#Pfizer Pediatrics
darkmaga-retard · 29 days
A bombshell German peer-reviewed study has revealed that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause the immune systems of children to be literally “eaten away” by the antibody’s contained in the experimental shots.
The team of researchers, led by Dr. Robin Kobbe with the Institute for Infection Research and Vaccine Development at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany, looked at blood samples of 14 healthy children the day the children received dose one of Pfizer’s mRNA shot, one month afterward and one year after the children received dose two.
The Defender reports: A year after the second dose, they found increased levels of IgG4 antibodies in the children’s blood, suggesting that their immune system switched its type of immune system response.
IgG4 is one of the four subclasses of immunoglobin, or antibodies, produced by plasma cells in the blood.
While prior studies have found elevated levels of IgG4 in adults after repeated mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, Kobbe and his co-authors said their investigation is the first showing it happens in children, too.
The researchers wrote in their report published July 30 in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, “IgG4 responses should gain more attention in health and disease, especially in the context of mRNA vaccination.”
“Understanding the unusual mechanism triggering IgG4 production is crucial,” they added, “as more mRNA vaccines are currently under development and could hit the global market soon.”
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covid-safer-hotties · 10 days
Pediatricians scale back on COVID shots amid declining interest from families - Published Sept 7, 2024
By: Jackie Fortiér
Unlike other vaccinations, COVID shots aren’t required for kids to attend school.
When pediatrician Eric Ball opened a refrigerator full of childhood vaccines, all the expected shots were there — DTaP, polio, pneumococcal vaccine — except one.
“This is where we usually store our COVID vaccines, but we don’t have any right now because they all expired at the end of last year and we had to dispose of them,” said Ball, who is part of a pediatric practice in Orange County, California.
“We thought demand would be way higher than it was.”
Pediatricians across the country are pre-ordering the updated and reformulated COVID-19 vaccine for the fall and winter respiratory virus season, but some doctors said they’re struggling to predict whether parents will be interested. Providers like Ball don’t want to waste money ordering doses that won’t be used, but they need enough on hand to vaccinate vulnerable children.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that anyone 6 months or older get the updated COVID vaccination, but in the 2023-24 vaccination season, only about 15% of eligible children in the U.S. got a shot.
Ball said it was difficult to let vaccines go to waste last year. It was the first time the federal government was no longer picking up the tab for the shots, and providers had to pay upfront for the vaccines. Parents would often skip the COVID shot, which can have a short shelf life compared with other vaccines.
“Watching it sitting on our shelves expiring every 30 days, that’s like throwing away $150 repeatedly every day, multiple times a month,” Ball said.
This year, Ball slashed his fall vaccine order to the bare minimum to avoid another costly mistake.
“We took the number of flu vaccines that we order, and then we ordered 5% of that in COVID vaccines,” Ball said. “It’s a guess.”
That small vaccine order cost more than $63,000, he said.
Pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and techs are allowed to give COVID vaccines only to children age 3 and up, meaning babies and toddlers would need to visit a doctor’s office for inoculation.
It’s difficult to predict how parents will feel about the shots this fall, said Chicago pediatrician Scott Goldstein. Unlike other vaccinations, COVID shots aren’t required for kids to attend school, and parental interest seems to wane with each new formulation, he said. For a physician-owned practice such as Goldstein’s, the upfront cost of the vaccine can be a gamble.
“The cost of vaccines, that’s far and away our biggest expense. But it’s also the most important thing we do, you could argue, is vaccinating kids,” Goldstein said.
Insurance doesn’t necessarily cover vaccine storage accidents, which can put the practice at risk of financial ruin.
“We’ve had things happen like a refrigerator gets unplugged. And then we’re all of a sudden out $80,000 overnight,” Goldstein said.
South Carolina pediatrician Deborah Greenhouse said she would order more COVID vaccines for older children if the pharmaceutical companies she buys from had a more forgiving return policy.
“Pfizer is creating that situation. If you’re only going to let us return 30%, we’re not going to buy much,” she said. “We can’t.”
Greenhouse owns her practice, so the remaining 70% of leftover shots would come out of her pocket.
Vaccine maker Pfizer will take back all unused COVID shots for young children, but only 30% of doses for people 12 and older.
Pfizer said in an Aug. 20 emailed statement, “The return policy was instituted as we recognize both the importance and the complexity of pediatric vaccination and wanted to ensure that pediatric offices did not have hurdles to providing vaccine to their young patients.”
Pfizer’s return policy is similar to policies from other drugmakers for pediatric flu vaccines, also recommended during the fall season. Physicians who are worried about unwanted COVID vaccines expiring on the shelves said flu shots cost them about $20 per dose, while COVID shots cost around $150 per dose.
“We run on a very thin margin. If we get stuck holding a ton of vaccine that we cannot return, we can’t absorb that kind of cost,” Greenhouse said.
Vaccine maker Moderna will accept COVID vaccine returns, but the amount depends on the individual contract with a provider. Novavax will accept the return of only unopened vaccines and doesn’t specify the amount they’ll accept.
Greenhouse wants to vaccinate as many children as possible but said she can’t afford to stock shots with a short shelf life. Once she runs out of the doses she’s ordered, Greenhouse said, she plans to tell families to go to a pharmacy to get older children vaccinated. If pediatricians around the country are making the same calculations, doses for small children could be harder to find at doctors’ offices.
“Frankly, it’s not an ideal situation, but it’s what we have to do to stay in business,” she said.
Ball, the California pediatrician, worries that parents’ limited interest has caused pediatricians to minimize their vaccine orders, in turn making the newest COVID shots difficult to find once they become available.
“I think there’s just a misperception that it’s less of a big deal to get COVID, but I’m still sending babies to the hospital with COVID,” Ball said. “We’re still seeing kids with long COVID. This is with us forever.”
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transmutationisms · 1 year
DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa0804633 oft-cited 2008 study where sertraline + CBT works better than placebo + CBT for anxiety. Anecdotally, I'm anxious but not depressed, and it worked well for me - distress felt less immediate and I could think it through. I stopped because I didn't like my dreams, and if I forgot or lost access to the pills I'd get anxious AND depressed from withdrawal. Still, "better than placebo" doesn't equate to "proves chem imbalance".
i'd be very cautious about relying on any single study to make any scientific judgment; i'm especially wary about this in regards to psychiatric pharmaceuticals because so many of these turn out to be non-replicable. there are plenty of one-off SSRI studies for depression that show great results and then when you look at the balance of evidence and take into account methodological flaws and author conflicts of interest and p-hacking and misleading presentations of the data, the picture looks very different to what those single studies suggested. this study is also specifically on children, so make of that what you will. also this is the authors' conflict of interest disclosure paragraph:
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Dr. Walkup reports receiving consulting fees from Eli Lilly and Jazz Pharmaceuticals and fees for legal consultation to defense counsel and submission of written reports in litigation involving GlaxoSmithKline, receiving lecture fees from CMP Media, Medical Education Reviews, McMahon Group, and DiMedix, and receiving support in the form of free medication and matching placebo from Eli Lilly and free medication from Abbott for clinical trials funded by the NIMH; Dr. Albano, receiving royalties from Oxford University Press for the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV, Child and Parent Versions, but not for interviews used in this study, and royalties from the Guilford Press; Dr. Piacentini, receiving royalties from Oxford University Press for treatment manuals on childhood obsessive–compulsive disorder and tic disorders and from the Guilford Press and APA Books for other books on child mental health and receiving lecture fees from Janssen-Cilag; Dr. Birmaher, receiving consulting fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, and Abcomm, lecture fees from Solvay, and royalties from Random House for a book on children with bipolar disorder; Dr. Rynn, receiving grant support from Neuropharm, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, consulting fees from Wyeth, and royalties from APPI for a book chapter on pediatric anxiety disorders; Dr. McCracken, receiving consulting fees from Sanofi-Aventis and Wyeth, lecture fees from Shire and UCB, and grant support from Aspect, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Eli Lilly; Dr. Waslick, receiving grant support from Baystate Health, Somerset Pharmaceuticals, and GlaxoSmithKline; Dr. Iyengar, receiving consulting fees from Westinghouse for statistical consultation; Dr. March, receiving study medications from Eli Lilly for an NIMH-funded clinical trial and receiving royalties from Pearson for being the author of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, receiving consulting fees from Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Wyeth, and GlaxoSmithKline, having an equity interest in MedAvante, and serving on an advisory board for AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson; and Dr. Kendall, receiving royalties from Workbook Publishing for anxiety-treatment materials.
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 days
Inspections can sometimes unearth serious flaws in a trial. For instance, in a 2005–2009 BIMO investigation of an IND application from Pfizer, Inc., Pfizer was cited for failing “to ensure proper monitoring of the investigation,” and, “as a result of inadequate monitoring, widespread overdosing of study subjects at multiple study sites was neither detected nor corrected in a timely manner.” The FDA noted that one of the pediatric subjects “experienced 12 days of overdosing with moderate akathisia and severe tremor.” The FDA also cited Pfizer for failing to guarantee that the study was conducted in line with the IND application's protocols. Pfizer's noncompliance with FDA regulations regarding pediatric trials is notable given the infamous case of its pediatric testing of Trovan in Nigeria.
In 1996, Pfizer tested trovafloxacin (i.e., Trovan) on 100 Nigerian children suffering from meningitis during an emergency outbreak. Eleven children died and others were left severely disabled. In subsequent lawsuits, the families claimed that Pfizer did not disclose that Trovan was an experimental drug and that their children could have received the established treatment for free from Médecins Sans Frontières (i.e., Doctors Without Borders), which was operating in the same hospital as Pfizer. The case is also notable for the jurisdiction questions it created; in June 2010, the Supreme Court denied Pfizer's petition for a writ of certiorari, allowing the Nigerian's claims to proceed to trial.
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bighermie · 10 months
Children With Respiratory Illnesses at Pediatric Centers More Likely to Be Hospitalized if Vaccinated: CDC Study
Children With Respiratory Illnesses at Pediatric Centers More Likely to Be Hospitalized if Vaccinated: CDC Study https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/article/children-with-respiratory-illnesses-at-pediatric-centers-more-likely-to-be-vaccinated-cdc-study-5540063?utm_source=andshare
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Brazilian gov't releases pediatric COVID-19 vax
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Brazilian health authorities have released Pfizer's pediatric Covid-19 vaccine to be applied to children aged 6 months or older who have comorbidities, it was announced Thursday.
The Health Ministry has released the application of vaccines to children from 6 months to 4 years old who have comorbidities after the Surveillance Agency Anvisa's clearance last month.
In a note dated Oct. 13, the Health Ministry said it will ask the National Commission for Incorporation of Technology in SUS (Conitec) to evaluate the possible expansion of the use of the pediatric vaccine in this age group. Until it is analyzed by the commission, vaccination will be restricted to patients with comorbidities.
The vaccine for children aged 6 months to 4 years old has a different dosage and composition from those used for the previously approved age groups. The vaccine formulation authorized Thursday is to be administered in three 0.2 ml doses (3 micrograms).
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creativeera · 15 days
The Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Market Is Thriving On Growing Demand
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The iron deficiency anemia treatment market consists of oral iron replacement therapies that are used to treat low iron levels in the blood. Oral iron supplements offer convenience as they can be taken at home and have advantages like lower cost and fewer side effects compared to intravenous infusions. Iron deficiency anemia is a widespread nutritional disorder globally owing to insufficient dietary intake of iron or absorption issues. It can cause fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath if left untreated. Global iron deficiency anemia treatment market is estimated to be valued at US$ 12.1 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 21.6 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.6% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the iron deficiency anemia treatment market are AdvaCare Pharma, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sanofi, Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Wellona Pharma, SiNi Pharma Pvt Ltd, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Zydus Group, Akebia Therapeutics., Rockwell Medical, Inc., AbbVie Inc., Pfizer, Inc., Velnex Medicare, PHAEDRUS LIFE SCIENCE PVT. LTD., Inopha International Co, Limited, PharmaNutra S.p.A., Pharmascience Inc., American Regent, Inc. The growing Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Market Growth for oral iron replacement therapies owing to advantages like convenience of use and less side effects compared to intravenous infusions is fueling the market growth. Oral iron supplements can easily be taken at home without much supervision. The market is witnessing expansion in developing regions due to rising awareness and healthcare investments. There is a growing focus of market players on these regions through product launches, collaborations and mergers & acquisitions to strengthen their presence. Market Key Trends The market is witnessing high research and development activities by players to come up with innovative oral iron formulations. Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Market Size and Trends includes extended-release formulations with lower dosing frequency and tablets with enhanced biocompatibility for better iron absorption. Development of new pediatric formulations suitable for infants and children is also among the key research areas.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: Low due to high costs involved to established production and distribution networks along with high capital requirements. Also, presence of few large players makes it difficult for new entrants. Bargaining power of buyers: Moderate as large number of generic alternatives available. However, severity and risk associated with condition increases buyer power. Bargaining power of suppliers: Moderate as raw material suppliers have limited control over pricing due to availability of substitutes. Threat of new substitutes: High due to emergence of alternative therapies and newer oral and injectable formulations. Competitive rivalry: Very high due to presence of many global and local players providing different treatment options. Intense competition keeps pricing pressure on existing products. Geographical Regions In terms of value, North America accounts for the largest share of the iron deficiency anemia treatment market due to growing prevalence of the disease and presence of advanced healthcare facilities. The U.S. is the major revenue generator within North America. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region owing to rising geriatric population, increasing awareness regarding anemia, and improving access to healthcare services in emerging countries like India and China. The availability of low-cost generic drugs provides an impetus to market growth in Asia Pacific.
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delveinsight12 · 24 days
Nephroblastoma Market: An Overview of Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Market Trends
Nephroblastoma, also known as Wilms' tumor, is a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children. The nephroblastoma market encompasses diagnostic tools, treatments, and management strategies aimed at addressing this condition.
Nephroblastoma market is a segment of the healthcare industry that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Wilms' tumor. This type of cancer is characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the kidneys and can be life-threatening if not detected and treated early.
The exact causes of nephroblastoma are not fully understood, but risk factors include genetic predispositions, such as WT1 and WT2 gene mutations, and congenital anomalies. Children with certain genetic conditions, like Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, are at a higher risk.
Signs and Symptoms:
Common signs and symptoms of nephroblastoma include:
- A painless, visible lump in the abdomen
- Blood in the urine
- Hypertension
- Anemia
- Weight loss or poor weight gain
Diagnosing nephroblastoma typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and various diagnostic tests, such as:
- Ultrasound to visualize the kidneys and detect abnormal masses
- CT scans or MRIs to get detailed images of the tumor and assess its size and location
- Chest X-rays to check for lung metastases
- Biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer cells
Treatment Options:
Treatment for nephroblastoma depends on the stage of the disease, the patient's age, and overall health. Common treatment options include:
- Surgery to remove the tumor and affected kidney
- Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells or prevent them from growing and dividing
- Radiation therapy to target and destroy cancer cells
- Targeted therapy and immunotherapy in some cases
To know more about nephroblastoma, visit: https://www.delveinsight.com/report-store/neuroblastoma-market
The prevalence of nephroblastoma varies by region and is influenced by genetic factors. It is more common in young children, with the peak incidence occurring between 2 and 4 years of age. The overall incidence of Wilms' tumor is relatively low, with about 500 to 600 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States.
Companies Working in the Market:
Several companies are actively involved in the nephroblastoma market, focusing on developing diagnostic tools, treatments, and supportive care products. Some of the key players include:
- Pfizer Inc.: Offers chemotherapy agents used in the treatment of Wilms' tumor.
- Bristol Myers Squibb: Provides immunotherapies and targeted therapies for cancer treatment.
- Merck & Co., Inc.: Develops new treatments for various cancers, including pediatric tumors.
- Roche: Focuses on diagnostic technologies and targeted therapies.
- Amgen: Works on developing new therapies for cancer, including pediatric cancers.
Market Trends:
The nephroblastoma market is experiencing several key trends:
- Increased demand for targeted therapies and immunotherapies.
- Advancements in diagnostic technologies, making it easier to identify Wilms' tumor early.
- Growth in the use of palliative care and supportive therapies to improve quality of life.
- A shift towards personalized medicine, with treatments tailored to individual patient needs.
The nephroblastoma market is a dynamic and growing segment of the healthcare industry, driven by the need for effective treatments for this rare pediatric cancer. As awareness and diagnostic capabilities improve, the market is expected to continue expanding, with new treatments and management strategies emerging to address the diverse needs of patients with nephroblastoma.
Download our report @ https://www.delveinsight.com/report-store/neuroblastoma-market
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healthcarehubhh · 28 days
Antimicrobial Therapeutics Market will grow at highest pace owing to Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
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The global Antimicrobial Therapeutics market offers a wide range of drugs and therapies used for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. Antimicrobial drugs play a vital role in treating life-threatening infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV, and hospital-acquired infections. They are used as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic agents in various therapeutic areas including respiratory infections, hospital-acquired infections, ENT infections and skin infections. Rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases worldwide owing to unhealthy lifestyle practices and lack of sanitation in many developing nations is driving the growth of the antimicrobial therapeutics market.
The Global Antimicrobial Therapeutics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 219.80 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Antimicrobial Therapeutics market are Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Merck & Co., Novartis AG, Roche Holding AG, AstraZeneca plc, Sanofi SA, Bayer AG, Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Eli Lilly and Company, Gilead Sciences, Inc., AbbVie Inc., Allergan plc, Mylan N.V. Major players are focusing on R&D initiatives for development of novel drug formulations with enhanced efficacy against drug-resistant microbial strains. Rising prevalence of chronic medical conditions like diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disorders leading to increased risk of infections is a key factor driving the demand for antimicrobial therapeutics. According to the WHO, chronic diseases accounted for 70% of global deaths in 2020. Advancements in drug delivery technologies are allowing development of effective compounds with less toxicity for treatment of complex and multi-drug resistant infections. This includes development of long-acting parenteral and oral formulations. Market Trends Increasing R&D efforts for development of new antibacterial drugs: Significant drug resistance among bacterial pathogens has heightened the need for novel drugs. This is encouraging large investments in R&D for new classes of antibiotics. Focus on combination therapies: Combining two or more existing antimicrobials is emerging as a promising strategy to fight multidrug resistant pathogens. This minimizes the risk of generating resistance. Rise in M&A and partnership activities: Companies are actively pursuing acquisition and partnership routes to augment their product pipelines and technology platforms in this space. Market Opportunities Untapped emerging markets: Majority of future growth is expected from developing Asian, Latin American and African countries owing to improving access to healthcare and rising healthcare spending in these regions. Pediatric antimicrobials: There is growing demand for pediatric formulations given current drugs are predominantly adult-dosage medications. This presents new product development opportunities. Increasing investments towards antimicrobial stewardship programs: Such programs aimed at optimal use of antibiotics and guiding physicians on resistance issues present new revenue streams for players.
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Vaccine Market To Reach USD 110.54 Billion By 2030
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Vaccine Market Growth & Trends
The global vaccine market size is expected to reach USD 110.54 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.74% from 2024 to 2030. The growth is attributed to the rising immunization programmes, and the development of vaccines for diseases, such as RSV and Chlamydia amongst others. There has been significant progress in improving access to vaccines for diseases of public health concern. Many new vaccines have been developed and distributed globally, resulting in the saving of countless lives and the prevention of various illnesses.
Furthermore, there are several initiatives in the vaccine market aimed at improving access to vaccines, developing new vaccines, and ensuring vaccine safety. These initiatives involve international organizations, governments, private sector entities, and philanthropic organizations. Through collaboration and innovation, these initiatives are helping to address global health challenges and improve public health outcomes. For instance, COVAX is a global initiative aimed at ensuring equitable access to COVID vaccines. The initiative is co-led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
Although there are over 90 vaccine manufacturers supplying vaccines to World Health Organization Member States in 2021, supply remains highly dependent on fewer than 10 manufacturers with diverse deployable technology and global reach. This concentration leads to regional supply insecurity and market health issues, particularly in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions. It is anticipated that the COVID vaccine market could go private in the second half of 2023 in the U.S. This privatization may lead to an increase in prices of COVID vaccines and open up the market for other players as well. For instance, both Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech have announced that the prices of their respective mRNA COVID vaccines could increase to around USD 110 to USD 130 per shot.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/vaccine-market
Vaccine Market Report Highlights
By type, the mRNA segment dominated the vaccine market with a share of 32.32% in 2023. However, the subunit vaccine segment is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period
By route of administration, the parenteral administration is anticipated to capture the majority of the vaccine market share throughout the forecast period. Parenteral administration reduces the risk of contamination compared to other routes of administration thus contributing to the segments’ dominance
By disease indication, the viral diseases segment captured the largest share of the vaccine market in 2023, majorly attributed to the high distribution of COVID-19 vaccines during 2021 and 2022
By age, pediatrics is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period, as many countries have established national immunization programs that require children to receive certain shots as part of routine childhood vaccinations
By distribution channel, pharmacies are anticipated to be the fastest-growing segment. This growth can be attributed to the increased accessibility and convenience for patients, and the potential for increased revenue and profitability for pharmacies
North America region is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. The region is dominated by a few key players, including Pfizer, Moderna, Sanofi Pasteur, and Merck. These companies have a strong presence in the market, with established distribution networks and significant investment in vaccine research and development
Vaccine Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global vaccine market on the basis of type, route of administration, disease indication, age group, distribution channel, and region
Vaccine Type Scope Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Subunit Vaccines
Recombinant vaccines
Conjugate Vaccines
Toxoid vaccines
Live Attenuated
mRNA vaccines
Viral vector vaccines
Vaccine Route Of Administration Scope Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Vaccine Disease Indication Scope Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Viral Diseases
Herpes Zoster
Bacterial Vaccines
Meningococcal Diseases
Pneumococcal diseases
Cancer Vaccines
Allergy Vaccines
Vaccine Age Scope Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Vaccine Distribution Channel Scope Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Hospital & Retail Pharmacies
Government Suppliers
Vaccine Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players in the Vaccine Market
Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd.
GSK Plc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Moderna Inc.
BioNTech SE
Browse Full report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/vaccine-market
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decentralvaccine · 3 months
Study: Covid 19 Vaccines Not Linked To Birth Defects
There is no evidence of major birth defects in babies born to mothers vaccinated against COVID-19 during the first trimester of pregnancy, according to new research published in JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, underscoring the safety of vaccination during pregnancy amid mounting evidence of the severe health risks infections can cause for mothers and babies.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By Frank Bergman August 15, 2024
A team of leading scientific researchers in Germany has just issued a warning to the public after finding direct links between Covid mRNA shots and vital organ damage among children.
Specifically, the researchers found that Pfizer’s mRNA injection is responsible for skyrocketing cases of Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) in children aged 5 to 11 years old.
IgG4-RD is a condition that causes inflammation inside the body and damages internal organs, according to Oxford University.
It can affect many different organs, meaning people can have wide-ranging symptoms.
The pancreas is most commonly affected, followed by the bile ducts in the liver, the salivary glands, and the kidneys.
It is difficult to diagnose as there is no single test so it can often go unrecorded.
Led by physician-investigator Dr. Robin Kobbe of the University Medical Center Hamburg, the study sought to identify the cause of a surge in IgG4-RD in children.
The study, published in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, found that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA shot caused the risk of IgG4-RD to spike one year after the second dose of the injection.
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covid-safer-hotties · 9 hours
Utah could see a winter surge of COVID-19, health officials warn - Published Sept 19, 2024
By Shaylee Navarro
After an “active COVID-19 summer,” health officials in Utah are recommending people renew their booster vaccinations — amid concerns of a winter surge of the virus that may affect the state.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show COVID-19 virus levels reached “very high” in Utah wastewaters since mid-July, with 10 sites reporting viral activity in the last 45 days. This time last year, Utah saw “moderate” levels.
“Many more people are having a milder illness when they get infected, but not everyone,” Dr. Andy Pavia, chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah Health and Primary Children’s Hospital, said Wednesday in a remote briefing to media outlets. “We have seen severe disease and even several deaths.”
Upticks in cases across the country and Utah first appeared in the spring from the XP.1, XP.2, KP.3.1.1, KP.1 and KP.2 variants of the coronavirus. But even as Utah sees a “downswing” in cases, health officials anticipate another increase sometime this winter.
A new variant, called XEC, will likely fuel the late-year surge. So far this year, 95 XEC cases have appeared in 12 states, including in New York and California, according to Outbreak.info, a data project managed by Scripps Research.
Across the Salt Lake Valley, Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax boosters are available at most pharmacies and clinics, said Kavish Choudhary, chief of the University of Utah Health Pharmacy, in the briefing.
The Utah Department of Health and Human Services will continue to supply free vaccines for those without insurance, Choudhary added. The U will only carry the Pfizer vaccine.
According to Choudhary, all available coronavirus vaccines are 90% to 95% effective
“If you’re interacting with most folks, people on the outside on a regular basis, … that’s the push for getting a shot,” Choudhary said.
While officials encourage continued coronavirus precautions, they also suggest keeping up with other respiratory illnesses heading into flu season. For the 2022-23 season, the CDC estimates 31 million people experienced flu symptoms, with 21,000 deaths as a result.
“Flu is still out there,” Pavia said. “It’s time to think about not just COVID vaccines, but flu vaccines.”
For those who cannot get vaccinated or who are at high risk of severe disease, Pavia recommends masking as an effective way to prevent infection.
“Wearing a mask indoors and in crowded places is wise,” Pavia said. “It’s not popular. We’ve all worn masks too much, and we’re tired of it, but it still offers very good protection.”
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businessindustry · 3 months
Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment Market Excellent Growth, Advance, Backup, Sharing, and more Research by Reports and Insights 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment Market?
The global somatotropin deficiency treatment market is expected to register a CAGR of 7.2% over the forecast period of 2024-2032.
What are Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment?                                                                                                                                                                            
Treatment for somatotropin deficiency focuses on addressing the insufficient production or function of growth hormone (GH) in the body. This condition, also known as growth hormone deficiency (GHD), may result from genetic mutations, pituitary gland disorders, or brain injuries affecting hormone production. Typically, therapy involves administering synthetic growth hormone through injections to stimulate growth, enhance bone density, increase muscle mass, and promote overall physical development. Regular monitoring and adjustments in hormone dosage are crucial to optimize treatment effectiveness and manage potential side effects, ensuring individuals with somatotropin deficiency achieve improved growth and quality of life.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2355
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Somatotropin Deficiency Treatment industry?
The somatotropin deficiency treatment market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The somatotropin deficiency treatment market is growing due to a rise in cases of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and advancements in treatment options. Therapy typically involves administering synthetic growth hormone through injections to stimulate growth, enhance bone density, increase muscle mass, and promote overall physical development in affected individuals. Key drivers of market expansion include increased awareness, improved diagnostics, and ongoing research to innovate new formulations and delivery methods for growth hormone therapy. North America and Europe are at the forefront of market adoption, benefiting from strong healthcare infrastructure and extensive efforts in research and development to improve treatment efficacy and patient outcomes. Hence, all these factors contribute to somatotropin deficiency treatment market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Type
Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency
Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency
By Treatment Type
Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy
Human Growth Hormone Injections
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone
Somatotropin Injection
By Route of Administration
By End-User
Specialty Clinics
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Novo Nordisk
Pfizer Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Sandoz International GmbH
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
EMD Serono, Inc.
GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Biopartners GmbH
OPKO Health, Inc.
Versartis, Inc.
Ascendis Pharma
Lonza Group
LG Life Sciences
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trendingreportz · 3 months
Hungarian Vaccines Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Hungarian Vaccines Market Overview:
Vaccines are biological formulations taken to improve immunity against a specific disease. Vaccines are manufactured from weakened or killed disease-causing microorganisms. A vaccine recognizes the foreign invaders and releases the antibodies to destroy them and it also provides immunity against that particular disease in the future. Based on technology, the Hungarian vaccines market is segmented into live attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, and Subunit & Recombinant vaccines. The market is also segmented based on disease indication and end user. The Hungarian vaccines market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.55% during the forecast period2018--2023.  
Hungarian Vaccines Market Outlook
Vaccines are given to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Vaccines are considered one of the most cost-effective as well as preventive methods available to reduce mortality and morbidity after clean drinking water. It reduces hospitalization costs and healthcare expense. Huge reduction in number of hospitalization in the developed countries and increased mortality rate in developing countries have been observed due to vaccination against infectious diseases. On the basis of technology, the live attenuated vaccines segment dominates the market and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.32%. Based on disease indication, the Influenza segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. 
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Hungarian Vaccines Market Growth Drivers 
The Hungarian Vaccines Market is largely driven by the growing number of key manufacturers of vaccines. Rising prevalence of chronic diseases in Hungary is also one of the factors for market growth. Increasing government initiatives to create more awareness about vaccination is another major driver for the growth of the vaccines market in Hungary. Due to government initiatives, there is also a provision for free vaccinations for obligatory vaccines. 
Hungarian Vaccines Market Challenges 
High cost of non-obligatory vaccines in Hungary is one of the factors constraining the growth of the vaccines market in Hungary. Complex manufacturing process is also one of the challenges for the country’s vaccines market. 
Hungarian Vaccines Market Research Scope
The base year of the study is 2017, with forecast done up to 2023. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. It also provides information on volume shipments. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the Hungarian Vaccines market. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to fathom their impact over the forecast period. This report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats. The key areas of focus include the types of vaccines by technology and vaccines by disease indication.
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Hungarian Vaccines Market Report: Industry Coverage 
By Technology: Live Attenuated Vaccines, Inactivated and Subunit Vaccines, Toxoid Vaccines. Conjugate Vaccines and Recombinant Vaccines
By Disease Indication: Pneumococcal Disease, DTP, Influenza, Human Papilloma Virus, Meningococcal Disease, Polio, and Rotavirus
By End User: Adults and Pediatrics
Hungarian Vaccines Market Key Players Perspective
Some of the key players in this market are Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline plc, and Merck & Co., .
Hungarian Vaccines Market Trends
Acquisitions was the dominant strategy adopted by the prominent players of Global Vaccines Market crediting up to 52% of the share of the total market followed by product launch.
GSK is expanding vaccine production in Hungary. The Hungarian vaccine unit will manufacture Infranix and Synflorix.
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Key Questions Addressed in the Hungarian Vaccines Market Report-
1. Is the market for Hungarian Vaccines Market growing? How long will it continue to grow and at what rate? 
2. Which type of Vaccine presents the major growth opportunities? 
3. Is there a possibility for change in the market structure over time? 
4. Are additional developments needed for the existing product offerings or do the existing products meet the customer demands? 
5. What is the current status of the Hungarian Vaccines Market? 
6. Which are the major relevant technology segments within the Hungarian Vaccines Market?
7. Which type of disease will witness heavy growth in the Hungarian Vaccines Market? 
8. What are the short-term, long-term, and medium-term growth drivers for the market? 
9. What are the short-term, medium-term, and long-term challenges for the market? 
10. What are the short-term, medium-term, and long-term opportunities for the market 
11. Who are the top players/companies of the market? 
12. What are the recent innovations in the market? 
13. How many patents have been filed by the leading players? 
14. What are the types of patents filed by the leading players? 
15. What is the futuristic scenario for the adoption of Vaccines? 
16. What is our Vision 2030 for the Hungarian Vaccines Market?
A few focus points of this Research are given below:
Give a deep-dive analysis of the key operational strategies with focus on the corporate structure, R&D strategies, localization strategies, production capabilities, and sales performance of various companies
Provide an overview of the product portfolio, including product planning, development, and positioning
Discuss the role of technology companies in partnerships
Explore the regional sales activities
Analyze the market size and giving the forecast for current and future Global Vaccines Market during the forecast period 2018–2023
Analyze the competitive factors, competitors’ market shares, product capabilities, and supply chain structures
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IndustryARC Research Best Practices
The Hungarian Vaccines Market size is evaluated based on the number of products per organization type along with the varying price points pertaining to specific applications. These were identified as key informational conjectures for market estimation in 2017/2018.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market share is thoroughly checked against all data points that have been incorporated and rechecked against various data sources. Various C-level executives and key opinion leaders are contacted for verification of the data.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market forecast and growth rate are achieved by applying the time series forecasting methodology on the various factors. The market forecast and growth rate are further backed with historical trends of the market along with a regressive mathematical model that assesses the value based on factors such as capital expenditure, equipment lifespan, R&D investments, and so on.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market demand has been researched taking into account the prominent economies across the different cities to understand their corresponding impact on the market.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market drivers are evaluated for short-term, medium-term, and long-term based on the different market dynamics impacting the market.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market challenges are evaluated for short-term, medium-term, and long-term based on the different market dynamics impacting the market.
The Hungarian Vaccines Market outlook provides a brief overview of the market performance and anticipated change in market dynamics. 
The Hungarian Vaccines Market analysis also involves the identification of new companies that have entered the market scenario and their impact on the market dynamics in the future.
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bhushans · 3 months
Beyond Borders: The Global Pediatric Clinical Trial Market Offers Hope for Millions
The pediatric clinical trial market is poised for significant growth, projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9% from 2024 to 2034. According to recent industry analysis, the market value is expected to surge from USD 17,918.1 million in 2024 to an impressive USD 31,661.0 million by 2034. This follows a robust growth period from 2019 to 2023, where the market expanded at a CAGR of 6.5%, reaching USD 16,831.0 million in 2023.
Pediatric clinical trials are essential for developing safe and effective treatments tailored for children, addressing a critical need in healthcare. This market growth is driven by increased research and development activities, rising investments in pediatric healthcare, and growing awareness about the importance of specialized clinical trials for children.
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The therapeutic area category in oncology placed second in terms of global sales share in 2021. Globally, cancer is the leading cause of mortality. By 2040, 291,000 more cases of cancer among children under the age of 19 are expected to be reported. The number of pediatric clinical trials is rising globally as a result of hospitals and other institutions concentrating on the development of therapeutic medications in response to the rising number of cases of juvenile cancer worldwide.
The worldwide market for pediatric clinical trials may be hampered for a number of reasons despite all of these growing factors. It is projected that the market for pediatric clinical trials would grow slowly due to the large number of studies that terminate for various reasons.
Pivotal Pediatric Clinical Trial Providers:
Syneos Health
Medpace, Inc
PPD Inc.
Premier Research
LabCorp Drug Development
QPS Holding
Pfizer Inc.
The Emmes Company, LLC
Key Market Segmentation:
By Area:
Infectious Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Metabolic Diseases
Respiratory Diseases
By Sponsor:
Government Organizations
Non-Government Organizations
By Phases:
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia & Pacific
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
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