pcsofwhat · 7 years
I love you and love is real Real means true and I am blue Blue is world, and sunward hurled Hurricane I can’t explain Masterpiece Hist’ry needs grease Greasy mess but I am blessed blessed time nursery rhyme Lyme disease Tell me, please, we’ll will it be we’ll live in glee and plant trees We’ll trade plans, too build for two for me and you children’s shoes mystery clues shiny news you need to know I love you so - I so do - I need you to be with you to see you and dream with you Dance with you night and day, too Always you Ever us two shining through each day anew
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caulfieldly · 9 years
You leave my berries alone
Ima use my witch powers to turn them into chili peppers
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br0wngurlfly-blog · 10 years
proofrok said: You’re going to UofC?
I *matriculated*, yes! FUCKING GO MAROONS.
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bgtesusjjksk · 10 years
Clever name
Thanks - I'm a huge nerd and I used to play World of Warcraft and I named my hunter "Bellatrix" (after the star in Orion) and I got used to being called "Bella" - so that's where it started.  I named the blog "Bella Godless" because I liked that it has a deeper meaning - Bella=beautiful and life can be beautiful without god.  I can be happy without god - something my fundamentalist parents just can't accept.  They think anyone who is an atheist must be secretly bitter and unhappy.PS - I also run a blog called "Bella Geek" which is where I post all my nerdy/geeky stuff about gaming, sci-fi, books etc.
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jonathizzle · 12 years
top 5 favorite blogs?
In no particular order:
blowmelol, el3ctricity, giovanelupo, iwasgavin, and proofrok
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nocturnalprincess · 12 years
proofrok replied to your post: Im getting my wisdom teeth pulled within the next...
They do. Its really not so bad (and I had about the worst experience with it ever). At least youll be doped up for a week after, which is always nice.
oh okay :o yeah, that'll be nice haha
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