm
tom : can i come over 11:59 pm
tom : are you ignoring me i saw you turn ur light on 12:00 am
tom : fuck it im coming 12:02 am
and right as you read the last message there was a faint tapping on your window, you jolted at the sound, but then connected the dots. it was tom. you gently pulled your curtain to the side, he smiled when you opened the window, his skateboard that was adorned with stickers clutched in his right hand.
"so ignoring my text messages is cool now?" he said, the window screen still unopened. you giggled at his attitude and lifted up the screen so you could hop out. "i was trying to sleep." you huffed as you hit the ground, the leaves crunching under you as your weight hit them. "doesnt look like your sleeping now, schatz." he pulled down you window and the screen as you patted yourself off. "yeah, tom. obviously." you walked over to him and reached in his coat pocket where he usually kept his joints. he lifted his hands above his head jokingly "jeez didnt know sneaking out with you required a search-" you cut him off by wiggling the joint in your hand in front of his face, showing him you were not infact searching his pockets, just borrowing some weed.
"oh." he laughed and took your hand that wasnt holding the joint, "lets get to the park before we start smoking yeah? your parents will smell it"
"oh shit yeah." you shoved the joint in your own pocket and grabbed your skateboard that you kept outside your window for occasions like this. you reached for toms hand and squeezed it as you two walked down your driveway.
when you reached the end of your driveway, you set down your skateboard. setting your left foot lightly on the front of your board. tom mimicked your movements and started to skate ahead of you.
"tom-! wait up!" you whisper-shouted, trying to make sure you didnt notify your parents you were awake.
"catch up loser!" he shouted, going faster than before.
you snorted and started pushing with your right foot, although you were out of breath from the task, you caught up to him in no time
"oh look who caught up!" tom laughed and went even faster than before, he put his right foot back on his board, putting most of his body weight on the left side of his board making a sharp turn to the skate park. you followed close behind.
the only thing that lit up the skate park was one small street light, so you watched as toms blurry figure dipped into the bowl.
you expected him to pop back out on the other side of it, except he didnt. so you shouted, "tom?"
"come down here schätzen!" he called from the bottom of the bowl, his voice echoing off the curved walls of it.
you walked to the edge of the bowl. you couldn't skate down because you would hit tom so you shouted "catch!" before sending your board down to tom, who was sitting down with his legs spread.
"oh- fuck!" he squealed
he quickly grabbed the board before it hit him in the balls. you could not stop laughing. you slid down, shoes scraping the paved walls.
"its not funny." tom said with a stern look.
"oh but it really is!" you giggled and sat next to him at the bottom of the bowl, your legs touching his. you grabbed the joint out of your pocket and put it in your mouth.
tom, knowing the drill, took the lighter out of his pocket and instead of immediately lighting your joint he grabbed your chin
"you're so gorgeous."
you rolled your eyes. but deep inside your stomach was twisting with anticipation, and thanks the darkness that surrounded the two of you he couldnt see your cheeks that were now dusted with a dark pink shade.
he brought the lighter to your joint and carefully lit it, taking one of the many joints out of his pocket and doing the same with his. he took a long draw of his joint and held the smoke in his mouth. his hand reached up to your joint and he took it out of your mouth.
he put two fingers under your chin and got closer to your face. he put his lips near yours but didnt seal the air between you with a kiss, instead, he pulled your mouth open with his thumb and passed the smoke into your mouth.
you breathed in his smoke and inhaled, puffing the rest out of your nose, giggling. you got closer to him and wrapped you arms around his neck. he smiled, touching his forehead to yours, and this time, he did seal the air between you two with a passionate kiss.
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fatummortem · 2 years
* important headcanons to consider.
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can they use chopsticks : She can, Rose doesn’t use them often, mainly when she’s chilling with Thad over food, just to see if she can push his buttons bcuz it leads to slower eating.
what do they do when they can’t sleep : Drink massive amounts of alcohol, go out to pick a fight, bar fights, bugging a brother, dragging Thad to bars, drag Andi out for skinney dipping
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store: liquor, smokes and knives if they have kitchen knives. Popcorn for entertainment.
what order do they wash things in the shower : " If you’re that desperate, google ‘shower porn’. I’m sure you’ll find something worth watching. No, not of me you perv.”
what’s their coffee order : Black like her soul. Okay seriously I have no idea, Rosie mostly drinks liquor or water. So if she does drink coffee it’s heavily spiked.
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone : Maps, spotify, youtube, e-mail, whatsapp, twitter, tiktok, any crime fighting apps to stay connected with Super Hero happenings. She needs to now if it’ll be harder to hide bodies ok. The same goes for villains. GPS tracking apps that she’s written herself that will notify her of specific M.O.s, mostly Slade’s.
how do they act around children : Rose will not be violent around kids, unless its training or protection purposes. If anyone sees her around kids they’ll most likely notice the drastic change. Not that it’ll stop her from silently threatening anyone who decides to make a comment on the interaction depending on what it is.
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on : She’s more of a tiktok/youtube surfer than a tv watcher.
tagged by: @symbioteburnout​​
tagging: Anyone who wishes to do it, just tag me so I can take a gander c:
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naveen234 · 2 months
How to Build an App Like Uber: A Comprehensive Guide
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The ride-sharing industry has been revolutionized by Uber, setting a new benchmark for on-demand services. Many entrepreneurs and developers are keen to learn how to build an app like Uber. In this article, we'll delve into the essential steps, features, and technologies needed to create a successful ride-sharing app.
Understanding How Uber Works
Before diving into the development process, it's crucial to understand how Uber works. Uber operates on a two-sided marketplace model, connecting drivers with passengers through a seamless mobile application. Here’s a basic overview:
User Request: A passenger requests a ride via the app, specifying their pick-up and drop-off locations.
Driver Match: The app finds a nearby driver and sends them the ride request.
Ride Confirmation: The driver accepts the request, and the passenger is notified with the driver's details and estimated arrival time.
Navigation and Ride: The driver picks up the passenger and follows the GPS navigation to the destination.
Payment and Rating: The passenger pays for the ride through the app, and both the driver and passenger rate each other.
Key Features to Include in an Uber-Like App
To build an app like Uber, you'll need to incorporate several key features for both passengers and drivers. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Passenger App Features
User Registration and Profile: Allow users to sign up and create profiles using email, phone number, or social media accounts.
Booking Interface: Enable users to book a ride, specifying their pick-up and drop-off locations, and choosing the type of vehicle.
Real-Time Tracking: Integrate GPS tracking so passengers can monitor their ride’s status and driver’s location.
Fare Calculator: Provide an estimated fare based on distance and ride type before booking.
Payment Gateway: Offer multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash.
Ride History: Allow users to view their past rides and receipts.
Ratings and Reviews: Implement a rating system for passengers to review their ride experience and provide feedback.
Driver App Features
Driver Registration and Profile: Facilitate driver sign-up, including document verification and background checks.
Trip Alerts: Notify drivers of ride requests with passenger details and pick-up location.
Navigation and Route Optimization: Integrate GPS navigation to provide the most efficient route to the destination.
Earnings Tracker: Show drivers their earnings, including detailed trip summaries and payment history.
Availability Toggle: Allow drivers to set their availability status to receive ride requests.
Ratings and Reviews: Enable drivers to rate passengers and view their own ratings.
Technical Stack and Development Process
Building an app like Uber involves several technical components and a systematic development process. Here’s an overview:
Backend Development
Server: Choose a robust server solution like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure to handle user requests and data storage.
Database: Use scalable databases like MongoDB or PostgreSQL to store user data, ride history, and transactions.
APIs: Develop RESTful APIs to manage communication between the client and server, handling tasks like booking, payments, and notifications.
Frontend Development
Mobile App Development: Develop native apps for iOS and Android using Swift and Kotlin, or consider cross-platform solutions like Flutter or React Native.
User Interface: Design a user-friendly and intuitive interface for both passenger and driver apps, ensuring smooth navigation and accessibility.
Real-Time Features
Geolocation Services: Integrate geolocation APIs like Google Maps or Mapbox for real-time tracking and navigation.
Push Notifications: Use services like Firebase Cloud Messaging or Apple Push Notification Service to send trip alerts and updates.
Payment Integration
Payment Gateway: Integrate secure payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, or Braintree to process transactions.
Fare Calculation Algorithm: Develop a dynamic fare calculation algorithm considering distance, ride type, traffic, and demand.
Testing and Deployment
Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance testing, to ensure the app is bug-free and performs well.
Deployment: Deploy the app to app stores (Google Play and Apple App Store) and monitor its performance, making necessary updates and improvements.
Marketing and Launch Strategy
Once your app is developed and tested, the next step is a strategic launch. Here are some tips:
Pre-Launch Campaign: Build anticipation through social media teasers, email newsletters, and partnerships with local businesses.
Incentives: Offer promotions, discounts, and referral bonuses to attract initial users and drivers.
Customer Support: Set up a robust customer support system to address user queries and issues promptly.
Learning how to build an app like Uber involves understanding how Uber works, incorporating essential features for both passengers and drivers, and choosing the right technical stack. By following a structured development process and implementing effective marketing strategies, you can create a successful ride-sharing app that meets market demands and delivers a seamless user experience.
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quickensol · 2 months
The Benefits of Converting Your Website to An App With Quickensol
In today's fast-paced digital world, an online presence is essential for any business. While a well-designed website can effectively showcase your brand and services, turning your website into a mobile app can take your business to the next level. At Quickensol, one of India's leading and fastest growing mobile app development companies, we specialize in turning your vision into reality. We use state-of-the-art technology to develop mobile applications that not only meet, but exceed your expectations. Here are some compelling benefits of converting your website to an app with Quickensol.
Improved user experience -
Mobile apps provide a more seamless and intuitive user experience than websites. Apps are designed to be user-friendly, with easy navigation and faster loading. They also offer personalized content and notifications, ensuring that users stay engaged and connected with your brand. By converting your website to an app, you can offer your customers a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
Improved availability -
Since most internet users access online content through their smartphones, a mobile app ensures that your business is always within reach. Apps can be accessed offline, allowing users to interact with your brand even without an internet connection. This constant availability can lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty.
Increased engagement -
Mobile apps can use features like push notifications that can directly notify users of updates, special offers, and important information. This direct communication promotes a higher level of user engagement and interaction with your brand. Additionally, apps can integrate with social media platforms, making it easier for users to share your content and expand your reach.
Greater customization -
Apps offer a higher level of customization than websites. You can customize the app experience to suit different user preferences and behaviors to provide a more personalized experience. This customization can lead to increased user satisfaction and retention because users feel that the app meets their specific needs.
Improved performance -
Mobile apps generally perform better and faster than websites because they store data locally on the device. This local storage means the app can run with minimal lag and provides a more responsive experience. Faster performance can lead to higher user satisfaction and encourage more frequent use.
Use of device capabilities -
Mobile apps can take full advantage of device features such as camera, GPS, accelerometer, and more. This integration can enhance the functionality of your app, allowing you to offer unique features that the web can't provide. For example, a retail app could use the camera for augmented reality shopping, while a fitness app could use GPS to track workouts.
Better security -
Apps offer better security than websites. With advanced security measures such as multi-factor authentication and encryption, mobile apps can ensure that user data is kept safe. This level of security can build trust with your users and encourage them to share more information and engage more deeply with your brand.
Competitive advantage -
In a crowded market, a mobile app can give you a competitive edge. It shows that your business is forward-thinking and ready to meet the needs of modern consumers. An app can differentiate your brand from web-only competitors, attract more customers and retain them more effectively.
Increased income -
Mobile apps can open up new revenue streams for your business. Whether through in-app purchases, subscriptions, or targeted advertising, apps provide various monetization options that can significantly increase your income. In addition, greater engagement and a better user experience can lead to higher conversion rates, leading to higher sales and revenue.
Partner with Quickensol :
At Quickensol, we are committed to turning your imagination into an application. Our team of experienced developers use the latest technologies to create high-quality mobile apps tailored to your business needs. We understand the importance of delivering a product that not only meets your expectations but also provides an excellent user experience. By partnering with us, you can be sure that your mobile app will be innovative, secure and designed to engage your users.
Converting your website to a mobile app with Quickensol offers a number of benefits, from better user experience and engagement to more customization and better performance. Embrace the future of digital interaction and give your business the edge it needs in today's competitive environment. Contact Quickensol today and start turning your vision into reality.
We are here to turn your imagination into an app - Quickensol is one of the leading and fast growing mobile app development company in India. We use the most modern technologies to develop mobile applications.
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govindhtech · 4 months
MSI Displays Roamii WiFi 7 Mesh System at Computex 2024
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Best WiFi 7 Mesh System
Computex 2024 is where MSI is exhibiting their Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system. The Roamii series, with an integrated Qualcomm Immersive Home series, is designed to provide an ultra-fast, easily managed WiFi network with 24/7 security protection throughout your home. It is ready to handle the growing number of WiFi 7-supported devices and AI-accelerated applications that will arrive in 2024 and beyond.
The Best Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system for Optimal Home Network Communication
With twice as much capacity and extra-wide 320MHz channels, MSI’s newest Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system, the Roamii series, can support up to 21Gbps of speed. The robust CPU of the Qualcomm Immersive Home platform powers a mesh system that makes sure customers have flawless and continuous internet connectivity throughout their houses. This mesh system includes advanced WiFi features like 4K-QAM, Multi-RU, and MLO (Multi-Link Operation). A lightning-fast home network would benefit greatly from the inclusion of a sturdy 10Gbps cable connection, which is another feature of the Roamii series.
According to Ganesh Swaminathan, vice president and general manager of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.’s wireless infrastructure and networking division, “Qualcomm Technologies is proud to power MSI’s Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system with our Immersive Home platform, setting a high standard for home connectivity.” Through seamless, blazing-fast communication, our partnership aims to revolutionise the smart home experience. The combined efforts of MSI are expanding the realm of viable home networking technology.”
MSI FortiSecu
Every connected device, including phones, laptops, and smart home appliances, is protected around-the-clock by MSI FortiSecu, which prioritises network security. Attacks from a distance or malware infection on a local device are two ways that cyber security risks, like identity theft and data breaches, might occur. As soon as an MSI FortiSecu detects unusual traffic or a compromised IoT device, it automatically checks every connected device and blocks it, notifying the owner via push notification.
Young users can also browse the internet in a safer manner thanks to FortiSecu’s parental restrictions. Parental control over inappropriate content for various age groups and insight into their children’s online activities are made possible by an adaptable and simple configuration menu. You can also schedule internet access to allow or prohibit people.
As AI-accelerated apps and IoT devices proliferate, Assistant Vice President of GNP BU Vincent Hou stated, “The Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system technology with FortiSecu, delivering exceptional performance and enhanced network security to meet our users’ needs throughout their homes.”
Wi-Fi 7 The Next Big Thing to Understand
Let’s set the scene before discussing Roamii. Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) is the latest wireless networking standard. In three important areas, it claims to improve on Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) and Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac):
Wi-Fi 7 can theoretically transmit 48Gbps, over 9.6Gbps for Wi-Fi 6. With quicker download and upload rates, 8K video streaming, lag-free online gaming, and speedy file transfers are possible.
Wi-Fi 7 can interact with several devices concurrently using MU-MIMO and OFDMA, decreasing congestion and assuring smooth performance even in households full of connected devices.
Wi-Fi 7’s Multi-link Operation (MLO) reduces data transfer latency. Videoconferencing, online gaming, and AR/VR require this.
Revealing the MSI Roamii Mesh Framework
By providing three different mesh system configurations, the MSI Roamii series meets a range of applications and budgets.
Roamii BE Max Mesh System
Maximum rates of up to 21 Gbps are available with the top-tier Roamii BE Max Mesh System. It is best suited for big households with lots of users and high-bandwidth uses. For optimum flexibility and performance, the mesh node connection between the BE Max is made using both wired and wireless backhaul options. Assuring a future-proof network fit for the most demanding applications, it has 10Gbps connections for wired backhaul and client devices.
Roamii BE Pro Mesh System
The midrange BE Pro is priced affordably while providing speeds of up to 11Gbps. Providing 2.5Gbps ports for wired clients, it uses a wired 2.5Gbps backhaul to facilitate effective data transfer between mesh nodes.
Roamii BE Lite Mesh System
The entry-level Roamii BE Lite Mesh System is designed for those that value affordability or smaller houses. Utilising gigabit ports for wired backhaul and clients, it offers up to 5Gbps of throughput.
Many essential elements are shared by all three Roamii systems:
Mesh networking
Mesh systems use several nodes to generate a wide coverage area of Wi-Fi across your house, in contrast to conventional routers that have a restricted range. A steady and unbroken connection is ensured by the Roamii nodes’ autonomous configuration and smooth device handoffs between nodes as you move around.
AI-Powered Optimization
Using artificial intelligence (AI), the Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system analyses user behaviour and network data. Through intelligent bandwidth prioritisation, it helps maximise network performance for the most important activities, such as latency-sensitive apps like video conferencing or gaming.
MSI FortiSecu Security Suite
With the comprehensive security suite MSI FortiSecu Security Suite: Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system, your home network is fortified. Protecting your devices against viruses, unauthorised access, and cyberattacks is made possible by features like WPA3 encryption, parental controls, guest network access, and intrusion prevention.
Easy Setup and Management
The Roamii WiFi 7 mesh system is easy to set up and manage because of its user-friendly design. Managing configurations, monitoring the network, and easily setting up your home Wi-Fi are all made possible via a specialised smartphone app.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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getfollowersuk · 4 months
Push Notifications for Windows That Are Controlled By the User?
Let's face it no one likes to receive messages that they have no idea where or how they agreed to actually joining the mailing list; but the truth is that most apps these days have built in push notifications that are meant to either remind you of a specific task; such as subscription renewals or if it's a gaming app then it may notify you that your lives have been replenished for some or other online game. But the biggest culprits of sending copious amounts of push notifications are social media sites!
Why do they send push notifications for windows?
Notifications are meant to work as alerts to let you know that there has been activity on any app that has been downloaded onto your windows device. There are 3 main alerts or push notifications for windows that you may receive on a regular basis:Social media alerts or notifications: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Snap chat etc. send push notifications that include alerts for friend request; posts; tagged photos and status updates from anyone connected to your social media site. Financial Institutions will send notifications to let you know when anyone logs onto your banking profile or when any transactions go through you bank accounts. Gaming alerts are normally push notifications for any updates connected to a specific online game. If you look at the main push notifications for windows then it makes sense that if you are active in all three areas as mentioned above then chances are that you may be drowning in constant message coming through to your windows profile. The good news though is that there are several ways in which you can actually prevent these notifications from driving you crazy.
You can go to each app that you have downloaded and find their settings menu and simply turn "push notification settings" to off. For social media or networking sites you can actually go one step further and choose what type of notifications you want to receive and have full control over what notifications are sent through. With financial institutions is makes sense to rather leave them as is for your own safety and security. Another option is to download a free app that actually allows you full control over all your apps with regards to push notifications for windows. What these apps do is give you the option to choose when, where and how you would like to receive any information from your app profiles. Annoying notifications can become a past dilemma if you just use the tools at your disposal to take control over the situation.
If you need more detailed steps or information on push notifications for Windows you can go to their Push Guide.
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aditisaudagar · 5 months
Good camera, keeps a good eye on things!
I have been having issues with my neighbors overstepping their boundaries at our apartment complex, the last one where they were on my front steps. After that incident I immediately began looking at cameras both as a deterrent and for evidence if they were to do something like that again. I know many people with the ring doorbell, so I thought that would be a good option
The doorbell was easy to install and setup, it has a bracket with 4 screws that the doorbell itself clips to and has 2 security screws to prevent theft. Before putting it in place it has to be charged, as long as you’re using battery. It took about 2 1/2 hours to charge from a quarter battery out of the box. It includes a charging cable and all mounting hardware out of the box. After running it for a week on default power settings I am down to 89% battery, so it’ll last a while, but it’ll have to be taken down for a few hours occasionally to be charged. My one wish was that the battery was removable so I could have 2 packs I could swap out, but it isn’t the end of the world.
Video quality is pretty good on it, day time viewing is great. Night vision is a little dark to see, but it is on me due to where I had to mount it. I mounted it directly on the door, the only problem with that is it picks up the white trimming around the door more than anything in the dark. My solution was to put a small motion activated light under it, it allows me to see the footage alright if someone happens in the dark. Under better mounting circumstances it works well at night
The ring app has a very nice interface, it is very user friendly and you can easily save clips if needed. The app will notify you of motion or people at the door, so you can see quickly what’s going on. It will also allow you to change settings on the camera to save power and such. In terms of connection issues, I haven’t had any that other users have reported. However the WiFi access point it’s connected to is only a few feet away through the wall so I really can’t speak about installations further away. It is worth noting that it only supports 2.4Ghz WiFi, I would check what your network supports first.
There is a subscription, Ring Protect, for this and other ring cameras. It’s 3.99 for 1 camera, $10 a month for all cameras, or $20 for a “pro plan” with 24/7 monitoring. For 1 doorbell camera I am using the $3.99 one, however if I ever need more cameras I would definitely use the $10 one.
It is also compatible with Alexa, I am able to use my echo speaker as a ringer for when someone pushes the bell
Overall I am very happy with this doorbell camera I would definitely recommend it. I know a lot of people wouldn’t like the subscription part, but it makes sense since they’re storing your cameras footage. It’s less of a worry than a thief taking an sd card out of similar. Even just have the camera there has already acted as a deterrent, those neighbors have walked by but haven’t done anything near my porch since. The only people that have been up there are people that should be like the mail and such. With this I feel way more secure!
Ring Video Doorbell, Satin Nickel with All-new Ring Indoor Cam, White - Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
(This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.)
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Amazon Link:👉 Check Out Now
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telecomtalkhub · 8 months
Dive into the Prepaid Mobile Plans with Mobile App Access
Prepaid mobile plans have emerged as a flexible and cost-effective solution for individuals seeking control over their mobile expenses. What adds an extra layer of convenience to these plans is the integration of mobile app access, allowing users to manage their accounts seamlessly. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits and features of prepaid mobile plans with mobile app access, shedding light on how they empower users in the digital age. 
Flexibility and Cost Control 
Prepaid mobile plans offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to pay for the services they need without being tied to long-term contracts. By opting for a prepaid plan, users can avoid bill shocks and have better control over their monthly expenses. With mobile app access, managing these plans becomes even more convenient. Users can track their usage, monitor data consumption, and make timely recharges, all at their fingertips. 
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Real-time Usage Monitoring 
One of the significant advantages of mobile app access is the ability to monitor usage in real-time. Users can keep track of their data, voice, and text message usage, enabling them to stay within their allocated limits and avoid unexpected charges. The intuitive interfaces of these apps provide detailed insights into usage patterns, empowering users to make informed decisions about their communication needs. 
Instant Recharge and Account Management 
Gone are the days of visiting physical stores or navigating complex websites to recharge your mobile plan. With mobile app access, users can recharge their prepaid plans instantly, anytime, and from anywhere. The apps also provide a user-friendly platform for account management, allowing users to update personal information, change plans, or add extra services with just a few taps. 
Customisation and Add-Ons 
Prepaid mobile plans with app access often come with a range of customisation options. Users can tailor their plans to suit their specific needs by choosing the amount of data, talk time, and text messages they require. Additionally, many providers offer add-on services such as international calling, data boosts, or entertainment packages that users can easily subscribe to through the mobile app. 
Notifications and Alerts 
Staying informed about plan details and account activities is crucial for users to maintain control over their mobile expenses. Mobile apps for prepaid plans come equipped with push notifications and alerts, notifying users about data usage thresholds, upcoming plan expirations, and successful recharges. This proactive approach ensures that users are always in the loop, helping them avoid service interruptions and unnecessary charges. 
Enhanced Security and Privacy 
Mobile apps for prepaid plans prioritise security and privacy. With features like biometric authentication and secure payment gateways, users can rest assured that their personal and financial information is safeguarded. This added layer of security contributes to a positive user experience and builds trust in the digital ecosystem. 
As technology continues to shape the way we communicate, prepaid mobile plans with mobile app access stand out as a beacon of convenience and control. Empowering users to manage their accounts effortlessly, these plans redefine the mobile experience, offering flexibility, real-time monitoring, and a range of customisation options. With the world at our fingertips, it's time to embrace the future of connectivity through prepaid mobile plans and their intuitive mobile apps. 
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josnashak69 · 8 months
Working Principle of Cashier Counter
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With the promotion of mobile payment and long-term market education of WeChat/Alipay, their four-stage cashier interaction standard has become the de facto industry standard. After mastering 
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 this standard process, it is actually very simple to become a cashier.
1. Standard four-stage interaction
1) Pay and place an order
This is the first step in payment. After we select the product and place the order, we will enter the "checkout page" to show you the payment amount, product summary information, and allow you to choose the payment method. After you confirm, the order will be placed in the backend.
2) Call the cashier
After placing an order, the server will return a cashier parameter. After obtaining this parameter, the payment platform can pull up the cashier and let the user jump to complete the payment. If the user chooses a local payment method such as "Quick, Balance Payment", the local cashier will be called. If the user chooses an external account such as WeChat or Alipay, the channel's cashier will be called.
3) Callback notification
The callback includes two parts, one is the return from the cashier, and the other is the payment result notification.
Return to the cashier : After the user completes the payment at the cashier, he or she needs to return to the platform where the transaction was initiated to complete subsequent operations.
Payment result notification : Although this method of jumping to the cashier is very safe, the user's payment result cannot be grasped by the "merchant or payment platform" that initiated the transaction. Therefore, the results need to be pushed to the initiator's platform through callbacks.
4) Synchronization results
Merchant result query : There will be a short white screen page after returning to the initiator's page. This is the local results page to query the order results for the user. If the callback result has reached the payment system, you can query it locally. If not, you need to go to the channel to check the payment result, then record the account and complete the push of the result page.
User result notification : If the check is never returned, doesn’t it mean that neither the user nor the merchant knows? The designer also thought that the channel would not only notify the merchant's payment system, but also send text messages or APP messages to inform users that payment has been deducted.
The above is a common checkout payment process in the industry. When the network is normal, it is completed almost instantly, leaving you unaware of it. Even if there is a network abnormality, he can ensure that at least one person among the counterparties is clear about the payment result.
2. Cashier service process
After understanding the four-stage processing method, let's go into the details of the technical implementation and see how the various modules within the system are connected and processed in series.
1) Checkout parameters
We see that before creating an order during the order process, we first follow up on the payment method selected by the user and read the configuration information of the cashier in the merchant system. The purpose of this is to verify which payment products the merchant has permission to use, and the cashier should give it to him How to show.
2) Pay for order
The payment order process includes two processes:
Create a payment order : First, create a payment order locally. If a channel cashier is involved, it must also be created simultaneously.
Obtain cashier parameters : The second step is to generate cashier parameters and prepare for calling the cashier. The checkout parameter is generally a link or access token (this will be described in detail later).
3) Cashier jump
Cashier jump : After obtaining the cashier parameters, the next step is to let the user jump to the designated cashier for payment. This step mainly involves converting the parameters between the "cashier system" and "channel cashier" and jumping to the cashier.
Secondary development : This is also a key location for whether secondary packaging is required at the channel checkout. For example, when we aggregate QR codes, here we can decide whether to jump to the "WeChat official account" or "WeChat official account" based on the APP the user scans. "Alipay service window" allows users to complete the jump selection without any sense.
4) Payment callback
Payment result registration : In order to know in time whether the user has completed the payment at the channel cashier, the cashier provider must give the transaction initiator a payment result notification, so that the initiator can register the account.
Timely response result : As the initiator, you must also complete the account registration and give the payment channel a "successful" response result, telling the channel that I have completed the account. What will happen if you don't return? In order to ensure that you can accept it successfully, the channel will continue to send you result notifications at certain intervals until you reply or the specified number or time is exceeded.
5) Return to the cashier
Page return : After completing the payment, you need to return to the merchant results page. This result page is usually set in the merchant backend of the channel or the return address is obtained through the integrated SDK.
Result query : After the page is returned, the local results page still does not know whether the order was successfully recorded, whether there is a discount, whether the user fee is deducted, etc., so a result query is required. If it is not checked back, the user will be asked to actively confirm the order results, and the system will scan the results regularly until the final results of the payment system and channel are consistent.
User notification : This handles the interaction between the payment channel and the user, including in-APP notifications, SMS notifications and other forms. The intermediary merchant system and the payment system themselves do not need to be processed. Its purpose is to ensure that users understand the payment results and prevent orders from being tampered with.
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kudostasolutionsllp · 10 months
Top 5 Benefits of Custom Android App Development for Your Business in USA
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In this digital era, it is facile to maintain your daily lives and follow schedules with android phones. You have to simply use a calendar to add an event and it is done. You will get an alarm to notify you for completing it. Not only for personal use, the benefit of android app development is that it also helps businesses to meet their goals promptly.
With the Android app, it is easier to deliver the services to the customers and to connect with them virtually. The custom android-based application gives amazing UI components such as notifications, menus, structure, and layout. This helps to build an effective application that satisfies the needs of the users.
1.Mobile Apps gives Higher ROI
An error-free & user-friendly mobile application is the basic requirement of every user. When a business can achieve this target, they build a huge business network. It is because with a flexible application your business can connect with a larger audience. You can use pop-ups and push notifications to attract genuine customers. Developers at Kudosta works on building scalable android applications that fulfill the demands of every user. Some users like to have a general theme and other users like to work on interactive themes.
2.Regular Updates helps to meet frequent customer demands
The current demand of the customers is to connect with the businesses online. They can conduct conference meetings with their business professionals using your customized android apps. You can take benefit of Mobile App Development for accomplishing such tasks. Online communication with such mobile apps is effortless. Users have to only enter a valid ID and password to start accessing an application. This will allow only authenticated users to access the application and will protect the system from malicious attacks. At Kudosta, our team of developers works on regular updates to maintain the efficiency of your business.
3.The BYOD System
If you will build custom android app then you will be able to provide work flexibility to your staff members. BYOD is the most featured business policy that provides the flexibility of work to their employees. With the BYOD system, employees can use an official or personal devices to work remotely. Most of the time it happens that businesses need to accomplish a client requirement during non-working hours; during this time, the BYOD system can help your business to achieve targets on time. Workers can complete the tasks at anytime and anywhere they are. With a custom android app you can track the attendance, achieved targets, and other details of an employee. Another thing is that it is affordable and the installation is easy.
4.Quick and easy customization
The best part of Android applications is that they allows developers to add frequent changes in the mobile app as required by the user. Developers make use of specific plugins such as slides and gallery to improve the accessibility of the mobile app. This quick and easy customization of android apps helps in improving customer engagement with the services offered to them. Mostly, in-app purchases and a 24X7 support systems are such features and functionalities required in the mobile app.
5.Cost-Effective Android Applications for Business
The Benefit of mobile app development for android is that is cost effective as compared to other mobile development platforms. It can address the global audience with a minimum investment in creating mobile app features. Dark and light color themes, security, search bar, fast- loading app pages are some of the features offered by the custom android app.
Nowadays, people interact with each other using Android applications. Most of the work is handled by the people using their phones only. Therefore, people like to access user friendly mobile application like those of custom android app. Benefit of application development is that it gives higher ROI. Along with that, it provides ease of access to the users with easy customization.
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iquallinfoweb · 11 months
Take Advantage of Ecommerce Mobile App — Read These 7 Tips for Success
In the era of digital dominance, the mobile revolution has reshaped the landscape of ecommerce. As consumers increasingly turn to mobile devices for their shopping needs, having a well-crafted ecommerce mobile app is no longer a luxury but a necessity. To maximize the potential of your online store, here are seven tips to ensure your ecommerce mobile app not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.
Tip 1: Prioritize User-Friendly Design
The Meta Experience: A seamless user experience (UX) is the cornerstone of a successful ecommerce mobile app. Prioritize clean and intuitive design, ensuring easy navigation, straightforward product searches, and a frictionless checkout process.Users should effortlessly move from browsing to purchase without encountering any roadblocks.
Tip 2: Optimize for Mobile Responsiveness
The Meta Look: Your ecommerce app should look and function seamlessly across various mobile devices. Optimize for mobile responsiveness to provide a consistent and visually appealing experience on smartphones and tablets. A responsive design ensures that users can explore your products effortlessly, regardless of the device they’re using.
Tip 3: Leverage Push Notifications Strategically
The Meta Connection: Harness the power of push notifications to stay connected with your audience. Use them strategically to notify users about special promotions, discounts, order updates, and new product launches. However, strike a balance — avoid overwhelming users with excessive notifications to prevent app fatigue.
Tip 4: Implement Personalization Features
The Meta Touch: Make your users feel valued by incorporating personalization features.Tailor product recommendations based on their browsing history and purchase behavior. Consider personalized offers, wishlist reminders, and exclusive discounts, creating a more engaging and relevant shopping experience.
Tip 5: Ensure Seamless Integration with Payment Gateways
The Meta Transaction: A smooth and secure transaction process is non-negotiable. Ensure seamless integration with trusted and widely-used payment gateways. Provide users with multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other popular methods, enhancing convenience and trust.
Tip 6: Optimize for Performance and Speed
The Meta Fast Lane: In the fast-paced world of mobile commerce, speed is crucial. Optimize your app for performance, ensuring fast load times and smooth transitions between pages. Users are more likely to abandon slow-loading apps, so prioritize a swift and responsive experience to keep them engaged.
Tip 7: Embrace Social Media Integration
The Meta Connection: Leverage the power of social media by integrating sharing and login features. Allow users to share their favorite products on social platforms, expanding your app’s reach organically. Additionally, enable social media login options,simplifying the onboarding process and encouraging user engagement.
In the dynamic realm of ecommerce, having a mobile app is not just an additional feature; it’s a strategic imperative. By implementing these seven tips, you can take full advantage of your ecommerce mobile app, creating a user-centric platform that fosters engagement, builds loyalty, and propels your business to new heights. Stay ahead of the digital curve, and ensure your ecommerce app becomes a powerful tool for customer satisfaction and business success.
Why you can choose our company for your ecommerce development platform ?
Expertise: Our company boasts a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in ecommerce development, ensuring a high-quality platform.
Customization: We prioritize your unique business needs, offering customized solutions that align with your brand and objectives.
User-Friendly Design Our focus is on creating a user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.
Mobile Responsiveness Your ecommerce platform will be optimized for mobile devices, reaching a wider audience in the mobile-centric market.
Cutting-Edge Technologies Stay ahead with our use of the latest technologies, ensuring your platform is innovative and future-proof.
Choose our company for your ecommerce development platform, and you’ll discover a dedicated partner committed to transforming your online business. With a track record of delivering successful ecommerce solutions, our team brings expertise, innovation, and a customer-centric approach to every project. We prioritize your unique requirements, ensuring a tailored platform that resonates with your brand identity and objectives. From user-friendly design to seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies, we guarantee a standout digital presence for your business. Contact us today to embark on a collaborative journey that promises not just a platform but a strategic tool for your ecommerce success.
Contact us :- https://i-quall.com/contact-us.html
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notapk · 11 months
Asura Scans iOS App: Features, Tips, and Alternatives
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For manga fans looking to read comics on the go, the Asura Scans iOS app is an excellent choice to access a huge library of manga titles conveniently. With a smooth, intuitive interface optimized for iPhone and iPad, the app makes reading manga easy and enjoyable. Key Features of the Asura Scans iOS App How the iOS App Compares to the Website Downloading and Getting Started with the App Handy Tips for Using the Asura Scans iOS App Viable Alternatives to the Asura Scans iOS App Conclusion Key Features of the Asura Scans iOS App
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The Asura Scans app allows users to access the platform's entire manga catalog directly from their iOS device. You can effortlessly browse, search, and read manga anywhere without needing an internet connection. Some of the standout features include: - Massive manga library: Browse and read from Asura Scans' extensive manga catalog containing thousands of titles across genres and formats. - Reading progress tracking: The app saves your reading progress so you can seamlessly pick up from where you left off. - Download chapters: Download manga chapters for offline reading when you do not have an internet connection. - Search and filters: Find new manga to read using options like genres, format, status, etc. - Reading customization: Customize your reading experience by adjusting viewer settings like page layout, text size, brightness, etc. How the iOS App Compares to the Website While the Asura Scans website itself is excellent, the iOS app provides some beneficial features tailor-made for mobile users. Some of the key differences include: - Offline reading: The ability to download manga for offline viewing is exclusive to the app. - Mobile optimization: The app's interface and navigation are designed specifically for smaller screens. Reading manga is easier on the eyes. - Push notifications: Get notified about the latest chapter updates of your favorite manga through the app. - Reader settings: More extensive reader customization options, like night mode, text zoom, etc., are available on the app. - Cross-device sync: Reading progress is synced across multiple iOS devices through the same account. Downloading and Getting Started with the App Getting started with reading manga on Asura Scans' iOS app is quick and simple: - Download the Asura Scans app from the iOS App Store. It's free to download and use. - Create an account within the app or log in with your existing Asura Scans account credentials. - Use the search feature or browse the catalog to find the manga series you want to read. - Tap on a series and then a chapter to start reading it within the app's reader. - Adjust viewer settings like text size, brightness, layout, etc., based on your preferences. - Follow or favorite any manga you like to get notified about updates. - Download chapters for offline viewing when you do not have an internet connection. Handy Tips for Using the Asura Scans iOS App Here are some useful tips to get the most out of the Asura Scans iOS reading experience: - Download new chapters of the manga you follow using WiFi to avoid mobile data charges. - Use the Filters option extensively when searching for new manga recommendations. - Create a backup of your Asura Scans library by exporting it through the app. - Report any bugs or issues you face while using the app to help improve it. - Enable new chapter push notifications so you never miss releases from your favorite manga. - Try different Reader settings like inverted or vertical page layouts for comfortable reading. Viable Alternatives to the Asura Scans iOS App While Asura Scans' app is great, here are a few other options iOS users can look at for reading manga: - Manga Rock Also offers a huge manga library and custom reading options. But has subscription plans. - Manga Reader: Easy to use manga reader with navigation tools like bookmarking history. Free with ads. - Shonen Jump: Official manga app from Viz media focusing on popular Shonen manga. Paid subscription. - Manga websites: Apps like MangaFox and Mangakakalot let you read manga directly on the mobile browser. But lack native app features. Conclusion The Asura Scans iOS app provides an exceptional experience for manga fans to immerse in reading comics on their Apple devices. With handy features tailored for mobile, regular content updates, and customization options, the app makes it simple to access Asura Scans' vast manga library on the go. While alternatives exist, Asura Scans sets the gold standard for iOS manga apps. Read the full article
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billsby23 · 1 year
What are webhooks, and why are they necessary?
Webhooks are an incredibly useful and a resource-light way to implement event reactions. They’re an essential tool in any app's arsenal because they deliver data from one app to another, either by sending automated messages or receiving real-time updates about what's happening inside your software environments.
What are webhooks?
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Webhooks are one of the methods used for web apps to communicate with one another. When a particular event occurs, it lets you move real-time data from one application to another.
Let's assume you've built an application using the Foursquare API to track people visiting your cafe. When they check-in, you want to be able to greet them by name and offer them a complimentary drink.
A webhook notifies you whenever someone checks in, allowing you to conduct any procedures in your application once this event has occurred.
The data is then delivered over the internet from the application where the event happened to the receiving application that’s responsible for processing it.
Real-life webhook Example
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Just assume that you’re usingwebhooks to connect your email marketing software to other software services you have.
In one instance, you could use a webhook to connect a payment gateway with your email marketing software so that when a payment bounces, the user receives an email.
How does a webhook work?
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Think of a table buzzer at a restaurant; you know when your table is ready when the buzzer goes off. Webhooks work on the same theory. Here, the table buzzer would be a third-party app that sends signals when the tablei s ready.
And the one receiving the information about the table is the 'listener'. In the digital world, the listener is the URL that gets the webhooks and executes a predetermined action, in this case activates the buzzer.
One way to get started with automated web development projects is using webhooks. You probably use them regularly without even realizing what they are.
Up to this point, you might be thinking they’re the same as APIs, however, they’re not.
An API (Application Programming Interface) allows two-way communication between software programs that are driven by requests.
With APIs a request needs to be sent, which is then followed by the response. In most cases this response is the data or action that was being requested.
Webhooks on the other hand, allow you to skip the request step in the API process by just sending the data when it’s available.
Let us discuss in more detail-
Webhooks vs API
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In contrast, a webhook is an automated call made by websites on their own- triggered due to specific events happening within the website, like new content being added or edited etc.
For instance - if a new user registers on the website, the automated webhook could be set up to request the server send a welcome email.
Pulling vs Pushing
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A method known as "polling" is used to obtain data from an API. This is a form of checking for new data and it involves your application sending a request to an API server to examine for new data on a regular basis, whether the data is there or not.
● A webhook enables the provider to deliver data to your application as soon as an event occurs (i.e. "push"). Webhooks are frequently referred to as "reverse APIs" because of this.
● APIs must periodically fetch data from a server to keep current, but with webhooks, the server can transmit this data to you as soon as something happens.
● Webhooks are less resource-intensive because they eliminate the need to regularly poll (check) for new data.
● To use a real-life example, APIs are equivalent to calling a business repeatedly to see whether they've restocked on a shoe brand you like. Webhooks would then be like requesting the merchant to contact you whenever the shoes are in stock, saving both parties time.
How to create a webhook?
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Creating a webhook is usually a three-step process:
● Obtain the webhook URL from the application you want to transmit the data from.
● Then, in the webhook area of the application you want to receive data, paste that URL.
● Finally, select the types of events for you’dlike the app to send you notifications for.
How different apps make use of webhooks?
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Discord Webhooks make it simple to send automated messages and data changes to a text channel on your server.
WordPress Webhooks allows you to automate your WordPress site by connecting it to other technologies. It's a freemium plugin that uses webhooks to enable you to automate your WordPress site.
MailChimp Webhooks are for events like subscribes, unsubscribes, and profile updates.
If you send out a weekly newsletter, you'll be notified immediately when someone changes their email address, which you can then amend in your CRM system's subscribers list.
With Shopify Webhooks, you'll be informed when a product is updated, an order is paid for, a checkout is made, or a refund is initiated.
As a result, you'll no longer have to be concerned about missing orders or failing to deliver things on schedule.
With Slack Webhooks, you can post messages from your apps into Slack with all the usual formatting and layout blocks.
With Stripe Webhooks, you can be notified of events in your account by receiving a web notification.
These are especially useful for asynchronous actions, such as a customer’s bank confirming a payment, a dispute charge happening or a recurring subscriptions that succeed without any problems!
I hope this provides a comprehensive overview of webhooks. However, what I really want you to take away from this is the value they can add to your development process.
Webhooks can increase the efficiency and the ability to scale your programs.
The best approach to learning about webhooks is to use them for yourself. Why not try Billsby, to get a feel for it, by using webhooks to connect your applications!
Source- What are webhooks, and why are they necessary?
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A Brief Guide to an Outbound Call Center Solution
Many of you may still remember at least one instance of the persuasive call from an agent who would influence your buying decision sitting miles across. I still remember the day, when a call center agent nudged me into enrolling in an executive learning program. Sitting afar at an outbound call center, he listed out the merits and pointed out intangible gains that would last a lifetime.
Truly, the power of the human touch and well-placed arguments can drive the customer through the sales funnel.  In the age of digital channels and AI (artificial intelligence) bots, outbound call center solution may be perceived as an excess. However, in the long run, outbound call centers translate into a valuable asset to drive sales and customer experience. Let us understand its nuances and use.
What Is An Outbound Call Center? 
For most, a call center is just a setup for centralizing the customer service phone calling system. Normally, the distinction between outbound and inbound is overlooked and some also use it interchangeably. However, as an industry professional, you should have clarity.   An outbound call center refers to a facility usually set up for making outgoing phone calls by a business for sales, marketing, customer service, or general information. An outbound call center can be put to versatile use, depending upon the organization. Public bodies and government offices also utilize outbound call centers for disseminating information and awareness initiatives, among others. A case in point is the widespread use of call centers for Covid-19-related information by government bodies worldwide.
Let’s take a quick look at a few benefits of an outbound call center. 
 Automation with Auto Dialers
Outbound call center software features many advanced dialers nowadays that cut the time taken to dial each lead while automating the whole process. It is an efficient way to get the word out for a large volume of callers on the list. The auto dialers such as Predictive, Progressive, and Preview dialers completely change the calling process. Let us take a quick look at them. 
Predictive dialer
It is an automated dialling system for outbound calls available in call center solutions. A predictive dialer dials each number from the contact list, eliminating the need for manual calling. It does this intelligently by detecting voicemails, unanswered calls, busy phone tones, disconnected or invalid numbers, and more. The agent is only notified when the phone is answered at the other end.
Preview dialer
Your sales and marketing teams are always juggling to fit in a maximum number of calls in a day and pick out leads. It is almost impossible to remember the details of each and every prospect before the call. A preview dialer of a call center solution can save you from misinformation and incomplete customer data by pulling out the relevant information before making the call. It will assist you in driving meaningful conversations and churning out qualified leads faster. Agents too feel empowered, which improves operational efficiency leading to zero downtime. 
Progressive dialer
This call center dialer is apt to focus on premium customers and not get distracted by the clock. A progressive dialer only connects to the next customer once the call gets over, mitigating call abandonments.
One-Click Announcements with IVR
Often the change in rules and regulations affects millions of customers in one go. You are required to meet compliance norms by informing each customer individually of any impact. Sometimes, customer awareness efforts comprise mass marketing, such as advertising campaigns to push app and website use and custom IVR (Integrated Voice Response) messages that guide customers on a particular aspect of product installation.  In such cases, IVR (Integrated Voice Response) in outbound call center systems can save you time and effort. You can relay customized automated voice messages to a large customer base in just a few clicks. 
Access Real-Time Reports
Ever wondered if the time and effort spent on calling customers are yielding any results? Or how did the agents fare on calling? With real-time reports offered in call center solutions, you can plan ahead and manage customer interactions better. One study found that the average difference in sales conversion rate between the top and bottom quartile performers was 230% in a particular industry operating. 
Interested in learning more about the best outbound call center software? AC InfoSoft offers the best outbound call center solutions. To learn more about them, please visit https://www.acinfosoft.com/call-center-solutions/
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Elevating E-commerce: The Role of an E-commerce App Development Company
In the digital age, e-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop and conduct business. As more consumers turn to online shopping, the demand for e-commerce apps continues to soar. E-commerce app development companies have become instrumental in meeting this demand by creating tailored, efficient, and feature-rich apps. In this informative blog post, we'll explore the importance of ecommerce app development company, their role in shaping the industry, and why partnering with one is essential for e-commerce success.
The E-commerce Revolution
E-commerce has transformed the retail landscape, providing businesses with an unparalleled opportunity to reach global audiences and streamline their operations. Online shopping offers convenience, a wide range of product choices, competitive pricing, and the ability to shop anytime, anywhere. As a result, e-commerce has experienced explosive growth, making it a critical sector of the global economy.
Why Choose E-commerce App Development Companies
E-commerce app development companies specialize in creating mobile applications that cater to the unique needs of online businesses. Here's why they are indispensable:
Expertise: E-commerce app development companies have a team of skilled professionals with extensive experience in building e-commerce apps. They understand the nuances of the industry, including security, payment processing, and user experience.
Customization: These companies offer tailored solutions that align with a business's brand, goals, and target audience. Custom apps can provide a unique and memorable shopping experience.
Optimized User Interface: E-commerce app developers focus on creating user-friendly interfaces that make navigation, product discovery, and checkout processes intuitive and efficient.
Integration: E-commerce apps can integrate with various third-party services, such as payment gateways, analytics tools, and inventory management systems, to enhance functionality.
Scalability: E-commerce app development companies design apps that can scale to accommodate growth and increased user traffic, ensuring a seamless experience as businesses expand.
Key Features of E-commerce App Development
User Registration and Profiles: Users can create accounts, manage personal information, and track order history.
Product Listings: Comprehensive product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, prices, and user reviews.
Search and Filters: Advanced search options and filters to help users find products quickly based on categories, brands, and price ranges.
Shopping Cart: Users can add, remove, and manage items in their shopping carts before proceeding to checkout.
Secure Payment Processing: Multiple payment options, secure transactions, and the ability to save payment methods for future use.
Wishlists and Favorites: Users can create wishlists and save their favorite products for future reference.
Real-Time Inventory: Displays product availability in real-time and notifies users of low-stock or out-of-stock items.
Order Tracking: Provides real-time tracking of orders, delivery updates, and estimated delivery times.
Advantages of E-commerce App Development
Enhanced User Experience: E-commerce apps offer a more user-friendly and convenient shopping experience compared to mobile websites, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Increased Sales: Apps can leverage push notifications and personalized recommendations to encourage repeat purchases and upselling, ultimately boosting sales.
Mobile-First Approach: With the majority of online shopping occurring on mobile devices, having a dedicated app ensures your brand is accessible to a broader audience.
Offline Access: Some apps offer offline access to previously viewed products, allowing users to browse and wishlist items even without an internet connection.
Faster Load Times: E-commerce apps are optimized for speed and performance, resulting in faster load times and improved responsiveness.
Use Cases for E-commerce App Development
Retailers: Traditional and online retailers can benefit from e-commerce apps to expand their digital presence, engage with customers, and boost sales.
Fashion Brands: Fashion brands can create visually appealing apps to showcase their collections, offer exclusive discounts, and enhance the shopping experience.
Grocery and Food Delivery: Grocery stores and food delivery services can develop apps that allow users to order groceries and meals for delivery or pickup.
Marketplaces: E-commerce marketplaces can create apps that connect buyers and sellers, facilitating transactions and enhancing user interactions.
Subscription Services: Subscription-based businesses can offer apps that manage subscriptions, provide exclusive content, and facilitate billing.
E-commerce app development companies are at the forefront of the e-commerce revolution, shaping the industry by creating efficient, personalized, and feature-rich applications. Partnering with an experienced e-commerce app development company is crucial for businesses looking to succeed in the competitive online marketplace. As online shopping continues to grow, e-commerce apps will remain an essential tool for businesses aiming to provide exceptional shopping experiences and maximize their reach to consumers worldwide.
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smarthometekkie · 1 year
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