#Plague Speaks
ssplague · 6 months
Second Snippet
I noticed a fair amount of attention on my “Wolf Man Bakugou” post, so here ya go 😉 If it seems to read a bit WEIRD, this particular story was originally planned to be a long thirst/ possible drabble, but as I mentioned in my previous post I have this Chronic turn a Short Story into a series disorder 😷🤒 This is more than likely going to end up being a ridiculously long one shot, or possibly two part deal.
Waking up, a cocoon of unusual warmth surrounds you; A heavy arm lays across your waist, deep breaths blow against your scalp, someone’s body is spooning you from behind. Thinking the worst, you stay silent, abruptly attempting to scramble forward and far away from this stranger. Unfortunately a loud yelp echoed throughout the cavern as you trip over a chain that connects to what has to be a collar around your neck. You immediately start hyperventilating, Where am I?! Who took me from the cabin?! “Finally up? About damn time” The deep raspy voice comes from beneath the blanket you had thrown off. A shirtless man sits up, his messy ash blonde hair sticks up in all directions, but you can just barely make out two large ears of the same color hidden beneath it. “Who are you? Where am I? Let me go!” You snap at him, yanking hard on the chain, eyes following the length of it when it doesn’t give a single inch. A heavy stone spike is nailed through the chain links, keeping it (& you) pinned to the stone floor.
“I’m Katsuki, future leader of the Bakugou Clan and a direct descendant of the very first werewolf…This is my new den, and I brought you here to claim you as my own” he puffs out his chest “I’ve watched you every day for almost a month, and have decided you will become my mate, welcome home pretty human”.
“No this isn’t right, that can’t be…I was finally happy with my life in the village…I want to go back, please let me go back” you began to sob working yourself into hysterics “I was finally free!”. “You’re safe here with me, I’ll always protect you, you’ll want for nothing I promise you…” Katsuki offers, immediately bristling when he gets no response. You just continue crying into your hands, shivering as you realize the clothes you had on the night before were gone. You sat on the cold stone floor in only your under garments. A familar numbness spreads throughout your body at the realization that not only has your newly acquired freedom been snatched away, but you were going to be subjected to the will of someone new, and any minute now you’ll be violated…it’s happening again. You feel your body being lifted, and carried back to where you had woke up, “Get back in the nest before you catch cold, I don’t want you leaving this spot until I say so” the Wolfman growls as he goes back to spooning you, “Let’s rest, we’re both going to need it for the days ahead”. You feel his hand push your hair back to expose your neck, then he begins rubbing his wrist across the sensitive skin. The deep inhale he takes upon burying his face in your hair sends a chill down your spine.
A/N: I know it’s short, but I don’t want to give away too much of the story. I’ll be sharing a third snippet of another W.I.P later! What did you think?
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plaguethewaters · 2 months
in the same vein of me watching things and then immidiately reconnetting them to dsmp, it was time for my annual YOI rewatch and well.
Yurii on ice au with beeduo as victuuri, obviously.
Specifically ranboo as yuuri (with techno being Celestino, fundy being phichit, niki as the one suoer successful ballet dancer that teaches him i think) and tubbo as viktor (tommy is yurio, Wilbur is Yakov, Quackity is Lilia and Jack Manifold is JJ because i think it would be very funny).
Canon follows yoi canon because it does fit reather well with a few adjustments (like tubbo being a Whole Lot less actively sexual than victor is, even if he does not astain from horrible sex jokes all the time) But, for added spiceness, they do not kiss in sochi.
Tubbo is a lot less needy than Victor is after all and a lot more of a little shit that loves annoying others, and Ranboo is a lot more attentive to keeping his secrets secret than yuuri is, so while they Do propose and get married in barcelona they just. don't tell anyone at all. They continue skating in their weird coach-student - competitor kind of situation, tommy is going completely insane because they are so Disgusting and Annoying but he cant talk to anyone about it bc if he ruins the reveal tubbo Will Kill him.
fundy catches on kind of immidiately and keeps trowing way unsubtle hints that just confuse everyone even more. Techno is still kind of offended that his protege left him for some random guy that showed up out of the blue for no reason. Wilbur is losing all of his hair and it is Not gonna get better when tommy asks him to contact big Q for dance lessons. And tubbo is having so much fucking fun.
The ruse is over when ranboo manages to win gold over tubbo three times, the last one breaking Both of tubbo's old world records (for both the sp and the fs). Tubbo accompanies him at the kiss and cry,a s his coach obv, sees the score on the screen, and actively Kiss and Cries before proposing again on the spot. Tommy spends half of his interview lamenting that their stealing his silver medalling spotlight and that they should be stopped.
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plaguethesaint · 2 years
Slavghoul gone 😱
This is a massive worldwide tragedy.
I hope Slav is okay and is just taking a break from the internet. We should respect their decision and wish them the best on their break. Permanent or temporary.
We love you Slav. Where ever you are now we all wish you the best of luck. Be safe out there.
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wateryourgender · 2 years
hello !! here are some RQ ' s - feel free to decline them < 3
non - { xenic } gender RQs : pluralistion - a system that has multiple alters identify as transgender
other label RQS: hckinnic - a individual who kins a headcanon of a character ( example : fluttershy ) thats all !! < 33
i dont feel comfy doing any system stuff beyond sysaffectic and im worried using "plural" will bring endos here thinking this is a place for them when its not ^^;
personally we're very uncomfy using the term plural because of the endo community /lh
but! we did however queue hckinnic!!
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axolotluv · 3 months
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Bedtime story!
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konigsblog · 4 months
cw: kidnapping, non-con elements.🩸
sigh, all i'm thinking about is kidnapper-könig live streaming his assault on you. :(
it's not always him pinning you down and having his way with you, sometimes he'll keep the camera live recording you in your little dog cage, watching you sob pathetically and miserably, looking into the camera with glossy eyes and a frown.
he'll record him spoonfeeding you too - forcing you to sit obediently on his large lap, whilst your wrists and ankles are tied with rope, pushing the spoon into your mouth and slapping you when you begin rejecting his home cooked food through depression.
he loves getting your hopes up, allowing you to wander around the house curiously with the door cracked a little bit open, before dragging you back down by the collar around your neck, shaming you for thinking about leaving and escaping his ‘love’...
kidnapper-könig rants about his infatuation with you to krueger, telling him about your misbehaviour, and the reason you're forced to act like a dog and clean his boots on all fours. perhaps he'll allow krueger to have some fun with you, showing off all the skills you've learnt from being with könig; dragging your tongue up and down his shaft and sucking on his heavy balls.
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acetier · 12 days
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torin/varre art dump based on a sweet lil ask sent to me by @kirango-rouge about the immediate aftermath of torin's induction into the blood cult ((sorry this took like 5 years lmao))
varre is already thinking of marriage and torin is still processing aka they are so embarrassing about each other
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poppy-metal · 7 months
jordan eating your pussy like they're mad at it. mhm mhm mhm. glaring up at you with two fingers knuckle deep in your cunt and their hot tongue abusing your little clit - they pull back to spit on it, smearing it around your throbbing nub with their thumb, "such a sloppy fucking hole - fuck. listen to that pussy eat that shit up - " the loud wet squelches of them fucking those digits in and out so fucking lewd. "greedy bitch." oh. your eyes rolling back when you cum. hard.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
wish to death i could like. draw. bc there’s a vivid scene in my head of tails staring up at Eggman, doing an iconic sonic pose, 11 years old and cocky and ready to fight, and it sort of blurs to sonic, 11 years old, challenging Eggman for the first time, cocky and ready to fight, and present Eggman just sighs before smiling and going “it’s so obvious you were raised by him sometimes.”
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sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
what if i give up. what if I just write a/b/o for the bats. what if I did that. could anybody stop me. alpha dick who just wants to wrap you in cotton wool. beta tim who will be whatever you need, will physically alter his DNA to be your perfect mate. alpha damian who doesn't care what his assassins think, you're his equal even if you're not the perfect omega. omega jason who became an alpha after his revival, changed at his core to be strong enough to survive what was happening to him. just. ugh. leave me alone.
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
Wondering just how long Carmine was doing her lil Mochi dance for. Like did Kieran really go “this is kinda weird but I guess it’s her new thing now” for multiple days. A week. Dear god these kids really don’t get any emotional or mental health support huh
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ssplague · 8 months
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“You planned this didn’t you?”
Shutting the door of a cabinet Katsuki doesn’t even bother to look at the angry female as she stamps her foot, “Answer me!”. Her exclamation is quiet enough not to reach your ears upstairs, but the vitriol in her voice still hit the blonde dead center as he removes various items from the fridge.
“And if I did?” He finally replies, glancing at her over his shoulder.
Camie’s mouth fell open in shock, “N-No you wouldn’t…You couldn’t..”.
“I can, and I did”.
How could she even be related to this monster?
“[Redacted for spoilers] -“ her accusatory rant was cut short by the now irate man jabbing the knife he was using so harshly downward, it stuck into the cutting board.
“Y/N is MINE, no one’s ever going to take her away from me, no one! Especially not you” Katsuki’s furious glare pinned his cousin in place as he started walking towards her. The normally loud young man spoke quietly and he was somehow even more menacing now that he bared down on her. “[Redacted for spoilers]” he pauses, seeming to cherish the memory “[Redacted]”.
& end scene 🎬
So what do you think? I know I haven’t posted in far too long 🙈 I have so many stories I’ve created and I just work on each of them as much as I can. I have a couple that are almost ready to share! In the meantime though…I’m going to be posting teasers of these new stories to hype y’all up! So gimme some feedback please ❤️‍🔥🥰💋
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plaguethewaters · 2 months
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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plaguethesaint · 2 years
Have you heard about the sexual allegations made today about Tobias on tour from a few years ago? 😳
Hi anon!
Unfortunately, when I looked for information about this all I could find was the lawsuit and allegations against the former band members.
So I know nothing about this and could find nothing.
I hope it isn’t true because that’s really devastating to hear.
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gentleman-todd · 8 months
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[ source: (S2) Ep.100 - Enough (Part 1) ]
I’m sorry, but why do we keep continuing to act as if Jason was out on the streets jacking tires because he felt like it?
Why frame this as Jason just being an angry kid doing angry kid things because he’s parentless (or powerless and lashing out or whatever) when he was stealing the tires off the batmobile so he could feed himself because he was disadvantaged - ie: homeless. He was fucking homeless - ?
I’m probably nitpicking, but I don’t give a shit. Also, the narrative that Bruce is who “made” Jason a good person “against all the odds” is such bullshit.
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captain-hen · 11 months
sorry to everyone who hated the miguel plotline but honestly the rwrb movie having it's own taylor kelly is so fucking funny to me
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