timetossedmiko · 11 years
Okay then: Saffiru/do-you-have-something-to-protect/planetsflower ((Sorry I missed it the first time around I wasn't online D:))
{ Outoftime; Okay well— I honestly don’t know much about the mun at all other than she’s(?) a sweetheart and she’s always the first to jump into my askbox and keep my a busy bee when I want some attention. Her characters are definitely unique, and I admit that I’m still confused by a lot of the ties in it but it’s still a particular change that one could enjoy. Her writing is really great, might I add. I love reading her interactions and RPs that are upon my dash. Definitely worth the follow. }
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white-winged-warrior · 11 years
planetsflower seeks their honor
This place was much different than anything he'd ever seen on Gaia. Yet here he was. The directive was a strange one, and the destination even stranger. When he voiced his opinion on such, Lazard simply shrugged it off and said he was the best for the job. Cetra hunting. Though he wasn't on Gaia anymore. Somehow ShinRa had found this other world, and somehow there was a Cetra here, and the President wished to find his promised land. Now Angeal was a man out of place and time, and he didn't know where to go.
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planetsflower · 11 years
alphakoga started following you
(✿)- "Y-You're!" She gasped out loud, her eyes widening in terror as she stared at the man before him. It was him! The wolf demon that attacked her village, that sent his wolves running after her, the one that killed her!
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azurepride · 11 years
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//Okay, mostly caught up now unless I missed anyone. The only people I owe now are specimen-s, rapusodosu, and planetsflower. I'll do those later when I'm not so tired/derpy.
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timetossedmiko · 11 years
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planetsflowerreplied to yourpost:"So Shippou, I was wondering. Do you have a girlfriend?" InuYasha said smirking.
"Ooh, I’m your girlfriend now am I~?" Rin winks teasingly at the fox, while giggling hysterically.
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"Well you're a girl and you're my friend, so yeah."
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planetsflower · 11 years
himenohana started following you
(✿)- "Why hello there!" She greeted the young lady, all while notcing the basket of flowers the woman was holding,  a knowing smile graced her face upon seeing it. 
"Seeing as how you're such a flower lover, might I interest you in buying one of my flowers? They're only one 1 yen a piece! I'm sure they'll be a perfect addition to your collection!"
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spiritedarcher · 11 years
♥ OutofHealing: Crush as in she admires her like a older sister XD
Kagome smiled, her face filling up with love as she looked the little girl that Kagome considered as her younger sister. “You know I adore you Rin!" The miko said putting her arms around the small body of the girl in a gentle hug.
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♦: Your muse asked mine to marry them, what's my muse's reaction?
"... Are you teasing me, Rin-Chan?" He could never tell. But if she wasn't, he'd have to decline - as fond of the girl as he was, he still didn't feel the connection he needed for that level of commitment.
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timetossedmiko · 11 years
"Smoooch Kagome-neechan!" (on the cheek of course)-planetsflower
      Kagome wasn’t exactly used to this sort of thing. Sure, her and Rin had gotten really close and even hung out with one another for a while; but she never expected the young ward to place a kiss upon the miko’s cheek. Her nose wrinkled and her lips twisted into a bright smile before she giggled. “You sure are friendly today, Rin-chan.” 
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"Ne, ne Shippou-chan! Do you know what today is~♥"
"The day everyone goes crazy and wants to mate?"
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planetsflower · 11 years
theloveofataijia started following you
(✿)-"Ah, you're... Sango-sama, Kohaku-kun's nee-chan right? How are you?" She asked brightly, glad for the chance to finally get a chance to speak one on one with her Kohaku-kun's beloved older sister.
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♒: Our muses are at the beach together, by accident or not, and yours was a bit too close to the waves- will my muse laugh or perhaps be helpful?
Their group had been passing by one of the numerous shorelines of Japan and - as usual - Rin started to play near the waters, claiming she loved the feeling of the ocean on her feet. Sighing to let a load off, Kohaku decided to stay behind and watch the girl as she played with the waters, sitting on the warm sand at a good enough distance. He smiled at her antics, always uplifted by her bright mood. She waded out further and further until she was at the edge of the shore. Rin smiled at him and he smiled back... Until he realized that an incoming wave was looming over her with the certain threat to swallow the little bell up.
Immediately, Kohaku was on his feet, kusarigama readied. "RIN!" he called out. "Hold up your hands!" When she did as he commanded, the taijiya masterfully lashed out with his chain, swiftly moving and wrapping the cool metal around her waist securely.
Forcefully, he gave a strong, hard tug and pulled the girl back to safety in his arms. "Are you okay?" he breathed out in relief. "I didn't hurt you when I pulled you back, did I?"
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planetsflower · 11 years
Cloud had a gentle smile. "I was unsure you would remember me. The candy is indeed for you and I thought you would enjoy the treat is all."
Almost instantly her face lit up, as a huge smile adorned it. "Hai, I do indeed! Thank you so much, this was so sweet of you!"
To show her gratitude as well as it being in her flirtatious nature in general, she leaned over and pecked the swordsman on the cheek.
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planetsflower · 11 years
Cloud came back as he remembered he had forgotten to note he planned to leave when he saw the girl had grabbed her treat. "Oh I see you already got your gift box."
(✿)- She immediately looked up from her box of sweets as she heard the voice, ah! It was him again! 
"I know you! We've met before haven't we? So you're the one that left this box of candy? And they're really for me? But why would you give me something like this?" Not that she didn't appreciate it, she just found it odd.
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planetsflower · 11 years
Cloud left a box of sweets for the girl as he went on his way.
(✿)-"Ara?" Were her eyes deceiving her? Who could have left a box of candy right in the middle of a field like this! 
"Uwaaaaa~ There's so many of them! Every kind of candy under the sun must be in here! Wow, don't tell me this is for me?!" 
That was the thing though... Was it for her? If someone just happened to drop it she didn't want to take what didn't belong to her, after all what if it were a present for someone special? Hmm... What do to? Was it alright to take it...? She was so hungry too...
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