#Please-no more bulk orders like this lol or at least don't make the font huge XD haha- Still thank you for the asks!
samrut · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* I’m about to order in bulk (regarding that writing asks you reblogged)
Can you please answer questions….
please and thank you! ^u^
Order Up!
[Sorry if I missed some.]
Favorite character to write?
Alfred is the easiest for me, but I am unsure if he is my favorite. It depends on the fic. I like writing for Ivan, Arthur, Tolys, and Feliks. 
What character is the most challenging to write?
Of the characters I have written, Kiku, Ludwig, and Romano I'd say, are most difficult for me.
What do you keep in mind when writing a particular character?
The character's core values, beliefs, and personal mission statement.
What is your process when writing?
Lately, I've been making outlines. One for the overall story, and then an outline for each individual chapter—although I don't always follow it.
Strange things you've had to research for Hetalia fanfiction?
How long it takes to go blind without eyelids.
Other things like that . . .
Any fic writers that inspire you or you look up to?
There are so many awesome fic writers. I've been reading through Fhujeth's works recently. Dialogue is so good.
What fic is your favourite? Which one do you want to disown?
My favorites of my works are Tag, Hotel Roommates, Rumor, and Return from the Void. Most of them are RusAme. I enjoyed the process of writing all of them, and they are complete.
Blood Splattered Banner I'd gladly disown. It was my first ever fic. It reeks of old fandom and teenage angst.
Where do you find inspiration?
I do not look for inspiration. It finds me. 
What frustrates you about writing for the fandom?
Nothing really. I do wish some ships were more popular, but it doesn't bug me much. I write mainly for myself and to vent.
Have you written anything you would have never thought you would write in a million years?
I've written some pretty strange things. Nothing surprises me at this point. 😆
Any Hetalia AUs that live rent free in your head?
So many! 
I pretty much only write AUs. Anything with fantasy, the supernatural, or fairytale/folklore is always swimming around in my brain. I am an AU generator, I swear.
What headcanons are essential in your writing?
For my Canon Divergence works I have so many headcanons. I'd say the core essential is that the Nation's are poster children and seen as international celebrities. They don't have much say in government or anything like that.
They kind of just do what they are told to do by their bosses and don't really have a say.
Have you written Nyotalia, Gakuen Hetalia, 2p etc?
Yes. I've written Nyotalia characters a few times, and 2p!Can. Very little, though.
What makes your characterizations different than others?
I don't restrict my characterizations. They vary depending on the fic. 
Do you have playlists or character boards for inspiration?
Not really. I have a small Tolys playlist, but I rarely listen to music when I write.
How do you feel about using accents in fics?
I used to use them in my early writing, but not anymore. I sometimes mention that a character has a specific accent, but I no longer write dialogue that way. I don't feel it is necessary.
How do you feel about using foreign language in fics?
I do not mind it, as long as it isn't overdone. A word here or there is fine, like pet names or a greeting. 
Best writing advice you can give.
Write for yourself, not for others. Don't hyper-focus on your fic statistics. 
How would you define your writing style?
I am not sure how to describe it. Freeform? I don't follow 'proper' writing rules or anything.
My stuff is normally pretty dark and unsavory.
Favourite line in a fic?
These jumped out at me;
"It's fine. Besides him violently fucking me with his massive horse dong, he really wasn't that bad. He was sort of nice, for a sadist."
[Hotel Roommates- I enjoyed writing the dialogue for this one. Has some funny lines.]
"Please, may I have a wee bit of wa'aa milord?" mocked Jones, "the thurst is causing me frail Bri'ish body chew wilt."
"Ivan gave you a love tap, and you nearly exploded," Alfred said.
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