#PVC Shower Curtains
hannahssimblr · 8 months
Chapter Fourteen
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The storm rages on until Friday and is so bad that it takes six trees down in Fitzwilliam Square. One of them collapses the iron railings around the outside, and when I wake up to calm sunshine on Saturday morning the first thing I hear is workmen repairing it. The news says that a woman was killed inside her car when another tree went down on her out west, and a river in the south east burst its banks and flooded the ground floor of the buildings that face it. 
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It’s hard to imagine the chaos that roared through the country mere hours before as I peer through the gossamer curtains in my bedroom, and the sun streams down from a sky so cloudless and blue that it looks like stretched silk. I push the window open, still with beads of rain clinging to the PVC and breathe in the shockingly fresh air, the petrichor smell of the roads, and the hint of sweet spring blossoms just about to burst from the trees along the street. Birds chirp and a bicycle bell rings as a woman with flowers in her wicker basket passes an elderly couple taking a morning stroll along the edge of the park. It’s like nothing ever happened.
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I shower and dress quickly, and then, as planned, I head out to get a bus to Clontarf. I don’t usually get up before nine on weekends, but Jude told me, in one of his hasty texts, that he intended to be back in the hospital with Jen by eleven, so an early morning breakfast conversation to iron things out between us will have to do.
I’m nervous to see him, that much is not new, but this time it feels different. And worse. Usually, I feel nervous in the way that a thirteen-year-old girl feels about seeing the boy she fancies after school, but this, this feeling inside me feels less like butterflies and more like plain nausea, seeing as the last time we spoke he refused to look me in the face. Still, today will be different, and I’m certain that we can work out a way to get things back to the way they were before Berlin. Normal. Safe. Easy, without any of our complicated and unresolved feelings getting in the way of our friendship. It’s not too late to go back to the way it used to be, I’m certain of it, and all I’ll have to do is shove down this enormous part of me that begs me to be brave, to take a chance, and get on with whatever conversation we’re about to have.
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It takes the bus so long to get across town with all of the fallen branches and obstructions, that by the time my feet touch the pavement again it’s already half past nine. I think to myself that surely an hour is enough for such a conversation as I turn up Vernon Avenue and through the gates of the Turner’s Georgian home. I knock on the door. 
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“Yes?” It’s Ivy. She’s tall and gangly now, with limbs that look too long for her and features that look too big in that endearing, awkward teenage way. She was always nine in my head. How is she suddenly this big? How has time just slipped by like that?
“Is your brother in?”
“Yeah.” She says. “He’s in his room you can go on up.”
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I head up the stairs, trying to ignore the weird, retroactive feelings I get at the memory of the last time I came thundering down this same staircase with tears in my eyes, and I knock gingerly on the first door on the left. 
“What?” He says from within. I hesitate. “Um. It’s Evie.”
He opens the door. “Evie? What are you doing here?”
“You wanted to meet for breakfast.”
“Yeah, but I messaged you to cancel.”
“You did?”
“On facebook.”
“Oh, God. I’m so sorry, our internet went out in the storm, I haven’t been able to check any of my socials. I shouldn’t have come.”
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“It’s alright.” He stands aside and allows me into his room, his childhood room, for the very first time. And it’s plain and barren, and I’m just beginning to wonder why it’s so void of all personality before I realise that he must have taken almost everything he owns with him to Berlin. This is just a blue-painted box with a bed, wardrobe and desk. He has unpacked suitcases open on the floor, one spilling over with t-shirts, which brings me a sense of camaraderie and comfort. He’s messy. 
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I perch on the edge of his unmade bed. “Is everything alright? How come you cancelled?”
“There was flooding in Wexford. My dad wants me to go down and check that everything is alright with the house.”
“The beach house?”
“Yeah. Just in case something got damaged in the storm.” He’s moving around jerkily, agitated, grabbing keys and wallet and phone. Rifling through the wardrobe for a waterproof jacket. “I planned to visit Jen this morning, but I suppose this can’t really wait, but I suppose if I make it a quick enough journey I might be back before visiting hours end. Sorry that you came all the way over only for me to be on the way out.”
“Me too, but it’s alright, really. Maybe I can go and get breakfast on my own…?”
“Yeah. Pigeon House is good.” He’s doing his best to avoid looking at me.
“Still, I was really hoping that you and I could talk, you know? I don’t really feel good about putting it off.”
“Okay well if you want to talk about it now I can spare about four minutes before I have to hit the road.”
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I chew on my lip. He leans back against his desk with his arms folded, eyebrows raised, waiting for me to say something. He’s so mad at me. Discomfort prickles a path down my spine. “Well we might need more than four minutes, Jude.”
“Another day then.”
I start picking the hangnail on my thumb. “Well, maybe, you know, if you’re not going to be too long at the beach, I could come along and we can talk then?”
“You want to come to the beach. With me.”
“Yeah, I think that I do.”
His sigh is hassled and resigned, and he wrestles his arms into his jacket. “Fine, yeah. If you want to then come. I’m leaving now though.”
I start seriously questioning whether this is a normal thing to want to do. To be trapped for hours with someone who is actively furious with me, hanging around on the beach where we first met, but perhaps it’s the very best place for us to talk, perhaps it’s worth revisiting this place that holds so much cosmic energy again, if not to re-experience some of the magic of it, then at least to sever my connection to it, and put all of those old memories and feelings to bed once and for all. It’ll be like visiting a museum dedicated to the final weeks of my childhood. 
“Okay, I’m ready if you are,” I say.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
The Biden-Harris administration said Wednesday that it was taking its first steps toward potentially regulating vinyl chloride, a versatile yet cancerous and flammable chemical used widely to make plastic for PVC pipes and packaging.
Experts and environmental groups had been urging the federal government to more stringently regulate the chemical after a train shipment of it derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, last year, prompting officials to perform a large controlled burn that sent a black cloud of smoke over the surrounding area, raising health concerns.
Tougher rules or a ban on vinyl chloride would address a host of health and safety concerns: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has classified vinyl chloride as a known human carcinogen, and the chemical is highly flammable and potentially explosive.
Safety experts had also raised concerns over the transport of vinyl chloride across long distances on accident-prone freight trains. The more than 100,000-gallon vinyl chloride shipment that burned in Ohio was on a 1,600-mile journey from a chemicals plant just outside Houston, Texas, to a PVC flooring plant in Pedricktown, N.J.
But tougher regulations would also upend the market for a type of plastic used widely in electrical wiring and cables, blood storage bags and other medical devices, packaging and household goods like shower curtains and raincoats, and PVC pipes for drinking water.
The Vinyl Institute, which represents vinyl chloride manufacturers and related companies, said its members adhered to “some of the most stringent safety and environmental regulations in the chemical industry.” The E.P.A.’s process will “demonstrate the production and use of vinyl chloride are safe,” said the group’s chief executive, Ned Monroe.
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kiidwritings · 10 months
so cringe, but i love u <3
chapter 1: gillette razor
wc; 3385. tags/warnings; maybe ooc .T4T RAAAGGHHHH!! Trans horangi. Trans könig. 5+1 Things. sorry if könig is ooc. also horangi might be ooc. I TRYING. idk i based his AUDHD on mine so :P. same with könig's social anxiety. author is nd. Author is trans. she/he/they könig. transfem könig. im trying my best ;-;. not beta read. (some) events based/inspired on stuff in author's real life. possible grammatical errors. mentions of sex. body/gender dysmorphia. mentions of needles (T-shot). vomiting. PISS (not in a sexual way 😭). grossness/unsanitariness. konig is a bit of a slob (lmk if I missed anything!)
a/n: i posted this on ao3 back in mid-october, but been too busy/forgot to post it here...oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i was deadass thinking about leaving this (I've been in a creativity flunk, I hate my art and my writing), but then I remembered I made this /for/ someone basically, and I'm no quiter!!!!! 💪🏽 I'm the youngest of 5 siblings and lived in a full house, so most these icks are based on things they've done/do. i project heavily onto the characters so they might be OOC. also, horangi is used for on-base settings and hong-jin is used when he's just a civilian/off-base.
pairing: kim "horangi" hong-jin/könig
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Moving in with a partner is always awkward. 
You have to accommodate their living style, how they run things, a new environment, and just living with another person in general (which differs greatly from living with siblings- take it from Hong-Jin who grew up with four sisters).
During their first time on leave together, they instantly noticed things about each other that were never brought to light while on base.
Konig was an early riser (not by choice, just by force of habit), while Hong-Jin liked to sleep in, especially without the sound of an alarm clock waking him at the asscrack of dawn.
(It had actually taken some time before they shared a bed. The first time Hong-Jin even suggested it, Konig exhaled and swallowed an entire chunk of bread whole, before proceeding to cough up the mushy bits as Hong-Jin patted his back too hard.)
At first, Konig found it cute as Horangi tried to pull them back to bed, mumbling and pushing his face further into the pillows. And if she did need to wake Hong-Jin up, he’d wake up grumpy, sitting in bed with a sleepy scowl for about 10 minutes (with some additional complaints or an ogle at Konig as he got dressed) before slipping out of the comfort of bed and also getting ready. 
The two had gotten comfortable enough to share the bathroom, mainly while brushing their teeth or enjoying a nice shower together with or without any funny business is up to you to decide .
Two toothbrushes, one that looked hardly used besides leftover moisture and one with bristles so flattened it was a surprise the owner still had enamel on their teeth, leaned against each other in a little decorative cup Konig picked up from the thrift store. It was old, its design- different varieties of cats in beachwear- having worn off and the plastic was graying a bit.
The bathroom air was moist and hot as Hong-Jin entered, Konig not bothering to lock the door knowing he’d come in whenever he finished grumbling over not being able to sleep through the morning. The shower ran hot as steam wafted past the thin shower curtains and Konig hummed a tune. A mix of incoherent words and hushed melodies resonated from her chest and throat. Hong-Jin smirked and with help from the see-through curtains, poked Konig in the tummy through the PVC. 
Konig gasped, and pulled the curtain to the side, only allowing his head and shoulders to peek through. Hong-Jin grinned and relished at the sight of Konig’s slick and freckled skin. There was a tint of pinkness to it from the hot water cascading out of the shower head. Their hair was sticking to their forehead, the curls now slicked with water and shiny.
“Good morning.” Hong-Jin purred. He thought about joining Konig, but he didn’t smell and wasn’t really in the mood for shower sex.
“Ah! What was that for?” Konig let out a huff of amusement and shot her partner back a cheeky smirk.
Hong-Jin just shrugged and leaned back against the bathroom sink. “Just felt like it.”
“Want to join me?” Konig asked, using his hand to wipe some excess water from his face, huffing like a seal clearing its nose.
Hong-Jin just shrugged again, turning around to face the fogged-up mirror. “Neh,” He absently drew a smiley face in the mirror's condensation coating. 
‘Not in the mood for sex.’ he thought.
He shouldn’t say that, that’s forward. Plus, Konig might find that weird…yeah, don’t say that. Think of something else-.
“Not in the mood for sex.”
“ What?! ” Konig gaped.
“What?” Hong-Jin turned around and awkwardly stared at Konig’s shocked face.
“Are you in the mood for sex?”
“What, no I just said I wasn’t.” Konig blinked and his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
“So why’d you mention it? Does me showering turn you on?”
Hong-Jin blinked hard, doing a double take. And I thought I was forward, geez! “No! I mean, yes!...No, sometimes?” 
What the fuck was this conversation even???
“Are you turned on right now?” Konig asked, probably just trying to fill the awkward silence and also trying to understand the reason behind Hong-Jin’s initial response.
“No! I’m not turned on, I’m normal, I’m…I need to pee!”
And with that, Hong-Jin pulled the curtain back to hide himself from Konig and practically slammed the toilet lid open, signaling to Konig to not peek past the curtains and also to drop the conversation.
Once he was sure she was back to bathing herself, he did his business. Making sure not to flush (to save Konig from getting burned alive from the already hot water getting hotter), Hong-Jin washed his hands and began brushing his teeth. “Do you need help with your T-shot today?” Konig asked, now that the awkwardness had disappeared from the previous conversation. Hong-Jin spits in the sink, cupping his hands and gurgling the water. The water was colder than usual, probably from the mintiness of the toothpaste residue, and chilled the teeth were cracked and sensitive. “Yeah, that’d be nice,” Hong-Jin said, wiping the excess foam that dribbled out his mouth and began splashing water in his face. 
Konig liked helping with Hong-Jin’s T-shot. He could do it by himself, but sometimes he wouldn’t stab hard enough, or seeing the needle go in made his chest tighten. But the domestic sight of Konig’s big hand engulfing one of his thighs and having her other hand slowly sticking the needle into the fat made Hong-Jin want Konig by his bedside, at his beck and call if he batted his eyelashes innocently enough.
(Sometimes Konig thought about starting up on estrogen. They wouldn’t mind if they were born a girl. The thought of wearing a bra made him feel dirty like she was some pervert who was faking her identity. Word would go around that KorTac’s titan colonel was a tranny who thought he was a girl and wore a bra. The thought of rumors and the loss of her reputation all because she wanted to express herself made her stomach churn and a sense of dread ran down his spine. 
But why should he care?!...well, he did care a lot .
Years of being made fun of and looked down upon (not literally of course) would all be down the drain. His secret was safe with Hong-Jin, his partner, and Horangi, his teammate.)
“And what do you say…?” Konig teased, a grin present in the tone of her voice. Through the curtain, Konig was washing off his body, splashing water on his face and running his fingers through his hair.
Hong-Jin just scowled, rolling his eyes and flushing the toilet, letting the scolding water pour down onto his cocky girlfriend. “Ah ah! Heiß! So verdammt heiß!” (Hot! So fucking hot!) Konig yelped and rushed to turn off the water as their mischievous tiger of a boyfriend left the bathroom, chuckling quite proudly to himself. 
The rest of the morning was casual. The two went about their typical routine, it was nothing special; making breakfast, and doing minimal chores. Hong-Jin liked to go on a run before the sun was really shining, and Konig had some laundry to fold that he’d been putting off (his mama ain’t raise him to be a slob, so having to walk past that pile every day made guilt tickle his stomach). 
Hong-Jin had returned to the small apartment covered in a light sheen of sweat, adrenaline still running through his body. Walking into the bedroom, he fell back onto the bed, just nearly missing the neat stack of folded laundry with his leg.
Konig huffed, “Be careful, I’m being helpful here.” Hong-Jin just responded with a huff of his own from deep within his chest and swung a leg over to land on Konig’s lap, which as a result, knocked off some clothes from the folded pile. 
“Hey! Vorsichtig! ” Konig pouted and gave a smack to Hong-Jin’s calf. He could only smile and snuggle into the pillow.
“Tired…” Was all Hong-Jin replied with, turning onto his side, being mindful of his leg now and inhaling the musk and scent on Konig’s pillow. It smelt of pine-scented body wash and 3-in-1.
Konig exhaled once more, re-folding the messed up clothes but allowing Hong-Jin to keep his leg on her lap.
“We need food,” Hong-Jin mumbled, eyes still closed.
Konig just hummed, “ Ja… ”
Hong-Jin let his hand find its way to Konig’s thigh, squeezing a bit, “Come with me?” Hong-Jin tilted his head to peek up at his girlfriend. Konig just continued folding clothes, glancing over to meet their boyfriend’s gaze.
“Great, let me go shower.” Hong-Jin shot up, once again knocking over some clothes (Konig scoffed and looked at Horagni with great offense). 
He gathered some new clothes, threw his sweaty workout clothes in the battered hamper, and walked into the bathroom. 
The shower knobs were adjusted to just the right water temperature. Absent-mindedly placing his hand on the sink while looking at himself in the mirror, he left something under his hand.
A small puddle of water. Nothing too bad. But in the water were tiny hairs, red hairs to be exact. Some were curly and some were just straight. Hong-Jin felt his skin crawl and immediately wiped his hands on a hand towel hanging nearby. He felt sick.
Was Konig always this gross? How can someone just leave behind such a mess and not think to clean it up? Did he just touch his shaven pubic hairs???
Hong-Jin shuddered, washing his hands once… then twice, and took a deep breath, analyzing the scene.
With a bit of an attitude, he walked out of the bathroom to Konig. She was putting away the clothes, reorganizing the ones that wouldn’t fit in their dresser drawers. Everything was folded military-style, neat and compact.
“Konig,” Hong-Jin gritted his teeth. Konig looked back and blinked, “ Ja ? Why the long face, tiger?” Hong-Jin just huffed and threw a thumb over his shoulder to the ajar bathroom door.
“You left your fucking pubes on the bathroom sink.” His voice was sharp and annoyed. Konig blinked before flushing.
“Yeah ‘oh’ . Go clean it up…” he took a big inhale and then exhaled. “Please?”
Konig paused, looking to the floor, embarrassed, before glancing at Hong-Jin, and then making their way to the bathroom.
The sink was cleaned in no time and an apology kiss was planted atop Hong-Jin’s head, right on the side part of his hair. “I’m sorry,” Konig mumbled, lips still against his head, inhaling the scent of the hair oil Hong-Jin used.
Hong-Jin just gave a smile, it didn’t reach his eyes but if it weren’t for the arm sliding around her waist, Konig would’ve assumed he was still upset with her.
“It’s fine, just gross.” Hong-Jin’s cheeks tinted in response to the kiss and he squeezed Konig’s love handle, causing the latter to stiffen.
And like promised, the sink was free of any hairs.
It seemed like that problem was resolved, Konig made sure to clean up after himself on the days when he did shave so everyone was happy…
Until it wasn’t. 
The issue arose (again) one early morning when the sun was still asleep. It had been an evening of takeout, kissing, watching movies, kissing, a little drinking, making out, and like the old farts they are, snuggling in bed (with some more kissing and a messy handjob) before falling asleep to the sound of each other’s hearts beating.
It was about 2 AM, and the outside world was quiet. Hong-Jin’s eyes fluttered open, cold hardening the corners and causing him to wince. Konig laid on his back, hairy chest and chunky stomach on display and snoring, not to the point of keeping Hong-Jin up, but putting him at ease when the night was too quiet. 
(Hong-Jin loved how Konig ran hot, all that muscle and fat did wonders to circulate heat that was then shared with Hong-Jin, their loving boyfriend. The more fat on Konig’s body, the more there was for Hong-Jin to love. And Konig loved Hong-Jin's slim figure, his muscle and small tummy fit perfectly in his arms- two puzzle pieces that loved the skin-to-skin feeling.)
With cat-like stealth, Hong-Jin slipped from Konig’s big strong arms and ventured to the bathroom. The fluorescent overhead lights stung his eyes and he squinted his way to the toilet. 
He went about doing his business, trying his best to keep his mind calm, usage of his sleepy brain would cause it to wake up and then he’d stay up on his phone until either Konig slid it under his pillow or he passed out from the blue light. 
Before flushing, Hong-Jin could make out something in the toilet bowl (besides his piss). Did he get his period suddenly? No, it just ended last weekend. 
Finally taking a second to rub his eyes and concentrate, he released it was pubes.
Instead of leaving them on the sink, Konig had used the toilet to shave. Fine in itself, Horangi did the same thing. But leaving them in the toilet and not flushing wasn’t . She must’ve shaved after Horangi had been settled into bed that night.
Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Hong-Jin tore off a small bit of toilet paper and lifted the toilet lid, only to cringe and shoot his hand back, seeing as stray pieces of pubic hair littered the bare toilet bowl rim.
Hong-Jin shivered, he left dirty just looking at it. He quickly flushed the toilet along with the torn toilet paper and washed his hands and just above his wrists. He ended up being too angry to sleep before passing out two hours later, refusing to snuggle back up with Konig.
Even once they were back on base, Horangi seemed to notice this “ick” of Konig’s. It wasn’t like he made an effort to look out for every stray hair of Konig’s, but with that gross memory in the front of his mind, he couldn’t help it.
He had just happened to be walking to the locker room when Konig turned the corner, shoulders brushing.
“Oh, hallo Horangi.” Konig seemed rather chipper this morning, maybe because Horangi had come back from a mission four days ago and she was happy to see him.
“Konig,” Horangi nodded his head. He was dressed in a plain green shirt and some cargo pants. The humidity of the base hallways made the fabric of his clothes and mask feel like they were sticking to his skin from all the sweat he’d built up while working out. It was a good thing he’d kept his sunglasses in his gym bag, the moisture would've sure collected underneath the frames.
“I heard about the mission you were on, good job meine Kätzchen. ” (my kitten) Konig’s eyes upturned through the eye holes of his mask, and they reached out to place a gentle hand on Horangi’s shoulder. Horangi scoffed, shrugging their hand off playfully, and scowled under his mask.
“You know I hate that pet name.” Horangi narrowed his eyes at his taller lover but there was no real malice in his voice, in fact, he even blushed a bit under his mask, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up with flusteredness.
Konig just chuckled, before leaning down a bit, the fabric of his hood just barely touching Horangi’s cheek. “If the circumstances were different, I’m sure that pet name would be getting a much-needed rise out of you.~” 
There was a fluttery feeling in Horangi’s chest and he felt his skin heat up more and he licked his lips a bit. 
With a quick glance at the open end of the hall, Horangi shifted their masks out of the way, letting himself venture underneath Konig’s and share a passionate kiss. With the built-up tension in the air, it quickly dissolved into a quick makeout session. The only thing to break them apart was the sound of a shower stall door slamming shut. 
Konig was the one to pull back, a string of saliva quickly being lapped up by her and she grinned. The two were panting and Horangi was surely sweating more from the heat underneath Konig’s mask and building up below.
Goosebumps prickled Horangi’s skin and suddenly the air of the hallway wasn't as dry anymore, the layer of sweat cooling him down. 
“I’m guessing meine kleines kätzchen will be ‘stopping by’ this evening?” Konig whispered, his soul patch rubbing against Horangi’s cheek as his lips brushed against his earlobe. His body was now boxing in Horangi’s, their most vulnerable parts brushing against each other’s. Horangi bit his lip, slipping his mask back up.
“Yes sir.”~ He purred. Then they parted their separate ways, both riled up and ready to jump each other’s bones the next time they saw each other.
Later that night, long after Konig had finished his reports (that he’d procrastinated long enough getting done) and everyone had started settling down before lights out, Horangi had Konig straddle to the bed, moving his hips in an exotic and hypnotic way. Their masks and most of their clothes were tossed aside, leaving them both bare and vulnerable to each other’s wandering hands and teeth. 
Horangi hadn't expected to be so pent up from just a bit of teasing that afternoon, but god , if his giant girlfriend didn’t destroy his insides by the end of the night, he’d lose his fucking mind.
He leaned down, pressing a sloppy kiss on his bite mark placed perfectly on their pulse point. Konig was panting, body flushed and reacting in malicious ways to Horangi’s teasing. 
“Where are your condoms at, big boy?” Horangi whispered, sucking another kiss onto their chest.
Konig sucked in a shaky breath and stammered to speak, “ I-im bad…badezimmer- oh gott… (In the bathroom- oh god)” Horangi tsked and rolled his hips into Konig causing her to whine. 
“English, 여보… ~ (Yeobo/Darling)”
With another whine and a flutter of her lashes, Konig was able to composure herself somewhat to divert from her mother tongue, “Bathroom…m-medicine cabinet.” 
Reluctantly, Horangi peeled himself from Konig (who was practically about to burst), and upon flicking on the bathroom light, felt like ice water had been poured on him and the wetness down below was instantly dried.
The bathroom was as tidy as a man could have it, nothing out of the ordinary except for the sink which was COMPLETELY covered in shaven hairs. On the edge, next to his flattened toothbrush, was a simple black razor, the blades surprisingly clean with a few stray hairs caught between, like lettuce stuck between teeth.
…well not completely, but it looked like the sink hadn’t been shown a sliver of care, not a single good scrubbing (or…some form of cleaning).
Horangi’s jaw dropped as he stood in the doorway of the small bathroom. 
He felt sick, he wanted to spit up to get rid of this gross feeling all over his body- he felt contaminated.
Sure this wasn’t Horangi's living space, (he was actually jealous Konig got his own private bathroom because of his ranking), but oh god the sight was gut-wrenching. Did they not see nothing wrong with just leaving their hair all over the sink, the place where they left their toothbrush that went in their mouth and that mouth and tongue swapped spit with him-
Konig shot up upon hearing Horangi retch, throwing himself to the toilet and regurgitating a mush of greasy mess hall food into the porcelain bowl.
“Hong-Jin, are you ok?!” Kneeling down next to Horangi, he used one hand to swoop his hair out of his face and the other to softly rub circles on his back. Horangi groaned, spitting some extra bile into the toilet water-vomit mixture.
With a shaky voice and trembling body, Horangi turned his head to Konig and gritted his teeth. “Your sink is disgusting …!”
Konig blinked, face contorted into a confused and worried look. “Huh?”
“Your SINK-” Horangi’s stomach roared and another wave of nausea rolled over him. “It’s covered in HAIR.” 
Konig just shushed his little tiger as Horangi's back arched like a cat throwing up a hairball.
So much for the sex…Konig had a raging hard-on he desperately needed to be taken care of…
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Have a good day/night! :3c - alienkiid
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©kiidwritings 2020 - 2023; all rights to the stories are reserved to @kiidwritings! please do not plagiarize, modify, edit, translate, or repost any of my work!
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Recycling previously unrecyclable polyvinyl chloride
PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is one of the most produced plastics in the United States and the third highest by volume in the world.
PVC makes up a vast amount of plastics we use on a daily basis. Much of the plastic used in hospital equipment—tubing, blood bags, masks and more—is PVC, as is most of the piping used in modern plumbing. Window frames, housing trim, siding and flooring are made of, or include, PVC. It coats electrical wiring and comprises materials such as shower curtains, tents, tarps and clothing.
It also has a zero percent recycling rate in the United States.
Now, University of Michigan researchers, led by study first author Danielle Fagnani and principal investigator Anne McNeil, have discovered a way to chemically recycle PVC into usable material. The most fortuitous part of the study? The researchers found a way to use the phthalates in the plasticizers—one of PVC's most noxious components—as the mediator for the chemical reaction. Their results are published in the journal Nature Chemistry.
Read more.
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female-malice · 2 years
Given that it’s so toxic, what was vinyl chloride doing on a train? PVC is one of the most common kinds of plastic, used most notably in piping, but also in packaging and consumer products like shower curtains. There are some 5,000 businesses in the US alone that produce the various kinds of plastic, says Judith Enck, president of Beyond Plastics and a former EPA regional administrator. And they all need ingredients. “It's not just trains, it's also trucks moving the stuff,” says Enck.
And it’s not just vinyl chloride. Manufacturers have to add gobs of other chemicals to give plastic its plastic properties—things that make the polymer more heat resistant, for example, or more flexible. Many of these are known endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, which make our hormones go haywire. That’s why bisphenol A, aka BPA, was singled out, after scientists linked it to cancer, behavioral conditions, and diabetes. 
But it’s a game of whack-a-mole. When one chemical is found to be dangerous, manufacturers substitute in others that may be just as toxic, if not more so. “There hasn't been the research to know if they're safe, or if they are less dangerous but still of concern,” says Markowitz. It will probably take years before we know the potential side effects of replacement chemicals, he adds.
And BPA was just one of the 2,400 other chemicals in plastics that scientists consider to be of concern. A 2021 study found that exposure to plastic chemicals called phthalates could be responsible for 100,000 premature deaths in the US each year—and that was a conservative estimate. 
The core issue is that what’s put in plastics doesn’t stay in plastics. When a bag or bottle breaks apart, it releases its component chemicals as leachates. Heat and freezing also fragment any plastic into microplastics, which have corrupted every corner of the environment, as well as our own bodies. They’ve been found in human lung tissue, guts, blood, and even newborns’ first feces. Yet we know little about the health consequences of microplastics, though early studies are finding that microplastics are highly toxic to human cells in lab experiments. The fire in East Palestine is a particularly alarming example of a crisis that’s worsening by the day.
We know full well how to keep trains from exploding and burning up vinyl chloride, and how to reduce the amount of microplastics entering the environment and our bodies. “We just have to make less plastic,” says Enck. “That's the only way out of this.” One option that negotiators are currently discussing for a UN treaty is a cap on production of the material. “I think it's more realistic that we're going to reduce plastic production than improve rail safety,” Enck adds.
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lillybean730 · 1 year
i used to have a like diy canopy bed made of pvc pipes and shower curtains
it fucking ruled i need to do that again
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Sex Toy Materials 2: What AM I Allowed To Put In My Butt?!?!
Check out part 1!
Did you know I’m writing this series of posts for a college class?
Anyway. “So what am I allowed to stick in my holes?” you may ask. As aforementioned, silicone is the only nonporous, body-safe material for sex toys that can be soft, but there are plenty of harder materials out there that are safe and much cheaper. Stainless steel (not a good example of cheaper), aluminum, glass (just be careful with anything that might be painted), glazed ceramic, wood (there’s a way to properly seal it to make it nonporous, don’t put a rocking horse up your butt), and certain types of treated stone (NOT anything sold by Gwyneth Paltrow) are fantastic materials for sex toys. 
To sterilize your toys, you can easily wipe them down with rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution and rinse them off before their next use. If your toys don’t have motors, you can also boil them, run them through the dishwasher, or even bake them if they won’t fit in those options (and if you’ve reached such an advanced size of sex toy, then I trust you to research what materials are safe in the oven on your own). If you think that list sounds suspiciously similar to what you can do to sterilize baby toys, then you’re right! Also, I’ve had a talk with a brand representative from FemmeFunn who assured me that their waterproof vibrators (specifically using the Ultra Bullet, Booster Bullet, and Bougie Bullet as examples) can be boiled to sterilize them. I’d be terrified about voiding the warranty with that, but you can try that if you’re brave enough.
If you think that all that crap sounds like a lot of work (it’s okay, I’m lazy too), then you’ll be happy to know that plenty of toy stores sell cleaners in spray bottles that can also sterilize your toys (just be sure to rinse them off before using them again). Provided you’ve got the budget for it, UV-C sterilizing options are becoming more popular for toys (I own one and throw my phone in there when I think about it for good measure). And honestly, excluding anal toys, warm water and unscented soap are going to be just fine for your regular cleaning. It’s just nice to disinfect things that are going in or near your holes every now and again.
Thankfully, there are many more companies using exclusively body-safe materials than in past decades. Off the top of my head, these companies include Uberrime, Vixen Creations, Tantus, Fuze, New York Toy Collective, Pris Toys, Hankey’s Toys, SquarePegToys, Portland Toy Company, Creature Cocks, FemmeFunn (also includes Shaft, Forto, and LuvInc), Maia Toys, We-Vibe, Womanizer, LELO, Nu Sensuelle, Dame, LeWand, B-Vibe, Je Joue, The Rabbit Company (as far as I have seen), Aneros, Satisfyer (excluding some strokers), VeDO (excluding some strokers), Lovense (excluding some strokers), Swan, Pillow Talk, Fun Factory, Glas, Crystal Delights, Désirables, Njoy, Laid, and NobEssence.
So y’know, A Few.
I’d like to make a shitlist of companies as well, but honestly, most manufacturers are offering some form of silicone toys nowadays along with the regular cheaper options. You just have to know what to look for. Check out the box (especially the fine print), Google what sex toy reviewers have to say about it, feel it up, you’ll start to figure out what to look for. A few blatant red flags are if the toy looks sweaty/oily in the product photos (it will almost certainly be PVC if you see that), if it smells like a new shower curtain (again, PVC), if the toy looks especially shiny or powdery, if some ambiguous “body-safe material” is proudly proclaimed on the packaging, and if it feels rubbery. No official organization in the U.S. is keeping adult toy manufacturers accountable for what information they’re putting on boxes, but as far as I’ve noticed, if you’re not shopping on Amazon/AliExpress/eBay/some shady wholesale site then brands don’t tend to lie about toys being silicone anymore. Even the really gross ones like NassToys.
Okay, NOW you’re allowed to go stick things in your butt or urethra or whatever. Be free.
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
A list of things I want or need to do.....
Schedule driving lessons
Work on unicorn painting
Work on illustrations for steph book
Work on 'cinderell' comic rewrite/update
Laundry today
Dishes+ run dishwasher today
Schedule dentist appt
Schedule vet visit for Edison- he has a cold or allergies or something, also a growth on one of his toes??, and I want to really in-depth discuss a plan for his weight bc ive had no success. Also he's due for annual vaccinations presumably, so. (Wish blue pearl was not so expensive bc they now have Fear Free vet visits and the difference in his behavior when we went there last time compared to other vets weve gone to was just amazing. He was able to wander around the room and it didn't feel like a typical exam room for pets so he wasn't scared and hiding, he allowed the vet and assistant to poke and prod him and manhandled him even if he wasn't thrilled, he didn't cry or hiss or scratch anyone! But for regular vet visits they're really pricey :/)
Work on Eitan and Zahav story/comic
Work on iron man/dragonriders of pern au story
Buy parts for pvc watering system for garden (need to go with dad) and set up
Work on bookcase (with dad)
Window-shop/buy stuff for steph bridal shower (with ma or on my own, but the best store to go to is far enough I'd rather go by car, and it's more fun to go with someone else and discuss ideas and also less likely to impulse buy everything?)
Go to DSW to get new sneakers (with ma, access by car travel only and easier to have a second opinion on shoes. My current pair I have a hole in the top by my big toe...oops)
Work on website: photograph artwork professionally, edit photos, design website layout and complete that. Add artwork to portfolio gallery on the site, add my photo and about me info. Request refund for the dumb add-on I didn't realize was useless. Make the website what I want it to be. May need to learn coding. Need to slim down choices for artwork to include to only the best stuff it makes sense to include, not just things I like.
Design pride plants stickers/pins
Plan for rainbow enamel or just hard enamel autisticat pins. Also, keychains?
Rework/update etsy listings/items available...
Come up with additional ideas for products. Stickers/prints/pins...keychains?
Fulfil current etsy order - soon
Organize my room - try on clothing, go thru piles of stuff, figure out what to do with certain things and if the new bin will help what to put in it, decide what to put back into drawers and which ones for what items, go thru some other stuff like bank statements, organize receipts, etc
Put shelf above window above curtain rod for displaying some stuffed toys (need dad's help)
Hang up new Queer pride flag (need help, also it's way bigger than I expected so may need to fold some of it behind and stitch it to itself to fit on the wall, need help to pin it up on the wall and probably a second step stool at least)
Look for vases for bridal shower for flowers (with ma or solo)
Go thru and organize stuff on breakfast bar
Plan out a budget - figure out how much I tend to spend on different categories of stuff per week or every 2 weeks or monthly, figure out how much I earn in that time period (if it's weekly it's half of my pay bc I'm paid every other, if it's monthly gotta double that amt, also gotta average it out/pick a general usual amount since depending on how much OT I do my pay is more or less lol). Consolidate that info together to decide on a basic budget for each category/ overall spending for the time period.
make list of things I need/want to buy or tend to buy, marked with priority or how often for repeat purchases, compare with budget for what impulse items/wants I can acquire in a given time frame and which to save for the next etc
Get a new bike or get mine fixed...
Spend time outside/go on walk
Water plants
Draw for fun. Draw tony or stevetony or dragons or cats
Get ice cream at some pt like tomorrow night if I'm off Thursday or on Thursday if I'm off Friday 🥺🥺🥺
Plan days to do activities! Kayaking/beach/farmers market/street fair/museum. With steph?
Plan to do something fun w work friends outside of work
Pride fest: who is going with me?
Renfair when it's time???
Pay for tallis!!! Today preferably! Write check and take it over to shul?? (Or give to ma to take to services this evening or go with her?)
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wedezineinterior · 2 months
Transform Your Bathroom with WeDezine: Expert Design for High-Humidity Areas
Living in a high-humidity area, like Bangalore, presents unique challenges for bathroom design. At WeDezine, we specialize in crafting bathrooms that not only captivate with their beauty but also stand resilient against the effects of high humidity. Our expert team is here to guide you through creating a bathroom that combines elegance with functionality, ensuring it remains a haven of comfort. Here are our top design tips to achieve this:
1. Choose Moisture-Resistant Materials
Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles: These are your go-to options for durability and water resistance. Their ease of maintenance and variety in design make them perfect for humid environments.
Quartz Countertops: Opt for quartz as it is non-porous, thus resisting mold and mildew, while offering a sleek and modern appearance.
PVC or Vinyl Flooring: These materials are excellent for high-humidity areas. They are waterproof and come in designs that imitate natural stone or wood.
2. Prioritize Effective Ventilation
High-Quality Exhaust Fans: A robust exhaust fan is crucial for removing excess moisture. Choose models with humidity sensors for optimal, automatic operation.
Windows: Incorporating windows that can be opened will allow fresh air to circulate and reduce humidity levels.
Ventilated Skylights: These not only let in natural light but also enhance airflow, helping to maintain a balanced humidity level.
3. Opt for Water-Resistant Paints and Finishes
Mildew-Resistant Paint: Select paints specifically formulated for bathrooms to prevent mildew and maintain a fresh look.
Waterproof Sealants: Apply sealants to grout lines and around sinks, bathtubs, and showers to safeguard against water damage and penetration.
4. Blend Functionality with Style
Wall-Mounted Vanities: These modern fixtures keep the floor clear, making cleaning easier and helping to avoid water damage.
Raised Sinks: Vessel or semi-recessed sinks can prevent water from pooling, maintaining a dry and clean countertop.
Glass Shower Panels: Replace traditional shower curtains with glass panels to reduce water escape and minimize mold growth.
5. Implement Smart Storage Solutions
Waterproof Cabinets: Invest in cabinets made from marine plywood or those with waterproof coatings to protect your belongings from moisture.
Open Shelving: Open shelves promote airflow, helping to prevent moisture accumulation around your items.
Hanging Organizers: Utilize wall space with hanging organizers to keep toiletries off countertops and reduce clutter.
6. Incorporate Natural Elements
Plants: Select humidity-loving plants like Boston ferns, peace lilies, and spider plants to naturally absorb moisture and add a touch of greenery.
Natural Stone Accents: Integrate materials like slate or granite for their durability and aesthetic appeal, as they handle humid conditions exceptionally well.
7. Embrace Smart Technology
Dehumidifiers: Consider integrating a built-in or portable dehumidifier to effectively manage moisture levels.
Smart Sensors: Utilize humidity sensors connected to your home automation system to alert you of rising humidity, allowing for proactive adjustments.
Why Choose WeDezine?
At WeDezine, we are dedicated to crafting bathrooms that are not only visually stunning but also engineered to thrive in high-humidity environments. Our team of experts is committed to delivering personalized solutions that address both the aesthetic and functional needs of your space. Contact us today to start transforming your bathroom into a stylish and resilient oasis, perfectly tailored to your climate and lifestyle.
Experience the WeDezine difference and let us create a bathroom that beautifully balances form, function, and durability.
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jagdishstoreonline1 · 2 months
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owllovers · 3 months
Owl Curtains from Owl Lovers Store
Owl Shower Curtain is a sophisticated item whether you have a bathtub or a stand-up shower because our owl designs will transform the simple PVC sheets you often see into something awe-inspiring. Let’s see what OWL LOVERS has in store before you add your favorite items to your shopping list!
Spruce Up Your Bathroom Decor With An Owl Shower Curtain
As one of the Owl bathroom décor items that we highly appreciate, our shower curtains are made with quality and assurance, giving you more than a mere sheet of fabrics for coverage.
From Kids' Designs To Fascinating Prints For Adults
We have some of the most trendy cartoon owl shower curtains that children will love with all their hearts. The significant length of each product also allows us to print a grand picture or turn it into many smaller images, increasing the variety of the collection. For adults, our patterns and colors follow certain themes that can satisfy your needs in multiple seasons or whenever you want something new. You can easily change from abstract to vintage within a few minutes.
An Owl Shower Curtain Can Bring A Sense Of Joy To The Bathroom Environment
The bathroom is not always the coziest area in your house with the marble, porcelain, tiles, and steel people used for construction. However, have you ever thought about how a floral owl shower curtain can turn the table? You can choose between a realistic picture or an image from an animation. We will make sure the colors in use are the most vibrant you have ever seen. Your bathroom will be remarkably livelier once you hang your curtain. Let’s not forget that shower curtains are meant to make your bathroom seem more roomy than it is. If you share the restroom with someone else, you will need this comfort!
High-Quality Materials Make Them Last Longer
Being part of the bathroom, it is natural for shower curtains to come in microfibers, polyesters, and sometimes cotton blends. The materials you choose will have a great impact on how they look in your bathroom. Cotton blends are soft to the touch, easy to dye and print, versatile in styles, and require little to no maintenance. You will have an easy time personalizing your space and a very long time making the most use of it. The synthesized materials are not less durable and low-maintenance at all either, even though they might be lacking in aesthetics. They also have certain levels of repellency for moisture, hence mildew and mold won’t be a trouble to you.
Source: https://owl-lovers.com/product-category/owl-home-decor/owl-shower-curtains/
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Waterproof outdoor fabric india | Sofa Fabrics | Outdoor Fabrics | Cushions Fabrics | Chair Fabrics | Curtain Fabrics | Fire Retardant Fabrics | Asadeep Furnishing Pvt. Ltd.
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waterproof outdoor fabric india
Step into the world of outdoor adventures in India, where the unpredictable weather can often pose a challenge for outdoor enthusiasts. From sudden downpours to scorching sun rays, finding the right gear that can withstand these elements is crucial for an enjoyable experience.
As we dive into the realm of waterproof outdoor fabrics in India, expect to uncover a treasure trove of information on how to protect yourself and your belongings against nature’s whims.
The Story of Waterproof Outdoor Fabric in India
India has a rich history of textiles, with traditional fabrics like cotton and silk being widely celebrated. However, the introduction of waterproof outdoor fabric has opened up new possibilities for Indian designers and manufacturers. The journey of waterproof fabric in India can be traced back to the increasing demand for durable and weather-resistant materials in the outdoor industry.
With advancements in technology and textile engineering, Indian companies have embraced the challenge of creating high-quality waterproof outdoor fabrics that not only withstand the monsoon rains but also cater to the diverse needs of outdoor enthusiasts.
Exploring Different Types of Waterproof Fabrics
When it comes to waterproof outdoor fabrics in India, there is a diverse range of materials available to suit various needs. One popular option is polyester fabric coated with PVC or PU, providing excellent water resistance and durability. Another common choice is nylon fabric with a waterproof coating, offering lightweight and breathable protection against the elements.
For those looking for eco-friendly options, recycled polyester fabrics with waterproof membranes are gaining popularity. These sustainable fabrics not only repel water effectively but also contribute to reducing environmental impact.
How to Choose the Best Waterproof Fabric for Your Outdoor Needs
When selecting the ideal waterproof fabric for your outdoor activities in India, consider factors like breathability, durability, and weight. Fabrics like Gore-Tex offer excellent waterproofing while allowing moisture to escape, keeping you comfortable during monsoons or treks in the Western Ghats. For more budget-friendly options, look into polyurethane-coated fabrics that provide decent water resistance for everyday use.
Additionally, think about the specific outdoor activities you’ll be engaging in. For intense adventures like hiking or mountaineering, opt for fabrics with a high waterproof rating and strong seam taping to keep you dry even in heavy downpours.
Tips for Properly Maintaining Waterproof Outdoor Fabrics
Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your waterproof outdoor fabrics. Regular cleaning is essential — use a gentle soap and lukewarm water to clean the fabric, avoiding harsh chemicals that could compromise its waterproof properties. Always allow the fabric to air dry completely before storing it away.
For stubborn stains or mildew, consider using specialized cleaners recommended by the fabric manufacturer. Avoid machine washing or drying unless specifically stated as safe on the care label.
Creative Ways to Use Waterproof Outdoor Fabric in India
Embrace your creativity and use waterproof outdoor fabric in India to craft vibrant and durable cushion covers for your patio furniture. Opt for bright colors and bold patterns that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of India, adding a touch of flair to your outdoor space while ensuring longevity against the elements.
Consider incorporating waterproof fabric into your outdoor curtains or drapes to create a cozy and inviting al fresco dining area. The fabric’s water-resistant properties will not only protect you from sudden showers but also provide a soft, flowing backdrop that enhances the ambiance of your outdoor gatherings, making every meal a delightful experience under the open sky.
Where to Find High-Quality Waterproof Fabrics in India
When it comes to sourcing high-quality waterproof fabrics in India, one can explore specialty outdoor and adventure stores that cater to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts. These stores often carry a wide range of waterproof fabrics specifically designed for outdoor use, ensuring durability and functionality in various weather conditions.
Additionally, online platforms have become a convenient option for purchasing waterproof fabrics in India. E-commerce websites offer a plethora of choices from different brands and manufacturers, providing access to a diverse selection right at your fingertips. With just a few clicks, you can discover innovative waterproof fabrics that blend style with performance, enhancing your outdoor experiences.
DIY Projects Using Waterproof Outdoor Fabric
Embark on a creative journey with waterproof outdoor fabric in India by indulging in exciting DIY projects. Transform your outdoor space into a cozy oasis by sewing vibrant, weather-resistant cushions for your patio furniture. Explore the art of making stylish tote bags using waterproof fabric, perfect for shopping or beach outings.
Elevate your outdoor dining experience by crafting elegant tablecloths and napkins from waterproof fabric that not only resist spills but also add a touch of sophistication to your al fresco gatherings. Let your imagination run wild as you design and create unique planters, hammocks, or even fashion accessories utilizing the versatile and durable properties of waterproof outdoor fabric.
Inspiring Stories of Successful Outdoor Fabric Projects
One remarkable story from India features a group of artisans who collaborated to create a beautiful outdoor canopy using waterproof fabric. This project not only showcased their craftsmanship but also provided a shaded gathering space for the local community, fostering connection and creativity.
In another heartwarming tale, a family transformed their backyard into an enchanting outdoor retreat with the help of waterproof fabric. From cozy outdoor cushions to whimsical drapes, every element was carefully crafted to withstand the elements while adding comfort and style to their outdoor living space. Their project serves as a reminder that with creativity and quality materials, any outdoor dream can become a reality.
As we come to the end of our exploration into the realm of waterproof outdoor fabric in India, one thing is abundantly clear — the possibilities are endless. From creating durable outdoor furniture to crafting stylish rain gear, these fabrics offer a world of creativity and functionality. Embrace the versatility and resilience of waterproof outdoor fabrics, and let your imagination run wild as you embark on your next outdoor fabric project.
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beautytreats · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 4pk Tension Rods Closet Storage & Organization Curtin Rod Spice Rack DIY Shelf.
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statewideoutdoor · 7 months
How Cafe Blinds Enhance Privacy and Comfort in Outdoor Dining?
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Picture this: You're seated at a charming outdoor cafe, savouring delicious food and engaging in lively conversation with friends or loved ones. The sun is shining, a gentle breeze rustles through the air, and you're basking in the joys of alfresco dining.
But suddenly, you find yourself squinting against the glare of the sun, or perhaps feeling a bit too exposed to the prying eyes of passersby. In moments like these, the need for privacy and comfort becomes all too apparent.
Enter cafe blinds – the unsung heroes of outdoor dining spaces. These versatile and stylish accessories have the power to transform any outdoor area into a cozy and intimate retreat, shielding you from the elements while preserving the beauty of your surroundings.
In this blog, we'll explore how cafe blinds Melbourne enhance privacy and comfort in outdoor dining, helping you create the perfect ambiance for unforgettable culinary experiences.
Understanding the Need for Privacy and Comfort in Outdoor Dining
Outdoor dining has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering patrons a unique and refreshing alternative to traditional indoor restaurants. However, dining alfresco comes with its own set of challenges, including exposure to weather elements and a lack of privacy. While the sun and fresh air are undoubtedly appealing, nobody wants to feel like they're dining in a fishbowl.
This is where cafe blinds come in. These ingenious accessories provide a barrier against the elements while allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors without sacrificing privacy or comfort. Whether you're seeking shelter from the sun's harsh rays or craving a bit of seclusion from prying eyes, cafe blinds have got you covered.
Introducing Cafe Blinds: What Are They and How Do They Work?
So, what exactly are cafe blinds, and how do they work their magic? Simply put, cafe blinds are versatile outdoor blinds designed to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of outdoor spaces. Available in a variety of styles and materials, including retractable, zip track, and clear PVC, cafe blinds are tailored to meet the unique needs of each space.
But what sets cafe blinds apart from traditional outdoor blinds? Unlike their bulkier counterparts, cafe blinds are specifically designed to strike the perfect balance between privacy and openness. By allowing you to adjust the level of coverage according to your preferences, cafe blinds Melbourne empower you to create a customised dining experience that suits your mood and needs.
Enhancing Privacy with Cafe Blinds
One of the most significant benefits of cafe blinds is their ability to enhance privacy without compromising on aesthetics. Unlike solid barriers or opaque curtains, cafe blinds offer a subtle yet effective solution for creating a sense of intimacy in outdoor dining spaces. By diffusing light and obscuring views without completely blocking them out, cafe blinds strike the perfect balance between openness and seclusion.
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The secret lies in the materials used to craft cafe blinds, which are carefully selected to ensure optimal privacy without sacrificing style. Whether you opt for sleek, modern designs or rustic, natural textures, cafe blinds are available in a range of materials to suit any aesthetic preference. From clear PVC panels that offer unobstructed views to opaque fabrics that provide complete privacy, the choice is yours.
Improving Comfort with Cafe Blinds
In addition to enhancing privacy, cafe blinds also play a crucial role in improving comfort in outdoor dining spaces.
By shielding patrons from the elements, including harsh sunlight, gusty winds, and pesky insects, cafe blinds create a more enjoyable and inviting environment for diners. Whether you're seeking relief from the sweltering heat of summer or protection from sudden rain showers, cafe blinds provide a welcome respite from the unpredictability of outdoor conditions.
But cafe blinds aren't just practical – they're also incredibly versatile. With options for manual or motorised operation, as well as customisable features like built-in heaters and lighting, cafe blinds can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each space.
Whether you're hosting a romantic dinner for two or a lively gathering with friends, cafe blinds ensure that your outdoor dining experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
Design and Aesthetics: Enhancing Outdoor Spaces with Cafe Blinds
Beyond their practical benefits, cafe blinds also have a significant impact on the aesthetics of outdoor dining spaces. With their sleek lines and contemporary designs, cafe blinds add a touch of sophistication to any setting, elevating the overall ambience and allure of alfresco dining. Whether you're aiming for a minimalist, industrial vibe or a cozy, rustic feel, cafe blinds can be customised to complement any design theme or aesthetic preference.
But the beauty of cafe blinds lies not only in their design but also in their versatility. From vibrant colours and patterns to elegant textures and finishes, cafe blinds offer endless possibilities for customisation, allowing you to create a truly unique and personalised dining experience.
Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or create a subtle backdrop for your outdoor oasis, cafe blinds Melbourne provide the perfect canvas for expressing your style and creativity.
Maintenance and Care of Cafe Blinds
Of course, no discussion of cafe blinds would be complete without addressing the importance of maintenance and care. Like any outdoor accessory, cafe blinds require regular upkeep to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Fortunately, keeping your cafe blinds in top condition is easier than you might think.
First and foremost, it's essential to clean your cafe blinds regularly to remove dirt, dust, and other debris that can accumulate over time. Depending on the material and construction of your blinds, this may involve simply wiping them down with a damp cloth or using a gentle cleanser to remove stubborn stains.
Additionally, it's a good idea to inspect your cafe blinds periodically for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as frayed edges or loose fittings. By addressing any issues promptly, you can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your cafe blinds for years to come.
Cafe blinds are a game-changer for outdoor dining spaces, offering a perfect blend of privacy, comfort, and style. Whether you're looking to create a cozy retreat for intimate dinners or a vibrant gathering place for lively celebrations, cafe blinds provide the perfect solution for transforming any outdoor area into a welcoming and inviting oasis.
So why settle for a mediocre dining experience when you can elevate it to new heights with cafe blinds? Whether you're a restaurant owner looking to enhance your outdoor seating options or a homeowner seeking to create the ultimate backyard retreat, cafe blinds Melbourne offer endless possibilities for enhancing privacy, comfort, and style in any outdoor setting.
So go ahead – embrace the beauty of alfresco dining with cafe blinds, and make every meal an unforgettable experience.
Source: How Cafe Blinds Enhance Privacy and Comfort in Outdoor Dining?
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yinfengtextilex · 1 year
100% microfiber breathable curtain waterproof shower curtain
Polyester is not a PVC class, it is waterproof, strong and durable, and breathable, non-toxic and harmless, also machine washable, and can be used as a partition in the bathroom to avoid splashing out. In winter can ensure that the temperature in the bathroom does not evaporate too quickly, which is conducive to keeping the space in the bathtub or shower room warm.
Uses: Curtain-like items hung outside the bathtub with shower head, or in the shower area
Protection of privacy, heat insulation and dustproof, decorative wall, etc.
company name:Changxing Yinfeng Textile Co., Ltd. Web:https://www.yinfengtextile.com/product/breathable-curtains-waterproof-shower-curtain/ ADD:Nanshan Village, Shuikou Township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China Phone:86-13757227847 Email:[email protected] Profile:It is adjacent to Anhui and Jiangsu in the west, Shanghai in the east, and Hangzhou in the south. Main products: Pigment printed cloth, dispersion printed cloth, 3D printing, African 3D embossed cloth, dyed cloth, African batik printed cloth, twill cloth, Chun Yafang, satin, bedding, and other home textile products.
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anyway i want a pink pvc shower curtain
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