#Peracetic Acid Demand
coldpenguintaco · 2 years
Increasing Peracetic Acid Adoption will Surge the Market Growth Further| Evonik Industries, Kemira Oyj, Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals, Inc., Solvay S.A., PeroxyChem LLC, SEITZ GmbH, and Ecolab Inc., among others
Increasing Peracetic Acid Adoption will Surge the Market Growth Further| Evonik Industries, Kemira Oyj, Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals, Inc., Solvay S.A., PeroxyChem LLC, SEITZ GmbH, and Ecolab Inc., among others
North America Peracetic Acid The global peracetic acid market size is estimated to be USD 813 million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 1,685 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.6%, between 2020 and 2030. Peracetic acid is widely used as disinfectant, sanitizer, bleach, sterilant, industrial reagent, oxidizer, and polymerization catalyst. It is a strong oxidizing agent and has stronger oxidation…
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pearlsmith25 · 9 months
Global Resilience: Peracetic Acid Market's Response to Economic and Environmental Challenges
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Peracetic acid (PAA) is an organic compound widely used as a sterilant and disinfectant in various industries including food, healthcare, and water treatment. It provides effective antimicrobial activity against viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds, and spores. PAA breaks down into acetic acid, oxygen, and water and does not leave any toxic residues. It is adopted as an eco-friendly alternative to chlorine-based disinfectants. Increasing concerns regarding waterborne diseases have augmented the demand for PAA from water treatment applications. The global peracetic acid market is estimated to be valued at US$ 872.06 mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Opportunity: The growing water scarcity around the world has emphasized the need for improved water treatment processes. Peracetic acid effectively inactivates microorganisms in water and aids in disinfecting drinking water. It leaves no disinfection by-products and residue, unlike chlorine. Various governments and international organizations are undertaking initiatives and investments towards expanding access to clean water. This growing focus on water treatment infrastructure development presents significant opportunities for peracetic acid manufacturers. Advanced purification technologies using peracetic acid can help address critical issues of water contamination. This will further drive the demand for peracetic acid from the water treatment segment over the forecast period. Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The peracetic acid market requires large capital investments for R&D, manufacturing facilities and distribution channels. Therefore threat of new entrants is moderate. Bargaining power of buyers: The buyers have moderate bargaining power due to presence of multiple established manufacturers. Bargaining power of suppliers: Few manufacturers control global supply of key raw materials which gives them strong bargaining power over buyers. Threat of new substitutes: No major substitutes currently exist for peracetic acid. However hydrogen peroxide can partly substitute peracetic acid. Competitive rivalry: The market is mature with established players. Price competition is high due to availability of substitutes. SWOT Analysis Strength: Wide industrial uses of peracetic acid as sterilant and disinfectant. Stringent food safety regulations driving demand. Weakness: Highly unstable and corrosive in nature requiring safe handling and transportation. Fluctuating raw material prices. Opportunity: Growing end-use industries especially food and medical sectors in Asia Pacific region. Development of innovative application specific products. Threats: Stringent environmental regulations around the use of hazardous chemicals. Competition from substitutes like hydrogen peroxide. Key Takeaways The global peracetic acid market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. The market size for 2024 is US$ 872.06 Mn.
Regional analysis: North America dominates currently due to stringent food safety regulations. Asia Pacific is growing fastest with increasing consumption in China, India.
Key players: Kemira Oyj, Solvay S.A., Promox S.p.A., Evonik Industries, Ecolab Inc are major players. They are focusing on capacity expansion to cater to growing demand.
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eyasinseo25 · 1 month
Meat Industry Hazards: Unveiling the Risks Behind the Production of Meat
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The meat industry is a colossal enterprise, feeding billions of people worldwide and contributing significantly to the global economy. However, beneath the surface of this multibillion-dollar industry lies a complex web of risks and dangers, both for workers within the industry and consumers who depend on its products. Meat industry hazards encompass a broad range of issues, from health risks and environmental concerns to animal welfare and ethical dilemmas.
In this article, we delve into the core of these meat industry hazards, examining the myriad of challenges that have emerged from industrial-scale meat production. From factory farms to slaughterhouses, the meat industry is fraught with risks that extend far beyond what most consumers realize.
Chapter 1: Health Hazards in Meat Processing Facilities
One of the most significant meat industry hazards involves the health and safety of workers within meat processing facilities. These workers are often exposed to a wide array of risks that jeopardize their physical and mental well-being.
1.1 Physical Injuries
Working in a meat processing plant is dangerous. Employees face a high risk of injury from sharp tools, machinery, and repetitive movements. Cuts, amputations, and even fatalities are common, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics consistently ranking the meat industry as one of the most dangerous sectors.
Repetitive motion injuries are another prevalent issue. Workers spend long hours performing the same tasks repeatedly, leading to conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. These injuries, often debilitating, are a direct result of the rapid pace and high demands of meat processing.
1.2 Exposure to Harmful Substances
Another major meat industry hazard is the exposure to hazardous substances. Workers frequently come into contact with dangerous chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing equipment. Ammonia, chlorine, and peracetic acid are commonly used in meat plants to maintain hygiene, yet prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory issues, chemical burns, and other health complications.
Additionally, workers are at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases—illnesses that can spread from animals to humans. Influenza, Salmonella, E. coli, and other infections can be transmitted through contact with contaminated meat or animal waste. These health risks are compounded by overcrowded, unsanitary working conditions that make it difficult to control the spread of disease.
Chapter 2: Environmental Hazards of Meat Production
The environmental impacts of the meat industry are far-reaching, making them one of the most pressing meat industry hazards facing society today. Industrial-scale meat production significantly contributes to climate change, deforestation, and pollution.
2.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Livestock production is a leading contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through methane released by cattle. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, traps heat in the atmosphere more effectively than carbon dioxide, making it a major driver of climate change. In fact, the meat industry accounts for nearly 15% of total global emissions, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Moreover, the industry's reliance on fossil fuels for transportation, refrigeration, and feed production further exacerbates its carbon footprint. As the demand for meat continues to rise, so too does the environmental damage caused by these meat industry hazards.
2.2 Deforestation and Habitat Destruction
Another significant environmental hazard is deforestation, particularly in regions like the Amazon Rainforest, where large swathes of land are cleared to create pastures for livestock or to grow feed crops like soy. This deforestation contributes to biodiversity loss, as countless species lose their habitats. Furthermore, the destruction of these forests reduces the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, accelerating global warming.
Water pollution is yet another meat industry hazard. Runoff from industrial farms carries animal waste, fertilizers, and antibiotics into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This pollution can lead to dead zones in aquatic ecosystems, where oxygen levels become so depleted that marine life cannot survive.
Chapter 3: Ethical and Animal Welfare Concerns
Ethical issues are at the heart of meat industry hazards, particularly regarding the treatment of animals within industrial farming systems. Factory farming practices prioritize efficiency and profit over the well-being of animals, leading to significant animal welfare concerns.
3.1 Inhumane Treatment of Animals
Animals raised in factory farms are often kept in cramped, unsanitary conditions, with limited access to natural light, fresh air, or space to move. These conditions cause immense suffering for the animals, leading to physical and psychological distress. For instance, pigs and chickens are commonly confined to tiny cages or pens where they cannot exhibit natural behaviors.
Furthermore, the process of slaughtering animals for meat is fraught with ethical dilemmas. While regulations exist to ensure humane slaughter, these guidelines are not always followed, particularly in high-speed slaughterhouses where efficiency takes precedence over animal welfare. This results in instances where animals are not adequately stunned before being killed, leading to prolonged suffering.
3.2 Overuse of Antibiotics and its Impact on Public Health
Another serious meat industry hazard is the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming. Antibiotics are routinely given to animals to promote growth and prevent disease in overcrowded, unsanitary environments. However, this widespread use of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which pose a significant threat to public health.
When humans consume meat contaminated with these resistant bacteria, they can develop infections that are difficult to treat with standard antibiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified antibiotic resistance as one of the top threats to global health, food security, and development, making it clear that the meat industry’s practices are contributing to this growing crisis.
Chapter 4: Consumer Health Risks
Consumers are not immune to the meat industry hazards present throughout the production process. The risks associated with eating contaminated or improperly handled meat are well-documented, with foodborne illnesses being one of the most prominent dangers.
4.1 Foodborne Illnesses
Contaminated meat products can carry harmful pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria, which can cause severe illness or even death in humans. Outbreaks of foodborne illnesses linked to meat are alarmingly common, often resulting from improper handling, poor hygiene practices, or cross-contamination during processing.
The meat industry’s focus on speed and efficiency further exacerbates these risks. In high-speed slaughterhouses, the rapid pace can lead to lapses in food safety protocols, increasing the likelihood of contamination. For consumers, this represents a significant meat industry hazard, as they may unknowingly consume tainted meat products.
4.2 Chemical Residues in Meat
In addition to pathogens, meat products can also contain harmful chemical residues. Growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides used in livestock farming can accumulate in the meat we eat. Long-term exposure to these chemicals may have adverse effects on human health, including an increased risk of cancer, hormone imbalances, and developmental issues in children.
The lack of transparency in the meat industry makes it difficult for consumers to know what is in the meat they purchase, further complicating efforts to mitigate these hazards.
Chapter 5: Regulatory Failures and Lack of Accountability
Despite the numerous meat industry hazards, regulatory oversight has often proven inadequate in addressing these risks. Government agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of meat products and the well-being of workers and animals frequently fall short of their duties.
5.1 Insufficient Inspections and Enforcement
One of the main reasons for the prevalence of meat industry hazards is the insufficient inspection and enforcement of existing regulations. Understaffed and underfunded agencies struggle to conduct thorough inspections of processing plants, resulting in missed violations and continued unsafe practices.
In some cases, regulatory agencies have been criticized for having too close of a relationship with the meat industry, leading to a lack of accountability and enforcement. This has allowed dangerous practices to persist, further endangering workers, animals, and consumers.
5.2 Inadequate Protection for Workers
The lack of protection for workers in the meat industry is another significant regulatory failure. While labor laws exist to safeguard workers' rights, these laws are often inadequately enforced, particularly in an industry where undocumented or marginalized workers make up a large portion of the workforce. As a result, workers are frequently exposed to unsafe working conditions and denied basic protections, further exacerbating the meat industry hazards they face.
Chapter 6: Efforts to Mitigate Meat Industry Hazards
While the meat industry continues to pose significant hazards, efforts are being made to address these risks and promote more sustainable, ethical, and safe practices within the industry.
6.1 Advancements in Technology
Technological innovations have the potential to reduce some of the meat industry hazards. For example, advancements in automation and robotics can help reduce the risk of injury to workers by minimizing their direct involvement in dangerous tasks. Similarly, improvements in food safety technology, such as better tracking systems for contamination, can help reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.
6.2 Plant-Based and Cultured Meat Alternatives
One of the most promising developments in addressing meat industry hazards is the rise of plant-based and cultured meat alternatives. Companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are developing products that mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat without the associated environmental, ethical, and health risks.
Cultured meat, which is grown in a lab from animal cells, offers another potential solution to the hazards of traditional meat production. By eliminating the need for large-scale livestock farming, cultured meat could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, animal suffering, and the risk of foodborne illnesses.
6.3 Consumer Awareness and Advocacy
As consumers become more aware of the meat industry hazards, many are advocating for
 change. This has led to increased demand for transparency, better animal welfare standards, and more sustainable farming practices. Advocacy groups play a crucial role in pushing for regulatory reforms and holding the meat industry accountable for its practices.
The meat industry hazards present a complex and multifaceted challenge. From the health and safety risks faced by workers to the environmental damage caused by industrial-scale livestock farming, the dangers of this industry are far-reaching and impact nearly every aspect of society. As awareness of these hazards grows, so too does the demand for change. Whether through technological innovations, alternative protein sources, or regulatory reforms, the meat industry must adapt to address the significant risks it poses to workers, animals, consumers, and the planet.
While progress is being made, much work remains to be done to mitigate the meat industry hazards and create a more sustainable and ethical food system for the future.
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healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Bio Decontamination Market Will Exhibit Strong Growth Owing To Increasing Need for Advanced Medical Facilities
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The bio decontamination market involves products and services for decontaminating rooms and spaces where hazardous biological agents are present. Bio decontamination equipment and services help disinfect spaces like biosafety labs, isolation rooms, and operating rooms from potentially dangerous biological contaminants such as bacteria, spores, and viruses. The products utilize vaporized hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, and peracetic acid to decontaminate surfaces and air. Growing prevalence of hospital acquired infections and implementation of stringent hygiene standards across medical facilities have driven demand for reliable bio decontamination approaches.
The global bio decontamination market is estimated to be valued at US$ 268.5 million in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.6% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the bio decontamination market are STERIS Corporation, Ecolab, Inc., TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc., JCE Biotechnology, Fedegari Autoclavi SpA, Howorth Air Technology Ltd., Noxilizer, Inc., ClorDiSys Solutions, Inc., Wales Group, and Wenzhou Weike Biological Laboratory Equipment Co., Ltd. These major players account for a sizable portion of the overall market share and are focusing on new product launches and mergers & acquisitions to enhance their global presence. Growing incidence of hospital acquired infections has boosted demand for effective bio decontamination services and products across healthcare settings. Strict government mandates regarding decontamination of high-risk spaces such as biosafety labs prior to maintenance work is also propelling market growth. Furthermore, increasing R&D towards advanced bio decontamination technologies such as hydrogen peroxide vapor systems and UV light based solutions is anticipated to drive the market during the forecast period. Technological advancements have enabled development of portable, convenient to use and automated bio decontamination devices. Key players are focusing on launching bio decontamination products with improved functionalities such as shorter decontamination cycles and real-time monitoring of contamination levels. Increased integration of sensors, IoT, and AI is helping optimize bio decontamination processes. Market Trends Increasing Adoption of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (HPV) Systems - HPV systems have emerged as one of the most effective and affordable bio decontamination technique. They efficiently inactivate a wide range of microbes with minimal impact on materials and equipment. Growing popularity of HPV among healthcare and laboratory facilities is a key market trend. Focus on Portable and Standardized Bio Decontamination Products - Manufacturers are developing portable, plug-and-play bio decontamination devices to facilitate point-of-use decontamination. Standardization of bio decontamination processes across various industries is also being emphasized. This promotes product consistency and ease of regulatory compliance. Market Opportunities Rising Commercial Cleanroom Demand from Pharmaceutical Industry - Growing pharmaceutical manufacturing output and stringent quality controls have boosted cleanroom construction. This offers opportunities for specialized bio decontamination systems for periodic disinfection of aseptic production spaces. Increasing Collaboration between Industry Players and Research Institutes - Joint R&D initiatives focused on development of novel, environment-friendly, spore-killing technologies can help address current limitations and widen the scope of bio decontamination applications. This presents lucrative prospects.
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deshpandeisha · 3 months
Exploring Bio Decontamination: Understanding Its Importance
The bio decontamination market had a value of USD 147.7 million in 2021 and is projected to grow at a 7.3% CAGR in terms of revenue over the next five years. Hospital acquired infections are becoming more common, which can be used to explain the bio decontamination market's consistent revenue growth (HAIs). Currently, for every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, seven patients in high-income countries and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries would be exposed to at least one HAI during their hospital stay.
The report studies the historical data of the Bio Decontamination market and offers valuable information about the key segments and sub-segments, revenue generation, demand and supply scenario, trends, and other vital aspects. The report offers an accurate forecast estimation of the Bio Decontamination industry based on the recent technological and research advancements. It also offers valuable data to assist the investors in formulating strategic business investment plans and capitalize on the emerging growth prospects in the Bio Decontamination market.
Download Free Sample Report of Global Bio Decontamination Market @ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/1460
The study outlines the rapidly evolving and growing market segments along with valuable insights into each element of the industry. The industry has witnessed the entry of several new players, and the report aims to deliver insightful information about their transition and growth in the market. Mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, agreements, product launches, and joint ventures are all outlined in the report.
The leading market contenders listed in the report are:
STERIS, Ecolab, TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc., Fedegari Autoclavi S.p.A., Zhejiang TAILIN Bioengineering Co., LTD, Howorth Air Technology Limited, Solidfog Technologies, ClorDiSys Solutions Inc., Amira Srl Unipersonale, and Noxilizer, Inc
Research Report on the Bio Decontamination Market Addresses the Following Key Questions:
Who are the dominant players of the Bio Decontamination market?
Which regional market is anticipated to have a high growth rate over the projected period?
What consumer trends and demands are expected to influence the operations of the market players in the Bio Decontamination market?
What are the key growth drivers and restraining factors of the Bio Decontamination market?
What are the expansion plans and strategic investment plans undertaken by the players to gain a robust footing in the market?
What is the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Bio Decontamination market and its key segments?
Browse Full Report Description + Research Methodology + Table of Content + Infographics@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/bio-decontamination-market
Emergen Research has segmented the global Bio Decontamination market on the basis of type, type of care, and region
Segments Covered in this report are:
Product & Service Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Agent Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Chlorine Dioxide
Peracetic Acid
Nitrogen Dioxide
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Chamber Decontamination
Room Decontamination
In conclusion, the Bio Decontamination Market report is an exhaustive database that will help readers formulate lucrative strategies. The Bio Decontamination Market report studies the latest economic scenario with value, drivers, constraints, growth opportunities, challenges, demand and supply ratio, production capacity, import/export status, growth rate, and others. Additionally, the report also undertakes SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis to study the leading companies.
Request Customization as per your specific requirement@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/1460
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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Disinfectants Market: Insights and Future Outlook
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The disinfectants market comprises various chemical based products used to kill or inhibit the growth of various microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, molds, and fungi. Disinfectants products are available in various forms including liquids, sprays, and wipes. Some key types of disinfectants include chlorine compounds, quaternary ammonium compounds, hydrogen peroxide, and peracetic acid. Disinfectants are widely used across healthcare facilities, households, food and beverage industry, and other commercial settings to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The Global Disinfectants Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 49.0 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.0% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the disinfectants market are Solvay S.A., Unilever Group, Evonik Industries AG, 3M Company, Procter & Gamble Corporation, dowdupont Inc., Lanxess AG, BASF S.E., The Clorox Company, and Reckitt Benckiser Plc. Growing awareness regarding health and hygiene along with rising prevalence of hospital acquired infections is propelling the demand for various disinfectant products. Major players are investing in research & development to develop innovative product formulations with better efficacy and new active ingredients having broader disinfection spectrum. The rising incidence of infectious diseases across the world coupled with increasing healthcare spending is a key factor augmenting the growth of the global disinfectants market. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 700,000 people die annually due to drug-resistant infections worldwide. Furthermore, growing food safety concerns is another major factor boosting demand for various disinfectants in the food industry. Advanced technologies and formulations are helping disinfectants to become more effective. For instance, self-disinfecting surfaces that destroy bacteria and prevent disease transmission. UV disinfection technology is also gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in disinfecting air and surfaces. Smart disinfecting robots using UV light are being developed for hospitals to automate disinfection of rooms and operate hands free. Market Trends Growing preference for eco-friendly disinfectants - With increasing emphasis on sustainability, manufacturers are focusing on developing bio-based and plant-derived disinfectants using essential oils and botanical extracts. Innovation in product forms - New delivery forms such as disinfecting wipes and sprays are gaining traction over conventional liquids due to ease of application. Trigger spray bottles and portable spray cans offer improved portability and usability. Market Opportunities Rising cleaning requirements in food industry due to COVID-19 - The pandemic has increased awareness about hygiene and cleaning in the food industry. This is expected to boost demand for various surface disinfectants. Increasing healthcare expenditure in emerging economies - Emerging nations in Latin America, Asia Pacific and Africa are witnessing increased government investments in healthcare infrastructure which will drive market growth.
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bizworldinsights · 7 months
Peracetic Acid 
The global Peracetic Acid market is estimated to be valued at over USD 710 million in 2019, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.7% during the forecast period. This growth is primarily fueled by the expanding sales within the food and beverage industry, creating a favorable ecosystem for industry players. Peracetic acid, also known as acetyl hydroperoxide, is produced in a controlled environment through reactions between hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, positioning itself as one of the most oxidizing agents, second only to ozone.
Known for its antimicrobial properties and as an effective preservative, peracetic acid finds significant application in the food and beverage sector, particularly in processed foods. Contributing factors to the rising demand include the increasing global population, higher per capita income, and evolving lifestyles. The surge in corporate lifestyles has led to a spike in packaged food sales, benefiting the entire allied ecosystem, including the peracetic acid market. The chemical is extensively used in the poultry and fishery industries, and beyond food applications, it serves as a disinfectant and finds applications in personal care products. However, it is essential to note that direct exposure to peracetic acid can lead to allergies and other potential health effects, and high concentrations are generally avoided.
Global Peracetic Acid Market Size and Forecast: By Product Type
The revenue segmentation by product type includes solution grade and distilled grade, with solution grade holding the highest share. Solution grades, with 12% to 15% peracetic acid content, are widely used on a large scale.
Global Peracetic Acid Market Size and Forecast: By End-User
The market is segmented by end-use into food & beverages, pulp & paper bleaching, water treatment, agriculture, medical, and others. The food & beverage segment accounted for a significant 44% market share in 2018, with the processed food industry surpassing USD 79 billion in 2018 and showing impressive growth, particularly in developing regions.
Global Peracetic Acid Market Size and Forecast: Regional Analysis
In 2018, Asia Pacific held 39% of the global market share, with continued significant growth anticipated during the forecast period. China leads the region, followed by India and Japan, positioning Asia Pacific for the fastest growth.
Western Europe follows closely behind Asia Pacific, with Germany, France, and the UK being key countries. Together, they accounted for 69% of the regional share in 2018. However, these countries are expected to experience a slight market share decline by 377 basis points.
Global Peracetic Acid Market Size and Forecast: Competition Landscape
The industry is highly consolidated, with leading players securing a major share of the market.
Key players in the Peracetic Acid market include:
Airedale Chemical Company
Loeffler Chemical Corporation
Enviro Tech Chemical Services
Thai Peroxide
Hydrite Chemical
Industry Segmentation
By Type:
By Application:
Food & Beverages
Paper and Pulp
Water Treatment
The global Peracetic Acid market, with its substantial valuation and growth prospects, reflects the chemical's pivotal role in the food and beverage industry. As industry players compete in this dynamic landscape, sustained growth is expected across various regions.
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vaiswr · 9 months
Peracetic Acid Market Business Scenario Analysis By Global Industry Trend, Share, Sales Revenue and Opportunity Assessment till 2032
The global Peracetic Acid (PAA) market size was USD 934.2 Million in 2022 and is expected to register a rapid revenue CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. Rising demand for PAA from the processed food industry and medical industry for disinfecting surgical devices and increasing adoption of advanced technologies in the water treatment industry, and PAA in critical end-use applications are key factors driving market revenue growth.
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john9028 · 1 year
Surface Disinfectant Market share, size, future Growth and Segmentation Analysis 2032
Surface Disinfectant Market growth can be attributed to several factors, including increased vehicle production, construction and infrastructure activities, travel, leisure and business, industrial production, and the need for cleanliness in these locations. In addition, the growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions such as bio-based surface disinfectants in various countries continues to contribute to the growth of the industry. The alcohol segment is expected to hold a large market share over the next few years. In addition, increasing the use of alcohol on the hard surfaces of laboratories and hospitals is expected to drive segment growth. Other major segments, including peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, are expected to grow significantly, due to their increasing use of surface disinfectants. Read More: https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/surface-disinfectant-market/74
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Peracetic Acid Market Expectations and Growth Trends Highlighted Until 2032
The Peracetic Acid Market is a thriving sector within the chemical industry, driven by its widespread application as a powerful disinfectant, sanitizer, and sterilant. Peracetic acid is a highly effective oxidizing agent, known for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. It is widely used in various industries, including food and beverage processing, healthcare, water treatment, and agriculture. Peracetic acid offers a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional disinfectants, as it decomposes into harmless by-products, making it a popular choice for industries seeking sustainable and efficient antimicrobial solutions.
One of the key drivers behind the growth of the Peracetic Acid Market is the increasing focus on food safety and hygiene in the food and beverage industry. As consumers become more conscious of foodborne illnesses and contamination risks, food manufacturers and processors are embracing peracetic acid as a reliable disinfectant for equipment, surfaces, and water used in the production process. Its ability to eliminate a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, makes it an essential tool in maintaining food safety standards.
The healthcare sector is another significant contributor to the demand for peracetic acid. It is widely used for medical equipment sterilization, surface disinfection, and as a water treatment agent in healthcare facilities. Its quick action and ability to eliminate even the most resistant pathogens have made it a preferred choice for infection control and prevention in hospitals and healthcare settings.
Moreover, the growing awareness of environmental sustainability and the shift towards eco-friendly chemicals are propelling the adoption of peracetic acid. Unlike some traditional disinfectants, peracetic acid breaks down into harmless by-products, such as water, oxygen, and acetic acid, without leaving any harmful residues. This characteristic aligns with the growing preference for green and sustainable solutions, contributing to the market's expansion.
For More Info@ https://www.openpr.com/news/2727728/peracetic-acid-market-analysis-by-key-players-applications
In conclusion, the Peracetic Acid Market is witnessing steady growth due to its remarkable effectiveness as a disinfectant and sterilant across various industries. As global health and hygiene standards continue to be a priority, the demand for peracetic acid is expected to remain strong. Additionally, its eco-friendly nature and safety profile make it a favored choice among industries aiming to improve their environmental footprint and offer safe products and services. With ongoing research and development efforts to optimize its applications, the market for peracetic acid is likely to witness further advancements and increased adoption in the coming years.
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Disinfection and Sterilization in Hospitals, Health Care Units
Hospitals and health care units are prone to cross-transmission of harmful disease-causing germs and pathogens, affecting people associated. There are three types of infections such as nosocomial, communicable and hospital-associated. Hospital-associated infections (HAIs) and nosocomial infections mainly developed within 48 – 72 hours after hospital discharge and can be avoided by maintaining safe hygiene in the hospital premises. From patient rooms to waiting areas, medical equipment to high-touch surfaces, the scope of disinfection can be overwhelming. Hospitals require both these processes to maintain a safe and hygienic environment for patients, healthcare providers, and visitors. 
Disinfection and Sterilization protocols help reduce the risk of HAIs by eliminating or reducing harmful microorganisms on surfaces, medical equipment, and instruments. Cleaning surfaces and objects are the first steps in the process. Different parts of a hospital require varying degrees of disinfectants and sterilization. While normal patient rooms and common areas typically need routine disinfection to stop the spread of illnesses, critical sections like operating rooms and sterile processing departments demand intensive sterilization techniques. Removing visible dirt, organic matter, and debris allows the disinfectant to directly contact the microorganisms. Proper cleaning techniques, such as wiping, scrubbing, or mopping, should be followed, and the use of disposable gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) is important to ensure the safety of healthcare workers.
Sterilization is and should be carried out in each and every sub department of hospitals with priority to operation theatres (OT), wards, corridors, HVAC/ AC ventilations, toilets, clean room, etc. The surgical items must be properly cleaned and disinfected as they directly come in contact with internals of living body. Similarly, wards and corridors should be regularly cleaned and sterilized as maximum patients and their relatives wait in these places for their treatment. Hospital toilets and washrooms are very sensitive areas and needs to be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
There are several types such as Alcohol-based, chlorine based, quaternary ammonium, hydrogen peroxide and silver hydrogen peroxide, and phenolic compounds. Among them alcohol-based are quite popular due to their rapid action, evaporative nature, skin compatibility and broad-spectrum activity. Silver Hydrogen peroxide stabilized with silver and Hydrogen Peroxide to use in various applications for air and surface disinfection by fumigation, spraying, fumigation etc.
Checklist for proper procurement  
Efficacy and Effectiveness: Evaluation of efficacy and effectiveness against the target microorganisms. 
Spectrum of Activity: It's important to select those chemicals that have a broad spectrum of activity to address a wide range of potential contaminants.
Compliance with Regulatory Standards: The hospital needs to check if the product meets regulatory standards and guidelines set by relevant authorities.
Chemtex Speciality Limited manufactures quality cleaners and disinfectants that finds extensive application in all critical, semi-critical and non – critical areas of hospitals and health care units. It understands the importance of properly cleaned and disinfected surfaces, medical devices, personal protective equipment and other equipment and hence manufactures its formulations accordingly. These formulations minimize the risk of cross-contamination between patients, reducing the chances of infections. Chemtex is updated with the latest research and recommendations to manufacture the most appropriate formulations and ensure proper application. Some of them are based on
Silver Hydrogen Peroxide
Peracetic Acid
QAC and others
 For more details, please visit https://www.chemtexltd.com/products-and-solutions/cleaning-and-disinfectant-chemicals/hospital-disinfectants/
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Cleaning Up the Competition: An In-Depth Analysis of the Surface Disinfectant Market
The global surface disinfectant market is set to gain impetus from the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. It has surged the need for surface disinfectant as people are persistently sanitizing the places and objects that are coming into frequent human contact for reducing the impact of the virus. This information is given by Fortune Business Insights™ in a recent report, titled, “Surface Disinfectant Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (Aerosol, Gel, Liquid, and Wipe), By Composition (Alcohols, Chlorine Compounds, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, and Others), By Application (Residential, Commercial, Health Care Facility, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027.” The report further states that the global surface disinfectant market size was USD 770.6 million in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 1,547.7 million by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 9.1% during the forecast period.
Information Source - https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/surface-disinfectant-market-103062
This Report Answers the Following Questions:
What are the market drivers, hindrances, and dynamics?
How will the market be affected in the coming years?
Which strategies are being adopted by prominent companies to intensify competition?
Which region is expected to lead the market?
How will the spread of coronavirus infection impact the market?
Drivers & Restraints-
Increasing Prevalence of Hospital-Acquired Infections to Propel Growth
The cases of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are expected to surge the demand for surface disinfectant in the near future. These infections mainly occur when the patients are being treated in the hospitals and are not often detected during the admission procedure. The infections associated with the invasive devices and medical equipment consist of ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter associated infections, and surgical site infection. However, surface disinfectants include a wide range of chemicals, namely, acetic acid, peroxides, and hypochlorite. These are very harmful for the human health, as well as for the environment. These factors are expected to hamper the surface disinfectant market growth in the coming years.
Residential Segment to Grow Steadily Owing to Awareness About Infections
In terms of applications, the market is divided into health care facilities, commercial, residential, and others. Out of these, the residential segment held 16.1% surface disinfectant market share in 2019. This growth is attributable to the increasing awareness amongst the populaces about the benefits of using surface disinfectants and the spread of several infections. Additionally, the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly driving the demand for surface disinfectants.
Regional Analysis-
Rising Government Laws to Maintain Hygiene will Favor Growth in North America
In 2019, North America procured USD 299.9 million in terms of revenue. This growth is attributable to the increasing number of stringent laws put forward by the governments for maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene at public places, food establishments, and hospitals. Europe is set to experience significant growth stoked by the rising utilization of surface disinfectants, especially for household applications. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is anticipated to exhibit the fastest growth fueled by the increasing expenditure of the governments of numerous countries on public health and cleanliness.
Competitive Landscape-
Key Companies Focus on Product Launches & Collaborations to Surge Sales
The market is highly competitive because of the presence of a large number of international and regional companies. Most of them are either following the strategy of joint ventures and partnerships, or are investing huge sums to launch novel surface disinfectants in the market. These steps are helping them to gain a competitive edge. Below are two of the latest industry developments:
January 2019: Reckitt Benckiser joined hands with Diversey to broaden its presence in North America and to reach out to more hospitals, food joints, and educational institutions.
November 2018: Diversey Inc. launched its one-step cleaner, ready-to-use deodorizer and disinfectant called SureTouch. It contains hydrogen peroxide and was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for effectively cleaning the facilities.
Fortune Business Insights™ lists out the names of all the surface disinfectant manufacturers operating in the global market. They are as follows:
3M (U.S.)
The Proctor & Gamble Company(U.S.)
Kimberley-Clark Corporation(U.S.)
SC Johnson Professional(U.S.)
The Clorox Company(U.S.)
Ecolab (U.S.)
Metrex Research LLC(U.S.)
Reckitt Benckiser (U.K.)
Diversey Inc.(U.S.)
STERIS plc (Ireland)
Whiteley Corporation (Australia)
Other Key Players
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pearlsmith25 · 9 months
Peracetic Acid Market Insights: Harnessing Innovation for Sustainable Solutions
Peracetic acid is an organic compound widely used as a strong and effective disinfectant and sterilant agent in various end-use industries like healthcare, food and beverage, and water treatment. It is used for disinfecting medical devices, food processing equipment, and cleaning floors and surfaces in hospitals with its rapid microbicidal activity against bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and molds. The global peracetic acid market is estimated to be valued at US$ 872.6 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Dynamics: Increasing demand from food and beverage disinfection applications is estimated to drive the growth of the peracetic acid market over the forecast period. Peracetic acid is widely used as a disinfectant and sterilant in the food and beverage industry for cleaning and disinfecting food processing equipment, facilities, and production areas. It helps reduce microbial contamination and prevent foodborne illnesses. Moreover, rapid microbicidal activity, non-toxic to humans and safe for equipment also contributes to its increasing usage in the F&B industry. Another factor expected to propel the market growth includes expanding healthcare sector which is employing peracetic acid on a large scale for sterilizing medical devices and hospital surfaces.
SWOT Analysis Strength: Peracetic acid is an effective sterilizer and disinfectant which kills a wide range of microorganisms in a short period of time. It leaves no toxic residues and breaks down to oxygen, acetic acid and water after use. It does not require activated wastewater treatment like chlorine-based disinfectants. This reduces the environmental impact of wastewater discharge. Peracetic acid decomposes into non-toxic byproducts and does not leave toxic residues that require removal from treated water. Weakness: Peracetic acid is highly reactive and corrosive. Precautions must be taken during transportation, storage and handling. Workers directly exposed to peracetic acid may experience skin or eye irritation. Peracetic acid is also more expensive than alternative sterilants and disinfectants like chlorine. Opportunity: Food safety concerns are increasing globally which is driving demand for more effective and natural disinfectants and sterilants. Peracetic acid is being widely used in food and beverage industry for disinfecting food processing equipment and facilities. Growing demand from various end use industries like healthcare, agriculture and wastewater treatment also presents significant growth opportunities. Threats: Presence of alternative disinfectants and sterilants like chlorine based compounds poses competition to peracetic acid market. Strict regulations regarding the transportation and use of peracetic acid are a challenge. Availability of substitute chemicals can also threaten the demand.
Key Takeaways
The global peracetic acid market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023-2030. Recent innovations focused on developing safer and more effective formulations are driving the growth. The market is estimated to reach a value of US$ 872.6 Mn in 2023 and expected to surpass US$ 1 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 7.8%.
Regional analysis: North America dominates the global peracetic acid market currently, accounting for over 35% of the total demand. Stringent food safety and wastewater treatment regulations in the region are propelling the market. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market going forward due to rising consumption in industries such as healthcare, food processing, and water treatment. Countries like China, India are major producers and consumers of peracetic acid in the region.
Key players: Key players operating in the peracetic acid market are Kemira Oyj, Solvay S.A., Promox S.p.A., Evonik Industries, Ecolab Inc., Thai Peroxide Limited, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc., PeroxyChem LLC and Diversey Inc. Innovation in production technologies and development of new application specific formulations are the focus of major companies to gain competitive advantage.
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ananya5400 · 1 year
Factors Driving the Animal Disinfectants Market
The report "Animal Disinfectants Market by Application (Dairy Cleaning, Swine, Poultry, Equine, Dairy Ruminants, and Aquaculture), Form (Liquid and Powder), Type (Iodine, Lactic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide), and Region- Global Forecast to 2027", size is estimated to be valued at USD 3.2 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 4.6 billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 7.6% during the forecast period. The growth of the animal disinfectants market is attributed to the increasing trade of sanitation amidst this COVID-19 pandemic and increasing demand for meat and other animal products among countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the UAE, India, and China. Animal disinfection is a technique that involve cleaning both the animals such as swine, equine, ruminants, poultry, and fishes and the surfaces to guarantee that microbial and other illnesses do not affect the animals or enter the food chain through the production process at the facilities. The animal disinfectants market is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing consumption of meat products in developing countries such as India, China, South Africa, and Brazil, compelling manufacturers to increase production.
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By type, the iodine segment is estimated to account for the largest share in the animal disinfectants market in 2022.
On the basis of product type segment, the iodine segment is estimated to dominate the animal disinfectants market in 2022. In recent years, China is being observed as an emerging country in the animal disinfectants market due to the increasing awareness in sanitation and increasing livestock production. For effective cleaning and disinfection, manufacturers use chemicals such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, phenolic acid, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and iodine in various chemical disinfection. However, the use use of iodine has dominated the use of all other compounds owing to its easy availability and wide applicability.
By application, dairy cleaning segment is projected to be the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period in the animal disinfectant market
During the forecast period, the dairy cleaning segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR in the animal disinfectants market, in terms of value. Disinfectants are widely used in the dairy industry for cleaning dairy equipment. The cleaning of dairy cattle involves removing equipment and bedding before cleaning. The nature of the surfaces will influence the disinfection process. Rough and porous surfaces are difficult to disinfect in comparison to smooth surfaces. Both the milking parlor and milking machines must be cleaned daily to ensure more hygienic products.
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The Europe is estimated to dominate the animal disinfectant market in 2022
The Europe is estimated to account for the largest market share in the animal disinfectants market in 2022. The disinfectant industry in Europe offers the animal disinfectants market a large consumer base with opportunistic growth prospects. The growth of this market in the region is projected to be driven by developments in the livestock and meat industry in the Eastern European countries. Increasing consumption of meat products in this region has also compelled manufacturers to source and export of animal disinfectants to other parts of the world for an uninterrupted supply of advanced disinfectants.
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, such as Neogen Corporation (US), GEA (Germany), Lanxess AG (Germany), Zoetis (US), Kersia Group (France), CID Lines (Belgium), Albert Kerbl GmbH (Germany), PCC Group (Germany), Laboratoires Ceetel- CMPC (France), G SheperdAnimal Health (UK), Sanosil AG (Switzerland), DeLaval Inc. (Sweden), Diversey Holdings Ltd. (US), Fink Tec GmbH (Germany), Evans Vanodine International PLC (UK), Virox Animal Health (Canada) and Kemin Industries (US)
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sramfact · 2 years
The report "Peracetic Acid Market by Application (Disinfectant, Sterilant, Sanitizer), End-use Industry (Healthcare, Food & Beverage, Water Treatment, Pulp & Paper), and Region (North America, Europe, APAC) - Global Forecasts to 2030" The global peracetic acid market size is projected to grow from USD 813 million in 2020 to USD 1,685 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.6%.
The drivers of the industry are the growing usage of peracetic acid in end-use industries and the demand for high-quality biocides products. The availability of different product grades and shift in consumer preference toward high-quality products are also important drivers of the market in recent times. Increase in the use of peracetic acid in industries, such as healthcare, food & beverage, water treatment, pulp & paper, and the emergence of new applications (laundry, breweries, wineries, and agriculture) are expected to change the market dynamics. The growing demand in India, China, Brazil, South-East Asia, and Mexico is expected to drive the market during the forecast period.
The sterilant segment is projected to grow at a higher rate than the other application segments. It is an emerging application of peracetic acid. The major factor responsible for the growth of sterilants is their increased demand in the food industry, life sciences, pharmaceutical, and other industrial products. The rising population is also projected to boost the demand from end-user industries, such as healthcare and life sciences.
The wastewater treatment application is witnessing a surge in demand and is projected to register a high CAGR in the next five years, globally. The growing and developing economies of Asia Pacific, such as China and India, with their infrastructural and technological development in the end-use industries, are expected to increase the demand for peracetic acid in the markets. The global water treatment market will continuously grow at a higher rate and is projected to drive the overall market of water treatment products. The superior peracetic acid product is expected to surpass the biocides industry growth due to its larger acceptance and rising demand from end-users.
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coldpenguintaco · 3 years
COVID-19 Business Impact on Peracetic Acid Market Revenue Analyzed and Industry Forecast to 2030- Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™
The peracetic acid market size is estimated to be USD 813 million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 1,685 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.6%, between 2020 and 2030. Peracetic acid is widely used as disinfectant, sanitizer, bleach, sterilant, industrial reagent, oxidizer, and polymerization catalyst. It is a strong oxidizing agent and has stronger oxidation potential than chlorine or chlorine…
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