#Petunia rhubarb
huntersapprentice · 3 months
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more sleepover drawings
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thespaceyace · 1 month
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and with Vogue, the wheel officially comes to an end! thank you all so much for joining me on this project! stick around because a poster for the League is on its way! 💕🍅
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ilovejoshbtw · 2 months
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I will soon draw the other veggies if you want :D
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theimpishknight · 7 months
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I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. But I just didn’t
But I’m so ready for spring break yall it ain’t even funny
…y’know what’s stopping me from doing a digital painting of larryboy? (Time constraints lol but shhh)
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 3 months
I’m happy that I can still draw human characters
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I was doodling LarrTunia while listening to “The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing.”
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dis-harmony · 3 months
Veggietales but humanized
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Yes I’m using them as humans and basically I wanted them to look more stunning than I thought they would be. And I’m sorry for making Bob in a goth vibe but I thought it would be cool that he would have that kind of style since he is sort of like a tsundere…? Maybe? Idk. Anyways enjoy ppl.
(I do not own the Veggietales, the characters, and the game from Picrew. This game was created by @cherryfullart)
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aerodynamicc · 1 year
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Only rhubarb ever
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dailyweezer · 1 year
has Veggietales been done yet
Day 204: Veggietales
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Vogue, how's being a superhero? Have you had any big villain fights lately?
"You wouldn't believe how many villains. Sort of why we've been inactive for a while. Had to lay low, ya know? But Bumblyburg is finally feeling safe enough to blog again! That's...that's how blogging works, right?"
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rumor-weed · 1 year
Double Date(s)
((random plot generator drabble)) ((PetuniaXLarry)
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Petunia felt an electric shock go through her body when she saw the note on the calendar. Interview with Larry-Boy.
She had scheduled the interview for the channel, put it on the calendar, and then proceeded to delete the information from her brain once she clocked out. This was how she ended up, two weeks later, calling Larry and asking him excitedly if he might go to the renaissance festival with her. Larry loved the jousts. They bonded over a shared love of the annual festival during her first movie, Duke and the Great Pie War, and she had finally worked up the nerve to invite him to go with her this year.
She didn’t have the heart to break the date, but she certainly couldn’t risk losing the interview. Larry-Boy was always so busy with crime-fighting, it was hard to get any time with him.
Her work cellphone rang, and she answered it quickly. “Hello?”
“Hey, ‘Tunia, I -”
“Larry? Why are you calling my work phone?”
“Your... what? Wait. Oh, shit - I mean - I thought this was your personal.”
“I never gave you my work phone number,”
“I... lost my contacts. New phone. Who this?”
“I uh, had to look ya up,” Larry said. “This came up under your name, and... well, anyway. I um... well, I wanted to say... I um, I’m really lookin’ forward to the festival tomorrow and all -”
“Oh. Um... yeah, me too! I’ve been looking forward to it all week, and I don’t wanna -”
“I mean, we don’t gotta do it if you don’t wanna.”
“I do wanna! I very much wanna. But uh... I just... can’t decide,” she said, giving in when she realized she couldn’t bring herself to disappoint Larry. It had taken so long to work up the courage to even ask him out in the first place. “Should I dress up? Are you going to dress up?”
“Oh. Um, yeah. Yeah. Probably like, a pirate.”
“You and your pirates.” She said teasingly.
“You could be a pirate too. Like a couples costume. Uh, not that we’re - we’re not like, a couple-couple, but uh...”
Petunia’s cheeks turned the color of her namesake. “Yes! A pirate. I’ll do that. Thanks for making up my mind for me, Larry! I’ll uh... I’ll see ya tomorrow.”
“Wait -”
But Petunia hung up, her stomach twisting with knots and filling with butterflies. She calmed herself, took her phone, and dialed the number for Larry-Boy. She’d just ask if they could reschedule. Surely he’d understand.
The phone answered all too quickly, and a voice answered, somewhat deeply as if putting on a voice, “Uh, hello?”
“Larry-Boy, it’s Petunia Rhubarb, the news reporter? We had an interview scheduled, and -”
“Right. The interview. Um... truth is, I uh... I forgot. And scheduled some... crime-fighting that night.”
“You... scheduled your crime-fighting?” She asked, eyebrows narrowed. “I thought that was just... like, when you were needed.”
“I’m always needed. It’s a very dangerous... Bumblyburg is full of criminals, and crime. And criminals doing crime.”
“Well, um... I guess that works out, because I have... I have something too, and I had um... I had scheduled two things without thinking, and...”
“Phew. Well, I’m glad that works out for both of us.” Larry-Boy said, sighing in relief. “Because I gotta... I gotta fight that crime, ya know?”
“I mean, it’s very important,” she said, nodding solemnly. “When do you want to reschedule?”
“The day after tomorrow?” He suggested.
“That sounds like a good idea. I feel so bad. I was going to cancel my other plans, but I... the guy I like, he’s just so sweet, and I didn’t want to disappoint him.”
“Like?” The voice squeaked. “Like, like-like?”
“Oh. Um, yes. I - I guess,” she said with am embarrassed, soft chuckle. “It’s kind of like... the first time I’ve asked him out. But uh, the interview is super important, and I scheduled with you first, so -”
“Okaysoundsgreat, gottago and figure somethings out. Enjoy the renaissance fair! Bye!”
Petunia stood there in silence for a moment after he hung up, stunned. It took her a moment before she realized with faint amusement:
She had never mentioned the renaissance fair to Larry-Boy.
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huntersapprentice · 6 months
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the other doodles from last night, featuring Esther again
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plus jawdrops because I really wanted to try drawing them
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lillyarttoheart · 3 months
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Really stoked on the idea for a james bond veggietales episode
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jillyb2004 · 9 months
Happy (Late) 30th Anniversary to VeggieTales!
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Based on these images
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madamebristow · 8 months
I'm probably going to get hate for this but:
Archibald and Petunia are OTP in The VeggieTales Show. 🤞🏼
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 14 days
[Golden Hour AU] When Bumblyburg's superheroes need a photographer, Vicki is that photographer!
A special thanks to SoliDeoGloria for drawing humanized fanart of Vicki Cucumber as Golden Hour! :)
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Depending on how much of a VT writing bug you’ve got, I have an idea that could be 1-3 prompts depending how you wanted to take it.
Short Version: Bob/Blueberry and Larry/Petunia Double Date
3-Prompt Version: Boberry picks the double-date location and Lartunia is awkward about it, Lartunia picks the location and Boberry is awkward about it, and what the middle ground that both couples enjoy would be.
Omg so I had to jump on the short version because it reminded me of a silly little headcanon scenario @giacomos and I came up with in 2020
After wrapping Princess and the Pie War, Petunia was genuinely surprised to have been invited back for Minnesota Cuke. Now, of course she was hoping they'd ask her back to read for another role one day - but for a role to be written for her in their very next show? They were really going out of their way to make her feel like part of the family.
And the studio was starting to feel like home, even if she did still feel like the new kid in school. There was a familiarity, and yet there were still moments now and again where she'd be reminded just how long everyone had known each other, and just how little she knew them in comparison.
With the cast finalized for Samson's Hairbrush, the team had their first read through. Petunia was pleasantly surprised to learn that some of the team, such as Pa Grape and Madame Blueberry, were on set for the read through, despite not having a role in this particular episode. Pa explained to her that most of the team did backstage work when not acting, which made sense to the rhubarb, and sparked the hope that she'd fill her own role as a member of the team if not acting, too.
While the initial readthrough was fairly successful, it was, overall, unnoteworthy. What was noteworthy, however, was how Madame Blueberry approached her after they'd finished. "Petunia dear, could I chat with you a moment?"
"Sure, Megan." she smiled kindly. "What did you want to talk about?"
"There's no chance you'd be free tonight for dinner, would you?" The blueberry questioned.
"I am, actually!" Petunia smiled happily, before asking "A girls night?"
"Not quite." Madame Blueberry smiled slyly, thought Petunia wasn't exactly sure what for. "See, I was, well, we were, hoping...you'd join Bob, Larry and myself tonight for a bit of a...double date."
Petunia blinked, confused. Bob, Larry and herself...Bob and Larry were dating? Megan was asking her out? Was that right? "Double date?" she repeated.
"Yes dear." Megan smiled. "I'm sure Robert would've asked you himself, it being his idea and all, but I'm sure by now you've learned...how he can be, at times..."
Robert. Who was Robert? Oh. Bob. Of course. Bob wanted to ask her out? Larry was dating...Megan? Her stomach dropped a bit at the thought, her girlish showmance of a crush now...well...crushed. But then again, Bob seemed nice. He wasn't as cute as Larry, but he wasn't exactly difficult on the eyes, she supposed. She owed it to herself to at least give it a chance. "What time will we be meeting?"
The answer was at around 7 that evening, at a restaurant Petunia felt very underdressed for. She wasn't entirely sure what she'd been expecting, given that in the month and a half she'd known Megan, the blueberry's affinity for the finer things had been very well established. Despite her insecurities about wearing a simply turtleneck and tank top, she was relieved to see that at least Bob and Larry weren't in three piece suits. Megan wore a very frilly red dress and pearls, but she would wear that to go grocery shopping.
"Petunia, dear!" The blueberry greeted upon seeing the redhead. "We're so happy you could make it!"
There was on chair left available. Larry on her left, Megan on her right, and across from Bob. Was that an odd configuration? Maybe not, she supposed, as it meant Larry and Megan would be gazing into each other's eyes all night. And her and Bob. Obviously. She needed to cut out this Larry preoccupation. "Thank you for inviting me!"
"We're glad you agreed to it." Bob admitted, sharing a look with Madame Blueberry, before adding "though we had a feeling you might-"
"Oh?" Petunia raised an eyebrow, curiously. Was she giving off interested-in-Bob vibes? Maybe her interested-in-Larry vibes read that way to someone who knew Larry was in a relationship already.
"I've got an eye for this sort of thing." Megan smirked. "Much like Nona, hmm?"
Larry laughed awkwardly, clearing his throat. "Yep, sure hit the nail on the head with that casting-"
"Not the only one in that show." Bob smiled cheekily. "Funny how-"
"Do we really need to talk about that right now?" Larry frantically interrupted.
Once again blinking in confusion, Petunia asked "talk about what?"
"You know, Larry almost gave up the part of Duke." Bob smiled towards the rhubarb, despite the cucumber's high pitched noise of distress.
"Really?" Petunia turned towards Larry, "But you played him so naturally-"
"Yes," Madame Blueberry gave Larry a knowing look "Funny how when a certain redheaded actress came in to read, he could suddenly play a man in love-"
"Guys-" Larry tried to diffuse.
"What?" Madame Blueberry feigned innocence. "She's already agreed to the date, Lawrence."
"Lawrence?" Petunia repeated out loud.
Petunia's echo went unheard as Megan continued to tease. "And you weren't the only one blushing and giggling between those takes."
As the pieces fell in place for Petunia...well, let's just say she was blushing and giggling again. "Oh, I thought-"
"Everyone noticed it, dear." Megan smiled. "We all thought it was adorable. And we all wanted Larry to find such a sweetheart one day-"
"Wait," Petunia leaned in to whisper to Larry "Bob and Megan are...?"
"Yeah, have been since way before you got here." he whispered back. "You didn't notice?"
A quick glance towards the pair - and the lovestruck look Bob was giving the blueberry at the moment, confirmed to Petunia that she really hadn't been paying attention to anyone other than Larry much at all.
Which, it turned out, was okay, she supposed.
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