#Pietro maximoff imagines
sebsbarnes · 9 months
hole in the wall || pietro maximoff
pietro maximoff x f!reader
summary: despite barely knowing the brainwashed girl beyond the wall, pietro refused to hurt her, no matter how much she hurt him.
word count: 5k+
warnings: fighting, none rlly??
a/n: the russian is translated so i apologize if the translation is wrong. i wrote for pietro years ago but this is my first time in awhile :P reader is subjected to the same torture as bucky bc the character is kinda him, inaccuracies in the mcu but nothing crazy
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pietro often wondered about the girl who was held next door. he'd hear the screeching metal against the floor followed by a slight commotion and then a thud on the floor. small shuffling could be heard and then it was silence. no movement, no talking, no heavy breathing or cries, silence until the next time the metal door unleashed its harrowing song, and large boots could be heard entering the cell and dragging the girl away.
pietro couldn't tell how long he'd really been here nor how long it had been since the mysterious girl next to him was there but he did know it had been months on end and yet he had never seen a glimpse of the girl that shared the wall with him.
there was a small hole in the cement that allowed him to peer into the girl's cell but each time he looked he was met with the grey wall from beyond. he had heard murmurs that she was young like him and wanda. strong, fearless, one of the doctor's favorites. she was often sent out on missions and came back unscathed. each mission she was sent on was a success as if the concept of failure was unfathomable. she apparently spoke little, only when instructed, never talked back, never laughed, never screamed. almost robotic.
which is why it came to pietro's surprise after hearing the thud of her knees hit the floor and the guards march away he heard a soft sniffle. and then slightly louder ones followed by rapid and heavy breathing. pietro scuffled over to the hole in the wall and peered through. he could see her sitting against the far wall with her legs tucked closely to her, her forehead resting on her knees. he could only see half her body from where she was sitting but he could see her shoulder shaking.
"you... you need to breathe in and out. you are going to make yourself pass out," pietro was unsure, his voice quiet but loud enough for her to hear. her head shot up and looked directly at the hole. her hair was sticking to her face, her mouth was slightly parted, and eyes wide and red.
"it's okay. my name is pietro. you don't need to talk but i... i wanted to see if you are okay. you've never even made a noise before now," he felt funny slightly confessing the fact he's been taking note of your actions.
he watched as you wiped the tears off your cheek and raked the hair off your face.
"i don't know how i am," your voice sounded like you hadn't spoken in days.
"it's okay to not know."
from where you sat you could only see the boy's eye. it was a striking blue, "like the sky," you murmured.
"what?" you heard the voice call back.
you slowly stood up dragging your chained feet over to the wall. you held the wall, steadying yourself before sitting with a huff, "your eyes remind me of the sky."
pietro wasn't sure what to say back. he went months not hearing your voice or seeing you, only knowing the tales that the guards spoke of yet here you were inches from him, broken down and giving a compliment. a much different reality to the one he thought he knew before.
pietro didn't hear another word from you, he assumed you fell asleep against the wall. he tried looking through the hole at any angle he could to see you, but all he noticed was a piece of metal gleaming from the dull light in your cell.
a few days had passed since the interaction and pietro had little time to dwell on it. his testing was getting more intense, he was constantly being injected with needles he knew nothing about, there were many monitors reading whatever vitals they needed to document, and his training was becoming more rigorous. he was exhausted, he hadn't been in his cell in two days, and although the cell offered no comfort he much rather be locked behind the bars than strapped to a table.
the guards pushed him down the hallway, taunting him. each time he stood up they would push him back down. the shackles on his wrists rubbed his skin raw and those around his ankles prevented him from running. the guard gripped his shoulder tightly walking past wanda's cell as she called out to her brother.
"wanda!" he screamed out as he watched the other guard reach through the bars and grip at her neck. the guard holding onto him roughly pushed him into the cell causing him to stumble and land on his shoulder, his face grazed the cement floor.
you had heard the commotion from your cell, you stood at the door looking over at the guards who simply laughed at the twins who were now in pain. all you could do was grimace. you hated this, you hated this place, each day you yearned to leave this hell hole you've called home. you heard pietro scream in frustration and then heard his rapid movements as he ran around his cell, thrashing against the walls.
you had seen pietro from a distance a few times. you were never allowed to be near the enhanced people and only managed glimpses of them. you had seen his super speed and the way the scientists trained him. it was brutal and he endured a lot just from the few moments you had witnessed. you started to notice that after particularly rough days he would do this, run back and forth for what seemed like hours on end. slamming into the cement walls that would somehow rattle from the force. he would yell in anger, cursing the guards and scientists for what they were doing.
the noise settled and you hesitantly sat in front of the small hole. you could see his large frame hunched over catching his breath. he ran a hand through his messy silver hair, his white tank top was dirty and slightly damp from his running. you peered behind your shoulder at the hallway making sure it was empty. you swallowed thickly with nerves in fear of getting caught before forcing three fingers into the hole and ripping the cement block from the wall. you could now fit your head through the hole comfortably if you wanted to.
"pietro," you said placing the block beside you. he faltered and gestured with an open hand in confusion at the now gaping hole in the wall. you couldn't help but pull your lips into a tight light suppressing the laugh you wanted to let out at the look on his face. using his speed he rushed to face you, eyes wide examining the open edges of the cement.
"are strong," you cut him off jokingly.
the two of you sat staring at each other. it was weird to be face to face after countless months of unknowing the other despite being separated by only a wall. you took in his appearance. he was handsome. up close you could now see the slight curls to his hair and the short facial hair. his shoulders broad and built. under his sky-blue eyes were dark circles from the lack of sleep but it suited him. he was stunning and pietro was thinking the same about you. your hair fell haphazardly across your forehead. your eyes were kind and gentle, much different than the stone-cold eyes he had imagined in his head. your lips were pulled to one side in the tiniest of smiles as you took in his appearance. pietro found it hard to believe the stories he has heard about your reputation as he stared at you. expression soft, eyes and smile kind, you looked battered and worn down but still so youthful as if you didn't fit in with the surrounding grey walls.
"are you okay?" you finally asked.
pietro's nostrils flared and his eyes fluttered shut, "i don't know."
you hesitated a moment before repeating his words from a few days prior, "it's okay to not know."
if you weren't staring intently at the man before you you would've missed the smile that flashed across his face at your remark. it was soon washed away when you both heard loud footsteps from down the hall. you both quickly turned towards the noise that was approaching pietro's cell, he gulped harshly as a guard came into view. he looked back at the wall expecting to still see your face but instead, he saw a metal hand escaping through the hole as if the cement was never removed.
it must have been late in the night. the guards had already dropped off the atrocious meal they call dinner and returned to pick the trays up. they rarely patrolled the hallways at night, opting to smoke outside. it was eerie each night. the sound of dripping water from pipes echoed, the occasional gunfire could be heard from the woods outside, slight whispers could be heard from the twins once in a blue moon but it was rare. in a place like this, they didn't let you be a person so it was hard to act like one.
pietro was lying on the bed facing the ceiling making a laughable attempt at trying to get some sort of sleep. he was imagining his life before this when his family was all together, when times were happy, when he was just a little kid and not a young adult performing for crazed scientists. his eyes scanned the room at the sound of bricks moving before seeing your head pop into vision from the hole. pietro let out a small laugh through his nose seeing your sheepish smile.
you sat facing the other not saying anything at first. it was oddly comfortable being face-to-face with the one they call quicksilver. you couldn't put your finger on why though. you've spoken so few words to him but then again it was the first time you let yourself speak to someone in this building that wasn't a doctor or a guard. maybe it was you being naive but it felt okay and safe.
"what made you cry the other day?" he finally spoke his question causing you to blink a few times.
"i think... i think they do something to my head. i mean, i know they do," you thought bringing your fingers to your temple as if the gesture helped you remember, "but i think i'm starting to notice when i'm on missions. it's hard to really know though it's all a blur."
pietro nodded softly taking in what you had to say, "like... brainwashing?"
"it has to be. they recite something each time and then it's like i'm not me," you confessed, "but these past few missions i'll overhear things from strangers passing by or i'll see something and i can feel myself start to wake from the trance. i'm starting to remember life before here and i'm becoming aware of what they have me doing."
"whatever it is they have you doing just know you are still a good person," pietro spoke quietly.
"i kill people," you said bluntly looking him straight in the eyes. he averted his gaze slightly, his hand coming to caress his jaw.
"the person they turn you into out there isn't you. the real you is sitting in front of me now."
"how can you be so sure, you don't even know me," you questioned.
"i don't think an out right evil person would check to see if a stranger is okay... or compliment them the first time they see them," pietro joked slightly. you hung your head as your lips pulled back into a smile. pietro couldn't help the way his body leaned closer to the hole with a big smile on his face observing the way you became shy.
"no one in this building is perfect. we've all done things that are considered evil but if we manage to hold on to some sort of sense of ourselves i think we will be okay. i hope wanda and i get out of here soon. it was a mistake yanno, being volunteers, i regret it. it makes me feel worse knowing you had no say in the matter. you're here every day as a puppet against your will and yet i walked through these doors. every day i'm in pain and every day i regret it," pietro's accent got thicker as he got emotional.
you frowned at the silver-haired man, "life in here is already hard enough, there is no point in being hard on yourself."
his eyes were glossed over, internally fighting himself for the choices he had made in the past. you reached your hand into the hole searching for his. this was out of character for you but it some selfish way you wanted the warmth of his hand to comfort you as well. it was peaceful sitting in silence holding each other's hand. the only form of physical touch the two of you ever received was in the form of torture. gruff hands slapping, punching, shoving, and poking you seemed like a far and distant sensation compared to the safety you felt as pietro's thumb traced the back of your hand.
"you should rest," pietro finally broke what felt like an hour's long silence, "they usually take you first."
you sighed deeply but you knew he was right. god knows what hour it was and you needed to try and get some sleep. pietro gently let go of your hand and allowed you to snake it back through the hole.
"thank you pietro. i hope we can talk more soon," you told him earnestly.
"i hope so too," he gave you a lopsided grin before you grabbed the brick.
it was mere days later when you two found yourself in the same position. the guards were out, pietro had finished his talks with wanda, the disgusting dinners were consumed and taken away, and here you were staring into the sky amongst grey walls. pietro noticed your face had small cuts scattered on it from a mission you were sent on a day prior but you had made no mention of it thus far. you were currently enthralled by pietro telling a story from his younger days. pietro was funny and he didn't even need to try, it had been years since you felt the burning sensation in your sides from laughing too much but he made it easy. and pietro loved the sound of your laugh, it was beautiful, irresistible almost. the two of you went back and forth sharing any memories you could remember from life before these walls and it was effortless but you knew just like the other nights it was soon time to hide the hole.
"you're really pretty," you confessed.
pietro's mouth formed an 'o' shape before turning into a giddy smile, "you are beautiful, dragă"
this time it was pietro plugging the brick back into the wall just as he was about to finish a loud booming voice came from your side of the wall. his hands shook slightly at the volume of the guard yelling 'soldier' in russian to you. pietro could no longer see what was happening but he heard you stand up and reply back and leave the cell.
although you and the guard walked in silence you knew he saw you talking to pietro. you continued to clench and unclench your fists trying to calm yourself for what was to come.
"Тебе нравится мальчик?" (do you like the boy?) the guard asked placing a firm grip on your shoulder, pushing you towards the all too familiar room. you stayed quiet and you heard the man snicker to himself, satisfied with your silence.
in the room, several other guards were standing in position, many holding guns. you saw the needles and wires spread across the small rolling table with a doctor in a white coat hunched over it. the monitors sitting idly waiting to read your vitals. the guard that escorted you pushed you into the contraption that stood before you forcing your body flush against the back. immediately automatic shackles secured your arms to the chair and the whirling sound of small electric plates situated themselves against the sides of your head.
"смешно... ты, кажется, молчишь только рядом с нами," (funny... you only seem to be quiet around us.) the doctor smirked, admitting they all were aware of you and pietro speaking. the doctor sucked his teeth as you glared at him, unwilling to confess to anything.
he picked up the mouth guard from the table wiggling it in front of your mouth waiting for you to open. you bit down in anger, all the muscles in your face twitching, your eyelids blinking rapidly pushing back any emotion daring to creep up at what you knew was about to happen. it wasn't often they wiped your memory, only when they deemed your actions defied them, like not getting enough information on missions which was rare. it had been months since the last time they did this. you screamed in agony as the electric volts zapped against your head. sweat started to bead across your thrashing body. it was indescribable and it wasn't a short process but once the currents stopped your world was black and each time you'd wake up in your cell with no recollection.
it was a week later you found yourself in the training room after being isolated since the memory wipe. your shoulders were hunched forward, chest facing the ground, your arms swayed ever so slightly by your side, your breathing was ragged after being beaten in the form of "training" for the last two hours. the doctors insisted it would be over soon, one final test for the day before you could go to your cell. the door creaked open and the familiar sound of boots entered, you didn't even bother looking up.
"солдат!" (soldier!) a guard yelled causing you to slowly pick your head up. at the door was a young man you'd never seen before, he wore tattered pants and a tank top, his hair was silver, and his blue eyes were opened wide in what you could only assume was shock. and though you didn't recognize him, pietro recognized you.
up until now, he had never seen your full figure before, only parts of your body that were visible through the hole. despite you clearly being injured and tired you stood tall and pietro could tell you were strong. the most alarming part about you was your arm... your metal arm. pietro's eyebrows scrunched together, head slightly cocked to the side examining the way the metal met your skin, some scar tissue bright red while others were faded.
before pietro could mutter any words aloud a doctor appeared from a side door and sauntered towards you holding a notebook.
"работа...установить..." (work...establish...) the doctor read.
"please, no," you whispered, your neck screwing to the side as if it will block the doctor's voice.
"станция..." (station...)
pietro watched as your chest heaved air in and out as the doctor continued reciting from the book, circling your body like a predator ready to attack. he watched as your teeth chatter together and your metal hand flexed. the doctor stopped behind your right shoulder leaning down slightly so his mouth was level with your ear. pietro couldn't hear the whispers but he felt nervous at the doctor's intense eye contact and the loud clap of the notebook being shut. the doctor lazily dragged his hand off your shoulder whispering one final command before exiting the way he came.
pietro jumped at the sound of the door behind him slamming shut as the guards snuck out, leaving only the two of you in the room.
"wha- WOAH!" pietro shrieked as you came barreling towards him at full speed, your metal arm raised high in the air to come down on his body.
"please i don't want to hurt you," but his pleas were left unheard as you socked him in the jaw, tossing him to the ground and repeatedly punching his stomach. although being fast, pietro found himself trapped beneath you and it took moments before he was able to get out and start running in different directions. slowly, you walked towards a vacant chair in the corner, eyes trained on the blue light racing around the room. you gripped the chair waiting for the right moment before launching it across the room and nailing pietro square in the back. you stalked towards his groaning figure grasping his shoulder and flipping him onto his back where you straddled him and punched at his face.
to pietro's relief, the doctor came back into the room beckoning an order to you. pietro watched from underneath your frame as your pupils twitched at him and your head robotically moved to face the doctor. you refrained from punching pietro anymore and stood up and walked to the doctor and the two guards who waited behind. one of the guards stabbed a needle into your neck and once more the world was black.
you couldn't even begin to guess what time or day it was when you finally woke up on the floor of your cell. your body was violently shaking from the cold and you started to panic. as much as you tried to think of any memories you couldn't, it was like your mind was a blank slate and it was causing you to panic even more which then turned into anger. you grabbed the small bed and threw it at the wall and screamed loudly. you repeatedly slammed your metal first into the wall causing dust to liter the air. guards walked past your cell but simply laughed and continued to make their way down the hall and off into the outside world.
"hey," a voice spoke unsteadily. you whipped your head around to the other wall and saw a face peeking through.
"it's okay," the man tried to ease seeing your angered state approaching him. you kneeled in front of the hole looking intensely at his face.
"who are you?"
this question confirmed pietro's fear that they wiped your memory. he had foolishly hoped that in the training room you were just too worn down to recognize him when he walked through the door before they sent you into your trance.
"my name is pietro. you may not remember but i am a friend," he spoke hoping to see any form of recollection cross your face. instead you examined him quietly before turning your head and examining the room. it was lit dully, your bed now turned on its side, and there was a tray of food sitting near the cell door that looked to be days old.
"this is a hydra base," pietro continued without you having to ask, "the people here are not good. they hurt us, they experiment on us, many people have died here. i have a sister here, a twin," he said pointing a finger behind him, "her name is wanda. they call us the enhanced. we both possess abilities no normal human would have due to their experimentations. we came as volunteers and i regret it."
"am i a volunteer?" you questioned.
"no, dragă. a few weeks ago you told me they found you during the winter, alone. you had been lost in the forest and they made promises to help you find home but you never returned. you said you aren't sure but you think it's been ten years since," pietro confessed, his accent thick with sorrow.
you hummed, unsure of what to say. you remembered none of this so what could you really say back? was pietro even telling the truth? how could you decipher fact from fiction in a state like this? despite the confusion and the absence of memory, something deep within you said it was all true, everything he was saying was right.
"why is my arm gone?" you whispered, slightly touching the contorting metal panels near the elbow.
pietro couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest as he observed you try and remember any semblance of yourself, "i- i don't know. what i do know is the doctors, they like you. you are very important to them and they make you do dirty work. the reason you can't remember anything is because they wipe your memory."
"i suppose that makes sense," you nodded slightly giving pietro a bitter smile.
"i am sorry for what they do to you," pietro stated earnestly. if he could help you in any way he would, over and over again, he would.
you paused, taking in pietro's face which held some serious injuries. the skin on his brow bone was split, his eye was bright red with blood and a nasty purple-green bruise on his jaw.
"did i do this to you?" you asked, slowly reaching your hand through to gently touch his jaw.
"of course you didn't my love," he murmured, tenderly grabbing your wrist and threading his fingers with yours.
"if there comes a time when i hurt you, please don't go easy on me," you pleaded.
"i cannot promise you that," he smiled at you softly, bringing his other hand to enclose your freezing one.
and pietro was being truthful. he couldn't nor he wouldn't harm you in the event the doctors forced you to fight. he would run and dodge the punches, and the chairs being thrown at him, but he couldn't fight you, he just couldn't. it pained him to see the different version of yourself, the real you locked inside begging to come out of the brainwashing.
pietro didn't think it would be so soon when he would be in the same position as before, standing across from you in the training room as the same doctor circled your body, reciting words in russian that would transform you into their super soldier. it was only hours after the two of you decided to sleep that pietro was ripped from his bed and dragged into the training room.
the doctor once again closed the notebook but before leaving he looked over at pietro, "it is a shame," he started with a thick russian accent, "her memory wiped twice in a week. i thought maybe you two would work well as a team. we could start sending you out on missions with her. but it seems she has developed a hm. what do you call it?" he fake pondered, "ah! a crush! and that is not something we take kindly here. she provides more to us here than you do so..." with that the doctor whispered one final thing in your ear before leaving.
pietro watched carefully as you headed towards him and at the last moment he sprinted away causing you to concave the metal door. you whipped your head around, eyes wide in anger, tracking the movements of the man. he was fast and this irritated you. sticking your leg out you managed to trip him at the last moment and his large frame hurled to the floor. you gripped his shirt in one hand and used your metal hand to punch him in the side of the face.
"it's me!" the man below you yelled. this had no effect on you and you raised your hand to hit him again but he grabbed your fist. the two of you violently struggled against each other before you used your hand clutched to his shirt to slide him away with great force.
"please i said i would never hurt you. it's me, pietro!" the man pleaded getting up to run past your approaching figure. for some reason hearing the name pietro caused a loud screeching pain in your head.
"what are you doing to my head?" you screamed, clutching your head in your hands, eyes screwed shut.
pietro stopped running and looked at your trembling figure, "i'm- i'm not doing anything."
you tried ignoring the high-pitched shrilling noise and stumbled to pietro. you grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him backward against the wall. although you moved him with force pietro could feel the weakness in your grip this time. he stayed silent looking into your eyes that were frantically examining him.
"the noise..." you muttered bringing your metal hand to hold your head.
"there... there is no noise," pietro spoke confused. there was no noise in the room besides heavy breathing.
"who are you?" you probed shoving him roughly against the wall.
"it's me. pietro. i live next to you in the cell. i came here as a volunteer with my twin sister wanda. you are here against your will. they found you when you were little and never let you leave. they hurt you every day, they aren't good people. trust me, please. it's me your friend," pietro rushed hoping to break through to you.
he felt your grip slightly falter as you looked him up and down. he couldn't make out the emotion in your face as you screwed and unscrewed your features together, internally fighting yourself. he wasn't scared, but nervous rather for your next move or action.
as pietro spoke the high-pitched noise continued to grow louder causing severe pain in your head. it made you nauseous and your vision would cloud with blinding bright light. you hung your head gasping for air as a vague image of a cell came to memory. you tried blinking it away but it would reappear, this time you'd see a man. the man you were pushing against the wall. his head was peeking through the cell wall. instinctually you pressed him further into the wall, pietro's shoulder blades started to ache. a new memory came and it was pietro holding your hand, his thumb caressing yours.
you shot your head up looking at the man. your eyes were glossy with tears from the pain you were experiencing. not just the physical pain of the intense noise but the mental pain as you tried to piece together who he was. his appearance was becoming familiar. his clothes, his broad shoulders, the facial hair on his jaw and upper lip, the cut on his eyebrow, the dark roots of his hair and the silver ends, and his eyes.
you dropped your grip and pietro's eyes contorted in confusion.
"like the sky..." you murmured.
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heliads · 5 months
I’d like to request a Pietro imagine. Pietro survived and became an Avenger. The female reader doesn’t have powers and isn’t an Avenger. She’s really smart and works with Tony and Bruce in the lab. She was hired after the whole Ultron fiasco. People underestimated her intelligence in high school and college because she’s a girly girl and loves the colour pink, but the Avengers aren’t like that. Pietro likes her and wants to date her.
'waiting around' - pietro maximoff
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When they tell Pietro he has to go to the labs, his first thought is to run.
He knows it’s silly. These are not the same doctors who made the Maximoff twins strong and fast and utterly alone in this world, these are the scientists with the Avengers. They’re the good guys. Apparently. But Pietro has learned fairly quickly that people calling themselves good aren’t always good in the end.
Pietro has a lot of learning to do since he and Wanda escaped Ultron a few months back. He’s doing his best to be patient and take things ‘one step at a time,’ as the Americans keep telling him. Mainly, he would like their steps to be faster. Pietro has things to do, and they don’t usually involve waiting in line for someone else to decide if he’s worthy of their loyalty or not. The Avengers are trying, he knows that. It’s just hard sometimes.
Especially when Pietro is still trying to shake off the feeling that he should have died back in Sokovia. He came away with his share of narrow escapes, but there was one moment towards the end, when the ships were firing at him, when Clint needed his help, that Pietro thought would be his last. Luckily, he was faster than a few bullets, but there’s still this nagging voice in the back of Pietro’s subconscious that whispers to him late at night:  what if you hadn’t been fast enough?
So he’s been uneasy as of late. What about it? Stress is common in inhumans and Avengers, one glance around this coffee-dependent complex could tell him that. Still, it’s a good thing to get checked out. That’s part of the reason Pietro is being directed to the labs, along with a need for a good annual physical.
It sounds good, too, were it not for the fact that Pietro has had plenty of experience with laboratories in the past few years and none of it was good. The Hydra labs made him strong, in a sense, but they were torturous. He can still remember the pile of corpses ushered out every day, the experiments that failed. He remembers curling up in a corner of his cell, begging his body not to give out, not to make him another body in a bag. He lived, but he remembers.
This is not Hydra. Pietro knows that. He left them behind. Still, there will always be some part of him that shrinks away from every syringe, that distrusts every doctor who comes poking and prodding at the bizarre novelty that is an inhuman. That will never go away, no matter who’s side he’s on.
Still, the lab remains. He has to go in, the others will know if he doesn’t. At first, Pietro hesitates just outside the door, afraid to knock, afraid to listen. There was always a chill in the air throughout the Hydra complex, he remembers the gooseflesh forever on his skin. Signs that nothing good happened within the walls. Or maybe it was just because of the stone buildings in cold climates. Everything has an explanation.
He can’t back out now. Pietro grits his teeth and swings the door open in one broad movement. For a moment, he stands there, waiting to walk back into his old cell, his old life, and then he looks around and realizes with a grin that he’s going to be fine. This isn’t a Hydra ploy to get him back under their thumb. For one thing, Hydra never used this much pink. Just barren walls and gloomy, monstrous skull logos. In retrospect, that should have been a bad sign. Pietro has a problem with ignoring details, though, and it tends to get him in trouble.
These details, however, are quite difficult to be ignored. Everywhere Pietro looks, he sees pinpricks of pink– the handle of a pipette, labels on equipment, notebooks full of scrawled data points, hair ties in a carefully organized container. No, Hydra never had this much fun, and Pietro is starting to think that this is going to be very fun indeed.
Smirking to himself, Pietro weaves further through the lab. He sees a few assistants scurrying around in the back, but they pay him no mind so he does the same. Pietro almost reaches the end of the room when a sudden voice calls out to him:  “Don’t take another step.”
Instantly, Pietro freezes. The owner of the voice walks towards him, a young woman about his age in a lab coat. She must be the owner of the lab, too, because he spots a pink tie in her hair matching the others near the door. The name stitched onto the left breast pocket of her lab coat reads Dr. Y/N L/N, so Pietro knows she’s the one he was supposed to find.
She points to Pietro’s feet, where he notices are just touching a line of caution tape on the ground. “If you went any further, you’d be at risk of getting your eyes blinded by the lasers,” she informs him cheerfully.
Pietro’s face drops. Only now does he notice the hazard signs. “Huh. Guess I wasn’t paying attention.”
Y/N arches a brow. “Do you always wander around lab space without watching where you’re going? Seems like an awfully dangerous habit for me.”
Pietro grins. “Well, I usually rely on my reflexes to get me out of trouble. I’m pretty quick.”
To prove it, he uses his speed to instantly move right behind the woman. She spins around, donning an indignant look that Pietro decides is very cute. “Don’t do that,” she scolds him.
Pietro folds his arms across his chest, grin broadening. “Why not?”
“I’ll tell Steve you’d like to do some weight training with him in the gym, and you think you can outlift him,” she threatens.
Pietro feigns surrender. “Anything but that, please.”
At last, Y/N’s lips twitch up into a smile. “That’s what I thought you’d say. Now, let’s focus. Tony sent you in to get a checkup, right?”
Pietro nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Wrong,” she tells him. “Tony actually sent you in here to get on my nerves. He does that a lot. I’m busy and he likes distracting me. We’re going to get through this as quickly as possible, alright?”
Pietro has to fight not to laugh. “And here I thought everyone in the labs gets along.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Most of the time, yes. Except when he sticks me with babysitting duty.”
“This isn’t babysitting,” Pietro protests, “I’m getting to know you. I already feel like we’re the best of friends.”
Something that might be a smile flits across Y/N’s face, but she takes great pains to hide it to him. Pietro, who has always cared a little too much about getting people to laugh at his jokes, follows her like a dog as she walks through her lab. “You can laugh, you know. It won’t kill you.”
The smile is gone as quickly as it appeared, and Pietro instantly wishes he hadn’t said a word. “I’m working right now,” she tells him abruptly. “That means I’m focused. Don’t get in my way.”
Surprised and somewhat hurt by her shift in mood, Pietro goes quiet, but he can’t resist asking a second later, “I’m not trying to interfere with your work, I promise. Does that often happen?”
Y/N goes still. Pietro is half expecting her to just ignore him when she finally speaks at last, very quiet and very unlike the fiery personality he’d seen before. “Every time someone new comes in here. And with half the people I’ve already met, anyway. You’d be surprised what a few pink accessories can do to someone’s reputation, and their credibility in a lab.”
Pietro grimaces. “I’m sorry about that, honest. That’s not what I was going for, by the way. I joke with everyone.”
At last, Y/N meets his eyes. There’s a faint tint of humor swimming in her gaze. “I think I got that.”
She’s smiling, though, so he takes that as a good sign. Once that initial barrier was crossed, Y/N opens up a little more, and then Pietro finds himself stopping by her lab almost every day when he’s not off on a mission. He sees her thrilled with success after an experiment worked, and desolate when they don’t. He sees her consumed with stress. He sees her brow knit with careful concern as she patches him up after a mission. Through all of it, Pietro is increasingly risky with his heart, and then one day, he knows he loves her.
It’s a foolish thing to do. Y/N has confided in him many times that she’s afraid people only will see her as a girl first and a researcher second, someone who can be taken out for drinks but never a valid source of knowledge. If he makes his move now, she’ll never forgive him for being just like the others.
So he doesn’t say a thing, and descends further and further into hopelessness. Wanda says he’s ridiculously obvious, but Y/N still doesn’t seem to have noticed a thing, so maybe the only person more oblivious than Pietro is Y/N, and that’s saying something. Pietro doesn’t want to ruin their friendship, but as the days slip by and Pietro only falls more in love with her, he wonders if he hasn’t already ruined it by always wanting more than he can have.
He’s starting to wonder if he is simply going to carry this secret with him forever, until Y/N catches him at it one evening. The night is growing late, and Pietro has retreated to one of his favorite hiding places in the Avengers complex, Y/N’s lab, to watch her conduct her experiments and indulge in some idle chatter. They’ve grown quiet, and Pietro is leaning against a benchtop, doing nothing but watch her. Some of the motion-sensor lights in the corners of the lab have gone off from inactivity, giving the lights above them an extra glow. The light plays upon Y/N’s face and makes her eyes shine.
Pietro is just thinking that he’s never seen someone more beautiful in his entire life when Y/N looks up and catches him in the act. Instantly, Pietro pretends as if he’d simply been watching her pipette some samples into the well plates in front of her, but her brow is already furrowing and she’s asking him what’s wrong.
Pietro shrugs elaborately. “Nothing, nothing. Just thinking.”
“Really?” She asks, grinning slightly. “I didn’t think that was a normal thing to you.”
Pietro rolls his eyes. “Very funny.”
“I thought so,” Y/N hums. “What were you thinking about? You seemed very preoccupied.”
“Nothing,” Pietro repeats, but Y/N doesn’t seem convinced.
“Come on, I didn’t think we were the type to keep secrets from each other. What are you trying to hide?” Y/N asks.
Pietro scratches the back of his head, suddenly awkward. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Even better,” she says, laughing slightly. “What is it?”
Pietro should stay silent, but he can feel the secret rising up his lungs and forcing itself out before he gets the chance. “I’m in love with you,” he blurts out.
Y/N’s eyes widen. Whatever she was expecting him to say, it obviously wasn’t that. “Oh,” she says quietly.
“Yeah,” Pietro says, wanting to stab himself in the eye with a nearby multitool. “Oh.”
He eyes the door, and has just decided that a strategic retreat is the best move when Y/N interjects, “I love you too, you know.”
Pietro turns around so hastily that he almost upsets a nearby rack of micropipettes. “What? You do?”
She’s glancing at her work, but he can tell that she’s embarrassed. “Yeah. Thought you knew.”
“Obviously I didn’t, or I would have done something about it,” Pietro blurts out.
Y/N glances up again, smiling again. “Like what?”
“Like take you out on a date,” Pietro returns. “How about it? This Friday. Seven. I’ll pick you up.”
Y/N laughs. “That sounds good to me.”
It sounds good to Pietro, too. When he leaves Y/N’s lab at the end of the day, he’s practically giddy. All this time, he was afraid of telling her, and now he’s wishing he spilled his guts much earlier. Regardless, he has what he wants. They’ll have their date, and Pietro is going to feel like he’s on top of the world.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
marvel tag list: @mayfieldss, @blondsauduun, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @eclliipsed, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver, @alex-1967s-blog, @crazyhearttragedy, @faerieroyal
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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chloe-skywalker · 6 months
Opposite Sides - Pietro Maximoff
Peitro x Fem!reader (flirting?)
Warnings: none
Word count: 240
Summary: Fighting Pietro when he worked with Ultron.
Authors Note: This was fun
Avengers Masterlist
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“You’re pretty princessa” Pietro smiled michevoulsy as he flashed in front of Y/n. But Pietro only knows her by her code Avenger name.
“Thanks.” Y/n smiled at the speedster before longing at him and knocking him on his ass. It was a nice compliment. “Too bad you're on the wrong side.”
“Am I or you?” Pietro questioned tilting his head looking up at her from the floor before he super speeded up onto his feet.
“We’re on opposite sides. I’m with the good guys. Your on the bad guys side.” Y/n explained blocking hit’s as the two fought.
“That depends on how you look at it.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders.
“What have the Avengers done that’s bad?” She asked as she put him into a headlock.
“You should know. You're one of them.” He flung her off and Y/n hit the wall, disorienting her for a moment.
The two just stood there, staring at each other. You could tell him hatred for the Avengers was fueled by something emotional. It saddened her. All they ever did was try to do their best but sometimes people got hurt. No matter how hard they tried.
“Well, if you change your minds you and your sister. There’s always a place for you both. With a family of misfits.” Y/n left the offer open before teleporting out to where the others were. Hoping the two would change their minds.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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its-an-obsession · 1 year
Would've,Could've, Should've
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Full Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Summary: Breakups were always hard, no doubt about that. But your breakup with Pietro was especially hard. With being a superhero, comes great responsibility and consequences. The two of you had fought before a big mission that almost cost your lives. Ever since the mission fell through, it seems that both of you are beginning to regret your relationship.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Mentions of Ultron (Pietro obviously survives in this imagine:))
Your Super Hero Name and Abilities -> Glitch, Environment Manipulation (looks almost like a tv screen glitch)
Your Suit
Injuries, blood, things like that
Long Imagine
Pietro Maximoff x-reader
If you would've blinked then I would've looked away at the first glance If you tasted poison, you could've spit me out at the first chance If I was some paint, did it splatter? On a promising grown man? And if I was a child, did it matter If you got to wash your hands?
(Four Weeks Earlier - Third Person View)
Pietro followed after Y/N, forgetting that he had the ability to run faster than a normal man. "Hey, hey. Could you just stop walking away from me for one second?" Pietro said. He appeared in front of Y/N with his hands out. Y/N stopped walking, she quirked a brow.
The two of them had just finished a meeting discussing their next mission. Which involved an individual leaking the names of S.H.I.E.L.D agents. The heroes' goal was to infiltrate that group and defeat them before things got worse. Pietro was unsettled at the fact that Y/N would be the one co-leading the mission with Steve.
It wasn't the fact that he was nervous his girlfriend was the leader. It was the fact that this mission was more dangerous than they believed. He knew Y/N was capable of taking care of herself, but he had no intention of having an argument about it. "Why'd you say yes?" Pietro asked.
Her brows furrowed when he asked. Y/N had been waiting for this opportunity since she became an Avenger three years ago. "Why would you even be asking me that?" Y/N responded. Now, it was Pietro's turn to furrow his brows. He waved to a few agents that passed.
Y/N's boyfriend set a hand on her arm, bringing her away from everyone that walked past. They stood in the middle of a small hallway with a tall window at the end, overlooking the front of the compound. "Pietro, I know what to do," Y/N claimed, "I've been preparing for this for over two months. And, you know that, so I don't have to tell you."
"You could get hurt," Pietro said. "We run that risk every day," Y/N responded, "We were born or made with targets on our backs." Pietro lowered his head, his eyes landing on the tiled flooring.
Ooh, oh All I used to do was pray Would've, could've, should've If you'd never looked my way
He ran a hand through his hair and lowered his arm after looking at Y/N. "If I can help take down the group that plans to expose every agent, then it's worth that target on my back," Y/N continued.
She looked at him for a second before stepping aside but was stopped when Pietro grabbed her hand. "I can't let you," Pietro said. "That's not for you to decide," Y/N answered. She ripped her hand out of his grip. Pietro stood there with his mouth closed, not saying a word.
I would've stayed on my knees And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil at nineteen And God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
(Four Weeks Later - Third Person View)
"Sam, Y/N and I will go in from the side," Steve said, "Wanda, Nat, Bucky. You'll go in from the front. Tony and Pietro, you two enter from the back. While Bruce and Clint are our eyes and ears. We'll need to go on different sides, in the shadows, basically." Y/N stood beside him with Wanda to her left. Pietro and Y/N hadn't spoken since their argument, which later caused their break up.
It had been a long four weeks, long four agonizing weeks for Pietro. Y/N didn't want any distractions but part of her knew that breaking up with Pietro was already a distraction in itself.
"Tommy Jackson, the individual under watch, should be on the second level. The third room on the right," Steve explained.
He pointed to the screen in which Tommy's picture appeared. His name, birthday, characteristics, and appearance were listed. "What we're not aware of is the number of guys Tommy has," Y/N added, "But we do know that Tommy will leave to meet with someone at nine-thirty. That's when Pietro will step in as the person Tommy's meeting."
Pietro nodded in agreement. He glanced her way, averting his eyes when she looked back at him. "Pietro, is that going to be a problem?" Steve questioned, noticing Y/N's boyfriend glimpse at her. "No," Pietro shook his head. "Good," Steve sighed. The screen shut off with the lights turning back to white.
Steve looked around to see if anyone had questions. Nobody spoke up, meaning nobody had anything to say. "We leave in ten," Steve instructed, "Meet at the Quinjet when ready. On the way to the building, we'll repeat the plan and make sure everyone knows what to do." Everyone dispersed.
(Y/N's Point of View)
I walked down the hallway with Steve walking beside me. "You sure you're okay with doing this?" he questioned. I nodded. When I stepped into my room, Pietro was sitting there. His hands rested on his knees, his eyes strained on the floor.
If you never touched me, I would've gone along with the righteous If I never blushed, then they could've never whispered about this And if you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was, but, Lord, you made me feel important. And then you tried to erase us
His eyes met mine. I ignored his look and walked over to my closet to grab my suit. Pietro watched me type in a code. A cabinet slid forward with my suit on a supportive top. The suit was glowing blue from the light that came from the compartment. "What're you doing here?" I took my jacket off.
I set the leather jacket on a hanger, putting it on the hook. Pietro sighed and stood up from the edge of my bed. "I wanted to talk to you," he answered. "You decided to talk to me right before one of our most important missions?" I retorted, turning to look at him. I walked past him.
He sighed yet again and followed me with his eyes as I grabbed my suit. Pietro set his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. "I'm sorry," he said. I rolled my eyes. "I appreciate the apology, I really do, but I need to think to myself before I lead this thing," I replied. Pietro slowly nodded and let me be.
A couple minutes passed and it was time. As discussed, everyone met in front of the jet. It didn't take long until everyone arrived, each wearing their suits. "Does anyone have any questions before Y/N and I repeat?" Steve asked as the jet flew out of the compound.
"We've got it, Steve," Nat reassured, "We stay in the shadows. Wanda and I we'll take care of the security cameras. And everyone else will do their part." Steve thanked her and glanced at me, asking if there was anything for me to add. I shook my head in reply.
You're a crisis of my faith Would've, could've, should've If I'd only played it safe
(Later - Tommy Jackson's Base)
Sam kept his gun pointed at the ground when we landed in our planned spot. "Everyone in their positions?" Steve asked, setting a hand on the side of his face. The others replied with a yes. I nodded my head and opened the side door.
"All clear," I muttered. They followed me down the hall, looking both ways. "Bruce, how we looking?" Sam questioned. "Two coming to your left," Bruce answered. Just as he said, two men in uniform turned the corner. I twisted my hand, the floor breaking and 'glitching' from underneath them.
The two guards fell through the floor, their shouts cutting short when I closed the concrete. "Always forget you can do that," Sam commented from beside me. "You and me both," I responded, smiling. "Okay. Sam, Y/N, Steve. You three are free to proceed," Clint stated.
We walked with our ears and eyes open. Nat and Wanda had successfully interrupted the security cameras. "Sam, Steve, Y/N. You're heading towards the second level," Clint said, "Tony and Pietro, stay aside. You're on the second level. Don't engage."
Sam led me and Steve up the stairs. He held up a hand, stopping us from going any further. Sam slowly opened the door and gave us the 'okay'. We continued with Clint's and Bruce's directions. Things soon went sideways after that.
When Bruce made it clear not to engage, Pietro engaged. Pietro surprised Tommy, hurting the culprit and himself in the process.
I would've stayed on my knees And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil At nineteen And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
(Two Days Later - At The Compound)
After the mission, Pietro had been taken off the group for a few weeks as punishment. And Y/N was still furious at him. The two stood in front of one another, trying to hash things out, but it didn't seem that anything was being 'hashed out'. "I can't believe you did that," Y/N said, "You messed the whole thing up."
Pietro scoffed, running a hand through his hair. He stopped walking with his hands on his hips. He looked at Y/N, not really knowing what to say. "I did it to protect you," Pietro said. Y/N scoffed as well and shook her head in disagreement. She went back to folding some clothes.
"Bullshit," Y/N said, "I understand all of that. But it's the fact that we had it under control. I had it under control. And you had to jump in and ruin everything."
She closed her eyes, sighing heavily. Pietro watched her think to herself before continuing to speak. "If-if we hadn't started this," she gestured to them, "This relationship, we wouldn't be having this conversation. And, we certainly wouldn't have broke up."
God rest my soul. I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go. I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close. I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time
His eyes trailed away from the ground to meet hers. Pietro's expression seemed to soften. "So, years of tearing down walls to be together? Or being with you to the point it hurt? That's all for nothing," he used his hands as he spoke. Pietro chuckled softly.
Yet another sigh escaped the two of them, looking at each other. Y/N waited till either of them spoke but neither did. She glanced to the side to avoid eye contact. "And I sure as hell wouldn't have asked you out right when you were recruited," Pietro added. I looked up from the carpet, finally meeting his eyes.
God rest my soul. I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go. I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time
He stared at me for a few seconds before walking over to the door. Pietro set a hand on the doorknob, looking over his shoulder at me. He looked like he was going to say something but decided against it. I saw his eyes shift to the ground, then open and close the bedroom door.
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poisonousmoonfics · 4 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Speed of Shadows
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Pairing: fem!oc x pietro maximoff
Universe: MCU, Avengers AOU
General warnings: mention of torture, abuse and death. Mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. subjects like resurrection and dark magic. angst but also aaa looooot of fluff
Disclaimer: This is a non-commercialized fanfiction. I do not owe any of the Marvel characters mentioned. The following story is a derivation from the original script, which was used for inspiration and adaptation purposes. All the rights of the original characters throughout the book (‘Lola Mendez’ and her family) are reserved.
Synopsis: Pietro leans forward on the medical table, staring intently at his lifeless body. "Can we trust that your powers won’t malfunction this time?" he questions, his voice tinged with distrust and fear for his soul.
Lola shifts uncomfortably, her confidence is hesitant. "No," she admits quietly, insecurity evident in her tone. Trying to mask her anxiety, she adds with a nervous laugh, "But what's the worst that could happen? You can’t die again."
Pietro doesn't laugh. He fixes her with an unfriendly look, his expression hard.
"Sorry," she apologizes, her cheeks flushing with shame.
Where the new super-speedster member of the team, Pietro, saves Lola from getting shot, so she decides to return the favor by putting her powers to the test.
Chapter I
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A/N!!: hey people, sooo this is my first fanfic posted on Tumblr!!! (still working on it lol). I hope the synopsis catches your attention and you enjoy the published parts. I will appreciate likes, but mostly positive comments or constructive criticism (pls be kind haha). Btw this won't contain smut no matter what, I have nothing against it, I just don't feel comfortable writing it oof.
I’ll be notifying u guys every time I’ll be uploading a new chapter. You can also read the story on my Wattpad account! I’ll stitch the link below. Please, DO NOT REPOST OR ADAPT my story (here or in any other social media platform or ao3) without my permission. Although I don’t owe the rights of the Marvel characters, my OC and part of the plot are MY WORK.
Also, English is not my first language. I apologize in advance if you notice any grammar or spelling mistakes, I will edit the parts when I have the time.
My Wattpad profile: @/writtenbythemoon
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thatboisus · 1 month
yall ever read a fanfic so majestic it completely altered your entire life
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
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Jealousy headcannons! Multi/GN!Reader - Cable, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver. Ok I know this wasn't on the schedule butttt Yeahhhh. Cable is going to have an extended version of his fic, and I might do the same for the others but no promises! Also I know that Cable's written half is literally just the snippet I shared with some minor edits but bear with me please his stuff is in the works!!! TWs: Jelousy. Barfights. No violence on Reader but men are creepy. Mentions of sex work. Cable and gambit make public spectacles it's just what they do. The return of wolverine and the X-men Pietro bc I love him
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Look, any man who comes over to flirt with you after you walk in with a legit wall of muscle has to be either stupid or blind.
Cable is by no means a very jealous man. He's not gonna care if a man (or woman) approaches you and starts up a conversation. He might get a little frustrated if they start flirting with you, but he trusts you. He knows you can take care of yourself and he doesn't want you to feel like he's got you on a leash.
But when someone is being persistent, not taking no for an answer, and hell, putting their hands on you? He doesn't take it too well. He's more of an overprotective type when it comes to his flavor of jealousy.
    “That beer for me, Beautiful?” The voice of a stranger cuts through your thoughts, and to be honest, you don’t even think he’s talking to you until you realize how close to you he is. He’s sat on the barstool next to you, leaning towards you like he can’t quite catch his balance. You make a face at him, nonchalantly moving Cable’s beer closer.
    “Last time I checked it wasn’t.” You say curtly. The man has a smile hiding behind his pout as he leans a little closer to you, oblivious to the way you casually recoil from him.
    “Oh c'mon, don’t play hard to get. I’m chill!” You can tell this guy is most definitely drunk, and you find yourself trying not to roll your eyes at him. If only he knew what kind of trouble he was in.
    “Sure you are. But believe me, my Husband is not.” You tell him. You're not married, but to be honest, you knew this guy wasn't going to leave you be if you left him with some vague label. Didn't matter anyway, however, the stranger laughs in your face, and his breath smells like alcohol and cheap cigarettes, a nasty combo that repulses you. You point back at the corner booth where the cable was sitting just a few minutes before, hoping that he’d at least back off at the sight of the six-foot hunk of muscle you call a lover. Unfortunately, He doesn't. 
    “What Husband?” The man says mockingly, and when you look at the booth you find yourself pointing at an empty seat. The sight lights a small flicker of anxiety in you, and your face falls as the man sets a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. It’s not there for long before the weight suddenly disappears. You snap your head around, feeling relief when you see the man’s wrist caught in Cable’s literal iron-clad grip. 
    “This Husband.” Cable grunts.
    All of the blood drains from the stranger’s face in an instant, but it doesn’t take long for the attitude to come back. He tries to yank his arm out of Cable’s grip, but Cable’s arm doesn’t move an inch. To be honest, the sight kinda made you blush a little. Sure, you had seen Cable’s strength many times, but this… well. This was different. The guy starts to yank a little more aggressively, and all Cable has to do is clench his hand for the asshole to yelp and give up. You set a placating hand on his shoulder, and Cable glances back at you. His gaze softens, and he sighs before letting the guy go.
    “What’s your problem, man?” The stranger spits as he holds his bruised wrist. You had already gathered your things and were getting ready to get the hell outta dodge, giving Cable’s shoulder a hard pat as you desperately tried to keep him from getting in a barfight. Cable ignores the guy, walking close behind you as you start to walk away.
    “ -s’ an ugly bitch, anyway.” The stranger mumbles under his breath, but not nearly as quiet as he should’ve. Cable stops in his tracks, wheels around, and slugs the guy with his left arm. There's a sickening crunch and the bar goes silent as the drunken stranger is violently knocked from his seat. Your first instinct is to scold Cable, but the guy had it coming anyway. You look around, and with every eye in the bar squarely on you and Cable, you decide you’ve definitely stayed past your welcome.
Gambit is probably the most jealous man in this lineup. Again, He will get fidgety and somewhat aggressive when someone approaches you and begins to flirt, but he trusts you. He doesn't want you to think he doesn't, and as a result, he tends to grit his teeth and bite his tongue to keep himself in check.
There's definitely a very, very thin line in between "I don't want to be overbearing" Remy and "This guy needs to take the fucking hint" Remy.
He's mostly fine with drunk bastards, He thinks they're funny, and as long as they're not bothering you for the most part he'll keep the aggression to a minimum. -But the one thing he absolutely cannot stand is snobby pricks who think they can steal you from him because he's a "swamp rat."
"It's a shame to see such a lovely creature like you standing here all alone." You try not to roll your eyes at the man that approaches you. You and Remy were supposed to have a nice, romantic night out. It was your anniversary, and Remy had told you that he wanted to pull out all the stops for this one. Unfortunately, fate wasn't on either of your sides today. The X-men needed Gambit, and you told him that the plans can wait for another time. Remy, in a very gambit fashion, told you to dress up anyway and he bet he would meet you there. Definitely a rather High-stakes gamble, but you loved him, so you said you'd hold him to it.
Unfortunately for you, it looked like the restaurant was hosting an event at the bar for what looked like a rather stuffy- sorry, High-end law firm. You had been content with waiting for Remy, even if the waitress clearly looked convinced he was standing you up. You had ordered something to drink while you waited, and caught the wrong kind of attention during your trip to the bar.
"I'm not alone, I'm waiting for someone." You say, flashing him an annoyed smile. He smiles back in a smartass kind of way, flashing you his Rolex as he pushes up his glasses. Great. He thinks you're a sugar baby- or maybe a sex worker. Either way, you really wished he was anywhere but here.
"Right. I'll be honest with you, I know you've been waiting here for what- and hour now? Hour and a half? Any guy that leaves you here for that long is not worth your time, sweetheart." You cringe at the nickname, but he clearly can't seem to tell. At this point, you start debating your options. You could run to the bathroom, but there weren't any windows you could crawl out of and he could wait at the door for you to come out. You could try to leave, but you didn't want Remy to think that you left him hanging. It's probably best if you stay and wait for him, but man was this guy getting on your nerves.
"Again, I'm waiting on someone. I'm choosing to wait on him, and frankly, I'm not interested in you." You say bluntly, getting more and more aggravated. The man only smirks at you.
"You're certainly a fiesty one. Don't worry, I like it when they play hard to get." He sends you wink that makes you want to sock him, and to be honest, you start to think about it. The bell at the door of the restaurant dings, and you glance over, face breaking out in a smile at the sight of the man you had been waiting on.
Remy was still in his x-men suit, obviously having come fresh from the fight. He's got some dirt on his face, and his hair is a little messier than normal, but you had never been so happy to see him.
"Well, don't you clean up well." You joke as Remy walks to your table. He chuckles, barely sparing the other man a side-eye before picking up your hand to kiss it.
"Sorry, Chère. Originally, I planned on changin', but I couldn't stand the thought of leaving you here for another moment." Remy's fond gaze turns into a bit of a glare when he finally looks over at the gobsmacked man across the table from you. "I see you've made a new friend?" You roll your eyes at that, shaking your head. Remy gets the message.
There's a gasp from the other patrons of the restaurant, as the sound the contact made was rather loud. There's already a red mark forming on the mans face as you take Remy by the hand and begin to lead him out of the restaurant. Remy is looking at you like he'd fallen in love with you all over again.
"You've been waiting all this time for some Cajun freak?" The man blurts out, finally having found his words.
"Watch it, Mon ami." Remy's shoulders tense as he snarls at the prick. You stand up, giving his bicep a reassuring squeeze before you walk in front of the man. The side of his mouth slightly upturns as you do so, right before you slap the everloving shit out of him.
"I know you really wanted for us to eat here, honey, but to be honest? I like your cooking better anyway."
Kurt? Jealous???
Absolutely. He absolutely gets jealous. Kurt is much more of a "cat" kind of jealous than a Guard Dog kind of jealous though. He's not going to do anything crazy like punch anyone, but he's gonna brush up against you, slide his tail around your waist, hold your hand. He wants reassurance from you more than he is angered by whoever is flirting with you.
That's not to say he's not angry. He doesn't like the way some people look at you like a piece of meat instead of the intelligent, beautiful person you are, and he's not afraid to call people out on it.
Kurt knew that the guy you were talking to right now was only stopping to ask you for directions, but he really didn't like how close to you the guy was. Kurt had gone off to get you something to eat from the street food vendor nearby, telling you to just relax and he would be back soon.
When he returned with food in hand, it was obvious to him what was happening, but he still couldn't help but frown. The man is leaning into your space as he shows you the map in his hands. It's fine. There was obviously nothing really going on, the stranger must have been simply touchy. He then watches as the man sets a hand on the back of your waist to point at a building up ahead, and Kurt's mind quickly changes.
Obviously, you had stepped out of the stranger's reach quickly, uncomfortable with the action, but Kurt still slinked up to your side like a cat, pulling you close with his tail as he hands you your food, resting his newly freed hand behind your back.
"There you are, Meine Liebe. I hope you didn't wait for too long." Kurt says sweetly, giving you a grin. You smile back at him, thanking him for the food. You felt relieved to see him. Sure, the stranger that had been speaking to you seemed to be a nice man, but there was a certain amount of comfort and security Kurt provided when he was near you. Kurt makes a show of leaning in and kissing you on the cheek that makes you giggle. The stranger clears his throat after a quick moment.
"-Sorry if I interrupted your date. I appreciate the directions!" He says quickly, face flushed red from embarresment.
"You're perfectly fine! I hope you're able to find what you're looking for alright." You respond sweetly, waving as the man walks off. Kurt is pouting again when you look at him, tail still wrapped comfortably around you. You can't help but giggle.
"You're so jealous." You laugh. Kurt gives you an innocent look as he brushes off the accusation.
"Whaaat? No. Ich habe dich vermisst. That is all!"
I'm not even gonna lie the fic half of this is just part of that enemies to lovers hcs that I wrote
Pietro is a very pouty, bratty kind of Jealous.
Like sure he trusts you and all but you actually looked at someone else while they were speaking to you? >:[ Don't look at them. Look at him. Smile at him not them. You're laughing at something they said? Well, he's funnier than them!!
He's just, so pouty over the smallest, pettiest things. He just needs a smooch on the forehead and some reassurance and also possibly cuddles, and he'll be fine. God he's such a brat ILHSM
However, If someone is actually flirting with you or going too far and making you uncomfortable, he will in fact throw hands. Or do his speedster thing and find a way to embarrass them, like pantsing them or planting something embarrassing on them. One time he snatched a guy's cell and called his wife before planting it in the man's pocket so she could hear all the flirting he was doing. Now that was fun.
"So I heard you had dinner with the wolfie guy tonight." The sound of Pietro's voice makes you yelp in surprise. You whirl around to see him leaning against the wall of your room, arms crossed. You scoff, and pick a pillow off of your bed to chuck it at him. He catches it easily.
"His name is Logan, and No. Not really. All we did was happen to sit next to each other at dinner." You turn back around to sit at your vanity, but Pietro is already there, sitting on the stool with the pink pillow tucked into his arms.
"So you did have dinner with him?" He pouts. You roll your eyes at him, holding back a laugh as you shove him off the seat. He looses his balance for less than a second before there's a gust and he's sitting cross-legged on your bed, having tossed the pillow to the side.
"What does it matter to you, anyway? You're not even supposed to be here, Pietro." You tease as you sit down, unable to keep yourself from smiling. You comb through your hair as you ready yourself for bed, still grinning like an idiot as you hear Pietro huff and haw.
"Why shouldn't it matter?" He asks, watching as you complete your routine. "I- I have a reason to care." He stutters out cheeks flushing a light pink that reaches his ears. You cover your mouth to keep yourself from laughing.
"Don't laugh!" Pietro objects, and it sends you into a fit of laughter as you stand back up and flop onto your back on the bed next to him.
"He's not my type anyway." You say. It only takes a second before Pietro is leaning over you, caging you between his arms. There's the ghost of a grin beginning to form on his face, simply at the sight of your own cheesy expression.
"What is your type, then?" He asks, and you cock an eyebrow at him.
"Let's just say I prefer a man who can keep up with me." You say with a wink that may or may not have been the most terribly, corny action you could have done. Pietro doesn't seem to care as his face is split with an equally as corny grin.
Both of you are caught off guard by someone calling your same from the hallway, and then a knock shortly after. You take Pietro's moment of distraction and quickly lean up, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. Pietro looks absolutely shocked.
"You better get going." You whisper. He smiles at you, almost in disbelief, and then he's gone, the window left open and the breeze catching on curtains, blowing gently.
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ginnsbaker · 23 days
My Sundown
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Summary: You’ve been a Hydra agent for as long as you can remember, when Wanda Maximoff and her brother, Pietro, volunteers for Hydra's human experiments.
Word count: 10K+ | Tags: Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader | Warnings: Only mentions of smut. Hurt/comfort. Reader is a little older than Wanda. Some angst. | A/N: I missed writing for Wanda, and have always wanted to write canon-ish oneshots for the MCU character. Main Masterlist
When they first bring her in, she looks like she's been through hell—eyes hollow, skin pale, a storm simmering just beneath the surface. Her hands tremble, not from fear, but from the sheer, unbridled power flowing through her veins. The room seems to shrink under the weight of it, as if even the walls are aware of what she’s capable of. The other recruits are scared and jittery, but she’s different. Her brother too—both rough around the edges, like two sides of the same scarred coin.
“Where did they round up these rats now?” you mutter to Lev, who’s standing dutifully beside you—the only person you've let close enough to be called a friend in all your years with Hydra.
“Sokovian volunteers,” he corrects you, eyes fixed straight ahead, mirroring your own unblinking focus on the twins. Maybe he feels the strange energy coming off them too, or maybe it’s just the routine numbness that sets in after years of blindly following orders.
You nod slightly, though the term volunteer feels like a cruel joke. No one truly volunteers for this. 
Dr. List’s voice yanks you out of your thoughts, dreary and impersonal. He calls everyone that way, as if you're just another tool, interchangeable and anonymous. It’s an intentional tactic—strip away the names, and you strip any sense of humanity.  Without a name, you’re not a person; you’re just a weapon at their disposal.
But you know he means you.
You step forward. “Sir,” you reply, maintaining a ramrod straight posture, your eyes fixed on a spot just beside his perpetually scowling face. It seems all villains share that same dour expression, but if this woman—this girl—makes it through the experiments and officially joins the ranks, she might just break the mold, looking more like an angel than a monster. You quickly shake off the thought, stifling a grimace at the odd turn your thoughts have taken.
When you risk a quick glance at her, you catch a ghost of a smirk playing on her lips, as if she knows exactly what you were just thinking.
“You’re to oversee Wanda Maximoff’s progress,” Dr. List continues without sparing you a second glance. “Ensure she complies. If she doesn’t…” He lets the threat hang, but you don't need him to spell it out. You know what Hydra does to those who don't meet expectations.
“And the boy?” you ask, genuinely curious about the other twin.
Dr. List gives you a sharp look, like he suspects something. Questions are frowned upon here, but ever since you laid eyes on Wanda, a persistent tingling has crept up the back of your neck.
To put it bluntly, she unnerves you, and you'd much prefer to deal with her brother.
“Strucker decided to…take a more hands-on approach with him,” Dr. List says.
“Understood, sir,” you reply crisply, reaffirming your commitment to your orders. You steal another glance at Wanda, only to feel a rush of heat when you realize she’s been watching you the entire time.
Wanda looks even more formidable once she’s showered and changed into fresh clothes. You can’t decide if it’s because the sinister gleam in her eyes remains untouched or because the grime and hardships of life on the streets have been washed away, revealing a haunting beauty beneath the dirt. Clean, she’s striking—but that beauty only makes her more dangerous. You’ve tried to delay any direct interaction with her, but this morning, Dr. List visited to follow up on the initial assessment, leaving you no more time to postpone. After a week of stalling, you’re out of excuses, and there’s a lot of ground to cover.
As she steps out of the small bathroom, her damp hair clings to her shoulders, softening her otherwise sharp features. The moment she becomes aware of your presence, her gaze locks onto you, and she begins to comb the wet tendrils back with her slender fingers. Your hand tightens around your keycard involuntarily as you take a deep breath, reminding yourself that Wanda is just like any other volunteer who entered the organization and never left its walls to see the light of day. Besides, you’re armed, and Wanda is not. It’s ridiculous to be this on edge around someone who's at a disadvantage.
“You,” Wanda murmurs, her accent rolling off her tongue like a slow, winding river.
“Shall we begin?” you ask, keeping your tone even and detached. You can’t afford to let her see how much she frighte—affects you.
Wanda ignores your request. Instead, she tilts her head slightly, studying you with a keenness that makes your skin prickle. You meet her stare, determined not to show any cracks, even though your heart's hammering away.
Finally, she nods—a small, almost imperceptible movement. 
You clear your throat and motion towards the small cot given to them as beds. “Please, have a seat,” you say.
This time, Wanda complies without a word. 
You glance around the room, searching for a seat, and silently berate yourself for not arranging one beforehand. It’s a small oversight, but it makes you feel foolish. With no other option, you settle against the farthest wall, opposite her, and lean against it, though it doesn’t make you feel any more grounded than you did a second ago.
In your hand is a file detailing everything Hydra knows about her, which isn’t much. You open it with a practiced ease, flipping through the pages, but you’re aptly aware of her eyes on you, watching your every move.
“Wanda Maximoff,” you start. “The procedures you're about to undergo are highly experimental. Hydra won't be held responsible for any injuries, no matter if they're permanent or temporary.”
Including death. But you are prohibited from disclosing this to avoid causing panic or stress among the subjects.
Wanda says nothing, her expression unreadable, but you can sense she’s lingering on a thought. Not sure what it is, you go on, falling back on the lines you've memorized these last few months.
“These procedures will enhance your natural abilities, giving you powers beyond what you may or may not currently possess. However, there are risks involved. Do you understand the nature of these risks?”
Wanda nods again. It’s the same answer you’ve received from countless other volunteers, most of whom had no idea what they were truly signing up for. But there’s something different about her, something in the way she holds herself that tells you she knows exactly what she’s getting into—and she’s not afraid.
“There will be a series of physical and psychological evaluations. We will push you to your breaking point and beyond. It is crucial that you cooperate fully. Resistance will only make the process more difficult, both for you and for us.”
You scan her face for any sign of fear or hesitation, but she's a blank slate. It’s as if she’s made peace with whatever fate awaits her here. That bothers you more than you’d care to admit.
“We will also be conducting interviews throughout the process,” you continue. “These will assess your mental state, your thoughts, your fears. Everything you say will be documented, and nothing will be private.”
Wanda's eyes narrow a touch, the first sign of any emotion since she sat down. It’s subtle, but you notice it. Maybe the thought of her mind being picked apart like a lab specimen is getting to her more than the threat of physical harm. Or it could be something else entirely.
“We’ll begin the physical tests tomorrow,” you say, closing the file and hugging it to your chest. “For now, you should rest and eat as much as you like. Your room is monitored constantly. If you need anything, just ask, though your movement around the facility will be restricted.”
The mask of indifference slips back into place. Wanda leans back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows in a display of casual ease. 
“Do you have any questions?” you ask, mostly because you have to, not because you really want to know. You figure she won't ask anything—most are too scared or too defeated to speak up. 
But Wanda Maximoff isn't most people.
“Why do you do this?”
You can’t help it—a faint smile begins to creep across your face at her question. Most volunteers, when they ask anything at all, are fixated on their own impending ordeal, too scared of what's coming. 
But Wanda isn't asking about herself; she's asking about you. It feels like forever since anyone showed that kind of interest.
Pausing at the doorway, you turn your head just enough for her to see the profile of your face. 
“I do what I'm told,” you say, dodging the deeper question she posed—the real why behind your actions. The truth is, you stopped asking why a long time ago. Reasons tend to blur into excuses when moral lines are crossed in an organization you once trusted.
You're already tapping your keycard against the scanner when Wanda speaks again.
“Will doing what you're told bring them back?”
Her question spins you around so fast it's almost like whiplash. How did Wanda know about that? Was it just a wild guess meant to throw you off? Whatever it was, it worked.
You open your mouth to reply, but the words stick in your throat. You don’t even remember the last time you even thought about them. You've never shared this with anyone—not even Lev. Only a handful of Hydra figures were ever privy to your past.
Wanda couldn't possibly know. Unless—
“Good night, Y/N,” Wanda says, her tone dismissive as she curls into a fetal position, turning her back to you.
If your theory holds, Wanda might be the key Hydra has been searching for—the one who can unlock the powers of the scepter that have eluded so many others. Her apparent ability to read minds could be the very breakthrough Dr. List has been waiting for. 
Finding yourself hesitating to report this discovery surprises you. It’s almost ironic how your conscience decides to kick in now, just when Hydra's goal seems tantalizingly close with the acquisition of the twins. You know what Hydra would do if they realized just how special she is, and the thought of them twisting her into something monstrous is something you can’t even begin to imagine.
In the days that follow, you keep quiet about your suspicions regarding Wanda’s innate abilities. You tell yourself that Dr. List will probably uncover them through his experiments soon enough. It’s definitely not because you're worried about what they might do if they decide to fast-track her program.
Yes, you’re just staying out of it, certainly not because you want to protect her.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself.
Your next face-to-face with Wanda comes a week later.
Though you have merely been observing her through a two-way mirror, you've been plagued by sleepless nights since your last meeting, and not even the strongest sedatives at your disposal have helped. Thoughts of her well-being nag at you, despite Hydra's strict rules limiting interaction between volunteers and handlers to prevent any emotional attachments. Such attachments have formed before, and Hydra has always dealt with them ruthlessly.
When you enter her room, she's in the same position as before—curled up on her cot, making herself appear small and almost childlike. She looks up as the door closes behind you, her eyes meeting yours with a quiet recognition. 
As you step closer, the hollowness of her cheeks, the dark circles under her eyes, and her pale complexion are unmistakable. The word weathered hardly does justice to the toll her first week has taken. You know exactly what she’s been through. The tests here aren’t just tests—they’re torture, meant to break people down, body and mind. Even with her powers and confidence, Wanda shows the same signs of strain. She's slight, frail, and clearly, she's had as rough a time as anyone else here.
This time, you come prepared with a metal chair and a freshly prepared tea set next to it, and take a seat across from her.
“How are you holding up?” you ask, although the answer seems painfully obvious.
Wanda shrugs, barely moving, as if the effort to appear okay is too much for her. But then she surprises you.
“How long until Hydra enhances my powers?”
You weren’t expecting that. After everything she’s been through, she’s asking for more? You thought she’d be wary, maybe even broken by now. But the question says otherwise. She’s been through hell, and she’s still pushing forward, demanding more. Is she courting death?
“You seem in a hurry,” you say, hiding your worry behind a soft chuckle. 
Her eyes narrow. “I didn’t come here to wait around. If they want to use me, they need to make me stronger.”
Use me.
How disconcerting. She’s asking for more—more pain, more trials. As if everything she’s endured isn’t enough, as if she needs it to become something greater. It’s reckless and foolish, to say the least.
“We’re moving as fast as we can—”
“Move faster.”
“Wanda,” you say quietly. “What you’re asking for... it could break you.”
“I’m already broken,” she declares, cold and matter-of-fact. “If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be here.”
It’s only when you notice the disgust in her eyes that you realize you’ve been looking at her with pity. Wanda is about to snap back, likely to tell you she doesn’t need your sympathy, when her expression shifts abruptly to one of curiosity.
She tilts her head, studying you—or maybe, with the mirth in her eye, it’s more like she’s mocking you. 
“You look at me like that again, and I’ll ask you a question,” Wanda says, her voice low, almost a whisper.
You stiffen, uncertain of what's coming next, but before you can say anything, she continues.
“Do you want to fuck me?”
The question startles a laugh out of you, abrupt and a bit too loud—almost like you're trying to convince both yourself and Wanda how absurd she’s being. But as the laughter dies down, you feel your face heat up, your cheeks flushing a telltale red that you can't hide.
“No,” you say, your gaze dropping to the floor as you shake your head. You clasp your hands behind your back, one finger nervously picking at a cuticle. “This isn’t what this is about.”
Wanda smirks slightly, her lips twitching, amused by your discomfort. “Isn't it?” 
For a split second, you start to doubt everything. Did you really want to sleep with her? It's been ages since you've even considered intimacy with anyone—maybe too long. Life here doesn't leave space for that kind of thinking, and even if it did, the situation wouldn't allow it. Your heart's been shattered so often you're sure there's nothing left to give—especially not to someone you've only known for a week.
This is, at best, lust—nothing more.
“No,” you repeat with more conviction.
Wanda’s smirk fades into a slow, knowing smile. “Fine. Just know the offer stands if you ever change your mind.”
A proposition. It’s not the first time you’ve received one, but this offer sticks with you longer than you’d like. Wanda’s already spent too much time in your thoughts, and you’re desperate to shake her off and get back to the task at hand. But she makes it maddeningly hard to do so.
Without looking at her, you clear your throat and begin the routine interview. You refuse to focus on the fact that she’s just openly considered a physical encounter with you—and you’re definitely not considering it in return. 
“Have you noticed any unusual side effects since the last session? Headaches, nausea, dizziness?” you ask, skipping the pleasantries.
“No,” she says dryly. “No headaches. No nausea. No dizziness.”
You jot down her answers, ignoring her evident disinterest in the proceedings.
“Any changes in your sleep pattern?” you continue.
“Any unusual pain or discomfort?” you ask, forcing yourself to meet her gaze, but her focus is on the rings on her fingers. The prisoners—volunteers, you correct yourself—aren't supposed to keep any personal items. It baffles you how she managed to hold on to those cheap pieces of metal and silver.
It takes Wanda a moment to respond. “Just the usual soreness.”
You suspect it's more than just soreness. She’s probably downplaying the pain, so you make a note beside her answer.
“Alright, we’ll keep an eye on that. Any changes in your mood? Irritability, anxiety, anything like that?”
Wanda shrugs. “Depends on the company, I suppose.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Noted. We’ll stick with the same regimen for now. Any concerns or questions about the next phase?”
“What happened to them?” Wanda asks, steering the interview off course.
Annoyance flares up as she probes again, prying into your business. “Don’t you already know?” you snap, your patience wearing thin.
But Wanda doesn’t even blink. She isn’t scared, and that just irks you even more. She should be, if she knew what you’ve done to others who’ve pushed your buttons. You’ve never hesitated to throw your weight around with those who make your job harder.
“Sometimes what really happened and how we remember it are two entirely different stories,” she says, taking a deep breath before she continues. “Our mind protects us from the truth. It obscures what’s real, and what’s not becomes all we remember.”
You're stone-still, your mind drifting back to the past Wanda keeps prodding at. You don't even have a picture of your family anymore. Their voices are gone from your memory, and you're barely holding onto their faces. It used to tear you apart, thinking about them, but now there's just emptiness. You realize Wanda can’t rattle you—she has no leverage because there’s nothing left inside you to disrupt.
You’ve got nothing.
“Y/N?” Wanda presses, her features tightening with concern. 
You consider throwing her blunt words right back at her, but you hold off. Instead, you set the clipboard down on the counter with a soft clack. Turning to the medical cart, you grab a tray of needles and tools, then bring it over to her bed. Wanda's eyes widen slightly, and she scoots back as you sit down on the edge of the mattress. It’s satisfying to finally see her react with something other than that usual smug, unshakable attitude. You pick up a syringe, fill it with a bright yellow liquid from an unmarked bottle, and swipe a cotton ball soaked in alcohol over the top.
“What’s that?” Wanda asks evenly, though you can detect traces of doubt in it that suggest she’s trying to put up a brave front. 
Wanda raises a skeptical brow. 
You lift the syringe slightly, letting it catch the light so she can see exactly what you’re holding.
“May I?” you gesture toward her arm.
Wanda eyes you warily, then gives a quick nod.
With her consent, you scoot closer until your knees almost touch. You gently roll up the sleeve of her scrubs, exposing her arm. This close, you can see the goosebumps on her skin and feel the slight tremors running through her. You hadn't noticed before, but she's shivering—not from the cold, but probably from a fever.
Instinctively, you press your palm against her forehead. Wanda flinches but doesn’t pull away. Slowly, she settles into your touch and lets out a small sigh.
“You're hot,” you blurt out, and then quickly realize the unintended double entendre. Fortunately, Wanda lets it pass without comment. You retract your hand and hold the syringe up to her arm, poised but something stops you.
“What are you waiting for?” Wanda prompts impatiently.
You're thinking of straying from the usual protocol, knowing the yellow meds might worsen Wanda's condition, especially with her fever spiking. Deciding against it, you put the syringe down and grab another bottle off the cart, this one filled with a clear liquid.
“Change of plans,” you murmur, prepping the new syringe. You nod at her for her arm, and she shifts closer, making it easier for you. When you depress the plunger, it's quick—so quick that Wanda barely feels the needle's prick.
You pull out the needle and press a small bandage onto the spot. “All done,” you announce.
Wanda massages her arm, feeling no real pain at the injection site. “T-Thanks,” she murmurs softly.
You acknowledge her gratitude with a nod and start collecting your notebook and tools. As you rise to leave, Wanda's hand shoots out, her fingers wrapping around your wrist urgently. You turn, meeting her striking, green eyes.
“I’m sorry about your family,” she murmurs quietly. Her words solidify your suspicion: she came to Hydra with powers already in tow. Mind reading or memory extraction would be invaluable to Hydra, and now, with even more power at your fingertips, you find yourself hesitating to use it.
If Dr. List catches wind of your hesitations, the reprisals will be brutal.
You glance down pointedly at where she's holding your hand, but Wanda doesn’t let go.
“It was a long time ago,” you whisper.
“Time doesn't really heal that kind of loss,” she says, still holding onto you.
“No, but you learn to live with it,” you reply, feeling the truth of your own words.
Wanda's hold slackens but remains. You feel awkward standing there, yet something holds you back from pulling away. You hadn't realized until now how starved you were for such a simple, human connection.
“I lost my parents the same way,” she shares.
“I'm sorry,” you say, and you really mean it. You can't read Wanda like she seems to read you, but in this brief moment, with the walls down, you decide to ask, “Is that why you came to us? To avenge your parents?”
Wanda's grip loosens completely, and she lets go of your wrist. You rub the spot where her fingers were, still feeling the warmth she left behind.
“‘Avenge’,” she spits out. She draws her knees to her chest and hugs them close. “I hate that word. Pietro and I, we're here to stop them. I wish… I wish they’d just leave Sokovia alone. They won’t leave because we can’t fight back.”
Your own past with Hydra comes to mind as she speaks. Back then, you joined because you were out of options. No country to fight for, no people to call yours. It strikes you how different Wanda's motivations are—rooted in something far more personal and noble. She deserves more than what Hydra can offer. 
Wanda looks at you, waiting for an answer. When you don't say anything, she pushes, “Do you think we made the right decision coming here?”
You're all too aware of Hydra’s real agenda. They're not about peace. They're here to extend their control, to bend the world around their so-called divine mission. 
“Sometimes, you don't know if it’s the right choice until it's too late to change it,” you say, knowing it’s not much of an answer. It's just the bitter truth you've come to know. It's all you can offer Wanda.
“Can you do me a favor, Y/N? Will you look after Pietro?”
The same way you’ve been looking out for me, Wanda thinks to herself, relieved that there’s only one telepath in the room.
“No promises,” you say.
Wanda gives a slight nod and starts to withdraw again. She settles back down on the cot, turning away from you, the conversation clearly over.
Lev sneaks into your room just before midnight, the door giving a soft creak as it swings open. Though friends, you typically keep to your own spaces. You blink sleepily at him, fighting to sit up and shake off the grogginess.
“Dr. List decided to skip ahead,” Lev says in a rush, closing the door with a gentle click. “He’s moved forward with exposing the twins to the scepter.”
“When?” You're wide awake now, sitting bolt upright in bed.
Lev’s eyes dart to the small window in your room before returning to you, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. “An hour ago.”
That can’t be good. It’s far sooner than anyone had anticipated. Dr. List’s decision to advance the timeline without further testing could have unpredictable consequences. You swing your legs off the bed, your brain ticking through the possible scenarios.
“What’s the status now? How did Wan—the twins react?” you ask, grabbing your jacket and shoes and throwing them on without taking your eyes off Lev.
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. They rushed them to the Observation Chamber right after the exposure. Everything’s been kept under wraps.”
You pace a few steps, mulling over your next move. Exposure to the scepter has been lethal for everyone. Even with Wanda's unique abilities, there’s no guarantee she’ll pull through when others haven't.
“We need more information. Can you get access to the observation logs?”
Lev nods, though his expression shows his apprehension. “I’ll try. But security has been tighter since the exposure.”
You catch the anxious twist of his mouth at the idea of sneaking around, and choose to spare him the risk. His relief is palpable when you tell him, “I'll handle it myself.”
He sighs in relief. “Be careful…”
Only a select few can get into the Observation Chamber, and your badge isn’t on that list. You're going to need something stronger than just caution.
You slip your underwear back on, feeling Laura’s eyes tracing the contours of your body. 
After Lev left, you headed straight for her. Laura Brown, the Hydra director's daughter, hadn't seen you in almost a year, but the nature of your previous encounters left little doubt she'd be open to reconnecting.
Laura reclines on the bed, a sheet loosely draped around her, smirking as she watches you.  “I knew you'd come back eventually,” she purrs, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.
You straighten up, deliberately avoiding her eyes as you button your shirt. “I need a favor, Laura.” 
She leans back against the headboard, the sheet falling to her waist and revealing her bare chest. “This sounds serious.”
“I need to get into the Observation Chamber. Tonight,” you say. You despise asking her—or anyone, really—for favors, but you need to see Wanda. It's imperative.
Laura's eyebrows go up, her smile growing. “Direct and desperate. What's in it for me?”
“What do you want?” you ask, even though you already know the answer.
She thinks it over, then answers, “Keep me company tonight, no strings attached. Just like the old days.”
Laura claps her hands, clearly pleased, and tosses you the badge from the bedside table. 
You pick it up, feeling a bit degraded, like you're picking up coins someone's thrown your way. “I'll be right back,” you promise.
The guards give you weird looks as you show up at the Observation Chamber. They had clear orders: only Dr. List or Baron Strucker can go in. But dropping the director’s daughter’s name does the trick. You flash her badge and they let you pass, no more questions asked.
The hallway is pitch-black. This place had been sleeping until now, woken up by the fact that Pietro and Wanda Maximoff hadn’t died like the others who met the scepter. Clearly labeled doors mark the new, grim function of the space.
You think about heading straight to Wanda's room, but you remember her earlier request and decide to check on Pietro first.
The soft beeping of monitors greets you as soon as you step inside his room. He's in rough shape, alive but barely hanging on. You quickly check the chart posted next to the door—it shows low blood pressure and a high dosage of Epinephrine administered, with a note that his chances of survival stand at only 57% as of 11:30 PM.
He looks much thinner and more worn than the last time you saw him, his condition evidently worse. His eyes are bloodshot, his skin pale and stretched tight over his bones. As you move closer, you notice his body trembling, a sheen of sweat covering him despite the room's chill.
Quickly, you pull the extra covers from beneath his bed and wrap them around him, trying to stabilize his shivering. Then, you snag a water bottle from a nearby stand, helping him take slow, measured sips. 
Pietro looks at you, his eyes filled with confusion and pain, struggling to form the words. “Who are you?”
“Just someone who made your sister a promise,” you say, scooping up some water in your palm and gently drizzling it over his head. Pietro sighs in relief. “Get some rest now, and try not to die.”
His eyes flutter shut in seconds, his breath smoothing out as sleep claims him. You linger just a moment to make sure he's really out, then hurry off towards Wanda's room. Your heart pounds in your chest, fear pulsing through you. Pietro was in rough shape; how bad might Wanda be? You cling to a shred of hope that she's holding up better.
The air stays heavy as you enter Wanda’s quarters. You tread lightly, making sure not to disturb her sleep, and check the medical chart by her bed. Unlike Pietro’s dire prognosis, Wanda's stats are steady, but still troubling. Her breaths are regular, without the distressing shivers that torment her brother.
What strikes you is how normal, how peacefully she's sleeping, despite her recent exposure to Loki’s scepter. 
Relieved to see her condition isn’t more severe, you end up at the foot of her bed. There isn’t much to do after confirming she’s stable, and you know you should head back to Laura. But leaving Wanda’s side proves difficult once you're there. Almost immediately, your mind floods with ideas on how to get her out of Hydra’s clutches. If they fully realized her potential, it wouldn't just be dangerous for her—it'd be catastrophic for anyone in their path. Internally, you start plotting escape routes and thinking about who might be willing to help.
It’s strange to think how you went from one of Hydra’s most devoted agents to scheming against them.
Lost in your plans, you're jolted back to the present when you feel a gentle nudge against your thigh. Wanda's foot is pressing against you. She's awake. You look up to find her eyes open, wary and searching.
“Y/N,” she murmurs, her voice raspy from lack of use. “What—what happened?”
You subtly shift on the bed, making sure her toes aren't touching you anymore. You're not sure when you became so acutely aware of Wanda’s proximity, or of the points where your bodies meet.
“What do you remember before all this?” you ask.
She rubs her forehead, straining to recall. “There was a room... a stone emerging from the scepter. Bright lights… then nothing.”
You nod, already knowing half of what Wanda just told you. This is the first time anyone has lived to tell about their experience with the scepter, and you were hoping for more insights into how it unleashes its power. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about trying it yourself, wondering if you could resist its effects. Being Hydra, curiosity about power was a constant temptation.
“You weren't supposed to be exposed to the scepter yet,” you admit quietly. “Dr. List sped things up, maybe because he suspected—”
“Pietro,” she cuts in, her thoughts finally catching up. “Was he exposed to it too?”
Her eyes widen, clouded with worry. “Is he okay?”
“He’s alive,” you say. “I just saw him before coming here. He's stable, but it’s precarious.”
Wanda’s face crumples as soon as the words leave your lips. Before you can react, she throws her arms around you, her face buried in your shoulder. You freeze for a moment, uncertain how to respond. It’s been so long since you’ve held someone like this, since you’ve allowed yourself to care enough to even consider it. But then you feel it—tears, warm and wet against your neck. She’s crying.
After a moment, you hesitantly wrap your arms around her, holding her as she trembles against you. You can feel her fear, her desperation. It cuts through your defenses, the ones you’ve built so carefully over the years.
You tighten your hold on her, offering what little comfort you can, but inside, you’re battling your own fear. You can’t afford to care about her this much—not here, not now. But as you hold her, feeling every shake of her body, you know it’s already too late.
Wanda's sobs slowly subside, and you pull back slightly, intent on offering some kind of reassurance despite how foreign it feels to you. You reach up, brushing away her tears with your thumb, trying to find the right words, but they don’t come. Instead, as your hand lingers on her cheek, she pins you with a quiet stare. Before you realize what’s happening, Wanda leans in and presses her lips softly against yours.
The kiss is brief, just a fraction of a second, but it leaves you utterly breathless. She pulls back almost immediately, watching you, waiting to see how you’ll react. For a heartbeat, you're stunned, but then something ignites inside you, something you’ve been holding back without even recognizing it. 
Acting on pure impulse, you reach up, grasp the back of her neck, and pull her in for another kiss. In an instant, you take control effortlessly, letting the animalistic and Hydra part of you come to the forefront. Your thumb presses roughly against her chin, coaxing her mouth open, and you slide your tongue in, staking your claim. Wanda responds with a gasp, her hands clutching at your shoulders, but you’re too far gone to think about anything except the taste of her, the way her body molds against yours.
You tilt her head back, deepening the kiss further, your other hand sliding down to grip her waist, pulling her closer still. The feel of her, the heat of her skin under your fingers, it’s intoxicating, and you can’t get enough. You've never allowed yourself to want someone this much. Just as you think you can't hold back any longer, Wanda's hand captures yours and guides it under her shirt. You're startled to find out she's wearing nothing underneath when your knuckles brush against her hardened nipple. That unexpected discovery is what compels you to pull back.
Wanda's lips leave yours with a wet sound, and she begins kissing down your jaw to your neck.
“Wanda, wait—”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” she says. Her breath is hot against your skin, and you feel her tongue trace a line up to your pulse point, leaving a fiery trail that makes you shiver. “You can claim your reward, you can have me.”
Her words snap you out of the haze, that single word—reward—ringing in your ears like a warning bell. You quickly place your hands on her shoulders, pushing her back gently but firmly.
Wanda blinks, confusion and hurt flashing in her eyes as she looks up at you. “What’s wrong?” She knows she’s attractive and has already glimpsed your desire for her during your visits, reading it in your thoughts. It’s why she finds your rejection so absurd—frustrating, even, given her openness.
“I'm not here for that,” you say, your voice coming out rougher than you intended.
“Then why are you here?”
You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks, unaccustomed to openly discussing your feelings. “I came to see how you're doing after... after the scepter.”
“I'm fine,” she answers flatly.
You nod, still feeling the residual heat of her closeness. “Do you feel any different?” you ask, partly out of concern but mostly to shift the conversation elsewhere.
“I'm just tired,” Wanda says, closing her eyes and running a hand through her tousled dark hair. “Can we do this tomorrow?” She sounds a bit let down, assuming you're here just for a routine check—looking for any new powers or changes—as if she had hoped for something more personal.
“I'm sorry,” you quickly say. “I’m not here on any official orders. In fact, I shouldn't even be here.”
This revelation softens her look, her eyes narrowing slightly with renewed interest.
Taking a deep breath, you continue, “I'm working on getting you and Pietro out of here. It's not set yet, but—”
“Out of here?” Wanda cuts in, her eyebrows knitting together in puzzlement. “Why would I want to leave?” 
“You got what you came for, right? The power of the scepter? Now you can leave. Hydra isn’t what you think,” you explain, trying to make her see the danger.
“Look who's acting all self-righteous all of a sudden. You've been here for years, and I've seen you do things,” she retorts sharply.
“Stop looking into my mind,” you snap, irritated by her knack for sifting through your thoughts without permission and using your past against you. Just because she can doesn’t mean she should.
“You’re saying I’m wrong?” she sneers.
You shake your head. “Look, I’m just trying to help—”
“If you really want to help, just do your job.”
Her words hit you harder than any physical blow could. You knew better than to let someone get this close, to allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. But there’s no one to blame here but yourself. Wanda didn't even have to do much to earn your solicitude; it was your own doing, your own need to make things right that led you here. 
Hydra’s training kicks in like second nature, and you shut down the emotions before they can show, your face hardening into a mask.
“Alright, Wanda. I'll do just that.”
It’s easier the second time you’re with Laura that night.
After Wanda's dismissal, you find Laura’s body to be the comfort you need. You lose yourself in her, the way she responds to every touch, every move you make. Pushing everything else from your mind, you focus solely on her, making her come again and again until she’s too bone-tired to do anything but black out beside you.
After it's over, you slip out of her bed, leaving her to sleep off the night’s weariness, and return to your room. You don't think about Wanda. Not even once.
In the following days, Wanda's recovery is swift—too swift for your level of clearance. Dr. List decides she’s beyond your oversight and assigns her to a higher clearance team. You’re left dealing with new recruits, volunteers who are eager yet naïve, none of whom survive the brutal exposure to the scepter. Each failure hardens you a little more, cements the necessity of detachment. 
But even with countless deaths on their hands, Hydra doesn't back down. If anything, they’re more driven now, hungry for more power, spurred on by the success of the twins. Pietro develops superhuman speed, a skill Hydra quickly puts to use by dispatching him to enemy territories for intel. Wanda’s abilities become more varied, showing signs of what could be categorized as psionic powers. She demonstrates capabilities that suggest telekinesis, manipulating objects without touching them, and telepathy—which she employs at her whim. 
Sometimes you wonder if she ever peeks into your mind anymore. But then, with the kind of power she wields, why would she even bother with what you're thinking? You're not special. Not even your badge, which doesn't get you into sections of the base without currying favor with Laura Brown first.
The Sokovian base is sprawling, and encounters with either of the Maximoff twins are rare but unavoidable. Pietro remembers your visit that night. Now and then, he nods at you politely. Wanda, on the other hand, acts as if you don’t exist. If you pass her in the hallways, she looks through you as if you're invisible. So, you make it a point to stay out of her way, blending into the dull walls and shadows as much as you can.
This detachment suits you in a way. It allows you to focus on your duties, on surviving one day at a time in an environment where the stakes are always high and the consequences often lethal.
It leaves you with nothing to lose, because there's no one left to lose.
Weeks pass quietly until rumors start floating around that Wanda's been seeing someone inside the complex. It’s hard to call it dating, really, since concepts like love and trust struggle to take root in a place as bleak as this. It’s probably just two people keeping each other company through the colder nights. Still, you can’t shake off how much this bothers you. 
But it's not surprising. The twins' popularity has only grown, especially since, months later, no one else has matched their extraordinary feat of surviving an Infinity Stone—a term you picked up only after Hydra discovered what was really behind Loki's scepter.
Sometimes, you find yourself observing Wanda from afar, trying to figure out if there’s any substance to the rumors. Who makes her laugh? Who does she choose to sit with at meals? The more you notice your own scrutiny, the more you recognize a feeling of jealousy stirring within you, an emotion that’s prevalent among your peers but not in this regard. You're bewildered and annoyed by your own reaction—why should who Wanda spends time with matter to you? Whatever she does, whoever she fucks—it's none of your business.
You hate this feeling, but you combat it by heading to Laura’s room every night, as if she’s the cure you need to keep yourself in check.
“They’ll betray us someday,” Lev murmurs as you both amble through the dense woods, taking a rare break from the base for a smoke. He breathes out slowly, watching the smoke curl upwards. You don’t have to ask to know he’s talking about the twins.
“No sooner than Hydra will throw us under the bus when the Avengers show up,” you reply, stepping around a fallen branch. “We’re all expendable. You know that, right?”
Lev takes a deep drag, his gaze fixed on the trail ahead. “Yeah, I know,” he says at last, releasing a plume of smoke. There’s something in his eyes, a look that tells you he’s not saying all he could about the twins.
You eye him suspiciously. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
Lev glances at you, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he's deciding how much to share. After a moment, he nods.
“Okay, I wasn't planning on telling you this yet, but I've been handed a special assignment—the Maximoff Contingency Plan,” he reveals.
You scoff at him. “You’re the contingency plan?” 
“No, not just me,” Lev chuckles darkly as he tosses his cigarette to the ground and stomps it out. “I'm involved, but it's more than that. We're working on a weapon, one that borrows from the tech of the Infinity Stone.”
The seriousness of what he's saying sinks in. Leveraging the power of an Infinity Stone means they're not messing around.
“And what's this weapon supposed to do?” you ask, not sure if you want to hear the answer.
Lev’s expression darkens. “You know what weapons are supposed to do,” he says tersely, turning to head back. “Let’s go.”
Hydra does not tolerate treachery. Even the mildest punishment is a swift death—a quick end, but an end all the same.
It’s only a matter of time before the Avengers find the Sokovian Base. Tensions had been mounting and Hydra's movements had become increasingly aggressive, drawing unwanted attention. When it all goes down, you’re in your room, scrambling to suit up and arm yourself with pistols—not to confront the Avengers, who are essentially gods, but to fight for your way out.
As the base descends into turmoil, you hear that Wanda and Pietro are attempting to escape. Hydra has a ruthless protocol for such situations: eliminate the entire unit to prevent any leaks. It's cleaner to destroy and rebuild than to let loose ends compromise the organization. Knowing about the contingency plan to eliminate the twins, you grab your radio and contact Lev, asking where he is.
“You’re just in time. I need backup. I've got Wanda Maximoff in my sights, waiting for the right moment to take her down,” he radios back.
“On it, I’m with you,” you reply, feeling the sweat bead on your forehead as you move toward his location. When you get there, you find Lev, poised and ready, his eyes fixed on the target through the scope of his rifle. You scan the surroundings, looking for hazards until you spot Wanda among the debris. Iron Man's missiles have turned the area into a deadly maze of flying rocks. From her fingertips, streams of red magic swirl, skillfully steering the massive boulders away from crushing both Hydra agents and civilians.
Wanda isn’t trying to escape—she’s helping fend them off. Seeing her save these lives, something inside you breaks. Lev has his rifle aimed at her, ready to pull the trigger while she's busy playing the hero. The possible outcomes flash through your mind: Wanda dead or imprisoned by the Avengers. The thought is unbearable. You've spent months pretending you didn't care, but now, faced with the reality of losing her, you realize all you want is for her to live, to be free—something you've long given up for yourself.
You're about to dissuade Lev, to argue her worth, her potential, anything to stall, when an explosion nearby startles Wanda. She turns, momentarily distracted, and Lev's finger tightens on the trigger, ready to end it all.
But you're faster.
He collapses with a shocked gasp, the life leaving his eyes as he hits the ground. The noise of his body falling draws Wanda’s attention. She turns just in time to see what you've done—for her. Her eyes, wide and questioning, boring into yours.
Why did you save me? They seem to ask you, those green orbs that have hunted you ever since you looked into them. There's no time for lengthy explanations—not that you have a solid one anyway. But with each passing second, the chance of escaping undetected by these so-called superheroes dwindles.
“You need to leave, now!” you yell at her, but she doesn't budge. Instead, she looks at you, really looks at you, for the first time with something other than disdain. It’s the same look she gave you the night the scepter awakened her powers. It’s a look that tells you that maybe she’s been pretending too, these past few months.
You’re about to sprint toward her, to drag her to safety if you have to, when a blur of motion sweeps her away. Pietro appears out of nowhere, whisking them both out of the base before the Avengers close in. 
For a second, you're left standing there, surrounded by the wreckage and the friend you just betrayed and killed. There's no time to grieve, no time to second-guess leaving his body behind—it's pure instinct that forces you to move quickly. You head towards an exit known only to the most important figures of the organization, a piece of information you picked up from Laura. She wouldn’t have given it away if you weren’t frequently sleeping together, those personal liaisons caused by trying to forget Wanda.  
It’s strange, in a way, how you both just ended up saving each other.
Several weeks after the Avengers demolish the Sokovian base, Wanda finds you at a small cabin you own on the outskirts of Novi Grad. The modest structure sits on a 2-acre plot near the woods—a spot you picked up when your stint in Sokovia stretched past thirteen months. You never really planned on settling here; you thought you’d be moved to another location and sell this land at a profit eventually. But life, it seems, had other plans.
You’re chopping wood beside the cabin when you feel her presence. Dropping the axe, you straighten up and spot her at the edge of the clearing. Your eyes quickly sweep her surroundings for any sign of Pietro, but it appears she has come alone.
“Why did you do it?” she asks once she's close enough. You take a few moments to take her in, hardly believing she's actually here, and touched by the thought that she sought you out. You've missed her presence, even though the last few months have only found you both inhabiting the same compound, breathing the same air but never speaking. 
Sometimes, lying in bed at night, you wonder why you can’t shake Wanda from your thoughts. You’ve even entertained the idea that she might have hexed you, that her magic has somehow ensnared your mind and… maybe your heart. It seems like the only logical explanation, because since the day you met, Wanda has never really left your mind.
“I did what I thought was right,” you finally answer, tucking your hands inside your pockets, not knowing what else to do with them.
“He was your friend,” Wanda points out softly. 
Your lips curl into a strained smile; of course, she’d know. She knows things about you that you'd never voice out loud. Wanda’s ability to read minds makes hiding anything impossible. Does she understand how deeply you care for her? She must. Wanda has always seen right through you, so why does she need to ask?
“Did you ever think about me after that night?” she asks out of nowhere. The night the Infinity Stone changed everything, when you were closer to her than you’d ever been before.
You're taken aback by her directness. This, too, she probably knows the answer to because you've thought of little else. 
“Everyday,” you say.
That night, you invite her to your home, the first person ever to share the space you once believed would always be just yours. Your living room is snug, with a three-seater couch and a medium-sized TV mounted on the wall. There’s also a fireplace that lights up the space with an amber glow as you hand Wanda a cup of hot chocolate.
You and Wanda find yourselves chatting about lighter topics. She shares her favorite shows from childhood, and you're surprised to learn she’s a big fan of American sitcoms. You enjoyed them too when you were younger, but not to the extent that you'd watch entire seasons over and over like Wanda did. Your preference leaned more toward books, gobbling up Agatha Christie novels when you were younger.
While you're in the middle of sharing a particularly funny memory from one of those old sitcom episodes, Wanda suddenly leans in and kisses you. Though your first instinct is to dive back into the kiss, you pull back instead. The last time you were this close, things escalated quickly before they crashed and burned.
“Are you sure?” you ask, searching her eyes for an answer. Learning from past mistakes, you want to make sure it's what she really wants.
She nods, her eyes steady and invitingly dark. “I’m sure.”
You close the distance between you, kissing her to your heart’s content. Before long, clothes are discarded, and you move from the couch to the bed, leisurely exploring each other, discovering how to bring one another to new heights of pleasure. 
As you lie next to her afterward, breathless and tangled in the sheets, you realize there’s no way to pretend anymore—you care too much to go back.
The quiet doesn’t last long. 
Tony Stark’s experiment goes awry, giving rise to Ultron—a global threat with ambitions that soon become clear. It seeks to bring about what he perceives as peace, by any means necessary. And just when you thought you and Wanda might have found some peace, she tells you she’s joining Ultron.
“It’s too dangerous,” you tell her. The twins and a robot against the entire Avengers team? The numbers alone put the odds against them. “We can stay here, help the people around us, and actually make a real difference.”
She shakes her head, her jaw set. “You don’t get it,” she argues. “You never will. You’re not…”
Special. Go ahead, Wanda, say it. Say what you really think of me.
“...you don’t have powers. You don’t know what it’s like to be able to change things and then just stand by, powerless.”
You were bracing for it, but it hurts all the same.
“So what am I then, Wanda? Just a bystander? Someone not worth listening to because I don't have powers?”
“I’m saying I have to do this,” Wanda mutters solemnly. “I’m the only one who can do this.”
You can see in her eyes that she’s already made up her mind. You’re still racking up your brain for something that might make a difference but she speaks again.
“I’m doing this for Sokovia,” she says quietly. “For everyone who's suffered because of Stark.”
You say nothing. Her fierce loyalty is one of the things you adore about her.
Wanda steps closer, her hand reaching out to touch your face, her thumb tracing the line of your jaw. “I’ll come back,” she promises. “When this is over, I’ll come back to you.”
You nod, resigned to the reality that you must let her go. “I’ll be here,” you say, your voice thick with regret that you can’t do more to protect her, to make sure she’s safe. “Waiting for you, right here.”
Pietro Maximoff dies riddled with bullet wounds—over a dozen of them. You learn the details of his death through a tabloid, days after witnessing Novi Grad being torn from the ground. 
A week later, Wanda comes back to you, just as she promised, but she’s not the same. The light in her eyes is gone, replaced by a ghostly void. It’s a look you know all too well, the same one you’ve seen staring back at you in the mirror for years.
A loss of purpose.
In the days that follow, you try to restore some normalcy, but nothing feels right. You cook meals she barely touches, sit beside her during long stretches of silence, and listen when she occasionally finds the strength to talk. It's tough, seeing her struggle, but you stay by her side, hoping things will begin to heal.
But they don’t.
Every day, you see it—the guilt, the pain, the loss. She tries to find reasons to keep going, but nothing seems to hold. And as much as you want to be the one to help her, to pull her out of this darkness, you know you're not enough. Not this time.
Wanda is adrift, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t anchor her to this life you’re trying to build. She’s lost her brother, her home, and whatever sense of justice she thought she could achieve by joining Ultron. And you—you’ve been running from your past for so long, and you’re simply tired of it.
You start thinking about what’s best for her, about what she needs to move on and find a new purpose. Deep down, you recognize that maybe the best way for her to truly heal is if you step aside.
Like Wanda, you don’t trust Stark. So, with the skills you’ve honed during your time with Hydra, you manage to find a way to contact Steve Rogers instead.
The conversation happens one afternoon, over a phone call. You tell him everything—your past with Hydra, the things you’ve done, and why you’re ready to turn yourself in. He listens without interrupting, letting you confess everything. You mention that Wanda's with you, and make it clear this isn't about trying to reclaim some lost sense of patriotism. You're doing it for her.
“You did the right thing by coming to me,” Steve says when you finish. “Wanda has so much potential. She deserves a chance to become who she’s meant to be.”
“I know,” you reply, your voice dropping to a whisper. You’ve known it all along, perhaps better than anyone. It’s why you’re doing this, even though it feels like tearing yourself apart.
Over the course of the conversation, you and Steve work out an agreement. You’ll serve a reduced sentence in exchange for all the intel you have on the remaining Hydra heads still out there. You’ll act as an informant, helping to bring them to an end, once and for all. And maybe, after you’ve paid your dues, there’ll be a chance for you to live something close to a normal life. When the call ends, you're washed over with a feeling of real freedom, despite knowing it might cost you Wanda all over again.
Later that night, you find Wanda in the kitchen, stirring a pot and humming a tune you don't recognize, looking more alive than she has in weeks. Seeing her like this is bittersweet; she’s here, but soon, you might not be.
She notices you and gives a small, relieved smile. “You’re back,” she says.
“Yeah, I had a craving for this specific brand of red wine…” You say, tossing out a casual lie since you did swing by the grocery store, and errands are a regular part of your routine.
“Red wine?” Wanda perks up. “Perfect, I’m just about done with dinner. It should pair nicely.”
The kitchen smells foreign but amazing, and you can't help but compliment her. “It smells incredible in here,” you say as you start setting the table. 
Wanda smiles softly as she turns down the stove and grabs a bowl to serve. You set out two wine glasses and place them on the table.
You pour a generous amount of red wine into each glass and watch as Wanda carries the meal over. 
“Thanks for dinner,” you say with genuine appreciation.
“Try it and tell me what you think,” she urges, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she watches you with anticipation.
You take a bite, the flavors unique and perfectly blended. Looking up, you see her watching you, eager for your reaction.
“Well?” she asks impatiently.
You laugh, then wipe the corners of your mouth with your thumb. “Don't you already know?” you tease, hinting at her telepathic abilities.
Wanda pretends to be offended, crossing her arms. “I haven’t read your mind in a long time.”
You can’t help but be a little skeptical of her claim. “Since when?”
Wanda blinks, her gaze veering away as she hesitates, clearly not eager to revisit the memory. 
You give her a gentle nudge, mimicking her earlier prodding “Well?”
Wanda turns to face you, her bottom lip pushed out slightly in a pout. “Since I saw you were sleeping with the director’s daughter.”
Saw? Did she see everything I did with Laura? The thought that Wanda witnessed it all like a scene playing out in front of her makes your stomach twist. You blush, mortified. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” you mumble, looking away.
Wanda shakes her head, trying to dispel her lingering jealousy. “I shouldn't have been peering into your head that much to begin with,” she says softly.
Your ears catch on a particular phrase. “‘That much’?” 
It’s Wanda’s turn to blush, her cheeks flushing deeper as she quickly downs the rest of her wine and then holds out her glass for a refill. Deciding to show some mercy, you pour her another glass without prying further. The conversation stalls into an awkward silence until you finally decide to break it by giving your verdict on the dinner.
“By the way, this is delicious,” you say, adding another serving to your plate.
Wanda's face lights up, her smile stretching so wide that she looks almost like a giddy child. But then, she is young. You can’t help but imagine how she'll fit in with them. Steve, in particular, seems like he’d be good for her. Even though you don't know him well, that one phone call was enough to get a sense of his character and leadership. He seems like the kind of guy who'd really look out for Wanda, in ways you can't.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” Wanda suddenly asks.
Your smile falls a little, but you manage to keep it there. You wish she could read your mind now, that she could understand the choices you’ve made today better than you could ever explain them. You’re not abandoning her—you’re setting her free from this life. You've done too many unspeakable things to ever truly deserve a quiet life with her. Eventually, your past will catch up to you, and the opportunity for Wanda to do something good might slip away if she’s still tied to you. You wish she could see how much you care for her, how much she’s changed you. Because of her, you’ve felt the desire to be good again, to be human again. To open yourself not just to grief, but also to love.
You wish—
“Maybe we can visit that lake you mentioned? I've spent my whole life in Sokovia but never really left Novi Grad,” Wanda suggests.
“Rain check?” you say, trying your best to sound like tomorrow isn’t goodbye. Steve wanted to move quickly, and you’ll be expecting him and a small squad tomorrow, no later than noon. “I’m thinking I might just stay in, catch up on some reading.”
Wanda cocks her head, a puzzled look on her face. You’ve been the one pushing her to get out of the cabin more, so your answer isn’t what she’s expecting. But she likes the idea. She just wants to spend time with you. The hole Pietro left in her heart is only bearable when she’s with you.
“Okay,” she mumbles, starting to clear the dishes. You place a hand over hers, silently telling her you’ll take care of it later. Leaning in, you plant a soft kiss on her lips.
“You want to go to bed early?” you whisper quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
She looks up at you, a playful gasp escaping her lips. 
“Just to sleep,” you add quickly. I just want to hold you all night, one last time.
“I might not be sleepy right off the bat, maybe if you tire me out—”
“Naughty,” you chuckle softly, giving her nose a gentle tap.
“You love it.”
“I—” Love you. You want to say it, but you don’t want to make it harder for you both when the time comes.
Without another word, you grab her hand, holding on to this moment, to her, for as long as you can.
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Happy Birthday
Summary: It's your birthday and the only person who doesn't seem to be excited about it is you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death. Angst. Fluff. Language probably. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: This story was completely self-indulgent, but I hope someone out there likes it!
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You’ve always been very reluctant to celebrate your birthday.
You haven’t had a birthday party since you were 12. The following year your mom died a couple of days before and neither you nor your family were in the mood to celebrate anything.
It wasn’t by any means unexpected, she had been sick for a few years, but it still hit you hard.
You were the youngest and were far too young when she first got sick to really understand everything going on.
You were 8 and all you really remember is watching your mom get more and more sick until eventually there was nothing more the doctors could do.
Her death hit you hard and you closed yourself off, never talking about it or even crying after the day of her funeral. To this day you’ve still never cried, in front of others or even by yourself.
You started exercising to channel all your energy, refusing to do anything more like the therapy your family suggested. 
When you were 15 you discovered SHIELD and decided you wanted to help others, so you signed up for the SHIELD Academy, working your hardest and pushing yourself to your very limit.
You ended up being not only the youngest cadet ever, but the youngest to actually graduate and then the youngest recruit at SHIELD at only 16 years old.
Natasha was very impressed when she heard about you and took a liking to you, convincing Fury to make you part of her team during her missions and teaching you everything she knows.
That’s how you ended up in the Avengers Initiative, not that you felt you didn’t deserve it since you know how hard you worked and everything you gave up to work towards this achievement. 
The team themselves were initially skeptical since you were barely 18 during the battle of New York, but they were quickly proven wrong when they saw how well you handled yourself against the Chitauri. 
You were devastated when SHIELD fell, but carried on as an Avenger, battling Ultron and then moving to the Compound with the team.
You met the actual Bucky for the first time when you were 22, during the whole Civil War thing with Baron Zemo. Like Natasha, you were on Tony’s team, fighting mostly Pietro, but the conflict eventually ended. 
It took Tony some time to get over the whole “Bucky killing his parents while brainwashed” thing, but, as he likes to say, he can’t call himself a genius without admitting that Bucky didn’t have much of a choice. 
Thanks to Tony’s help Shuri was able to find a solution to Bucky’s brainwashing faster than she would’ve alone, meaning Bucky didn’t have to go back into cryo and was pretty quickly cleared to join the team, about a year after the airport battle in Leipzig.
You were warmly accepted by everybody and, the more the team grew the more you felt at home with these people.
And now you wish you could burn down the whole compound because, somehow, Tony convinced you to have a birthday party for the first time in 13 years because, in his words, 'you only turn 25 once'.
Good news is you managed to make him limit the guest list to the team and other people close to you like Maria Hill and Fury. Bad news is you’re still gonna be the center of attention, which you hate.
You couldn’t stop Tony from making everyone dress up for the party, and you couldn’t stop the team from getting you gifts even though you insisted all you wanted was everyone together and to have fun with them since for the longest time nobody ever even knew when your birthday was. 
What you didn’t realize was that the only person more worried than you about your gifts was Bucky.
Since he joined the team the two of you have gotten close, starting with his first training with the team where he very loudly told Steve about his disbelief that someone as young and small as you could actually be an asset to the team.
You quickly put him in his place by taking him down after less than two minutes of sparring, taking full advantage of his underestimating you because he “didn’t want to hurt a pretty little thing like you.”
Admittedly he was impressed and wasn’t shy about letting you know that, while the rest of the team snickered at his initial shock when you pinned him down.
You became friends after that, not as close as you’d like but friends nonetheless.
If you were honest with yourself you’ve been harboring a little crush on the supersoldier, but he’s never shown any interest so you resigned yourself to just being his friend.
Something that you did come to treasure, though, is your and Bucky’s late night talks.
It started with you walking in on him in the kitchen on a late night where you couldn’t sleep, nothing new to you, but the two of you barely talked other than acknowledging each other.
You took a bottle of water and left.
A couple of days later you ran into him again and you stood there in silence while you made yourself a cup of tea and then left for your room.
A few days later again he was just sitting there and said nothing as you made your tea, except this time you put a cup in front of him and silently took a seat next to him at the counter.
Two nights later when you arrived at the kitchen he was already there with a cup of tea in front of him and one in front of the seat next to him.
You didn’t want to assume it was for you, but you took a chance when you noticed it was the cup you always used, a blue mug with Stitch on it that says “Let’s get weird”. Your favorite in fact.
You hesitantly sat down next to him and, without you having to ask or without even looking at you, he told you that the nights you stay up late because you can’t sleep you tend to be more quiet during the team dinners and while you hang out afterwards.
You didn’t say anything in return and just sat there, trying not to overthink how much he seemed to watch you.
But the more nights you spent like that, the more you two talked and you gathered quickly that Bucky is a very observant person, nothing more.
You loved the time you spent together after dark where you’d talk about everything and anything, but come morning it was almost as if it never happened, which you came to accept.
It weirdly made the nights you spent talking even more special, which was almost every night.
But back to the present, you’re currently getting ready with Natasha and Wanda, who know much more than you about hair and makeup and are always happy to help you out with getting ready for Stark parties. 
You put on the black cocktail dress with rhinestones all over the corset and a slit down the left side, then the three of you make your way to the party room and you take a deep breath before entering.
Everyone is already there, all dressed up in fancy clothes as they all shout “Happy Birthday”.
You laugh and say hi to everybody while they all take turns hugging you, there’s not too many people but everyone important to you is there.
Even Laura and Clint’s kids are there, which you consider a second family at this point, since Laura always did treat you like a daughter.
You hate to admit that it's a nice party.
Knowing you, everyone makes an effort to not put you too much at the center of attention and you just go around talking to your friends like every other party.
Eventually time comes for the cake and, the moment you kind of dreaded, opening the gifts.
Since it's the first birthday you allowed the team to celebrate everyone decided to go all in for your gifts, which you picked up on from the very first gift you open.
Pietro got you a first edition of “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” which is your all time favorite book, Wanda and Maria got you a leather jacket and an amazing pair of boots that you knew were expensive because you were all out shopping together when you came across them.
Steve got you a gold heart-shaped locker with a picture of the team inside it, Natasha got you a charm bracelet with a little charm to represent everyone on the team, and Sam got you a cute necklace with your birth stone on it.
When you open Fury’s gift you start laughing since it's a gun, a SIG SAUER P226 to be precise, which is very Fury.
“It was my first gun when I joined SHIELD.” He says with a smile and you smile back, knowing how much thought he put into this gift.
You open Clint’s gift next, a bow and arrow that he already taught you how to use, and Laura got you a pair of diamond earrings.
Your heart melts when you open Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel’s gifts, respectively a friendship bracelet, an Avengers action figure of yourself and a Stitch plushie.
The three of them hug you tightly as you say thank you and now you only have two gifts left, Tony’s and Bucky’s, and they’re both little boxes. 
You open Tony’s next, thinking it’s some fancy necklace or earring but you frown when you see a car key.
“Is this the key to your car?” you ask Tony, knowing full well you’re holding the key to an Audi R8 Spyder, the car Tony’s let you borrow so many times you’re now wondering if he’s gifting you his spare set of keys.
“No.” He says casually “It’s the key to your car.”
You’re even more confused and simply stare at him with your mouth gaped, not really processing the information.
“Y-you… You got me a car?!” You almost yell out of shock and everyone else starts laughing at your antics when you start basically jumping up and down and hugging Tony, squealing like a little girl.
“Well, come on, let’s go see it!” Tony says enthusiastically after you’ve calmed down, and you get up, just as enthusiastic, but are stopped by Steve’s voice.
“Wait, wait. You have one gift left.” He says, picking up the small box and giving it to you. “It’s from Bucky.”
You were so pumped up by the car, you almost forgot about it and completely miss the mischievous look Steve gives Bucky and the murderous glare Bucky gives back.
You also miss Bucky starting to protest before you open his gift, but he instantly shuts up when he sees your face falling the second you open it.
It’s a small necklace with a blue rose in it, it really looks like something you’d give a little girl more than a 25 year old woman.
You look at it for a minute, running your finger on it before you raise your head and look at Bucky.
The whole room goes silent as they all watch you worriedly, everyone noticing immediately that tears are streaming down your face.
Nobody understands what’s happening and nobody knows how to react or what to do, it’s like they’re all frozen by the sight of you being vulnerable for the first time ever. 
Meanwhile Bucky’s heart is beating so loud he’s sure everyone around him can hear it, and he feels himself starting to panic at the thought of having ruined your birthday with that stupid gift.
Everybody else got you expensive gifts and all he did was get you a small, cheap necklace that reminded him of a story you briefly talked about once on one of your late night talks about a necklace you had as a kid.
He saw it at the mall while looking for a gift for you, remembering the sweet smile you had on your face when you mentioned it and the fleeting sad look he thought he saw when you told him you lost it when you were 12.
He was really proud of himself for that gift, but the more he saw the other gifts you got the more he regretted his choice, especially after Tony gave you a fucking car.
And now you were crying, not saying anything while just looking at him.
He doesn’t know what to expect from you at the moment, nobody does, he thinks you might yell, throw his gift back at him, tell him how much you hate it and him.
But you surprise everyone by throwing your arms around Bucky’s neck, hugging him tightly while crying into his shoulder.
You honestly forgot telling Bucky about that story and certainly didn’t expect him to remember it, especially since you always got the feeling that he didn’t care about your talks as much as you.
You just assumed that come morning he deleted everything you told him to make room for more important things, and you didn’t blame him.
But he didn’t.
What you didn’t tell him about the necklace is that your mom gave it to you because blue roses were her favorite, you had that necklace since you were born but you somehow lost it the day of her funeral.
That day you lost the two most important things in your life and cried yourself to sleep, and that was the last time you allowed yourself to be weak and cry.
Until today.
Bucky hesitantly wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back hoping to get you to calm down. He looks around at the rest of the team, panicking a little and not knowing what to do.
Everyone else is as clueless as he is, never having seen you in such a state before.
Bucky starts apologizing, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying, and he feels horrible that it’s because of him.
You shake your head quickly and pull away a little to look at him, wanting to reassure him you’re not sad or angry but incredibly happy, but words refuse to come. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and finally manage to speak.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” It’s quiet, but it’s something, and it’s enough to make Bucky let out a breath of relief at knowing you don’t hate him or his gift.
He brings you back in for another tight hug, almost forgetting about everyone else in the room as you hug him back without hesitation.
You’re honestly not even embarrassed at crying, all you care about at the moment is Bucky, his arms around you while he lets you bury your face in his neck, like you’ve been wanting to do for years now.
“Happy birthday, doll.” He whispers in your ear and, for the first time in 13 years, you really feel like it is.
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violet-harmon2011 · 2 months
Can we get some Peter maximoff hcs pls? :3🩶🩶🩶
yes omg
would randomly get the zoomies at 3am
in order to cure them, he NEEDS you to come to the local DQ to get blizzards
ofc he carries you there on his back in under 2 seconds
going to grocery stores late at night to push each other around in shopping carts
randomly throws you over his shoulder and dances or runs around
would dress up as whatever you want for halloween
he would be the linguini to your remy, the woody to your bo peep, the romeo to your juliet, the ghostface to your tatum, the jake to your tricky, etc.
long distance doesn't exist for you guys
you're his first serious relationship, so he cares about you a LOT
feels like a lost puppy without you
clingy king
will barely let you go to work/school in the morning and will be on top of you when you get back
secretly loves it when you steal his headphones and listen to his music
he thinks you look adorable bopping your head and dancing around when you think he isn't watching
you're always mad when he forgets to eat and faints bc of it
but you can't stay angry for long bc he's just an overenergetic golden retriever
so you just always make sure to carry protein bars and such with you in case he forgets again
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sebsbarnes · 8 months
phantom pain || pietro maximoff
pietro maximoff x reader
summary: i'm jealous of the rain that falls upon your skin, it's closer than my hands have been
warnings: insecurities, none really?? (i think)
word count: 2.9k+ ; angst, comfort
a/n: this is a rewrite of a bucky fic i wrote 6 years ago but now much longer, better, and for pietro. sorry for grammar/editing mistakes that are prob here but still enjoy
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pietro knew you had been hiding something. he had known you for three years and had been dating you for almost two. over the course of the months and weeks spent with the other he had grown accustomed to your silent cues. the silence that would consume you when tony's party carried on too late and you desperately wished to exit or when you performed poorly during training and steve berated you with tips. but mostly the silence that would linger around you when you were alone. not all the time, no, but there were times when pietro could feel and see the physical shift in your body language.
he never wanted to pry not as a friend or a boyfriend. pietro understood that every avenger has a past life, one that the others are unaware of. though he loved playing back the memories of his childhood and his parents, he too would shift into a silent shell of a person and he would want nothing more than to be left alone and not questioned. pietro loved the abilities he had but some days he wondered whether the extreme heat of his body or the slow-moving world around him actually made him sad. life was no longer normal, his body was no longer normal, nothing was normal.
this is exactly how you felt. the tragedies in your life were sometimes unbearable and if you could disappear you would but you had so much to be thankful for. if it wasn't for the accident you wouldn't be an avenger, you wouldn't have the friends you have, you wouldn't experience even half of what you've had now, and you wouldn't have pietro, the love of your life. at the end of the day you were alive and more than often, incredibly happy.
but there were those times you fell into silence over your newfound life, mainly the consequences of the accident. your memory still struggled, you were weak for a very long time, and when the weather got too cold you could feel the ache in your bones. you weren't like the rest of the avengers who possessed special abilities or were highly skilled in combat. three and a half years ago you were a normal person. you had a normal life, job, family, and friends, up until the accident. and every day the phantom pain reminds you of what was taken.
it was winter when you first met all the avengers. they all lived together and after you recovered from the accident, tony wanted you here, to live here. you protested the idea for a while claiming that tony's generosity was far too much. he had already saved you from the accident and offering a space to live and a job was incredulous, but after much debate you agreed. that first day you silently sat in the corner of the room while all the avengers had a meeting. you swayed back and forth in the rolling chair, taking in the information and occasionally stealing glances at a silver-haired man.
"and this is (y/n)!," tony exclaimed, "our newest friend here so please for the love of god be kind during the acclamation period. i'm already prematurely greying and i don't need anymore."
the meeting was over and one by one the avengers came to greet you, offering their names and welcomes and soon the silver-haired man approached you.
pietro stuck his hand out to shake yours. he found it odd that despite the room being almost swelteringly hot from the heater, you still had your gloves on.
"i'm pietro."
it was about three weeks later you found yourself sitting with pietro, clint, steve, and natasha. everyone was sitting on the couch talking about whatever topic you possibly could conjure up. there was a lull in conversation before clint spoke up.
"hey," he said turning towards you, "why do you have gloves on?"
it was as if clint never spoke and without missing a beat you stood up, looking down at pietro, "wanna help me finish building my desk?"
pietro hesitated a moment, eyes flickering over to clint, "of course."
pietro had come to learn not to question why you covered your hands in those first few months. any mention of you hiding them was never met with an answer. he was protective of you and he felt himself falling for you each day, and you the same. the two of you did a lot together, you cooked, clean, went out, watched movies, almost everything together and you loved it. it felt like home here and pietro felt like home.
it was a big dinner, the night you finally took your gloves off. there was no special reason why, to be frank, you just decided to no longer be embarrassed.
"c'mon kid we all got something weird about us. i play in a suit all day, cap runs around in tights, pietro is faster than the speed of light, and parker shoots webs... from his hands!" tony ranted on.
you sighed, "i know. i just feel weird on top of this because i am still new here."
"we all have been new," tony started, inspecting your hands one final time, "no one will judge you, kid, but take it at your own pace. you don't owe anyone nothing. well, maybe except me," he winked.
only two hours later you were all seated at the big table with everyone to eat. from tony, to pietro, to thor, to natasha, to sam, everyone was here. next to you was tony and rhodey, pietro across from you pulling funny faces while the food was served out. you fidgeted with your fingers in your lap trying to stall picking up the fork and knife. everyone had started eating and chatting amongst the group when you finally lifted your arms to the table and started cutting into the chicken.
pietro watched as you shifted in your seat, your forearms coming to rest on the white cloth and your fingers wrapping around the fork and knife. the first time he has ever seen your hands.
your metal hands.
after that night there were murmurs throughout the crew about the state of your hands. people were confused why someone who led a normal life ended up with metal hands, similar to bucky's arm. the word accident had floated through the air but you never commented on it.
winter had turned into spring that ended all too quickly and now it was the dead of summer. the day was slow and pietro was bored and craving movement. his head was hanging over the arm of the couch, his silver hair hung to the floor.
"want to get ice cream?" he asked.
"it's like you read my mind," you grinned swiping your wallet off the counter.
you and pietro wandered around town aimlessly before stopping at the ice cream shop. he admired the way you threw your head back in laughter and the way you covered your mouth when he said something outlandish. even though pietro's body ran warm he could feel the increasing heat spread throughout his cheeks each time you shot him a smile and his name rolled off your lips.
in an instant, he thought he ruined it all when he reached out and wrapped his fingers in yours. he felt your fingers twitching and the way you misstepped.
"i'm sorry," accent thick as he retracted his hand.
you smiled softly at him before gently grabbing his hand, "don't be."
it was that day over a hot fudge sundae that you told pietro what had happened. it was a horrible car accident early in the winter before you met the avengers. there were several cars and buses involved. not only did you lose your hands that day but your family. tony was also in this accident, his car had actually collided with yours, though his vehicle wasn't the one that caused your injuries. he had rushed to help you and immediately took on a parental role when he observed the condition of everyone else in the car. you were bruised and bloody with several fractured bones, but mainly, every bone in both your hands were shattered beyond repair. tony took you to his doctors where you all came to the difficult decision that your hands had to go, but tony offered you a solution. to replace the once skin and bones with metal.
pietro listened the entire time letting you go on and on to which you apologized for being boring. 'no dragă' he would whisper and you continued on with his thumb running over your knuckles. the gesture comforted you but the voice in the back of your head nagged that it was out of pity.
the months began to fly past faster than you could imagine. you and pietro were inseparable. anytime the members walked past the two of you they'd fake gag or pretend to cry. once wanda had muttered under her breath how she never thought pietro would actually date someone. you would only get shy over it and pietro found it amusing and would pinch at your cheeks. it was only when the two of you officially started dating when pietro would notice the different type of silence you'd fall into.
he would sometimes catch you sitting on the edge of your bed staring at your hands the features on your face contorted with disgust.
"what is the matter?" he questioned.
"oh nothing," you sighed with a fake smile, placing your hands beside you.
or the times pietro noticed the way you hesitated before touching him.
"am i that scary dragă?" pietro joked with a sickly smile.
your features would soften and the lines between your brows disappeared, "the most terrifying," you winked.
or the times pietro saw the way you gazed at other people's hands when they came into contact with pietro.
"doesn't his hair look good like this?" wanda asked you as she finished braiding her brother's hair. the two of them looking at you in the mirror.
you didn't respond right away. you were too distracted watching the way her fingers weaved their way through his silver hair and grazed his scalp while pulling hair into its pattern. with the most pitiful smile, you responded.
pietro knew that eventually, you would confide in him over the way you viewed your hands. he didn't want to overstep, that wasn't the relationship the two of you had. the late nights pietro spent shaking under the blankets from nightmares, you never asked him. you held him close to you and hummed a small tune to calm him down and you did that every night without fail. one day over breakfast he finally confided in you over the terrors that haunted his dreams.
what pietro didn't expect was that today on your second anniversary was the day you would finally scream your frustrations out. the two of you weren't doing anything special and nor did you want to. all the avengers insisted you at least leave home and do something for a little while. that's why you found yourselves lazily walking around a park, hand-in-hand, arms swinging and shoulders bumping. the sound of laughter echoed through the park and you swore the leaves shook. you were happy, beyond happy. pietro and you were madly in love and there wasn't one thing you could wish for, maybe.
suddenly the wind picked up and the dark clouds rolled above and unleashed raindrops that were nearly the size of baseballs.
"oh my god!" you squealed.
"it is so cold!" pietro laughed loudly.
you were squinting through the pouring rain, your hair and clothes plastered to your skin, pietro was dancing around in a circle with his tongue out in hopes of catching the water. pietro grabbed onto your forearms pulling you into him.
"you look so cute right now," he yelled over the thunderous rain.
"don't be silly! i look like a mess!" you giggled slightly swatting at his chest.
pietro leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. his smile growing wider as if his mouth was a plant and the rain was helping it grow. his fingers brushed the hair out of your face and kissed you once more on the forehead.
"there's so many droplets on your lashes!" you exclaimed. pietro watched your lips pull into a smile. the sun wasn't out but he could've been fooled by the way your eyes shined at him. he watched as you lifted your hand to brush the droplets off, and then suddenly, it all changed.
pietro watched as your smile dropped into parted lips of disgust and shame, your eyebrows pulled together in the middle, and rain was no longer the only thing running down your face. you faltered in your step backward and pietro reached out to steady you but you pulled back further. it was like you were a toy and your batteries had just run out you were so still.
"b-baby what is wrong?" the worried etched onto his face was almost painful.
"i'm jealous," you cried, your bottom lip shaking violently.
pietro shook his head, "my love what is going on? you are worrying me."
you lifted your hands in front of your face, your eyes trailed down every finger and across your palm to the back of your hand. the small metal panels almost mocking you as you could see your eyes reflect back at you. at this moment pietro started to piece together all the instances in the past.
"i can't feel you," you wallowed, "i can't feel your skin, pietro. my hands!" he watched as you stretched your arms out to show him your hands as if he'd never seen them before.
"i'm envious of everything that can feel you! the rain, your clothes, everyone else, but not me, i can't! do you know how badly i want to feel the texture of your hair or the tears you cry or-or the skin on your lips and i can't! i crave the feeling of you and i'll never get to know that. i want to feel the plastic of a pen or grass between my fingers or the calluses of training too hard and i'll never get that again. the phantom pain i have will never be as painful as never being able to hold you with my real hands."
as your cries grew louder the storm cleared up to let you have the stage. you stood in front of pietro as the shell of the person he would see those times you were alone silently observing your hands. even though he wasn't the one yelling, he felt as if his own vocal chords were being shredded, he could feel the chambers in his heart slowly start to shut down one by one, and the burn in his eyes was almost blinding.
he slowly stepped towards you cautious not to make you jerk backwards again. the tears in each of your eyes seemed to sync up and roll down together. pietro gently grabbed your hand, grateful that you let him, and held it to his cheek.
"this, my love, this is me. this is the me that only you will know and no one else. it is not the same as everyone else but different much like us," he said gently, his other hand gesturing between your bodies, "if i could do anything in the world, no matter the cost, to help with your hands i would and i am so sorry i cannot," pietro was now holding your face in his hands.
"but i want you to know i love you for everything that you are and i always will. no matter what the future has in store for us, in my heart, you will always be first. and- and i know there are other reasons why you dislike your hands but i never want to be the reason that you dislike something about yourself. maybe i can talk to mr. stark, yeah?" he pondered nodding his head rapidly, "maybe we can figure something out and give your hands an upgrade. maybe he knows someone?"
you sniffled, looking lovingly at pietro who was trying to think of any possibility even though you both had discussed in the past that there was nothing that could be done for your hands. that day tony saved you was the best opportunity you could get to help your hands and nothing in the world could beat it.
"i love you so much pietro, you are everything i could ask for in a boyfriend and more," you spoke, resting your face further into his hands.
pietro ran his hands across your shoulders and down your arms to hold onto your wrists. he brought your hand up to his face and placed a delicate kiss to your fingertips until all ten were loved. pietro pulled you into a hug, one palm resting flat against your spine and the other holding the back of your head. you leaned into his chest and let your ear listen to the thump of his heart. the two of you stood there motionless. minutes passed by and neither of you dared to move. to an unobservant eye, you two could've passed as a statue. two lovers forever memorialized in the dusk of the sky, the rain puddles collecting at your feet, and a love story forever admired over.
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heliads · 2 years
Hii! Can I please request getting into an argument with Pietro Maximoff after fem!reader put herself in danger to protect him?
pietro maximoff the man that you are
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Keeping Pietro Maximoff in check might just be the hardest job there is. You have years of S.H.I.E.L.D. training, not to mention countless dangerous missions under your belt, yet trying to keep him out of trouble is the most difficult task so far. 
It’s like the guy has a death wish. Every time you’re in a situation that goes even remotely south, Pietro is hurling himself at the speed of light towards anything that could possibly cause harm. It’s like he’s a magnet attracted only to getting totally annihilated in a fight. 
The problem is that Pietro does all this and is good enough that he still wins, so he never learns his lesson. No matter how many times you chew him out for neglecting to take proper stock of a situation before running headlong into danger, he’s able to grin at you and say that seeing as he completed the objective of the mission, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. 
Now, what you see wrong with it could fill several books, but apparently you’re the only one who realizes that. Every time you bring up the fact that Pietro is going to get himself killed, the speedster just laughs it off. He’ll say something about how he’s so touched that you care, but never actually change. 
It’s infuriating. Being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you’ve heard a thousand and one lectures on the importance of sticking by the books and doing things right. Why Pietro seems to think otherwise, you’ll never understand. The problem is that he’s your mission partner, so his recklessness is your issue. If Pietro were by himself, he could chase death as many times as he wants, but he’s on your clock, and that means you need to get him under control.
You’ve tried every trick to get him to focus and follow the rules of S.H.I.E.L.D.-ordained combat, but nothing works. You train with him for hours in the Avengers facility; he gets better at martial arts, sure, but then he just knows more tricks for disarming enemy agents as he charges them. You present lecture after lecture on proper battle strategy; he ignores them all.
At one point, you got so annoyed that you requested to get another partner. Most Avengers have a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that they work with in teams of two on missions. It’s rare that all of the Avengers called out together, after all. Most of the time, one or two of the heroes is all that’s needed. As a bit of an insurance policy, Fury decided that the Avengers would each work with a specific agent. That way, the agent could plan out countermoves and make sure the plan works before they rush in and save the day.
Before you were landed with Pietro as your assignment, you were used to working alone. All agents are, it’s what you’re taught to do from your first days in S.H.I.E.L.D. academy. Sure, you can work with a team if need be, but you can also complete a mission meant for ten all by yourself. You’re damn good at it, too; that’s why Fury chose you for this whole partners idea with the Avengers. He knew you could handle yourself and someone else. You could watch a thousand backs if need be, but right now, the only people in this world you have to protect are yourself and your partner.
It would be wonderful if you could have been placed with a reasonable Avenger, though. You were really angling for Natasha Romanoff as the two of you were already friends, but some rules were bent and now Nat and Clint Barton are partners. You’re not about to argue with that, though. Fury knows no one gets stuff done like them.
There were many other options, though. You could have been placed with Steve Rogers, now that’s someone who always has a plan. Even Tony Stark is capable of critical thought. But no, Fury thought you’d work best with Pietro Maximoff. You’d never accuse the director of lapses in judgment, certainly not to his face, but maybe in private you’d whisper it in the recesses of your own head. Fury makes no mistakes, but this isn’t working in the slightest.
You may not be able to do anything about it, but you can certainly complain to Natasha whenever you please, and so you do. The two of you are fixing up your weapons now in preparation for upcoming missions on the other sides of the world. Your hands stay busy with bullets and barrels, but your tongues aren’t exactly idle either. You and Nat are some of the best agents in the game, and that means you’ve got vaults of gossip that could ruin half the agency.
Pietro is always your favorite topic of conversation, though, and today is no exception. You and Pietro will be heading out on a mission early tomorrow. Although you made sure your briefing presentation was as easy to understand as possible, you’re certain that he’ll still find a way to blow it all off when the time comes.
You grimace as you fiddle with the trigger of your second favorite pistol. “I just don’t get it, Nat. Pietro knows the stakes of this mission. He knows the stakes of every mission we’ve gone on. So why is it that he completely disregards everything we’ve agreed upon to hurl himself into trouble the second things start getting dicey?”
Natasha chuckles. “Maybe he does it to get a rise out of you. You know Pietro, the guy can’t take anything seriously.”
“I’m well aware of that,” you groan, “and it’s working, to be sure, but come on. The missions are intense, even for me. I can’t be trying to complete the objective and drag his ass out of danger every five seconds.”
Natasha taps her fingers against an empty cartridge as she thinks. “I know you love to complain about him, but in all honesty, the two of you do work really well as partners.”
She holds up a hand when you shoot her an incredulous glance. “Yeah, yeah, he’s a pain to work with, but it’s true. I mean, have the two of you ever failed a mission? Neither of you have ever been injured more than a sprained ankle or paper cut. For the level of danger that you’re encountering, that’s really impressive. You’re human, Y/N. The fact that you have yet to get seriously hurt on any of these ventures is crazy.”
You lean back against the wall as you think about what she said. “That’s mainly because Pietro draws all the enemy fire by doing his usual shenanigans. While the enemy agents are distracted by him, I take them out. It works, yeah, but–”
Nat cuts you off. “But it works. You’re an agent, Y/N, you know things can’t always go according to your plan. If it’s good, then it’s good.”
You make a face. “I hate it when you make sense. What if I just want to complain about him and his stupid troublemaking attitude?”
Natasha cracks a grin. “That’s something entirely different. That’s completely fine.”
You laugh at that, but even after the conversation switches topics, you’re left wondering about what Natasha said. She’s not wrong, is she? Pietro does get the job done, even if he does it in the most baffling way known to man.
Still, you would appreciate it if he could give even a little bit of a heads up when he feels like doing something strange. When the next morning comes around and it’s time for the mission to begin, you find yourself wondering what on earth he’ll get up to this time.
Pietro greets you outside your assigned Quinjet with his usual grin. “Wonderful to see you, L/N.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “You’re just as charming as ever, Maximoff. Ready to go?”
“Always,” he assures you, and offers you his hand to help you inside with all the mock solemnity of a proper gentleman.
You don’t have much time to get irritated by Pietro’s antics, however. All of your missions have been dangerous, but this one is going to be even more of a challenge. You’re going to be infiltrating a HYDRA complex in the hopes of breaking out an important prisoner. HYDRA is expecting you to come, so this isn’t going to be easy in the slightest. The enemy base is going to be a stronghold, and every guard there is just waiting for someone to try making their way inside.
That’s why you and Pietro are going to have to stick strictly to the plan, as you make sure to remind him. He nods solemnly, the picture of perfect attention, but you have no doubt that he’s already forming his own plot for when the time is right.
Regardless of what Pietro decides to do, the strike has to begin. The Quinjet lands in the woods a short distance from the HYDRA facility, leaving you and Pietro to sneak through the surrounding brush and enter unnoticed by the guards.
This, of course, is easier said than done. You and Pietro have to take out a fair number of HYDRA soldiers before you can even reach the door. After that, you have to present modified ID badges and enter passcodes before you can enter. The HYDRA guards on the inside are surprised to see unfamiliar faces walking through the door, but you and Pietro take them down without too much trouble.
The real issues start happening as the two of you approach the detention block. Although you hid the bodies of the guards to the best of your ability, it was only going to be a matter of time before they were found. You’re about two halls away from the cells when alarms start blocking. You and Pietro lock eyes before you start to sprint for the detention area.
Guards are already converging on your location, but you shoot them as they come. S.H.I.E.L.D. has a spy on the inside that was able to get the two of you functional key cards, and you’re able to swipe your way into the cell block as quickly as you can. 
Pietro stands by the door. “Get our guy, I’ll keep the guards from swarming.”
You nod once and rush towards the rows of cells. So far, all is proceeding to plan, even if the guards have been alerted to your presence earlier than you’d like. Your eyes scan the names next to the cells, and you sweep from one door to the next in search of your hostage.
At last, you find her. She’s a key scientist that Fury has been wanting to recruit for forever, and he has a feeling that getting kidnapped by HYDRA will be the last straw she needs to defect to your side. You swipe your key card and let the scientist out. The two of you start to run past Pietro, and that’s when you see it.
He’s getting himself into trouble again. No surprises there, but man, you really wish he would just follow directions. Pietro was supposed to only shoot at guards from the door and wait for you to arrive before attempting to take out anyone else. Instead, he’s left his station and is currently charging down the hall towards a big pack of soldiers. It’s a stupid move, especially because Pietro has his back turned to the other end of the corridor where another group of HYDRA agents is running towards him.
You swear under your breath, then shove an extra pistol in the hands of the scientist. “Shoot at anyone that shoots at you,” you hiss, “I need to go save my partner.”
She starts to open her mouth in surprise, but you’re already sprinting down the cell block. You leap through the door and hurl yourself towards the squad of guards that Pietro doesn’t see. You fire round after round, taking out as many agents as you can, but obviously this isn’t going to end well. There are far many more of them than there are of you, and you left your six undefended in your rush to make sure Pietro made it out alive.
You’d like to say that your little diversion allowed both of you to escape unharmed, but unfortunately that isn’t the case. Pietro is fine, as he’s able to take out the guards on his side of the hallway without any injury, but you’re not so lucky. You manage to get to the corridor just in time to see one of the HYDRA agents approaching Pietro’s back fire off a shot. You shoot at the other guards and see them all fall, but when it comes to the bullet spiraling towards Pietro, the bullet he doesn’t see, there’s only one thing you can do.
You’ve been shot before. Every agent can claim some bullet wound to the legs, stomach, arms. At S.H.I.E.L.D., people like to claim that it’s a rite of passage. You’re not a true agent unless you’ve gotten hit. You passed that particular ritual a long time ago, but you forgot how much it hurts to get shot.
The bullet hits you in the side. You manage not to cry out, but you still make a sort of gasping sound. It was quiet, barely there at all, yet somehow Pietro hears you anyway. He turns around in surprise, and you have the perfect view of how his face contorts in horror as he realizes that you’re hurt.
He’s at your side in an instant, one hand reaching towards you to stop the bleeding. “You were supposed to stay at the door until I reached you,” he whispers.
You arch a brow. “Surely you’re not telling me to stick by the plan.”
You were joking, but Pietro flinches like you’ve slapped him. “I’m getting you out of here. Now.”
He moves to pick you up, but you shake your head. “Get the scientist. I can walk.”
Pietro looks like he wants to argue, but the severity of your glare is enough to convince him otherwise, even if he doesn’t like it. Through some minor miracle, the three of you are able to make it back out of the base and towards the Quinjet. You leave a trail of bodies in your wake as you fight through squad after squad of HYDRA agents, but it’s done, and that is what matters most.
The scientist is shown to a room in the Quinjet, and you make your way to the medical station as the aircraft takes off. You’ll check into the med wing at headquarters once you touch down again, but you can at least assess the damage to your side now.
You’ve cleaned the wound and are in the process of bandaging it up when Pietro shows up. Usually, he walks around every room like he owns it, but this time he hangs in the doorway as if unsure of what he’s allowed to do.
You jerk your head towards him. “You can come inside, you know.”
He walks quietly inside. “Is it bad?”
You glance towards your side as if unaware of it. “The bullet wound? It was just a graze, no worries. I’ll be fine.”
Pietro clenches his jaw, then forces himself to relax before speaking again. “Yeah, but what if you hadn’t been fine? If you had just waited for me to come back, this wouldn’t have happened.”
You laugh bitterly. “If I had waited there and done nothing, you would have gotten shot. You didn’t know those agents were behind you, so I took them out. End of story.”
Pietro shakes his head. “No, you risked yourself unnecessarily. I had it under control.”
Your brow furrows. “I’m sorry, are you trying to argue that I was wrong to try and protect you? In case you forgot, that’s my job.”
“No,” Pietro asserts, “that’s my job. I keep you safe and you complete the mission. That’s the way it’s always been.”
You can’t believe him. “I think you mean that you do your best to seek out as much danger as possible and I complete the mission in spite of it. That’s the way it’s always been.”
“You don’t understand,” Pietro begins.
You scoff. “I certainly don’t. Why are you so upset about this? I did what was necessary to keep you safe. That’s not something you get to be mad about.”
His eyes flash. “It is when you get hurt. Do you know why I do what I do, Y/N? Why I seek out as much danger as possible, as you put it? I do it because when they’re firing at me, they’re not firing at you. You’re the one who needs to stay safe. You’re the one who’s most important.”
“Why would that be?” You ask confusedly.
Pietro spreads his hands simply. “I need you to be alive. You may not realize it, but you’ve got more worth than just a weapon. I want you to be safe.”
You shake your head slowly. “That makes no sense.”
The corner of Pietro’s lips quirks up, making his smile lopsided. “Doesn’t it? Does it really come as such a surprise that someone here might care about you?”
“Only that it would be you,” you breathe.
He leans forward to blot away a smear of blood on your hand. “If you think about it more, it might not surprise you anymore.”
You feel frozen in place, unable to do anything except stand there and stare at him. 
Pietro grins, clearly enjoying the wave of emotions currently storming through your mind, then leans forward and presses a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll see you around, L/N.”
He turns around to leave the medical station, and you shout at his retreating back. “You’re incredibly infuriating, you know that?”
You can sense Pietro’s grin even though you’re not facing him. “Love you too!” He calls back. You’re left standing there, grinning to yourself, filled with some emotion you don’t think you could name if you tried. Love you too. Yes, perhaps you do after all.
marvel tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43
1K notes · View notes
fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Pietro: you need a girlfriend. I dare you to kiss the next woman you see
Y/N: (huffs) fine
Wanda walks in…
Pietro: no! Don’t you dare
Y/N: I won’t. Wanda’s not a woman…she’s a goddess.
Wanda smirks and summons Y/N to her instead…
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837 notes · View notes
pietropatrol · 4 months
The Love You Want (Part 1/2)
A/N: Long time no see.
Pietro Maximoff was a great teammate and a great "friends with benefits." That was, until you fell for him but he started to push you away. Now he was just a teammate with benefits. A charity gala put on by Tony causes tension between you and the speedster. Why is he so upset anyway?
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader
Warnings: Smut right out of the gate, sexual content, pining idiots, idiots who won’t communicate their feelings, language, angst, past trauma, jealousy
Words: 5,582
It was hard to not be bewitched by him. His half-lidded were partially obscured by a mess white-blonde hair, and his lips parted as he panted and tried not to fall apart below you.
But maybe it wasn't exactly him? Maybe the power you had to do this to him was bewitching? It was a slightly comforting thought. It put you in control. 
You pushed his hair back, lacing your fingers through and pulling.
Pietro moaned and tightened his grip on your hips making you hum in appreciation. You tugged his head to the side to expose the underside of his sharp jawline.
Your lips latched to the sensitive dip just below his ear and jaw.
A string of curses in his native tongue vibrated in his throat. Something about you and the devil. Your Sokovian was still pretty basic.
Your hips collided at a more frantic pace and you unrelentingly nipped and sucked as you gave a rough tug of his hair for good measure.
 "Fuck." English this time. “Fuck!
His hips stuttered and slowed. You continued to roll your hips, repaying the favor of him teasing out your own orgasm just moments earlier. You relished the way his thumps swirled lazily on your hip bones as he caught his breath.
Against your better judgment, you curled into him, chests rising and falling rapidly into one another.
"We have a brief in an hour." Pietro burst the bubble. He was already detangling himself from you, leaving apprehension in his wake as you kept yourself from locking your limbs around him.
"Yeah, I should probably go Shower." You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and looked down to your knees. It was getting harder to ignore the storm of emotion swirling in your chest.
Post-sex tended to end this way now.  You need to nuzzle into Pietro afterwards was near desperate.
But he didn't like that. It was clingy. At least for your casual arrangement. Friends with benefits. Snuggling beyond the haze of orgasms was over the friend line. This was just a convenience.
Neither of you had to go out and find a stranger when the urges hit. There was no need for the small talk and making sure the one-night stand wasn't a psycho.
Pietro was here and you were just down the hall. You trusted one another and knew each other’s likes and dislikes. And importantly, unbelievably sexually compatible.
…Aside from your need to be held afterwards.
In a quick breeze, your clothes landed in a pile next to you. Pietro had already retreated into the bathroom by the time you looked up.
Getting dressed was you second least favorite part. Half of your hookups occurred post training or missions. Your clothes were either still damp with sweat or dirty, and sometimes both.
With running Shoes in hand, you padded barefoot down the hall to your own suite. But not without escaping the judging eyes of Wanda. She leaned against her doorframe, as if expecting you to walk by.
"A little extra training, Y/N?" Wanda prodded.
Heat rushed to your face. "Just some extra weight training." 
"We were supposed to get showered and get lunch before the brief." Wanda narrowed her eyes at you. "Of which neither you and my brother did.”
“Really needed, uh, a spotter. We lost track of time. But we still had enough time for both."
Wanda rolled her eyes and retreated into her and Vis' room, not wanting to get into an endless argument about Pietro and you again. The last time you had, Wanda ignored you for two weeks. 
In the end, you did not have time for both a shower and eating lunch. You had wasted too much time overthinking and compartmentalizing in the shower.
With your hair still sopping wet and wearing a pair of mismatching socks, you raced to the conference room. 
All eyes went to you. Apparently, you were the last to show and the most unkempt.
"I feel asleep," you said dumbly.
“In the shower?" Tony quirked an eyebrow. 
“So, what if I did?" you snapped, surprising yourself and the team. At least three set of eyebrows had crept into hairlines. "Sorry, just tired is all.”
You avoided Pietro's gaze. It was searing into your chest. You rushed to your seat next to Nat. 
"Are you going to be okay for tonight?" Steve asked, concern creeping into his voice. 
"Tonight?" you echoed, looking to Nat, hoping for some clarity. The look you she gave you was not at all helpful. Her eyes loudly asked why the hell you didn't know.
"The Stark Industry sponsored charity gala with the highlight of all the Avengers showing up. The gala you promised me you'd make it to three months ago." Tony turned to inspect you. 
"I did?" You didn't recall even talking to Tony about it.
Pietro covering a laugh with a cough broke your internal scramble. "Sorry, has to clear my throat.”
 Your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a text from the culprit himself.
PIETRO:  🤖✊✊✊🚪😜😻😜🐈🥵🤫🥵🫢😫🫨
That made sense, it you vaguely remember with that play by play. Tony had come to talk to you about something when Pietro was short circuiting your mental state.
You had been trying to sound normal as Tony spoke with you through the door. But Pietro was unrelenting with his head burrowed between your legs. It was truly a miracle you could even get a coherent word out.
Your memory was rendered useless as you were on the edge of an Earth-shaking climax. Pietro had to throw his hand over your mouth to muffle your cry.
"I did!” You confirmed with a confidence you did not feel. "Sorry, I have a hard time with my memory."
This earned an eye roll from Wanda. To be fair to yourself, your short-term memory was a bit fuzzy. Some things were worse off after your fall from the helicarrier in DC in 2014. Namely memory, at least not strong memories, and anxiety. 
“What are we raising money for again?" Nat interrupted the uncomfortable silence that had crept in when everyone knew enough as to why you memory was not that great. 
"Local shelters,” Tony shrugged. "Pepper would be able to put together a more thorough list if you want?"
"And you want us to what exactly?” Steve said, “Since we are the highlight?"
"Schmooze your ass off. You should be good at that, it's your origin story." Tony grinned. 
Steve shook his head. "It's at least for a good cause." 
"When you say we, does that include Parker? "Bucky asked. 
"My dutiful intern Peter Parker, who is not a part of the Avengers, and a very normal college kid. No." Tony played clueless.
" And spiderman?" Bucky added for clarification.
"Out trapezing his neighborhood, looking to stop crime. I don't know what Spiderman has to do with any of us. Sure, he'll help out occasionally, but he's his own separate entity."
"An ally," you mused.
Tony clapped. " Yes, thank you. Ally. Our ally Spiderman will not be in attendance tonight. But my intern Peter Parker and his friends who have no association with said Spiderman will be.” 
"I can't believe you forgot". Nat rummaged through her closet, trying to find something that would fit you.
"I forget a lot of things these days,” you responded, distracted as you sat on her bed thumbing through a magazine.
"How is that, by the way? You've failed to bring up that it was still a big issue." Nat narrowed her eyes at a cream-colored gown then shook her head. The gown landed on top of a growing mound of rejected dresses.
"How come Clint isn't subjected to this?" You whined, stopping on an absurd article.
"You changed the subject. And Clint has a family and life outside of our shenanigans."
You chewed the inside of your cheek as your eyes involuntarily stung.
"Shit." Nat groaned. "Y/N. I'm so sorry.” 
"No, it's fine, really." You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to shake away the encapsulating grief. "It's been a decade, and you and Clint are my family. And you should be the last person to feel sorry for me." You focused back on the page. Nat had gone through 100 times the hell you had.
Sure, you had lost everything but your own life, barely, that day. But you and your parents had assumed the risk working for S.H.I.E.L.D..
They could have retired early and been professors in their studies. You could have lived nearby working as a nurse at the hospital. Not quiet, but not deadly. Most importantly, they would still be alive. 
"They would be happy you survived and your ability—” Nat’s eyes caught on a shimmery, deep ocean blue, silk number and she grinned. "Perfect."
You hardly looked but agreed. Your eyes returned to being unfocused on the article.
"Y/N, what is so interesting?" Nat look over your shoulder. "Thirteen delightfully devious ways to blow his mind! Pique your interest there?” Nat smirked. The gown now hung from the full-length mirror in the corner of her room. 
"Yeah right," you snorted. It was both a defense and a disguise. "Just keeping up with my peers.”
"I'm pretty sure your peers are not writing these articles. I cannot see anyone nearly in their 30s recommending to glue rhinestones around their pubic hair."
"Fair." You chucked the magazine and sized up the dress. "You know when I signed up to join the Avengers, I didn't see anything about being paraded around for money."
"You didn't sign shit. So now we're at the will and mercy of Stark because he funds our lifestyles. It can be fun. Though, I guess you don't have a date if you didn't know." 
"Why would I need a date? As far as I'm concerned, I'm working." Your brows furrowed as you looked to Nat who was watching you closely.
"To help with conversation.”
"Do you have a date?”
‘No, of course not. Bucky and I are teaming up though. Which I realize may be a mistake now that I remember he is terrible at small talk,” Nat groaned. 
You laughed at this. “So why don’t I go with one of the team?” A small voice inside whispered Pietro’s name. 
"Thor is off planet."
"Lucky bastard."
"Bruce is tasked with trying to secure some data from a bioengineer."
"I can help Br—” 
"No. I don't want you anywhere near Bruce for this. This bioengineer may have ties with Hydra—” 
"Steve's gotta be available?” You quickly put the conversation back on the safer side.
"Steve is hitting up the major politicians and defense contractors with Sam. They are great for their PR. This would make you more visible if you joined." 
You tensed. "That leaves Pietro and Peter. Platonically and professionally, of course.” 
"Parker is not teaming up with any of us. You heard Stark, Parker’s just his intern. We don't want him associated closely to the Avengers,” she reminded you. "Besides, he'll have his girlfriend and friend with him. It'd be weird for you to hang out with college kids you supposedly barely know.” 
“So, Pietro can be my date then.” You tried your best not to sound too pleased. 
"I think he's taking that woman that writes the articles about him in that gossip magazine."
It was a bucket of ice water over your head. "That bitch?! The one who wrote that article about me being the most boring and clumsy Avenger featuring a picture of me spilling ice coffee on myself after a super sweaty, hot yoga class!?” 
"Woah! It was just one article, right?" Nat shook her head, taken aback by your outburst.
"Oh no, far more unflattering pictures and articles. Somehow, it's only me getting the negative press. Why the fuck would he bring her? When he knows—” you cut yourself off to take a calming breath. "It'll be fine. But I swear to god, if a picture of me stuffing my mouth full of shrimp cocktails is featured next week, I will kill him."
"Relax, I don't think they could even get an unflattering photo of you in this if they tried." Nat held out the dress, grinning.
Nat may have been right. If Steve did a double take, in a very well-mannered, gentleman way, this dress was something. 
The silk accentuated your shape and, in a daring first time move, you ignored the discomfort at having your scars exposed. The dress was backless with silk pooling in a “U” just above your ass. The cut outs at the curves of your hips trailed to just tastefully under your breasts. The slit up one leg reached your upper thigh. A small section of burns was visible if you settled your leg just right. 
The large mass of your puckered skin did not see the light of day outside the tower. They were obvious and hard to ignore. The events leading up to the fall, and the fall itself, had imprinted on you in far too many ways.
"You look beautiful," Steve offered.
"Thank you." You graciously accepted for once in your life.
"Handsome as always boys." You included Bucky and Sam in this. Bucky you'd never seen out of sweats and black jeans for years. Him in a suit was quite jarring, in a good way of course.
"This does not look productive,” Tony teased, walking into the group with Pepper and Morgan. “These people aren't going to schmooze themselves."
"If I hear the word Schmooze one more time,” you murmured to Nat.
A low chuckle sounded behind you, and you turned to see the eerily groomed speedster in a tailored suit. The sight made you freeze and thankfully he was as dumbstruck by you. All the heat rose to your cheeks.
"Where's your date?" Pietro cocked his head, biting back a sly grin.
"You're an asshole for many reasons. This being one of them. You very well know—” You hissed, but caught sight of Sierra Lineheart, the damn gossip reporter, heading Pietro's way with two drinks in hand. 
This was your queue to bolt in the opposite direction. If she couldn't see you, she couldn't report on you.
You were relieved to catch sight of 3 familiar college students standing next to a server with a tray of bruschetta. MJ was the first to notice your presence. 
"Oh, hey Y/N. Long time no see."
"Hey, how's college?" You snagged a piece from the tray, wolfing it down in a single bite. God you were hungry. Why were you so hungry? Oh, right, you had let a stupidly sexy man distract you this morning.  
This was all Pietro’s fault, he had made you miss lunch and he had basically made you blindsided by this event so you had no time to eat. 
If Sierra Lineheart weren’t here, you would probably go to each tray and scarf down a few servings. So, your hunger was even more Pietro’s fault. 
"College, you know how it is." Ned shrugged. You actually didn't, but nonetheless. You snuck another piece of bruschetta from the tray. 
"Everything good?" Peter looked around suspiciously.
"Why wouldn’t it be?" You breathed, smoothing your free hand down the front of your dress.
"You seem very jumpy. Are you okay?"
"Do I? Yeah? Crowds. People. You know? Ahh! I, uh, need some fresh air." Your hands flailed as you talked, sending some of the tomatoes tumbling off the crostini. Peter snatched it out of your hand before it could do any damage. "Thanks. See you later."
You made a beeline for the balcony. It was thankfully empty as you gasped for air. Why were you upset suddenly? What was there to be emotional about?
You turned to go back inside but saw Sierra on Pietro's arm, a dazzling smile set naturally on her face as Pietro chatted energetically with the couple in front of them.
His gaze moved over to your direction, sending you diving behind a large potted plant.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice called out and footsteps headed your direction. “Did I just see you tactical roll into a shrub?” 
You thanked the heavens that it was Bucky. He was the least likely person to mention it to anyone else. 
“No,” you groaned from your hiding spot.
“You're avoiding somebody." It wasn't a question. It didn't have to be when you were crouched behind a shrub. 
"Yes," you sighed.
Bucky extended his hand out to you. "You shouldn't hide. Especially in that dress.” 
If it wasn’t Bucky, you'd think it was flirting. He was just a straightforward guy, and you knew him well enough to call him a friend. 
"You're avoiding too." you argued but took his hand. He gently pulled you to your feet and out from behind the shrub.
“Yes, but it's everybody. Not a someone. I’m pretty sure our reasons are quite different." Bucky peered behind you through the glass doors. “Who could be sending our brave YIN into this state?"
"Brave?" you snorted. "Not brave."
Bucky frowned. "I've seen you throw yourself into an active combat zone without a thought, to heal one of us on many occasions.”
"It isn't brave when I know that I'll come out alive 99 percent of the time." 
“It still hurts you and it still leaves scars." Bucky nodded to the small bullet wound just under your left clavicle…one of your many. "And I remember… that day… in DC."
You flinched and wrapped your arms around yourself.
"I saw you try to save your parents from him. I heard him offer to spare you and bring him with you if you let him do his mission. I heard that you loved him, but you still fought him. You took the serum and threw yourself—” 
"Stop! In the end it didn't matter!” The tears were threatening to spill over. “It didn't save them."
"I'm sorry I didn't do anything to help." Bucky’s eyes were soft and full of regret when they shouldn’t have been. 
This caused a hysterical giggle to escape you. "Bucky, that wasn't you. You didn't even remember Steve and he's your best friend. I was a stranger who wasn't on the right side of the mission and actively trying to thwart Hydra. I'm lucky you didn't step in a try to help kill me. I don't accept your apology because you don't owe me one."
"Fair, and I have to accept that," Bucky mused.
"My own personal list." He smiled wryly. 
"Well thanks for thinking of me though. If you were you, you would have helped, and that's what matters." 
"So let me help you now.” Bucky nudged you with his shoulder. “What can I do to make you not hide in a corner, and try and enjoy the night?" 
You looked back into the ballroom. You easily caught the bright white hair in crowd. Pietro was looking bored into the distance as his date talked to some benefactor. "I don't know, just keep me—”
Sierra reached over to sensual run her hand up his bicep and he tensed, his face twisting in a brief sneer of disgust. You paused as the gears started to turn in your brain. Pietro recovered and forced on the fakest smile you had ever seen him give.
"That mother fucker!" You threw your hands in the air. "Oh my god, he's an idiot!"
"I'm sorry, who?" 
"Pietro. He brought that gossip column woman as his date. He's trying to make me jealous." 
"Jealous?" Bucky looked back and forth to the speedster and you, piecing it together. "Are you dating?” 
"Exclusively casual,” you seethed, "for a while. But right now, it appears he’s messing that up by thinking it'd be a good idea to make me jealous. Especially with her. Wanting me to believe he would choose her over me?" 
"That is stupid and highly childish,” Bucky observed.
You scoffed in agreement. 
"Want to return the favor?" He tilted his head in Pietro's direction.
"How so?"
Bucky gave you a mischievous grin. 
 "A taste of his own medicine."
Bucky guided you to the bar, his hand resting on the small of your bare back. Your path happened to be directly in front of Pietro.
It was innocent to Pietro's sight at first. He immediately fixed his gaze on you when you'd come back in. He was drinking you in, while attempting to put in more of an effort not to not look annoyed by his date. 
But then Pietro’s eyes noticed Bucky's hand placement and your proximity, and his lips twisted into a sneer. You gave a relaxed smile and leaned into Bucky's touch. 
"This may be too easy. He's ridiculously possessive,” you murmured. 
"And you’re only being casual, why?"
"It was hard for me to trust men in that sense. Pietro was my friend. I trusted him enough. But not enough to consider a relationship. Pietro also has trust issues. It was a mutual attraction and it just made sense.”
"And now? What's changed?" Bucky helped you into the bar stool, quietly ordering two Manhattans.
"We’ve been in this, whatever this is, for almost two years. One day he just started being distant.  Like I was just a one night stand each time. I don't think I can call us friends anymore. Our interactions are limited to work, antagonizing each other, and sex with no intimacy. I don't even know if there is a point anymore—” You took a deep breath and caught Bucky's frown. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I just vomited all that information on you. I should keep that to my therapist or finally get the courage to talk to Nat about it. You don't want to hear my ridic—” 
"Y/N, " Bucky interrupted, placing your drink in your hand and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He had to pointedly ignore the glare starting to burn holes in his skull. "It is okay. It's definitely my 100-year-old man energy that makes you open up. And I'd like to think we're friends." 
"I think we are."
"So, let me just put something out there, if you'll let me?” Bucky said softly. 
“I'll allow it."
"You love Pietro."
You nearly choked on your drink. "What?" 
"You've been exclusive for so long and even though he's been emotionally distant, you still stayed. If you didn't love him, you'd stop the arrangement because you're fed up."
"I-I, no, I don't think, I'm able to—" you scrambled to try and dissuade him from making any sense of your inner turmoil.
"You're scared, but not for the reasons you think. For once it's not because of your past. It's just normal. You're scared he may not feel the same, and that's okay. But maybe it's time you tell him?” 
You rose an eyebrow at him, preparing to deflect. "You sound like a therapist.”
"You'd rather just his game than? Play jealously chicken until you obliterate your arrangement?" Bucky's tone was a warning.
"Yes,” you sniffed, feigning indifference. 
"Okay." He watched you for a moment before giving you a warm smile. "As long as that's what you want. I won't mind pissing off Speedy."
You turned your body towards him, letting your thigh touch the inside of his. 
"He started it," you breezed. "And with the worst person."
"Just remember that he is also going to be angry with you once this is all over,” Bucky grabbed your hand a placed a kiss on your palm.
"I'm already angry. So good. At least you're in on this. She thinks Pietro likes her. And I'm going to be the victim of the wrath if she finds out he used her for me."
You twirled Bucky's hand in your own, lacing your fingers together on top of the bar.
"He is ready to murder me," Bucky whispered in your ear. It looked pretty damning to anyone watching.
His hand trailed to touch the brush your hair from the back of your neck. One would think it would cause a rush of excitement being touched this way by Bucky. But it was not at all what you wanted. You would have been a puddle if it were Pietro. You leaned into Bucky’s touch to put on a show and looked up at him through your lashes.
“Not surprised, he does not like to share,” you smirked. 
"You're good. But what are the odds he takes a swing at me?" Bucky’s thumb brushed your jawline. 
"If you keep this up, highly likely. Though he has no right. He's made it abundantly clear tonight that it is nothing more than casual."
"What is going on here?" Nat saddled up the pair of you, looking back and forth.
"Act supportive," you said through a smile, placing a hand on Bucky's chest. "I'll explain later."
Shit, Nat was going to be pissed when she knew. But only because you kept it from her for a whole two years. Nat mimicked your bright smile and embraced the pair of you. "Why do I have a feeling I am going to want to kick your ass, Y/N?" she hissed.
"It'll be a funny story, so long as nobody else gets their asses kicked tonight."
"I make no promises. If he swings, I am going to swing back. I'm not going to let him get a hit in. He’ll become even more cocky,” Bucky said into your hair.
"I know, I wouldn't expect anything else of you Bucky. It'll be his fault. He brought her.”
Nat leaned casually against the bar, trying to glean something to clue her in to the conversation. She clocked the glare of a speedster with the conniving, piss poor example of a journalist in his company. Sierra was currently oblivious to Pietro's fixation.
"Y/N," Nat said through gritted teeth, "please, for the love of god, do not tell me you trying to make Pietro Maximoff jealous. Of all the people."
"I don't have to tell you. You just said it,” you mumbled into your drink. 
"It's definitely working, he is eyeing me up." Bucky's hand went down to rest on your bare skin above your hip. 
"He’s probably trying to remember which of your arms detaches.”
Bucky put on a good show of a real laugh, but it cut off abruptly. "If he tries that, Y/N, I will beat the shit out of him.” 
You grimaced, maybe employing Bucky as your fake date was not a great idea. Pietro while improving, was still impulsive. 
And he had been adamant that he didn't share…
Inserting Bucky may have been an explosive detonating in your face.
"Why would he even be jealous? It's not like you two—wait, are you two dating?" Nat glared at you.
"Exclusively casual is how she explained to me,” Bucky offered.
"That's honestly worse. You're fuck buddies? Since when?"
You tensed under your friend’s judgment.  “Awhile."
"2 years,” Bucky added.
"I told you that in confidence!" You gaped at him.
"2 years?" Nat's voice rose. "All this time I've been trying to get you to hook up with anyone. But you've been with him, without any of us knowing?"
"Wanda does,” you grumbled.
"So, she's so cold with you because of this? You used to be friends, then you weren't?"
“She hasn't been too keen on the arrangement, no. Not sure—”
"Speedy is on the move," Bucky warned.
Pietro was nearly vibrating with rage as he approached. Sierra had to power walk to keep up with him. His eyes slid over Nat, to Bucky, and landed on you. His jaw clenched when he noted Bucky's hand still on your bare skin.
"Y/N, I'm sure you remember Sierra Lineheart. She does the Avengers articles. Sierra you know the team." Pietro never took his eyes off you.
"I'm very familiar. Good to see you all. Don’t worry, everything is off the record I am not here as press today." Sierra gave a giggle, leaning heavily into Pietro's side. He tensed and a wave of satisfaction crashed through you. That idiot. 
He really was trying to make you jealous. But he was not comfortable with her. She wasn't a good option because she wasn't in on it. And he didn't trust her. He'd made the wrong move.
"You two look like absolute lovebirds. A romance in the team?" Sierra was far too jovial. 
"How did this happen?" Pietro turned his icy glare on Bucky who gave a lazy smile in return.
"Yeah, you and Y/N? How could that happen?” It should have been an innocent question, but it felt like there was malicious intent behind it. Sierra had it out for you for one reason or another. 
"Y/N is beautiful, smart, and she really cares about people. What is there to happen?" Bucky twirled a lock of your hair absentmindedly and gave a pointed look at Pietro. "Remember that time she healed you in the—” 
Pietro paled a little as you felt the air rush out of your lungs at the mention of Pietro’s brush with death. Nat gripped your elbow, steadying the sway of your body. Bucky noticed and adjusted his hand further down your hip, squeezing to hold you in place.
A low growl rumbled in Pietro's chest; his trauma momentarily forgotten. That was his spot. 
Had he not just been holding you there 8 hours ago? He would bet a month’s salary that small bruises had started to form. You loved that.
“So, Y/N, what battle are those scars from? From what I 've heard, you're more of a medic. Like the team nurse?" Sierra nodded to the prominent scarring just above Bucky's grip.
Pietro whipped his head to Sierra, incredulous.
"What? She put them on display. She wants people to ask." Sierra rolled her eyes. 
Your jaw clicked. “Care to—” 
“Yeah, we're going to go.” Bucky tried to steer you away from Pietro and Sierra, but Pietro‘s hand was around your wrist in a blink. Bucky was now two feet back from you.
"Can I speak to you?" Pietro growled and cast a glance at Nat and Bucky standing offensively. "Privately.” 
You pulled your hand from his grasp and looked over his shoulder. Bucky made a hand gesture you interpreted as "go." 
"Sure,” you acquiesced, letting Pietro lead the way.
His private place was an empty coat check. A sign on the counter stated they would be back in ten minutes. Pietro closed the shutters and whirled on you.
"What was that?" His nostrils flared. "You can't seriously be here with Bucky?"
"And why not? He's a perfectly respectable man," you defended your fake relationship. You weren't going to be the first to fess up.
"He's old enough to be your great-grandpa!"
You rose an eyebrow. “On paper? Sure. Physically? No. Is that your only concern? If so—” You made to move for the door.
Pietro appeared in front of you, pinning you to door. 
You sighed and let your head fall back against the door. "I'm tired, Pietro. I'm tired of feeling like I’m just a warm body for you. I can't even call you a friend with benefits because we haven't been friends for a year."
Pietro looked at you sharply and opened his mouth to protest.
"When was the last we hung out outside of work or sex?” you interrupted. His answer was silence. “The day after you—” your voice got stuck in your throat. You cleared it and started over. 
“The day after you almost died and I saved you, we were so close. Then the following morning—” An exasperated laugh came out of you as you shook your head. “it—it was like I was nothing to you. Like I was a stranger after a one-night stand."
The tears began to prick the corner of your eyes. "And then you kept pushing me away. Then you’d pull me right back to get off. Then poof, get out. I'm an idiot for letting you. But I was fucking desperate for any piece of you, so I always did. And every time I convinced myself that you won’t just toss me aside like the last time."
The tears were spilling over now. "Then you brought HER here! When you very well know she has some weird vendetta against me." 
Pietro’s eyes were wide, but he still did not speak. 
"Why?" You croaked. "Isn't what you're doing already enough? What do you think you have to do to me?" You wrapped your arms around yourself. “I told you I loved you that night. Which is a bit unfair because I said it while you were sleeping. But I said it out loud. Which was a big step for me.” 
“Draga,” his said, his voice cracking. “I didn’t—” 
The door to the coat room shoved open behind you and Nat’s head peaked in. 
“Y/N? Tony’s looking for you. Something about some fancy doctor’s needing to be schmoozed with your medical knowledge.”
“Great.” You looked up at the ceiling, willing the waterworks to stop. “Thanks Nat.” You quickly made your escape. The room had started to feel like it was closing in around you. 
“Y/N,” Pietro whispered. “I—” 
“Don’t worry about it, Pietro. I understand okay. Best we just stop, right?”
You let go and walked away to do some goddamn schmoozing. 
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padsmoony04 · 11 months
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dinogoofymutated · 4 months
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Kissin and shit - Morph, Colossus, Gambit, Quicksilver. Heehee. here they be! I might or might not do more. It really depends bc I'm doing these as a writing exercise more than anything lol. TWS: Alcohol consumption mentioned, lots of overly enthusiastic smooching. Sexual references but no smut.
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    “I love you- I love you so, so much” Morph doesn't have a minute to reply to you as you kiss them senselessly. Every once in a while when you separate to breathe, they try to speak, only for you to interrupt them with more kisses each time. Morph hums in a confused but happy sort of way. You’ve basically thrown yourself onto them, kissing them again and again until they loose their balance and the two of you topple backwards. The moment you realise you’re falling your hands slide behind their head to cushion the fall, and after a wide-eyed moment of shock both of you are laughing.
    You kiss all over their face, eyelids, cheeks, that little bump where their nose would be- and you don’t stop even as they start to fully fall victim to their laughter. God- did you love that sound! You catch their lips in a kiss again, and they hum in appreciation, panting when you finally pull away with a genuine smile on their face.
    “Not sure what I did to deserve that, but can you tell me so I can do it again?”
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    Piotr is struggling to keep up with your fiery, passionate kisses. He’s just a quiet as he always is, but you can feel his chest heaving against your own. His breath hitches as you drag your teeth across his bottom lip, before moving your kisses down his neck. You’re gentle with your kisses and nips- lavishing him with all of your love. He’s still silent, not a sound leaving his mouth, but you can feel his large hands squeeze around you just slightly. 
    “Piotr? Are you okay?” You ask when you finally pull away. He’s more red than you’ve ever seen him before, flushed from his ears and all the way down his neck. He doesn’t respond to you at first, his blown pupils looking back and fourth from your lips to your eyes a he fights the urge to pull you closer and kiss you until the next morning. 
    “Yes… Yes. More than okay.”
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    “You’re so drunk.” You giggle, hands buried in Remy’s hair before he pulls you into another drunken kiss. They’re wet, messy, and sloppy kisses, but you can’t seem to get enough of them. You can taste the alcohol on his toungue as it slides against your own, feeling the slight sting of the taste.
    “Pot callin’ the kettle black, Cher. You’re just as drunk as I am.” Remy chuckles, having pulled away for just a split second before you reel him back in again, your skin buzzing with delight from the feeling of his body against yours. His hands drift down to your thighs before he’s hiking one up against his hip.
    So what if you were both a little drunk? To be honest, even if you were sober, you knew that the two of you would still have ended up in the same place you are now- smoochin.
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    “We really need to get going.” You say, and yet you’re still kissing Pietro, holding onto his tie that he hadn’t even been able to put on before the two of you had gotten carried away. He snorts a laugh against your lips, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist in a split second, his lips hardly leaving yours the entire time.
    “To what? Father’s stupid gala? We have plenty of time.” Pietro sighs, pressing his forehead against your own, pretty, white lashes resting against his cheekbones with his eyes still closed. “I’ll just zip us over when we’re done.” He says, walking you over to your desk where he sets you down- french kissing you the entire way there. You hardly have time to pull away and breathe to respond to him.
     “Believe me, Speedy, if we don’t get going, we’re going to be here all night.”
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