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fayes-fics · 2 days
An Artful Arrangement
Pairings: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (threesome)
Summary: A private art lesson with Benedict becomes something else when a Viscount is your subject...
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, MMF threesome, no incest. Very mild restraint with hands, sensation play, smidge of breast play, vaginal object insertion, vaginal fingering, oral sex (M to F), masturbation, vaginal sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism.
Word Count: 7.7k
Authors Note: Request fill for Anon, who wanted Anthony as a life model for one of Benedict's private art lessons. This request is from last year and I started writing it before the whole Benedict gives up art thing of s3. I hope artist Benedict returns in s4. Anyway, thank you to @colettebronte for beta-reading this monster. Enjoy! <3
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“I’m not sure about this, brother,” Anthony frowns, surveying the jumbled art studio at Benedict’s London townhouse. 
Sunlight is streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the rear of the property, but Anthony is grateful for the translucent voiles that drape over them; at least there will be some privacy from the surrounding buildings for this embarrassment.
“Too bad,” Benedict shoots back, bemused, fiddling through a pile of paintbrushes.  “A bet is a bet, and you lost.”
“You do not need to revel in my misfortune quite this much, though,” Anthony pouts.
“What can I say? The mallet of death does not always ensure victory at Pall Mall,” Benedict chuckles, readjusting one of the two easels in the room. “And I can assure you, this student will be worth your efforts,” he adds enigmatically as his trusty valet appears in the doorway.
“Ms y/l/n is here, Mr Bridgerton,” Mr Smith announces. “Should I see her in?”
“Certainly,” Benedict nods brightly, observing in the periphery of his gaze how Anthony’s interest is piqued at that announcement.
“A Ms?” Anthony echoes quietly as Smith slips away. “I did not think you offered private art tuition to the unmarried lady,” his voice filled with concern, patently preoccupied with the Bridgerton family reputation should Benedict be inviting innocent young women to his bachelor lodgings unchaperoned.
“Do not concern yourself,” Benedict sighs, knowing exactly where the Viscount's thoughts have gone. “I indeed do not do that. I would not wish for that reputation. Widows who have reverted to their unmarried name, however….” Benedict trails off.
“Oh… right….” Anthony nods in understanding. 
That, indeed, is an entirely different prospect.
You enter the room and suspect you may have interrupted a private moment between the two men before you. Both turning towards you, Benedict looks happy to see you once more; the other man - you would recognise his older brother, the Viscount, anywhere - seems taken aback, but you don't miss the tiny uptick in the corner of his mouth, hopefully also pleased to meet you.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen,” you nod courteously and move towards Benedict, allowing him to take your hand and kiss the back of your glove in greeting.
“Ms y/l/n,” he rumbles, “it is so wonderful to see you again.”
“Likewise, Mr Bridgerton,” you answer, enjoying the warmth of his lips through the silk, that trademark flare of exhilaration in your ribcage when your flirtation with him rears. 
This is your fifth private lesson with Mr Bridgerton, and while art has been a wonderful new pastime, you do wonder how much of your enthusiasm correlates to your tutor’s attractiveness. He has been nothing but a gentleman in his actions, almost to your chagrin, although sometimes his glances have felt heated and laden with something that makes your insides glow.
You turn towards Anthony. “Viscount Bridgerton, it is a pleasure to meet you finally. I have seen you from afar at many an event.”
You take a few paces and offer your other hand for him to kiss, but it takes him a moment before he returns to himself and amends his frozen look of surprise.
“Miss y/l/n, the pleasure is all mine,” he replies, and there is something just as velvet in his tone as his brother's, his lips also warm and plush as he kisses your other hand.
Oh, my goodness. They are both entirely too charming and handsome.
“I apologise. When my brother informed me I would be modelling for a widow, I did not assume such a person as yourself,” he explains, his cheeks sporting a delightful dot of colour.
“I was widowed at age 24, my lord,” you explain, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “My late husband, 10th Earl of Pembroke, was a great deal older than me.” 
“Should we not address you as Dowager Countess?” Anthony checks, concerned at any potential faux pas.
“Please do not,” you instantly respond. “It is why I reverted to my unmarried name. I have no wish to be addressed as such. The title lives on in his eldest son, the current Earl, and his wife. Who are indeed older than me. I was my husband's second wife. A companion for his senior years after his first wife died.”
Anthony nods in understanding. “It must have been an interesting union,” he offers politely.
“I was seventeen, and the man was nearly sixty,” you sigh. “My parents saw an opportunity to climb the social ladder and took it. I did not dislike the man completely, but I cannot say I was particularly distraught at his passing,” you explain plainly. “I am, of course, grateful his estate provides for me now.”
Having explained your situation as thoroughly as you wish, you turn back towards Benedict, who appears thoroughly entertained by your bluntness.
“Is this my easel?” you enthuse, pointing to the one nearest the windows.
“Indeed it is,” he returns with a smile as he strides past you and clicks the door closed.
“Now the question is, would you prefer your model be clothed or unclothed? You have not done a piece yet on the naked human form,” he points out.
You look over to see Anthony’s face morph into a thousand reactions.
“That was not part of the deal, brother,” he warns lowly through gritted teeth.
“Maybe not, but I think the lady should get to decide, do you not, brother?” Benedict challenges in a tone laced with amusement, his eyes sparkling.
You can see the war on Anthony’s face and decide to offer an olive branch. “I would not wish to make the Viscount uncomfortable in any way…”
“It would not,” Anthony cuts in very quickly. “I was just pointing out it was not my expectation to do so,” his gaze softening as it slips from his brother to you. “However, if you wish it, Ms, I shall remove my clothing.” something in the way he says it causes a frisson down your spine.
You have only seen one naked man in your life. And that is your dead husband—a portly man of advanced years. Something about the look of the Viscount’s tailored clothing suggests his naked form would be very different. More akin to the rugged gardener you have occasionally seen topless at your country home and, yes, touched yourself while thinking of. You are not sure you could keep your wits about you to paint such a fine specimen of a man.
“Let us just remove our jackets for now, brother,” Benedict suggests. ”The lady may then decide if we shall proceed further,” his tone conciliatory as he removes his.
You smile at his gentlemanly offer. 
“Now,” he continues, rolling up his white shirt sleeves distractingly. “You may choose to pose your model as you see fit.” 
Anthony is doing the same with his shirt, and you find yourself staring at him as well, at the play of muscles in his forearms as he rolls the material. Behind him is an emerald green velvet chaise, and you ask him to sit upon it. He does so and then looks at you expectantly for further instruction.
“Perhaps place one forearm on your thigh,” you suggest, but the pose he adopts isn't quite what you had in mind.
“You can place him in the position you wish,” Benedict chuckles, seeing the knit in your brow, gesturing for you to go to Anthony.
Your heart skips a little as you approach the Viscount, his eyes almost trepidacious as you place your hands tentatively on his shoulders. They are so broad and warm through the thin white cotton of his shirt. You position his arms, noting the latent power in his biceps, fingertips lingering on the material, eager to trail your hands down onto the dark hair dusting his forearms. 
“Would you mind raising your chin, my lord?” you ask quietly, and when he tilts his head up, you almost gasp at the intensity of his gaze boring into yours.
“Like this?” he murmurs.
“Yes, please,” you whisper back, “the light catches your face perfectly.”
“Much as it does yours,” he returns softly and something warm spreads under your ribs as you drink in his handsome facial features, almost glowing in the sunlight—a want to run your fingertips over his cheeks, trace the lines of his strong jaw dusted with a trace of afternoon stubble.
“Are you happy with your placement?” Benedict’s voice rings out, cutting into your reverie.
“Yes, Mr Bridgerton,” you reply but do not move, seemingly rooted to the spot.
“Then please return to your easel,” he tutors, with a hint of sharpness you have not heard before. 
Part of you is tempted to spin around and ask if he is jealous, but instead, you shoot Anthony a tiny smile that he returns before withdrawing. 
You round behind your easel and pick up your charcoal, sketching an outline, as Benedict does the same. A few minutes pass pleasantly as you draw, glancing at Anthony around the edge of the easel to ensure accuracy. You could swear every time you do so; his lip twitches in amusement, almost as if he is trying to distract you.
“Benedict,” you call softly when you think your rough outline is done, “please could you check my sketch?”
It's a flimsy excuse you have used more than once now—a wish to have your teacher move closer. He doesn't disappoint. He takes a few strides and then stops close to your back, assessing your canvas.
“I would say that is an excellent start,” he assesses, his exhaled air wafting through tendrils of hair near your ear. “Except maybe here…” His arm curls close around your side, ghosting your dress, and taps the canvas where you have sketched Anthony’s left arm. “I think you flatter my brother with a shoulder that broad.”
“Perhaps…” you concede, and then your tongue runs away with itself. “It may indeed be easier to ascertain the correct proportions for the Viscount were he in less clothing.”
They both chuckle at your bold assertion, so obviously a flimsy excuse. But there is a vault behind your ribs as Anthony rises to that challenge—a glint in his eye as he stands up and plucks open his waistcoat, shucking it quickly from his shoulders, staring you down. 
You swear you can feel the heat radiating from Benedict behind you as Anthony unwinds his white cravat and then, with a smirk, tosses it towards you. It lands draped over your easel; you reach out unthinking, grabbing an end, caressing the fine silk absent-mindedly as you stare covetously now.
Anthony is indeed built like your gardener, possibly even more sculpted. A dark thatch over his chest tapers to a line of hair over his abdominals and trails temptingly into his trousers. You want to see where it leads to. You suspect something much better than you have ever encountered before. With a hint of swagger, he retakes his seat in the pose you had put him in, the stance making his bicep bulge out.
“I do not think I was very incorrect in my proportions, Mr Bridgerton,” you opine tacitly, turning your head a fraction so your temple is brushing Benedict’s jaw, knowing you are goading him.
“Then draw what you believe you see,” he returns, his voice a low whisper, his lips so close to the shell of your ear that your heart pounds in your chest.
Your eyes hold Anthony’s as you daringly glide your fingertips over the back of Benedict’s hand, lingering on the raised tendons before you push the charcoal between his knuckles.
“Perhaps you can guide my hand?”
“With pleasure,” he hums.
The charcoal glides over the canvas in guided unison for a few laden minutes as you draw under Benedict’s tutelage. Anthony’s chest rises and falls steadily as you glance at him every few seconds—a tension in the air that is portentous, crackling. Your traitorous mind wanders—a jumble of images of you laying with both of these men, bringing you untold pleasures with their mouths and hands.
“Are you even paying attention to the artwork?” Benedict's rich voice lilts in your ear as you realise your hand is almost limp under his.
“I… I must confess, my thoughts may be elsewhere, Mr Bridgerton.”
“Tell us. It could be something we would be most pleased to hear,” he posits duskily, his breath hot on your cheek, letting slip that he likely suspects.
“I am thinking… of other artful arrangements of human bodies,” you offer somewhat opaquely.
“Whose bodies?” Benedict presses, this time his lips grazing your earlobe, as you spy a vein throbbing in Anthony’s temple, looking like he wants to stalk over and claim you.
“The three of us,” you confess breathily.
There is a noise from both men that is a beeline straight into your core, and there is a mouth on your skin. You gasp, eyes closing as you sway backwards into Benedict, his lips travelling the column of your neck as your back collides with his solid chest. The gentle suction and warm wetness set your skin afire, tingles running down your arm. Your lashes flutter open, and your blood runs hot to behold Anthony’s face like thunder until you bite your lip and, feeling emboldened, you mouth to him…
‘Your turn’
Instantly, his mien morphs into one of desire, jumping to his feet as you slide a hand into Benedict's thick hair and grab a handful, making him groan into your skin. 
“You are entirely too clothed compared to your brother, Mr Bridgerton,” you coquette, untangling yourself from his arms and spinning to look back at him with a raised brow, backing away without looking, knowing you will soon collide with Anthony.
Sure enough, you inhale sharply as toned arms haul you into a firm embrace, the hair on his chest tickling the skin above the scooped back of your dress.
“The lady is not wrong, brother,” Anthony provokes, his tone smug now that you are in his arms instead.
Teeth nip lightly on your earlobe while you watch Benedict fight with his waistcoat, almost wrenching it from his torso. Anthony is more taciturn than Benedict, communicating with his fingertips instead, raking over your dress, silently telegraphing his desire through the gauzy layers. Benedict’s stare is heavy upon you as he unfurls his cravat, you melting into Anthony’s lips skimming down your throat. Benedict makes quick work of removing his shirt, throwing it aside, his smooth chest heaving slightly as he advances upon you. Then his lips descend and claim yours in a breathtaking kiss. 
If this is the Bridgerton boys competing for your affection, then you would do anything to keep provoking them. Sandwiched between their bare torsos, Benedict's tongue opening your lips, lathing yours, as Anthony’s mouth skates your shoulder. The taste and feel of them both has you suddenly impatient. To do things you never thought you would even moments ago. A forbidden fruit too tempting to resist. It makes you desirous, unbounded, a keening want to be reckless.
“Take off my dress, gentlemen,” you implore urgently as you and Benedict break apart, twisting to capture Anthony’s mouth now. 
His kiss is just as demanding, equally fervent, your heart racing as four hands trace the contours of your figure. You are not sure of who undoes the buttons down your back or who pushes the loosened fabric from your shoulders. Both unlace your stays, tugging almost impatiently until the garment relents and are certain both of them pull your gathered chemise loose, it falling from your shoulders to form a circle around your light summer shoes. Both make a noise as they realise you are now naked. It was supposed to be a little illicit thrill for yourself, foregoing stockings and underwear in Mr Bridgerton’s presence—little did you know how provocative that choice would be. 
As you toe off your shoes, the atmosphere seems as heated, the sun’s rays upon your back through the translucent window covering. There is a moment where you exchange laden looks with them, their eyes slipping down your naked body before Anthony leans in and retakes your lips.
“Touch me…” you implore, twisting briefly to address his brother before returning inexorably to Anthony’s hypnotic kiss.
Benedict's fingertips ladder up your ribs from the dip of your waist, his lips dragging hot over your bare shoulder blades. And then you gasp into Anthony’s searching mouth as those large hands seize both of your breasts, covering them entirely, your nipples snagging between his elegant knuckles.
“Here perhaps…” Benedict rumbles as you tear away from Anthony to meet his captivating gaze.
“Yessss,” you hiss hungrily, your breath catching as he plucks gently, tweaks that send a zinging bolt between your legs. You cling to the back of his sturdy neck and crash your lips into his. 
“Have you ever laid with two men before?” Anthony’s voice is like velvet in your ear as his warm hands grasp the flare of your hips, his teeth nipping at your neck.
“I have only laid with one man,” you admit as you pull back from Benedict's kiss. “And he looked nothing like either of you.” Your hands rake greedily down both of their honed outlines, a yen to see and touch more.
They puff with pride at your words as Benedict's fingers loop behind your left knee. He roughly pulls your legs up around his hip, surging into you so the rigid mass of his cock, straining in his trousers, presses your mound, making you gasp. Anthony pushes into you, too, his equally sizeable cock passing over the cleft of your bottom, so hot through the fine wool. 
“Did he worship you like you truly deserve?” Benedict queries, his cadence achingly seductive.
“I am not sure what that might entail…” your intentional evasive provocation makes him smile crookedly and lean in closer, his eyes glinting enticingly. 
“Did he feast on the bounty between your legs with his tongue until you screamed for mercy?” his words dripping from his lips like dangerous weapons, heat pooling rapidly right at that very spot.
“H-he did not…”you stutter over a slightly laboured breath.
“Oh, my poor lady,” Anthony tuts sympathetically. “You deserve to know true pleasure,” he adds, surging his hips again but also taking your hand and kissing your knuckles tenderly. 
“Lay down here,” Benedict smiles as he leads you back to the plush chaise. 
Both offer their hand to assist you in reclining, the velvet a plush tickle under your spine as you settle down, looking up at them towering over you, your hands itching to tug open their trousers and find what lies beneath, the fabric straining temptingly.
“What do you have in mind, brother?” Anthony asks, his eyes following Benedict as he turns away and appears to grab something from the bench at the side of the room, the sunlight dancing across the freckles across his back. When he spins back around, he is holding three clean paintbrushes.
“I think a sensual experience…” he replies, looking down to gauge your reaction.
“I thought our art lesson abandoned, Mr Bridgerton,” your gaze fixated upon the brushes of various sizes and bristle lengths.
“With my brother as the subject, I concede maybe so,” he remarks casually. “But I believe you to be a much more interesting prospect anyway….” his voice smoky as he looms over you, his eyes raking over you in a way that you can feel fizzling on your skin.
“Agreed”, Anthony chimes in, taking a proffered brush from his brother as they kneel on either side of the chaise, a silent exchange between them.
You want to ask what they will do, but the words die in your throat as Benedict's tongue darts out and wettens the end of a fine-tipped brush. Then, the damp bristles are upon your clavicle, tracing the arc of bone, leaving a thin, wet streak cooling rapidly, goosebumps erupting over your sternum, nipples pebbling. Without needing prompting, Anthony drags a dry, fanned brush over your ribs, tracing each contour. The sensation is different, ticklish, to the point your abdomen ripples, and you instinctively curl up a fraction, biting your lip to tamp down a giggle. Anthony smirks casually as a large hand wraps around your shoulder and pushes you back flat.
“No, no.” Your clit pulses at the warning tone Benedict employs, his hold secure but not painful, staring you down as Anthony repeats the same move upon the other side of your ribs. Your body rolls yet more, rebelling and pushing against his grip. “Stay still. Or he may desist.”
You bite your lip and exhale shakily as Anthony continues teasing brushstrokes over your stomach, each one a flick that makes your skin shimmer. Benedict releases his hold to paint his wet brush across your other collarbone, leaving a trail of his saliva along its ridge and then continuing down over your breastbone. Your breath catches as he trails under the curve of your left breast, just as Anthony’s brush sinks lower. Your instinct is to clamp your legs shut, a sudden wave of timidity, but both men grab your knees and pull your thighs wide apart. Air swirls around your slit as Anthony leans over and captures your lips in an enticing kiss.
“Do not be shy now….” is Benedict’s hot whisper in your ear, his teeth capturing your earlobe as Anthony’s tongue rolls with yours, swallowing your moans as his brush caresses the patch of hair at the apex of your thighs before he glides it between your legs, passing over your clit. 
Just that featherlight touch is enough to make you arc upwards off the chaise until again Benedict holds you down, brush stored expertly between his knuckles as warm fingertips press upon your diaphragm, and he hushes you. You have to bite the inside of your cheek as Anthony flicks a few strokes, his warm eyes blazing right above yours. The motions have you throbbing, desperate for more, and you can only gasp as he slips lower, pushing just a fraction of the brush into your soaked pussy. When you do not protest, he grins and pushes a fraction deeper as you bite your lip, wanting so much more for it to be his cock. You whimper as instead the paintbrush withdraws, and Anthony makes a show of bringing it to his mouth, sucking its dripping tip covetously.
“Delicious,” Anthony offers silkily, his face inches from yours, a thronging need low in your pelvis, aching for relief, something you never felt with your late husband. His lips are on yours, lust burning in your belly as you taste yourself in his mouth. 
Benedict chooses this moment to swirl his wetten brush tip around your areola, and that has you moaning into Anthony’s kiss, your fingers raking into his lush hair as your other hand shoots out to grab Benedict’s bicep, a need to touch them both at once.
“Please…” your voice cracking, greedy for them both.
“Please, what?” Benedict chuckles darkly, his lips brushing your hairline, again holding you down to Anthony’s sensual onslaught.
It's all you can say, tilting to look into his hazy eyes, clouded with lust, enjoying watching you squirm and pant and blossom under their attentions.
“Greedy…” Benedict volleys light-heartedly before kissing you, both of them dropping the paintbrushes, clattering to the floor.
Anthony’s fingers slither back down your centre line, tracing over the sensitive skin beneath your belly button but not stopping until they rest tauntingly over your weeping slit. You gasp into Benedict’s mouth as Anthony pushes a finger into you, his approving groan into your shoulder as you leak down his knuckles has you clenching around his invading digit. He adds another and begins to pump slowly, rocking his fingers rhythmically as your tongue parries with Benedict’s. 
Benedict breaks the kiss to brush his lips down your throat, hot kisses over your collarbone, lower still until his mouth is on the swell of your breast. Anthony adds a third finger, wet, filthy sounds from between your legs as your pussy clings to him, feeling so filled. His thumb hooks under your clitoral hood and starts to flick your sensitive nub in time with his finger thrusts just as Benedict's tongue swirls around your nipple, making your back curve up from the chaise, pushing your breast into his open mouth.
“I could watch this for hours…” Anthony asserts with a wicked little quirk of his eyebrow.
You squirm under them, so achingly aroused you feel on the edge of reason. One of them would be more than you have ever experienced before; both at once is almost lethal.
“Me too…” mirth laces Benedict’s response as he trails the point of his nose over your nipple. 
They glance at each other, telegraphing ideas silently. Benedict swaps to your other breast as Anthony moves, the angle of his fingers changing inside you, twisting as he rearranges between your splayed legs, pushing your thighs wide open, draping them on either side of the chaise.
The muscular swipe of Anthony's tongue through your slit has you crying out his name, a spike of pleasure so rough it catches you unawares, this act entirely new to you, something so intimate about his whole face buried into the wet heat between your legs.
Benedict kisses his way back up your neck as Anthony’s strong arms wrap around your hips, the solid mass of biceps curled into you as he drives you relentlessly, his tongue a spear lashing your swollen clit. Benedict swings around from kneeling at the side of the chaise to leaning over the curved back, fingers spidering down your skin from your shoulders towards your breasts.
“Is this the artful arrangement of bodies you envisaged?” His words are whispered hotly into your ear, your eyes fluttering closed at the decadent, smokey cadence.
You mumble something incoherent, the rush washing through your system stealing your thoughts, just as Anthony’s fingers start to move inside you again as he feasts upon you, closing his mouth around your sensitive nub and sucking hard with his lips.
“What was that?” Benedict chuckles, a teasing lilt that has you nuzzling your cheek into his lips, his fingertips dragging agonisingly slowly lower, over the round of your breasts, your nipples, still damp with his saliva, pebbled painfully even in the warm room, tingling for his firm touch.
“Yessss…” your reply is a sibilant rasp; he must know this is even better than what you had imagined, but he seems to enjoy hearing your affirmation regardless. Such investment in your pleasure amplifies your need.
Your hand shoots down to tug Anthony’s luscious hair, pushing your pelvis up into his face as he groans his approval of your wanton actions, chasing pleasure covetously. His fingers are buried deep inside you, curling and dragging over a spot that has you climbing so fast. Then Benedict roughly pinches your nipples, throbbing in sync with your clit under Anthony’s tongue, and you are sent stratospheric dizzyingly fast, a touch of rough treatment just what you need to push you over the edge you have been skating.
Benedict swallows your screams as you ride Anthony’s face in a wave of pleasure, clenching hard around his fingers, trying to expel them as he fights to stay inside you. Benedict's mouth is hot, possessive over yours, not letting you up for air in a way that only heightens your pleasure, a tingle zipping over your scalp as you burst and fracture under them.
For a few seconds, everything is blotted out, just a rush of blood in your ears and white-hot pleasure coursing through you. Their touch turns softer as you float down, Anthony’s fingers withdrawing from you with a wet noise as you lay dazed, utterly overwhelmed by the sudden intensity.
“Now that was a work of art…” the filthy poet opines velvety, a handsome, lopsided grin claiming his face as you stare up at him hovering over you, your view upside down. 
You are still too stunned even to form words, a stuttering noise that sounds more like a whimper, the only thing escaping your trembling lips.
“I think we may have stolen her power of speech,” Anthony observes wryly, crawling up, dropping pecked kisses onto random spots of your dewy skin.
He settles his muscular body over yours, his chest hair tickling your nipples, his face glazed with your arousal, and his sizeable cock brands your thigh through the material of his trousers. He moves in to steal a kiss that tastes tart, rolling your flavour onto your tongue, seemingly wanting you to savour it as much as he does.
“I've never enjoyed losing a bet more…” he rumbles enigmatically as you break apart, your brow knitting in confusion.
“He would not have been your art model today if he had not lost a bet,” Benedict supplies, his fingers massaging your scalp soothingly, dropping a kiss onto your forehead.
You smile blissfully, head swinging to look at them both, knowing it will broadcast your response, as well as anything spoken could.
“You might be right about the power of speech, brother,” Benedict jests gently as they rearrange on either side of you.
Hands running lightly over your arms and torso. You just assumed, as with your previous husband, that they would immediately move on to pursuing their pleasure, so when they do not, you are slightly confused, especially as their unhurried, sensual caresses reignite that flame deep in your core. After a few minutes of gentle intimacy you are unable to censor your curiosity any longer.
“Will neither of you take me?!”
You don't mean it to sound quite as indignant as it does, even though a large part of you enjoys their shocked expressions, neither expecting such boldness. But then both of their faces morph into a dangerous, smouldering look so similar you can see their shared genetics. It has you biting your lip on instinct.
“We both will if you employ that sort of tone with us…” Benedict threatens sonorously, leaning in so his lips graze your cheek, giving away that is precisely what they want too, a shiver running down your spine at all the possibilities, your soaked clit throbbing anew.
“Is that a promise or a threat, Mr Bridgerton?” You volley back, raising an eyebrow, this new play far too beguiling to resist.
“Insolent little thing…” Anthony growls.
Hands clutch you tightly, blunt fingernails digging into your soft flesh, both of them demanding a kiss, pulling you in each direction to plunder your mouth in turn. A thrill zips all the way from your head to your toes with this sudden change of pace—the gauntlet of challenge you have thrown down, unleashing something primal in them both. 
Before you know it, Benedict is standing up, and the sound of buttons popping open makes you inhale sharply around Anthony’s tongue, wanting so much to crane to see him stripping off, but your entire field of vision filled with the powerful Viscount, his hand seizing your jaw.
“Look at me,” Anthony demands, perhaps a tinge of jealousy that you may even dare glance elsewhere when he is kissing the life out of you. Your eyes meet, all blown pupils and damp lips, and it's blazingly intense like he is peering into your very thoughts. “Oh good girl…” he drips praisingly, and something hot and molten unfurls behind your ribs. The smirk that engulfs his face tells you he knows precisely what those two little words have done to you, lust roaring back to life in your veins. “Such a live wire…” he breathes, and you can see it is nothing but admiration. “I will be back…” his promise trailing off as he withdraws, your eyes tracking his movements away from you, taking a seat in a nearby wingback chair, that handsome smirk still there. It makes you want to reach out your hands and beckon him back, a slight pout that he has left you so soon.
But you inhale sharply as warm, ropey thighs part yours, and your attention is pulled back to Benedict, prowling over you on all fours, naked now. The glimpse of his rigid cock bobbing between his legs catches your breath before he claims your mouth and lowers himself upon you. So much heat and lithe, supple musculature. He doesn't even ask; your knees spreading wide is the open invitation that he takes, angling his hips and slipping into your waiting weeping pussy with one decisive thrust that has you grasping his shoulders and calling out. The blistering stretch is unlike anything your previous husband could achieve, and you are grateful for just how aroused you are, the feeling just the right side of painful. He holds still buried to the root, his handsome face rightfully smug as you adjust to this novel feeling of utter fullness.
“Is that what you needed?” He leans down and whispers those words in your ear, your breasts crushed under his smooth, hard chest. The tone is doused with brazen provocation that you can't help but rise to, one of your hands sliding covetously down his back.
“I think you know the answer you seek. Impress me, Benedict...” you incite as you grab his shapely rear, his responding groan vibrating your entire being. He withdraws and surges back in, your toes curling into the light fuzz on the back of his calves, what you have fantasised about for many weeks now, better than anything you have idly thought during each art lesson with him.
Benedict nuzzles into your neck and starts to set a rhythm that has you panting with each stroke, your back chafing the rich velvet fabric of the chaise, engulfed in his heat and woodsy scent, caged around you, his hands hooked under your shoulders, pulling you down onto his invading cock, his lips murmuring encouraging words onto your throat. 
Movement out the corner of your eye distracts you, and you twist your head a fraction to see Anthony naked now, too. That dusting of dark hair on his chest tapers over his toned stomach, a thin trail leading all the way down to the patch around the base of his cock. He has taken himself in hand and is watching you intently, eyes trained on you as his brother fucks into you over and over, rolling with him.
‘I want you…’
You mouth to Anthony, a need to have him desperate and wanting. His nostrils flare, and he bears his teeth, his grip on his cock vice-like, speeding up, a glistening bead of moisture squeezing from his tip at your very words. 
“Call her a good girl,” Anthony snarls, an instruction as much as a suggestion.
“Why would I when she is looking at you while I fuck her?” Benedict scolds satirically, and that has you swinging your attention back to the man inside you, a little flare of guilt in your gut that you are unable to divide your attention between them, wanting them both. “There she is,” he teases gravelly as his lips ghost the shell of your ear. “There’s my good girl….” he adds for good measure, the lowest register you have ever heard from him, and you cannot help your body’s response.
You clench around him, and he groans long and low, his grip on you harsher, snapping his hips so forcefully his hip bones dig deep into your splayed thighs, your eyes rolling, his tip grazing your hilt.
“So fucking perfect…” he curses, his mouth opening yours, raiding you, setting a pace so punishing now you can only cling to him, moaning loudly, him nudging your swollen clit with each stroke. The chaise squeaks under the onslaught now, feet scraping hard on the polished wood floor.
Still, you cannot stop your stolen glances at Anthony as Benedict huffs into your neck. He looks so majestic, knees splayed, eyes trained on you. You want to climb into his lap and ride him until your teeth are rattling. You can feel yourself climbing higher, each jolt to your clit another step closer, a gentle flutter in your pussy you know Benedict can feel, him emitting little groans with each involuntary constriction.
“You are so close. Come for me again; I need to feel it,” Benedict pleads breathily, pulling up to meet your gaze, a sheen across his forehead as he ploughs into you, never faltering in his athletic pace. 
One of his hands sweeps down your flank, long fingers squirrel between your bodies, unerringly finding their target, a scream ripping from your lungs at the extra stimulation. A few flicks from him, and you are gone for a second time, hurtling towards the stars, bowing upwards, tensing hard, each muscle snapping taught as body and mind are flooded with ecstasy. 
Distantly, you hear Benedict growl, more animal than man, a litany of filthy praise you can barely decipher tumbling from his lips as he pulls out abruptly, you whimpering at the sudden loss, your pussy bereft, rippling around nothing now as his hot seed spills onto your belly.
He collapses onto you for a few beats; his weight is heavy and cloying, his lips meeting yours in an artless kiss. Then you feel him climb off of you slowly, a soft rag dragging over your skin as he cleans you of his seed and mingled juices. He kisses your cheek chastely, but his words are interrupted by Anthony calling out across the room. 
“Are you ready for more?”
Your attention immediately snaps across to the Viscount. Without thought, you are springing to your feet, gait uncertain, like a newborn fawn finding its legs as you take a few shaky steps towards him, an exquisite ache between your thighs from all that has transpired.
“Are you coming to me?” Anthony coos impressed, his hands shooting out to steady you, gripping your waist.
You nod enthusiastically, utterly drunk on the tide of pleasure coursing through you, which greatly entertains him. You climb into his waiting lap and draw him immediately into a filthy, wet kiss. Your tongues tangle as you shuffle forward into the wide, comfortable chair, his hips sliding forward to meet you, and without preamble, you rise fractionally and sink onto him, your puffy, swollen channel suctioning onto his thick veiny cock with a filthy sound. He groans beautifully as you sink, taking him into your pussy, the stretch of him just as mindblowing, perhaps even a shade thicker, like his physique. You stutter a curse, eyes to the ceiling, wrapping your arms tight around his neck, your nipples pressed into the fur of his chest, his balls pressed between your bottom cheeks as you sit speared upon him. 
“Are you going to ride me?” His question is rich like chocolate, buzzing against your chin where his mouth is now hooked open, his teeth grazing the bone there.
“Yes,” you slur, tilting your gaze down to look down at him, already knowing you would do it until your body gives out, so desperate again to feel that high only they can provide.
“Good girl.”
They know it's a weapon now and deploy it with gleeful abandon. Reflexively you contract around Anthony’s cock, both of you calling out, his muscular thighs tensing under your weight, his toes lifting from the floor. He utters a curse, too, a hand wrapping around the nape of your neck, then cupping the back of your head, tugging the hair at your scalp between his knuckles.
“Ride,” he commands, low and slow, a menacing tone that has you stuttering with restoked arousal. A burning need to please him, to do precisely what he tells you to. And so you push up until his head is just inside your pussy, then drop back down, shuffling your stance wider to get a better range of motion. He watches you with a hooded, scorching gaze; a devastating quirk of his eyebrow has you moving steadily. Pressing all of yourself into him, with each pass, his hard abdomen scuffs your distended clit, your pussy lips so puffy now with so much arousal and repeated blows.
He nudges your face aside so he can teeth your earlobe. “You feel exquisite. All swollen with lust,” he croons, his breath gusting hot, his choice of words making you flare hotter, driving onwards with renewed vigour, a slight burn in your thighs as you rise and fall upon him, feeling yourself dripping down onto him, needing to cling onto him to keep seated.
“Could we do this on the floor?” you murmur into his stubbled cheek, realising your range of motion is slightly restricted by the shape of the chair.
His response is immediate; without leaving your body, he effortlessly takes your weight, wraps an arm around you and somehow manoeuvres smoothly onto the floor, his spine now resting on the front of the chair cushion—so much vigour and athleticism from both of these men. 
“Turn around, sweet girl,” you startle and whip your head over your shoulder.
There sat on the chase, lower half now wrapped in a drape of crisp white fabric, looking like a Grecian statue made flesh, is Benedict—a sketchpad and charcoal in hand. 
“Turn around so that I may draw you in the throes of passion,” he clarifies, that dangerous crooked smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You look back to Anthony, suspecting from the twitch of his lip he is more than happy about this development. Silently he spins you both around and lays prone on the polished floor underneath you, still rock hard and buried deep in your pussy. Placing your hands on his chest, you lean forward slightly, take a deep breath and then start to ride again, slowly, the slight discomfort of the hardwood under your kneecaps heightening your pleasure somehow. The range of motion possible now allows you to experiment, to test the delicious drag of his cock by tilting your pelvis in each direction, then in a circular motion, hitting a spot inside that has you hissing and your nails scraping through the thick thatch of hair there.
“Take what you need…” Anthony advocates through gritted teeth, reading your every signal. 
Your eyes ping up from his imploring expression to Benedict, his gaze holding yours daringly as you start to fuck his brother again. Wantonly, luxuriating in the rapt audience you have. A liquid cascade of heat deluges you, the scrape of charcoal on the page spurring you on—to be more daring, leaning back to grab Anthony’s knees as leverage for your movements, your breast pushed high into the air, more performative knowing this carnal moment is being committed to paper.
Benedict mouths words of encouragement as you glance down to see Anthony’s eyes now screwed shut, his biceps bulging in stark relief as his hands clamp your waist, and his hips rock upwards with each downstroke you take, chasing his peak with the same vigour you are, each press of his cock better than the last. Your muscles scream from all the effort, but you do not stop, a bead of sweat sliding down your spine as you ride roughly, with abandon. Anthony’s eyes are open again now, his hands cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples so hard you stutter. Greedily you mash his thick cock right against that same spot that has your mouth slack, head tilted up, and fingers curling into his flesh, shocked at how close you are yet again in such rapid succession.
“Say it,” you grit out, staring up to the ceiling, not looking at either, not sure even you know who you are even asking. 
“Good girl..” it's in perfect unison, and that is what pushes you into oblivion.
You grind to a halt, pussy contracting in waves around his cock as he writhes under you, him gasping loudly as you again float far away, that blissful cloud almost making you miss his urgent call, him eventually hauling you off of him, just in time for him to paint your belly with a thick arc of seed, his whole body jerking with the almost violence of release.
He collapses under you, quivering, utterly spent, and you do the same. Faceplant into his chest, rubbing your nose into the musky dampness of his chest hair as you huff breaths, bone-deep but sated exhaustion from the exertion.
Pliantly, you allow Anthony to slip out from under you and you feel him pick you up bridal style as you curl into him, fatigue lapping your edges. He places you onto the chaise, and then both men are flanking you, limbs tangling and gentle kisses as they entwine around you. It’s a few quiet, tender moments before curiosity again gets the better of you.
“May I see it?” you query quietly, abashed, pressing your nose into Benedict’s shoulder, not willing to meet his gaze.
His laugh is rich and resonant, reaching around to grab his pad and show you. There, in elegant charcoal lines, is a scandalous but beautiful rendition of you, naked, your peaked nipples standing proud, head thrown back. The detail is perfect, even down to the patch of downy hair at the apex of your thighs. There is no rendition of Anthony, but at one glance, you can tell it is a depiction of an erotic capture of a woman riding a man. The very picture of passion, just as he promised.
“It is stunning,” you gasp.
“It is yours,” he rushes out.
“I… I want it to be yours,” you confess ardently, your hands sliding to grasp Anthony’s arm draped over your belly. “Both of yours..” you confirm.
Warm lips kiss your cheek on either side. 
“We will treasure it.” Anthony asserts as Benedict nods sagely.
You stifle a yawn and nuzzle into their warmth as Benedict suggests you all retire to his bedroom upstairs. 
“Tis only 3pm...” your protest is nominal at best, and you allow him to pick you up, wrapping you in another sheet as Anthony does the same, trailing behind you as Benedict ascends the stairs.
“When is your next art lesson?” Anthony queries as the door to an opulent bedroom swings open.
“Tomorrow?” you riposte cheekily, and they both chuckle as you add: “If you will have me…”
“I do believe that can be arranged,” Benedict confirms fondly as he approaches a handsome four-poster bed.
“Artfully…” Anthony adds wryly as you share a laugh with them both, falling into their welcoming joint embrace.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
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Like most people, Ewan Mitchell is accustomed to anonymity.
So during a recent trip to Manhattan, he was surprised by what a hotel doorman asked when he arrived: “You haven’t packed your eye patch?”
The actor is still getting used to strangers making the connection in public.
“I wouldn’t think people would recognize me, but they do.”
“I think it’s because of my strong chin.”
“When I’m dressed up as Aemond and catch myself in the mirror, he scares even me a little bit.”
When he’s not in character, Mitchell is soft-spoken and occasionally flashes a boyish grin, though he retains much of Aemond’s seriousness and quiet intensity.
He is also very private: He stays off social media and in the past has shied away from sharing much with the public.
“Once you lose the mystery, you can’t really get it back.”
“There is a point where you have to go, now’s the time to pull back the curtain.”
Like Aemond, Mitchell is a second son.
He grew up in Derby, an industrial town in the middle of England, and his parents expected him to follow his older brother’s footsteps and work at Rolls-Royce (the aerospace and industrial technology company, not the carmaker).
Inspired by films like “Citizen Kane” and “Taxi Driver,” Mitchell knew early on he wanted to become an actor.
When he was 13, his teacher asked each student in his class what they wanted to do when they grew up.
“Then it came to me, and I said, ‘I’m going to be an actor,’ and everyone laughed at me.”
His family could not afford tuition for drama school, so Mitchell attended a two-year vocational school, where he studied design and technology while working part-time at a restaurant and in customer service at a local soccer club.
Midway through the program, at 17, he was accepted into the Nottingham Television Workshop, a drama group that trains young people in acting.
Through the Workshop, Mitchell landed a leading role in a 2015 short film called “Fire,” about a young man who leaks fire from his hands.
Once the short was released, Mitchell downloaded it onto a dozen CDs, took the train to London and stopped by the offices of every agent he could find, handing them each a copy.
The one person who called back continues to represent Mitchell.
“By hook or by crook, I wanted to make sure that I was going to be in this business.”
Aemond’s growing prominence in the show requires Mitchell to embrace the spotlight as well.
“There is a point where you have to go, now’s the time to pull back the curtain.”
But being cast as Aemond in “House of the Dragon” has been his biggest professional turning point by far.
“Since landing him, I feel like I’m able to now steer the course of my career.”
Mitchell had been rewatching the classic Hollywood adventure film “The Vikings” (1958) and musing about how he wanted to play a morally dark character similar to the one played by Kirk Douglas when he received an email inviting him to submit a taped audition for Aemond.
When he eventually auditioned in person, he left a lasting impression on Ryan Condal, the showrunner for “House of the Dragon.”
“When Ewan came into the room, he just had this presence to him that I can best describe as unsettling,” Condal said.
“It was kind of quietly terrifying the way he performed it, and it was totally different than everybody else. And then he thanked us very politely and left the room.”
Condal recalls asking Kate Rhodes James, the casting director, “Is he always like that?”
She replied, “Oh no, he’s just a very intense northern boy.”
To prepare for his role, Mitchell did not watch “Game of Thrones.” Instead, he read portions of “Fire & Blood,” the book by George R.R.
Martin that inspired the show, and studied the performances of Michael Fassbender in “Prometheus” and Peter O’Toole in “Lawrence of Arabia,” each playing a figure who wields power for his own ends.
On his first day on set, Mitchell consulted with Condal and decided that he would avoid interacting with Matt Smith, who plays Aemond’s similarly menacing uncle and rival, Daemon, in order to heighten the tension between the two characters.
Mitchell had grown up admiring Smith’s performance in “Doctor Who.”
But on set Mitchell avoided any eye contact with him, keeping his distance until the climactic scene near the end of the first season when Aemond and Daemon finally face off.
“There’s this addictive kind of quality when you’re in the shoes of a character.”
“When you lose yourself for a moment, it’s almost like a dream.”
When he isn’t acting, Mitchell still lives at his family home in Derby and spends time with his dogs, three whippets named Eva, Bella and Bonnie.
“Now that I’m on it.”
“I’ve just got to stay on the dragon.”
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where YN is dragged along by Harry for Coachella but she ain't complaining
CW: smut
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YN never expected to ever step a foot outside of London until she has graduated and spent at least fifteen years of her life practicing Law until Harry asked her - no basically dragged her along with him to LA.
Who was Harry to her you may ask? He didn't liked the title but it is the truth that he's basically her sugar daddy.
He liked to say he is sponsoring her education for nothing in return. And it is also true that he hasn't gotten anything in return. Yet. Nor he expects it.
What an amazing sugar daddy he is!
But it eats away at YN's mind and heart seeing how much he spends on her. Her tuition fees and textbooks eat majority of what he spends on her. His hard earned money, he spent all his teenage years earning to be spent on her like pouring water into a river - it was pointless.
And exactly, it made no sense!
Not to her, when he doesn't expect anything in return from her, like other sugar daddies do, he expects no sexual favours or even public outing in return. But she was drowning in debt from her car loan, student loan and she was three months behind her rent and was just two days away from getting evicted from the flat she has been living in since she was eighteen. Her two jobs she worked weren't enough to get her by, even if she cut down on most essential things.
When and how Harry came as her saviour? How has her life been before they met each other? Those are stories for another time.
But she is really in fear of when his mood would strike and he'd ask her to suck his dick off for him, or fuck her to oblivion. Well, he doesn't seem that kind of guy but she has got major trust issues. Especially since this guy she dated tried to take her advantage when she was drunk her ass off, luckily for her that night her friends were with her. But men her whole life have been very unpredictable to her.
Apart from making out a couple of time, her and Harry haven't done anything. That too with her consent. He doesn't even holds her hand without asking her. He's nothing but just so kind, and nurturing, and caring, and soft, and calm, and patient, and the list goes on. But could it be a mask for something which doesn't or wouldn't favour her.
One thing she takes with her into getting in her career is fo never trust anyone. That's what she has been doing her whole life. She learned to never trust anyone at the very tender age of six.
Harry has, no doubt become first constant in her life. If not anything more he's a good friend. A very good friend, she might add.
And spoiler alert, she would admit that she has fallen for him hard.
There was a big internal turmoil she found herself in as she stepped on that private get with him that night. It was scary because she doesn't remember being on a plane, let alone a private jet with sofa like seats.
But she tried to negotiate in not going to LA with him. She fears. She fears of dying somewhere and her friends being unknown of that. What if he is a serial killer as well as a global star? You never know!
"But what about DumDum?" She asked, packing a duffle bag Harry got her last minute with a sweater and other small things as her only suitcase she own is full and very small for a two week long trip. "I can't leave him alone."
"That cat will be taken care of, sugar, don't worry about him." Harry sighed as he sat patiently on the edge of her bed.
"He is not just a cat, he is my son!" YN argued as she threw everything of makeup she owns in a small pouch. Yes she found that black ball of purring fur beside a dumpster not even a month ago, but she loves him very much - and the feelings are mutual! "Where is he going?"
"To the cat hostel." He shrugged.
"You are not sending my baby to a hostel. He is too young!" She gasped, "maybe, I shouldn't go. He needs me here."
"You are making bad excuses, Sugar, now stop stalling, we have to leave in ten minutes." Harry chuckled as he got up to gather the rest lf her stuff, her carry on bag pack he sees her carry everywhere she goes and her suitcase, and even put DumDum in his carrier. "There is a surprise for you there, come on now."
YN stood there on the other side of her bed, with a nervous and scared face, making him ask, "do you trust me?"
"No," she mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" He enquired.
"I said, I can't afford the trip." She gulped, nervously. Harry kept the bag aside and set DumDum's carrier carefully on the floor before he walked upto her.
"Look, I won't force you anymore." He assured her, "wanted to keep this a surprise but, since you won't trust me. I'm taking you there with me is because Billie Eilish is performing there, and I can take you to watch her."
"Mhmm," he nodded, "you appear to like her a lot, so yeah, I thought that would be a good early present for m'kitten."
"Wait, I, I don't like her." YN stuttered, deadass lying on his face but all he did was look down.
She was dressed Billie Eilish merch, a large Tshirt and sweat pants. There was a poster of the girl on her wall and her album vinyls too, even though she doesn't have a record player.
Harry also remembers her running back home after finding the things she's wearing at a thrift store, ranting and squealing about it and how good of a steal it was to both her best friends on a phone call as he waited for her to let him in with her.
Harry sent off DumDum with his other manager Tommy to be signed into a cat hostel.
To focus on one thing, YN is very nervous to fly in a plane for basically first time. It was killing her soul. She just sat there, looking like a scared little puppy in a corner seat when she got to know she can sit wherever she pleases.
"Hey, what's wrong love?" Harry asked.
"I'm just nervous to be on a plane." She shared, a sheepish smile on her face. He sat next to her.
"Here, you can hold my hand. But you've got nothing to worry about." He assured her, "our pilot is amazing, he's flown me many times around the world." He strapped her seat belt for her as she was fiddling with it.
"Oh, has he?"
"Mhmm." Harry nodded, "so it's okay, I know you worry a lot." He went to put on his own seatbelt.
"You're lying." She deadpanned.
"About what I'm lying you think?"
"That you know the pilot." She squinted her eyes at him, "Harry don't lie to me about this, it is going to make me more anxious. I might literally throw up on the floor."
He chuckled, "my love, wouldn't lie about this. I care about you, so of course I don't lie. Not to you at least."
"So you do lie?"
"What about we watch your favourite movies?" He suggested to distract her switching the subject.
Once about halfway to LA, YN was still anxious.
"YN, it's okay, love." Harry cooed, "I'm sorry I forced you to come along with me."
"No, I'm fine." She sniffled on her tears, taking in deep breaths.
Harry was genuinely feeling bad for dragging her along with him. He wasn't aware of her this fear or he would have never even mention it twice to her. All eight months he have spent with her, he'd come to conclusion that she's naturally very anxious person, that she is paranoid most of the time.
"We're almost there," he assured her. "I'm sorry again, love."
"Harry, no, it's okay." She cooed in attempt to make him feel better about this. It wasn't his fault that she's scared of her first time on a plane since she was a toddler. It was no one's fault.
"Do you want to get pizza after we land?" He asked, she loves pizza more than anything.
"I'd like that." She nodded.
"Thought so," he smiled pressing a kiss of her head.
There was definitely something reciprocated from his side, or at least that's what she likes to think about. The way he looks at her doesn't fail to make her skin heat up, or the way he call her all his sweet names. Her favourite was Bunny or Kitten.
Her friends would argue otherwise that it was normal for her fall for him when they're sleeping together and he's essentially taking care of her in a way, which isn't entirely true. He hasn't touched her in that way. Though she could feel the sexual tension in the room they're in.
Like now, as she sat next to him, hugging his arm as he read his book silently. He's a big reader she reckoned. He's always reading some or other book. She can never do that. He pulls it off too, with a pair of reading glasses perched up on his perfect nose.
She didn't realise when she fell asleep, but Harry woke her after they landed, she is indeed a heavy sleeper as he says. She didn't wake up when their plane landed.
"Did you had a good sleep, babylove?" He enquired, a sleepy look on his own face as he smiled at her.
"Yeah," she nodded smiling back. Harry leaned down to press another kiss on her head.
"C'mon love, let's go to our hotel now." He grabbed her stuff for her like a true gentleman he is out of the plane and handed it to one his guard so it can be put into the car.
YN was expecting a different room for herself but Harry had different plans she reckoned, they'd have to share a room. A suite to be exact, which was so fucking luxurious it made her own rented one bedroom flat like a dumpster in comparison.
It had it's own kitchen, a living room, a balcony, bedroom and en suite bathroom, a whole ass walk in closet! The sofa looked so luxurious she wouldn't mind switching it up with her bed at home.
"Are we going to share a room?" She asked.
"Sorry I didn't tell you about it, but yes, there are no more suites available whilst our stay here on this floor." Harry shared.
"Oh," was her reaction.
"Can get you different room on another floor if you're ot comfortable." He suggested.
"It's fine, I guess." She shrugged dropped her carry on bag on the floor as she checked out the room. She doesn't want him to spend on another room for no reason. She so badly wanted to jump on the bed and do a bounce test but she was afraid to break the frame as everything looked so expensive.
Her friends would have gone nuts at the site of this room alone, destroy the perfectly made bed in a matter of minutes. She'd join them too, without any hesitation!
Just as she was about to go to the balcony she felt a tug on her hand. Harry had pulled her in, he took a seat on the edge of the bed they were to share for their entire trip. He trapped her between his thighs, making her sit on his lap. It wasn't a new thing for him to be physical with her, she quite liked it. Afterall she's been deprived of physical touch with human her whole life, so she'd shamelessly indulge into his cuddles, and even sweet little kisses.
This all had no label to it, as he doesn't like the idea of giving their relationship a label of Sugar Daddy and Sugar baby. He hates that for some reason. Maybe she can call it friends with benefits? But they're lacking the benefits part to the major on his side.
She grabbed a gentle hold of his hand which was wrapped around her waist from behind to her side, he wasn't wearing his usual rings so it was easier for her slip her fingers between his. Feeling his warm palm against her own gave her a sense of security in some way. Which she doubts is healthy, to be dependent on someone like this, her therapist would agree to that if she even had one. But she doesn't care.
"Do you want to go get dinner tonight with me?" He asked.
"Mhmm," she nodded.
"What do you feel like eating, sugar?" He spoke, his mouth closer to her skin of her neck as he peppered her with ticklish kisses.
"I don't know," she shrugged, smiling, "I'll tell you when I decide."
"Yeah? I was going to say we go eat some Lebanese food?" He suggested, lifting his head up to look at her. He knows that's her favourite cuisine to have, the look on her face was what he was expecting.
"Yes!" She beamed.
"Thought you'd like the idea." He teased, "do you want to rest whilst I get few things sorted for the show tomorrow?"
"I'm fine, I'll just go take a shower." She said.
"Okay," he kissed her cheek, "wear something pretty for tonight, yeah?"
She just nodded dumbfounded. He has never asked her to wear something "pretty" before. It was not something she was expecting coming from him. What did he meant by that? Something pretty on the outside or inside?
She was going to embarrass herself if he meant something pretty inside with her granny panties.
She decided to stick to her usual regardless. She didn't packed anything necessarily pretty thinking she's not going to need any as being their normal self was something she was actually expecting.
None the less, the dinner was amazing!
"Harry, no!" She whined when she stole a Felafel from her plate, so in return she stole a Kebab from him.
"You're stealing."
"You started it."
And they play argued about it all night. Going back and forth from stealing from each other's plates, but ending up sharing anyway. Harry decided they walk back to their hotel, he was quite liking the weather he said.
He loves to walk, and she's not used to that much walking but she isn't going to complain because she is having an amazing time. By the end of the night, YN stopped him halfway on their way back to hotel to take off her heeled shoes.
"Here lemme do it," he crouched in front of her, placing her hand he had in his on his shoulder as he proceeded to take off her shoes for her.
"Harry you don't have-"
"Shush!" He sounded, "do you want to wear mine?"
"No, I can walk barefoot." She said, "thank you," watching him so focused in untying her shoes and not getting the lace tangled was so adorable to her. A stray curl managed to plop out of the mop of hair he had gelled down earlier to keep tame, he needed a hair cut he said but honestly she liked his hair like that. It was a bummer she did not felt she had the right to tell him that she should maybe opt not to cut it, she is not his girlfriend after all.
She tried to take her shoes from him but he did let her as he grabbed her hand with his free one again stood up.
"No problem," he pressed a soft kiss on the full of her mouth.
"Harry, we're on a street." She reminded her as he started walking again. All of a sudden he was now tall again to her being flat on her feet again.
"Are you afraid of PDA?" He scoffed confusedly.
"No, but allegedly you've got a girlfriend, you can't be caught like this." YN said.
"I could care less about it." Sighing, he draped his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him. Instead of feeling remorse she gave into the warmth radiating from him, she wouldn't want to be involved with him if he were in a relationship, it's just those PR articles which made her feel bad sometimes.
Once back in the hotel room, Harry let her go finally so she can get ready for bed.
"When did you get these?" Harry asked placing her shoes on aside.
"They're my friend's I borrowed for this trip." YN shared.
YN was having a good day, she decided as she managed to wash her make-up off without getting anything in her eyes and having a burning eye until morning. Her hair was acting amazingly. Her PJs felt more comfy tonight. The sheets on their bed were changed she noticed, they were nice and cold and cosy when she got under waiting for Harry who was taking way too long, she was going to fall asleep then and there.
"Did you had a good time today?" Harry asked when he got out of the shower, agressively rubbing his hair dry with his microfiber towel, a pair of basketball short hung on his hips. These little things about him were making her fall hard for him, uncontrollably.
It was going to be hard on her when things come to end with him eventually in future she reckoned. But she was going to cherish every moment of it till it lasts, she also decided.
"Don't rub on your hair like that!" She exclaimed. He just shrugged and threw his towel on the spare chair with rest of his random clothes there and got in bed next to her. He's a messy one and it for sure trigger her OCD in some matters.
"Why did you ask me to wear something pretty?" YN asked, catching him off guard. She isn't this unpredictable.
"Why? Are you wearing something pretty?" He counter questioned, brows furrowed in anticipation.
"No!" She had a sheepish look on her face, regretting ever asking that question, "I didn't bring anything pretty with me." That earned a heart chuckle from him.
"I don't expect you to, sugar okay?" He assured her. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable asking that."
"You just caught me off guard." She not so subtly scooted closer to him, "it's okay."
"Yeah?" He sounded, taking her in his arms gladly, "I wouldn't mind seeing you in something pretty you know? You look pretty in anything in my opinion."
"Shush, stop it now go to sleep you've got a show tomorrow." She put an end to this conversation. She is embarrassed okay!
YN felt left out most of the time when she's surrounded by people Harry have known for years. All of them are older than her. She doesn't know many of them. Most of them look at her like she's some alien. Just the girls from the love band really put in effort to be nice to her and actually talk to her kindly from Harry's team. Especially Harry's manager and his wife and his pretend partner gave her constant side eyes. She feel out of place.
She didn't wanted to be there. She felt cold of a sudden, maybe it was the skimpy crop top she wore today deciding it's going to be hot. She even tried to distract herself by going to the Pleasing store there and even getting her nails done even though she never liked it one bit. It made everything worse when she saw Harry having lunch with the woman she felt so jealous of, for a few pictures whilst she was gone. He then was dragged over for the sound check for the night.
She'd put so much effort into her look today for the first time in life. She wore the crop top she crocheted herself, even did her makeup, red eyeliner with cherries and strawberries under each one winged out pigment she spent and hour drawing this morning. But now she just wanted to and bury herself in piles of blankets and disappear from the face of the planet.
"Harry?" YN went over to him when he was done. She grabbed onto the hem of the yellow Pleasing hoodie he was wearing to tug on it to get his attention.
"Yes, my love?" He gave her his undivided attention without any hesitation, "you look so red, did you not put on any sunscreen, baby?" He was already dragging her to the shade by his trailer she thought but instead he took her inside. "Are you okay?"
"I want to go back to our hotel." She said, looking for her carry on she left somewhere.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question.
"I just want to go back, I don't want to be here. Does it look like I am okay?" She snapped panicking to find her bag so she can leave.
"Hey, hey, sit down here." He made her sit on the sofa there, "what is going on? It's alright, you know you can tell me, baby." He assured her, "you trust me?"
"I just don't like the way they treat me." She admitted. He watched as the corners of her mouth started tucking down with a sad pout becoming more prominent as she tried to hold back her tears.
"Who are they you're talking about, sugar?" He really got worried, because he wouldn't want anyone to treat someone who's become so dearly precious to him badly. Especially given the setting of things they had agreed verbally upon to be in with one another. "Is it just one person?"
"I don't want to name any names, Harry, I just want to be alone now." She really seemed on the edge of a breakdown now. "Find my bag please?" She now felt the heat her body was disguising during her moment of panic, she started sweating all of a sudden, her lips have turned white till then.
"I'm not letting you be alone like this, look at you." He sighed, quickly fetching her a bottle of water from the portable fridge. He had never seen her like this since he first saw her at the bar in the hallway to the bathroom about to pass out, that's how he met her, took her out to the fresh air and gave her water. She wasn't crying that night but she was in same state of anxiety.
"No, I just want to go back." She mumbled quietly.
"C'mere." He ushered her towards him wrapping her up in his arms once again. She was quick to bury her face in his chest, even sobbing when she felt the weight of his hand on the back of her head caressing her hair. That one gesture made every anxious feeling she carried about him and her in a second. "Hey it's okay." He decided it's better to have that moment until she calms down herself. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Not now." She shook her head.
"You still want to go back to hotel?" He asked.
"Yes, please!"
"Okay, come on we'll get you there now, yeah?"
Despite her protesting that she can go by herself, Harry drove her to the hotel himself. Made sure she was still doing okay before he left for the show tonight.
"YN, you feeling okay now?" He asked. She has been lying in bed from past three hours with AC on full blast with the blanket pulled over to her ear with her back faced to him.
She was feeling horrible. For having a sudden breakdown whilst he was just trying to work. She did not expected to have this kind of reaction to hear Jamie, his pretend girlfriend and his manager Jeffery, talk shit about her behind her back like that. She has bad that happen to her all her life. This one got to her because those were complete strangers to her with very false assumptions about her. Her mind was racing again.
Maybe she should just...
"YN, talk to me baby." She was interrupted by Harry, she could feel his warmth and weight on her upper bod. Realising he was leaning onto her as if to hug her. He likes his hugs and never compromises on them, but he's heavy even though he appears to be dainty and delicate in person. He's six feet tall for gods sake and her five and half feet body could take so much of that weight.
"You're heavy." She mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled moving away just enough so she can trun on her back, "you're feeling okay now?"
"A little." She nodded, earning herself an affectionate kiss on the apple of her cheek.
"You want to come see me then at the show?" He asked, hopeful that she'd go because he's got a tiny surprise for her.
"I don't know." She said hesitantly. "I'm sorry."
"You want to tell me why, hm? Never seen you cry like that before, sugar, is everything okay?" He requested, stressing on the subject a bit more. He knew someone was being rude and mean to her and he needed to know who it was.
"I heard Jamie and Jeffery talking about how I'm taking advantage of you, and I'm hogging all your money. You just don't see that according to them." She blurt out feeling safe to be vulnerable enough to share how she was truly feeling and what and who made her feel that way, "I just don't want to deal with that and please don't say anything to either them. I want to stay in. That really made me upset because somewhere it's the truth."
"Oh my little love," he sighed, "that's not true. No one can tell me what to do with my earnings, you're not hogging all of it, okay? Don't let get to you please? No one can tell you what you feel is wrong or what you do is wrong unless you're not hurting anyone. You're the kindest and sweetest one I've met in painfully long time, I've never once felt that you're taking advantage of me. In fact if it were anyone else they'd probably ask for more than what I have to offer, you put up a fight against me if I try to get you something, that's enough for me to trust you, okay? What we have is not anyone's business to talk about but us."
"Since we're being vulnerable here, I want to tell you that you become very precious to me. I've grown to care about you." He grabbed her hand in a gentle hold, as he pushed her hair out her face with his free hand. "I am sorry for not listening to you here, but I'm going to have a conversation about this with Jeffery. He's my friend doesn't mean he can talk shit about people I care for, okay?"
"Okay." She nodded, "thank you. And I'm sorry. I promise I'll return you every penny I've borrowed once I have a proper job after graduation. And ehm-"
"Don't talk about that." He interrupted her, "now do you still want to stay in here? I was hoping you'd come see me play, Shania Twain is performing with me."
That made her freeze there. She's been obsessed with Shania Twain since she met Harry, he introduced her to the artist and she's never stopped listening to her since. But she'd still rather stay in than even see Jamie's face for saying those disgusting things about her which Harry doesn't know and will never know.
"I'll watch it from here." She suggested, "I just really don't want to go there, want to be alone."
"Okay, I won't force you." He agreed, "you want me to order you something for dinner?"
"I think I'll go out to this restaurant I saw," she shrugged, "before your performance starts."
"You promise you're going to eat?" He asked.
"I promise." She held out her small pinky making him giggle, he wrapped his own around hers and kissed it to seal their promise.
"You got your nails done?" He beamed seeing her red and baby teal blue shade, "even like your makeup and this pretty top you made. You're so talented, baby." He leaned down to pepper her face with sloppy wet kisses, making her giggle, "I am gonna steal it from you."
"I'll make you one so we can match." She suggested.
"Yeah?" He looked at her, "I'd love that, kitten."
"I think you should go before you manager calls you." She reminded him. He dropped his head low sighing, their cheeks touching each other she could feel his stubble poke against her skin.
He didn't wanted to leave her alone!
"Don't wait up for me, okay? I'll leave as soon as I am done." He mumbled before lifting himself up from her finally, press a tender kiss on her mouth and then on the corner of her lips.
"Okay." She nodded.
Harry came back by around half past one, found the bedroom lights in the suite turned off. But he saw a yellowed blue-light of phone illuminating YN's face there as she lied on their shared bed texting.
"Hi lovie, you didn't sleep?" He walked over to her not bothering to turn on the lights and ruin the calm atmosphere she had created in there.
"No, I was talking to Brielle. She said your performance was amazing." YN shared as she sat up and locked her phone when he sat next to her there.
"Thank her from me." He smiled, "I'll go and shower, okay? Be with you in ten."
"Take your time." She said. He was still wearing the outfits he wore whilst performing, "I really like your outfit."
"Thank you baby, I knew you're gonna like it." He beamed glanced down at his outfit once. "Go to bed now, we're going out tomorrow morning."
"Mhmm." She nodded, "I want a kiss."
"C'mere then," with his hand behind her neck he drew her closer to him with a tilt to her head, he connected their mouths together. Keeping it short and sweet for now he pulled away but got a kiss on his cheek. "Is that enough to hold you off till I shower?"
"Mhmm." She nodded again, he pressed another little peck on her mouth before retrieving entirely.
"I'll be back, yeah?" He ran to shower gathering a change of clothes, just a pair of boxers and basketball shorts he liked to wear to bed.
He looked very happy. He sang songs from his new album tonight which she's heard before, he played the album to her after he was fully done by it to get her views on it as she hardly listened to his music. Seeing that dimpled smile of his warmed her heart so much.
She got out of bed to go fetch the little chocolate cake pastries she got for dessert but saved to share it with. She did went out to get dinner, ate some nice Gnocchi, on her way back she stopped at a bakery to get the last slice of chocolate cake. It's been sitting in the mini fridge of the hotel room since. She was proud of herself to say the least for going out on her own and ordering for herself. Ordering her meals or coffee gave her serious anxiety, resulting her to more home cooked meal which took pride in, but when she was feeling shit and didn't wanted to cook she'd just had settle on a pizza she'd order from an application so she wouldn't have to talk to a person on a phone call. She was feeling shit today but still made an effort to go out herself.
"Did you get dinner baby?" He asked as he came out of the shower, towel drying his hair quite vigorously.
"Yes. And I got us cake!" She announced earning a confused glance from him. "What?"
"You really went out?" He asked even though the cake from a bakery was very big evidence she did. "There was nothing charged on my card."
"You gave me your card three months to get you coffee on my way back from errands once and refuse to take back doesn't mean I'm going to use it." She proceeded to take out a slice of cake for herself from the box because it looked so fucking delicious and she couldn't wait, he went back in the bathroom for some reason.
"I gave it to you for the exact reason. Haven't yet got the time to get you one with your name." He sat next to her, dipping his head down he have a kiss on her cheek. "I am so proud of you for going out on your own, sugar." It was the truth. She'd only go out to eat when with him (or her best friend Brielle a handful of times), he ordered for her everytime knowing pretty well she'd rather stall all night that actually talk to a waiter to tell them what she wants to eat at their restaurant.
"Thank you." She smiled. "Did you had your dinner?"
"Mhmm." He nodded, proceeded to ask, "What else did you do today?"
"I stayed in bed and watched you perform. Shania looked so pretty!" She shared. "Also did a little face mask."
"Without me?" A little upset pout took over his lips.
"We can do one tomorrow." She suggested taking his faux-upset look to heart, but he grinned not bothering to correct her adorable concern. She offered him a bite of the cake on the one-time-use wooden spoon which he gladly accepted, she got it for both of them to share. "It's so good, isn't it?" She searched his face for a reaction excitedly.
"It is baby." He agreed. "Too sweet for me though, you can have the rest."
By the time she finished up her cake she filled him with the tea of this on going drama in her friend circle. Apparently one of her classmate got pregnant with the guy who she was cheating on her boyfriend with, now the guy doesn't want to be involved in the scene by all mean and with all his rights and it's created his huge entertaining drama around it. Her friend Brielle takes in huge interest in gossips. And that why even though YN's known the girl her whole life she doesn't tell her more than just a few bullet points with anything Harry and her related. She respects his privacy and doesn't want her friend to go and accidentally spill all the information to everyone. Though she haven't yet told anyone about YN and Harry, which is a good thing that she promises to keep it the same way.
Harry threw her the trash for her watching her mood lifted from earlier today. He did had a talk with Jamie and Jeffery after the show though.
"Oh, I have a few things to show you." YN remembered watching Harry get in bed with her, "where is my phone?" She looked around.
"I don't know?" He looked under the blanket and pillows.
"Maybe I left it outside." She got out of bed and ran out to look for her phone.
Harry didn't know if she really remembers what she's wearing considering it's three in the morning. It was pretty rare for her to prance around like that just in a pair of panties and one of his shirts which is always too large for her somehow. She just runs away to put on a pair of pants when he's around and he respects that though he wouldn't mind.
"I saw this man walking his cat on a leash." She spoke entering the room with her phone in her hands, her pretty face illuminated under the blue light as she searched for something she wants to show him. "I want to train DumDum like this."
"Do you want to get in bed with me first, sweet girl?" He suggested, eyeing her up and down and then up again. Caught. She looked down at her state of clothing, the shirt barely covered her ass.
"I'll go put some pants on, sorry," she kept her phone on the side table in hurry. She didn't mind what she wore, she's grown to love her body, she liked to go to bed properly clothed in respect to Harry when he's around. It might make him uncomfortable, there are chances. She respects his personal space and boundaries like he does.
"It's alright sweet girl, c'mere, it's hot for you to sleep in sweats. I don't mind come on." He urged her. "I'm half naked too."
"Go put a shirt on!" Her fake scold sent him into a fit of laugh that he missed watching her snuggle up next to him. She showed him the pictures and videos she took of the cat she was talking about, apparently he was named Sushi and was there ar the shushi restaurant next to the one YN went to eat Shushi. "He's going to love your song Music For Sushi Restaurant."
"Mhmm, I wrote that so g about him." Harry pointed out, "look he's got green eyes." He zoomed in on the picture of the cat making YN giggled, she locked her phone and kept it away to get under blanket with him. Harry couldn't help but get a peek at the baby blue of her cotton panties she was wearing. He just pulled her in a bear cuddle letting her use his bicep as a pillow wrapping his free arm around her waist. His nose skimming against her, he closed his eyes feeling her soft breaths warm up his skin. "What happened today, won't happen again baby. Not on my watch, okay?"
"I'm okay now." She assured him, "it just hurt in that moment."
"I want you to tell me of it happens again." He said with a firm tone, "won't tolerate it again."
"I will." She pressed a tender kiss with all lovely feelings she has harboured for him during their time together as she proceeded to snuggle into him their cheeks pressed together in feathery contact. She could feel his hand wander lower and lower, over the expanse of her bum and back up sneaking under her shirt a little, it was set into pattern now.
"You're comfortable?" He asked, she knew exactly about what and it had her nodding her head gently. She liked the way he was touching her, it was first but she was already addicted. He's never gone this far ahead touching her affectionately before, so it was pretty intimate for her. Last two days spent with him without going out for work or anything, she felt safe with him. Her fear of chances of him being a secret serial killer had vanished just today though it didn't kill all of her anxiety, it is going to take time for her.
His wandering hand snuck under her shirt feeling adventurous running up her side over her tummy, she suddenly didn't felt uncomfortable with her not-flat stomach. Letting him to whatever was best decision, she decided as it was making all happy feelings having a firework in her skull. It only got more as she felt butterflies floating up to her brain processing brushes of his lips on her neck and shoulder. Feeling tingly in between her legs she squirmed under his touch there.
YN was pushed gently to lay on her back with his hands under her head even though there was a fluffy pillow to protect her. She cracked open her eyes to find him hovering over her, close enough to feel his soft exhales on her skin. His hand still under her shirt slowly creeping up to rest to her ribs closer to the swells of her breast before he stopped. The lack of another layer of clothing under her shirt added just more to his anticipation and cravings of her, even though he's never had in this way before.
"This okay?" He asked, earning just a nod from her, "I'm gonna need words baby, yes or not?"
"Yes." She rushed. A rewarding kiss was pressed on the corner of her mouth as his fingers squeezed gently around her breast. She gasped softly. He rolled over her, making sure to not put any on his weight on her as he managed to fit between thighs. With his knees folded her sat on his knees to look at her.
"Thought you said you didn't brought anything pretty with you," a comment on her baby blue cotton panties had her flushed in a second, "you brought your pretty self." He added with a smirky grin on his face, dimples appearing on his cheek and all. "Do you want to tale this off?" His other hand snuck under her shirt.
"Would you want that?" She asked biting down her lip in anticipation.
"It's not entirely about me, would you want that?" He shook her head, still affectionately caressing her sides.
"I want that." She consented, having him help her slip her arms out of the shirt and have him carefully pull it over her head.
"Hi," he greeted with a chuckle watching her shake her head in attempt to move her hair off her face.
"Hi," she beamed at him.
"You're so pretty baby," he glanced at her longingly before he leaned down to kiss her with more affection, pressing his mouth on her a little too hard but she isn't complaining, "perfect for me, can tell already!" She kissed him back with same affection if not more. "You okay with me loving on you?"
"It is okay." She confessed.
"Yeah?" He was amused and smitten by her in the moment.
Harry left a trail of soft, sloppy wet kissed down her jaw to her neck. Lingering that much longer on her pulse, it was surely going to leave a mark with the way he sucked on her soft skin before he kept down lower and lower. Giving the peaks of her breasts attention, one hand wrapped around one as he wrapped his lips around the peaks of her nipple sucking that little harder each time, rolling the other in between his thumb and forefinger. That alone had her squirming and gasping as she felt the pool of wetness in between her legs grow.
"That's okay, don't hold your pretty sounds back, sugar, lemme hear them." He urged her hearing a soft squeal from her.
"I won't, I won't, please don't stop." She mumbled.
"Wasn't planning on bunny," he looked at her smirking all while searching her face as he let his hands wander even lower between her hands, brush of his fingers over the wet patch on her panties was enough to make her gasp again, louder this time. "Y'like that, sugar?"
"Mhmm, yes!" She nodded throwing her head back as he pressed his fingers harder on her clit, setting a rhythm of circled pattern causing another firework all over her brain. It felt different from the times she does it herself for sure. "More, please!" She requested, pulling him closer with his face cupped in her palms for a kiss. And he gave her more.
"Feel good, sugar?" He asked urging her, his finger tips running soft circles on her clit. "Wanna taste you, baby, would you mind that."
"No," she nodded followed by a soft whimper, "please." Just on request he pushed himself up so sit on his heels as he pulled down her panties. Taking a moment to look at her as she was lied there in layered in dreamy haze. He definitely did not expected this even though he started it but he isn't going to complain. He moved them both so he was now kneeling on the floor as he tugged her down with his hands wrapped from under her thighs. Without saying anything he started with pressing sloppy wet kisses up her skin. Hearing little whimpers of request for him to stop teasing, not giving into her begging he threw her legs over his shoulders to reach of her hand and intertwine their fingers together. He pushed her thighs apart licking a bold stripe over her clit before he was going down to her slit having her already shuddering under his touch. Pressing his mouth on the full of her pussy with the shake of his head making her clench her thighs around his head.
Propping herself on her elbows to look at his ministrations he wasn't going to stop anytime soon, nor she wanted him to. He saw him glancing up at with his mouth still attached to her core, with his free arm flexing which could only tell that he's jerking himself. That just edged her closer to her high. His humming of pleasure sending waves of vibration down her spin making her let slip her own moans.
"Are you going to cum, baby?" He asked pulling away just enough before diving back in the sweetness he seemed to be already addicted to. He was in complete sense of euphoria, buried in between her legs being the best decision he's made.
"Yes! Oh, Harry!" She let out her little whimpers.
"Yeah? Cum for me baby," he urged her, "lemme taste it, you taste so good!" His tongue lapping over her slick pussy he guided her through her high, hearing her little soft whimpers of pleasure. Sucking at her slit as his nose nudged against her clit with a particular hard shake of his mouth. He proceeded to lick her clean telling her how good of a girl he was for him. He could have a go again if she'd let him, but he pulled away with a last firm kiss placed on her clit before he rose up to check on her. He lied there like an angel falled right from heaven with her chest heaving, eyes shuttered closed in bliss. He leaned over to press a kiss on her cheek to get her attention.
"You doing alright baby?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, leaning into him being fond of the closeness she felt with him in that moment, it was very different than she's used to but god she didn't want it to end.
"Did so good, m'good girl you are." He praised her. His nose skimming against her before he placed his lips against her. She could taste herself which the natural taste of him she was grown so familiar with, but she pulled away with his face cupped in between the plams of her hands
"Did you finish?" She asked.
"You saw me, didn't you?" He smirked pressing on the tip of her nose he rested his forehead on hers, "I didn't. But don't worry about me now, tonight is about you, my little love."
"I want to help you." She urged him, "only if you let me." She felt his chest heave as he took in a long breathe as if he was contemplating. "Please?"
"Yeah? You want to help me?" He asked earning a sound of hum from her, "can I cum on your tummy then, don't want you to do anything while you're so tired."
"Uh-huh!" She nodded, "want you to feel good."
"Move up for me then, baby." He urged her to move up on the mattress, she did exactly watching him shimmy off his boxers and shorts fully before he managed to fit himself in between her thighs just like he was not even five minutes ago before he pulled her to the edge of their shared bed. "You sure you want this, baby?"
"I want it." She said, softly with a jerky nod of her head desperate to see him feel the same he saw her feel. It took everything in her to not touch him, especially when he hasn't given her his consent to do so as she watched him wrap his fingers around his cock, sliding his hand up and down slowly. YN looked up at him with her lip buried under her teeth. "Are you close?"
"So close," he shared, deep rumble of moans left his kiss swollen lips as he jerked himself over her. YN felt butterflies in her tummy all over again, wanting so badly to help but he won't let her touch him in anyway. She needed to find a way to urge him like he did.
"I want you to cum for me, Harry." She said, resting her hand over his which he had propped on the full of her thigh, running her palm up and down his forearm. "Are you going to?"
"Fuck yes, baby!" He moaned as his eyes shuttered closed. He couldn't help the smile taking over his lips as he heard her speak those words.
"Look at me, Harry!" She demanded, with all her rights making him instantly follow her words. He sat back on his heels as his fucked his own hand looking at her. Just the sight of her lied there bare had his cum spurring out with couple of hard strokes of his hand, landing right in between valley of her breasts.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." He told her.
"Please cum for me." He urged him more, lacing fingers of his free hand with her. Enough for him to cum all over her making a mess of both of them until his cock went soft in his hand with heavy and breathy moans filling their room. With a soft tug at his hand she pulled over her as soon as he was done, pressing soft and lazy kisses on his cheek. "Made me cum so hard, baby, thank you."
A soft chuckle left her own kiss swollen lips, "it's two ways, right? You made me feel good too."
"Mhmm," he nodded.
"I want to help you next time like you helped me." She shared, "please?" Just the mention of a next time made Harry want to go at it again, but she looked tired, really tired he could tell by the tone of her voice.
"I promise, my love." He agreed. "Come on, let's take a quick shower then we can get dressed and go to bed. Got you all tired, didn't I?"
With his arm's wrapped around her waist he picked up with no efforts as made a way to their en suite bathroom. He carefully placed her on her wobbly feet stealing in a few tender kisses from her mouth.
"Need to get us a change of clothes, go on and get in first I will join you, okay baby?" He suggested earning an upset pout from her, "promise won't take long." He kissed her pout away before he stepped away and stepped out of bathroom reminding her, "make sure you take a wee too."
His casualness made her shudder in cringe on herself. How and why did she find that weird, whilst it's something important she does? He casualness wasn't something she found cringey but the feeling that took over her. But brushing it away she did what he said so and got into shower settings the water to luke warm even though she's used to taking burning hot showers. In no time Harry was joining her like he promised and helped her clean up the mess he made of the pair of them, making sure to give her extra kisses and praises.
"Harry?" She spoke as he wrapped a towel around her before her wrapped one around his hips.
"Hmm?" He sounded, proceeding to dry her off so she wouldn't catch a cold, "what is it lovie?"
"That was my first time being intimate with anyone." She confessed, with a hint of fear she might upset him for something.
"You didn't tell me?" He stopped dead on his tracks, "why baby?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I'm sorry, I should've."
"You should've told me, yeah," he agreed resuming his work of drying her off, "but I should've asked you. And it's okay."
"You didn't know."
"I know baby, but I started it, didn't I?" He sighed.
"Did I make you upset?"
"No, but I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable in anyway." He shared, leaving the towel draped over her shoulders as he reached for the pair of panties he got for her from her suitcase. He crouched, "step in."
"You didn't," she told him as she stepped into the pair of clothing and watched him pull it up her thighs to her waist, "you made me feel so safe."
"I did?"
"Mhmm." She nodded watching him reach for his hoodie he got got her, "I don't quite feel comfortable with myself, but I felt it with you. I should've told you." His shoulders deflated hearing her words, it was quite emotional thing for her he could tell and she isn't the most open person he's met but at least she's telling him the truth now. And he's glad he didn't gave into her begging of wanting to help him like he did. They can go slow if she wanted to do anything like that again.
"Precious, look at me." He set her up on the counter top next to the sink and stood in between her thighs, "thank you so much for telling me the truth." He started, his hands warming the sides of her hips, "I don't know how I feel, but it's okay, just need you to know that you can tell me anything next time when we're doing something intimate. Now I wanna everything. You said it's two ways, right?"
"Then that's how it's going to be." He stated quite firmly yet with tender feeling towards her, "like I told you, you're very precious and wouldn't want to do anything-even unintentionally- to hurt you, my love, okay?"
"Okay, I will." She agreed on it, earning the prettiest smile and a gentle kiss from him. "I don't want it." She refused watching him bunch up the hoodie he got for her to the neckline.
"Why not baby?"
"I want to cuddle close to you." She shared.
"You sure, you won't be cold?"
"No," she shook her head. He put on his own boxers before he was picking her up again, her legs wrapped around his hips and arms draped around his shoulders. He whispered his sweet nothings to her making a way back out with their half bare selves, as her soft giggles filled their room. He lied her down gently on their shared bed joining her closely. Wrapping her in duvet.
"Good night, sugar." He kissed her temple.
"Good night." She whispered snuggling as humanly close to him as possible.
The morning after was nothing but sweet and tender for YN, she was woken up by soft whispers from Harry. A huge breakfast in bed, and even bigger snuggle sesh as they watched her favourite show before getting into a warm bath together in the afternoon and get ready for the evening.
Harry took her to the Billie Eilish merch shops, bought her almost every single item they had to offer despite her little protests, and extra pair of sweats and crewneck for her best friend as her birthday present from both of them. They spent their time watching few of his favourite artists playing all the while without catching anyone's attention with Jamie and Jeffery with them. YN found it very weird as anywhere Jamie goes they have camera's following them but she wasn't complaining.
"Harry, can we go out to get dinner?" She suggested on their way back to their hotel.
"Where do you want to go, baby?" He asked, opening the door for her with his free hand as he held the bags with her new clothes, be let her in first.
"I don't know, I feel like eating rice cakes." She shared.
"Yeah? We can go to my favourite Korean restaurant then." He set her bags down by her duffle bag which was spilling out with stuff she had carelessly stuffed inside.
They just did that. Alone they both went to get dinner like their first night in LA. She taught Harry how to use chopsticks, laughing as she watched him still struggle. He stuck to using fork and spoon as they ate. They ordered a few desserts which Harry hardly ate from before they headed back to Coachella to watch Billie perform.
"You didn't eat any dessert." She pointed out as he walked just behind her, "we could have ordered something you like?"
"What if I tell you, I want my sugar for dessert, hm?" He leaned in closer to her ear, "tasted you once can already rell you're the sweetest dessert there's ever going be." He whispered, making goosebumps take over her skin.
"I don't mind that."
"I know you don't," he cooed, "would take you back with me now but we're here for you, aren't we? Unless you want to go back to our hotel."
"We can wait." She said, firmly, not wanting to give into his teasing even though she could feel those same tingles in between her legs as last night. Harry didn't said anything as they proceeded to walk towards the VIP area to watch her favourite singer.
It was a bummer Harry wasn't her favourite singer, but he's certainly her favourite in other ways.
YN had to walk next to Jeffery and Glenn as Jamie and Harry walked together. She was already craving the warmth of his palm against her watching his hand wrapped around someone elses. Yes, she felt the tinge of jealousy creep up in her mind and heart even though everything was just for show. It wasn't until a few songs in YN felt Harry tugging towards him to make her stand right in front of him as he wrapped his arms around smaller frame, she felt a soft press of his lips on her head through the hood she had up oh her head. Now that made that teeny bit jealousy go away for a second before she noticed Jamie was stood right next to him.
"Do you not want to take videos?" Harry wondered.
"Oh yeah," she realised as she fished out her phone from her pocket, and turned on the video to later send it to her friend and post it on her stories and keep it back in her pocket to enjoy the moment in person. Harry still had her caged in between his arms, their fingers intertwined together. YN brought their hands upto her lips before placing a soft kiss on the back of his hands before placing the bundle of their hands over her chest, letting his sway them both to the soft music of Ocean Eyes now playing.
Harry pushed her closer to him with his hand on her chest, holding flush against his own. "Gimme a kiss." His voice soft, just for the two of them.
"We're out." She reminded him. She cared for his public image. And to the public he was dating Jamie and if anyone saw him kissing her, he'd be a cheater which she would never want for him.
"I don't give a fuck, now gimme a kiss or I might die because of lack of kisses from my baby." He said, as dramatically as he could making her giggle before she turned her head to look at him. He dipped his head down desparately to button his mouth of her, he turned her around so he can indulge in the contact better.
He had her wrapped up in his arms for entire time they were there. His heart felt full whenever he is with her and that's what he wanted her to feel until Jeffery had to drive buldozer of his bullshit over their sweet time together saying people have started to notice he's not close to Jamie but someone else and had escorted them out of there.
YN felt so hurt, she was really just someone else? Why wouldn't his team address her like a human being but as if she's some weird mutated creature Harry liked to be around? She walked beside Glenn watching Jamie take a hold of Harry's hand, even proceeding to cling to his arms giggling her way out at something Jeffery said. She could see Harry's face as he walked ahead of her this time.
Jamie has been doing nothing but plaguing their time together. Worse part was thar Harry gave into it, even though he's obliged to do so. Not even just now but it's been like this since a month after Harry met her and he had to get into this pr relationship, it was very annoying from day one. Especially since Jamie hated her for apparently no reason at all. And so did Harry's team, especially his manager.
Well, YN didn't had any right to be that upset it's not like she's his girlfriend. She's just someone's he basically pays to hang with him throwing away the fact that she would do all this without any conditions because she fallen in love with him. You don't put any conditions in front of a person you love so much.
Love is always supposed to be unconditional, she knew that.
She brushed it off and decided to walk ahead and get in the car in back seat knowing very well she'll be told to do so when Harry's driving, there are paps called outside and many screaming fans stood there with their cameras out. Harry drove off to their hotel, everyone annoyingly stayed at the same hotel.
YN still walked ahead and stook the stairs instead not wanting paps to even click even a single picture of her. As a college student with almost all of her batch being Harry's fan was mot going to make her life any easier than it already is. But she truly felt bad. Be isn't going to back off his backend deal with the movie he worked in for some girl he met more more than half year ago and pays for her college for her. That's some weird ass shit she thought is going on there. All her life she's felt unwanted and worthless and being around his people makes it even worse even when he insists he wants her in his life.
She one stupid to fall for him.
She reached the fourth floor huffing and puffing looking through her phone to distract her mind from wandering from streets to gutters. She bumped into Harry stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, an upset look over his features.
"Why didn't you get in the lift?" He asked her.
"I didn't wanted any pictures taken of me on accident." She said walking down the corridor to their shared room. He followed her like lost little puppy trying to keep up with her fast footsteps.
"Hey, what's wrong love? I'm sorry we had to leave early." He cooed trying to still catch upto her, he hated how down far their room was, "she's performing next weekend too we can stay till the very end, sugar!" Finally they came to their room and YN tried to open the door with spare key card she had, but struggled to do so with her vision blurred out by her tears. Harry calmly took the key from and opened the door leading her in he shut the door behind them making sure to lock it. He walked her inside and made her sit on their bed and took a seat on the yellow ottoman in front of her.
"What's wrong?" He asked again.
"I don't know." She shook her head, pulling her hand away from his grip.
"I know you know when you say that," he sighed, "what made you this upset, my love? Why are you crying?" He waited patiently for her answer his concerns but she didn't, she's very stubborn when it comes to sharing her feelings. "If you don't tell me what's wrong then how I'm gonna help you fix it?"
"I don't know."
"You want me to assume what happened?" He asked even though he had no assumptions about what must went down.
"I don't know."
"YN c'mon stop being stubborn, baby, I'm tryin' to figure out what got you all upset when you were so happy." His shoulders slumped in defeat, he ran a heavy hand over his face and through his hair. "Fine if you're not going tell me."
"I wasn't." She deadpanned. A heavy sigh he released calmed him down.
"What are you upset about, my love?" He asked, again, with much more patience than before.
"It's embarrassing." She shook her head, dismissing the thought of wanting to share that she's jealous of his pretend girlfriend because she's fallen head over heels for him after he'd shown just some affection towards her.
"You know I would never judge you," he cooed to her, reassuring her as took a gentle hold of her hands. Still amused by how much smaller her hands were in compare to his, they fit perfectly in his like that last piece puzzle. "Did Jamie or anyone said anything mean to you again?"
"No," she looked down at their joined hands in her lap.
"Are you upset we left early?"
"I didn't liked the way Jeffery had us escorted back to hotel because he saw people were starting to, to notice us, us sharing a kiss." She stuttered through her little complain, "I, I don't like it when she's around whenever we're out and I have to be pretend I'm not someone to you."
"But you're everything to me." He confessed, "and I mean it. I am really sorry you feel that way, sugar. I promise we're going out when she's not around, yeah? It is just going to be us, I promise."
"You do?" She asked.
"Mhmm, I do." He nodded, "see it was that easy to fix this, didn't need to cry on this." He wiped off her tears from her face, holding both her hands in one of his as if she's going to run away. "Did you get jealous of Jamie hogging all of our alone time?"
"I did." She cemented, without any hesitation glaring at him for his unnecessary teasing in the moment.
"I'm sorry," he rushed, "but you do know I don't even look at her, don't you? You know I'm coming back to you at the end kf the day, don't you?" He wasn't even trying to conceal the little he'd harboured on her now. Not when their alone time being invaded made her that upset for her to shed tears. "You've got nothing to worry about you know that, don't you?"
She gave him another jerky nod of her head, "mhmm, I know."
"Then gimme me a hug now." He dropped her hands just so he can wrap him up in his arms, she had hers tucked in between them. He even peppered the exposed skin of her face with as many kisses as he could.
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madeintheniamh · 2 years
you don't have to be sorry
waiting at the school gates, a dad you've never seen picking up his daughter appears at the time in your life that you might just need him most....
a/n: this one's quite sweet ngl. i fucking love dadrry with my whole heart.
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“There you are, my gorgeous girl!” you watched him smile, as he held his arms wide open before a tiny figure ran towards him, who practically jumped on top of him. He lifted her up, holding her on the side of his hip, whilst tucking a strand of long brunette hair behind her ear. “Did you have fun at nursery?”
A little voice began to chatter on about all the activities she could possibly remember that had occurred doing the day.
“Sounds like you had a lot more fun than Daddy,” he sighed. “Can I see your drawings when we get home?”
She nodded, burrowing her head into his chest. “Oh, I missed you, Tilly Gem,” he smiled whilst trying to balance everything he was now holding between his hands. “Where’s your book bag gone?”
You were mesmerised. Even the back of him looked good, as he walked back towards the building, now in search of his daughter’s lost possessions. Shiny, flowing strands of brown hair which framed his chiselled face. He turned back to look in your direction, green eyes glistening in the autumn sun. You nearly gasped as his eyes met yours for a second, and his lips raised slightly at the edges.
You looked in front of you and quickly remembered your daughter, who was now rocking back and forwards in her buggy in front of you. Things hadn’t been quite the same after the break up with your husband a few months back. Despite the concern that you were now going to be raising her as a single mother, living in a flat you could barely afford in North London, you couldn’t help but also worry about the impact on her emotionally, no longer having a father figure. Although it had been a toxic relationship, she had always been a Daddy’s girl, but didn’t yet have the vocabulary to describe what it felt like for her father to suddenly walk out one day, with no intention of coming back. He was a businessman who worked in Canary Wharf, who was barely around during the week, but had always made time for her on his days off- at least before he decided to have an affair with the young receptionist who worked in his building and leave one night for Australia with her. Promising to pay her tuition fees at a posh private preparatory school was simply not enough. He had left his three-year old daughter fatherless, and you helpless and alone.
You exhaled slowly, before realising that the same tall figure you had seen a few minutes ago was now leaving the blue double doors, and walking straight in your direction. You knew you only had one chance, and made a split-second decision to wave in his direction. He smiled back at you, revealing bright white teeth, creases forming around his bright green eyes.
“Hi, you must be Matilda’s dad!” you explained, heart beating rapidly trying to keep your gaze focused on him. “I think my daughter is in the same class as her,”
He extended his hand towards you, revealing nails painted a glossy shade of white.
“Lovely to meet you, yes this is my Tilly,” he smiled, looking down at her in adoration, his hand now clasped around hers. “I’m Harry, by the way,”
Harry. He could have either been eighteen or thirty, it was difficult to tell. You noticed how a layer of stubble sat around his lips, and how the light reflected off the front of his perfect smile. His daughter had the exact same eyes as him, a beautiful olive colour with hazel rings around her pupils. In-fact, she was the complete spitting image of him, only much smaller with longer hair.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” you noted.
“Ah well, I’m on daddy duties today,” he smirked. “I’m a musician, so I’m away quite a lot. Feels good to be able to spend some time with my little, though,”
The little girl stood next to him nodded whilst shuffling around on the spot, clearly bored by your conversation. Your own daughter was also becoming restless in her buggy, kicking her legs around aimlessly as though all she could think about was an escape plan. You lifted her up and out of the padded seat, placing her gently on the concrete playground next to her.
“Girls, why don’t you go and play for a bit?” Harry smiled at both of them before turning back towards you.  
You soon found yourself sitting on a bench next to him, explaining your entire life story to a man you had never met.
“That sounds absolutely awful, I’m so sorry,” he sympathised. “No man deserves a woman like you. I can tell you are an amazing mum,”
“You too. I wish my daughter looked at me the way that Matilda looks at you,” you explained.
“Oh, don’t say that. I feel so guilty,” he sighed. “I have to leave her constantly, and it breaks me. I feel like such a shit dad every-time. I have to pry her off of me every-time I go out through the front door, and I fucking hate it,”
You were surprised at his honesty, and even he sounded shocked at his own words, as if this was the first time he had ever said them out loud.
“Well, at least you’ll be there when she grows up,” you said, tears starting to form in your eyes. “Not like my little,”
“Hey, don’t say that,” he says whilst placing his hand on top of yours, his gentle touch making you jump slightly. “I only had my mum for a couple of years growing up, and I did okay,” he smiled. “Plus, you’re gorgeous. You can find someone better than him, for sure,”
Your eyes lit up in response. “Do you really think so?”
“Yes, of course I do, and I wouldn’t lie to you, I promise,” he confirmed. “Look, maybe we could organise something sometime? Considering that our daughters will probably end up being close, being in the same class and all,”
You looked up at him, his green pools of light staring you dead in the face, nothing but kindness in his expression.
“That would be amazing, I’ll give you my number,” you chimed.
You spent a few more minutes chatting, before he passed his phone over to you. You put your number into his contacts list before he rested his hand on his shoulder.
“Tilly, it’s time to go home now,” he bellowed sweetly in her direction. “It was so lovely meeting you, hopefully we will see you both soon,” he chuckled, once again trying to balance all of his daughter’s possessions in one hand, whilst holding her hand in the other. You grinned at him in an attempt to prevent yourself from letting the tears that had formed behind your eyes from beginning to flow.
He came up beside you and whispered in your ear.
“And remember, if you ever want to go for a coffee or anything, my number is always there,” he said slowly, and you could feel his warm, sweet breath on the side of your neck. “I’d really love that,”
As he walked away, you looked down at your daughter, who was now fast asleep in her buggy.
“Lovey, I think mummy may have just found you a new step-daddy,” you giggled at her, whilst walking out of the school gates. 
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Jessica Costescu
Eloise Maybank is accustomed to luxury. A London native, Maybank attended high school at a private French academy in London, the renowned Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle de Londres, and then at Milton Academy, an elite Massachusetts boarding school where tuition runs $76,000 a year. Then she enrolled at Columbia.
Maybank was among approximately 100 people arrested at Columbia University in late April for storming and occupying a campus building. Of those arrested, 45 were charged with third-degree criminal trespassing, public records show. At a hearing last month, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office dismissed cases against 31 of those people. Prosecutors told the 14 others that charges against them would be dropped if they avoided arrest for the next six months, but the defendants rejected that offer and will return to court in late July.
A Washington Free Beacon review of those charged shows they included several Columbia University, Barnard College, and New York University students and recent graduates, a City University of New York professor, and a wealthy outside activist also facing charges for setting an Israel supporter’s flag aflame during the April protest.
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Also arrested were Julia Jackson, an alumna of New York University and New Hampshire’s Phillips Exeter Academy—tuition $70,000 a year—as well as Barnard College graduate Madelyn McGuigan, the daughter of finance executive Chris McGuigan, the owner of a picturesque home valued at $2.2 million in the beachside town of Rumson, New Jersey, the Free Beacon found. Both McGuigan and Jackson will return to court in late July after rejecting the deal offered by prosecutors.
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jaspermorgan · 1 month
Jasper William Morgan (born 12 June 1970) is a British-American hotelier, businessman, and former actor. He is best known for his portrayals of Liam in the 1997 film Dark Skies, of Sebastian Harewood in the 1995 television miniseries The Outcast, and of Daniel Austin in the critically acclaimed 2009 detective noir film A Conflict of Shadows, for which he earned an Academy Award. He also received a Tony for his role in The Lights of Love (2003).
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▲ Early Life and Family
Morgan was born in Mayfair, London to parents Alexander Morgan, the UK's financial secretary to the treasury, and Jillian Morgan (née Spencer), who was the Dean of the University of Central London. He is an only child.
Morgan's paternal grandfather, Sir Ambrose Collins Morgan, was a decorated Royal Navy Admiral, and his great-grandfather, Professor Nathaniel Morgan, was an acclaimed neurosurgeon and neurosurgery researcher who taught at Oxford University. His maternal grandfather, Phillip Spencer, was an investment banker and his wife, Augusta Spencer (née Clairmont), was an oil painter and sculptor.
He spent the majority of his childhood in the care of his maternal grandparents and it was his grandfather, who Morgan cites as being a major influence in pursuing acting as a career as they often watched classics together. His favourite films growing up were The General (1926), Casablanca (1942), and One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). His parents wanted him to follow their footsteps into government or education or even to become a doctor, but Morgan was always adamant about wanting to be an actor. Eventually he was allowed to enrol in a local drama club where he built up his confidence and started to gain some experience in amateur dramatics.
His education was spent in private London schools, which Morgan doesn't credit as having any significant impact on him at all. He has said that there was always more of a focus on mathematics, science, and competitive sports rather than any of the arts and often felt very much an outsider from the rest of his classmates. However, he managed to encourage his secondary school headmaster to put on a rendition of Macbeth for pupils and parents, which was met with praise.
At the age of 18, Morgan attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. His parents helped to pay for the majority of his tuition, but only agreed to do so if Morgan got himself a part-time job to pay for the rest. He ended up at the at the Mornington Hotel near Regent's Park where he first worked the reception nightshift before transferring to waiting tables and later becoming the restaurant manager. He gave up the job once he signed on to The Outcast.
▲ Career
After appearing as an extra in several British television shows throughout 1993, Morgan portrayed Sam Woodbury in the short-lived London West End play One More Night, and then as the younger version of Eric Radcliffe Reid’s character Wilson in the short film Whirlwind, Morgan landed his breakthrough role in the 1995 miniseries The Outcast, playing the lead character Sebastian Harewood: a young upper class gentleman who is disowned by his wealthy father and is forced to make his own way in the world. The show’s director Kathryn Liu states that she ‘took a risk when casting Morgan, not knowing if an inexperienced actor would be able to handle a complicated filming schedule’, but later admitted that "he was perfect for the role and absolutely smashed it’ and ‘his inexperience as an actor even benefited him greatly in that his naivety transferred well into Sebastian’s own". Morgan and Liu later went on to work together on the 2013 action film Highwire.
Morgan was then quickly cast in the 1997 psychological thriller Dark Skies, which was filmed in his hometown of London. His role as the protagonist Liam, a recluse with a vendetta against the world who is also trying to maintain an equilibrium within the relationship he has with his overbearing girlfriend, gained him international recognition. Variety praised Morgan’s performance, writing: “it’s hard to tell that he has very little professional acting experience when watching him portray Liam. Morgan perfectly encapsulates his character’s life of hatred and from his very first moment on screen you’re simultaneously sympathetic and agitated, wanting him to improve his situation and yet also completely understanding why he is the way he is”. He was nominated for a BAFTA for this role and was the catalyst to his career.
When the filming of Dark Skies concluded, Morgan went to work in New York City after landing an off-Broadway role in Impolite Society (1998), which ran between 15 January and 12 March. Whilst his role was small, he was popular with audiences and it gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his career on the stage. Morgan told the American Theatre Magazine: "Theatre was always the most formidable area of acting for me. Doing a play at school was immensely different to doing one on a stage in front of almost 500 people in New York City. Whilst my first show in London played to more people than Impolite Society did, it felt far more daunting this time, strangely enough, and to be performing in front of an American audience was certainly surreal and incredibly special. I'd dreamed of that as a young boy and to have that dream come true is a huge ego boost". It was following this success that Morgan permanently moved to Manhattan.
Between 1999 and 2004, Morgan played Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller, a paediatrician and the younger brother of Dr Carolyn Keller (Erin Hardy) in the long-running medical drama series Heartlines, filming the majority of his later episodes in blocks so he could star in other projects (namely the 2002 film Unity and the 2003 theatre production The Lights of Love). During an interview for The Hollywood Reporter in 2012, Morgan said: "this period of my career was easily the most challenging I had done up to that point. Simultaneously acting in 27 episodes of a TV show and a film whilst also preparing to take on a Broadway role wasn't the smartest decision I had ever made, but it was one that allowed me to push myself to my limits and see what I could do under such immense pressure. My hard work certainly paid off; the honour of receiving a Tony award at the end of it all came as a wonderful surprise. However, I wouldn't recommend that kind of schedule for any actor, no matter their age or prowess."
In 2006, Morgan took on his only voice role in animated adventure Nightwalker, alongside Ricky Santos and Florence Martin-May, in which he played a crow named Merrick. He stated that he “wished to have taken on more voice acting in [his] career, but it was, unfortunately, never meant to be”. Directors Julia McGregor and Imaan Bashar had bronze statues made of the animal characters to give to their respective voice actors once filming commenced and Morgan is known to keep his in the office of his hotel.
Morgan spent most of 2007 on hiatus. He spent time out from acting in London as well as in Scotland, Tuscany, Munich, and Hawaii. During his time in London, he returned to his alma mater to give talks and acting classes to drama students; he was almost persuaded into becoming an acting coach, but turned it down to the fact he didn't believe he "had enough viable experience" at the time. It was in August 2007 that Morgan began to partake in philanthropic work, which he said he wished he could have began sooner, and was introduced to the Brave Youth Theatre Charity by friend and fellow actor Cecilia Crane, of which he is still a patron.
In 2008, he took a small role in the miniseries Small Mercies, appearing in three of the five episodes, in which he played Louis Graves, the father of the main character Serena Graves (Lily Richardson-Gill). Filming took place in Seattle, Washington, between April and September, with the show airing on New Years Day 2009. A second series had been proposed, but was ultimately scrapped.
His next appearance was in A Conflict of Shadows (2009), noted internationally for being his greatest performance. Morgan portrayed Daniel Austin- a corrupt police detective working for the NYPD in 1917- who slowly loses his sanity over the course of the film. On his role, Morgan commented: "Playing Daniel was like playing several different people. Each scene he was in was slightly different in terms of his speech and body language and to maintain those distinctions consistently was tough, but he was an incredibly entertaining character to play. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play him again if a sequel ever came into fruition." Audiences and critics raved about the film as a whole and of Morgan's performance, Edward Quartermain wrote: "he can express so much by one simple glance and it can be such a powerful gesture, especially to reflect the torment and gradual change in Daniel's internal world as he actively shuts out reality. The range that Morgan presents, from subtle finger switches to full-blown fiery rage, proves he is a formidable actor and one that will continue to both impress and surprise audiences around the world". The film eventually earned more than $1 billion worldwide and went on to win five Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Costume Design) as well as numerous other awards (see here) and several other nominations (see here).
Morgan appeared in his fourth and final stage production, Heart of Steel, in 2011, in which he played Charlie Steel: a down-on-his-luck English man in New York City whose cold heart slowly starts to melt when he inadvertently befriends a lost, yet perpetually optimistic 12 year old boy named Ben (Samuel DeWitt). He was highly praised, with critic Laura Pryce saying: “his performance is captivating and deeply moving, a real intriguing insight into how a troubled man's life is a constant battle and can be suddenly transformed into a different kind of battle with something now worth fighting for. His chemistry with DeWitt is also exceptionally joyful to watch- a real bond was formed between both characters and actors”.
In 2012, Morgan starred as the lead in the critically acclaimed miniseries Snowfall. He played Archer Ellison- the mayor of a small Alaskan town that, blanketed by the perpetual darkness of winter, is being haunted by a supernatural force that brought despair and destruction to the residents. Talking to Variety, he said: "Snowfall was one of my more interesting and fun projects, even with the harsh filming conditions when on location. From the moment I read the script I knew I had to be a part of the show. The only disappointing thing for me was that it was only six episodes!" Morgan was also a producer for the show, the opportunity coming from the fact that original producers couldn't afford the full desired funding and Morgan offered to pay the remainder out of his own pocket. "They had a crystal clear vision for what they wanted out of the story," Morgan added, "and without the extra funding the show would have had to have been filmed on a soundstage in hot Los Angeles instead of in Alaska itself. The aesthetic of the setting is paramount to Snowfall; it wouldn't have had anywhere near the kind of chilling impact on audiences if they could clearly see the snow and backdrops were fake and digitally added in. Nobody can fully immerse themselves in a story when the details aren't all there. I was passionate about the story and knew that audiences would be just as enthusiastic as the creators were, so being able to help in adding to the budget was the least I could do. It was a high honour to be starring in the show, let alone being able to produce it".
In 2013, Morgan starred in Highwire, alongside Nina Fischer, who he previously worked with in Unity. The film was almost never made, however. Writers Dashiell McCormack and Kyle Draper wanted Kathryn Liu to direct after the first director, Jeri Schulz, dropped out last minute for personal reasons, but she initially turned down the opportunity. Despite the producers pushing to begin filming, McCormack and Draper refused to go ahead without Liu. It was Morgan, who was in the final stages of negotiations to star in the film and is a close friend of Liu's, that persuaded her to direct. After almost 8 months of filming, Highwire was released on became a success, both commercially and with audiences, earning more than $130 million worldwide, making it the biggest success of Liu's career. After the success of the opening weekend, Fischer claimed that Morgan had the rejection letter that Liu sent to McCormack and Draper framed and gifted it back to her. Liu herself later confirmed this and stated that along with the letter Morgan included a handwritten note that read: 'Dear Kat, I'm glad you took a chance on yourself and the film, like you did with me in 1995. Be brave and never doubt yourself. Love, J'.
Morgan’s final film role was in the 2015 fantasy epic Tyrant, in which he played the eponymous tyrannical ruler Lord Reynard. Filming began in early 2014 and was split between Scotland, Ireland, and Canada. He has cited that the film was his ‘most taxing’ and that ‘the villains are always the most entertaining to portray and wished I had the chance to take on that role more’. Tyrant's director Simon Leyland has often been cited to be difficult to work with due to his perfectionist directing style and long shooting periods and in an interview Morgan told The Hollywood Reporter that: "Even though Simon was determined to make a perfect fantasy film- and, in my opinion, he came rather close- the filming schedule and conditions were harsh and his criticisms only made things worse. I had a few squabbles with him on set, nothing more than minor creative differences that were eventually resolved, but sometimes had to play mediator between him and some of the crew members and actors. I was surprised I wasn't fired and replaced". He then went on to add: "Despite everything, the concept of the film was fun to play along with and being an unhinged ruler of a kingdom, shouting orders and laughing maniacally, was quite cathartic. It's an experience I'll never forget and I'm glad my acting career could end on a high". Morgan's performance also earned him a Critics’ Choice Award.
▲ Personal Life
Morgan is a trained pianist and has been playing for 45 years. It was his mother's idea to enlist him for lessons and did so from the age of 7. Morgan’s skills can be seen in the films Unity, A Conflict of Shadows, and Highwire. He has also played the piano at many charity galas, mainly focusing on charities that helped children and young adults with their literacy and that encouraged them to join in with the youth theatre. He was known for playing classical pieces as well as popular songs from film and television. Despite no longer attending these events, having stopped in 2016, just after he retired, Morgan still donates to the same charities.
Morgan is also talented in close-up magic, a skill that was introduced to him by RADA classmate Marcus Creaghan, and he would later perform these tricks for interviewers at award shows and at charity galas he attended. Morgan is also a self-professed impressionist, having learned by repeatedly watching specific film scenes and mimicking tone and inflections from a young age. He is known to do uncanny impressions of actors such as Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, James Stewart, Liam Neeson, and Christopher Walken, amongst many others, having shown them off on the first season of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and The Graham Norton Show.
From January to July 1997, Morgan was in a relationship with actress Natalia Sinclair. Their relationship was initially private for the first two months as they began to film Dark Skies together, but soon became public after they were seen together outside of filming in Hyde Park. Although Morgan has always refused to talk about the subject, several reports were made that their time together was ‘heated, passionate at first’ but then ‘rapidly developed into something toxic’. He has also refused to comment on Sinclair's untimely death, too, only stating in an Instagram post in April 2024: “…I still respect her greatly, as a person and as an actor, and that she deserved better, both from her short life and from myself”.
After selling his home in London, he moved to an apartment in Manhattan, New York City, which he bought from an undisclosed NBL player in 1998 and stayed there until his retirement. It is a well known fact that Morgan loves parties and over the years, his apartment has been the setting of many personal social events and charity events, even hosting an array of celebrities, including Lillian Grace Bower, David Solis, and Ethel Ajibola.
In 2004, Morgan officially became an American citizen whilst also retaining his British nationality. He has stated that ‘even though I have lived in the United States longer than I have lived in London, I will always consider myself British first and foremost’.
He has never married, but dated English actress Hattie Radford-Lowell between 2001 and 2004, American actress and singer Twyla Blake between 2006 and 2010, and briefly dated American author Summer Aston during 2013. He also dated English actress Arabella Woods whilst they were both studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He remains friends with Blake and is also close friends with A Conflict of Shadows director Colton Hensley, whose youngest son Morgan is godfather to.
Just weeks after the release of Morgan's final film, Tyrant, he hosted the 87th Academy Awards where he announced his retirement from acting. The announcement was met with a mixture of high praise of a prosperous career and disappointment from both fans and critics, many noting that they had been looking forward to seeing more of Morgan in theatre productions and speculating that he would even progress onto directing. In July 2015, he moved to Aurora Bay, California, where Of Fire and Stars was partly filmed and where he bought the Seascape Hotel from a local resident. He spent almost 2 years renovating and restoring it, with the funds coming from his own pocket, before reopening it as a luxury hotel that draws in guests from all over the world. Morgan still performs acting and music often on the stage of the hotel’s lounge & bar and takes a very active role in the day-to-day running of the Seascape.
▲ Filmography
► Film
• Whirlwind (1994) as young Wilson (short film)
• Dark Skies (1997) as Liam
• Of Fire and Stars (1998) as Ashford Roy
• Unity (2002) as Dr Quentin Horrocks
• Nightwalker (2006) as Merrick (voice role)
• A Conflict of Shadows (2009) as Daniel Austin
• Highwire (2013) as Ethan Maythorn
• Tyrant (2015) as Lord Reynard
► Television
• The Outcast (1995) as Sebastian Harewood (8 episodes)
• Heartlines (1999-2004) as Dr Reginald 'Reggie' Keller (27 episodes)
• Small Mercies (2008) as Louis Graves (3 episodes)
• The Graham Norton Show (2009) as Himself/Guest
• 82nd Academy Awards (2010) as Himself/Host
• Snowfall (2012) as Archer Ellison (6 episodes) ; also producer
• The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (2014) as Himself/Guest
• 87th Academy Awards (2015) as Himself/Host
► Theatre
• One More Night (1994) as Sam Woodbury (Ambassadors Theatre)
• Impolite Society (1998) as Nik (Astor Place Theatre)
• The Lights of Love (2003) as Elliott Bird (Broadway Theatre)
• Heart of Steel (2011) as Charlie Steel (Gershwin Theatre)
▲ List of Awards and Nominations received by Jasper Morgan
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Sebastian Harewood in The Outcast (1995) – won
• British Academy Television Award for Best Actor: Liam in Dark Skies (1997) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Dr Quentin Horrocks in Unity (2002) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Elliott Bird in The Lights of Love (2003) – won
• Academy Award for Best Actor: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Daniel Austin in A Conflict of Shadows (2009) – won
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor: Archer Ellison in Snowfall (2012) – nominated
• Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Play: Charlie Steel in Heart of Steel (2011) – nominated
• Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role in a Motion Picture: Ethan Maythorn in Highwire (2013) – nominated
• Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actor: Lord Reynard in Tyrant (2015) – won
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school56df · 10 days
Study Abroad Programs For International Students Maximize Your Education
 Study abroad programs for international students  is a transformative enjoy that gives students an unheard of opportunity to immerse themselves in a distinct tradition, benefit a global angle, and gather specific abilities that may set them aside in an more and more aggressive activity marketplace. Whether it’s for a semester, a yr, or just a few weeks, study overseas applications provide instructional, private, and expert blessings which might be difficult to in shape through different means. This guide will delve into diverse aspects of take a look at abroad applications, along with types, blessings, famous locations, challenges, and pointers for making the most of the revel in.
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Types of Study Abroad Programs
Study overseas programs are available various shapes and sizes, depending on the educational institution and the pupil’s desires. Below are a number of the maximum common styles of programs:
Semester or Year-lengthy Programs:
These are perhaps the maximum commonplace kinds of observe abroad packages. Typically prepared through universities, those packages allow college students to spend an academic semester or a complete 12 months reading at a associate group in a special united states. Students can take lessons that remember towards their degree whilst experiencing lifestyles overseas.
Summer Programs:
Summer take a look at overseas packages are ideal for college kids who can not decide to a complete semester or 12 months away. These programs generally remaining anywhere from four to 12 weeks and offer an extreme, centered enjoy. Summer packages often attention on specific educational disciplines, language research, or internships.
Exchange Programs:
In an change software, college students change locations with a scholar from a partner college in a foreign country. Exchange packages can be for a semester or a year, and they offer the gain of greater inexpensive tuition seeing that students typically pay their domestic institution's fees at the same time as studying abroad.
Language Immersion Programs:
For college students seeking to become proficient in a overseas language, language immersion applications provide an remarkable possibility. These programs focus on coaching the local language, often through in depth guides, at the same time as offering an surroundings in which students are recommended to exercise every day with native speakers.
Internships and Work-Study Programs:
Some look at overseas applications offer internships or work opportunities as a part of the curriculum. These can provide precious actual-global revel in in an global context, giving students a aggressive area inside the task marketplace. Popular locations for such applications include cities with strong industries, together with London, New York, and Berlin.
Research-based Programs:
For graduate college students or undergraduates pursuing precise academic hobbies, research-based packages offer the hazard to work with worldwide professors, get right of entry to international studies sources, and make a contribution to tasks that have an worldwide impact.
Benefits of Studying Abroad
The benefits of reading abroad are giant, covering academic, non-public, and professional increase. Here are some of the key benefits:
Cultural Immersion:
Living in a distinct country exposes students to new cultures, traditions, and languages. This deep level of cultural immersion fosters more cultural cognizance and sensitivity, qualities that are increasingly more precious in ultra-modern globalized global.
Academic Enrichment:
Study abroad applications regularly offer precise academic opportunities, which includes get admission to to global-famend professors, specialised publications, or facilities that won't be to be had at a student's home group. Students can take guides that make bigger their information in methods that wouldn’t be possible in any other case.
Language Skills:
Being immersed in a foreign language environment is one of the nice approaches to obtain fluency. Whether it's studying Spanish in Spain or Mandarin in China, college students who have a look at abroad often discover that their language competencies improve dramatically at some stage in their time overseas.
Career Development:
Employers an increasing number of price global revel in, as it demonstrates a candidate's potential to conform to new environments, clear up issues creatively, and paintings in multicultural teams. Additionally, analyzing abroad presents opportunities to build international networks and gain revel in which can set college students aside within the activity marketplace.
Personal Growth:
Living in a foreign country can be hard, however it is also one of the maximum profitable private experiences. Students often return from study overseas more assured, unbiased, and resilient. They learn how to navigate unusual conditions, manage their money and time effectively, and make selections on their personal.
Global Perspective:
Studying abroad affords an possibility to peer the world from a brand new perspective. Students discover ways to appreciate one-of-a-kind viewpoints and frequently return home with a deeper know-how of global issues along with politics, economics, and environmental concerns.
Popular Study Abroad Destinations
While college students can examine in almost any country, a few locations are in particular famous due to their robust educational institutions, cultural richness, and accessibility for global college students. Here are among the pinnacle have a look at abroad destinations:
United States:
The U.S. Is home to some of the sector’s pleasant universities, and it remains a pinnacle vacation spot for college students from all around the globe. Students can study in numerous settings, from the bustling cities of New York and Los Angeles to smaller university cities like Boulder or Ann Arbor.
United Kingdom:
The U.K. Is every other pinnacle destination, mainly for college kids from English-speaking international locations. With establishments like Oxford, Cambridge, and the London School of Economics, the U.K. Gives global-elegance education in a historic and culturally wealthy surroundings.
Known for its high satisfactory of life and sturdy instructional institutions, Australia is a fave among worldwide college students. Cities like Sydney and Melbourne provide a colourful blend of lifestyle, outside sports, and educational possibilities.
Germany is speedy becoming a pinnacle take a look at abroad vacation spot because of its low-priced lessons (many programs are free for worldwide students) and its strong awareness on studies and innovation. Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg are the various maximum famous towns for college students.
France is a top notch vacation spot for college kids interested by language, art, records, and global members of the family. With its wealthy cultural historical past and a sturdy consciousness on better schooling, France offers programs in both French and English.
Japan is an interesting destination for students inquisitive about era, enterprise, and lifestyle. The u . S . A .’s specific mixture of lifestyle and innovation makes it a captivating location to stay and look at.
Challenges of Studying Abroad
While reading abroad can be a lifestyles-converting experience, it additionally comes with its share of challenges:
Culture Shock:
Adapting to a brand new subculture may be hard. Students might enjoy homesickness, language barriers, or struggle with surprising customs and practices. It takes time to regulate, but most students locate that they finally grow snug in their new surroundings.
Studying overseas can be costly, specially in international locations with a excessive price of residing. Tuition, accommodation, tour, and different fees can upload up speedy. However, many establishments provide scholarships or economic resource to assist offset the costs.
Academic Differences:
The schooling system overseas might fluctuate considerably from what college students are used to. This can imply one-of-a-kind coaching styles, grading structures, or even a greater demanding workload.
Visa and Documentation:
Navigating the visa process can be complicated and time-eating. Students need to make sure they have got all of the essential documentation in order, together with a legitimate visa, health insurance, and evidence of economic stability.
Tips for a Successful Study Abroad Experience
To make the maximum of a take a look at overseas experience, college students must preserve the subsequent hints in mind:
Prepare Early:
Start discovering programs, visa necessities, and scholarships nicely earlier. The software system can take time, so it’s essential to plot in advance.
Stay Open-minded:
Be inclined to step out of doors your consolation area and include new studies. Studying abroad is all approximately non-public boom, and an open thoughts will assist you are making the most of it.
Make Local Connections:
Take benefit of possibilities to meet neighborhood students and residents. Building relationships with people from the host u . S . A . Can increase the revel in and provide a deeper expertise of the subculture.
Document the Journey:
Keep a magazine, blog, or vlog to record your reports. This will now not simplest assist you bear in mind the info of your trip however additionally can help you reflect on how the enjoy has fashioned you.
Stay Focused on Academics:
Study abroad for college students while it is able to be tempting to treat look at abroad as an extended excursion, it’s important to stay targeted to your research. Make sure you attend instructions and meet academic requirements to get the whole advantage of this system.
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Benefits of Studying in Greece
Unilife abroad career solutions
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Good Weather Conditions
If you love the sun, Greece is perfect for you! The number one pro among the Pros and Cons of Studying in Greece is undoubtedly the weather. After Valletta, Athens is the warmest Capital in Europe. July is usually the sunniest month and December the cloudiest. That said, this country is blessed with sunny days and good weather conditions almost all year around.
Top Business School in Greece
The American College of Greece is one of the top graduate business schools in Europe, located in the historic capital of Athens. Alba faculty comprises of staff from all over the world who have experience in prestigious schools in the area of business and management and beyond, such as Harvard Business School, Stern School of Business, Wharton, London Business School etc.
Low tuition fees and low living expenses
If you are an EU/EEA student, you most likely will not be charged with any tuition fees for a Bachelor’s degree. However, an increasing number of Masters is requiring students to pay. If you are an international student, then you will have to pay tuition fees that range less than €10,000 per year, which includes textbooks. Depending on the university, books might be given to students at no extra cost. For example, The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers hot meals twice a day and the free use of the gym to all its students.
To live in Greece, students spend on average between €450 and €700 per month, inclusive of accommodation, bills, phone plan, public transport pass, etc. If we compare this to other European destinations, like Spain and Germany, then the average monthly living costs might easily rise to a minimum of €800, depending on the city.
Enjoy the local cuisine
If you are going to study there, you will get to enjoy the delicacies that the country has to offer. Tsatsiki, feta, olives, gyros are just some of the many Greek specialties which should not be missed. The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest. Fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, just to mention some, help lower inflammation in your body, reduce the risk of diabetes, and more.
Health care
EU citizens have free access to most healthcare services provided by public hospitals in Greece with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Students coming from some non-EU countries might benefit from free medical care due to reciprocal agreements with Greece. If this is not the case, you will need to arrange private health insurance before your departure to Greece. However, most hospitals that accept foreign insurance are those in Athens or Thessaloniki.
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
Contact us :8428440444 , 8428999090 , 8608777070
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scholarsdirect · 11 months
-:Education and employment in UK:-
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Employment and education are vital components of the social and economic structure of the United Kingdom. Higher education, further education, and primary and secondary education comprise the three main sectors of the UK educational system. State-funded and private schools are available for children between the ages of five and eighteen who must attend school. Students in the UK can pursue a range of degrees at prestigious universities. Higher education is expensive, and in addition to tuition, students may be qualified for government loans to assist with living expenses.
Regarding jobs, the labor market in the UK is broad, competitive, and includes a lot of different industries. Opportunities for employment differ by industry and region, but London and the South East have a wealth of options. Workplace laws, such as those pertaining to minimum wages and anti-discrimination, protect employees' rights. Job seekers can look for openings via websites of businesses, government agencies, and online job boards; they frequently rely on networking to increase their chances. Contracts for employment come in a variety of forms, from permanent jobs to gig economy jobs that are temporary or self-employed. For those who qualify, the UK also offers unemployment benefits like Jobseeker's Allowance or Universal Credit. There is a progressive income tax system in place, with wages varying according to industry, role, and location. Income tax and National Insurance contributions are subtracted from employees' earnings. It is noteworthy that policies and regulations pertaining to education and employment are subject to change, and there may be variations in the details between England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as each region has varying degrees of autonomy in these areas.
To know more:- https://scholarsdirect.com/study-in-uk/
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A nice story about women helping women
Inlate January of this year, the Biden Administration began "inviting ordinary Americans to help settle Afghan refugees in America." Dubbed the "Welcome Corps," the initiative asks citizens to support refugees financially and in all other ways e.g. providing food, clothing, secure housing, education, health care (including mental health care), transportation, employment, and hospitality. The new "private sponsorship initiative" experts suggest that at least five people are needed in order to "welcome" and successfully sponsor one Afghan refugee or an Afghan family in America.
I strongly disagree. In the case of my one, adopted Afghan granddaughter, Meena, at least twenty to twenty-five volunteers from around the world were essential in getting Meena and her family out of Kabul; and more volunteers joined our efforts along the way, including new and generous donors, and a new team of pro bono lawyers who are working on Meena's application for asylum in America.
Some of our initial team's volunteers, who worked for NGOs or for various European governments, were on salary but were not necessarily reimbursed for their time or efforts in this regard. Some had experience in anti-trafficking work and petitioned their governments to accept our women judges, doctors, lawyers, journalists, business owners, and artists—all of whom were women's rights activists. We gathered information from American ex-military service members, corporate honchos, and human rights activists. We had a narrow window of opportunity, about six months, until refugees from Ukraine began pouring into Europe.
"I had a group of feminist women who wanted to save me and my dreams, and they did."
Once I understood that Meena, a medical school graduate, had also worked in Afghanistan as a researcher and translator for an American-based professor, I haunted the poor man. Jean-Francois Trani came through brilliantly. Professor Trani obtained a student visa and a scholarship for Meena at Washington University in St. Louis—a very fine and a very expensive school. Her scholarship only covers tuition, nothing else, not rent, food, books, computer upgrades, school fees, an expensive mandatory health insurance policy ($2800.00 per year), toiletries, clothing—just on and on. What one needs in order to live and to devote oneself, full-time to study.
Meena writes: 
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Mandy Sanghera, a London-based human rights activist and philanthropist, and myself literally worked around the clock for more than six months rescuing 400 other Afghan women. I had a paid assistant who created spreadsheets in order to keep track of the biographies and ID information for at least 100 women and who tried to keep our correspondence on Signal, WhatsApp, and email in order. In fact, Mandy and I are still inundated with pleas for help from Afghan women who are living in hiding and in terror.
One amazing woman (whom I cannot name) got Meena and many others out on planes. Three amazing men and one woman were in charge of food and medicine drops. They also delivered wood in winter and had a network of doctors who delivered babies and did surgical procedures when necessary. One woman served as Meena's mental health counselor. Another served as her English tutor. Those who read my articles up at 4W contributed money to a war chest which was used primarily by our former lawyer at a time when, unfortunately, the Biden Administration was granting only a handful of Humanitarian Parole applications.
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More wonderful women joined us. One, Penny Wilson, donated her frequent flyer miles and her administrative expertise. Another long-time feminist colleague of mine, a retired professor of Literature, Lilia Milani, pledged to cover Meena's rent for the year. I named some more names in my previous piece here up at 4W.
Last month, I decided to bring as many members of this team together to finally meet Meena in person in my home. I thought they deserved to know her—and she them. The founder of 4W, MK Fain came—and indeed, 4W is where I posted almost all my articles and a good number of 4W readers sent funds. We zoomed in Meena's mental health counselor and the woman who got her on the plane, who was in Africa at the time.
The women who gathered were so excited to meet Meena—and she them. They took her sightseeing in Manhattan: On a walking tour of Grand Central Terminal, Rockefeller Center, Times Square—Macy's! I introduced her to my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters and they took her to the Metropolitan Museum. I think a good time was had by all.
"We need to have an honest conversation about refugee education."
Penny suggested that we all go around the table, from oldest to youngest, and give Meena one piece of advice. And so we did. Penny brought a multitude of beautiful silk scarves, and we each got to pick one for ourselves. Meena got all the rest.
Mandy writes:
Meena has gotten all "A"s in her classes. She is now working for ten hours a week for a professor and may be allowed to work for a maximum of twenty hours but no more. This may— or may not—cover her food and toiletries.
Attached is a GoFundMe campaign for Meena. Please consider making a donation to support her ongoing expenses. It will help all of us to carry on. Meena will go the distance and make us all proud, but she needs financial assistance for legal filing fees, and for much else. These funds will go directly into her bank account. 
Oh—and what advice did I give Meena? I told her that she can thank me by freeing and supporting another woman.
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ofsyzygies · 2 years
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kim yu ri 
“she’s like a [ ballerina ] endlessly t w i r l i n g in a music box with a broken melody.”
full name: kim yu-ri
meaning: a glass plane
age: 34
dob: 1st of september 1954
religion: raised buddhist.
gender: cisgender female.
pronouns: she/her.
sexual orientation: demisexual.. blood type: a
height: 165cm / 5′4″
place of birth: london, the united kingdom
criminal record: none
personality type: infj-t
moral alignment: lawful good
nationality: british / american (dual nationality)
ethnicity: south korean.
+ empathetic, + sincere, + amiable
- guileless, - self-sacrificing, - self-critical
about yuri
tw: grooming, stalking // nothing graphic but please be warned either way.
+ yuri was born in london to her expatriate parents. her mother was a first generation migrant from south korea whilst her father was korean-american.
+ like all parents, hers wanted the best for her and had the means to provide her with the best. this meant private tuition, private schooling, cello lessons, figure skating, ballet classes, and little time for a social life in the midst of all that.
+ she had also grown accustomed to people praising her - for her beauty, for her talent, her manners, her modesty and for her bright personality. no matter how few friends she had, she took comfort in at least being able to forge a life for herself. the rest, she figured, would come after success.
+ her only real friend was her cello instructor, who was something of a second son to her parents (who only ever had one child).
+ he’d been with the family since yuri was eight and he 17.
+ and for this time their relationship seemed to be the picture of innocence. he filled the gap her lack of friends left within her life, recommending her books and movies and telling her all of his own adventures at school and later at university. she became entirely dependent upon him and his approval being that he was her only real friend.
+ as she grew older, their relationship remained that of a friendship between an adult and a teenager, which was odd in of itself - at least to yuri’s mother who had begun to sour toward her previously beloved tutor.
+ sensing her parents’ growing unease around him, he began to fill her head with manipulation. he told her of his parents’ desire to entrap her into a life of their own imagining, like a bird in a gilded cage and how she had never been allowed to have friends and now even their friendship was being threatened.
+ it wasn’t long before yuri became defensive over her tutor and often argued with her parents who gently suggested that they limit their interactions. god forbid that they would suggest she change instructors altogether.
+ as yuri became increasingly rebellious, a trait never before seen from their daughter, her parents decided to finally pull the plug and fire her tutor, hiring another in his place without her consent.
+ this could not have come at a more opportune time seeing as all it took was a secret letter and a plan to meet for yuri to agree to be whisked away with him, having now been brainwashed into believing everyone else in the world was against her.
+ three horrendous weeks of searching for the missing teen concluded with his escape from justice and her being found confused and alone before being returned home, remaining silent as to what passed within those three weeks to everyone except the police when questioned directly.
+ and she had never been the same again.
+ sure, she reverted back to her demure, agreeable self, but there was something not quite right with yuri. a quietness and reticence that was a new extreme even considering her previous shyness.
+ she would later go on to study pre-med, medicine and even specialise as a surgeon but her troubles were far from over even as her academic accolades continued to rack up.
+ after all, every birthday, christmas and valentine’s day she was met with the same sight. the delivery of a different flowering plant with a handwritten note attached letting her know that she wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
+ and that fact had remained unchanged no matter how many times she had moved addresses. it made her feel trapped, not unlike the caged bird she had been described as being so many years before.
+ this made her a weird mix of reckless and cautious. she was very guarded in her daily life but sometimes she gets sick of it all and makes really poor decisions. one of these such poor decisions ended in her recklessly driving and getting into an accident while trying to avoid hitting another car. due to the speed she was driving at, this resulted in severe injuries, costing her her hearing and most of her right arm.
+ she moves around a lot for obvious reasons. she hasn’t been in shrike very long. she stays as long as she can in a place though and really wishes this would be her last, most permanent move.
+ she has a pet capybara named siegfried. 
extra facts !
+ she can speak english and korean fluently, speaks english with a southern english accent. v posh sounding. 
+ because her life has been filled with such dark and unsavoury things, yuri prioritises softness and purity. she’s a neat freak and is always trying to make others feel better.
+ loves tea, the smell of rain, flowers and animals.
+ quit being a surgeon. due to her injury she was no longer able to perform as a surgery. sometimes, she felt as though even if she could, anxieties commonly expressed by patients as well as gossip from her coworkers about her prosthetic arm would have dissuaded her.
+ overly reliant on her pain medication.
+ loves to bake but extremely strict with her own food intake. she’s always on a diet sort of. yuri’s just one of those people who needs to exercise control in every aspect of her life because she feels like she barely has any.
active issues.
+ deaf in one ear due to an injury. + one lost limb from an injury (her right arm, she has an artificial replacement) + post-traumatic stress disorder + uses the fact she is a doctor to self medicate. + prone to dissociating / dissociative fugue.
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pratiksha-more · 5 days
Why Study in the UK: Top Reasons for Indian Students
If you're wondering why study in the UK, the answer lies in its world-renowned education system, diverse culture, and countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. The UK remains one of the most popular destinations for Indian students seeking a high-quality education and international exposure. In this blog, we’ll explore the top reasons why Indian students should consider studying in the UK. For personalized guidance, you can also turn to an overseas education consultancy to help navigate your study abroad journey.
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1. World-Class Education System
One of the primary reasons why study in the UK is the country’s prestigious education system. The UK is home to some of the most renowned universities globally, such as the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London. These institutions consistently rank among the top in the world and offer a wide range of courses across various disciplines.
The UK’s education system places a strong emphasis on critical thinking, research, and innovation, giving students the opportunity to develop skills that are highly valued by employers worldwide. Whether you are pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies, UK universities offer diverse programs that are tailored to meet global standards.
2. Shorter Duration of Courses
Another compelling reason why study in the UK is the shorter duration of courses. In the UK, most undergraduate programs are three years long, while master's programs typically last one year. This is shorter compared to many other countries, including the US and Australia, where degrees often take longer to complete. A shorter course duration not only saves you time but also reduces tuition fees and living costs.
For students seeking a quick yet impactful educational experience, the UK offers an excellent balance of quality education in a condensed timeframe.
3. Multicultural Environment
The UK is known for its multicultural environment, which makes it an attractive option for Indian students. Universities in the UK welcome students from diverse backgrounds, allowing you to meet people from all over the world and broaden your cultural horizons. This multicultural exposure is not only enriching on a personal level but also prepares you for working in international environments in the future.
Moreover, Indian students will find a strong community in the UK. Many universities offer Indian societies and events celebrating Indian festivals, making it easier to adapt to life abroad.
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4. Work Opportunities During and After Studies
One of the most practical reasons why study in the UK is the wide range of work opportunities available to students. Indian students on a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. This provides a great opportunity to gain work experience and support yourself financially while studying.
The UK government also offers the Graduate Route, which allows international students to stay in the UK for two years after completing their studies (three years for Ph.D. graduates). This post-study work visa gives you the chance to find employment in your field and gain valuable international work experience.
5. Financial Aid and Scholarships
Cost is often a concern for students considering studying abroad, but the UK offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help ease the burden. Universities, government programs, and private organizations provide scholarships specifically for Indian students. For instance, the Chevening Scholarship, Commonwealth Scholarships, and GREAT Scholarships are some of the most prestigious awards available.
An overseas education consultancy can help you identify and apply for scholarships, ensuring that financial constraints don’t stand in the way of your academic aspirations.
6. High Employability and Global Recognition
Degrees from UK universities are globally recognized and highly valued by employers. The UK is a hub for industries such as finance, technology, engineering, and creative arts, offering numerous opportunities for students across various sectors. Many UK universities have strong ties with industries and offer internships, placements, and career support services to help students transition into the workforce.
Graduating from a UK university not only boosts your employability but also enhances your global network, which can be invaluable in building a successful career.
7. Access to World-Class Research
If you are interested in research, the UK is one of the best places to be. UK universities are known for their research output and have a strong focus on innovation. With access to cutting-edge facilities and the opportunity to work with leading academics, students can engage in groundbreaking research projects that have a global impact. This makes the UK a top destination for students pursuing research degrees, particularly in fields like medicine, engineering, and social sciences.
When considering why study in the UK, the combination of world-class education, shorter course durations, a multicultural environment, and excellent work opportunities makes it a top choice for Indian students. The UK offers a holistic educational experience that not only focuses on academics but also prepares students for global careers. For those seeking guidance throughout the process, working with an overseas education consultancy can provide valuable insights and support, helping you make informed decisions about your future.
Studying in the UK is a significant investment in your personal and professional development, offering benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.
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BML Munjal University Fees: A Comprehensive Guide to Tuition and Value-Added Services
BML Munjal University (BMU) is one of India’s leading private universities, known for its innovative teaching methods, world-class infrastructure, and collaboration with renowned international institutions like Imperial College London. When considering BMU for higher education, it's crucial to understand the fee structure, as it not only covers tuition but also a range of value-added services that enhance the learning experience.
1. Overview of BML Munjal University Fees
The BML Munjal University fees vary depending on the program, and it is designed to reflect the quality of education, facilities, and career opportunities the university offers. The key programs include undergraduate degrees (B.Tech, BBA, BA LLB, etc.), postgraduate degrees (MBA), and doctoral programs (Ph.D.). Each program has its specific fee structure, which is competitive compared to similar institutions offering high-quality education in India.
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2. Undergraduate Program Fees
For undergraduate programs like B.Tech, BBA, and BA LLB, the annual fees range from INR 2.5 Lakhs to INR 4 Lakhs depending on the course. The B.Tech program, for instance, is designed in collaboration with industry experts and provides hands-on learning, internships, and global exposure. The fee includes tuition, lab facilities, access to the library, and other campus amenities. There may also be a one-time enrollment fee or refundable security deposit applicable.
3. MBA Program Fees
The MBA program at BMU is one of its flagship courses and is designed to produce leaders for the modern business world. The fee for the MBA program typically ranges around INR 7 Lakhs per year, with the total cost for the two-year program amounting to approximately INR 14 Lakhs. This includes tuition, workshops, guest lectures, and international immersion programs. BMU’s partnership with Imperial College London ensures that students receive top-notch business education, with opportunities for global exposure, making the fees a valuable investment.
4. Scholarships and Financial Aid
BMU understands the financial strain higher education can place on families, which is why it offers a variety of scholarships to deserving students. Scholarships are merit-based, need-based, or awarded for exceptional achievements in extracurricular activities. These scholarships can significantly reduce the overall cost, making the high-quality education at BMU more accessible.
5. Additional Costs
While tuition forms the bulk of the fees, students should also budget for additional expenses, including hostel fees, transportation, and personal expenses. The university provides on-campus hostel accommodation, with fees ranging between INR 1.25 Lakhs to INR 1.5 Lakhs per year, depending on the type of room and the facilities offered. These fees cover lodging, meals, and access to common areas like study rooms, gyms, and recreational spaces.
6. Value for Money
Though BMU’s fees might seem on the higher side compared to some traditional public universities, it’s important to consider the value you are getting in return. The university is committed to experiential learning, and its curriculum is designed to give students a blend of academic knowledge and real-world experience. BMU’s strong industry partnerships, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and access to international resources provide students with an edge in the competitive job market.
7. International Exposure and Immersion Programs
BMU's collaboration with Imperial College London means students have access to global resources and immersion programs. These are often included in the overall MBA fees, offering students exposure to international business practices and opportunities to work on global projects. The international exposure greatly enhances career prospects, making the fees worthwhile for those looking to compete on a global platform.
8. Payment Plans and Loans
To make it easier for students and their families to manage costs, BMU offers flexible payment plans and assists with securing education loans. Many leading banks and financial institutions provide student loans for BMU programs, making the fees more manageable for students from diverse financial backgrounds.
While BML Munjal University fees are reflective of its world-class offerings, they are competitive when compared to other top private universities in India. The investment in a degree from BMU comes with high returns in terms of academic rigor, industry exposure, and international opportunities, making it an attractive option for students seeking a holistic and future-ready education. For students interested in securing financial aid, BMU offers scholarships and payment plans that can help make education more affordable.
BML Munjal University is committed to providing not just an education, but a transformative experience that prepares students for success in their careers and beyond. With a well-structured fee system and ample financial support, the university remains a strong choice for students seeking quality higher education in India.
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shivam95 · 1 month
Understanding MiM Fees: A Comprehensive Guide to the Costs of a Master in Management
Pursuing a Master in Management (MiM) is an attractive option for recent graduates and young professionals looking to advance their careers. However, one of the most critical factors to consider before enrolling is the MiM fees associated with the program. In this guide, we’ll break down the costs you can expect, helping you understand what MiM fees entail and how to plan your finances effectively.
MiM Fees: The Core of Your Investment
The primary component of your financial commitment will be the MiM fees, which include the tuition fees charged by the institution. These fees can vary significantly based on the university, location, and the prestige of the program. On average, MiM fees range from $20,000 to $60,000, with top-tier schools such as HEC Paris, London Business School, or IE Business School charging upwards of $70,000.
While the MiM fees may seem substantial, it’s essential to consider the return on investment (ROI). Graduates from top MiM programs often secure lucrative positions that can quickly compensate for the initial outlay. Additionally, many institutions offer scholarships and financial aid to help mitigate the cost of MiM fees.
Beyond MiM Fees: Additional Academic Costs
In addition to the core MiM fees, students should budget for other academic expenses such as textbooks, course materials, and online resources. While these costs may not be as significant as the tuition fees, they can add up over the course of the program. Some MiM programs also need participation in international study trips or exchange programs, which can increase the cost.
Living Expenses: An Essential Consideration Alongside MiM Fees
When calculating the total cost of your MiM, it’s crucial to factor in living expenses. These include accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. The cost of living can vary widely depending on the city and country where you choose to study. For instance, living in cities like London or Paris is generally more expensive than in smaller European cities or countries like Germany or the Netherlands.
On average, you should budget between $1,000 to $2,500 per month for living expenses. This estimate includes rent, utilities, groceries, and other daily necessities, which, when combined with the MiM fees, contribute to the financial outlay.
Accommodation Costs: A Key Component of Living Expenses
Accommodation is one of the most significant expenses you’ll encounter outside of MiM fees. Whether you choose university housing, a private apartment, or shared accommodation, costs can vary. In major cities, renting a one-bedroom apartment can range from $800 to $2,000 per month. University dormitories or shared housing options might be more affordable, costing between $500 and $1,500 per month.
Health Insurance: An Often Overlooked Expense
Health insurance is a mandatory expense for international students, adding to the total cost beyond the MiM fees. Most countries need international students to have health insurance for the duration of their studies. The cost of health insurance can range from $500 to $1,500 per year, depending on the country and the level of coverage required. Ensuring your health insurance meets your host country’s requirements is essential to avoid any legal or financial issues.
Visa and Travel Costs: Additional Considerations Beyond MiM Fees
If you are an international student, visa and travel costs will add to your budget. Visa application fees can range from $50 to $200, depending on the country. Additionally, travel expenses, including flights, transportation to and from the airport, and any required vaccinations or medical check-ups before departure, should be factored in alongside your MiM fees.
Opportunity Cost: The Hidden Aspect of MiM Fees
While not a direct financial outlay, the opportunity cost of pursuing a MiM should be considered when evaluating MiM fees. During the one to two years spent in the program, you may forgo earning a full-time salary. This lost income represents an indirect cost that can impact your financial situation. But, many students view this as an investment, with the expectation that the skills and qualifications gained will lead to higher earning potential in the future.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Reducing Your MiM Fees
To help manage the cost of MiM fees, many universities and organizations offer scholarships, grants, and financial aid. Scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or awarded based on specific criteria such as nationality or field of study. It’s essential to research and apply for scholarships early, as competition is often intense.
Some institutions also provide loan programs or payment plans to spread out the MiM fees over time. Additionally, part-time work opportunities may be available to help cover living expenses, although it’s important to ensure that work commitments do not interfere with your studies.
Pursuing a Master in Management is a significant financial commitment, but with careful planning, it can be a valuable investment in your future. By understanding the various costs involved—beyond just the MiM fees—and exploring options for scholarships and financial aid, you can make an informed decision. Remember, the key to managing MiM fees is to plan ahead, budget wisely, and take advantage of all available resources to ensure your success.
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