#Plumbing in hilo
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terapiasdetransformacion · 5 years ago
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"¿Quién plegó hoy tu paracaídas?" Charles Plumb era piloto de un bombardero en la guerra. Después de muchas misiones de combate, su avión fue derribado por un misil. Plumb se lanzó en paracaídas, fue capturado y pasó seis años en una prisión norvietnamita. A su regreso a casa, daba conferencias relatando su odisea, y lo que aprendió en la prisión. Un día estaba en un restaurante y un hombre lo saludó: - "Hola, usted es Charles Plumb, ¿verdad? Era piloto y lo derribaron. - Y usted, ¿cómo sabe eso?, le preguntó Plumb. - "Porque yo plegaba su paracaídas. Parece que le funcionó bien, ¿verdad?" Plumb casi se ahogó de sorpresa y gratitud. "¡Claro que funcionó! Si no hubiera funcionado, hoy yo no estaría aquí." Plumb no pudo dormir esa noche, preguntándose: "¿Cuántas veces lo vi en el portaviones?, y no le dije ni los buenos días, porque yo era un arrogante piloto y él era un humilde marinero." Pensó también en las horas que ese marinero pasaba en las entrañas del barco, enrollando los hilos de seda de cada paracaídas, teniendo en sus manos la vida de alguien que no conocía. _______ *_______*__________*__________* por qué te cuento esto?… para que reflexiones lo siguiente… Todos tenemos a alguien cuyo trabajo es importante para que nosotros podamos salir adelante. A veces, en los desafíos que la vida nos lanza a diario, perdemos de vista lo que es verdaderamente importante. Dejamos de saludar, de dar las gracias, de felicitar a alguien o aunque sea, decir algo amable sólo porque sí. Hoy, esta semana, este año, cada día, trata de darte cuenta de quién pliega tu paracaídas, y agradéceselo. Aunque no tengas nada importante que decir, las personas alrededor de ti notarán ese gesto, y te lo devolverán plegando tu paracaídas con ese amor especial, que puedes llegar a necesitar algún día. Que tengas un buen día!! ॐ . . . . . . . . #optimismo #soltar #amor #feliz #abundancia #bioneuroemocion #terapiasdetransformacion #gracias #Constelacionesfamiliares #espiritualidad #consciencia #universo #amor #amorincondicional #esperanza #calma #terapia #amiga #familia #ayudar #terapiasparaelalma #amar #vida #alegria #felicidad #paciencia #templanza #Namaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B8b1CCehg2e/?igshid=4b324y2neu7y
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sciencespies · 2 years ago
Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano is erupting for the first time since 1984
Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano is erupting for the first time since 1984
For the first time in nearly 40 years, the world’s largest active volcano is erupting in Hawaii, after weeks of increased activity at the caldera
Earth 28 November 2022 , updated 28 November 2022
By James Dinneen and Madeleine Cuff
A thermal camera on the north rim of Mauna Loa’s summit caldera captured the eruption
US Geological Survey
The world’s largest active volcano, Mauna Loa in Hawaii, is erupting for the first time in almost 40 years, with US officials warning nearby residents to prepare for possible evacuation.
The eruption, the volcano’s first since 1984, began at 11.30pm local time on 27 November at Moku‘āweoweo, the summit’s caldera located inside Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawaii.
So far, the eruption is confined to the summit area but officials warned the situation could change rapidly.
Along the sides of the volcano are two so-called rift zones, extending north-east and south-west from the caldera, where the surface of the volcano can crack and split. “Very fluid and fast-moving lava” can quickly run from a new fissure, threatening populated neighbourhoods downstream, said Ken Hon at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory in a briefing on 28 November.
“Right now, we just don’t know what’s going to happen – if this is going to stay as a summit-only eruption or move into one of the rift zones,” he said.
On 28 November, officials from the US Geological Survey said lava had started to spill out of the summit’s caldera, but said there is no evidence of lava erupting from the rift zones.
A warning for ashfall has been issued for Hawaii’s Big Island, with medically vulnerable residents advised to stay inside or wear filter masks. Shelters have been opened to provide safety for islanders, although there is no immediate threat to populated areas, according to officials.
Mauna Loa is a giant shield volcano, standing at around 4 kilometres tall and covering a land area of about 5000 square kilometres.
It has erupted 33 times since 1843, most seriously in 1950 when it inundated the coastal town of Hoʻōpūloa within 3 hours, destroying houses, a church and the local highway.
During its last eruption in 1984, lava flows came within 5 miles of the city of Hilo.
Volcanologists have been reporting an uptick in activity at Mauna Loa for weeks, with dozens of small, shallow earthquakes recorded around the summit in the last month. “Then it really kicked up right before the eruption started,” says Paul Segall at Stanford University in California.
Deeper earthquakes around the volcano over the past several years have indicated Mauna Loa might be ready to erupt. “This has been on our radar for a while,” he says.
In a statement, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said it will conduct aerial reconnaissance “as soon as possible” to better understand the risks posed by the current eruption.
Segall says the eruption may help volcanologists understand more about the connection between Mauna Loa and another Hawaiian volcano called Kīlauea. “We don’t really understand the plumbing system where the magma separates” to flow to the two volcanos, he says. One theory behind the long delay since Mauna Loa’s last eruption is that magma was being diverted to Kīlauea, which saw a major eruption in 2018 that caused a caldera collapse.
Segall says he sees no indication at this point that the Mauna Loa eruption could become as forceful as the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea. “Statistically speaking, this thing is going to be relatively modest,” he says.
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kiblerwilliam-blog · 5 years ago
Roofing 5
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Why It Is Beneficial To Use The Services Of A Reputable Roofing Specialist
When constructing your building, the roof is one of the most vital installations to be made.  It is important to note that the roof is usually a huge investment and you therefore need to entrust it a reputable roofing installation company.   Using the services of a trusted roofer is going to mean that you are going to be assigned roofing specialists that are going to provide you with the best roofing services in the market.   By reading this article, you will find out more about some of the reasons why it is beneficial to seek the services of a reputable roofing specialist. More on Hilo Roofing Crew
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See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1qlF20xnKc
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vivianbates · 6 years ago
Kaumana Caves in Hilo
The Big Island of Hawai‘i is the type of dynamic land where you can find a lava tube on the edge of the island’s main city. An 1881 lava flow from Mauna Loa stopped just short of Hilo. Venture up and down a lava tube created by that flow. Enter through a collapsed skylight at Kaumana Caves Park and start exploring. While the entire tube may measure over twenty miles long, visitors can expect to see somewhere under two miles from the Kaumana Caves entrances.
Start from a parking area along Kaumana Drive, about 4 miles from downtown Hilo. Cross the road to immediately find the access point for the Kaumana Caves. A concrete staircase with a yellow, metal railing descends into an open area where the roof of the cave collapsed. A sign beside the staircase reads:
Warning – enter at your own risk. Cave exploration is inherently dangerous. The danger is increased in a seismically active and flood prone area. There are unseen dangers in this cave, which may cause risk of death or serious injury.
A confusing aspect of the Kaumana Caves lava tube is that some areas are preserved as a park, while other parts of the lava tube are privately owned (below private property). Visitors are granted entry into the public area of the caves, but it is not fully apparent what sections of the lava tube are off limits.
There are no boundary markings showing the boundary for the park. Kaumana Cave System traverses onto private property when you are not permitted to enter without permission.
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Based on the nuances of Kaumana Cave and the risks of exploring deep into cave systems, it is probably best to just turn back after venturing a satisfying distance into each side of the lava tube.
The staircase leads down into a collapsed area that splits the lava tube. This skylight cradles a miniature rainforest where ferns and philodendron drape down the sides of the cave. To the left and right of the bottom of the stairs are two openings into the lava tube.
The staircase down into the collapsed entrance to the lava tube
North of the entrance for Kaumana Caves
Turning right at the bottom of the staircase leads to the larger of the two entrances. Walk down stone steps to a tall opening in the tube. Sunlight illuminates the front of a sizable room in the lava tube. While much is visible at first, you will quickly need to rely on flashlights to see inside the cave.
Exploring Kaumana Caves
Step onto the floor of the lava tube, which has the ropy and smooth characteristics of pahoehole lava. Pahoehoe is the smoother type of lava that looks like hardened batter (instead of jagged rocks of an ‘a‘a flow). Do watch your step though, as the floor contains jagged breakdown areas where lava rock has collapsed.
Move toward the back of the large room in the lava tube. Climb up a breakdown and check out the roots hanging from the ceiling of the cave. Examine the different colors of growth on the dark walls of the cave. After about 100 yards, the room shrinks to a narrow passage below a cave breakdown. Beyond this point, the cave opens up again before another breakdown that makes passage difficult.
Explore what you wish, or simply enjoy the first large long room on the north side of the Kaumana Caves lava tube. Make your way back up and out into the open air by the staircase.
The large room by the northern cave entrance
South of the entrance for Kaumana Caves
Turning left at the bottom of the stairs leads to the smaller of the two entrances. This cave opening is about a quarter the size of the other one and more difficult to access. Make your way down a makeshift staircase over chunky boulders from the cave breakdown that exposed the lava tube.
Once you get inside the cave and are standing firmly on the cave floor, notice a new obstacle ahead. A shelf of lava rock sits right across the middle of the cave, dividing it off into upper and lower areas. At first, it might look like there’s no where to go. Duck under the shelf and scooch your way to the other side. Beyond the barrier, you’ll be able to stand easily again inside a long, relatively narrow lava tube.
A shelf blocking the rest of the lava tube
After the early challenges, the walking becomes unobstructed. It is possible to travel for quite a long distance up the lava tube (or at least until the invisible boundary where the cave leaves county land for private property). As you travel into the cave, examine all the different shapes in the lava where it has cooled on the ceiling, walls, and floor. Molten lava does some fascinating things when it cools!
Bat-like features in the ceiling of the lava tube
Once you have gone as far back into the cave as you’d like, or spent as much time in the dark as you care to, make your way back out of the cave and take the staircase back to the surface near the parking area.
How are lava tubes created?
Lava tubes channel eruptions of fluid basaltic lava (pahoehoe). When Mauna Loa erupted in 1881, the surface of the lava flow cooled first, while the lava below the crust remained molten. Like plumbing for the eruption, this tube formed below the surface and channeled lava downhill. The hardened walls of the tube insulate the lava so that it did not cool until it spilled out of the end of the tube. When the eruption stopped, and new lava was no longer entering the tube, the molten lava already in the tube continued its downhill flow, leaving behind an empty cavity.
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As the lava tube hollowed out, the 1881 lava flow halted about a mile from downtown Hilo (about 37 miles from the summit of Mauna Loa). Princess Ruth Keʻelikōlani of the Kamehameha dynasty is credited with saving Hilo from destruction. She camped in front of the lava flow and prayed to the great Hawaiian deity Pele, the creator of the Hawaiian Islands and the goddess of fire and volcanoes.
In subsequent years, an area above part of the lava tube collapsed and the caves were revealed. Even when the roof of a lava tube doesn’t completely collapse to create a skylight, sections of the roof can fall, called breakdowns, which leave jagged rocks on the floor of the cave to traverse.
Looking up the lava tube in Kaumana Caves
What to bring to Kaumana Caves Lava Tube
Sturdy footwear is recommended. Lava tubes are very dark. Bring multiple bright lights (flashlights) per person if possible. Unlike lava caves that you might encounter in the Pacific Northwest, the Kaumana Caves are warm and humid like the surface above. Pack one extra layer for safety. Kaumana Caves is managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation for the County of Hawaii. No fee is required to park at the trailhead and enter the cave, so get out and enjoy!
To get to the trailhead: Take Hawaii 19 (Hawaii Belt Road) to the center of Hilo and head inland on Waiamuenue Avenue. Drive 1 mile and bear left through a split onto Kaumana Drive (don’t turn right toward Rainbow Falls). Take Kaumana Drive for 3 miles. On the outside of a major bend to the right, turn left into the parking area for the caves. A sign by the entrance of Kaumana Caves is visible on the right just before the parking area. Park and walk across the road, being cautious to avoid the traffic.
Trailhead address: Kaumana Drive, Hilo, HI 96720 Trailhead coordinates: 19.6866, -155.1309 (19° 41′ 11.8″N 155° 07′ 51.2″W)
Use this map to view the trail and get directions:
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These photos were taken in October of 2018. Click to enlarge.
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More Info
Kaumana Caves in Hawaii Trails: Walks, Strolls, and Treks on the Big Island by Kathey Morey
Kaumana Caves on hawaii-guide.com
Kaumana Caves on atlasobscura.com
Kaumana Caves on explore-the-big-island.com
Kaumana Caves on inspiredimperfection.com
Kaumana Caves on outdoorproject.com
Kaumana Caves on bigislandhikes.com
from hikespeak.com https://www.hikespeak.com/trails/kaumana-caves-lava-tube-hilo-hawaii/
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tarsiciopafnucio · 7 years ago
¿Quién empacó hoy tu paracaídas?
Charles Plumb, era piloto de un bombardero en la guerra de Vietnam. Después de muchas misiones de combate, su avión fue derribado por un misil. El Capitán Plumb se lanzó en paracaídas, fue capturado y pasó seis años en una prisión norvietnamita. A su regreso a Estados Unidos, daba conferencias relatando su odisea, y lo que aprendió en la prisión. Un día estaba en un restaurante y un hombre lo saludó: --"Hola, usted es Charles Plumb, era piloto en Vietnam y lo derribaron, verdad?” --“Y usted, ¿cómo sabe eso?”, le preguntó Plumb. “Porque yo empacaba su paracaídas. Parece que le funcionó bien, ¿verdad?” Plumb casi se ahogó de sorpresa y con mucha gratitud le respondió: --“Claro que funcionó, si no hubiera funcionado, hoy yo no estaría aquí.” Estando sólo, Plumb no pudo dormir esa noche, meditando: "¿Cuántas veces ví en el portaviones a ese hombre y nunca le dije buenos días, yo era un arrogante piloto y él era un humilde marinero?” Pensó también en las horas que ese marinero pasó en las entrañas del barco enrollando los hilos de seda de cada paracaídas, teniendo en sus manos la vida de alguien que no conocía. Ahora, Plumb comienza sus conferencias preguntándole a su audiencia: "¿Quién empacó hoy tu paracaídas?”. Todos tenemos a alguien cuyo trabajo es importante para que nosotros podamos salir adelante. Uno necesita muchos paracaídas en el día: uno físico, uno emocional, uno mental y uno espiritual. A veces, en los desafíos que la vida nos lanza a diario, perdemos de vista lo que es verdaderamente importante y las personas que nos salvan en el momento oportuno sin que se los pidamos. Dejamos de saludar, de dar las gracias, de felicitar a alguien, o aunque sea, de decir algo amable sólo porque sí. Hoy, esta semana, este año, cada día, trata de darte cuenta quién empaca tu paracaídas, y agradécelo. Aunque no tengas nada importante que decir, envíale este mensaje a quien o a quienes alguna vez lo hicieron. Y también mándaselo a quienes todavía no lo han hecho. Las personas a tu alrededor notarán ese gesto, y te lo devolverán empacando tu paracaídas con ese mismo afecto. Todos necesitamos de todos, por eso demuéstrales tu agradecimiento. A veces las cosas más importantes de la vida sólo requieren de acciones sencillas. Sólo una llamada, una sonrisa, un gracias... Has sido muy generoso conmigo, por eso te digo: Gracias por empacar mi paracaídas.
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talesofhawaii · 6 years ago
Klicke das erste Bild an, dann viel Spass… /  Click the first picture, then have fun …
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View from Hilo to Mauna Loa – 1854
View to Mauna Kea from Hilo – 1603
Hilo with the view to Mauna Kea – 1920
Cocoanut Island Hilo – 1900
Cocoanut Island Hilo – 1905
Hilo with homes near the shoreline, Hawaii Island.
A trip to Hawaii: (1892)
Waiakea River with fishing canoes and people gathered on shore, Hilo, Hawaii Island.
Queen arriving Hilo Bay
Lovely view of Hilo Bay, Hawaii taken circa 1890. A ship sails in the water, the White Mountains in the background.
Onomea Valley, Hilo – 1920
Hilo Grass House – Hilo
Hilo Harbor
Hilo from the Bay
Hilo Wharf, Hilo
Areal view Hilo – June 1929
Aeriel view of Hilo, Hawaii Island – ca 1920
Hawaii, Hilo Area View
Hilo, Boarding School – 1907
Home of Joseph Nawahi at Kūkuaū, Hilo
Hawaii, Hilo, Lyman House, HailiStreet 276
Lyman Mission House – Hilo ©Foto Gérard Koch
Hilo, sugar-mill
Tsunami wave is sweeping on-shore at the Hilo Sugar Company Mill, with smoke coming out of the smoke stack. Near Hilo Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii. April 1, 1946.
Hilo, old police and courthouse – ca 1960
Hilo Town – 1880
Kamehameha Ave ( Frontstreet), Hilo
Kamehameha Ave ( Frontstreet), Hilo
Town – Hilo 2017 ©Foto Gérard Koch
Aerial View Hilo – 1960 Before
Area View Hilo – 2003 Now
Hula Dance – Hilo
Rainbow Falls
Peepee Falls – Hilo
1920’s St Joseph Catholic Mission & Church Hilo Hawaii
Naniloa Hotel Hilo, Hawaii Island
Downtown Hilo, Hawaii Island. Hilo Drug Co., Ltd. near left and American Factors across street.- ca 1928
Pacific Building, Hilo 1922
Pacific Tsunami Museum in a Bank Building
The Locals call the Kamehameha Avn. the Front Street.. ©Foto Gérard Koch, Talesofhawaii.net
Kaikodo Building, built 1908, Hilo © Foto Gérard Koch
Kaikodo Building, built 1908, Hilo © Foto Gérard Koch
Volcano Block Building – Build in 1910 to 1915 in Italian Renaissance style – ©Foto Gérard Koch
Waiakea Mission – Haili Chirch, built 1850’s ©Foto Gérard Koch
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Haili Church was first a thatched grass building holding over 1000 people. It was the first church of Hilo’s Christian Mission Station. The timber was transported from Upper Waiakea forest while traditional chanting was done. The King’s workmen started building the current building in the mid 1850’s. Hawai’i State Archives
H. Hackfeld & Co. This block-long, two-story reinforced concrete building, built by H. Hackfeld in 1910 and now the Koehnen Building, is a local rendition of the Renaissance architectural style. Originally it housed H. Hackfeld Co., a whole-sale general merchandise operation that also encompassed a lumberyard and planning mill, contracting and plumbing departments, furniture making, and marine and fire insurance. During WWI the Germany company’s assets were seized and the building was subsequently resold, first to American Factors and then to F.W. Koehnen. Koehnen’s Collection
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punalavaflow · 6 years ago
Vacation rental rules updated
After taking community input during two public hearings last month, the county Planning Department last Wednesday published what may become its final draft of rules regulating short-term vacation rentals.
“I think this first go-round on a very complex situation, we really tried to find a balance point between vacation rentals and residential uses,” Planning Director Michael Yee said Friday.
The department has scheduled a final public hearing for 6 p.m. April 2 at Aupuni Center in Hilo to air the changes before approving the draft, located at https://ift.tt/2urxFZ2.
Those suggesting further changes to the language should send or deliver them by Friday (March 29) so they can be considered in time to have a final draft complete before the meeting, Yee said.
Suggestions can be emailed to [email protected] or delivered or mailed to Aupuni Center, 101 Pauahi St., Suite 3, Hilo, HI 96720.
The most notable change is the removal of language that would have required the planning director to help restore the number of vacation rentals if a significant number of them are lost during a declared emergency. This was language added to the bill by former Puna Councilwoman Eileen O’Hara, who worried that vacation rental owners operating with a nonconforming use certificate wouldn’t be able to rebuild if their building was lost to lava or some other disaster.
While Yee had resisted adding the language to the bill, telling council members it would best be handled in the rules, he has since reconsidered that stance and said last Friday the rules can’t provide for every eventuality. Instead, he said, that issue can be addressed as needed under emergency proclamations.
Other changes, in addition to a number of housekeeping measures and reorganization of sections of the rules, include an attempt to address specific cases where a vacation rental owner in a nonconforming zone has temporarily ceased operations during an emergency and then reverted back to a vacation rental operation.
Some regulations were tightened to give the planning director less discretion by spelling out rules relating to the handling of complaints and processing of applications.
Airbnb, one of several vacation host platforms operating on the island, was active in submitting testimony as the bill creating the vacation rental ordinance wended its way through several years of council meetings, the Leeward and Windward planning commissions and eight drafts before becoming finalized.
“We are still reviewing the latest draft of the regulations for Bill 108 but appreciate the county’s efforts to update the rules.” Matt Middlebrook, Airbnb Hawaii public policy lead, said in a statement.
Some rules that were the focus of opposition during public hearings weren’t changed because they are required by existing state or county laws. For example, publishing the address of a vacation rental in a nonconforming zone and requiring notifications to neighbors and in the newspaper were left unchanged, as was the prohibition of vacation rentals in state-designated agricultural lands.
Yee said it’s a “slippery slope” to allow unchecked vacation rentals on agricultural land, judging from community opposition to many developments on the island.
“If there are folks that want agricultural land to be vacation rentals, I feel the way communities are voicing their concerns, it could be an interesting fight,” he said.
The county, as a next step, could establish “vacation destination zones,” asking the state Land Use Commission to rezone certain agricultural areas to urban, to allow vacation rentals in areas that don’t have hotels or resorts but are attractive to visitors, Yee said.
The county expects to collect $800,000 from vacation rental registration fees and fines during the fiscal year that starts July 1. The money is expected to be used to hire temporary workers and purchase software. The County Council is set to vote Thursday on Bill 41, appropriating the money.
In addition to fees and fines, the county coffers will benefit from the local surcharge on the general excise tax, which is one-quarter cent on the dollar until Jan. 1 and then goes up to one-half cent. Hawaii County doesn’t get a share of the transient accommodations taxes collected from the Big Island, although Honolulu does.
Vacation rentals are defined as dwelling units where the owner or operator does not reside on the building site, that has no more than five bedrooms for rent and is rented for a period of 30 consecutive days or less.
The bill prohibits short-term vacation rentals in residential and agricultural zones, while allowing them in hotel and resort zones as well as commercial districts. Existing rentals in disallowed areas would be grandfathered in after obtaining a nonconforming use certificate.
All vacation rental owners in existence as of April 1 will be required to register their property by Sept. 28 and pay a $500 fee, showing that transient accommodations taxes, general excise taxes and property taxes are paid in full. Short-term vacation rentals may be established only within a dwelling that has been issued final approvals by the Building Division for building, electrical and plumbing permits.
The nonconforming use certificate for those preexisting in disallowed areas must be renewed annually, at a cost of $250.
Email Nancy Cook Lauer at [email protected]. from Hawaii News – Hawaii Tribune-Herald https://ift.tt/2HQ8Gqd
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smartplumbinghawaii · 1 year ago
Sinks and Faucets, Showers and Tubs, Toilets, and Urinals are essential elements of any bathroom or kitchen settings. These words are fundamental to the plumbing industry and are widely searched by people when looking to buy or remodel their homes or commercial spaces. In this article, we will discuss the significance of these keywords and how they relate to the plumbing services.
Sinks and Faucets:
Sinks and Faucets are highly searched keywords in the plumbing industry. People often search for the best quality, design, and material of sinks and faucets while renovating or building their homes or commercial spaces. The sink and faucet combination plays a significant role in enhancing the look and feel of the bathroom or kitchen space. The latest trends include integrating smart technology in faucets to control the flow rate, temperature, and lighting. Choosing the right sink and faucet requires considering several factors such as size, material, style, and water efficiency.
Showers and Tubs:
Showers and Tubs are vital keywords in the plumbing industry. People often search for versatile and stylish options when it comes to showers and tubs. These fixtures are essential as they impact the overall user experience of the bathroom. The use of smart technology in showers and tubs is becoming increasingly popular. People are looking for showers and tubs that can adjust the temperature, flow rate, and lighting. The latest trend is using materials that can regulate the water temperature, such as smart tiles in showers and tubs. Choosing the right shower or tub requires considering several factors such as size, material, and style and keeping in mind water efficiency.
Toilets and Urinals:
Toilets and Urinals are essential fixtures in any bathroom or commercial space. The keywords of toilets and urinals are often searched by people who want to improve their bathroom's functionality and efficiency. The latest trend is to install high-efficiency toilets that consume less water while maintaining higher performance. People are also looking for toilets that have touchless activation, odor control, and antimicrobial surfaces. Waterless urinals are becoming increasingly popular as they reduce water consumption and maintenance costs. Choosing the right toilet or urinal requires considering several factors such as size, style, and water efficiency.
In conclusion, Sinks and Faucets, Showers and Tubs, Toilets, and Urinals are essential in the plumbing industry. People often search for the latest trends and designs in order to improve the functionality and aesthetic appeal of their bathroom or kitchen space. It is crucial to choose the fixtures that satisfy all the necessary functional, stylistic, and technological specifications while also taking into account the element of water efficiency. When searching for quality plumbing fixtures, it's always advisable to consult a professional plumbing expert who can provide guidance and recommend the best and most efficient solutions.
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pachin-garcia-blog · 7 years ago
15 de Noviembre: ¿Quién empaca tu paracaídas?
Finalmente, sed todos de un mismo sentir, compasivos, amándoos fraternalmente, misericordiosos, amigables (1 Pedro 3:8)
Charles Plumb, era piloto de un bombardero en la guerra de Vietnam. Después de muchas misiones de combate, su avión fue derribado por un misil. Plumb se lanzó en paracaídas, fue capturado y pasó seis años en prisión.
A su regreso a Estados Unidos, daba conferencias relatando su odisea y sus experiencias en el lugar de detención.
Un día estaba en un restaurante y un hombre lo saludó:
– Hola, usted es Charles Plumb, ex piloto en Vietnam y fue derribado por el enemigo, ¿verdad?
– Y usted, ¿cómo sabe eso?, le preguntó Plumb.
– Porque yo doblaba y empacaba los paracaídas de su división, y parece que el suyo funcionó bien.
– Claro que funcionó, si no hubiera funcionado, hoy yo no estaría aquí- Respondió  Plumb emocionado y con mucha gratitud.
Aquella noche, Plumb no podía conciliar el sueño, se preguntaba cuántas veces había visto en el portaviones a aquel hombre y nunca le había dirigido un saludo, se dio cuenta de que había sido una persona arrogante y orgullosa frente a este humilde y servicial marinero.
Pensó también en todo el tiempo que aquel marinero pasó en el barco enrollando los hilos de seda de cada paracaídas, teniendo en sus manos la vida de personas que quizás no conocía.
Desde aquel día, Plumb comienza sus conferencias preguntando a su audiencia: ¿Quién empacó hoy tu paracaídas?
Esa es la misma pregunta que hoy debemos realizarnos: ¿Quién empacó nuestro paracaídas? ¿Estás empacando el paracaídas de alguien?
Muchas veces vemos a la gente, familiares, compañeros del trabajo, hermanos de la iglesia, amigos, conocidos del barrio y simplemente apenas los saludamos sin tener en cuenta que ellos podrían estar empacando nuestro paracaídas. Sus oraciones podrían ser las que cada día nos estén salvando de situaciones inesperadas.
¿Cuántos paracaídas empacaste hoy? Recuerda que la responsabilidad que se nos ha dado es enorme.  ¿Listo para seguir empacando paracaídas? Dios nos ha confiado la vida de muchas personas y es nuestra responsabilidad que sus paracaídas siempre estén listos.
Señor, permitenos tener un corazón generoso y que podamos ayudar a quienes nos necesitan y que ellos puedan ver reflejado en nosotros tu amor. Amén
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sophiethelhasa-blog · 7 years ago
Home Improvement Tips And Tricks Anyone Can Use
There isn't anything better than improving your home. When you make your home into a place that is inviting and welcoming, it can help make you feel good. But how can you begin? This article will give you some great tips on what you can do to get your house looking even better. Brand new furniture, even from department stores, can break the budget. Look around at garage sales and thrift stores for some interesting, new-to-you furniture. If you shop carefully, you will be surprised at what you can find. Some items may need a little fixing up, but with a little elbow grease and time, you could end up with a treasured item in your home. Take steps to ensure that your floors are protected from any stray drips while painting. Taking this step prevents paint from staining your floors, carpeting and other objects. Using old layers of newspaper is an inexpensive and very effective way to protect your flooring. You can use a plastic sheet or paint cloth to block your floor if paint splashes. Never waste your money on materials that do not meet quality standards or pose a risk to yourself and your family. Installing a new floor can be expensive, ensure you compare. Discount supply stores and bargain hunting places are great ways to save money. It's easy to organize items in your garage using clear plastic totes. Just sort your items by type for quick and easy retrieval. Label these boxes for a professional look. This is a cost effective way of cleaning out your garage, as well as keeping rodents and bugs away from your things. If you have some wallpaper, you can make a nice looking bookcase. Make sure you pick a wallpaper that is visually striking as well as different. If the wallpaper is put on the back of the bookcase, the design shows as a backdrop to your books when they are lined up on the shelves. This will serve as a nice focal point in your room plus it will make your old bookcase look a little more interesting. Think about putting in insulation whenever you plan on renovating your home. Use weather stripping on doors and windows. You can make your home more energy efficient by reducing the air that is escaping from your house. This can save you a substantial amount on your bills. You can greatly enhance your home's value by adding another bathroom. A second bathroom can be really helpful, especially when you have more than one floor in your house. Having two will reduce fighting over bathroom privileges and create a happier household. Basements generally have little, if any, natural light. To turn your basement into a more livable space, come up with a plan to include artificial lighting to brighten it up. If you are lucky, you will have a basement with high walls that are above ground level. If that is the case, you can increase the amount of natural light by installing windows. You can diagnose easily if you think you lost water pressure. First, ask your neighbors to see if they are experiencing the same issue. If they don't, there is something wrong with your plumbing system. Check the level of pressure at all of the faucets in your home to learn if its a problem that is throughout the entire house. The problem could just be a faulty aerator that needs adjusting; otherwise, you probably need to call a plumber. One simple way to improve the look of your windows is by replacing your worn, old blinds. In addition to ordinary wear and tear and damage from accidents, being constantly exposed to sunlight often leads to fading, bleaching, or other discolorations. New blinds are a rather simple home improvement project that provides surprising results. Before purchasing or hanging blinds, measure the area thoroughly. You can't buy the right blinds if you don't know the proper dimensions. Blinds are available in a variety of types and sizes for both interior and exterior frame installation. You should always use the best quality paint outside. Paint jobs last a lot longer when quality paint is used. This type of paint, even though it is more expensive, will apply easier and be more durable. You should spend some extra money in order to purchase the best possible paint. In the long run, this will save you money rather than having http://homewaterfiltration.pro/whole-house-water-filter-hi-hilo-96720/ to repaint your home every several years just because you were trying to save money on a cheaper type of paint. What's the weather going to be like? If you generally have a lot of rain or inclement weather, you may need to think of outdoor projects that will help combat that. You can spring for a patio covering, but you might not want to spend a lot of money on these enhancements. Never attempt to save time or money by ignoring basic safety rules. You may feel foolish wearing a hardhat at home, but falling drywall is just as dangerous at home as on a job site. This can ensure your safety and health while you work. Your home is an important investment. For this reason, having it look as good as possible is very important. By using the tips in this article you can make home improvement projects easy. Decide which ones best address your needs and choose a weekend to begin your project.
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boundlessnation · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Today I drove to Hilo to pick up 4 new 1,000 gallon water tanks for the greenhouse/office. Once I figure out how to plumb it properly these tanks will be the home to hundreds of water plants. #waterplants
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winstonsalempainting · 8 years ago
Community rallies around victimized Boys and Girls Club
... Fukunaga Electric, Jackie Rey's Ohana Grill, Lanky's Bakery, Lincoln Wreckers, Shigehara Plumbing and many Hilo and mainland residents. Read more http://ift.tt/2vLzezA Areas served: Winston-Salem, High Point, Yadkinville, Mocksville, Advance, Clemmons, Kernersville, Greensboro, Walnut Cove, Statesville, NC, North Carolina Services: House painting, roofing, deck building, landscaping, Carpentry, Flooring, tile, hardwood, remodeling, home improvement, interior, exterior
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ziligo · 8 years ago
¿Quién empacó hoy tu paracaídas?
Charles Plumb, era piloto de un bombardero en la guerra de Vietnam. Después de muchas misiones de combate, su avión fue derribado por un misil. El Capitán Plumb se lanzó en paracaídas, fue capturado y pasó seis años en una prisión norvietnamita. A su regreso a Estados Unidos, daba conferencias relatando su odisea, y lo que aprendió en la prisión. Un día estaba en un restaurante y un hombre lo saludó: --"Hola, usted es Charles Plumb, era piloto en Vietnam y lo derribaron, verdad?” --“Y usted, ¿cómo sabe eso?”, le preguntó Plumb. “Porque yo empacaba su paracaídas. Parece que le funcionó bien, ¿verdad?” Plumb casi se ahogó de sorpresa y con mucha gratitud le respondio: --“Claro que funcionó, si no hubiera funcionado, hoy yo no estaría aquí.” Estando sólo, Plumb no pudo dormir esa noche, meditando: "¿Cuántas veces vi en el portaviones a ese hombre y nunca le dije buenos días, yo era un arrogante piloto y él era un humilde marinero?” Pensó también en las horas que ese marinero pasó en las entrañas del barco enrollando los hilos de seda de cada paracaídas, teniendo en sus manos la vida de alguien que no conocía. Ahora, Plumb comienza sus conferencias preguntándole a su audiencia: "¿Quién empacó hoy tu paracaídas?”. Todos tenemos a alguien cuyo trabajo es importante para que nosotros podamos salir adelante. Uno necesita muchos paracaídas en el día: uno físico, uno emocional, uno mental y uno espiritual. A veces, en los desafíos que la vida nos lanza a diario, perdemos de vista lo que es verdaderamente importante y las personas que nos salvan en el momento oportuno sin que se los pidamos. Dejamos de saludar, de dar las gracias, de felicitar a alguien, o aunque sea, de decir algo amable sólo porque sí. Hoy, esta semana, este año, cada día, trata de darte cuenta quién empaca tu paracaídas, y agradécelo. Aunque no tengas nada importante que decir, envíale este mensaje a quien o a quienes alguna vez lo hicieron. Y también mándaselo a quienes todavía no lo han hecho. Las personas a tu alrededor notarán ese gesto, y te lo devolverán empacando tu paracaídas con ese mismo afecto. Todos necesitamos de todos, por eso demuéstrales tu agradecimiento. A veces las cosas más importantes de la vida sólo requieren de acciones sencillas. Sólo una llamada, una sonrisa, un gracias... Haz sido muy generoso conmigo, por eso te digo: Gracias por empacar mi paracaídas.
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smartplumbinghawaii · 1 year ago
Smart Plumbing vs. Traditional Plumbing: A Modern Evolution
Plumbing services is an essential part of our daily lives, in hillo or in other regions they are growing and providing us with clean water for drinking, bathing, and cleaning, as well as efficient wastewater removal. Over the years, plumbing systems have evolved significantly, with the advent of technology giving rise to the concept of smart plumbing. In this article, we will explore the key differences between traditional plumbing and smart plumbing, highlighting the advantages and potential challenges of each.
Traditional Plumbing
Traditional plumbing systems have been in use for centuries and rely on basic principles of water supply and drainage. These systems typically consist of a network of pipes, valves, fixtures, and appliances, all designed to ensure the reliable flow of water throughout a building while efficiently disposing of wastewater. Traditional plumbing systems have a few key characteristics:
Simplicity: Traditional plumbing systems are straightforward and easy to understand. They consist of pipes and fixtures that are manually operated, such as faucets, toilets, and valves.
Reliability: Traditional plumbing systems have a proven track record of reliability when properly installed and maintained. They have been used for generations and are well-understood by plumbing professionals.
Accessibility: Repairing and maintaining traditional plumbing systems usually requires the skills of a plumber, but the components are readily available and affordable.
Smart Plumbing
Smart plumbing, on the other hand, represents a modern approach to plumbing that leverages technology and automation to enhance efficiency, convenience, and control over water usage. Here are some key features of smart plumbing:
Automation: Smart plumbing systems can automate various tasks, such as adjusting water temperature, monitoring water usage, and detecting leaks. For example, smart thermostatic mixing valves can maintain a consistent water temperature in showers, reducing the risk of scalding.
Remote Control: With the help of smartphones or computers, homeowners can remotely control and monitor their smart plumbing systems. This can include turning off water remotely, adjusting settings, and receiving alerts about potential issues.
Water Conservation: Smart plumbing systems often include features that promote water conservation. For instance, smart irrigation controllers can adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions, reducing water waste.
Leak Detection: Many smart plumbing systems incorporate sensors that can detect leaks and send alerts to homeowners. This early detection can prevent costly water damage and reduce water waste.
Challenges and Considerations
While smart plumbing offers numerous benefits, it also comes with certain challenges and considerations:
Cost: Smart plumbing systems can be more expensive to install than traditional plumbing systems due to the cost of sensors, controllers, and other smart devices.
Compatibility: Integrating smart plumbing components may require compatibility with existing plumbing infrastructure, which can be complex.
Maintenance: Smart plumbing systems require regular maintenance and software updates to ensure they function correctly. Homeowners must be willing to invest time and effort in upkeep.
Privacy and Security: As with any technology, there are concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity. Homeowners should take steps to secure their smart plumbing systems from potential threats.
In the ongoing quest for greater efficiency, convenience, and sustainability, smart plumbing contractors in hawaii systems have emerged as a promising solution. While traditional plumbing systems continue to serve us reliably, smart plumbing offers advanced features and control that can enhance our water usage experience. The choice between the two ultimately depends on individual preferences, budget, and the desire for technological innovation. As technology continues to advance, we can expect smart plumbing to become more accessible and integrated into our homes, further transforming the way we interact with our water supply and drainage systems.
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smartplumbinghawaii · 2 years ago
How Plumbing Services in Hilo Contribute to Sustainable Water Management
The beautiful island of Hilo, located in Hawaii, is known for its lush landscapes, rich culture, and pristine natural beauty. However, like many other regions, Hilo faces challenges in maintaining a sustainable water supply. With a growing population and increasing water demands, it is essential to focus on responsible water management practices. One significant aspect of achieving this goal is through efficient plumbing services. In this article, we will explore how plumbing services in Hilo play a vital role in contributing to sustainable water management.
The Importance of Sustainable Water Management
In order to meet the requirements of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, sustainable water management is the practice of conserving and utilising water resources wisely. Implementing sustainable water management strategies is even more important for an island city like Hilo where there are few sources of fresh water. For an island community like Hilo, where fresh water sources are limited, implementing sustainable water management practices becomes even more crucial.
Water Conservation: By promoting water conservation, we can reduce unnecessary water wastage and preserve this precious resource for future generations. Conserving water not only benefits the environment but also helps homeowners and businesses lower their water bills.
Reducing Water Pollution: Proper plumbing systems prevent water pollution by ensuring that wastewater is treated effectively and does not contaminate local water bodies. This protects marine life and maintains the ecological balance.
Resilience to Climate Change: Sustainable water management practices can make Hilo more resilient to the impacts of climate change, such as droughts and extreme weather events. Adequate plumbing systems can help manage water resources more efficiently during times of scarcity.
The Role of Plumbers in Sustainable Water Management
Plumbers in Hilo play a crucial role in advancing sustainable water management practices. Their expertise ensures that water is used efficiently, and wastage is minimized. Let's delve into some of the ways plumbing services contribute to sustainability:
Water-Efficient Fixtures and Appliances:Experienced plumbers can recommend and install water-efficient fixtures and appliances in residential and commercial properties. Low-flow toilets, water-saving faucets, and energy-efficient water heaters are just a few examples of how modern plumbing technology can significantly reduce water consumption.
Leak Detection and Repair:
Even a minor leak can waste a significant amount of water over time. Plumbers in Hilo are skilled in detecting and repairing leaks in plumbing systems promptly. By addressing leaks, they prevent unnecessary water loss, conserving this valuable resource.
Greywater Systems:
Greywater is wastewater generated from sources like sinks, showers, and laundry machines. Instead of letting it go to waste, plumbers can set up greywater systems that recycle and reuse this water for non-potable purposes such as irrigation or toilet flushing.
Rainwater Harvesting:
Hilo receives abundant rainfall throughout the year. Plumbers can design and install rainwater harvesting systems that capture rainwater from rooftops and store it for later use. Utilizing rainwater for activities like watering gardens can significantly reduce the demand on the municipal water supply.
Educating the Community:
Beyond their technical expertise, plumbers also play a role in raising awareness about water conservation and sustainable practices within the community. They can advise residents and businesses on best routines for using water wisely and efficiently.
Emergency Plumbing and Sustainable Water Management
The importance of emergency plumbing services cannot be overlooked when discussing sustainable water management. During a plumbing emergency, quick and efficient response is essential to prevent water damage and wastage. Whether it's a burst pipe or a malfunctioning water heater, emergency plumbers in Hilo are equipped to handle such situations promptly.
By addressing emergencies swiftly, these professionals minimize water loss and prevent further damage to properties and the surrounding environment. This proactive approach aligns with the principles of sustainable water management by preserving this valuable resource
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smartplumbinghawaii · 2 years ago
The Top 5 Reasons to Choose Hilo Plumbing Services for Your Home
Smart Plumbing Hawaii started in October 2015 to take on tiny repairs. We received our Hawaii state contractors license in September 2016 and began completing all phases of plumbing. We are a locally-owned business and apply modern plumbing technologies to complete your job in a professional, timely, and Smart, manner. Visit our website to know more.
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